Vol 46 issue 2 final

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Volume 46 Issue 2

Student Press

September 2, 2013 outlookpress.net Rockland Community College

Summer School, Cambridge Style “For These are What Dreams are Made of”

News 3 “Orientation is such an important part of college life. Many of the people I met during Orientation are still my friends.” Suzanne Peguero, Student

The New Student Orientation marked an important starting point for incoming RCC students.

Features 5 “If I can live such an insane lifestyle, you can manage getting back into the groove of college (or starting off).” Marina Watts, Student

Adapt into a wellbalanced college lifestyle with these pointers.

Style 11 “Excess may be effective, but it is merely distracting.” Marina Watts, Student

This month marks the Blu-Ray release of Baz Luhrmann’s latest train wreck, “The Great Gatsby.”

to study in their international summer schools. Cambridge University is located about two hours outside of London, and is one of the oldest and most prestigious colleges in the world. This past August, I attended the Shakespeare studies session. For two weeks, I took classes, attended lectures and took part in all things Shakespeare offered to me. Two weeks was not enough. This experience was lifechanging, as the travel bug inside of me was awakened. English professor Dr. Nancy Hazelton and the late Sam Draper established the summer at Cambridge University program. In order to go, you must have at least a 3.0 GPA and get two letters of recommendation from professors. Scholarships are available, but exclusively for honors students. The study abroad can count as credits for the study abroad, or for the subject area in which you are studying. Each summer, four two-week sessions are offered. The courses

Marina Watts

Editor In Chief

A summer studying at Cambridge University in England can change your philosophy on life. The experience is extraordinary. SUNY Rockland is the only community college to have direct connections to the Cambridge International Summer Schools. This means that an opportunity like this may not come your way again. “I didn’t know what to expect but it was much more than just studying abroad,” says RCC honors student Valissa Hicks, who attended the Shakespeare session in Cambridge this August, and had “the time of her life.” If she could, she would do it over again, she said. “I met some great people who I can now call my friends, along with talented professors who really made me passionate about Shakespeare.” Every summer, RCC students get offered the opportunity to go to Cambridge University, England


Reflecting on 9/11, Twelve Years Later Daisey Moakley

Staff Writer

The twelfth anniversary of September 11, 2001 is now upon us. Twenty percent of all Americans know someone who was hurt or lost their life that terrible morning at the hands of terrorists. Both my husband and I are one of the 20 percent. My husband lost a longtime family friend and I lost a business acquaintance. On that sad day 3,051 parents, 1,609 partners/ spouses, 23 New York Police officers, 343 firefighters/ paramedics and 37 Port Authority officers did not return home. We will all remember where we were and what we were doing that morning. My husband was in Albany on a business trip when someone came in to announce that the World Trade Center had collapsed. I was stuck on the Long Island Rail Road. I had no idea why the train stopped in between two towns and was not allowed to

continue. I called my mom to ask her to turn on CNN to see if there was anything happening along the train’s path. All of the sudden she starts yelling for me to get off the train. I remember thinking to

other passengers realized that we were under attack. I will never forget the smell or sight of Manhattan’s Spring Street a week later when I returned to work. My husband worked in Queens and will

myself, “What is in her coffee this morning?” At that point the lines went dead. The conductor of the train announced that we were returning to the station and asked for any medical or law enforcement personnel on board to please go to the first car for further instructions. That’s when I and all of the

forever remember that hard-todescribe scent upon returning to his office some ten miles away from the World Trade Center site. Of course, Americans weren’t the only ones affected by this senseless tragedy. Citizens from 115 different nations died that day. On the day of the attacks,

New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani proclaimed, “We will rebuild. We’re going to come out of this stronger than before, politically stronger, and economically stronger. The skyline will be made whole again.” The temporary World Trade Center Path Station opened in late 2003 and construction of the new 7 World Trade Center was completed in 2006. One World Trade Center is currently under construction at the site and on May 20, 2013, One World Trade Center became the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere at 1,776 ft with the installation of the spire that rests atop the building. Neighborhoods are once again humming with the flow of traffic, children’s laughter rings out from the playgrounds and the hustle and bustle of everyday day life is back in full swing. We must talk to our children about what happened that sunny pre-autumn morning. We must teach them about the sacrifices many made that morning and in the aftermath of 9/11.


Cambridge Summer Program

CAMBRIDGE FROM PAGE 1 one can take are in the subject areas of Science, Literature, Shakespeare, and History, with certain concentrations for the History, such as Ancient Empires or Medieval Studies. The professors chosen to teach the courses are top-notch. For each two week session, four credits are rewarded, provided students attend every one of their morning and afternoon sessions, three to five evening lectures and all plenary lectures. These credits, like other RCC Honors credits, are readily transferable to basically any university. Upon your return from this fabulous institution, a research paper is due within three weeks. A reaction paper is also due after each week of activities in Cambridge, so three pieces are required for Cambridge credit from RCC. Each day, you take two classes (one in the

morning, one in the afternoon, each lasting about an hour and a half). In between morning and afternoon sessions, plenary lectures are offered that further explore the subject area chosen. The evening lectures take place after dinner. All lectures are one hour each. The Cambridge International Summer School does more than simply offer classes. On the weekends, excursions to tour London and other locations are offered. Excursions are usually based on sessions that are going on for students, this way they can get to learn more somewhere relevant to their material studied. During the weekend in between my classes, I attended a production of “The Tempest” at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater in London. It couldn’t have been more perfect, as I had taken a class on “The Tempest” the week before the show. It was

beyond Incredible, getting to see actors perform one of Shakespeare’s final plays in the traditional way it was meant to be done. Seeing a play performed makes the understanding much stronger and deeper than simply reading it. Shakespeare wrote for his work to be executed in such a way, after all. ROOTS, an English tour company, has buses leaving from Cambridge every weekend to various locations throughout the country. I took advantage of this and went to Bath and Stonehenge for the day. It was an amazing experiencegetting to see everything in person, as opposed to pictures and videos of these places. Bath was more beautiful than I could have imagined. The rocks at Stonehenge were larger than life. If you choose not to leave Cambridge during the weekend, there is nothing to fear. Throughout the town, there are plenty

September 2, 2013

of museums, pubs, restaurants and shops to check out. My favorite ones included Las Iguanas (a Spanish restaurant), the Bath House (a pub down the way from St. Cat’s) and Benet’s (a coffee and crepe café worth visiting). One should also go punting while in Cambridge. Punting is a gondola ride that goes up and down the river throughout Cambridge. It is very relaxing and ideal for anyone looking to truly appreciate the beautiful c a m p u s e s throughout the college, and just wants to take a breather after hours of classes in the summer heat. A piece of advice: one doesn’t attend Cambridge for the food offered at St. Cat’s. The buffet breakfast and sit down dinner aren’t anything to write home about. However, there are cafes and restaurants all over town to check out. I highly recommend doing so to get the full Cambridge experience.

Opportunities Waiting for Veterans: The 9/11 GI Bill Daisey Moakley

Staff Writer

Veterans returning to school should know that the GI Bill can be used for on -the-job training, apprenticeships, college and noncollege degree programs. If you have a minimum of ninety days of aggregate service after September 11, 2001 or are an individual who has been discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days, the post9/11 GI Bill could provide you with financial support for education and housing. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible.

The GI Bill has many benefits for those looking to take advantage of it. They include assistance with the full tuition and fees directly to the school for all public school in-state students, a monthly housing allowance, and an annual books and

supplies stipend. The GI Bill will allow up to 36 months of benefits for your education. Those involved in this will have fifteen years from their release of active duty to pay. My husband, for example, took advantage of his GI Bill when he was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps. With the assistance of the GI Bill, he chose to use his veteran’s benefits and return to school. He went back to Hofstra University and acquired a masters degree in English literature. This in turn has enabled him to have a productive career. He is now semi-retired but is still on a couple of boards

of directors one of which is Vetsfirst. You can log on to Vetsfirst.org and click on “ask Vetsfirst” to gets answers to any veteran related questions. Depending upon your qualifications, some public and in-state school students

will have tuition and fees paid directly to

the school. For students attending private or foreign schools tuition and fees are capped at the national maximum rate. There is also a program called “Yellow Ribbon Program” which may help those attending a more expensive private school or a public school as a non-resident. A monthly housing allowance which is generally the same as the military “Basic Allowance for Housing” for an E-5 with dependents is based on the zip code for your school. There is also an annual books and supplies stipend of up to $1000 paid proportionately based on enrollment. Ten Hut Marines, Air Force, Army, Navy, and Coast Guard schools openly use your VA benefits and reap the rewards that you earned in the service.


September 2, 2013

Rainy Start to a Bright Looking Year Suzanne Peguero

I could talk to, hang out with and study with during the first semester. And remember: while it may be hard the first week or so, you can meet a lot of great people who can help you with your academic journey. Although shorter than many other orientations, the one offered at SUNY Rockland is just long enough to leave an impression on students, and a positive one at that. It is the perfect opportunity to become acquainted with the RCC campus.

Laymon Hicks, Youth Motivational Speaker

New students participate in a campus tour

these next two years and get you to where you want to be, whether it is finding an internship or getting into your top colleges in due time. Once all these events were over, students moved to the Student Union, where lunch was being served. They got the opportunity to sign up for clubs and activities the school has to offer. Many students came to this, and signed up and took the steps to getting involved. Various clubs were represented and students seemed interested in what the school had to offer. During the hours of orientation, students also had the opportunity to get their student IDs from

Anuj Chokshi / Outlook Student Press

the Public Safety office. Around 3 p.m. the festivities winded down and students went home. Incoming freshman Michael Porco enjoyed his time getting to know what life is like at his next institution of learning. He says, “Orientation began with a hilarious presentation to start a great day filled with learning about our new school, the teachers, and our new classmates.” It made Porco look forward to the next chapter of his

Anuj Chokshi / Outlook Student Press

like. They also got to hear about both First Inkling Magazine and Outlook Student Newspaper, and were offered the opportunity to join both. This is an important part of the Orientation to the honors students, seeing as they will be establishing relationships that can last a lifetime with someone who will be their mentor, teacher, and even a friend. Mentors will be more than just someone telling you what classes to take each semester, they will help you succeed

education. Orientation is such an important part of college life. Not only do you get to learn about the school and get prepared for the semesters ahead of you, you also get to meet new people and make great friends. Many of the people I met during Orientation are still my friends, and it helped to know people who

Many people may have found it hard to get from class to class without knowing where everything is. Touring around with students who know the lay of the land definitely eased the anxiety of getting lost at day one. Or, at least it did for me. Orientations are a great way of learning about your school, and making lifelong friends.

meet many of the Honors mentors that they will be getting to know for their two years at RCC. They were informed about many things that could help make them to make their college career the best it can possibly be. Students were made aware of resources such as the Career Services offices, and were even given an example of what a Speech 101 class with Professor Wilma Frank would be

Anuj Chokshi / Outlook Student Press

Anuj Chokshi / Outlook Student Press

Dr. Wood speaks to the incoming freshman class

Anuj Chokshi / Outlook Student Press

On a gloomy, rainy Thursday in August, the future of academia was bright as new students visited RCC for the New Student Orientation. Students began the day in the auditorium, where they were informed about the school. Faculty and an excellent motivational speaker gave wonderful presentations that were informative, amusing, and held the audience’s’ attention. Once this was over, Peer Volunteers and Staff showed the students around the campus, and then took them to the Student Union. Here lunch was served, students got to learn about all of the clubs and activities in RCC, friends were made, and laughter and memories were shared. One way RCC gets current students involved in Orientation is by having them serve as peer volunteers. Peer volunteers show the new students around the campus and answer any questions the students might have. RCC has been doing it for some time now; during my orientation, we had students show us around, and it was definitely helpful. Honors students also attended the seminar that was given. In it, they got to

Courtesy of Anuj Chokshi Photography

Managing Editor

Club Fair at New Student Orientation


Suzanne Peguero

Managing Editor

Sometimes, during the fall semester, we just need to get away from the work and stress that comes along with being in college. A quick weekend getaway can be the best way to do that. Here are seven spots that will help you to relax and restore a little bit of your sanity. 1. Lake Placid, N.Y. This is a peaceful little village in the Adirondack Mountains. It was the home to the 1980 Winter Olympics, but that doesn’t mean the only way

you can amuse yourself here is if you know how to ski or snowboard. The Adirondacks in the Fall are a beautiful thing to behold, and many hiking enthusiasts go there to climb a mountain and look at the fall colors on what feels like the top of the world. If hiking isn’t what you enjoy, Lake Placid also has a great many shops, both mainstream and eclectic. While they may be on the pricier end, they are full of interesting things we often don’t see down here, and can be fun just to look at. You can also warm up in one of the seemingly endless restaurants in the town. Ultimately, Lake Placid is a quiet, relaxing getaway. 2. Oktoberfest, N.Y. Once a year, Lake Placid takes its lederhosen off the shelf, gets a tall mug of German ale, and enjoys a celebration of German culture. Oktoberfest is an event in Munich that lasts 16 days, and is, essentially, a beer celebration. While the one in the Adi rond acks isn’t solely about beer, it is just as much fun (and the beer does f low freely). This one is celebrating the culture of Germany altogether,

Escaping the 845

September 2, 2013

with music, dancing, food, and of course, German beer. There are also rides for both adults and children, and things like craft vendors and rides on a gondola to the top of Whiteface

Mountain. The dates are October 5 and 6, so mark your calendars if this sounds like something you want to do! 3. Bethel Woods, N.Y. If you’re looking for something without such a long drive and you like music, this might just be the place for you. Bethel Woods is the location where Woodstock was held in 1969. While it may not have the number of artists performing there today as it did back in 1969, it is still an interesting place to visit and hear live music. They also have a museum that shows the history of Woodstock, which is engrossing if you have an interest in the pop culture of the 60’s. If you don’t want to get away for the whole weekend, this could be a weekend day trip.

4. Martha’s Vineyard, M.A. This is a vacation spot that could be visited any time of the year, but is particularly wonderful during the Fall because of the International Film Festival. This event shows many independent films that one normally

would not be able to see in movie theatres, and is especially delightful if films interest you. Along with that,

Martha’s Vineyard has many quaint sightseeing activities to do. It is also just a ferry ride away from Cape Cod itself if you want to explore New England further (if you want some great nightlife, go to Providencetown). 5. Poconos, P.A. If you still want to get out of state, but don’t want the 4-6 hour drive the other places that I’ve mentioned come with, this may be the place for you. The Pocono Mountains are another beautiful getaway spot. It is a very family oriented place, so if you’re looking for the bars and nightlife Lake Placid has, you won’t find it here, but it is a nice location to relax. In some ways, it’s quite similar to Lake Placid and the Adirondacks. T h e difference is the mountains aren’t quite as spectacular as the Upstate New York region, and there are more touristy events and things to do. Either way, this is a peaceful

vacation spot if you need to unwind be quiet for the weekend. 6. New Haven, C.T. Maybe your idea of relaxing isn’t so much staying still, but going out during the early hours of the morning. In that case, this is the town for you. New Haven is home to a thriving nightlife, thanks to the many bars, clubs, restaurants and college students that frequent the area. One popular spot is Club Van Dome, a nightclub that has great theme nights. Or you can visit Humphrey’s, a place which has been popular with the locals for years and is beginning to become popular with the college students, too. Either way, New Haven is full of great spots to cut loose and just party for a while. 7. Manhattan, N.Y. Alright, so it may not be the cheapest option, and it may not seem like a getaway so much as a quick ride on the train, and I may seem somewhat biased because I live forty-five minutes away, but let’s be honest: Manhattan is the best city. Period. There is a ridiculous amount to do there. From art museums, to clubs, to concerts and music festivals, to shopping, the Statue of Liberty, or even just going to a hole -i n-the -wall record store and meeting great people; you name it, Manhattan has it. This is a great city with a great vibe, and there’s something undeniably wonderful about the shining, tall buildings and the sense of freedom it tends to inspire.


September 2, 2013

Become the Master of Time Management Marina Watts

Editor in Chief

Imagine this: Each semester of college, you are taking 20 credits (the average student does between 12 and 15). These

classes include honors courses, which have increased difficulty. The demands are higher, the papers are more copious and the content is more challenging to grasp. As though that isn’t enough to fill your time, you work Monday and Tuesday nights at a library. On top of that, you also have another job at a restaurant, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights, with the occasional Friday and Saturday double shifts. On top of THAT, you also are interning (yes, selling your soul for school credit with no pay) at an art gallery every Sunday afternoon (before the restaurant night shift, that is). Along with all this, you write for the school paper, and once the spring semester rolled along, you get promoted

to editing a section, and commit hours to production weeks and writing endlessly. If you are having a panic attack reading what a normal week for me is like, then imagine living this lifestyle for sixteen weeks at a time, twice a year. This switch from cruising by senior year to be able to walk graduation into pushing myself

more than ever before was a rude awakening. Somehow I managed to balance it all, with the help of coffee, adrenaline and the drive to succeed. No fear, if I can live such an insane lifestyle, you can manage getting back into the groove of college (or starting off!). Here are some of my pointers to manage your time wisely: Invest in a planner. This is probably the best advice I can give. Do this, and you will thank me later. Having a planner that has plenty of room to write down homework, stick post-its and keep track of when you have to be at certain places is ideal for the college student. Prioritize based on time. If I had a speech to make Wednesday, a French quiz

Thursday and an English essay Friday I would balance my study time based on what was coming first, and as each day passed and assignments were completed, I focused more and more on the oncoming tasks. I kept a to-do list in my planner and on my iPhone to keep me on track and aware of what was coming up. Crossing out tasks as you complete them will make you feel more empowered as you approach the next. Get a job. Even though you may think having work to do outside of school that won’t make a difference for your academic standing, that is not true. The more you spend time working or doing something productive outside of schoolwork, the more focused you will be on your studies. This is because when you are home after school and work, you realize that the time is now to do homework. Trust me, this works. There have been countless nights I have

come home and written portions of essays upon walking in the door after work. The adrenaline in you will keep you going, if the money you’re making won’t. Stay ahead of the game. As soon as I hear the words “exam” or “essay” my ears perk up and I scribble down the dates to watch out for. These academic obstacles can be hopped over gracefully, as opposed to the deadly path of procrastination the typical college kid would risk taking.

Starting papers weeks in advance may seem silly, but imagine how fantastic you will feel when you are sleeping the night before a research paper is due, as oppose to your lazy classmates who waited untill

then to hit the books. By breaking up the work, you will feel less stressed about approaching assignments like that. If you are in love with writing, you may actually want to stay in on Saturday nights and work on your French Art research paper instead of hitting the town. Not that I have ever done this, of course.

Talk to your advisors. Talk to your professors too. They are here to help you succeed, after all. Getting to know them will help them get to know you better. Find out their office hours and swing by to say hello. The more involved you become with your academics, the better off you will be. Embrace it, fellow student. The geekiness will grow on you, and as far as I’m concerned, there is nothing sexier than an education. Sleep when you can. Whether it is a catnap before work or a night where you are able to manage getting more than usual to balance yourself for the next days coming up, take advantage of the time. It can prevent you from working yourself to sickness, and your body will thank you later. Besides, you never know when a professor will throw a surprise essay your way with little to no time to accomplish it. If you ever feel lagging though, your adrenaline and a trip to Starbucks will keep you going (especially if you are the kind of person to lose sleep over not finishing assignments like me). Put your insomnia to good use. If you have trouble sleeping, start that “Hamlet” paper a week early. You never know what brilliant thoughts will come to mind at two in the morning. And if you look back and it wasn’t as great as you first thought, at least you have something to work with and improve. To write or not to write; isn’t that the question after all? Once you get yourself back into a normal routine and stop going out untill three in the morning on a regular basis, you will feel comfortable. This rhythm will become second nature, and before you know it, you will be an expert at doing the impossible. Future supermen and wonder women, best of luck in conquering the world. Or RCC, at least.

September 2, 2013

Overplayed and Overlooked

Michael Porco

Contributing writer

Are radio stations abusing their power of spreading music to the general public? Have you ever felt like each radio station plays one group of songs and has little variety? If so, you are not alone. Mainstream radio stations claim to play the best in popular music, but there are very little distinctions in the songs that are being played. These songs always tend to be overplayed, making them tired and boring. If the radio reaches over 241.3 million Americans, why is there so little variety in the music being played? The answer is not that there is too little music being written. Instead, it is that radio stations have no interest in giving other genres of music a chance. If music stations really want to help musicians spread their music and entertain listeners, they should play music of different genres. In turn, they will be giving listeners new music that they may find more interesting than listening to the same old songs. So why don’t they? The actual answer is that if it makes them richer, they won’t care about what’s actually good

for the general public. When you start up your car, one of the first things you hear will be your radio turning on. Radios have been used in cars since the 1930s when Joe and Paul Galvin created the Motorola Model 5T71, which was sold for around $110 to $130 (now around $1,700.) The brothers went on to create the company Motorola, and their company is still very well known today. Since then, the sound quality of all radios has been greatly improved as technology and the way we use it has evolved. I believe that there needs to be another round of evolution in the way radio is used today. What if each time you turned on the radio, you were introduced to a new artist, a new style, and a new song? The radio is a perfect opportunity for spreading the art of music to new people. If used correctly, radio can help local bands by playing their songs to millions of new people. This can be a substantial help to the music community. Doing this would also end those nights of staying up looking for new music on

Spotify, iTunes, or YouTube. Radio stations would have more listeners interested in finding different music. They can also keep their old listeners because radio is always on, so they can possibly play these same Pop songs towards the nighttime when people are looking to go partying or hang out with friends. To answer the question of whether or not radio stations are abusing their power, I say yes and no. Yes they are abusing their power because they have the opportunity to change the music industry for the better. They can help bored


listeners find more interesting music, but they don’t. They can offer the not so well-known, but still very good bands a chance to spread their music to the entirety of the population that listens to radio in their car. I would venture to say that almost every single driver listens to some kind of music in their car, whether it is radio or Mp3 player. However, radio stations don’t take that opportunity. They don’t change things, and are also not abusing their power, because the general public has not asked them to do anything more than what they have done for years. They also won’t risk losing listeners if it means they have to change the way they do business. If anyone would like to change the course of action of the radio stations, then it would be necessary to show the benefits of playing a wider variety of music and to prove that making these changes does not have a risk of losing listeners.

Whatever Happened to Human Decency? Dasiey Moakley

Staff Writer

By the time you get to read this article, most of you will be in the process of a backwards hibernation. You may ask what a backwards hibernation is. This is when all humans come back to reality. We no longer have leisurely afternoons, or spend hours having fun in the sun with friends. It is now time to return to classes, time to go back to full-work weeks and, yes overtime. Now that our heads are out of the hot sun and out of the high apple pie in the sky mode, it is time to think of the serious happenings of this soon to be past summer. I want everyone to think about how you spoke to the people around you this season. Words can be very hurtful. How many of us have taken a moment to stop and think of the pain behind the many old clichés such as boys will be boys, a deer caught in headlights and dumb blonde? What about words used in jest? We’ve all heard them: retard, homo, queer, crazy, spook, gook, cripple, and gimp. As a society, how is it that we have yet to master the art of human decency and kindness toward our fellow man? There is such negativity in our world today. I dread the thought of what will be acceptable in our society by the time my grandchildren are in college. Actor Errol Flynn once said “Our past is our future, words that were truly food for thought. It is clear that we haven’t learned much from our history. In 1857, the Supreme Court denied citizenship and basic rights to African Americans. Today, a young African American wearing a hooded sweatshirt isn’t safe

walking home from a store. Did the man that ended his young life forget the 1868 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was passed to guarantee due process and equal protection rights to all citizens? Was the man holding the gun still living by the ruling of 1857? If we are all equal, why is it acceptable for a female chef to be dismissed from her position on a cooking network and caused to lose millions in business deals due to something she allegely said over twenty years ago? Yet a male actor who is known for his ranting, raving and tirades using the same (if not worse) verbiage does not lose a dime of income or a part in any movie? Are we going back to a time where women didn’t have a voice? To a time where women did not even have the right to vote? This warm sunny morning I sit here writing this article and wonder if my adopted son is up looking at the same sunny sky and getting ready to go to the Gay Pride parade. This fabulous young man has endured so many cruel, hurtful, and sometimes torturous obstacles at the

hands of our society. The same boys that go to church with us on Sundays held him down and stuffed lit firecrackers in his pants. The young adults that worked with him were friendly individually, but once they were in a group they spat at him, yelled derogatory slurs and beat him. These are just two examples of the ignorance of our society. When my son questioned me about why our Creator made him broken, I responded t h a t regardless of what faith a person believes in, if they are truly faithful they will understand that their C r e a t o r doesn’t make mistakes. Therefore he is not broken. His attackers are not broken. They are merely ignorant and afraid of what they do not understand. Still, in 2003, the Supreme Court had to declare it unconstitutional for Texas to criminalize same sex sexual activity. Gays, lesbians and transgender human beings are still fighting for the same civil rights that heterosexuals have. As human beings, can we just forget about giving

each sect of people a title and just allow everyone to live their lives as is right for them? Don’t we all have the right to be loved unconditionally? Don’t we all share the same responsibility to be productive members of society? Our values and logic are a bit scrambled. We are fighting the wrong fights. We go haywire over a commercial where a beautiful, innocent child is showing a loving gesture to her dad. People are furious because the parents are “not matching.” Is this really a concern? What about the fact that we have real traitors among us? Traitors that give away our security secrets then escape to the countries of our enemies? And how do we allow a man caught on video breaking and entering into the home of a mom of two, and savagely beat her in front of her three year old to plea not guilty when this isn’t the first time he’s performed the very same act? Does this behavior still follow the rule of thumb that “boys will be boys”? On a lighter note, how is it that a society as supposedly as advanced as ours does not have a fleet of wheelchair accessible taxis? You would figure that with the 1990 signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act, we would be a society of total accessibility. Not only are we living longer but, aren’t we supposed to be looking out for our fellow veterans? You know all those young men and women who selflessly go out and fight for our freedom and for our way of life? Or are we still in the mindset that they are just retards, cripples or gimps? We live in a society where 28 percent of us do not know our neighbors. What a sad thought. Let us learn from our past, correct our present mistakes and create a brighter future for generations to come.


September 2, 2013

Outlook Student Press Marina Watts, Editor-in-Chief Suzanne Peguero, Managing Editor Julie DeVito, Production Manager

Anuj Chokshi, Photography Editor Benedict Tagle, Sports Editor

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods and summer. It is an independent newspaper produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees. Submissions and articles become the property of Outlook Student Press. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor. Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

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Contributors: Joe Cannata, Michael Porco, Sarah Peguero Staff: Daisey Moakley


Professor Fuentes, Advisor www.twitter.com/OutlookPress

Like to write? E-mail us at outlookstudentpress@gmail.com

u o Y o D w Ho Feel About Fast Food?

Marina Watts

As a whole, I try to avoid fast food as much as possible. Someone who tries to cut out carbs and cheese out of their diet would find it nearly impossible to be able to find fast food to eat that would fit these guidelines. Someone like me. However, at this point (being in college) where everything is so fleeting and I am barely home to sleep, let alone cook a meal, I do pick up food from a restaurant every now and again. I try to avoid fast food chains, because it’s bad for you and the cheap prices will add up. If I am really that desperate for food on a whim, I would rather park and walk to Panera than hop a drive-thru line for a Wendy’s burger and Frosty. I personally would not care if there was not a McDonald’s within a three hundred mile radius. It tastes gross anyway and I’d rather starve than eat a burger with fries from there.

Suzanne Peguero

I hate a lot of things in life. One of the things I hate most is fast food. It is greasy, unhealthy, and tastes awful. It also doesn’t help if you are trying to be careful of eating in healthy, organic way. It destroys any semblance of health you have established. Whenever I eat it, I feel absolutely awful. More over, the way it is produced is disgusting. Things like “Chicken Nuggets” are not really chicken: they are rib meat and ground up bone. They way the animals are treated is also despicable. They are often out into a space where they have very little room to move around, and are fed corn and nothing else. For animals such as cows, this is incredibly unhealthy. They need space to move around and should be eating grass. These are just a few of the reasons I really hate fast food.

Benedict Tagle

This is my verse to fast food! My ode! Oh fast food, how you speak to me! You are so convenient. Available at every hour of the day, you can fill my stomach any time I wish. With so many cheap options available, I feel like a king. Anything I want, and I can have it in a heartbeat. Yes, fast food; you are a gift from the gods. To be frank however, I wish you weren’t so unhealthy! Look at the obesity rates all around the world. With the number of fast food restaurants increasing, the number of overweight and obese people increases as well. If fast food could be healthier, that would be an additional godsend. Fast food may seem like a gift from the gods, but it surely isn’t a gift for the gods.

Style & Entertainment

Joe Cannata

Contributing WRiter

From, “Reservoir Dogs” to “Inglorious Basterds,” Quentin Tarantino has indisputably delivered some of the most astonishing experiences captured on film. Classic Tarantino’s unparalleled signature style of moviemaking can sometimes have feelings of faultlessness within particular scenes—often while equipped with intense blood baths and other unique ideas.

His latest is the Spaghetti Westernstyled “DjangoUnchained.” Undoubtedly, this is an incredibly charismatic attempt to equalize or even surpass his prior installments while assimilating everything fans loved about stand-alone Tarantino movies. However, “Django’s” charisma and its attempts at stature are unfortunately wasted at the expense of historically preposterous instances throughout, unfunny humor that stalls the story, and worst of all, a clichéd ending which takes away credibility from the somewhat enjoyable high points of this otherwise overrated “awards movie.” The premise centers around title character Django (Jamie Foxx), a slave two years before the Union and Confederates clashed at Fort Sumter to mark the beginning of the Civil War. Riveting developments introduce Cristoph Waltz’s character, who carries out a series of unexpected murders that prompt the undivided attention of the audience to wonder, what Tarantino’s characters have hidden up their keen sleeves. Distressingly, though, simplistic dialogue and humorless jokes carry the lagging plot forward until audiences are treated to a short-lived appearance by Jonah Hill. The scene has members of the KKK celebrating on horses as they try to repel Waltz’s team; but the setup provides for a hilarious twist. The characters 10

September 2, 2013

struggle with their poorly- made costume masks as they ride blindly on horses. In terms of the comedic aspect for viewing purposes, Jonah’s scene itself was quite risky; however, this was one scene that stood out and provided some controversy. Now, this was absolutely not the only source of controversial instances in Q.T’s western. The N word is uttered throughout and at times provided for some cringe worthy moments for many in this modern day, politically correct society. Historically, that era used that word loosely, and although it was sometimes necessary to emphasize the shameful prejudice in the south, Tarantino’s characters continually reiterated that word as if they were going for a distasteful record. In spectacular fashion, Leonardo DiCaprio’s antagonist Calvin Candie is finally introduced midway with a striking wide-extreme close-up shot which heated up film better than almost any other actor in any other movie in 2012. In his limited screen time DiCaprio delivered excellent one liners, including one particular quote that almost defines the movie: “You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention.” Within the film the actor even slammed his hand, broke glass and genuinely bled while continuing to cite his lines as the cameras rolled. This was acting for the

critical applause and audience awe with Jackson highlighting the implausible cast. “Pulp Fiction” puts an exclamation point on the duo where Jackson plays an iconic role alongside the rebirth of “Saturday Night Fever” star John Travolta in what many die-hard fans of Quentin Tarantino’s claim is his greatest film to date. But in “Django Unch a i ne d ,” although slightly humorous at times, Jackson’s character provided unwanted humor and seemed unnecessary at times while he assisted DiCaprio’s character, who already had everything under control. Jamie Foxx was another that was completely out of place compared to the performances of Waltz and DiCaprio. Tarantino even gave him serious praise as an Oscar contender. In reality, a man named Will Smith would have been perfect if much of the script wasn’t comparable to a decent first draft. This isn’t as far-fetched as some may imagine. Smith was initially asked to play the title role. In a basic sense, music can either make or break a scene. Quentin Tarantino often organizes an excellent set of music for his film’s score. In “Reservoir Dogs”

ages here and an ultimate performance for any antagonist in movies. Ironically Cristoph Waltz received the Oscar for Best supporting actor while Dicaprio was turned away from even a nomination for his remarkable interpretation of Calvin Candie. You loved to hate him. Samuel Jackson once again collaborated with the director. By now it seems to be ideal with good reason. The 90’s hit “Jackie Brown” sparked controversy with

audiences were paralyzed by “Stuck in the Middle With You.” We have the elegant opening of “Jackie Brown” with “Across 110th Street.” And of course “Kill Bill Volume 1” offered one of the greatest scores in movie history. In “Django Unchained,”we have Q.T’s song choices—like a useless Alex Cross rap song that almost completely tarnished one particular scene that was essential toward the end credits.

Alfred Hitchcock once said, “To make a great film you need three things - the script, the script and the script.” “Django Unchained” occasionally provided more

or less of a demonstration of wit and a somewhat empowering opening act. The script never holds up to one Academy Award nominated film however. That other movie, “Moonrise Kingdom,” opened quietly in two cities and eventually broke the record to become the highest grossing independent movie. After Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola’s screenplay lost to “Django Unchained,” the feeling is that the credibility of the Oscars has to be seriously examined as a reputable way of judging movies since “Django Unchained” is a movie that doesn’t even come close to equaling the quality of the on-screen performances of two of its stars. Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” is a work of fiction that tried to be true to its time. Tarantino’s earlier installment, “Inglorious Basterds” was similar in that regard. From a historical standpoint, the events of that film do not hold true. But the way that story is told provides a splendid logical parallel. It was creative, but best of all it worked. “Django Unchained,” provided the same style and while partially functioning as a historically believable premise, Tarantino wrote an utterly ridiculous plot that had no chance of ever happening in the South of the period. (Any movie by the Coen Brothers is far superior.) Other than for the dreadful, dreadful, dreadful ending, most Tarantino fans might enjoy the intensity of bloody action, necessary gunfire and explosions that “Django Unchained” has to offer. However this near total atrocity is a long cry from any other work of Quentin Tarantino’s over the past two decades.

Style & Entertianment

September 2, 2013

Gratuitous Excess: “The Great Gatsby” Marina Watts

Editor in Cheif

Baz Luhrmann was the latest director to take on the challenge of bringing the American classic to the silver screen. His i nter pret at ion of F. Scott F i t z g e r a l d ’s novel “The Great Gatsby” turns a few swanky parties in the midst of wealthy Long Island towns into a scene of chaos narrated by Spiderman. It is coming out on DVD on August 27. While it was a financial success, it was not very well received. The film is a flashback for Nick Caraway (Tobey Maguire). He sits in a sanatorium, reflecting on his summer in 1922 where he rented a cottage in West Egg. His neighbor, the notorious Jay Gatsby (Leonardo DiCaprio), was known for throwing parties and not showing up to them. After attending one of them out of sheer curiosity, Caraway gets thrown into

the world of chaotic excess and the secretkeeper to a timeless love affair. Caraway weaves together a memoir of his months there, with Gatsby’s elusive nature as his focal point. Leonardo DiCaprio plays an awkward Jay Gatsby. He is the ideal pretty-boy

Gatsby, who attempts to keep his cool and plays down his wealth even though it’s impossible to ignore. I couldn’t help but laugh at how socially incompetent he was

out and about, yet somehow was able to brim with confidence with his “reassuring smile.” Juxtaposing him with Maguire as his only friend was a good choice on the director’s part. Casting overall wasn’t too bad. Carey

novel. Gatsby subtly slips into the crowd to meet Caraway, highlighting the elusiveness of his character as oppose to turning him into the big deal he really isn’t. The film ended with Gatsby’s death and

Mulligan plays the airy Daisy Buchanan, a young woman torn between Gatsby and her husband, Tom (Joel Edgerton). The cast, however, seemed as drawn out as Caraway did in the sanatorium at some points. The passion is subtle, which doesn’t represent the beautiful words of Fitzgerald. As every director has their own artistic licensing to put into a film, Luhrmann left out some things. First, Jordan Baker (played by Elizabeth Debecki-Caraway’s love interest) didn’t play as big as a role in the film as she did in the book. Luhrmann also fails to show their relationship as well. Daisy Buchanan also was blonde in the film, as she is a brunette in the novel. Second, when we meet Jay Gatsby, the book depicts it as an anti-climactic moment, as Caraway stumbles upon him by happenstance at one of his parties. Here, we met Jay Gatsby at one of the final crescendos of “Rhapsody in Blue,” as confetti flew through the air, fireworks boomed and he raised his glass in triumph. Fitzgerald made it seem like anyone could be Gatsby with how he introduces him. Lurhmann glorifies Gatsby as soon as he

left out a good portion of the last chapter of Fitzgerald’s book. Once Gatsby dies,

takes over the silver screen. He matches the rumors and build-up we see with an immense grandeur, as oppose to in the

so does the film. We see no after math for Caraway as his summer ends. As Gatsby tells Caraway about his life whilst driving in his yellow convertible, he speeds and races his way from West Egg to New York. This was effective cinematographically speaking, as Gatsby’s life takes twists and turns unexpectedly, from his younger days up to what we see before us. Filmed in Real 3D, audience members are able to hover above the bustling New York City, and swoop down and around the luxurious Long Island estates. Luhrmann wanted to pull his viewers even more into the scenes unfolding in front of them. This was rather effective, since there was so much going on. Too much, actually. The party scenes depicted in “Gatsby” did a fine job of showing all the spending the wealthy would do during the Roaring Twenties. Here, the excessive suddenly becomes too excessive. The parties Gatsby threw in this interpretation became almost too much. They seem exaggerated, even for one of the wealthiest men on Long Island. The scenes unfolded, showing a world beyond my wildest dreams. They were pretty satisfactory, and indeed a valiant effort to make up for what was missing from to book. Butlers were

fishing martini glasses out from the pool, women were dressed to the nines doing the Charleston, and confetti flew in the air like a rainstorm. What a few opulent 1920’s parties should be are turned into endless nights of chaos. But then again, Gatsby led a life that was anything but mundane. Overall, I commend Luhrmann for his inter pretation. It was a bold move, mixing in so many a n a c h r o n i s t ic aspects such as his soundtrack. I wasn’t surprised, as Jay-Z was the executive producer of the film. Caraway says in the film “you can’t change the past.” However, Luhrmann tries to with the rap music and excessive beats. I may be no historian, but I am pretty sure that big band jazz was the thing in the 1920’s. Some jazzy tunes had been slipped into the film, including Cole Porter’s “Let’s Misbehave and Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue,” which fit the era perfectly. As far as Jay Z’s music choices go, they just don’t fit in. The underlying theme of the 1920’s excessive nature consumes the film overall. It is pretty effective, but it becomes a distraction. Even though with an obscenely flexible budget making the opulent jazzy parties come alive from Fitzgerald’s pages was accomplished in

such a flashy way, it takes away from what Fitzgerald really wrote. “The Great Gatsby” is the quintessential American Dream novel, and all the glamour and glitz in this modernistic interpretation takes away from what it is meant to be-a tale of hope, passion and repeating past. And if you enjoyed it enough, maybe you will even want to spend money to see it again on DVD. 11

Style & Entertainment

September 2, 2013

Minions Make Millions: “Despicable Me 2” Marina Watts

Editor in Chief

Three years after the premiere of the heartwarming animated film “Despicable Me,” its sequel has finally arrived. “Despicable Me 2” resurrects Gru, his three daughters and many minions, along with introducing new characters that are just as lovable as the former. Anyone who loved the first film will like this one just as much, if not more. Steve Carrell returns as Gru, the villain-turned-adoptive father of Margo, Edith and Agnes. After settling into his new life taking care of his three daughters, Gru realizes something is missing; a mother for the girls. Meanwhile, after swearing off evil doings to be the father he thinks his daughters need, Gru gets recruited by the Anti-Villain League to deal with a new criminal. When he meets Lucy Wilde (Kristen Wiig), a member of the Anti-Villain League who becomes his partner, his world gets turned upside-down. They work together to search for the evil-doer, and fall for each other along the way. While at work on his new mission, Gru attempts to balance his daughters’ lives as they start to grow up

more than before. Accompanying Carrell and Wiig are the talents of Miranda Cosgrove, Ken Jeong, and Russell Brand. For an animated film, the voice acting was stellar. “Despicable Me 2” was just as good as the first one. Its predecessor was hyped more

melted when he meets three girls looking for a father figure. In “Despicable Me 2,” this time Gru is searching for a mother figure to assist him in raising the girls who mean the world to him. In both films, there are happy endings. Nothing less can be expected for a

than it deserved, and the same is the case for this one. Both offer a predictable plot line. The heart of a villain whose intentions are blurred between lines of good and evil is

children’s movie. There is not enough time in the hour-and-a-half picture for complicated plot twists. However, it is impossible to deny that

this movie is cute. “Despicable Me 2” is all about the little things. The comedic aspects aimed at a young audience are sure to please. However, those older will enjoy this movie as well. Carrell’s accent and diction he uses as Gru never fails to make me laugh. It’s all about the little things in this film. Nuances ranging from the fart jokes to the conversations Gru has with his daughters are memorable and adorable. What really makes the film is the Minions. Gru’s hundreds of assistants are little yellow creatures who help him with his day-to-day activities are beyond cute. When I saw the first one, I immediately wanted to acquire at least ten of them. The feeling still hasn’t faded. In fact, it is even stronger now. The little things they do in this film are sure to make anyone laugh. Their babbling and the physical comedy they offer truly make this film worth seeing, if you were on the fence thus far. “Despicable Me 2” is your run-of-the-mill summer animated picture. Light, heart-warming and funny, this film is a nice escape to brighten up a dreary summer afternoon. Comparatively-speaking, this animated movie is one of the better ones out there to see nowadays.

Movie Review: “Flight” Marina Watts

Editor in Chief

Last year, Robert Zemeckis released “Flight,” a drama about a bad combination of a drunk pilot and a malfunctioning

airplane. Denzel Washington stars as the victim of circumstance; alongside him are John Goodman, Don Cheadle, Kelly Reilly and Bruce Greenwood. The director of “Castaway” brings us a film with an interesting concept, but predictable end. After a night with a flight attendant, alcohol, and illegal substances galore, Captain Whittaker (Washington) boards his 9 a.m. flight from Miami to Atlanta. Even though drugs are still in his system and he is experiencing extreme sleep deprivation, he flies the plane, and it malfunctions midflight. The worst-case scenario becomes reality for him, as he lands the plane. However, some lives are lost. After waking up in a hospital bed with a few injuries, he learns the crash is being investigated. With the help of an attorney 12

and a representative from the airline union, Whittaker undergoes the investigation, knowing what he did was wrong, but does little to express this till the very end. The film has a steady first half-hour, but once the crash scene comes and goes (as you sit on the edge of your seat), it begins to drag a bit. However, this was expected. The first scene becomes the foundation of the film. The events on the aircraft are analyzed. Throughout the remaining two hours that fatal flight is dissected, as everyone tries to figure out what happened. Whittaker attempts to cover up his alcoholism, which is difficult. It does an effective job on holding one’s attention. The intense opening is just enough to hold you over for the rest of the film, as you wait to see what happens in the end. If you have seen the trailer for “Flight,” you basically have seen the film at its highest points. Except the ending, of course. It is difficult to get back into the film once the crash scene is over. The beginning is the focal point, and the rest of the events aren’t exactly elusive. As an audience, we know what happens. It becomes a

matter of whether or not everyone else can piece the puzzle together.

The concept of “Flight” was very interesting. When I originally saw the trailer for it, my pulse was racing, even though I knew for a fact that the plane crash was completely fictitious. It made me beyond uncomfortable. However, last year was a big year for films. It is no surprise

“Flight” got lost in the midst of “Argo,” “Lincoln,” and “Django Unchained.” It did not receive as much recognition as it should have. Washington shines in the film, but his supporting cast does little to add to the film overall. The subplot of Whittaker’s romance with Nicole (Kelly Reilly), a recovering drug addict does just enough to add to the film, since her problems make Whittaker fully realize his own. With two nominations from the Academy, including Best Actor in a Leading Role (Washington), “Flight” is worth the watch. If you can sit through nearly three hours of “Lincoln” knowing he will get shot in the end, you can definitely view “Flight” with being able to predict the events as they unfold.

September 2, 2013

Sarah Peguero

Contributing Writer

So, you really like Pad Thai, but (sigh) you can never get to have any because all the really good Thai restaurants are too expensive. I’ve got an idea—why don’t you just make it yourself? Now, have no fear! There is such a thing as an easy Pad Thai recipe, and I’ve got one just below this paragraph. Chicken Pad Thai Ingredients: -8 oz. Thai rice noodles (or enough for two people), linguini-width (don’t get dry,

Chicken Pad Thai packaged noodles; get the soft, packaged noodles) -1 to 1 ½ cups raw chicken breast, sliced and cubed -Chicken Marinade: 1 tsp. cornstarch mixed into 3 Tbsp. soy sauce -4 cloves of garlic, minced -1-2 fresh chilies, minced -3 cups bean sprouts (optional) -¼ cup chicken stock (also optional) -1/8 tsp. ground white pepper -Vegetable oil -Sauce -2 ¼ Tbsp. tamarind paste mixed with ¼ cup warm water -2 Tbsp. fish sauce -3 tsp. chili sauce -3 Tbsp, brown sugar -Garnish -Green onions, sliced -Cilantro, chopped Directions: Make the Pad Thai sauce by combing the sauce ingredients together in a cup. Stir well to dissolve the tamarind paste and brown sugar. Set aside. Stir the marinade in a bowl. Put the chicken cubes in the marinade,

Science & Health

mix well, and set aside. Put about 1-2 Tbsp. of oil in the pan. Once the oil is hot, add the minced garlic and stir fry until fragrant (30 seconds). Add the chicken with its marinade and stir fry. If the pan becomes dry, add chicken stock, about 1-2 tablespoons at a time. (If the pan does not become dry, then you will not need the chicken stock.) Continue stir frying until chicken is cooked. Add the noodles, and then pour the Pad Thai sauce all over. Using two spatulas, two wooden spoons, or salad tossers, immediately stir fry noodles using a gentle lift and turn method (kind of like tossing a salad; this method keeps the noodles from breaking). Stir fry in this way for 1-2

minutes. If the pan becomes too dry, push the noodle mixture aside, and add a little more oil (no more chicken broth, though, or noodles will become soggy). Add bean sprouts (only if you wish) and sprinkle in the white pepper. Continue “tossing” for about 1 more minute or until the noodles are cooked. Taste test for seasoning, and, if desired, add more fish sauce or chili sauce. Toss well to incorporate. Serve onto a plate or bowl, and, if your heart desires, garnish with some green onions or cilantro. There you go—a Pad Thai recipe that’s fun and easy, and doesn’t require you to blow all your money. Hope you like it!


September 2, 2013

Suzanne Peguero

MAnaging Editor

Within the past few years, YouTube has slowly been replacing television in people’s homes. While many people were accustomed to watching a television weekly at a certain time every night, they are beginning to swap it in place of watching three to five minute videos.

Many college age students, ages 18to 24, have begun to replace television consumption by three hours and twentysix minutes a day. Teenagers, which are normally measured as a barometer of things to come, watched less than 21 1/2 hours of television a week, the lowest amount of any age group. So what does

YouTube on the Rise this mean for the future of YouTube and televsion? YouTube began as a place to post silly videos and cat videos. In its beginning stages, it was not even thought of as competition for mainstream media like television. However, it eventually began to evolve as a form of serious entertainment for the younger crowd. YouTube users began to do vlogging (video blogging) and started to get creative with their video ideas. Now, if you have a charismatic personality (and in many cases, good looks) you can even earn a substantial amount of money by having your own YouTube channel, if you become successful enough. The trend of vying to become popular on YouTube is similar to the process of being an actor or a musician; you do your best to become well known, because when you do, you can earn a good living off of it. YouTube “stars” are even treated in a similar manner to celebrities. Teenage females often “fan girl” over them, and hyperventilate if they happen to meet

them in public. Many are even becoming annoyed with the way that the YouTubers are treated, and criticize many of them for the fact that they are not putting any substantial material on their channels, merely riding their success off of their good looks. However, despite what many people t h i n k , there are Yo uTu b e r s who put genuinely interesting, imaginative material on their channels. One of my favorite


YouTubers is called kickthepj; his videos are artsy and creative. One user, called ninebrassmonkeys, even began an online documentary on YouTube and the YouTube culture. With entertainment such as these, many young people are beginning to watch things like this instead of television. It is often thought of as easier to turn on your MacBook, log into your YouTube account and begin to watch a video by your favorite YouTuber than to wait for a certain time for a show every night. Many young people also are busy with school, homework, and jobs; thus the decline in hours of television watched and the increase in the amount of online material watched. Does this mean television will become extinct altogether? Many say no. Television has been so ingrained into p e o p l e’s homes, it is unlikely people will cease to watch it completely. But one thing is for sure: Yo u Tu b e has changed the way we view modern media.

Weird Twitter Accounts Marina Watts

Editor in Cheif

In the past few years, it has become more and more common for people to have a Twitter account. Originally something a celebrity would have, Twitter was created so they could reach out to their fans by giving status updates and tweeting pictures of what was happening in the lives of the rich and the famous. Fans are also able to Tweet these famous individuals, and often get responses. Now, it has become something everyone has. It is a diary of sorts, people are able to post whenever, wherever they want with their iPhones. Little nuance, pictures, news, and interactions between fellow Tweeters is what you can find if you create one (if you haven’t already). Now, anyone can be a celebrity (or at least feel like one with enough followers and interesting enough things to tweet about). With a 140 character limit, the challenge

arises to how much you can squeeze in

and effectively get your point across. Any effective articulator can utilize this form of social networking. Despite all the news I learn and little factoids I pick up from certain Twitter accounts, I have learned that Twitter is a

brighten my day. @CommonWhiteGrls The anxietydriven single teenage girl has been epitomized in this account. Things that many girls think and feel but don’t bother complaining about themselves is the

powerful tool. If you use it correctly, it can take you places. It is one of the most effective ways to get an idea out. It has assisted in making the world of mass communication explode in the last decade. And if you don’t use it wisely (like Amanda Bynes, for example) you can wind up looking the fool. Here are some accounts that I have found and enjoy following: @PortableShua Josh Peck’s twitter account is probably one of my favourite to follow. His Vines are hilarious and all the nuances he posts about never fail to

premise behind the “Common White Girl” account. We all just want to lay around the house watching movies and eating ice cream, and this account reminds us girls that we are not alone. @Iron_Man A verified account for Tony Stark? Count me in! This account tweets a lot of promotional stuff for the Iron Man movie franchise. However, there is nothing like

following one of the Avengers on Twitter. @Bourdain Anthony Bourdain, world-known chef, author and host of various TV shows travels the planet. Anyone who loves food or a snarky attitude from a man who has done it all in the restaurant business should check out his account. It’s an interesting account, to say the least. @big_ben_clock For all curious as to what time it is in England, the Big Ben Twitter account will help you! Every hour, tweets with “BONG” will notify its followers as to what time it is back in the UK. Simple, but fun to follow nonetheless. @MovieHumor Perfect for the film aficionados like me, Movie Humor keeps you informed on the latest movie news, trivia, and quotes in the cinematic world. (Twitters that quote movies and offer film trivia are also up there for me in my favourite accounts. The more you know, right?) @ShakespeareSong I laugh every time I see a post from this account in my news feed. Lines from contemporary music is taken and translated into the vernacular of sixteenth century English. Anyone looking for a good laugh or want to feel proper when quoting Nicki Minaj should hit follow for good old Willy’s words. 15


September 2, 2013

Move Over Baseball, Here Comes Soccer! Benedict Tagle

Sports Editor

For a long time in this country, soccer has always been in the shadow of other sports. Football, basketball, baseball, and hockey have had bigger followings. On television, other sports including golf, motor sports, and tennis are more easily accessible. H o w e v e r, in the past few years, soccer has increased its popularity. With the success of the United States Men National Team on the international level, more fans have gravitated toward the most popular sport in the world. This increase in popularity is reflected in the beginning of this year’s soccer season. In Major League Soccer, America’s domestic league, the popularity of teams


has grown. This has been proven in the increasing attendance at games. The Seattle Sounders are on pace to beat the average attendance numbers of several of the top teams in Europe. With every passing year, the league becomes bigger and better. In the upcoming years, the league plans to add more franchises. The desire for professional soccer is alive and well across the nation. Begin ning with this season, NBC has a three year deal with the Barclays P r e m i e r League, the top league in England, to broadcast its games. Paying $250 million, the network took a gamble, and is hoping it pays off. In an effort to increase the popularity of the game further, NBC has made every game accessible. If not on television, the game can be found online. NBC, so far, has received positive reviews for its coverage of the Barclays

Premier League. Showcasing the biggest teams of England, even non-soccer fans are pressed to watch the game because of the big names involved. The network is not afraid to switch their planned coverage in favor of more exciting games, reflected in their switching over from Tottenham-Swansea to Manchester City-Cardiff. NBC decided not to include a ticker on the bottom of the screen while broadcasting the games, d r a w i n g praise from even the most pessimistic fans. In addition, the network chose to use commentators with expertise in the games. Other networks have tried c o m m e nt a r y with people more familiar to the American public, sometimes hurting the presentation of the game. By using primarily experts in the commentary, NBC has provided a smooth experience for fans of the game. Soccer looks posed to jump into the

households of millions of Americans. Now readily available on network television, interested fans do not need cable to watch world class competition. The sports soccer competes with for ratings and popularity have already had network television deals in place. Even the least ardent of supporters can be enthralled in the whole dynamic of the league, especially relegation. Imagine if the worst teams of the NBA, NFL, or MLB were sent to a second-tier league, forced to work their ways back up into the bright lights. With the Barclays P r e m i e r League and Major League S o c c e r growing in p o p u l a r i t y, soccer looks to have a bright future in this country. Aligned with Fox’s showing of the final rounds of the UEFA Champions League on network television, soccer will have its smoothest presentation to the American public ever.

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