Natural Distillend MSM Powder

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MSM (Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) Natural Steamed Distilled MSM Australia

Distilled Organic MSM 1Kg $78.90 Made in CANADA No Additives No Preservatives Download Free Ebook

What is MSM? A. It is the answer to pain relief MSM stands for Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane (Dimethyl Sulfone). It is not a chemical, it is a natural sulfur that occurs widely in nature. Sulfer plays an essential role in human nutrition. I started taking MSM for osteoarthritis in my thumb joint and C2/C3 neck joints. The pain had been chronic for 12 years. My pain level rarely reaches 1 or 2 now. I started with half a teaspoon daily for 3 days, then increased to a level teaspoon and worked up to the amount that stop the pain, which for me is one desert spoon full. I take this every morning after my breakfast in a large glass of filtered water. MSM does taste slightly bitter but you get use to it. I know when I have accidently missed a dose as my joints start to ache again. MSM takes out the inflammation in your body. It does not cure arthritis but it takes the pain away the inflammation, which really helps pain relief.

Where does MSM come from? MSM is found primarily in fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also found in the cells of your body. Natural MSM Powder is derived from DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide). Its medical properties were discovered in 1963 by a research team headed by Stanley W. Jacob, MD. DMSO is a byproduct of kraft pulping (the 'sulfate process') which converts wood into wood pulp leaving practically pure cellulose fibers. MSM occurs when DMSO is oxidized.

Sulfur deficiency? Sulfur is stored in the cells of the body. If you are deficient your body will be unable to repair or replace damaged tissue fast enough. The Body Colon Clenase will then compensate by producing abnormal cells that may well lead to illness and disease. A symptom of deficiency is enhanced sensitivity to pain. Research has found that a sulfur deficiency is associated with the following symptoms:

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Slow wound healing Scar tissue

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Brittle nails and hair Gastrointestinal problems Lung dysfunction Immune dysfunction Arthritis Acne Rashes Depression Memory loss Constipation

MSM Powerful Pain and Anti-Inflammatory MSM has powerful anti-inflammatory, pain reducing properties. MSM blocks pain response in certain nerve fibers. It reduces scar tissue allowing tissue repair and healing to take place. MSM is a life enhancing anti-inflammatory agent for individuals with degenerative diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, disc problems in the back, acute injuries, tendonitis, bursitis and other similar health problems. Stanley W. Jacob, MD, who discovered the therapeutic qualities of DMSO - MSM. Since 1964, claims that MSM provides long lasting relief when used on a continual basis.

How does MSM help the skin? MSM is great for your skin if you have acne. MSM acts to keep the skin's cells and the tissue soft. Keeping the skin soft ensures that it remains elastic enough to allow stretching and

movement without damage. Smooth, flexible skin is less prone to wrinkles and dry flakiness. It even helps stretch marks. MSM benefits the skin and internal organs.

How does MSM help your hair and nails? Distilled MSM Sulfur helps the body to form keratin, the protein that makes up the main part of the outermost layers of your hair and nails. It is a tough, fibrous protein that is very resilient to the effects of damaging chemicals and other harmful agents. Each strand of hair has its own keratin supply, which is stored in the root. MSM Sulfur is also contained in biotin, a B vitamin that is essential for shiny hair and strong nails. You may be interested to know that the natural inclination of hair to be straight or curly is maintained in part by the sulfur amino acids. MSM benefits dry scalp and hair and improves nail growth and benefits your cuticles and nails.

How does MSM help with allergies? Allergies are reactions set off by a breakdown in the normal functioning of the immune system. When this happens, a varied range of symptoms are manifested, including sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, headaches, and sleepiness, other reactions include hives, stomachache, and sore throat. MSM goes straight to the cause of allergic reactions. In this website you learned that MSM softens the skin. It does this by softening the walls of the body's cells, which are then more easily penetrated, allowing enemy substances to be flushed out. Flushing allergens from the body eliminates the need for the body to react allergic ally to get rid of them. This process cannot happen when the cell walls are hard and impenetrable. MSM prevents allergic reactions by coating the gastrointestinal tract in a way that makes allergen bonding impossible. Research has shown that daily doses of MSM have substantially increased resistance to environmental, food or drug allergens.

How does MSM help with heartburn and ulcers? Stomach acid breaks down food during digestion. The stomach lining releases a form of acid known as hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the digestion of proteins. Standard treatment for heartburn involves the use of antacids and other products that neutralize hydrochloric acid. These may give temporary relief by counteracting the effects of hydrochloric acid, but a reduction in hydrochloric acid can in turn lead to indigestion and poor absorption of nutrients. Overuse of antacids can destroy the body's natural acid/alkaline balance, while neutralizing the excess stomach acid. Distilled MSM will allow people with peptic ulcers and chronic heartburn to experience fewer symptoms.

How much MSM should I take and in what form? Take the least possible amount of msm that gives you the relief you desire. Always drink plenty of water with each dose. When using for the first time take with a meal. First time start on a low level and slowly build up until you have the desired level that works for you. If you buy your Distilled Organic MSM from my shop it comes will full instruction. A single dose of MSM will do nothing to help you. You have to build it up and take it everyday. The best and most effective way to take MSM is powder or granulated. Recommended starting dose for a person weighing 60kg is half a teaspoon once in the morning for the first 3 days. On the forth day take a level teaspoon for the next 3 days, after that build it up to the amount that gives you the pain relief you are needing. Take Distilled MSM for at

least 1-2 weeks or even up to a month before you may see results. The precise dose of MSM is not really that critical. Just start low and work up. Drink lots of water, 4-6 glasses a day including other drinks. You can dissolved MSM in liquid, hot or cold. Please note: quanities comes in 300g sample tubs and 1kg Tubs. Please note: DO NOT TAKE MSM IF YOU ARE ON ANY BLOOD THINNING MEDICATION. CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST. Open Leaflet Information MSM View MSM Analysis Sheet

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