Outlook Student Press

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utLook STUDENT PRESS Vol. 44 Issue 4 September 26, 2011 Facebook.com/Outlookpress

Features 3 “Let’s face it: We all have questions about how to act properly in a public restroom. There are a few simple rules that are important to know before entering a bathroom.”

Elan Weinberger Staff Writer

Elan Weinberger, Student

These simple and memorable tips will ensure a proper experience for all.

Science 10

Students Prepare For SGA Election

RCC has been gearing up for new Student Government elections over the past few weeks. The elections, which will take place on October 4 and 5, are a twice-yearly event. According to John Marra, the Coordinator of Student Activities, there are over 25 candidates for the various seats. Numerous positions are up for election including the usual freshmen and sophomore senator seats and a special election for the presidential position, which is vacant due to the resignation of former SGA president, Nancy Henriquez. Henriquez resigned due to personal reasons. Josh Blachorsky / Outlook Student Press

Voting for several student government positions at the College will be held in early October.


“The food on your plate has the

Gina Duncan, Student

These power-packed superfoods will keep you feeling healthy and looking good.

Sports 12 “Winning divisional games now is possibly the most important thing a team can do, as you bump up your record and you sink other teams’ chances of catching up to you.”

David Strinkovsky, Student

A preview for NFL Week 3 features predictions for hometown teams.

“Club Fest” Highlights Range of Student Activities Sari Ugell

Managing editor

Early in the fall semester on Tuesday, September 20, the popular event known as “Club Fest” was held indoors at Rockland Community College’s Student Union building. Nearly every club on campus was represented at the event, giving new and returning students the opportunity to become involved in activities and with people that share similar interests. Various clubs that were present included the Student Ambassadors Club, Habitat for Humanity Club, Mug Action Club, Peer Mentoring Club, and nearly forty others. Students were approached by club members and leaders, promoting all that their associations have to offer. For those who are interested in economics, there’s a club for that. And for those who want to advocate for gay

Collette Fournier / Campus Communications

power to heal your body, help prevent disease, ward off weight gain, and much more. ”

Marisa Holland (l) works as a production assistant for the Cultural Arts Theater and Anthony Gleason, is the President of the Stage Crew Club. They were signing up students for their club during Club Fest.

rights or lesbian, transsexual, and bisexual equality, you can join the Gay Straight Alliance on campus. “The best time of the school

year to get students to join clubs is during Club Fest”, adds student and member of the economics club, Christy Koutsourades. “When you

can talk face to face with your fellow classmates about what your club can do for the SEE CLUB FEST PAGE 2


September 26, 2011

Club Fest Brings Students, Groups Together CLUB FEST FROM PAGE 1 community, it really makes the school come together.” There was also a surprise appearance made by the mascot of RCC, Rocky the Hawk. Students chanted as he came running in and began throwing free RCC t-shirts into the crowd of people.

“When Rocky showed up, everyone went wild. It was nice to see all the excitement for the school and clubs.” Laurie Dwyer, Biology Club

Collette Fournier / Campus Communications

This was the first time ever that our mascot made a public appearance. Rocky’s presence definitely brought about a lively atmosphere to the room. “When Rocky showed up, everyone went wild. It was nice to see all the excitement for the school and clubs. A lot more people started signing up for clubs right after that”, said student Laurie Dwyer, president of the Biology Club. With so many passionate and exciting clubs here at RCC, suffice it to say that this past Club Fest was a definite success.

Students from the Anime and Vide Game Club at their table during Club Fest.

Students Prepare for Elections ELECTIONS FROM PAGE 1 “We are excited, elections are coming up in October and we are looking for strong leaders,” said Dianne Swick, the advisor to SGA. The SGA oversees over $500,000 of funding which it allocates to student led clubs and organizations as well as the funding of many events that help make sure that the student body is enjoying their college experience. Election preparations have been taking place on the campus for the last couple of weeks. Many candidates have been gathering signatures on their petitions,

which must be returned to Swick, by Sept. 27 at 3:00 PM. Swick, who is as well as the interim director of student involvement, is very excited for elections. According to Swick, only around 600 students vote in each election, a mere fraction of the over 7,000 who come to school here. According to its mission statement “The Student Government Association of SUNY Rockland Community College is determined to advocate for the student body, representing the voice of the student’s academic needs. As student leaders, the Student Government Association will seek to involve its peers in some form of

extracurricular activities with the ultimate goal of enhancing their college experience and instilling more school spirit.” SGA is the governing body of the students of RCC, and represents the school at both school and non-school functions. Because of the high responsibility that comes with being an SGA member, there are numerous requirements to run for any position on SGA. The requirements for freshmen senator are: a minimum GPA of 2.66. There are currently ten freshmen senator seats up for election. The requirements for sophomore senator are: a minimum GPA of 2.66 and

the completion of at least 24 credits, 12 of which must be earned at RCC. There are currently six sophomore senator seats up for election. The requirements to run for President are: a minimum GPA of 2.75 and , like the sophomore senator position, the completion of 24 credits, 12 of which must be earned at RCC. The president also has many responsibilities as outlined in the SGA constitution. While elections are taking place in October, non-SGA members can attend SGA meetings throughout the year. These meetings take place every Thursday at 3:30 PM.

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September 26, 2011

Bathroom Etiquette Hello...


Elan Weinberger

STAFF Writer

Men The bathroom: A place to make great friends, great fun and great memories. While the bathroom is meant to be a relieving and casual experience, there are quite a few rules and a specific etiquette that you must follow while visiting the “little boys room”. When mapping out which urinal to use, you must take multiple things into consideration: Rule #1: Are there dividers between urinals? If there is, then you can go and choose any urinal regardless of where other people are. If there is space between the urinals then take the one farthest away. But if there are no dividers, then follow the rule. Rule #2: If there aren’t dividers between the urinals, then you must follow the “Non Divider Urinal Spacing While in a Multi-Person Bathroom” rule. It indicates that if there are no dividers between urinals, you must leave one urinal space open between bathroom attendees. This rule does not only insure privacy, but it also promises no cross contamination. Rule #3: Unfortunately, if there is only one urinal open with no spacing in between urinals, then you must take the open urinal. Rule #4: You must look straight ahead at the wall. This insures some sort of privacy and while it is not ideal, you must do all that you can to avoid looking to the person next to you. If you need a change in scenery from the wall, look at the ceiling. While it may still be boring, changes in color and texture are always more exciting and help with an easier flow. Rule #5: If you must look at the person next to you, make sure that you look straight at their face, or even above

their head. This is crucial because you are now trying to do all that you can not to break whatever is left of the privacy that you and the rest of the bathroom once shared. Rule #6: If there are no urinals that have the extra cushion between them, but you have a middle of the line urinal and a corner urinal open, take the corner urinal. The corner urinal offers privacy in that you can angle yourself to create a little triangle with the wall, the urinal and yourself. Overall, the best urinal to take is the corner urinal. Whatever the situation is, the corner urinal will always satisfy one’s need for privacy. Now we must move on to the bathroom stall. There are a few rules concerning bathroom stall usage: Rule #1: Do not take the handicapped stall unless you are handicapped. It is just inappropriate and takes up the only stall for someone who is physically impaired. Rule #2: Always wipe down the seat. This does not only ensure that you do not sit in someone else’s urine, it also ensures that the seat is somewhat more sanitary. Rule #3: If applicable, put down a seat cover. For those of you who are unaware of a what a seat cover is one of those paper covers with the big whole in the middle that looks like it was drawn by a three year old. Seat covers promise the most sanitary toilet experience because they completely cover any part of the toilet that you would sit on. Rule #4: If you find yourself in a sketchy bathroom without toilet seat covers, then you could always make a makeshift toilet seat cover by putting toilet paper on the seat and then sitting on the toilet. This provides for a much less formal and a less sufficient way of covering your toilet seat, but as a wise scholar once wrote “a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.”

Stephanie Nelson

Contributng Writer

Women Let’s face it: We all have questions about how to act properly in a public restroom. There are a few simple rules that are important to know before entering a bathroom. Rule #1: Never comment on the smell or looks of a bathroom because you can never know who’s listening, and you don’t want to offend anyone. Rule #2: Never talk on the phone while sitting on the toilet for two reasons: people will think you are crazy and it can also spread germs. Gross. Rule #3: Make sure to clean up your mess. We hate more than anything when someone else’s pee is on the seat because they were too lazy to clean up after themselves, so the least we can do is take responsibility for our own pee. You never want your own excrement to be on someone else’s bottom. At least I hope not. Rule #4: In my opinion, the most important rule is to always wash your hands and use hand sanitizer if possible.

It is the easiest and most practical way to stay clean and healthy. Rule #5: There will be times when you walk into the bathroom and find something weird occurring. This could be as simple as someone crying or as nauseating and disgusting as … well, anything else. It is important to not talk or ask questions; simply move on with your day as if nothing is going on because doing otherwise may embarrass someone. Rule #6: When there is a sign in the bathroom asking you to please not flush anything besides toilet paper down the toilet, please follow the directions. We are all aware of the kind that ignores it and doesn’t care about the system, but trust me when I say the world will be a better place if you just follow the simple instructions on the back of the bathroom stall door. Rule #7: I don’t recommend vandalizing the stalls, but since there is usually some writing already on the stall doors, you might as well read the notes that people have left for you. For all you know something you read on a bathroom stall could inspire you and change your entire life. Maybe.


September 26, 2011

Awkward Things to Avoid When Talking to Parents Elizabeth Maze

Style & Entertainment Editor

They’ve raised you since infancy, created you in their image, fed you, given you shelter, bought you clothes, and boast about your ‘accomplishments’ in front of the parents of less successful children. Your parents walk a thin line between being loving and concerned, or smothering and paranoid. It’s like they can smell deceit as soon as you enter the room. Though you can’t win every battle, there are a few topics of conversation that you should attempt to skillfully avoid for the duration of your natural life.

Sex Though it seems like an obvious thing to avoid, I know many individuals who have fallen prey to the elaborate trap parents make to discuss sex with you. Parents will usually take one of two approaches

when dealing with said topic. You’ll have the fun ‘new wave’ parents who want you to feel comfortable and casual when discussing sex. This is a trap. They’ll lure you in with the promise of a judge-free zone, bribing you with understanding, bating you in with their charm. Instead of feeling like you’ve dodged a bullet, you’ll end up sitting in the fetal position on your couch as your parents discuss condoms, birth control, experimentation, and personal experiences. On the other hand, you’ll have the parents who avoid talking about sex at all costs. They’ll seem to disappear through the walls as soon as the topic is brought up. They rarely will hold eye contact during the discussion and look like they are on the verge of tears. Try to side-step these awkward sex talks by veering the conversation towards sports, the weather, or anything else that strikes your fancy.

on the back for your break dancing and binge drinking skills. For the topic of partying and drinking it is better to take one for the team and sit this one out. Don’t give them a reason to panic.

Partying They know you do it. The whole concept that parents live by is “we were young once too.” Of course they like to paint their youth as them studying by candlelight, knitting sweaters, and praying. This is a lie. They want to guilt you and if you are overly candid, your parents will have a hard time trusting you. Also, no parent will pat you proudly

Dating Dating and sex, though overlapping, should not be grouped together when it comes to parents. Though sex will make you cringe and wish for the ability to teleport, dating will come with a slew of uncomfortable and overly personal questions. “Are you being safe?” “Who pays?” “Is he a gentleman?” “Where do you see your relationship going?” You

Handle yourself maturely and realize that life isn’t about who wore the shortest skirt, made out the most, or did ninety keg stands in a span of two days. Your parents and your future kids will thank you for it.

will hear these words in your sleep. You’ll repeat them under your breath like a sacred mantra. Your relationship will become strained due to the nitpicking ways of your parents and you’ll be left alone in your future home, surrounded by cats, knitting sweaters for the kids you don’t have. Just be cordial to them when they ask questions but politely decline overly personal topics. Your parents are the people who ask you questions and probe because of the strange instinct they have to care for their offspring. You may not realize that yet as you sit there in you impractical denim shorts, Uggs, and trendy top, but you will one day if you decide to make some genetic copies of yourself. Maybe you’ll become that parent who will burden your children with the awkward conversations you’ve always detested.


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September 26, 2011

Online Dating: Love Could be a Click Away Tina Pace

staff Writer

In today’s expanding world, technology is very important to our everyday lives, whether we choose to admit it or not. Throughout the years, communication has become increasingly more intricate because of our complex lifestyles. It’s undeniable that our lives are complicated, and the amount of effort required put into getting an education, finding a career, and providing for ourselves can be overwhelming. Life is very stressful and the free time left for finding love is limited. Online dating has helped get rid of the trial and error system with dating and has made it easier to find someone compatible without all the hassle. Even those who are lucky enough to find love aren’t always lucky enough to keep it. The divorce rate is now 38.8 percent for couples between the ages of 20 to 24, and 22.3 percent for couples between the ages of 25 to 30 (according to divorcerates.org). Finding real love the first time is hard enough and even harder the second or third time around. Many of us live the majority of our lives on the computer and internet, and this habit is only escalating. Unfortunately, our society is becoming so busy that some people don’t have the time to find a relationship that can compete with their everyday lives. Some people have such an unrealistic idea of a fairy tale ending, perhaps because of social pressures and the media, that no person can live up to such a romantic image.

While interviewing Professor A. Michaeli, a sociology professor here at Rockland Community College, her response [to online dating] was an enthusiastic “I love it! … It’s more than a wave of the future, it’s essential…people need to expand their pool of eligibility.” After dating your whole entire life, what if your soul mate was across the country, or what if they are someone you never could picture yourself with? Online dating allows even an experienced person to find someone else simply based on compatibility. Sometimes, we as imperfect humans don’t always know what’s best for ourselves. In a way, this system is like a counselor, guiding you to the right person. Rockland County resident, Pricilla Pace, is currently looking for love on Match.com. She says, “A lot of my friends have met their boyfriends and husbands online, and I think it’s a great way to meet people.” Through online dating, you can meet others from all over the country. Online dating is not perfect though, and it doesn’t guarantee that you will fall head over heels in love. Computers are precise and scientific, so the matches are not based on any physical attractions or unexplainable emotions. It is based on the pure congruity between the negative and positive aspects of one’s unique personality. This is also a controversial topic, because some people say that online dating is a waste of time, not real love, and only for desperate people. One person even goes as far as saying its “relationship suicide”. With all the personal information that is acquired on the internet, it is possible to have it used against you. When I talk about online dating, I don’t

mean that it is appropriate for sixteenyear-old kids, who believe they’re never going to find love, to go onto ominous sites and talk to someone who may or may not be who they say they are. Online dating should not be anyone’s first or only resort to finding love because you need rely on yourself before technology. No one should go through life alone, and if you are completely out of luck and unable to find love, there’s no shame in registering for Match.com, eHarmony, or any other legitimate site. Online, one can change his or her persona as they wish and can easily hide behind the person they want to be rather than who they actually are. If this was a perfect world where there was no such thing as lying, online dating would be ideal. To every good thing there’s always a negative aspect. There’s no guarantee

that the people you meet have not spiced up their page to make themselves sound a little more interesting. These websites are capable of verifying all applicants but they cannot promise that all of their information is true; for example, is a dog lover online really a dog lover in person? These sites can be quite pricey, and most people who are willing to pay the price want to get the best results, but people can be very unpredictable. There is a risk in everything we do. Life does not guarantee that a marriage of 10 years won’t fail, or you won’t lose your job, or a loved one won’t die. Online dating is no riskier than dating in person; creeps will be creeps, and jerks will be jerks. Relationships are work and however you choose to find them is your personal choice, but it is good to have an online option.


Rachel Cooper and Jackie Fox Contributing Writers

As kids when we think about heroes, we envision Hercules, Superman, or any other inspiring character that would always save the day by defeating the bad guy and making the world a safer place. But let’s face the facts here: real life isn’t like that. Unlike the heroes of our childhood, the heroes in reality have no superpowers; however that does not make them any less of a hero. With the recent ten year anniversary of 9/11, many new stories have emerged, revealing heart-wrenching narratives of firefighters and policemen acting as heroes, risking their lives in order to save others by rushing directly into the scene of disaster as the buildings crumbled. There is a story in particular that is truly inspiring. Welles Crowther was a regular man who worked each day of his life at the World Trade Center. When the plane hit the first building, he took it upon himself to save the lives of others in need. Crowther rounded up a dozen terrified people and led them down the stairwell from the 104th to the 78th floor where he noticed some others were trapped. Crowther and his group eventually made their way to the 61st floor where first responders were waiting to rescue the dozen people he guided through the chaos. Welles then decided to go save people in the second building along with the FDNY, but sadly never made it out. Crowther will always be remembered for the red bandanna that he wore around his mouth and nose to protect him from the smoke as he traveled in and out of the buildings. Unlike the stories we hear as children, this one has a bittersweet ending. Although it is horrible that he did pass away, he will always be honored and praised for saving the lives of the known twelve people, and probably more that remain unrecorded. Welles Crowther is what we like to call a modern day hero.

September 26, 2011

Modern Day Heroes: Welles Crowther

9/11 HERO

Cyberbullying: A Message Can Ruin Someone’s Life Patricia Ostrow

Contributing Writer

What is cyberbullying? According to Bill Belsey, President of bullying.org, “cyberbullying involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.” With Facebook, Twitter, and other social medias becoming more and more popular in today’s society, cyberbullying has also increased, especially with teens and young adults. As a result, there has been legislation passed and there are awareness programs that have been designed to fight cyberbullying in schools, work offices, and other institutions. These cyberbullies can use a variety of methods for cyberbullying: IM (instant messaging), SMS (short message service) to send and receive text message on mobile telephones, EMS (enhanced messaging system), MMS (multimedia messaging system), Facebook, MySpace, Skype, and Twitter posts. They send threatening and harassing messages to the subjects of their hatred and loathing and may post false and

misleading statements online. The victims of the cyberbullying often wonder what they have done to deserve the kind of treatment they are receiving. The individuals being cyberbullied may have low self-esteem and suffer from cases of depression. This often causes them to withdraw from friends and family. Some become suicidal and act upon those emotional urges. There are plenty of instances where people have died, those involved as instigators and victims, due to being involved in cyberbullying incidents. Cyberbullies may create online pages used to bully their peers by creating polls and surveys, which are insensitive and cruel. Though this is not condoned by the web site creators, often such sites are not regulated or censored. Megan Meier was a Missouri teenager who committed suicide by hanging herself three weeks before her fourteenth birthday. A later investigation discovered that cyberbullying on the social network, MySpace, had played a major role. Legislation in Congress (H.R. 6123) was introduced by Congress woman Linda T. Sanchez on May 22, 2008 as the “Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act” to “amend title 18, United States Code, with respect to cyberbullying” . Tina Meier of

the Megan Meier Foundation and others have helped 34 states to enact anti-bullying laws. Another student, Ryan Halligan, committed suicide at age 13 due to bullying in person and cyberbullying online. ABC Family premiered “Cyberbully” on July 17, 2011 which starred Emily Osment, Kay Panabaker, and Kelly Rowan. Emily Osment played Taylor Hillridge, a teenager who was subjected to cyberbullying online

and almost tried to commit suicide as a result. To prevent this from happening to other students, Hillridge’s mother petitioned the school and lobbied for state legislation to combat cyberbullying. Cyberbulling is a serious, threatening offense that is happening wherever it is welcomed. Those who can recognize it and then act immediately to stop it can easily save a life.


September 26, 2011

Outlook Student Press Josh Blachorsky, Editor-in-Chief Vanessa Pastorelli, Production Manager Sari Ugell, Managing Editor Shara Beitch, Features Editor

Elizabeth Maze, Style & Entertainment Editor Louie Gaitan, Technology Editor Monica Powell, Science & Health Editor

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods and summer. It is an independent newspaper and public forum produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor. Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

On the web: Outlookpress.org Facebook.com/outlookpress Email: Outlookstudentpress@gmail. com Office: Student Union Room 3200 Phone: (845) 574-4389 Fax: (845) 356-6261 Snail mail:Outlook Student Press Rockland Community College 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901 Professor Fuentes, Advisor

Staff: Elan Weinberger, Brittany Coard,

Tina Pace

Contributors: Rachel Cooper, Jackie

Fox, Stephanie Nelson, Patricia Ostrow, David Strinkovsky, Nathan Caplan, Gina Duncan, Katherine Aucena



Like to write? E-mail us at outlookstudentpress@gmail.com

From the Editor

On September 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed GA Resolution 181, calling for the partition of The British Mandate of Palestine into two separate and distinct nations. One Jewish, one Palestinian. This plan was joyfully accepted by the former, and flat out rejected by the latter, which issued a declaration of war –sparking a clash which thrust the Middle East, arguably, into a conflict that continues to this day. For the Palestinian people to today be petitioning the UN for statehood seems extremely arrogant and highly hypocritical. The question of Palestinian statehood is not a new one. Many different leaders have come up with many different solutions. For years, the proposals from major players were far apart from one another. However, now the world stands at a very unique situation. The Israeli Prime Minister, the PA President, and many other world leaders including both the U.K.’s Prime Minister and the U.S. President, all agree to the principle of a two-state solution, one for the Jews, one for the Palestinians. The borders are the issue holding the

issue hostage. Negotiations between the two parties over the border will lead to a much more concrete and final resolution, rather than an attempt to circumvent the process and appeal to the UN. Palestinian officials know this fact, yet they choose to ignore it. Mahmud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, is not a newcomer to international politics. Having been involved in politics since the 1950’s and been the head of the PA since 2005, Abbas is a politician with much knowhow about the peace process. He has met with several US presidents and understands how things get done. That is why, his posturing now at the U.N. is just that—posturing. President Obama and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice have both stated that the U.S., one of five nations with veto power at the UN Security Council, will not let the resolution pass. Notwithstanding this, Abbas has vowed to continue forward, using the U.N. as a political tool. This ploy will in no way bring peace to the region. Only direct bargaining, between the two parties, will achieve that. Josh Blachorsky

U O Y O D WHAT ? . . . T U O B A K N I TH Monica Powell

Elizabeth Maze

Shara Beitch

Louie Gaitan

If you aren’t already familiar with this company, it is time you became acquainted with them and the negative impact they are making on your food. Meet: Monsanto. A business that claims to support ‘sustainable agriculture’ yet thrives on selling seeds to farmers that have been genetically modified. Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs, are foods that have had their very DNA reconstructed in a laboratory, and scientificallyprove dangers of this type of alteration is infertility, liver damage, immune problems, and accelerated aging. Now even with extensive research being conducted on this topic, as mentioned above, Monsanto is pressing our government to not require these deadly substances to be labeled on food products. Why? I’m sure there are a host of reasons, but I believe the most outstanding is this: If people come to the realizaton of just how life-threatening these substances are, they will no longer puchase products made from them, in turn putting Monsanto out of business. If, though, people are not informed of what they are eating and how it affects their short- and long-term health, Monsanto will have neither the resistance nor the competition against monopolizing the soy, corn, and other vegetable industries of the United States. This latter situation equals big bucks for Monsanto at the expense of the people. Are we willing to allow this kind of injustice infiltrate our own country’s food system?

So there is always this massive debate about life on other planets. Is there or isn’t there? Do they look like us or are they those tiny little green aliens with big heads and pitch black eyes? Honestly, I have no idea but I think it is naïve of us to think we are the only ones out there. While we are sitting here wondering if we’re alone in the universe, there may be another man or woman light years away wondering if we exist. Its one of those things that can keep you up at night or not even bother you at all. Personally, I think the whole conspiracy theories and UFO claims are getting a bit out of hand. Leave it to the scientists for now and break out your tin foil hats and ET shirts for when things get out of hand.

We are all in dire need of textbooks for our classes; we don’t want to be that kid who attempts to go through the semester without having a book, because chances are that it won’t work to your benefit. However, the prices of the books in the bookstore are irrational and appalling. The school has no control over the bookstore, and the professors in the school aren’t too fond of the amount that students have to pay either. In fact, some students even end up paying half their tuition for their books. I really can’t imagine what the bookstore is doing with all the extra money, because their profit may be even greater than the people who actually wrote the books. All in all, we don’t deserve to get ripped off as harshly as we do. Most of us resort to ordering the textbooks online to save money, but often end up with the wrong edition or having to wait a few weeks and then cram in three chapters in one night. It would be ethical and economical if the bookstore could be on our side and want to help us succeed rather than stress us out with the unnecessary money we are yanking out of our bank accounts for the overpriced books.

I believe the school needs to add motorcycle spaces to the parking lot. There is no reason for motorcycles to use an entire space when two or even three could fit in that same space. It could even be done in a way that each was sub divided in to motorcycle space. While on I’m on the topic of parking, make sure you’re completely in the space so you don’t render another space useless.

Style and Entertainment

September 26, 2011

Upcoming Concerts Sari Ugell

Pretty Lights

Managing Editor

Music is just as diverse as we are. From rock to pop to techno, today’s diverse music genres are ever-changing. And while some people restrict themselves to only liking one type, the many hybrid genres available are making music preferences even more miscellaneous. Not to worry though, because the upcoming concerts and artists due to perform in the next couple weeks are just as various and random as your iTunes library. Here’s a brief list of what’s to be expected, so get your Ticketmaster and Stubhub accounts ready for a frenzy. Pretty Lights (Dance/Electronic)September 28; The Dome at Oakdale Theatre, Wallingford, CT at 9:00 PM. Pretty Lights falls under the genres electronic, funk, hip-hop, and soul. DJ Derek Vincent Smith has performed at concerts such as Electric Zoo, Camp Bisco Ultra Music Festival and several others. Lucky for us, he’s returning to the tri-state area to play at The Dome. Some of PL’s famous tracks include “Glowing In The Darkest Night” and “Hot Like Sauce”. If you’re a fan of Kaskade or Chromeo, this is right up your alley. This stuff isn’t as trippy as a lot of the heavy dubstep music out there, and is highly recommended for people who are into both techno and hip-hop. Matt Nathanson with Vanessa Carlton (Rock/Pop)- September 30; Terminal 5, New York, New York at 7:00 PM. For all you ladies, and possibly gentlemen out there who love to be serenaded by a guy with a guitar, Matt Nathanson is absolutely perfect for you. His way with words and guitar skills will just make your heart melt. After opening up for Maroon 5 this summer, Nathanson is back and he’s tagging along with Vanessa Carlton, famous for her hits “A Thousand Miles” (remember that scene from the movie “White Chicks”, anyone?) and “White Houses” from the early 2000s. Some of Nathanson’s hits are “Come On Get Higher” and “All We Are”. If you’re into artists such as The Script, Jason Mraz, or Mat Kearney, then Nathanson is definitely someone you should check out on the 28th. Chris Brown with Kelly Rowland, T-Pain & TYGA (R&B/Hip-Hop)September 30; Nassau Coliseum, Long Island, New York at 7:00 PM. Chris Brown is coming to Long Island at the end of September to perform for his “The F.A.M.E” Tour with popular artists Kelly Rowland, T-Pain, and TYGA. Many refer to Brown as Michael Jackson’s prodigy because he bases his music and dancing on his idol, Jackson. He’s latest song “She Ain’t You” is a rip off of Jackson’s song “Human Nature”. Brown is known for being quite the entertainer; with his extreme, hardcore dance moves and girl-swooning personality. This concert is bound to be an exciting one, especially due to the artists joining him on tour.

Matt Nathanson

Gym Class Heroes (Alternative HipHop/Rap Rock)- October 21; Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, New Jersey at 6:30 PM. Gym Class Heroes is known for their interesting music type. Travie McCoy, lead singer/rapper of the group, takes on the urban rap scene while also incorporating light rock and often-soft vocals into their music. For instance, the song “Cupid’s Chokehold”, which featured Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy, off their album Cruelest School Children, is a mixture soft rock accompanied by alternative rap lyrics styled by McCoy. Their latest hit, alongside Maroon 5’s front man Adam Levine, is called “Stereo Hearts”. This track is currently residing in the number four spot on the iTunes Top Charts. This song is the feel good song of the season, with Levine serenading the chorus and McCoy rapping about stereos with swag. Gym Class Heroes is fun and unpredictable, and definitely a band worth seeing in concert this Fall. Kaskade

Kaskade Vanessa Carlton

Kelly Rowland

Chris Brown

Gym Class Heroes

Travie McCoy/Gym Class Heroes

September 26, 2011

Style and Entertainment

TV Shows Gone Bad

Big networks don’t guarantee big hits Nathan Caplan

Contributing Writer

Today, in a world of 24-hour television programming, where there is no limit to television channels, some might wonder what is beyond channel 600. Nowadays, it isn’t common for someone to be shocked by the number of television channels there are. Of course, there is iO and HBO (as well as many other TV programs) on demand, where one can watch favorite television shows whenever he or she desires. This popular feature leaves many either watching old shows on demand or watching current shows religiously. So the question is, what shows are out there that very few know exist? “The Daily Beast” acquired some records of the five least watched shows in 2010, and to some surprise, they belong to famous channels. The five shows having the least amount of viewers in 2010 were “Persons Unknown” and “100 Questions” from NBC, and “Dollhouse,” “Suns of Tucson,” and “The Good Guys” from FOX. Each show had a small audience with none of them breaking 3,000,000 viewers (yes, this is a low number for televised programming). The real question is, “What was their downfall?” A certain trend among them is that they are all high-budget productions. With big budgets responsible for making some of the best shows produced in the past, why do these shows have such low

audience and ratings? Well first of all, they may have just not been appealing to their intended audience. The comedy may have not been as funny as hoped or the drama may have not been as compelling as planned. That list can go on and on about shows not meeting their expectations. Perhaps they could have been played during bad hours, where few people were going to tune into the show at the time it is being played. Other complications could have included the advertising. At times, people are uninterested in following a new series. Another thing to consider is the problem of unoriginal plots. Of the five series listed above, three of them seemed to follow a similar approach to that of the “Friends” format. They revolved around the daily lives of a group of people living in a social family-like setting. While that format gives opportunities to play loosely with the overall theme of a show, it’s been done countless times. There is always a chance that the list of shows above suffered from all these factors. The fact remains that with countless television programming and on-demand options, new series suffer with little to no growth in audience by competing with shows in the same time slots. In the end, though, choosing whether or not to watch a show depends upon a matter of personal taste, remembering that what one person finds entertaining another may not.


Tattoos: Think Before You Ink Elizabeth Maze

Style & Entertainment Editor

There are some decisions that will follow you till the day you die. No, I’m not talking about that dramatic and super important fight you had with Tracy over Ryan. I’m talking about that lovely tribal design you have on your lower back: your tattoo. With their rise in popularity, tattoos are more and more visible as well as more and more questionable. I’m sure your eighteen-year-old self rocked that killer butterfly tattoo, but your eighty-year-old self is wishing that night in Cabo never happened. It’s important to realize that your super awesome tattoo now may not be the best decision in twenty years and that the key to great body art is planning. Now, as a person sporting two tattoos, albeit small ones, I’m not bashing the institution of tattooing, I’m bashing the concept of people who do it because they think it’s ‘hip’. They rush into the parlor with a half-planned idea and really no clue of what it entails. Yes, it’s forever. The removal process hurts and can be expensive so don’t just get a fairy on your back because you think it’s precious.

I’m not your mom or dad, so I won’t say that you need to think of your future, but seriously, think of your future. It’s kind of hard to be a CEO of a Forbes 500 Company with a neck tattoo and face tattoo. If that’s not your future career goal, go for it. It is really important to plan. Look at your options before jumping into it. Design something you really want and like now and will be proud to show off in the future. You won’t always be crazy hot so be sure to factor that in. Get your tattoo in a place that is more resilient and ages gracefully. Another key thing a lot of people overlook is the tattoo parlor itself. Too many people are taking the cheap alternative

and going to shady places to save the cash. You’ll be spending twice as much for your Hepatitis treatment then the cost of the tattoo itself at a clean place. Be sure to research the places you’re thinking about going and don’t be afraid to ask people who have tattoos. You’ll get some of the best suggestions and ideas from people who’ve already been around the block. The risk of infection and poor quality far outweighs any money saving scheme you have in your head. You want to find a quality artist that will execute your vision perfectly and keep you healthy. Two great places to go are Modern Age Tattoos in Nanuet and Winky Dink Ink in Valley Cottage. Both

places have experienced tattoo artists and piercers who will charge a fair price, do quality work, and are responsible when it comes to your health and satisfaction. Now that you’ve thought about it, don’t be afraid to get it done. Take pride in knowing that you’ve planned, went to a great place, and have a work of art that you will be proud to sport for the rest of your life. Remember, that tattoo is for you, not for anyone else.



September 26, 2011

Tech for School Louie Gaitan

Technology Editor

Regardless of the demanding schedule college poses to us students, there are fortunately gadgets and apps that can help make life a little bit easier. Here’s a list of my personal favorite tech to keep you sane while in class. Smart pens Using a smart pen will make your notes extremely more effective. Personally, I use the Echo pen and it works great. Turn it on at the beginning of class and take notes like you would normally, except you will be using a special type of notebook. As you are writing, the pen is recording audio while simultaneously capturing what you write. Later, you can upload your notes to your computer or just hear the recording through the pen. Did your teacher get off topic? Just tap on anything you wrote and the recording jumps to what was being said at that point. Additionally, this pen can do

more than record with the help of some built-in and download-able apps that are available. My favorite is the calculator app, but there are various others, including a piano app for the more musically inclined student. Tape-a-Talk (Android marketplace) If you ever forget to bring a notebook to class, you’ll be glad to have this app handy. It acts as a recorder that has an easy to use interface and keeps recording even when your screen turns off. A plus is that it allows for you to send your recordings via

email, text message, or blue tooth. E-textbooks Not only do e-textbooks mean less bulk to carry around, they can make homework and studying much easier. At the moment, not every textbook necessary for your college classes is available, but many are, and evidence of this is that I only have one hard copy text book this semester out of five classes. E-textbooks allow you to easily highlight text and mark pages. They contain “search” to make finding answers less tedious, and they also have “linking” so you can share with your friends what pages were covered in class (granted they’re

using an e-textbook from the same dealer as you). Voltaic Converter Solar Backpack Now that you have all these gadgets, you will need a way to charge them on the go. This appliance is capable of charging most mobile gadgets, and the battery can be charged via USB for those cloudy and rainy days. It doubles as a pretty useful backpack, as well.

Five Foods That Make You Feel Good Gina Duncan

Contributing Writer

The food on your plate has the power to heal your body, help prevent disease, ward off weight gain, and much more. Interesting enough, food can also brighten your mood-as long as you choose the right bites. Below are five power-packed superfoods that will keep you living healthy and feeling good. 1. GARLIC Garlic has sulfur-containing compounds that are responsible for its star status as a

health-supporting food. Sulfur itself is a key part of our health. Several research studies have noted that the average U.S. diet may be deficient in sulfur, and that foods rich in sulfur may be especially important for our health. It builds strong nails and hair, gives us supple skin, detoxifies our liver, and supports healthy pancreas functioning. Garlic is also is an excellent source of manganese, a very good source of vitamin B6 and vitamin C, and a good source of selenium.

2. RAW CACAO (CHOCOLATE!) Cacao, ‘the food of the gods’ has received considerable attention lately as it has been found to contain one of the highest levels of antioxidants on the planet, exceeding red wine, green tea, and other exotic fruits and vegetables. Cacao contains more magnesium than any other food. Magnesium is one of the most powerful stress-relieving nutrients on the planet and also relaxes the muscles while building strong bones and teeth. Unfortunately,

it is also one of the most deficient minerals in the modern western diet. Even though chocolate has its advantages, take caution when purchasing it. Many, if not most, varieties sold on the market today have been over-processed and mixed with less-than-healthy ingredients such as refined sugar and dairy fats. Strive to consume only the most natural and raw cacao products you can find by reading the labels. 3. MANGO According to new research, the mango fruit has been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers because of its unique nutritional property. Several trial studies suggest that polyphenolic antioxidant

compounds in mango are known to offer protection against breast and colon cancers. In addition, mango fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin-A and flavonoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and betacryptoxanthin. 100 g of this fresh fruit provides 765 mg or 25% of recommended daily levels of vitamin A. Together, the four compounds mentioned above are known to contribute to mango’s inherent antioxidant properties while also being essential for good vision.

4. CHIA SEEDS Chia is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, even moreso than flax seeds. It possesses another advantage over flax also— the chia

is so rich in antioxidants that the seeds don’t deteriorate and can be stored for long periods of time without becoming rancid. Unlike flax, chia seeds do not have to be ground to make their nutrients available to the body.

Chia seeds also provide fiber (a 25 gram serving gives you 6.9 grams of fiber) as well as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, niacin, and zinc. A unique characteristic of chia is this: when added to water and allowed to sit for 2030 minutes, a gel or pudding-like substance is formed. Researchers suggest that this reaction also takes place in the stomach, thus slowing the process by which digestive enzymes break down carbohydrates and convert them into sugar. This also allows for longer period of satiation after a meal. 5. APPLES A study on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimer’s disease. The pectin in apples lowers LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.

According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer. This is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples.

September 26, 2011

Science & Health

What To Cook Next!

Sautéed Shrimps With Mango and Oven Dried Grape Tomato Salad

Katherine Aucena

Contributing writer

Mango is a delicious, typically sweet fruit that is widely used in different types of cuisines from pastry delights to mouthwatering culinary dishes. It is also known for its nutrients, dietary fiber and vitamins A, B6 and C. Selecting the perfect mango for any dish is easy just by simply squeezing the mango you intend to use. If it is too soft, it may be overly ripe, and if it is too hard, it may not be ripe enough. Strive to use one that is somewhere in between. It’s important to know that not all varieties of mangoes change their color, either. Some stay green throughout all stages of maturation, and others change into a bright yellow color. This delightful fruit is also quite versatile. You can use mangoes when they are still on the green side for a more savory taste or when they are fully mature for a sweeter taste. It all depends on the flavor you are trying to achieve. This recipe includes one of my favorite, easy-to-make side dishes: Oven Dried Grape Tomatoes. The recipe is as follows: Cut the tomatoes in half and place them in a baking sheet pan lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle some chopped garlic and thyme leaves. Coat them with some extra virgin olive oil. Season the tomatoes with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Place them in a pre-heated oven at 200° F until they release most of their internal liquid. This recipe is incredibly simple, tasty, and perfect for a gathering. Especially when combined with the main course given below, you are sure to create a meal that is a real winner.

Sautéed Shrimps with Mango and Oven Dried Grape Tomato Salad Difficulty: Easy Category: Appetizer Yield: 4 Servings Ingredients 1 lb. Jumbo Shrimps {Peeled, Deveined, Tail on} 1 ½ Tablespoons Grapeseed Oil 1 Teaspoon Smoke Mild Paprika 1 Teaspoon Honey 2 to 3 Medium Size Mangoes {Peeled and Diced) Oven-Dried Grape Tomatoes Salt Freshly Ground Black Pepper Procedure Place the shrimps in a bowl. Add the grapeseed oil, smoked mild paprika, and the honey. Slightly toss the shrimps to mix and season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Take a sauté pan and place it over medium heat. Let the pan get hot to prevent the shrimps from sticking to it. Sauté the marinated shrimps for 2 to 4 minutes on each side. Remove from the heat. Mix the small cubes of mangoes with some oven-dried grape tomatoes. Season the salad with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Serve the shrimps along with the salad. Bon Appetit! Tips Shrimps cook very quickly, depending on their size. You can substitute the grapeseed oil with vegetable oil. You can also substitute the oven-dried grape tomatoes with storebought dried tomatoes.




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September 26, 2011

What to Watch For in the Week Ahead

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NFL: Week 3 Preview David Strinkovsky

Contributing Writer

After a very action packed first two weeks of the season including, Tom Brady throwing for 517 yards and a 108 yard kick return by rookie Randall Cobb, we finally enter Week 3 of the season. Looking at the schedule there are definitely some pivotal games out there to keep an eye on. The hometown Giants take on the Philadelphia Eagles in Philadelphia. Winning divisional games now is possibly the most important thing a team could do, as not only do you bump up your record

but also you sink other team’s chances of catching up to you in the divisional playoff standings. The Giants-Eagles games are always very intense, and the Giants are looking for some revenge after an embarrasing defeat in the final seconds of their last game against the Eagles. However, I don’t see the Giants coming away with a win here because Michael Vick and the Eagles offense just seem to be to strong especially against a banged up Giants defense. The Giants offense has also suffered some injuries as well, but they’re main problem is they have difficulty putting the ball in the end zone despite having many downfield drives. Final Score: Philly 24, Giants 17.


J-E-T-S JETS! JETS! JETS! Gang Green, takes their show on the rode all the way to Oakland to face the Raiders. In years past these games have always come pretty close, especially with Sebastian Janikowski’s 60-yard field goal that beat the Jets last season. Although the Raiders lost some key pieces to their defense, in particular Nnamdi Asomugha, the defense is still very capable and has weapons. However, the Jets offense is going to be much for the Raiders’ defense, and if Mark Sanchez can throw under 3 interceptions, the Jets definitely have this one. The Jets defense is going to completely over power the Raiders as they are 31st in passing yards and Rex Ryan loves the

got creativity?

blitz packages which will create some big challenges for Raider’s quarterback Jason Campbell. At the end of the day, the Jets got this one. Jets 27, Raiders, 13. This week’s game of the week will be the Texans squaring off with the Saints in New Orleans. This game will show us if the Texans really are capable of contending with the elite NFL teams out there, it will also show us if the Saints still have enough in the tank to get back to the Super-Bowl. Look for this game to a be a shoot out as both offenses are very solid. Final score. Saints 28, Texans, 24

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