The Parent Guide - Summer '18

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Distinguished Academics Since 1907, Olivet has provided secondto-none academic instruction for the purpose of personal development and career preparedness. Through instruction and personal interaction, students embark upon lives of service to God and humanity, living out the “Education with a Christian Purpose� mission. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO

SUMMER 2018 OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the vice president for institutional advancement. VOLUME 86 ISSUE 2 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2018 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE Dr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/’95 Litt.D., M.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Carol Summers ’88/’90 M.A.E., Ed.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STRATEGIC EXPANSION Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 M.B.A., D.B.A. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES Dr. David J. Pickering ’89/’94 M.B.A., D.B.A. EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group Donnie Johnson Thomas Dinkleman ‘18 PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOTOS AS CREDITED) Jones Foto Image Group Mark Ballogg Jordan T. Hansen ‘13/’15 M.B.A. Wes Taylor ‘16 Joe Mantarian ‘16 Nick Rasmussen ‘18 Rachel LeBeau ‘18 Dan Kuruvilla ‘19 EDITORIAL SUPPORT Adam Asher ‘01/’07 M.O.L. for 989 Group Esther Paek ‘17 STUDENT SUPPORT Westin Edwards ‘20 Rachel Sedgwick ‘20 Andrew Perabeau ‘20 Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois, Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 Reproduction of material without written permission is prohibited. News, events and announcements are printed at the discretion of the editorial board. Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent Olivet Nazarene University policy.




FROM THE PRESIDENT The Value and Culture of Higher Education


MAKING THE BIGGEST DECISION Perspectives on the College Experience


8 STUDENTS: HIGHER PURPOSE Our Graduates are a Step Above

40 EXPLORING Finding Your Way at Olivet

OLIVET THE MAGAZINE Welcome to The Parent Guide, a special issue of Olivet The Magazine published by Olivet Nazarene University. This issue is designed specifically to assist you in navigating the college search process alongside your child and to provide information that will help you evaluate each college and university you wish to explore. In their book, Packin’ Up and Headin’ Out, Jill and John Bowling write about the impact of the college years: “During these years, besides getting an education that will provide one with an academic foundation for life, students will also: make the transition from living at home to living on their own, move from being under the nearly constant authority and supervision of parents to being independent, choose a career path, develop lifelong friendships, more formally establish your personality, and one may find a life mate.”

The college search process can be vast, complicated, timeconsuming and even stressful at times, so we hope you find this issue informative, useful, inspiring and reassuring. We hope you embark on this journey with a sense of excitement and that you are startled by the grace and goodness of God at many stops along the way. No matter which colleges you are exploring, the entire Olivet community is with you in spirit and available to you should you have questions at any point. May God be with you and bless you! The Editorial Board



FROM THE PRESIDENT The Value and Culture of Higher Education

Remember shopping for shoes or winter coats or bicycles? Did you ever lament buying toys/ clothes/electronic devices because they fell short of their promised value? The value mindset will serve you well as you help your child find the right college.



In this Q&A for Olivet The Magazine, Dr. John C. Bowling, president of Olivet Nazarene University, offers his perspective on the college value proposition. Olivet The Magazine: What should parents look for to help determine the promised value of any given college experience? Dr. John C. Bowling: Look for the value proposition: the statement that summarizes why you should buy a certain product or use a certain service. In this case, it’s the experience at a particular college or university. The value proposition should communicate — in a phrase or a single sentence — what sets apart a specific institution. It is a promise of value. At Olivet, our value proposition is this: “We believe higher education should have a higher purpose.” We are not merely a university whose task is to provide a set of courses leading to a degree. We do that, but that is not all we do, and it is certainly not our reason for existence. If all we do is give degrees, we have missed our calling. The good news is that our primary purpose is not education alone. It is also transformation. Olivet offers an exceptional academic program. In addition, we provide a place where young men and women learn to love God with all their minds, hearts and spirits, and to love others as themselves. OTM: With the escalating costs of higher education, is a university education really worth the investment? JCB: The cost of a university-level education must be viewed through the lens of investment — not just cost. What is the return on such an investment? The U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics analyzes employee earnings data biennially according to education level.

These findings indicate that workers with college degrees earn significantly more than those without. They also emphasize how lower education levels tend to correspond with higher unemployment rates. In 2015, adults with bachelor's degrees took home more than those with high school diplomas. Degree holders earned $48,500 a year, while diploma holders earned $23,900. But the value of a university degree goes well beyond the economic return. Attending a university broadens a person’s understanding of oneself and the world, and it enriches one’s life through the wide variety of experiences and relationships. OTM: Over the course of your career, you have seen many students thrive and some fail. In your opinion, what is the basis for student success? JCB: Students sometimes come to school with unrealistic expectations. Some do not recognize the level of discipline it will take to complete four years of university-level studies. With that in mind, student success is best supported by creating a synergy among faculty, staff and families. Student success starts at home and continues through freshman orientation programs, student residential life, academic support, and — at Christian schools — the work of the chaplain’s office. At ONU, we are fully committed to helping identify students who may be struggling and to providing those students with support. The Elwood Center for Student Success at Olivet leads this important initiative. OTM: "What if my daughter or son struggles in college?" It’s a question many parents ask. How do you respond?



JCB: It is important for parents to know that most students will struggle at some point during their college experience. It’s called “life.” Parents need not overreact. Yet, if a student’s struggles persist, parents should feel free to contact the university for help. At Olivet, there is a great system in place to assist students, and we are happy to provide support. OTM: What is your best advice for parents of incoming freshmen? JCB: Start early to help your children develop an appropriate level of self-sufficiency before you send them off to college. Students must learn to take responsibility, to solve problems on their own and to become their own advocates. OTM: How is the president of a university involved in influencing the campus culture and setting the tone of university life? What are some essential elements of a successful campus culture? JCB: First, let me say a word about the significance of a campus culture and ethos. I am convinced it is as important as the quality of the academic preparation an institution provides. The campus culture — values, traditions, standards, shared commitments and so on — is the primary shaping influence upon students. In his best-selling book, The Advantage, Patrick Lencioni writes, “The single greatest advantage any company can achieve is organizational health.” He writes about businesses, but the same is true for colleges and universities. Every school has its own personality. At the university level, the essential qualities that shape campus life include a strong sense of mission, clear values of respect for others, a positive outlook that pervades

campus activities and objectives, a strong sense of community, a positive spiritual tone and joy. Getting a university education ought to be a joyful experience! Although fostering and maintaining a positive campus culture takes all faculty and staff, it must be publicly embodied and expressed by the university president. If he or she is passive or absent from this aspect of university life, the school’s potential will be significantly diminished. OTM: How is institutional culture built and sustained? JCB: Institutional culture is built intentionally by clarifying the mission, celebrating community, fostering positive relationships, providing a set of campus traditions and nurturing multidimensional positive support for students, faculty and staff. The culture is strengthened and sustained by open, honest communication and constructive problem-solving. OTM: What is the mission of Olivet Nazarene University, and what is the Olivet ethos? JCB: Here is where one encounters the Olivet difference. Our mission statement addresses this very issue: “Our mission is to provide high-quality academic instruction for the purpose of personal development, career and professional readiness, and the preparation of individuals for lives of service to God and humanity.” The threefold nature of this statement clearly indicates that the reason Olivet exists goes beyond professional preparation alone. While that aspect is important, our commitment is broader and deeper. Olivet does more than help our students know how to make a living. We also help them learn how to build a life of significance and purpose. Thus, Olivet offers more. Compared to most other universities, it has a strong value-added dimension.

DR. JOHN C. BOWLING serves as the 12th president of Olivet Nazarene University. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s degrees and two earned doctorates, he is a best-selling author and

a prominent national speaker. He is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education

and the Church. His most recent book is ReVision: 13 Strategies to Renew Your Work, Your Organization, and Your Life.


"The campus culture — values, traditions, standards, shared commitments and so on — is the primary shaping influence upon students." OLIVET.EDU JONES FOTO



MAKING THE BIGGEST DECISION There is no shortage of options when you are trying to help your child choose a place to pursue higher education. The real challenge is finding the right place — the college or university where each individual student will thrive.


Our parent guide will serve as a handy guidebook and provide information that is widely applicable. It will also provide some nice-to-know specifics about Olivet Nazarene University. May you find guidance in these pages and joy in the process of discovery. JONES FOTO









A colleague’s email signature includes this quote often attributed to

Yet the liberal arts are more than transcendent skill development.

lighting of a fire.”

formation of persons. A liberal arts education allows human beings

William Butler Yeats: “Education is not the filling of a pail. It is the No one has been able to prove Yeats actually said those words.

But whoever spoke them was affirming Greek writer Plutarch, who wrote nearly two millennia ago that the mind is “not a vessel to be filled but wood to be ignited.”

The idea that learning should go beyond professional or career preparation to the shaping of the whole person — mind, body and

soul — is the touchstone of a liberal arts education. The acquisition

of skills and accumulation of knowledge are certainly part of the educational endeavor, but they cannot be the only part.

A liberal arts education is the formation of personhood. It is the groundwork upon which all further learning — in career, graduate

school or life itself — is built. Career preparation is training for a job. Liberal arts education is preparation for a life.

The great Christian thinker G. K. Chesterton once said that tradition

is the truest democracy, because tradition is giving a vote to all

those who have gone before. A liberal arts education builds on the cumulative wisdom of the Western experience, a heritage of Christian culture in dialogue with the best of classical learning and

Education does not exist primarily to serve industry. It exists for the to deeply perceive the world and humanity’s cultural heritage

within it. It provides — as described by Donald Schmeltekopf, provost emeritus at Baylor University — an opportunity to explore the “formative and enduring ideas surrounding God, nature and

human life.” At Olivet, this means students become more engaged, more compassionate and better-rounded citizens.

John Herschel, the 19th century British astronomer and polymath, said that “to the natural philosopher there is no natural object

unimportant or trifling. ... He walks in the midst of wonders.” For the man or woman trained in the liberal arts, the world is

never something to exploit or take for granted. It is something to approach with humility and gratitude. It is something that forms a rich, interwoven tapestry with humanity’s cultural heritage.

Will studying astronomy — exploring the narrative of science and what humanity has learned of our place in the universe — make

better accountants or ministers or nurses? Will studying literature — learning how the greatest minds of the ages have expressed

themselves in verse and prose — make better engineers or doctors or teachers?

continuing with development of the modern academic disciplines.

Yes. Undoubtedly.

Far from being an antiquated study of dusty topics, the liberal

More than this, though, a liberal arts education is part of our heritage

the sciences and mathematics. They hone critical-thinking and

holiness and the testimony of the Incarnation give us confidence

cultivate the ability to wrestle with ideas and engage differing

charged with the grandeur of God.” Thus, a Christian education is

increasingly connected, diverse and technologically charged

with it as broadly as possible.

arts allow wide engagement with literature, arts, humanities,

and charge as followers of Christ. The tradition of Wesleyan

communication skills, develop cultural and scientific literacy, and

that, in the words of poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, “the world is

points of view. These are exactly the skills most needed in our

one that must encompass that world and humanity’s engagement

world. In an environment where the average person will have many

different jobs in the course of a career, employers are beginning to recognize the value of skills that transcend the particulars of professional preparation.

At Olivet Nazarene University, we aspire to such an endeavor with

the “deepest piety and the highest scholarship,” confident that the liberal arts are not only alive but also vital in this millennium.

STEPHEN CASE ‘05, PH.D. is the director of Strickler Planetarium at Olivet Nazarene University, a professor and the associate director of the faculty team for the Olivet Honors Program. He teaches and writes about the history of astronomy, and his research has appeared in

Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Mercury, Endeavour and Annals of Science. He holds a doctorate in the history and philosophy of science from the University of Notre Dame. His website,, features samples of his writing, photography and other interests sparked by the fire of his liberal arts education.




As I stood in line at the grocery store, an adorable and articulate

Ironically, these role models would likely explain that they have not

shared eye contact and a brief smile, so she was now comfortable

quit becoming. They have been mindful to capture valuable life

4-year-old named Ashley began chatting intently with me. We had enough to tell me her name, introduce me to her mother and baby

brother, tell me about her preschool, and explain the details of her life and future.

Ashley: “I want to become a teacher or a firefighter or a nurse or a veterinarian when I grow up.”

Me: “Wow! Those are a lot of great choices! So, are you in college now or will you be starting after preschool?”

Ashley: “I’m starting college right after church on Sunday.”

Me (grinning, appreciating her innocent wit and cheering her on): “Good for you! Whatever you become, I’m sure you’ll be great at it.” Ashley: “Thank you! Mommy says I’m becoming quite a handful. But I already told her that I’m becoming a teacher or a firefighter

or a nurse or a veterinarian. Mommy says that she’s working on becoming a better listener.”

Mommy and I share a smile. At the ripe old age of 4, my new friend, Ashley, is already busy making her plans to become. Somewhere along the way, she has

picked up messages that confirm certain career choices might be a great fit for her.

She probably enjoyed one of her preschool teachers, watched

a movie about a heroic firefighter, or experienced the loving

comfort of a nurse. I can picture her sheer joy at realizing there is actually a job that allows her to care for animals. Somehow, my new delightful friend, Ashley, has already figured out that she is designed to become.

We tend to idolize people who have achieved, made their mark

and become. We see them as bigger than life — at least bigger than our own life. We admire their accomplishments and we want to capture their unique qualities so that we can emulate their success.

yet become. Instead, their unique quality is that they have never lessons that were embedded within failure and success, within the mundane and the exciting.

You see, individuals who have truly become never settle. They

stretch themselves so that they are constantly in the process of developing, improving and transforming.

Olivet is committed to helping our students become. We offer a relevant, current and cutting-edge educational experience within a connected, family-like atmosphere. We are proud of our strong academic programs and our reputation as a place for spiritual

growth and discovery. We want our students to be challenged and stretched educationally, but we also want them to be challenged and stretched personally and spiritually.

Our students work beside faculty and staff who model service to Christ. We recognize that our students are relational and see

faculty as mentors who lovingly teach them that becoming is not an overnight process. Instead, becoming emerges only after

repeating, testing, trying, learning and then owning moments of character development. We know that college years are a key time

in students’ lives when they continue to clarify their values, morals

and the lens through which they see the world. So, our faculty interactions are intentional and dedicated to helping students develop, transform and become.

Our faculty members understand that college students are sustained not by mere books; instead, they are nourished by time spent with people they grow to admire and respect. In fact,

becoming involves finishing strong every hour, every project and

every opportunity. It means showing up — really showing up — with a commitment to excellence, integrity and service.

Our students become doctors, social workers, engineers,

accountants and pastors, fulfilling dreams they may have imagined since childhood. But, more importantly, our students become men and women who lead, who are committed to ongoing growth and who strive to glorify God as they serve professionally and personally.

AMBER RESIDORI ‘93, ED.D. is dean of Olivet’s School of Life and Health Sciences. A licensed clinical social worker, she has worked extensively in residential treatment settings with youth and adolescents who have severe emotional and behavioral disorders. Her experience in developing ground-up programs includes an outpatient practice for sexual offenders, a healthy-touch/anger management

curriculum for elementary and high schools, various new residential treatment programs, a transitional living program and acute inpatient psychiatric hospital programs.











D R . PA U L K O C H

In both my introductory and upper-division courses in economics,

Christian institutions like Olivet are also particularly well-positioned

“perfect competition.”

mentioned by David Brooks in his column, “The Big University,”

we address a particular form of market structure that is known as This framework assumes that there are many producers of a virtually identical product, which means that no one firm has any

power over the market price. As a result, these enterprises are often characterized as “price takers” and are usually found in

sectors known as “extractive industries” or “commodity markets.” Examples such as agriculture and other natural resource

within the marketplace of higher education to respond to the issues which was published in the Oct. 6, 2015, edition of The New York Times. Brooks began his commentary by observing that “many American universities were founded as religious institutions,

explicitly designed to cultivate their students’ spiritual and moral

natures.” After explaining the reasons why this emphasis has declined over time, he makes the following statement:

markets come readily to mind, because those companies cannot

Universities are more professional and glittering than ever, but in

that would lead potential buyers to pay more.

how to do things, but many are not forced to reflect on why

differentiate their product from the output of other firms in a way During our present age, it has become fashionable, at least in

some quarters, to refer to a college education as a commodity, where the “product” is indistinguishable from one institution to

another. Upon further reflection, however, this assumption breaks down fairly quickly for the following reasons:

Every university has a distinct mission and identity. For example, even colleges which might appear, at first glance, to have the same academic purpose are not going to be identical with

respect to the qualifications of their faculty, the specific nature of their programs, their physical facilities or their extracurricular

opportunities. No two teacher-education or land-grant institutions are going to offer identical experiences to their students. The same can be said for schools that emphasize the liberal arts or preprofessional programs.

Every university has a distinct ethos and culture. If we look just within the realm of faith-based institutions, those colleges sharing a

common commitment to the integration of Christianity and learning

some ways there is emptiness deep down. Students are taught

they should do them or what we are here for. They are given many career options, but they are on their own when it comes to developing criteria to determine which vocation would lead to the fullest life.

When I read Brooks’ words in the preceding paragraph, I think of

Dr. John C. Bowling’s frequent admonition to Olivet students: focus not just on making a living but also on making a life. I also think of

my favorite section of our University’s mission statement, which was first printed in our Catalog more than 100 years ago: “We seek

the strongest scholarship and the deepest piety, knowing that they are thoroughly compatible (and) … a Christian environment … where not only knowledge but character is sought.”

One of the privileges of teaching at ONU for 25 years has been

the opportunity of working alongside colleagues who are engaged

in the process of combining scholarship and knowledge with piety and character as they invest daily in the lives of students. That is the Olivet difference.

across the various academic disciplines do not all pursue this calling in the same way. The spirit of each Christian college is going

to be influenced by the history and tradition of that institution as well

as its theological commitments and the unique contributions of its faculty, staff, students and alumni over time.

PAUL KOCH, PH.D. is an expert economist, master teacher and member of the American Economic Association and the Association of Christian Economists. As a member of the faculty for the International Business Institute program, he lectures nationally and internationally on economic issues and spends the summer months teaching in Europe. He holds a bachelor’s degree from George Fox University and a master’s

and doctorate degrees from Illinois State University. A trusted professor of business and economics at Olivet since 1992, Dr. Koch is a past recipient of Olivet’s Richard M. Jones Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence.



GRADUATION PRIDE 2018 Nursing graduate and Chicago native Genesis Garcia celebrates the beautiful Commencement morning with her family. Appropriately named, Genesis is a first-generation college student. PHOTO BY IMAGE GROUP





FIRST PERSON Richard and Debbie Dykhouse




"As I considered colleges, a question haunted me. If my mom was going to scrub floors to make sure I could attend college, which school made my mom's sacrifice worthwhile?"

My family has always valued education highly. I remember my mother telling me from a young age that she would take a second job scrubbing floors to make sure I had a college education. Her words became a strong visualization for me. Her words instilled in me the value of education and the commitment my family had to education and lifetime learning.

I discovered the value of my Olivet decision as my time at Olivet fueled my vocational interest and as I experienced learning and preparedness with a Christian worldview. For example, Dr. Koch encouraged me to undertake a program in Washington, D.C. This experience became a highlight of my learning about life, my vocation and what God was calling me to in my vocation.

Olivet Nazarene University became a natural choice.

In my life since Olivet, I have continued to witness the value of my education. I was well prepared for law school, for the M.B.A. program I attended and for my vocation after graduate school. My Olivet experience continues to positively influence my career as I rely on the base of Christian living and purpose that was fortified as a college student.

Olivet had a reputation of being a community of learning where students enjoyed relationships with professors furthering their individual growth. Olivet represented a choice that wrapped these favorable outcomes in a commitment to Christ and a foundation in Christian living. Olivet had a strong record of preparing its students for graduate school, the next step for me. Like everyone, I certainly had other choices, but I could not escape the clear tangible and intangible value of the Olivet experience. I knew the sacrifice of my parents would more than pay off in my preparedness for life – not to just succeed in a world that demands excellence, but also to succeed as an individual committed to life with a Christian purpose. Early in my freshman year, I experienced the value of my Olivet education. I met individuals who had a profound, positive impact on my life, my vocational calling and my commitment to Jesus and His values. I quickly turned my goals into a career as an attorney using my interest in business.

My Olivet experience has paid dividends in the lives of my family members. My wife, Debbie, and I have a son who graduated from Olivet in 2017. Our eldest son earned his Olivet bachelor’s degree in 2012 and is about to complete his Juris Doctor at Harvard Law School. I have witnessed the Olivet value from a parent’s perspective, the way my parents saw it. Except that Olivet is even better now. I join my mother in saying that I would gladly take a second job scrubbing floors to make sure my children could attend college, especially at Olivet!

RICHARD R. DYKHOUSE, distinguished Olivet alumnus, trusted expert, and leader in business, media and communications, currently serves as executive vice president, general counsel and corporate secretary of the global communications company Charter Communications, Inc. Frequently referenced in Forbes and Bloomberg Businessweek, he received a bachelor's degree in finance from Olivet Nazarene University,

a M.B.A. from Indiana University and a J.D. degree from Indiana University School of Law. He and his wife, Debbie, are the parents of Ryan ’12, Reagen ’17 and Megan.




FIRST PERSON George and June Kalemkarian

"Without that campus visit, Katie would have missed God's will and her experience at Olivet, which gave her the solid foundation that inspired her to go out into the fashion business world and thrive." Katie Kalemkarian wanted to find a mid-size Christian university where she could study fashion design or fashion merchandising. She was accepted to Olivet Nazarene University and a university in Seattle, Washington. She visited the Seattle campus and immediately decided that was the place for her.


But Katie’s father, George, offered some parental advice. He felt she owed it to herself to visit both schools before she made her decision. So Katie and her mother, June, headed for Olivet with a “this is a waste of time” mindset. “Our thinking quickly shifted,” June recalls. “The first thing that surprised us was the admissions building. It was lovely and revealed that Olivet appreciates beauty and excellence. Next, the people we met made an indelible impression. Everyone was warm and accepting. As Katie and I walked the campus, we both felt God drawing us in and revealing that Olivet was actually the place He had for her.”



Katie is a buyer for The TJX Companies, Inc., the global parent company of T.J. Maxx, HomeGoods, Marshalls, Sierra Trading Post and a number of retail outlets outside the United States. She has worked for the company in Boston, Massachusetts; London, England; and Los Angeles, Calif.


Earning a bachelor's degree at Olivet Nazarene University can be the first step into a life filled with promise and success. Many students take the next step of earning a master's or doctorate degree from Olivet's School of Graduate and Continuing Studies or other universities worldwide.



Olivet The Magazine recently spoke with eight outstanding young alumni who are continuing to pursue a higher purpose in higher education. OLIVET.EDU



Yale Divinity School Married to alumna Christine (Caven) When Ben Geeding came to Olivet as a freshman, he was an atheist. He just wanted to study and perform music. God had different plans for him, however. By the time he received his bachelor’s degree, he had sung in several musical ensembles, conducted Orpheus Choir and become a follower of Christ. Today, he is pursuing a Master of Arts in Religion degree at Yale Divinity School (YDS), one of the world’s most prestigious seminaries. “I am awed by the fact that my professors are renowned theological scholars,” Ben says. “They challenge me, invest in me personally and go out of their way to mentor me.” During his first year as a YDS student, Ben conversed with Christian activist Shane Claiborne and social activist Dr. Tony Campolo. He facilitated theological discussions with pastors and scholars at a theological conference. Working for the Summer Study program, he welcomes professionals who come to Yale to continue their education. He preached at a church in Connecticut and sang during a YDS chapel service. One of the benefits of Ben’s undergraduate and graduate education at Olivet was having professors who encouraged him to keep looking ahead to the next step. Now, he is taking those next steps.


University of Cambridge, England: Master of Philosophy, 2016 Married to alumna Andrea (Richardson) After earning a bachelor’s degree and two master’s degrees, Calum Samuelson accepted a position as project manager for Reformation 2017 with Jubilee Center in England. This campaign is crowdsourcing “95 ways to change the world,” a set of new theses to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. From his Olivet years to today, Calum enjoys the enrichment of interdisciplinary dialogue. His background in Biblical studies, intercultural studies and theology has prepared him to work closely with a wide range of academic disciplines, denominations and humanitarian organizations. Calum is active in voluntary service and university lecturing, and he has worked with hundreds of churches using his skills in music and preaching. He is also a lifelong competitive athlete in numerous sports — most recently, rowing at Cambridge — and enjoys camping, hiking and slacklining. “My interests in academia, ministry and recreation help me interact with diverse groups and demographics,” Calum says. “As I’m developing my communication and leadership skills, I appreciate the opportunities I have to teach, inspire and influence others.”


TERRIANA GREGORY John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital

“I’m a first generation college student, and I’m very proud of that,” says Terriana Gregory, M.S.W. “I’m the only person in my family with a bachelor’s degree and the only one with a master’s degree. Olivet taught me how to succeed.” Terriana entered the Master of Social Work degree program at Aurora University in May 2017 with advanced standing and graduated one year later. Her focus on God, prayer and Bible study — which she learned while a student at Olivet — got her through the academic challenges and even her daily commute. Today, Terriana is living her dream of serving others. She is a full-time crisis worker in Stroger Hospital’s emergency department, helping Cook County’s underserved population. Approximately 120,000 adults and children/adolescents come to the 24-hour emergency room for treatment each year. Two Olivet professors have influenced Terriana’s life as she pursues her chosen career. “I know Dr. Aggie Veld and Dr. Amber Residori believe in me,” Terriana says. “They pushed me to keep going, even when I had low moments or didn’t do well on a test. They kept rooting for me and never gave up on me.”


Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law As an Honors Program graduate from Olivet, Joshua Dille landed a scholarship to attend one of the top law schools in the United States. His high score on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) was another plus for his acceptance. Joshua just completed his first year of the three-year Juris Doctor (J.D.) program at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law in Chicago. He serves as a teaching assistant for the required introductory legal writing course. In March 2018, he competed in the Evans Moot Court Competition as a member of the Moot Court Society student group. In summer 2018, Joshua is working as a law clerk for the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, writing criminal appellate briefs for filing in the First District Appellate Court of Illinois. He also attended the Blackstone Legal Fellowship leadership training conference in Washington, D.C., designed especially for Christian law students who strive to integrate their values and beliefs with their legal careers. “Olivet prepared me academically for the rigors of law school and beyond,” Joshua says. “Olivet also provided me with practical experiences and opportunities to grow personally and find a life-giving community.”




U.S. Navy NUPOC Program Married to alumna Gabrielle (LaSpina) Hunter graduated from Olivet with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in May 2017. While at Olivet, he joined the Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate (NUPOC) program within the United States Navy. The NUPOC program is specifically designed for students who will train to be nuclear engineers in the Navy. Following his graduation from Olivet, Hunter spent three months at Officer Candidate School at Naval Station Newport in Newport, Rhode Island. He graduated in the top 10 percent of his class. After graduation, ENS Selby and his wife, Gabrielle (LaSpina), moved to their new duty station in San Diego, California. He is currently serving as a communication officer on the USS John Finn (DDG 113), an Arleigh-Burke Class Destroyer, for his first tour. Now, he is training and preparing to receive his Surface Warfare Officer pin, which will lead him into a year of schooling. That will be followed by a second tour, which he will serve on an aircraft carrier as a nuclear engineer.


University of Kansas Married to alumna Ashley (Ledbetter) Two passions — a love for research and a desire to help others — guided Zach Pessia to the next steps in his professional career. With recommendations from Olivet and University of Kansas (KU) alumni, professor Joseph Makarewicz ’07 and Camilo Giraldo ’14, he entered the master’s program in mechanical engineering at KU in 2017. His focus is biomechanics. While at Olivet, Zach devoted more than 300 hours to designing and building the Myo Prosthetic Hand. This was his senior capstone project with Dr. Seok Lew as his project mentor. During that time, he also traveled with The Narrow ministry team, served on worship teams for chapel and Party With Jesus, and worked as a tutor and teaching assistant. These experiences, plus his homework group and the mentoring of professor David Ibrahim, taught him how to manage his time and how to work to the best of his ability. At KU, Zach is a member of the Spine Biomechanics Laboratory. This team is using innovative methods and materials to make medical devices more efficient and better for patients. He says, “I am so excited to be in a field and research area that will significantly help others.”


MACY (MURRAY) SPRUNGER Washington University Married to alumnus Samuel Sprunger

“My undergraduate research experience at Olivet was very important in my getting accepted into the Ph.D. program at Washington University,” says Macy Sprunger, who plans to become a chemistry professor. In 2016, Macy and her undergraduate chemistry professor, Dr. Douglas Armstrong, received a Pence-Boyce research grant from Olivet — one of several such grants funded by Olivet alumni and available annually to STEM students. Macy began her research project at Olivet in summer 2016 and was able to continue it during the 2016–2017 academic year. During Scholar Week 2017, she presented some of her findings. She says, “Getting into the lab that summer and doing this research project eight hours a day for 10 weeks showed me graduate school would be a good fit for me.” At Washington University, she has completed one year of her five-year program. Working in the laboratory of Dr. Meredith Jackrel, Macy and her colleagues are studying protein misfolding related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease. In 2018, she received a GAANN (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need) Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Education.


Olivet Nazarene University A woman called to ministry faces many choices and challenges, even in today’s world. Esther Paek chose a path that would prepare her for any direction, whether in academia or traditional ministry. She is currently the only female student in the Master of Arts in Religion degree program in Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. “I chose Olivet’s program because I knew my professors would challenge me,” Esther says. “They are not afraid to engage with the hard questions that I will face in ministry.” One of Esther’s primary observations about the intersection of her undergraduate and graduate studies is the deeper exploration of concepts that were new to her just a few years ago. She has also studied with Dr. Deirdre Brower Latz at Nazarene Theological Seminary, Manchester, England, who holds the Quanstrom Chair at Olivet.



Campus Living When you are choosing a college, it’s not just majors, classes and activities that will determine the quality of your educational experience. Quality of life is also a major factor in how you will learn and grow during the undergrad experience. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO





UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL AID The college choice will be heavily influenced by how you and your student perceive cost and the financial aid process. Be sure you are making decisions based on accurate information. You don’t want to rule out schools based on sticker shock when financial aid could bring those schools within reach.


"Honestly, we weren't prepared to pay for college. We were amazed when we found out Olivet had a team to help us find the solutions we needed." — Thomas S., Naperville, Illinois


File your FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid), and file it as early as possible. The FAFSA is the gateway to state and federal financial aid, and universities use this information to determine your student’s awards. The FAFSA can give access to grants as well as loans that tend to have lower interest rates with the most advantageous payback schedules. Some state grants have limited resources. It’s important to file as soon as possible to ensure you receive everything you are eligible to receive.



You can file the FAFSA at beginning Oct. 1, 2018, for the 2019-20 school year. You previously had to wait until Jan. 1, but the government moved up the filing date so you can have your financial aid picture sooner and longer to best prepare for the start of school. Another improvement: You will be able to electronically pull financial information from your 2017 taxes directly into your FAFSA form.




The FAFSA allows your student to select up to 10 schools to automatically receive your family’s FAFSA information. Each school that your student has applied to and been accepted to will then send a financial aid award letter outlining all the federal, state and institutional aid your student is eligible for.


It's important to find out how each admissions office handles test scores, as each school is different. If you take the ACT or SAT more than once (not required, but permitted by both testing organizations), some universities take the highest score, while others take an average. A higher test score could improve an academic scholarship by thousands of dollars per year.


Some schools offer only academic scholarships. Most have additional opportunities. Like academic scholarships, most others are provided on the basis of merit and/ or participation. At Olivet, there are scholarships for athletics, music (including marching band and orchestra), art, ministry and ROTC. 30 OLIVET.EDU


YES! Students should seek out local and national scholarships. Consider organizations your student has been a part of, businesses you frequent and your employer. Many offer scholarships. For national scholarships, register at reputable websites such as, or and begin applying as soon as possible. Never pay for scholarship searches. The reputable sources are always free.


The reality for most college students is that scholarships and government assistance alone do not fully cover tuition expenses. The remaining portion can be covered by parent loans, student loans or payment plans. There are many federal and private loan options. You should know that student loans require a cosigner. Payment plan options are unique to each institution. Financial aid is not a “one-size-fits-all” process, so work with your financial aid advisor to explore your best options.


This process can be overwhelming, so don’t be afraid to lean on financial aid advisors. They will work with you to find financial aid solutions based on your needs. Ask the tough questions and stay informed. The more involved you are, the easier it will be.

STILL HAVE QUESTIONS? At Olivet, the Office of Admissions is a great resource for families in every stage of the process. Call 800-648-1463 to arrange your personal campus visit and financial aid consultation.





ADVICE FOR STUDENTS JENNY SCHOENWETTER ‘06 holds B.A. and M.B.A. degrees from Olivet. Having the “debt talk” with college students, especially graduating seniors, is one of her passions. She also enjoys collaborating with her Olivet colleagues to discover more effective ways to educate students about financial aid and money management.



Four years of an Olivet education left me well-equipped for the job market — and with about $20,000 in student loans. Fast-forward a year and a half, and that number tumbled to $0. Student debt is a hot topic right now. I want to give you hope and some tips I learned in my own student loan repayment journey. Higher education is an investment in yourself and comes at a well-deserved cost. As I mentor and teach college students, I consistently bring up student loans and personal finances. The temptation is to avoid it. My goal is to bring more awareness around these topics so that students avoid coasting through life financially. Here are some of my top recommendations for students (and parents) as you begin the college journey: Talk about finances. How can we expect you to be a good financial steward if you know nothing about finances? During high school, college and postcollege, I sought financial advice from trusted sources, and I appreciated each person’s unique insights. Their strategies helped me develop my own, balancing getting out of debt quickly with saving for the future. I strongly encourage students to be bold and ask trusted mentors, parents and professionals about finances. Be the one to open the discussion. Become best friends with your financial aid counselor. Olivet has a fantastic Financial Aid team here to serve students and help them better understand student loans and their options. You are your best advocate, so ask lots of questions based on your independent research. One resource your counselor will probably point you to is studentaid., where you can open an account and see all of your student loans (principal, interest rate, loan servicer, etc.).

It is also helpful to know you do not have to wait until after graduation or your grace period to start paying on your loans. For example, I worked throughout college, so I made small payments on my highest interest rate unsubsidized loans because they began accruing interest immediately. Develop (and stick to) your plan. As I approached graduation, I began building a budget including all my anticipated expenses. I included loan payments, retirement and philanthropy. Once hired at my new job, I filled in the numbers and lived frugally. It was easy to make a plan; sticking to it was another story! My friends were in the same boat, so we did it together. We found creative, cheap ways to have fun because we could not afford big trips or eating out all the time. Additionally, I discovered that many costs are negotiable — like car insurance and internet service. Some things I really didn’t need — like the big apartment with a great view or fancy car. Finally, when I received extra money (tax refund, gifts, side jobs), I put it toward my loans, tackling my highest interest rates first. My best advice here is do not play the comparison game. Every person’s financial situation is different, and you need to develop a strategy to fit your goals. It was not easy, but with determination and hard work, I emerged victorious. In retrospect, I am glad I had that uphill battle, because it made me a strong steward of my finances and empowered me to help students and young alumni know that they, too, can enjoy the same outcome.




FINDING MEANING Searching for Work

Nearly a decade after the worst recession (2007–2009) since the Great Depression (1929–1941), there are 6.7 million job openings in the U.S. The current unemployment rate is a seasonally adjusted 3.8 percent, the lowest since 2000. For workers with a bachelor’s degree or more, the rate is just 2.1 percent.* For the first time in at least 20 years, there are now more job openings than there are people looking for work. A Different Kind of Job Market Then why is it so hard to find a good job? Distribution. Unfortunately, those nearly 7 million jobs are not evenly distributed across the country. Metropolitan areas in all four corners of the U.S. have employment advantages, including higher pay scales, but with a higher cost of living. The good news is that salaries for graduates seeking first-time jobs rose 5.2 percent from 2017, according to ADP. Relocation. A growing percentage of the workforce is not open to geographic relocation, preferring to remain where they are. That decision limits job opportunities. Skills. Many of the openings require skill sets some have yet to acquire. That’s why there is a movement underway to join data science with traditional liberal arts curricula which, according to Burning Glass Analytics, qualifies those students for roughly 15 percent more jobs after college. Outsourcing. A larger percentage of the workforce is now hired through outsourcing. Traditional employers such as General Motors, IBM and Pratt & Whitney are giving way to outsourcing companies like Compass Group PLC and Accenture PLC. Five of the top 20 global employers in 2017 were “workforce solutions” companies.

Competition. As Geoff Colvin wrote in FORTUNE Magazine: “This may be a great environment in which to find a new job, but you’ll likely still face competition.” Taking the Road Less Traveled Whether you’re a first-time job seeker, an employee trying to move up in the organization or a person who is ready for a new career, how do you go about finding the right job? Enlist a credible third-party referral. The importance of someone speaking, making a call or writing on an applicant’s behalf cannot be overstated. Professor. Coach. Co-worker. Supervisor. Pastor. Community leader. Combine character with skills. Sixty percent of business people polled by Zogby say they have had more trouble finding job candidates with adequate character skills than with adequate technical skills. Good character and a collaborative spirit are two ways Christian college graduates are uniquely positioned to contribute to an organization’s success from day one. Rethink your time. Job seekers should consider increasing their networking and social media time, spending less time searching job boards. Let the right people know you are looking for work. With human resources departments understaffed and overworked, some recruiters spend an average of only 6.25 seconds before deciding if the candidate is a potential fit, according to job search site Encouragement Makes a Difference A 2017 Strada-Gallup study of 32,000 students from four-year institutions illustrated the importance of trustworthy college relationships. Students are significantly more confident about their preparation for the workforce when they interact often with faculty, staff and administrators about career options. *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Report, May 2018


"It's not about who you know, it's about who knows you." — Jeffrey Gitomer, author

Clayton Christensen, a Harvard Business School professor, says, “The one-on-one, in-person connection between student and teacher may be the saving grace of traditional higher education.” What Else Can Be Done? For yourself as the job seeker: • Start searching early and never tell yourself “no.” Be willing to relocate. • Don’t minimize the importance of that first job. It shapes and influences earnings potential for at least a decade. • Summer jobs and internships can lead to permanent positions. • Register and search For you as the encourager: • Never promise a job, only that you’ll assist in the job search process. • Be careful vouching for a job seeker whom you don’t know well. • Make the introduction, but let the job seeker do the rest. • Provide ongoing encouragement and accountability. The Next Chapter of Life For the Christian, employment is vocational, a calling — more than just a position or way to earn a living. Therefore, consider acting on behalf of a college student, classmate or friend who is searching for work. Your commitment can help a job seeker navigate an often labyrinthine employment process. That type of support is worthy of our time.

Olivet Nazarene University has been recognized as a College of Distinction. Again.



is president of Bredholt & Co., Winter Springs, Florida. He posts at © 2018

STAYING FIT One of the keys to a successful college career is navigating all the various elements: academic, social, spiritual and physical. Olivet provides students with healthy eating options and a dynamic Recreational Life Center, where students can swim, climb, exercise and enjoy fun together. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO


THE SENIOR YEAR The best way for your student to prepare for college is to make the most of senior year. Your daughter or son should dig into classes. Good study habits, focused determination and solid grades are the best preparation. She or he should invest in extracurricular activities that highlight athleticism, musical talent, leadership or public service. It will be a busy year, and graduation will be here before you know it. These steps, written for your student, will help your family navigate the enrollment process and get a head start on the college experience.


Does the college offer your major? Are there ample areas of study (in case the student changes majors)? Are the professors accessible in and out of the classroom? Are the professors renowned in their fields? Are the academic programs rigorous? What’s the classroom experience? How many students are in each class? Does the college have strong internship and study-abroad opportunities? Will the school offer financial aid? After financial aid is awarded, how affordable is the school? Are there added-value opportunities and services? What is the campus city or town like? What’s the weather like? How important is distance from home? Is the school near additional internships, jobs and culture? Does the college have on- and off-campus guidelines for living? Do you value the school’s policies regarding residential life? What arts opportunities are there? Are there athletic teams to cheer on? What are all the on- and off-campus dining options? Are there fitness activities for students? Does the college offer off-campus living? What are some alumni success stories? Is academic tutoring and career counseling readily offered? What clubs, intramural sports, ministries, and volunteer activities exist? Is the school a good fit? OLIVET.EDU


FALL Visit! Fall is a great time to look at the schools on your college list. The perfect time to connect with students and professors is when classes are in session. Even sit in on a class or two. Olivet’s Purple and Gold Days (fall dates ... Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Nov. 3, Nov. 17 and Dec.1) are ideal occasions to experience campus firsthand. Finalize a short list. Use the information gathered from college visits, interviews and research to determine where to apply. Compare and contrast schools on the short list to determine where they rank in priority. Stay on track with grades and activities. Colleges look at senior year, so stay focused on classes and maintain commitments to extracurricular activities. Take standardized tests. Register for and take the ACT, SAT or SAT Subject Tests as necessary. Add Olivet's school code so test scores are sent automatically. Keep track of deadlines. Sometimes it feels like all you are doing is paperwork. “Sign here. Fill this out. Send this in.” It may not be fun, but it is necessary. It is important to know what form is due when. Make a calendar showing the application deadlines for admission, financial aid and scholarships. Connect with a guidance counselor. Be sure the counselor knows where to send transcripts, score reports and letters of recommendation. Give counselors any necessary forms much earlier than the actual deadlines so they have time to complete them. Complete applications for schools on the short list. Make sure the guidance office has sent all necessary materials, including test scores, recommendations, transcripts and application essays. Plan to get all this done before winter break, so you won’t be rushed on deadlines. File the FAFSA. Filing for the following school year starts on Oct. 1 of the current year. File as soon as possible to ensure access to eligible state and federal aid, as well as priority status for university scholarships (Olivet’s school code is 001741). Some state programs have limited resources and are first-come, first-served. File as soon after Oct. 1 as you can! Continue your scholarship search. Apply for scholarships with approaching deadlines, and keep searching for more scholarship and grant opportunities. Using free online scholarship search tools is a great way to find potential aid. Ask colleges about their scholarship opportunities. Be sure to take this information into account when making a short list. A university’s sticker price can fluctuate greatly after financial aid and scholarships are applied. Talk specifically with a family advocate and enrollment advisor at Olivet to discover how scholarships and financial aid change your bottom line.


THE SENIOR YEAR WINTER Follow up on applications. Verify with the guidance counselor that all forms are in order and have been sent to colleges. Send mid-year grade reports. Ask the guidance counselor to send these reports to colleges on the short list. Remember, schools will continue to keep track of grades, so it’s important to keep working hard throughout senior year. Review college financial aid packages. Award letters should begin arriving at homes in late November for those who filed early. Though finances should never be the only factor in a decision, consider each package carefully, as not all colleges use the same format. Be sure to call your Olivet family advocate and enrollment advisor for further clarification (800.648.1463).

SPRING Prepare! Take any last standardized tests and ACT/SAT retakes (statistically, students improve their score on the second or third attempt). Take AP or CLEP tests to earn college credit as senior year winds down. Be sure to discuss these options with an enrollment advisor at each school on your short list, as every school awards college credit and academic scholarships differently. Make the final college decision. Notify all schools of your intentions by May 1. If still undecided, schedule campus visits to the schools being considered. Send in the enrollment deposit and have the guidance counselor send a final transcript upon graduation. Submit any other paperwork required by the university. Follow up on financial aid information. Be sure you have received a FAFSA confirmation and award letter. If necessary, explore and apply for loans. Maintain contact with the financial aid advisor to discuss the best options for paying for college. Interact with future classmates. Attend college events, check out class Facebook and Instagram pages and finalize roommate selection.

SUMMER Attend new student summer orientation. Finalize course selections, choose a dorm room, meet freshman classmates, interact with faculty and staff, and begin the exciting experience of the next four years!

CAREER PREPARATION Olivet is a dynamic, engaging, interactive experience designed to empower you to achieve your goals in life — whether it’s getting into an elite graduate or medical school, or stepping into that dream career.




Not every student has a simple answer when asked the unavoidable question

What’s your major? Welcome to the perfect place to explore all the possibilities that question presents.


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So, you’re still exploring what to do with your life. You’re not alone.

Each year, about 17 percent of students entering college haven’t declared or decided on a major. Around 15 percent of Olivet’s incoming students are unsure of their exact field of study. Considering that nearly 50 percent of all college students change their major (at least once), why worry? Olivet Nazarene University is higher education focused on the liberal arts — where you get to explore all areas of knowledge and understanding: literature, science, religion, mathematics, health and the arts. The Center for Student Success, located on Olivet’s campus, strives to create a culture and climate that encourage students to explore all their educational and academic interests and assists students in identifying their specific career or calling.


“Choosing a major can be a daunting task — especially when you feel as if everyone else already knows what they are doing. And there are so many different majors from which to choose. Here, students are not left alone. We partner with each student through the process.”

Beth Olney

Director, The David L. Elwood Center for Student Success

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Ask yourself these questions: What is most important to me in life and in a career? In which areas do I naturally excel? What do I most enjoy doing? Which majors and careers fit best with my personality? What do I most think about regarding the future? For which issue or cause am I most passionate? If I could do anything I wanted and knew I would be successful, what would I do?

Academic Coaching Center Peer coaches help students develop independent learning skills in a relaxed, comfortable setting. Students’ unique learning preferences and education goals are primary in all sessions. Coaches help with enhancing academic skills, improving critical-thinking skills and fostering independent scholarship. Career Services Students explore careers and employment opportunities using a variety of resources. Assistance with résumés, cover letters, the job search process and interviewing skills sets students apart in the professional world. On-campus job fairs give potential employers opportunities to meet students in person. connects employers with job seekers and employees with jobs. Counseling Services When stresses build, professional counselors are available to help students grow and succeed. Students’ well-being is the top priority at Olivet. Health and Wellness Services Being healthy physically benefits students as they pursue their education and prepare for their future careers. Complete, personalized, quality health care is available for all students.


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“ Starting at Olivet without a major had me feeling a bit anxious. Freshman Connections provided me the support I needed, answered any questions I had and encouraged me to explore the many areas of study that Olivet offers. My anxiety and stress turned into excitement when I learned more about all the opportunities available to me. This was a crucial time for me in discovering what the Lord was calling me to do. I am thankful for the Olivet process that led me to the major I now love: social work.” Sarah Ritter ‘18



The Explorer’s Toolbox

Freshman Connections JumpStart

Catalog Consult Olivet’s online course catalog for a list of available majors and requirements for each.

MyPlan Assessment Get free access to four inventories that help you learn more about your values, skills, interests and personality.


This three-day conference introduces new students to college life and life at Olivet. Large and small group events, challenging messages and many opportunities to get acquainted make this a valuable start to a life-changing adventure.

Meet weekly with your small group throughout the first semester in this for-credit class. Study the book Habitudes for the Journey. Learn about people, places, resources and ideas that pave your way to college success.

CliftonStrengths Imagine the Future Review the 140 areas of study Olivet offers. List careers you might want to pursue. Consider the majors that will help you get there.

This assessment helps you discover the one true you. Find out more about what you naturally do best. Use the results to live your best life.

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Introductory Courses Take the first course in one or two areas that interest you. Sample before committing.

Prayer Ask God to direct you in your decisions. Listen for His answers.

Career Coaching Meet with a career coach or faculty advisor to work through the rewarding process of choosing your major.

Shadowing Experience Learn more about the careers that interest you. Reach out to professionals in those fields. Arrange to interview them or shadow them on the job.

For more information about how you can begin your exploration with Olivet Nazarene University, go to or call us at 800.648.1463.






SHARPER FOCUS ON CYBER SECURITY DEFENSE Olivet’s Department of Computer Science now offers cybersecurity defense as a concentration in the computer science major. The carefully designed curriculum aligns with criteria set by the Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency’s Knowledge Units. Reed Hall of Science is the home for Olivet’s new cybersecurity lab. “By 2019, there will be an estimated global shortage of nearly 2 million cybersecurity employees and consultants,” said Dr. Houston Thompson, dean of Olivet’s Martin D. Walker School of Engineering. “Olivet is committed to preparing trained professionals to fill what will only be an increasing demand in this field.”


ZOOLOGY MAJORS RECOGNIZED FOR OUTSTANDING RESEARCH Representing Olivet at the 2018 Illinois State Academy of Sciences annual meeting was an honor and an achievement for zoology majors Kim Zralka and McKenna Conforti. Kim received first place for the presentation of findings in her study of redheaded woodpeckers. McKenna placed second for her research on grazers and bumblebees at Illinois’ Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie. In August 2018, both will present their research at the National Meeting of the Ecological Society of America in New Orleans. “The work Kim and McKenna are doing is important for effective care and conservation of God’s creation,” says Dr. Derek Rosenberger, their faculty mentor. SUBMITTED

FIVE NAIA NATIONAL CHAMPIONS IN 2018 Olivet is still celebrating the achievements of these Tigers! Five student-athletes now hold 2018 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) National Champion titles. For women’s swimming and diving: Amanda Moran, 200 backstroke champion (for three consecutive years; holds ONU and NAIA records for this event) and 100 backstroke; Andrea Vega, 200 breaststroke (setting a new ONU record) and 100 breaststroke; Karla Islas, 400 individual medley. For men’s swimming and diving: Iran Cavalcante Almeida, 200 butterfly (setting new ONU and NAIA records) and 100 butterfly; Daniil Kuzmin, 400 individual medley. For women’s outdoor track and field: Carlie Vannatta ’18, hammer throw; Kylie Davis, shot put. ONU ATHLETICS

SUMMER RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES ON CAMPUS Six Olivet students and their faculty mentors are pursuing intensive research projects on campus during summer 2018. Grants from the University’s Pence-Boyce Committee fund these projects and provide a stipend for the students. This year’s grant recipients are working on projects in the fields of engineering, biology and zoology. Students will present their findings during Homecoming & Family Weekend 2018 and Scholar Week 2019. Pence-Boyce grants are sponsored by Olivet alumni to honor two outstanding former faculty members who exemplify integrity, dedication and spirit in pursuit of academic excellence.




CHICAGO INTERN, MUSEUM STYLE Eight weeks flew by for Olivet student Goldene Brown. ABC7 Chicago. CNN. Fox 32 Chicago. Magazine. Newsletter. Social media. Summer Brain Games. Her internship at one of the world’s largest science museums in the third largest U.S. city challenged her and changed her career ambitions. Goldene, a multimedia journalism major, was part of a dynamic professional team at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry. Her supervisor made sure that she experienced many facets of her future career. “I learned a lot about flexibility during this internship,” she says. “I learned how to work well with a lot of different people and how to be productive.” CMSI

ONU CAREER OUTCOMES SOAR Career outcomes for Olivet’s Class of 2017 are already exceeding expectations as well as outcomes reported by other universities and colleges. Based on information from 96 percent of Olivet graduates, 94 percent are employed (full-time or part-time), serving in the military or missions or attending graduate school. This exceeds the career outcomes for Olivet’s Class of 2016 by 2 percent. Several of the University’s most popular majors — biology, marketing, accounting and elementary education — report 100 percent career outcome rates. These results underscore the commitment of Olivet and its students to academic excellence and career preparation. JONES FOTO

TIGER MEN'S BASKETBALL ACHIEVES MILESTONE With an 86-79 victory over Judson University (Illinois) in Olivet’s McHie Arena, the Tiger men’s basketball team tallied the 1,000th win in program history on Jan. 10, 2018. The Tigers concluded their 52nd season of competition with 1,006-609 overall, including 14-16 for the 2017–2018 season. In NAIA National Tournament play, Olivet has accumulated 12 wins. The Tigers have also claimed four Northern Illinois Intercollegiate Conference (NIIC) and 12 Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) regular season championships, four NAIA District 20 titles and six CCAC Tournament titles. Eight different players have been named NAIA All-America, and 13 more have earned honorable mention honors. There have also been 96 CCAC AllConference players. IMAGE GROUP



SCHOOL OF MUSIC DESIGNATED AS APPLE DISTINGUISHED SCHOOL Olivet Nazarene University’s School of Music has received the Apple Distinguished School designation for 2017 through 2019 for its iLearn@Olivet initiative. This follows its 2014–2016 Apple Distinguished Program honor. Launched in 2013, iLearn@Olivet utilizes iPad technology for every music major and ensemble as well as music faculty and staff members. Faculty and students use iTunes U for music courses and delivery of sheet music. Students use the camera on the iPad to record video assignments. The forScore app allows musicians to manage, edit and perform their sheet music from their device. The Apple Distinguished School designation is reserved for schools that meet criteria for innovation, leadership and educational excellence with a 1:1 Apple product solution and that demonstrate a clear vision of exemplary learning environments.



Worship on Campus Chapel gatherings add significant meaning to campus life. Top Christian speakers present challenging and inspiring messages. Students lead a focused time of worship through music. In this setting, many have accepted Christ and committed to serve Him. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO







SERVICE Embedded in this world of uncertainty and change is a sure and steady presence — unseen but not unknowable. We believe in gravity, though we do not see it, for we can feel its steady pull and see its effects. In the same way, can we not see His hand at work in this world?

T H E OLIVE T EXPERIENCE It is by trusting our lives to that which is unseen that transforms what is seen into a deeper reality — one not subject to the changes that come year by year. For as Hebrew 11:1 says, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”





Christian hope is more than trust. It is a confident expectation that what God has promised will indeed come to pass. And this assurance, this hope, changes not only how we anticipate the future; it also changes how we live in the present. Our confident expectation in the goodness of God’s future gives us a joyful assurance and a peaceful confidence.

DR. MARK QUANSTROM Dean, School of Theology and Christian Ministry





The Lord wants all of our stories: our comedies, dramas and tragedies. He wants the happy as well as the not-so-happy endings. He’s especially interested in the ones where we feel lost and unable to see where we are headed. We are not alone. As the Master Architect of the universe, He sits alongside us in infinite patience. He draws us a plan to prosper and not harm us. He draws us hope and a future.

DR. JAY MARTINSON Chair, Department of Communication



The shaping of the whole person — mind, body and soul — is the touchstone of a liberal arts education. Skills and knowledge are certainly part of the educational endeavor, but they cannot be the only part. The formation of personhood is the groundwork upon which all further learning — in career, graduate school or life itself — is built. Career preparation is training for a job. Liberal arts education is preparation for life. DR. STEPHEN CASE Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry and Geosciences


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Students work beside faculty who lovingly teach that ‘becoming’ emerges only after repeated testing, trying, learning and owning moments of character development. Students clarify their values and morals. Our intentional interactions are dedicated to helping students develop, transform and become. In fact, ‘becoming’ involves finishing strong every hour, in every project and within every opportunity. It means showing up with a predetermined commitment to excellence, integrity and service. DR. AMBER RESIDORI Dean, School of Life and Health Sciences




Vision matters, especially for those at the door of adulthood. We dare not miss the potential of the formative college years. A university provides the ideal setting to engage students and help them envision what they might become for the glory of God and for the good of humanity. Olivet creates daily openings where I may now freely discuss matters of faith and vision with my students. It is a place where old and young together can ‘dream dreams’ and ‘see visions’ (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17) that lead to a promising future.

DR. KENT OLNEY Chair, Department of Behavioral Sciences



Storytellers spread the great news about Jesus from village to village. Songwriters write masterpieces that praise His faithfulness. Poets arrange the words into rhyming stanzas that glorify His magnitude. I wish I were a storyteller, a songwriter or a poet. I’m not. I’m His subject who praises Him my way, with my story. And my story is His story — a story about divine irony and the countless ways God uses every opportunity for His purposes, regardless of our roots. DR. KASHAMA MULAMBA Professor, Department of English, College of Arts and Sciences




AT A G LA N C E STUDENTS More than 5,000 — 3,000 of them undergrads — from nearly every U.S. state, 21 countries and more than 40 religious denominations. ADMISSION Based on ACT score and high school records (college transcripts for transfer students). For incoming freshmen, average ACT score is 24. ALUMNI Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 40,000 alumni living around the world. ACADEMICS More than 140 areas of study offered through the School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Life and Health Sciences, School of Education, School of Music, School of Theology and Christian Ministry and the College of Arts and Sciences. Study-abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. ACCREDITATION Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. CAMPUS Beautiful, park-like campus features 35 major buildings on 275 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana; Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids, Michigan; and Hong Kong. SPIRITUAL LIFE Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.



million dollars in financial aid awarded last year to ONU students


ATHLETICS At Olivet, student-athletes compete on 21 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, and track and field. Varsity teams for women include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including a campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine; ROTC; radio broadcasting (Shine.FM); numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra); drama and musical theatre performances; intramural athletics; and community volunteer and spiritual life organizations. GRADUATE STUDIES AND PROGRAMS Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration. Education: Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Education: English Language Learners, Master of Arts in Education: Ethical Building Leadership (Principal Preparation Program), Bilingual Endorsement, Driver’s Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement. Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Paramedics, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-B.S.N.), Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing (RN-M.S.N.), Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner Certification. Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Studies, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership, Master of Arts: Urban Ministry, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry.

percent of students receive financial aid


intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA


local ministry and global mission trip opportunities


AREAS OF STUDY Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art - Drawing/Illustration Art - Digital Graphics Art - Painting Art - Photography Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biology Biology Teaching Business Administration Business - Healthcare Management Business - Human Resource Management Business - Management Business - Not-for-Profit/ Philanthropy Business - Operations Management Business - Public Administration Chemistry Chemistry - Biochemistry Chemistry - Forensics Chemistry Teaching Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Christian Studies Communication Studies Computer Science Computer Science - Cybersecurity Defense


advanced degrees offered through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies

Computer Science - Software Development Computer Science - Technology and Information Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Dietetics Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics Economics & Finance Applied Economics Economics & Finance Certified Financial Planning Economics & Finance Corporate Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Mechanical English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Teaching English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences


intramural sports and tournaments with more than 3,490 participants each year

Family & Consumer Sciences - Hospitality Fashion Merchandising Finance French Geography Geological Science Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Information Systems Marketing Marketing - Commercial Graphics Marketing - Corporate Relations Marketing - International Marketing - Management Mass Communications Mathematics Mathematics Education Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Multimedia Communication Multimedia Communication - Film Studies


study-abroad opportunities and numerous mission opportunities available

Multimedia Communication - Journalism Multimedia Communication - Live Event Media Management Multimedia Communication - Ministry Media Multimedia Communication - Radio/Record Industry Multimedia Communication - TV/Video Production Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Pastoral Ministry Philosophy Philosophy & Religion Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Sciences Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Psychology Psychology Teaching


student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of more than 4,900

Public Policy - Domestic Public Policy - Foreign Public Relations & Strategic Communication Recreation Recreation, Sport & Fitness Religion Religion - Biblical Studies Religious Studies Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Administration Sport Management Marketing Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology


percent career outcomes rate for Class of 2016





PA R E N T P R AY E R God of life and love, Yo u h a v e g i v e n m e t h i s c h i l d t o c a r e f o r t h i s l i t t l e w h i l e . My heart is welled with joy and thanksgiving, a n t i c i p a t i o n a n d a n x i e t y, a m i d s t a l o n g i n g t o b e t o g e t h e r a s w e h a v e b e e n t i l l n o w. T h e s e y e a r s o f g r o w i n g u p h a v e m o v e d s o q u i c k l y, so many things left undone, so much left unsaid, so much I still hope to give to my child who is taking this new step in the journey of life. Help us as we reshape our lives to reflect this new reality of college. Show us new ways to be present to each other in love and in trust. Give me patience and help me to remember that my child is establishing new routines i n f r e e d o m — r o u t i n e s d i ff e r e n t f r o m m y r o u t i n e s . Calm my fears. Strengthen and protect my child in the midst of the challenges and temptations that surround all students. Grant greater courage that I myself may have had in standing f o r Yo u r t r u t h a g a i n s t c o m p r o m i s e s o f f a i t h . Provide good friends and worthy confidantes for my child during these college years. Help me to give support and confidence, to discern how I am needed now and to pass on, in my love, a measure of the strength and courage Yo u h a v e g i v e n m e i n t h e g i f t o f p a r e n t i n g . Amen.


PURPLE AND GOLD DAYS 2018 Join other high school seniors and their parents for an in-depth look at Olivet.

OCTOBER 12–13 OCTOBER 19–21 NOVEMBER 2–3 NOVEMBER 9–10 NOVEMBER 16–17 NOVEMBER 30–DECEMBER 1 For registration and details or to schedule your personal campus visit day, go to or call 800-648-1463.

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