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an You will conceive . call him Jesus . . to e ar son, and you ne ro th e th give him The Lord God will 32 – 31 id. —Luke 1: of his father Dav
Luke 1:26–35
t was time for Show and Tell. Mrs. Pereira had asked the children in her Sunday School class to bring items that would show what Christmas meant to them. One boy brought a pot-bellied Santa Claus figurine. Another brought a mini Christmas tree. Still others brought pictures of nicely wrapped presents. After everybody had a chance to talk about their items, it was Mrs. Pereira’s turn. First, she brought out a cradle. Mrs. Pereira explained: “The angel Gabriel told Mary she would give birth to a son. This human baby was also the divine and holy Son of God—Jesus Christ!” Next, Mrs. Pereira showed the children a cross. “The angel told Mary to name the baby Jesus, which means ‘the Lord saves’ or simply ‘Savior’. Thirty-three years later, Jesus became our Savior when He died on a cross to save us from our sins.” The third item Mrs. Pereira showed the class was a crown. She
Lord said: “Jesus is the King of the Jews. Luke , th Jesus ank You 1:32–33 says that God will give Him fo w of Go ho is the r the throne of David. Jesus will reign d S the S in the cr on forever; His kingdom will never end!” adle avior , o and the K n the cr Mrs. Pereira added: “You see, os ing o thron n the s, e. children, we will see many Santa Clauses, Christmas trees, and gift-wrapped presents during the Christmas period. But they do not represent Christmas. It is the cradle, cross, and crown that symbolize Christmas. Let us bow before the Son of God in the cradle, the Savior on the cross, and the King on the throne.” —SKT
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