2015-2016 SCC Directory of Educational Activities for Teachers and Schools

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SCIENCE, MATH AND NATURE MIDDLE SCHOOL ),(/' 75,3 :,7+ &$5((5 :25.6+23 )LHOG 7ULS Grades: M, H Denver Zoo offers a variety of career workshop topics for middle and high school groups, as well as organized programs for individual teens. Maximum of 30 students. Cost: $420 Sep-Feb $480 March-May Availability: Weekdays, Sep-Apr; weekends are possible, call 720-337-1408 to arrange. 'HQYHU =RR programs.denverzoo.org/register.asp =22 6&,(1&( /$%6 ´3223 72 32:(5 *$6,),&$7,21 $7 '(19(5 =22Âľ )LHOG 7ULS Grades: M, H Explore the science of sustainable energy through this unique, lab-based workshop at Denver Zoo. Design, construct and test miniJDVLĂ€FDWLRQ UHDFWRUV LQ WKLV KRXU SURJUDP highlighting how trash becomes energetic treasure in our newest exhibit, Toyota Elephant Passage. Maximum of 30 students. Cost: $630 Sep –Feb $720 March-May Availability: Weekdays, Sep-May; Weekends are possible, call 720-337-1408 to arrange 'HQYHU =RR programs.denverzoo.org/register.asp NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LIVE (;3/25,1* 7+( 5(' 3/$1(7 )LHOG 7ULS Grades: M, H Go behind the scenes of National Geographic in this Explorer Talk with NASA Engineer Kobie Boykins. Few events in the last decade of space exploration have captured the world’s imagination like NASA’s ongoing Mars Exploration Program. Join Boykins for an engaging look at exploring the Red Planet, with an update on the very latest chapter in the ongoing story of Mars exploration. Cost: $10/student (up to 10 chaperones free) Availability: Oct 26, 2015 Lone Tree Arts Center LoneTreeArtsCenter.org/schools 720-509-1000 $VKOH\ YDQGHUZHJ#FLW\RĂ RQHWUHH FRP

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC LIVE 3$66,21 '5($0 2) $ /,)(7,0( )LHOG 7ULS Grades: M, H Go behind the scenes of National Geographic in this Explorer Talk with Mountaineer Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner. Her unstoppable appetite for adventure drove Gerlinde to blaze a trail into the male domain of high altitude mountaineering. Meet this astonishing mountaineer and share the dramatic story of how she prepared for and triumphed on K2, earning recognition as National Geographic’s Explorer of the Year, EHFRPLQJ WKH ÀUVW ZRPDQ WR VXPPLW DOO 8,000 meter peaks without oxygen in the process. Cost: $10/student (up to 10 chaperones free) Availability: Feb 22, 2016 Lone Tree Arts Center LoneTreeArtsCenter.org/schools 720-509-1000 $VKOH\ YDQGHUZHJ#FLW\Rà RQHWUHH FRP 62 62/,' 2Q &DPSXV $FWLYLW\ Grades: M 6WXGHQWV OHDUQ WR GUDZ WKH ÀYH EDVLF geometric solids. Creating increasingly complex stacked arrangements of these shapes, participants will integrate art, geometry and spatial thinking. Program run WLPH LV à H[LEOH ô RU KRXUV Cost: $8/person (minimum fee $160) Availability: Year-round 0$&& DW WKH 5REHUW ( /RXS -&& maccjcc.org 303-316-6360 bcoplan@jccdenver.org

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TEACHER WORKSHOPS/RESOURCES 5HVRXUFH Grades: PD Enhance your teaching with our interactive workshops. Designed to correlate with academic standards, our workshops are interdisciplinary combining science content with art, literature, inquiry, and more! Register RQOLQH DW EXWWHUĂ LHV RUJ OHDUQ &UHGLW LV available through CO School of Mines. Cost: Varies by Workshop Availability: Year-round %XWWHUĂ \ 3DYLOLRQ EXWWHUĂ LHV RUJ OHDUQ UHJLVWUDU#EXWWHUĂ LHV RUJ

7($&+(5 352*5$06 5HVRXUFH Grades: PD DMNS offers engaging science education courses, workshops, and webinars for teachers at all grade levels including ECE. Designed to meet the needs of teachers, these programs provide inquiry-based ideas and approaches in teaching science, current ideas and practices in VFLHQWLÀF UHVHDUFK DQG KLJKOLJKW UHVRXUFHV IURP the museum for the classroom. Cost: See website for information Availability: Year-round 'HQYHU 0XVHXP RI 1DWXUH 6FLHQFH dmns.org/teachers WINGS OVER THE ROCKIES TEACHER )/,*+7 352*5$0 )URQW 5DQJH 6FKRRO 'LVWULFWV Grades: PD &RPH à \ LQ D 6WHDUPDQ ELSODQH IRU free! Front Range STEM teachers can LQWURGXFH WKH ZRUOG RI à LJKW WR WKHLU VWXGHQWV by becoming a Teacher Envoy with the Wings Over the Rockies Teacher Flight 3URJUDP $IWHU D à LJKW LQ RXU FRPSOHWHO\ restored 1942 Stearman biplane, Teacher Envoys can share the educational resources and attractions found at Wings with their students. The participating teacher’s entire school population will receive a one-time free admission pass to explore the Museum with a parent or one Teacher Envoy per school. Cost: Free Availability: Year-round :LQJV 2YHU WKH 5RFNLHV $LU 6SDFH 0XVHXP WingsTeacherFlight.org Hetty Carlson 303.360.5360 x130 HCarlson@WingsMuseum.org WINGS AEROSPACE SCIENCE 352*5$0 5HVRXUFH Grades: PD Physics curriculum and resources for third to eighth grade classrooms! Wings Aerospace Science Program (W.A.S.P.) is an inquirybased kit developed by teachers. The kit uses the thrill of aviation to spark students’ interest in science. Each lesson includes hands-on, multidisciplinary activities to illustrate core science concepts such as process and inquiry, physical science, life science, earth DQG VSDFH VFLHQFH DQG WKH VFLHQWLÀF PHWKRG Cost: Free Availability: Year-round :LQJV 2YHU WKH 5RFNLHV $LU 6SDFH 0XVHXP :LQJV0XVHXP RUJ Hetty Carlson 303.360.5360 x130 hcarlson@WingsMuseum.org

L=Lower Elem. (PreK-2); U=Upper Elem. (3-6); M=Middle School (7-8); H=High School (9-12); PD=Professional Development (Adult)



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