Benefits Of Natural Gastrointestinal Disorders Colon Cleanse

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Gastrointestinal Disorders - Tips to Help Lifestyles and diet have a significant part in the creation of digestive problems. Often the damage to the digestive system has been done before people look to natural solutions.

Your Digestive Colon Cleanse System Comprises Of The Following: • • • • • •

The esophagus The stomach The small intestine The large intestine The rectum The anus

They all connect to form the Human Digestive System and have the job of breaking down food and absorb nutrients from it. Problems that affect any of these organs we called digestive diseases.

The majority of digestive diseases are due to stress and diet. A good starting point is to focus more on your health and the food you are eating, this is the first step to improving your digestive system. Stress is known to be the primary trigger for gastrointestinal disturbances. There a several digestive uncomfortable digestive disorders to cover and a few ways to reduce symptoms, hopefully stopping them from returning in the future.

Indigestion And Your Digestive System: Indigestion and heartburn are common complaints. Symptoms include feeling full, bloated after meals, passing wind, and acid reflux. There are different causes for indigestion, for example, overeating acidic foods, not keeping your body alkaline, or having low stomach acid. Low stomach acid has the same symptoms as an over the acidic stomach. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) breaks down the food you eat and kills invading bacteria. Low stomach acid causes gut imbalances leading to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It creates discomfort in the upper part of the stomach.

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Digestive Problems: There are simple tests that you can do yourself. •

Bicarbonate of Soda Test: Over three mornings. Mix 1/2 tsp of baking soda with 120 mils of tepid water take this for breakfast, making sure your stomach is empty of food or drink. Time how long it takes for you to burp. More than 5 minutes or not at all may indicate low stomach acid.


Betaine Hydrochloric acid (HCl) test: Purchase a bottle of Betaine HCl containing pepsin. Choose a protein meal and take 1 tablet halfway through the meal. If you feel a warm burning sensation in your chest, it means that your acid levels are normal. No sensation, then add 2 tablets with the next meal. Up the dose by one tablet at each meal until you feel that warm burning feeling. When you do have this reaction, reduce the number of pills by one in your next meal times. Continue with this amount until you feel the burning sensation again, then reduce amounts by 1 tablet at each meal, then cease. It can take quite a few to feel a burning if you have low acid.

When food is not digested effectively, it ends up in your colon undigested. It becomes putrefied from resistant starch, fibre undigested proteins, and fats, leading to foul-smelling stools and constipation. Stop swallowing antacids and contact us for a free consultation.

Stomach Ulcers And Gastrointestinal Disease: Ulcers are created on the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. This condition can be caused by various factors, like stress, lifestyle, and long-term

antacid medication. There are many herbs for stomach problems that can help heal the digestive system.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) High or Low Acid? Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) a widespread condition that causes acid reflux and heartburn. GERD is caused by the abnormal reflux of the stomach contents, including acid into the esophagus. Often treated with anti-acid medication, when the problem is low acid, especially if you are over 50. Leaky gut is one of the issues caused by GERD. Some identified herbs that can heal the stomach lining and small intestines. herbs that can help improve the stomach

Diarrhoea and the Digestive System: We all know and have experienced diarrhoea. There are several explanations, for example: ❖ Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS), although this can be accompanied by constipation also. ❖ Many prescribed and over the counter painkillers ❖ Bacterial infection such as Aeromonas (travellers’ diarrhoea) ❖ Diabetic medication ❖ Food intolerances ❖ Overindulgence of alcohol ❖ Artificial sweeteners, Aspartame, saccharine, and sugar alcohols are known as FODMAPs Constipation and Bowel Problems.

The cause of irregular bowel movements can be identified as the following: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Not enough fibre in your diet Too much fibre in your diet Not drinking enough water, dehydration, Prescribed medication or over the counter medications Being away from regular routine and change of diet Consuming too much dairy products No exercise Stress Overuse of laxatives

Laxatives (stool softeners) can create lazy bowel syndrome and addictive. If you have a problem with constipation, our herbal constipation capsules will help to kick start your bowel into action. Follow this with a colon cleanse, and after that, our herbal digestive support blend, which creates regular bowel movements, read our reviews at the base of this page.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Symptoms: IBS is a label attached to a stomach and condition that cannot be pinpointed to a particular underlying cause. Triggered by a stressful situation where emotions run high, a gastrointestinal infection, food poisoning, and prescribed medicines can be triggers for IBS. IBS Symptoms include Abdominal pain, cramping, overproduction of gas, stomach bloating, changes from one day to another in bowel movement i.e., constipation, diarrhoea or sticky poo. Dealing with the underlying cause of IBS is probably the only way to get rid of it successfully, living with stress can be debilitating. You can help symptoms with herbs and herbal teas, and purchase over the counter remedies, but whether any of these heals the bowel ultimately need researching. Probably the multi-millions in revenue created by sales of IBS treatments have something to do with this.

Summary: In today’s changing societies, there is enough information provided for us to know how important it is to have and maintain a healthy digestive system. Lifestyles and diet have a significant part also in the creation of digestive problems. Often the damage to the digestive system has been done before people look to natural solutions. If you are suffering from ongoing digestive issues, please contact us for a free consultation. . . .

Sarah Chambers D.C.H.P. Resource: ORGANIC HERBAL COLON CLEANSE Benefits Of Body Colon Cleanse: ARTICLES Buy Now Colon Cleanse Products: ONLINE ORDER

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