May 2024

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Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! ~ Isaiah 43:18-19

On March 23, 2024, we celebrated the former Sherry Chapman, who became Mrs. Sherry Shultz after she married Jeff Schultz. Congratulations to the new couple!

In the past seven years, Sherry experienced many new beginnings. In 2017, she was brought to the Women’s Life Transformation Program by her mentor, Melanie Hantze, and with God’s help, she has worked through grief and loss from her mother dying of cancer and a divorce. Due to her struggles with addiction, she was disconnected from her family; by the time Sherry came to Genesis Acres, she already had a few months clean and sober but wanted to be located closer to her mentor and surrounded by fellow believers—still most of all she wanted to strengthen her relationship with Jesus.

In 2018, Sherry graduated from the program and became House Leader for the Nest, the women’s shortterm shelter. Her knowledge of the Bible and how to use the scriptures was so helpful to the women who came in that she became the go-to person for encouragement and prayer.

Sherry worked in several areas at the Mission, such as dental reception, eye clinic, and Annex reception; and she still found time to get extra certifications to increase

MAY 2024| VOL. 28 NO. 3

Restoring Hope...Transforming Lives ~ Since 1995

her knowledge of helping the women in the program. She received certifications in the Genesis Process (a relapse prevention counseling tool), adverse childhood experiences (A.C.Es), Mental Health Coaching, and Peer Counseling.

By 2020, Sherry was helping counsel the women in the Life Transformation Program while still living at the Nest as the House Leader. She was in the position for four years.

In 2022, Sherry was counseling, teaching at Genesis Acres, and working as a peer counselor in our dayroom. She was able to move into her own apartment and out of the Nest. That same year, local mental health agencies became aware of Sherry’s talents and asked her to apply for their peer counseling position. Today, Sherry works at Olympic Health and Recovery.

“Personally, I didn’t like losing her, but a successful graduate of the Life Transformation Program is one who gains full-time employment/career, remains clean and sober, and keeps an active relationship with their church and the Lord. Sherry has excelled in all of these categories,” states Jodi Yarbrough, Life Transformation Program Director.

For you are God, my only safe haven. ~ Psalm 43:2a

For over three months, Lorna was staying at the Mission shelter. She didn’t talk much but was always willing to help. On any given day, you could find her cleaning tables, mopping the floors, or helping to serve meals. The best we could guess was that Lorna was in her 70s, and try as we may, we couldn’t get any information from her as to how she came to the Mission or even how we could help her find housing or resources. Then, one day, she didn’t show up to check into the shelter.

Knowing that she was elderly and had no income, we were concerned about her whereabouts and safety. We prayed for her and continued to wonder what might have happened, hoping that she found a place to stay that was safe and warm.

Weeks later, a man walked into our offices. This gentleman was Lorna’s son, who had come to thank us for caring for his mom. She had gone missing from her senior living community, and they couldn’t find her until a friend of her family spotted her downtown. It turns out Lorna was struggling with dementia and had somehow found her way to the Mission after going downtown with her senior living community and being separated never coming back.

Your gifts gave Lorna a safe place to be while her family looked for her. Because of you, Lorna was warm, well-fed, and even able to give back to those in need alongside her. On behalf of Lorna’s son and her other family members, we want to thank you for being a light in the darkness for people in our community.


Rejoice always Rejoice always Rejoice always

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances: for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5: 15 - 18

We take that scripture seriously at the Mission. When you stop by the Mission to drop off clothing, food, or even to join our team as a volunteer it’s quite possible you will see our team gathered in a circle in prayer. Many of those who are working in the Mission originally came through our doors for help themselves. They recognize that it is only with God in their lives that they are able to overcome many of the obstacles that led them here. For example, because of you, Diane is now running the clothing bank after being dropped off by a local hospital a few years ago. She went on to graduate from the Women’s recovery program. Carrie (another program graduate) can be found sitting with a guest working on how to take the next step to get them the mental health help they desperately need. Steve, our Chaplain, can be heard sharing the Gospel on Sunday and every other day in between. Steve first walked through Mission doors over 15 years ago and has been sharing his testimony of God’s redemption for over a decade now.

Your gifts change lives. Your generosity can be seen in tangible ways every day at the Mission. Our team is comprised of the world’s failures, but God’s success stories. Our team is a testament to the power of prayer and your choice to live out what it means to love your neighbor as yourself. Because of you, the people who walk through our doors feel loved, understood, cared for and most importantly they receive the good news that comes with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Mindy and I, along with the board members, take what we perceive as the needs of those we serve, as well as hopes and dreams for the Mission, to the Lord on multiple occasions before sharing them with you or contemplating action. It has been an eye

opening experience to see how God opens, or closes, doors in providing guidance to how He wants us to utilize His precious resources that you direct to the Mission. Learning to lean on Him, and not our own understanding / wisdom, has been one of the greatest growth opportunities of our lives. We all feel so blessed to serve such a loving and supportive God.

Every Tuesday, management staff meet to discuss Mission business and share. The meeting begins with staff prayer where we have the privilege to pray for the prayer requests received from you. We are honored and humbled that many of you share from your hearts about what is happening in your lives. We feel a unique bond with you; though we have never met, we are thankful for your prayers and financial support.

12 Months of Services Provided

Collectively, we pray for you, our partners, many times a week. In addition, our entire team covets your support expressed through your prayers for the men, women, and children who come seeking resources and to hear about Jesus. Dental 1,514 patient visits Vision 250 patient visits MealsMission Guests 91,365 Client Organizations 147,720 Total Meals 239,355 Shelter 18,362 bed nights Showers 5,163 Laundry 12,519 loads Clothing Bank 23,941 Items

Women’s Goal Oriented Shelter - 15 Women’s Long Term Recovery - 9 Men’s Long Term Recovery - 7



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ministering to CHILDREN

In the past year, the Mission’s Children’s Ministry has made a profound impact in 12 low-income housing complexes. Through the work of the ministry, three remote clothing and food banks were established, providing essential resources to families in need. The after-school club house that is currently active with 20 children will soon be expanding to create a second site.

During the holidays, 2,500 Christmas stockings were distributed and four locations had Easter egg hunts, with 6,000 eggs thanks to Evergreen Christian Community’s support.

Last summer the Mission’s lunch program served 60 kids at two remote sites lacking school meal access. We are looking for volunteers and supplies as we plan the 2024 summer activities. If you are interested in getting involved in this vital ministry, please contact Mindy at 360.709.9725.

Together, we’re making a difference in the lives of children facing hardship. Join us in bringing hope and support to these communities.

Is it Time to Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth ?

What if you thought about this quirky phrase a bit differently, especially when it comes to making a difference for the causes and organizations you care about?

Here’s what we mean: Cash is the common go-to when it comes to giving. But you may have other non-cash assets, such as appreciated stock, you may not have considered when giving to your favorite charities. When you look this gift horse in the mouth, here’s what you’ll find:

The unusual idiom don’t look a gift horse in the mouth has its roots in the days when horses were used for work and transportation. If you were given a horse, it was best to receive it as is, because if you opened its mouth and checked its teeth, you might have discovered this generous gift was not in the best shape for serving your purposes. Today, we use it to mean don’t criticize a gift you’ve been given.

Your gift of stock helps you steward wisely. In addition to the capital gains and income tax savings that help you manage your finances well, your gift of stock can also be a tool for stewarding a legacy of generosity. It opens the door for conversations with your loved ones about your values, the importance of giving, and the causes that are close to your heart.

Your gift of stock supports the work of organizations like Olympia Union Gospel Mission. When you donate appreciated stock, bonds, or mutual funds, your gift can be up to 20% larger because you avoid the taxes you would have to pay from selling those assets and donating the cash.

Simply put, your gift goes further to make an even bigger difference.

once wrote, “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” You can spread the light by taking time to carefully examine your giving options. You’ll find some creative ways to support the work of charities you love and impart a legacy of giving that can make a difference for years to come.

Is it Time to Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth?


“I was given a rare occasion to help a patient with more dental care than our normal services we provide in the Dental Clinic,” recalls Shelley Case, the Dental Clinic Manager. “As the manager, I had the opportunity to choose that patient.”

Shelley selected a patient, but it did not work out. Not only did it not work out, it didn’t come to pass with three additional patients. At this point, she began to feel defeated and frustrated.

She took some time to reflect and remembered one thing she always tried to be very conscious of, and said, “This is the LORD’s clinic, and I am a vessel here to serve Him and this clinic.” That is when she realized she had been using her will to choose the patient and not listening to God!

“So, I humbly apologized and asked God to show me,” she recounts and “the very next day, I overheard a conversation a patient was having with one of our volunteer dentists, and everything she was saying was who I was looking for.”

Shelly approached the patient with this unusual opportunity and the tears started flowing. “This is the answer to a prayer I have been praying for a long time,” the patient confided. Everything fell into place after that.

Shelley proclaims, “God is so good, and He is the ULTIMATE dental clinic manager!”

Reflections on the Goodness of God

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the tranquil retreat center, a sense of anticipation filled the air. In March, the women who live at Genesis Acres, the site of the Residential Recovery Program, attended a Women’ Retreat at The Christian Renewal Center in Silverton Oregon.

Through songs of surrender and devotion, attendees were drawn into the presence of God, experiencing His unfathomable love and grace. Tears mingled with joy as burdens were laid down at the feet of the Savior, and spirits were refreshed by the outpouring of His Spirit.

Angelene Garlinghouse, wife, mother and homeschool teacher to five children was the keynote speaker. In the face of trials, she found solace and strength in the teach-

ings of Jesus Christ. Through unwavering faith, prayer, and reliance on the promises of Scripture, she navigated through the darkest valleys.

Whether strolling through the trees, journaling by the tranquil pond, or meditating in the rotunda, attendees found solace in the embrace of God’s presence. In the stillness of the retreat, hearts were tenderly reminded of their identity as beloved daughters of the King.

This was an opportunity for women recovering from a multitude of lifelong tragedies to convene and learn to trust other women. In the circle of sisterhood, they found strength in vulnerability, discovering that they were not alone in their struggles. Each story shared became a narrative of resilience, courage, and hope.


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