Natural Mastic Gum Benefits

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Mastic Gum The Many Health Benefits

Mastic Gum: Pistacia lentiscus var. chia, an evergreen shrub growing up to 4 m tall and cultivated for its aromatic resin, mainly grown on the Greek island of Chios. I am so excited about the health benefits of this amazing powder. Mastic gum is also known as Mastica and the medical benefits of this generally unknown herb have been around for centuries and well known for aiding the healing of gut-related issues and gastrointestinal problems. Other Benefits Include: • • • • • • •

Helps eliminates the overgrowth of Candida Helps Kill Thrush/yeast infection Assists with the prevention of ulcers Helps relieve stomach inflammation Helps kill bacteria Soothes chronic coughs Assists in eliminating Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori)

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Good for heartburn Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Crohn's disease A chronic sore throat Herpes simplex Helps maintain good cholesterol levels

Mastic Gum is a known antibacterial and antiviral herb Mastic gum is an antibacterial and antiviral herb that contains antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has been used to help support: • • • •

Breast cancer Liver cancer Spleen cancer Uterus cancer

How Does Mastic Gum Produce Such Good Results? It's the Terpenes in mastic gum that is responsible for the excellent results. Several species of plants have Terpenes, which gives them their scent and flavour. Terpenes are the major organic compounds within the mastic gum's resin and it helps to that help to eliminate bad bacteria. There are many scientific studies that results have shown the healing properties of mastic gum, yet the exact way that this herb works is still not fully understood.

Gastrointestinal Health Issues and Mastic Gum An acidic stomach is needed to break down the food we eat and to also stimulate multiple digestive mechanisms. One of these is called the sphincter valve (lower oesophageal sphincter [LES]), which connects the stomach to the oesophagus stopping stomach acid rising (reflux and heartburn) Your liver is responsible for making bile, your gallbladder that releases bile. There is a valve called the ileocecal valve, which sits in-between your large and small intestines and when this is closed that assists in the prevention of SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). The right level of stomach pH, released by the pancreas helps to prevent the overgrowth of microorganisms and undigested food in the intestines. If all these are not working correctly it can lead to an immune response, and symptoms develop such as food sensitivities, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases. We need acid in our stomach for digestion, but

rebuilding the mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract can be done between eating.

Misdiagnosed Symptoms The burning feeling some people feel in their stomachs during or after a meal occurs when the acidic environment of the stomach comes into contact with damaged tissue; parasite/worm infestation can cause burning also. If left untreated can develop into an ulcer. Often gastrointestinal symptoms are misdiagnosed and labelled IBS, or GERD, gallbladder or pancreas problems when quite often the underlying cause of gastro-issues is worms.

Doses For Mastic Gum You can ingest between 1000 and 5000 mg of Mastic gum regularly and indefinitely. As well as killing off harmful bacteria, the theory is that Mastic gum also encourages brand new cell growth, which rebuilds the stomach lining. In one study* it is recommended that Mastic gum is used for a long period to establish whether there is a reduction of the H. Pylori colonisation levels. Since H. Pylori is known to be resistance to antibiotics Mastic gum is seriously believed to be an extremely good choice of treatment. You can order a private H. Pylori test here. If you would like to purchase mastic gum powder you can do so from our herbal online shop.

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