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The news you use as a hook might be front-page stuff or much more obscure. It could be national, international or local. Let's suppose you're a plumber who discovers that copper prices have dropped suddenly. Copper has been at an all-time high for the past year. This means homeowners will soon be able to renovate their bathrooms or kitchens for less money as copper pipes will cost less. Or an earthquake occurs halfway around the world, killing thousands, in a city thought to have a low risk of quakes. You own an insurance company. Now you have the opportunity to advise on earthquake coverage for those who live in your area. Or a celebrity's young girl is kidnapped, ransomed, and returned home unharmed. Your firm manufactures bracelets that also secretly function as location devices. Had the daughter been wearing one of your bracelets, the police would have been able to find her within an hour. Got the idea? In the first two of these situations, the business seeking publicity serves local customers only, so they should direct their publicity tie-in efforts to local newspapers, TV and radio. The third situation is where the company should first target national publicity as their customers can be found anywhere. The simplest way to jump into action with your breaking news connection is to call a media outlet you have reason to believe would consider your story relevant and track down the reporter or editor who handles the subject matter. This is much easier than it sounds. You see, tips are the lifeblood of news organizations, so that unlike companies that shield employees from the public, they have to have a system of channeling story suggestions to the proper person. You can simply call the main telephone number of your media outlet and ask for the "news desk". Then ask who to contact about real estate (for the first example), business (for second), or child safety (for third). When you reach the person covering your topic, explain your news connection in four sentences or less. If you leave a voicemail message, please end with your call-back number. If you're talking to someone live, finish your pitch, shut up and wait for their response. This type of pitch can also be sent by email if you have an email address that is reliable for a reporter or tip line. Keep it brief and to the point and include a phone number as well as your email address for a reply. When you're trying to interest national media in your story, pitching media outlets one by one takes too much time. If you have a particular media outlet you think would be a likely match for your publicity angle, contact them as described above. For example, the child safety bracelet story would be perfect for morning TV news shows like "Today" or "CBS This Morning." Otherwise, writing and distributing a press release is the way to go. A press release presents your news tie-in in a specific journalistic-style format. To find examples of press releases, search Google "sample" Normally these are 400 words or less - a page or so - in length. Use a press release distribution service such as PR Newswire, PRWeb or Emailwire to get your release in front or media people and the public. Do not delay. Don't delay. What's hot today might not be as exciting tomorrow or next week. Inform yourself now about all the steps described here so that when news breaks that can launch you into the public eye, you're prepared to jump right into action.

1. Maintain the Reading Level Every content writer should strive to create understandable content as their first goal. We all know that not every Google user has a high level of education. I only want to point out that your posts should contain fewer than 1% of the sentences from the 'Flesch Reading Ease Test. So that, every age group of people will understand your content. This results in better traffic generation. 2. Site Speed Make sure that, your site is working super fast. We all know that users will not wait more than few numbers of seconds to load their pages. In order to load your pages faster remove the unwanted content in your post. This is one of the simple techniques of OnPage Optimization. 3. Use Images and Videos Search Engine Optimizers must NewsTelegraph include images and videos in all content. Because humans can easily understand any information by looking at images and videos. Using Info Graphics (Display the exact message through single image) in your content is also a great way of On Page SEO Techniques. 4. Google Voice Search The public has changed the way they search. Now a days people use to simply ask their queries in Google Voice Search. By doing this operation they are getting answers very easily. Search engine optimizers should be updated by switching to Google Voice Search. 5. Post in Yahoo! & Bing The latest technique for SEO On Page Optimization is publishing articles in Yahoo! & Bing. We use to publish our posts in Google. But, the latest researches have declared that publish the posts in Yahoo! Bing and Yahoo! will lead to more traffic. 6. Switch to "https" Many content writers will use http protocol to publish their articles. This is a new way to increase site traffic. Switch to the https protocol from http. It was also a well known latest SEO On Page Optimization technique. 7. Use keywords in comments On Page SEO Techniques is also a great way to increase traffic through comments. Because, Google bots will consider comments along with the post. Some users will leave long comments. Writers can make use of those comments. Writers can use those comments to insert one or two keywords whenever they find large comments. The keywords should not be overstuffed Even if you add keywords, the comment should still look natural. This allows writers to generate more traffic by including comments on their posts.

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