Once in Santiago Spring 2012

Page 56

54 Kids Fun in Santiago

Kids Fun in Santiago Are you traveling with children? There are many alternatives to keep them entertained starting with a quick lunch or a day of adventure.

Every kid is different, but all of them get bored easily: travelling with small children is always a lot of work and why it is recommended to have activities that can stimulate them. In Santiago, there are many options: from heart pounding adventures to taking care of animals in Animal Farms. Watching African lions is an option, as is the possibility of learning science in museums. The good news is that all of these places allow adults to relax and have fun with their kids.

INTERACTIVE MUSEUM Museo Interactivo Mirador:

Touch, play, jump and ask: The Mirador Interactive Museum brings children closer to science using methods that will get their attention. You will be able to get into giant bubbles, lie on a bed filled with nails, and receive explanations of how different things work. Admission: 9am-5:45pm Tue-Fri; 9:30am6:30pm Sat, Sun & Holidays. Price: Children: $2,600CLP ($5USD); Adults: $3,900CLP ($8USD) Address: 6711 Punta Arenas St., La Granja. Pedrero L5 + E05. www.mim.cl

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