April/May 2016 On the Minds of Moms

Page 25

melanie fierstine


what is GroupFit? GroupFit is a studio that offers a wide variety of group fitness classes. These include XaBeat [dance fitness], Pulse Pyramid, Cardio Blast, Buns and Guns, Extreme Challenge, Hot Body Sculpt, Total Body Conditioning, Tabata, and several other formats. Our belief is that there is strength in numbers. When you have a group of people who sweat together, cheer each other on, and look forward to seeing one another in class, members are more likely to regularly attend and challenge themselves.

mom preneur

everything, as there are only so many hours in a day, but I will add that to the next day and the next day, etc., until the task is completed.

what is the one quality you have that makes you a great motivator? I am an extremely outgoing, energetic person; it is my genetic make-up. I enjoy moving, being active, and inspiring others to do the same. It is my passion to help others succeed and become the best people they can be.

Your Pe


what is your fitness background? I am a certified XaBeat Inspirator, Director, and Corporate Choreographer. My earlier fitness passions have been both running and dance. A few years ago knee and ankle injuries forced me to end running long distances, so that is when I pursued my XaBeat certification.

what do you want your participants to take away from your classes? We strive to have members walk away from classes feeling reenergized and excited to face their days. Our clients become our family. We get to know each and every person who walks through the studio doors. We know about their families, their work, their successes, their struggles, and we do our best to add strength, health, and happiness to their lives. It is a true blessing to be able to laugh, cry, sweat, and most of all have FUN with our members.


Best Friend

I am a very busy person who wears many hats, so I must be organized at all times. The age-old daily list is my most useful organizational tool. I end my day by writing out a list of things that need to be accomplished the next day and check each item off when it has been completed. I don’t always get to

Visit us at our new state-of-the-art facility!

701 .282.2898

816 M e y e r D r i v e , W e s t F a r g o w w w. w e s t f a r g o a n i m a l h o s p i t a l . c o m Request an appointment online!

april • may twenty sixteen | on the minds of moms



what is your biggest productivity secret that helps you stay on task?

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