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issue No.11

JULIAN CLARY: Lord of the mince


Matthew Wilson digs deep

Stand-UpComedy Special Leeds Manager SIMON GRAYSON HauntedYorkshire

Win a stunning designer chair worth over £800


Megan Fox and Hollywood’s next generation


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Ye a r s

Designers : Andy Haywood Chris Bayles

Published by wmp:: working media publications ltd. Editorial: 07500 090785 Advertising: 01924 413813

Photography : Steve Stenson David Lindsay John Waite Damian Hall Contributors : Jono Baker Barney Bardsley Paul Bedford Bryn Bevan Paul Dagg Lynda Holbrook Paul Howard Bethanie Lunn Samantha Marshall Matthew Peacock Keith Spence Duncan Thorne


Creative Director : Sue Tyas

August:September Issue 11 2009

Editor : Matthew Callard


A few random occurrences from the On: Offices since we last met: A dove crashed into an upstairs window then spent the next 3 days in a seemingly dazed and confused state on the office ledge. Concerned, I tried to feed it some corn, whereupon it immediately took off and flew away. 3 whole days! Our Sales Manager was given one of those incorrectly minted 20p pieces without a date - current Ebay price: £85 and rising. Some guys have all the luck. Our server malfunctioned in the June heatwave disabling our email and necessitating communication through an antiquated appliance called a telephone. Through this, I discovered at least one person I’d been email communicating with was, in fact, male and not, as I’d presumed, female, another person was an old acquaintance who is now using a married surname and another was Canadian!

The written word might be On’s: currency, but sometimes face-to-face communication, or at least ear-to-ear communication is much more interesting than email. Honestly, the telephone - it’s like a brand new hobby! Speaking of communication, there’s a lot of it going on this issue. We’ve conversations with no less than 5 diverse personalities, all ticking those essential boxes marked Lifestyle. There’s Megan Fox, the hottest property in Hollywood right now, on page 10. Super Chef Heston Blumenthal lets off some steam on page 50. Julian Clary always gives good head-to-head communication - the comedy legend talks away on page 84. Matthew Wilson is the Gardener’s-Gardener - he talks to On about bright new projects on page 78. And Simon Grayson (page 96) starts his first full season as Leeds United Manager - he’s communicating one thing promotion (please!).

We support the Laura Crane Trust

ABC Compliant Distribution

Elsewhere, we’re covering a stellar season of stand-up, re-discovering one of Leeds’s most famous adopted sons and giving ourselves sleepless nights in Haunted Yorkshire. And, yes, there’s a whole lot more to enjoy besides.

It’s all good. Happy reading.

YOUR EDITOR MATT CALLARD No 1 Church Road, Roberttown, Liversedge,WF15 7LS T: 01924 413813 F: 01924 413801 Managing Director : Ian Bryan Commercial Director : Sue Tyas Media Sales Director : Mark Cheetham Media Sales : Nicola Severn, Jill Sanders, Nick Wright. Accounts : Graham Marshall

If you’ve missed any of our previous issues simply visit our website and you can catch up on our celebrity interviews with HUGH JACKMAN, CHERYL COLE, PAUL MERTON, KELLY BROOK, GORDON RAMSEY, DANIEL CRAIG, VIVIENNE WESTWOOD, PAUL SMITH, ANGELINA JOLIE, MEL B and NELL McANDREW to name just a few. SUBSCRIBE TODAY - Make sure you don’t miss any future editions by simply paying the postage and we will send ON:MAGAZINE direct to your home. Do it by phone 01924 413813 or online

writeon... Who says what Jono Baker

Bethanie Lunn

Jono has worked in financial services for 20 years. At weekends he can be found coaching football for the ‘Burton Bullets’ and rugby in Ripon. Midweek, you may just find him working as a stockbroker!.

Bethanie is a Style Insider, Journalist and Entrepreneur with four fashion, beauty and lifestyle businesses under her belt alongside teaching, styling and presenting. Phew! If it’s worth knowing about, Bethanie knows first and she is quickly gaining a reputation as the Girl-About-Town of the North. If she didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent her.

Barney Bardsley Barney started out as an arts journalist. Then she re-trained in dance and T’ai Chi, which she taught for many years. Now she writes books and articles for the Guardian and Yorkshire Post - and she gardens, in a haphazard kind of a way.

Paul Bedford Paul is a health and fitness expert who moonlights as the in-house personal trainer at the brand new Village Health club, Tingley.

Bryn Bevan Bryn has nearly 20 years’ experience in a host of portfolio and flagship salons and has won numerous awards for his hair, business, photographic and fashion work. This is his first foray into the cut-throat world of journalism.

Lynda Holbrook An experienced food writer, Lynda delivers recipes that work and copy that's seasonally relevant. She believes food should be the star, not the person who is preparing it.

Paul Howard Paul is the founder of the famous online wine bible He is also, we kid you not, one of the original King's Road punks. Whatever happened to them?’

Samantha Marshall Samantha has been a TV Make-Up Artist for over 15 years, working on weekly soaps and award winning dramas. She will be keeping you updated on all new cosmetic products, offering tips, tricks and expertise in the process!

Matthew Peacock Matt’s mind is crammed with anything and everything to do with bikes. He has been in the bike trade since leaving school and is General Manager of the famous Chevin Cycles, Otley - who he also races for.

Keith Spence Keith is the vastly experienced former Chief Assistant Editor of the Yorkshire Evening Post, a TV critic and travel writer. He brings a bit of much-needed order and decorum to the place.

Duncan Thorne Duncan is the founder of Thorne Public Relations and is an experienced journalist having reported on crime, politics and sport and sometimes all at the same time. He is a self-confessed sport and car anorak and his dream is for 1966 to be re-created in his lifetime (just the World Cup final, not the whole year!).

on t&c’s All rights are reserved. All material is strictly copyrighted. Reproduction, in part or whole, of any part of this publication is forbidden without the consent of wmp . We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our information but cannot be held responsible for any errors contained. Any views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or the advertisers. The publishers cannot be held responsible for loss or damage of any material, solicited or unsolicted. Editor’s decision is final.

Megan Fox front cover image ©

contents... AUGUST::SEPTEMBER 2009

the on interview 10

Megan Fox

looking good 18 20 24 30

Fashion Hair Cosmetics What’s New

lifestyle 36 40 44 48

Health Wine Food Music & Films

the on Q&A 50

Heston Blumenthal

local living


54 56 58 62 64 66 68

Comedy Theatres Restaurant Review Walks Heritage Party in the Park Events

home & family 70 74 78 80

Interiors Exteriors Gardens Property

exclusive 84

Julian Clary

active 86 90 96 102 104

Haunted Yorkshire Travel Sport Cars Gadgets

business end




108 109 110

Letters Competitions Famous Last Words


10 theoninterview

HOT Property

This summer’s blockbuster, ‘Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen‘, is worth seeing for one reason, and one reason only: Megan Fox. 2010 should see her following up those ‘Sexiest Woman on the Planet’ polls by becoming the hottest and most talked-about movie star in the world. With horror-com ‘Jennifer’s Body’ in the pipeline, here she talks about dating David Beckham, her addiction to tattoos and what she used to do to her Barbie Dolls when she was a little girl. Move over, Angelina….


12 theonQ&A

FOX Megan

YOU SEEM TO HAVE CHANGED SO MUCH SINCE THE FIRST TRANSFORMERS MOVIE? Oh sure, I was 19 and now I’m 23 and Shia (LaBoeuf, co-star) the same thing. Also in this movie we were literally painted the colour of bricks, so I think that had a lot to do with us looking different. WAS THERE A LOT OF SPRAY TANNING GOING ON BEFORE EACH SHOOT? Well it wasn’t spray tanning. We would go in every morning and they would paint it on in the make-up trailer with sponges. I don’t know if anyone cares but my colour was Armani No.11 [laughs]. That’s like the darkest colour that they make. Meanwhile, I’m like Irish. BUT YOU HAVE GOT QUITE DARK SKIN? Well I went to Hawaii. THIS IS QUITE A BLOKEY MOVIE ISN’T IT? MORE SO THAN THE FIRST ONE? I enjoy it. I mean I enjoy the non-stop sort of barrage of action. I don’t know if I’d call it a blokey movie but, sure, if you want to take it that way. WOULD YOU SAY YOU ARE A TOM BOY RATHER THAN A GIRL’S GIRL? That’s a hard question because I was a tomboy when I was a kid and all my best friends were boys. But I’ve grown up and I’m almost ridiculously feminine sometimes. I’m a sissy. I could never defend myself in any sort of situation. I’m not of use to myself. [Laughs]

ONLY ONE? I’m 22 you know! I’m prepared for when I hit 28 and I’ve got to change my whole s**t up. But for now if I can get away with that, I’m gonna. YOU’VE GOT A FEW TATTOOS. DO YOU FIND THEM ADDICTIVE? They’re definitely addictive. Yeah. I don’t have any that I truly regret yet, but I’m sure I will at some point. I’m trying to actually refrain from going forward for that reason. I don’t want to be 40 and looking at my arm in the mirror going, ‘Oh my God, what did I do?’ SO THE STORY ABOUT YOU WANTING A TATTOOED SLEEVE WASN’T TRUE? I did say it because I was considering doing it! But only if I could find a really amazing artist and an amazing piece of art. I do want to do it and I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop myself from doing it. But I’m trying to be logical and I’m trying to be mature. I WOULD SAY DON’T DO IT. You see that makes me want to do it. I’m going to do it now because you just told me not to do it. Everyone that says, ‘Don’t do it,’ I get really hyped and now I’m going to do it. YOU CAN’T! I am and it’s your fault. DON’T TELL YOUR MUM IT WAS MY FAULT BECAUSE SHE’S NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT EITHER IS SHE? Well she learnt the lesson when I was six years old that you don’t tell me not to do something because then I run and I go do it. So she knows how to handle me better than that. WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE TATTOO? I think the poem on my ribs. Just because I love looking at it. It’s the most interesting place that I have a tattoo so far. WHEN DID YOU HAVE THE FIRST TATTOO DONE? After the first Transformers, that summer.

NOT A FIGHTER? No, I’m not a fighter.

ARE YOU WORRIED THEY WILL AFFECT YOUR CAREER? No. Ewan McGregor has sleeves and people don’t even know. Angelina has them. It’s just an extra 30 minutes in the make-up chair. That’s it.

THERE’S A VERY SEXY SHOT IN THE TRAILER WHEN YOU’RE KNEELING DOWN WITH YOUR BUTT IN THE AIR. DO YOU EVER PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN AND SAY ‘NO.’ I think Mike [Bay, Director] is a smart guy and he’s not going to shoot something that’s not going to work, you know? So I have to just trust him. There’s always a little bit of insecurity that plays into everything as an actress, of course, but I’m pretty game. I’m pretty down to do whatever I need to do, or whatever I’m told to do. I’m not prissy. Whatever he says, goes.

PEOPLE SAY YOU ARE THE NEW ANGELINA JOLIE, WITH THE ACTION ROLES AND YOUR LOOK. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT? I think that particular reference comes from the fact that people think I have an “I don’t give a f**k” attitude, because I have tattoos and dark hair. I don’t get the actual reference, but I appreciate it. I mean, who wouldn’t appreciate that reference?

WHAT PREPARATION DID YOU DO FOR TRANSFORMERS? I gained weight, I gained 8 pounds. And then I ended up gaining another 8 pounds during the filming of the movie. AT THE DIRECTOR’S REQUEST? No, not at his request. I mean, he’s not super big on really scrawny girls, he likes more muscular types, so I put on weight to start filming then, once I was filming, we were on set a long time and there’s no time to work out. I eat a lot while I’m there because the catering is really good. So I just ended up putting on some more weight! WHAT DO YOU DO NORMALLY TO STAY IN SHAPE? I have a trainer, he does pilates with me. I usually make it to one training session a week.

TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR NEXT FILM, ‘JENNIFER’S BODY’. Diablo Cody (Juno) wrote it. It’s a really dark comedy. My character is like a post-modern feminist. There are a lot of secret messages lying underneath the script. I’m the captain of the flag team, I get improperly sacrificed by this rock band who are trying to obtain a record deal, so they sell their soul to Satan and they need to sacrifice a virgin. I’m not a virgin, I’m not even an anal virgin! So what happens is I get taken over. In that scenario the victim gets taken over by a demon, so a demon’s living inside of me and in order to stay alive, in this sort of undead period, I have to feast on flesh. So I eat boys! It’s not in the script, but in my head I was victimised by my dad, so I take it out on the boys in my high school. So it’s me eating them and having this bizarre pseudo lesbian relationship with my best friend and it’s all very manipulative. It’s basically about how frightening young girls are - they are completely terrifying. You watch fathers with their daughters, they baby talk their dads, they are always on



their knee and it’s like “Who’s my little girl?”“Me daddy, I’m your little girl, I’m the best-est girl in the whole world” and then you grow up and every guy has had a girlfriend or a wife who baby talks him in that exact same way! It’s f**king weird, and women are weird, and that dynamic between women and men, and men and little girls is all very strange. So it’s basically about that. DO YOU HAVE A DREAM ROLE? I don’t have a dream role. Look, I just want to be better in everything that I do and get progressively better. HOW DO YOU STAY NORMAL IN THIS CRAZY WORLD OF VIDEO CAMERAS AND PEOPLE FOLLOWING YOUR EVERY MOVE? You have to just shut it off, you build a disconnect. Whoever that is that they are taking pictures of is not you. That’s not you in that moment and you let it happen because that’s their job, and I have to respect that job, it’s how they pay their bills and feed their families. I can’t shit on them for doing that. I don’t ever watch it, I don’t ever know about my press, they are not allowed to send me press clippings, I don’t want to know and that’s how I sort of try to stay normal. IS IT TRUE THAT YOU ARE SINGLE AT THE MOMENT? I’m not currently engaged. ARE THERE ANY BRITISH GUYS YOU HAVE SET YOUR SIGHTS ON? Well David Beckham is married so he’s off the list. Johnny Depp isn’t British but he spends a lot of time here so does that count? BUT HE IS SORT OF WITH VANESSA PARADIS? Yeah but I can imagine! WHAT WAS YOUR FAVOURITE TOY WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE? I used to play with Barbies but I used to decapitate them. I used to take their heads off and then dye their hair and do weird things. [Laughs] ARE YOU USED TO BEING SO GORGEOUS? Oh, you’re so silly! Well thank you for saying that. I was never like a super unattractive kid but, also, people weren’t stopping my mum saying, ‘God she’s so cute, she should be in movies.’ That definitely wasn’t something that was happening. I would say I was average. I think maybe all of us are average and then you come into this business and you have amazing hair and make-up people that make you look the way that sometimes we look.

BUT YOU LEAVE MEN DROOLING! Ooh, I don’t know if I leave them drooling. I think there are different kinds of attractive. I don’t know, I just remind myself of a cup cake sometimes when I get out of hair and make-up because I’m still... oh I’m just not going to go in the right direction with this. If I make someone drool then, God bless, I’m happy that happens. DO YOU GET MISQUOTED A LOT? I think 90 per cent of everything that you can read on the Internet is not true. But things that are being used as quotes - most of that actually is true I would say, things that are in magazine articles, but the writer hasn’t necessarily communicated my intentions. Because I’m never out to attack someone in the press ever. I’m always being really light-hearted and sarcastic and I’m joking. So when it seems as though I’m trying to be a part of something dramatic or start drama or fights, that’s the opposite of who I am.


Megan’s movies in brief: TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN: With nearly $400 million taken at the Box Office, this summer’s major blockbuster has placed Fox in the Hollywood Big League.

✰✰ HOW TO LOSE FRIENDS AND ALIENATE PEOPLE: Decent, if slight, Simon Pegg comedy. The Devil Wears Prada for blokes.

✰✰✰ TRANSFORMERS Fox’s first blockbuster. Better than the sequel. Unspeakably luscious screen presence.

✰✰✰ CONFESSIONS OF A TEENAGE DRAMA QUEEN Awful Lindsay Lohan vehicle.

COMING SOON: JENNIFER’S BODY: Hotly awaited horror/comedy from the writer of Juno gives Fox her first lead - and a whole new string to her bow.

A-LIST Hollywood’s new


more names for 2010



The next Tom Hanks

The next Kate Winslett

Steve Carrell’s comedic cyclone Michael Scott might get all the belly laughs in NBC’s increasingly brilliant re-working of Ricky Gervais’ Brit-com classic ‘The Office‘, but it’s John Krasinski’s Jim Halpert who gives the show its everyman heart and soul. Course, Hanks has cornered the market in loveable underdogs for the best part of two decades now, but Krasinski’s got the goofy/cute thing off pat. His recent serious movie debut in Sam Mendes’‘Away We Go’ showed that, heck, he can act too.

A hot commodity already, of course, but Miss Blunt is the foremost next Brit hope for the Golden Statuette. The Yanks love the clipped and posh tones, the elegance and that slightly alien (to them) demure sex appeal. Her cold-eyed performance opposite Meryl Streep in ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ proved she can mix it with the best and there’s screen time with Anthony Hopkins, Bill Nighy and Jack Black on the way.



The next Jodie Foster

The next Will Ferrell

The new Queen of Sass has bubbled-under nicely in Sean Penn’s 'Into the Wild,' and starred opposite Robert De Niro in the patchy 'What Just Happened?' but it’s her most-recent turn in the beautiful, wistful coming-of-age comedy ’Adventureland’ that has got movie heads turning. Like Foster, she’s a former child star and, again like Foster, she’s way, way too sussed to indulge in the tiresome celebrity game. Double Oscar winner before her 30th, we reckon.

Thousands still weeping from the heartless axing of the criminally under-rated ‘Arrested Development’ have recently been cheered by the announcement of, a reportedly Ron Howard-directed, big screen version. Cera’s awkward repressed teen, George, was the hit show’s most watchable and multi-layered character, winning him killer roles in indie hit ‘Juno’ and comedy ‘Superbad’, where Cera expertly walked the Will Ferrell tightrope between vulgarity and sincerity.



The next Brad Pitt

The next Ed Norton

With no less than four films due for release next year, could 2010 be the year of the Chan? A string of underachieving action flicks might not bode well, but a ‘Guide To Recognizing Your Saints’ proved he’s got the acting ability to go with the unmistakable hunk-factor. Anyone who remembers Brad Pitt’s early movie outings will know that, sometimes, movie excellence lies down a long and hard-earned road.

Another kid from a classic U.S sitcom - this time ‘3rd Rock From The Sun’ - JGL (as we’ll all be calling him soon) has gone out of his way to prove his versatility since Rock. An eclectic, fearless choice of roles has to date seen him play a gay prostitute, a psychopath, an abused teen and, most memorably, Zooey Deschanel’s love interest in the remarkable ‘500 Days of Summer‘. He throws himself into his roles with an Ed Norton-esque devotion to craft and research - just don’t call him a method actor.

All he really needs to do now is get it on with Megan Fox! Megchann, anyone?



The next Harrison Ford

The next Julianne Moore

His casting as Harrison Ford’s son in the otherwise dismal ‘Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’, showed young LaBoeuf had all the wise-ass swagger of Ford’s most memorable creations. Another stellar role in a blockbuster stinker, ‘Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen’, followed, but an assured performance in the tense, superior thriller, ’Disturbia’ proved he’s more than just a pretty face. We should see what he’s really made of next year, in Oliver Stone’s forthcoming ’Money Never Sleeps’. Pass the blaster, Han Solo.

Her headline grabbing relationship with Marilyn Manson might have earned Evan Rachel Wood a few more lines in the gossip columns than she would have had otherwise earned, but her heart-tugging performance as Mickey Rourke’s estranged daughter in ‘The Wrestler’ has set her up for the Hollywood big time - and that most exclusive of accolades - a part in Woody Allen’s ‘Whatever Works’.



The next Halle Berry

The next Jude Law

The Dominican-born beauty has been casting her spell across TV megahits ‘The Sopranos’ and ‘Heroes’ for a good few years now but tentative steps towards the movies (‘Quarantine’, ‘The Fifth Commandment’, 'X-Men: The Last Stand') have met with mixed results. But her luminous screen beauty is on a par with everyone’s favourite weeping Oscar winner, Halle Berry - and there are few others who can make such a claim.

Robert Pattinson left behind Harry Potter’s Cedric Diggory faster than you can say Wingardium Leviosa and he’s rapidly become the teenage girl’s pin-up of choice, mostly down to the teen vampire romance, ‘Twilight’. More mature roles, alongside Hugh Jackman and Pierce Brosnan, are close and should see Pattinson throned as the romantic Englishman of choice.





heads Donna Karan (below) opted for a bold, triangular silhouette, exaggerated and sculpted at the waist. Dresses are long sleeved or draped in a goddess style, following the same strict lines. One-shoulder dress, from a selection, Donna Karan. For further information contact Harvey Nichols Leeds’ Personal Shopping department on 0113 204 8888.

Mary Katrantzou uses bold placement prints and simplified images of perfume bottles in only her second runway show. New and exclusive to Harvey Nichols, this New Generation-backed young designer has utilised her talent as a jewellery designer, layering on giant necklaces constructed from gold tubing, chains and mirrors. Dress, £785, available to order from Harvey Nichols Leeds’ Personal Shopping department. For further information please contact 0113 204 8888.

Queene & Belle BRIGHTON PARKER OLIVE £695. Morgan Clare, Harrogate. T. 01423 565709.

Queene & Belle PEACE CARDIGAN VANILLA £512. Morgan Clare, Harrogate. T. 01423 565709.

Stella McCartney Crop Flute Sleeve Jacket £885. Morgan Clare, Harrogate. T. 01423 565709.

Alexander McQueen paid homage to fashion’s leading powerhouses with his high-drama A/W 09 collection, using parodies of Chanel tweed suits and Christian Dior dogtooth, whilst relative newcomer to the block, Camilla Skovgaard draws on middle eastern influences in her A/W09 offering. Knitted dogtooth dress, £675, Alexander McQueen and Sandal Boots, £370, Camilla Skovgaard, available by calling Harvey Nichols Leeds’ Personal Shopping department on 0113 204 8888.




Bryn Bevan of Saks, Halifax


I’m not sure if men will ever understand women Mars, Venus etc. Just when we believe that we have you all worked out, when we’ve followed you around the Trafford-White-RoseArndale shopping emporium, when we accompany you into every high street shop from Harvey Nics to H&M and watch you juggle outfits for that all-important once in a lifetime event, when the clothes, the handbag, the make-up, the accessories are all complete and matching and stylish – and then you go and drag us into a shop that sells toothpaste and toilet roll to choose a hair colour from a box! Aghhh!

Perhaps ignorance is bliss; but seriously, how can anybody expect the perfect hair result, to go with their perfect outfit, for their perfect day, from a onesize-fits-all hair solution in a box?!

she said "but it’s not exactly what I wanted.” Course, I told her it was a great success (hey, I was off duty!). In truth, it was awful but at least it wasn't cabbage patch green or tarmac black, like some of the offending heads I’ve had through my salon!

In my salon alone we stock 9 different colour ranges, which each have from 4 to 129 different shades and tones in them (all intermixable) - each of these colour ranges have their own differing strengths of peroxide, the success of the application of colour can only be determined and guaranteed once the condition and porosity of the hair has been assessed - and assessed by somebody who has spent the best part of a month studying nothing but distribution of pigment and the internal workings of the hair shaft and follicle! You get the picture – hair colouring is a fine science, a real art - it’s not something that can be purchased from Superdrug.

People spend a fortune on clothes and accessories then try a quick, cheap fix for their hair! Why? Our hair is an accessory we wear every single day, something which says more about us than any fashion item we care to wear.

DIY hair colour kit sales are up and I’ve read the tabloid press saying this is a good way of saving money - mind you, they also recommend eating roadkill and turning your knickers inside out. One of my mother’s friends lassoed me recently at a family do and asked for my opinion on her hair colour - "I've done it myself,"


When it comes to colour, ditch the dye-in-a-box. Pay a visit to your salon where an expert will talk you through the science of hair colour application. Who knows, you might even discover that we men can be very understanding!

“In truth, it was awful but at least it wasn't cabbage patch green or tarmac black, like some of the offending heads I’ve had through my salon!”

helps protect the hair against the damaging effects of environmental stresses whilst restoring flexibility and strength to damaged and dry hair. – Great for post summer. Shampoo – A revitalizing and volumising shampoo to cleanse the scalp and hair, strengthen and invigorate and protect the hair against the damaging effects of environmental stress whilst restoring flexibility to damaged strands. Conditioner – A nourishing conditioner to suit all hair types that rebuilds the hair’s strength and elasticity; it de-tangles and strengthens, leaving the hair soft, shiny and manageable creating a revitalized hair appearance without weighing it down. £4.99 each from Holland and Barrett

Tara Smith Straight Away Shampoo is an organic shampoo for squeaky clean, sleek and shiny hair. It is formulated with Ginkgo Biloba which has long been taken internally for its anti-stress properties and is combined with Marine Algae extract to moisturise and condition the hair. £4.99 from

new for hair

NEW 100% Organic Pomegranate Shampoo/Conditioner

Beever is a new professional range of high-performance hair care products, ideal for styling and perfect for late summer. Choose from Shaping Paste, Moulding Clay, Gloss Putty or Mattifying Paste. All cost £10.50 from

Organic Surge Moisture Boost Shampoo – providing just the right happy blend of proteins and minerals from seaweed extract to boost moisture retention, restoring silkiness and manageability, leaving your hair feeling revitalised and healthy. Moisture Boost Conditioner – with grapeseed oil and wheat protein to smooth and detangle, and organic vanilla and almond fragrance to leave hair smelling fresh. £4.99 each from Sainsbury’s

The Start, Style, Finish range from Goody allows women to select styling tools to suit their individual hair type, and takes them through the three key styling steps: from their morning hair wash, through the heat styling process to adding the finishing touches to their look.

Born Again Masque from Kevin Murphy is a restructuring masque that rebuilds the hair at each level restoring elasticity and body. This ultra rich extreme treatment masque resuscitates hair, delivering a weightless finish with the latest scientific research available. Born Again Masque reaches new depths in establishing luxurious hair, a rich moisturising crème formulated to deliver each conditioning molecule directly into the hair’s cuticle, cortex and beyond.

And to simplify the selection process, Start, Style, Finish also offers colour coded packaging to enable women to create their personalised three-step collection with ease. ‘Start’ tools for use on wet hair feature water blue packaging, whilst hot orange identifies the tools required for heat styling, and fresh green highlights the brushes which can add the final shine and smooth touch to their style.

£21.50 - stockists 01282 613 413 Bring the bounce back and lose limp curls with Philip Kingsley’s brand new Curl Activator, a styling essential designed to boost curls and hold them perfectly all day without weighing the hair down. Curl Activator is light and non sticky; with a medium hold formula perfect for smoothing and separating curls, whilst providing loose definition to wavy hair. The formula has also been created to give high shine and light reflecting benefits to enhance natural curls and waves.

For a full range of products and stockists visit

£16.00 from



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The eyes have it


How to achieve perfect brows and lashes!

Samantha Marshall

But before you start plucking, remember these important points:

❁ ❁ ❁

The shape of your brow should follow the natural line of your brow bone.

To determine where it should end, hold the make-up brush diagonally against the outer corner of the eye pointing up to the brow bone.

❁ Oh, the perils of a dodgy pluck! As a make-up artist I am frequently advising my clients on their eyebrows. Too many people neglect this important area, when actually they should be using their eyebrows to help give definition to their faces.

The arch should be highest at the outer corner of the pupil. To determine where the brow should begin, place a make-up brush straight up from the side of the nostril.

The brow should extend slightly beyond the eye, at which point it should taper slightly down.


The best tweezers I have found are from Tweezerman. They cost

When you have determined the shape you want to create, do the following:

❁ ❁

Ensure the area is free from make-up (so avoiding blocked pores).

Isolate the hair you are about to tweeze, only pulling one hair at a time and pull gently and smoothly.

When you have created your shape, brush all the hair upwards and trim the longer hairs with small scissors.

If you are not sure how much to tweeze, take a few hairs from one brow and then the other, so they remain symmetrical. Remember that it's better to tweeze too little than too much.

Wipe over the area with a hot cotton wool pad - this will make the hairs easier to remove.

about £20 and are worth every penny!

Not everybody has the

Now that we have the perfect brows I'd like to give you a few tips on creating luscious lashes.

perfect eyebrows so if yours are a little unruly, Mac Brow Gel is a good product to keep the area well groomed. Also, if you have any gaps (hopefully not from

My three most effective tips are:

tweezing too many hairs



Even though false eyelashes are great

If you want even more thickness you


for a one off evening out, they can be

can always try false eyelashes. Everyone

You need mascara that adds volume

troublesome. Something I’m advising

seems to be selling false eyelashes now

and length without ever looking

my actress clients to try before they

and personally I think they are all very

cloggy. Never pump your mascara -

start filming is eyelash extensions.

similar. One thing I would highly

i.e. putting the brush into the mascara

They are applied individually between

recommend is using a good glue. The

and pushing it up and down

your own eyelashes. They come in

glue that comes with the lashes isn't

vigorously. All this will do is create air

different lengths, so you can have as

always strong enough and we can't

which gets trapped in the mascara

natural or as thick and long as you

have those lashes falling off in mid

and thus makes it dry out a lot more

prefer. They last about two months

conversation can we!

quickly. Open the mascara, wipe the excess back into the tube, and apply.

with follow-up care. Many beauty

At work, I use Duo Eyelash Glue which

salons are doing these at the moment

comes in clear and brown. Place a small

Coat the top and bottom lashes of

and the prices range from about £60

amount on the back of your hand and

one eye then place brush back into

to £100. The treatment can take up to

with the other end of a make-up brush

the mascara and repeat on the other

about two hours so you have to be

apply a fine line of glue to the eyelashes.

side - remember DO NOT PUMP IT!

patient! But the outcome is definitely

Position the false lashes close to your

worth it.

own lashes, keeping the eyes closed until the glue has dried. If the lashes still need correcting, just peel the lash off and place in the correct place - you shouldn’t need any more glue as it should just re-stick.

out!) or you need to fill in any areas, use Laura Mercier Brow Definer. It comes in little pots in three different colours. You use a brush to apply it and it gives a much softer effect than using an eyebrow pencil.

Another great mascara I love using on ladies who want to have longer and thicker lashes is Lancome Oscillation Mascara. As you apply the mascara it oscillates, which separates the lashes as you coat them and makes them appear extended and multiplied. It really does work!


lookinggood New for Christmas 2009 is this nicely presented Autograph eye shadow palette from Marks and Spencer. £12


Make a difference!


Avon's best selling eye liner has been given a pink makeover. Plus, not only do you get a creamy, smudge-proof precision liner that lasts up to 12 hours, but for every product sold Avon will donate 25% of the price to Breakthrough Breast Cancer. £5 from at / 0845 601 4040


An elegant brow kit, containing two shades of pressed brow powder, a wax, duel-ended applicator wand/angled brow brush and ultrapremium tweezer. In four shades, it’s the ultimate eyebrow kit to shape, preen and define. £36.50 from 01306 886 425


Whether it is a soft, subtle look or a more dramatic effect you wish to achieve, the Signature Eyeshadow Quads from Estee Lauder make it easy, enabling you to mix, match and blend each of the four eyeshadow tablets to expertly create the look you want. Packaged in a specially designed signature compact that has been dressed in rose golden for an ultra-luxe look and feel, the Signature Eyeshadow Quads makes precision application a breeze with its coordinating dual ended applicators.

The Tweezerman Slant Tweezer is famous for its precision, and features tips which are hand filed and perfectly aligned to grab the hair every time – which means these “fleurs” won’t wither, and will outlast imitators every season. Price £20 T. 0845 262 1731

For additional allure, line eyes with the Double Wear Eye Pencil in luxurious shades of Bronze and Black Plum and complete the eye look with Sumptuous Mascara in Black for sumptuously full volume, expertly defined lashes. Signature Eyeshadow Quad in Rose Gold - £29 Double Wear Eye Pencil in Bronze - £15 Sumptuous Mascara in Black - £17.50 / 0870 034 2566

Whether you are on the beach, hitting the shops, or out on the tiles with friends, this handy mascara with its ultra-chunky brush head will give you extreme volume and add length to your lashes with the bonus of being 100% waterproof! £4.99 - 0870 755 1055 or


Nouveau Lashes are the UK’s largest semi-permanent eyelash distributor. They are also the UK market leader in development of eyelash extensions. These semi-permanent extensions last for an astonishing two months or longer, are extremely hardy and are able stand up to everyday living, including exercise, swimming, sweating, showering and even tears… Prices range from £75 - £150 depending on the individual’s needs. More info: Nouveau Beauty Group - 0845 644 3994

The look of love

Kitten Vixen mascara thickens and separates the lashes, dramatically lengthening them. The thin brush allows detailed application from deep within the lash base and applies a liberal coat of mascara to each lash, opening up the eye and avoiding clumps. £12 -

What’s new pussycat!

You can reduce the appearance of puffiness and fine lines around the eyes with this light and cooking eye gel. Containing witch hazel and green tea extract, it's packed with antioxidants which soothe and revitalise even the most tired eyes. Chill the jar in the fridge for a really refreshing pick me up. £3.00 from and Debenhams

Four cute blocks of earthy, complimentary, shimmering colour. Mix and match 'em up any which way you like. Use wet or dry either individually or blended. £15.65 The Body Shop

Super Volume Mascara has a specially designed brush, a smudge resistant clumpfree formula and purecoated pigment for volume that lasts.

The essential brow compact, with shaded powder and clear styling wax in one. Compact includes a magnifying mirror to make grooming and applying easy.


Fill in your ideal brow shade and build natural-looking volume with the blendable brow powder. Style, set and condition brows with the smudgeresistant, non-greasy wax formula.

The Body Shop

£17 27

Our Life & Style insider, Bethanie Lunn, reports

on:what’s new

reveals all that’s new in our region...

on all that’s new and fabulous in the region – from bar and restaurant

Jammy Devil

openings to enthralling experiences and ravishing revamps. Bethanie tries, and buys so you don’t have to! What she doesn’t know isn’t worth knowing… Is there something happening in October or November that you’d like the region to know about? Email Bethanie Lunn at

Tucked away on the bustling streets of eccentric Headingley, Jam Hair is a laid back, funky hair salon established since 1991. What I love about this place, in addition to the vibrant Owner, Jamie Shackleton, is the original touches that decorate every corner. From the antique dentist’s chair in the window to the secluded salon spa area with its interchanging hypnotic lighting. This is where you’ll have your hair washed as you lie back in the soothing massage chair, experiencing a shiatsu back massage as part of your treatment. It is these details, alongside the expert staff, that makes Jam Hair a must for your little black book. Jam Hair has been specialising in hair extensions since 1981 and have been offering Great Length human hair extensions since 1991. These are the Rolls Royce of hair extensions, so if you want a place you can trust to turn your locks from lack-lustre to luscious – get thee to Jam.

OFFER: As an introduction, JAM are offering On:Lifestyle readers a complimentary luxury hair conditioning treatment and massage in their spa, when used in conjunction with any Jam salon service. Enjoy! JAM HAiR, 77a Otley Road, Headingley, Leeds LS6 3PS. T: 0113 2786275 / 2743281

Hair and Beauty offers! Popular Leeds salon, RMUK is offering some great deals on hair and beauty treatments that are perfect for a summer pick-me-up. The fact that they offer hair and beauty miracles under one roof means you save time in your route to gorgeousness, having a manicure as your colour sets or following a wax with a deep conditioning treatment (that’s one way to get through it!). Offers are:

AU G U S T FREE facial with every three Dermalogica or Guinot products bought. AU G U S T & S E P T E M B E R Half price Bio Sculpture Manicure (worth £42.00) with every full price Bio Sculpture Pedicure (£44.00) or standard pedicure (£28.00). Half head high lights and cut for £55.00 FREE blow dry with every facial (starting from £28.00) If you want a head to toe makeover, experts Roberto, Laura and Massi Moura will get to work and for £200 will treat you to a Guinot Hydradermie facial, manicure, eye brow reshape, colour, cut and restyle! T&C's apply Subject to availability; ask in-salon for details. 9 – 11 Eastgate, Leeds LS2 7LY. T: 01132436842.


£15 Fashion discounts exclusive to ON readers

Cocosa is a member’s only website which offers the best sample sales with a sense of a luxury boutique – giving you access to top brand names at discount prices. Enter the code ‘lifestyle’ and you will become a member of Cocosa and receive a £15 voucher to spend! This offer is not available to existing members of Cocosa. Terms and conditions apply.

SUMMER SECRET UNVEILED AT CLARENCE DOCK! Leeds’ newest shopping and leisure attraction has unveiled a fantastic new secret. A secret that it wants to share with everyone this late summer! For six whole weeks from 25 July, Clarence Dock is going green, transforming Armouries Square into a magical Secret Garden hosting all kinds of wonderful entertainment. ‘The Secret Garden at Clarence Dock’ is to provide a tranquil place to rest and play beside the waters’ edge. Covering a massive 1,000 square metre space, the lawn will lead around the dock itself. The garden will include giant colourful flowers, deckchairs and even picnic benches. A packed schedule of unique and interactive outdoor entertainment will take place over the six weeks with something fascinating for everyone.

What’s hot in the This ankle-length ‘Kaleidoscope’ silk and devoré print strapless dress steers us stylishly to the maxi dress trend and is perfect for summer holidays or special summer events. £269 Stockists include: Ragdoll Boutique, 76 Galloway Lane, Pudsey Emma Somerset, Jackson Road, Leeds



It s a wrap! How to look cool when there’s a nip in the air Theory Rosean Wool Wrap Coat from Morgan Clare, Harrogate, HG1 2TF. T. 01423 565709

New Louboutin’s arrive! Harvey Nichols has a brand new selection of Louboutin’s up for grabs, available from the end of August/beginning of September. Keep your eyes peeled for all the yummy styles such as the Lady Claude, (left) £595. Shall i wear them or frame them? ‘Choice’ at the Kath Libbert Gallery, Salts Mill, Saltaire, showcases eight international jewellery artists, whose work ranges from classically inspired to technically amazing to playful and provocative. Discovering that the artists’ sources of inspiration include stuffed animals, soap bubbles, stones, root ginger and rubbish adds to the show’s intrigue. Visitors to the exhibition are invited to take part in ‘The People’s Choice’ by making their own selection, writing comments about it and having their photograph taken wearing or holding the piece. All the comments and photos will be posted on the Gallery walls up until a special event on the last day of the exhibition, the 27th September, when the ‘People’s Choice’ will be announced. Everyone who makes their Choice will be entered for a prize draw to win £100 to use at the gallery.

Wine Ma s t e r Cla s s e s

The summer months introduce wine master classes at the fourth floor restaurant of Harvey Nichols. Some of the best known wine regions from across the Globe will be showcased featuring guest wine expert, Karen Hardwick, from the Wine Academy. Celebrate everything Australian on Friday 21st August – 7pm, delight in California, 18th September – 7pm and savor the kick of Chilli on Friday, 23rd October – 7pm. The experience costs £15 per person and each tasting includes at least six wines. Dinner bookings can be made after the tastings. For more information or to make dinner reservations please call the Fourth Floor Team on 0113 204 8000. Another fantastic place to experience wine tasting is The Lazy Lounge, a wonderfully relaxing wine bar based in an area very near to Leeds Train Station that is growing in both offering and popularity. Try a class or just sit back and relax with a wonderful list of over 80 varieties of wine, and an impressive 30 available by the glass. August brings you tastes from my favourite, Australia and September introduces lessons in wine from Burgundy. Also look out for packages for the races, including transport and champagne breakfast! Lazy Lounge, Westpoint (opposite Novotel), LS1 4JY T: 01132 446055.


New café opens, HOB Cafe Designer cookware shop, HOB has had the clever idea of providing a much-needed relaxed café destination in Clarence Dock, serving a mix of home-made sandwiches, Paninis, scrummy cakes and tasty old favourites such as breakfast subs and Eggs Benedict. Fairly-traded coffees, pots of tea and healthy smoothies make up the drinks menu. HOB Cafe sources everything from local Yorkshire suppliers and all is prepared daily so you’re guaranteed fresh, tasty produce. The future cookery master classes are worth looking out for and with outdoor seating and wi-fi inside, HOB Café is already brimming with hungry people. Open from 8am until late, Monday to Friday, and all over the weekend. The Boulevard, Clarence Dock, Armouries Drive, Leeds

Jonathan Hepplestone of top Leeds bar, Skippy’s has been crowned the winner at the regional final of the ‘World Class’ bartending competition in Leeds. After a highly competitive round, Jonathan was declared the winner with his innovative cocktail, El Ponna, and has won a trip to Mexico and a place in the prestigious UK final.


37.5ml Don Julio Blanco 10ml Maraschino Liqueur 5ml Agave Syrup Method: Put all ingredients into a glass and stir down with ice (like an old-fashioned).

3am curfew If your nights out tend to fly by and you’re often left sulking at the 2am finish, then you’ll love the fact that Jake’s Bar is now open until 3am every night of the week!




Themed as a ‘traditional fayre with an exotic twist,’ guests were treated to a spot of pampering by the Gecko Girls, tribal tattoos and delights from Cupcakery and Caribbean Cookery. A cocktail competition saw local bartenders create their own Spiced Rum, judged by a panel including On’s very own Managing Director. The winning prize was scooped by Dean Railton of Verve, who took home a prize of £250 for his winning blend, whilst second and third places were taken by Gareth Hughes of Sandinista and Joe Gunner from Jake’s Bar & Grill.

New riverside bar, Calls Landing New kid on the bar scene block, Calls Landing, has become my new local. Located on the scenic River Aire, the outdoor seating area of this new Stew and Oyster Bar is always jam-packed (weather permitting). With delicious oysters from only £1 each, classy touches such as Prosecco served by the glass, a selection of mouth-watering stews and lighter snacks, top-notch beers and fantastic views, Calls Landing could be your new favourite too.

Now you can enjoy Jonathan's winning recipe at home:

25ml Lillet (French Vermouth)


Boutique Bar in Leeds was the setting for the launch of the Lamb’s Spiced Rum Exotic Garden Party; the first of a series of events taking place in cities across the UK.

Monsieur, youre, really spoiling us!

The Calls Landing, 36-38 The Calls, Leeds LS2 7EW T: 0113 242 5299

Cafe Rouge is celebrating some of France's finest summer dishes with the launch of its summer menu. A must-try is the fish dish, Duo de Poisson, of crab claw meat in a light mayo with slices of Scottish Smoked Salmon and brown baguette. I love the individual platters, ideal for grazing as you people watch. The Pettit Assiette Campagnard is an appetising combination of creamy Camembert d’issigny, traditional French Saucisson, Serrano Ham and a delectably smooth Chicken Liver Paté.

Jake’s Bar, 27 Call Lane, LS1 7BT

For dessert lovers, try the refreshing Vacherin - crispy meringue encasing a sharp raspberry sorbet, topped with crème Chantilly, blueberries and strawberries or the decedent Pavé de Chocolat, a rich warm chocolate and walnut brownie with melting chocolate ganache and vanilla ice cream.

T: 0113 243110

2 The Light, The Headrow, LS1 8TL T: 0113 2461620

The Ultimate Relaxation in Leeds:


Fu l l l a s h e s, gro o m e d b rows

Full lashes are back and, it seems, beautiful sparkling peepers are the new accessory so groom your eye area to perfection…

The undisputed Queen of Eyebrows, Shavata has a brow studio in Harvey Nichols. Simply shaping your brows can lift your features, give your face proportion and take years off you, plus scary mono brows have never been a good look, sorry. The studios make the perfect place to get your brows into shape in a matter of minutes and really emphasise your eyes with a selection of treatments. You can choose from waxing or threading, lash and brow tinting, eyelash perming and extensions. I opted for an eyebrow thread and with extensions applied to just the outer corners, my eyes were instantly widened and defined, lessening the need for eye makeup. You simply must visit.

Shavata Brow Studio. Prices starts from £17.00 for an eyelash tint to £70.00 for a tint and lash extensions.

If you want a more temporary look, visit the adjacent Shu Uemura Tokyo Lash Bar where a qualified Make-up Artist or Beauty Therapist will apply false eyelashes for you. As long as you buy the lashes from Shu Uemura (and there are 50 styles from natural to statement), this service is complimentary and you can continue to return for a complimentary application. Perfect pre-Friday-night-cocktails!

Elemis SpaPod The Elemis SpaPod is a tiny treatment room dedicated to you, nestled behind closed doors at the Elemis Counter in Harvey Nichols. A skin care consultation identifies which of their five intensive Anti-Ageing Power Booster Facials is right for you. Without removing your clothes, you relax in an Intelligent Massage Chair, a state-of-the art chair that measures the length of the spine, takes your body weight, warms the body and delivers your customised body massage programme. Whilst your aches and pains are massaged away, the facial begins. A unique mask, rich with amino acids helps to regenerate skin cells, providing instant energy to the skin, applied after a gentle cleanse. As the mask works its magic, hot stones are stroked across your décolletage and neck. Bliss! I now take this treatment regularly – not only does it help me relax whilst fitting into my schedule (it only takes 30 minutes), but my skin is so radiant afterwards.

Shu Uemura Tokyo Lash Bar, prices start from £17.00

Harvey Nichols, Leeds

Harvey Nichols, Leeds LS1 6A2 T: 0113 204 8888.

T: 0845 279 5005 customer enquiries New clothing boutique opens

BUSiNESS PiT STOP If you’re on business in Leeds, a mid-range pit stop offering a quality night’s stay in the centre is Roomzzz, with their new third branch; ‘Roomzzz City’, a short walk from the train station. With the comfort and convenience of a studio apartment, Roomzzz City presents 36 studio apartments, all with a comfortable setting and a separate work station area, a ‘pantry’ to stock up on food during your stay and small efficient conveniences such as a 24 hour concierge and the ‘Breakfast to Go’ bar. Here you can grab tea, coffee, croissants and fruit and rush out the door to your meeting after a good night’s sleep. There are also packages to cater for loved-up couples and for bookings of more than one night’s stay. See the website for details. Roomzzz Aparthotel T: 0113 2330400. Email:

HiDDEN WARDROBE The Hidden Wardrobe is an independent store promising ‘pure indulgence for any fashionista who is looking for distinctive style without the designer price tag.’ Stocking up to 20 different independent designers, many of which hail from Yorkshire, The Hidden Wardrobe is the brain child of Emma Fountain. Her own label, The Kiss Principal, has been chosen and stocked by internet giant where phenomenal orders of up to 1500 dresses per month have helped to provide funds to set up the new store. From £20 to £200, you’re bound to find an original new addition to your wardrobe in Hidden Wardrobe. Leeds Corn Exchange, 42 Call Lane, LS1

There are three high-tech Simulators from About Golf Europe, endorsed by the PGA Tour. Using real clubs and balls, you can play over 36 courses including St Andrews and Pebble Beach. The software is genius and incredibly accurate, measuring your aim with real precision. The courses will cater for all, from complete novices (like me!) to professionals. If you want to perfect your game, you can practice here or, if starting from scratch, you can book a trainer on a Saturday for as little as £9.95. Another attraction is the Café Bar with its huge sports screen – it’s so refreshing to find a respectable establishment that serves good beer and shows the sport without the risk of flying bottles! With the riverside decking and food menu covering everything from a bacon sandwich to salads, you can make a day of it and groups of four are welcome to play golf, making it only a fiver each for an hour. There are also corporate packages available, including the use of the board room. Word has it, there will be a big launch in September - watch this space! Golf Café Bar, Blue Granary Wharf, LS1 4ED

T: 0113 244 4428

Quids in -

Oporto hold ‘Quidrophenia’ every year in the May and August Bank Holidays and August 31st will mark their 10th year! Quidrophenia is a mini-music festival featuring the cream of the Leeds live music scene. A mere £1 (hence the name!) will give you ten hours of DJ’s sets, up and coming artists and the usual Oporto debauchery. All the proceeds go towards Cancer Research. T: 0113 234 0363

Call the bar for more details. Oporto, 31-33 Call Lane, The Exchange Quarter LS1 7BT T: 0113 243 4008


UK’s First High Heel-a-thon launches in Leeds Sunday 27th September will see the UK’s first ever High Heel-athon! Hosted by brand communications agency, Clearsilver, women will slip into their favourite heels to raise money for Breast Cancer Haven. As the name suggests, this is a fun run (or walk!) with a twist – all participants must at least begin and finish the High Heel-a-thon in their heels (you can take them off for a breather on the way round). High Heel-a-thon will begin outside Breast Cancer Haven in Leeds with the 1.24 mile route navigating around the Clarence Dock area of the city and returning to a hero’s welcome complete with pink carpet in the courtyard outside Breast Cancer Haven.

We all know how unpredictable the English weather can be, but it needn’t stop you playing your favourite sport. If you’re a fan of Golf, you can now play ‘Real Golf Anytime’ at the Golf Café Bar.

Register at or email: goody2shoes@highheelathon. There is a £20.00 entrance fee.






Paul Bedford

in Part 4 of his allround guide to a

Exercise for the older generation

EASY ON THE iMPACT As we grow older, we become more susceptible to injuries. It is important to do the right sort of exercise and, just as importantly, to ease up on the wrong sort impact activities. Stay away from running as it puts a lot of impact stress on the joints. Cycling or swimming are great low impact exercises that raise the heart rate. Keeping your workouts low impact will also decrease chances of osteoporosis occurring.

PLENTY OF RECOVERY TiME Rest is key - even if you are young, fit and exercising regularly - but, as we grow older, our bodies take longer to recover. Make sure you rest up every other day to let your body fully rejuvenate. Muscles and joints will probably feel quite stiff the day after exercise, so sit back and take on plenty of omega 3 (oily fish) to help ease up them aches. ACTiVE LEiSURE You don’t have to go throwing yourself around a gym to get your workout. There is plenty of leisure activities out there - a good walk will put you in the weight loss training zone as well as burning a few pounds. Gardening (a very under-rated activity) is superb for activating those muscles and burning off calories. Be careful with the digging, take breaks and do plenty of lower back stretching. FLEx & STRETCH Stretching is vitally important as we grow older. Muscles and joints can become tighter, so stretching them on a daily basis is recommended. Stretching also assists with the range of motions that muscles can perform, allowing us to take on daily tasks more

healthier lifestyle, On’s fitness and health expert, Paul Bedford, looks at exercise for the older

efficiently. Also, it improves circulation and can help in preventing injuries. Make sure you stretch properly and if you’re unsure consult your doctor or local gym.

generation - and insists you’re never too old to get active!

MASSAGE You have worked hard all your life so make sure you take time to relax and treat yourself! Getting a massage once a week will relieve tension in the muscles and even give you a mental pick-up. Some Health Clubs have saunas, steam rooms and spas - these are all ways to kick back, relax and enjoy the benefits. iNNER ExERCiSE Yoga and Pilates have plenty of benefits for older participants. Yoga can help improve your mind and soul give it a go cynics! It will also improve your spine’s flexibility which will aid against postural dysfunction and will help ease-up tight joints and muscles. DVDs are available but, even better, go to a class for a session with an expert and hang out with your fellow Yoga lovers! MENTAL FiTNESS Yes, even our brain slows down as the years add up and it needs exercise too. Keep learning and keep discovering new things this will help maintain your mental health and studies show combat dementia or Alzheimer’s.

READER’S QUESTiONS: Recently I have been dieting and doing lots of exercise and the pounds just aren‘t shifting! I’m feeling constantly tired and I just don’t get it. What am I doing wrong? P. Scales, Morley


You might not believe it, but perhaps you’re not eating enough! If you don’t take in enough calories your body will go into starvation mode and store all your fats, instead of breaking them down. This doesn’t mean go out and eat 5 burgers - eat good calories and, if you’re exercising, eat high charbohydrate foods such as pasta or rice as these are great for energy. Give it a try, if it doesn’t work it could be genetic, so go see the doc.


Facts: 36


I am struggling to put muscle on. I am weight training, doing between 12-15 reps and 3 sets of the exercise. Am I doing the wrong things? James Croft, Bradford Possibly. You may need to change your training techniques. You are working in the muscular endurance zone, which is a good place to start but not the best for putting muscle weight on. Drop the reps to 8-10 and try increasing the weight so you use different fibres in the muscle to help them grow. Make sure you take plenty of protein and allow rest days in order for the muscle to rebuild.



I have just been diagnosed with arthritis in my knees - how will this affect my exercise? Sara Medley, Adel

I deal with lots of clients with arthritis, you must also talk to your doctor but I can advise to stay away from high impact exercises such as running or dance aerobics. Swimming is a great exercise for pulse raising and it’s non-weight-bearing so you shouldn’t get any pain. See a professional before you exercise to help you.


Did you know we use 70 muscles in the body just to speak 1 word, what a workout! Our bones are 4 times stronger than concrete and can take 24,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. Wow!

NExT iSSUE: Training for everybody. Missed parts 1-3? Find them on Share your memories online with anyone you want. Learn more.


by Paul Howard


Fizz night Friday night is

A reputable Sunday newspaper recently announced that “with the world still in recession you cannot be seen to celebrate”. What utter media twaddle. We don’t need to be reminded that we live in

gloomy financial times and it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have a little fun. There are always great reasons to celebrate – a new job, a promotion, a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary, Christmas, New Year, even a humble Bank Holiday. My regular excuse is more informal, it’s simply known as Friday Night. Why not celebrate arriving safely at the end of another week and looking forward to the weekend with a glass of bubbly? It certainly works for me.

There are also marked differences in alcoholic strength and also in how fizzy they are. The fizz is more than just gas pressure, it covers the size of the bubbles and also the character of the foaming mousse, which ranges anywhere from an aggressive frothing to quietly sophisticated and subtle bubble streams. As with Champagne, it’s all about the bubbles. They carry with them a range of irresistible connotations. They can make us feel elegant, sophisticated, generous and carefree, and console us in harder times. Such feelings occur before the bottle is opened with an anticipatory pop, so it can’t be the effect of alcohol. No wonder sparkling wines are the first choice for any celebration. I prefer to explore the wealth of sparkling wines from around the world, rather than endure the disappointments of cheap Champagne. Good Champagne is without peer and deserves an article all to itself another time. But with a few notable exceptions most of the cheap examples lining supermarket shelves are inferior, palate-insulting and unworthy of the name – and a waste of your ‘hard-earned’. The Old World has too many distinctive and memorable regional sparklers to list. From France, look out for the various regional crémants, including those made in the Loire, Jura, Alsace, Burgundy, Limoux and Bordeaux, while Spain can offer Cava. Germany makes Sekt (the home-grown examples made from Riesling are superior); while Italy has Franciacorta, Prosecco and Asti to name just three. Meanwhile, England can be rightly proud of its own fine examples. In the New World, South Africa has a long established history of sparkling winemaking, the best there being known as Cap Classique. Australia, New Zealand and California all have highly regarded sparkling wines, frequently as a result of the Champagne houses expanding their operations in new territories. For example, Moët & Chandon, Roederer and Veuve Cliquot all operate such wineries. New territories like China, Brazil and India are also getting in on the act. Russia and Ukraine make sparkling wine in industrial quantities but fortunately for us most never gets to the UK. The quality is dire, largely as a result of inferior production methods, with the worst simply carbonated just like cola.


One of the two biggest influences on sparkling wine quality is the quality of the base wine, which is of course dependent on the quality of the grapes themselves. The other big influence is in the winery, where the production process employed to trap the bubbles of carbon dioxide in the wine is all important. With honourable exceptions (step forward Prosecco and Asti who use their own traditions), the best sparkling wines are made by a second fermentation of the base wines in bottle. This is the same lengthy and expensive process as used in Champagne itself and it is usually described on the label as the traditional or classic method. There isn’t space here to describe this fascinating and complicated way of making wine, save to say that this month’s recommended sparkling wines use it – to good effect. As with Champagne, sparklers can be drunk throughout a meal, offering many opportunities for food and wine pairing, so please don’t limit them only to the role of apéritif. Choose a Brut (dry) white with plenty of acidity for seafood and salads, while a dry but creamier white will be good with fish or chicken. A red or rosé can pair up with grilled meats, barbeques and Sunday lunch. A magical combination often overlooked is to drink a demi-sec (semi-sweet or sweet) bubbly with lighter desserts and cheese. Sparkling wine may even be inexpensive enough to use as a base for the most decadent cocktails. And here lies another advantage; you can always pep up a dull wine by adding a little something to it. Here are three sophisticated cocktails that are quick, easy and delicious: •

Kir Royale. Just add a few drops of crème de cassis to the glass and pour the sparkling wine over, for a classic French cocktail. Alternatively try framboise or peach schnapps;

Bellini. Add a small amount of peach purée to a glass of Prosecco to create this Venetian classic. It tastes miles better than bucks fizz;

Champagne cocktail. Put one drop of angostura bitters onto a sugar cube in the glass and slowly add the wine to dissolve it. If no angostura is to hand, try a drop of brandy instead.

The world of sparkling wine has so much worth discovering that only practice makes perfect. Drinking a different example every Friday night with friends is affordable and enjoyable – in a short time you’ll have acquired a wealth of fizzical experience and found new favourites. And for those of you that don’t like bubbles? I like to think that maybe you just haven’t found yours yet and it’s out there waiting if you’re willing to look. So try one of this month’s recommendations – there’s something for everyone.

So, join me and raise a glass to Friday night!

And while Champagne is, rightly, the undisputed champion of all things fizzy, the diversity and excellence of alternative sparkling wines is well worth exploring. Not only are they a less walletshredding alternative to Champagne, many are serious wines that are much more than simply cheaper imitations. They come in various styles and prices and can be made from grape varieties other than King Pinot Noir and Queen Chardonnay. Both non-vintage and vintage wines are available, in red as well as white and rosé. Consequently, there are different flavours and experiences on offer and of course there are food matching opportunities.

winereview... Peter Lehmann. The Black Queen, Sparkling Shiraz, 2001, Barossa Valley, South Australia Sparkling Shiraz is a unique Australian wine style, first developed in South Australia in the late 1800’s. Made using red grapes, this dry wine is a deep blackish purple in colour, with a sweet plum fruit and a chocolate nose. The yeasty palate shows big rich plum and blackberry fruit. At 14% alcohol this is a big wine yet it remains well balanced. Surprisingly, this is a really good food wine – barbeques are the obvious Oz dimension, but don’t forget Chocolate cake! Nidderdale Fine Wines, Pateley Bridge

Bargain! Freixenet, Cava Cordon Negro, Brut NV, Catalonia, Spain


This Cava uses three characterful and traditional local grapes (40% Parellada, 35% Macabeo and 25% Xarel.lo). Freixenet, pronounced Fresh Annette, produce Cava by the hundred million bottles and Cordon Negro is the UK brand leader. Despite huge volume the quality remains excellent. With a foaming mousse, the acidity is lower than with Champagne, producing a softer, rounded wine. This is clean fizz with citrus and pear notes on the nose and palate. It will compliment a range of hors d’Oeuvres and make a great cocktail base.




Indulgent! Pelorus, NV, Cloudy Bay, Marlborough, New Zealand Cloudy Bay has been a phenomenon since their first vintage of Sauvignon Blanc in 1985 and Pelorus is their NV fizz, made from 60% Chardonnay and 40% Pinot Noir. An attractive pale straw colour, the nose has apple, lemon and freshbread complexity, while the crisp yet creamy palate displays toast and green fruits with a clean finish. For drinking anytime over the next 2-3 years; as an apéritif or a favourite with smoked salmon and creamed cheese. Cairns and Hickey, Leeds. £15.49

Wine Rack, £6.99 if buy 3, widely available

Domaine Delmas, Blanquette de Limoux, Brut NV, Limoux, France Limoux is the true birthplace of fizz, proven by records from 1531 - over a century before bubbles appeared in Champagne! It’s made organically from 80% of the local Mauzac grape, topped up with Chardonnay and a splash of Chenin Blanc. There’s a golden hue and a foaming mousse, offering delicate citrus and yeasty aromas with a gentle cider-apple and citrus palate. A good apéritif or try it with fish and chicken accompanied by white sauces. Vinceremos, Leeds.

Chapel Down, Sparkling Brut NV, Tenterden, Kent, UK

Booths, £13.99


drink talks...

Kent’s climate and chalky soils are remarkably similar to that found across the Channel in Champagne. This wine is made from Pinot Noir, Rivaner and Reichensteiner grapes. There’s a lively froth, settling down to steady bubble streams. Light and elegant, it has a nose that’s gently floral. In the mouth there’s plenty of fresh acidity in a fully dry style. Crisp citrus notes and a touch of biscuit flavour make this a rewarding mouthful, particularly with seafood – cockles, mussels, oysters and clams are all good.

WIN A mixed case of wine worth £100 see page 109 Q. Reader’s Questions

The late Madame Lily Bollinger was once asked by a journalist when she personally drank Champagne. She was reported to have replied, “I drink it when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Sometimes I drink it when I’m alone. When I have company I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I’m not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise I never touch it – unless I’m thirsty”.

Any wine queries? Email Paul at

In your experience, would you say us non-wine buffs get a raw deal by

forever asking for the House White in restaurants?

Q. Does opening a cheapo bottle of wine and letting it 'breathe' really help the taste? Pauline, Harrogate

A. Letting any wine breath by opening it an hour or two beforehand cannot improve the taste. This is because only a tiny surface area is exposed to air compared to the volume in the bottle so there is precious little effect. Inexpensive wines are usually made to be consumed immediately on opening in any case. Decanting the whole bottle may be worth considering with better quality wines, particularly if they are young, tannic or have sediment, but these are exceptions.

K. De Venuto

A. In my experience, House Wines are rarely a good buy. Their purpose is to provide an easy and less expensive option for those that feel intimidated by the wine list. However, these wines are likely to be inferior, having been bought in bulk at huge discounts, so their mark-up will usually be larger than with better and more expensive wines too. Better value and quality can be had by trading up. Order your meal first and don’t be shy of asking for wine recommendations in your price range to match the food. A good restaurant should pride itself on knowledgeable and helpful staff and want you to come back, so should be happy to help. If you prefer not to ask, then many restaurants offer a range of wines by the glass, which can be a good way of experimenting.




The On:

Recipe Pledge Quick, Seasonal, Delicious & Guaranteed to Work!

A Warm Leek, Smoked Trout and Potato Salad with Horseradish Crème Fraise Dressing


INGREDIENTS 2 smoked trout fillets flaked 4 leeks white parts only cut into 8 equal lengths 2tbls extra virgin olive oil 80g peeled baking potatoes cut into small cubes 4tbls crème fraise 4 spring onions finely sliced 1 small bunch of chives finely chopped 2tsp horseradish Juice and zest of 1 lemon Salt and cracked black pepper Rocket or watercress to garnish Extra virgin olive oil to drizzle

Serves 4 Prep 10 minutes Cook 30 minutes Cost £5.50 (for four)


In a medium sized saucepan cook the leeks in boiling salted water for 8 minutes. Drain, then place the leeks in a small bowl and season. Then drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and set aside.


In a small saucepan cook the potatoes in salted water until cooked, about 10 minutes.


In the meantime, mix together all the other ingredients except for the trout and rocket or watercress.


When the potatoes are cooked, drain them well then mix them into the crème fraise dressing. Then season.


Place two leeks onto each plate, then place a spoonful of the potatoes on the leeks. Arrange the smoked trout around the leeks and potatoes.


Garnish with the rocket or watercress. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and serve.

Recipe supplied courtesy of

Recipe Pledge

Enjoy! 43



Lynda Holbrook








WIN A luxury weekend worth £400 see overleaf.

The principle is this: talented cook decides that entertaining friends is no longer enough to satisfy their talents, they also fancy making a bit of money (not much after costs) on the side. So what do they do? Once a month, they throw open their home to complete strangers, transform their living space into a mock dining room and cook a (hopefully) delicious meal using only domestic equipment and non-professional help (think friends and family roped in). It's not a new concept. The trend has been going for years in countries like Argentina and Cuba where such places have been used to supplement small incomes. Now we are embracing the idea of these pop-ups here and many are beginning to get their own cult following as well as coverage in the national press. Raved about frequently are ‘The Underground Restaurant’ run by Ms Marmite Lover (read about and book at and The Secret Ingredient run by the equally impressively named Horton Jupiter (book through ‘The Secret Ingredient’ Facebook page) or you could try the slightly more upmarket ‘Savoy Truffle Club’ ( The dinners are more than often themed, so you could find yourself sitting down to a 7 course Japanese-inspired tasting menu or a seasonal celebration of mushrooms. So where did all this new found passion for chef-ing come from? Well, aside from the SO WHAT DO massive popularity of sleb THEY DO? ONCE chefs (your Jamies, Ricks and A MONTH, THEY Gordons) we have the huge cult following of shows like THROW OPEN THEIR HOMES TO MasterChef, Come Dine With Me and The Restaurant.



MasterChef has gradually moved from a sleepy teatime slot on BBC2 to prime time BBC1 and is now so popular it has spawned a Celebrity and Professional version. Previous winners like Thomasina Miers have gone on to real success in the industry with regular television gigs and successful restaurants (she has just opened her second). Come Dine With Me has gained a huge cult following. For the uninitiated it follows a group of 5 people who each host a dinner party for the other 4 contestants. Marks are given at the end of each meal and the winner gets a cash prize at the end of the week.

The Restaurant, which pits teams of 2 people against each other as they attempt to win the prize of their own restaurant, is in its 3rd series as more people step up to the huge challenge of keeping afloat (one previous winner has already had to close its doors). The central message of all of these programmes is aspirational, 'anyone can do it'. So back to Unfortunately, half the fun of pop-ups - it all watching is realising just how few of them can actually cook, sounds good, never mind cook to the level required to win. What's obvious though, is that the enthusiasm for cooking has reached an all time peak, and being a chef has never seemed so appealing.

so where's the catch? Well for one it's

completely illegal!

So back to pop-ups - it all sounds good, so where's the catch? Well for one it's completely illegal! You might be able to have your mates over for dinner but selling food needs certificates such as health and safety and hygiene as well as an inspection by food standards agency. It's also a good bet that the taxman isn't getting a look in. Oh and you can't sell booze without a licence either. Underground restaurants can get round these problems in a variety of ways. Email, blogs and Facebook mean it’s impossible to track who's doing what and where. Venues are often moved around at the last minute with punters getting instructions by mobile (similar to how underground raves operated in the 90’s). Booze is often sold in the form of a raffle so you pay for a ticket and win a bottle of wine, meaning no money has directly changed hands for the wine. Finally, word of mouth means there is a steady stream of sympathetic, like-minded people willing to be a paying punter. And there have been no reports of anyone being busted yet. So now you know how it's done, what’s stopping you? Maybe you can be the star behind the next big 'pop-up'.

After all, anyone can do it . . .

in The States, they’ve taken the concept one step further, with would-be restauranteurs ‘borrowing’ kitchen space from established restaurants for an evening in order to serve their own food. This helps the wouldbe chefs really test the water with some hands-on chef-ing experience and brings interest, new diners and shared revenue to the existing restaurant.









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0 A Q


Harvey Nichols Leeds Fourth Floor Café Bar and Restaurant has teamed up with The Chambers serviced apartments to offer one lucky reader and three friends the chance to win a luxurious mini weekend break. The prize will see the winner absorb the ambience of Harvey Nichols’ Jazz weekend spectacular this August Bank Holiday, over a decadent three course dinner followed by a one night’s stay in a sophisticated, two bedroom, boutique apartment. The Harvey Nichols Leeds Jazz weekend spectacular is part of the Big City Jazz Festival in Leeds, which runs from 21st to 31st August. The lucky foursome will dine in the award winning Fourth Floor restaurant, on Saturday 29th August, whilst being entertained by the UK Collective, Brothers on the Slide. The group will use the combined talents of lead vocalist Pete Huckerby, keyboard/songwriter Wayne Pollock, bass player Kenny Higgins, guitarist Chris Sharkey and drummer Tom Hendricks to wow audiences from 7pm to 10pm. After savouring the luscious combination of music and food in the Fourth Floor Restaurant, they will spend the night in a haven of calm and in five-star luxury at the Chambers’ Riverside West apartments on the banks of the river Aire. The original serviced residences offer peace and tranquillity a stone’s throw from all the buzz of the capital of the North. Harvey Nichols will also showcase the talents of The Brazilian Jazz Quartet on Friday 28th August from 7pm to 10.0pm, The Kari Nergaard Bleivik Quartet on Sunday 30th from 12 noon to 4pm. Roman Merrick will bring the weekend to a close by delivering classics from the American Songbook with style and charisma on Monday 31st August from 12noon to 4pm. The Fourth Floor Restaurant is now open 5 nights a week, (Tuesday–Saturday). For further information and reservations please call 0113 204 8000 or visit

To be in with a chance of winning, answer this question:

Q. What is the name of the famous Leeds shopping Quarter where Harvey Nichols is located? Email your answers to and include your name and contact details. Remember to be available for the 29th August. Closing date for entries is 24th August. Terms and Conditions • The winner will receive a complementary one night stay in a two bedroom apartment which must be taken on Saturday 29th August for four people at The Chambers. • The prize is subject to availability and is based on four people sharing a double apartment. • The prize cannot be taken in conjunction with any other special offers and promotions. • Promotion is open to all UK residents, except employees of Harvey Nichols and their immediate families or anyone who is professionally connected to the promotion. • Prizes are non-transferable or exchangeable and there is no cash alternative.


on gig guide


Everyone's favourite chiselled Norwegians come through the ever-revolving door marked pop nostalgia whilst rather ambitiously suggesting, in their press release, that their new sound fits "comfortably alongside the likes of Little Boots and La Roux". Thankfully, that needless stab at contemporaneity is as half-hearted as it sounds. What point would there be of A-Ha returning if they sounded like anybody other than A-Ha. So, Paul Waaktaar-Savoy's simple but massive synth-and-strings Euro rock is still shot through with Morten Harket's melancholy timbre and endless longing - longing for love, longing for freedom, longing to just, like, shake off the shackles of modernity and sit at, yes, the foot of a mountain. With a supermodel, presumably. There are a couple of scorching singles, one almighty 80's epic, a couple of awkward flirtations with 21st century electro pop - but ultimately, A-Ha, despite having the worst band name in pop history, sound best when they're just being A-Ha.


THE BLUETONES - Brudenell, Leeds DAVID VINER - Nation of Shopkeepers, Leeds 22 AUGUST ALTERN 8 - Rio’s, Leeds SUMMERLIN - The Cockpit, Leeds 25 AUGUST 3 SEPTEMBER THE PASTELS, Brudenell, Leeds On: Recommends: Scary to think The Pastels have been knocking around for nigh-on 30 years - in that time they’ve collaborated with My Bloody Valentine, Jarvis Cocker, Teenage Fanclub, released a soundtrack album, been lumped in with all manner of mini musical movements and singularly failed to even come close to setting the charts alight. Either the most influential band you’ve never heard of, or see you down the front at The Brudenell.



TRASHCAN SiNATRAS - 'in The Music'



THE STONE ROSES - 'The Stone Roses' THE LEGACY EDiTiON Yes, it's 20 years since this embarrassment of tuneful riches soundtracked a generation. Age has not diminished it - history can now place 'The Stone Roses' next to those other cultural identifiers - 'Ziggy Stardust', 'Never Mind The Bollocks', 'The Smiths'. From the splatter painting front cover to the religiously detailed ecstatic peak of closer 'i Am The Resurrection' - 'The Stone Roses' is as fully-realised as any debut release ever. How strange, that a band as selfassured and as seemingly invincible as they looked here, would later dissolve in such ignominious circumstances. This sumptuous 3-disc set adds extras, lost demos and one tantalising unreleased track. Don't worry, it's rubbish. Glastonbury next year, anybody?

VETIVER - Brudenell, Leeds WAVE MACHINES - Faversham, Leeds ROGER DAVIES - The Victoria, Halifax ELIZA CARTHY - Brudenell, Leeds InMe - Cockpit, Leeds WILLARD GRANT CONSPIRACY Faversham, Leeds 21 SEPTEMBER FLORENCE & THE MACHINE - Academy, Leeds 24 SEPTEMBER MASSIVE ATTACK - Academy, Leeds






On: Recommends: A stellar line-up of collaborators has ensured Massive Attack’s 5th album is more hotly anticipated than ever. Damon Albarn, Martina Topley-Bird, Guy Garvey, Hope Sandoval and TV On The Radio’s Tunde Adebimpe are all involved. Maybe those dark and paranoid live dates will be punctuated by some guest appearance light-relief?


The English band, Spearmint, have a song called 'Scottish Pop'. in it they pay tribute to all things wistful, jangly, melodic and, yes, Scottish. They name-drop Bobby G, Edwyn C, Stephen Pastel, Teenage Fanclub, Stuart Murdoch, before adding, 'i love Scottish pop!' But how could they? How can they really claim to love it when the names Douglas, Reader, Livingston and Wilson are so cruelly ignored? The less-than-prolific Trashcan's 5th album in 20 years still embraces The Sound of Young Scotland, still wraps wide-open acoustic chords and epic blue-eyed pop in a lovely melody sandwich, still has enough bitter to balance the sweet, still has the lyrical flair to match, well, anybody - and it still won't sell out side of their devoted fan base. 'in The Music' works from a richer sonic palette than predecessor 'Weightlifting' without being as instantly appealing, but there are rich rewards if anybody nowadays can be bothered to actually give records the time to unveil their beauty. One of our greatest lost bands have just ON GiVE got better. Again.

4 SEPTEMBER MAGNOLIA ELECTRIC COMPANY Brudenell, Leeds 6 SEPTEMBER MARTIN STEPHENSON - Henry Boons, Wakefield 7 SEPTEMBER JOSH RITTER - Brudenell, Leeds On: Recommends: Maybe it’s the solid devotion to his craft that gets Josh Ritter unfairly aligned with all those bland David Gray facsimiles - your Seth Lakemans and Paolo Nutinis and, groan, James Morrisons. He’s way better than all of that and possesses a lyrical acuity to go with the abundant songwriting skills. Oddly, he’s absolutely massive in Ireland!

A-HA - 'Foot of the Mountain'




…10 Years ago this month: THE ALL SEEiNG i - 'Pickled Eggs and Sherbert' THE ALL SEEiNG i - 'Pickled Eggs and Sherbert' The All Seeing i were ex-DJs and techno heads who'd been messing around on the periphery of various dance scenes for a good few years. Fellow Sheffielder, the thenubiquitous Jarvis Cocker hoisted them out of obscurity by writing the lyrics for 'Walk Like a Panther' - a sort-of tongue-in-cheek hymn to Sheffield - and then made the genius suggestion of asking 70's MOR crooner Tony Christie to supply the vocals. The result was a brilliant hybrid of antique pop and dancefloor nous that made for a surprise Top 10 hit. The album that followed was confused, but frequently brilliant. A second Cocker-penned anthem called 'First Man in Space' utilised the unmistakable vocal textures of Sheffield's most celebrated son, The Human League's Phil Oakey, and has him blasting off into orbit then bemoaning the general public's indifference to his return. 'How come no-one wants to know what i saw,' he sings. it is, of course, a metaphorical microcosm of Oakey's career - and strangely moving for it. Elsewhere, there are house riffs, electro dub, deadpan pop and a general feeling of looking at the stars whilst laying in the gutter. A great debut and, maybe, Cocker's finest hour.

Brudenell, Leeds






3 Tunes: 3 Club Nights:

Lindstrom & Solale – Baby I Can't Stop (Aeroplane Remix) - (Feedelity) Edwin Oosterwal & Warren Fellow – Hotlips - (Reject) isolee - Albacares – (Mule Electronic) Back to Basics - (Leeds) 29th August - Doc Martin, Buckley, Tristan Da Cunha & more... Faversham - (Leeds) 30th August - Technique versus Asylum Garden Party (Line up TBA) The Viper Rooms - (Harrogate) - Decadance (every Saturday) - Classic Dance, Disco, House, Retro & Soul

cinema&dvd for the weeks ahead inglourious Basterds


Director: Quentin Tarantino Stars: Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Diane Kruger Tarantino's hotly-anticipated war film is a welcome relief from his recent niche indulgences, Death Proof and Grindhouse, but it lacks the thrilling momentum of his more celebrated work. A group of Jewish-American soldiers, under the command of Aldo Raine (a swaggering Brad Pitt), cause havoc behind Nazi lines in occupied France. They become embroiled in a cat-and-mouse game with a Nazi Officer (a scene-stealing performance from newcomer Christoph Waltz) while they simultaneously plan to blow up a top brass Nazi gathering at a cinema. For a war movie this is indulgently wordy stuff and frustratingly cumbersome at times. Vintage splashes of trademark wit and bravado are interspersed with some needless tag-ons - a scene in England with Mike Myers, as a camp British Officer, is little more than an excuse to get the comedy actor into some prosthetics. It's a long set-up from Tarantino, but when the film really starts revving, there's still nobody who can match him. Tension builds, sparks fly, threads come together beautifully - but did it really have to take such a long and winding road?





onfilms Orphan

ondvds The Boat That Rocked

onretrodvds Before Sunset

Director: Jaume Collet-Sera

Director: Richard Curtis


Stars: Vera Farmiga, Peter Sarsgaard, isabelle Fuhrman

Stars: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Bill Nighy, Rhys ifans

Stars: Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy

In what must be the oddest major studio picture of the year, Orphan tells the story of an American couple who attempt to combat the grief of a stillborn baby by adopting a 9 year-old Russian child who has lost her parents in a 'mysterious fire'. Poor decision. Little Esther turns out to be a very, very bad girl.

The Boat That Rocked is Richard Curtis's very English love letter to the golden era of pirate radio and 60's pop. A stellar cast is wasted - forced to indulge in some cringingly staged slapstick and do battle with some blatantly signposted one-liners. A relentlessly upbeat, free-love vibe prevails that, ultimately, grates.

Dark clouds and death seem to be Esther's lot. As her creepy back story is revealed, her icy blankness seems less and less a vessel to wrap up in human warmth and more a cold-eyed and calculated malevolence disguised in fragile innocence.

Clichés abound - Kenneth Brannagh is the pantomime villain - a nasty MP who wants the boat closed down, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Rhys Ifans are the on-board DJs battling it out over the same woman and Tom Sturridge is the unfortunate lead actor who seems to think he's been dumped in the middle of a modern day Carry On movie. Although to give him his dues he is trying to pop his cherry for the entire film.

Orphan is lurid and nightmarish, jabbing at all our nurturing instincts and brilliantly amplifying the movie's subtext - that parenting is a terrifying process. Plus, a nerve-shredding finale places little Esther in the horror kid pantheon right alongside Carrie, Damien et al. And what of those coloured ribbons that she wears around her neck? Creepy. Really creepy.

The film is visually accurate but feels historically bogus. Surely, the real life tensions of life on these boats is made for dramatic conversion. A missed opportunity. Great soundtrack, though!



Director: Richard Linklater

Incredible that Richard Linklater followed this beautiful, quiet, introspective love story with his major commercial breakthrough, School of Rock. It's akin to Joni Mitchell following Blue with Never Mind The Bollocks. Nine years earlier, in Before Sunrise, we saw the chance meeting of two strangers on a train unfold into a love-struck 24 hours in Vienna. At the end of the movie, Jesse and Celine went their separate ways. Now, in true film fashion, they meet again. This time the backdrop is Paris and as the film meanders gently through the city's famous streets, you're taken on a journey of slow burning love and discovery with two people who feel a deep and inescapable attraction to one another. Look, this a love story, beautifully observed, expertly crafted and utterly believable with a genuine chemistry between Hawke and Delpy. You will either dive into its subtle intimacies and underlying sexual tension, or you will go and watch Transformers. And if, come the finale, you don't have tears of joy welling in your eyes, you've really forgotten what romance is all about.

ALSO OUT iN THE COMiNG WEEKS August 14 - 'Imagine That' stars Eddie Murphy as a man who finds the solution to his on-the-job problems via the imaginary world of his 6-year-old daughter. 'The Time Traveler's Wife', based on the novel by Audrey Niffenegger, could be a real tear-jerking sleeper hit. A man has a gene that causes him to involuntarily time-travel, and his condition is brought on by stress and bad memories. Vanessa 'High School Musical' Hudgens stars in 'Bandslam'. A high school outcast's bond with a popular girl over their shared love of music results in them assembling a rock group that hopes to win their schools' battle of the bands competition. August 21 - Based on Larry Doyle's novel, 'I Love You Beth Cooper' follows the adventures of a geeky high school valedictorian who decides he has nothing to lose by making a play for the popular cheerleader (Hayden Panettiere) and declares his love for her during his graduation speech. August 28 - When seasoned comedian George Simmons learns of his terminal, inoperable health condition, his desire to form a genuine friendship causes him to take a relatively green performer under his wing as his opening act in 'Funny People'. Starring Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen, this should be great.

In 'The Final Destination', a teen's premonition of a deadly race-car crash spares his life and those of few lucky others, but death continues to stalk them. Also released: 'Dogging: A Love Story'. Ahem. Released in September - 'District 9', an intriguing live-action sci-fier from LOTR helmer Peter Jackson. 'Adventureland', a comedy set in the summer of 1987 starring Ryan Reynolds. 'Fish Tank', the second film from Andrea Arnold, the director of the brilliant 'Red Road'. Pandorum', in which a pair of crewmembers aboard a spaceship wake up with no knowledge of their mission or their identities. 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs', an animated feature in which a scientist attempts to end world hunger; And last but not least, the re-imagining of the dance classic 'Fame'...



50 54

Super-Chef Heston Blumenthal is the owner of three-Michelin-Starred restaurant The Fat Duck, voted Best Restaurant in the UK by the Good Food Guide 2007 and voted Best Restaurant in the World by fellow chefs in 2005. Blumenthal’s TV appearances have included ‘Big Chef Takes on Little Chef’, where he attempted to update and innovate the menu of Britain’s famous-but-flagging roadside diner franchise and ‘Heston’s Feasts’ where he recreated extraordinary gastronomic delights from across the ages (Pig Nipple Scratchings, anyone?). He is famous for his scientific approach to cooking and has been variously described as a culinary alchemist, a mad scientist and a genius. Here, he talks about the methods in his madness, the glory of the gadget and his unusual all-time hero.

Heston Blumenthal


“If you hear the crunch of an apple while chewing gum say, you can’t help but crunch like you would an apple. And it makes the whole thing a totally different experience.”


HOW DiD YOU END UP BECOMiNG SUCH A SCiENTiST OF THE KiTCHEN? I’m completely self-taught. I decided to become a chef at 14 and just started straight away, no lessons, just cooking. I think it’s still that naughty kid in me that makes me go a bit crazy with my experimentations. It’s all boys’ stuff. All boys like blowing things up, and being inquisitive and dangerous with our gadgets.

WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURiTE DiSH TO COOK? The most fun you can have in a kitchen is making ice cream with dry ice. And anyone can do this. It’s a brilliant one. You buy dry ice and get a liquidiser, just a normal one like a Kenwood. Put your dry ice and ice cream mix into the Kenwood, and all this smoke will go everywhere, like Lionel Ritchie is about to walk out on stage. Bang on the liquidiser and in seconds you’ve got ice cream. It’s brilliant.

AND ANYONE CAN DO iT? Absolutely. The best bit about this is, I once put too much dry ice in, and by accident created fizzy ice-cream. By putting too much in you can actually make a Coca-Cola sorbet that is fizzy when you eat it. in Search of Total Perfection by Heston Blumenthal is published by Bloomsbury, £14.99. Available from


WHAT iS YOUR MOST LAViSH KiTCHEN GADGET? An MRI scanner. I have metal in my back so I couldn’t do this myself, so I borrowed the brain scanner from Nottingham University and stuck my Head Chef through it while he was attached to a drip feeding him chilli oil. I sneakily switched the dosage when nobody was looking, so he was getting double the chilli dosage that the health and safety doctors would allow us. I did give myself a syringe as well, because I felt guilty.

WHAT HAPPENED? I wanted to see what parts of his brain my chilli would affect so I could create the perfect chilli. I needed to find out the point where the pain of the chilli died down, and the pleasurable endorphins that make us like spicy foods are released. That’s why people become addicted to curry. You could see all his brain cells light up on the screen.

ARE THERE ANY CHEFS OUT THERE CRAZiER THAN YOU? I visited a chef in Holland who’s barking mad, but creating some amazing experiments. He feeds you a spoon of custard, and then makes you wipe a tongue with a tampon and leave it in your mouth for one minute. It sucks out all the saliva, and custard. Then you have a spoonful of the same custard, tastes richer, sweeter, more complex - it’s amazing. Now I can’t force feed my diners tampons, so you have to look at the science of your wines. The tannin in different red wines will have the same effect on certain foods to an extent.

and gave up. I could have just gone to a scientist and he’d have told me it was impossible, but it’s a bit like when you’re putting together some flat pack furniture or a kids’ climbing frame – it’s a very bloke-ish thing to do, just ignore the instructions because you think you can do it better yourself.

YOU SERVE FOOD WiTH i-PODS iN THE FAT DUCK. WHY? Think about the most amazing food you’ve ever eaten, and I bet you remember the setting as much as the food itself. That’s because the senses, when we eat, all tie in with the senses of our sight and sounds. So we serve a seafood dish now that comes with an i-pod Nano in a clamshell. You listen to the sea as you eat your seafood, and it works really well. I’m looking to attaching some seaweed paste to a fan next so we can blast the diners with a sea breeze too.

WHAT iS YOUR FAVOURiTE EVER GADGET iN YOUR KiTCHEN? My knife is the most crucial gadget in my kitchen. I import mine from Japan and they’ll last me for years. All these gadgets that come in to help chefs are fine, they make things better, but you can’t even get off the ground without a good set of knives. There are really important gadgets in the kitchen that are just boring. Things like a PH meter and refractometer. Dry ice is up there now. My liquid nitrogen machine is great too.

DO YOU REGARD YOURSELF AS A BiT OF A WiLLY WONKA? WHY DO YOU THiNK SCiENCE iS iMPORTANT iN THE KiTCHEN? It’s just accuracy. Make a gun shape with your three fingers, now put that in your mouth as if you’re about to blow your head off. It’s an exact fit. Everyone’s mouth is three fingers tall. So the perfect burger must measure three fingers high – you want a mouth full, but you don’t want to miss any flavour. That’s what I’m all about.

WHEN YOU’RE WALKiNG AROUND B&Q DO YOU THiNK – i COULD USE THAT iN THE KiTCHEN? Well, yeah, but I also look at mass production techniques a great deal. The best gadgets come from the production of the worst food. Those awful cheese slices you get for kids’ packed lunches, they’re horrible, but actually really clever. Think about it, when you melt cheese it goes all stringy, it doesn’t go into slice form. What to do is mimic their process, of pouring sodium citrate on to the cheese. You can do this on better ingredients than they use, and your food suddenly becomes pliable. You can buy it from the Chemist.

ARE YOU EVER WORRiED ABOUT THE SAFETY OF YOUR OWN iNVENTiONS? It scares people because you’re using chemicals but everything is chemicals. Salt is a chemical. A peach is a massive ball of chemicals, they’re just natural. If you knew what chemicals made up water, you wouldn’t drink it.

WHAT’S THE BiGGEST DiSASTER YOU’VE EVER HAD? Things go wrong all the time. I’ve spent four years trying to get that hot ice cream to work. I finally cracked it using the process they use to make turkey dinosaurs. The companies hot mould the turkey to make it dinosaur shape and then cool it down. The same process works in icecream… eventually. I spent five years trying to make savoury candy floss

He is my absolute hero. I was actually given an original Charlie And The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl’s wife, and it blew me away. I definitely look at my kitchen like a laboratory. And I’ve got five people who are working in there the whole time. It’s an amazing facility, but not quite Wonka yet. The thing is, if you could come up with one new way of cooking something in your lifetime, you’d be happy. The situation I’m in now, I’m having to create six new techniques every three to four months.

WHAT’S YOUR NExT PROJECT? I’m looking into vibrations and noises. I’ve bought a sound box, which is basically an effects unit rock stars plug their electric guitars into. So I mike up people eating and play them back the sound of their crunches through headphones. But this effects unit alters the sounds. It works wonders to make you enjoy your food differently. If you hear the crunch of an apple while chewing gum say, you can’t help but crunch like you would an apple. And it makes the whole thing a totally different experience.

HOW CAN SOMEONE TAKE THE MADNESS OF YOUR KiTCHEN AND TRY TO RECREATE iT AT HOME? Everyone should open their kitchens to gadgetry. You’ll use an oven, kettle, microwave or blender so why not a lab grade centrifuge to split amino acid? It scares you, but microwaves probably scared your parents. Gadgets don’t take away from the point of the cooking, we’ll never get to a stage where robots can make Michelin Star grade food, it just helps improve things. Most of the gadgets you can pick up at John Lewis are amazing. I started off only using professional gadgetry in my kitchen, but then realised the “pro” tag just made them more expensive. A steamer you can get from Argos is just as good, and you get a year’s warranty. Feast with Heston Blumenthal returns for a Christmas Special later this year.




Harrogate Theatre Comedy Festival Yorkshire-folks’ much misunderstood capacity for comedic intolerance will be put to the test this autumn with a stunning line-up of the best stand-up talent this country can boast.

Reasons to be

Harrogate Theatre has organised their first ever Comedy Festival. Their aim is to showcase the widest possible mix of comedy performers with a line up combining established names, alongside emerging talent to ensure that all tastes are catered for over the Festival’s four week duration.

Over 18 acts will perform and the Festival which will culminate in a week-long programme of events across both of the venue’s auditoriums with the Studio Theatre transformed into a comedy club.



14 October 8pm

29 October 8pm

Following up his brilliant, stripped-back BBC2 stand-up series ‘Comedy Vehicle’, Stewart Lee brings his new show, ‘If You Prefer a Milder Comedian, Please Ask For One’ to Harrogate. In his own words, “In this show, an account of something that happened to me in a coffee shop will be used as a convenient framing device for disparate material possibly concerning English Heritage, Top Gear, The Olympics, emigration, prawns, Bella Pasta, The National Trust, farmers, DH Lawrence, piglets, cathedrals, bees, Iggy Pop, cider adverts, riots etc etc.”

The Greatest Living Stand-Up according to the On: Offices makes his Harrogate Theatre debut with his brand new show following the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and tours of the US and Australia. Daniel has won countless awards including the Perrier Award, Scotsman Fringe First Award and the Barry Award at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Thrillingly, Daniel doesn’t do TV – so if you want to see him, it’ll have to be in the flesh!



12 October 8pm

21 October 8pm

Opening the Harrogate Comedy Festival will be the multi-award winning comedian and star of ‘For One Night Only’, ‘Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow’, ‘Skins’ and ‘8 Out of 10 Cats’. Fresh from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival John will perform his new show.

Described by The Sunday Times as ‘as close as you can get to a man emotionally and philosophically disembowelling himself on stage,’ Simon Amstell’s razor-sharp stand-up is far, far away from the stale banter of Never Mind The Buzzcocks. Intelligent and confrontational, but revealing a surprisingly sensitive side too.

“Man walks into a pub and says...”

richHALL 10 November 8pm Closing the Harrogate Comedy Festival will be Edinburgh Fringe favourite and Perrier Award winner Rich Hall. Rich will be performing in his usual style as the grouchy, deadpan comic genius and once again, back by popular demand, his alto ego, the redneck jailbird character Otis Lee Crenshaw, will be let out of jail for the second half of the show.



HARROGATE THEATRE: 01423 502116 WEST YORKSHiRE PLAYHOUSE: 0113 213 7210 THE GRAND: 0844 848 2706 ST GEORGE’S HALL: 01274 432000

Harrogate Theatre Comedy Festival

As if that’s not enough, the West Yorkshire Playhouse will be hosting a number of excellent one-night-only comedy acts in the Quarry Theatre. The line-up includes Marcus Brigstocke, Alistair McGowan, Jason Manford, Stewart Lee, Sean Hughes and the legendary Clive James! Plus, Resident compere Silky returns for another season of his sell-out Sunday comedy club. Now scheduled into a regular once a month slot, Silky’s evenings include two headliners from the international comedy circuit as well as the best of emerging local talent.


Show: Date: Tickets:

John Bishop Monday 12 October 8pm £12 / £10 concessions

Show: Date: Tickets:

Stewart Lee Wednesday 14 October 8pm £16 / £14 concessions

Show: Date: Tickets:

Russell Kane Monday 19 October 8pm £12 / £10 concessions

Show: Date: Tickets:

Simon Amstell Wednesday 21 October 8pm £20 / £18 concessions

Show: Date: Tickets:

Sean Hughes Sunday 25 October 8pm £14 / £12 concessions

Show: Date: Tickets:

Milton Jones Monday 26 October 8pm £12 / £10 concessions

Show: Date: Tickets:

Grumpy Old Women Live 2: Chin Up Britain Tuesday 27 October 8pm £20

Show: Date: Tickets:

Jim Jeffries Wednesday 28 October 8pm £15

Show: Date: Tickets

ian Billings Thursday 29 October 2pm £7.50 / £6.50 concession – family tickets available

Show: Date: Tickets:

Daniel Kitson Thursday 29 October 8pm £10

Show: Date: Tickets:

Julian Clary: Lord of the Mince Friday 30 October 8pm £20 / £17.50 concessions

Show: Date: Tickets:

Rich Hall Tuesday 10 November 8pm £15




WYP Marcus Brigstocke God Collar 4 October A brand-new hilarious stand-up show from Argumental (Dave) and The Now Show’s (BBC Radio 4) own awardwinning comedian. £16 / concessions £2 off

WYP Alistair McGowan 21 October The impressionist, Alistair McGowan (The Big Impression), embarks on his first solo stand-up tour in ten years.

WYP Clive James in The Evening 22 October In an unprecedented feat of strength he carries his latest book on stage and then talks about almost anything else... All tickets £17.50

WYP Jason Manford 25 October The multi-award winning comedian and star of As Seen on TV, 8 Out of 10 Cats, Live at the Apollo and The Secret Policeman’s Ball 2008, performs his exciting and hilarious show, which will have audiences begging for more. £14 / concessions £12

WYP Sean Hughes - What i Meant To Say Was 31 October The youngest comic ever to win the Perrier award, for his Edinburgh Fringe debut in 1990, Sean Hughes is back with a brand new show not to be missed. £14 / concessions £12

The Grand Theatre, Leeds AL MURRAY 1 November The Guv’nor will once again be hitting the road to raise a glass with you, the beautiful British public, whilst merrily musing over a heady brew of topics; including the global financial crisis, London 2012, and his personal crusade to fix Broken Britain. £26

The Grand Theatre, Leeds STEPHEN K. AMOS 2 November Stephen K Amos is on the road with his third solo stand-up comedy tour of the UK. £17.50

The Grand Theatre, Leeds ED BYRNE 6 November Irish comic and star of BBC 2's Mock the Week, Ed Byrne returns with his blisteringly funny critically acclaimed one man show about marriage, class, the youth of today and anything else that strikes him as humorous. £21

ST Georges Hall, Bradford TiM MiNCHiN 1 October Back from a massive Australian tour, Tim wants to know if you are Ready For This, without really specifying what this is. £17.50

ST Georges Hall, Bradford GRUMPY OLD WOMEN LiVE 2: CHiN UP BRiTAiN 24 October With Jenny Éclair, Wendi Peters and Susie Blake Ninety minutes of advanced Grumping - plus vital tips on getting through these gloomy days the Grumpy way! £20

ST Georges Hall, Bradford JiM JEFFRiES 29 October It’s been a great year so far for the critically acclaimed, controversial Aussie stand-up Jim Jeffries. He is regarded as one of comedy’s fastest rising stars. £15

ST Georges Hall, Bradford JiMMY CARR 13 November A heady mix of artistic integrity, loyalty and greed has put Jimmy back on the road. £22.50


£16 / concessions £14




in the

spotlight... a guide to what’s on in the theatres

Harrogate Theatre OLD TiME MUSiC HALL 26 SEPTEMBER Harrogate Theatre presents a sensational evening of Victorian entertainment as they take you back in time to the ‘Good Old Days’. In this special charity gala evening you will be able to rejoice in this bygone age of amusement whilst helping raise funds for local charities with all the money raised going towards the ongoing Harrogate Theatre restoration and St Michael’s Hospice. £12 / £2 off concessions T. 01423 502116



13 – 15 AUGUST

Following their sell-out 2008 success with Bouncers, Reform Theatre Company are once again unleashing their inimitable comic style on their latest production of John Godber’s Happy Jack.

The annual Harrogate Youth Theatre summer show returns in spectacular fashion. A fun event for the whole family The Wind In The Willows will be performed outdoors in the magnificent surroundings of the historic Valley Gardens. This exciting new production will be a fantastic way to spend a Summer’s day. The adventures of Mole, Ratty, Badger and of course Toad have amused and enthralled generations of children and adults for years. Alan Bennett’s witty adaptation, complete with his trademark warmth and humour, creates an enchanting bygone age which can be relished by all ages.


Jack and Liz are a funny, bickering loving couple and this amusing and moving play weaves a path through their long life together. A joyous and celebratory story you will follow them from their early courtship through to COSÌ FAN TUTTE their retirement. Happy Jack was inspired by John Godber’s beloved grandparents and is a celebration of life and love. £12 / £2 off concessions

£7.50 / £2 off concessions T. 01423 502116

11 September – 22 October It starts with a casual bet. The wily old cynic Don Alfonso wagers that the fiancées of two young men won’t stay faithful for a minute if put to the test. It sounds harmless enough, but cruelty is inherent in this game of love. Trust and deception, loyalty and desire – all are put under the microscope, and the score contains some of Mozart’s most sensuously lovely music. This beautiful production, set in the late 18th century, has been extravagantly praised. Tickets £10 - £55 T. 0844 848 2706

The Grand, Leeds SPiDER’S WEB 24 - 29 August

Prices range from £10.50 - £25.50 T. 0844 848 2706

WERTHER 26 Sept – 24 October

Clive Barda

As a web of deceit starts to unravel, Clarissa pulls her friends into a desperate race to unveil a murderer and solve the mystery before the police discover the felony and arrest her as their prime suspect!

Richard Moran/Elmwood

Following the Agatha Christie Theatre Company’s hugely successful productions of The Hollow, The Unexpected Guest and most recently, And Then There Were None; the fourth instalment in the highly acclaimed series promises to be the most intriguing and entertaining yet.

Werther is a man helplessly in love with a woman already promised in marriage to someone else. Massenet makes a simple story of impossible love intensely touching through gorgeous melodies, rich orchestration and a sure dramatic instinct. With great British tenor Paul Nilon in the title role, and Alice Coote, one of the world’s leading mezzo-sopranos, as Charlotte, the object of his passion, this new production of one of the supreme achievements of French romantic opera should not be missed. Tickets £10 - £55 T. 0844 848 2706


West Yorkshire Playhouse, Leeds Dial M For Murder 11 September - 3 October From the producers of the global hit The 39 Steps and prior to the West End comes Frederick Knott’s intense and darkly gripping thriller, famously filmed by Alfred Hitchcock. Tony is convinced his wife is having an affair. We watch mesmerised at Tony’s precision in planning what must surely be the perfect murder... until it falters in the most unexpected way. Dial M For Murder is directed by Lucy Bailey, whose gripping stage version of The Postman Always Rings Twice at West Yorkshire Playhouse quickly transferred to the West End. Set in a claustrophobic and frightening environment, her exciting new production reclaims this brilliant and erotic tale of betrayal, passion and ultimately, murder.

Dracula 10 - 19 September 2009 Imagine a world where you can only go out after dark, where you feel a constant hunger for human blood but where for all eternity you will appear young and beautiful. Welcome to the world of Dracula. A creature who should inspire repulsion in every living thing but who has seduced countless generations, Dracula possesses a mesmerising sexuality which fascinates us all. Choreographed by Northern Ballet Theatre’s Artistic Director David Nixon, this ballet reveals the tormented world of the immortal Count. Images and moments from Bram Stoker’s legendary novel are brought alive in sensuous and sinister dance and theatre, uncovering our most basic desires and fears. £17 - £27 T. 0113 2137700

£16 - £26 T. 0113 2137700

The Caucasian Chalk Circle 25 September - 17 October The city burns in the heat of civil war and a servant girl sacrifices everything to protect an abandoned child. But when peace is finally restored, the boy’s mother comes to claim him. Calling upon the ancient tradition of the Chalk Circle, a comical judge sets about resolving the dispute. But in a culture of corruption and deception, who wins? Written by Alistair Beaton and peopled with vivid and amusing characters, this is one of the greatest plays of the last century. £16 - £26 T. 0113 2137700

Alhambra Theatre, Bradford

The Victoria, Halifax SAMMY J iN THE FOREST OF DREAMS 13 September Take the music of Disney, the drama of The Lord of the Rings and the emotion of Les Miserables, then blindfold them, beat them, regain their trust, beat them again, and you might end up with something resembling this Edinburgh Festival hit show. Walt Disney gets his comeuppance in this skewed tribute to the tales of our childhood. Join Sammy, a cast of 14 puppets, toe-tapping music and award winning puppeteer Heath McIvor as they take you on a magical journey through the Forest of Dreams. £12 - £14 T. 01422 351158


THE SOUND OF MUSiC Until 26 September With its unforgettable score that includes some of the most memorable songs ever performed on the musical stage - My Favorite Things, Do-Re-Mi, Climb Ev’ry Mountain, The Lonely Goatherd, and, of course, the glorious title song, The Sound of Music, it’s the perfect family treat! Prices from £15 T. 01274 432000

A Hull Truck Theatre Production of…


30 September

5 – 6 October

Following his smash hit, sell-out national tour of 42 venues across the UK and a three week run at The Apollo Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, Rob Brydon comes to the Victoria Theatre with an evening of brand new, stand up comedy.

They are Carol, Adele, Nicky and Mel, mix a Pina Colada or serve you a San Miguel. They have ambitions and dreams and would like to go far but they're working as waitresses in a cocktail bar!

BAFTA nominated for his critically acclaimed performance as Uncle Bryn in Gavin and Stacey and with a number one Comic Relief single under his belt, Rob's other credits read like a compendium of modern British comedy.

Welcome to Shakers - for service with a smile, even Written by John Godber if the waitresses are and Jane Thornton Directed by John Godber shaken and probably Designed by Pip Leckenby stirred! Underpaid, overworked and rushed off their feet we see through their eyes, a variety of characters propping up the bar and out for a night on the tiles.


Written by award winning writing team John Godber and Jane Thornton, this hilarious fast paced comedy promises to have you laughing out loud!

T. 01422 351158

£16 T. 01422 351158





A found

gem As 21st century Leeds swells and spreads, small islands of life spring up around the city’s perimeter. The tucked-away Wharfs, Brewery and Granary, host restaurants, businesses and shops and the multimillion pound venture at Clarence Dock is practically an enclosed village - residences, indoor car park, places to hang out, mini-marts. If you were that way inclined, there would be no need even to leave the place. You don’t pass these places with armfuls of shopping bags - they’re off the beaten commercial track - you must hunt them down, make a special visit. They call it regeneration, of course, and we like it!


NEED TO KNOW: The Foundry Wine Bar, 1 Saw Mill Yard, Round Foundry, Water Lane, LS11 5WH. Open lunch Monday to Friday; dinner Monday to Saturday. Car park off Water Lane, disabled access, discreet music. Three course dinner for two without wine about £60 - £70. Tel: 0113 2450390

And there’s another place that you might just have missed hiding behind the Cross Keys on Water Lane is, wait for it, Holbeck Urban Village: smart offices, outdoor areas, coffee shops and one very, very good restaurant. indeed, restaurants in these isolated pockets simply have to be good to survive. if things aren’t up to scratch, people will only make that special visit the once. Gone forever. The Foundry is almost four years old and has bags of restaurant experience front-of-house, in the kitchen and behind the scenes and it shows. Here is a restaurant that understands its clientele and, most importantly, fully understands the food it’s putting before its customers. It might offer simple, hearty fare - good ingredients, well prepared, well cooked - but it’s also a thoughtful enterprise and executed with absolute care and precision. The restaurant boasts a healthy, growing reputation on the Leeds culinary scene - On: couldn’t get an incognito Saturday night table at the first time of asking - impressive in these hard-hit times. So we know, before we even start, they must be doing something right. Once you locate the place amid the maze of business premises at the development you’ll find a simple, gastropub-ish interior and a relaxed atmosphere (although you might discover the odd n’er-dowell propping up the bar). Service is charming, friendly and unobtrusive and you’ll be given good complimentary olives and bread. The menu is simple and to the point - classic British dishes, some retro stylings, some modern twists. Calorie counts are admirably ignored. You might even spot the odd Leeds United footballer inside – the restaurant is a favourite haunt for players old and new and the Club’s irascible Chairman is a regular.

Scallops are, of course, the very definition of food simplicity. Offer me them butter-fried on hot, crusty bread and I’m in culinary heaven - see how easily pleased I am! Their tender, subtle flesh is so easily overcome but here they came delicately and beautifully balanced on a vivid Pea and Mint Puree. As good starts go, this was a flyer! My partner’s Chicken Livers were deep and rich in a red wine jus – and came in such quantity! Yes, you’ll get the full lashings at The Foundry. If you prefer morsels and nibbling, stay away or at least bring some Gaviscon - portions here are big and bold. It’s not exactly a cheap night either - you’ll pay about seventy quid for two without wine. Mains were splendid. A hunk of Roast Lamb rested in a divine redcurrant gravy and it just slid off the bone. It was melt-in-yourmouth perfection, not remotely dry and even came with a nice side of crackled fat. If the chef wants to share his secrets, I’m all ears. My partner’s old-fashioned Beef Stroganoff was smoky with paprika, not well presented but expertly cooked and accompanied by fresh, well-dressed pasta. The creamy Sugarsnap and Green Pea side dishes were well looked after too – often, sides are a halfhearted after-thought - not here. To finish, the calories just kept coming - a creamily indulgent Eton Mess was packed with mango chunks and blackberries and streaked with a wild raspberry puree and a Crème Brulee did just about everything a Crème Brulee should do. I think there’s a part of me that’s been looking for a restaurant like The Foundry for some time. A place satisfyingly apart from the plethora of overpriced, wannabe fine dining joints that are springing up just about everywhere, each serving (yawn) ’Modern European’, with barely a smile, in a chilly atmosphere. Sometimes, don’t you just fancy something simple, something trad, something comforting? if you do, try The Foundry – it could be the place you’ve been looking for too.

WIN a mixed case of

wine worth £100

in our exclusive competition on page 109









£30 £30




12th August

Classic soul, with all the energy and excitment of the original Blues Brothers. You just can't resist dancing to this outstanding band.



19th August

10 piece totally LIVE tribute band playing hits from the movie plus a great selection of classic soul & Tamla Motown.


26th August

Back to the psychedelic 1960's, from The Summer of Love Band, hits from The Beach Boys, The Kinks, Mamas & Papas, Joe Cocker and more.


2nd September

A great 7-piece party band playing a mix of soul, funk and disco from James Brown, Otis Redding, The Jackson 5 Rose Royce & Stevie Wonder

9th September

This is an amazing tribute to Amy with a live 10-piece band, covering all her hits and other favourites.


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Legs, boulders, sneeze, crows


Note to self: remember the hayfever tablets.

But what’s the odd snie next to seven and a half miles of prime and pristine countryside in high summer?

Tiny Ramsgill is 15 minutes outside Pateley Bridge and would be just another pretty Yorkshire hamlet were it not for the Worldfamous ivy-clad building that dominates the central green. The Yorke Arms is one of only 5 Michelin-starred restaurants in the county of Yorkshire and is a worthy set-o point for this long and rewarding circular along the Nidderdale Way.

Ramsgill sits at the head of vast Gouthwaite Reservoir. Here, the water has been made deliberately inaccessible to humans and, because of this, has become something of a haven for wildlife and waterfowl. Now a Site of Special Scientfic interest, you’ll notice several convenient observation posts along the side of Wath Road on your car journey towards Ramsgill. So remember the binoculars if twitching’s your thing. Park conveniently (but, beware, not illegally) as near to the Yorke Arms as you can, then head along the through-road and to the side of the building to find a small green with benches to your left - to the rear of this you’ll find the yellow Nidderdale Way marker pointing a route along a path lined with trees beside the River Nidd to your right and with a sheep field to your left. You’ll follow this clear, well-marked route for the entirety of the walk and there’s little reason for On: to describe every twist and turn.

It’s a gentle climb to West House Farm (35mins) and you should note the treeline across the valley to your right as, in 3 hours time, it will form the closing part of this trek. Nidderdale itself, despite in fact being located outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park area, is many a person’s favourite Dale, it’s length and breadth officially an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is geographically ‘classic’ Yorkshire and quietly unspoilt. Follow the trail through the odd farm and across bright green country until a ramshackle farmer’s barn shows the road an abrupt downward curve towards, eventually, a children’s activity area and a bit of not unpleasant road walking. You’ll be unfortunate if you hear so much as the faraway toot of a tractor on this isolated stretch. companion and i each exchanged a grand This isnt a My total of four pleased-to-meet-you-nods with oncoming pedestrian traffic - but if it’s nature journey for contemplation and a respite from the human the sociable form you‘re looking for - then these solitary steps are made for you. walker!

Soon you’ll pass famous How Stean, a plunging limestone gorge that can be navigated and explored via narrow paths and footbridges along a ravine. Plus, there are some amazing caves to explore (Adults £5.50/Children £3.75) - but that’s an experience for another day. Keep to the road until a narrow path and a bridge cross the river and head up a field towards Middlesmoor (15 mins from the gorge) and then further on to lofty Lofthouse. Head to the hilltop church and feast your eyes on a spectacular Lake District-esque panorama of lovely Nidderdale awaiting below. While you’re here, take a peek inside the Church of St. Chad’s to view a genuine treasure the ancient cross of St Chad dating from AD 665.





Before long (30 minutes) you’ll be brushing against the line of trees you previously saw from the other side of the valley. The path takes a couple of remaining rollercoaster ups-and-downs before emerging full circle at the back of The Yorke Arms.

Oh, and the crows? Murderous multitudes of the beasts watching every step with cocked curiosity. Gulp!






N E E D T O KN N O W :

DiSTANCE: 7.5 miles TiME: 4 hours












WHERE: Take the B6285 to Pateley Bridge - where you cross the river you’ll notice the Yorke Arms signposted - turn right for Ramsgill. Follow the road for approx 15 minutes. REFRESHMENTS: There’s a back to basics pub in Lofthouse, The Crown, if you need it. The Yorke Arms, whilst being world class, doesn’t really cater for walkers. If you’re intending to sample it, bring a change of clothes and book in advance.

DiSCLAiMER: The walk and map should be used as merely a guide. Walkers should use the appropriate O.S map and take care to follow the rights of way. We cannot take any responsibility for trespass on private land. WHAT ELSE: Gouthwaite boasts significant breeding populations of Curlew, Redshank and Snipe, with Flycatchers and Wood Warblers nearby. You might even be lucky enough to spy a mighty Golden Eagle.


localliving Le Prince 16-lens camera, American, 1886. © National Media Museum Collection / SSPL


Devised by Louis Aime Augustin Le Prince (1842-1890?) in New York , this camera took a series of pictures using 16 independent shutters fired in sequence. It was designed to take sequences of pictures on film with a paper base, introduced by George Eastman (1854-1932) in 1885. At the front of the camera are 16 lenses, each controlled by an electro-magnetic shutter. Above these are two viewfinders. In operation each spool of film was moved alternately and positioned behind one of the two sets of eight lenses, shooting around 16 pictures per second. This camera is on display in the Animation Gallery at the National Media Museum in Bradford .

A MOVING STORY: The real-life drama of the inventor of motion pictures Keith Spence looks at the life of Louis Le Prince, considered by film historians as the true father of motion pictures, who shot the first moving images in Leeds using a Keith Spence

single-lens camera.

Le Prince single-lens cine cameraprojector, British, 1888. © National Media Museum Collection / SSPL View inside case. This is possibly the second of two single-lens cameras designed by Louis Aime Augustin Le Prince (1842-1890). Made in Leeds, Yorkshire, this combined camera and projector is said to have been used to take moving picture sequences at his father-in-law's house in Roundhay, Leeds and of Leeds Bridge in 1888. The lower of the two lenses is the taking lens and the upper is the viewfinder. The lens assembly was moved for focusing using the lever on the right. The camera body was made by Frederick Mason, a local joiner. This camera is on display in the Animation Gallery at the National Media Museum in Bradford.

The story of the race to record moving pictures is told in the Animation Gallery at the National Media Museum in Bradford. On show are two of Louis Le Prince’s cameras – the 16-lens camera (1886) and the single lens camera (1888). The gallery features an interactive guide to making pictures move chronicling


the early pioneers including Maurey, Muybridge, Le Prince, Edison and the Lumiere brothers.

Louis Le Prince, French-American cinematographic pioneer, c 1880s. © Science Museum / SSPL Louis Le Prince (1842-1890) developed a 16 lens camera in 1886 which took a series of pictures using 16 independent shutters. In 1888 he worked in Leeds where he shot and projected street scenes. Le Prince mysteriously disappeared around 1890, leaving the Lumiere brothers to become the first people to find a workable method of projecting moving pictures in 1895.

LouisLePrince it has all the classic ingredients of a great film - suspense, intrigue, the mysterious disappearance of a famous French inventor, death in the Seine and a lawsuit over millions of dollars.

This real-life drama was set in Leeds and, ironically, the principal character was himself the inventor of the moving picture. No screenwriter could have come up with a better fictional name than the real one of French inventor Louis Le Prince, who disappeared in1890 just as it seemed he was going to reveal his invention of moving pictures. Evidence points to the fact that he succeeded in making pictures move at least seven years before the famous Lumiere brothers and Thomas Edison. it all started in West Yorkshire in 1888 when Louis Le Prince, a French photographer working in Leeds, managed to create a few moving images of his back garden and, soon after, did the same on Leeds Bridge. Le Prince was born in Metz on August 28, 1841. His father, a French Army officer, was a friend of the photographer inventor, Jacques Louis Mande Daguerre. His studio was often visited by Le Prince, who studied chemistry and physics at university before working as a photographer and painter.

dated back to Park Square, Leeds, where she and her husband established the Leeds Technical School of Art, specialising in the tinting and firing of photographic images on enamel, ceramic and glass. In 1882, Le Prince, moved to New York where he produced his 16-lens camera in 1886. He returned to Leeds a year later, leaving his wife in New York. At a workshop at 160 Woodhouse Lane he developed a single-lens camera which he used to make moving picture sequences at the Whitley family home in Roundhay and to shoot trams and horse-drawn traffic on Leeds Bridge in 1888.

This is thought to be the first film in the history of cinema. His subject, Leeds Bridge, showed the ebb and flow of humanity, people going about their daily business unaware that their movements were being inscribed in history. The surviving frames for this footage are owned by the National Media Museum in Bradford. These filmed moving picture sequences using his single-lens camera were created several years before the competing inventors such as Edison (whose first motion picture was made in 1891) and Auguste and Louis Lumiere (who made their first motion pictures in 1892).

In 1869, he married Elizabeth Whitley, John’s sister, who was about to become a significant player in the mysterious story of Le Prince.

In 1890 Le Prince wrote to his wife saying that he was planning to return to New York. But on September 16th of that year, before he could patent his work and beset by financial difficulties, he went to France to visit his brother and mysteriously disappeared from a train travelling between Dijon and Paris. This was just before his planned trip to New York where he was to display publicly his work for the very first time in America. Despite exhaustive enquiries by his family and the British and French police neither his body nor his luggage were ever found and he was never seen again.

According to Elizabeth, the conception of moving photographs and the earliest experiments to find the best material for films,

There are many theories surrounding his disappearance - suicide because he was on the verge of bankruptcy, assassination, murder for

In 1866 he met and became friends with John Whitley, a young British engineer who invited him to join his family engineering firm in Leeds as a designer.

The declaration of Frederic Mason, woodworker and assistant to Le Prince:

money, even voluntary disappearance at the family’s request because of homosexuality.

His widow backed one of them - that he was assassinated over rival patents from his competitor Thomas Edison, who would eventually claim to be the inventor of the moving picture. In 2003, an 1890 photograph of a drowned man resembling Le Prince was discovered in Paris police archives. In 1898, Le Prince’s eldest son Adolphe, who also collaborated with his father, was called as an eye witness in the family’s litigation against Edison in order to gain recognition for Le Prince’s achievements. Unfortunately their hopes were dashed. Adolphe never gave evidence because he was found dead two years later in New York from a single gunshot wound to the head. Edison won the case but it was later overturned. Last words to Michael Harvey, Curator of Cinematography at the National Media Museum in Bradford. “it was a big mystery about what happened. Police files in Paris show an image of someone who looked like Le Prince being drowned in the Seine but the circumstances of his disappearance have never satisfactorily been resolved. “In terms of what he achieved he was a pioneer in his field. He thought he had made the invention and was going to unveil it in New York but he never got to do it. It was apparent there were some strange goings on, but it was pretty unlikely there was a conspiracy. Edison was a sharp business man but I don’t think he would have stooped to that.” In 1930, Le Prince’s daughter, Marie, came to Britain for the unveiling of a plaque on the site of her father’s workshop in Leeds, bringing with her two cameras which she presented to the Science Museum. These are currently on show at the National Media Museum in Bradford together with film fragments of the first images of the Roundhay garden and Leeds Bridge.

‘I would say that Mr Le Prince was in many ways a very extraordinary man, apart from his inventive genius, which was undoubtedly great. He stood 6ft 3in or 4in in his stockings, well built in proportion, and he was most gentle and considerate and, though an inventor, of an extremely placid disposition which nothing appeared to ruffle.’




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The UK’s biggest free outdoor pop concert held its 16th annual ‘Party in The Park’ for Leeds this weekend.

The event organised by 96.3 Radio Aire and Leeds City council hosted a stage of top acts such as JLS, Dizzee Rascal, Calvin Harris, N-Dubz, Pixie Lott and many more.


Leeds Goes

Over 70,000 people attended the event at Temple Newsam - rain was in the air but it didn’t dampen the spirits.

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All pictures by Steve Stenson

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your ticket to august & september... NOW UNTiL 31 AUGUST NATiONAL CHiLDREN’S MUSEUM, Halifax Visitors to Eureka! will be able to find out about space exploration and the science behind it this summer with Blast Off! – a new and exciting temporary exhibit which lets children step into the shoes of real space scientists. Robots Explore the Universe will give children from age five to 11 the opportunity to meet space scientists and engineers as they enter the space dome and transform themselves into space explorers through role play and costume. Their mission will be to investigate the surface of a new and mysterious planet and to find out about extraterrestrial life using robotic vehicles. NOW UNTiL 7 September NATiONAL RAiLWAY MUSEUM, York A special exhibition of 100 stunning life-sized photographic portraits and film clips capturing on camera the lives of the millions of people who live and work around India’s railways. The portraits were created by renowned photographer, Gerry Troyna, creator of an award-winning BBC documentary about India’s railways which received high critical acclaim. The subjects range from coolies and drivers to hawkers and policemen. 3 – 10 AUGUST KiRKSTALL ABBEY, Leeds Comedy in the Park returns to Kirkstall Abbey, featuring some of the UK's best comedians. Two nights of stand-up comedy from the biggest and best names on the comedy circuit in a beautiful open air setting. Week one is an evening of hilarious comedy with Joe Bor (MC), Steve Rawlings, Ivan Brackenbury and Dominic Holland. Week two will be The Steve Frost Improv All Stars consisting of Mike McShane, Steve Frost, Andy Smart, Steve Steen and Richard Vranch. £16.50 8 -16 AUGUST KETTLEWELL ViLLAGE Kettlewell is a delightful Yorkshire Dales village, both attractive and interesting, and its Scarecrow Festival is a great family day out. Visitors are encouraged to explore by walking the "Scarecrow Trail", identifying selected scarecrows and solving associated clues which, each year, are based on a different theme. Many other scarecrows can be found, often in some of the more unusual and unexpected nooks and crannies of this idyllic location. More info: 01756 760887 18 AUGUST CASTLE HOWARD, York Why not leave the grown-up world behind for a few hours, with this chance to relive your childhood, and recall those nursery rhymes from the past at a special private viewing of Sing a Song of Sixpence, an exhibition which brings to life the world of illustrated children’s books.


21 – 23 AUGUST MiLLENNiUM SQUARE, Leeds Big City Jazz is back. This is the third year for the popular jazz festival right in the heart of Leeds. Previous years have seen a stellar line up of jazz acts to suit all tastes and this year is no exception. 24 – 28 AUGUST MAGNA SCiENCE ADVENTURE CENTRE, Sheffield The summer holidays will be coming to an end but Magna Science Adventure Centre will still have the workshops fizzing away! Join them for Fizzy Sherbet making your chance to learn how to make your very own fizzy sherbet - and with a lollipop to dip in, the summer ends with a sweet taste! 28 – 30 AUGUST BRAMHAM PARK, Leeds The Leeds Festival is the north of England's premier festival. Across the stages there is every new buzz band that you have read and heard about, and headliners Radiohead, Arctic Monkeys and Kings of Leon. Away from the Main Stage expect some real surprises on the NME / Radio One Stage, the A to Z of punk, hardcore and ska on the Lock Up Stage and the headliners of the future on the smaller stages. Over 3 days, over 150 acts, the Leeds Festival makes the summer worthwhile. 30 – 31 AUGUST HAREWOOD HOUSE Harewood’s summer events programme culminates in the incredibly popular Steam Rally. Throughout the weekend there will be up to 25 engines on display, mini steam engines, classic cars, tractors and stationary engines. On the Sunday a fleet of around 400 Harley Davidson’s will arrive to add to the sound of organs playing and engines roaring. Entertainment and good food and drink will be available. 29 – 31 AUGUST ROYAL ARMOURiES, Leeds Cheer on some of the world's top jousters as they battle for the Queen's Golden Jubilee Trophy. Watch the drama build through the heats, reaching a climax on Bank Holiday Monday when the overall champion will claim his trophy in a spectacular finale. 30 - 31 AUGUST RiPLEY CASTLE Hear the castle echo! Drums and fanfares herald the splendours of the mediaeval nobility’s pastimes when The Lion Rampant presents a day full of fascination and fun. You can join their dances, accompanied by minstrels and singers, cheer their boisterous dramas, learn to juggle, witness the power of the longbow and gasp at their

ferocious freestyle combat. 8 – 27 SEPTEMBER MEDiA MUSEUM, Bradford Don McCullin’s ‘In England’ features raw, powerful, compassionate images of England, taken over the past 50 years by one of Britain's greatest photographers. 10 - 13 SEPTEMBER Lotherton Hall, Aberford Enjoy the nostalgia reminiscence of life in a country house at Lotherton Hall. As part of the Heritage Open Days, there will be FREE entry to the house. more info: 0113 2813259 12 SEPTEMBER KiRKSTALL ABBEY, Leeds The annual classical concert performed by the region’s very own Northern Ballet Theatre in the enchanting setting of Kirkstall Abbey and culminating in a spectacular firework finale. More info: 0113 395 0891 12 - 13 SEPTEMBER CiTY MUSEUM, Leeds Leeds City Museum is celebrating their 1st Birthday. Visitors can take part in museum events and activities and visit the special exhibition 'A Game of Two Halves' for free. more info: 0113 224 4370 13 SEPTEMBER GREAT HALL, Leeds University Since 1961, The Leeds International Pianoforte Competition has become a prestigious cultural event, celebrating and inspiring pianistic excellence and world-class musicianship. ‘The Leeds’ immediately attracted a loyal following of listeners, over 400 volunteers and over 200 ‘friends’, all of whom contribute greatly to the long running success of the competition. More info: 0113 244 6586 18 – 20 SEPTEMBER GREAT YORKSHiRE SHOWGROUND, Harrogate The Harrogate Autumn Flower Show heralds the end of the horticultural show season with major nursery displays, vegetable championships and specialist society shows, including dahlias, bonsai, carnations and roses plus sundries for the home and garden and craft and food marquees. More info: 01423 561049 18 – 27 SEPTEMBER YORK The world-famous Yorkshire Food Festival returns to the streets of York in September. Visitors to the Festival will find two principle elements, Parliament Street (free entry) consists of the markets, demonstration area, beer tent and information point - this encloses the

city's fountain in Parliament Street with a marquee and makes this an evening venue for events. Secondly there is both a day time and evening programme of events in York Guildhall, Mansion House and in venues across York. 21 – 27 SEPTEMBER HARLOW CARR, Harrogate An exciting and informative exhibition, taking you into the wonderful world of garden sound. Be amazed by the recordings of tree sounds, enjoy birdsong walks, take trails around the garden highlighting the plants and foliage, discover wind chimes and much more. 26 – 27 SEPTEMBER ROYAL ARMOURiES, Leeds At the English Civil War Weekend you can meet Cavalier Officers and Parliamentarian Commanders as they meet on the battlefield. Take part in a pike drill, use handle sabres, muskets and swords, watch charging horses and see cannon firing by a 17th Century regiment. Come and join in a whole weekend of events here at the Royal Armouries Museum in conjunction with The Sealed Knot; re-enactors from The Earle of Manchester’s Regiment of Foot.

or maybe.... If you fancy something a little more calm and relaxing, Fairburn Ings offers a true countryside nature experience. With pond dipping, fun events and walks to help you get away from it all, R.S.P.B Fairburn Ings is the ideal place for both adults and children to find out more about wildlife.

Located at Castleford and only a few miles from the centre of Wakefield and Leeds, the lakes and marshes may be a legacy of the areas mining industry, but virtually all traces of the areas industrial past are gone and nature has reclaimed the landscape encouraged by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (R.S.P.B) management. Visitors don't have to worry what time of year to explore Fairburn Ings as there is always something to see whatever the season. More info: 01977 603796

WIN a luxury weekend worth £400 see page 109.




Eco-interiors used to mean shelves made from yoghurt pots and chairs made from lollipop sticks. Not any more...

3 ith 355 Sm 7 ul 72 Pa 7 m 20 fro - 0 ls 5 w ÂŁ5 bo m og ro el .F ad es m tre nd en ha fall h lis m ty fro es e es ad Th e m ar

Eco Interiors | 100% recycled


with envy

Plus, reclaimed raw materials have really got the creative design juices flowing and are the basis for some of the best, and most humorous, interior products on the market.

Energy-saving devices and homewares manufactured from recycled materials now look good, as well as providing some guilt-free home indulgence. Annie the shopping trolley chair is perhaps the most iconic of ditch fillers. Trolleys are generally scrapped due to unaligned wheels or exposed wire but they can be transformed into these unusual and functional upright chairs.

The Silvana is a washing machine drum turned ambient lighting! It casts beams of light from its polished stainless steel body and is finished with a frosted glass surface for mug resting heaven! £295


Max the bath tub chaise is a contemporary twist on the sofa briefly featured in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Created from a vintage cast iron bath and upholstered in a fabric of your choice. Perfectly formed for single-seater slouching or a sofa for two. £1850

All from The California Company specialises in bespoke, DIY shutters and blinds and has full FSC certification so all wooden shutter products are made from sustainable resources. As well as being sensitive to the environment, wooden shutters are also great for those who suffer from household allergens such as dust, as shutters don't harbour dirt as curtains do and can simply be wiped clean.

Dimmers help save energy - as dimming a bulb's light output will normally reduce its energy consumption and extend its life, whilst having only a minimal change in perceived light levels. By dimming lights by 10%, it is possible to save around 10% of energy. Not only that but Lutron dimmers look great too. Stockists: 020 7702 0657

Made from 100% recycled plastic, this modern magazine rack is a smart eco solution for a clutter-free home. Produced in the UK the Crease comes flatpacked to save on space, is easy to assemble, and has a very sturdy structure when together. Cut from a single sheet of recycled polypropylene, simply pop it in your recycling at the end of its life. £31.99 from

“chairs made from lollipop sticks. Not any more...” Malibu blind, prices start at £77 per square metre.

WIN A stunning‘New Rock Chair’from BoConcept worth over £800 see page 109

Shutters start at £185 per square metre.



Green with envy


Earthborn paints are the only UK paint brand licensed by DEFRA to carry the Ecolabel, as it meets the EU's strict criteria for an Eco paint. Paints are available nationwide and from Stockists: 01928 734171 From £23.50 for a 2.5 litre tub.

Ting London weave brightly coloured reclaimed seat belts into floor and scatter cushions and oversized cubes. Deceptively simple in design and incredibly durable, these distinctive accessories have become something of a modern eco-design classic.

These patchwork carpets are made from old kilims, giving a contemporary look to a traditional Turkish-style of carpet making. From £397 in a variety of sizes.

Cubes £150 Cushions from £40

“reclaimed raw materials have really got the creative design juices”

Rock'n'Roll is a unique eco-shelving system made from paperboard rolls and velcro'd together however you'd like - fun and functional! £195 for 5 units in different sizes

This amazing RD (Roughly Drawn) Limited Edition chair is made from 100% recycled domestic plastic waste and was recently shortlisted for the innovation in the House Awards. £477

WIN A stunning‘New Rock Chair’ from BoConcept worth over £800 see page 109

This mirror is made out of old magazines in Indonesia under Fair Trade Conditions, providing employment to women who make them in their homes. Made from either coloured magazines or tonal grey newspaper. £34




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This [Bel Air two-seater outdoor sofa] has an aluminium structure, is covered in Twitchell fabric and has Missoni cushions. From ÂŁ2942 from

The [Summer Cloud] is new for 2009. The beach chair combines the lounger and fabric top to form a functional and unique design object. Available in Chalk colour finish. From £2,571



[The Twist] is part-bench, part-sculpture and is suitable for indoors or outdoors. A beautifully curved alignment of three solid steam-bent Ash spans, The Twist Bench is hand-made in England from locally-felled, FSC certified Ash. From: Top of Form £2,070

Brushed Stainless Steel [Spiky] Bespoke Modern Garden Sculpture. £599 - 01732 832299

Stackable [Arezzo] outdoor chair available in White. £117.00 from Bo Concept Redbrick Mill T. 01924 460483

A wireless and chargeable highpowered LED light system which is ideal for creating soft lighting in an evening garden. The circular [Smoon] and cone shaped [2Smoon] can be moved around easily and last for 6-8 hours once charged. The lights are simple to operate - just touch them to switch on and off. High quality, extra large brushed stainless steel [Garden Water Wall] with reservoir. 2 sizes available - 6x2ft or 8x3ft

The innovative [Water Smoon] is completely waterproof and can be floated on a pond or swimming pool to create ambience and reflect light throughout the garden.

£1,550 & £1,825 - 01732 832299

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[Superior] [EXTEriorS]



Made from 100% recycled cardboard, great for outdoor play and ideal for themed kids parties, this [Space Rocket] flips to flat for easy storage when not in use.

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[The Moon Jar] is an ingenious light from designer Tobias Wong. It looks like a jam jar, but it's full of solar cells, batteries and LEDs so that it sucks in the sun's rays all day and gives them back at night. No switches, very practical and environmentally friendly, it just sits there and glows like the moon! Available in blue or orange - £37.81

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[Cantilever Parasol] with lights

The [Firewinder] is an amazing wind powered light, harnessing the power of the wind to create an amazing visual feast in your garden. With stunning LED light effects, the Firewinder spirals around, giving off amazing light patterns whichever way it turns.


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The stylishly designed [Weber Genesis S-320] has a stainless steel lid, cooking grates and Flavouriser bars.


From £879 T. 020 7 352 5656





“I believe that the making of a garden should always be a pleasure, one that has the potential to reward in ways that have a depth that few other pleasures in modern life share.�

a garden, always a pleasure Matthew Wilson:


Image copyright Chris Terry



By Barney Bardsley

here is a beautiful garden in Essex – my home county – which stands out as a beacon of elegance and ecological understanding. This is Beth Chatto’s garden in Elmstead Market, near Colchester: made with infinite loving care and skill over the past fifty years, during which time she has transformed an intransigent piece of land – dry and arid at one end, with poor gravel soil, and a waterlogged bog at the other – into a varied and colourful oasis. Tall, heat loving Agapanthus and stately Alliums sing out from the high shingle; land melts away down a dip towards the water’s edge, into a lush profusion of Gunnera, Phormium and soft Miscanthus grass. if you truly love gardens – it’s worth a trip south, just for the Chatto experience.

Beth Chatto is now one of the Grande Belles Dames of British horticulture: she was a pioneer in her creation of a drought tolerant gravel garden, using ever greens and ever greys such as lavender and cistus and willowy grasses, and her combination of artistry and design, together with a deep respect for the environment around her, is an inspiration.

Wilson treading into dangerous territory, when he undertakes to help six couples landscape their own gardens for his new book and series? Only the series itself will answer that question – but the text which accompanies it is considered and thoughtful.

He has chosen very varied gardens – from rambling castle grounds to a mid Wales valley farm holding to a wild cliff top It comes as no surprise, therefore, when I ask Matthew in Guernsey – and casts his sharp designer’s eye over each. Wilson, horticulturist and author/presenter of new book This is no quick fix, and things don’t always go smoothly. I and television series “Landscape Man”, who his was particularly intrigued by his description of the The memory of gardening heroes are, to hear him reply “my late Guernsey rock, which is granite, “one of the toughest of Alan Titchmarsh all rocks. Above this the soil on the island ‘floats’, held father” (parents often plant the gardening seed early and Charlie in their offspring, however long it then takes to grow) down largely by the plants that grow on it.” This makes Dimmock “...and Beth Chatto”. weeding a problem – pull up a plant and the whole garden might collapse! What a perfect excuse for a lazy Curator first of RHS Hyde Hall in Essex, and latterly of hamming it up on gardener. As Wilson admits, “Guernsey worked well – “Groundforce” still our own RHS Harlow Carr, Wilson shares Chatto’s but not quite as planned!” brings a shiver to three dimensional feel for the garden - the awareness of natural rhythms, of the need to work with, rather my bones, and has In the end, however, it’s his artist’s vision, and the than against climatic and regional conditions, in inspired a life long quality of the writing itself which arrests. Here he is on obedience to the pull of the land. All his work shows colour – use bright reds for the sunshine, and let cool aversion to big a realisation of the bigger picture, the great, colours “sing out of the gloom”; on texture – “A smooth, diggers, concrete diamond cut slab of sandstone or a piece of dressed undulating landscape to which our nation of small gardens belongs. “It’s something,” he says, “I embraced and decking in any slate will be just as irresistible to touch as a soft velvety garden. in my previous garden, Hyde Hall, in Essex, where the leaf”; and sound – “The crunch of gravel underfoot, the garden was surrounded by arable farmland, and explosive pop of the drying seed pod of a Californian integrating the land with the horticulture was a real challenge.” It is poppy, or the languid buzzing of a fat bumblebee – these sounds present too, in the sweeping open borders and river walks of Harlow alone give reason for making a garden.” Carr, where Wilson left his indelible imprint from 2004 to 2008. He Good gardeners come in many guises. Matthew Wilson, I am sure, says, “My primary inspiration is always nature.” would despair of my approach – no hint of a plan has ever been But there is something else present, an extra quality which marks drawn on paper; my gardens evolve and grow by some uncanny Wilson out from many other well known and knowledgeable instinct for shape and space (and I make mistakes all the time; I am gardeners, and gives him extra depth - an aesthetic sensibility which messy), whereas he seems organised and disciplined. Nor I think crosses from the land, into the world of art, and back again. “In my would he have much time in his busy life to do what my gardening opinion,” he says, “the best gardeners are able to take inspiration from mentor, film maker Derek Jarman used to love to do in his bleak and a variety of sources, including architecture, music, art and so on. beautiful Dungeness shingle garden.....”I can look at one plant for an Gardening is an art form, after all.” His new post, as Head of Gardens hour, this brings me great peace. I stand motionless and stare.” But he Creative Development across all four RHS gardens, reflects this bigger is clearly in love with the land, its sensuality - the great gift of picture. Matthew Wilson, it seems, is a man with a vision. enjoyment which comes when you invest yourself in the earth itself. I am wary of garden makeover shows. The memory of Alan Titchmarsh and Charlie Dimmock hamming it up on “Groundforce” still brings a shiver to my bones, and has inspired a life long aversion to big diggers, concrete and decking in any garden. It is a format which is well tried by television and easily feels contrived. So is Matthew

As a parting shot, I asked him what he most likes to do in a garden. “A favourite job would be planting, and in particular designing, setting out and planting a new part of a garden.” But best of all, he said, “I am happiest sitting in a beautiful garden with a glass of wine in those wonderful hours just before sunset.” Perfect.

Visit Beth Chatto’s garden in Essex for inspiration on wet and dry weather gardening. If you can’t make the journey, read her books, “The Gravel Garden”, “The Damp Garden” and “The Shade Garden” and see the website Matthew Wilson’s book “Landscape Man” is available on Sept 18th, £20 hard back. Barney Bardsley’s book “A Handful of Earth” is published by John Murray, £7.99







T he re gion’s hottest pr opertie s NEW FARMERS HILL WOODLESFORD | LEEDS An excellent opportunity to purchase this attractive and deceptively spacious detached property, built in 1981 by Appleyard Arbor Homes. The property is timber-framed with a brick face and a pitched, tiled roof, and has extremely versatile accommodation and is situated in this select cul-de-sac, within this highly popular and sought after residential area of Woodlesford.

• • • • • • •

“An exceptional Grade II listed Georgian property”

A Spacious 6 Bedroom Detached House Set in Lovely Enclosed Gardens Enjoying Splendid Far Reaching Views Versatile Accommodation Set Over 3 Floors Open Lounge/Dining Room with Galleried Landing Superb Kitchen Living Dining Area 2 Ground Floor Self Contained Suites with Separate Kitchen & Bathroom

Price £650,000 Manning Stainton Fine & Country Leeds T: 0113 203 4939 Email:

GRASSFIELDS COUNTRY HOUSE PATELEY BRIDGE NEAR HARROGATE An exceptional Grade II listed Georgian property with a substantial Victorian extension, along with a five bedroom attached cottage, in about 2.25 acres of part-wooded, lawned gardens. Formerly a hotel, the property now provides a unique opportunity for redevelopment, offering potential for a variety of uses, subject to any necessary consents. A planning application has been submitted for the conversion of the main house to form a six bedroom property with four reception rooms, swimming pool and gym (subject to conditions).

Offers Over £950,000 with Dacre, Son & Hartley T: 01423 711010

COCKiNG LANE, ADDiNGHAM Overgate Croft is reputedley one of the district's oldest farmsteads believed to date back to the late 1600's. Enjoying a superb position with long distance views across the valley, this property would be ideal for those seeking rural family life that is not too remote, being just ten minutes drive from Ilkley town centre. The property has undergone a meticulous renovation scheme to create a charming home retaining the character of original farmhouse and cottage with stone flagged floors, superb oak joinery to the doors and staircase, exposed beams and feature period fireplaces. The versatile living accommodation comprises two formal reception rooms, boot room/study, a bespoke handcrafted dining kitchen which leads through to a large dining room with pitched ceiling and doors opening out onto the gardens. There are four bedrooms to the first floor, the master with en suite bathroom and luxury house bathroom. Landscaped gardens and paddocks in total approx. 5.6 acres.

Price £1,200,000 Contact Ilkley branch on 01943 817642

The reg ion’s hottest pr operties WHiNBRAE, BEN RHYDDiNG, iLKLEY An exceptional detached family house set amidst beautiful gardens and grounds of about 3 acres (1.21 ha) and occupying a discreet and very private position in an exclusive and sought after residential neighbourhood. Spacious reception hall, drawing room, dining room, sitting room/library, superb kitchen with an adjoining sitting/breakfast room, snooker/games room and a utility room. Principal bedroom with a dressing room and an en suite bathroom, guest bedroom with an en suite bathroom, five further double bedrooms, house bathroom and a separate shower room. Suite of attic rooms on the second floor. Gated entrance, five car garage and exceptional surrounding gardens and grounds.

Guide Price £2.25 million Harrogate 01423 523423



Grove Manor is believed to date back to the 1840’s and forms part of an imposing Manor House which was split into two properties in 1927. Set in 0.85 acres of private gardens, the property is approached via a private lane and offers a wealth of original character befitting a property of this age to include sash windows, Oak flooring, Oak panelling, deep skirting boards, along with ornate cornicing, folding window shutters and a mixture of period fireplaces. The accommodation is set over three floors and offers four bedrooms, two reception rooms, large dining kitchen, study area, useful cellar room with bar area and two house bathrooms. Approached off Wetherby Road the property is set down a discreet private lane to two sets of electronically controlled wrought iron gates to very private, enclosed landscaped gardens and separate one bedroom Gate House. The Gate House would be ideal for a dependent relative, staff, or teenager and has the option to provide an additional rental income.

The asking price is £1,199,950.

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Stainton 4UBJOUPO Cotes, $PUFT Coniston $POJTUPO Cold $PME An "O exceptional FYDFQUJPOBM and BOE fully GVMMZ restored SFTUPSFE 17th UI century DFOUVSZ manor NBOPS house IPVTF occupying PDDVQZJOH aB spectacular TQFDUBDVMBS setting TFUUJOH within XJUIJO beautiful CFBVUJGVM Yorkshire :PSLTIJSF countryside. DPVOUSZTJEF Impressive *NQSFTTJWF reception SFDFQUJPO hall, IBMM cloakroom, DMPBLSPPN drawing ESBXJOH room, SPPN dining EJOJOH room, SPPN sitting TJUUJOH room, SPPN study, TUVEZ kitchen LJUDIFO with XJUI an BO adjoining BEKPJOJOH orangery, PSBOHFSZ superb TVQFSC snooker/games TOPPLFS HBNFT room SPPN and BOE aB utility VUJMJUZ room. SPPN Principal 1SJODJQBM bedroom CFESPPN with XJUI aB dressing ESFTTJOH room SPPN and BOE an BO en FO suite TVJUF bathroom. CBUISPPN Guest (VFTU bedroom CFESPPN with XJUI an BO en FO suite TVJUF bathroom. CBUISPPN Three 5ISFF further GVSUIFS bedrooms CFESPPNT (one POF with XJUI an BO en FO suite TVJUF bathroom) CBUISPPN and BOE aB separate TFQBSBUF house IPVTF bathroom. CBUISPPN Additional "EEJUJPOBM attached BUUBDIFE four GPVS bedroom CFESPPN property QSPQFSUZ providing QSPWJEJOH excellent FYDFMMFOU ancillary BODJMMBSZ accommodation. BDDPNNPEBUJPO Substantial 4VCTUBOUJBM detached EFUBDIFE garage HBSBHF block CMPDL and BOE useful VTFGVM agricultural BHSJDVMUVSBM building. CVJMEJOH Beautifully #FBVUJGVMMZ presented QSFTFOUFE formal GPSNBM gardens, HBSEFOT grassland HSBTTMBOE and BOE woodland. XPPEMBOE In *O all BMM approximately BQQSPYJNBUFMZ 25 acres BDSFT (10.12 ha). IB

Guide (VJEF Price 1SJDF £3 b million NJMMJPO Harrogate )BSSPHBUF 01423 523423 UPOZ XSJHIU!DBSUFSKPOBT DP VL

Offices 0öDFT throughout UISPVHIPVU the UIF UK 6,


interview by Matthew Callard




Julian Clary plays Harrogate Theatre, as part of The Harrogate Comedy Festival, on Friday 30th October 01423 502116


He begins, as is his way and, I suppose, his prerogative, with a slight admonishment. “Matthew, you’ve ruined my timings!”

I was late. Except, I wasn‘t. I was early. And then I waited a bit. Until I was late. Oops!

So he ticks me off. But I don’t protest. Like most things with Julian Clary, it comes with a wink and nudge. Anyway, we’ve got 25 years of glamour and glitz, camp and controversy, showdogs and showbiz to talk about. Plus, Julian’s going back on the road and back to his roots for a (very) long stand-up tour called ‘Lord of The Mince‘. Billed as a ‘celebration, no less, of my twenty-five years in the camp spotlight: how I got there and why I refuse to leave’. Julian is approaching the dates with, it seems, a new-found vigour. “I’m very organised - I’ve a writer and a director and I’ve been in rehearsals for two weeks. It’s quite rejuvenating and invigorating doing all new stuff. The second half of the show, I won’t tell you what it is, but it is quite surprising, shall we say, for the audience. We have to have ushers standing by with flasks of brandy in case people are overcome. There are certain elements of audience participation which are improvised. There’s a framework to things and I improvise around a script.” He’s certainly looking forward to returning to his ‘people’, but Julian doesn’t have much time for that hackneyed stand-up cliché about a comedian’s unquenchable need for laughter. He remains admirably aloof about the romantic pull of the stage. “Michael Barrymore said he was only ever alive when he was on stage and, after coming off stage, the rest of life was an anticlimax. I thought that was a load of nonsense - I’m perfectly alright on stage or off. I’m just more relaxed about it.” So relaxed, in fact, that he pays scant heed to other comics on the circuit. “I’m going to Edinburgh this year but I’ve never been too interested in other comics. I mean, I wish them all well and it’s lovely to be part of a Comedy Festival because people are geared up for it, but I’m indifferent about my competitors.”

Delicate Julian’s delicate disposition does not seem well-suited to the rigors of three months in the back of a transit van (“Well, you go out of your way to make it comfortable. You get a nice car, a nice driver, a nice lesbian to look after your every need”) and he did turn 50 (“the shame of it”) a matter of weeks ago - but this first major tour in five years is certainly a return to his first love. “I’ve spent the last few years doing TV and writing books (his acclaimed biography, ‘A Young Man’s Passage’ and two novels). I did a one-off gig in Bridlington and it was such good fun, I thought, ‘I want to do more of that.’ I needed some new material - I had to build up to it. I think sometimes you forget why you started doing something, but it was because I love it and I get the most job satisfaction from it.” I wonder how that satisfaction, the immediate thrill of a good night’s stand-up, compares with the satisfaction of, say, writing the last word of a novel? “They’re different things really. When writing, you do a lot of work sitting on your own at a desk and the satisfaction is when you get a finished book and you hold it in your hand. A book is just between you and the reader. When you’re on stage you’re communicating with whoever turned up - a few hundred people. They’re very different but they’re both nice things to do. If you say something funny on stage, people laugh and it’s gone. If you say it in a book, it might still be there in fifty years, if someone picks the book up.”

Unpredictable Most of us know Julian, most fondly, as an edgy and unpredictable stand-up, but I remind him that there’s a whole generation watching him now who’ll never have heard of The Joan Collins Fan Club, Sticky Moments, even Fanny The Wonder Dog - a generation who might, gasp, have him down as a regular

diner at the showbiz supper-clubs. After all, there’s been Strictly Come Dancing, This Morning, Who Do You Think You Are, The All Star Talent Show even a cameo in Neighbours on the CV! Doesn’t it go wildly against his subversive and unpredictable grain to be sitting next to Fern on the ‘This Morning’ sofa? “Well, I like to see the fear in people’s eyes,” he says, with a certain wicked glee. “I think it’s quite brave of them to have me and I do sometimes overstep the mark, as we know.” A reference, no doubt, to an unforgettable and unprintable gag about thenChancellor Norman Lamont that he made on live TV at The British Comedy Awards in 1993 - suffice to say, the punchline was ‘talk about a red box!’ Such was its impact, the then-ubiquitous TV critic Gary Bushell launched a campaign to prevent him from ever appearing on TV again. Needless to say, it failed. “It’s quite funny really,” he says, “because you start off being quite subversive and cult-ish and then, if you hang around long enough, you kind of break down various barriers and you become a bit more mainstream, whether you want to or not.” Even if his stint on This Morning was bereft of Julian’s best razor’s edge unpredictability, he still professes a preference for the thrill of live TV. “I’ve got a great affection for the early stuff I did, like Sticky Moments. I always preferred everything live. I enjoyed Strictly Come Dancing for the same reason. I was just a cog in the wheel and, with everybody taking it very seriously, there was room for a bit of comedy there. On the live Strictly tour we did earlier this year it was very good to have a laugh when everyone was getting very serious about it.”

Companions I must, of course, do the decent thing and ask about the lovely Valerie, reluctant star of ‘The Underdog Show’ - Clary’s four-legged companion with the slight body odour problem. “She does whiff a bit. There’s a smell of mongrol about her but I bath her regularly and she doesn’t look too bad at the moment. We’ve a new puppy called Albie, who has rejuvenated Valerie. I’ve had him about six weeks now. She’ll be coming on the rest of the tour with me.” Indeed, Julian is a close friend and neighbour to that other advocate of canine on-screen talent, Paul O’Grady (“I think we’re just frustrated showgirls, the pair of us”) - does Valerie get on with the famous desktop duo Olga and Buster? “No, she doesn’t like them at all. They’re far too rough and ready for her,” he laughs.

Rules & Regulations There’s an important rule being enforced on Julian’s new tour and I feel it’s my duty to impart it here. It’s one that should strike fear into certain sectors of the Yorkshire population - he’s employing a strict ‘No Corduroy’ policy on the doors. When I remind him he has no less than five dates in our region, he shrugs and states ‘I fear the worst.’ But there will be no compromise and Julian absolutely will not budge. So farmers, Geography teachers and residents of Barnoldswick; beware. The fundamentals of Julian Clary’s act have remained unashamedly the same throughout his career - innuendo, double entendre, self-revelation and a bit of audience humiliation. “I just find different ways of doing the same thing,” he confesses with a smile. So, is it finally time then, I wonder aloud, for Julian Clary to be hailed as a bona fide National Showbiz Treasure? “Oh, I don’t know about that,” he says. “National Trinket, maybe.”



active by Matthew Callard


In what now seems like a previous life, I used to live in Cornwall. I worked in a 450 year old manor house and, like pretty much everywhere else in the county, the place was supposed to be haunted. The story went that the Lord of the 16th Century property was a tyrannical landowner who maintained control over the local population by inflicting crippling taxes upon them. Eventually, in desperation, the townspeople rose up against him, ransacked the manor house, lynched the landowner and strung him up in the trees outside the property for the rooks to peck the corpse. The tortured spirit of the landowner was said to dwell in the abundant crows that still nested in the grounds of the building. So far, so gory. Well, I’m a logical type. I understood how the story used to bring in visitors, attract a bit of press attention every now and then and sometimes the local ghost tour would arrive with a posse of spooked holidaymakers. All good for business, we used to say. Occasionally, people staying on the site would report odd noises. Staff would notice cold spots, the odd strange smell, dogs, particularly, would misbehave. But I was the one who used to lock the building up at 2 a.m. every morning, fumbling with a set of keys large enough to weigh down a mule, so I didn‘t pay too much attention to the stories - I’d always put peoples’ fears down to a sort of psychosomatic tension. I had however, whilst locking up, seen flickers of movement, heard unexplained bumps and scrapes coming from unused parts of the building late at night - but what 400 year old building didn’t go creak in the night? Frequently the old residence needed spots of maintenance and I’d noticed an old fireplace and chimney stack in a disused area of the manor house had begun to leak rainwater. I hired a couple of local workmen to fix the leak – three days work - a nice little earner for them. About a day and a half into their employment one of the workmen came to find me. He told me they were leaving. They didn’t want paying, were very sorry for not finishing the work and would not be returning under any circumstances. Apparently someone was playing tricks – making noises, hiding tools, throwing rubble. The last straw came when a six inch nail was

fired across the room and embedded into the wall near where they were working. The men left in a hurry and didn’t return. I checked and, sure enough, there was the nail, about an inch into the wall. They’d even left some of their tools. I reckoned they’d received a better offer elsewhere and had used that old ghostly cliché of spirits disapproving of change to back them up. Silly of them to leave their tools, though. That night I was locking up as usual. I had a good routine. I’d arranged my bunch of keys in sequence. I checked every window and locked every door behind me, turning the lights off as I went, leaving the house black behind me. The disused area of the manor house had a separate movement sensor alarm which I had to set. The room with the old fireplace was the last one in this part of the building. I stood in the corridor outside the room and pressed the digits to set the alarm. I was just about to leave the area when, as the alarm finished beeping to confirm it had set, something caught my eye. In the room with the fireplace, sat on the aged wooden mantelpiece of the fire I could just make out, through the gloom, a shape. It moved. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, the shape became clearer. It was a crow. Hmmm … heartbeat. For a long still moment we looked at each other. Then the crow took off. It whirled about the room, flapping, brushing the walls. It looked gigantic, so close up in the dim light. And then it landed. On the floor by the fireplace. I knew I had to let the bird out. Slowly, I re-entered the room, shuffled past the bird and unlocked the door that led outside. A cold blast of air blew in and the crow, like a black phantom, at once flew straight out of the door. Reeling, somewhat, I left the room. Only then did I realise that the alarm in the room had, for some reason, not sounded. I went back into the room to check the sensor, only for the alarm to trigger instantly. I reset it.

Outside, in the middle of the night, I could hear the crows in the rookeries, creating a cacophony that would wake half the residents on site.


HAUNTED YORKSHIRE Following recent revelations that Yorkshire is second only to, yes, Cornwall for ghostly legends and spooky sightings, On: took a trip around some of our more chilling locations to discover just what was going bump in the night…..


nd Cast le

THE BLUE LADY A sad tale lies behind one of Temple Newsam’s most famous and, admittedly, odd portraits. The subject is Mary Ingram (16381652), reputedly the 'Blue Lady', the stately home’s most famous ghost. Mary was attacked by highwaymen whilst returning to the grounds after visiting relatives. So traumatised was she by this event, she developed a psychosis which caused her to constantly hide her valuables around various parts of the huge house. The obsession remained with her until the end of her short life and, it is alleged, her frantic presence has been seen on an endless search for her hidden belongings.

THE SUICIDAL MONK Those Cistercian monks must have had a pretty tough time of it before the 16th Century dissolution of Kirkstall Abbey. Various ghostly sightings include the former Abbot on a seemingly endless search for an unnamed something, a monk committing suicide by jumping from the bell tower, an anguished white female entity known as Mary who witnessed this suicide, even a full funeral procession of white-clad men through the central nave! Sightings of ‘scholarly hooded figures’ are commonplace although these shouldn’t be confused with students taking revision notes to the banks of the River Aire.


Sir Alvary Gascoigne was a diplomat who gave one of our heritage gems, Lotherton Hall, to the City of Leeds as a museum in 1968. The spirit of his shaggy black poodle, with the decidedly un-ghostly name of Michael, is said to still scratch and claw his way around the residence. Sightings of a man chasing a dog up the driveway and then disappearing into thin air have been reported and the door to the offices from the half landing on the main stairs has some unaccounted-for paw marks. Michael's favourite cushion, with his name embroidered on it, is visible on the sofa in the Boudoir.

THE GHOST HERO It’s little-known that humble Brighouse is likely to be the final resting place of a legendary folk-hero. A clearly-marked grave rests on private property on the Armytage Family Estate in Kirklees and ghostly phenomena have been associated with the location for decades. A couple of trespassers reported a whiterobed figure moving silently towards them - it was later discovered that the robes were similar to the type worn by nuns at a nearby abbey - and an intrepid journalist from The Dewsbury Reporter heard heavy footsteps before being violently pulled to the ground. Not exactly gallant, Robert of Locksley!

photos Simon Marsden, 'This Spectred Isle'

Castle h g u o r Scarbo


THE PIANO PLAYER The current ongoing refurbishment of Leeds cultural gem City Varieties must be stirring up a few irate souls from their eternal slumber. Night staff have witnessed a shimmering lady in Victorian clothing playing plaintive chords on an invisible piano and a man in a bowler hat stood dead still on the stage. Indeed, our very own Editor used to work front-of-house at the theatre and recalls a very elderly man entering the toilet in the Circle Bar when he thought everyone had left the building. He waited patiently for the man to come out but when he didn’t return he went into the toilet to find him. There was no other exit, but the man was nowhere to be seen.

THE KING’S LOVER Piers Galveston was widely believed to be the lover of King Edward II (1307-28). Banished from the country by Edward’s father and sworn never to see Edward again, Piers duly returned to Edward as soon as his father had died, whereupon the new King bestowed to him the simple gift of the county of Cornwall. Later, when facing civil war, Edward was forced to exile the unpopular Piers for a second time. Within a year the irrepressible Piers had returned again, become involved in a bitter tournament with the King’s mortal enemy, Thomas Earl of Lancaster, and shown the door for a third time. When he had the temerity to return yet again the King’s rivals simply captured and executed him. His malicious 14th century spirit is said to haunt the ramparts of Scarborough Castle, lunging at unsuspecting visitors who walk the castle’s walls. Even better, he’s a proper old-fashioned headless ghost too!

Helmsle y Castl e

THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY When a legion of late 18th century soldiers, searching for a mythical secret passageway from Richmond Castle to nearby Easby Abbey, found a small opening in the dungeons they bribed a small regimental boy to squeeze through the hole. In order to track his progress they supplied him with a drum which he was to beat as he made his way. The soldiers followed the beats to within about half a mile of the abbey, when the beats suddenly stopped. The boy never returned, yet the beating of a slow drum has been heard by witnesses on numerous occasions over the years. Could the 10 year-old still be making his way to Easby Abbey, doomed to bang his drum for all eternity?

THE BLOODY TOWER York is the country’s most haunted city and nearby Helmsley Castle is one of our region’s most haunted sites. An ethereal Green Lady has been eye-witnessed on many occasions, trawling the grounds and corridors of this 12th century ruin. Strange pixie-like creatures are said to play in the gardens and visitors often recount feeling uneasy, watched, even touched, in the adjacent manor house. Famous Clifford’s Tower in York was the scene of a mass suicide of Jews during the 12th century persecution. Having taking refuge in the then wooden tower, a mob gathered to lay siege. The terrified occupants set fire to the structure rather than give themselves over to the mob. The tower is famous for its red stonework which stains the ground like blood – actually the unusual colouring is from a 17th century fire which caused the stone’s original iron ore to run out.

’s Clifford





EUROPE Leeds/Bradford Airport now flies directly to over 60 locations, so while travelling to Europe from Yorkshire has never been easier, all you non-package holiday funseekers still need a great place to stay.

On recommends some great European city accommodation from Leeds/Bradford Airport’s most popular destinations…

This resort lives up to its setting: an enchanting landscape of mountains, lavish beaches and sea on the protected south coast of Sardinia. Surrounded by Mediterranean forest mountains and with four miles of the best Sardinian beaches on its doorstep, Le Meridien Chia Laguna has to be one of the most enchanting places in the Mediterranean. From its hillside location, the resort looks out over a flamingofilled lagoon towards Chia Bay, with its gentle white-sand dunes, clear turquoise waters and charming 400-year-old Tower of Chia. 5 Nights from £860pp inc accommodation in a Superior Room, half board and 10 Euros per person per night food and beverage credit. Offer valid to 30 Oct 09. For more info call Seasons in Style 01244 20 20 00


Ideally positioned on the “Warm Coast” in South East Spain, La Torre Golf Resort and Village is only 10 minutes from the soft sandy beach and crystal clear waters of Santiago de la Ribeira. The resort itself is of 5-Star standard, set around a Jack Nicklaus-designed 18-hole golf course and includes spa facilities, private pools and luxury accommodation. Vibrant Murcia is a 20 minute drive from La Torre – this breathtaking city combines culture and tradition with world class shopping and restaurants. All guests staying with Park Leisure in Spain also have unlimited access to all the other golf courses in the Polaris group, with a free shuttle bus service between the resorts.

P R A G U E This magical hotel is housed in a 14th century monastery on the left bank of the Vltava River in historic Prague. Vaulted ceilings and subtly opulent Oriental touches create an environment that is chic, unique and utterly in keeping with the city. Its beautifully proportioned rooms and suites have been designed in a variety of individual styles. The world-class spa occupies a Renaissance chapel; the Essensia restaurant will delight with its fresh take on European and Asian flavours, while the Barego bar is a modern oasis staffed with expert mixologists. 4 Nights for the price of 3 from £455pp inc accommodation in a Superior Room and breakfast.

Prices start from £275 per week Villas with pools available from £495. T. 01904 786100

Offer valid 01 Nov - 27 Dec 09 For more info call Seasons in Style 01244 20 20 00

Located on the renowned Getreidegasse road, Hotel Goldener Hirsch sits across from Salzburg’s famous Festival Hall and down the street from Mozart’s house and is just a short walk from designer boutiques and the Salzach River. Hotel Goldener Hirsch offers a total of 65 rooms and four suites, each boasting authentic Salzburg-style décor handpicked by Countess Harriet Walderdorff. The original antiques, handmade furniture, and native rag rugs are opulent and discreet and honour 600 years of hotel history. The hotel also features two authentic Austrian restaurants paying homage to the city’s rich bohemian heritage. Its historical "Die Bibliothek", meanwhile, offers a glimpse at the hotel’s scholarly past. Hotel Goldener Hirsch starts from £158 (€205) per room per night. The price is based on two people sharing a standard room and does not include additional per room, per night charges that may be imposed or local taxes.






Set in an old mansion at the foot of the Palais des Papes in the heart of Avignon, the 4 Star La Mirande is steeped in secular history. This timeless refuge offers a dreamy, relaxing and authentic experience in a refined, 18th century-esque décor. With both a table d’hôte and Michelin-starred restaurant, the hotel serves honest, living cuisine with respect for ingredients and humankind; a culinary hymn to the land and its biodiversity. Behind its stunning facade, La Mirande exudes the sweet way of life of yesteryear. The twenty upper-floor rooms boast a unique décor, each with its own 18thcentury wall hanging. The bright and cheerful rooms quickly help tired travellers relax and unwind with many of them affording a splendid and unique view of the high walls of the Palais des Papes. From €310 to €540 for rooms and from €660 to €850 for the suite.

Gran Hotel La Florida in Barcelona is perched on Mount Tibidabo with incredible panoramic vistas over the city and sea. A beautiful hotel offering 5 Star luxury, the location offers old school glamour – built in 1925, the hotel was used as a military hospital during the Spanish Civil War, and later became a favourite retreat in the 1950s for the Catalan bourgeoisie, becoming a regular haunt of Ernest Hemingway, Rock Hudson and various royalty. Gran Hotel La Florida remains an exclusive hotel, yet is perfect for a decadent break during the downturn as it offers fantastic value extras, such as wine and cheese tasting for €18, use of the striking indoor/outdoor pool and Zen Zone Spa, and complimentary use of the hotel’s Mini Coopers – one of which is a convertible. What better way for guests to cruise around the streets of Barcelona in style, without breaking the bank?

If guests do have some pennies to spare, they can hire the hotel’s Ferrari (by the hour or day) and see the city from one of the chic-est cars in the world. Advance Purchase Rate from €120 per room per night, when guests book at least two days in advance



Overlooking Valletta across the harbor, Fortina Spa Resort is a temple to selfindulgence and luxury - little wonder that it has earned itself the accolade of grandest spa in the Mediterranean. With over 300 treatments available, it means a tricky choice for even the most experienced of beauty junkies. Romance and pampering are Fortina’s dual priorities for guests so they have designed the world’s first spa bedrooms. Those looking for a romantic retreat will be spoilt for choice between the various complementary treatments or essential oils. Whether they decide to indulge in some naked clay application, a frolic in the shower which becomes a steam chamber at the flick of a switch or dim the twinkling lights and descend into a spa bath designed for two sharing, the spa bedroom is designed to boost intimacy and romance. All spa bedrooms are equipped with a private balcony and a hot tub and some have private swimming pools. Prices vary per room – more info

★★★★★ The five-star Atrium Prestige is the second hotel to be opened as part of the Atrium Hotels group. It is located on Kalathos Beach in the picturesque town of Lindos on the historic Greek island of Rhodes and provides guests with a stunning outlook over the Aegean Sea.

GENEVA Gstaad Palace in the Swiss Alps was built in 1913 and has welcomed prestigious guests such as Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren and Brigitte Bardot, amongst numerous royalty figures. Tennis legend Roy Emerson (28 Grand Slam titles and 12 Grand Slam singles crowns) visits the hotel to give guests tennis lessons throughout August and September - this exclusive opportunity offers guests the chance to experience personal coaching with one of the most successful tennis players in history. After a hard day’s training, guests are treated to a sports massage in the 18,000 metre square spa, specially designed to relax the muscles used when playing tennis. If guests are looking for a little more romance the palace can arrange for a couple to be collected from the hotel in a helicopter, taken to the top of the nearby glacier and given a Champagne breakfast, served by a private butler. Wrapped in warm rugs, this is the ultimate package for couples looking to reignite that spark.

The hotel comprises of 254 guests rooms varying between deluxe rooms, junior suites with private pools, family bungalows, Presidential beach villas and superior suites. There are six restaurants offering a wide choice of cuisine from Greek, gourmet, Mediterranean and a barbecue grill. The Thalasso Spa Centre offers a range of services including a gym, hammam and sauna, hot stone treatments, chocolate treatments as well as massages, manicures, pedicures and a hair salon. The hotel’s leisure facilities include two outdoor and one indoor swimming pools, water slides, watersports, basketball, floodlit tennis courts and mini golf. The rooms start from 90 Euros per night including breakfast. Rates from CHF 410 per room per night including breakfast


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The weather's hot, the Rhinos are rampaging, Yorkshire’s cricket fortunes are up and down like a violinist’s elbow and Federer’s brilliance at Wimbledon is now a distant memory - it can only mean one thing: it's August and therefore the start of a new football season is upon us. Pre-season has been a fairly quiet time at Elland Road with striker Jermaine Beckford returning to training at the start of July and still with the club as On: went to press. New squad additions have, so far, been at the back, with ‘keeper Shane Higgs and defenders Patrick Kisnorbo and Jason Crowe all adding competition for places. Rumours of Premiership players arriving on loan deals continue, however.

Duncan Thorne


In fact, most of the summer activity surrounding Leeds was created by David Peace's excellent ‘faction’ film The Damned United, with football and movie fans alike flocking to cinemas to get another viewpoint on the acrimonious battle between The Don and Old Big ‘Ed. Fast forward to 2009 and for United boss Simon Grayson, August provides him with his first pre-season in charge and the opportunity to put his plans in place after taking over from Gary McAllister at Christmas. Grayson, who started his career at Leeds as an apprentice and went on to make a couple of senior appearances before enjoying a 17-year career that saw him rack up over 500 appearances for the likes of Leicester City, Aston Villa and Blackburn Rovers, has been in the game long enough to know how big a challenge the Leeds job is and what is expected. It says a lot about the appeal of Leeds that he was prepared to leave Blackpool and drop down a division from the Championship to take up the challenge of restoring a club steeped in history and one with big ambition. The early signs are good - his brief managerial career has already proved a big success taking the Seasiders to their highest league position for over 40 years when he guided them through the play-offs en route to the Championship in 2007. How Leeds fans would love a repeat (although all associated with the club would no doubt want to avoid the nervousness of the play-offs again) as they prepare for what is an unexpected and very unwanted third season trying to battle their way out of the distinctly unfashionable League One. As dismal as that sounds (who would've thought it would take at least three attempts to get back to just the Championship let alone the place the club and fans want to be in the big league taking on the likes of Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool?) there's a degree of optimism coming from those inside Elland Road, especially the manager. Grayson you'll remember turned a flagging Leeds team around in the New Year, taking them from a side dropping like a stone that had been unceremoniously and incredibly embarrassingly dumped out of the FA Cup by non-league outfit Histon, into one that showed plenty of courage and character to claw their way back into the lottery of the play-offs. There was a feeling the Millwall game was one step too far but the resurgence in the second half of the season under Grayson’s leadership gave everyone the air of optimism of ‘maybe next time’ and ‘what could have been’ had he been in charge from the start. Finishing the season with back to back defeats against Millwall was as bitter a pill as there could have been to swallow for the faithful but it’s not something Grayson or his troops have been festering on all summer.

former Bristol City striker Enoch Showunmi after he missed the second half of the season when he suffered a blood clot on his lung, but he’s generally happy with his lot as the new campaign kicked off with the home fixture against Exeter City. “I said last year that there’s not a great deal that needs to be changed around with the squad,” he adds. “Don’t get me wrong, I still feel we need three or four players but making transfers is a long, hard process and you never know what’s going to happen in football and things change so quickly. “This time tomorrow, in two day’s time or in a week’s time we might have players in and some players might have left the football club, all we can do is our planning to make sure we are in a position to achieve promotion. “I would expect one or two new players coming in and one or two leaving as well.” So what about the new additions he’d like to bring to the club? From the fans’ point of view they’d love a name, a local lad or a character they can call their own to remind them of the better times in the club’s modern history. It’s something that’s not lost on Grayson but he makes it crystal clear he’s not prepared to make transfers for the sake of it, underlining a philosophy that the only way Leeds will get out of their current predicament is by adding value to the team, not just the wage bill. “The time of year can be a restless one for the fans because they want to see some activity and they are eager for things to happen but we’ve got to be patient,” adds Grayson. “I could have easily gone out and signed six dozen players this summer if I wanted to but they wouldn’t have been the quality that I wanted to bring to this football club. “There are a lot of different avenues that we can go down such as free transfers, signing players for money, loan deals from Premiership clubs, of which I’ve made no secret about the fact that I am a fan. “We’ll also look at the trial market where we could uncover someone from another country and one signing could trigger things off. “But as I said, things can change really quickly in football and you never know what might happen.” Change is one thing Leeds fans are in desperate need of and they will be hoping it is third time lucky in their quest to get promoted to the Championship.

If that’s the case, there’ll be even more anticipation next August and a whole load of new plans for Grayson to mastermind.

“Everyone is in great spirits, we are all revitalised, full of energy and ready for what will hopefully be a very successful season,”

Grayson confidently states.

“We can’t get away from what happened (losing to Millwall) but it’s history and we can’t do anything about it. “We had a chat to the players on the first day of pre-season and told them they did remarkably well to get to where they did at the end of the season from the position they were in. “The disappointment was there for everyone to see but we need to use it as motivation so that we don’t have to bother with the play-offs and we go straight up this year, have a successful season and don’t dwell on the past.

“It’s a new season and we have to look forward and achieve our sole goal and that is to get promoted.” With Peter Sweeney, Jonathan Douglas, Frazer Richardson and Fabian Delph departing, Grayson has had to re-shape a squad to ensure Leeds remain among the front runners in a league they’ve become far too familiar with. The Manager has also been boosted with the return to full training of




Matthew Peacock Chevin Cycles Chevin Cycles

cycling power


Have you ever watched the Tour de France on the TV and thought, “I can do that,” and then realised that maybe sweating and lycra isn’t quite for you. Well, Trek has recently launched a fantastic new bike with a hidden, secret weapon that means you don’t have to think about things like that. The Trek Ride+ looks like a straightforward lightweight bike, ideal for riding country lanes or canal towpaths, popping to the shops or regularly commuting – BUT built into the hub of the rear wheel is an electric motor! These are not mopeds and the motor only works when you pedal - with a switch on the handlebar giving you 4 different “assist” levels. This means you can cruise along at up to 25kph in normal clothes and attempt a hill climb like the Cow and Calf and get no hotter than if you were walking. Having ridden one of these I can tell you - you will come back from a ride grinning! You can choose to cycle without any assistance or select anything up to an extra 200% power -


it’s like riding with a strong tail wind or as if you’ve spent all summer training at the Manchester Velodrome instead of watching Britain’s Got Talent! Ahhh, you say! It’ll be heavy and eat batteries like the old electric bikes. Well, no, it weighs only 21kg and it uses the latest in battery technology so that the charge it holds is good for 25 or so rolling miles. But here is the clever bit, every time you brake or coast along, the battery recharges! You can even take it a stage further, if you know you are at the top of a big hill you can switch the motor to recharge and, as you roll down, it will use the wheels’ movement to put extra “charge” into the battery!


Apart from the handlebar display and the slim battery built into the rack, the Ride+ looks like a normal bike – because it is. All the mechanical bits are the same and can be looked after, serviced or upgraded as normal. The electronics are all sealed and UK weatherproof and only need checking every six months by a trained Ride+ mechanic. (There is also a 2 year guarantee on all the electrics!)

The most important point to note is that this is an electrically “assisted” bike. If you stop pedalling then the motor stops. Bikes where you twist a throttle or push a button and go are now classed as motorbikes and are subject to the same insurance/tax/helmets etc that motorbikes and scooters are.

The only true way to understand how superb these bikes are is to try one. We are one of the few selected Trek dealers to stock and sell the Ride+ and so we have our own demo bike available. However, as demand is high, I would advise you book to avoid disappointment.

Because the Ride+ is a bike, you can go anywhere a pedal bike can, there is no legal helmet requirement (although I would still recommend one), there is no minimum age requirement or license, and no road tax or insurance required.

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AND 5.9% APR Typical† With the IS 220d SE you’ll find more than just good looks. Like emissions of just 148g/km CO2 (20% BIK tax), 13 speaker sound system, smart entry and climate control, all with 5.9% APR. To find out more about the great value and stunningly good looking Lexus IS 220d SE or to arrange a test drive call Lexus Leeds.

Model 35 Monthly Payments Cash Price Less Lexus Centre Contribution* Customer Deposit Amount Of Credit Guaranteed Future Value/ Optional Final Payment Total Amount Payable Excess Mileage over 30,000

IS 220d SE £299.00 £22,410.00 £1,617.71 £4,581.45 £16,210.84 £7,845.76 £22,892.21 11.5p per mile

5.9% APR Typical† Model shown is IS 220d SE at £22,990 including optional metallic paint at £580. The IS Series comprises petrol and diesel powertrains and prices start from £22,410. Prices correct at time of going to print and include VAT, delivery, number plates, full tank of fuel, one year’s road fund licence and £55 first registration fee †Advertised Lexus Contract Purchase offer available on Lexus IS 220d SE (without metallic paint) when ordered registered and financed through Lexus Financial Services between 1 April and 30 June 2009, at participating Lexus Centres. *£1,617.71 Lexus Centre contribution available on eligible IS 220d SE when ordered and registered between 1 April and 30 June 2009. The Government Scrappage Incentive as well as other offers are available but cannot be used in conjunction with any other Lexus consumer offers (including finance offers). Terms and conditions apply. Indemnities may be required. Finance subject to status to over 18s only. Lexus Financial Services, Great Burgh, Burgh Heath, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5UZ. Subject to availability.

IS 220d fuel economy figures: extra-urban 58.9mpg (4.8L/100km), urban 39.8mpg (7.1L/100km), combined 50.4mpg (5.6L/100km). CO2 emissions 148g/km.



“Open” was the watchword for the development of the new IS 250C coupe/convertible. Lexus has built on its established values of prestige, quality and hightech innovation and focused on capturing the feeling of freedom that is central to the appeal of open-top driving.

The IS 250C has the world’s fastest deploying (21 seconds) threepart metal folding roof, which means owners can enjoy quiet, turbulence-free top-down motoring with the least fuss. The car also neatly combines the superior ride quality, responsive handling and excellent NVH characteristics of the IS saloon with the elegance, comfort and refinement of a convertible.

E L E G A N C E As with every Lexus, it has comprehensive standard equipment levels, including the most extensive array of active and passive safety systems in its segment. Excellent interior ergonomics are supported by design features that maintain the clarity of the instrumentation and appropriate performance of the climate control and audio system when the roof is down. Showing greater attention to detail than its premium D-segment rivals and displaying both more style and substance, the new IS 250C is a car that is elegant and refined without compromise.

DRIVING PERFORMANCE The IS 250C is powered by the 205bhp/208 DIN hp direct injection petrol V6 engine, mated to a six-speed automatic transmission with sequential, paddle-shift control. Acceleration from nought to 62mph is achieved in 9.0 seconds, top speed is 130mph, combined cycle fuel economy is 30.4mpg and CO2 emissions are 219g/km. The suspension system is the proven double wishbone front and multilink rear set-up featured in the IS saloon range, which gives the car sporting, agile performance. The IS 250C has the highest active and passive safety technology content in its segment, including Lexus’s Vehicle dynamics Integrated Management with open body-specific Vehicle Stability Control tuned for shorter stopping distances on split-friction surfaces.


“elegant and refined without compromise” EXTERIOR DESIGN With elegant proportions, sweeping lines and contrasting convex and concave surfaces the IS 250C combines the powerful appearance of a coupe with the style and elegance of a convertible. Only the bonnet, headlamps, doorhandles and mirrors are shared with the IS saloon, all other body panels have been redesigned to harmonise with the new folding roof structure.

To the front, the wide track and pronounced wheelarches combine with a short overhang to give a wide, dynamic stance and project a low centre of gravity. The trademark vertically latticed grille with the signature arrowhead motif provides a focus on the apex of the car, strengthening the impression of speed and agility. The new-design foglamps are ringed with chrome and integrated in the deep front airdam.

S P E C S AT A G L A N C E : Engine type: 4GR-FSE No of cylinders: V6 Valve mechanism: 24-valve DOHC with Dual VVT-i Bore x stroke: (mm) 83.0 x 77.0 Displacement: (cc) 2,500 Compression ratio: 12.0 : 1 Fuel system: EFI D4 direct injection Max. power: (bhp @,rpm) 205 @ 6,400 Max. torque: (Nm @ rpm) 252 @ 4,800 Transmission type: A960E 6AT Suspension: Front Double wishbone with anti-roll bar Rear Multi-link with anti-roll bar Wheels: 18in alloy Tyres: 225/40R18 (front) - 255/40R18 (rear) Steering: gear type Rack and pinion Steering: gear ratio 14.6:1 Power steering type: EPS Min. turning radius: (m) 5.1 Max. speed: (mph) 130 Acceleration: 0-62mph in 9 sec CO2 emissions: (g/km) 219

INTERIOR DESIGN Eye-catching styling and superb build quality characterise the cabin of the IS 250C, part of the car that is more frequently in open view than in a saloon. Key elements include flowing, bespoke door panels and rear quarter trims, sports front seats and a twin rear-seat design that focuses on comfort, practicality and safety. The instrument panel, its surrounding components and the steering wheel are shared with the IS saloon, but the instrument binnacle has been extensively revised to make sure the display can be clearly read when driving with the roof down. The LCD touch screen on the centre console has been improved with a new set-up screen and extra tabs for controlling the audio system.

The new Lexus IS 250C is available to order now from Benfield Motor Group Lexus Leeds, Domestic Road, Holbeck, Leeds LS12 6HG. 0113 251 1411.

The Hybrid CLK produces a high, straight ball flight - for a controllable alternative to lofted fairway woods or difficult long irons.




An ultra light Titanium crown comprising just 2.6% of the CLK's overall head weight, allows weight to be shifted low and deep in the steel clubhead for a high launch and maximum forgiveness from any lie.

Henrik Stenson, Jim Furyk, Vijay Singh, Tim Clark, Miguel Angel Jimenez and others have all switched to Srixon's best ever 3 piece ball range - the new Z-STAR.

A moderate offset and heel orientated weighting encourages the CLK face to close at impact. While the blunted leading edge and dramatic heel and toe relief give the CLK added playability from the rough and sand.

The new balls provide golfers with the ultimate in spin, trajectory, acceleration and responsiveness and are very much the talk of the industry at present.

This Bridgestone Umbrella has a 68” double-vented canopy, a rubberised grip handle and a lightweight shaft and frame. Perfect for British golfing conditions! £29.35 stockists: 01630 657689

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For every bad shot you’ve ever played, there’s a remedy. So why have you just shot 99 again and why isn’t that new and very expensive set of clubs working properly? Are they bent? Until they invent laser-guided golf balls, budding Rory McIlroys might just have to make do with a helping hand from some of the best new golfing gadgets and accessories on the market….

The Ball-finder Scout is an innovative and unique hand-held electronic device capable of locating hard-to-find golf balls at distances of up to 50 feet. The Rules of Golf allow golfers five minutes to locate a lost ball, and the Ball-finder Scouts on/off timer helps you play within the rules, not searching beyond the allowed time. £59.95


The Bollé Warrant is a great looking all-round sports model with interchangeable lenses, combining top end performance with style. The interchangeable lenses allow you to choose the right lenses for the ever changeable weather conditions. You can pick lenses to suit bright sunny conditions or dull flat light allowing your eyes to relax. £96 stockists 0208 391 4700

The Tour V2 featuring PinSeeker technology is a premium distance measuring device which allows easy acquisition of the flag without inadvertently capturing background targets. The Tour V2 is the world’s smallest, most advanced laser rangefinder, measuring a mere 4 x 7 x 10.9cm and weighing in at only 187g. It’s legal for tournament play (subject to local rule) and for the positioning of scores for handicap purposes. Simple, easy to use and, above all, accurate.

The wetter it gets, the better the Mizuno RainFit grips. The microfibre suede palm is activated by moisture and the 3-D Pre-Curved patterning provides a tight and comfortable fit. FlexMesh insert panels at primary knuckle joints provide superior comfort and fit and an angled pull tab offers the wearer a tight fitting palm each time the glove is drawn closed.

£250 stockists 0208 3914700

WIN A 4Ball &Buggies worth£180 at the fabulous new Flaxby Golf Course see page 109

The Innovator Stand-Up is the only totally balanced putter on the market that can stand-alone unaided, giving golfers the ability to pre-align putts before gripping the putter. The Innovator's large foot print and some ingenious engineering underneath the grip, enables the putter to remain standing in winds of up to 25mph and on 12 degree slopes. The precision milled aircraft grade aluminium head ensures excellent feel and feedback, whilst the wide-body design minimises twisting at impact, helping golfers hole more putts.

Tour-milled grooves for shot-stopping spin from precise distances are cut into each new Wilson Staff TW9 Wedge. New, lower-lofted cavity back options bridge the gap between the modern pitching wedge and the sand wedge, for improved gripping. £58.49 from

£129 stockists: 01932 821200 -

These TAG Heuer Squadra 5500 series sunglasses are sport-specific and come with soft inner elastomere / hard outer elastomere for increased comfort and long life, a stainless steel arm for great comfort and light weight, a multi-adjustable nose pad, and a polished/brushed leg finish with polished metal TAG insert. £188 from

As used by Ryder Cup star Ian Poulter, the S9-1 family of drivers features Cobra’s exclusive Hotter 9-Point technology which maximizes ball speeds across the entire face. Available in a number of loft and shaft options through Cobra’s extensive custom fitting range which ensures each golfer can benefit from the technology of Cobra equipment to maximize the distance and accuracy of their drives. £249 from

The 8800 Golf GPS is very user-friendl and includes a high-resolution colour screen that ensures clear visibility in all weather conditions and is designed to measure distances to greens and hazards from anywhere on the golf course, without having to look for physical markers. An ever-growing number of 12,000 courses worldwide, including 2,300 in the UK, have already been mapped and can be downloaded directly from the Sureshot website. £199.99 - available from or from leading pro shops and golf retailers across the UK

The latest offering from the legendary Titleist Pro V1 family offers soft feel and contributes to longer distance and improved drop-and-stop scoring performance. The pro V1 family enjoyed success across all professional world tours last year and enjoyed 164 wins worldwide (compared to 31 for the nearest competitor). The Pro V1 or Pro V1x has also been the most played golf ball at the Open Championship in each of the last 29 years (since the golf ball count began). £46.50 per dozen

The new S5 GPS is the world’s first motorised golf trolley to incorporate a built in GPS system. Not only will it take your clubs round the course, it will also give you exact distances to hazards off the tee plus distances to the front, middle and back of greens thanks to a Sureshot GPS system that is integrated into the trolley handle. £599.99 direct from




or There are very many types of investment vehicle available to you and me. There are Open-Ended Investment Companies (OEICs), Unit trusts, Investment trusts, Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) and Enterprise Investment Schemes (EISs), to name but a few… but the most common are, arguably, unit trusts and investment trusts - also known as Open and Closed funds.

The main differences between the two are: Open-ended funds are managed by a fund manager, and investors buy units in a fund directly from the fund manager, via a financial adviser or within a product such as an investment wrapper.

Jono Baker

Supply and demand is managed by the fund manager via the creation and cancellation of units in the fund, by buying and selling shares at or near to the net asset value. Units are bought and sold but at a price unknown – unit prices are usually set on a daily basis. Whereas: An investment trust is a company with shares. Unlike an open-ended investment fund, an investment trust is closedended. This means there are a set number of shares available, and this will remain the same no matter how many investors there are. Investment trusts are listed, most commonly on the London Stock Exchange. When buying or selling, investors will know in advance the approximate price at which they will deal.

For more information please contact: Jono Baker Charles Stanley, 1 City Square, LS1 2ES. T. 0113 3663019

Investment trusts often trade at a discount to their stated Net Asset Value (NAV). This offers investors the potential for added return. If one buys an investment trust share at say 80p, when the underlying assets are worth 100p, the share is trading at a 20% discount to its NAV. If at the time of selling the assets are worth 150p, and the shares are trading at 140p (a 6.7% discount), then the total gain achieved is 75%, although the underlying assets have only risen by 50%. There is another difference that applies to investment trusts – they can borrow money to invest. This is called gearing. Gearing improves an investment trust’s performance when its investments are doing well. On the other hand, if its

Leeds in London: Leigh Himsworth is a UK Equity Fund Manager for Royal London Asset Management, he is a Leeds Boy gone sarf, loves Greggs and has “Super Leeds” stored in his favourites on the internet.


investments do not do as well as expected, gearing reduces performance even more. This does add to the risk of investing and generally means investment trusts are more suitable for investors with a longer term time horizon. In contrast, open-ended funds do not have this ability to borrow. For investors seeking income, investment trusts can be attractive. Investment trusts can pay regular dividends, and in good years will put excess money aside. This means that in difficult years, such investment trusts can continue to pay a steady or rising dividend by dipping into their reserves. For individuals reliant on income this increased certainty is appealing. Open-ended funds do not have reserves to dip into and so the income they pay to investors can be more volatile. One thing worth remembering though, in all cases, is that asset allocation is still the key to successful investment – it is always prudent to spread your investment across different sectors and asset classes. The level of risk will depend on the underlying investments and how well diversified your portfolio is; a fund which invests only in one sector, such as technology, will invariably be more risky than funds that invest across the whole range of sectors in a market. Funds are grouped in categories, such as UK Equity or Gilt and Fixed Interest, to make your selection process easier. Last, but by no means least, investment trusts are often cheaper to buy. As annual fees are generally lower for investment trusts and in combination with the borrowing feature discussed above, investment trusts can outperform their open-ended equivalents.

A Day in the Life of a Fund Manager! The alarm rings at 5.00 and I’m normally at my desk in London’s square mile at around 7.00, ready to gulp down a cup of coffee from my favourite Leeds Utd mug. I’ll spend an hour or so trawling though the morning’s business updates, looking for new pieces of information – maybe some encouraging trading information or a warning about disappointing profits – that will confirm or change my opinion about a particular company.. The market opens at 8.00 and this is when a lot of the day’s buying and selling of shares is done. I’m always trying to find companies that I think are undervalued by other investors and that have a specific reason to grow strongly in the future. Assessing company reports and meeting management teams and analysts is all part of this quest for ideas. After our daily morning meeting, where we share ideas around the team, I spend the rest of the day meeting companies to quiz them about their business plans, speaking to analysts about buy and sell recommendations and talking to clients about how I’m investing their money. Close of play sees me attempt to go for the train at 5pm and, contrary to the Northern misconceptions, the train is okay - I can get a seat! Returning home feels like The Pink Panther and Kato, with my daughter lying in wait, clutching her bow & arrow and plastic sword ready to pounce!

There’s a slap-up meal for two at


La Grillade for the best letter Please send your letters, news and opinions to As always, if we select your correspondence as Letter of The Month, we pay for a slap-up meal for two at the fabulous La Grillade in Leeds!

Letter of the month

Dave, via email

I write to congratulate you on your ‘Best of Leeds’ feature (issue 10). I found it a fascinating look at the best parts of a now-proud city. But we should take a moment to remember how far Leeds has come since the late 80’s, when the words ‘grim up north’ used to fit the city ‘hand in glove’. As a new generation becomes used to riverside dining, pedestrianised shopping areas, world-famous chefs and ‘architectural splendour’ it would be useful to remember it wasn’t always thus. In 1987, you’d be more likely to find a Martian on Briggate than a tourist. But when will Bradford - a city with just as much history, character and charm as Leeds - follow suit? Bea Pocock, via email A word of praise also, I would say, for the redevelopment of inner city Leeds - Kirkstall, Chapel Allerton, Chapeltown - and the upcoming investment in Armley. Enjoy your dinner at La Grillade, Bea. Ed. What, no City Varieties?! How can a poll of Leeds’s best places not include this world-famous gem? If it’s good enough for Charlie Chaplin and Harry Houdini, surely it’s good enough for your readers!

finally got the go-ahead! Is On: the Jim’ll Fix It of the magazine world? If so, can I just mention that I bought a lottery ticket the other day…. Gemma S, via email

Alan P, via email Maybe the dear old CV has gone off the radar since closing for refurbishment Alan? Let’s see it return for our 2011 poll! Ed. While I wasn’t surprised to find my nomination for The Best Place in Leeds sadly absent from your final Top Ten, I think it would be fair to let your readers know of this sanctuary. A home for the lost, lame and confused that has provided warmth and solace for Leeds citizens (and a pair of twins from Newcastle) on many a weekend night. That’s right, let’s hear it for my king size four-poster bed. Contact: (phone number removed for national security reasons, Ed.) Mark C, via email. There’s always one. Ed. Incredible! You printed my email in your last issue where I wrote of my frustration at the lack of an arena venue in Leeds, only to discover a matter of days later that the long-proposed venture has


masterpiece is gushing with praise. Worse, he has a go at the title which is funny, original and wild, then has the audacity to slate the cover art, which has more wit and invention than most other bands manage in a lifetime! Put him in the stocks!

Good to see some unbiased coverage of our regional sporting heroes – Rob Burrow (Leeds Rhinos, issue 10) is a world class performer in a world class team, who truly proves that size does not matter! I wonder, however, if your writers would be interested in featuring some of the stars of yesteryear? I, for one, would be very interested in hearing from, say, David Batty, Gary Schofield or Chris Old. Steve Prine, Menston They claim 1300 people a day will be catching Swine Flu in Leeds by the autumn! I’m sitting on a train right now, travelling to work in Leeds whilst reading your magazine, and there is a man sat opposite me sniffing and sneezing. Is it rude of me to offer him a tissue?! Help! Sarah, sent via Blackberry Your reviewer dares to criticise the mighty new album from Kasabian (1 out of 5, issue 10!) when just about every other review of this

Hmmm. Let’s hear the band’s take on that front cover: "We wanted to do, like you know the Stones dressed up as wizards, and all that kind of ****. You see these psychedelic bands dressed up as kings and stuff, so that was the take on it.” I rest our case. Ed. Mr. K. Driver asks for memories of the old Odeon cinema, now Primark, on Briggate (Letters Page, issue 10). I was an usher there in the mid 80’s when the Australian cricket team, who were in the middle of a Headingley Test Match, arrived for a night out. Most of them went to see Nightmare on Elm Street II, so I was surprised when big, bad Craig McDermott bought a ticket to see the much gentler granny comedy, Cocoon. “You don’t want me having nightmares do you mate,” I remember him saying to the coach as he purchased his ticket! Vicky, via email Your Hair writer Bryn Bevan is right when he says people are often intimidated by trendy salons. I might add that stylists with outrageous cuts don’t always inspire confidence either. I’m pleased to see that Bryn, at least, hasn’t gone for the strange 80’s bouffant so beloved of certain celebrity hairstylists! Maybe he can also tell me why all male fashion designers wear nothing but black? Sally Thomas, Keighley I’m always on the lookout for new experiences and I enjoy your ‘What’s New’ section and regularly try out the featured restaurants, boutiques and treatments whenever I can. However, can I suggest your writer keeps her choices as local as possible? There’s plenty to recommend in our parts and I see very little point in her recommending Puma trainers! Anna-Lise, via email It’s a fair point, Anna-Lise. Although Bethanie does try to show something of the bigger picture, as well as what’s hot on our doorsteps. Ed.

Win Stuff,GoodStuff!

We’ve over £1,000 worth of prizes on offer for our best ever competition giveaways! Feel free to have a go at all three, just remember to enter each competition separately and include a name and contact number. Good luck! Beautiful interiors experts BoConcept are celebrating the launch of their new catalogue with a Party Launch Weekend at Redbrick Mill, Batley on the 12th and 13th September.


If you fancy gaining an invite to this exclusive event, check out the BoConcept website –

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The new catalogue features two stunning new sofa ranges, a brand new accessory range and a beautiful cushion collection. On offer is this stunning designer ‘New Rock Chair’ worth over £800! To stand a chance of winning, answer this simple question:

Q. On what two dates are BoConcept Redbrick Mill’s New Launch Party Weekend?

Email your name and answer to stating your preferred colour - choose from yellow, grey or brown felt. Email your address to, or call 01924 460 483 to receive your free catalogue. T&C’s Prize cannot be exchanged for a cash alternative. Closing date: 30th September 2009. Winner will be contacted by email. New catalogues available from the first week of September.

The Skelwith Group, owners of beautiful Flaxby Golf Course, are offering readers the chance to win a free fourball plus buggies worth £180. The owners of the £100 million Flaxby Country Resort have recently announced that Ryder Cup legend Lee Westwood will redesign the 27-hole Yorkshire course, set up an Academy and become the course professional in 2011. Skelwith Group Managing Director Paul Ellis said: “Lee is a fantastic ambassador for golf and so we are delighted with his involvement at the Flaxby Country Resort. The Academy will be for all abilities – from budding Lee Westwoods to the many local schools that currently use the facilities on a weekly basis.” The Skelwith Group is developing the Troon Golfrun course into a luxury resort that will feature bars, restaurants, a luxury spa and gym, boutiques and 300 rooms – set in 283 acres of rolling countryside. Located between York and Harrogate, the course has been open since 2005 and already has nearly 700 members. The Skelwith Group has very high ambitions for the course and will be bidding for the Solheim Cup in 2015 and is also in talks to bring other major events to the course in partnership with Yorkshire Forward and Welcome to Yorkshire. To stand a chance of winning this great prize, answer this:

A 4Ball & Buggies worth £180

Q. Which Ryder Cup hero will become course professional at Flaxby in 2011? Simply email the answer to to be entered into a random draw. Closing date 30th September 2009. Good



a mixed case of

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The team at Latitude Wine and Spirit Merchants has chosen a selection of their favourite quaffable finds from the last year for one lucky reader to sample at home. These wines, a mix of red and white will be selected from a variety of internationally renowned producers including: the award winning False Bay, South Africa; Pulenta Estate, Mendoza, Argentina; John Hancock's Trinity Hill Collection, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand; Vina Tabali, Limari Valley, Chile Latitude Wine & Liquor Merchants is Leeds city’s only independent merchant, has over 600 products in stock and houses one of the largest ranges of specialist spirits and liquors in the North. To be entered into a random draw, answer this question:

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To enter, simply email your answers to and don’t forget to include your name and address!

Your personal details will not be sold or traded.




And then the Bishop said... ontalking

Following a barnstorming turn on Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow, Liverpudlian stand-up John Bishop is one of the most talked-about comic talents in the country. The Edinburgh Festival, and those Perrier nominations await, followed by a huge UK tour, ‘Elvis Has Left The Building’. We interrupted those nervy last-minute rehearsals for some Famous Last Words…

Last thing you did that made you feel good?

Last time you shed a tear and why?

One Night In Istanbul – a play I was in that has just ended in Liverpool – it was brilliant being on a stage with Stephen Gerrard, Rafa, Kenny Dalglish, Jamie Carragher and 5 European Cups.

Last week – something happened that will never happen again – it was sad and beautiful and it is part of life so it wasn’t completely a sad tear.

Last refuge ... where would you go? Last thing you'd want to be doing right now? Explaining a strange rash to my wife.

My cellar, where I have set up my own room for watching films – that is where I hide.

Last night on Earth ... What's your poison?

Last the course ... tips on loot, love & life?

Would like to think it was a nice red wine but I would actually just get pissed on anything.

Loot – never borrow too much and don’t trust fellas called Dave who are Financial Advisers but drive their Mum’s car.

Last supper ... What are you ordering? Ryvita, houmous, strong cheese and some grapes.

Love - until I had kids I had no idea what it was that is the only love that can never leave you. Life – it is shorter than you think, so try and do what you want to do, rather than what you need to do.

Last person you’d want to share a drink with? If this means the person I dislike the most, then I would have to say the person who invented flat pack furniture – that has killed too many of my weekends. If it is the last people I ever see, then my wife and my boys, the 3 Amigos.

Last but one ... random question: As a diehard Liverpool supporter, is the long wait finally over? Last year was the best for a while and the style of play was great to see in the second half of the season. Money is taking over but let’s just see I will be going anyway!

Your Famous Last Words, please? I wonder what will happen if I plug this in....

John Bishop's UK Tour includes dates in Harrogate, Huddersfield, Leeds and York for more info visit

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