september 10, 2012

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utLook STUDENT PRESS Vol. 45 Issue 2 September 10, 2012

Features 3 “Love is a sweet and blissful

experience, when at its very best. And when good fortune and profound effort prepare a love for marriage, you better be sure the proposal is good.” Gennifer Rollins, Student Gennifer Rollins / Outlook Student Press

It’s very important to start things off on the right foot, like these couples did.

With the 2012 academic year underway, new and returning students are already making good use of the Library.

Students Return for Fall Term

Style 9 “The boys seemed at ease on

the stage, each of them with a big smile on their face. They were cheerful and playful with the crowd, joking about their age and current “outdated” reputation.” Gabriela Gonzalez, Student

The Backstreet Boys have reunited and are touring again. What could be greater?

New students, full parking lots, and lines in the cafeteria signal the start of the year Amanda Van Ryn

Managing Editor

With the official start of classes at Rockland Community College on September 1, the campus is in full swing. The first week of classes means that the campus is always full of new and eager students ready to learn. “I like my professors, they are very nice, very patient,” said

freshman Jonathon Avendano, 23, from Suffern. “It’s really fun, I actually like it.” “I like it, it’s quiet,” said returning student Star Monroe. “I like my professors. It’s good to be back.” At Rockland Community College, there are a diversity of students. There are students who come straight from high school to earn an associate’s degree before moving on to a four year college, or a spot in the workforce. There

are students that just recently decided to start school or have decided to come back to school after taking a break. There are students who retired from their professions and came to Rockland Community College to take a couple of classes for enjoyment. One can always tell when it is the first week of classes at Rockland Community College just by looking at the parking lot. If you do not arrive at school before eight in the morning, you

may be forced to search for at least 10 minutes for a parking spot. One strategy that students use is driving around in the parking lot near the Academic One building until a student comes out. As soon as they see the student walking to their car, they try to be the first car to get to the parking spot that will soon become vacant. After the first SEE FALL TERM PAGE 2

Maccabi Games Come to Rockland, and Campus Kristen Loretoni

Sports 12 “Many athletes still insist on taking steroids for the competitive advantages. But steroids are illegal, and can cause many dangerous side effects. ”

Devon Keane, Student

Professional athletes have been stripped of their records for illegal steroid use.

For the first time in thirty years, the JCC, or Jewish Community Campus of Rockland, hosted the Maccabi Games this past August. RCC played a key role in the Games, with the opening ceremonies and many events being hosted on campus. The Games are a two-week competition that are held every year. More than 1,200 Jewish teenagers from all over the world came to Rockland and the RCC campus this year to participate in the 2012 games. The age of competitors ranged from thirteen to sixteen. In order for people all over

Zac Blitz / Special to Outlook

Editor in Chief

A Maccabi Games swimmer during the international competition that brought thousands of players from all over the world to Rockland.

the world to participate, many people in Rockland opened up their homes to act as host

families during the games. Hundred of host families were responsible for housing as

well as the experience each participant had. The many host families played a key role in the Maccabi experience. They gave participants a place to stay, plenty of good advice, and tours of the area, participants said. For security reasons, helicopters surrounded RCC to ensure the safety of those participating in events on campus. On the opening night of the games, all the participants gathered in the Fieldhouse of RCC, where most of the events took place. The events started off with an introduction of all the teams and players from SEE MACCABI PAGE 2


Maccabi Games Come to Rockland

September 10, 2012

MACCABI FROM PAGE 1 each country. Games were played during each day of the two week competition. At night there were different activities to give players and volunteers the experience of being here in Rockland. One night, there was a carnival here at RCC for players and volunteers to go to. Another night, all participants were invited to Germonds Park in West Nyack for a night of swimming and dancing. Dave and Busters in the Palisades Mall was another place that players and volunteers were invited to for a night of food and games. And every time the Maccabi games are hosted, there is a “host family night.” This night is for each host family to take out the players staying with them for what makes a true Rockland experience. Jeffrey Schnapper, a New City resident, has been a coach in the Maccabi games for six years now. He traveled when the games were as far as California, Denver and Detroit. He coaches baseball at the games and speaks highly of the program.

“Staying with my host family was a great experience because it gave me the opportunity to live in a different place with people who aimed to help me grow as an individual.”

Participants gather and represent Rockland during the Maccabi Games 2012 (above); Rockland’s Maccabi baseball team after a win (below).

Photos by Jeffrey Schnapper

Brianna Kezner

“The Maccabi Games are great because they bring kids from all over the country and world together to bond over the sports they love the most,” he said. Some of the sports played during the Maccabi games included tennis, baseball, basketball, and swimming. Schnapper, who coaches baseball had thirteen players on his team this year, which was the average number for baseball teams. Brianna Kezner, a local teen, played in the Maccabi games when she was twelve and thirteen years old. Now, at age nineteen, Brianna looks back on her experience as “a great way to spend two weeks and make friends that I still keep in touch with today.” Kezner traveled to Detroit and Westchester and stayed with a host family each time. “Staying with my host family was a great experience because it gave me the opportunity to live in a different place with people who aimed to help me grow as an individual,” she said. The Maccabi games are very important to many teens because it gives them a sense of community in places all over the world.

Fall Term Begins FALL TERM FROM PAGE 1 three weeks or so of school pass by, parking is much easier to come by, as students have changed their schedules or dropped out. Similar to the crowded parking lots, classes are also more full than usual in the back to school season. When students register for classes they usually have a habit of biting off more than they can chew.

Once they get to these classes and the professors hand out the syllabuses they realize what they have gotten themselves into. After a couple of weeks of actually doing the work for all their classes at the same time, many students decide they will be better off if they drop a class or two and focus on less classes to get better grades. While the first day of classes might be easy, the first few weeks are not.

Many students that do not have cars or drive the campus use the bus for transportation to and from campus. A new bus stop is a welcome sight for many. “The old bus stop used to leak when it rained, so the new bus stop will be great on days with bad weather,” one student said. The back to school season is always an exciting one, and its a time when students are excited and ready to learn.

Professors begin to get to know their new students and new students figure out the preferences of their many different professors. Students take some time to learn the layout of the campus and find quiet places to study during their off time. “I like the freedom, its laid back, everyone’s nice and I also like the atmosphere of being in college,” said freshman Spencer DuBoff.

September 10, 2012

Gennifer Rollins

Photography Editor

Love is a sweet and blissful experience, when at its very best. And when good fortune and profound effort prepare a love for marriage, you better be damn sure the proposal is good. Some people choose the more public route—perhaps an engagement in the park. Others stick to private manners, with a slick romantic gesture in the home, slowly leading to “the ring.” Whatever your preference may be, it is important to keep matters close to the heart. Express desire to be with your loved


Love in a Lime Tree one by offering them something near and dear, just as you would do in dating. Any music fan understands the importance of a live show, and few could object to a private performance. One lucky couple got to be the subject of lyrical synergism, with a performance from the poignant artist, Trevor Hall. William, the thoughtful groom-to-be, had planned for months, making sure that their favorite artist would be forever intertwined in their marriage. However, William was only hoping for an announcement at Trevor’s show. What he got, was so much more. Atop the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, Minnesota is a window-

filled haven, known as The Amber Room. William took his girlfriend all the way to the top floor, where Trevor Hall awaited with the sweet song, Lime Tree. The couple described the song as, “kinda fit[ing] our relationship --in unison-perfectly.” As the nervous musician stood around the corner, an unknowing victim of love, Lily, appeared. What was her reaction? She turned to William, turned to Trevor, and in the spirit of Anne Hathaway in “Princess Diaries,” said, “Shut up!” The perplexed Trevor Hall went on singing, “So save me love, save me all the time. I wash you down with a simple sip of wine...” As the serenade continued, William got down on one knee, and crystalized a moment in The Amber Room. His blushing new fiance received the news with hugs and kisses, hopeful and ready for the life ahead of them. But the celebrations did not end there. In those months of preparation, William had shipped family in from Goodnessknowswhere, America, to share in the unity. Mom, dads, aunts and uncles, were surrounding the gilded Amber Room to see the light emerge

from Lily and William’s eyes as he made the proposal. Furthering their story, the sanguine couple was not only there for an engagement. They were in Minnesota to see a Trevor Hall show! As evening arrived, they took their place in the standing crowd of the University of St. Thomas. Trevor Hall stood before them, once again, with his heart on his sleeve. Familiar chords began to strum, as the crowd buzzed in anticipation.

But what happened next was not your ordinary show procedure. Trevor called the band to a halt. “Wow, it just got really quiet in here.” Timid Trevor describes his hesitance to sing for the couple’s engagement, as the adoring crowd screams for William and Lily’s on-stage entrance. The two hug Trevor, beaming from ear-to-ear. Adulation rises with talk of The Amber Room. It seems as if the audience is making the sound present in the couple’s hearts. As gently as his words swept in, Trevor ends his speech with the song that brought the two together-Lime Tree. “Spark a match and watch the candle burn. The wick runs out and then love takes its turn...”

The Top Five Best Places to Study Kristen Loretoni

Editor in Chief

As the fall semester begins, we have to get back into a routine and are forced to readjust to the lifestyle of being a student. One important aspect of getting back into the swing of things is studying. Good study habits are essential to the success of students. Here are 5 of my favorite spots to study that have helped me focus and do my best work. 1. Starbucks Nothing gets me in the mood to study quite like the atmosphere of Starbucks. A good cup of strong coffee is all I need to hit the books. Also, many people go to Starbucks to do school work, so focusing should not be a problem. My biggest pet peeve is when I am studying and the people sitting at the table next to me are loud and obnoxious. To avoid this, I always bring

my headphones and plug into my music to avoid any other outside distractions. Starbucks gives off a vibe like nowhere else. It is the perfect place to go and study this fall, especially if it’s raining! 2. Rockland Lake There is something about being outdoors on a beautiful fall day that just makes everything better. Bring a blanket, some snacks, and if you are anything like me, an extra large cup of coffee. You can either go on the ground, or at one of the many tables that are set up there. I have done some of my best studying at Rockland Lake, mainly because of the tranquility the water brings. If you are writing an essay, the scenery gives great inspiration. Again, if it gets too noisy with families and crowds of people, bring headphones and your iPod to tune everything else out. 3. The Gym If you belong to a gym or own a treadmill at home, I highly recommend using it for studying while working out! Walking on a treadmill is a great way to keep your body moving, while looking over class notes. Getting a mild workout and studying is probably one of the most productive things us students can do. Plus, since we all know exercise is a great way to relieve stress, we might as well be relieving the stress our schoolwork is giving us, right? 4. Local Library Depending on what town you are from,

the public library nearest you is a great place to study. The library is a perfect

place if noise is a big problem for you. I know that if I have my music, I can tune out just about everything around me, but

not everyone is like that. The library is silent and away from most distractions. You should invite another friend to come with you. By doing this, you can both keep each other on track with work and help one another if needed.

5. Your bedroom: Sometimes studying in the comfort of your own home is all you need. For me, if I set myself up across my bed and floor and have a pot of coffee next to me, i’ll get some of my best work done. If you have a noisy house then this wouldn’t be the right place for you, but if you know you can get peace and quiet, why not fully take advantage? Finding a great place to study is essential to the success of students. Don’t forget to try all of these places this fall. I even dare to say that these new spots might even make you excited to study!


September 10, 2012

Five Reasons You Should Quit Amanda Van Ryn

Managing Editor

Everyone has worked a job that they just can’t stand, but how do you know you need to quit? There are some things that are inexcusable and need to be taken into consideration when you’re thinking about quitting your job.

1. An uncomfortable work environment If you are ever feeling uncomfortable when working, it needs to be taken care of. Now this doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to quit, but if it is a continuing problem then quitting is your best option. If your coworkers or boss are doing or saying things to make you feel unsafe or uncomfortable then you need to address the problem with your boss. If the problem persists, then its time to quit, no matter how good the pay is or how bad you feel. When your uncomfortability is not resulting from the people in your workplace, then perhaps it is the workplace itself that is uncomfortable.

If you have to work in an environment that is not up to health codes or unclean, the job is just not worth getting sick from being in a dirty and unsafe environment. 2. When your boss doesn’t know who you are When your boss is someone that doesn’t know your name, and wouldn’t even realize if you didn’t show up for work, then something is wrong and you need to quit. You should be able to be comfortable enough to go to your boss to talk about any work related problem. If your boss doesn’t even know your name, then its difficult to feel comfortable enough to talk to him or her. When you’re just a number and another person to pay, you aren’t encouraged to do your best at the job given to you and you may not be motivated to do a good job. When you are feeling like you’re just a number, you need to quit. 3. Constant scheduling conflicts When you begin to work, you know that there are going to be days that you can’t do something because of your work schedule. If this starts to become a constant occurrence, it’s time to quit. When you are unable to

schedule doctor appointments, see your family, or miss out on one too many events with friends you must decide if your job is worth the constant struggle of scheduling time to see all the people you need to see and do all the things you need to do. If this is the only thing wrong with your job, then maybe you need to suck it up and get over it. But if this problem is combined with any others, you should seriously think about quitting. 4. Insufficient pay/hours Some of the most important factors in choosing a job are the pay and the hours. You need to make sure that the job you have pays enough money or has enough hours for you to work so you can support yourself and your shopping habits. Working a job that only lets you work a couple of hours a week may be perfect for some people, but for others that won’t give them enough hours to make the amount of money they need to make to pay

the bills. Minimum wage jobs are great because most people are able to find one, but for some it’s just not enough money. You


need to work hard to find another job that has better pay, so you don’t have to work three or four minimum wage jobs just to get by.

5. When you’d rather be watching paint dry We all know that most jobs are pretty boring, but when you begin to count down the seconds until your shift is over, you need to think about quitting. A job is a job, but you should also be learning and growing as a person while working. When you work in a retail store or restaurant and your business doesn’t get any traffic that means that you’re sitting around doing nothing and you’re making less money. Now, lets be honest, being bored isn’t really a deal breaker, but when you’re bored on top of one of these other problems it’s definitely time to quit. It can be hard to find a job that’s right for you, but don’t settle on a job that isn’t worth your while. When working a job, it is important to make sure that your needs are taken care of. You should never stay with a job because you “feel bad quitting”.


September 10, 2012

First Day of School, First Impressions Gabriela Gonzalez

Opinions Editor

The first day of school is here again. This means a whole new set of classes, classmates, and professors. This also means you’ll be meeting a whole new group of people with whom you’ll be spending the rest of the semester. Here at Rockland Community College people are constantly coming and going. You soon come to realize that you’ll be meeting new people all the time. For some, meeting new people is easy. Others however, prefer to keep to themselves and

find it a bit more nerve wrecking. This could be because with each new person you meet, you have to make a new first impression. Do first impressions really matter? While they shouldn’t, the reality is that

Mastering this ability can have a big effect on how we see ourselves and our ability to interact with other people in settings outside or our comfort zone. Working on your first impression does not mean you should make any drastic

they most certainly do. In an ideal world people would be judged solely on their character, skill sets, competencies, and performance. Unfortunately, the truth is it takes just a glance, maybe a few seconds for someone to evaluate you when they meet you for the first time. You are judged based on your appearance, your body language, and overall demeanor. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so putting an effort into making a good one can get you started on the right foot.

changes. One of the most important things you can do is be yourself. If you try to act like someone you’re not, others will think you’re phony and insincere. If you are yourself from the start, you can be comfortable knowing that they know the real you. Remaining calm and confident will ensure that both you and the other person are more at ease. When it comes to meeting professors, I think the most important thing to remember is to be on time. If you walk in

late to your teacher’s class on the first day of school, they will already think you are lazy and unorganized. You should plan to be a few minutes early. Give yourself some extra time in case you unexpectedly have to deal with a delay. Arriving early and on time lets professors know that you are responsible and respectful. In general, you should be well-mannered and approachable. If you make eye contact with people, and have a smile on your face, others will know that you are courteous and attentive. With a little confidence you will build tons of new relationships and will have a more interesting semester. If worst comes to worst and you make a terrible first impression, you should always keep in mind that first impressions don’t always make or break anything.

FACEBOOK DO’S AND DON’TS Some things should really stay private

Gabriela Gonzalez

Opinions Editor

I find Facebook to be a great way to stay in touch with friends and family easily and effectively. However, even though the social network site is very useful, I sometimes become frustrated with the things I encounter as I’m scrolling through my newsfeed. Facebook flat out asks you “what’s on your mind?” I guess the idea that someone actually wants to know what you’re thinking is pleasing. It’s nice to feel that your thoughts are relevant to someone else. Yet, some people take this too literally and post just that: everything that’s on their mind. Just because we can, it doesn’t

I want a sandwich...

mean that we should post anything and everything about ourselves on Facebook. We need to really consider what is appropriate for other people to see, what should be kept private and what can be posted publicly. One of the things that bother me the most is when people post everything that they are doing at every moment of everyday. I honestly don’t need to know that you just ate a sandwich or that you just had a nap. Those are things that you can keep to yourself. I also don’t need to know the drama you just had with your significant other, your best friend, or some stranger on the street. Posting about a fight you just had or a rumor you heard just embarrasses you, hurts people’s feelings, and just creates more drama.

Thirdly, it irritates me when I’m in a good mood and a depressing Facebook status suddenly makes me sad. We all have our gloomy days, and sometimes telling someone about it makes us feel better. I’m not saying that it’s always a bad thing, it’s just that you shouldn’t do it all the time. Finally, and probably most importantly, you need to be careful about the pictures you upload. We hear it over and over again; the warnings to be cautious of what we put on the internet. We hear plenty of stories about how people have gotten fired or arrested because of things they’ve posted on Facebook, yet I still find myself sighing and shaking my head at the things that some people post on their profiles. Some of the most common

things I see include pictures of underage drinking at parties, people doing drugs, or people taking half-naked pictures of themselves. If you do something that can get you in trouble, you probably should not broadcast it to the world. Once you post things on Facebook, it can be hard to keep it from spreading and coming back to haunt you. Anybody could get a hold of those pictures including bosses and teachers. You wouldn’t want them seeing really private and embarrassing things. Use your Facebook as much as you want, just do it guardedly. Remember that you are not the only one that can see your profile. If you wouldn’t want people seeing it, don’t post it.


September 10, 2012

John Mayer: Great Music, Bad Attitude Gabriela Gonzalez

Opinions Editor

John Mayer always gives the media and tabloids something to talk about. He is talented, famous, good-looking, he has an interesting love life, and is a kiss and

tell who talks about his girlfriends in his interviews. He retracts for a while when he accidentally says something ill-fitted but is soon up to his old ways again. It seems that Mayer continually makes headlines for the wrong reasons. He is commonly recognized as a heartbreaker

and a womanizer. He has dated prominent women of all shapes and sizes. His long list of ex-girlfriends consists of Jennifer Aniston, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jessica Simpson, Cameron Diaz, Vanessa Carlton, Kim Kardashian, and others. The most recent addition to the list is Katy Perry, who reportedly wanted nothing to do with the singer but in the end could not resist his charm. Mayer’s turbulent love life has many looking down on his character. Several times I have spoken to people who refuse to listen to his music because of his hectic personal life. Others who appreciate him as an artist claim that they like him less because of his unlikable media persona. No one likes jerks and I’m not forgiving his behavior, but I will say that despite all he does with his personal life, John Mayer is one of my all-time favorite musicians. I think he is incredibly talented, funny, and intelligent. He seems genuinely kind. As for his personal character, I think the public takes the things he says too seriously, especially because of the famous women he dates. We should all keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes, whether you’re a famous celebrity or just a regular John (no pun intended!).We all say the wrong thing at some point in our lives, so maybe we should all be a little more sympathetic. From listening to his music and watching plenty of interviews on YouTube I know that he’s a good guy and I respect him for what he has accomplished. At the end of the day it’s all about the music for me. John Mayer is amazing and while he has experimented with

different styles of music at different stages of his life, he never loses that signature Mayer sound. In my opinion he is one of the greatest artists out there, his music captivates me like no other. His voice is beautiful, and unique. He is actually a great guitarist and his music is soulful, emotional reflective art. Over the years his music has changed and developed into a new sound, but always in a good way. He has made some truly brilliant and beautiful songs. The ones that stand out to me the most are “Heartbreak Warfare,” “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room,” Your Body is a Wonderland” and “Edge of Desire”. His latest record did not disappoint. It is honest and personal with a country edge. This is John Mayer now at a more mature part of his life. I promise you that despite his douche-like behavior, his music is fabulous.


September 10, 2012

Outlook Student Press Kristen Loretoni, Editor-in-Chief Amanda Van Ryn, Managing Editor Vanessa Pastorelli, Production Manager

Gabriela Gonzalez, Opinions Editor Gen Rollins, Photography Editor Devon Keane, Sports Editor

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods and summer. It is an independent newspaper and public forum produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees.

Submissions and articles become the property of Outlook Student Press. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor. Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

Welcome Back

Welcome to SUNY Rockland Community College! Part of making the most of your time here at RCC is getting involved. If you are looking to get involved and build your resume, join Outlook. If you love writing, Outlook gives you the freedom to write about all of your interests. We welcome writers, photographers, artists, web-designers and many more. Joining Outlook Student Press is

a great way to make new friends and expand your writing horizons. Staying connected with our campus and covering all the latest news makes us unique here at RCC. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday during common hour in the Student Union, Room 3200. Please stop by anytime if you are interested in joining. We look forward to meeting you and hope you are happy to be here at RCC for another great year.

On the web: Email: Outlookstudentpress@gmail. com Office: Student Union Room 3200 Phone: (845) 574-4389 Fax: (845) 356-6261 Snail mail:Outlook Student Press Rockland Community College 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901 Professor Fuentes, Advisor

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U O Y O D WHAT K O O B T X E T . . . T U O B THINK A PRICES? Gabriela Gonzalez

I think the cost of textbooks has gotten out of hand. Paying for school and classes already has a high price tag, and then expensive textbooks are added to the equation. During my first semester at school I bought all of my textbooks for every class and spent the ridiculous sum of $500. I even bought some of them on Amazon and Barnes and at an attempt to save money. What’s worse is that I ended up only using two out of all of the books I bought. It’s safe to say I learned my lesson and only bought the books I thought were essential for the spring semester that followed. Now I spend hours in the library using the books they have on reserve. I get by on all my classes, but I would rather have my own book; I feel unprepared if I don’t. I don’t think it’s fair that we can’t have all of our textbooks at an affordable price. We need to be able to work at our highest potential without breaking our wallets.

Amanda Van Ryn

The cost of textbooks is insane. After already paying a college tuition to take my classes I have to spend another $400 on books that I probably am never going to use again. Most of the time I am able to rent textbooks from places like to reduce the cost, but for some of my classes I need to buy the book. I recently had to spend $130 on a lab manual for my BIO 105 class. I couldn’t rent the book because after completing a lab I need to rip out the pages and hand them in to my lab instructor. It’s tough to rationalize spending $130 on a book that I will never even look at again after the semester is over. BIO 105 is a class that I am required to take and is not even in my interests but I still have to pay a lot of money to be able to complete the class with a passing grade. In my opinion, classes like that, in which the book is required to be bought by everyone, should include the cost of the book.

Kristen Loretoni

Buying textbooks has to be one of the biggest hassles here at RCC. I understand that we are saving a lot of money with the cost of tuition being so affordable here, but the cost of textbooks is absurd. I like to rent my textbooks to save money, but when certain professors require books that are only sold in our bookstore, saving money is an issue. My biggest pet peeve is when a professor tells the class that everyone must buy the textbook, but then never assigns work to be done from it! If I have to spend over $100 for a textbook, I better be using it for the class. I think that the cost of textbooks can be quite burdensome for students who are paying for them out of pocket.

Devon Keane

When it comes to censorship within a newspaper, I don’t think any thought, idea, or story should be kept out. Appropriateness, however, depends on how a statement is written and where it can be found publicized. As a school newspaper, our goal is to present reliable news to promote awareness, as well as entertain the reader. If something exists, it is concrete news and shouldn’t be kept out of the paper. A problem cultivates when the piece is written in a vulgar manner with a motive to insult. Opinion pieces are meant to be controversial because that is what makes it trigger ideas and well as interest. However, when opinions are incorporated into a different section, such as news, it can skew credibility and embody a violation of censorship. Opinion articles need to stay in their own section, because otherwise it weighs down the scale of fairness and has the potential to offend the reader.


WHY WE LOVE Kristen Loretoni

Editor in chief

As school starts this fall, the need to look confident and beautiful is stronger than ever. I love finding new products in time for the fall months. Here are five of my new favorite beauty tools that will be sure to spice up your look this season! 1. Remington Curling Wand Remington curling wand. Everyone wants Hollywood style curls. The more us girls try to fuss with our hair, the more damaged it gets and the more frustrated we get in return. My new favorite styling tool for my unruly and obnoxiously frizzy hair is the curling wand. There are many brands that make the wand; however, I

have the Remington Wand. I bought my wand in Target on sale for $10! It works perfectly and is so easy to use. Instead of a traditional curling iron with a clamp that holds your hair in place, the wand allows you to use your hands and determine which kind of curl you want for that day. I love big curls but I also love long loose waves. My wand gives me a choice and depending on my mood that day, I do my hair accordingly. 2. Lancome Red Lipstick I have now officially become obsessed with red lipsticks. They give a timeless and sexy look if worn correctly. There are so many shades of red to chose from, and so many styles as well. My new favorite is Lancome’s Hollywood Red. It has just enough red to look sexy and chic, without looking like a seven-year-old trying on her mom’s lipstick. This lipstick is sold for around $20 in most department stores. For a cheaper look, try CVS’s stellar cosmetic department for a fraction of the price.

3. Sally Hansen Nail Pens Sally Hansen has taken over the world of nail fashion this year. My favorite new look for nails are tribal prints that you can paint on yourself using the nail pens that are sold in most drugstores! I love getting new ideas off of Instagram for different prints that can be done all on your own. By using these you gain creativity points and also save money that would have been spent on a costly manicure. 4. Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray I love the look my hair gets after a day at the beach. Those curls are unlike ones that any iron or wand could ever make! When I found out about Bumble and Bumble’s Surf Spray I had to try it. The smell of the spray is great, and its salt

water base is what gives it the “beach hair” look. I think it’s a great idea for the fall; who wouldn’t want their favorite beach in a 4 oz bottle? All you have to do is spray it all over your hair and let it air dry. It is so simple and reasonably priced at $24 a bottle. It may seem expensive for a hair spray but the results are definitely worth it. 5. bareMinerals MATTE Every girl wants flawless skin. One way to give the appearance of it is using bareMinerals matte foundation. It is airy and so light you will forget you are even wearing makeup. I love using bareMinerals because my skin is so sensitive and easily irritated. This foundation never irritates my skin and always gives me an even finish. I would recommend this foundation for any girl who wants to try a new foundation. Although it may be seen as expensive, averaging at about $25 a can, the results will be totally worth its cost.

September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012


FALL FASHION 2012 They are perfect for just about any outfit. The great thing about boots is they can be found anywhere! As college students, we have to stay on a tight budget. However, staying on a budget doesn’t mean your style has to be compromised. You can find a great pair of boots just about anywhere. Stores like Forever21 aim for young adult shoppers and their prices won’t empty out your bank account. Another Fall fashion this year are stripes. Stripes are everywhere this Fall! A concern a lot of girls have with stripes is the unflattering effect they tend to have on our curves. There are plenty of ways

Kristen Loretoni

Editor in chief

I have to say, when summer ends an overwhelming feeling of sadness comes over me, until I remember that fall clothes shopping is right around the corner. Fall to me means time to start fresh and GO SHOPPING! Fall clothes are my favorite to shop for because you can still wear some cute pieces from summer, but add a few things to them. My favorite style so far this year is sundresses paired with denim jackets. The two go so well together and it is a great way to bring all those adorable dresses right into fall! When it gets too cold for sleeveless, add the denim jacket and you’ll be good to go. You can also switch the idea

of a sundress with a romper! Rompers were extremely popular this summer and will be while the weather is warm this fall. Pair a romper with a denim vest or jacket and you have a great outfit. This look is great for casual days but can be turned into a great date night outfit as well with wedges and an over-the-shoulder bag! You can get this look without emptying your wallet by shopping at affordable stores like Target, Forever21, and H&M. Blazers are one of my favorite fall additions. They can change the entire look of an outfit, and can be worn with just about anything! Blazers can make even jeans formal. A great outfit idea for a cool night in the fall would be dark wash jeans, boots, and any color blazer you like. I also love the chic and sophisticated look given when blazers are paired with long necklaces. Blazers have become very popular this shopping season, and come in all different colors and styles. Shorter blazers give off a more casual vibe, where longer ones are perfect for that businesschic look. Boots are definitely a Fall essential.

aren’t focusing them on parts of your body that don’t need that kind of attention! AKA—your hips. No one wants to look like they have wide hips, and even if you don’t, horizontal stripes still make you look like you do. Under a leather blazer, a black and white striped shirt is a great and popular look this fall. Getting all of these looks is easy and can be very affordable if you shop smart. Happy shopping!

to avoid being self conscious but still rock this look. Look for dull stripes, ones that are thick and go in a direction other than horizontal. By finding stripes that go in directions other than straight across your body, you

The BackStreet Boys are Back Gabriela Gonzalez

opinions editor

Backstreet Boys, one of the most successful boy bands in music history, with plenty of number one hits, recordsetting tours, and worldwide sales of more than 100 million, have reunited! They are among the most influential groups in pop world history. The band is made up by A.J. MCLean, Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, Howie Dorough and Kevin Richardson. For almost two decades, Backstreet Boys have delivered the very finest pop music has to offer – intricately crafted songs, lively rhythms, and beautiful harmonies. They were the One Direction of their time. Their posters hung on the walls of almost every teenage girl in places all around the world. The band broke up back in 2002, and got back together in 2004. However, Kevin Richardson parted from the group again in 2006, leaving the group incomplete. The band had not performed together since then, so I was extremely excited when I found out that all five members were reuniting as part of the “Good Morning America” summer concert series. For four years, “Good Morning America” has been hosting free concerts at Rumsey Playfield in Central Park during the summer. All the concerts take place during the show, between 7:00 and 9:00 in the morning. This summer they consisted of big names like Brad Paisley,

Demi Lovato, The Wanted, and others. I was lucky enough to catch the Backstreet Boys wrap up the summer concert series. Early Friday morning on August 31, I was among the crowd of excited fans anxiously waiting the moment we would actually see the Backstreet Boys in concert. Fans arrived as early as the day before to secure good spots. My friend Lara and I were lucky enough to win VIP passes through Myfreeconcert on Facebook, so we had better spots than we would’ve had otherwise. However, I was desperately wishing I was a few inches taller so that I could see better! In any case, I was thrilled that I was getting to see one of the most legendary boy bands of all time for free. What could possibly be greater? As soon as the band got on the stage, the crown roared so loud I was sure we could be heard all through New York City. Before the concert began, the crowd got to interact with them a little bit as they did sound check. The boys seemed at ease on the stage, each of them with a big smile on their face. They were cheerful and playful with the crowd, joking about their age and their current “outdated” reputation. As they finished one of their songs, A.J held his back and groaned as if he were an elderly man in pain and then smiled at the crowd. After sound check, the band was interviewed by GMA hosts on the stage. During this interview the Backstreet Boys revealed that 2013 would be a busy year for them. They happily announced that they were working on a new album

and a world tour to coincide with their 20th anniversary. After the interview, came the moment we were all waiting for: the Backstreet Boys’ performance. All the waiting and standing we had done all morning was worthwhile. The band looked great and sounded great. I was pleased that they performed their older, more popular song, the songs that I grew up listening to, and that made me fall in love with them in first place. They first sang “Larger Than Life,” followed by “Incomplete,” ”I want it That Way,” and finally the lyrically appropriate, “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)”. They performed brilliantly, moving around the stage a lot, which gave everyone a chance to get a good view of each of them. The crowd was loud and energetic, singing and dancing to the upbeat songs. Overall, AJ was the funniest and most interactive with the crowd. He made the most jokes and talked the most in between songs. Nick was the tallest and probably the happiest of them all. His smile did not leave his face throughout the whole concert. During the songs, he was the most into the dancing, really putting effort

into it. But it was Kevin Richardson who stole the show. The Backstreet Boy that’s been gone the longest was welcomed back with open arms. He became sentimental, seemingly getting teary eyed when the crowd chanted his name over and over again throughout the concert. As they exited the stage they left with the sound of cheering fans behind them. Even though I wishing for it, they did not stay on stage for very long and did not stick around for pictures, which was very disappointing. Other than that, it was a great experience I will never forget. After all these years it is undeniable that the Backstreet Boys are still treasured and are most definitely not outdated. Former teen fans all grown up made up a good amount of the crowd, showing their never-ending love and loyalty to them. But a new group of young fans also made their presence, showing that the Backstreet Boys are still current and relevant. There was a moment during the concert when Nick Carter sweetly asked, “Do you still love us?” The crowd erupted into a loud and simultaneous “Yes!”



September 10, 2012

Arm Exercises

Devon Keane

Sports Editor

Now that summer is unfortunately over, people stop worrying about their beach body and tend to lose motivation at the gym. If you were one of those individuals who were worrying about their body for summer, you should make it easier for next year and stay fit. You will feel much better physically and mentally if you stay in shape during the offseason and I will guarantee you will look that much better next year. Every guy and girl wants nice arms. Guys usually want bigger muscular arms while girls prefer toned arms. It’s important to work out your arms once a week, but it’s better if you work them out with your back or chest. When I work out my arms, I usually stick to traditional, oldschool exercises because they seem to get the job done. If you are training for bigger and stronger muscles, heavy weight with low reps is ideal. If you are training for a more toned body, lighter weight with high reps would be more suitable. The exercises below are my favorite arm exercises that I usually perform after working out my back. You have probably heard or seen these before; just remember to confuse your muscles with different exercises and to use good form.

people experience discomfort in the wrists and elbows with the straight barbell, so the EZ curl bar is a great alternative.

Hammer Curls Hammer curls are similar to dumbbell curls. Instead of rotating your palms so they are facing up, keep them facing each other. Hammer curls work your biceps, forearms, and brachialis. I prefer doing both arms simultaneously rather than alternating each arm because I feel as if I am using more body momentum to lift the weights.

Preacher Curls Preacher curls are performed on a preacher bench with a barbell. This exercise really isolates the biceps and allows you to concentrate on the movement. It’s important to squeeze your biceps when you have reached the top of the movement and stretch them when you are back in the starting position.

of my favorite exercises considering it works all of the muscles that make up your tricep. Overhead Tricep Extensions This movement also works the entire tricep muscle which is why it is also one of my favorites. Grab one dumbbell and grip it so it is hanging straight down over your head and bend your elbows so you can lower the weight and repeat. This movement is great when it is superset with cable push downs. Having nice arms is not easy to achieve. If you work hard, stay motivated, and eat right, you will have the physique you have always wanted.

Cable Push Downs Cable push downs are a great exercise that works your whole tricep. I use a rope handle for maximum range. This is one

Standing Barbell Curls This is my favorite exercise for my biceps. This exercise is simple and it also works your forearms, whether you use a straight barbell or an EZ curl bar. A straight barbell gives you a better range of motion, thus giving better results. However, many

Food on the Go Amanda Van Ryn

Managing Editor

Everyone has a busy life, whether its school, work, or other responsibilities we all are constantly struggling with staying healthy while eating on the go. Its tough to actually take the time to prepare a healthy meal or snack when we have places to go and people to see. People are moving so fast that they ignore what they are eating or if they are eating at all. To conform to the busier American lifestyle, the food industry has made fast options available so people can eat and keep moving on to their next task; however the problems with this are the unhealthy options that we keep on choosing. When choosing between a bag of chips and a piece of fruit, most people would choose the chips for the convenience of grabbing them and going. The logic here is that people would rather eat unhealthy than taking the time to cut up the fruit. If we have fast and healthy options ready for us then its a no brainer. If people would take some time out of their week and get together a whole week’s worth of healthy snacks that are easy to grab, then this problem is solved. If the fruit is already cut up and in a container with a fork on top, then its easy to grab on the way to work or school. When healthy options are fast, easy and available then people are far more likely to choose to eat healthier.

There has been an attempt to make faster and healthier options readily available on the supermarket shelves; however these options are often misleading. For example one snack might be low-fat, but very high in sugar. Or, a snack may be only 100 calories, but still be the same unhealthy snack in a smaller portion. So someone that is truly trying to pick healthy and fast options can often be tricked into purchasing and eating a product that may not be what they think it is. Unless people read the nutrition labels on these foods, they will never know what they are getting. As a nation we need to educate ourselves on what we are putting into our bodies. Some people are moving so fast that they feel like they don’t have time to eat. At the end of their day when they have finally finished all of their tasks they realize, “The last thing I ate was a granola bar for breakfast.” This is another problem that is separate from eating unhealthy “onthe-go” snacks. If people do not fuel their bodies correctly, how do they expect to make it through their busy day? Our health is up to us, so along with our school, work, and other responsibilities we need to make our health one of the many tasks on our individual to-do lists. We also need to help each other. Think about making a second healthy lunch along with yours to bring to a friend and swap days. If you’re only making lunch every other day you have some time to get a couple of things done and you don’t have to be worried about making sure you have healthy options ready.





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September 10, 2012


Sell Your Cells

Cancer: Is there a cure? Gennifer Rollins

Photography Editor

Cancer. The word alone seems malignant. And with this very serious, and varied disease taking hold of this nation, what is the government doing to help? Grants are provided to colleges, scientific research facilities, and private researchers. But with all of these brilliant minds at work, why is there no known cure? Suspicious information has been traveling around about whether or not cancer has actually been cured. There are some who say its cure is prevented, but who would do such a thing? The accusatory finger has been pointed towards pharmaceutical companies. Although America provides its elder citizens with the advantage of Medicare Part B, drug companies still form resistance against providing the proper curative drugs. The basis of doctor recommendations in America is not reliant on healing abilities, but rather on the high cost of the drug. More expensive drugs, even if covered by insurance, means more money for the drug companies. Many patients are left unaware of such fallacies, trusting the information given by the doctor, and avoiding high costs due to insurance coverage. The doctors are both pawns and victims, having to feed mouths

of their own. It is less about sufficient drugs being unavailable, and more about hidden agendas of pharmaceutical companies. These companies provide for America in a very evasive way. Due to pharmaceutical efforts, there has been an increase in research and research funding, as well as life-elongating drugs. But if there were to be a cure, fewer people would need medicine, and without the needs of the people, there is no corporate demand. It is a sorry case of the politician posing with a baby-- If the drug companies can appear to be doing good deeds, such as funding research, no one will oppose them. But the sad result is that more people are suffering, and less people, particularly those without Medicare Part B, are able to afford lifesaving drugs. Congress, too, is fearful of the power held by major drug corporations. There has been a recent comparison of cancer curing drugs, and how directly they cure, but the whole operation was done without estimating cost value of the drugs. True, some drugs are less effective than others. This has been a problem throughout the history of cancer research. Traditionally, entire cell bodies are attacked in the same mannerisms, such as chemotherapy, radiation, and other traditional practices, which may not be productive for the particular cancer at hand. However, with the new research

and technology available in current times, these problems are growing towards solution. Until there is enough political and civilian power against these issues and the rising cost of medicine, there will not be a wide-spread cure to cancer. The drugs that do target specific cancers, are more costly. Some, such as Yervoy, may not even extend a life beyond 3-and-a-half months. So big companies and government politicians must decide if pouring money into these projects is worth the nearly four more months of individual life. The answer is yes. That is three-and-a-half more months of research, three-and-a-half

more months of statistical and personal evidence, three-and-a-half more months for a person to prove what life is worth. It is not so simple as laboratory results and numbers. Some patients live longer by their own pure will. Some die by the very same. If the forefront of our nation is willing to support life on all accounts, costs will become irrelevant. Now expensive drugs will become the norm, and eventually reduce in price. The need is great, with as many as 11,958,000 people diagnosed with some form of cancer in the U.S. The best question anyone can ask is, “What can we do to help?�

Foods That Will Fuel Your Healthy Lifestyle Kristen Loretoni

Editor in Chief

1. Greek Yogurt Greek yogurt has many health benefits. It is high in protein and low in fat, which sets it apart from most yogurts. There are many brands that are starting to make greek yogurt now because of its growing popularity. People who swear by this yogurt are mainly avid gym-goers. People who work out frequently really gain the benefits of this yogurt because of the high amount of protein paired with the minimal fat content. This is a great breakfast food and will keep you full longer than your average bowl of cereal. 2. Kale Kale is known to be one of the healthiest vegetables. This green is richest in nutrients of all leafy vegetables. A lot of people have avoided kale in the past because of its bitter taste. Now health food stores everywhere are making kale into a salad that has many wanting more. When paired with pine nuts and olive oil, the bitterness is cut in a lot of ways. Kale is a great side to any dinner and has many health benefits for the body. Also, a great snack to have are kale chips. When put on a cookie sheet and ripped apart into small pieces, kale will cook in the oven and crisp up much like how a potato chip would. I find it to be a tasty treat that I will not feel guilty after eating. If you season the kale with olive oil, a dash of salt and pepper, the taste of the kale is very much enjoyable and you will find yourself wanting seconds!

Top 5 Healthy Foods

3. Salmon Salmon is one of the healthiest foods that we can eat, because of its richness in vitamins. Omega-3 fatty acids are the main health benefit of salmon. Omega-3 acids are great because they help us with brain power. As healthy as salmon is in many ways, it is also important to know that eating it too often can be harmful for us because it contains high amounts of mercury. Although it is not smart to eat salmon every day, it is still a great addition to any diet. If eaten in moderation, we can all gain the benefits of salmon and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Salmon is great when grilled and accompanied with sides like leafy green vegetables. 4. Almonds Dry almonds are great for an everyday snack. Like everything else, almonds can have many health benefits if eaten in moderation. One handful a day is said to be the right amount to eat. The high fatcontent in almonds is what limits us to a handful a day. Out of all nuts, almonds have the highest amount of nutrients. Almonds have been proven to be great for heart health. They have a crunchy texture and are great for snacks and good in salads. 5. Grilled Chicken Grilled chicken is a great food to eat in place of less healthy meats like pork or beef. It is high in protein and can be a great staple to any meat eating diet. Grilled chicken can be seasoned in any number of ways to make it a part of any meal. It is great in salads and on sandwiches. Most restaurants offer grilled chicken on the menu, and having it is definitely a healthy choice.



September 10, 2012

Anabolic Steroids Athletes trying to gain an edge

Devon Keane

Sports Editor

In 1935, a German scientist named Adolf Butenandt discovered anabolic steroids as a treatment for hypogonadism, which is a testosterone deficiency. Butenandt won a Nobel Prize for his discovery, but little did he know that the use of anabolic steroids would not be limited to individuals with medical needs; it would also be used by athletes who desired to gain an unfair advantage over others. Athletes began using anabolic steroids in 1954, when the Soviet Union’s powerlifting team doctor claimed that his team injected testosterone to gain an edge. Steroids usage became more popular as time went by, especially in the Olympics. It wasn’t until 1975 when anabolic steroids were banned in the Olympics. Non-medical use of steroids would also be banned in football, baseball, and almost any other sport. Many athletes still insist on taking steroids for the competitive advantage. Not only is it illegal, steroids can cause many dangerous side effects. Some of the more serious and physical side effects include clotting disorders, liver damage, heart attacks, and strokes. There are also psychological side effects such as depression and severe mood swings. This dangerous drug also sets a bad example for little kids. Since the ban of anabolic steroids in sports, players and athletes have been stripped from their records, prizes, and medals. They have caused many controversies and scandals. There are

many harsh punishments for individuals who continue to use steroids illegally in sports. Baseball players Melky Cabrera and Bartolo Colon and retired cyclist Lance Armstrong are among individuals who have recently received punishments for their steroid use. This recent discovery was shocking and disappointing to sport enthusiast. Former New York Yankee Melky Cabrera tested positive for a performance enhancing substance which resulted in a spike of testosterone in mid-August. Cabrera was having a career year in 2012, batting .346 with 11 home runs and 60 RBI’s. He was this year’s MLB All-Starr Game MVP. It is his first year with the San Francisco Giants and he was expected to be offered a multi-million dollar contract this offseason during free agency.

Cabrera was suspended for 50 games without pay and will miss the rest of the season. “My positive test was the result of my use of a substance I should not have used. I accept my suspension under the Joint Drug Program and I will try to move on with my life,” Cabrera stated after the suspension was announced. If that was not disappointing enough, Cabrera also attempted to trick MLB and the players union with a fake website to explain the positive drug test. Cabrera hired “paid consultant” Juan Nunez for $10 thousand to make a fake website which suggested that Melky unknowingly ordered a supplement that would cause the increase of testosterone. It did not take long for MLB to realize this was a fake website and, although the suspension remained the same, Cabrera continued to damage his own reputation.

Another ex-Yankee Bartolo Colon tested positive for a performance enhancing substance in mid-August. This was the pitcher’s first year with the Oakland Athletics and the 39-year old will also serve a 50 game suspension from MLB. Colon quickly released an apology statement and took responsibility for his actions. He is 10-9 this season with a 3.14 ERA. Lance Armstrong, renowned cyclist, has stopped fighting the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. According to ESPN, “USADA maintains that Armstrong has used banned substances as far back as 1996, including the blood-booster EPO and steroids as well as blood transfusions -- all to boost his performance.” The USADA will strip Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles as he said he has had enough. Lance Armstrong has been accused of using performance enhancers since 1999, and claims that he is finished with the nonsense since it has taken a large toll on himself and his family. “Today I turn the page. I will no longer address this issue, regardless of the circumstances. I will commit myself to the work I began before ever winning a single Tour de France title: serving people and families affected by cancer, especially those in underserved communities,” Armstrong said. Since Lance Armstrong has given up, we may never know if he really is guilty or not unless there is a testimony against him. These are just three of the more recent scandals with steroids in sports. There have been countless other suspensions and punishments since anabolic steroids were considered an unfair advantage.

NFL 2012-2013 Season Preview Who will win this year’s SuperBowl?

Devon Keane

Sports Editor

It’s that time of year again, football is back after a long, eventful offseason. The 2012-2013 football season is expected to be an interesting season like always, as teams begin the run for Super Bowl XLVI. It has been an entertaining couple of months, with Peyton Manning’s return from injury, the circus in New York, also known as the Jets, and the horrendous preseason calls from the replacement referees. There are high expectations for many teams this year, but it is hard to predict which teams will really succeed. In the AFC East, the New England Patriots seem to be the favorite to win the division. The team has very few weaknesses, and they also have a relatively easy schedule compared to other teams. The Buffalo Bills did a lot of work this offseason, creating somewhat of a challenge for the Patriots. Meanwhile, the New York Jets seem to continue make people scratch their heads. Acquiring Tim Tebow, who is already a fan favorite, creates more of a distraction for starting quarterback Mark Sanchez. Sanchez’s main focus should be to cut down turnovers. I believe the wildcat offense can be

pretty strong this season, or it could go terribly wrong. Preseason seems to favor the later, as the Jets offense was barely able to score. The Baltimore Raven’s strong defense will be key to their success in the AFC North in 2012. The Pittsburgh Steelers will continue to win games even with the absence of running back Rashard Mendenhall. Ben Roethlisberger will continue to lead the team’s strong offense. The AFC West seems to favor the Denver Broncos, especially with the addition of Peyton Manning. As one

of the greatest quarterbacks to play the game, Peyton Manning makes Denver’s offense much stronger. He is a veteran player who knows how to lead a team. The Texans look to win the AFC South for the second year in the row, they just have to stay healthy. The Indianapolis Colts continue to rebuild after parting ways with future hall of famer Peyton Manning. The NFC East can be a toss-up between the New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles. Although the Giants are the reigning Super Bowl champions, they have been under the radar this

season. This is because Tim Tebow and the Jets have been stealing the spot light in New York, which is not necessarily a problem. The Philadelphia Eagles will be a big obstacle for the Giants, especially if Michael Vick stays healthy. The powerhouse Green Bay Packers are clear favorites to win the NFC North, as they enter the regular season with arguably the best passing offense in the league. Reigning MVP Aaron Rodgers will make another attempt for a run at the Super Bowl this season. The San Francisco 49ers are favorites to win the NFC West and also have a legitimate shot at making a Super Bowl run this year. If they continue to dominate the running game like they did last year, expect to see them late in the post season. Do not count the New Orleans Saints out in the NFC South. With the bounty scandal occurring this offseason, some people are not sure whether the Saints have it in them to make a run for the Super Bowl. It will be tough with the absence of their head coach, but they are still the most talented team in their division. This small preview of the 2012-2013 NFL season will be looked at much differently come January, but this is football we are talking about. This will definitely be an exciting season for football fans.

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