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Vol. 44 Issue 12 March 5, 2012 Facebook.com/Outlookpress

RCC Professor Sings at the Vatican

Professor Maire Liberace on hand as Archbishop Dolan is inducted into College of Cardinals Elan Weinberger

Features 5 “As you are caught up in your school-day angst, Batman gives you a happy hello with warm wishes for your day. If that doesn’t make you smile, then I don’t know what will. ” Elizabeth Maze, Student

If you have ever been on campus, then you have probably seen or talked to Batman.

Opinion 9 “ Maybe it’s time that men put aside their masculine insecurity, pick up a frying pan, and have dinner on the table before their wife gets home from work.” Kristen Loretoni, Student

It's 2012. There's no reason why we shouldn't take a fresh look at gender roles.

Marie Liberace, a professor of Philosophy here at the college was invited to perform at St.Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican in honor of the elevation of Cardinal Timothy Dolan from Archbishop to Cardinal. The performance was sung by the New York Archdiocesan Festival Chorale, a Christian Choir that sings at numerous churches around the state and the country. They were chosen to sing in honor of the Cardinal, who is a native of New York. Liberace, a resident of Pomona, has been teaching at RCC since 1982 and has been a part of the Chorale at the St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers since its inception in 1986. She was invited to join the Choir of the Cathedral of St. Patrick, to sing in Rome on the occasion of the elevation of Archbishop Dolan of New York and Archbishop O’Brien, to the Office of Cardinal. The concert tour, Feb 14 - Feb 20, included performances at special liturgies at several different churches, including at least one performance at Saint Peter’s Basilica. Saint Peter’s has the largest interior of any church in the world and is located within Vatican City. The group was also invited to attend a reception at the Vatican during their visit, in which they met the Pope himself. She described being greeted by the newly elected Cardinal with a “bear hug” and described him as a very affectionate and warm man who truly deserved this honor. The choir sang at two different events over the three day period. They sang a selection of songs from famous artists such as Beethoven and an array of other, mostly Italian, artists. Professor Liberace

Professor Maire Liberace / Special to Outlook

News Editor

Timothy Cardinal Dolan greets Professor Maire Liberace at the Vatican after his elevation.

was very excited about the trip but kept her nerves completely under control. She said, “We had practiced a thousand times over, so there was really nothing to be nervous about.” The trip itself was quite an honor, having been within feet of some of the most important religious leaders in the world. The elevation of Cardinal

Timothy Dolan was a very important occasion in the eyes of New Yorkers and Americans. Liberace says that she was “sitting closer to the Pope then some of the Cardinals themselves.” There has been recent talk of Cardinal Dolan becoming the next Pope. In that care, he would be the first American to

ever have that honor. The Pope is elected by the College of Cardinals where a secret meeting is held in order to choose the next leader of one of the largest religious sects on the planet. The professor has met Cardinal Dolan and Cardinal O’Brien on numerous occasions and is glad to see him rise to such a high position in the Catholic church.

Hundreds Gather to Mourn Quincy Hedges, Killed in Car Accident Elan Weinberger News Editor

Tech 17 “I have to say, I love this game. I'm excited to see more games and books set in this universe.” Louie Gaitan, Student

“Kings of Amalur: Reckoning” offers a refreshing take on the Western RPG.

A memorial service was held on Sunday, February 26, 2012, for Quincy Marie Hedges, a recently enrolled RCC student killed in a car accident near Platekill. The memorial service, cloaked by sadness and tears, was held at the Grace Episcopal Church in Nyack, NY. Hundreds attended the service for the 17-year-old, who died in a car crash on her way home from Albany after visiting a friend. A resident of Sparkill, Hedges was very involved in the arts, having taken more than two

art classes in her first semester here at the College. “She was a terrific student and clearly gifted in photography. The loss of a student is hard and there were many tears in the classroom. Her classmates hope to have a picture of her hung to keep her presence close”, said John Schlesinger, Professor of photography. Hedges was lying in the back of a Subaru when the car went out of control and spun into a tree. Hedges was not wearing a seat belt. Vickie Frelow, a family friend, described Hedges as “loved by the community.” She went on to say that “I was struck by the

outpouring of support from her friends and teachers. She clearly touched many, many people’s lives.” After the service, people lingered at the church, offering condolences to the family and sharing personal stories of Hedges. According to the police report, the crash occurred near Plattekill, about and hour and a half south of Albany. The police attributed slick road conditions and speeding as the cause of the crash. Hedges was pronounced dead at the scene while the other two passengers suffered minor injuries. Information courtsey of The Journal News


March 5, 2012

Irish Pride On Campus Performances highlight Irish culture

Elan Weinberger

This month marks the beginning of Irish Heritage Month, a month long celebration of Irish Heritage and Culture. The month includes various musical performances and panel discussions, teaching others about Irish Culture and History. The first event, Crossroads Ceili, took place on March 1, 2012. It was a musical performance including RCC students Michael Coleman and Marie O’Toole. This event highlighted the rich array of Irish culture through musical interpretation. The RCC website said the performance included “traditional Irish instruments including fiddle, accordion, banjo, and spoons.” At the event, there was also Irish folktale telling and other musical acts. In addition, the Buteux family played a selection of traditional Irish songs while dancers performed to the lively jigs and reels. The Verlin School of Irish Dancers entertained the audience under the direction of Ellen Riordan. By popular demand, harpist Kiera McGeever, who plays locally with the Strings of Tara, returned for this show. Another event, the Irish Coffee House, will be showcasing numerous Irish folktales, songs, and dances that celebrate Irish heritage. The event, taking place on March 15, is open to the public. There will be an open mic to sing, dance, and have just a little bit of Irish coffee. There will also be a “meet the artist” event, teaching students and others about the various forms of poetry and stories that are a part of Irish culture. At this event, Irish author, George Heslin, will be in attendance. Heslin is the Artistic Director at the Original Theater in New York City. This event is taking place on March 20 in the Black Box Theater.

Photo By Louie Gaitan/Outlook Student Press

News Editor

Traditional Irish music performed by the Buteux Family in cultural arts theater

Rockland county is home to thousands of Irish residents, most of whom live in Pearl River. Pearl River has the largest Irish Population in the metropolitan area and as such, hosts the second largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New York State, right behind New York City. St. Patrick’s Day is also coming up on the calendar. It celebrates the bringing of

Christianity to Ireland, which was done by Saint Patrick himself. The day, which is internationally recognized on March 17, is the anniversary of the Saint’s death. Shanon Donovan, a Freshman here at the College, is very excited about the events saying it is “a great way to show the Rockland community that being Irish is not just about drinking.” She went on

Republican 2012 Primaries

to praise the College for their efforts at trying to raise awareness of the many cultures that make up the College’s diverse community. “You just do not see this type of commitment from institutions to try and promote diversity and try and cross racial and ethnic gaps to create such a friendly and truly inspiring community,” said Donovan.

An update on the election season

Nathan Caplan


The most anticipated election season is currently upon us. America is presently in the midst of the 2012 Republican Presidential primaries. This is the time when states vote on scheduled days for whom they believe should be the Republican nominee to run against President Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. Several Republican nominees candidates have dropped out, leaving four candidates who continue to run for the nomination. These are Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania; Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, Ron Paul, Congressman from Texas; and Newt Gingrich of Georgia, the former Speaker of the House. Of the four candidates, one will become the presidential nominee of the Republican Party, and possibly, the future president of the United States. The candidates share similar beliefs, but what the media and voters look at is what they disagree on and how that makes one the “better” Republican candidate. Each nominee claims he is the most conservative in order to attract conservative Republicans, who tend to make up the majority of Republican primary voters. The candidates also are trying to keep a liberal undertone, to attract independent, undecided, and young voters, such as

college students. Right now it appears those leaning on the more conservative end would vote for Santorum and Gingrich. These voters include evangelical Christians, born-again Christians, Republicans in rural areas, and Tea Party members. More “liberal” Republican voters would vote for either Paul or Romney, though Romney has been the “leader” within the primaries for a good amount of time, so voters might more likely lean to him. These “more liberal” Republican voters include younger Republicans, those that live in major cities and suburbs, more educated Republicans, wealthier Republicans, and some non-evangleicals. There is a clear split in the Republican party, between those who are far right (being the most conservative) and the left (being more moderate) of the Republican party. This split is noticeable within the primaries itself. So far, 12 states have held Republican primaries. Each state awards a select number of delegates to the winner of the state (some states do a winner takes all system, while others award proportionally, or by winners of certain districts). These delegates are bound to that candidate and are sent to the Republican National Convention, where the nominee of the part is officially selected. To essentially win and be nominated at convention, a candidate must have a total of 1,144 delegates. No candidate is yet near this number. According to CNN, as of right now, Mitt Romney is the overall leader, having won seven states (New

Hampshire, Nevada, Florida, Maine, Arizona, Michigan, and Wyoming) and 181 delegates. In second place, currently, with four states (Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado) and a total of 61 delegates, is Rick Santorum. Recently, Santorum has jumped up in the polls rapidly, winning several states with high evangelical and Tea Party populations. Third in delegates is Newt Gingrich, who won South Carolina and has 39 delegates. In fourth place is Ron Paul, who has not won one state yet, but has 33 delegates. These results show a growing rift in the Republican Party, a rift that is prolonging the Republican nomination process. More rural states with higher evangelical Christians and Tea Party members, like

Iowa and Minnesota, are voting for Santorum. More moderate states with larger cities and suburban areas, like Florida and Michigan, have voted for Romney. In the end, though, how does this effect students? While all candidates may promise to make college tuition cheaper, that’s generally just empty words. Republican college students nationally have been voting for Paul, and they are the only group that has tended to consistently vote for him. Following how other states have voted, and if no other contestants have dropped out by then, New York will most likely go to Romney, based on demographics and polling conducted by several different groups.


March 5, 2012

Influential Women in History

This month honors women and their accomplishments Stephanie Nelson

Contributing Writer

took place around the week of March 8. Finally in 1987, this tribute to women

This month marks the beginning of Women’s History Month, a celebration of women’s culture, history, and heritage. Get excited for the month of March because it is the month to learn and celebrate the incredible history of women. This fantastic

turned into an entire month of dedication with the hope to create equality between men and women. Many of us take this equality for granted. Although it is great to not feel put down because of gender, it is important commemoration of women everywhere began back in 1911 with the first International Women’s day ever. In 1978 the school district of Sonoma, California observed Women’s History Week, which

to remember and learn about all the places where women are treated poorly and differently than men. A great way to become a part of this awareness is right here at RCC. This month features some of the most incredible women in history such as Cleopatra and Julia Augusta, at the “Politics, Passion and Poison: Women and Strategies of the Power in the Ancient

World” lecture on March 20th. A huge component of Women’s History Month is learning about those special and unique women who stood out and made great changes in all different societies. Although

our past is significant, it is also necessary to learn about the strong women of today. Come to the “Women, Power and Politics in the 21st Century” lecture on March 29th to learn all about the dedicated women of today who are involved in government.

This event may seem to be directed toward women but men should find a way

to these events as well. “I hate to admit it, but as strong and powerful as we women

are we do need the support of men to keep us going,” says Rachel Cooper, a student at RCC. We are just as strong as men but, just as they need us, we need them. It is vital that men are also able to participate in all of the awareness and education about the women of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

This celebration follows numerous other months celebrating the heritage and culture of different ethnicities here at the College. Coinciding with Women’s History Month is Jewish Heritage Month, and Irish Heritage Month.

RCC Hosts Gospel Concert

A night of praise enlightens community Elan Weinberger On Friday, February 27, 2012, Rockland Community College was blessed with the beautiful songs of Black Gospel Choirs and musicians from all around Rockland County. The event, which took place in the Cultural Arts Center, is just one of many events created in order to mark Black History Month. This is a month long celebration of the heritage of African Americans. A dictionary defines Gospel Music as “A kind of Christian music based on American folk music, marked by strong rhythms and elaborated refrains, and incorporating elements of spirituals, blues, and jazz.” It is usually meant to inspire others with some sort of story or account having to do with religion or personal struggles. The event at RCC was largely attended by members of the Black community as well as many from the Rockland community, coming out to support this important cause. The event was described by the RCC website as a “dynamic gospel performance that portrays the African American cultural experience through an inspirational musical celebration.” Dana Stilley, Co-Chair of the Black History Month committee, feels “excited about the event because the students

Photo By Louie Gaitan/Outlook Student Press

News Editor

should feel engaged.” Stilley, who is also Dean of Enrollment Management, is looking forward to the upcoming month’s activities. Erica Vasquez, a second year student here at the college, thought that the Gospel Concert was “inspiring.” Vasquez, who comes from a Black and Puerto Rican background, has never felt so emotional. To express this sentiment, she said “I felt the pain and suffering that they have experienced through the beautiful music.” There have been numerous events created to mark the month including

Black Achievement Awards, an awards ceremony to recognize and celebrate the successes of the young Black community. Other events include a discussion about Civil Rights, performances of music from times of hardships, and panel discussions on the future of the African American Community. There was choirs from several churches in attendance. Also, praise dancers and Christan musicians added to the night’s festivities. Many of the song’s writers whose songs were performed at the event were in attendance. As the evening progressed, audience members

joined in the celebration by clapping and getting involved in the musical numbers. Black History Month is just one of the many celebrations of culture at RCC. Others include Jewish History Month, Irish Heritage Month, and Women’s History Month. Dr. Cliff Wood, President of the College, is very passionate about his feelings toward Black History Month. “We are very blessed with such a diverse student body,” Wood said, citing that the campus itself is incredibly diverse in its student body.


Public Faux Pas to Avoid

March 5, 2012

An in-depth list of unforgivable acts Kristina Nikolaj

contributing Writer

There are many things people know they shouldn’t do in public but do anyway. The public is not their home, but yet they treat it as if it is. These certain behaviors that I speak of are often inappropriate, hurtful to others or to the environment, and even disturbing. Public places are not areas to share personal information nor are they areas to be destroyed by unwise decisions.

There are many irresponsible choices people make, with the following being just a few of these. Littering: Littering is a big problem everywhere. Residents are lazy and don’t think it’s necessary to throw away their garbage in the trash even though their bad habits leave their community in a messy state. Littering is abusive towards the earth, specifically its plant life. When trash is not disposed of properly but is rather thrown carelessly on the ground, the wind can pick up the litter

and carry it into our waterways, resulting in contamination. People know that littering is an unhealthy habit, but some don’t take action to stop it. Arguments: Private arguments should not be a public affair. People should not share their problems with the rest of the world; it’s rather annoying and bothersome. Also, people tend to yell at their kids in public. Yelling at children in public can, first of all, embarrass the kid, and second, offend a close bystander. Parents

should remain calm and wait until they get home or at least in the car to punish their children. In addition, many times a raised voice in public is not only inappropriate but also worsens the current situation. PDA: Couples frequently show public displays of affection, and sometimes it’s just too much. PDA is often expressed by young love-struck teenagers, and what they need to realize is that this sort of thing doesn’t have to be a show for others. People should not be overly affectionate in public because it is simply inappropriate, especially if there are youngsters around. The solution? Get a room. Being Messy: Sometimes people can just be plain gross. Being out in the public eye’s view, a person should take notice of how they take care of themselves. This statement goes to those who pick their nose - grab a tissue! Also, to those who don’t wash their hands or flush the toilet - please do so! People should not conduct themselves this way in public because it is unsanitary and unnecessary.

Intro to Relationships 101

Pets: When people take their dogs out for walks, they don’t always clean up the area where the dog has done its business. “Pooper Scoopers” and plastic bags were invented to be used. These tools are inexpensive and can come in handy when caring for a pet. While some people argue that it’s harmless and will eventually disappear, they need to also realize that it is visually unappealing and quite disgusting to dodge the doo.

Tips on having a successful relationship Anna Berent


Many of us often think about finding the perfect match and are left wondering why it doesn’t work out when we find someone who we deem special. The dictionary definition of soul mate is “a person with whom one has a strong affinity”, but what exactly forms such a bond between two people? Being lucky in love, I have come up with a list of suggestions that can assist anyone in maintaining a relationship. Communication is one of the most important things in a relationship. I often see friends of mine who have something important on their mind, but when their significant other asks “what’s wrong?”, they answer with a sarcastic “I am fine,” when there is clearly something bothering them. I do not understand this at all. If there is something bothering you, speak up! The other person simply can’t read your mind, and most of the time they really aren’t aware of what has happened. Your significant other is not some mind-reader that can detect your every thought and emotion. The faster you state your problem, the faster there can be a resolution, and everyone can move on with their lives. Communication is also key for simpler things, as well. For instance, let’s say you are planning a vacation. If you disagree on a destination, make a list of the pros and cons for each location and compromise from there. Doing this will assist you both in making the best decision without feeling the need for an argument. There is no need to fight over petty things. When you are feeling stressed or worried, communication with your significant other is essential. Do not be afraid to share what is on your mind; after all, that person is there with you for a

reason. Regardless of what I have just mentioned, it’s near impossible to have a healthy relationship without some disagreements which may, at times, lead to arguments. The most important thing to remember is no offensive name calling! Referring to each other rudely only adds fuel to the fire, not to mention that it is completely tasteless. If you have been in a relationship for a while, chances are you know the insecurities of that other person and what makes them tick. Stay away from any sensitive areas and focus on the goal of what you are trying to accomplish with proving your point. Honestly, it is much less important than the person you love. Talk

the argument out and resolve it peacefully. I mean, come on, human beings are an evolved species! Supporting each other is very important. There will be smooth as well as rocky times, and the best thing to do is morally support each other. If you are completely against an endeavor that your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to do, then honestly express your opinion, explain why you feel that way, and suggest something else that you believe to be more suiting. It is important to spend quality time together as well as some time apart, but the length of time I speak of would most likely be determined by the stage of the relationship

in which you are in. If you have just started dating, then do not be overly clingy. It is OK to spend a weekend apart and to not talk on the phone for one or two days. If you are in the later stages or close to marriage, then the two of you should take precedence before other friends. Your partner needs to be your first priority when you are in later stages of your relationship. I know it may sound a little cheesy, but being romantic is important. Candlelight dinners, cute gifts, and roses will always make your partner smile. Show affection - a simple “I love you” each day makes a huge difference.


March 5, 2012

Batman: A “Behind The Scenes” Superhero Elizabeth Maze

Managing Editor

Crime: It runs rampant through the halls. That carelessly discarded wrapper, the forgotten garbage from the day’s events is left behind like a tiny child forgotten at Sea World by parents decked out in visors and fanny packs. What was that noise you hear? Perhaps a professor, in a fit of rage from grading papers that would leave your typical frat boy cringing, stormed out and locked themselves out of their office. Maybe it’s a ghost that I just invented for the flow of this article. Who’s to say? If you believe that one of scenarios I just suggested is true then you are sadly mistaken. That noise you hear is none other than the faithful employee of seventeen years known as “Batman”. Kenneth “Batman” Geathers earned his title as a young child in school making his way in the big world. As he donned a suit and cape during elementary school, his role as Batman was solidified. Starting out working on the night shift seventeen fateful years ago, Batman began his career as a member of the janitorial staff of RCC and has become a fixture on campus ever since. His comicthemed emblems of the bat symbol are easily recognizable on his hat and belt buckle as he does his day-to-day work. When you look around, you see a campus that is kept clean and the things you carelessly discarded earlier have magically disappeared. Perhaps it was tiny elves who crept out of the walls at night or your mom

decided to pull a double shift on campus because she can’t get enough of cleaning up after you at home. Batman works day-in and day-out without a single complaint and with a broad smile. As you are caught up in your teenage angst of school days while blasting some band that’s barely understandable and wearing ‘hip’ trends you’ll grow to hate in five years, Batman gives you a happy hello with warm wishes for your day. If that doesn’t make you smile, then I don’t know what will.

As he greets you cheerfully with a “hey pumpkin’,” you can’t help but feel valued and ready to start your day. Wrapped up in your daily dose of angst as you trudge around campus, Batman still takes the time to say a simple hello. What kind of soul-less creature are you if that doesn’t make you crack a smile? He enjoys speaking with others and is genuinely interested in how everyone is feeling, whether you’re having the best day of you life or the worst. He can generally be found on any part of the college and is

a welcoming site to those who are on the campus daily. His desire to help people is what drove him to pursue his role at RCC. It is rare to see someone so involved and happy to be doing their job. As a fixture on this campus for many years, Batman is an individual that each college student can greet happily and just talk to. The next time you make your way around this majestic campus, take a moment to say hello to your campus hero, Batman. You’ll be glad you did.


March 5, 2012

Kristen Loretoni

Opinions Editor

1) Life is too short to dwell on anything. There is no reason to withhold from forgiving everyone and everything. When looking at the big picture of life, being a grudge-holder will cause us to be remorseful. It is important to be grateful for every moment; it is all we truly have. It is not a guarantee that tomorrow will come, so making the most of every day we are given is vital. We should never pass up each chance to say, “I love you” and to spend time with the people we hold closest to our hearts, for we never know if today will be our last chance to do so.

2) Give and you shall receive. They say that giving is always more rewarding than receiving. What we forget as a generation is that there are people in this world who are a lot worse off than we are. If we put ourselves in the shoes of other, less fortunate people for just a minute, things start to shift into perspective. There are worse things in the world than a cumulative Biology exam and the sooner we realize this, the better off we will be. We’re so wrapped up in our everyday chaos that we don’t realize the power we hold in changing other people’s lives. 3) Time heals all wounds, regardless of how you feel at this moment. There are going to be times in our lives when we wish we could just crawl in a corner and never have to face

the world again. Every person goes through different experiences that lead to heartbreak and those experiences are what make us stronger. Things happen that are beyond our control; things that are unfair and unimaginable. Time is the only thing that can heal true heartbreak. As time passes, life becomes clearer. We start to put the pieces of our lives back together and realize that we have to live for today. We have to make the most of every single day to make our lives worthwhile and to have our loved one’s legacies live on through us. 4) There is nothing holding you back except yourself Often we find ourselves in situations where taking risks just doesn’t seem worth it. After we decide to hold back on opportunities that could potentially have helped us, we regret not taking the chance. Instead of constantly second-guessing ourselves, we need to find it in us to take risks, and accept new challenges. These are the moments that can change our lives. We are the only ones holding us back from breaking out of “our comfort zone.”

Stock Photos/Outlook Student Press

10 Lessons That School Couldn’t Teach

past, because life is too short to be anything but happy. 7) Learn how to laugh at yourself. Life is stressful and we all know it. Being able to laugh and be silly is what keeps us human. 8) Think before you speak. More often than we ever care to admit, we immediately regret saying something in the wrong situation. Thinking before actually speaking is the smartest thing we can do in a society where every word has the potential of being taken out of context. 9) Cherish the good friendships and ditch the bad ones. There are enough hassles in life without people making more up. If there is anything that a college student can relate to, it’s the constant drama that goes along with being a teenager. The smartest thing for us to do as we get older is to surround ourselves with the people who

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6) Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present. It is natural to hold a grudge when someone does something to hurt us. But does it make the situation better? Do we feel better after being just as nasty back to the person? No. We naturally have an attitude because it is just a reaction to the situation. What we need to realize is that moments in our past deserve their place there. Allowing them to creep into our future and to destroy relationships is moronic. Let the past be the

matter most. Anyone that adds negative stress should be cut out of our lives. There is a countless number of people who dwell on the drama because they feel the need for attention. But the truth is, the people who truly care about you wouldn’t ever do anything to make you feel less of yourself. Anyone who makes you feel inferior isn’t worth the time or energy to get along with. Unfortunately, only experience can truly teach this lesson. If I learned anything from my senior year in high school, it’s that people who are there for you at your worst are the only ones who deserve to see you at your best. 10) Life may not be tied up with frilly ribbons and may have a bow on top, but nevertheless, it is still a gift. It is the most precious gift we have. Be grateful.

OPINION March 5, 2012

Is Facebook Helping or Disrupting Society? Kristen Loretoni


Facebook started off as social networking website that allowed college students to stay in contact with friends. It has grown into a worldwide phenomenon that, at the moment, has 845 million active users. Facebook has proven itself to be a highly popular tool when looking to stay connected with friends and family. You can talk to someone who is in a different country, or sitting across the room, instantaneously. Facebook allows you to communicate with virtually anyone you have ever encountered before, as long as they have a profile. This is something that many people appreciate, especially those who are now older, and lost touch with close friends and loved ones. What is shared on the site however, is what leaves many concerned with it’s impact on society. The amount of information that is available for each user extends as far as their phone number and even home address. Are we sharing too much? A preminent worry that most parents in America seem to be facing is the amount

Sari Ugell

Shara Beitch

Monica Powell

Elan Weinberger

David Strinkovsky

of personal information their children publish on their Facebook profiles. It has been shown that cyberbullying is done through Facebook more than any other site. Even universities are known to keep an eye on the Facebook pages of the prospective students applying to their programs. Like most things, the site has its definite pros and cons, but which factor outweighs the other? Does Facebook have a more positive or negative impact on today’s society?

Outlook Student Press Sari Ugell, Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Maze, Managing Editor Ken Grand-Pierre, Art Director Elan Weinberger, News Editor Shara Beitch, Features Editor

Monica Powell, Science & Health Editor Kristen Loretoni, Opinions Editor David Strinkovsky, Sports Editor Louie Gaitan, Photo Editor

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods and summer. It is an independent newspaper and public forum produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor. Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

On the web: Outlookpress.org Facebook.com/outlookpress Email: Outlookstudentpress@gmail. com Office: Student Union Room 3200 Phone: (845) 574-4389 Fax: (845) 356-6261 Snail mail:Outlook Student Press Rockland Community College 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901

Staff: Nicole Arzoomanian, Stephanie Nelson, Amanda Van Ryn, Nathan Caplan, Katherine Aucena. Contributors: Kristina Nikolaj, Matt Hol-

land, Juliana Roth.

Correction: “Green Contest: Towards A Sustainable RCC” from Vol. 44 Issue 10 should be credited to Brian Katzman.

Professor Fuentes, Advisor


For some, Facebook is a guilty pleasure. And then there are those who act like the time-absorbing, brain-deteriorating site is the core of their existence. The fact that Facebook is so easily accessible anywhere is convenient, but the fact of the matter is, it’s probably doing more harm than good. It’s highly evident that our society is more dependent on technological communication than physical social interaction. We successfully mask the drawbacks by praising our advancements and encouraging society to embrace our high-tech world. Facebook is more than just a networking site but it has become a way for people, ages ranging from 7 to 100 years, to be constantly aware of everything and anything happening in our world today. It’s a wonderful thing to be informed, but it’s a whole other issue when young teens are harming themselves, students are being rejected from colleges, and unstable people are threatening the wellbeing of others all because of what’s available on Facebook profiles. Do I think Facebook is a useful tool? Of course. But it is completely irresponsible to overlook the dangers the site causes not only to each individual who uses it, but our society as a whole. Let’s just say that I can’t even remember what I did before Facebook existed. It is a balanced matter that I feel is both negative and positive. I have become progressively less productive since I’ve been able to see what everyone else is up to at any waking moment and they can do the same for me. Not that I would classify myself as a Facebook stalker, but let’s be honest, there is a creep factor if you have no shame in saying anything and everything on this addictive site. On the plus side, the actual social networking motive of this site has made inclusive communication essentially effortless. Those who say that Facebook is dangerous are not using it right. If you post raunchy pictures and plan a shindig with a 40 year-old man, then yes,Facebook is precarious. If you use it wisely, it is revolutionary. As with any new technological innovation, the globalized connections that are characteristic of Facebook can be either appropriately used or faultily abused. The advantages of the site are apparent, with the most prominent being to stay in contact with those you know. Unfortunately, though, what has the potential for being an entirely positive experience for all users turns sour when individuals take advantage of this extensive social arena. The biggest threat that I perceive from Facebook is the lack of privacy, because essentially any other person owning a computer has access to another’s personal information. Regardless of whether or not one’s settings indicate an amount of privacy, the majority of people won’t be satisfied to know that, in reality, their information is permanently secured within the complex networks of the Internet world. The idea that this type of interminable connection lies at the ends of our fingertips is a frightening concept.

Facebook is one of the most popular websites in the world. With millions of users, it can virtually connect anyone to anything, anywhere. But this social service has developed into something bigger than communicating, it has become a way of life. Constantly checking to see for new friend requests, wall posts, etc. This website has helped thousands of non-profit organizations advertise and ultimately make millions of dollars. We must continue to support this website, as for now it is just free advertising and free fun.

It seems that almost every person nowadays under the age of 35 has developed another sense, the facebook sense. It’s almost as if it’s a drug of some sort, people just keep going on it and staying on it even if they’ve already done everything they need to do. I believe facebook like most other things in life is a very good thing if used in the right amount. Being able to communicate with distant relatives and friends is definitely a good way to use facebook, but staying on it for hours at a time the night before a math test is definitely not a good way to use facebook. Overall though I do believe facebook does benefit our society because it allows people to communicate more on a daily basis, and although many complain that it’s over used that is our own faults not facebook’s. Imagine what your life would be like with out facebook, at first you may think it would be better but then at the same time you must wonder if your social skills online would be what they are today. I personally prefer a phone call or a video chat over facebook chats any day of the week, but facebook is definitely something that has helped shape our society to what is today. Just remember you need to be a careful and non-reckless facebook user, and if you watch out for the amount of time you spend on facebook you should be just fine. However facebook is very addicting and that’s for a different discussion, but overall facebook is really helpful.


Beware on Facebook Girls with no clothes=girls with no class Kristen Loretoni


There is nothing that bothers me quite like signing onto Facebook and being bombarded with pictures of girls wearing skimpy clothes that cover all of nothing. There is a fine line between sexy and slutty. The girls you see on Facebook who have 198 likes on their profile pictures, are typically the ones who have barely any clothes on. Are we sensing a pattern here? ATTENTION HALF NAKED GIRLS ON FACEBOOK: Those 246 boys who like your pictures, don’t like them because they think you are a self-respecting young woman with a great personality. They like your pictures because you are wearing no clothes! This is not the Victoria’s Secret catalogue, this is Facebook; a social network that allows us to be connected to everyone we know. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t post pictures of my friends and I on the beach, but I am also Facebook friends with my entire family. I don’t post anything I wouldn’t feel comfortable with them seeing. This is what is mind boggling to me; don’t those girls have family on Facebook? I cannot speak for everyone, but I know if my mother saw a picture of me with barely any clothes and a promiscuous caption under my picture, I wouldn’t be let out of the house. Forget leaving the house, I would never hear the end of it! I feel like I would be a disgrace to my family. It is one thing to have a great body and be beautiful, but what defines beauty? Would you feel comfortable with your father

March 5, 2012

seeing a picture of you bent over, with booty shorts on, and a caption that reads “Ho Ho Ho ;)?” Is it a belly button ring, a fake tan, and being tatted up? Is that the new beauty? Where does self-respect and class come in? We all have those Facebook friends we stalk just because we’re in the mood to laugh. We stop and ask ourselves, are these people serious right now? I don’t understand it, and maybe it’s just me, but aren’t they making it too easy for guys? You are leaving literally nothing to the imagination. Your body, which used to be looked at as a sacred temple, is now plastered on everyone in Clarkstown’s news feeds. How professional do you think that looks? What about when it comes time to look for a job? Do you really know who each of your 5,000 “friends” are? We are entering a time in our lives where our futures are waiting to be molded. Every decision we make affects our potentially professional lives. All I ask is for girls to think a little more about what they’re posting on Facebook, before posting it.

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March 5, 2012


Gender Roles

The power struggle of gender in the workplace Kristen Loretoni & Elizabeth Maze Editors of Outlook

As the times change, so should family dynamics. With more and more opportunities for advancement and promotion in the workplace become available for women, it is illogical and unfair that woman should be contained domestically. The idea that the man is the breadwinner and the woman rears the kids is archaic. Women are just as capable of having a productive life in the workplace as men. In today’s American society, men are becoming more active in family life. It used to be that women were completely in control of raising their children, and in charge of cooking and cleaning. The husband’s job was to provide for the family financially, and make sure that they were well taken care of. In the year 2012, things are a lot different than they used to be. Some people are stuck in the old way of thinking that a woman’s place is in the kitchen. But who is to say that a woman can’t be the one to provide financially for the family? What is wrong with a man staying home to take care of the kids? Some people still believe that a family is doomed if the woman is the working half. I see nothing wrong with a man playing the role of “stay at home dad.” I think that women have come a long way in building their own careers in today’s society. According to Center of American Progress, 4 in 10 females make the same amount or more money than that of their husbands today in America. The US Census Bureau states that

there are currently 105,000 men who are considered “stay at home dads.” They are responsible for taking care of their children who are under the age of 15, while the mother is working outside of the home to support the family financially. Women’s careers are often sidetracked or put on the back burner as marriage and children take precedent. It’s disturbing to see that a successful woman with all the credentials and experience of her male counterpart is at a disadvantage because

society demands the home life comes first. Men are not restrained by social stigmas that require them be bound to the home. Women should be able to take a stance in the work place and be able to balance work and home without being thought less of. As Beyonce describes women in her hit song, “Girls, Who Run the World,” as “smart enough to make these millions, strong enough to bare the children, then get back to business.” Women have the ability to do so much and juggle so many different

Negative Political Ads Are they doing more harm than good?

Amanda Van Ryn

Contributing Writer

In every election, there are always negative ads prompting the campaigns politicians. They release ads bashing their opponents with a small line at the bottom saying that it was sponsored by them. When election time rolls around the only commercials on T.V are the ones saying how corrupt and immoral all

lifestyles. There is no reason why a woman cannot be a great mother, wife, and employee all in one. There is also no reason why a man can’t sacrifice parts of his life and career as women have done for centuries in order to help around the home. Maybe it’s time that men put aside their masculine insecurity, pick up a frying pan, and have dinner on the table before their wife gets home from work.

the politicians are. Instead of finding out how horrible these politicians are, shouldn’t we be finding out what they stand for? In this year’s presidential election, republican hopeful Mitt Romney has spent somewhere in the range of $55 million on a negative ad campaign, not to mention the amount of money spent on the rest of his campaign. $55 million is an insane amount of money to spend on anything when there are so many people struggling and suffering in our country. That aside, shouldn’t the

majority of money spent on a campaign be on highlighting the candidate’s strengths? Mitt Romney isn’t alone. Barrack Obama spent just as much money or more on negative ads when he was running for president in 2008. The amount that a candidate spends on negative ads relies upon how much money they raise. Every candidate in this year’s presidential election has a section of their website where you can choose to donate money. So when that negative ad comes on the screen, remember who paid for it.

Every major politician has put out negative ads and honestly, I don’t see the need. Why does so much money need to be spent on making opponents look bad? The negative ads that politicians put out say a lot about who they are. If they were confident in themselves and their values, then they shouldn’t need to advertise their opponents’ flaws. When a politician makes a negative ad about his or her opponent, then it just shows me that they don’t think they will win, and they think that their opponent will if people don’t find out all of their dirty secrets. The content of these ads is another story all together. Politicians have stopped attacking each other based on just politics, now we have to know every detail about their lives. It’s actually kind of creepy. Why should I know about what goes on in the home of some politician? Honestly, I really don’t want to know about the marriage or the sex life of the person I’m voting for. I want to know what the issues the candidates stand for, not who cheated on whom. If I wanted to watch a soap opera, I would (and I would hope to not be interrupted by negative ads). All of the nasty information about politicians has to come from somewhere, and that means that it’s someone’s job to dig up dirt on the competition. I know that playing dirty is a part of politics, but it’s a part that I don’t think we need. The amount of time and energy that is placed on making someone else look bad is simply sickening. Let’s focus the negative energy on something more productive, like maybe the economy. (People are still broke right?)

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March 5, 2012

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March 5, 2012



Why We Love... Elizabeth Maze

Managing Editor

Beauty rituals never get old. Each time you get ready in the morning you should look forward to a new way to play up your features and embrace your beautiful self. This week for “Why We Love” we’re going to do a bit of a “make-under” so you can highlight your natural features this Spring rather then coating your skin under layers of poorly matched cover-up and bronzer. Let’s focus on the foundations that protect you skin from the Spring and Summer light with SPF protection while giving you a natural and fresh look. Arbonne Perfecting Liquid Foundation with SPF 15 If I could use one word to describe this foundation I would use amazing. Okay maybe two words...absolutely amazing. With skin-firming ingredients, you can improve the look of lines or facial contours that are naturally occurring. Your skin can look model-esque, leaving you feeling confident. If you have red or blotchy skin, this fantastic foundation can even out skin tone. With additional sun protection from its SPF 15 formula, you won’t feel weighed down with a heavy foundation that can leave behind a greasy feeling. You can confidently bask in the warmer weather knowing your skin is protected and looking beautifully natural.

Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 20 This color-tinted, light weight formula is the perfect alternative on the days where you need minimal coverage and SPF protection from the sun. It’s sheer and doesn’t coat your skin so you have the bit

Stock Photos/Outlook Student Press

of color for a healthy and natural looking complexion. If your skin is relativity clear and you don’t have many blemishes to cover, don’t pile on the unnecessary foundation. Simply apply this like a lotion all over your face and have a sheer bit of color that looks completely natural. It is always in style to protect your skin with SPF foundations and look like an effortless beauty. Instead of caking foundation on, pick up this tinted moisturizer and reap the benefits of looking natural and fresh as the season changes. B a r e Escentuals bareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation If you have oily skin, the last thing you want to do is cake on a liquid foundation. It will

you looking naturally gorgeous. It delivers flawless coverage with a light powdered foundation that you can sweep on with a cosmetic brush. It will cover blemishes perfectly and give you smooth, even skin without the oily look that some liquid foundations can leave behind. According to Sephora’s website description, “with just five pure ingredients, bareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation delivers flawless cover age and the creamy minerals are

clinically p r o v e n t o improve the appearance of skin over time. It looks like a powder, feels like a cream, and buffs on like silk, giving skin a natural luminosity while feeling as if you are not wearing any makeup at all.” According to the same site, “The coverage is complete and is free of preservatives, talc, oil, waxes, fragrances, and other chemicals that can irritate skin and cause breakouts.” I would recommend purchasing the Get Started Kit for the complete package and amazing results at a

reasonable price. do nothing for coverage and it will just add to the look of oily or greasy skin. Instead you should opt for a mineralbased foundation like Bare Escentuals’ bareMinerals foundation which will leave

Smashbox High Definition Healthy FX Foundation SPF 15 It is hard to go wrong with this oil free, liquid foundation.

You can finally have that smooth and healthy complexion you see in the movies and on the models. This

foundation is made with ingredients that firm skin and keep you looking natural, y o u n g , healthy, and radiant. SPF 15 can keep you safe in the sunlight and protect your skin from damage. It is also formulated with Vitamin C to help keep skin healthy and clear. This foundation will let your true beauty shine without being hidden by the overdone makeup jobs that leave behind lines and an unnatural looking complexion. Clarin’s Skin Illusion Natural Radiance Light Reflecting Foundation SPF 10 This is a luxurious foundation that hydrates and reflects light. Made with SPF 10 that keeps your skin healthy and safe when the sun shines bright, you will be a natural beauty wherever you go. The perfect mixture of active plant and mineral ingredients will give you a glowing complexion that looks like it’s completely your own. Your skin will be pampered with lasting hydration and protection, so your complexion will continue to improve over time and leave you



March 5, 2012

How To Look Good Without Make-Up Elizabeth Maze

Managing Editor

We live in a society where beauty and image is everything. Celebrities are always seen prancing around wearing flawless makeup and hair styled to perfection. That’s them and this is us. Welcome to reality. We don’t roll out of bed and have Alejandro, our quirky European stylist, dress us to perfection. We don’t have that flaw free look that seems almost airbrushed. We wake up with our hair stuck up, dark circles under our eyes, and a battered University of Albany shirt our parents got us on an ill-fated college visit. Your look is uniquely your own and instead of relying on makeup to cover and fix, try to go bare and play up your natural appeal with some easy steps. Cleanse Clean skin is beautiful skin. Cleansing skin twice a day can remove the dirt and grime from everyday life and leave you with a healthier complexion. Philosophy brand facial cleansers are perfect for everyday use and easy to use since it’s a one-step product. Another great cleanser is Clinique’s Liquid Facial Soap. According to its description on Sephora, Clinique’s Liquid Facial Soap is “a non-drying liquid soap that cleanses gently and thoroughly.” The cleaner your skin is, the healthier it will be. Your natural skin can look fantastic without makeup if you cleanse it properly and keep out the dirt and grime that can harm your complexion. Tone According to a quote by Dr. David Bank in an article by Teen Vogue, “toners act as

mild astringents used in the cleansing and exfoliating process to eliminate oil and tighten or ‘tone’ pores.” What toners do is remove all that left over oil and bacteria that your cleanser may have left behind. For many, toners leave skin feeling cleaner and fresher than cleanser alone. Two popular toners, both of which can be found on Sephora,

are Super by Dr. Nicholas Perricone and Origins Zero Oil Pore Purifying Toner. For Super by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, the best way to really drive home the purpose of this toner is by the description on the website: “A supercharged liquid treatment, this activator preps your skin while exfoliating and saturating antioxidants and actives into every pore.” Origins Zero Oil Pore Purifying Toner is usually for those with oily skin and leaves you with a more matte complexion that doesn’t look greasy. You can tone and even out skin while keeping it clean, fresh, and radiant without makeup. Your pores are reduced in size, excess oil is finally gone, and you look and feel great. Moisturize No matter how many times I say it, I can’t convey enough how important a daily moisturizing routine is. Moisturizing your face can help keep oil levels in check and your skin healthy and soft. If you have dry skin, moisturizing can help soften and smooth your complexion for a beautiful, makeup-free face. Many people with oily, acne-prone skin are required to use heavyduty acne washes that can leave skin dry and uncomfortable. A great moisturizer can help keep skin clear and hydrated. Clinque’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion smooths your skin and leaves you with a strikingly healthy complexion. According to Sephora’s site description, this lotion “slips easily onto the skin and absorbs quickly, leaving skin comfortable, soft, and healthy looking.” With a good moisturizing routine you’ll be ready to go makeup free in no time! The key to great looking skin without makeup is just cleaning, toning,and

moisturizing. Instead of waking up every morning and slabbing on a gallon of drugstore foundation, $4 bronzer, and chalky blush, you should cleanse, tone, and moisturize. We live in a world where physical beauty is so important and celebrities are the pinnacle of glamour. Instead of falling into the trap where you hide behind your makeup, let your bare face shine while you look radiant and fresh.


March 5, 2012


Must Have Fashion Trends for Spring 2012 Nicole Arzoomanian staff Writer

As most fashionistas know, the 2012 New York Fashion Week ran from February 9 until February 16. This week in fashion traditionally sets the stage for upcoming spring fashion and lays out all of the most popular trends that we will see this season. However, not all of us can afford Marc Jacobs or Alexander Wang’s collection pieces. There are several more affordable stores, like H&M, The Gap, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters, and Forever 21 that carry their versions of the trendy pieces of the season. Models this year were sporting matte lipstick and hair that was parted right down the middle or slicked back. Anything orange, right and tropical prints, simple but bold whites, dip-dyed pieces, sporty styles, and color blocking are just a few of the many trends that were seen repeatedly on the runway of New York Fashion Week this year. Orange is definitely the main color of the season. All over the runway there was the brightness of orange, from shades of tangerine, to mango, to bright almost fire orange. This is one of the easiest trends to go after since there are literally so many options. You could choose something as simple as an orange nail polish or a clutch to spice up your outfit. Orange earrings with a generally neutral outfit could be just what you need to stand out in a sea of normality. As for bottoms, patterned tights and colored jeans are all over the runway. Pairing the traditional Little Black Dress

with crocheted or knitted black tights will add flavor to an outfit that otherwise may go unnoticed. Colored jeans are seen everywhere too. A simple outfit, such as jeans, a white shirt, and a black blazer can turn into a fashion statement if you just change the color of your jeans. Red, orange, green, purple, or pink might sound too daring, but it can’t hurt if you give it a try. Taking risks within the fashion world is exhilarating! Blazers are always fashionable, and now, pairing them with colored jeans is a fabulous statement. There is also the newly popular peplum style. The gathered bottom creates a girly and flirty frill. You can sport this peplum trend on a shirt or a skirt. This style is everywhere and can add a particular cuteness to an ensemble. Peplum styles are interesting because they give off a hint of innocence with an undertone of flirtation. These next few trends were unexpected, yet surprisingly stylish. Bold and tropical prints, and metallic anything, were seen in almost all of the fashion shows. There were many printed blazers and pantsuits that added pizazz to an otherwise normal outfit. Not all of the bold prints were outrageous though, which means that just about anyone can pull them off! If you really don’t think a print is fitting for you, have no fear, pastels are in this season too. Tops in light pinks, blues, greens, and yellows were sprinkled along the runway as well. The metallic trend is surprisingly affordable. For example, the first picture I saw on the homepage of H&M’s website was a female model in a metallic gold sweater. Walking the line between casual and dressy, you can play up this type of

metallic sweater with black jeans and heels to be appropriate for a fancy dinner out, or you can play it down, with light jeans and a pair of boots. Metallic accessories are also popular. This includes bangles, earrings, and particularly big, clunky watches. As for fearless and unusual trends, dip dyed anything is in style. Dip-dyed bags, jeans, and jeggings are all over the place. While you avoid spring cleaning, and instead go shop for spring clothes, you cannot go wrong with these items. Anything white is divine. White jeans fit into the colored jean trend, and white and bold tops are always sure to make a statement. A simplistic white piece can be worn in so many different ways that it’s definitely worth buying. Another musthave item is a knitted sweater or vest.

Wearing one of these knitted sweaters over a tank top is the ultimate casual spring attire. If you can’t spend the money on new clothes, scrounge up some pieces you already have and follow the colorblocking trend. Many of the models on the runway were sporting two or three colors in a blocking pattern, which stuck me as bold but not over the top. This is an easy trend to imitate because it’s not fancy at all. It’s just colors and shades. Another easier trend is the sporty, yet still girly look. This can be created through any type of outfit, whether it be a t-shirt and jeans, or a casual sweat suit that looks like it could be worn to the gym. These styles are very easy to imitate and picking up on just a few of these trends will help anyone make it through the fabulous season of

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Albums You Might've Missed

Ken Grand-Pierre Art Director

Technology has become quite an inf luence in our lives. Sure, things such as how we receive our news and the way we interact with others are run in a more efficient pace, but something that tends to happen quite often is that we miss out on some truly special things. This happens frequently when it comes to entertainment. It is to the point where some people rely solely on reviews to choose what movies and music they’ll even end up paying attention to. Well what if I told you that even though it’s only March there’s a slew of really great albums that have been released already? Now don’t feel bad about looking confused, that’s where I come in to help. Here are some of the best stand out albums that were released in 2012 so far. Tough Love by Pulled Apart by Horses This band has received a reputation for being an eclectic live act. Known for tracks played at breakneck speeds while literally destroying stages by the end of their gigs, it’s with little surprise that famous producer Gil Norton (Nirvana, Jimmy Eat World, Pixies, etc.) would make it his next task to work with the band. Tough Love features a more mature Pulled Apart By Horses but I’m using mature in its brightest definition. This album is not about attempting to reach a new level of awareness but simply rocking out harder then the band ever has before. Tracks such as “V.E.N.O.M.” and “Bromance Ain’t Dead” retain the light hearted humor that had made the band accessible with their debut record. The guitar chords on this album have been amped up to levels you probably didn’t know possible and are sure to enjoy. If you’re looking for a super fast guitar record and an album you’ll certainly still be talking about by the year’s end, then Tough Love will be a very enjoyable album for you to discover. (For fans of: Foo Fighters, Protest The Hero, and Cage The Elephant)

Given to The Wild by The Maccabees Seeing such a great amount of talent put into a record by a band should be a given but there are still pieces of music that end up leaving you with goosebumps. Given to The Wild is the new album by Brighton, England youngster, The Maccabees. After gaining a reputation for being a straightforward indie band, it could almost be considered left field for this particular band to release an album like Given To The Wild. It’s an album layered with intricate guitar chords and synth tones that evoke various emotions throughout the albums run-time. The Maccabees not only found a way to surpass the expectations placed on them, but the band has also made a true standout of an album. Given To The Wild plays like the score to a film, which does make it hard to listen to individual tracks on their own. Hearing the tracks progressions with their various tones of personality really is an enjoyable thing to behold. (For fans of: Foals, Arcade Fire, and Phoenix)

Little Sparks by Delorentos Seeing any act in the music business wear independence on their sleeve tends to be a suspicious thing. Are they really independent and if so why? Who finances the band and does this level of independence show in their music? Delorentos are an Irish act that has played various festivals throughout Europe and the states. 2012 features the release of the bands third album, Little Sparks. If you ever wanted a sonic representation of the word diverse then look no further than this album. The album really delves into the various stages of life (love, loss, acceptance, etc.) and those moments shine best in tracks such as “Did We Ever Really Try?”, “Waited For You So Long”, and “The Stream”. Little Sparks is an album that emphasizes how much of a craft creating an album actually is. As a listener, it is truly interesting to experience that unfold throughout the tracks. (For fans of: Snow Patrol, Arctic Monkeys, and Bloc Party)

A Flash Flood of Colour by Enter Shikari The combinatin of electronica and rock is an acquired taste for most music fans. Seeing the fusion of both genres done correctly tends to be when the tracks sound bombastic yet vastly layered. This is something that Enter Shikari has taken to heart and what really makes this album shine is how accessible it is to listeners. There’s not really anything to read into and break apart like the bands previous effort Common Dreads. This time around it’s an onslaught of noise that you’ll spend a good while wondering how a group of people even created this. Dubstep does come into play here but what is really outstanding are the guitar chords which sound so sharp that they could cut down a redwood tree if ever given the chance to. Sure, Rou Reynolds tracks still remain somewhat thought provoking but if you find yourself shaking your head in a violent fashion once the album kicks off, then don’t worry, that’s certainly the desired effect. (For fans of: Skrillex, A Day To Remember, and The Wonder Years)

Sweet Sour by Band of Skulls Bands that utilize the simple components of song writing tend to make sure that every part of their records count. Band of Skulls really takes advantage of this with their sophomore album, Sweet Sour. The album teleports the listener back to the dim lit saloon that you’d visualize while listening to the bands debut album, Baby Doll Face

March 5, 2012

Darling Honey. This time around, the trio that makes up Band of Skulls are more mature and confident in their songs. Our rock stars are still clad in the same leather jackets and worn boots, but the energy behind tracks such as “The Devil Takes Care Of His Own” and “Bruises” are made of something newly found. Sweet Sour is a clear indication of a band that has learned a lot since picking up their instruments for the first time. What truly makes it an enjoyable listen is that as each track progresses you’re left wondering “how can the next track compete with this?” While you’re left wondering that, Band of Skulls are shattering any expectation you began to form. (For fans of: Cage The Elephant, The Dead Weather, and The Gaslight Anthem)

Baby by Tribes If there’s one thing that makes people (New Yorkers especially from my experience) suspicious are albums that don’t suit the season. When the wind is howling and causing frost to form in your hair the last thing you want to listen to is guitar chords that are suited for a drive to a beach. However, these newcomers, Tribes, pull this off by releasing a highly infectious debut titled Baby. Most reviews for this album hark back to The Strokes debut Is This It. Though being a valid opinion, the true strength of Tribes debut is how fresh, yet simple, all the tracks come across. No gimmicks and no trend setting, just simple rock n roll at it’s finest. (For fans of: Young The Giant, The Strokes, and The Hives)


March 5, 2012

There’s More to Spices Than Taste

Juliana Roth

Staff Writer

A good cook knows the important role that spices play in a meal, and a good eater will appreciate its proper use. Humans have a long history of attachment to spices, with the foundations of global trade being set upon the allure of spices for their ability to enrich a food’s f lavor, add vibrant color to a dish, and even naturally preserve foods. An understanding of the nutritional benefits and medicinal uses of spices is often overlooked, though, despite its prominent heritage within our world. The most commonly used spices in the United States of America are salt, pepper, and vanilla. While these spices do add f lavor and health benefits to dishes, maintaining a narrow use of spices excludes the richness offered in Eastern cuisine, like turmeric, cumin, ginger, and paprika. Not only are these spices f lavorful, but is believed that they prevent and relieve many diseases. Turmeric is an anti-inf lammatory,

which gives relief to those suffering from arthritis while ginger helps to maintain healthy digestion. Spices that are more commonly used offer a great deal to your health as well. Cinnamon has been linked to lowering cholesterol, parsley may help keep your arteries clean, and garlic is often used to kill off minor viruses. While skepticism still remains about the ability of spices to treat and even cure illnesses, foods’ inf luence on the body is hard to ignore. A healthier diet leads to a healthier body - period - but the use of spices can serve as an enhancement to a well-rounded diet. The priority spices have been given in cooking has existed since mankind first discovered these potent seasonings. A good way to measure the health of your food is not just on its source and freshness, but also on its variety of spices. Vegetable Curry 1 can of coconut milk (12 oz) ½ cup of vegetable broth 3 tsp GMO-free soy sauce 1½ tsp each of cumin and turmeric (3 tsp of curry powder may substitute)

1 tsp of chili powder ½ tsp of cane sugar 5-10 basil leaves ½ cup each of chopped onion, red pepper, zucchini, sweet potato, and green beans 1 lime Combine the coconut milk, cane sugar, and vegetable broth into a


medium sauce pan. Once the mixture starts to bubble, add in the spices and stir. Add in the vegetables, lower the heat and uncover the pan. Allow about 10 minutes for the vegetables to cook. Once the vegetables are cooked, add in soy sauce, basil leaves, and lime to taste. To thin the curry, add ½ cup of water. This dish goes well over brown rice. Enjoy!

Messing With Mother Nature - The Practice of Genetically Modifying Foods: Part 4

Monica Powell

Science & Health Editor

The strongest advocates of GMOs counteract the studies completed on genetically engineered crops, which have ended in very disturbing, as well as dangerous results by discussing the apparent advantages of this innovative biotechnology. Below are three of the most common arguments presented by the pro-GMO community today. First of all, the DNA of transgenic plants are structured in such a way as to resist the damage caused by herbicides and pesticides. The weeds and pests, which are the very things targeted by the chemical sprays, would be the only components destroyed, thus leading to higher survival rates of the crops and therefore greater yields per acre of farmland. This more efficient

way of ridding the cultivated land of pests would predictably provide more income for the farmers growing these GM foods because of less pesticide usage and more crops sold each season. The farmer would not be the only one saving money, either. Consumers would find that prices on select food products would decrease because of a larger abundance of that food. Secondly, the environment is also exposed to less chemical sprays because of the genetically engineered crops’ resistance against destructive factors. The ability to manipulate a plant’s genetic make-up allows scientists to essentially control what traits it will possess as it matures. This again ref lects back to the benefits expressed above regarding a plant’s resilience to environmental factors that it would normally be subject to, including extreme weather conditions such as harsh freezes, droughts, and f loods.

Graham Brookes and Peter Barfoot of PG Economics Ltd. in the UK reported this: “GM technology has also resulted in 172,000 tonnes (tons) less pesticide use by growers and 14 percent reduction in the environmental footprint associated with pesticide use.” (Advantages of Genetically Modified Food”, 2005) In focusing on a much broader scale, the issue of world hunger would have the opportunity of being minimized, or possibly eliminated, in those countries that are most affected by starvation, including much of Africa and parts of Asia. Statistics suggest that as many as nine hundred twenty-five million individuals are not supplied with adequate amounts of food daily and that five million children under the age of five die annually due to malnutrition (“World Food Programme - Hunger Stats”, 2011). If it continues to be true that genetically engineered crops are able to grow in many diverse climates

and are even able to repel pests that would otherwise reduce the amount of harvestable crops, those supporting the world-wide distribution of GMOs propose that these plants may just be the solution. Although there appears to be both advantages and disadvantages behind the science of genetic engineering, we must make it a priority to weigh the pros and cons in order to make the wisest choice concerning this type of biotechnology that has the power to alter genetics. It is paramount that we investigate and acknowledge the consequences of manipulating such a delicate and vital part of existence before making assumptions of its relative safety or danger, for when we fail to do so it is then that we risk neglecting an important scientific breakthrough or overlooking the unsustainable of such a practice.



March 5, 2012

How to Make a Consommé Katherine Aucena staff Writer

A consommé is made by adding a mixture of ground meats together with mirepoix, which is a combination of leeks, carrots, celery, onions, tomatoes, and egg whites, into a basic stock. The key to make a high quality consommé is in the simmering process. When a raft is formed out of the egg whites, meat and vegetables, it brings impurities to the surface of the liquid, which are further drawn out due to the presence of acid from the tomatoes, resulting in a richly flavored, clear broth.

100g Carrots {Diced} {Cooked} 100g Haricot Verts (String Bean) {Diced} {Cooked} 100g Peas {Cooked} Procedure In a bowl, mix the ground turkey with the egg whites using your hands. Mix well so that there are no lumps in the meat. Once they are mixed well, add the julienned carrots, leeks, celery, chopped tomatoes and tomato paste. Mix well by hands. Add the marmite little by little and mix well by hand. Pour the mixture in a stockpot and bring to a simmer over medium to low heat, stirring often with a wood spatula. A

raft will form. Once it starts to form, stop stirring and instead of the wood spatula, use a 2 oz ladle to add moisture to the raft slowly forming a hole in the middle big enough for the ladle to go through. Do this from the center of the raft. Do not break up the raft and do not let it boil. Slowly simmer it for 40 to 50 minutes. Once the meat and the vegetables are cooked and they have enriched the marmite, turn off the the heat. Using the ladle, carefully remove the consommé from the stockpot from the middle of the raft {where we initially formed a hole}. Pass the consommé through a chinois lined with damp towel or cheesecloth. Remove any remaining fat from the top of the consommé. Taste and season with

salt. Reheat the consommé in a saucepan. Add the garnish to heat through as well. Pour the soup into hot bowls and serve immediately. TIPS AND NOTES Why you use egg whites to do a consommé: Egg whites are part of the process referred to as clarification by which impurities are removed, resulting in a richly flavored broth. Chinois: Conical extremely fine mesh.




In this recipe, I explain how to make the perfect duck consommé which can be adapted to create many other versions like chicken or beef consommé. Duck Consommé VegetabDifficulty: Intermediate 4 to 6 Servings

With Yield:

Ingredients 3k g Duck Marmite {At 120° F} 300 g Ground Turkey 80 g Carrots {Julienne} 80 g Leeks {Julienne} 60 g Celery {Julienne} 200 g Plum Tomatoes {Chopped} 12 Egg Whites 1 Tablespoon Tomato Paste Salt For The Garnish

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March 5, 2012


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Review Louie Gaitan


Before I get into all the various things Reckoning does right and wrong, I have to say this is a very fun game. I thoroughly enjoy every time I load the game up. The world they have set up also seems very interesting and I’m excited to see more games, and other things like books, set in this universe. It’s your typical fantasy setting except the story was penned by famed fantasy writer R.A. Salvatore and it shows. At first glance, the story seems simple with the major conflict being the corrupted Fae (immortal elves) versus the mortal races, but they are so many other conflicts despite this huge war going on. The only problem, since this is a completely new setting, is that the conflicts aren’t very fleshed out yet and there are deeper underlying issues that have not yet been revealed. More content seems to be on the way though, so these things should come either with time or through DLC or new games. The gameplay is a fresh take on the classic Western RPG. Movement in combat is fluid and dodging and blocking maneuvers actually matter, unlike Skyrim where dodging and blocking can seem pointless. Combat seems a bit more like an action game like God of War but you have the freedom to customize it with the RPG elements. The combat styles are broken into might, finesse, and sorcery representing the classic warrior, rogue, and

Oh Snap! No Need to Shutter Find the perfect camera for you

Matt Holland

Contributing Writer

Buying the right camera today is no easy task. Seeing past the gimmicks and deciphering all of the technical jargon are just two of many challenges that a consumer may face. The truth is, there is no such thing as a universally perfect camera. Each type has a specific niche in the photography world. Cameras can be classified into several groups. A few types prevalent today include, but are certainly not limited to, DSLRs, point and shoots, hybrids, and of course, camera phones. As technology continues to progress, the gaps between these devices have become narrower and narrower, but nevertheless, a few fundamental differences remain constant. Each of these differences is suited for a different purpose. So prior to purchasing a camera, think about the kind of photographer you want to be and the kind of things you will be shooting. For instance, if you are simply looking to take spontaneous pictures to document your fascinating life, you might want to consider investing in a smart phone with a decent camera. Believe it or not, iPhones have a legitimate camera system that is becoming more advanced with each update. With proper shot composition, iPhone photos can be easily mistaken for professional quality. The utility of editing and photography applications only enhances the resulting images. But because phones are multifunctional devices, a lot of the technology is diverted to other necessities. Point and shoot cameras are another option that might be appealing to a slightly more serious photographer.

This kind of camera is best suited for documenting events, perhaps a night out on the town, a party atmosphere, or even a vacation with the family. Because most people do not want to take the time to fiddle around with manual settings, the point and shoot is an excellent alternative for those with little time to spare. With a variety of preset functions such as, portrait, landscape, sport, macro, and nighttime options, it is easy to select the correct setting for each situation. But this ease of use does come at a price to the photographer. Because the settings are preset, they cannot be fine tuned to accommodate specific lighting conditions or focusing control. Consequently, many people’s Facebook walls and photo albums are littered with blurry, dim, or washed out pictures. For those who are willing to invest a little more money, a DSLR camera is another excellent option. DSLR stands for Digital Single Lens Ref lex, and basically just means that your field of view is ref lected through a mirror into the viewfinder. What separates a DSLR from a point and shoot is its ability to control shutter speed and aperture size. Essentially both shutter speed and aperture size are used to regulate the amount of light entering the camera. By learning to use these variables to compensate for each other under certain lighting conditions, the photographer can gain full control over how the picture quality will turn out. If you can afford a DSLR such as a Nikon 3100, 5100, or any of Cannon’s Rebel series you will be able to capture a scene as it appears to your own eyes, and often times in even more vivid detail. With all of these variables in mind it might still be difficult to make a decision on what camera to buy. I think

the most important question to ask your self is, “Where do I want my photography skills to take me?” and, “What kind of photographer am I?” and then work from there.

mage archetypes respectively. In addition to special abilities for each archetype, there are weapons that corresponds to each combat style. Styles can be mixed and matched to create interesting effects and you can choose specializations called Destinies that grant stat bonus and unique abilities. The weapons feel really different to use and allows you to change your tactics. My personal favorites are daggers, which allow for awesome stealth kills, and chakrams, which are kind of like magic frisbees of death that boomerang back to you. Enemies are quite varied and often encourage you to try different combat styles and utilize weapons that you may have ignored. There is a huge amount of side quests to keep you busy between main storyline and faction quests. However, these side quests tend to not be as good as the main storyline. The lack of dynamic leveling of the world means that doing too many side quests can out level you for the story quests. The factions are really captivating and have more back-story than one might expect. My favorite faction is the Travellers, a guild of thieves who take orders from a god and have strong sense of being a family. It’s fun to play as a thief with a seemingly greater purpose instead of just being a member of a gang of thugs. After Skyrim’s Thieves Guild, who had many members that treat the player like trash and seem to be there only for their own needs, the Travellers are a welcome change.


Mariano Rivera Hints 2012 Could Be His Last Season Devon Keane

Contributing Writer

All players have reported to Spring Training as another exciting year of baseball lies straight ahead! The busy offseason for teams such as the Miami Marlins, Los Angeles Angels, Detroit Tigers, and New York Yankees gives fans much to anticipate. One of the latest headlines heading into Spring Training is Mariano Rivera’s hint towards retirement. “I won’t let you know now, but I know,” Rivera said when asked about his retirement decision in an interview at Steinbrenner Field. “It doesn’t depend on how I’m going to pitch. Always, I want to do my job, but I made my decision already.” Rivera has reportedly let his family in on secret, and claims that the Yankees will know next. Jorge Posada said 2012 is Rivera’s last season, while Derek Jeter argues he has at least three more. It would be hard to picture a Yankee season without Mariano Rivera jogging to the mound to record the final outs while “Enter Sandman” plays in the background. Mo is the holder of the Major League record 603 career saves, a twelve-time All-Star, and owner of five World Series rings. He is entering the final year of a two-year, $30 million deal. Rivera is arguably the best relief pitcher in all of baseball. Mariano claims that it has become harder and harder for him to leave his family for Spring training each year. “There’s a lot of things more than baseball that I want to do,” Rivera said. “It’s just a matter of time.” The Yankees definitely aren’t looking forward to the day when number 42 isn’t waiting in the bullpen. While Rivera has said he hinted

retirement a couple times in the past, Mo said, “This one is different.” David Robertson, Mariano’s set-up man, said he’ll believe it when he actually sees it. “He may have hinted, but you never know,” Robertson said. “He may Brett Favre us.” And Robertson is right, even in baseball, players bounce in and out of retirement. Roger Clemens came out of retirement three times; and Manny Ramirez just signed a Minor League contract with the Oakland Athletics even though he announced his retirement early April last year. Joe Girardi said that he hasn’t discussed anything with Mariano. “Obviously we all knew that one day it’s going to come to an end,” Girardi said. He also said the Yankees are fortunate to receive so many successful years of service from Rivera. While David Robertson said that he would be honored to serve as the closer

for the Yankees, he also said, “Those are big shoes. Those are shoes that I don’t think anybody’s ever going to really be able to fill.” Rafeal Soriano also commented on Rivera’s possible retirement. “To me, I look forward to helping the team. Whatever decision he makes, it’s fine with me. We’ll see what happens. I’m not going to think about that; I think about winning this year.” Girardi assured that he believes Robertson and Soriano could step into the closer role after Rivera, but he is in no rush to find out. Rafeal Soriano signed a three-year, $35 million deal with the Yankees last year. Although his first season in pinstripes was plagued by injuries, he was the American League saves leader in 2010 with 45 saves for the Tampa Bay Rays. And as for Robertson, he earned his only save when Rivera wasn’t available on September 3rd last season against the

Blue Jays. He was able to record the final six outs with ease. When Rivera was asked if he would continue to work with baseball when he retires, he said he would work in the Minor Leagues with younger players, but he has ruled out managing. It’s safe to say the rest of the American League can take a big sigh once Mo retires. His calm demeanor on the field is accompanied by his pleasant persona in the clubhouse, which will definitely be missed by his teammates. The Panamanian native will definitely earn a spot in the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown and Monument Park at Yankee Stadium. Mariano’s performance will be looked at more closely this year, as fans and players will appreciate the way he dominates all hitters with his cut fastball for possibly one more season.

A Look at What's to Come in the Second Half of the NBA Season David Strinkovsky Sports Editor

After a very exciting first half of the NBA season and a sensational all-star weekend, the final half of the NBA season is about to be well on its way. The NBA all-star weekend was very thrilling as there were slamdunks never seen before, and a very unusually exciting finish to the all-star game. However, the excitement is only beginning, as the second half of the NBA season seems to be very competitive, as many teams seem to be making strong runs. There are a lot of things to think about as the second half of the season starts, especially if the Knicks are true contenders in the NBA. Where will Dwight Howard be traded? Perhaps the Clippers will win a championship. Will the Bulls be able to make a trip to the finals? There are many other questions at hand for the upcoming season, but any unexpecting game can change the outcome of this year’s NBA finals. If the Knicks keep up their level of play and start playing some serious defense, they could definitely give teams like Miami and Chicago a run for their money. Look for the Knicks to be a big sleeper team. Dwight Howard has been rumored of possibly being traded to nearly every single team in the league.

The Knicks even seem like a potential team for Dwight Howard, but the Nets and Lakers seem to be the two teams putting up substantial offers. The Lakers are not willing to give up both Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum because of their current winning roster. The Nets are Dwight Howard’s preferred destination, but the Magic seem very open to trading him to a wide variety of teams, ranging from the Nets, to the Dallas Mavericks. Wherever Dwight Howard moves, there will most certainly be a large shift of power amongst conferences or teams in the league. Centers like Dwight Howard are so unique that any team they land on will be considered a contender. The Miami Heat shows no signs of slowing down, and the Clippers and Thunder are only getting better. In the NBA playoffs, especially in the western conference, there aren’t many upsets, simply because the level of talent of NBA teams is high. This year’s conference championships will feature the Heat and the Bulls in the east and, the Thunder and the Clippers in the west. However, if the Lakers can acquire Dwight Howard, they will be in the conference championship as opposed to the Clippers. If the Heat can succeed in the Eastern conference, they can definitely win the finals.

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