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utLook STUDENT PRESS Vol. 44 Issue 8 November 21, 2011 Facebook.com/Outlookpress

Features 4 “A ‘bromance’ is a very special and exciting part of life that one should be honored to have. Embrace the relationship that you have and always love your ‘bro’.” Stephanie Nelson, Student

There are a few simple steps that can help you figure out if you’re in a “bromance.”

The Spring Valley Extension Campus, at 185 Main Street in Spring Valley, has been targeted for sale in the the new county budget.

Spring Valley Campus May Close County is planning to sell building housing the RCC Extension

“If you’re trying to update your wardrobe or stay on top of your fashion game, you must have these items.” Anjelica Pagnozzi, Student

If you want to have a fashionable wardrobe, these items are a musthave.

Tech 16 “There are alternative headsets that match or exceed the sound quality of the Beats headphones, all for hundreds less.” Jonathan Kim, Student

Want “Beats” but the pricetag is too hefty? These headphones might be for you.

News Editor

In his 2012 budget, Rockland County Executive C. Scott Vanderhoef proposes the sale of the building housing the Spring Valley extension of SUNY Rockland. Although the Spring Valley campus at one time housed College programs and offered many for-credit courses, it

now is home only to a slew of non-credit classes, which are available for anyone to take. The building, which is owned by Rockland County, is targeted for sale due lack of use and the cost of upkeep. In today’s economy, the County is trying to save as much money as possible in order to fund new projects and help pay back some of the debt which it owes. “The sale of the Spring

Valley Center is a County decision,” College President Dr. Cliff Wood remarked. “The College is prepared to make arrangements to relocate the organizations currently using the facility in case of a sale. We intend to continue to serve the community’s needs.” Rockland Community College is comprised of three campuses: the main campus in Suffern, the Haverstraw extension, and the Spring Valley

extension. Most classes are now held on the main campus, with a significant number at the Haverstraw extension . The Spring Valley extension is used to host a variety of county programs, such as the retired senior volunteer program, which gives senior citizens rewarding activities that both benefit the community and help bring senior citizens SEE SALE PAGE 2

For This Veteran, One More Mission Bethany Friday

Contributing Writer

For World War II veteran Alan Moskin, Veterans Day has never been a mere day off from work valued only for running errands and catching up on household duties. Rather, for him and the eight other American war veterans who participated in a panel discussion held for RCC’s ‘Veteran’s Appreciation Week’ this past Veterans Day, the day will always be tied to a host of powerful memories that made a permanent impact on their lives.

Moskin was recently on campus for a weeklong commemoration of veterans. The underlying purpose of the week’s events was to “enhance awareness,” said Jonathan Barnwell, coordinator of The Office of Veteran’s Affairs, which hosted and planned the events. This new office, just one year young, functions for the support of student veterans. “This year we have over 100 student veterans,” Barnwell said. The transition from military to academic life can be a SEE VETERAN PAGE 2

Bethany Friday / Outlook Student Press

Style 8

Elan Weinberger

World War II veteran Alan Moskin.


November 21, 2011

For World War II Veteran, a Mission to Educate and Share VETERAN FROM PAGE 1 confusing one. Barnwell and his team offer advisement exclusively to those who have served in the military. The weeklong commemoration consisted of two main events—the closing ceremonies on Veterans Day, and a panel discussion earlier in the week, called “War and Remembrance,” that featured veterans who served in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Desert Storm, Bosnia, the Iraqi Campaign, and Enduring Freedom. The veterans spoke openly about their experiences, some for the very first time. Friday’s closing ceremony included special presentations and brief speeches followed by an exhibit of the Veterans Art Therapy Shadow Boxes. These are still on display on the second floor atrium of the Technology Building. I made my way through the hustle and bustle of the Veterans Day reception in search of a veteran willing to provide me with some details. An elderly man with a kind disposition,

Alan Moskin, expressed that he’d be glad to speak with me. Little did I know that he was about to share much more than a few profound statements about war. This man was about to vulnerably share with me his story. Alan had been attending Syracuse University when he was drafted into World War II. Prior to deployment on the battlefield, he underwent basic training in Florida, where he was exposed to racism like he’d never seen before. When he went to put up a photo in his room picturing him and his childhood best friend Georgie, an African-American, he was met with hateful words by some of his fellow soldiers. “Is that you with your arm around that nigger-baboon?” they demanded to know. The crew of southern boys attempted to beat him up, but Alan held his ground. During the war, he served as a combat infantry soldier—trained to fight on foot. As one reciting the alphabet, Moskin recalled with ease the battles he fought in Hitler’s Germany: “Coberg, Bayreuth, Amberg, Bamberg, Nuremberg. I lost a

lot of close buddies at every one of those battles,” he said rather distantly. “I saw a lot of dead bodies and killed [a lot].” He made sure to add, however, that this was not something he was at all proud of. On May 4, 1945 he and his troop, the 71st Infantry, set out to liberate the Gunskirchen Lager concentration camp in Austria. “It was,” he said, the “most horrific site I’ve ever seen.” He described the scene as being covered with “skeletallike” corpses, “bones with no flesh.” “Those alive were so emaciated,” and were covered in “sores, blood, feces… Their eyes sunk back into their skulls.” “They cried, ‘Help me, help me…’” There was a sudden sharpness in his tone as he passionately declared, “I want these people to get the message that there was a Holocaust! I wish it was a myth… but I saw it. I wasn’t hallucinating.” Alan hadn’t always been able to talk so openly about his experiences in combat. He didn’t discuss them much for 50 years because he suffered severe nightmares. “I had to fight my way through it,” he says of his battle with PTSD (post-traumatic-

stress-disorder). But finally in the summer of 1995 with the encouragement of a friend who explained to him that there were people out there saying that there was never a Holocaust, he spoke out. “It was like all that poison [left me],” he said, describing the freeing sensation of “opening up.” Since then, Alan, now 85, has spoken to 100 middle schools in New York, Pennsylvania, and other states and has reached a titanic 12,000 with his historically important message. When asked what words he would like to leave with the students of RCC he said this: “Forget about the color of your skin, your nationality, your race, I know it sounds simple but...” “Get rid of the word they. That ‘they’ word.” “I have buddies who gave their lives for this. They wouldn’t believe if they were alive the stuff that’s still going on now.” “Judge people as individuals.”

Spring Valley Campus May be Sold SALE FROM PAGE 1 together. The proposal to sell the building at 185 Main Street, part of Vandehoef’s 2012

proposed budget, is just in the beginning stages. Nothing has yet been decided. The proposed closing comes after a reduction in the countywide budget, which has been reduced by $7.8 million.

The county will also be losing around 545 jobs amidst nationwide budget cuts, as a result of a still-shaky economy. Many people are scared of losing their jobs after the countywide cuts,

which will affect the sheriff’s unit, adult homes and the county guidance center. Many people are outraged with the cuts and have expressed their anger with verbal attacks at Vanderhoef at local meetings.

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November 21, 2011


Julian Harvey

Contributing Writer

During the first half of last century, there were nearly 900 farms in Rockland County. Nowadays, there is a measly five. The Rockland Farm Alliance—founded in 2007—is determined to change that ratio. Rockland Farm Alliance is the first—and only—Community Supported Agriculture (or CSA) in Rockland. CSA’s are big in agriculturally based states such as California, Vermont and the Midwest, yet they’re virtually unheard of in suburban regions such as Rockland County. One of the principal missions of the Rockland Farm Alliance—or RFA—is to change that, and the timing could not be better. Rockland Farm Alliance is based in New City, on Little Tor Road. It is a fiveacre parcel of land formerly owned and farmed by the Cropsey family. Rather than sell their parcel of land to developers, the Cropseys agreed to sell their parcel of land to the town of Clarkstown. In exchange the town agreed to let RFA transform five acres of the property into a fully functioning CSA . Rockland Farm Alliance also serves as an “outdoor classroom”, providing tangible educational opportunities about modern agriculture to people of all different backgrounds & ages.

CSAs work like this: you pay upfront for a “share” of that season’s produce, and agree to participate in the reaping of the produce come picking time, or for the disinclined helping out with the manifold duties of running a “farm”; everything from bagging produce, hand-painting signs to fixing the transmission of their four-wheel-drive John Deere tractor. Everybody has different skill sets to bring to the table, and they are all utilized. There are also educational at the farm. Being able to teach your own kids where your fruit & veggies really come from is a large factor in the success of the farms. To learning about modern, Organic agricultural practices, to the economies of running a small farm; the educational opportunities are only limited by your imagination CSA economics runs contrary to traditional farming economics. Instead of a single farmer performing all of the labor and getting all of the profits, there is an economic triangle of farmer, crops and finally consumer is turned upside down, so the element of risk—as well as the benefits—are now equally shared. While it is too late to buy into the 2011growing season, it’s not too late to get involved with the Rockland Farm Alliance. If you’re interested in farming (or simply if you want the delicious food) you owe it to yourself to get involved at the RFA.

Photos by Julian Harvey / Outlook Student Press

Rockland Farm Alliance Promotes Locally Grown Produce

Workers on a CSA (below); a photo of a CSA in bloom (above).


November 21, 2011

#HASHTAGS Chris Barker

Contributing Writer

What is a hashtag, and why are we constantly seeing this symbol everywhere? Once you begin using Twitter, it will not take long before you come across it. The # character is known as a hashtag, and it is used to mark topics or keywords in a tweet. It also creates a simple way for people within the Twitter community to search for tweets on a common topic. For example, if you search #OccupyWallStreet, you will find a list of tweets related to the Occupy Wall Street motion. You will not see tweets that say, “I am going to occupy Wall Street” because “Occupy Wall Street”

isn’t combined and preceded by the hashtag. Frequently people incorporate certain Twitter styles on their Facebook including the hashtag. “Hashtagging” your status is becoming very popular among the Facebook community. This commonly used symbol is becoming socially accepted among all social networking sites. The hash symbol has other uses as well. Examples include: “I’m #1,” or phone numbers, “Hey, can I get your #?” Make sure you keep this in mind when you are using the hashtag symbol. Now that you are informed about what the hashtag concept actually is, I hope to see proper usage of this social trend as well as many creative hash tags in the future!

Bromances: So You’re in a Relationship With Your “Bro”… Stephanie Nelson

Contributing Writer

In life, there are many different types of relationships. There are the relationships within the family, such as the MotherDaughter and Father-Son. Then there are the business relationships, between co-workers, bosses, and even teachers and students. Although each of these relationships are important in their own way, there is one relationship that really stands out. This is a relationship that is both rare and important. It can even become like an addiction to those who are really involved in it. This relationship is the “bromance”. The word “bromance” is a combination of the word brother and the word romance. Urban Dictionary defines the “bromance” as “a close relationship between two bros to such a point where they seem like a couple”. The complex love that is represented by the “bromance” is much stronger than just simple friends or even “BFFs.” This is a bond shared by two males, who are so dedicated to one another that they begin to

act almost as if they are one “bro.” Now, because the definition of a “bromance” isn’t always black and white, there can definitely be some confusion in realizing whether or not you are a part of a “bromance”. There are, however, a few simple steps to help you figure out if you are in a relationship with your “bro.” Step #1: Take a look at your daily schedule. Look into how much time you spend each day with your “bro”. If you find that your days are basically revolved

around him, then you should continue to move on to the next step. But wait, don’t walk away too quickly. The truth is that this step is trickier than it may appear. Many “bros” do not have the option to spend each day physically with the other, but their days are still revolved around one another. This is because they schedule

to make a decision without the complete approval of the other one.

the other if they have done something truly awful. In a “bromance” no matter what a

Step #3: Priorities. We have all heard the term “Bros before Hoes” but how many guys actually follow it? It is normal for a guy to spend his Saturday night with his girl instead of one of his guy friends. When one is in a “bromance”, priorities are changed. In a “bromance” it is more common for a guy to choose to spend the

“bro” has done, his “bro” will defend him; there is unconditional love. If each of these steps in some way relates to your relationship with your “bro” than I am proud to inform you that you are indeed involved in a “bromance”. Although some people may get annoyed with the need to be with your “bro,” a “bromance” is a very

night with his “bro” rather than his girl. Step #4: Defense. A good friend is always there to defend the other. However, in most friendships a friend will not defend

special and exciting part of life that one should be honored to have. Embrace the relationship that you have and always love your “bro.”

each day in a way that they will be able to Skype, Facebook, and call their “bro” when they are available. Step #2: Decision Making. When in a “bromance”, often times a “bro” will not make a decision before first asking the other his opinion on the matter. Take a moment and think about if you make decisions on your own or if you call that special someone just to hear what they think. In some of the more intense “ bromances”, a “bro” insists that neither “bro” is allowed


November 21, 2011

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Tina Pace

Staff Writer


What is on your min dw hen y

We all dream, even if we don’t always remember them. Dreams are the voice of our subconscious thoughts which are silenced during our awoken hours. Sometimes we know exactly what the problem is and how to fix it. Other times, we have dreams so outlandish that we wake up stressed out and confused. Our dreams are actually pretty smart; smart enough to use symbols in order to recognize problems in our own life that we don’t always see. Dreams are like English literature, because it is necessary to read between the lines in order to get the full understanding of our complex dreams. A symbol can evoke a feeling or an idea that has such a profound meaning where no one word can convey it out loud. The complexity of dreams is ridiculous. Not only does every dream have its own specific meaning that correlates to a specific situation, there are also different types of dreams. The first type of dream is daydreaming. I’m sure we’re all guilty of daydreaming especially when we have to do something that we don’t really want to be doing. Daydreaming controls your wants, desires, and fantasies. You daydream because your inner most thoughts haven’t made their way out yet, so you begin to drift off into your ideal version of reality. Another type of dream is false awakening dreams. This is when you dream that you woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and went to school but then realize it was all a dream. Have you ever been in a dream before where you couldn’t run fast enough or just couldn’t do something so simple that it becomes frustrating? The next type of dream solves those problems and are called lucid dreams. In a lucid dream, the dreamer has complete control over his or her actions. It is like having an alternate reality in which you can do whatever you want and defy the laws of physics. Unfortunately, achieving lucidity in dreams is a difficult task… if it were easy wouldn’t we all be doing it? The next type of dream is a dream all children know way too well, and even we as adults still get them. Nightmares. The only difference is when we are older it’s not the monsters that scare us; it’s the failures and pressures of life. Nightmares are a response to real life trauma and situations. They also occur when issues are suppressed or unresolved. Statistics show that nightmares are more likely to occur families where members have a psychiatric history, people in rocky relationships, or people with drug experiences. Nightmares are our minds way of giving us a reality check. Sometimes

w e choose not to listen to them and that’s why we get reoccurring nightmares. It’s crazy to think how powerful our mind is and how powerful dreams alone are. Dreams are often thought of as healers. It is said that dreams can warn the body before it gets sick, which allows you to take precautions in order to remain healthy. It seems like dreams can predict the future of our health, but they can also predict the future of our lives. There is a theory about every type of dream everyone of us has had in our lives. Each type of dream has a specific meaning tied to it. For example, naked dreams symbolize shame or fear of showing your true self to others. Being completely naked means everything is visible, and some people are afraid of others seeing their true colors. One of the most common dreams involves the chase. When a person is overly anxious, they begin to have dreams of some unknown figure trying to capture or kill them. This usually means that there’s a situation in your life that you’re running away from instead of dealing with it directly. Ask yourself who in your in life is controlling you and then break free from the chase. Statistically, teeth dreams are one of the most common dreams among women. Teeth represent ones anxiety towards their appearance. Teeth play an important role in the image of attractiveness, and when teeth fall out, it implies that you feel unattractive to others and yourself. This kind of dream is common among women entering menopause because they are starting to feel ugly and undesirable. Teeth are extremely symbolic. All around the world and each culture has their own theory on the importance of teeth. Not all dreams are trying to tell you something negative about your life. Some dreams are there to give you a pat on the back, such as flying dreams. Flying dreams mean that you are in control of your life, so keep up the good work. However, if you’re afraid to fly too high, that implies that you’re afraid to achieve success and if you start falling then it becomes a falling dream. Falling dreams represent a sense of insecurity and instability. Sometimes you feel hopeless and doomed for failure when you’re put in an overwhelming situation such as a new job, an unstable relationship, a new school and so on. On the bright side, you will never die in a dream, because that defeats the purpose of dreams. Dreams are our helping hand when the going gets tough, so we should do our part and listen to them!


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Dream Analysis




November 21, 2011

Deciphering Facial Expressions And Body Language Miriam Hoffman Staff Writer

Have you ever been on an interview, date, or attended a social gathering and couldn’t figure out what went wrong? In order to figure out how you have been perceived by others and correctly understand someone else, you need to recognize body language. Body language reveals some hints as to what is subconsciously going on inside the other person. Body language and paralinguistic cues can inform you even more so than what is being said within a conversation. In general, communication consists mostly of non-verbal cues while words have only a small impact on a conversation. Have

you ever noticed that when you are talking to someone who is smiling, you feel a sense of trust and comfort? It’s because smiling shows interest and delight while a frown or eye shift may give you a cue to leave the conversation, and I am pretty certain you will do so willingly. Everyone has their own personal space that is comfortable for them when speaking with another person. When they open their hands to speak, it shows a sense of comfort which allows the other person to enter their personal space. Furthermore, when someone is engaged in the conversation, their body movements will mirror the person they are intrigued by. Vice versa, when a person is uninterested they will tilt their

head to the side or stare straight at the speaker with an unfocused eye. When a person is crossing their arms, it shows they’re subconsciously protecting themselves from others, or even thinking deeply. In contrast, when someone has one arm around themselves, it’s a sign of comfort, almost as if they’re hugging themselves. One’s facial gestures are just as essential and can indicate happiness, sadness, aggression, boredom, excitement, agitation, deceit, disgust, or relaxation. Amongst these emotions, generally universal expressions are happiness and sadness. When someone is sad they have a creased forehead, down turned mouth, and a wavering chin. A truly happy person

will have “crow’s feet” with crinkled eyelids from squinting and lip corners raised. Eye contact plays a major role in a conversation. Depending on the person’s culture, either consistent eye contact or avoidant eye contact can mean one of two things. Consistent eye contact can mean that the person is thinking positively of the other person’s words or it can mean the person doesn’t trust the speaker to take their eyes off of them. Avoidant contact can show anxiety or shyness, but often when someone may be lying they tend to avoid eye contact so they will feel less ashamed. When figuring out when someone is lying, the lying person’s facial expressions usually tense up, fidget, their eyes shift upward and to the right (although it varies by person), excessive blinking, or they do not blink at all. When going on that intimidating interview or first date, look out for these cues. You may be giving the other person some of these impressions.

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November 21, 2011

Proper Nightclub Etiquette Anna Berent

staff Writer

Everyone enjoys a good night out on the town, but it’s pretty hard not to notice those who try too hard to seek attention and have absolutely no manners when it comes to clubbing. There is nothing more annoying (or vomit inducing) than some extra sloppy or obnoxious individuals that can give their whole group of friends a bad name. You need to make sure you never fall into that category by understanding the proper etiquette in a nightclub. The Velvet Rope If there is a long cue behind a velvet rope, please treat it with respect. Do not try to cut the entire line. Chances are, the folks that were waiting there prior to your arrival will not be too thrilled and this may start issues before you have even entered the facility. This move will probably not go over well with the bouncer either, which brings me to my next point... The Bouncer Always respect the bouncer. Do not try

to act like you are better than him or beg him to let you in if he does not allow it. Try to establish a friendly relationship with the

always worked. Promoters Find out who is hosting and promoting certain parties before you go out. Make friends with these people and join their

a swanky nightclub with people that look like they just got out of gym class. It’s good to stand out from the crowd, so don’t wear something that you would wear on a daily basis. Add a little flair to your style! Mind your Manners I cannot emphasize how annoying it is when there is a group of girls screeching and screaming because they haven’t seen each other in a while or singing drunkenly and loudly on the dance floor. It is also pretty disgusting when random men will slowly creep up behind a girl to try to “dance” with her (by dance, I mostly mean grope). Ladies, please keep your voices down and don’t be catty to other girls either. There is nothing less attractive than girls fighting it out physically in public. And gentlemen, please treat ladies with respect. If you want to dance with a woman, just ask her. It’s refreshing when

really does not know the types of people

mailing lists. In my experience (and the experiences of many others I know), getting onto a guest list is the best thing

you can do. You don’t wait in lines, you get to hang out in VIP areas, and you receive countless other perks. Remember, folks, when it comes to clubbing, promoters are your best friends. Dress the Part If you are going out, please dress the part. Do not go clubbing in jeans and

someone has the guts to just ask, because no self-respecting woman enjoys a random person creeping up behind her. It is really

that surround them, so the best thing to do is to avoid any possible trouble. Most clubs have hundreds of people in attendance at any one time, so it’s better to be aware of your surroundings and be cautious. Keep your coats (if there is not a coat check), purses, or anything else of importance that you may have brought with you to the club in sight. If you lose anything, chances are you will never see that particular item or items again. Have Fun! The most important thing is to have fun! This is the reason people go out in the first place. Keep a smart head on your shoulders, and enjoy yourself. If you follow these simple rules covered above, it is almost a guarantee that you will attract the right type of people to make your clubbing experience even better!

bouncer. Chances are, if you are nice and pleasant to the bouncer, he will make you a priority the next time you come to that establishment. In my experience, this has

sneakers! Getting a little dressy will make anyone feel extra perky and confident, not to mention some clubs have a dress code. It’s always better to be a little overdressed than underdressed. Make sure everyone you are going with knows this rule, too. You don’t necessarily want to be seen at

quite simple. Safety Face it: You don’t know everyone you are clubbing with. If you need to go to the bathroom, go in pairs, or if you need to step outside the club, bring a friend. One


November 21, 2011

OUIJA BOARD the game

Neelam Shahzad

Contributing Writer

Skeptic or not, how would you like to call upon the dead by using a board game with a mysterious and half missing history? Or make friends with those who have not fully crossed over to the other side? Or maybe even have a oneon-one conversation with a spirit on a very personal level? Be careful or you might just end up making unwanted and unseen enemies who won’t leave if you “shut the door on them.” As much as this sort of situation has been used in movies, messing with the paranormal world isn’t always just harmless fun and games. Supposedly the consequences can be devastating, life staking, or worse than death. The Ouija Board, also recognized famously as “witch board,” is alleged to unlock doors to the “other world”. Depending on who you encounter on the other side, it could lead from inspiring and motivating predictions about your future to exorcism. That is exactly why there is intense terror surrounding this board. Its

reputation as the “Tool of Satan” doesn’t justify its peculiar history. Nevertheless, it makes it so much worse. In a recent conversation about scary movies with my college friends, I thought mentioning the Ouija Board would lead to an entertaining discussion; I thought right. I, myself, had heard a lot about it and was always endeared by the spooky history surrounding it. To my excitement, I was even further intrigued by the unexpected reaction from my peers. From the moment the Ouija Board was mentioned, fear spread across their faces. The deeper we got into the conversation the more I realized that there was a pervasive fear of this board. No one wanted to touch it, be near it, or have anything to do with it. The fear had spread into the atmosphere. I surveyed my peers here at Rockland Community College to see whether or not they shared a common feeling for this board with my friends. To whomever I mentioned the Ouija Board, I got the same scared expressions, nervous smiles, and fearful stares. Even though some people didn’t know about the board, after a briefing they seemed

to gaze at me like I was crazy. After getting a couple of those stares, I decided that I had all the information I needed and stopped inquiring. Okay, so let’s say you have the board and you wish to play. What now? The rules of the game are really straightforward. There is a board with the alphabet, a “yes” and “no” on both top corners, and a “goodbye” at the bottom center. There is also a moon and a sun, one on each side of the board. The moon represents the “bad spirit” while the sun represents the “good spirit.” The “yes” represents approval and the “no” represents disapproval. The “goodbye” warns the spirit that you are ending the conversation. There is also a pointer called the “planchette” which is used to direct the players as to what the spirit is trying to articulate. At least two people should place their fingers gently on the pointer and ask a question out loud. You should establish a conversation with an “Is anyone there?” type of a question. It is believed that you can ask anything and everything. However, it is suggested that you get comfortable with the spirit first. Try to be on familiar terms with who

you are talking to or dealing with. Remember that you must be very patient and make sure that the board is placed in a location which you suspect to be haunted. If you are playing with just two players there should still be a third person in the room writing down whatever the pointer points to. Turn off all electronics because they can cause interruption. Ask direct and clear questions. Make sure whatever you do, do not let the go of the pointer until you have successfully finished the conversation by pointing the pointer at “goodbye” and getting the same response back. I am not one to tell you what your opinion should be or whether you should even have one regarding this board. However, I do suggest that since there are so many stories surrounding this board, if you are intending to mess with it, follow all the directions. Take it seriously because if this myth is true, than you are placing your life in grave danger. Exorcism in movies might be really “cool” and “thrilling” but in real life it’s no joke. A life leading to death is better than a life worse than death.



Legalized marijuana Few topics provoke more of a debate amongst college students than the legalization of marijuana. A recent Gallup poll found that 50 percent of adults think the substance should be legalized, with higher numbers of younger people supporting the measure. Proponents claim that it is no worse than cigarettes and alcohol, which are already legal, that it can be taxed and create revenue for the government, and that it will reduce the overcrowding in jails. Opponents are quick to point out its ability to cause altered mental status

amongst other issues. And that is only if the drug is “pure.” The product can be laced with many harmful substances. Recently, the debate has heated up and California has legalized medical marijuana, a step many believe to be the first in the march towards legalization, yet when they tried to pass a ballot initiative legalizing marajuana, it failed with only 46 percent. Additionaly, several candidates for the GOP nomination, such as Ron Paul and Gary Johnson, now support legalization. With these issues in mind, we asked our Editorial Board to weigh in on the issue.

November 21, 2011

Outlook Student Press Josh Blachorsky, Editor-in-Chief Vanessa Pastorelli, Production Manager Sari Ugell, Managing Editor Shara Beitch, Features Editor Elan Weinberger, News Editor

Elizabeth Maze, Style & Entertainment Editor Louie Gaitan, Technology Editor Monica Powell, Science & Health Editor

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods and summer. It is an independent newspaper and public forum produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor. Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

On the web: Outlookpress.org Facebook.com/outlookpress Email: Outlookstudentpress@gmail. com Office: Student Union Room 3200 Phone: (845) 574-4389 Fax: (845) 356-6261

Staff: Tina Pace, Nathan Caplan, Brian Katzman, Katherine Aucena, Shannon Reid, Lindsay Goldman, Miriam Hoffman, Anna Berent Contributors: Shannon Reid, Chris Bark-

er, Anjelica Pagnozzi, Steven Clark, Gina Duncan, Gerard Santiago, Jasmine Glover, Neelam Shahzad, David Strinkovsky, Stephanie Nelson, Bethany Friday, Cerena Hammond, Kristen Loretoni, Lorinda Hill, Tom Bowen

Snail mail:Outlook Student Press Rockland Community College 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901 Professor Fuentes, Advisor www.facebook.com/OutlookPress


Correction The article “Forum Addresses Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in Vol. 44, Issue 7, page 3, misstated the writer. The writer should be listed as Stephanie Nelson.

U O Y O D WHAT ? A N A U J I R A M . . . T U O B A K N I TH

Louie Gaitan

Shara Beitch

Elan Weinberger

Elizabeth Maze

Monica Powell

While I personally have no desire to smoke weed, I see no real reason for it to be illegal. It isn’t as unhealthy as tobacco and I believe it affects your judgment about the same as alcohol. Given this, we must face the real reasons weed is illegal, moral grandstanding and problems taxing it. The argument that it leads to harder drugs likely wouldn’t be valid if was legal. If you’re getting a high legally, why bother getting involved in illegal activities. Also, it frees up police attention to be focused on far worse substances.

I understand that a generous bulk of people smoke marijuana; I am not naive or stupid. However, just because pot is not clinically proven to cause lung cancer or heart disease does not mean it is propitious. It gets people high and makes them lose sight of reality. A lot of people argue that cigarettes cause more detriment and are legal, but that doesn’t mean that pot should follow in its footsteps. Oftentimes, pot is just a stepping stone for other drugs. Although they say that it is not physically addictive, it is emotionally, which is just as hazardous. Anything foreign that you put into your lungs isn’t beneficial in any way, and I don’t think that the government should support something that changes people’s perspective on the actuality of life.

Marijuana is a very controversial topic. Many people believe that the effects are better than alcohol and there are studies that support such research. It is practically impossible to overdose on marijuana and although it has somewhat similar effects of alcohol it affects one’s lungs more than one’s liver. But there are still ways to get the effects of weed without getting the harmful effects of inhaling smoke. Vaporizers, which essentially are taking the THC chemicals out of the marijuana, are a smokeless alternative to inhaling tar- filled smoke from marijuana plants. This would take out the most harmful effects of marijuana, which is the smoke, which like cigarette smoke can destroy one’s lungs. Smoke is smoke, but vaporizing marijuana can get you high without the smoke. If laws were made to help protect one’s lungs from the harmful chemicals of smoke, I would definitely be for the legalization of pot which would help the economy in the creation of jobs and increased government revenues from taxes on such a product, which would help the economy tremendously and make Americans happier. Pot is one of those drugs that has become so mainstream that it is the poster child for legalization. Every edgy white kid with dreads and a glazed over expression will give you the reasons to “totally legalize it.” I’m not some uptight parent who pretends you don’t do it but seriously, why legalize something that can be a negative influence? Being high 24/7 doesn’t make you a better or cooler person, it just makes you one of the thousands who think they’re awesome and cool because they can smoke. Honestly, if you want to smoke pot do it on your own time. Just don’t ask me or the government to support you.

Any substance that has continually shown to have negative effects not only on a single person’s life but on that of whole populations should not have the support of the government. It’s no secret that marijuana has been the direct cause of a host of problems within its individual users, and these issues have exhibited themselves through physical ailments, mental tragedies, and at times social and political dissension. If the United States government chooses to deny the overwhelming truth that this potent drug does not contribute to a salubrious environment but rather encourages degredation amongst its citizens, preventing them from reaching their highest potential as individuals and as a country, it goes without saying that these elected officials are not doing their job. Instead of protecting the “Land of the Free,” they would be mocking such a statement. For in averting the legalization of marijuana, it’s not the people the government would be fighting against but the manipulation of those people through their dangerous addiction to such a powerful drug.

November 21, 2011


LOL WTF IDK IMO BB OMG Kristen Loretoni

Contributing writer

What once started as a way to type on AOL instant messenger has now become our new way of communication. Internet slang has been slowly corrupting the minds of people in our society for years, but it is most prominent in our lives now. The problem with this is that kids are now constantly bombarded with new technology and new ideas every single day. When I was in elementary school, my parents looked at everything I did online. Now, the 12 year-old I babysit has an iPhone, giving him the ability to surf the web and access anything he wants to get his hands on right at his fingertips. Some people say that this new way of speaking is beneficial to our youth because it may expand their vocabulary of English words. I just don’t see how this could be true when they are constantly shortening words, attempting to make it easier to communicate. The idea of using acronyms is very helpful


Internet SlangLOL WTF IDK IMO

when necessary. I think that it is only necessary when you are talking on the computer casually. My eleven year old camper last summer told me to STFU (shut the f*** up) and when I sent her to the camp director, she told him that she could say it because technically she didn’t use the actual words. When it becomes socially acceptable to speak like this, age doesn’t seem to matter anymore. When we have 13 year-olds using these expressions as a way to get under someone’s skin, it is giving them too much freedom. Our youth doesn’t see the down side to this because to them, it’s all they have known their entire lives. FML (f*** my life)- I always loved

this one. Its popularity came from the FMyLife.com website, where stories are shared about unfortunate events that take place in people’s lives. Now listen, I’m all for reading the website, and getting a good laugh from it, but really? People use this far too often. It really aggravates me to hear people say FML in person at something as m e a n i ng le s s as dropping a pen. Your life isn’t f***ed sweetie; you just need to stop being lazy and relying on a acronyms to express that. Our society is becoming too reliant on technology, and the more we use these acronyms in our everyday language, the farther we get from actually speaking to one another. A lot of people argue that our youth today will grow up not

knowing how to carry out a formal conversation with someone, based on the fact that technology for the most part has done it for them. BTW (by the way)- what began as a way of letting someone know additional information has turned into yet another saying for tweens to use, and annoy others with. “OMG Karen, how could you say that…? “BTW, you’re totally not invited to my bat mitzvah anymore.” The main problem I have with these expressions is the context in which they are used. They are mostly used with an attitude when said. IDK (I don’t know) and BFF (best friends forever) are best used in the widely popular cell phone commercial where a grandmother is talking to her family at the dinner table. The elderly woman says “IDK, my BFF Rose?” This commercial would be the extreme to a lot of people, but at the rate were going, everyone no matter the age will be speaking with a completely different language then that of our generation’s parents. WTF is our society coming to? SMH.

Respect the Style, Avoid the Foul Shannon Reid


As you walk through the RCC hallways, it’s inevitable to see vastly diverse groups of students. It’s also inescapable to walk through the hallways without passing a vast amount of students committing fashion faux pas that can either confuse or nauseate you. It’s entirely understandable for a person to feel the need to exhibit his or her individuality through fashion and attract attention in that respect, but if you’re dressed like a fool and people are giving you the you’re-obviouslya-bizarre-lagoon-creature stare, then maybe it’s time to look through your closet and reassess some of the pieces in your wardrobe. If you’re unsure about which style fouls you’ve committed, here’s a brief list of fashion commandments that even the most sinful style violator can follow. 1. Thou Shalt Wear Jeans That Properly Fit Around Thy Waist

Listen gentlemen, jeans were invented to cover everything from your waist down to your ankles. Therefore, under absolutely no circumstances, is

it acceptable to sport your jeans below your underwear. No one wants to see your lame fourleaf clover printed boxer and more importantly, knowing that there is one thin layer of cloth separating your butt from the chair you’re sitting on is even more unacceptable. Ladies are not an exception to this commandment, either. Do everyone a favor and keep Victoria a secret. 2. Thou Shalt Accept That The European Mullet Will Stay In Europe Unless you’re a European soccer player, there is absolutely no reason

piece in coordinating an outfit. But if that hat or beanie literally does not fit past the back of your head, then it’s absolutely pointless to wear. This style choice is common among the brooding

hipsters of RCC, who fail to realize that they look like they’re wearing beanies from the infant section of Baby Gap. 4. Honor Thy Sweatshirt and Sweatpants You have an 8am class and it’s your

or excuse to sport a mullet of any sort. America has shunned the 80’s mullet, and it will soon exile the European one, so don’t fall victim to this slightly less devastating mullet style. Just remember, a mullet is a mullet no matter how small…or uneven. 3. Thou Shalt Wear Hats That Fit Your Head The primary functions of a hat is to provide warmth for your head, hide a truly terrible hair day, or as a key style

only class of the day, so obviously you’re going to slip on the most comfortable clothes that you own. If you’re going to sport the good ol’ sweatshirt-sweatpants combination, at least make sure that they fit you properly and that they differ from the clothes that you were sleeping in the night before. Walking around looking like a dirty laundry basket is unappealing and won’t make you feel better about being up early in the morning. 5. Thou Shalt Not Emulate Any Of The Style Choices Seen On “The Jersey Shore” From bejeweled affliction t-shirts to cheetah patterned leggings, avoid wearing any articles of clothing that can be confused as a trademark of Paulie D or Snooki. However, if the “poof” hair, incredibly heavy raccoon eyeliner, or “cool story bro” Seaside shirts actually make up the majority of your fashion aura, at least save it for the bars or back alleys. You’re a college student and it’s important to dress respectfully to some degree…professors dislike tools just as much as regular folk.



Well This Sounds Familiar

Nathan Caplan staff WRITER

“Coming soon to a theater near you! This new movie has the latest special effects complete with spies, gun fights, natural disasters, and, yes, you guessed, it, a loving couple that had met only 24 hours before. And just for some more excitement, there will be money laundering, a murder mystery, and a chick flick scene added to create some more excitement!” Though I am definitely not a commercial writer, I do hope I get the point across that movie plots and themes are quite redundant. Let’s face it. The concept of “Star Crossed Lovers” has been around for ages, yet people still go to movies to watch the same “Romeo and Juliet” plot, just with different actors, names, settings, and titles. The fact remains that there are very few new plot lines. The latest spy movies share the same concepts as they did in the past, and it seems that more and more directors are becoming unoriginal. In proving my point, try to think of a movie that doesn’t have a similar plot to another one. In addition, it’s not just movies but also books that have fallen into this repetitive cycle. However, if people notice this dilemma, why has it not changed? The reason is because these reoccurring plots make large sums money. Two movies that have suffered from this viscious are “Freaky Friday” (2003) and “The Change-Up” (2011). Not only do they share the same plot, but they seemingly share the same story line. Both typically unfold as the following: two people of the same sex have two very different lives. Each one thinks that the others’ life is better. The two characters perform some odd act that causes them to wake up the next morning in the other person’s body. They then must experience the others’ life, learn a valuable lesson, and attempt to get back into their original body. Yes, it was initially creative. According to IMDB, though, neither movie was all that popular. The first thing I tend to think when hearing about a Jodi Picoult book is that in every story there is an underlying love theme, and they all end in a strikingly similar way. Whether it’s the nerd who gets the girl or the recently divorced guy who helps a girl through her depression which leads to marriage, it’s all the same formula. Yes, there is always room for love, but how many of the same scenarios can one audience possibly watch? It’s near impossible to name all of the similar love stories that have come and gone from the theater as well as the bookshelves. If brutal action intrigues you, then I would suggest watching the “Final Destination” movies. There are five in the series, so feel free to take a stab at any of them. As if the first one wasn’t crazy enough, four more were produced to make your eyes bleed in the theater. The plot of the series can be summed up in this way: one person has a premonition that many people are going to suffer a gory death. That one particular person saves them all, but feeling cheated, death chases each person and kills all of them in the order they were originally going to die. The deaths are horribly elaborate and make your irrational fears and paranoia go up a few levels.

The first one was intriguing. The second one was okay. The third made me regret watching it. The fourth made me question the series and how they even got a budget. The fifth finally ended the series and you could hear people around the world chanting “Thank you, God!” in multiple languages. I’m sure there are people out there who just cannot get enough of the blood, guts, and explosions from these movies, but five is just four too many. Despite already being a part of a previously mentioned movie do-over, Lindsay Lohan got the chance to be a part of a more modern version of the movie “Heathers” (1989). It is legitimately the original “Mean Girls” (2004). The two movies revolve around the idea of cliques and chaos found in a high school setting. While “Heathers” was more graphic in nature, both movies elaborate on the top cliques having abusive control over the social setting of the schools. I would not yet place this monotonous cycle on the level of pet-peeves, but when movie plots are used again and again they become mundane. The truth is that there are several ways to make a good movie without using the same formula. It is almost certain that the original movie will prevail while the sequel will leave the audience begging for mercy.

November 21, 2011

November 21, 2011



Why We Love Steven Clark

Contributing Writer

Most every guy has some sort of skin care regimen. Whether it is just basic water and soap or a more complex routine, it’s always worth trying out new products. I’m constantly looking to try new products to see if it works better than the ones I have been using. My skin is very fickle so I’m constantly trying out different products to get the best results.

Here are some of the winners I’ve found along the way with some other things I’ve loved that you should check out as well. NEUTROGENA ALCOHOLFREE TONER A toner is a great addition to your daily skin care routine. It helps to clean your skin and recondition it. I found Neutrogena Alcohol Free Toner and have happily added it to my daily routine. After you wash your face, you put the toner on a cotton ball and gently apply it to your face. As it dries, your skin feels squeaky clean and smooth. Most of the 3 step acne kits like Proactiv or

Skin ID include a toner and this makes for a more affordable way to keep your skin looking clear. Also its alcohol-free formula leaves your skin feeling firm but not dried out like many alcohol products do. CLEAN & CLEAR FINISHES MATTIFYING MOISTURIZER Another necessity to add to your skin care products is Clean & Clear’s Finishes Mattifying Moisturizer. This would be the logical 3rd step, right you washing your face and apply toner. Moisturizing

your face is vital to keeping your skin from drying out and keeping your skin looking smooth. What is so great about this product is that it contains a superabsorbing mineral complex that keeps your shine in check. I have oily skin and this moisturizer keeps me from looking shiny. It moisturizes without leaving an oily feeling or complexion. It is definitely a staple in my skin care routine. GILLETTE ODOR SHIELD DEODORANT Obviously, well hopefully, everyone is using deodorant daily. Like most people, I never really paid attention to

the deodorant I was using. I usually went with whatever the cheapest one was. However, I started to notice that the scent wouldn’t last and it left me feeling insecure about my odor. So I splurged for Gillette Odor Shield Deodorant. For a deodorant it is a few bucks more than the bargain brand but honestly you do pay for what you are getting. Since wearing it, I get asked constantly what cologne I am wearing when all I am wearing is this deodorant. It has a fresh scent that stays on all day and leaves me worry free about being the smelly guy

EARPOLLUTION DJ STYLE HEADPHONES While ear buds are much more sensible than wearing these clunkers around, I recommend these if you want better sound quality at a cheaper price. They aren’t really functional as DJ headphones, but they have the same style and come in a bunch of different colors. On the website, ifrogz.com, they sell for $49.99 but if you go to Ebay you can find them for $30. They are a cheaper alternative than the Beats by Dr. Dre and they sound very similar. So if

no one wants to sit next to.

you are strapped for cash, try these out and give your ears a treat.

GARNIER FRUCTIS TEXTURE PASTE This stuff is amazing. It is a matte texture cream that you work into your hair to achieve any style you desire. It works great to put up your hair into a mohawk, fauxhawk, etc. What I like about this product is that it is able to keep your hair styled throughout the day without leaving your hair feeling hard and crunchy like most hair gels and hairsprays do. You also don’t get the awkward showering of dried gel that can be mistaken for dandruff. That is totally something you do not want happening.

WINTER HATS I love winter hats. With the cold weather upon us, I have already whipped out my winter head wear. It is an easy accessory to tie your outfit together and is also a quick fix to a bad hair day. I like to wear neutral colors in my outfit and wear a bright colored hat to stand out. Not only do they add some personal flair to your style but they are also functional. These hats keep your ears covered and keep you warm during the winter months while looking fashionable.

An Experience Inside the LuckyShops V.I.P Shopping Event Cerena Hammond

Contributing Writer

Celebrities mingling, delicate snacks being carried around by a suited man, free samples all around, open bar, a red carpet, photographers with their non-stop flashing cameras, and clothes—lots of designer clothes. No, it’s not a scene from “The Devil Wears Prada.” It was the V.I.P LuckyShops Preview Shop and Sale Event held the entire weekend of November 4 at Highline Stages in New York City. Most of the tickets are exclusive to celebrities, the rest are reserved for the common fashionable folk to buy at $150 each. As a person who goes right to the clearance rack in Target, this was hardly as thrilling for myself as for a woman who cried over buying a $3,000 designer dress for only a mere $1,000. They weren’t tears of sadness as she ran her credit card through the machine, but tears of happiness for such an unimaginable sale. Though the “Miranda Priestly” fashion

life isn’t for everyone, it was for the people in this room. Having won two tickets, there was no way to pass up free gourmet food and the chance to meet the many celebrities listed to be attending. Upon arrival, a security checkpoint delayed us and the thought crossed my mind that perhaps this was J.F.K Airport. After entering the gala, it was clear this was no airport. The red carpet and dozens of photographers lined the inside of the front room. Cameras got ready when the door opened, but when it was realized that my face wasn’t on the “celebrity” list, the cameras were sadly lowered. This would have made me a tad upset for a moment, but when a devastatingly handsome man in a suit came around with mini grilled cheese finger sandwiches, I hardly remembered the photographers. That was, until the lights of the cameras starting going wild as Trista Sutter, the Bachlorette star, walked in. As she walked off the red carpet, probably still blind from the camera flashes, I asked for a photo with her. It was surprising to see celebrities up close. Whenever I meet one

in person, its like the first time children see Santa at the mall for photos. They’re real! They’re human! They’re nice! They’re not just random people that live inside the television. In a culture where celebrities are treated as royalty, it was nice to discover that they are no different than us “commoners” and have no problem

taking a photo with a fan. Huge fashion lines such as Cosabella, Rebecca Minkoff, HSN, Miss Me, Commando, plus many others, set up beautiful clothes that will soon be walking down the runways all over the world. The high class attendees of the event lost their dignity after a few of the very strong and very free cocktails. Many undressed right in the middle of the party to see if the new fashions would fit. The experience was rather amazing. Being in a world that only celebrities, fashionista models, and designers usually experience was fun for a night. Not to mention the dozens of free samples that were being thrown at each passerby. Though it’s not a world I live in everyday, the experience was one that I will not soon forget. The LuckyShops Shopping Event is held annually in New York City during the first week in November. For more information, go to http://www.luckyshops.com Also, check out http://tineey.com for giveaways like the V.I.P LuckyShops tickets plus other fashion trends and tips.



November 21, 2011

Why We Love

With a triple plump brush, this mascara will make your lashes look full and heavy without the clumping that leaves eyes looking sloppy. The brush design curves

Elizabeth Maze Style Editor

With the tough economy leading everyone to shop on a budget, it is necessary to cut back and find products that do the job for less money.

local CVS and picked up Revlon’s Super Lustrous Lipstick. With a huge amount of color choices for any skin tone or taste, Revlon’s lipstick goes on smooth for the perfect amount of coverage. For under ten dollars and found at most drug stores, this lipstick is a good price for a great product.

eos Smooth Lip Balm Sphere Boosting a 95% organic, 100% natural formula free of petroleum and paraben. Made with Vitamin E, which is full of antioxidants, shea butter and jojoba oil

Revlon Matte Powder Blush This blush gives your cheeks a soft, matte color that gives you a more natural blush. Instead of looking artificial and caking on like heavy powder or cream

TRESemme Thermal Creations Heat Tamer Protective Spray If you’re a chronic straightener, hair dryer, or curler this product will make all the difference. Spray it onto dry or damp hair before your regular hair routine for a

which keeps your lips smooth and soft, eos Smooth Lip Balm Sphere is perfect for the cold months when lips get chapped. It is USDA organic, goes on clear, and gives you long lasting moisture that keeps lips healthy. It’s also not tested on animal or made with animal by-products so you can feel good using it. The sphere goes on clean and precise for a smooth lip all for under $5.

your lashes in, to coat the lashes, and back out to de-clump. This formula stays on for a long hold while pumping up your natural lashes. Instead of spending ten, twenty, or thirty dollars on a mascara that ends up taking your cash and letting you down, Rimmel London’s Sexy Curves Mascara can be found at almost any drug store for under ten dollars. Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick-Creme Lipstick In the past, lipsticks like Chanel and Yves St. Laurent were the best of the best. Looking to save some cash when the color got boring or ran out, I turned to the sleek look. With any straightener, curler, or dryer, damage is unavoidable. With this Heat Tamer protective spray, you can help minimize the look and feel of damaged hair. It gives you the look you want without leaving your hair feeling greasy or oily. Not only does it work well, it smells great and leaves your hair looking great for a low price.

blushes, Revlon’s Matte Powder Blush perfectly defines and contours your cheekbones for a perfect blush that looks natural and highlights your features for a low price. Revlon Brow Fantasy Pencil and Gel This brow pencil sculpts, colors, and holds brows down for a defined brow without the mess and over coloring. It’s easy to apply, easy to remove, and long lasting. Brows will look smooth and tamed after a quick application. The colors are natural looking and easy to choose from, for a cost of under ten dollars.

Rimmel London Sexy Curves Mascara

Top Five Must Haves in Your Closet Anjelica Pagnozzi Staff WRITER

Women all around the world tend to follow the latest fashion trends out there. So if you’re trying to update your wardrobe or stay on top of your fashion game, you must have these items. LBD, or better known as the Little Black Dress, is an absolute must have.

Whether you’re big or small, this dress is a go to for any special occasion. LBDs have

been around for decades, and never go out of style. The LBD is classy, sexy, sleek, and sophisticated. You can wear it with any type of heel, color, or pattern, so if you’re feeling like you want to wear either leopard print pumps or electric blue, then go for it. You can wear a cute little cardigan with it or you can also dress it down, by wearing fishnet stockings, boots, and a belt with a long sweater. No matter how you wear it, you’ll be sure to look good. Next on the list is a good pair of jeans. Jeans never go out of fashion because they are essential in every wardrobe. Jeans go with almost anything, and if you have

nothing else to wear, go to your jeans. You can either wear a t-shirt with jeans, a nice shirt to dress it up, heels, boots, or even a leather jacket. You can never go wrong with a good pair of jeans just for the fact that they come in all different cuts, washes, and colors. A nice warm sweater is next on the list. Now, I’m not talking about those sweaters that your granny gives to you during the

you’re looking for a cute, yet comfortable pair of pumps try a lower heel. Last but not least are boots. Every woman needs a great pair of boots that are weatherproof. Boots go great with jeans, leggings, and sometimes even dresses. They are both very cute and comfortable and are not too pricey.

holidays. I’m talking about a nice knit or woolen sweater. Though Cashmere can be rather expensive, I’m sure that any major department store sells them, or similar sweaters at a reasonable price. Sweaters are great to wear over a dress or a nice top. Black Pumps are a must! Every woman needs at least one pair of good heels that will last them a while. Black Pumps go with basically anything, from jeans to a dress. If

Science & Health

November 21, 2011


The Health of Our Environment is Up to Us Lorinda Hill

Contributing Writer

What motivates you to recycle, re-use, and reduce consumption? Is it a belief that we shouldn’t be greedy with our natural resources? We in America seem to be especially vulnerable to rampant mass consumerism. What about global warming: fact or fiction? Do you care about how many species go extinct each day because of pollution and loss of habitat? Do you care that the rain forest, where many CO2-absorbing trees are disappearing faster than they can be replaced? Do you stay awake wondering what you can do to help third world people? Or maybe you’re a narcissist who believes you are entitled to take whatever you please because you want it and don’t care about the consequences. Maybe you’d rather live in land of garbage dumps and radioactive storage facilities because we have so much room to spare and, after all, how bad can it be for the environment anyway? No matter your personal consumption philosophy, there is no denying that our environment is changing. Whether it’s a temporary shift that happens every

millennium or a precursor to an event that has the potential to end civilization, no one c a n

say right now for certain.


what we can say is that we have a choice in how we deal with it. I

recently watched a

show called “Earth 2100. The show’s goal is to reveal the worst of humanity’s decisions as well as the best. It shows what can happen if we keep making wrong decisions based on the wrong criteria and what would happen if we made better decisions. The most prominent message throughout the show was that it’s up to us. We will be the masters of our survival or the devisers of our destruction. I know it’s hard to think that far into the future when you’re young and haven’t seen much of your life yet. We always think there’s time, or that someone else will find a solution. We say to ourselves, “It’s not a problem for me so who cares?“ or, “I don’t have kids so it doesn‘t matter now, there’s time to fix the problems later“, etc. The problem is that this is the thought pattern that got us here in the first place. So think about the kind of place you want to live. Think about the kind of person you want to be. And try to see yourself in the future. Each new generation is always humanity’s last hope for survival – until the time comes when time has run out. Don’t let that be the legacy of our generation.

How To Make Vanilla Extract Katherine Aucena Staff Writer

Have you ever searched through aisles at the supermarket and not found one vanilla extract that does not taste like flavored water, or is made artificially? Well I have, and that’s why I have decided to make my own homemade vanilla extract. This must be one of the easiest things to make in your kitchen.

Once you try it, you will never buy imitations again. All you need: vanilla beans and 80 proof unflavored vodka. I recommend the following vanilla beans: Bourbon: This is one of the most popular vanilla beans because of its accessibility. These beans have a mellow but traditional flavor. They are approximately six inches long.

Madagascar: Rich in flavors and aromatics, this is the most popular and sought after vanilla bean. They are approximately eight inches long. Tahitian: Perfect for gourmet and pastry chefs. Their limited availability is reflected in the price. They are often described as fruity with a liquor aroma. They are approximately five inches long. With the help of cute little glass bottles, you can begin making your own extract. I personally choose to use Madagascar vanilla beans. I cut them in half and then split them lengthwise,

exposing the caviar. You will get four equal pieces out of one bean. Place five of those pieces in the bottle. Fill up the bottle with the 80 proof unflavored vodka. Seal tight. Let it sit for about two months in a dark place at room temperature. After the resting time is up, you are free to try your new homemade vanilla extract. Note: If the liquid has evaporated with time, just add a little more vodka to the bottle. You can also add a couple more vanilla bean pieces if the extract eventually loses its intense flavor.



November 21, 2011

Ear Candy: To Beats or Not to Beats Jonathan Kim

Contributing Writer

We’ve all seen them, the full-size headphones with the signature “b” on the sides. Available in white or black trim, the Beats Studio headphones by Dr. Dre are just as much a fashion accessory as they are an oasis of music. But with a hefty price tag of $300, most college students can only dream of owning a pair. There’s good news for audiophiles, however, as there are alternative headsets that match or exceed the sound quality of the Beats headphones, all for hundreds less. Sennheiser HD280 Pro Priced at around $120 with a 2-year warranty, these versatile headphones sound great on DVDs and all kinds of music. With cushioned ear-cups that contour the shape of your ear to block out ambient noise, these headphones fold for compact storage. The response bandwidth of this headset is rated at 8-25,000Hz, while the Beats Studio is rated at 2020,000Hz. For those of you unfamiliar with response range of audio headsets, the response bandwidth measures the headphone’s capability to reproduce low bass and high tones without distortion. Although many argue that ranges below 15Hz do little to affect listening experience, professional sound engineers will tell you that their headsets are rated to have the widest response bandwidth as possible. It’s also good to note that

Sennheiser has been making headphones for over 60 years and specializes in consumer headsets, while Monster Cable, the company that manufactures the Beats Studio headphones is originally an electronic and audio cable company, which only recently started manufacturing headphones. Bose AE2 Even though this model is not noisecancelling, the new design and comfortable feel make the price tag of $150 easier to swallow. The sound of these headphones is detailed with a good amount of bass. At times, however, the clarity of music can sometimes be a problem with certain genres of music, as distortion is high with overpowering bass. If you listen to a lot of indie, folk or classical music, these headphones are perfect for you. Sony MDR-V700DJ Starting at around $90, the cheapest of the headphones I’ve mentioned so far, these headphones are best suited for listening to hip-hop, rock, house, and techno music. With the highest bandwidth of the headsets listed here, rate at 5-30,000Hz, these headphones sport an oversized “Sony” logo and are anything but conspicuous. But the sound quality is superior. Comparable features to the Beats Studio headphones include a folding design and comfortable around-the-ear cushions. A nice feature is that the 10-ft cable is coiled so as to reduce tangling. It also comes with 1/4 inch adapter for home audio systems.

iPhone 4s Jonathan Kim

Contributing Writer

When Apple revealed its new cellular device on October 4, the overwhelming reaction to the iPhone 4s was a disappointment. Prior to the “Let’s Talk iPhone” press event, fans of the iPhone anticipated a completely different design, bigger screen, and perhaps 4G connectivity. None of these features are on the iPhone 4s. However, it’s not all bad news. The new features include a faster processor, and upgraded camera, the new iOS 5 operating system, and a useful and immensely fun voice assistant. Also, Sprint subscribers can rejoice with the iPhone 4s now in their lineup of phones. Still skeptical? Let’s go over each of the new features in detail. Processor and Battery Life The iPhone 4s features the Apple A5 dual-core 1GHz processor along with a dual-core GPU. According to an Apple sales associate I spoke with, the new chip will allow for smoother and faster use of the software. Game enthusiasts will appreciate a seven-fold increase in graphics performance, with almost no lagging. Overall, the new iPhone is faster, plain and simple. But that increase in performance shortens the battery life. Apple claims that the new smartphone will be able to provide 8 hours of talk time over 3G, 14 hours over 2G, 6 hours of browsing over 3G, 9 hours via Wi-Fi, 10 hours of video playback, and 40 hours of music playback.

This sounds impressive, but words are cheap. Unless you only use your phone in lab conditions with optimal temperature and signal strength, your usage times will most likely fall short of the numbers above. Upgraded Camera The iPhone had a 5-megapixel sensor. The iPhone 4s has 8-megapixels. Autofocus and flash have also been

just as you see them with your eyes. To top it all off, the new A5 chip has a dedicated image processor that adds face detection and 26 percent better auto white balance. iOS 5 The new operating system on the iPhone 4s is not only faster and fixes the bugs in previous versions of software, it also utilizes cloud technology. For Apple purists, those of you who refuse to use

Siri This is the main feature of the new smartphone. You’ve heard the hype about this neat little voice assistant. Well, believe the hype. The key to Siri that separates it from other voice-activated functions is that it understands the meaning behind your words, not just syntax. Other phones rely on specific voice prompts, like “Call Joe Schmoe” or “Dial Home”. Siri will follow your commands and answer almost any question related to the information available on your phone. For example, you can ask for the weather forecast, schedule or reschedule an appointment, ask for a contact’s address, set up a reminder, ask for directions, and ask obscure trivia. As the software is a beta version, it won’t be perfect but it will operate effectively more times than not. Pricing and Availability Available for AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint users in black or white, the iPhone 4s starts at $199 for the 16GB version, $299 for the 32GB, and $399 for the 64GB, with a new contract or upgrade eligibility.

improved, and shutterbugs will appreciate a wider aperture of f/2.4 in the lens. A backside illuminated CMOS sensor allows 73 percent more light to be captured than the previous sensor. This means that pictures in low-light conditions will come out better. A hybrid IR filter improves color accuracy. This means that colors in pictures with appear

anything but an iMac, MacBook Pro, iPad, iPod, or any other Apple hardware, you will now be able to seamlessly access all of the your apps, music, videos, and other information on each and every one of your devices. For PC users—sorry, but Apple left you out of the picture.

So Should You Buy It? If you already have the iPhone 4, wait for the iPhone 5. However, if you’re new to the iPhone and want to upgrade to a smartphone that will change your definition of “user-friendly”, the iPhone 4s is a perfect fit. For Sprint subscribers, the addition of the iPhone 4s into your lineup of phones is a welcome addition. Even if Sprint users aren’t due for an upgrade, shelling out $600 for the 16GB model is almost worth it.

November 21, 2011



“Warhammer 40k: Space Marine” Review The Warhammer 40k universe has been getting quite a bit of attention in the video game department lately. This

maximum in every aspect. As the name would imply, the myriad factions in 40k are constantly at war, and jargon like “Exterminatus”, (aka the total destruction of all life on a given planet), “Virus Bomb”, and “Cyclonic Torpedoes” appears with shocking frequency. While the 40k universe is vast and varied, most related

execution moves or activation of a sort of berserker rage through use of the fury meter. This system is what drives the pace of the action as you take out foes at a distance with a typical selection of pistols and assault rifles and wade into brutal melee combat to cleave Orks in half to refill your health. The problem

The story sadly becomes dull and long before the action does. As Titus, you are sent to an Imperium Forge World to prevent an army of marauding Orks from stealing all of the giant robotic goodies that lie within. The Orks themselves represent the only lively characters injected into the setting with their

has come mostly in the form of Relic Entertainment’s lauded Dawn of War series of real-time strategy games, and they along with publisher THQ, are the ones who bring us Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, a third-person shooter for PC, PS3, and 360. Relic’s transition from the first Dawn of War to the second was marked by a sharper focus on small numbers of troops and direct control of the action. Despite jumping genres from RTS to third-person shooter, Space Marine seems like a natural extension to attempt at capturing the visceral feel of the 40k universe. For the uninitiated, Warhammer 40k is a dark science fiction universe that essentially turns the volume up to

fiction focuses on the Imperium of Man (all human-beings) and their poster boys the “Space Marines“. These creatures are 9 feet tall, genetically engineered supersoldiers that serve as mobile strike-teams and patron saints of the Imperium. Think Master Chief combined with the Pope, with all the bad-assery and pompous latin circumstance that is implied. In Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, you step into the boots of Titus, an Ultramarines captain with 150 years of experience. The gameplay itself should seem familiar to anyone who’s played a shooter in the past 10 years. You have a regenerating overshield that, once depleted, exposes your health bar which can only be regenerated through melee

is, while satisfying, there isn’t much to it. Whether you’re using a chainsword or power-axe, all of the melee combos are virtually identical two-button affairs, and the ranged weaponry is similarly uninspired. Though there is a decent selection of laser rifles and grenade launchers, I found myself mostly relying on the Bolter, a run-of-the-mill assault rifle. While bland, the slaughter is effective. The guns sound appropriately beefy, and stomping Ork faces into red paste encompasses a realistic aspect. The problem is that the majority of scenes, besides a few jetpack sequences that come far and few between, are framed in a typical corridor-crawl arena shooter that grates before the end.

gleeful violence and cockney accents. The “Space Marines” are generally boring, aloof, and unrelatable. One could imagine Titus writing in his Space Marine diary, “To them, it was the total annihilation of the known universe. For me, it was Wednesday.” In the end, Space Marine is a solid shooter in a crowded market that wears out its welcome before the credits roll. If you fancy yourself a 40k aficionado or find yourself with enough time to blow through another serviceable shooter, it’s worth a look. Otherwise, wait for a sequel that fills some of the empty spaces left in this version. The grim darkness of the future certainly deserves a better showing than this.

Tom Bowen

Contributing Writer

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