Outlook Student Press

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utLook STUDENT PRESS Vol. 44 Issue 9 December 5, 2011 Facebook.com/Outlookpress

Book Drive Aims to Reduce Illiteracy Student-organized and operated campus book drive collecting hundreds of items Brian Katzman

Features 4 “In no other profession is family separation found as frequently as it is in the military service. Military families endure a great amount of challenges. Being called to duty can be an emotional roller coaster for all involved.”

Staff writer

In an effort to help reduce illiteracy in children, the Rockland Community College Student Government Association has launched its second annual book drive in partnership with University of Maryland, Georgetown University, and several other

institutions. The drive is being run by Angel Torres, the Student Representative on the Board of Trustees, and Chris Barker, the SGA president. Each college or school has one or two people who are running the program locally. “It’s a really great cause, and everyone should do their best to help us and the children of Rockland out,” said Torres.

“Many people have unused children’s books sitting in a box or on a shelf somewhere. They just collect dust, and eventually get thrown out or just lost.” The book drive can help people clear that unused shelf, and help children from low income families at the same time Originally run by Mark Svensson and Marvin J. Matthew at RCC, and two

Alison Wright, Student

Opinions 9 “We all take the little things we

Stephanie Nelson Staff Writer

have for granted, and it isn’t until something or someone is taken away from us, that we realize how important and significant what we have is.” Kristen Loretoni, Student

The power of positive thinking: We should take time to realize simple blessings we have.

“The L.A. Dodgers, one of the most storied franchises in one of the biggest markets, is a wreck, financially, structurally and performance-wise. ” Anthony Trongone, Student

With new leadership, fans can only hope things improve for the L.A. Dodgers.


RCC-TV Working To Expand

The deployment of a family member can be an emotional and difficult time for many.

Sports 16

representatives from Dominican College, the drive brought in over 600 books last year. This year’s goal is to collect 500 books at RCC alone. The books will be donated to Rockland 21C, an organization that aims to help children and families in need by providing resources for these families in over 40 schools.

Josh Blachorsky / Outlook Student Press

Janice Goldstein and students working at the Multi-Media Production Center on campus, pose with Rocky at the launch of RCC-TV programming on the Bridge between AC I and AC II.

SUNY Rockland’s RCCTV is reaching out to college students by hosting numerous events. These events, which will take place on the bridge between Academic I and II, are typically accompanied with handouts, telling people about RCC-TV and T-shirts with the RCC-TV logo. The purpose behind RCCTV is to inform viewers about new and exciting events and programing happening at RCC. Numerous pieces, both funny and serious, are filling the air. “Spotlight” is one of RCC –TV’s newest segments, where viewers are introduced to RCC faculty. Through “Spotlight,” students can be introduced to a new teacher they might have next SEE RCC-TV PAGE 2

Child Care Center Gets New Trustees; Professor Gordon Reappointed Elan Weinberger News Editor

SUNY Rockland has seen numerous new appointments to various sectors of its workforce. Apointments to the

Campus Fun and Learn Child Development Center and by the Board of Trustees have taken place over the past month. The new appointments to the Campus Fun and Learn Child Develpement Center are as follows: Fran Reinstein,

Debra Tietze, Myrna Wulfson, Stephen Wulfson, and Bilha Berkowitz. According to its mission statements, The Campus Fun and Learn Center supports the needs of “the whole child... who is growing physically,

intellectually, socially, creatively and emotionally. Therefore children are given choices of many different learning activities daily.” Most of the appointments SEE APPOINTMENTS PAGE 2


December 5, 2011

New Trustees Named to Child Care Center; Professor Gordon Reappointed APPOINTMENTS FROM PAGE 1 are reappointments of the same people to the board. The exception is Bilha Berkowitz. She has a BSEd in Special Education from CCNY along with an MSEd in Learning Disabilities. Berkowitz has extensive experience in the field of special education. She founded the Retired Teacher’s Center under the auspices of the Rockland Teacher’s Center Institute. With this experience, it is hoped that she will further the education of the center and teach even more children, providing them with the necessary education to go to elementary school. The other appointments to the board reflect the boards of years past. All of the reappointed persons will reassume their positions respectively, with their appointments ending in the Spring of 2014. Stephen Wulfson will reassume the post of Vice President; William Hughes will reassume the post of treasurer and

Professor Edmund Gordon

Myrna Wulfson will reassume the post of secretary. Fran Reinstein will be back on the board of directors along with newcomer, Bilha Berkowitz. Bill McGregor, a math professor here at the College, is President of the center. “In any organization, you want to have stability, but you also want to pick

up new people,” said McGregor. “We have really great staff, one of the best.” There is also a student representative. This year it is Lisa Newmark, the vice president of Student Government. Students may volunteer or apply for a job at the Center.. President McGregor encourages students to help voulenteer. “It is a training lab for our [RCC] students.” The Campus Fun and Learn Center is a school located on campus dedicated to teaching children between the age of six weeks and five years. This includes programs for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and pre-kindergarteners. In addition to the new appointments to the board at The Campus Fun and Learn Center, the college has reappointed Dr. Edmund Gordon as the scholar in residence. Dr. Gordon has held this post at RCC since 2006. Gordon, a graduate of Howard University, has numerous degrees ,including a master’s degree in social psychology from American University, a

Doctorate degree from Teachers College at Columbia University, and numerous other honorary doctorate degrees from Yale, Yeshiva and Brown Universities. Dr. Wood, President of the College, believes that “Rockland Community College and its students are fortunate to share this relationship with Dr. Gordon, who is a renowned educational psychologist, a distinguished scholar, and a lifelong humanitarian.” Dr. Gordon is considered to be one of the top psychologists in the country. Having been a leader in the formation of African American studies at all collegiate institutions, Dr. Gordon has received numerous awards, including the Dr. John Hope Franklin award from The American Council on Education. He was the former Vice President of Academic Affairs at Teacher’s College at Columbia as well as interim dean. He currently is also the John M. Musser Psychology Emeritus Professor at Yale University, one of the nation’s leading schools.

RCC-TV Looking to Expand Offerings RCC-TV FROM PAGE 1 semester, or even learn some interesting information about a teacher they have already had. “Spotlight” is also one of RCC - TV’s many ways to show the accomplishments of RCC students and the faculty. “Our mission is to go across campus, and connect students with their college,”

says RCC–TV founder Janice Goldstein. Through segments like Entertainment, RCC–Sports, and numerous RCC ads, RCC–TV accomplishes their goal of keeping students connected to the college, Goldstein says. “Roaming Reporter” is another one of RCC–TV’s segments, where RCC– TV reporters go around campus asking different students the “question of the

day” and then airing the answers on TV. RCC–TV also oversees a yearly video festival. This year will be RCC’s fifth festival, where students from RCC, and high schools around the county, compete against to win prizes in different categories. RCC–TV is made up of 16 dedicated students who are either interning or volunteering in the multi-media center. Goldstein describes the students who

work at RCC – TV as “like a family, and we are trying to expand that family.” RCC–TV is looking for students who are interested in majoring in Multi- Media, and moving into four year colleges to use their experience that they had at RCC. “We always accept people who want to do the work and are passionate,” says Melissa Tancredi, a senior producer for RCC – TV.

Campus Book Drive Aims to Encourage Reading


Any books for children ranging from toddlers to 4th graders can be donated, as well as books for older youth. According to the National Institute for Literacy, 43 percent of adults

with very low literacy skills live in poverty. This handicap could have been prevented if at a young age they had learned to read. Dr. Seuss and other early readers, as well as any other children’s classics. can help encourage young children to begin reading at a younger age.

If they start reading at a younger age, they have a better chance of succeeding in today’s society. The driving idea behind the book drive is that these people will one day be the adults of our world. They quite possibly will attend RCC in the future, said Chris Barker President of the

SGA. “This is another thing that RCC is doing for the county, for the children in the county who might one day might go through RCC,” Barker said. Books can be dropped off at the SGA offices in the Student Union until December 16, when the drive ends.

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December 5, 2011

It’s Students Versus Faculty in Campus “Jeopardy!” Shara Beitch

Features Editor

On Nov. 22, “Jeopardy!” came to SUNY Rockland. The famous show of answers and questions was brought to campus by the Office of Student Involvement, and pitted students versus faculty in a trivia challenge. In the end, it was the students who emerged victorious with the team of Mike Fleischmann and Joshua Blachorsky, an Editor on this publication, who defeated faculty members in the final round. “It was a wonderful event,” said Student Activities Coordinator John Marra. “I was so glad to see so many students participating, both in the game and audience.” The event, which was attended by about 85 students, took place in room 3214 in the Student Union. It had previously been scheduled for Oct. 11, but due to technical reasons could not take place. The format consisted of several preliminary rounds, and the winners of those playing in the finale. Professor Peter Arvanites, one of the professors who won an earlier round, but lost in the finale, thought the event was a

good one and provided for good student/ faculty interaction. “I thought the Jeopardy! experience was a lot of fun; it showed how the students and faculty could interact in ways beyond the classroom.” Arvanites also added how he enjoyed the competitive nature of all involved. The categories for the game, however, caused some stirs. At first, many felt the questions were too easy, causing Marra to ask the host to make them harder. Additionally, the categories excluded math, much to the dismay of Arvanites, a math professor. “Maybe if there were math categories, the outcome would have been different,” he said. Bruce Delfini, another professor playing, commented how he wasn’t surprised there was a student victory, yet he added, “If you look at the games overall, the professors won the majority of them.” Due to the popularity of the event, many were calling for it to come back next semester. Marra agreed that it should be brought back, but wasn’t sure of the timeframe. “Some of our most popular events we only do every other year, such as the hypnotist we had earlier. Maybe, in a year or two. Who knows?” said Marra.

Josh Blachorsky / Outlook Student Press

Some professors find it tough to make it to the final rounds

John Marra helps to officiate “Jeopardy!” as students look on.


December 5, 2011

How Family Members Get Through a Military Deployment Allison Wright

Contributing Writer

The deployment of a family member can be a very emotional and difficult time for many families. Separation from a spouse or partner is hard, whether it’s for six weeks or six months. If you know what to expect and come up with a plan for taking care of your household and yourself, you can be better prepared to handle the strong emotions that often come with a deployment. Everyone reacts to the news of a deployment differently. Pre-deployment can be a stressful time for service members and their families. This is the time to have all of your questions about home and family life put out on the table so you will have answers at your fingertips should the need arise. This will ease some frustration and panic you may be feeling since your loved one will not be there to take care of things you don’t know about. This is the time to have all of your questions about home and family life put out on the table so you will have answers at your fingertips should the need arise. This will ease some frustration and panic you may be feeling since your loved one will not be there to take care of things you don’t know about.

Spend a day checking through your residence; call a family meeting to ask questions so that everyone is on the same page. Review your vehicle and home, make sure everything is working properly and make a plan as to what you will do if something happens to your car or home. Army spouse and mother Rebekah Sanderlin, has dealt with more than a halfdozen deployments during her husband’s career. Sanderlin has two main tips: buy plastic sheet protectors for documents and start planning early. “It is absolutely essential that the spouse at home has all the important documents in one, easy-to-find place,” the 28-year-old mother of two advised. In no other profession is Family separation found as frequently as it is in the military service. Military families endure a great amount of emotional challenges. Being called to duty can be an emotional roller coaster for all involved. It can mean shifting roles, becoming the single parent of the house hold and changing responsibilities- all while attempting to maintain a career and stabilize a family life. The deployment can go smoothly. It isn’t easy, but with planning, support, information and resources it can be done. Understanding any unfamiliar feelings

during this time is vital. Truemilitarywivesconfessions.ning. com is a blog for military wives. It gives military wives a place to share their thoughts and help each other cope with being separated from their spouse during deployments and training events. Izzyandalexsmommy says “Take things one day at a time. And let all your emotions run their course. You are going to have good days, and you are going to have horrible days. When you feel like crying, cry. When you feel like you are on top of the world, you are. When the going gets tough, look for something humorous about what is making life hard at the time. Laughter is a wonderful medicine” There are six basic emotional steps to deployment; shock/numbness, denial/ disbelief, anger/resentment, panic, grief, and acceptance. Some of these can come and go, and then may return at a later time. And most importantly remember, you are not alone at this stressful time. Shock/Numbness: Can cause physical pain, such as headaches, exhaustion, rashes or itching, stomach problems and more, as well as emotional changes such as panic attacks, crying, and irritability, feeling overwhelmed or even suicidal thoughts. These feelings may resolve over time or become more serious. If symptoms persist

seek medical advice. Denial/Disbelief: The feeling that the deployment must be a mistake or it can’t be true. Disbelief may show outwardly or not at all. Anger/Resentment: this happens when you feel there are many reasons why you think your loved one should not be deployed. If you can figure out why you are angry you can better control your anger. Panic: This is the step where the “what ifs” set in. they can take over your thoughts if you let them. Don’t let your worries take over, address each issue as soon as you think of it so they don’t become overwhelming. Grief: This is the step where you start to feel the loss of someone leaving and being separated by the deployment. You may grieve the loss of intimacy or that your world is now turned upside down. Acceptance: In this stage you have learned how to handle the ups and downs of deployment flyp3navy also blogs on truemilitarywivesconfessions.ning.com, she says that what is most important to remember is that we are proud to be supporting our service member. “I remember that he is gone not because he wants to be away from me, but because he is a terrific person and is dedicating his life to serving his country.”

December 5, 2011


Fun WINTER Activities Tina Pace

staff Writer

Winter is finally making its arrival, and with that it’s time to put away all our warm-weather clothes away along with its activities. Sometimes the cold weather can ruin plans, but there are many fun activities that can be done in the winter that are quite enjoyable. When it snows, it’s the perfect time to take advantage of the simple things in life. Go outside and build a snowman, or go sledding down a hill. If these ideas seem a little boring to you, try skiing, snowboarding, or even snow tubing. These snow activities are great to do with a group of friends, and you’ll have a blast watching each other trying to learn a new skill.

No one wants to drive far for a good time. A few local mountains are Tuxedo

Ridge, which are only about thirty minutes away from Rockland County, and Mountain Creek, which is only about an hour away and is a skier’s as well as a snowboarder’s dream. For the more advanced winter athletes, there is a place called Hunter Mountain which has a variety of jumps and exciting terrain parks. If you’re not the athletic type, you can casually ice-skate up at Bear Mountain or indoors at the Palisades Mall. If you’re looking to venture outside of Rockland, take a road trip upstate and take advantage of the interesting activities they offer up there. It’s great that Rockland County is so close to New York City. The city is beautiful in the wintertime with all of the decorations and the freshly fallen snow on top of buildings. The best parts of the winter season in NYC are the festive parades and Christmas tree lighting and concert at

Rockefeller Center that people travel from all over to experience. It is also worth visiting Central Park which also has its own small-scale events and views. The city is a great place for a day trip in the winter to witness some dazzling sights. For some reason, there are times during the winter that our normal routines seem more of a challenge. Maybe it has to do with all the layers we’re forced to wear in order to stay warm, turning the simplest task into a work-out. Whatever your reason is for the winter blues, I encourage you to try something you’ve never done before. The cold isn’t here to cripple anyone; it’s just here to give us variety. We’re truly fortunate here in New York because we get to experience all the seasonal changes that the cooler weather brings.

Spice Up Your Holiday Parties Elizabeth Maze

Style Editor

You have this innate desire to impress co-workers, friends, and family members. You feel it inside of you. You must, and I mean must make them jealous of your awesome party planning skills this holiday season. Problem: You’re clueless about how to begin, and Google is sending you to some pretty shady websites. Solution: Me and my awesome party ideas.

require said sweater-wearing, buy some drinks and bulk snacks, and let the drunken karaoke and holiday singing begin. Gift Exchange Party Everybody loves the holiday season. You can say it’s because you love the joy

of giving and being surrounded by loved ones, but let’s be real for a second. Presents have never been painful to receive. Why not throw a party that’s a quirky gift exchange? Instead of practical gifts like socks that nobody wants (you know who you are mom), why not exchange horribly tacky gifts that people will laugh about and hide in shame? Furnish some treats,

Ugly Holiday Sweater Party It’s a safe option, popular, and amusing. Inside every closet is a hideous sweater just waiting to come out. Whether it is a light up reindeer saying “Seasons Greetings” or that epic bedazzled Menorah sweater grandma gave you, this party is the perfect opportunity to unleash their hidden splendor on fellow party guests. Simply

and your guests are encouraged to come in a costume? Dress up like your favorite “Mad Men” or movie character, and spend the holiday party in a new way. Instead of the usual red and green themed nightmare from childhoods passed, be innovative with themes and encourage others to dress up and play along while getting into the spirit of the holidays.

put on some smooth Mariah Carey holiday music, and just laugh with your friends. Be sure to set the price bar low and the

standards even lower, because this year, that American-themed wind chime is so yours. Theme Party Instead of being yourself this holiday season, why not throw a party where you

Dance Off You may not move like Shakira, but nor do your friends. Get the energy going and the blood pumping by having a holiday dance off party. It’s cheap, fun, and simple to organize and plan. Instead of sitting on uncomfortable couches and discussing school and work for two hours while the host scrambles in the kitchen, order in some food, put on the music, and break dance your way to victory this holiday season.


December 5, 2011

Discovering the Historic Hudson Valley

Vanderbilt Mansion

Anna Berent

Contributing Writer

It has come to my attention that the amount of complaining from young adults about the suburbs being “boring” is quite endless, and it makes me wonder, do these people really know anything about where they live and exactly how lucky they are? Rockland County happens to be located in the perfect area to uncover the riches hidden in plain sight. There is honestly little to no time to waste here because there are so many things to be discovered. Three of my favorite locations that never cease to amaze me are old historical mansions.

fine china by Tiffany, and paintings by Bouguereau, Gerome, and Daubigny. Outside the mansion you can stroll along the different paths that take you right up beside the Hudson River. The fenced-off rose garden is quite beautiful and is worth taking a stroll through, also. Lyndhurst is truly a magnificent place to visit and to spend your day at.


Sunnyside Sunnyside, also located in Tarrytown, is the home of Washington Irving, one of the most famous authors in American literature. The home is probably my favorite out of every single one I have ever visited. His most popular works are the short stories The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle. The amazing

country palace for the Vanderbilt family during the Gilded Age. The house has many floors and many gorgeous rooms. The main entertaining rooms, the elliptical hall and dining room, are on the main floor and are noticed first upon walking into the mansion. The second floor contains the extravagant bedrooms and bathrooms of the Vanderbilt family, and the third floor contains guest bedrooms as well as a hall separating these rooms from where the servants lived and worked. The mansion, in total, has 54 rooms, all

Vanderbilt Mansion Lyndhurst Lyndhurst Lyndhurst mansion is a gothic revival home located on 67 acres in Tarrytown, Westchester County. The residence was designed in 1838 by Alexander Jackson Davis, a famed architect, and has since been owned by two other extremely prominent families. Since it was built, it has been admired by locals and is available for people to visit yearround. The home itself is known as one of the most fascinating examples of gothic revival and is jaw-dropping beautiful. Inside lays all its beautiful furniture,

part about Sunnyside is that it was strictly owned by Irving’s relatives only before it became a National Historic Landmark. A curved path leads down to this gorgeous home overlooking the Hudson River. Everything inside the home is original to the way it was when Washington Irving lived there, and it really gives you a good glimpse into his world. The home also stands as a metaphor of Irving’s love for the Hudson Valley, art, and nature. Vanderbilt Mansion Vanderbilt Mansion is located in Hyde Park, New York and was built as a

very wondrous in their appearance. This is a perfect place to visit if you are interested in observing the lifestyle of the so-called “American royalty.” These three historic sites are just a tiny preview of everything that is lying in our area. There is so much to see and learn here in the Hudson Valley, and it is all so accessible. Our suburban county is really not very boring at all, but rather it is the envy of people who do not have the luxury of visiting these places in a day’s trip.

Opinions Farewell from the Editor-in-Chief

December 5, 2011

Sitting in the M/TS Honors orientation, and watching Susanna Perlov, the previous Editor-in-Chief, talk about Outlook Student Press, I knew that I might want to join. After an awkward introduction of myself to her and misunderstanding what she wanted from my article, I had officially became a part of Outlook. Now, after a year-and-a-half, numerous articles, many production nights, and countless laughs, Outlook has become a part of me. Starting as a 17-year-old, intimidated by the college campus, Outlook became my lighthouse in the storm. I quickly became attached to the publication and gave it my all. What I did not realize, is that what I got back from Outlook was considerably more than I put in. I can safely say that because of Outlook, my writing has greatly improved. I also took on a new sense of responsibility which can only be attributed to late night scrambles in order to get an issue out before the deadline. Most important, however, are the people who make Outlook possible and who are some of the greatest people I have met. I am honored to call them both friends and colleagues. The office, for me, has become a second home, and the staff, my extended family. I cannot even fathom what my time at Outlook would have been like if I didn’t have the world’s greatest editors working with me. Each person on the Board brings their own diverse view and personality, and it is the blend of this

great staff which produces such a great paper. I am truly honored and privileged to have worked with this great group of people over my time here. Without them, the nine issues we have produced this semester would not have been possible. I also owe a deep debt of gratitude to our trusted Advisor, Professor Rob Fuentes. Without him, Outlook would be a shell of what it is. He is always around with helpful advice, acute constructive criticism, and an infectious smile. Professor Fuentes perfectly balances allowing the Editorial Board to have our own editorial freedom, while keeping an eye towards maintaining our standard of excellence. Now, my time here at Outlook, unfortunately, is ending. While most Editors-in-Chief stay through the entire academic year, an opportunity for study abroad arose which I could not, in good conscience, refuse. And while I am saddened to leave, I have complete confidence that the new Editor-in-Chief, Sari Ugell, and her deputy, new Managing Editor, Elizabeth Maze, will Outlook at the same, if not a better level. Lastly, I am thankful to the entire RCC community for the dedication and support you have given to Outlook, and by extension, to me. I have few higher pleasures than seeing new issues being read by students. The countless times that people have come up to me to compliment or discuss an issue inspires me. —Josh Blachorsky

Outlook Student Press

Josh Blachorsky, Editor-in-Chief Vanessa Pastorelli, Production Manager Sari Ugell, Managing Editor Shara Beitch, Features Editor Elan Weinberger, News Editor Monica Powell, Science & Health Editor

Elizabeth Maze, Style & Entertainment Editor Louie Gaitan, Photo Editor Kristen Loretoni, Opinions Editor Jonathan Kim, Technology Editor

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods and summer. It is an independent newspaper and public forum produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor. Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

On the web: Outlookpress.org Facebook.com/outlookpress Email: Outlookstudentpress@gmail. com Office: Student Union Room 3200 Phone: (845) 574-4389 Fax: (845) 356-6261 Snail mail:Outlook Student Press Rockland Community College 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901 Professor Fuentes, Advisor

Staff: Tina Pace, Nathan Caplan, Brian Katzman, Katherine Aucena, Shannon Reid, Lindsay Goldman, Stephanie Nelson, Anna Berent, Lorinda Hill. Contributors: Shannon Reid, Jackie Fox,

Chris Barker, Anjelica Pagnozzi, Gina Duncan, Gerard Santiago, Jasmine Glover, Neelam Shahzad, David Strinkovsky, Allison Wright, Ana Aparicio,Nicole Arzoomanian, Nicole Falzone, Anthony Trongone.



U O Y O D WHAT ? l o r t n o C h t r i B . . . T U O B A K THIN Shara Beitch

Elizabeth Maze

Monica Powell

If you were to ask me if I think an embryo should have all the legal rights that Americans have, I would say “no” without hesitation. I think that an unborn child should be handled with care, but a political statement should not be tied to such a being. Birth control confirms the decision of not wanting a child; not having that option would cause havoc and give children a possibly unstable or inadequate environment to live in. Birth control is not abortion and it does not harm a child, merely because the child is not physically and emotionally existing yet. Of course, that could be disputed, but birth control is also used for reasons that are not associated with avoiding children or sexual activity in general. Restricting it will be unfair to women everywhere and will take away our freedom of choice in all its aspects.

When it comes to pregnancy and methods of contraception, the power falls to the individual woman. Birth control has become a major source of controversy over the years as people argue over the morality of the pill itself. Personally, I think that the right to buy and use birth control pill falls to the woman who wants it. Personal morals and decisions are incredibly influential in the decision making process when it comes to something so private and intimate. It is intrusive of government and others to try to step in and dictate such a personal matter. If a woman wants to go on birth control, she should have that right without worrying about how she will be treated.

The concern of some people who have witnessed the most recent decision made by Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour - with that being to define the beginning of a human life as the moment in which a female egg is fertilized - is revolving around whether or not the rights of women are being respected. With the issue of abortion and birth control methods already being hotly debated, and with both being directly affected by Governor Barbour’s ballot, a controversy has been created by one of our country’s most southern states. Nevertheless, the mistake I believe many onlookers are making throughout this process is their perception of exactly whose rights are being compromised. Though it is debatable, the issue at hand is not whether a woman is being granted her freedom under the law, the issue is whether or not the law is granting freedom to unspoken generations and whether or not the female population is willing to take responsibility for its actions. As difficult as it is to perceive an undeveloped embryo inside of a womb as having “full legal rights”, as CNN puts it, our value of life itself is revealed through the way in which we choose to define it and either allow or deny its development. Therefore, in supporting this “new” definition of life as initiated by Mississippi’s governor, we would indeed be promoting freedom while simultaneously preserving the future of humanity.


December 5, 2011

Free the Leashed Kids! Kristen Loretoni

Opinions Editor

Is putting a child on a leash convenient or just another way for parents to try and control their kid’s every move? Little kids love to roam around and find new things. Past and present generations turned out just fine without being put on leashes. After all, exploring is what childhood is all about, isn’t it? I was walking around campus the other day and saw a mom with her son on a leash. You could tell the little boy was unhappy; he looked like a lost puppy, which makes sense considering he was on a leash. When I passed by the mother and son, the mother was texting on her phone and using her other wrist to yank her son toward her. I could not take this woman seriously! She was so concerned with what was going on with her phone that she didn’t realize the only reason she had to yank her son was because he was trying to step on all the fallen leaves. The leash looked the same as something you would put on a dog. It had a harness on it that strapped to the child’s back and a rope that extended around the mother’s wrist. I could maybe understand the parent’s point of view with putting their

children on leashes if they weren’t so distracted with other things. If you are so pre-occupied with what’s happening on Twitter, then how are you supposed to be certain that your child is safe? What four-year-old doesn’t want to step on the crunchy leaves in the fall? He was trying

to restrain your child in such an inhumane way. When I was younger, my mom never let me leave her side if we were in public; however, she didn’t have to use a leash to make sure I didn’t run off. My mom always had to hold my hand everywhere we went. I consider this to be the normal

to have fun like most kids, not cause a riot in the middle of the Academic I building. I don’t understand why it’s necessary

way of controlling your developing child’s wandering. If my mom ever put me on a leash, I would be humiliated! I’d be angry with her for trying to control

every step I took. It would make me feel like a complete fool because all I see are kids running around, having a great time; then there’s me. When walking around a crowded mall or New York City, it is very dangerous for a child to be roaming around on his or her own. I understand that the leashes are used for safety purposes, but there are other options a parent has. A stroller would be a much more civilized approach. I’ve read parents’ arguments that they put their children on leashes so that they wont be stuck in a stroller all day, and can get some exercise. What parents don’t realize is that along with exercise, both the kid and the parent are being judged and laughed at. L e a s h e s are for dogs. You wouldn’t lock your child in a crate at night, and wouldn’t feed him or her puppy chow, so start treating them like the humans they are.

December 5, 2011


Que Será Será: Whatever Will Be, Will Be Kristen Loretoni

Opinions Editor

“Que sera sera” is Spanish for, “whatever will be, will be.” This song was made popular in 1956 by singer Doris Day. My Nana always used to sing this song to my cousins and I when we were younger. Doris Day was right- whatever will be, will be. As a society we are often unhappy with things. We always want what we can’t have and lose touch with the idea that if something is meant to happen, it will. What is the point of dwelling on things we can’t change? It certainly won’t do us any good. With the holidays right around the corner, mixed feelings come into play; some people look at this time of year as an excuse to sulk in their own misery for being alone, while others embrace the holiday spirit. Why should we choose to think positively? Studies have shown that having a positive outlook on life have proven benefits to our health, both physically and mentally. According to WebMD, having laughter present in our lives positively affects blood flow, immune responses, blood sugar levels, relaxation, and sleep. We all love to laugh, so now that there are proven benefits, how can we not make it a more prominent part of our lives? We all know that stress can negatively affect our health, especially with heart conditions. Heart Disease is the number one killer in America. There are things

as simple as relaxing that can reduce your risk of developing these conditions. Taking a moment to appreciate what we have, rather t h e n

simple reason that it feels good. Knowing how lucky we are for every day given is overlooked. We all take the little things we have f o r

stressing over things we don’t, could change our whole lives. If nothing else, we should smile just for the

granted, and it isn’t until something or someone is taken away from us, that we realize how important

and significant what we have is. The people who come in and out of our lives help teach us our strengths and help us overcome our weaknesses. Instead of focusing on the things we want to change about our lives, we should take time to realize all the simple blessings we have. Every person that comes into our lives gives us a lesson about who we are, and want to become. Every single day that we have is a chance for a new beginning. There is nothing stopping you from being whoever you want to be. As students, we are entering into one of the most important times in our lives. We are creating a future for ourselves. There are so many opportunities coming our way, and the only thing that can hold us back is a negative attitude. When times are bad, just remember that they could always be worse. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, so make every day worthwhile. “Whoever is happy will make others happy too. He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery.”


Be positive

“God”: A Figment of Our Imaginations? Ana Aparicio

Contributing writer

Sir Tom Stoppard, a British playwright once stated that, “Atheism is a crutch for those who cannot bear the reality of God.” The significance of both of these remarks is that which is real. With a bit of common sense that most people acquire, at least we hope, we can almost all agree that life is what is real. We can converse about cells and the complexity of the human body for hours, but it is essential to discuss God. The only reason being that it is harder to prove something doesn’t exists then that it does. God, an almost impossible word to define due to its non-existent body of

matter, doesn’t have a universally accepted definition. On the contrary, most can agree that this “God” is some superior divine male “form” which is the ultimate creator of this “human race.” Now, if we don’t have any physical proof of this “God,” why do people dedicate their lives to serve their imagination? In other words, God is just another form of imagination; he is a figment of people’s minds’. People allow themselves to be ruled by something that doesn’t exist. All it takes is a book, to end this world. One single book rules the lives of almost 80% of the world. I back up my statement by stating that God is just our brain portraying an image of a main character situated in a single made up book by many different authors.

God is all of that which we cannot be for ourselves. When people are distressed, they turn to God for guidance. When people are happy, they go to God and thank him for instilling this state of mind into them. When people are sick, they turn to God and blame him or ask him why he chose this path for them. People turn to God for everything they cannot face themselves, hence the use of religion for those who cannot bear reality. God is this image created in our heads of what we lack in our self esteem, ego, intelligence, and common sense. Whenever we don’t have the answer to something and we can’t answer it for ourselves, who do we turn to? GOD! As humans we have a drive to know all about everything, and when we don’t, we feel weak, and useless, and we feel that our reputation as the most superior “race” in this biosphere is in jeopardy. That’s why God “exists.” More importantly, that’s why god “exists divinely,” only because no other human being could know more than the divine. I can understand why people have the need to have faith in something else, something far more “superior” to us. What I don’t understand is why we can’t just have faith in ourselves to do what we do as best as we can do it without the help of a fictional character, or follow the rules and guidelines of a fictional book created hundreds of years ago.

Yes, as homo-sapiens, we are the most “intelligent” species on earth. With intelligence comes great rationality and common sense. With great common sense, comes great responsibility and knowledge. Why must we dumb ourselves down and believe in something else before we believe in ourselves to do that which we ask God to do for ourselves?



December 5, 2011

Trends That Should Make a Comeback Elizabeth Maze Style Editor

Sometimes it seems that everyone is dressing the same. With frequent trips to the usual stores, like H&M or Forever 21, it’s easy to see how style can get repetitive. Why not dust off some old trends and incorporate it into your daily style? It is essential that you don’t put on the first quirky thing you see and leave your house looking like a trendy hipster who just got lost on their way to a Vampire Weekend concert. If you’re looking for a place to start, try these once popular trends for your new and improved everyday look. Bow Ties Not only will you look classy and sleek, you can wear them regardless

of your gender. For too long have men rocked this cute and fun look. You can dress it down or dress it up, get it in a solid print or crazy pattern. No matter what you do, you will feel suave and put together. Feel free to look at local thrift stores to find some that aren’t ridiculously overpriced and have a more classic feel to them. Blazers While once thought to be essentially dressy, blazers can be the perfect statement piece with your favorite pair of jeans and a tank top. Unlike a sweater or leather jacket, blazers can add a bit of sophistication to even your most casual looks. For girls, the boyfriend look, a looser fit, is incredibly popular. The boyfriend style blazer is perfect for layering over your favorite blouse or shirt and pairing

it with your best fitting denims. You can wear your blazer over a dress for a sophisticated look that has a touch of femininity. If you are willing to invest in the boyfriend blazer, it is good to get it slightly oversized and to roll up the sleeves for a more put together and finished look. Browline Glasses During the 1950s, these eyeglass frames were all the rage in the United States. The bold upper part of the frames, tops off the lenses in a way that your eyebrows frame you eyes, hence the name. In recent years, we have seen the popular look of heavy black-framed glasses that are almost synonymous with brooding young men and women from Williamsburg. If you’re going to get these glasses, wear them well and wear

Why We Love Elizabeth Maze Style Editor

Every product you use, every clothing trend you follow, and every purchase you make should be worth the investment. Buying what works best for you and fits your needs is something that can often be tricky. Don’t be afraid to grab something new off the shelves and give it a try before writing it off. Sexy Hair Concepts Healthy Sexy Hair Soy-Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner If you frequently color, straighten, curl, or style your hair, this leave in conditioner is a must have. Regardless of your hair type, this product can be used daily. Spray it onto damp or towel-dried hair to detangle and moisturize without leaving it feeling greasy. Its lightweight formula will keep your hair looking healthy no matter how many times you style it. Instead of drowning your hair in product, one or two sprays of this will leave your hair static free and hydrated. Maybelline’s Baby Lips Lip Balm With six options to choose from for under five bucks, this drug-store lip balm is worth it. Its eight hour hydration and promise of visibly healthier and

renewed lips in four weeks is something that everyone can appreciate. Complete with SPF 20, Baby Lips Lip Balm helps protect and moisturize your lips for up to eight hours in a way that even the most expensive brands can’t. Not only does it work well and smell amazing, it won’t break the bank and it will protect your lips from the colder weather. Manic Panic Amplified SemiPermanent Hair Dye I will be the first to admit that I dye my hair constantly. Whether it is white blonde or fire red, I always look for an easy-to-use and reasonably priced dye that I can apply myself. I will also be the first to admit that Atomic Turquoise, Cotton Candy Pink, and Electric Banana are just some of the colors that everyone should try once. Manic Panic’s Amplified Semi-Permanent Hair Dye lasts up to 30% longer than its standard formula. It contains Vegan friendly products, isn’t tested on animals, and is formulated with herbal extracts to both condition your hair and bring out the vibrancy in your color selection. With prices lower than twenty dollars, why not give it a try? Masculine Watches for Females In this age of cell phones, iPods, and computers, watches are easily overlooked. As I perused the regular department stores,

I noticed that more and more designers were adapting the look of men’s watches for females. Complete with a bigger watch face and wider watch band modeled after the traditional men’s style, women can add their own twist to the manly watch. Designers like Coach, Fossil, and Marc Jacobs have added their own feminine touches to the masculine design, making it a perfect purchase for anyone looking to make a new fashion statement. Modern Age Tattoos Nanuet, New York I completely understand that tattoos and piercings aren’t for everyone. However, as a person who has a few and plans on getting more, it is imperative to pick a place that you trust and does quality work. Whether you’re looking to get a new piercing or a tattoo done, Modern Age Tattoos is the place to go. With hundreds of designs to choose from and the option to bring in your custom design, their amazing artists will work with you to make something you will love and be proud to show off for the rest of your life. With a sterile and professional environment, Modern Age is definitely a great option for anyone looking to get something done. If you’re curious or just want to learn more, visit their website, www. modernagetattoos.com, for information.

them proud. A great inspiration for the look is the actor Matthew Gray Gubler. His sharp style and look compliment these glasses perfectly and can provide some style suggestions if you decide you want to wear these frames. Peter Pan Collars Defined by Wikipedia as “a small, flat, round-cornered collar without a stand,” Peter Pan collars were often considered a trend for younger children. However, designers such as Louis Vuitton have modernized the look for all ages. This collar can be paired with ribbon or ties for a more trendy style that many people are starting to invest in. Its feminine detailing and charm is perfect for fall, so feel free to shop around stores like Mod Cloth and Urban Outfitters for this look.

December 5, 2011


Holiday Gift Ideas

Nicole Arzoomanian

Contributing Writer

With the holidays just around the corner, we are often left wandering the aisles of the basic department stores blindly grabbing at whatever we can find. Instead of reaching for the basic gift of socks or a random DVD, why not try these gift options this holiday season?

For Her: Urban Decay Naked Makeup Pallet This popular makeup pallet is a perfect collection of neutral tones and shimmers that compliments any skin tone or eye color. This is a perfect gift for the woman who loves high end beauty products without the huge price

For Him: Doctor Who: The David Tennant Years Win over his inner sci-fi buff and get him a gift he can use for years. Compiling all the episodes featuring David Tennant’s stint as the 10th doctor, this collector set is a perfect holiday gift. Instead of buying piles upon piles of DVDs that collect dust on the shelf, why not purchase something he’ll use again and again? The set itself is eye catching and attractive so you won’t need to stash it away when company comes over. Fossil Men’s Machine Smoke Stainless Steel Chronograph Watch A classic touch to any outfit, this Fossil watch will dress up even the most basic outfit. With a big watch face that makes telling time a breeze and its watch band that is the perfect mix of masculine and elegant, this watch is perfect for even most the difficult person to shop for. This Fossil watch is a timeless piece they’re sure to appreciate year after year. Though its price is a bit hefty, the quality is well worth the cost. Beats Headphones by Dr. Dre These upscale headphones block

tag. These shades can be worn casually during the week or played up for a night out with friends. Go to your local Sephora makeup retailer to pick it up before it sells out again. BCBG Maxazira Lace-Edge Scarf It can be a bold fashion statement that provides that needed warmth during the cold winter months. Coming in a darker hue, it is ideal for matching even the wildest patterns. Its cute lace trim dresses it up but it is still casual enough for your day to day outings. A perfect gift for the fashion-loving woman in your life, this scarf is bound to garner a lot of compliments. Marc by Marc Jacobs Leather Band Goldtone Logo Watch Watches have become a staple in the fashion world over the last few seasons. With an elegant watch face and detailed band, this watch will be something that will catch her eye day after day. Coming in a neutral shade, this watch can be paired with almost any piece of your wardrobe.

out all the outside noise so that you can really enjoy your music. Unlike traditional bud headphones, Beats headphones aren’t f limsy,stay put, and will be hard to misplace. Coming in a wide range of colors and designs, every guy can get what he wants this holiday season.

Gender Neutral: Society6 iPhone Cases When shopping for Christmas gifts, you’ll be tempted to stop at the nearest kiosk and purchase a cheap, overpriced iPhone case for your tech savvy loved one. However, Society6 has an extremely wide variety of unique cases that are sturdy and can endure even the toughest treatment. With pages of designs, patterns, and colors, you will be sure to find the perfect protecting case that you’re gift recipient is sure to love. Starbucks Gift Card If you’re in a bind, you can’t go wrong with a Starbucks gift card. Perfect for the avid coffee lover and caffeine addict, this card is simple to get and easy to use. With the limited edition Holiday drinks, Starbucks’ holiday brews are something for you to look forward to as you use up that gift card.




December 5, 2011

Album Review: Rihanna’s Talk That Talk Steven Clark


Rihanna’s latest album, Talk That Talk, arrives just a year after her last effort, Loud. In total she has released six full-length albums in six years. No one can deny that she is one of the hardest working artists in the industry. She started off the year with three, number one singles; including “Only Girl (In the World)” , “What’s My Name?”, and “S&M.” She released a new album that is blowing up the charts, and its first single, We Found Love, has already been number one for four weeks. Is there any way to stop her? In her short career, Rihanna already has eleven number-ones and has sold over twenty million albums. I don’t foresee her success ending anytime soon with her sizzling new album. Here is a quick track-bytrack review of her latest album, Talk That Talk: “You Da One” This is going to be her second single and I think it is a great choice. The song captures her Caribbean flair with sweet lyrics about finding “the one.” As is standard with any Rihanna song, this gets in your head and you find yourself singing it long after you turn it off.

“Where Have You Been” I would love to see this as the third single Rihanna releases off the album. It has an amazing club beat paired with catchy lyrics. This is definitely going to be big in clubs next year. “We Found Love” featuring Calvin Harris This is the lead single from the album. It has become very popular, and heard all over. It’s a different sound from Rihanna that totally works for her. When this song comes on, I can’t help but get a smile plastered on my face. “Talk That Talk” featuring Jay-Z Another collaboration between Rihanna and Jay-Z. We already know this is going to be a smash after their previous efforts Umbrella and Run This Town. Another solid single choice that has her dishing out some scandalous lyrics. “Cockiness” Though risky with its lyrics, Rihanna pulls it off effortlessly. With the lyrics “suck my cockiness, lick my persuasion, eat my words then swallow your pride down,” you can’t help but blush a little. She once again cements her image as being in charge of herself and career with strong lyrics and bold attitude. “Birthday Cake” This is only an interlude on the album, but when it comes to its

end, you are wishing that it would keep going. I would love to hear a full version of this. “We All Want Love” This is the first time on the album that things slow down. It’s a simple song about wanting love and not wanting to be alone. A very strong message and could definitely deliver as the ballad single of the album. “Drunk On Love” A mid-tempo with another message of wanting love. It is a common theme of the album and she relates love to being a drug. Nothing too innovative here but her vocals are very solid on this song. “Roc Me Out” Back to the pumping beats here. This is similar in content to her previous single, S&M where she tells her intimate partner what to do. “Watch N Learn” This song is very Beyonce-esque. It has a lighter beat as well as sweet vocals. It is one of my favorites of the album. “Farewell” She closes with the second ballad on the album. Rihanna talks about having to let someone go so they can better themselves. Once again, her vocals are solid, and it serves as a satisfying end to an album of hits.

Kim Kardashian’s Not - So - Wedded Bliss Nicole Falzone

Contributing WRITER

Kim Kardashian filed for divorce Monday morning, after 72 days of not-sowedded bliss to Kris Humphries. While Humphries says he was blindsided by the divorce, was he really not as aware of the fact that all Kardashians live for is the spotlight? One factor that ties into the split is Kim Kardashian telling friends that Kris Humphries lies when he talks about how much his family loved and supported her.

Kardashian claims that they had nothing but disdain for her and her family, and never wanted their son to marry her. Kardashian also states, “it’s ridiculous that Kris’ family is making Kris look like the victim.” She says that they constantly belittled her, were nasty to her family, and the proof, according to Kim, is all on camera. According to Kris Humphries’ father, “there was never a discussion about it, it just came out of nowhere and blindsided Kris. How could someone do that? Kris

was completely surprised. The news was already published before he found out! He’s hurting, but we’re here for him. It’s nice that he’s here [in Minnesota] with family during this time. It’s not a nice situation. No matter how you look at it, he’s going through a divorce.” From all this, rumored emails and texts were getting hostile quick so Kardashian flew to Minnesota late one night for “closure.” One source close to the couple states “She wanted to see him face to face to put some finality on it. To give them both some closure. She didn’t want things to get ugly with them and it was heading down that road.” It seems like Kim may have been having second thoughts about the way the marriage ended so the two will meet with the pastor who married them to talk about their feelings on the divorce and get some sort of closure. Much to everyone’s surprise, there will be NO camera crews around the, oh so self-centered Kim K! Maybe this actually shows some maturity in Kardashian. A major question is what’s going to happen to that 2 million dollar rock she’s continued to sport around on her finger now? Well, according to the prenuptial, if she wants to keep the ring she’s going to have to dish out 2 million dollars to Humphries, and it is exactly what she is willing to do! While from the get go, Humphries claimed he didn’t believe in divorce, he has agreed to the divorce from Kim Kardashian. The NBA player has hired Minnesota attorney Lee Hutton, who helped the two negotiate the prenuptial. As long as there aren’t any unexpected conflicts, sources suggest that their 72

day union will officially be over 6 months from the day Kim filed for divorce. Lastly, what will happen with ALL those gifts the duo received? Kim later took to her twitter to send a message to her fans stating that “there are also reports that I made millions of dollars off of the wedding. These reports are simply not true and it makes me so sad to have to even clarify this. I’m so grateful to everyone who took the time to come to my wedding and I’ll be donating the money for all the gifts to the Dream Foundation.” The Dream Foundation according to ABCNews.com, is an organization that the reality TV star has previously worked with. This organization grants wishes to terminally ill adults. Kardashian reached out to contribute the gifts from her wedding to Kris Humphries following her decision to file for divorce. The gifts do not include the money she reportedly made from selling the media rights to her wedding, though. They stated that “It comes to no surprise to Dream Foundation that Kim would take a difficult and trying situation and turn it into something tremendously positive and impactful to the families we serve,” the foundation’s president, Thomas W. Rollerson, said in a statement, “We are sorry for the circumstances surrounding this contribution, yet this is Kim’s way of paying forward the gestures of love that were bestowed to her.” Kardashian’s donation will be a “symbolic donation in the value of the gifts she received.” This includes the money made that was wired to them. They stated that “It’s a substantial contribution,” he said, “a gesture that will help hundreds of families in their greatest time of need.”

Kardashian also took to twitter stating that “I married for love. I can’t believe I even have to defend this. I would not have spent so much time on something just for a TV show! I share so much of my life on a reality show, that contemplating whether to even film my wedding was a tough decision to make, and maybe it turned out to not be the smartest decision. But it’s who I am! We filmed Kourtney giving birth, Khloe getting married, break ups, make ups, our best moments and our worst moments. These were all real moments. That’s what makes us who we are. We share, we give, we love and we are open!” What do you believe? Did Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries wed for the fame and money, or for what they “felt” was real love?

December 5, 2011

Science & Health


Messing With Mother Nature - The Practice of Genetically Modifying Foods Monica Powell

Science & Health Editor

The recent developments in the field of biotechnology has provided today’s generation with an array of new discoveries. One of the most well-known innovations of this modern science has been Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs, as they are more commonly known. This class of organisms has attracted quite a bit of controversy over the ethics of its method of creation, and it is arguable that no other scientific breakthrough has been so relentlessly confronted. Ultimately, it appears that the uncertainty as to whether or not to embrace this technology points to the fact that many times what man is capable of doing through his newly acquired knowledge is not synonymous with what man should be doing with it. GMOs, also referred to as transgenic organisms, are plants or animals that have had favorable gene structures isolated and removed from their DNA and then inserted into the cells of another organism not naturally possessing that particular DNA sequence. This is accomplished through a precise biotechnological procedure, and these trans-genes, as they are scientifically termed, are typically introduced into various plant varieties, but select animals have also experienced genetic alterations. In order to fully understand the complexity of GMOs, it is first important to know the basic structure of all living things: the cell. Cells are referred to as the

building blocks of all life, for they are the smallest organizational substances that perform all the vital functions needed to sustain life. Every cell is comprised of a plasma membrane which strictly monitors which elements are allowed to pass into the

acid), as mentioned above, and this is made up of four (4) nitrogenous bases, named thymine, adenine, guanine, and cytosine. These four nucleotides are naturally sequenced in specific pairings and orders, which ultimately give rise to the unique

cell and which ones are not. Also present inside each cell is a genetic storage unit called the nucleus, which by definition is “the large, membrane-bounded organelle that contains the genetic material, in the form of multiple linear DNA molecules”. (“Definition of Nucleus”, 2008) Inside the nucleus is the cell’s DNA (deoxyribonucleic

characteristics of each living organism. Because plants’ DNA naturally rejects foreign DNA, scientists utilize one of three different methods to permeate the cell walls of plants. In order for a detached gene chain to be fused within the DNA of an unrelated cell, the cell must first be ‘invaded’. The organisms

most adept in acting as “invaders” are bacteria and viruses; therefore, the first possible method would be using a strain of soil bacteria that creates plant tumors and, consequently, would invade the designated cell. Following invasion, the bacteria would navigate the foreign genes into the nucleus of the cell and then attach them to the cells’ genetic DNA sequences, thereby attaining the desired trait(s). The second procedure is accomplished by focusing a stream of electricity on the cell, creating tiny holes in its cellular wall and leaving it vulnerable to the entrance of the newly engineered DNA. The last alternative method makes use of a device appropriately named the “Gene Gun”. This instrument shoots beads of gold or another heavy metal, attached with the genetically modified DNA, directly into the cell. So where are these “favorable” DNA sequences selected from? Ultimately, it depends on what type of characteristic(s) the scientists are seeking to express in their transgenic organisms. For instance, some varieties of GM potatoes possess genes from viruses, chicken, and silk moths that assist in disease resistance. Another example is that certain tomato crops have been genetically engineered to include flounder and bacterial genes for frost and insect resistance, respectively. Today, the most commonly genetically modified foods are corn, cotton, canola, and soybeans. GM soybeans comprise upwards of 93% of the world’s production, and around 70% of corn, 87% of canola, and close to half of all cotton grown is genetically modified.

Environmental Sustainability: The Future “Norm” Lorinda Hill

Special to Outlook

Rules, they’re everywhere: “Do this!”, “Don’t do that!“, “Change this to that!”. Just about the time you’ve got it figured out, the rules change again. It feels like this is true for environmentalism, as well. So how does a responsible person keep up? We will answer this lingering question by addressing how to become a planetary steward without fear, panic, anger, confusion, or losing one’s mind. It will be a quest to discover what the new “normal” is when it comes to sustainability, and how this can be adapted into our everyday lives. To get to the new normal, we first have to understand what the old normal was. Fortunately, this is pretty easy, because most of you weren’t concerned about

the shortage of resources. The last time a generation really had to be concerned with what they used was during the depression and World War II. Since then, we haven’t had to think much about what we used, abused, and discarded. We had all the space we needed to get rid of the residue of badly used resources. No thought required. Unfortunately, this is not the mindset of today. The fact is that we have allowed ourselves to abandon the conservatory mindset of our parents and grandparents, and now we have to deal with it. The new normal, is taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions - recognizing our responsibility to ourselves as much as to the future. That doesn’t mean knocking ourselves back to the Stone Age but rather developing a more considerate use of resources in our daily lives. One person may not be able to change the world, but one person can affect the world through

their ripples. Your actions spread through everyone you interact with, like ripples in a pond, and their actions further propagate the ripples. And this is how we will step back from the brink – one person at a time, one carbon reduction resource management plan at a time. It’s been said that those living during World War II were the greatest generation when it came to conservation and sustainable living. It’s time for a new greatest generation to win this war against toxicity and wastefulness. Managing our resources and our planet is indeed a battle for survival. The planet has already seen mass extinctions. Do we really want to be the next victims, especially since it would be one of our own making? So, now that we’re all agreed – we will preserve the future. How we do that? Chances are you’ve already started. Recycling is mandatory here at RCC as well as throughout Rockland County.

Good start. The price of gas may have you taking the bus a couple of times a week. You wash clothes in cold water and line dry when you can. Maybe you even buy wind power. All good things, but how do you keep track of your progress with quantifiable results? There are many carbon footprint calculators available on the web. They’re all a little different, so look around and find the one that suits you best. Once you’ve selected the one that you like, stick with it, because changing in the middle of your calculations will alter your results. These calculators will not only tell you how many planets you consume but will suggest ways to curb your “appetite“. And it gets even better: once you’ve decided there are measures you’d like to implement, look at the NYSERDA website under residential offerings. There are several grants and low interest loan programs to help you implement those measures.



December 5, 2011

These Gadgets Will Get You Through the Winter Louie Gaitan

Photo Editor

Old Man Winter is here again and, for many techies, that means staying inside as much as possible. But for those among who love the winter and gadgets, here’s a few great things you can pick up to keep up with your digital obession even when its 30 below. Digits - Conductive Glove Pins: If you use a newer touch screen phone, you probably noticed that only your skin works on the screen. This is great until your chair lift gets stuck and they tell you could be an hour or two. Now you’re faced with a choice, take off your gloves and have frozen hands or leave them on and stare your phone wishing it would

do something. That’s where Digits come in. Digits are made of a material that your phone will treat like skin (it isn’t skin... I think) and are made to be pinned to the tips of your favorite gloves. There are gloves out there with this built in but they tend not to be the warmest and if you already have a pair of gloves you love, why bother with new ones? SeV line: SeV makes clothing that doubles as a backpack for the techies who want to bring it all with them but not actually bring a bag. The SeV Revolution Plus Coat has 26 pockets including one big enough to hold an iPad. This isn’t all though, SeV does way more than just

stick a bunch of pockets in hoodies and coats. They have all kinds of innovations in pocket design like their Weight Management System that keeps it all balanced and NoBulge you don’t look strange from all the gear you carrying. They also have built in wire management for your headphones. Liquid Image Goggles with Cameras: Skiing and snowboarding can lead to some amazing (or hilarious) moments, but capturing it on video used to mean someone trying to ride and hold a camcorder at the same time or mounting one to your helmet and looking like a doof. Liquid Image has

changed all that by mounting a camera to a pair of goggles. The camera doesn’t make the goggles look goofy and the video is great.

Holiday Gadget Gift Time is Here Again Louie Gaitan

Photo Editor

It’s here again: the time of year when we all have to struggle to figure out what our various friends and family want. Buying a gift for one person can be stressful, but when it comes to buying for five or more people, it can be just plain overwhelming. Some people, tired of the commercialism of the holidays, might choose to celebrate Festivus this year. If you’re not one of those people, though, take a look at the following list of inexpensive gadget gifts. Electronic Rock Guitar Shirt: This is great for any younger or goofier people on your list. It’s a shirt with a guitar design that makes real guitar sounds when you run the included pick along the strings. You can actually play a variety of songs on it if you take the time to learn them. If you really want to make some music, thinkgeek.com also sells other instrument shirts, so you can make a torso rock band. Wireless Luggage Finder: After going through security, the most stressful part of air travel can be looking for your luggage on the carousel. There

are hundreds of bags, for many people and most luggage looks very similar. The “Wireless Luggage Finder” makes the process of finding your bag as easy as press of a button. Get it for the world traveler in your family so they can throw out that difficult-to-spot (and obnoxious) bag they have now. iPhone Case with Flip Out Keyboard: Do you know someone who has an iPhone and frequentlysends incomprehensible messages? Maybe they have thick fingers, bad eyes, or just make unintentional mistakes. Whatever the reason, the on-screen keyboard doesn’t get along with the person using it. Buy them this case with the f lip-out keyboard, and they won’t have to buy a new phone to get a separate keyboard. SleepPhones Headphones: If you know someone who loves to listen to music while they sleepbut can’t leave a stereo on during the night, I suggest you pick this up for them. If you tried sleeping with regular headphones, you know it’s a hassle and can be uncomfortable or even painful. These headphones overcome the problems of sleeping with headphones by hiding them inside a soft band that doubles as a sleep mask.

December 5, 2011



Sony’s “Tablet S” is a Strong, Refreshing Offering The Verdict

Jon Kim

Technology Editor

Sony has to be different. It is a strategy which has seen the company both rise and fall, but it doggedly refuses to change its ways. So there’s little surprise Sony’s long awaited iPad rival shows all the benefits and drawbacks this approach brings. The Sony Tablet S is different straight out of the box. It adopts the same wedge design as the company’s Vaio laptops and places the home button on the right side. This approach means the S sits at a pleasing reading and typing angle when on flat surfaces. On the downside it adds visual bulk which won’t appeal to fans of the tablet sector’s ongoing thinnest battle and it makes the S feel lopsided when held in a portrait position. Typical Sony – win some, lose some, be different. It is a similar story on the spec sheet. The 1GHz dual core processor, 1GB of RAM, 16GB/32GB of onboard memory, Wi-Fi, GPS and microUSB port are standard these days. Then Sony takes a sharp diversion from the norm with the choice of a 9.4-inch display. It sports a native resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels, making the screen wonderfully sharp. Furthermore while text is sharp and black levels good, colors are less vivid than on the iPad 2. Also, the price There is more evidence of Sony being Sony too with the choice of a proprietary charger, SD rather than microSD card slot and the omission of HDMI. The first of these allows Sony to use an Apple-esque magnetic charge point that will disconnect should the cord be pulled, but you’ll have to marry that against the inconvenience of carrying a bulky power brick everywhere. Meanwhile the choice of an SD card offers greater storage options and simple connection with content taken on cameras and video recorders but, unlike other tablets, the SD card can only be used to store media rather than expand the tablet’s main memory. Then again Sony swings the odds once more in its favor by calling on its camera experience to fit the Tablet S with a fivemegapixel camera that is the best in its class. Pictures are noticeably more vibrant than those taken on the iPad 2’s woeful camera. Furthermore, Sony brings flexibility with manual exposure adjustments, dual macro and a number of preset scene modes. All of the above is likely to attract or alienate potential buyers before it is even turned on. But don’t judge a tablet by its hardware. The software and user-interface is attractive and very responsive. Sony has customized the underlying Android 3.2 platform with a good amount of consideration and style. Aesthetically, the user interface follows the textures and general color scheme of its Playstation 3. The result is a medley of black, blue and purple hues, revamped icons and far smoother scrolling and animations than experienced in the stock operating system build. Better still the skin is well coded and the Tablet S operates smoothly and quickly though complex web pages do cause the occasional stutter. Where the benefits of Sony’s love/hate approach to electronics truly shines though is the added content and functionality the company is able to bring to its unique flavor of Android. Most obvious are two apps loaded onto the home screen by default: “Music Unlimited” and “Video Unlimited”. Each is customized for the Tablet S to bring

media download and streaming services. In effect this works as an exclusive Sony online store and while content is extremely limited at present, it will provide Tablet S owners with a powerful differentiator – especially if Sony fully harnesses its immense Sony Music and Sony Pictures libraries. Gamers aren’t left out either. The Tablet S is PlayStation certified meaning it can match the Xperia Play and run existing PS One and PSP titles available in Android Marketplace. Crash Bandicoot and Pinball Heroes come preinstalled. Given this potential media monster, the lack of HDMI may seem inconvenient, but Sony has built DLNA into the Tablet S for wireless streaming to other compatible devices, including many modern HDTVs and the PS3. Meanwhile the software from its HomeShare Universal Remote is integrated in the software, allowing you to control existing Sony equipment from a single device. Less praiseworthy is the inclusion of the Sony’s Reader app which is available for any Android device via Android Marketplace and the inclusion of its own “Select App” app store which has a woefully small number of titles and does little other than risk further fragmentation of Android. There are additional gripes. The speakers in the Tablet S are poor with low volume and virtually no bass. In addition, the build quality is overly plastic. That isn’t to say it is bad, the Tablet S is solid in hand and produces no creaks or squeaks, but it lacks the feel of a premium product. Meanwhile movie, music, and e-book aficionados will question whether the Tablet S’s differentiators are enough to rule out buying an Amazon Fire. The Fire is a fraction of the cost and savings can be spent on Amazon’s huge catalogue of music, television and

film spanning all the major labels and production studios. On the flip side Sony has gotten a crucial aspect of the Tablet S right: battery life. Sony quotes just eight hours usage compared to the iPad 2’s 10 hours and nine hours for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, but whereas the latter can struggle to reach half this amount in actual usage the Tablet S goes toe to toe with the iPad 2 lasting in excess of seven hours with heavy usage. Given Android is famously tough on battery life this is no small achievement.

Just looking at the Tablet S will likely attract or repel you to Sony’s vision for the blossoming tablet sector. The wedge shaped design works well in landscape, but feels unbalanced when held in portrait and the reduced screen size, proprietary charging, and quirky connectivity options feel like Sony being different for the sake of it. Despite this the Tablet S gets it right where it matters with a stylish customization of Android Honeycomb and performance is fast while the tasteful animations add fluidity. Furthermore Sony’s music and movie empires suggest with the right support the Tablet S could become the gateway to a vast and exclusive array of content and gamers will revel in its PlayStation-certification making it compatible with official Sony PS One and PSP ports. Further gems include an excellent camera and surprisingly good battery life, but Sony has taken shortcuts with its choice of build materials. Nevertheless, the Sony Tablet S is priced comparable to the iPad 2, with the 16GB version sold for $499 and the 32GB at $599. Sony has taken a long time to enter tablet market, but that time hasn’t been wasted. The Tablet S is refreshingly different from the competition and with a few refinements Sony may well succeed where so many of its rivals are failing.



December 5, 2011

L.A. Dodgers Fans Can Only Hope for Better One of the most storied franchises in all of baseball is a wreck Anthony Trongone


Ever since 2004, when real estate tycoon Frank McCourt purchased the Los Angeles Dodgers for $460 million, Dodgers fans have had a sour taste in their mouth and bad thoughts in their mind. The first thing McCourt did that left fans wondering where this all was going, was fire General Manager Dan Evans, who had built a solid core for a thenaverage salaried Dodgers, replacing him with Rick DePodesta. Depodesta, you recall, made one of the worst trades in recent MLB history. He sent a starting catcher batting .285, and their main set up man, out of the bullpen. This cost the Dodgers in the playoffs in ’04, when the Mets swept them. McCourt then fired DePodesta, after just one short season and one terrible move. Fans also saw McCourt push to overpay for several free agents such as Andruw Jones, Hiroki Kuroda, and

Outfielder Manny Ramirez, nine-time Silver Slugger.

Chan Ho Park, all of whom who did next to nothing on a losing Dodgers team that year. Along with the bad moves and terrible decision-making McCourt, steadily raised prices on tickets, parking, and concessions every year by roughly 10 percent. In 2010 the Dodgers Dream Foundation was audited due to the fact that the chairman of this charitable foundation was making $400,000, and this equaled one-third of the charity’s finances. The federal courts ordered that all this money be repaid and no one served any jail time. McCourt then paid an extra $100,000 out of pocket to look like a better man. The fans and people of L.A. saw right through him, and continued to label him as a fraud. To top it off, during all this, McCourt was going through a brutal divorce with his wife, and the Dodgers became the negotiating factor in the divorce. The people of L.A. and the MLB wanted him to give up the team, but McCourt fought and fought to not lose the Dodgers. In the summer of

Frank McCourt, real estate developer and financier. He bought the Dodgers in 2004 for $460 million and in 2011, led the franchise into bankruptcy.

2010, McCourt inked a preliminary TV with Fox, to carry Dodgers games for the next 17 years. This

McCourt was forced to go back in divorce court, draining him and the Dodgers of even more funds. Due to this divorce,

Dodgers Stadium in Chavez Ravine, just outside central Los Angeles.

was supposed to cover the expenses of his divorce, and the prenuptial. The MLB rejected the TV deal and

McCourt made promises to improve a badly aging stadium and to bring the Dodgers back into the spotlight. He failed

Jamie McCourt, who before her divorce from husband Frank McCourt, was the highest ranking female executive in MLB history.

miserably. In the summer of 2011 after a Dodgers-San Francisco Giants game, a Giants fan was brutally beaten in the Dodger Stadium parking lot. He was in a coma for six months. After this story broke, the MLB quickly investigated Dodger Stadium and found 189 separate violations, the biggest being severely understaffed security. This put the nail in the coffin for McCourt. The MLB immediately forced him to cede the team to the MLB and forfeit his earnings for that year. After a long and brutal battle with Commissioner Bud Selig (MLB dictator), McCourt instead settled with his wife for about $130 million, the costliest divorce in California history. Under this settlement, she agreed to give up any claim to the Dodgers, ending her contentious work with the team and clearing the way for McCourt to keep the team outright. But MLB Dictator Selig, wants the team sold. Why? Because one of the most storied franchises in one of the

Outfielder Andre Ethier, a fan favorite.

biggest markets is a wreck, financially, structurally and performance-wise. The Dodgers franchise is still currently being shopped around, but no suitor has come forward yet. The possible buyers consist of past owner Peter O’Malley and Fred Claire, Steve Garvey, Orel Hershiser, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong and Mark Cuban. Dodgers fans are praising what looks to be the end of the terrible McCourt era. One fan told me, “As bad as my team looks right now, knowing McCourt is going to be gone, I couldn’t be any happier with my Dodgers.” The past eight years for Frank McCourt saw scandals, violations, a terrible divorce, and lawsuits. Fans saw their team take big steps backwards. McCourt has apologized to all Dodgers fans and says he is at peace with what has happened. Maybe the next owner will not fail as miserably as Frank McCourt did. The people and players of LA deserve better. Who knows, maybe in 2012 the people at Chavez Ravine will see promise and a foundation of success for years to come.

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