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OutlookStudent Press Dr. Elaine Padilla:

Volume 46 Issue 7 November 11, 2013 outlookpress.net Rockland Community College

Seemingly Microcosmic Professor Leaves Macrocosmic Effect Features 2 “It is difficult to say what happened that infamous afternoon, because each time the event is revisited, new evidence seems to surface.” Marina Watts, Student

The tragic loss of the nation’s youngest president weighed heavily on the minds of Americans back in 1963.

Science 13 “Sassy Tailgate Sandwiches and Ooey-Gooey ham-andcheese sliders” Valissa Hicks, Student

Turn Sunday afternoon football into Sandwich Sunday with these tasty bites!

Grant Jardine

Contributing Writer

RCC’s very own Dr. Elaine Padilla won the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) 2013 William H. Meardy Faculty Member Award. The ACCT recognizes that the central purpose of community college is teaching and learning, and therefore annually presents its Faculty Member Award to an outstanding faculty member from a Community College in the US. Originally, Dr. Padilla had no intention to apply for the ACCT Faculty Member award. In a spur of the moment decision that initiated a chain of events, President Cliff L. Wood called to ask if she would allow the RCC Board of Trustees to apply for the regional (Northeast) award on her behalf. Still not fully aware of everything the award entailed, she agreed, and later received a letter notifying her that she won the Faculty Member award at the regional level. Surprised by her recognition, Dr. Padilla was automatically selected to compete for the award nationally. She next found herself on a plane, headed to Seattle, Washington to compete with the entire country. Accompanying her were Board of Trustee members Dr. Arlene W.

Managing Editor

“The New York Giants were expected to play better than the team they share MetLife Stadium with. However, halfway through the season, the Jets have outperformed them on the field.” Benedict Tagle, Student

Halfway through the season, both local NFL franchises have had their ups and downs.

to be Dr. Padilla, she was “so shocked to win and was immediately ushered up to a microphone.” Dr. Padilla g raciously thanked the ACCT and RCC, also stating “I’m so proud and especially proud for the college.” She was happy to spend the rest of the night speaking about RCC and the MTS Honors Program she is associated with. A SUNY Distinguished Service Professor (just one more example of various honors and awards Dr. Padilla has won) of sociology and anthropology for over three decades, Dr. Padilla has reached out to countless students and done humanitarian work across the globe. For the award, Dr. Padilla is especially grateful to the Board of Trustees for nominating her, all of her students for motivating her and President Wood for allowing her to “pursue teaching sociology and anthropology in her own special way.” Proof that this “own special

way” of Dr. Padilla’s is a success are her numerous awards, love of RCC, and that in sitting with her for ten minutes, she not-so- coincidentally opened a congratulatory letter from a long-term friend for her award, stating, “In my book, you’re always number one!” Dr. Padilla has swept the nation by winning the 2013 William H. Meardy Faculty Member Award. Yet, her eyes are not (directly) set on conquering the world. Instead, she wishes to get back in the classroom, teaching her students. To sum up her feelings about the award and recognition, Dr. Padilla stated, “A President and Board committed to students and higher education is vital; I’m grateful to say RCC has both of these. I’ve been in administration and enjoyed it, but most important and rewarding for me is interacting with the students and learning years later the wonderful places their lives have gone. I characterize Rockland Community College as a place of possibility. There is something very special about it.” In learning about the decades of service Dr. Elaine Padilla has given to RCC and its students, and the awards she has won for this service, it is no stretch to conclude that Dr. Padilla is a major factor in what is “something very special” about Rockland Community College.

Students Win Hispanic Heritage Awards Suzanne Peguero

Sports 16

Clinkscale and Mary Lou Dillon. Dr. Sonya Shapiro had “very much wanted to join, but was too ill to travel,” said Dr. Padilla. D r . Padilla won the national Fa cu lt y Me mb e r award, stating she was “excited and shocked by [her] fantastic recognition,” but those who u nd e r st a nd her history and attitude as a professor need not be surprised by her success on the national level. The event, which was held in Seattle from October 1 until October 5, was officially the ACCT’s annual Leadership Meeting. Many vital community college workshops, such as strategic planning and budget reading were available to attendees, which Dr. Padilla took part in. On Friday, a gala was held where awards were announced and given out. The other awards were for Equity, Trustee Leadership, Chief Executive Officer and Professional Board Staff. When the Faculty Member Award winner was revealed

On October 21, people gathered in the Cultural Arts Center at RCC for the Hispanic Heritage Achievement Awards. The annual awards honor excellence in the Hispanic community at Rockland Community College. There are five categories that Hispanic students can be eligible for: Academic Achievement, Artistic Talent, Athletic Accomplishments, Leadership Activities, and Personal Accomplishments. These highly competitive awards ceremony is a huge honor to the students accomplished enough to receive it. Professor Josephine Tarsia, Associate Professor in the school’s Foreign Languages Department, was the director of both the board that decided who would win along with the ceremony. Around eighty people showed up to the awards ceremony, which was held at 6:30 P.M. The evening began with an introduction, which included an inspirational speech by Carmen A. Pacheco and Betty

Lugo. These two Latina women established the first womanowned law firm in New York City, originally located in One World Trade Center. The speech by these two “amazing women,” as Professor Josephine Tarsia said, encouraged all the students in the audience to pursue their dreams and not allow anything to hinder them. Once the speech was concluded, the handing out of awa rd s b e g u n . There were eight award recipients, ch o s e n from 20 different applications. A selection committee chose the honored students. Professor Tarsia remarked that all twenty nominees had “very fine applications; it was difficult choosing only eight.” However, these eight had the best out of everyone, and as such, were given the highest honors.

Recipients included: Esau Cruz, for Academic Achievement; Carbilio Flores, for Leadership Activities; Jeffery Garcia, for Personal Accomplishments; Jhony Lema, for Leadership Activities; Martiza Mendoza, for Leadership Activities; Victoria Purcell, for Personal Accomplishments;

Lorenzo Rivera, for Academic Achievement; and Jacqueline Roberts, for Personal Accomplishments. All of the students who won an award were given a plaque, a $200 scholarship, and certificates from elected government officials. This was a great honor for all the chosen

students. The Hispanic Heritage Student Achievement Awards was not only limited to Rockland Community College Students, however; it was also opened up to high school students from around Rockland County. High school students from six different schools in Rockland County were honored. There were four honorees from Spring Valley High School, two from Clarkstown High School South, three from Clarkstown High School North, fourteen from North Rockland High School, and two from Ramapo High School. While the honorees from the high schools did not receive a scholarship, they did receive a certificate. The awards ceremony finally finished, but that doesn’t mean the festivities were done! The Awards moved out of the Cultural Arts Center and into the cafeteria, where all of the students who had won award had a dinner with faculty and family members alike. The celebration was warm, cheerful, and vibrant. As Professor Tarsia said, “It was a memorable evening for all recipeints.”


November 11, 2013

Fatal Flashback: The JFK Assassination Marina Watts

Editor In Chief

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the JFK assasination in Dallas, Texas, an event that will forever live in infamy. The tragic loss of the nation’s youngest president weighed heavily on the minds of Americans back in 1963, and historians often ref lect on what happened that day. Worldwide, people were stunned to hear the news. Similar to how people remember where they were when the Twin Towers fell, people recollect what they were doing when they found out that Kennedy was shot. On Friday, November 23, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was traveling, promoting his next campaign for the 1964 election for presidency. In order to increase popularity for the election, Kennedy had to win Florida and Texas. Riding in an open-air limousine with his wife Jackie as well as Texas governor John Connally and Connally’s wife, they made their way through Dallas. At 12:30 that afternoon, the

motorcade passed the Texas School Book Depository. Shots rang out in Dealey Plaza. The president slumped back in his seat and onto the first lady. The town was thrown into disarray, and Secret Service members chased after the motorcade and hopped into the back seat. Governor Connally had several severe wounds but survived. A bullet had entered his upper right back and inner left thigh. The president was shot in his neck and his head, which killed him instantly. The motorcade rode directly to Parkland Memorial Hospital. Within half an hour, the president was pronounced dead. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was then sworn in as the new president on Air Force One. A m a t e u r cinematographer Abraham Zapruder was one of the only people to record Kennedy’s last moments. The silent 8 mm camera

caught 26 seconds of film, and is valued at $16 million. Media outlets such as radio stations and news broadcasters didn’t think a motorcade riding around town with the president was important enough to be covered. The Zapruder film was an important piece of evidence pertaining to the Warren Com mission and is one of the most studied pieces of film in history. What had happened on this fateful day has been heavily disputed over the decades. Conspiracy theories sprinkle the minds of historians and fanatics alike, and theories have increasingly evolved as time goes by. According to the Warren Commission, released in September 1964, this crime involved a lone shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald. He fired the shots from the sixth f loor of the Book Depository Warehouse. He was arrested a little over an hour after Kennedy was shot, and was held for questioning for 48 hours after his arrest. Oswald never made it to trial, however. Upon moving him

from the Dallas Police Headquarters to the Dallas County Jail, Oswald was shot and killed by night club owner Jack Ruby. Ruby was im mediately arrested after s h o o t i n g Oswald. He claimed that he was doing the former first lady Kennedy a favour, as he spared her “the d i s c o m f it u r e of coming back to trial.” Ironically, Ruby never made it to trial either because he died as a result of terminal cancer. This strange chain of events has caused a riff in people believing the Warren Commission is fact, as neither of these criminals truly confessed to what happened and why it all did. The Warren Commission has been subject to much speculation over the years. At the time, it was the popular and accepted opinion. Now, countless historians, conspiracy theorists a n d scientists h a v e analyzed t h e Zapruder Film, and recreated the scenario through the works of computer animation. The first bullet struck someone in the motorcade between frames 210 and 215; the second bullet at frame 313. However, 12 years later the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) declared that Kennedy was killed as a result of conspiracy. They argued

that since there were four shots fired at Kennedy, there had to be more than one gunman involved. It is difficult to say what happened that infamous afternoon, because each time the event is revisited, new evidence seems to surface. Different interpretations effect what is written about the JFK assassination. Depending on whom you ask and what evidence you know about will determine your own analysis. This was the last time that a United States president has ridden anywhere in an openaired vehicle. Now all cars are enclosed as a security provision, and secret service agents are more abundant than ever. Ironically enough, the last conversation author Jim Bishop (author of the book “The Day Kennedy Was Shot”) had

with JFK was on the subject of being assassinated. He said, “My feelings about assassination are identical with Mr. Lincoln’s. Anyone who wants to

exchange his life for mine can take it.” Both presidents were assassinated, Lincoln roughly a century earlier. For those more interested in reading about the Kennedy Shooting, I highly recommend the books “The Day Kennedy Was Shot” by Jim Bishop and “Killing Kennedy: the End of Camelot” by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard. The endless books, films, and documentaries out there will do more than satisfy your need for knowledge about November 22, 1963.

November 11, 2013

The War on Gardening

Ian Quinn

News Editor

At first glance, one may be taken aback in coming across the headline of this article. How could one conceive of reasonable cause to antagonize something so benign and productive as a garden? In reality, there is no force that specifically aims to hinder the cultivation of gardens, nor can the conflict in question be accurately considered a war. The term “war on gardening” has been used by activists and journalists to refer to a series of legal conflicts between city officials and individual home owners who wish to maintain gardens on their property. Whether issues arose from the complaints of neighbors or the violation of city ordinances, many citizens of the United States have been denied the freedom to cultivate their own land. While some have fought back, and succeeded in maintaining this liberty, others have not been so fortunate. “No you’re not...I’m gonna sue you,” said Oklahoma resident Denise Morrison in response to crews sent by the city of Tulsa to destroy her home-grown garden on August 16, 2011. Despite her adamant opposition, they proceeded to remove all plants she had grown from the yard. Apple mint, lemon mint, stinging nettles, Rose of Sharon, and 35-year-old Concord grapes were some of the plant varieties that comprised the garden. “They sent me a report back telling me I had no violations...I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t a problem,” said Morrison, claiming to have previously checked with city officials to ensure that all she was growing was legal. Nevertheless, city inspectors showed up at her home to investigate and survey the property. In reaction, she called the police, who then gave her a court summons for August 15. While at court, the judge told Morrison they would defer the issue until October. The city of Tulsa, however, took action long before then. No legal hearing had taken place yet when the city sent workers to destroy her garden the next morning. The city stated that their reason for dismantling Morrison’s garden was that it violated a municipal nuisance ordinance; some of her neighbors had complained that her yard was an unpleasant sight. Morrison maintains that all her produce was grown organically, and

meant for human consumption as both food and medicine. In other cases of similar nature, authorities have attempted to incarcerate individuals, as opposed to directly altering their property. Julie Bass, a mother of six in Oak Park, Michigan, faced a possible 93 days in prison after being charged with a misdemeanor for gardening. The plants that she grew in her front yard consisted of flowers, corn, squashes, tomatoes, and other vegetables. Given that Michigan was one of the

states worst hit by the recession, Bass needed a less expensive way to provide food for her children. Regardless of her circumstances, she received a warning from city officials informing her that her property did not adhere to municipal

“suitable”, he responded it means “c o m m o n”, such as shrubs, a lawn, or f lower s. However, the ordinance did not specif ically s t a t e alter nat ives were not permitted. In addition to these instances there is another garden project exceptionally interesting to read about. Math teacher Adam Guererro of Memphis, Tennessee, is yet another individual who has been unjustly victimized by his local government. Guererro, and three of his students who attend Raleigh-Egypt High School, spend their after school hours cultivating an urban garden in his yard. Growing plants such as sunflowers and tomatoes, the four also produce bio fuel, keep bees, make vermicompost, and make soap with the byproducts of bio fuel. Despite the garden’s efficient and practical nature, the city deemed it a public nuisance, and ordered him to dismantle it before his court date.

ordinances. After refusing to conform to city standards, she was ticketed and charged. The city stated she was in violation because a municipal ordinance held that only “suitable” plants could be cultivated on lawns within city boundaries. When city planner Kevin Rulkowski was asked by local media what was meant by

Guererro maintains he uses the garden for educational purposes, as well as for his personal goal to live in a sustainable way. It is relieving to know that charges against Adam Guererro and Julie Bass were eventually dropped, due to extensive media coverage and public petitioning


of the city government. But the fact that such legal issues arose in the first place continues to seem strange and illogical. It raises many concerns regarding how an individual’s civil rights should be upheld and implemented in cases involving private property. How much legal emphasis should be placed on the complaints of neighbors? What should the official definition of a public nuisance be? Is it within reason to antagonize citizens for growing gardens in the national economic climate we are currently experiencing? There are many more instances of this kind, other than those that have been mentioned in this article; for the sake of brevity, I have limited this discussion to pertain to only 3 cases. When city governments state that a gardener is violating a municipal nuisance ordinance, they are really saying that the gardener’s yard is not conforming to conventional standards of what an acceptable yard should look like. There is a long-standing tradition in the United States of maintaining a pristine and manicured lawn. And one truly realizes the influence that this cultural norm has had when seeing the extent to which it has been codified in official legislation. Is such a norm still relevant to living in urban and suburban socio-economic environments? Many argue that the old American notion of a well-kempt lawn goes against the current need for sustainability and economic relief. Why should mainstream aesthetic preference overshadow such a productive and utilitarian practice? Strict laws prohibiting aesthetic deviation on private property have been upheld for a long time before recently gaining widespread attention. Since cultural movements propagating more sustainable ways of living have started to gain greater traction in recent years, issues such as these have attained more notice in the public eye. Municipal ordinances in cities across the country are currently in the process of becoming more permissive to an individual’s right to cultivate their own land. Judging from the way many citizens have reacted to oppressive city charges, it seems unlikely that such


Big or Small: Save Them All

Lisa Rino

Contributing Writer

Driving over to the Harrow’s late that night, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I had to be strong for Gina, Marie and Kayla. After receiving the text that she desperately needed me to babysit, I knew something was wrong. Arriving at the Harrow’s home, I zipped up my sweatshirt and shut my car door. Deep breaths, I told myself. Deep breaths. I walked in, expecting the whole family to be awaiting my arrival on the large tan couch. But someone was missing. That someone was Laura. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. But the most upsetting reality is when it is someone that you have become so close with. Laura was first diagnosed in the winter of 2013. What was supposed to be a white Christmas with her three children and wife turned into a sickening reality for the family of five. She had been aware for several years that the horrifying sickness

traveled throughout her mother’s side of the family, but she had no idea to expect it herself. Laura was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer, and the small tumor had spread into her lymph nodes. She was in a treatment center not too far from home, but to her three beautiful girls, it was a long way from home. “The hardest part to me wasn’t that I felt bad for myself. How could I? What I felt bad about, was the fact that there was a chance I could let my girls down. I had to fight this; there was no way around it. Okay, so, I have breast cancer. Wo o p - d e - d o o.” Laura laughs at her joke. “I was going to beat this, I would overcome it.” Laura’s story is only one of millions of stories all over the world about women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, or are now survivors. October, named Breast Cancer Awareness month, and is now well-recognized around the world. Learning about breast cancer has become so simple. One website that provides plenty of information is nbcam. org. It gives quick access to a link that provides locations for women all over the country to have free breast screenings.

Komen.org is another incredible website that answers questions ;not only for the patient themselves, but for family and friends. There is also a link for “Race for a Cure.” The biggest way to get involved would be a race with friends and family to raise awareness.

An upcoming race in Albany, New York, will raise awareness and support for patients diagnosed with breast cancer. In an interview on Komen.org, Dr. Dan Welsh, a member of the Voice of Impact for the Susan. G Komen Race for the

November 11, 2013

Cure, shares, “My hope is that, working together, we get to a place where, instead of requiring total elimination of all cancer cells for a cure, metastatic cancer could become a chronic, controllable disease. Komen is not shying away from this difficult subject, continuing to ask people to identify ways to more effectively treat those metastases.” With all the efforts, hope, support and love, we as a c o m m u n i t y, town, county, state, country, and world can get through this uphill battle with patients diagnosed with breast cancer. As for Jenny, her family, friends and neighbors continue to give her the utmost support. As of this past August, Laura was able to return home to her wife and three daughters--not fully rid of her cancer, but reunited with the people she needs the most.

A Look at the Times Daisy Moakley

Staff Writer

As a Latina with a couple of adopted bi-racial children, I can’t help but wonder if racism is really a thought process of the past. Just this past week, I opened my MSN homepage to check the happenings in our country. The first article I came across was about Child Support Magistrate Lu Ann Ballew of Cocke County Eastern Tennessee. If this weren’t such a ridiculous action taken by this magistrate, the county’s name alone would make a great punch line for many jokes. The magistrate had the audacity to order a couple to legally change their infant son’s name from Messiah to Martin, when they came before her to settle a dispute about the child’s surname. Both parents were opposed to the name change. Ballew stated, “The word Messiah is a title and it’s a title that has been earned by one person.” Is she serious? Does the Magistrate not realize that in about every culture there are parents that honor their god by naming their child after the higher power they believe in? Christians use the name Jesus (son of Christ), Muslims use Aqdas (holy), Buddhist use Bupposo (Buddha), and Jews use Barack (blessed) or Jahovah (God). Lu Ann Ballew needs to re-read the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution “prohibits the making of any law respecting an

establishment of religion, abridging the freedom of speech.” Does she not understand that this amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791. Who is she to take away these parents’ constitutional rights? The incident left me speechless. Our country is at a point in time when both racial profiling and stop-and-search

beings with freedom of will. Why all the concern about the amount of melanin in someone’s skin, or a religious belief, gender or sexual preferences? Why can’t we simply respect each other? This country has so many issues that need to be straightened out. As a mother, I cringe every time I hear about another senseless killing due to a gun in

are genuine concerns. In South Dakota, white supremacist Craig Cobb purchased a home and 12 empty lots. His desire is to encourage other White Supremacists to lease or buy some of the lots he owns and create an Aryan enclave. Why this abundant hate? We are all human

the hands of a child. A 13-year-old boy was shot to death in Windsor California by a sheriff’s deputy. With everything happening in our society, why wouldn’t every parent educate their child about the dangers of walking around with realistic looking weapons? This boy was walking

around his neighborhood carrying a pellet gun that looked like an AK-47 assault rifle and fake handgun tucked in his waste band. These “toys” that look like the real thing should be banned. Law enforcement officers have just a split second to make a life changing decision. They want to go home at the end of their shifts to their families. With this in mind they have to act to protect not only themselves, but the citizens in their communities. Children are so desensitized by all the nonsense that is on television and in video games. In Andover, Massachusetts, hundreds mourned the death of a 24-year-old teacher stabbed to death by one of her 14year-old students, and an Asian man in New York was stabbed to death by the wife and children of the family member that had taken him in. Society is creating a generation of people who don’t really know what it is to truly be outside, or that television is fantasy; even reality television isn’t real. As a society, we are failing our future generations. Why don’t we teach manners, respect, and hard work? Why are we, the adults, not leading by example? These are just a handful of the many sad actions of our society in just this past week. As Americans, we should leave no room for the Child Support Magistrates such as Lu Ann Ballew in our society. We should educate young people about the true consequences of their actions and most importantly let’s stick together as the human race. Remember: it takes a village to raise a child.


November 11, 2013

Outlook Student Press Marina Watts, Editor-in-Chief Suzanne Peguero, Managing Editor Julie DeVito, Production Manager

Anuj Chokshi, Photography Editor Benedict Tagle, Sports Editor Ian Quinn, News Editor

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods and summer. It is an independent newspaper produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees. Submissions and articles become the property of Outlook Student Press. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor. Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

On the web: Outlookpress.net Facebook.com/outlookpress Email: Outlookstudentpress@gmail.com Office: Student Union Room 3200 Phone: (845) 574-4389 Fax: (845) 356-6261

Contributors: Grant Jardine, Lisa Rino, Joe Cannata, Mike Masullo, Taylor Hartell, Greg Frey Staff: Daisy Moakley, Valissa Hicks

Snail mail:Outlook Student Press Rockland Community College 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901 Professor Fuentes, Advisor



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eel F u o Y o D How . . . . . ? s e i t n u o M e h T t u o b A

Ian Quinn

Marina Watts

Suzanne Peguero

Benedict Tagle

I first encountered the Mounties of RCC while walking up toward the school one morning at the beginning of this semester. As I beheld the officers on their mounts striding steadily between rows of parked cars in the back lot, I wondered at what practical advantages these animals could provide. It seemed highly unlikely that they would prove more effective than a squad car in pursuing a criminal driving a vehicle. Unless the perpetrator was on foot, the speed limitations of a horse would hinder the efficiency with which an officer could give chase. A horse could be advantageous to an officer needing to maneuver wooded areas with greater speed and celerity than would be normally possible. Such a convenience is relevant to RCC’s location, for the surrounding landscape consists mainly of moderately developed forest. They could also be utilized as a means of intimidation, for horses are much larger than one would typically imagine them to be. Yet despite their relatively vague purpose, they are impressive and beautiful creatures.

A few weeks ago, I was beyond confused to find rather large (and quite odorous) animal droppings by the parking spots adjacent to the Cultural Arts Centre. Not long after, I realized that the Department of Public Safety here at SUNY Rockland has brought horses as the latest modes of transportation for the officers. I have one question: WHY. There is little to no need to backtrack about a century and a half for people to get from place to place. We have cars and trucks and SUVs that are perfectly capable, faster, and don’t crap everywhere. These creatures are creating more of a problem than a solution as far as I am concerned. They are expensive to keep, as far as feeding and maintenance goes. I would also like to know where they go when the public safety officers are done using them each day. I am all for the old-fashioned things in life, such as Frank Sinatra records and reading Shakespeare in my free time. But horses at RCC used to help control traffic in the parking lots are a little too out of place for my liking. Personally, I haven’t seen any of these horses that everyone has been complaining so frequently about. However, I still am not entirely sure about why we have them. Isn’t the security on campus effective enough? Aren’t cars a better and more modern method of transportation? Do we really need horses on campus now? In all honestly, I think it makes RCC look somewhat silly. All this extra pomp and circumstance is not needed, and it makes it look as though RCC really doesn’t know what it is supposed to be doing.

It’s nice having additional source of comfort around campus. The sheriffs ride magnificent steeds, patrolling campus for sources of danger. The negative side to horsed officers is fresh, pungent horse feces. Anywhere the horses were, they left their mark. It signals to future hooligans the sheriff is always around. It’s their signature move, their version of leaving a business card. Feces is in parking spots and in walking areas. They need the amazing tool that attaches to the horse’s rear end, catching all excrement. Cleaning is easy and simple. It’s an amazing technological breakthrough—it’s only been around for centuries!

Style & Entertainment

November 11, 2013

Book Review: “11/22/63”

Marina Watts

Editor In Chief

Best-selling author Stephen King has done it again with “11/22/63.” This historical fiction/science fiction novel was published November 2011, and though its hundreds of pages may seem intimidating, it will be difficult to put down as soon as you pick it up. In this book, King dabbles on the realm of time travel. Our protagonist, Jake Epping, is an English professor. He visits Al’s (an old friend) diner and is shocked to find him extremely aged, considering he saw him the night before decades younger. Al blames it on time travelling through a portal located in the diner’s pantry. Jake is promptly thrown into a mission to prevent JFK’s assassination, since Al is physically unable to do so himself. However, he is thrown into 1958, five years prior to the shooting and must adapt to the time period. While he is there, only two minutes in the present will elapse, regardless of how long he stays there. However, he will age, for whatever time he spends there. Thus, Jake accepts the challenge and embarks on this adventure. Jake learns much about life, as far as being satisfied with the time period you live in goes. He adapts to the mid-20th century lifestyle, and becomes immersed in his new environment. Jake also learns that

one small change can lead to everything else being affected in a potentially drastic way. King’s novel is eloquent and so welldetailed that the pages come to life as you go deeper in. This novel is an excellent time travel story, as it states the rules of time travel

film is crucial. If things don’t remain status quo, it can become difficult to determine if what takes place is even possible. In preparation to write and publish “11/22/63,” Stephen King spent endless hours researching the 1950s and 1960s. From clothing and music trends to the

and follows them. Staying consistent with the laws of time travel set up in a book or a

cost of a beer, nuances had to be perfect to avoid anachronistic elements. King

said, “I’ve never tried to write anything like this before. It was really strange at first, like breaking in a new pair of shoes.” However, this versatile author came out with a successful book after all the hard work. The idea for this novel originally came to him over 40 years ago, but King abandoned it instead and focused more on horror and thrillers. Upon resurrecting this idea, he dove right into the research process. King also looked into Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories, as far as the Lone Gunman Theory, and what the world would be like if Kennedy was never shot. As far as adaptation, J.J. Abrams and Warner Brothers are in the midst of negotiating a possible TV series or miniseries based on this best-selling novel. This seems more effective than a film adaptation. Given the novel is over 800 pages and has many details that simply cannot be left out. I highly recommend this novel for anyone who is a fan of time travel, historical fiction, or simply seeking a good read. It is not typical for what we would expect in King as far as genre goes, but the audience King reaches through “11/22/63” is beyond horror fans. I was unable to put down “11/22/63” as soon as I started, and found it beyond satisfying. With an author like Stephen King, where can you go wrong?

“Don Jon”: JGL’s Directorial Debut Marina Watts

Editor In Chief

This September, Joseph Gordon-Levitt released his film, “Don Jon,” in which he starred, wrote, and directed. It offered an original storyline with the talents of Julianne Moore, Scarlett Johannson and Tony Danza. Originally opening at the Sundance Film Festival this past January, “Don Jon” has been successful in box offices and among critics. The message is an interesting one, and JGL takes an edgy route to convey it. Jon (Gordon-Levitt) takes few things in life seriously; one of them is pornography. He finds that no matter how wonderful being with a woman is, nothing comes close to the synthetic sex he finds online. All this changes when he meets Barbara (Johannson). Convinced he is in love, he takes it slow with her at her request. She changes him for what may seem the better, but he soon loses track of himself. When she finally stays the night, however, she catches him watching porn and freaks out. Jon now must figure out what really matters to him. Julianne Moore presents herself as a new window to his world. She understands him, and with her unexpected help he discovers living vicariously through

porn isn’t the same as making love. Is something easier to come by better than the actual thing, which may take time and effort to achieve? Going beyond simply love, anything that is easy to obtain can leave your grasp just as easily. The cast for “Don Jon” is superb. JGL is an excellentprotagonist,andthoughJohannson’s

New Jersey accent was nauseating, she fit the role. Gordon-Levitt wrote the role with her in mind as Barbara, and he was ecstatic when she agreed to be in the film. Tony Danza, who portrays Jon’s father, was hilarious and mercurial in nature, creating an erratic atmosphere. As far as casting goes, the only change I would make was Julianne Moore. Although she is a wonderful actress, I felt that she was too old for the role she was cast in, especially as

the film progresses. Perhaps someone 10 or 15 years younger would have been a better fit. Someone like Emma Stone or even Zooey Deschanel would be a better candidate for the role. The concept behind casting her makes sense as the film progresses, but its effectiveness wouldn’t have made a significant difference with a younger actress. As cinematography goes, the camera angles were repetitive. This was important to show how monotonous his everyday life was. Once Jon’s life starting taking twists and turns, the camera work seemed less robotic in nature and more free-flowing and natural. Overall, it was effective for what was being conveyed. Unfortunately, if you had seen the trailer for this film, you essentially saw the entirety of the picture, with the exception of the seemingly rushed ending. Nevertheless, the ending caught me off guard. The lack of predictability here makes the film so refreshing. Up to the last fifteen minutes of “Don Jon,” the film became an elongated version of the theatrical trailer. If the t wo -a nd-ahalf minute clip wasn’t so revealing, I’m sure I would have enjoyed the film much

more. Witty, smart and laugh-out-loud funny, “Don Jon” is worth the watch, and

the trip to the theatre for those JGL fanatics, like myself. I am confident that this isn’t the last we will see from the cinematic renaissance man anytime soon. Supremely talented, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is sure to go places in the world of film, whether he is acting, directing or screenwriting (or all three simultaneously). For his first film where he balances all three, this is a job well done. His film company HitRecord in charge of “Don Jon.” Started in 2010, HitRecord works to bring together people passionate about film production and makes films and books. After the great success of “Don Jon,” there is much more to come from this company (at least I hope so)!

Style & Entertainment

November 11, 2013

10 Things I Can’t Live Without

Benedict Tagle

Sports Editor

There are numerous things that I can’t live without. Apart from the obvious— family, friends, oxygen, water, and (insert thing here)—these are 10 things that I couldn’t do without. Internet In the past, I’ve lived without the internet. This was when I was just a little tyke, crawling around in my oh-so-comfortable diapers. Ever since we’ve had the internet in the family house, I just can’t do without it. The first taste I had of it was addicting. I remember going on my favorite website, SesameStreet.com, and having fun with the best cast on television. I loved being able to extend my play time with Big Bird, Ernie, Elmo, and Bert. As I’ve gotten older and my taste in internet browsing has changed, I still couldn’t live without it. Sure, there are times when you have to go without it for extended periods of time; I’ve travelled for weeks without the internet in central and eastern Europe, and I was fine. It was nice to be cleansed, to be ripped

apart from technology for a while. But to live without it for life? In today’s world, that would be impossible. My grandparents like to tell me that without the internet, their lives were great. Today, who would want to live in such a cruel world? Passport I’ve been extremely lucky to travel across the world at such a young age. France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic are just some of my favorite places that I’ve visited. I wouldn’t have been able to go there without my passport, an essential part of my life. I love travelling. I get a kick out of going from the east coast of this country to the west coast. There are so many different things about the way of life and the behavior of people. Travelling abroad is even better. There is nothing better than experiencing another culture, their traditions, their way of life, and their food. There’s something about finding unexpected surprises in a foreign land

that gets me going. Even if it happens to be nearly throwing up on a cool looking dish I ordered after seeing it at a local’s table, it’s good to live differently. When I travel, I always live by the corny phrase oft-repeated by many people around the world, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Golf I like being able to spend hours at a time on a golf course, a quiet place separated

from the rest of the world. When you’re burdened with numerous things from the real world, the golf course offers a nice reprieve and escape. It’s also a nice way to keep the competitive juices flowing in me. There are few things better than waking up at 4:00 A.M. for a 7:00 A.M. tee time, and then going out for five hours grinding on the golf course. To have all the hard work during practice validated in a tournament setting is extremely satisfying, especially following a high finish. To hold a trophy and be congratulated by your competitors is a feeling that I love. Ice Cream Ice cream is one of the greatest things in the history of mankind. With so many different flavors, a whole world of experiences awaits. Coming from noncoastal California, there are sweltering days in the summer that can reach to temperatures of 110°. One of my favorite things that take my mind off the heat is ice cream. Local ice cream shops with their homemade batches always have the longest

lines all year round. Even in the winter, when it reaches an unbearable, ice-cold temperature of 50°. I could never get tired

of ice cream. Let’s put gelato in the same category. I love that beautiful, amazing Italian dessert. My fondest memory of gelato still brings a smile to my face. To feel the satisfaction of gelato on my tongue during a hot day is incredible. I remember having the wonderful desert in its hometown, Florence, Italy. Visiting that beautiful city was made even more wonderful by the great taste of gelato from Vivoli, the most famous gelateria in the city. I could live off the gelato from Vivoli. Its wonderful taste and texture sends me into ecstasy with every bite. Pro tip: they are willing to let you sample different flavors at Vivoli, so when you’re there make sure you try as many as you can! Smartphone Where would I be without this wonderful device? It does everything that I could possibly need on a daily basis. For sending calls and text messages, this multi-trick pony gets the deal done. I can surf the internet anywhere while on the go. If I need to check e-mail, the smartphone allows me to do it. If I need to listen to my favorite tunes and jingles, the smartphone has my back. It is an essential in everyday life. Sports Apart from a few sports, I could watch them all day. I have no problems reading the latest news and rumors of the sports world. Like some of the other things I’ve listed so far, it offers a distraction from real-world problems. Apart from cricket, hockey, and auto racing, I have no problem being captivated by the sports world. I even follow sports that are less popular, such as cycling and boxing. Even from an early age, I’ve had a fascination with sports. I remember when I was about three or four years old, and I would wake up in excitement on days with nationally televised NBA games. I’d be able to watch the best teams in the league going at it with each other. I loved the catchy tune of the NBA on NBC. Watching live events is amazing. Basketball games and baseball games have incredible atmospheres. Another amazing event that I’ve been lucky to watch live is the penultimate stage of the Tour de France. The prestigious atmosphere and history of the race, combined with the beautiful sights of Paris, make for an amazing combination. To be on the Champs is an experience I want to have again and again in the future.

My Car Where would I be without my car? As handy as public transportation is, a personal automobile is the best method of transportation outside of a major metropolis. I’ve had some fun memories

going on road trips, and hope to continue to make memories in cars in the future. Video Games I can’t get enough of video games, and all the genres are fun. Shooters, role-players, sports, you name it. I love playing with family and friends and seeing their reactions as the game continues. A fascinating feature is being able to play with people all across the world. I’ve been able to play with friends from Europe and Asia. It’s also fun to win against random strangers, and hear their despair as you win. Coffee Coffee is incredible. I couldn’t live without it. It gets me going when I need it, and is a nice hot drink to have on a cold, snowy day. Even on warmer days, it’s nice to have a drink. I’ve drank at cafés across the world, in some of the most picturesque

cities, having coffee. In some cities such as Paris and Vienna, it’s essential to drink coffee in a café. It’s part of the experience. Movies/TV Whenever I have free time, I like to spend it watching movies and television shows. It’s nice to have another source of entertainment, and with a whole range of options in different genres, the options are limitless. While I’ve spent way too much money at the movie theater, I love it all. And Netflix, is just one of the greatest inventions of recent history. To have all that content from both television and movies, thank you. I salute you.

November11, 2013

Style & Entertainment

Post-Halloween Horror

Suzanne Peguero

Managing Editor

After Halloween, I become sad. The days leading up to that event are gone; days filled with eating the candy that is meant for the children, buying eyeball light fixtures to put in my room (which I don’t actually take down, but we’re just going to ignore that), and watching endless horror films late at night. To help relieve some of this post-Halloween depression, here is a list of movies that will frighten you so much you’ll forget Halloween already happened. Child’s Play (1988) Anyone who says they aren’t scared even a little bit by this movie is: a) lying, or b) an inhuman creature and I would suggest ending your friendship with them. The first movie in the “Chucky” series, this horror flick focuses on a doll possessed by the spirit of a serial killer, and the little boy who had the

misfortune of receiving it for this sixth birthday. You may be laughing at the silliness, but almost assuredly there will be an undercurrent of extreme unease as you watch the movie; you may find that when it is over, you will have trouble

getting out of your seat. If you have don’t have a severe phobia to dolls prior to watching this movie, you certainly will when it’s finished. Scream (1996)

The Wes Craven directed movie that re-amped the horror/slasher genre. After all, who can forget that iconic opening scene? Scream is about a group of teenagers that find themselves subject to the terrors of the serial killer “Ghostface.” Kevin Williamson, the screenwriter for the film, created it because of his childhood love for horror movies. The innovative movie defies the traditional rules of horror movies (i.e. you may not survive the movie if you have sex, drink or do drugs, or say “Hello?”, “I’ll be right back”, or “Who’s there?” and seemingly makes fun of slasher films while the movie itself is unabashedly one. This creativity, along with the solid scares it delivers, makes it a great scary movie to watch. The Exorcist (1973) We can’t leave out the pioneer in demonic exorcism movies. The film that kick started the craze, The Exorcist revolves around a 12-year-old girl named Reagan, who has a demonic entity possess her after playing with an (admittedly sketchy) Ouija board. The film was groundbreaking in its time; however, responses to it were mixed. One critic called it “the scariest film I’ve seen in years”, while others said it was an insufferable mix of pretentiousness and bad special effects. While it is likely that a college aged student watching it today wouldn’t be particularly impressed (or even scared) by the special effects or story line, it’s a film that any horror

aficionado should watch. Rosemary’s Baby (1968) Many would argue with this choice and say that this is not a frightening film. I disagree. Mia Farrow plays a pregnant woman who believes her husband may have made a pact with their eccentric next-door neighbors. In exchange for success in his acting career, her husnabd agrees to offer up her cluld to be used in occult rituals. The movie is not the kind of film we associate with horror nowadays (typically slasher films); instead, it is a psychological horror film. It holds the audience’s attention without any explicit violence or gore. While the audience of our generation may be more difficult to scare because of our desensitization (ironically, horror films played a large part in this), this movie will still mess with your head in the best way. The Shining (1980) Those who have seen this film will understand the terror that washes over you whenever Jack Nicholson’s character utters the line, “Heeere’s Johnny!” “The

Shining” is another psychological horror flick so wonderfully deranged that it’s both horrifically terrifying and far

too much fun to watch. For those who enjoy both horror and dark humor, this is the perfect film. This has been called one of the scariest movies ever made, but it also has a pathologically insane sense of humor to it that makes the film

watchable; in fact, if this element wasn’t present, I think this movie would be too frightening for anyone to watch. A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) This movie spawned sequel after sequel after sequel (if you say sequel six more times you will have the number of films in this highly successful franchise). Robert Englund plays Freddy Krueger, the undead, burned, and vengeful killer who attacks teenagers in their sleep. This film successfully blurs the line between dreams and reality, and toys with audience perception. Furthermore, the premise is a little more than frightening, too; you can’t allow yourself to fall asleep because an insane killer will murder you in your dreams (and consequently you will die in reality), but you know that eventually, you’re going to fall asleep sometime. The monster in this film, Krueger, ended up turning into a far too jokey shadow of his former self later on in the franchise, but there is nothing funny about him in the original film. There’s also a bonus in the form of a young Johnny Depp being eaten by a bed.

Style & Entertainment

Film Review: “Kick Ass 2”

Joe Cannata

Contributing Writer

In the age of countless superhero films taking over Hollywood’s main stage of big-budget blockbuster films, a 2010 cult classic “Kick Ass” took its viewers on an extravagantly memorable joy ride. It could be defined as an ideal action thriller for a teen audience. From the phenomenally hilarious dialogue to the wonderfully entertaining sequences of bazooka blasting and high flying stunts by the underdog superhero, there was much to cherish. It added a different sense to the old concept of vigilantes vs a drug corporation. There were such aweinspiring instances of uniqueness and hard violence that made it difficult to not like this picture (if you could take the swears, and the jaw dropping blood baths). Who can forget the 10-year-old Mindy Mcready being shot by her own father? Honestly, who wasn’t positively entertained by the entire story leading up to its epic final act? 2010’s “Kick Ass” brought an unbelievable experience to the movies and the people responsible are the reason it did so well. From the adapted comic book style screenplay to Mathew Vaughn’s edgy directing style, Brad Pitt’s producing, “ S u p e r b a d’s ” Cristopher MintzPlasse to Chloe Grace Moretz’s breakout role as “Hit Girl.” All the way down the line, it was a work of genius. Obviously, 2013’s “Kick Ass 2” had something much more to prove and ultimately compliment the first installment. Just as Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight accomplished following the earlier release of “Batman Begins,” there was incredible hype leading to “Kick Ass 2” because of the wow factor the first movie gave audiences. Of course the heavy promotion of commercials including a panel at The San Diego Comic Con gave “Kick Ass 2” an even bigger push for success. All this hype was definitely too much for the pumped-up fan of the original movie. We just wound up watching a melodramatic action flick that gave audiences nothing but an over bloated opening-middle act. The R-rated film had instances of childish garbage, like a line from “Hit Girl” when the 16-year-old character talks to a criminal just as a mother would to her newborn baby. Other flaws range from a the untiring Batman references, an overuse of clichéd crane shots, and instead of helping explain the characters’ motivations the narration was not at all stylish or humorous; just plain. This bloated dialogue took so much away from the movie instead of helping to move the story along. Normally, the setup for 10

characters and the story that will follow takes about five or ten minutes and doesn’t sweat the audience. There are certain sequels that take two minutes to set up, or in the case of “The Dark Knight,” no time at all. We should be led right into the action because we know what the characters are all about. This applies especially to the “Kick Ass” series. Diehards watched “Kick Ass” at least once on SPIKE as a refresher before they went out to see a hopefully epic second flick. Now, the first installment purposely led us directly into a sequel. Why do we need to see things two or even three times over again if we already know what’s happening? Maybe someone

Much of the movie was focused on bloated action that left for only one memorable scene offering a chance of real character dialogue for her persona. Even though the dance scene was puzzling, director Jeff Wadlow properly filmed a decent visual scene similar to Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch. No matter, Hit Girl was still the most intriguing character in the first movie, yet her awkwardly strange hormonal demonstration featuring freshman high school kids having the appearance of college girls and acting like first graders didn’t make much sense. Let’s even take the time to just simply point out that horribly unoriginal action sequence that focused on an unintentional

should tweet about it-on second thought, don’t bother. One of the main characters in “Kick Ass 2” probably did regarding the overuse of social media that totally engulfed the story. Honestly, it was the most disgusting use of product placement in a movie since the notorious ripoff of “E.T.” entitled “Mac and Me.” Ironically, there was even a dance scene in “Kick Ass 2!” Unfortunately, none of the actors were dancing in McDonalds like in “Mac and Me”, but the near randomness of the film is a cause for a few potential shoulder shrugs. Christopher Mintz-Plasse tried to cope with the most of the dreadful material but he continued to fall short while his acting limitations were overexposed. Chloe Grace Moretz is truly one of the best up-and-coming actresses in Hollywood today. Her resume includes incredible movies such as Matt Reeves’ “Let Me In,” “Hugo,” “The Poker House,” “Carrie,” and “(500) Days of Summer.” Her capabilities could potentially lead her to be in the same ranks as great actresses like Natalie Portman. Not only do her capabilities and resumé prove that, but also her maturity on set and her endless drive to succeed and handle any pressure of fame at a young age. “Kick Ass 2” didn’t necessarily have the power to show what Chloe could accomplish in her second try at the coveted role of Mindy/Hit Girl.

homage to “Ferris Bueller.” There were quite a few plot holes throughout the movie that left audiences continuously scratching their heads. One particular scene started out in a high school setting. Chloe’s character asked a jock out on a date. Immediately following this scene, when her and the jock met up, the boy replied: “I’m glad you finally let me take you out,” to which Mcready replied; “How else will I get you to stop calling?” Hold on a second---did we miss something in between? Didn’t Mindy ask him out? That scene also required her guardian who was oblivious of her antics as Hit Girl to be consumed with the idea that it was her first date but flip flopped with the questioning of whether or not she was dating other people when she went out at night as Hit Girl. If this oblivious character wasn’t a cop the script may have had room for some character flaw, or this error could have been ignored. Since he was in fact a police officer, it doesn’t fly. Not much gets by a NYPD officer. Someone he is supposed to protect is sneaking out to play against bad guys? This sort of thing is not often missed- if ever. What damages the film even more is the inability to differentiate angles and direct a simple scene of dialogue without bringing down the look of the movie. It’s

November 11, 2013

basic filmmaking! Yet Wadlow could direct multiple fight scenes without much of an issue. It’s not a standout aspect compared to any other action flick but he got it done. That doesn’t mean he went above and beyond. He just shot a movie in focus and most of his professional actors did good work with the material that they had. “Kick Ass 2” was bad but the one thing that really set the bar for the horribleness of content was unquestionably the cop killing towards the end of the movie. Jim Carrey infamously dropped out of the marketing for “Kick Ass 2” because of the superb violence that took place during the course of the film. Moretz fired back at the comment in a negative way shortly after Carrey made the u nconvent ional decision. To this day, I have never seen a fictional movie that is so close to reality that the differentiation could be made out to be genuinely revolting. Chloe is right in a sense. It’s just a movie. However, “Kick Ass 2” contains a disgusting display of 10 cops relentlessly being killed. How does someone pay admission to see that and yet alone promote something that contains this horrible display of disgusting imagery? At the time it was almost humorous to see Jim Carrey drop out of a sequel to one of the more violent movies of 2010. Other than that one scene “Kick Ass 2” wasn’t at all violent. Its content is really just for “Peter Pan”: an adult who refuses to grow up. That one scene almost seems as if it was in really bad taste. It’s probably one of the most disgraceful scenes of the year, and there is no shame in dropping support for a move that contains a scene that involves the depiction of violence being molded in such a way. Throughout “Kick Ass 2,” it had that feeling of identity crisis and the dialogue that comes with it is really the whole story. There were a few added elements like a decent battle sequence to end on. There is even an awesome depiction of Colonel Stars and Stripes that made Jim Carrey sound and appear as an unrecognizable hero in a downright bad movie. The New York set locations weren’t exactly up to par with famous New York films like “Mean Streets” or “Ghostbusters,” but unlike the trailer that had some quality to it and gave a sense of realism to the film. It still doesn’t do much justice for the comic book fan. “Kick Ass 2” left moviegoers feeling cheated because we wanted a better story. It needed to do something that surpassed the first installment by stepping forward. Instead, it left viewers cringing throughout the journey that virtually goes nowhere.

Science & Health

November 11, 2013

Sassy Tailgate Sandwhich Ooey-Gooey Ham and Cheese Sliders Valissa Hicks

Staff Writer

Ingredients: 2 pkgs. Hawaiian King’s rolls 2 lbs. shaved Black Forest Ham Shredded Gruyere cheese 2 (8 oz.) tubs Philadelphia chive & onion cream cheese spread 1-cup butter, melted 2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce 1 tbsp. dried minced onion ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese

Place rolls in pan. In a separate bowl, mix together the butter, Worcestershire sauce, onion and Parmesan cheese. Pour over sandwiches and let sit for at least 20 minutes for ingredients to marinate. Place pan, covered in foil, in a preheated 350° F oven and bake for 20-25 minutes or until desired doneness. *I prefer a crispier sandwich but you can bake it only until heated through.

Directions: Lightly grease a 9x13 inch pan. Cut the rolls in half and place equal amounts of ham and cheese on the bottom of each roll. (Use a little more or less to your taste). On each of the rolls’ tops, spread a generous amount of cream cheese spread and return the tops to the bottoms.

Valissa Hicks

Staff Writer

Ingredients: 24 Hawaiian King’s Rolls 24 slices of deli honey ham 24 small slices of Swiss cheese or mozzarella cheese 1/3-cup mayonnaise 1-½ tbsp. mustard (Dijon or Spicy are good) ½ cup butter, melted 1 tbsp. minced onion 1-2 garlic cloves, minced ½ tsp. Worcestershire sauce Dash of hot sauce

each half and fold back into sandwiches. Place the rolls close together in a buttered baking dish until dish is completely full. Mix together rest of the ingredients in a pot and heat until fragrant. Preheat oven to 350° F. Spread evenly over the top of the rolls, let sit for 10 minutes, then cover with aluminum foil. Bake sandwiches for 15-20 minutes or until rolls are desired doneness. Preferably golden and crusty and the cheese is melted.

Directions: Cut rolls in half and spread mayonnaise on each side of the roll. Place a slice of ham and cheese on

Do You Even Lift, Bro? Mike Masullo

Contributing Writer

S o r r y world, but America is not as lazy as it used to be-or at least that’s what we think. Nowad ays, more people are trying to do what is in style. Many w o n d e r if lifting weights actually benefits your body, or if it is just the “cool” thing to do. For those of you who think working out consists of going to the gym for 15 minutes and then leaving, this is not considered working out. Working out in your local gym is not sufficient for developing a bigger and stronger body. Eating the right foods and taking in the right supplements plays quite a critical role in getting drastic results. If you have been working hard in the gym, but have not achieved your initial goal, then it’s time for you to concentrate on specific supplements. It is key to make sure the use of a pre-workout supplement (meaning before heading to the gym) and protein (meaning during or after heading to the gym) is being

implemented correctly. This will help you achieve greater results throughout your workout and allow you to strive for your desired results. Pre-workout supplements such as C4, Assault, and Jacked 3D are the most popular, yet contain a variety of different ingredients. Arginine is an ingredient which helps the body lose weight and fat. Alanine is a nonessential amino acid in the body. It plays a large role in muscle fatigue and is commonly found in the form of beta-alanine. Betaalanine is known for giving people the “pins and needles” sensation. Gunner Cane, who works out five days a week, is quiet knowledgeable about fitness. “I would recommend C4 to anyone who enjoys lifting,” Cane says. “I was so focused and didn’t want to put the weights down.” Caffeine, as we all know, is an ingredient that improves alertness, concentration,

reaction time and energy levels. Finally, creatine involves the production of energy during your workout. As you can

see, almost every ingredient relates back to energy. When you go to the gym, the

pre-workout’s job is to keep you attentive and motivated to exercise to the best of your ability. Protein powder is another commonly used workout supplement. “I couldn’t believe how much weight I put on from Gold Standard Weight protein. This stuff really works!” says Camden Scott, a user of the product. This is extremely beneficial for those would like to maintain their physique or pack on a few pounds. For many, the whole point of going to the gym is to continually create a better version of yourselves. One continually overlooked way to gain greater results from your efforts is through the simple addition of one item to your routine. Protein has numerous potential health benefits when added to your diet. Protein powder will make you lose fat, preserve muscle, and increase size and strength. It can also reduce hunger by using it as a meal replacement. One serving of protein powder, (which is usually two scoops), is equivalent to a three-ounce piece of chicken. Working out may not be for everyone. However, it is important to understand the benefits of workout supplements. It is also important to know how they can help you reach your goals faster and more efficiently. Let’s all try to get to our local gym and get fit so we don’t have to be viewed as a lazy and obese country. 11


November 11, 2013

#SelfieNation: How to Take a Selfie

Marina Watts

Editor In Chief

Imagine this: you are in the middle of New York City at Times Square by yourself. You want to get a picture of you with the marquees in the background and post it on Instagram to check in for your followers. #NewYorkCity #TimesSquare are the perfect tags for your portrait, but you have one problem. You are surrounded by tourists and don’t want to deal with possible language barriers, having to explain how to take a picture to someone, or have someone take a picture that winds up being blurry (okay, maybe a few problems). Have no fear! With these pointers, you will be a selfie-taking fiend before you know it. 1. Make sure your camera is on “selfie-mode.” I cannot stress how important this is. If you have it on its normal setting, it will be impossible to get the picture you want. With selfie mode, you can see what you are taking a picture of. This makes it much easier than before. Before the iPhone (scary thought, I know!), you had to hold up your phone and angle it right, along with praying that you could achieve even getting yourself in the frame. 2. Arm positioning. If you take a selfie right, you won’t be able to distinguish


whether it is a selfie or someone actually taking your picture. Some selfies come out great, provided your arms are at the correct angle. You need to keep your

bombers. Lurking in the corner of your selfie, photobombers prey on the common teenager looking to get a good shot of themselves. They can make or break the

arms from looking awkward. With the right positioning, your selfie can look like something someone else took. 3. Keep a watch for potential photo-

photo. What is a lovely nature picture without your friends lurking in the corner wearing their full-on creeper face anyhow? 4. Watch out for reflections.

Sometimes we take that selfie with shades on, which does indeed make a great #summerlovin pic. Your arm and phone can and will be reflected into your sunglasses, which can be an advantage or disadvantage. If you are going for an artsy shot with a funky angle, the reflection will transform you into a total hipster. However, if you are trying to keep your selfie from looking like a selfie, watch out! 5. Lighting and filters. Since you have the luxury of adjusting the lighting and throwing a filter on your shot, you might as well take advantage of them! Although some people think filters make things look unrealistic and take away from the picture, if you use the right one for the right shot it will accentuate your photo’s subject and set the right tone. 6. Take a few. We all have taken pictures before and said, “Wow! That’s a great shot!” Then, after we looked at it a while later, we decided we look like potatoes in wigs. If you take a few shots, you can chose which one you like when you are ready to post. With options, you can feel more pleased about your selfietaking. 7. Express yourself. This is probably the best advice I can give. While you are taking the picture-given the appropriate environment-be sure to try some different faces. Make your selfie stand out from all the others.


November 11, 2013

Do Video Games Promote Violence?

Taylor Hartell

Contributing Writer

When released on September 17, 2013, the fifth entry in the Grand Theft Auto series quickly generated buzz, as its sales broke over $815 million. Within three days of the game being out, it reached $1 billion in sales. It’s obvious, not only looking at the amount of revenue it generated, but also by how many achievements it broke within its release date, that GTA V was a big hit for gamers worldwide. The series itself focuses on a third-person, open world environment with a mixture of crime, corruption, gangs, heists, and a lovely dash of violence added to the mix. While its record-breaking achievement is staggering, it was not without controversy. Rohan Dawkins, a Florida man with a mental disability, purchased GTA V, and was promptly robbed and beaten shortly after purchasing the game (International Business Times). College student Zachary Burgess reenacted the game itself by stealing a woman’s truck – with the woman still inside – and promptly plowed into nine parked cars and then fleeing the scene. The reason being the sudden act was that he wanted to live outside what the players could experience only in the game: “He then reportedly told officers he wanted to live out what players of the violence video game usually only experience from

the comfort of their own couches,” wrote Lee Moran, for the NY Daily News. These events are only the tip of the iceberg concerning the big controversy of video games – do they actually increase and promote violent behaviors? According to Laura Davies, a child-adolescent psychiatrist, her belief is that too many children are being exposed to too much violence through video gaming. “A huge part of discipline and development is understanding consequences. Letting kids know that their actions have consequences. Video games like Grand Theft Auto turn the consequences into positives. You kill

a prostitute and get points, you’re rewarded.” However, according to one study conducted by Christopher Ferguson and Cheryl Olson, it appears video games actually have a calming effect on teens suffering from depression or attention deficit disorders. The study consisted of 377 children, with the average age of thirteen and who had the previously named clinical disorders. However, they have warned that despite what the results of their study came to be, it cannot be generalized and used as much of an excuse in extreme homicidal cases. Does that mean that in those extreme cases, video games

are the underlying excuse of behavior? That was what the media focused in on after the Columbine shooting, after it was revealed that the shooters, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, liked to play the game DOOM, an FPS horror game.

The discussion was renewed after the

2012 Sandy Hook Elementary shooting where there was an alleged report that the motivation of the killer, Adam Lanza, was to build up “player points.” Senator Joe Lieberman seemed to think that video games were a big threat: “The violence in the entertainment culture, particularly with the extraordinary realism to video games and movies now, does cause vulnerable young men, particularly, to be more violent.” However, in the case of Klebold and Harris, there was previous deviant behavior – they were outcasts at their school, and had been arrested for breaking into a van. Reportedly, they hated everything and everyone that stood in their way. So then, when seeing the bigger picture, it appears that the media made a bigger deal out of the video games than it actually was. So whose fault is it, the parent or the teen, for buying the game to play? Speaking to peers, it seems that the general consensus of this answer is the same – yes, video games can promote aggression in people, but there are bigger factors involved than just blaming the extreme act of violence on video games alone. James Black, 19, when asked about the

issue, stated, “Yes, video games do make

anger escalate, and they do promote violence. But because society allows these types of games, it goes to those people’s heads. They play it so much that it becomes a reality. They don’t know what’s real or not.” When asked if the parents were as much to blame as the child, he had this to say: “Yes, because the parents have the ability to tell them to stop playing and go outside. Whereas a kid will just play non-stop.” People are quick to point fingers when tragedies such as these shootings appear in the news, and video games are an easy scapegoat. Yes, there is violence in video games, and it does promote aggression and bullying. One study conducted in 2008, called the Grand Theft Auto Childhood, wrote that 60% of middle school boys who played one M-rated game did act out aggressively, either by hitting or beating up someone, in comparison to 39% who did not play M-rated games. On the other hand, on the same website, it also stated that “violent juvenile crime in the United States has been declining as violent video game popularity has increased. ProCon reports that the arrest rate for juvenile murders has fallen 71.9% between 1995 and 2008. The arrest rate for all juvenile violent crimes has declined 49.3%.” There seems to be a gray area concerning video games - they can increase aggression in players, but they seem to be in cases where the killer is unable to distinguish what is reality from what is fantasy. On the other hand, there are people who know what they’re doing, and are just simply motivated by what they play. 13


The NBA’s Hidden Gems

Benedict Tagle

Sports Editor

The NBA has transformed into a league driven by individual personalities. Its evidence is seen with the emergence of Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and LeBron James as global superstars. In Asia, Bryant is incredibly popular, with crowds screaming his name and treating him like a rock star. These three basketball icons, along with other major personalities, have earned their time in the spotlight because of their play on the court. The usual names of Bryant, James, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Kevin Durant, and Derrick Rose, are always among the most popular players in the league. Throughout the league, there are other players that are deserving of being more recognized for their play on the court. Obvious choices include Steph Curry of the Golden State Warriors and Kyrie Irving of the Cleveland Cavaliers. Let’s take a look at the less obvious choices. Ty Lawson One of the quickest players in the league, he has been slow in entering the hearts of fans. Ty Lawson is one of the most under valued players in the game. Perhaps it’s fitting, playing for Denver, a team filled with solid players that don’t fit the definition of a superstar. The past two seasons, he has led the team in scoring. This past season, he led the team in assists. With the departure of Andre Iguodala in free agency, Lawson will be expected to lead the team in a more prominent fashion. So far this season, he has certainly done his best to fill the void by the Iguodala’s departure. Leading the team in points and assists again, Lawson could certainly gain the attention of more fans if he continues on this path. Denver was the third overall seed in the conference last season, and to recapture the same success, Lawson needs to do more individually. Without Danilo Gallinari and Wilson Chandler at small forward—two of the team’s best individual scorers—Lawson’s numbers will go up. As has been the case with many players in the past, with increasing numbers and statistics come 14

increasing numbers of fans. Kevin Love Among common fans, Kevin Love is often not listed as one of the best players in the league. Perhaps it’s the team he plays for; the Minnesota Timberwolves are hardly discussed in the national headlines. Perhaps it’s the number of injuries he’s had

to sustain throughout his career. Whether his own personal injuries or injuries to important teammates, Love has faced adversity in his career. The ardent fans of the league certainly recognize Love’s ability as perhaps the best power forward in the game, but casual fans do not know the name. This season may be the year Love finally breaks

through as a player constantly mentioned as one of the league’s best. The past couple of seasons, the Timberwolves have had a roster capable of making a run for a playoff seed. However injuries have hampered their progress. This year will be the year the Timberwolves will make a big jump. As long as Love and point guard Ricky Rubio stay healthy, look out. Love is a doubledouble machine. He is one of the few players in the league that could average 20 points and 15 rebounds in the league. Coupled with his incredible ability on the perimeter, he is a nightmare for other teams to guard. Rubio and Love have incredible chemistry with one another; when both have been healthy, both have teamed together frequently to make the top plays of the night. With Rubio’s continuing

growth as a player, he will be another doubledouble player. Rubio’s flashy assists will have more than one target. Teams will have to deal with Kevin Martin, a solid free-agency pickup for the team. In addition, the emergence of Nikola Pekovic and Alexey Shved will open up the court. Don’t forget the coach, Rick Adelman. One of the best coaches in the league, he will have a full arsenal of weapons at his utility if the team can stay healthy. Remember the amazing Sacramento Kings teams earlier this millennium? Adelman can build something similar on the offensive side with this Timberwolves squad. They can certainly make a push for a playoff spot, with Love and Rubio being the faces of the push. They will earn their time in the limelight. Anthony Davis Like Love, Davis has experienced numerous injuries throughout his career. Now healthy, this may be the year Davis cements his place among the league’s top players. Best known for his distinctive unibrow, his play on the court will be another reason casual fans will know him. Davis is one of the best shot blockers in the league. He has a natural gift of detecting the location of the ball and blocking, both on-ball and off-ball. Even more exciting for fans of the league is the emergence of his offensive game. No longer restricted to catching alleyoops and put-backs, his post game and perimeter jumper have improved. Along with his increasing offensive

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numbers, look at his rebounds. Davis is a great rebounder, and will be a doubledouble machine this next season. To crack into that next tier of players, he will need to be the face of a winning team. Luckily, the Pelicans have done their best in rebuilding the team. In the offseason, the team traded for All-Star point guard Jrue Holliday from Philadelphia. In addition, the team signed guard Tyreke Evans in a sign-and-trade

from Sacramento. Add these two to a healthy Eric Gordon and outside threat Ryan Anderson—two members already on the team—and you’ve got an incredible core. For opposing teams, the challenge on the defensive side of the ball will be immense. If you have those five players on the court at the same time, there is no one you can leave for help defense. The team certainly has the talent to make a push for the playoffs. With Monty Williams, one of the best young coaches in the league, at the helm, things can only be heading toward a positive direction in the Big Easy.

November 11, 2013

Greg Frey

Contributing Writer

Fighting in hockey may come to an end. The argument was rekindled after a horrible accident that caused Montreal Canadiens enforcer George Parros to go unconscious during a fight that broke out in the second period in a game with the Toronto Maple Leafs. Parros swung, hoping to connect a punch into the Maple Leafs’ Colton Orr, but missed, forcing his body forward and driving head first into the ice. He was instantly knocked out, and suffered a concussion. Fans went into a frenzy against the NHL, saying fighting should no longer be allowed because of the injuries that have become a common occurrence as a result of the fights. CBS Sports spoke to

The Fight Stops Here legendary player Bobby Orr who was not afraid to share his opinion on the subject, “Hockey is a tough sport, a sport that requires physical play, and sometimes that can lead to frustration,” he said. Orr was annoyed at fans for thinking that there was no place in hockey for fighting, even after admitting that “the pro game can be cruel to those w h o choose fists over skills.” Many fans and players h a v e t a k e n a stand behind Orr in saying the NHL n e e d s f ig ht i ng in the league. N H L players insist f ig ht i ng has a place in hockey, including Chicago Blackhawks enforcer Brandon Bollig. “You have to keep guys honest and hold guys accountable,” he mentioned, talking

about his teammate who was knocked out on a dirty hit in last year’s playoffs. For Bollig, it prevented a much worse and more dangerous form of retaliation then if fighting was banned. Bollig’s teammate, Andrew Shaw, told the Sun Times that he doesn’t think “you can ever get rid of it”, referring to fighting. In 2011-12, the NHL/CBC conducted a poll finding 98 % of players w e r e against banning fighting in the league. Because they are not as skilled as most players, banishing f ighting w o u l d remove m a n y of the enforcers in the league. To some players, fighting is equally important as winning faceoffs, which happens 20-30 times a game. There have been efforts to stop the fighting. The NHL now has rules forcing


players to keep their helmets on when they fight, hoping to prevent further head injuries. Last year, the Ontario Hockey League created a quota system; each player would be allowed 10 fights. The 11th fight and each subsequent fight earns a two-game suspension per fight. This method worked, causing fighting to drop 23.2 % according to the Sun Times. “ T h e fighter that plays three or four minutes in a game is over,” said Bollig, who has been working ex t r e mely hard trying to get his game to become more than just a fighter. He c o nt i nu e d to say “the game is obviously changing” and that “it’s no secret.” Joel Quenneville, coach of the Chicago Blackhawks, expressed his feelings towards the discussion. “Just keep it the way it is,” he said.

Boston Strong Once Again Benedict Tagle

Sports Editor

What a difference just one year can make. Following a year of turmoil under former manager Bobby Valentine and roster upheaval, the Boston Red Sox are back on top of the baseball world. Winning the World Series over the National League champion St. Louis Cardinals, the Red Sox claimed their eighth championship in franchise history. Their third World Series triumph in the past decade, this one had a special importance. For the first time in 95 years, the team won the championship at home. The last time the Red Sox clinched the championship at home was with Babe Ruth in 1918. Not wanting to relinquish a rare opportunity, the people of Boston crowded into historic Fenway Park to witness history. In front of a standingroom only crowd of 38,477, the Red Sox beat the visiting Cardinals. The final game between the two league champions was a fitting end to the series. The final game displayed all the traits Boston used on the journey to the Commissioner’s Trophy. Fueled by great pitching and timely hitting, the Red Sox were triumphant,

winning by a score 6-1. Even better for Red Sox fans was the style in which the team won. Fortunately for them, there were no anxious moments in the game. Instead of spending the last innings biting their nails in nervousness, they were able to spend it relaxing and enjoying the moment. The Red Sox enjoyed three run bursts in consecutive innings, pulling ahead 6-0

Gomes. In the following inning, Stephen Drew hit a solo run, adding another run to the Boston total. Following Drew, Mike Napoli and Victorino each had RBI singles. The Red Sox would not need any more runs, because of the spectacular pitching by John Lackey. Apart from the RBI single by Carlos

after the fourth inning. In the third inning, the scoring run was punctuated by a bases clearing double off of the Green Monster from the bat of Shane Victorino, allowing Jacoby Ellsbury, David Ortiz, and Jonny

Beltran in the seventh, Lackey was flawless. He pitched 6 2/3 innings, with only one run. Allowing only one run over the course of his start, he struck out five batters. Three relievers—Junichi Tazawa,

Brandon Workman, and Koji Uehara— pitched a perfect 2 1/3 innings to close out the game. The Most Valuable Player of the series was awarded to Boston stalwart David Ortiz. The only remaining member of the famed team that beat the “Curse of the Bambino” in 2004, his hard work and determination through the team’s recent struggles was rewarded. The “Most Valuable Papi” was near-perfect in the series, and was incredible at the plate. Batting .688 over the course of the series, he went 11-for-16. Even more incredible was Big Papi’s onbase percentage. Of the 25 times he went up to bat, Ortiz reached base 19 times, for an on-base percentage of .760. His historic performances were well deserving of the accolade—only one player in the lengthy history of the game had performed better than him in the World Series. Only Billy Hatcher in 1990 with Cincinnati, with a batting average of .750 and an on-base percentage of .800, was better. Boston fans may be looking nervously toward the upcoming offseason, with Jacoby Ellsbury heading into free agency. One of the team’s best players, Ellsbury will be in high demand during the winter. While this may trouble them, the team and its supporters have earned the right to relax following a great performance this past season. 15


New York’s Midseason Report

Benedict Tagle

Sports Editor

Halfway through the season, both local NFL franchises have had their

ups and downs. Both teams have played in surprising fashion this season. One team has played surprisingly well, while the other surprisingly poor. Let’s look at the guys in blue first. The New York Giants were expected to play better than the team they share MetLife Stadium with. However,

halfway through the season, the Jets have outperformed them on the field. The entire season for the Giants so far has been filled with disappointment. They have started the season horrendously, opening with six consecutive losses. The defensive unit has looked poor at times. However, the fault isn’t all at the defense’s feet. The Giants have been burdened by turnovers and poor mistakes. Through Week 8 of the season, Eli Manning already has 17 turnovers— 15 coming from interceptions, and the remaining two coming from lost fumbles. He only has thrown 10 touchdown passes this season, and has a low quarterback rating of 68.4. One of the biggest reasons in Manning’s sub-par performance apart from his decision making is the offensive line. The offensive line of the team has played very poor so far this season. Manning has already been sacked 19 times, and the season is only halfway 16

November 11, 2013

finished. Last season, Manning was sacked 19 times for the entire year. In fact, the horrendous offensive line is on pace to have the worst season of Manning’s career. At this pace, they will easily break Manning’s previous

high for most sacks in a year. If a team has a quarterback that is always forced out of the pocket, the passing game will surely suffer. For a better second half, the offensive line must improve. Believe it or not, the Giants are still in the division race after winning two c o n s e c u t ive games before entering their bye week. The rest of the division has played so poorly the Giants have a chance to make the playoffs. To really make a run, the offensive line must improve and Manning must have a magical second half to improve from their 26 record. The New York Jets, the little brother of the two teams the past couple of seasons, have improved all

around. Despite the numerous pieces being lost from both sides of the ball, the Jets manage to stick around the playoff discussion. The defense—especially the front four—have anchored the team. If the unit continues to play at the same level during the second half of the

spot, having had their best performances against playoff-caliber teams. Geno Smith, who during the preseason, looked as if he was going to be the backup to Mark Sanchez, has played solidly. Although he has had made the normal rookie mistakes, he

season, the Jets might eek out a playoff

has managed to guide the team to a 5-4 record through nine weeks of the season. This record surpasses everyone’s expectations entering this season, and beats the record his predecessor had at the same time last season. The team have played their best against the best teams on their schedule; the New England Patriots and New Orleans Saints both look to be locks for the postseason. The next step during the second half of the season? Continued progression from Smith would be nice for the team. Also, if they could win during an even numbered week, that would be an improvement! The team has only won during the odd numbered weeks this season. The future is bright for Rex Ryan’s team, with double-digit starters in their first or second year only. The second half of the season looks to be exciting for both New York football teams.

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