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Vol. 45 Issue 4 October 8, 2012 Facebook.com/Outlookpress

Obama and Romney Begin Debates As 2012 Presidential Election Nears

Features 3 “With autumn upon us there is even more reason to take some time to enjoy that natural world around us as preserved in our state and national parks. ” Daniel Stimpfle, Student

The best hiking spots in Rockland offer us a beautiful world away from the world.

Style 15 “I’m in love with the classic feminine touch the bows add, and the chic open-backed effect is a must for upcoming fashion trends. ” Shaina Matthews, Student

These DIY bow shirts are a fun and creative way to spice up that old t-shirt in your closet.

Eugene Levit

news editor

As the two presidential candidates verbally sparred about our domestic policies in their first televised debate at the University of Denver, independent voters were left to decide which was better suited to be the head of the United States of America. The first question presented by PBS newsman Jim Lehrer, the moderator, was about jobs and what the major differences were between President Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s job creation policies. President Obama responded first, stating, “I think we’ve got to invest in education and training. I think it’s important for us to develop new sources of energy here in America, that we change our tax code to make sure that we’re helping small businesses and companies that are investing here in the United States.” President Obama said that if we invest in small businesses, and those small businesses become successful, they can begin hiring more employees. He also stated that Romney’s plan is to cut taxes, especially towards the wealthy, in the hopes that they’ll hire more employees with the extra money in their pocket. Romney stated that his plan was not to cut taxes for the rich, and that the President and media were making false accusations about his plan. He noted that his plan to create more jobs had five basic parts:energy independence; more trade; job training and improving education; balancing the budget; and championing small businesses. The main difference that the two candidates have in job

creation policy is their tax code. Obama wants to extend the Bush tax cuts for families earning less than $250,000. Romney said he wants to cut taxes for everyone. He stated that the middle class is “just being crushed. Middle-

income Americans have seen their income come down by $4,300. This is a -- this is a tax in and of itself. I’ll call it the economy tax. It’s been crushing.” Romney also mentions that health care costs have increased by $2,500 per

family during the past four years. The middle class can’t spend money if it’s all going to taxes and health care. Obama argued that under his administration, taxes for middleclass families have been cut by $3,600. He also claims that Romney’s proposal includes a $5 trillion tax cut and $2 trillion in additional spending for the military. He notes that Romney plans to pay for all this is by closing tax loopholes and deductions, although according to the President, Romney has never been specific about which loopholes and deductions he would close. Throughout the debate, Romney was not able to go into detail about his plans, but said that he “will not add to the deficit with my tax plan.” Obama replied, “If you are lowering the rates the way you described, Governor, then it is not possible to come up with enough deductions and loopholes that only affect highincome individuals to avoid either raising the deficit or burdening the middle class. It’s -- it’s math. It’s arithmetic.” Without any details about his plan, Romney did a poor job arguing that his policies wouldn’t raise the deficit. Romney’s plan to balance the budget is to get more people working with higher wages, so that they’d be paying more taxes. Obama said that, in contrast, he believes in a more balanced approach, including cutting tax loopholes for large companies such as ExxonMobil, who he said don’t need extra money. During this discussion of the economy, little moderating was done by Lehrer, earning him a fake Twitter account, @ SilentJimLehrer, a comical display of Lehrer’s comments throughout SEE DEBATE PAGE 2

Professors Discuss “The Last Good Book” Tech 21 “When choosing between PC’s and Macs, it is best to focus on your interests and what you look for in a computer.” Anuj Chokshi, Student

The differences between Mac and Windows computers.

Eugene Levit

news editor

“The Last Good Book I Read” colloquium, coordinated by history professor Dr. David Lucander, is a chance for RCC faculty to discuss the latest book they read, covering a wide range of themes and social issues. The colloquium is sponsored by the Rockland Community

College Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL). In each session, a faculty member attempts to expand student and faculty knowledge, and possibly make them more aware of what is going on in the world around them. The first presentation was on Monday, September 10. In this segment of the series, Professor of English Reamy Jansen, presented “The Honor Code: How Moral

Revolutions Happen,” by Kwame Anthony Appiah. After earning his Ph.D. at Cambridge University, Appiah has since become the Laurence S. Rockefeller University Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University. In his book, Appiah discusses how honor and morality have influenced different events in history, including Chinese foot SEE LAST BOOK PAGE 2


October 8, 2012

Completion Day Motivates Students to Graduate on Time Eugene Levit

News Editor

On October 3, Rockland Community College participated in the SUNY statewide Completion Day, a day meant to encourage kids to graduate on time. The event at RCC was managed by Dr. James Siegel, the Dean of Student Development, and a volunteer committee. The day included free refreshments, live demonstrations of careers, including a crime scene investigation. The day also involved speeches from President Cliff Wood and State Senator David Carlucci, an RCC alumnus. Both leaders in our communities, these two spent the day asking students to sign a pledge to graduate within three years, saying that having a degree will better their lives in the future. The school already has a number of ways to help students graduate on time. Dr. Wood said that when the student enters the school, “They get the courses that are right for them, that they have a program to study that they can be successful in.” An important part of graduating on time is taking the right classes based on interest, speakers said during the day. A major reason why students end up dropping classes or failing is because they don’t feel connected to the subject. A student who perhaps has an interest in economics shouldn’t be taking three science classes. When students first sign up for classes, students have a mandatory meeting with an advisor. During this session, they discuss the student’s future and what he or she wants to do. Based on this conversation, the student and advisor pick a degree sheet to be completed, hopefully within two to three years. Each semester, the student has the option to talk to their advisor for additional advice.

Students also face a larger economic burden than in the past. Senator Carlucci is looking for ways in which the government could help out students. One idea that he is trying to push through is the College Affordability Plan. According to NYSenate.gov, the plan “would help parents save for higher education for their children and give students and families access to low interest student loans, as well as clear information about the size of the loan debt they are taking on.” Carlucci said that he “wants to give every student access to a great education, but we

don’t want to leave them with decades worth of debt.” He also wants to have people start thinking about creative way to invest. He mentioned a “529 plan. It’s a long-term investment strategy for people that want to invest in an education. It’s kind of like a 401k plan, except for education.” For those parents who want to invest in an education for their children, he wants to make a similar plan so parents can begin investing early on. Parents could either pay for the degree in installments, or another idea he has is that a parent can invest in a lump

Presidential Candidates Hold First Debate

DEBATE FROM PAGE 1 the night, which instantly had thousands of followers. Lehrer did a poor job preventing candidates going over the time limits. It also seemed that every time he wanted to speak, either Obama or Romney would instantly interrupt him. Once the two candidates finished talking about the economy, they discussed Medicare. Romney claimed that Obama is, “Cutting $716 billion from the program. Now, he says by not overpaying hospitals and providers. Actually just going to them and saying, “We’re going to reduce the rates you get paid across the board, everybody’s going to get a lower rate.” That’s not just going after places where there’s abuse. That’s saying we’re cutting the rates. Some

15 percent of hospitals and nursing homes say they won’t take anymore Medicare patients under that scenario.” Obama said that if Obamacare were to be repealed, seniors would actually end up paying more for prescription care, and be forced to pay copays for basic checkups. Romney’s plan, on the other hand, deals with a voucher system. Obama had a few arguments against the voucher system, one of them being that it would not keep up with health care inflation, and could cost the average senior $6,000 a year. Another problem Obama had with the voucher system is that if Medicare falls apart, people would be stuck with purchasing health care from private insurers, something that the average citizen cannot afford. Obama notes

that under his plan, everyone would be covered for a supposedly cheaper rate. According to Romney “the private sector typically is able to provide a better product at a lower cost. In the end, they agreed that voters have a clear choice between the two of them on Medicare. Obama and Romney finally proceeded to talk about education. Romney argued that the responsibility of education is at the state and local level, with just a bit of help from the federal government. Obama said that if Romney kept his promise on cutting taxes, the federal government would not have enough money to support education. He claims that Romney’s plan would end up cutting the education budget by 20 percent.. In their closing arguments, Obama

fee with “2012 dollars, which will be used to educate a child in 2013.” This will account for inflation, and parents will not have to later worry about their income not going up at the same rate. Graduating on time has many benefits for students, speakers said throughout the day. Studies have shown that students with an associate’s degree make $400,000 more over a lifetime than students without any sort of degree. Unemployment for those holding an associate degree is 30 percent less than the rate for high school graduates.

promised to keep fighting for the middle class and for those trying to break their way into the middle class. Romney promised to be the “anti-Obama,” repealing Obamacare, restoring the $716 billion to Medicare, and bringing unemployment down by helping to create 12 million new jobs. According to many polls and those that watched the debate, Romney won the debate, being more aggressive and more influential. Obama seemed to hold back throughout the debate. If he continues to hold back in the remaining two debates, it could possibly cost him the election. While this was not a make or break debate for either candidate, if Mitt Romney keeps continuing at this rate, he could pull back up in the polls, and possibly be the next President of the United States.

Professors Discuss “The Last Good Book” LAST BOOK FROM PAGE 1 binding and the uprising against Atlantic slavery. Appiah even examines how it affects modern day “honor killings” in Pakistan. “Nada,” by Carmen Laforet and presented by Professor Vanessa Lago Barros on Thursday, October 4, is a coming of age story about a girl named Andrea living in Barcelona, Spain, post Spanish Civil War. Published in 1945, “Nada” remains a classic, accurately painting the essence of war-torn Barcelona through Andrea’s experiences and interactions. Written in a

span of a few months at the age of 23, many wonder how Laforet could create a work that not only displays such deep emotion but also correctly portrays the political state of the country without any real reference to the socialist regime of Francisco Franco. The final discussion in the series this fall, is of a collection of short stories, “Drown,” by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Junot Díaz. Professor Robert Fuentes will present these stories in the Technology Center, room 8322, on Wednesday, November 7 at 2:00 pm. Fuentes will discuss Díaz’s representation of Dominican immigrants

and Diaz’s writings overall. Diaz was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. At the age of six, he moved to Parlin, New Jersey with his father. The stories in “Drown” embody the impoverished life that Díaz lived, and his observations of the behavior of other Dominicans in his situation. Diaz’s accuracy in illustrating the struggle that this growing population faces hits the nail “right on the head,” many critics have noted. Many Dominicans growing up in these areas can relate to the effect that absentee fathers and exhausted mothers, have had on their lives. These three books take us to different

places around the world, and the discussions with the College faculty will express how these works influence our everyday lives. “The Honor Code” takes us to countries as far as China, but also includes Britain, Pakistan and other nations, showing that honor and morality affect people of all races the same way. “Nada” takes place in Spain, but any young woman can relate to Andrea as she grows into a woman while facing the world in which she is put in. “Drown” takes place right here in the United States, and hopefully many people will be able to empathize with the growing Dominican population here in Rockland County.


October 8, 2012

The Best Hiking Spots in Rockland The trails in Harriman Park make the cut

Daniel Stimpfle

Contributing Writer

As the temperatures are dropping and beach season comes to an end, the woods are moving into their peak season. It is within these few weeks we find ourselves in a season that truly stands out, especially in the Northeast where we can enjoy a truly vibrant landscape every fall. This can also be the best cure for semester stress from school, and for many, our jobs. One place you can visit is Island Pond, one of 31 lakes found in the second largest state park in New York, Harriman State Park. The park is located right in between Orange and Rockland counties, making it easy to travel to. Island Pond is much smaller than a lot of the lakes better known in the park, however it is one of the most scenic and least crowded lakes there. There are ruins on the south side of the lake and there are some great areas to relax and unwind in the northern areas, which are on the waterfront. Luckily, it is easily accessed by a section of the Appalachian Trail that runs along the north end of the lake. The easiest way to get to the trail is through the park’s entrance off Route 17 that is in Harriman. Here you will come to what is known as the Elk Pen on your right. There is a parking area surrounded by a open field at the foot of a large hill, which is where the trail begins. It is very steep as it takes you up a large hill. But once at the top, you are rewarded with a westwardly view of Sterling Forest on the opposite side of Rt. 17. From here it is all downhill to the watery oasis. But if you are still hungry for more spectacular views and maybe a bit of historical exploration, there is Dunderberg Mountain, which overlooks the Hudson River and Bear Mountain State Park. It was the sight of what was supposed to be the Dunderberg Spiral Railway. This was intended as a tourist roller coaster that began in 1890 and was never finished. Today you can still see m a n y of the ruins

,which includes two tunnels that can be seen from the Timp-Torne trail. But be careful about which trail you’re on in this area as there are many different trails that intersect with each other. This trail, marked with a blue rectangle, begins across the street from the anchor monument on Rt. 9W. As you begin, the trail quickly becomes steep as it travels up the mountain. Finally, as it reaches the top, the foliage opens up to show Peekskill on the eastern side of the Hudson. Further on, the Timp-Torne trail intersects with the historical 1777 path. This path follows the path taken by General Clinton as he led 3,00 British troops to attack Fort Montgomery and Fort Clinton in the Revolutionary War. From this intersection you can make a right and follow the 1777 trail for a few feet before making another right onto the white and red marked Ramapo Dunderberg trail. The trail continues to wrap around the mountain and leads back to 9W. On the way back, there are many more views of the Hudson River and Bear Mountain. But of course you don’t have to follow these suggestions alone. There are over 200 miles of trails to explore that lead to many ridge tops, lakes, ruins, and shelters. Harriman State Park is open to anyone seeking to take a breather from the hustle of modern life. With autumn upon us there is even more reason to take some time to enjoy that natural world around us as preserved in our state and national parks. For more info, there are great free online resources, such as www. everytrail.com. Which shows pictures and a general outline of the trail. The Dunderberg Spiral Railway Loop and Island pond can be found under “lemon squeezer and boston mine.” Of course it is highly suggested that you get a map for future ventures. These can be bought from nynjtc.org.


October 8, 2012

The Best Local Charities: Ways to Give Back Maria O’Toole

Contributing Writer

When people think of charity, usually the first thing that comes to mind is donating of money to a specific cause that seems as though it is in some way beneficial. Organizations usually recruit new donors by presenting a heart wrenching pamphlet, often featuring a photo of a starving child, or sickly hospital patient. Of course seeing proof of devastation through pictures and victims’ personal experiences can only invoke a desire to help, but unfortunately, it is so often that popularly promoted relief efforts are not located a feasible distance to actively participate in making a suffering person’s life better. Because of this, many individuals feel that the only way to help is financially. However, local charities do exist in and around Rockland County. RCC has volunteer opportunities available through a variety of non-profit agencies that encourage recipients to serve in hospitals, senior citizen programs, child care, after school, and reading programs, museums, mentoring programs, and at both special community and college campus events. Finding places to volunteer time and service is as simple as googling the area’s local foundations. Project Turning Point Project Turning Point, located in Clarkstown, is Rockland’s only shelter for

runaway and homeless youth, both male and female, from ages fourteen to twenty one. This specific association provides young people from broken families with a stable environment that promotes positive youth development activities. Becoming acquainted and spending time with any of the eighty young people who annually seek refuge in this residence could only impact them positively. Sometimes, it’s just the presence of someone who cares enough to listen that is needed to soothe a terrible situation.

Nyack Hospital A hospital building can very easily become a cold and depressing place,

especially for patients who must remain confined within the centre for prolonged periods of time. Becoming accustomed to seeing the familiar face of someone who visits by choice rather than necessity is, in itself, a form of therapy for such patients

that can never be overemphasized or practiced. By partaking in endeavors such as these, students are not only granted the satisfaction that comes naturally from providing selfless help to others, but can also be personally rewarded by experiencing experimental learning, exploring possible career paths, learning important life skills, and receiving a Certificate of Achievement and Volunteer Pin, all the while enhancing their resumes and ultimately receiving special recognition on individual transcripts. No one has ever been negatively impacted by helping others. In fact, by performing random acts of kindness and getting involved in any of your community’s many charities, you can only help yourself.

Making the commitment to be that person for another will never go unappreciated. Another Step Inc. Providing service to people with developmental disabilities has been the primary goal of Another Step Inc. since 1992. It was founded with the notion that with proper care and service, handicapped individuals would enhance their quality of life. Located in New City, it is not at all far from RCC and visiting the center even once a week would make a world of difference to an always grateful recipient.

The Top 5 Places to Go on a Date Melissa Mone

Social Media Editor

When you set off in life to pursue your dreams you will find yourself right smack in the middle of the dating world. However, the most important thought on anyone’s mind is where to go after that significant other has accepted your offer to go on a “date.” You want to be sure that the type of date that you choose is suitable for the other persons’ personality or interests. On that first date you want to “wow” them with fireworks and incinerate their heart with your thoughts and dreams. But where is the proper place to do be romantically spontaneous, and more importantly where locally?

Restaurant The typical date would be a restaurant. There is only one restaurant that catches my eye. Cosimo’s Brick Oven restaurant located in Central Valley, New York is the ideal Italian cuisine date destination. Cosimo’s takes pride in their commitment to consistency, quality, and dedication to meeting the expectations of each of their customers. Their Regional Tuscan fare with a New World twist is both traditional and innovative, featuring a variety of

fresh ingredients and local Hudson Valley products. The casual yet sophisticated decor provides a comfortable atmosphere perfect for enjoying an intimate night out with that special someone. This destination also encourages the vegetarian lifestyle in case your significant other has chosen that path for themselves

Movies If you are a person that is not quite the talker or you are nervous about a date, then going on a cinematic adventure with your beloved is a perfect choice. Not only will you show your originality, but you will allow your date to feel comfortable in an environment that they are comfortable with. The local movie theatres that are more preferred for private movie entertainment would be the Clearview New City theater located on 202 South Main Street in New City, New York. The second choice of theater entertainment would be Lowes in the Palisades Center Mall; however that theatre is not as private and small as Clearview’s. Broadway Going to a live performance is both a sensational and thrilling experience. If you are a fan of musicals or the theater, then you should share that love with your date. Of course, the best place to see any live performance would be the whole Broadway strip in New York City. They have many plays being performed

and every one is highly recommended. If I had to recommend one play, I would recommend The Phantom of the Opera. This play has the theme of love and admiration, which can be in your favor on your date as a topic of discussion.

Dinner Cruise Let’s say you want to go the traditional route, however you and your date love the feeling of being outdoors. A dinner cruise is a very romantic thought-out event to partake in. If your significant other loves the sea or just loves the peace and quiet of being away from the city, then this is your ideal date. Seeing the lights of New York City gives this date that extra pinch of romanticism.

The best place to go on a dinner cruise would be the Starlight Dinner Cruise which leaves from New York Pier 40, 353 West Street. The cruise leaves the pier at 7:00 p.m. but boards at 6:00 p.m. This short, three-hour yacht cruise offers a four-course dinner along with DJ entertainment and dancing as well as the breathtaking scenic New York Harbor views. Although this is one of the more expensive date choices, the experience is completely worth the money.

Bear Mountain If you plan on creating an all-day date, then I would suggest Bear Mountain. Bear Mountain’s scenic views are so beautiful and it has much to offer. From the peace and quiet of the mountain side to the small zoo, this destination is indeed an all-day event. You and your date can enjoy a nice picnic in the huge grassy field and afterwards take a stroll by the Bear Mountain Pond while you both create small talk. With the seasons changing, the pond reflects the autumn leaves that are so realistic it is as if you are walking on never-ending path of majestic beauty. When the day turns to dusk, you can enjoy the ice rink and hold hands while gliding together. It really is the perfect way to end a perfect day. If you are going out with a person for the first time, or if you are celebrating an anniversary, or just in the mood to surprise your significant other then take all of these ideas into consideration. They are the most ideal and thoughtful way to spend time with the one you desire.

October 8, 2012


BEST LOCAL PARKS Living in suburbia can sometimes be a downer. Every now and then, we need a little more than that one oak tree planted in the front yard. Here, I offer you a guide to our county’s best local parks. Approximately 28 minutes from RCC, in Harriman, NY, is a very lush and allinclusive state park. Bear Mountain is well known to most residents of Rockland County, and includes various activities and attractions for all seasons. For the summer season, Bear Mountain’s lakes provide beautiful scenery, and an opportunity to row or canoe. There is also the option of swimming in the

If you are traveling in the winter time, Bear Mountain, unlike most parks, still remains open. They maintain a very popular ice skating rink, welcoming to all ages. It is open all days of the week, except for Tuesdays, and is great fun for the whole family! Nearby is a rare attraction, the Bear Mountain merrygo-round. Regardless of age or gender, there is something for everyone in Bear Mountain State Park. Also in Harriman, NY, there is the inventively named Harriman State Park. Within its roads, Harriman contains the Lake Welch beach, several lodging and campsites, picnic areas, skiing sites, and scenic views. It’s great for the summer time, when everyone wants to take a dip in the lake. At times, the beach becomes highly populated, so for the more quiet

Bear Mountain pool, which stands perpendicular to several candy and ice cream machines. For those who prefer a more wooded adventure, Bear Mountain is host to several biking and hiking trails. Most of these activities are perfect for any season. From the mountain’s peaks, there is a unique view of the Hudson River, not found elsewhere in New York. One of the most interesting features of Bear Mountain State Park, is its educational value. Particularly in the vicinity of the zoo, there are several markers and plaques which indicate the types of trees, plants, and animals that are indigenous to the area. In addition to sharing what types of plants and animals are there, the plaques also explain what used to be there. If you are looking to understand the historical and geographical context of New York State, Bear Mountain is the place to go. Following the markers and plaques, several of Bear Mountain’s trails lead to the famous Bear Mountain Zoo. All animals in the Bear Mountain Zoo are rescue animals, there to either heal or remain in a safe environment. The spectrum of animals present is very wide, ranging from bald eagles to sea otters. However, the educational value does not end with those trails. Bear Mountain is also home to a museum, where one can find information about the land, and inquire about the park itself. For those who wish to share tokens of their trip, there is also a gift shop.

travelers, there is an abundance of intimate biking and hiking trails. In the autumn, the scenery of leaves and sunshine is immaculate. There is wildlife to be seen when hiking the trails, and never a dull moment with the vibrance of the changing leaves. For winter-goers, cabin lodgings can be an ideal getaway. On a weekly basis, renting a cabin ranges from $240-$410 for up to four bedrooms. They are equipped with fireplaces, kitchens, and often include an outdoor common area with picnic tables and a grill. With the gorgeous views of several lakes and rivers, as well as many mountain peaks, Harriman is a great place to spend an afternoon, night, or week. One of the lesser-known parks, lives right outside of the famous art-town, Piermont. Also 28 convenient minutes from RCC, Tallman Mountain State Park possesses beauty as prominent as its aesthetically important neighboring town. If you find yourself in Nyack, or sipping some tea along the Hudson in Piermont, feel free to take a five minute drive down 9W to this leafy wonderland. Tallman is a very family-friendly place, embellished with several picnic areas and incredible Hudson River views. They have playgrounds for the kids, and tennis courts for the sporting advocates. Many of Rockland County’s residents are familiar with the view of the Hudson from Nyack Memorial Park or Piermont’s restaurants, but few have seen it from

Gennifer Rollins

Photography Editor

atop a mossy mountain. Tallman Mountain will provide such an experience for anyone who makes the trek. The view of the Tapanzee Bridge is so original, that at first it may be hard to identify. Unlike the vast Harriman and Bear Mountain state parks, Tallman Mountain possesses a view of the marshlands of New York. This doesn’t mean frogs will be jumping at you, nor is anyone expected to step in dirty swamp water. Instead, Tallman Mountain redefines the fairy tale definition of a swamp, and reveals it as even more majestic than imagined. If seasonal concerns arise, Tallman Mountain is also open in the winter time. They, too, have a cross country skiing area, so snow is a non-issue. It is not of the same grandeur as Bear Mountain or Harriman, but Tallman Mountain’s convenience and exclusivity makes it an enticing place to go.


If all of this is way too much traveling for you, and you are simply looking for a place to read during common hour, go to Monsey Glen Park. It is an 8 minute drive from campus, on West Maple Ave. A quiet, and certainly convenient area, Monsey Glen Park is a treasure in a traffic-ridden world. It does not have all of the flashy amenities offered in the other parks, but serves as a quiet getaway. The abundance of greenery is enough to distract you from the thousands of things on your to-do list, and there are several paths to guide the way. If you are a nature lover, or would like a chance to see Monsey from a different angle, take a trip to Monsey Glen sometime. *For all of these parks (aside from Monsey Glen Park), entrance fees only exist for certain entrances, and usually do not cost more than $8.

October 8, 2012



Now I know what you’re thinking, overly dramatic right? Ha! Wrong. Parking at RCC is no joking matter. It seems true colors are conveyed when there’s a tradeoff between being a kind, patient person and getting a parking spot in order to make that 8:00 a.m. class with two minutes to spare. RCC’s parking consists of four different

and park, as well as a few extra struts to walk to your classes, but it’s not too far from Academic I or II, as it is so much to the Technology building. It’s also a great place for parking if you’re trying to go the bookstore, because that parking lot is closest. The not so preferred parking lot is the one located near the Field House. Although this parking lot is very useful when you have gym or a performing arts class, it isn’t really that close to the technology building, Academic I, II, the Library or the bookstore; the places people most often need to go. However, it isn’t too far from the cafeteria which is its upside, but when it comes down to making that 8:00 a.m. class in Academic I with two minutes to spare, the field house parking isn’t the first round pick. As previously stated, only the strong survive and the strong consists of those with great driving skills, time management, good eyes, connections and 8:00 a.m. classes. Although the 8:00 a.m. class parking is one of the most intense moments in reference to finding parking, those people who do find it, are guaranteed parking throughout the whole day. Between traffic from the light before

most desire. Arriving at 7:50 a.m. is a bit on the daring side. However, for those who arrive at 7:55 a.m., good luck and “May the odds be in your favor.” Keep in mind that this breakdown is only relevant to those who are already at RCC, not those who are still stuck in traffic and are trying to turn into the entrance. At those moments when you are trying to beat the clock, it’s best to know someone who is already parked so that they can save a spot for you. Having a “good eye” for spots is also a helpful skill that gives you the advantage of identifying parking spaces that aren’t immediately visible to others; the one’s whose minds are in disarray

areas, two of which are preferred, one which is accepted, and one that’s usually unwanted. The two preferred areas are the student parking area that is adjacent to academic I and II, as well as the parking which is located in front of the technology building. These parking lots are most preferred because they are closest to the main buildings. The accepted parking lot is the one located behind the book store. It may take a few extra feet to drive to the back

you turn into the main RCC entrance, and the entrance of the Academic I or II student parking area, parking can be a pain. Aggression is instilled in everyone, due the anger that people experience when they come to the realization that they may be late to their first class. If yelling, tires screeches and honking are heard, RCC parking for 8:00 a.m. classes is in effect. It’s best to be at RCC by 7:45 a.m. in order to avoid any stress with parking and to make sure you get the parking spot you

because of failed attempts to find parking. In addition, as time cuts close, it might be necessary to accept that you’ll be hiking to class for the day and drive to the back in order to park near the Field House. Those with the 9:00 a.m. and later classes are not “getting food for dinner”. The most logical most reliable place to park, and for good meal is near the field house, unless you have a friend you know is coming out of a spot at 8:50-8:55 a.m.; some friends do share food with others.

Sienna Jeffries

Contributing Writer

It’s survival of the fittest, Darwin’s theory of natural selection even. Only the strong survive. It’s a jungle, a dangerous jungle, where everyone is after what they want and there’s only a limited supply. They are savages with much aggression for the same thing and will do anything to get it...yes, parking spaces at RCC; the food of the jungle.

Around 12:15 p.m., you may have some luck, since this is the common hour and people tend to leave for lunch. But once again, after 1:30 p.m., those people are lined for “starvation” until about four o’ clock, in terms of getting a spot, unless they are parking near the field house. There are most likely enough spots for everyone who does commute to RCC, rather the choice of where you want to park isn’t necessarily so equally available. Then again, I’ve never experienced the unfortunate encounter of never finding a spot, so for all I know, there aren’t enough actual spots for commuters at RCC. There are also the tease spots too, the ones that look available but are actually for teachers. Although a sign usually is visible that states “Faculty/Staff parking”, in times of disparity and stress, the sign seems to remain unseen to our eyes. However, I wouldn’t try parking in a faculty spot. There will most likely be somebody in a little blue truck tapping on your side window to move; take it from experience. In all, as long as you get here 10-15 minutes before you park, you should be able to find a spot somewhere. Hopefully, luck is on your side if it is crowded, and your non preferred but reliable parking in the field house isn’t isolated due to an event they have at RCC where they restrict a piece of the parking lot in the field house. If that’s the case, you mind as well just eliminate yourself from the food chain because you won’t survive through the afternoon. Parking at RCC can be a stressful experience or a process done with no thought. These are the moments that make RCC what it is; but remember; only those with the best fitted traits will survive; those who are most hungry will make sure they get a parking spot some way or another, so be on your toes and arrive early!


October 8, 2012

Able, Not Dis-abled Daisy Moakley

Contributing Writer

As the chaos of the start of the school year begins to slow down and we all get into our routines, we take notice of our fellow classmates, buildings and surroundings. There are the familiar faces of the friends we made last semester and there are also plenty of new individuals who are looking to become acclimated with all that college life has to offer. Some of the faces leave impressions on us, and whether they are positive or negative, the seeds have been planted. Such a seed was planted in the garden of my soul on the first day of school this semester. As I waited to get my new picture identification, I ran into a new student here. I know this young man because he was in high school with my youngest daughter. I felt such pride for him. I thought to myself, “great, awesome, don’t let anything or anyone hold you back!” This young man was born with a spinal cord disability. The reason I noticed him that day was because of his wheelchair. He slipped and glided between students, faculty and the stanchions in the lobby of the main building like a humming bird through the trees. The feeling of pride that I felt was not only for him but for my husband and the many people he has advocated with

and for as well. I saw that this young man had the opportunity to continue his education without barriers. It was not always like this though. When my husband returned to school to work on his Masters degree, he had to be carried in his wheelchair by friends to help him get to his classes on the upper floors. There were no ramps or vertical lifts to get him to where he needed to go. Only 22 years ago, this young man would not have found attending college so convenient. We have a generation of young people who do not remember a time when office buildings, buses, subway stations, shops, apartment buildings and schools were not handicap accessible. They don’t know that there were no curb ramps for wheelchair users

to get safely onto the sidewalks, and they don’t remember a time when there were no handicapped parking spaces. Although this is all second nature in our society today, it wasn’t easy getting here. There were lawsuits filed and people came out to protest in their wheelchairs, as did people who are blind, people who are deaf and others with any kind of disability. All they wanted was the chance to live as normal of a life as they possibly could. They saw themselves as people with many abilities, not people with disabilities. So, on July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush. The ADA made it illegal to

discriminate against a person with a disability. Students are to be included in the classroom. Schools are to provide students with the least restrictive learning environment possible. So here we are twenty two years after this wonderful law was signed, and with my own eyes I see what a difference it has made in the lives of many. Our students will not have to be carried up and down stairs by their fellow classmates; many will travel on a public bus for the first time on their own and others will utilize those handicapped parking spaces. Our college years are the beginning of our independent lives. It is the time when we are planning our futures and structuring our environments. We all have weaknesses and strengths. We will meet obstacles in our paths, but if you are a person with a disability, the obstacles shouldn’t include getting around your school.


October 8, 2012

The Importance of Voting Gabriela Gonzalez

Opinions Editor

As part of a democratic system, all eligible citizens have the privilege, duty, and moral responsibility to vote. Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people, isn’t it? Since the 2012 Presidential Election is coming up soon, it is important that we all get informed and perform that civil obligation. Unfortunately, for various reasons, there are many who prefer not to get involved. In fact, according to the 19602010 election results, the US has only seen a voter turnout of more than 55 percent on seven occasions. The reasons people go without voting are not hard to figure out. One of the most common arguments I hear is that our individual vote doesn’t matter at the end of the day. Another argument is that none of the presented candidates deserve to be in power and

therefore they will not vote to help them attain a spot in office. Skepticism and political apathy are keeping many from becoming a part of the decision making process that can lead to great change in our nation. It seems to me that many have lost their faith in their ability to influence government. Does each and every single vote make a difference? If we consider the 55 percent voter turnout, we can see that almost half of potential votes will make no difference at all. Only half of the population is making decisions that affect absolutely everyone. One single vote may not exactly be a deciding factor, but if a majority go out and vote, the result will reflect what the nation as a whole wants more accurately. If only certain groups get out and vote the outcome is based only on the opinions of a few. Those who do not vote essentially give up their chance to voice their opinion. It is the duty of the people to

choose their representative who then makes important decisions for the people he or she represents. If you willfully refused to take part in choosing the right representative for our country, then you cannot complain about that representative whom you let others choose for you. Furthermore, by refraining from voting, not only are people evading a responsibility, they are also taking for granted a right that was not always available to so many people. Voting is a right that was earned through the adversity endured by many generations before us. This right gives us the opportunity to be active in positive change. We all contribute to society, either in a positive way or a negative way. If we all read the news and understand the direction our

country is going in, we can work towards fixing the flaws in our society that we wish to be rid of. By being active and productive citizens, we are investing in a brighter future for ourselves and future generations. Many citizens today want the benefits of society but do not actually want to do their part in making good things happen. As JFK said “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.”

Ah, Nostalgia. I Remember When.... Gennifer Rollins

Photography Editor

In the age of the quick-fix, we often lean on the idea of way-back-when. “I remember when children used to read books and go outside.” “I remember when the programs on TV weren’t so violent.” “I remember when Furbys took over the world as the second coming of Gremlins... Don’t give them any water.” In our courtly relationship with procrastination, human life is held back. We vex ourselves with what we could have, should have, would have done, thinking back to when things were easy. Nostalgia is our medium, but in those quiet moments of reflections, are we holding ourselves back? Evolution seems to be the creed of human proclamation. I am not speaking of evolution in the sense of scientific theory, but rather in a social context. Children are expected to gain maturity as they grow. People in a romantic relationship are assumed to find forms of resolution to their problems as they stay together. Parents are supposed to find more understanding of their children’s needs from infancy to toddler life. All of these are forms of evolution. As a society, we push towards growth and productivity, but there is an underlying

current of remaining in the past. Television programs, such as Spongebob and All That, are continuously resurfacing. Disney movies recirculate to keep their presence in the minds of old viewers. Technology rushes forward, but with it comes an infinite amount of unproductive links to the past. There are entire Tumblrs, Flickrs, Facebooks, and Read-it blogs dedicated solely to the reproduction of memories. Usually these memories are not recalled for the purpose of deep thought and understanding, but rather to allow viewers to gain a cheap sense of satisfaction. In connecting with the toys, games, and entertainment forms of our childhood, we think we are getting in contact with our ability to play. In fact, it seems quite the opposite. We spend numerous hours in front of the computer looking up which Full House character is doing what drug now. Even in our most benign curiosities of the past, we may be doing detriment to our present. It has always been known (even if left unacknowledged) that our memories are seen through rose-colored glasses. However, we did not always have the ability to access those memories as easily as we do now. With the vast library of information out there, one can now do

more than ponder to link themselves to “what was.” Remember that relationship that ended a year and a half ago? Well, that guy is single now. He just messaged you a picture of the two of you when you went to Coney Island that one time. It’s okay, though, because you still keep in contact, and you’re just friends now. One can only imagine the torrent of thoughts that follows an act such as that. Having

the past so available in the present makes an unclear world even grayer. Feelings that may not be rooted in true emotion, come into existence, and are often acted upon or regretted. The object of growing up is to evolve, not regress. If we keep in contact with the parts of our past that bring joy, especially without understanding why we loved them in the first place, we are stunting our ability to establish new forms of joy.



October 8, 2012

Recession? Has Anybody Mentioned This to Apple? Kristina Nikolaj Staff Writer

During the past few years America has been in a recession. Many people have lost their jobs, have had hours cut, and saving money has become crucial in one’s life. So, if there is a recession going on, why were people so quick to buy the new iPhone 5? Why do people have to rush for the next iPhone, when you can just download the features for FREE on the iPhone 4 or 4s? Aren’t we supposed to be saving money? The price for the new iphone 5 can cost up to $649 to $849, unless you already have a contract with one of the companies such as Verizon or AT&T. Then, the price can range from $200 to $400. Many people just couldn’t wait to get their hands on the gadget. Half of those people probably just had purchased the iPhone 4s. Long lines were formed in front of apple stores, and people waited for hours, some for days. One man wanted to be the first person to receive his phone and stood online for eight days at one of the apple stores located in NYC. Five million iPhone’s were sold in just three days. This beats the record sales of the 4 million iPhone 4s’s sold. Some people are saying that the iPhone can be helping the economy.

That may be true because when America was under the Great Depression one way that our country got out of it was because off all the material being made in the factories that were needed for the war. This gave people jobs and got the currency flowing. By making new and improved iPhones, Apple will need employees to work on creating the new iPhones and will also need many employees in Apple stores. Now a days, people are expected to have the iPhone for certain jobs because of all the things you can do with it and because of it’s popularity. Apple is going to keep making new and improved iphones and the price will keep on going up. The price will never be an issue because people want this phone. Steve Jobs wanted to make life easier for people as much as he could and he accomplished his goal. Many people agree that life is easier with the iPhone5. Apple has beat out many other companies and are taking over a lot of them. Because of the access to many things, such as the internet, many people are willing to spend the money; they don’t really care about the recession when it comes to the new iPhone. So is Apple really helping the recession? We don’t really know yet, but they are doing a good job because of all the sales. Apple did create many

jobs because of all the employees they needed. I don’t think they are making the economy worse, but people should

be saving more money instead of focusing on the next big thing that Apple is coming out with.


October 8, 2012


AT&T’s “It Can Wait” Campaign Gabriela Gonzalez

Opinions Editor

A great majority of people today own cell phones and have become accustomed to using text messages as a means for communication. People are constantly sending digital messages to each other from mobile and handheld devices. The popularity of these messages has led to their more frequent use, which in turn has also had some dangerous consequences. Text messaging has been linked to distracted driving, resulting in injury or even loss of life. Reading or sending a text requires you to look down at your phone for a couple of seconds, taking your focus away from what you were doing before. If you text while you’re having a conversation with someone, you might forget what you were saying, or what the conversation was even about. If you were texting while walking down the hallway, you might forget to look where you’re going and crash into someone, or trip over something. This type of distraction becomes hazardous when operating a motor vehicle. Cell phone provider AT&T has decided to rise up and take action. They recently launched their It Can Wait campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of

texting while driving. “A text can wait. This message can’t,” said AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, “In the United States, someone is killed or injured once every five minutes on average in a crash that happens while a driver is texting and driving.” As part of their campaign, AT&T is taking full advantage of social media and using it carry their message across the nation. Since August 15th several commercials were put on the air sharing the stories of people who’s lives have been affected by texting while driving accidents. They have also created ads with celebrities like Victoria Justice and Olympic gymnast Gabrielle Douglas who appeal to teenagers and are urging their audience to go online to take a pledge to never text while driving. According to the AT&T website, more than 500,000 pledges have already been made. AT&T employees and organizations have also held “It Can Wait” events throughout the country, in which thousands of people have tried an in-car texting-while-driving simulator that they have created. “No text on board” stickers are also being spread so people can place them on the back of their cars or in other public locations. Furthermore the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS),

Big Brothers Big Sisters and DECA, who are also part of this campaign, are teaming up to provide no-texting-anddriving information to every high school in America. Raising awareness to the dangers of texting and driving is step in the right direction. Driving is already dangerous enough. Every time we get on in a car we are at risk of being in an accident. It makes me feel better to know that people are taking steps to making the roads safer.

If people focus on driving responsibly, many accidents can be prevented. Richard Narine, a student at RCC said that AT&T’s campaign has changed the way he looks at driving. “I am now less inclined to look at my phone while engaging in driving.” He said. “The advertising is beneficial because it portrays events that are vey realistic; that happen in everyday life.” A text message is not worth a life. Next time you have the urge to check your phone while driving, tell yourself: It can wait.

It’s Never Too Late to Pick Up an Instrument Gabriela Gonzalez

Opinions Editor

Kids are often encouraged by their parents to play a musical instrument at a very early age. Though they sometimes don’t appreciate it enough at the time, they are lucky enough to have someone to teach them and lead them in learning an enjoyable art form. They get a chance to gain the skill of making beautiful sound and using it to express themselves. Many kids given this chance realize that it’s just not for them and they don’t pursue the skill any further. Others, like me, never got the chance to try it out to begin with. One of my biggest regrets is not taking up a music instrument at a young age. I did not have musical parents to instill a love for music inside me early on. Also, though it may be hard to believe, I was not encouraged to take up an instrument by music teachers at school.

It wasn’t until I was older that I realized that I was missing out on something beautiful. I picked up a guitar at the age of sixteen and took lessons for a month. However, I realized that I was really behind compared to other kids who have played instruments for their entire lives, so I became really discouraged. After that short month I quit, feeling sad and defeated. My baby sister who has just entered the fourth grade came home with a viola recently leading me to reflect and revisit that stifled dream to become musically talented; that desire that I brushed off long ago. I began to wonder if I have not cheated myself from a great experience by quitting guitar so quickly. Do you absolutely have to pick up an instrument when you’re in elementary school to become skilled at it? Is it too late for me? My desired answer to that question is no. Maybe it’s not too late for myself, or others like me, who still wish to pick up an instrument at a later age.

I realize now that playing an instrument will simply require a lot of time, patience and practice. I may have preferred taking lessons at school like my little sister, but learning on my own also means that I can go at my own pace in a less demanding setting. After all, I don’t wish to learn to play an instrument for the sake of others; I wish nothing more than to be able to strum a guitar, play a violin, or press the keys of a piano, and manipulate their sound to reflect emotion and feeling. I want to be able to gain a lifelong skill I can be proud of, and can bring me happiness. I also know that playing an instrument is not only pleasurable, but that it is also beneficial in many ways. Playing a musical instrument has been found to increase the capacity of your memory, sharpen your concentration, boost your listening skills, increase cultural

awareness, increase responsibility, and relieve stress. I know that picking up an instrument now will be difficult. It will take motivation and perseverance. However, I have decided that it’s never too late to teach old dog new tricks. I’m willing to put in the effort to give it another shot.



October 8, 2012

Outlook Student Press Kristen Loretoni, Editor-in-Chief Amanda Van Ryn, Managing Editor Vanessa Pastorelli, Production Manager Gabriela Gonzalez, Opinions Editor Eugene Levit, News Editor

Gen Rollins, Photography Editor Anuj Chokshi, Assistant Photo Editor Devon Keane, Sports Editor Melissa Mone, Social Media Editor

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods and summer. It is an independent newspaper produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees. Submissions and articles become the property of Outlook Student Press. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor. Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

On the web: Outlookpress.org Facebook.com/outlookpress Email: Outlookstudentpress@gmail. com Office: Student Union Room 3200 Phone: (845) 574-4389 Fax: (845) 356-6261 Snail mail:Outlook Student Press Rockland Community College 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901

Contributors: Daisy Moakley, Ariel Kotch, Shaina Mathews, Daniel Stimpfle, Benedict Tagle, Sienna Jeffries, Maria O’Toole, Marina Watts Staff: Kristina Nikolaj


Professor Fuentes, Advisor www.twitter.com/OutlookPress

Like to write? E-mail us at outlookstudentpress@gmail.com

U O Y O D WHAT n o s e s s a l C . . . T U O B THINK A ans Day? r e t e V & y a D s u b m u Col

Devon Keane

Amanda Van Ryn

Kristen Loretoni

Gabriela Gonzalez

I think that all students should be given the day off from school on Columbus Day and Veterans Day. The RCC campus will be holding classes both of these days, meanwhile the offices will be closed. After Yom Kippur in September, RCC students are in school for almost two brutally long months. Most colleges in New York and almost all high schools are off for Columbus Day and Veterans Day, the way it should be. I don’t understand why the college can’t grant us an extra two days off. I don’t think the college understands what relief a day off in the middle of the week or an extended weekend gives us students. Students need an occasional break here and there whether it’s to relieve stress, catch up on homework, or just spend the day relaxing on the couch.

In my opinion, we should have the day off for Columbus Day and Veteran’s Day. At Rockland Community College the offices are closed, but classes are still on. If part of the school is closed for the day then the entire school should be closed. Columbus Day is an important cultural holiday for the Italian community, and there’s even a parade in NYC. Veteran’s Day is a holiday to honor the people that risked their lives for our country. There are many students at RCC that are veterans and they don’t even get a day off of classes on a day that celebrates and honors them. If it is a bank holiday and the rest of the country has off to celebrate then why are students at RCC still in class? RCC students should be able to spend the day with family and friends that are off for the holiday celebrating culture or honoring our veterans.

I think it is ridiculous that we do not have off on Veterans Day or Columbus Day. If we get off for a religious holiday that does apply to everyone’s beliefs then we should, as a sign of respect for those who once risked their lives for our country’s safety, be off on Veterans Day. I don’t think it is right to have half the college closed while classes are still going on. If offices are closed on a Federal holiday, then classes should also be cancelled. I understand that the college is on a strict schedule but I think that some days off should be changed.

I’ve been having a very busy semester, and two days off this month would’ve been fantastic. It would’ve given me time for myself; to catch up on some homework, and to have a good time with my friends. However, I don’t think that having school on Columbus Day is a super big deal. It would have much preferred to have that day off; it would be nice to get a break from my busy schedule, but it doesn’t really bother me too much to come into class. Veteran’s Day however, is a day to remember all those who fought, and risked their lives for our country. I think that we should’ve had that day off to really honor them and show them that we appreciate all they’ve done for us. I’m a little bothered that we don’t have these two days off, but overall I don’t think its too terrible.


October 8, 2012

WHY WE LOVE Kristen Loretoni

Editor in chief

Wicked by Essie My fall essential is Wicked by Essie. It is my favorite fall nail color for many reasons. It goes well with everything you can wear, both clothing and jewelry. It is the perfect “sinister red,” as Essie calls it, to add to your nail polish collection. To me, it is officially fall when I start to get wicked on my nails.

Burt’s Bees Herbal Blemish Stick Ever wonder how to get rid of unwanted acne without getting dry and irritated skin as a consequence? Yeah, I’ve been wondering that since I was in the sixth

the lack of Vitamin D causes unwanted breakouts and unevenness in skin. To try and hide my unwanted blemishes, I like to use e.l.f.’s concealer. It comes in all different shades so anyone can use it, and

grade. I finally found Burt’s Bees TeaTree oil. It is just as effective as any other acne treatment, but you will not get irritated skin as a result of using it. I

it does a great job of blending so that my skintone is consistent. I like that it is oil free because while it is hiding blemishes, it will not cause more! LipSurgence™ Matte Lip Tint I love this lip stain because it is long lasting and gives substantial cover. Before I apply the lip stain, I use chapstick. By applying chapstick first, I avoid the “cracked” look lipstick sometimes gives. The mixture of the chapstick and lip stain is perfect because your lips will stay soft and colored for a substantially longer period of time than most lipsticks.

Wet n Wild Eyeliner At only $1.50 how could you go wrong? This waterproof eyeliner has passed the test of long lasting makeup. If it can last through me watching The Notebook and not smudge, it is a must have for every eye makeup wearer. It also layers smoothly and evenly over eye shadows which is important for many.

would recommend this for anyone who has sensitive skin, especially during this season as the weather starts to change. e.l.f. Maximum Coverage Concealer- Oil Free The beginning of Fall tends to be when my skin acts up the most. I am not constantly in the sun like I was in the Summer and




October 8, 2012

Five Stars for“Mary Poppins” on Broadway Gabriela Gonzalez

Opinions Editor

Recently I had a chance to see a matinee performance of “Mary Poppins” at the New Amsterdam Theater in New York City. I grew up with Mary Poppins so I was really eager to see how the story of the Banks family and their magical nanny would come to life. The show is two hours and fortyfive minutes long with a 15 minute intermission. It was directed by Richard Lyre, who had choreographer Matthew Bourne and set and costume designer Bob Crowley by his side. The theatre itself was very beautiful. There was intricate art and carvings covering the walls, and continuing throughout the ceiling. It was all so elegant that I found myself sitting up straighter in my seat. The stage set was breathtaking. The main set was that of the Banker household, which had incredible detail and credibility. The children’s bedroom would be on a completely different platform that would be hidden from view. When the bedroom scenes took place, it would descend smoothly and quickly from the ceiling. Other sets included a park, rooftops and an office building. The scene changes were so quick, changing so drastically that you hardly noticed that it all took place on one same area. I was interested to see if the actors would succeed in captivating their character’s persona. I was actually a bit skeptical about how Steffanie Leigh, who

played Mary Poppins, would measure up to Julie Andrews. She had, after all, very large shoes to fill; Andrews was the Mary I knew and loved. However, I was pleasantly surprised by Leigh’s performance. She was full of charm, beauty, and grace; everything I expect Mary to be. Michael and Jane Banks, the kids, were played by Hayden Signoretti and Elizabeth Teeter, ages nine and ten respectively. They were both adorable and displayed an incredible amount of endurance and professionalism for such a young age. Their talent was amazing and admirable since they were on stage almost the entire show and did not display exhaustion in the least; even after several singing and dancing numbers. Burt played by Gavin Lee was the funniest and very charismatic. Big musical numbers were not disappointing. They were full of colorful costumes and lively choreography. The crowd, made up of people of all ages, sang along to familiar tunes like “The Perfect Nanny,” “Spoonful of Sugar,” and “Chim Chim Chir-ee.” Other unforgettable scenes included moving statues, flying kites, and toys that came

to life. There was not a dull moment in the entire musical. It was also not lacking in the magic department. There was a scene where Mary took out a blanket from her bag and extended it out. Before it hit the ground, a bed was suddenly underneath it. It caught me off guard and had me wondering how in the world she did it. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, she then started taking out big lamps and coat hangers from her bag. She placed the bag on a table, a table that was completely exposed from underneath, and started taking out yet more oversized objects that couldn’t possibly fit in her bag. The only explanation I can think of is: the bag really did have magic! To top it all off, the audience left with the chance to see Mary Poppins hold up her umbrella and

fly into the air as she embarked on her new adventure. Even a few days after I left the theater I found myself singing Mary Poppins songs. It was a great experience that left a lasting impression. My inner child had an absolute blast. It wasn’t just great, it wasn’t just fabulous; it was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

October 8, 2012



DIY How to Make Bow Back Tops Renovate your plain t-shirts by adding sweet, girly flair Shaina Mathews

Contributing Writer

The season of pumpkin spice lattes and slouchy sweaters is finally among us. Leaves are changing, temperatures are dropping, and the rise of new fashion trends may leave you regretting all that cash you dropped on a summer wardrobe. As irresistible as the urge is to bury yourself in a pile of autumn’s latest studs, skulls, bows and crosses, tossing your paycheck out the window isn’t nearly as tempting. Before you start clearing out your closet, (and mentally preparing yourself to clear out your wallet) try this idea on for size: DIY! At last, an acronym that’s not used to justify the reckless choices you made over the weekend. “DIY” has been around a lot longer than Drake’s “yolo” and definitely won’t leave you with feelings of regret…just with cash to spare and plenty of compliments. This Do-ItYourself in particular is really simple; you don’t even need to sew anything. For someone who struggled through all of Fashion I in high school, the no-sew factor was a huge sigh of relief. I’m in love with the classic feminine touch the bows add, and the chic open-backed effect is a must for upcoming fashion trends. If you’re looking to revamp the plain t-shirts you were about to give to Goodwill, this tutorial was meant for you. For the record, Drake didn’t come up with this idea. You Will Need: -whatever shirt you like -a piece of cardboard -“Liquid Stitch” fabric glue -a rotary blade for fabrics -scissors Step 1: Choose your shirt! The shirt you choose can be virtually any kind, but a soft material that will cut smoothly works best. I’ve chosen a simple quarter-sleeve tee from H&M that I thought needed a little extra something. Appropriately, it has a bow on the front. Step 2: Put your piece of cardboard inside the shirt. This will allow for a stable surface to accurately cut the fabric without tearing through the front of the shirt. Make sure the shirt is centered on the cardboard before you start cutting, or the bows could come out uneven. Step 3: Start cutting! Well, don’t go crazy-start by simply cutting about two inches off the bottom of your shirt. This will create a cuter short look that will complement the bows. But that extra fabric isn’t going to waste, (this is a DIY for old shirts, do you really think we’d let anything go to waste?) we’re going to use it to make the center of the bows. Proceed by cutting the bottom piece into 5-6 smaller strips. Step 4: Begin the bows. Use your rotary blade to cut a straight line across the back of your shirt. At first I thought scissors would suffice for this step, but as anyone who works with clothes will tell you, a rotary blade is a must if you want your finished product to be crisp and cute. This tiny pizzacutter lookalike is a lifesaver and can be purchased at any craft supplies store;


I bought mine for only $8. Space each slit 3-4 inches apart, and continue to cut down the shirt. Step 5: Finish the bows! Here’s where we get to recycle the bottom pieces we cut at the beginning. Pinch together one of the sections of fabric you just cut to create a bow shape, and use your Liquid Stitch glue to seal the small piece of fabric around the middle of the bow. Try to contain the huge smile that rips across your face; I dare you. I made my shirt with a friend, and when we got to this step she practically jumped up and down because it looked so cute. Embarrassing, I know-it was totally my friend who did that, not me. After collecting yourself from the emotional moment you’ve just had, repeat the steps until the back is completed. Finish it by cutting the collar off and securing the last bow at the top. Remember, you have full creative rights to this, so don’t be afraid to experiment with off-the-shoulder cuts or even the popular “high-low” design. Pair with a cute lacey bandeau or tank top, and hello gorgeous. You’re officially a designer, so go forth and make fashionable.



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October 8, 2012

October Films on Review The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Eugene Levit


As we dive into Stephen Chbosky’s world in “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” we are lucky enough to meet his cast of misfit toys, Logan Lerman, Emma Watson, and Ezra Miller. Based on his critically acclaimed novel of the same title, Stephen Chbosky directed a coming of age movie which shows that anyone can make it through high school with the help of some friends. Although the movie is deeply emotional and even inspirational at times, it does fall a bit short of the quality of the book. But fans of the book have no need to worry about a slightly inferior film ripping apart the story; the movie manages to stay faithful to the novel, a task not many directors and screen writers manage very well. It even tackles the darker elements of the novel, which for those who haven’t read the book, might be in for a shock. Logan Lerman plays the star of the film, Charlie, an awkward high school freshmen with an unsettling history and memories he can’t quite leave in the past. The movie is narrated by Charlie as he writes his feelings in Charlie manages to befriend a senior named Patrick, played by Ezra Miller, a gay outcast who seems to always have a fun, carefree attitude towards life. Patrick is often referred to as “nothing” a nickname he received from his shop teacher. Along with Patrick came his stepsister, Sam, played by Emma Watson, Charlie’s main love interest throughout the movie. Sam introduces Charlie to the life of a typical teenager, including love and drugs. Together, the three friends go on a journey through the course of a year, learning about each other, and discovering even more about themselves. The film manages to tackle some social issues that originally made it rated R for “teen drug and alcohol use, and some sexual references.” Fortunately, they later downgraded it to PG-13, opening it up to a wider audience. Still, Chbosky hits almost every topic a teenager in high school might face these days, from LSD trips and sexual encounters with loved and unloved ones, to child molestation and facing violence for being gay. Chbosky doesn’t pull any punches for the audiences sake; leaving those watching in shock and awe at some of the decisions he made. Charlie discovers partway through the movie that Patrick is hiding a romantic relationship with the high school quarterback, Brad. As the movie progresses, their love is discovered by Brad’s father, who is disgusted enough to beat Brad up right in front of Patrick. Ezra Miller was challenged in his role by initially playing a teenager with all the confidence in the world, to being an emotional wreck when he tells his story to Charlie. Emma Watson covers the entire emotional spectrum throughout the movie as well. In the beginning of the movie, she plays a similar role as Millers character, young and carefree. As Sam starts opening herself up to Charlie, Watson succeeds in casting another spell on the audience; making us fall as deeply in love with Sam as Charlie does as she reveals her past sins and current feelings. Stephen Chbosky makes a connection with the audience on a very personal level. Everyone can remember a time in high school when they didn’t fit and felt like the odd man out. With Charlie, he manages to create a character that also didn’t fit in, but his differences from everyone else is what made his friendship with Patrick and Sam so special. At the end of the movie, Charlie claims that he feels “infinite”, a feeling some people can only aspire to.

House at The end of the Street Marina Watts

Contributing Writer

Opening less than two weeks ago was the latest horror film, “House at the End of the Street.” The term “horror” used loosely, of course. If it wasn’t for the group of screaming high schoolers sitting a few seats down, I’m sure the film wouldn’t have been as frightening. Like any stereotypical horror flick, this one starts with a broken family moving into a new home. As Elissa (Jennifer Lawrence) and her mom Sarah (Elizabeth Shue) meet their new neighbors, they learn about Ryan Jacobson, whose parents were murdered by his own sister. Because she doesn’t know any better, Elissa accepts a ride home from Ryan (Max Theriot) and befriends him. Going against the wishes of her mom and the other residents of her new town, Elissa gets close to Ryan, and she learns more about what really happened with his family. As the story progresses, twists and turns keep you interested enough only to learn how it ends. Some scenes may have been enough to make you briefly jump out of your seat. However, my judgement has been fogged by the abundance of teenaged shrieks throughout. Although the film starts out slow and the actors seem bored with their roles, don’t let that fool you. It really is a slow moving film and everyone is bored. Only until about an hour in does the film really pick up, and from that point on, it moved so quickly I almost lost track of what went on. The cinematography may have been an innovative idea to the directors, but I found the movement of shots back and forth distracting to what was actually happening in front of the cameras. With a title as boring as the movie, House at the End of the Street will keep you on the edge of your seat…eagerly waiting for the credits to roll so you can go home.

style & Entertainment

October 8, 2012



Staff Writer &

Amanda Van Ryn

Managing Editor

Awards season is finally among us and first up are the 64th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards! The red carpet was steaming, along with all those who walked it due to the

extreme heat in Los Angeles, California, where the event was held. However, that didn’t stop the stars of everyones’ favorite TV shows from making this red carpet a night to remember. There were many bright colors and floral seen all

over the red car pet. Julie Bowen, who won the Emmy for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, arrived at the event wearing a bright green Monique Lhuillier

gown. Her co-star, Sofia Vergara, looked stunning as usual, showing up in a handbeaded gown by Zuhair Murad. When asked if the two checked with each other before finalizing their dress choice, Julie Bowen did a near perfect impression of Sofia Vergara much to the delight of everyone on the carpet. Young actress Ariel Winter, who also stars in “Modern Family,” looked stunning and age appropriate in a floral Katharine Kidd dress and Brian Atwood heels. Other

stunners included Tina Fey who rocked the red carpet this year wearing a form fitting Vivienne Westwood gown, and earned the honor of being named best dressed by E’s “Fashion Police.” Tina Fey is beginning to film the last season of her hit comedy show “30 Rock” so she

joked that this year’s Emmy’s might be her last saying, “I may never be here again, so I’m gonna steal a bunch of stuff.” Looking like Cinderella in her light blue Reem Acra gown, Zooey Deschanel

helped design the gown to match her eyes. Always looking cute and quirky on the red carpet it was no surprise that she showed up in this fairytale gown. Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, hosted this year’s Emmy Awards and started the show with a clip including the female stars of the most nominated shows. He joked that he couldn’t do the show because of a botox job gone wrong. The ladies “punched” it out of him, taking turns punching Kimmel, all of this

Comedy Series, was very thankful when receiving his award, “I want to thank me for hiring me as a director when no one else would. I wouldn’t be standing here without my faith in me.” Other winners of the night were comedian, Louis C.K. who won outstanding writing for a comedy series, outstanding writing for a variety special, and was nominated for a few other Emmy’s. “Thank you, oh thank you I won another one so that’s nice,” he said as he received one of his

taking place in the Ladies Room. Once his face was finally right, he realized he didn’t have any pants. Ellen DeGeneres saved the day and let the funny man borrow hers. Later in the evening when DeGeneres was presenting an award, she came out without her pants, continuing the joke. After the clip ended, Kimmel came out on stage (with pants) and started his monologue which included jokes like, “ ‘Downton Abbey’ really gives you a sense of what it must have been like to grow up in Mitt Romney’s house.” Some of the most popular shows on television were nominated for awards including “Modern Family,” “ H o m e l a n d ,” “ D o w n t o n Abbey,” “Girls,” “30 Rock,” “The Big Bang Theory,” “Game of Thrones,” and many others. “ M o d e r n Family” definitely took over the night winning five awards, Outstanding Comedy Series, Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series, and Outstanding Casting for a Comedy Series. Steven Levitan, the winner of Outstanding Directing for a

awards. T h e Emmy for outstanding lead actress in a drama series went to Claire Danes for her role on “Homeland” playing Carrie Mathison. A pregnant Danes wore a yellow Lanivin dress, saying “I didn’t need any tweaking, and it’s very bumpfriendly.” Aaron Paul took the stage crying as he won the award for outstanding suppor t i ng actor in a drama series saying, “I truly didn’t even attempt to prepare a speech; I cannot believe I’m standing on this stage let alone just in this room.” Julianne Moore who took a lot of heat for playing Sarah Palin in Game Change, won the Emmy for outstanding L e a d Actress in a M i n ise r ie s or Movie and looked beautiful in a yellow Christian Dior couture gown. From the awards to the fashion, The 64th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards were enjoyed by all and a night that no one will never forget.



October 8, 2012

Leg Exercises Sure to Improve Your Muscles Standing Calf Rises This exercise is great to improve calf definition. Most gyms have calf exercise machines but if you don’t have access to one, simply grab a pair of dumbbells and position your feet at an incline where you can raise yourself up using your calves. This exercise works best if

Devon Keane


Have you ever seen an individual with a strong, toned upper body but when once you glance at their legs, all you see is skin and bones? This happens to be my number one problem. Not only do I strongly dislike my legs, I think they’re incredibly embarrassing. When I began exercising regularly a few years ago, I used to ignore my legs. I would work them out maybe one to three times a month, but I would always cut their workouts short with no determination. I completely regret those days because now I try to hit them as hard as I can to make up for my lackluster effort towards my legs. I never realized how important it was to workout legs. I don’t understand why I would think that. They are the largest muscle group in your whole body, considering they are literally half of your body. You rely on your legs for almost anything you do, whether it’s playing a sport or walking to class. Also, you use your legs for most exercises, especially the most important ones. After finally admitting to myself that my legs are pathetic, I became determined to hit them as efficiently as I could. I work them out twice a week, one day focusing on heavy weight and low reps and the other day I use moderate weight with higher reps. Below I have listed some of the most beneficial leg exercises one can perform. Squats Squats are definitely the most important exercise out there. Squats work your entire body, but mainly focus on your glutes and quads. This is a

Sprints Have you ever seen a sprinter who doesn’t have nice legs? Almost all sprinters have toned legs and that’s because they are constantly using explosive leg movements. Sprinting targets all of the muscles in your legs. It is also extremely beneficial because it builds up your endurance and burns fat. Remember, nobody wants to have a pair of chicken legs, especially me. It is definitely not impressive when you see someone who has a great upper body but has a pair of sticks as legs. Make sure

great strength building exercise and will absolutely make your legs more defined. Make sure you perform the full repetition by squatting until your legs are parallel or to the floor or lower. It’s important to make sure you use perfect form with this compound movement, or it may result in serious injury. I also recommend using a weight lifting belt for this exercise to help keep your back straight. Leg Press This is one of my favorite leg exercises because of the burn that’s induced throughout each set. This exercise also hits the quads but you can hit them at different angles by the way you position

because I either superset them or perform them one after the other at the end of my workout. Leg extensions workout your quads while leg curls hit your hamstrings. I superset these two because they are both isolation exercises, so while one muscle is working, the other muscle is resting.

you use higher reps between twelve and fifteen. Leg Extensions and Leg Curls I am including this as one exercise

your feet. Prevent locking your knees out at the start of the movement to also prevent injury.

you hit them hard and your body will thank you for it.

Kale Chips are a Must-Have Treat Kristen Loretoni

Editor in Chief

When I think of what healthy snacks to have, kale chips are always on my list of favorites! Kale is the most nutritious green that we can consume. If you are looking for a nice crispy treat that will leave you just as satisfied as eating potato chips, then this recipe is for you. What you will need: - 1 large cookie sheet - 1 Bundle of kale - Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Red pepper - Salt Instructions: - Preheat oven to 375 degrees. - While you are waiting for the oven to heat up, rip kale into thin f lat pieces and lay them on top of your cookie sheet. - Once the kale is laid out on the sheet, drizzle olive oil on top of the kale. - Sprinkle salt and red pepper on top for flavor. Add as much as desired, but keep in mind that the less sodium in the chips, the healthier it will be! - Place sheet in the oven for 10 minutes.

- Once you take out the kale, pick up a piece and test it. If it still tastes like a leafy vegetable, then you know it has not

cooked enough. Put the tray back into the oven and check every few minutes to see if they are crispy enough.

- Once cooked fully, add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!

October 8, 2012



How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep Ariel Kotch

Contributing Writer

BEEP! BEEP! Once again that obnoxious sound intrudes on your peaceful slumber. You are confronted with the true test of your willpower. It’s time to pull yourself out of bed and overcome the grog monster who’s telling you otherwise. You awkwardly stagger to the bathroom and find your toothbrush. Next you proceed to the shower which feels as if it’s a football field away. Finally you turn the knob and the water shoots out at you like a fire hose. After this, you’re maybe a little more awake. But how much time did that little ritual consume? Ten minutes? Half an hour? What if you could wake up, maybe even earlier than usual, and not be groggy? Wouldn’t the time saved add up, not to mention the mood improvement? Here are several tips to aid you in your journey to accomplishing this feat. 1) Avoid Chocolate, caffeine or any type of alcoholic beverage the night before. To rest well you need to have a happy stomach. If you go to sleep and your digestive system gets upset, this will most likely disturb your slumber. It has been scientifically proven that chocolate, caffeine and alcohol can unsettle or ruin sleep according to the The Daily Mind. If consumed before bed they might cause you to wake up or sleep lightly. Also these foods don’t recharge your body at all and isn’t sleep all about recharging?

To do this you should choose healthy food options before bed.

2) Meditate or otherwise calm your mind before bed Throughout the day, you accumulate mass amounts of stress and worries. If you trouble yourself with these thoughts before bed, you could lose precious sleep time. Instead, meditate or otherwise

quiet your mind before, so you don’t lose sleep over these disturbances. Because there’s no reason to think about issues or problems that you can’t fix by lying in bed.

3) Keep your sleep pattern consistent. Quality is more important than quantity. Many individuals believe that everyone needs at least eight hours of sleep every night. This is however not true when you are consistent with your sleeping and waking times. The reason for this is because your body will condition itself and become accustomed to theses times. If you follow this guideline you will wake up fresher and more awake. So if you say you’re going to sleep at 10 p.m. DON’T MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS.

4) When you wake up, drink a glass of water. It has been proven that it is healthy to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach according to HealthBlog. This will also help wake up your system kind

of like how people jump start their cars when the battery runs out. Doing this will help jumpstart your body and you will awake faster and more alert. 5) Get up straight away. When you’re sleeping in bed and you hear that unmistakable sound. Wake up right away. Don’t reach for the snooze button again. This will just prolong the inevitable. When you hear the alarm, jump out of bed as fast as you can. This will help you get fully focused and alert.



October 8, 2012

Gaining Weight in College? It Might be the “Freshman 15” Sienna Jeffries

Contributing Writer

As you run through the check list of different immunization sheets that you are required to get completed in order to successfully start your college journey, which may include but are not limited to an immunization sheets for hepatitis, measles and meningitis, it is essential that you also are evaluated for the infamous “freshman 15.” Now of course, the “freshman 15” is no actual virus or sickness in comparison to meningitis or the measles; however, the rate at which the “freshman 15” affects many incoming college students, as well as lingers in continuing college students would convey that the “freshman 15” is as if not more serious than any common campus virus. The “freshman 15” refers to the 15 pounds most students acquire in their freshman year of college in

comparison to their weight in high school. This “freshman 15” phenomenon is just an estimate; the range at which most college students gain weight during their freshman year ranges anywhere from 3-15 pounds. However, while some people are gaining a few extra pounds their freshman year, others are becoming obese in the freshman year, and the sequential college years that follow. Depending on the eating habits people had in high school, some people are already on the track to being obese before they reach college. According to Jeffrey Levi, executive director of Trust for America’s Health, a national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that functions to protect the health of communities, and prevent potential diseases from affecting communities, “You certainly can find a lot of data showing that kids today under 18, under 19 are becoming more and more obese, and they’re moving on to college; this is a trend that’s been going on for 20 years; and clearly admission to college doesn’t suddenly eliminate those rates of obesity.” An organization dedicated to studying and improving the health of college students; the American College Health Association, calculated the body mass index (BMI) of college students in 2006 and in 2011 in the fall. The 27.4 percent of college students who were obese or overweight in the fall of 2006 increased to 29.2 percent in fall of 2011. Researchers doing a study in 2007 on college students and obesity reported accelerated increases in obesity rates during the course of that study. Even doctors from Wed MD health such as Dr. Hirsch and Dr. Chang have agreed that the obesity rates of college students are only increasing, especially but definitely not limited to a freshmen. Now, the question everyone is asking, how does the “freshman 15” “virus” spread? Most doctors and researchers studying the “freshman 15”

phenomenon agreed that it stems from decision making in college. Whether on campus or living at home, entering or continuing in college endeavors consist of students making their own decisions; these decisions can be made in response to stress, time management, and even peer pressure. Many students in college are stressed out due to their new work load, environment, and expectations expected of them. In addition, college students have to cope with managing their time correctly and with new peer pressures that come with college like the influences of drugs, drinking and sex. All of these factors contribute to a college student increasing their food intake. In reference to time management, college students tend to develop unhealthy eating habits which include eating junk food, eating too much, or eating too little. Because teenagers are trying to balance academics and a social life, that extra cup of coffee or Redbull, the extra meal for a boost of energy, that late night fast food snack, and that extra meal, or one less meal,

contributes to an increase in the amount of calories, sugar, sodium and fat being consumed. Skipping meals is a common

factor of weight gain because missing a meal can influence a person to eat bigger meals later in order to fulfill the currentl meal that person is eating, and the meal they missed. In addition, skipping meals influences the body to begin to store fat for energy if it isn’t being obtained through food on a regular basis; either way, weight is being gained. Alcohol and drugs are big factor in weight gain. Alcohol is filled with many calories and drugs alter appetites to make people hungrier; like marijuana for example. The survey “College Freshman Study Booze More Than Books”, cited by USA concluded that out of 30,000 college freshmen across 76 colleges, more than half participated more in drinking than in studying. Even more of a drawback to college in reference to the “freshman

15” is the physical activity that isn’t conducted by students in college, either because they have no time, the college doesn’t require it, or it is only required in a minute amount. With all of these contributing influences and factors, it’s almost impossible not to gain weight in college. Yes, the “freshman 15” and the effects that follow in the ongoing college years may seem like a serious virus that is spreading and will infect everyone, but there are both prevention and treatment techniques that can be applied to stop and/or prevent it. Getting a good amount (8-9 hours) of sleep is both a necessity for coping with stress and for the proper digestion of food. Establishing a schedule for time management prevents people from becoming stressed, and or

eating junk food in order to finish work, because it’s convenient, or to stay awake. Establishing a schedule also can help people to select a certain a significant amount of time for physical activity in order to maintain a healthy weight or to lose weight. Having better eating habits such as eating slowly, eating three meals a day, counting calories, snacking on fruits and vegetables, eating to fulfill hunger and not to cope with anxiety, and eating food with more nutritional value

rather than with sodium, calories, sugar and fat, is an component of importance when trying to avoid the “freshman 15” “virus”. The “freshman 15” “virus” has so many more effects than just the weight gain, because eating unhealthy foods that cause weight gain usually also cause high blood pressure and cholesterol. Such conditions could possibly lead to hypertension, hardening and clogging or arteries, heart attacks, and in the most serious cases, death. Keep in mind that no college student is perfect and college is all about change. Of course gaining or losing a little weight is harmless, especially if you are at a healthy weight; but it is necessary to make sure that you say healthy through nutritional eating habits and exercise consistently. With good eating habits, time management, a good workout routine, the “freshman 15 will be the freshman 0”; never a problem on your immunization sheet or on your weight scale.

October 8, 2012



WINDOWS VS. MAC Anuj Chokshi

Asst. Photo Editor

Computers are the fastest growing technology in the Information Technology fields. Until today, Microsoft was called a “king” in this field. But for the last five to 10 years, Apple has been creating new records every day in the omputing and communication sectors. Apple is receiving new heights in devices like computers, iPhones, iPods and iPads. Because of this fast progress by Apple, stock of Apple is now $700 a share. After ‘Windows’ by Microsoft, ‘Macintosh’ by Apple is the most famous operating system we have ever seen. It is faster and more creative than Windows. In offices and at the corporate level, Windows PCs are getting replaced by Macs. Mac is the best innovation for graphic designers and all CAD designers who use a computer to design their products because it has better software for artists. Macs are more stable computers than PCs and Macs barely ever freeze.

There are many more advantages which stands out from Macs and prove them to be better than PCs. Macs have

extremely fast boot times. Mac OS X starts up from a cold boot in just 25 seconds, which is incredibly fast. On Macs, you can also run Windows along with your Macintosh. Macs are easier to troubleshoot because the three main applications are in a place that is easy to figure out where exactly the problem is coming from. Macs also come with some really useful applications for our routined lives such as stickers, iPhoto, Expose, iCal, Time machine, garage band and most

popular, iTunes. Another attractive feature in Macs are the versions of OS X and how they have sophisticated

the screenshot capability built in. The most important feature of a Mac is its reputation for being relatively virus free so that you will not have to waste your money on any additional security software. However, Windows is called the “founding father of computers.” It is not going to automatically lose the battle against Apple. There are many positive features that in Windows that helped gained its popularity. First, Windows PCs are much more affordable. PCs are a lot cheaper than Macs, which is beneficial to the average middle class person. If you are a good gamer and have interest in gaming, then I will definitely suggest you to go for a Windows PC. For some reasons, Macs are not good to gamers. Games on the Mac have largely been an afterthought while Microsoft is very much dedicated to its Xbox experiment. For PC owners, having a top-of-the line computer means being able to buy an assortment of titles so large you will never really have to pick up a video game system. Microsoft has been making operating systems since the computers was first born. Windows is more user-friendly than Apple. It is very easy to use a computer with Windows, so it is better for beginners. If you are using a computer for programming and Computer Engineering Studies, It is better you

go with Windows PC. Because Macs are good for entertainment, designing and such, there are many applications that can not run on a Mac, so Windows would be your best bet. Windows has been very innovative,

putting them on top of the market. Their newest creation, Windows 8 is launching on October 26, which will bring a new revolution to the world of computers. Windows 8 is compatible with multitouch screen desktops and tablets, which will change the way computers are used. Windows and Macs both have advantages over the other. When choosing between the two, it is best to focus on your interests and what you look for in a computer.



IPHONE 5 VS. GALAXY S3 Eugene Levit

News Editor

Now that the iPhone 5 is out roaming the streets, it’s time for it to bump heads with Androids leading phone, the Samsung Galaxy S3. Androids flagship phone has been praised by consumers and critics alike, and has even turned Apple fan boys fans into die-hard Android users. With the release of the iPhone 5 on September 21st, some Galaxy S3 owners are looking back in envy. As most people know, the iPhone 5 is bigger than the previous iPhone 4s, but is still lagging behind the Galaxy S3. The Galaxy S3 is a goliath compared to the iPhone 5, clocking in at 136.6 x 70.6 x 8.6 mm, compared to the iPhones 123.8 x 58.5 x 7.6 mm. While some prefer the extra screen room, which leads to a more enriching user experience, others enjoy the way the iPhone feels in their hand, saying that they can’t even fully grip the Galaxy S3. Because of its smaller size, the iPhone 5 also weighs less, 112 grams versus 133 grams, another added bonus for the iPhone 5. These two phones are by far the fastest out there, downloading Facebook statuses and uploading embarrassing weekend pictures at blazing speeds. According to iJailBreak, which tested both smartphones with a tool called Geekbench (a program that is “engineered to quickly and accurately

measure processor and memory performance”), show that the iPhone 5 performs at almost twice the speed of the Galaxy S3. Of course, that is not to say that the Galaxy S3 is by any means slow, as it’s stats are twice as good as the previous iPhone 4s. It’s also right to note that the stats on the iJailBreak are for the US version of the Galaxy S3, which has a dual-core processor. The international version has a quad-core processor, which would lead to more favorable results for Samsung’s leading phone, possibly even more alluring than the iPhone 5. For all the hardcore smartphone photographers out there, both phones have great cameras. Each has an 8 MP (megapixel) rear-view camera: the iPhone 5 has a 1.2 MP front-facing camera, while the Galaxy S3 boasts 1.9 MP. While the Galaxy S3’s front camera is the clear winner, the rear camera for both phones had to be compared in a real world test. In side-by-side photo comparisons, which can be viewed at PCWorld, the iPhone 5 seems to show pictures a bit clearer, with more vivid colors and a slightly sharper display. Then comes the comparison of the software. The iPhone 5 runs on Apples iOS 6, while Galaxy S3 is running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. There is no real question; Android has always had a step up when it comes to which software has more features. The software is endlessly customizable, with options beginning with changing the

look and feel of home screens with the edition of widgets, to changing the type of keyboard is used to make typing as comfortable as possible for all different kinds of people. Of course, like all Android phones, perfection is absent from the Galaxy S3. While iOS 6 lacks the ability to get any real sort of modifications, it does maintain perfection among its apps (excluding the updated Maps app, which has gotten some people so lost that they are still being searched for). The iPhone 5 is a phone that works without any hassle, making it simple for all users. Choosing the iPhone 5 or Galaxy S3 eventually comes down to preference. Both phones are fast, both cameras work well. The decision really comes down to the two S’s; size and software. Do users want the larger screen for an enhanced experience, or would not being able to hold the phone with one hand just ruin the experience? Do owners want to have a seamless experience with the iPhone 5, or a more personal experience with the Galaxy S3?

October 8, 2012


October 8, 2012


NFL Referees Go Back to Work for Week 4 Benedict Tagle

Contributing Writer

Through the first three weeks of the new professional football season, there have been many memorable moments. In week one, there was Tim Tebow making his debut for the New York Jets. There have been the New York Giants coming on strong after their disappointing loss in the season opener to the Dallas Cowboys. However, one of the most lasting memories of this season thus far, and perhaps for the rest of this season, has been the performance of the replacement referees. Facing a second labor lockout in the same amount of years (last year were

the players), the NFL was forced to use temporary referees. Their backgrounds varied; some were collegiate referees, others were lawyers. A number of situations have highlighted the lack of experience of the replacement referees. In week one of the season, the Seattle Seahawks were the beneficiary of an incorrect decision by the replacement referees, when the team was awarded an additional timeout. In week three, the San Francisco 49ers were awarded two extra challenges by the referees. A number of questionable calls were made in many of the games, most notably pass interference calls. Perhaps worse than that, the referees were losing control of the game. The referees were being extremely hesitant on their decisions, irking everyone involved in the game. Arguments and scuffles between players occurred on a much more frequent basis. In addition, the replacement officials were encountering difficulty in efforts to stop players’ arguments. Coaches were screaming angrily at the referees, arguing many of the calls made on the field. Coaches grew increasingly frustrated, and the head coach of the New England Patriots, Bill Belichick became the poster boy of the coaches’ frustrations. In an effort to dispute a call with a referee in week three of the season, Belichick grabbed the arm of an official. Belichick was fined

$50,000 for making contact with the game official. One of the most important responsibilities of game officals in the NFL is to ensure player safety. Illegal hits, dirty tactics, and concussion safety are to be heavily monitored by the referees. Unfortunately, the referees have lost control in this aspect of the game as well, and there have been a number of incidents where players have been able to escape penalty for an illegal tactic. One prime example of this occurred in week three, when Darrius Heyward-Bey was the victim of an illegal hit by Pittsburgh Steelers safety Ryan Mundy in the end zone. At the end of his route, and the ball approaching, Heyward-Bey was sandwiched between two Steelers, the other being cornerback Keenan Lewis, and received a vicious

hospital. And on Monday Night Football in week three, the final play of the game summarized the efforts of the replacement officials. In a highly controversial call, the referees ruled a touchdown on the field for the Seattle Seahawks, when it appeared that M.D. Jennings had possession of the ball. They also missed an offensive pass interference on Tate, as he pushed Green Bay player Sam Shields in the back to create space. The officials’ call had decided the outcome of the game. The result was pandemonium. Players argued, coaches argued, fans yelled and screamed. ESPN Sportscenter tweeted that approximately 70,000 voicemails were left to the league headquarters in reaction to the call. After the game, many

hit from Mundy. The brutal hit was not called by the referees. As a result of the hit, Heyward-Bey received a neck injury and a concussion, and had to be carted off the field and went to a local

people used social media to express their feelings about the call. Referencing to the call made by the replacement referees, prominent NFL journalist Peter King of Sports Illustrated tweeted, “One

of the great disgraces in NFL history.” Arizona Cardinal Patrick Peterson tweeted, “Com’on can we please get the real refs back. Destroying the game that we all grew to love. WOW!!!!!!” A popular meme shared on the internet was an image of the “catch”, with the caption “Intertouchdownception”. The feelings expressed by these various outlets were sentiments shared by the majority of players, coaches, experts, and fans. The result could potentially shape the playoff race. Green Bay may have suffered a loss that prevents the team from entering the playoffs. Conversely, Seattle, the beneficiary of another botched job by the replacement officials, could be playing in the postseason because of the call. The outcome of the game and the backlash was a nightmare for the NFL. Coincidentally, later that week the NFL referee union came to terms with the league to resume officiating. Perhaps the “Fail Mary,” the popular moniker being given to the sequence, was the last straw for the NFL. After weeks of subpar performance and the public growing weary, the true officials finally found their way back onto the gridiron. The satisfaction of the fans of the agreement between the referees’ union and the league was on full display on the Thursday Night Game between Baltimore and Cleveland, the first game the true officials would work. As they entered the stadium in their uniforms for the first time, the crowd gave the crew a standing ovation. Finally, there would be a good job done by the officials. In comparison to Monday night, the reactions were completely opposite. T.J. Lang of the Green Bay Packers, who was extremely vocal about his displeasure of the “Intertouchdownception,” tweeted, “Good to see the regular refs coming back!” Matt Hasselback, quarterback of the Tennessee Titans, tweeted, “Welcome back.” After weeks of replacement officials, finally games will be about football again, not about the referees. As the saying goes, there’s nowhere to go but up.



Will There Even be an NHL Season? Devon Keane

Sports Editor

The lockout in the NHL is far from over, as the league and the NHL Players Association continue to struggle to make a proposal both parties can agree on. The lockout began on September 15th, after the league’s collective bargaining agreement expired. This is the third professional sport to enter a lockout in the past year and a half, the other two being the NFL and the NBA. All three lockouts have been about collective bargaining agreements, with major disputes about salary caps, revenue sharing, and luxury tax. The NFL lockout resulted in a shortened preseason and the NBA’s

season was cut from 82 to 66 games. As of September 27th, the NHL cancelled the rest of any preseason games and also any games through October 9th. This is NHL’s second lockout in the past eight years, when the Stanley Cup was cancelled for what would have been the 88th season of professional hockey. This is a huge blow to the NHL, especially after such an exciting postseason. I was never a huge hockey fan until I started watching a couple of games here and there years ago, but it has grown on me since. Now I love to follow the game. Many people believe that the NHL’s fan base will never be able to recover if they lose another season due to a lockout. If the 2012-2013 season is in fact lost, I would definitely expect to see a decrease

in attendance for the following year. I would also expect to see a decrease in television ratings if there is no NHL season this year. According to huffingtonpost. com, the Stanley Cup averaged 5.2 million viewers in 2010, but has steadily declined to three million viewers during this year’s finals between the Los Angeles Kings and New Jersey Devils. Huffington Post also compared NHL’s attendance to the Super Bowl, which was viewed by 111 million people, and the World Series and NBA finals, which both averaged more than 16 million viewers. If this relatively small fan base is hurt by a prolonged lockout, I believe the NHL will be affected in the long run because they will not be able to bring in as much revenue. In a column written by Toronto Maple Leafs forward Joffrey Lupul for AskMen, Lupul stated, “the thing that is frustrating for us as players is this is the third time (second

October 8, 2012

of my career) the players have been locked out by Gary Bettman and the owners. When I look at that, the first thing I think is that it shows a lack of respect for the fans.” Other players have also voiced their opinion about the lockout. Krys Barch of the New Jersey Devils tweeted about how the players of the NHL are suffering from the lockout while the owners are “smoking the same brand of cigar, sipping the same cognac, and going on vacation to one of the five houses they own.” I’m sure many other players would agree with Barch and I’m also positive they don’t want this season to go down the drain like it did eight years ago. Regular season is slated to start October 11th, but that will most likely be delayed because of the NHL and players are not close to coming to a collective bargaining agreement. If the NHL and the players association do come to an agreement, I believe it will be another interesting season.

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