From Olivet To Everywhere

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FALL 2017




START YOUR JOURNEY Scheduling your campus visit is the best first step to getting your enrollment process started. Come meet with a professor, eat lunch with a student, and go on a tour of our beautiful campus. See you soon!




ONU Grad and photographer Joe Mantarian captures the 2017 Commencement processional into Centennial Chapel. OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

VOLUME 85 ISSUE 4 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2017 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345

EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group

PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min.

DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group DESIGN SUPPORT Donnie Johnson Monique Perry ’03 PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOTOS AS CREDITED) Jones Foto Image Group Mark Ballogg Jordan T. Hansen ’13/’15 M.B.A. Wes Taylor ’16 Joe Mantarian ’16 EDITORIAL SUPPORT Renee Gerstenberger ’85 Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel Reproduction of material without written permission is prohibited.


Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Ave. Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 Olivet The Magazine is printed in Burlington, Vermont, by Lane Press. At every step in the production process, Lane Press emphasizes reuse and conservation of resources by reducing waste, recycling manufacturing material and adhering to strict environmental standards. Lane Press meets or exceeds State of Vermont and federal requirements for clean air operations, and complies with state laws that require detailed plans for reducing the generation and/or use of hazardous waste and toxic materials. Detailed environmental policy and practices information is available from Lane Press. Some material featured in this issue appeared in previous issues of Olivet The Magazine.

in this issue 6 FIRST PERSON A studentʼs story of giving

A CULTURAL 28 SUCCESS STORY Students find a home at ONU


Dr. Michael Pyle shares his experience


ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group

FALL 2017


DEAR FRIENDS, Dear friends, In his book, The Art of Possibility, Benjamin Zander tells the story of the “near-mythical maestro” and conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic for over 35 years, Herbert von Karajan, who “was reputed to have jumped into a taxi outside the opera house and shouted to the driver, ‘Hurry, hurry!’ ‘Very good, sir’, said the driver. ‘Where to?’ ‘It doesn’t matter’, said von Karajan impatiently. ‘They need me everywhere!’” It’s an amusing story, but in a way it applies perfectly to our current context. With so much present-day difficulty, the opportunity to make a real difference for God has never been greater or more necessary. We live in a world desperate for good action accompanied by the Good News of Jesus Christ. Olivet graduates, filled with hope and courage, animated by the Holy Spirit, are needed everywhere. As we begin this new academic year, may we be inspired by the stories of God at work through the lives of the Olivet family, who are serving around the world and may we once again be startled by the enormous goodness of our Great God! Blessings!


The Editorial Board



FROM THE PRESIDENT Last May, on the day following graduation, Jill and I left Olivet’s campus. She headed off to see her mother, and I hit the road to speak at two conferences. When we returned home a few days later, we found a note taped to our garage door. It was from one of our graduates who with her car loaded, her memory bank filled and her heart overflowing, came by our house to say a final farewell before leaving campus. I assume she rang the doorbell, then probably knocked. She may have peeked in the window before walking around to the garage. She wanted to see us. She had something to say … but we were not home. Thankfully, rather than heading on her way, she sat for a few moments and penned a note which she then taped to the door, so that it would be the first thing we saw when we came home. After reading the note, we moved it from the garage door to the refrigerator door. There, we see it every day. I have read it several times. Her words remind me of what is at stake at Olivet Nazarene University. They underscore the mission of the University. This young woman bears witness to having received a great education, which prepared her for the next chapter of her life. She is attending law school this fall. She applied to five law schools and was accepted to each one, but that was not why she wrote the note. She had something else on her mind.

Dear Dr. and Mrs. Bowling, Wow. You told me these four years would go by swiftly, but I never truly understood how quickly they would really go. Where do I begin? These past four years have been something very special to me. As I get older, I have begun to realize that life unfolds in phases — each phase serving a different but important purpose. My last four years — the college phase of my life — shaped me, challenged me and taught me valuable lessons that I will carry on to my next phase and beyond. I am so incredibly grateful to have been at this place called Olivet at this time in my life. I am now on the doorstep of a future I had not thought possible a few short years ago. This place is special and will always be in my heart. Wherever I go, Olivet will go with me. Two lines from her note continue to leap from the page for me. One is: “Olivet has shaped me, challenged me and taught me valuable lessons that I will carry on to my next phase and beyond.” The other is: “Wherever I go, Olivet will go with me.” The impact of Olivet does not end when a student graduates. Wherever our graduates go, Olivet goes with them; and wherever Olivet goes, you go as well. As a part of the University, you are there each time an Olivet nurse provides care and each day when an Olivet teacher touches a life. You are present in businesses, social service agencies and courtrooms from coast to coast. You are on mission fields, concert stages and in research laboratories around the world. Once you are part of Olivet, you go with each graduate as they find their places in the next phase of life. Which reminds me of one other line from the note. The last thing the student said was so important, she said it three times. Her words were addressed to Jill and me, but are really directed to you. You see, Olivet Nazarene University does not belong to me; I belong to it, as do each of you who are part of the life and legacy of Olivet. Her closing words were these: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Dr. John C. Bowling


CLASS NAMES In recent years, Olivet has begun to name each incoming class, which corresponds with the Bible verse chosen for them by our University president. The names have helped to not only identify, but unify each class, bringing a sense of camaraderie and class spirit. Our current classes are: The Exemplary Class of 2018, The Empowered Class of 2019, The Visionary


Class of 2020, and the Aspiring Class of 2021.


On the morning of Tuesday, September 19, 2017, Dr. John C. Bowling crossed an invisible boundary and became the longest serving president in the 110-year history of Olivet Nazarene University. Entering his 27th year, Dr. Bowling surpassed his longtime mentor and friend, former president Dr. Harold W. Reed, who served as the tenth Olivet president from 1949 to 1975. The Olivet Board of Trustees will formally recognize Dr. Bowling’s achievement as the longest tenured president on campus at the fall meeting of the Trustees, October 3 and 4. Dr. Bowling was elected as the 12th president of Olivet during a meeting of the Board of Trustees, in the early hours of the morning on July 16, 1991. At the time of his election, Dr. Bowling was serving as the senior pastor of College Church of the Nazarene in Bourbonnais, Illinois.

“Dr. Bowling is one of the finest university presidents in all of higher education. We are so blessed that God led him to Olivet. He serves with great distinction, and his work is not done. I believe some of Dr. Bowling’s most significant days as president are yet to come. It is my privilege to congratulate Dr. Bowling for his exceptional leadership on behalf of the entire Board of Trustees.” Dr. David Rowland, Chair, ONU Board of Trustees

An Olivet alumnus, Dr. Bowling is a Harvard University Fellow with two master’s and two earned doctorate degrees. He is also a best-selling author, a prominent national speaker and is recognized internationally as an outstanding leader in higher education. During Dr. Bowling’s tenure, Olivet’s enrollment has more than doubled. Through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, the University, too, has a stronger national presence, as well as a stronger international reach through graduate studies in Puerto Rico and Hong Kong. In 2007, Dr. Bowling led in establishing the University’s first doctoral degree. He has overseen several major developments to the campus, including acquisition of the 30-acre Fortin Villa property for ROTC and intramurals, as well as construction of the Admissions Center; Weber Center; the 3,000-seat Centennial Chapel (dedicated in 2010); the 180,000-square-foot Perry Student Life and Recreation Center (opened in 2012); and the engineering expansion of Reed Hall of Science (opened in 2014). Dr. Bowling is largely credited for bringing the Chicago Bears Training Camp to the Olivet campus and the Bourbonnais community in 2002. The University has been named one of the top 25 “Best Christian Workplaces” in the United States by the Best Christian Workplaces Institute for several consecutive years — with consistently high scores for the “degree of trust between senior leadership and employees.”

“On behalf of the entire student body, we love our president! He and First Lady Jill Bowling are right there with us through our four years at Olivet. We are grateful for their investment in our lives.” Tommy Lambrecht 2017–2018 student body president



Campus life is buzzing once again as the “Aspiring” Class of 2021 and all new students joined returning students for the 2017–2018 academic year.

At the annual President’s Dinner in August, Jeremy Alderson ’98/’05 M.B.A. was named 2017 Staff Member of the Year. He serves as associate vice president of ONU Global. During his 10-year career, he has been part of the 400 percent growth in revenue for the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. With online programs now in 49 states, SGCS is the bridge for Olivet to reach the world. “I found my professional home at Olivet,” he says. “Olivet’s priorities align with my priorities. I don’t take a day for granted.”

In his message for the first chapel of the year, University President John C. Bowling said: “Chapel is one of the key elements of our shared life together. God will speak to you in chapel if you will listen.” Other exciting activities on the schedule for undergraduate students were JumpStart for new students; Block Party in the Perry Student Life and Recreation Center; and Ollies Follies — Athletic Games, Wacky Games and Variety Show — with the Seniors taking the title. Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies (SGCS) has just launched a total of 23 new cohorts in nursing, education and business degree programs. The newest program is the Learning Behavior Specialist 1 Endorsement. With its new corporate relations partner initiative, SGCS is leading regional workshops on hot topics for the workplace.













Dr. Steve Case ’05 organized and led a trip to view the 2017 eclipse at a site in the path of totality, where the sun was totally blocked for 2.5 minutes, beginning at 1:20 p.m. CDT.

Dr. Mike Pyle received the honor of Faculty Member of the Year at the annual President’s Dinner in August 2017. As chair of the Department of Biological Sciences, he is continuing Olivet’s long, strong history of preparing students incredibly well for medical and healthcare careers. In fact, about 80 percent of Olivet students who take the MCAT and apply to medical school are accepted. “We want to see all our students succeed,” he says. “This is what professional readiness means at Olivet: students prepared and equipped to pursue careers of excellence and lives of significance.”

Olivet captured its eighth Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) All-Sports Cup in as many years, and ninth overall, by edging out University of St. Francis for the 2016-2017 honor. Aided by no less than a share of five regular-season titles, seven secondplace finishes and one conference tournament title, the Tigers' program — led by Director of Athletics Gary Newsome ’74 — earned outright titles in men's soccer and both women's indoor and outdoor track and field, while tying for league crowns in women's soccer and women's volleyball. The men's soccer team claimed the tournament title.

Among the Olivet group were Dr. and Mrs. John Bowling, Olivet’s president and first lady, as well as a cadre of journalists and astronomy aficionados. Dr. Charles Carrigan ’96, geology professor, captured some breathtaking photos. Hosting the group for the viewing in Murphysboro, Illinois, at the Church of the Nazarene were Rev. James Frye ’80 and his wife, Cindy (Frank) Frye ’77. “The eclipse was spectacular!” Dr. Case, a professor in Olivet’s Department of Chemistry and Geosciences and director of Strickler Planetarium, says. “The weather was perfect for viewing where we were.”









Eleven members of Olivet’s swimming and diving team provided a lifetime of clean water for 202 people with their open water relay swim fundraiser in August 2017. Swimming to benefit the work of Team World Vision, they finished with 43 miles — three more miles than last year. This year’s event — their fourth annual Water 4 Water swim — took place at Lake of the Ozarks in central Missouri. What a great example of how to creatively use talents and skills for the sake of others!

Teresa K. Woodruff, Ph.D. ’85, a graduate of Olivet’s Department of Biological Sciences, is the new dean of The Graduate School and associate provost for graduate education at Northwestern University, effective Sept. 1, 2017. She has devoted her career to helping restore fertility in women who have undergone life-preserving cancer treatments that left them unable to conceive. Recently, featured her in the article “3-D printed ovary allows infertile mouse to mate and give birth.” In 2017, she received a Guggenheim Fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Her project, Global Germ Cell Metallome, will generate an unprecedented view of germ cells from ocean corals to humans across the globe.

Head Coach Eric Hehman and his Olivet Tiger football team began the fall 2017 season with three consecutive victories on Aug. 26, Sept. 2 and Sept. 9. “I really like the character of this team,” Coach Hehman says.



In their first game against No. 20 Kansas Wesleyan University in the Tigers’ home opener, junior Rashaan Gaymon had six catches for 133 yards and two touchdowns, including the game-winning score in the last 30 seconds of the fourth quarter. Meeting Lindenwood University Belleville on that team’s home field, the Tigers’ rushing attack totaled 220 yards and four touchdowns. The Tigers won, 39-14. You can live-stream Tiger Football games at








Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry recently honored two Olivet students and their family for service to the Museum. Siblings Goldene Brown, a junior communications major, and Cornelius Brown, a freshman mathematics major, volunteered there throughout their high school days. This past summer, Goldene completed a public relations internship in the Education Communications office.

Dr. Stephen ’99 and Joy (Mercer) ’99 Yoon have been residents of North Korea for the past 10 years. Both grew up in South Korea and met as students at Olivet. Dr. Yoon leads a team of local physicians and a developmental disability program at Pyongyang Medical University Hospital. The Yoons are two of the approximately 200 Americans who have been living and working in North Korea.

Olivet’s School of Theology and Christian Ministry (STCM) and Office of Church Relations invites pastors and church leaders to campus for the 2018 Theological Leadership Conference. Dates are Feb. 15–17, and all denominations are welcome. Registration will be open soon.

Cornelius recalls his first trip to the Museum when he was nine years old. As a high school student, he worked there all year round. In the summers, he was an intern and paid for his work. He especially enjoyed helping guests learn about science as he led handson activities for Science Achievers groups

For now, the Yoons are waiting in their home in China. Even if Dr. Yoon gets special permission to return to North Korea to train 28 doctors this fall, his family may not be able to join him.

William Willimon — author, professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry at Duke Divinity School, and former bishop in the United Methodist Church — is the guest speaker. Plenary sessions, workshops and roundtable Q&A sessions are also on the schedule.

Featured in a recent article on, Dr. Yoon said: “We were able to convince and convey to the North Korean government that the kids with disabilities have value and they can be part of society. I really believe in our presence.”

“Dr. Willimon will lead a conversation about the need for theologically formed leadership in the church,” says Dr. Mark Quanstrom, STCM dean. “With his experience both in the academy and in the church, he is well-suited for this topic.”



COLLEGES OF DISTICTION RECOGNIZES FOUR OLIVET SCHOOLS Recognition for excellence is always exciting. But when four Olivet Schools recently received recognition, the mood around campus reached a new level of positive. has recognized Olivet’s Department of Nursing in the School of Life and Health Sciences, the Martin D. Walker School of Engineering, the School of Business and the School of Education for 2017–2018. “Olivet provided a rewarding first step in my career journey,” says Kyle Henning ’13, account executive for LinkedIn, Chicago. “My professional mindset and the way I approach interactions with customers and colleagues has been greatly influenced by my Olivet education.” Here are a few of the many reasons for this honor. Olivet is the only Nazarene institution offering nine or more engineering concentrations and with a School of Engineering. School of Education successfully launched a new undergraduate special education teacher training program with the first graduates in the Class of 2017. Currently Olivet’s largest major, nursing now extends into the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies with four advanced degree programs. Olivet is one of only 10 Illinois schools offering the SAP certification. SAP is the worldwide market leader in enterprise applications software. Students with these certifications find many career doors open to them.







Olivet and the Chicago Bears were together again this summer with the 16th consecutive Training Camp on campus. More than 33,000 Bears fans enjoyed the team’s open practices, Bears NFL merchandise shop, theme days, autograph sessions, activity area for kids and the many other activities.

Career outcomes for Olivet’s Class of 2016 are already exceeding the national average of all U.S. colleges and universities. Based on information from 95 percent of graduates, 92 percent are employed (full time or part time), serving in the military or missions, or in graduate school.

This partnership between the Bears and Olivet brings together the oldest professional football organization with its most loyal fans in an easily accessible, quality setting. “Having this opportunity to work with Head Coach John Fox and the Bears organization never loses its excitement,” said Jeff Domagalski, Olivet’s director of community relations. “We look forward to welcoming the team and all of the fans back to campus next year.”

Several of the University’s most popular majors — communication studies, economics/finance, exercise science, intercultural studies and social work — report 100 percent career outcome rates. Olivet’s School of Education reports a career outcome rate of 96.9 percent, followed closely by the Department of Communication with 96.3 percent, the School of Business with 95 percent and the Department of Nursing with 94 percent. “These results underscore the commitment of Olivet and its students to academic excellence and career preparation,” says Poppy Miller ’10, associate director of career services with the David L. Elwood Center for Student Success.



NEW Y 14




YORK Olivet graduates are scattered across thousands of cities around the world, living "lives of service to God and humanity", advancing the cause of Christ and accomplishing the mission of ONU. We caught up with five outstanding Olivet alumni who are making a difference in Seattle, Chicago and New York City. "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17, NIV




Uncertainty is a struggle for most of us. The world of the “unknown” can take a heart captive in a moment. Human beings love to have it all together, and uncertainty disrupts that. We love the consistent schedules, the assurance of a reward for our risk, undisrupted lives. Above all, we want to know the “plan” for our lives. We grow weary waiting on God, for His doors to open up for us. Truth be told, we want to be in control. Whether or not we like to admit it, the encompassing factor in our dislike for the “unknown" is the too familiar word we all know: fear.

JP TROGLIO ’09/’15 M.A. is the associate director of strategic engagement in Olivet’s Office of Marketing and Engagement. His wife, Rachel (Devine) ’14, is the regional director of marketing for Citadel Healthcare in Chicago. They are the senior pastors of Oasis Church Chicago. 16


I wish I had coined this phrase but, simply put, fear is: “False Experiences Appearing Real.” Fear begins to creep into our mind and hearts and tells us that the plans God has for us are false and unrealistic. We believe those lies and choose to live in the assurance of self.

I found myself on a plane returning from Brooklyn, New York. I had laid out the plans to move and settle there. That is when God stepped in. God called me to step up and step out in faith, to forego Brooklyn and stay in Chicago. Not only stay, but to plant a church there. A business student with a messed up past and lack of education or experience. God called me. Fear hit me, but I had the overwhelming peace that this call was from God. It is hard to put into words how it feels when God calls. A few months later, God did what only He does. Faith triumphed over fear, and God brought me the greatest gift: Rachel, my wife and life partner. She, too, had a calling to Chicago and felt called to plant a church there.


Fast forward to January 2016. Oasis Church Chicago was birthed. Seven amazing people responded to God’s call with yes — regardless of the “plan.” They responded in faith, knowing that what God plans, no man can stop.

To be frank, fear is the most acceptable sin in the life of a believer today. Fear disappears when, according to Scripture, “perfect love” enters into a person’s heart. Fear has held back so many people from the call God has placed on their lives, a call that this world needs. It has urged many to take action into their own hands and release their grip on their faith in the God of the universe to move on their behalf.

Today, a year and half later, we have seen God do the impossible. We’ve seen salvation, healing and restoration. People are putting their hope and trust in Jesus Christ. A true revival in a city identified by many dark things. Oasis Church Chicago is a resting ground in the midst of chaos in a beautiful city. A dream and open door that no one would have thought possible! What if I told you that when faith triumphs over fear, God will begin to open doors and make paths clearer? Would you believe me? For most of us, releasing control and taking the hand of God will take us from where we are today to where He has called us to be.

Followers of Jesus, today more than ever, are giving into the fear of Satan instead of resting in the promises of God. God has yet to fail you, and He will not start now.

In a world where fear is holding people back, I encourage you to be a person who allows faith to speak louder than fear. When faith is released, God can do what He has promised. “… being confident in this, that He that began a good work in you, will carry it out until completion until the day of the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).

A few years ago, the “unknown” was my reality. I was living in a state of the unknown, uncertainty and, at times, turmoil. I was asking God, “What am I supposed to do?” I felt like I had missed all the doors God had opened for me.

Your future is bright. Your future is purposeful. Your purpose, with Jesus, can be filled with the impossible. He wants to open doors for you and is looking for your faith to walk through them. Will you be that faithful one?



Q&A WITH BRADLEY GARVIN A 1987 graduate of Olivet Nazarene University, the reknowned bass-baritone will soon take the stage for the 2017-18 season at The Metropolitan Opera at Lincoln Center in New York City. We sat down with him to congratulate him and learn more about his professional career. OLIVET THE MAGAZINE Congratulations on your return to the Met! Which productions will you appear in, and what roles will you play this year? BRADLEY GARVIN I am involved in ten different productions throughout the year. My big roles are in “Tales of Hoffman” and “Thais.” I will also be understudying in Wagner’s opera, “Parsifal” and singing in a few new productions. OTM How does it feel to be back in New York City and to be a part of this world-renowned company? BG I have been working with the Met for 25-plus years, so it is very familiar to me. It's a huge company! I am blessed with good work there, and NYC can be very fun. It has the best of everything, in my opinion — the arts, business, theater, etc. But I’ve learned that it also has the best or extreme of all those parts of life that can make life difficult at times. OTM What is the most surprising aspect of the Met? BG Years ago, I discovered, to my happy surprise, there are so many people in the arts who are very faithful Christians. When I think about that, it's logical. Christians understand the beauty of God, and Christian artists can express that beauty daily. Churches are strong places where people still have ways to express their talents through worship, which easily translates to a performing arena. 18


OTM You've performed extensively around the world. What are a few of the favorite roles you have played? BG All my favorite roles are bad guys, which is where opera composers placed men with low voices. The Four Villains in “Tales of Hoffman” is exciting and difficult. I also love Don Giovanni, and especially Scarpia in “Tosca.” But what is fascinating to me is that opera is amazingly moral. If a character does something evil, there is always retribution for that evil — and often with a very Christian moral emphasis. Jerome Hines, a very famous Christian and great opera singer, made this point repeatedly. Opera is the most moral art form because it includes this aspect of sin and always a horrible penalty for sin. OTM In your opinion, why are opera and classical music essential to culture and society? BG If we believe all good things come from God, the expression of art and music is good, often uplifting God in his various forms. I also think that beauty given to us from God is important to society because it asks us to question from where that beauty comes. All of art should point to God and to how we interact with our neighbor. In an age when courtesy and kindness seem in short supply, I think quality in the arts may be more important than ever before. OTM Who are a few of your greatest influences, both in life and as an artist? BG I have been so blessed with amazing Christian parents. They were and are loving, kind, giving and intelligent people. They challenged us to be great at what we do, but to realize it all comes from God. At Olivet, Dr. George Dunbar was a wonderful, caring musician, Christian example, and teacher. He taught us about the importance of hard work and determination in creating better musical results. My graduate teacher at Indiana University, Dr. Roger Havranek, is a great voice teacher and dear friend.

“...a flexible bass-baritone that could move from light, lyrical songs to operatic basso arias.” The Washington Post

OTM How did your time at Olivet prepare you for a career as a professional singer?

OTM How does your faith influence your life and career in the arts?

BG Olivet allowed me proper, level opportunities in which to work on my craft. I was not at a huge university in a program geared toward older grad students. So I was allowed to sing with orchestras and to perform often in many different venues. All that performing allowed me to work out practice in real-time. I wasn't trapped in a practice room for four years, waiting to get an opportunity to sing on stage. That is why I encourage young singers to sing wherever they can– singing in choirs, at church, any little opportunity informs your technical aspects that you work on daily.

BG In an art form often created to uplift God, I want to be a good example of a loving Christian in that environment. The creative process in the arts is so similar to what God has done for all of us. Showing love and kindness, while being grounded in my faith, I pray I’m giving an example of Christ’s love in a world where people can often be very lonely.

OTM Who were some of your mentors while at Olivet? BG In addition to Dr. George Dunbar, I loved finding great teachers and being challenged in all aspects of my education. I am a big fan of Dr. George Lyons, who was at ONU then. Also Dr. Timothy Nelson and Dr. Harlow Hopkins, my music professors. But truly, there are too many to mention. I appreciate those who were also focused on developing me as a person and as a young Christian, who wanted to see me succeed. Their friendship was invaluable.

OTM What advice do you have for young singers who are striving for a career in music? BG Realize that not every musician is on stage, and that it does not reflect on your talent if musical life takes you in a different direction. I have many friends who trained in opera and ended up in musical theatre and love that. Or who trained to perform, and are now teaching and love that. There are many aspects of music where you can find success. If performing is where you love to go, find truly interesting and appropriate avenues to express that. Like community theatre, worship music, recitals. The musical world is full of great opportunities, so work to find how you fit in and embrace it. And take as much piano as possible. That will help you in every aspect of your musical life!




Good friends. Over the years, they have comforted you, irked you and, more than a few times, saved your skin. They are the friends you have known for years but still can’t wait to see next week for lunch. Loyal and lasting, these friends have stood by you in good and bad, like a pair of boots that have worn well. They are the people you wouldn’t trade for anything — and if you didn’t have them, you’d trade almost everything to get them. The world is a wilderness without good friends.

DRS. LES & LESLIE PARROTT are psychologists and New York Times bestselling authors of numerous books, including Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, which has sold more than 2 million copies. They have been featured in numerous media outlets, including the “Today Show,” Fox News, CNN and “Oprah.” They are also codirectors of the Center for Healthy Relationships at Olivet. Visit for more about them. 20


The young Persian soldier must have felt this acutely when he was asked by his king, Cyrus the Great, whether he would trade the horse on which he had just won a race for an entire kingdom. “Certainly not, Sire,” the young soldier replied, “but I would gladly part with him to gain a good friend, if I could find anyone worthy of such fellowship.” Good friends can be hard to find. Acquaintances. Associates. Partners. Colleagues. These are found in abundance. Even a friend of the fair-weather variety is not uncommon. But the person worthy of being a good friend — the kind who makes time, keeps a secret and forgives faults — is as scarce as lemonade in the desert.

The Science of You And reliable information on friendship is almost as rare as friends themselves. During the last couple of decades, many studies on marriage and family relationships have been done. Yet, the relationship between two good friends has hardly been touched. A recent survey looked at scores of articles in a sample of many popular magazines and found 14 articles on marriage and family relationships for every one article on friendship. “Our culture is obsessed with romance,” the researchers concluded. “Friendship is seen as secondary; no one thinks it has to be talked about.” But friendship should be talked about. A couple days before classes started this autumn at Olivet, we had the opportunity to talk with the incoming freshman class about relationships — especially friendships. We posed a simple question to our students: “What makes a good friend?” Over the years, we have seen responses to this question from thousands of students. And the results have become predictable. Time and again, their responses are loyalty, confidentiality, forgiveness, laughter and so on. Chances are that you would say the same things.

The Olivet Class of 2021 is the first group of students in the country to experience a new online assessment called Yada. Designed by Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott, Yada provides each student with a personalized roadmap for building healthy relationships with friends, family, roommates, teammates and even a potential soulmate. The word “Yada” is used more than 950 times in the Bible. It means “to know, with your heart as well as your head.” The 10-page “Yada Report” helps students know themselves and be known by others. SEE YADA.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION

We all know what we want in a good friend. The Scottish philosopher David Hume said in 1740, “The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as it is to find a friend worth dying for.” That’s a catchy saying, but we think David Hume had it backwards. The real difficulty in finding a good friend is trying to be the kind of friend we want to find. Too often, we look for a good friend before we work on being a good friend. Dale Carnegie, friendship guru and author of the mega-best-seller, How to Win Friends and Influence People, said: “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you.” Our prayer is that you might be especially grateful for the enjoyment of the company of a good friend this season. But remember: “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13).


SPORTS fields With state-of-the-art facilities and expert coaches and trainers, Olivet’s athletic training and exercise science programs offer hands-on learning experiences that prepare students for successful careers in their fields.





Life moves fast. When you teach a population that turns over every four years, there is little time to rest on whatever laurels might sneak through. I estimate 13 generations of students — totaling about 10,000 individuals — have seen my face in a classroom. I am often asked how students have changed. Maybe I’m weird, but I enjoy every generation that passes through Olivet. Each has a flavor that reflects the total environment of its times. I’ve learned the importance, as a professor, of adapting to the shifts in student attitudes and interests. Each generation has something to teach me, if I am willing to listen and learn. Complaining about how present students are better (or worse) than previous ones is a waste of time. My personal goal is to help students, regardless of their backgrounds, to appreciate the Earth we live on as a gift from God. Today’s students are much more in tune with current problems, such as sustainability, recycling and meeting human needs. This interest allows me to craft my teaching about the Earth from a stewardship point of view. When my grandparents dug a pond on their Kansas farm, I had no clue where the fossils they uncovered would lead me.



My curiosity was piqued, and the second floor of my parent’s home became a museum of ancient marine life. After reading about careers in geology while in junior high, I became hooked. I became a believer in Jesus Christ as a teenager. Initially, I found no conflict between science and my faith. Unfortunately, I listened to some folk who thought otherwise. I wrestled with science-faith problems as an undergraduate until my senior year. Narrow-mindedness on both sides of the “fence” illustrated that the only conflict is in the eye of the beholder. When I arrived at Olivet in 1967, I was the only geologist teaching in a Nazarene institution of higher learning. The space age was in its early stages. Olivet’s president, Dr. Harold W. Reed, had a vision to modernize Olivet’s science program by adding astronomy and geology. Two of us launched the Earth and Space Sciences program at Olivet. Over time, the program’s name and Olivet’s academic structure have grown and changed. Olivet’s geology graduates continue to make significant contributions to science and occupy respected positions in education, government and industry. Their faith commitments impact the church in positive ways.




God prepared this place where we live. Resources that took millions of years to form can be dug up in decades. Students readily grasp the importance of safeguarding our only homeland for future generations to enjoy. I have hope that God will use each group of students to lead well. The interaction of science and faith, as with all intellectual endeavors, involves a measure of tension, until one understands that all knowledge comes from one Source. Antagonistic approaches that pit science and faith as opponents build walls of frustration and ill-feelings. My teaching career focuses on breaking down those walls. Each new scientific discovery should move us to appreciate the huge creativity of our God. I discovered that the best thinking by Nazarene scholars verified an integrated approach to faith and science. Olivet is a dynamic place to explore this integration of knowledge and faith. I have enjoyed the journey. God is good. Higher education has morphed many times during my tenure at Olivet. Economic necessities moved the lofty collegiate castle in the sky to a productivity model with focus on numbers and outcomes. Outside agencies pressure academics to follow their particular brand of course work, if students are to be gainfully employed. Scholastic research methods have moved from students laboring through tons of books and journals to typing a few key words in a search engine to locate principal works of knowledge. Fortunately, our deeply seated philosophy of Education with a Christian Purpose keeps Olivet from slipping into secularity. Field work is essential for all geologists, so I introduced the extended field trip to most geology courses at Olivet. Theory and lab work are basic, but the real proof of understanding geology happens when I dump students on an outcrop and say, “Interpret what you see.”

I’ve heard that the best geologists are the ones who have seen the most rocks. I take this to heart by exposing students to the vast array of earth materials available to us. I feel a sense of satisfaction when a business major enrolled in a general education geology course says she has traveled over a particular road dozens of times but has “seen” features for the first time. While at Olivet, I enjoyed two sabbatical leaves: one to audit a dozen courses at a nearby university, and the other to visit the geological wonders of Australia and New Zealand. Scotland, the birthplace of modern geology where James Hutton had some of his “aha” moments, was a real treat. Besides scholarly work, I have written one book for laypersons, “Geology of Illinois State Parks.” I have grown through my interactions with students, colleagues and administration. My wife, Carol (Cushard) ’86 A.A./’94 B.S./’00 M.P.C., and I love the social experiences with students as we entertain them in our home. She is a fantastic hostess. We learned early to support each other in our various endeavors. Her 28 years in Olivet’s Office of the Registrar impacted thousands of students. Many budding teachers might never have gained credentials without her encouragement. Our three children all graduated from Olivet, and two of our five grandchildren are currently enrolled. Carol and I have a broad ministry inside and outside Olivet that involves premarital counseling, marriage retreats, regular worship services for retirement centers, and training of pastors and counselors to administer couple evaluations. I enjoy writing science-based mystery novels. I look forward to personal growth and am excited to see how Olivet continues to integrate science and faith. The geology program is strong, and I pray for its continued development, sending graduates to impact the world for Christ and good.






MISSIONS IN ACTION From the French Alps to the islands of Hawaii, students traveled all around the world during their spring and summer breaks, spreading hope to people in need.




CULTURAL IMMERSION This year’s stops included France, Panama, Moldova, Thailand, Honduras, Hawaii, Greece, Uganda, Haiti, Cambodia, Dominican Republic and more! Led by faculty and staff sponsors, these trips are life-changing experiences for our students, as well as the people they reach.










TRANSFORMED The purpose of Missions in Action (M.I.A.) at Olivet is to inspire, empower and equip students to become global minded disciples for a lifetime of support and service in cross-cultural ministry locally and internationally.










International Business Institute

Seeing the World from a Business Angle

45 students. 24 corporate visits. 10 weeks. 12 academic credits. 13 countries. 20 key phrases. A whirlwind of information and experiences. An “opportunity of a lifetime and worth the commitment,” according to Valerie Seehafer, an Olivet senior majoring in international business. Representing Olivet in the 2017 IBI group with Valerie were Mike Warner, a senior majoring in business administration and economics/finance; Jonathan Terpenning, a senior majoring in economics/finance and financial planning; and Elizabeth Lanham, a senior majoring in business administration and political science. Dr. Paul Koch, professor in Olivet’s School of Business, served as an IBI faculty member for three of the 10 weeks. He taught the course in

comparative economic systems and traveled with the group in Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Germany and Austria. “The question of why this program provides a high degree of ‘value-added’ for students can be answered in two words: Context Matters,” he says. “IBI students consistently report that their interest in, and knowledge of, global business and economics increases significantly as a result of their participation in this program.” “IBI is not a trip around the world,” Valerie says. “It’s a rigorous academic program that pushed me farther than I thought I could go, both physically and mentally.” Mike was most surprised by the small things that made a large impact on him. In India, the

IBI group took a class in microfinance. Then the group visited villages where low-income families were actually benefiting from microfinance. “The businesses were owned by women, which was not in line with the cultural norm,” Mike says. “I asked the women we met, through our translator, what they would wish for if they could have one wish. Every woman said that her wish would be for her children — for a good education and a happy, successful life. I saw where their hearts are.” Learning about enterprise resource planning at SAP in Walldorf, Germany, was another IBI highlight for Mike. With his strong interest in business technology, he appreciated and enjoyed the group’s visit to a soccer stadium where SAP’s technology is at work. “All staff members are connected with one another and with various areas of the facility through one system,” he says. “This technology is doing things I didn’t know were possible. Like the sensors on the seats that help managers determine where to dispatch the people who are selling the concessions.” Dubai was the country Mike found most interesting. “I realized Dubai had money, but I didn’t realize how much money,” he says. After seeing the man-made islands off the coast and the indoor ski resort at a mall and the world’s tallest building, he could hardly believe that the country had once survived by exporting only fish and pearls. Today, tourism and attractions are the primary industries. Mike is already seeing a lot of changes in himself because of his IBI experience. “As I meet people in the world who are different from me, I realize that America isn’t perfect,” he says. “We have lessons to learn from other countries. If we close our minds to new ideas and new ways of doing things, we lose.” Prior to signing up for the IBI experience, Valerie felt insecure about entering the professional workforce. After visiting the wide variety of corporations — Coca-Cola in Moscow, Swarovski in Austria, Ford Motor Company in India, among others — and completing the academic requirements of the program, she realized her insecurity had disappeared. “I gained a lot of self-confidence through IBI this summer,” she says. “Now, I know I will thrive in whatever career path I choose — IBI is an irreplaceable life experience for me.”

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COME HOME TO OLIVET Tiger Basketball

Friday, 5:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., McHie Arena Enjoy both the women’s and men’s basketball teams Friday night of Homecoming. This is a great evening to catch up with classmates from the past and cheer on one of our favorite tiger teams.

Football Game

Saturday, 1 p.m., Ward Field Fight on for ONU! Grab your popcorn, hoodies and blankets, and join us for a nostalgic football game!

Shine.FM Presents for KING & COUNTRY

Saturday, 6 p.m., Chalfant Hall HOMECOMING MAGAZINE ADVERTISEChristian music sensation Taste of Olivet MENT—the four events that Join need perceived energy for KING & COUNTRY for this Friday, 9 p.m., Perry Center Shine.FMand Homecoming are: Taste of Olivet, Presidentsyear’s Dinner School Enjoy this modern take on an Concert. You won’t want to old classic! This is the perfect miss this night of inspiration of Music Concert, Reunions, and President’s Prayer time to gather after the basketball and worship in Olivet’s own Breakfast. Athletics, Fall Play, Centennial and Shine Concert all games or fall play for dessert Chapel. at the Perry Student Life and sell themselves. Recreation Center. President’s

Undergraduate Class Reunions

Prayer Breakfast

Saturday, 9:30 a.m., Various locations We hope you make the expedition back home to Olivet for your class reunion. Enjoy a full breakfast and warm fellowship with classmates of days gone by.


Sunday, 8 a.m., Chalfant Hall Year after year this is an unforgettable event! Join University President, Dr. John C. Bowling, for a delightful morning of inspiration and exceptional music by Orpheus Choir.

Register and purchase tickets at




8–10 p.m., Chalfant Hall


OCTOBER 25–29 Biology Open House and Photo Winners Reception

5:30–7 p.m., Reed Hall of Science, Atrium

Menʼs Basketball Game

Throwback Thursday Student Pancake Feed 9:30–11 p.m., Ludwig Center

7:30 p.m., McHie Arena Adults, $10 ONU students/Children ages 7–17, $5


Fall Play: Our Town

Homecoming Chapel

10–11 a.m., Centennial Chapel (Balcony seating only)

Campus Tours

1–3 p.m., Bowling Admissions Center (Tours start at the top of every hour)

Shine.FM 50-Year Celebration Open House 2–4 p.m., Shine.FM, Foyer

Planetarium Show: Eclipse: The Sun Revealed

Celebrating 50 years of exploration 3–4 p.m., Strickler Planetarium $5 per person

Organ Recital featuring Jane Holstein 3–3:45 p.m., Centennial Chapel No charge (RSVP required)

School of Nursing Alumni Tea

3–5 p.m., Wisner Hall for Nursing, Room 146

Powder Puff Football

3–5 p.m., Fortin Villa, Intramural Fields

Phi Delta Lambda Reception 4–5:30 p.m., Warming House No charge (RSVP required)

Planetarium Show: Eclipse: The Sun Revealed

Celebrating 50 years of exploration 5–6 p.m., Strickler Planetarium $5 per person

ONU Alumni Gathering: Nazarene Theological Seminary with NTS president Carla Sunberg

5–7 p.m., Chicago Dough Pizza Company RSVP required

Womenʼs Basketball Game

5:15 p.m., McHie Arena Adults, $10 ONU students/Children ages 7–17, $5 Children ages 6 and under, no charge

Women’s Basketball Reception immediately following the game, Birchard Gymnasium

7:30–9:30 p.m., Larsen Fine Arts Center, Kresge Auditorium Adults, $12 ONU students/All Children/Seniors (60+), $6

Taste of Olivet

9–11 p.m., Perry Center Adults/ ONU students/Children ages 7–17, $10 Children ages 6 and under, no charge

Spoons 4 Forks Comedy Improv

9:30–11 p.m., Wisner Hall for Nursing, Auditorium $4 per person at the door


Department of Mathematics Alumni Gathering 8:30–9:30 a.m., Burke Administration Building, Lower Level, Room 001

Campus Tours

9–11 a.m., Bowling Admissions Center (Tours start at the top of every hour)

Undergraduate Class Reunions

9:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m., Various locations Classes of 2012, 2007, 2002, 1997, 1992, 1987, 1982, 1977, 1972, 1967 and Purple & Gold Grads (Anyone who graduated before 1967) $17 per person

O.N.You! Homecoming for Kids

9:30 a.m.–12 p.m., College Church, Lower Level $10 per child (max $20 per family)

Shine.FM 50-Year Celebration Open House 10 a.m.–12 p.m., Shine.FM, Foyer

Tiger Football Alumni Tailgate

Football Game

1 p.m., Ward Field Adults, $10; Children ages 7–17, $5 ONU students/Children ages 6 and under, no charge

Chemistry and Geosciences Open House 2–3 p.m., Reed Hall of Science, Room 224

University Archives Open House

Display in celebration of 50 years of radio broadcasting 2–4 p.m., Benner Library, First Floor, Archives

Planetarium Show: Eclipse: The Sun Revealed

Celebrating 50 years of exploration 3–4 p.m., Strickler Planetarium $5 per person

Fall Play: Our Town

3–5 p.m., Larsen Fine Arts Center, Kresge Auditorium Adults, $12 ONU students/All Children/Seniors (60+), $6

Planetarium — 50-Year Celebration Reception Standing in Awe of the Universe 4–5 p.m., Strickler Planetarium

Planetarium Show: Eclipse: The Sun Revealed

Celebrating 50 years of exploration 5–6 p.m., Strickler Planetarium $5 per person

Missionary Reunion Dinner 5–7 p.m., Ludwig Center, Conference Rooms B & C $16 per person

President’s Dinner and School of Music Concert

Celebrating the rich history of Concert Band and Orpheus Choir 6–8:30 p.m., Chalfant Hall $50 per person to benefit Olivet’s Fine Arts program

Shine.FM 50-Year Celebration Concert: for KING & COUNTRY

11 a.m.,Ward Field

7–10 p.m., Centennial Chapel $30 per person

11a.m.–2 p.m. Ward Field


Alumni Book Signing: Gladys Fletcher Women’s Alumni Basketball Game 11:30 a.m., McHie Arena

Visiting Artist Reception: Amanda Grieve 12–2 p.m., Victorian House Gallery

President’s Prayer Breakfast

8–9:30 a.m., Chalfant Hall Adults/ONU students/Children ages 9–17, $16 Children ages 4–8, $6 Children ages 3 and under, no charge

Register and purchase tickets at


TIGER FOOTBALL For the first time since the legendary 1996 season, our 2017-2018 Tigers started this season with a 3-0 record. Go Tigers! Coach Hehman is excited about the season, and says, “I am proud of how we compete as a team."

JARED RICHEY ’17: As a Preaching Ambassador, I was given the opportunity to preach more than 50 times in my four years at Olivet. But it wasn’t just the act of preaching that was beneficial; it was also learning the practice, the preparation, the craft and the importance of preaching. This program also afforded me the opportunity to travel to dozens of churches. Their people and their pastors poured into me, and some still encourage me to this day. As a result, I developed a deeper love for the Church that I was being called to serve. No matter the size or prestige, I simply love the Church. Now, as the leader of the Preaching Ambassadors Program, I have the privilege of seeing students grow and develop in their leadership, communication, devotion, discernment and compassion. And I also see the benefits for the churches as well.

Pastors get a break, too. Most churches who invite our students are churches with only one pastor. So we see this as a ministry to pastors by simply giving them a week off. Preaching Ambassadors really gave me perspective about how to approach ministry and all the different ways it can be done. The lessons I learned in patience, commitment, timely communication, leadership, personal devotion and relational development have all been valuable for my growth. Currently, I am serving as the pastor of outreach and community engagement at College Church of the Nazarene on Olivet’s campus, under the leadership of Dr. Mark Quanstrom ’77. I work to build community and ministry partnerships. I help oversee and develop hospitality, assimilation and small group ministries.


Churches are able to meet and experience those in the next generation who are preparing for ministry. One of our Olivet students could someday be pastoring in their very church — which is not an uncommon occurrence!



As I continue to serve God, I want to follow faithfully His call on my life and to live it out wherever He sends me. Right now, my assignment is to shine the light of Christ in our world and to equip others to join me in that work.






If you or someone you know has a heart for investing in the next generation of Church leaders, or for information on how you can schedule a preaching or music ambassador in your home church, contact Jared Richey, operations manager for the Preaching Ambassadors Program, at 815-928-5810 or email

To date, more than 60 individuals and churches have joined Harold and Ruth Severance in supporting the Preaching and Music Ambassadors Program through their financial gifts. These investments reap tremendous rewards through students who are actively pursuing a call to ministry.


‟ We can buy new clothes or new shoes for ourselves, but those wear out. When you give to Olivet, that gift lives on forever. It multiplies in the lives of these young people and in the enthusiasm they have for the Lord. We can’t think of a better investment.”

HAROLD & RUTH SEVERANCE Underwriters of the ONU Preaching and Music Ambassadors Program




Your generosity provides students the most excellent way.



RAVING FANS What brings three brothers to Olivet Nazarene University for their engineering education? “Olivet had everything I wanted,” says Kyle Serpe, now a sophomore engineering major. And it only took a year for his brother, Ryan — now a junior engineering major — to agree and join him as a transfer student from a public university.



Their brother, Eric, entered Olivet as a freshman engineering major in fall 2017. Cara, the youngest of the Serpe siblings, is a high school student who may be looking at Olivet soon.

first experience with the School of Engineering,” Ryan says. “We met the professors, did a lot of work and received college credit. We felt like a part of the Olivet community even then.”

Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Michele Serpe, their parents, are enthusiastically pleased about their sons’ choice for higher education. “We don’t worry about our sons now that they’re all away from home,” Michele says. “We’re happy to hand them to this Olivet experience. We know they will be men of integrity and godly character when they leave here.”

“I’ve learned a lot about my faith at Olivet,” Ryan adds. “After being at a public university, I really appreciate being in a friendly, encouraging, and genuine Christian environment. I can really focus on my studies here and be serious about getting my degree.”

“From the very first moment I walked onto Olivet's campus, I felt Christ's love,” Dr. Serpe says. “Everyone we came in contact with — from the administration staff and the professors to the students and support staff — had a sense of mission and a genuine love for the role they play at Olivet. I thank God daily for the opportunity Olivet is providing my sons. I know their experience will serve them well in their field of study and in life.” As a high school student, Kyle visited campus with his parents to learn more about Olivet. He was especially impressed with the beautiful grounds, the staff members he met and the fact that there is a church so close by. In 2016, the three brothers heard about the launch of Olivet’s STEM Camp on campus. They enrolled right away and attended together that summer. “That was our 44


“The academics at Olivet are challenging but not overwhelming,” Kyle says. “Our professors are approachable and have a passion for helping the students. Olivet gives students all the tools they need to succeed.” “Olivet’s atmosphere is super kind,” Eric says. “I appreciate the Christ-centeredness of what we’re doing here.” Looking toward the future, the Serpe brothers are excited about the many opportunities available to them with an engineering degree. “Eventually we might even combine our skills and start a business together to solve people’s problems,” Kyle says. Michele adds: “Olivet is where God has a plan for our three sons, and we’re excited about it.”

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WORK CREW or MUSIC CREW? Which group did you volunteer with at the annual Clean Up Day? Share your memories with Olivet Nazarene University Archives on Facebook or email to


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We value your memorabilia! To donate to Archives, contact or 815-939-5148.







B Dr. Raymond A. Dieter Jr. ’54 — along with his sons, Dr. Robert S. Dieter and Dr. Raymond A. Dieter III, and Dr. Aravinda Nanjundappa — published his sixth book, Critical Limb Ischemia: Acute and Chronic (Springer, 2017). Dr. Dieter Jr. also assists Dr. Mike Pyle with various classes in Olivet’s Department of Biological Sciences, bringing his knowledge to the classroom.


Lee Schrock ’65 starts his second season this fall as the play-by-play announcer for ONU football and men’s basketball on audio and video webcast. He is a veteran of more than 50 years of radio and TV sports play-by-play, winning the Illinois Broadcasters Association’s Silver Dome award for best play-by-play in Illinois. He is also a member of the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame, Media Division.


D Dr. Mark A. Kolkman ’93 was appointed chief ministry officer at Christ Church, Oak Brook, Illinois, on July 1, 2016. One of the largest non-denominational churches in the Chicagoland area, Christ Church serves 2,600 weekly worshippers with over 100 ministry, program service and support staff. Mark came to this role from his job as principal of nearby Hinsdale Central High School. Mark and his wife, Kim, reside in Naperville, Illinois, with their two children, Andrew and Trevor. Pictured Dr. Mark A. Kolkman ’93 (back left), Kim Kolkman, Andrew Kolkman (front left), and Trevor Kolkman (front right).





Sharon (Armentrout) Reynolds ’68 is the recipient of the 2017 Ohio Health Care Association (OHCA) Pioneer Award for initiating many innovations in long-term care. OHCA, a leader in long-term care, represents more than 800 nursing facilities, assisted living communities and intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

C Dr. Randall Hartman ’76 authored Tom’s List:

50 Commandments to Transform Your Life, based on the commandments to live by from Tom Drake ’76, who passed away in 2013. Tom fought a brave battle with cancer. After his death, discovered in his briefcase was a neatly typed list containing 50 commandments he used to transform his life.


Bob Griffith ’85 was recently awarded the Neil R. Ginnetti Civilian Award by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management and Comptroller at the national meeting of the American Society of Military Comptrollers. 46

This special award recognizes an individual who has provided selfless service and steadfast commitment to the mentoring and professional development of the dedicated professionals in the U.S. Army’s Financial Management community.


Matthew B. Brady ’95 has been appointed as president and chief executive officer of Westell Technologies, Inc., effective July 17, 2017. He most recently served as senior vice president of the Safety and Security Systems Group (SSG) of Federal Signal Corporation (NYSE: FSS). He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Olivet.

E Jacob McBurnie ’03 and Jennifer Anderson ’12 were married on March 31, 2017, on Anna Maria Island in Florida. Jacob is the operations manager for Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc., in Whitestown, Indiana. Jen is the director of marketing and communications with Olivet’s School of Graduate and Continuing Studies in Indianapolis. They live in Indianapolis. F Brandon Randall ’03/’08 S.I.L. was recently named the new principal at Marion C. Early Elementary School in Marion, Missouri. He grew up in Manteno, Illinois, and has been involved in education for over 12 years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in history education and a master’s degree in school improvement leadership from ONU.

He earned his Specialist Degree in School Superintendency from Southwest Baptist University in 2013. Brandon lives in Springfield, Missouri, with his wife, Ruth (Wehrman) ’02, and six children: Meegan, Raegan, Camdyn, Madison, Brael and Keeton. Bethany (Botzum) Stritar ’03/’07 S.I.L. is the new head coach for the girls basketball program at Manteno (Illinois) High School. Her high school basketball career was at Ben Davis High School in Indianapolis, Indiana. At Olivet, she played with the first Tigerball team to make an appearance in the NAIA Division I National Tournament. From 2005 to 2007, she was the graduate assistant coach for the Olivet women’s basketball team. Off the court, she has served on the Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) leadership team and is a member of Manteno Church of the Nazarene.





G David and Janna (Knight) ’04 Early welcomed a girl, Hattie Annmarie, born on January 18, 2016. David is a carpenter, and Janna is a community enhancement officer for the City of Olathe. They reside in Olathe, Kansas.


H Brad and Lisa (Boyce) ’05 Barr welcomed a boy, Broderick Michael, on January 2, 2017. His older sisters, Elisabeth and Emmarie, are ecstatic to have a brother who completes the family. Brad is a regional director for Wright Medical Techonology, and Lisa is a stay-at-home mom. They reside in Geneva, Illinois. I Dean and Jennifer (Opperman) ’05 Parkinson welcomed a boy, Maxwell Dean, born on July 3, 2016. He joins brother, Alex, and sisters, Samantha and Kiersten. Jennifer is the security officer at Vantage Credit Union, and Dean is the IT director for Star Manufacturing. They reside in Wentzville, Missouri.



J Brandon ’07 and Korie (Glover) ’06 Gibbs welcomed a boy, Grayson Bennett, born February 26, 2017. Korie is a registered nurse at Florida Hospital Celebration Health in Celebration, Florida. Brandon is a cast member of the Walt Disney World Resort. They reside in Davenport, Florida. 1) Rob and Nicole (Baty) ’06 Starkey welcomed a girl, Lauren Paige, born on April 28, 2017. Lauren joins Sarah, the proud big sister. Rob is an account manager for Brines Mechanical, a national HVAC company. Nicole is a senior project manager for Allen Industries, a national sign manufacturer. They reside in Sylvania, Ohio.










John ’07 and Danielle (Blair) ’07 Hamilton welcomed a boy, Hunter James, born on February 10, 2017. Danielle is a patient care coordinator at Grace at Home. John is a lawyer with Mandel, Horn, McGrath & Reynolds, PC. They reside in Noblesville, Indiana. Charles “Billy” ’08 and Lauren (Jackson) ’07 Heller welcomed their second son, Charles Wyatt, on September 2, 2016. He joins older brother, Liam. Billy is a patrol officer for Louisville Metro Police Department. Lauren is a human resource specialist at the Christian Academy of Indiana.

1! Kevin ’07 and Amy (Ferguson) ’07 Sandell welcomed a boy, Landon Cooper, on March 10, 2017. He joins brothers, Ethan and Callen, and sister, Adaline. Amy is a stay-at-home mom, and Kevin is a captain in the U.S. Army. They reside in Harker Heights, Texas.


1@ Zachary and Lindsay (Carroll) ’08 Chupp welcomed a girl, Emma Adalyn, on March 29, 2017. She joins big sister, Lily. The family resides in Elkhart, Indiana. 1# Tristan ’08 and Sarah (Henning) ’09 Riddell welcomed their first child, Evangeline Ripley, on February 1, 2017. The family resides in Vernon Hills, Illinois.


Stephen Hamilton ’09 and Kimberly Pressley were joined in marriage on July 30, 2016. Kimberly is a surgical assistant for OMSA. Stephen is a water treatment specialist for First Sales of Churubusco, Indiana. They reside in Spencerville, Indiana.

1$ Craig and Stacey (Hoekstra) ’09 Miller welcomed a girl, Lilliana Grace, born on February 5, 2017. She joins big brother, Samuel. 48









1% MaryRachel (Forshee) Dysarz ’10 is now an attorney at Collins Einhorn Farrell PC, General and Automotive Liability Practice Group, in Southfield, Michigan. She focuses her practice on general liability and first- and third-party automotive defense. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree, magna cum laude, from Olivet in 2010 and went on to obtain a Juris Doctor degree from Michigan State University College of Law in 2013. She is also a Judge Advocate General Officer in the Michigan Army National Guard. She resides in Royal Oak, Michigan.


1^ David Campbell and Rachel Waltz ’12 were married on May 6, 2017, at Lovett Hall in Dearborn, Michigan. Rachel currently works as a women’s health nurse at Covenant Community Care, Inc., in Detroit and is pursuing her Master of Science in Nursing degree from Drexel University. David works as a pharmacist for Beaumont Health. The couple resides in Royal Oak, Michigan.


Emily (Caldwell) High ’13 obtained her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) degree from Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine on May 5, 2017. She is doing a one-year small animal rotating internship at Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Following her internship, she is interested in pursuing a surgical residency. Dr. Justin Antos ’13 was recently named a recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Dissertation Award from Auburn University. His dissertation, “High School Students’ Attitudes Toward Competitive Marching Band: A Comparative Analysis Based Upon Contest Rankings,” was one of only three from the fields of Humanities/Fine Arts and Biological Sciences selected for this honor since 2015.




William George Vermilya (aka Pastor Bill) ’52 passed away peacefully at the age of 94 on January 3, 2017. Pastor Bill was a retired minister of the Church of the Nazarene for over 60 years. He was a great man of God and had a tremendous impact on many people. He lived his life for God and always had a positive attitude. Bill was born in Ionia, Michigan, and moved to California in 1967. He had many academic achievements and taught English at Upland High School for a short time. He retired from the position of counselor at Alta Loma High School.    He and his wife, Esther (DeArmond), were missionaries in the Mexican border town of Tecate and traveled to Mexico and ministered at orphanages. They later moved to Rancho Cucamonga, California, where he held the position of counseling pastor at Ontario Church of the Nazarene.    Bill was preceded in death by his wife, Esther. He is survived by his son, Camlin (Pam), and daughter, Wilma (Jim) Anders. June (McCready) Wateska ’52 of Peotone, Illinois, passed away on July 15, 2017, in Kankakee. She had formerly lived in Harvey, Illinois, and Lakewood, Wisconsin.    Born on June 6, 1927, in Ashland, Ohio, she was the daughter of Grant and Rhoda (Fickes) McCready. She married Ted Wateska on November 8, 1953.    June attended Olivet Nazarene College, and then worked at the Joliet Arsenal and at the Sears Catalogue Store in Harvey. But she was primarily a homemaker.    For 62 years, she was a member of the Monee Free Methodist Church, where she enjoyed Bible study and taught Sunday School. She enjoyed walking through the woods in Wisconsin, table games and traveling.    She is survived by four children: Linda (John) Keith of Peotone; Larry of Orland, Indiana; David (Chiemi) of Folsom, California; and Daniel (Anna) of Huntington Beach, California, as well as 10 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Ted; and nine brothers and sisters. Wilmer “Wil” Roy Watson ’52 of Bourbonnais, Illinois, passed away March 16, 2017. He was born November 12, 1929, in Gladwin, Michigan, to Roy and Gladys (Wilson) Watson.    Wil graduated from Olivet Nazarene College in 1952 and from Nazarene Theological Seminary in 1955. He faithfully and humbly served as a Nazarene pastor for 40 years, pastoring Northside Church of the Nazarene, Elkhart, Indiana; Decatur Church of the Nazarene, Decatur, Indiana; Southside Church of the Nazarene, Fort Wayne, Indiana; and Muncie First Church of the Nazarene, Muncie, Indiana. He also served as the district secretary for the Northeast Indiana District of the Church of the Nazarene for 28 years.    In his “retirement,” Wil served as an assistant pastor for Kankakee First Church of the Nazarene, a supply pastor for churches in the Kankakee area and an Enterprise Rent-A-Car driver for 18 years. He also helped plant the Church of the Nazarene in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa, which now has over 300 Nazarene churches. continued



IN MEMORIAM    Wil was foremost a fully devoted follower of Jesus, genuinely cared about people, and had a passion for helping others come to know Jesus and grow in their faith. He enjoyed writing and authored The Principle Centered Life (2008), along with numerous articles and devotionals.    Wil is survived by his second wife, Carol (Foor) Watson ’66, of Bourbonnais; his son, David Watson ’78 (Margie), of Shawnee, Kansas; his daughter, Karen Fosnaugh ’83 (Lane ’83), of Huntertown, Indiana; his son, Stephen Watson ’88 (Tracy), of Greenwood, Indiana; his stepson, Matt Foor ’95 (Beth ’97), of Bourbonnais; his stepdaughter, Marci (Foor) Reynolds ’97 (Adam ’98), of Cincinnati, Ohio. Also surviving are 14 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Preceding Wil in death were his first wife, Donna (Hay); his sister, Rena Ruckert; and his son-in-law, Kevin Leamon ’83. Cecil M. Inman ’54 went to be with the Lord on April 6, 2017. Born in Mount Clemens, Michigan, he distinguished himself in Christian higher education as a professor of English, American literature and creative writing.    A graduate of Saginaw (Michigan) High School, he felt God’s call on his life and went on to receive his bachelor’s degree in English from Olivet Nazarene College, and graduate degrees from the University of Michigan and The Ohio State University.    From 1966 to 1988, he served as professor of English and American literature and chair of the English Department at both Southern Nazarene University and Mount Vernon Nazarene University. He sought to instill curiosity and original thought in students of all ages. He cared about his students’ achievements as well as their development as persons.    In 2006, Dr. Inman published “A Celebration of Life,” documenting the POW experiences in the Korean Conflict of his brother, Eugene ’58. He also wrote poetry, novels, children’s stories and daily personal journal entries.    Cecil is survived by his wife, Theresa (Ruth); his children, Ruth Anne, Matthew (Holly), Mary and Martha Addis ’89 (Steven); four grandchildren; two sisters; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, seven brothers and one sister. George Garvin Jr. ’58 passed on November 14, 2016. An Illinois native, he was living in Franklin, Tennessee. He graduated from Proviso East High School in Maywood, Illinois. At Olivet, he met and married Martha (Reed) ’59. They settled in River Forest.    After graduating from Olivet, George became the third president of Sam Garvin & Company, a Chicago-based manufacturer of electrical and lighting products, founded by his grandfather in 1892.    He served on Olivet’s Board of Trustees for more than 25 years. He was a dedicated Christian and lifelong member of the Oak Park Church of the Nazarene. He also served the Chicago Central District of the Church of the Nazarene, the International Church of the Nazarene, World Vision International, National Association of Evangelicals and a variety of other charitable organizations.



George is survived by his wife, Martha; his children, Lorri Smith ’84 (Joel) of Brentwood, Tennessee; Bradley ’87 of New York City; Brian ’92 (Maria) of Glendora, California; Barton ’90 and his wife, Lisa (Schnicker) ’90, of Western Springs, Illinois; and Lisa Spruill ’95 (James) of Franklin, Tennessee. He was the beloved grandfather of 11 grandchildren. Robert Harold “Bob” Bouton ’68 passed away on August 23, 2016, in Urbana, Illinois, following a long battle with cancer. He was born November 15, 1946, in Danville, Illinois. He married Paula (Holtzclaw) ’71 on November 20, 1971, in Georgetown, Illinois, and she survives. Other survivors are: a daughter, Bobette Martin ’95 (Nathan), of Nashville, Tennessee; a son, Brent ’97 (Brooke), of Manila, Philippines; and two grandchildren.    Bob was a member of the Danville First Church of the Nazarene. He was a former member of the Chrisman Church of the Nazarene, where he served as a youth worker, board member and district advisory board member.    He worked for many years as a loan officer for both the State Bank of Chrisman and the First National Bank of Chrisman. He went on to work in the finance department at Mooney Motors in Chrisman for several years.    After the completion of his master’s degree in counseling from Eastern Illinois University, he worked several years as a parent trainer in the Paris School District No. 95, where he was known as “Mr. Bob.” Later, he worked in the Danville school system as a guidance counselor.    Following his retirement, Bob and Paula opened and operated the Hidden Garden Tea Room and Antiques in Chrisman, Illinois. He was an avid fan of all sports, ESPN and hunting for antiques. Angela (Crabtree) Covell ’90, wife of Roger Covell ’90, passed away on July 16, 2016, after a battle with cancer. Born in Springfield, Ohio, she was the daughter of Homer ’66 and Treva Crabtree. She graduated from ONU with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Master in Counseling degree from Regent University. She was a Licensed Professional Counselor and employed at KVC Counseling Services as a clinical supervisor in Lexington, Kentucky. She is also survived by a daughter and a son. Donna Pierson-Retter ’96 passed away on January 3, 2017, after a six-year battle with cancer. She graduated from Olivet with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in music. She went on to get a master’s degree in psychology, specifically marriage and family counseling. Gifted in playing the flute and piano, she was also a singer. An advocate for Olivet, she recommended the school to many people. One of her greatest accomplishments was in directing people to Christ and the gospel. She leaves behind her husband, Fred; daughter, Julia Grace; and son, Isaac Evan.



STUDENTS More than 4,900 — 3,000 of them undergrads — from nearly every U.S. State, 23 countries and more than 40 religious denominations. ADMISSION Based on ACT score and high school records (college transcripts for transfer students). For incoming freshmen, average ACT score is 24. ALUMNI Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 40,000 alumni living around the world. ACADEMICS More than 140 areas of study offered through the School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Life and Health Sciences, School of Education, School of Music, School of Theology and Christian Ministry and the College of Arts and Sciences. Study- abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles. ACCREDITATION Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. CAMPUS Beautiful, park-like campus features 35 major buildings on 275 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Ill., just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Ill.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Hong Kong. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine, ROTC, radio broadcasting (Shine.FM), numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra), drama and musical theatre performances, intramural athletics, as well as community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.



million dollars in financial aid awarded last year to ONU students

ATHLETICS At Olivet Nazarene University, student-athletes compete on 21 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis and track and field. Varsity teams for women include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half of the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs. SPIRITUAL LIFE Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel. GRADUATE STUDIES AND PROGRAMS Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Education: Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Education: English Language Learners, Master of Arts in Education: Ethical Building Leadership (Principal Preparation Program), Master of Arts in Education: Reading Specialist, Bilingual Endorsement, Driver’s Ed Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Middle School Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing for Paramedics, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN), Master of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing (RN-MSN), Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Studies, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership, Master of Arts: Urban Ministry, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry


percent of students receive financial aid


intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA conferences


local ministry and global mission trip opportunities


Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art - Drawing/Illustration Art - Digital Graphics Art - Painting Art - Photography Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biology Biology Teaching Business Administration Business Healthcare Management Business - Human Resource Management Business - Management Business - Not-for-Profit/ Philanthropy Business - Operations Management Business - Public Administration Chemistry Chemistry - Biochemistry Chemistry - Forensics Chemistry Teaching Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Communication Studies Communication Teaching Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Dietetics Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics Economics & Finance Applied Economics


advanced degrees offered through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies

Economics & Finance Certified Financial Planning Economics & Finance Corporate Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Software English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Teaching English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences Family Studies Family & Consumer Sciences Hospitality Family & Consumer Sciences Education Fashion Merchandising Finance French General Studies Geography Geological Science Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business Leadership Studies Legal Studies


intramural sports and tournaments with more than 3,490 participants each year

Literature Management Information Systems Marketing Marketing - Commercial Graphics Marketing - International Marketing - Management Marketing - Public Relations Mass Communications Mathematics Mathematics Education Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Multimedia Communication Multimedia Communication Film Studies Multimedia Communication Journalism Multimedia Communication Live Event Media Management Multimedia Communication Ministry Media Multimedia Communication Radio/Record Industry Multimedia Communication TV/Video Production Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Pastoral Ministry Philosophy Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Sciences Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine


study-abroad opportunities and numerous mission opportunities available

Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Psychology Psychology Teaching Public Policy - Domestic Public Policy - Foreign Public Relations & Strategic Communication Recreation Recreation, Sport & Fitness Religion Religion - Biblical Studies Religion - Philosophy Religion - Theology Religious Studies Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Administration Sport Management Marketing Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology


student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of more than 4,900


percent of career outcomes for the class of 2016


FIRST PERSON Living Out Leaders


Maj. Gen. Mark E. Smith, ’17 Ed.D., ho lds the top leadershi position for the U.S. p Civil Air Patrol (CAP ). He was sworn in 2, 2017, at the Nation on Sept. al Convention in Sa n Antonio as the 24 Commander of this th CEO/National 58,000-member vo lunteer organization. His Doctor of Ethica l Leadership in Educ ation (Ed.D.) degree launched Dr. Smith from Olivet career into the top CAP po sition. He says unap degree from Olivet ologetically, “My Ed is the crown jewel of .D. my education.” Dr. Smith’s previous educational achievem ents are a bachelor’s international affairs from the U.S. Air Fo degree in rce Academy and a aviation managemen master’s degree in t from Embry Ridd le Aeronautical Unive completed all levels rsity. In addition, he of the Air Force’s pr ofessional military ed Officer School, Air ucation: Squadron Command and Staff College, and Air W years of leadership ar College. He also experience with the has 43 Air Force, industry organizations. and nonprofit volunt eer When he began inve stigating advanced degree programs in rose to the top of hi leadership, Olivet qu s list. “The ethical pa ickly rt of Olivet’s faith-b my own ethics,” Dr. ased program matc Smith says. hes He is particularly im pressed by the intent ional structure of O The encouragemen livet’s Ed.D. progra t, discussion and sh m. aring he discovered helped equip him fo in the cohort approa r success in all aren ch as of life. The emph deepened his learnin asis on self-discover g experience and pr y epared him for the professional career. next step in his The study of social issues broadened hi him learn better way s pers s to have challengin g conversations abou pective and helped t tough issues. One of Dr. Smith’s primary leadership principles for his CA leadership, which he P role is servant refined during his las t course in the Ed.D personal leadership . program. “My philosophy is much clearer to me now,” encouraging other lea he says. “I’m already ders to think throug h and write down w and then to put that hat they really belie to use in their work.” ve, Graduating from O livet’s three-year pr ogram — designed requirement along to complete the diss with the course requ ertation irements — helped leadership for his ca open new areas of reer. “The people I met through the pr friends,” he says. “T ogram became my he professors have a genuine interest in thank God every da each student’s succ y for Olivet’s progra ess. I m.”




“I ’ve Learned So Much Along

the Jou rney” FROM WHERE YOU ARE



Doctor Of Education In Ethical Leadership We believe there are no limits to ethical leaders. We believe ethical leaders have a positive impact in business and community. The Ed.D in Ethical Leadership is a terminal degree designed to focus on transforming today’s ethical vision and leadership skills in their chosen careers. Current research is combined with real world experience to provide relevant and rigorous higher learning. The Ed.D. program as a whole provides group cohesion, collegial interaction and cultural experiences that foster respectful relationships.

To learn more about the Doctor of Education in Ethical Leadership degree program visit or call 1-877-9OLIVET


Chapel services are held twice a week in Olivet's Centennial Chapel. In this sacred place, the hearts and minds of Olivet students are being stimulated, challenged and inspired, week in and week out.



Go forth into the world in peace be of good courage hold fast that which is good render to no one evil for evil strengthen the fainthearted support the weak h e l p t h e a ff l i c t e d honor all people love and serve the Lord rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit and the blessing of God Almighty t h e F a t h e r, t h e S o n and the Holy Spirit be among you and r e m a i n w i t h y o u f o r e v e r.


S o u r c e : B o o k o f C o m m o n P r a y e r, 1 8 9 2 , 1 9 2 8


THE benediction


PURPLE & GOLD DAYS 2017 A special Olivet visit event, individually designed for high school seniors and their parents.

REGISTER TODAY AT OLIVET.EDU THERE’S SO MUCH TO SEE AND DO! Your visit may include: Chicago sightseeing trip or campus event, meals with the student body, customized visits with faculty, guided campus and departmental facility tours, ONU Tiger athletic events, personal appointments with your admissions counselor and financial aid seminars, overnight housing in a residence hall with a current ONU student, and reduced lodging rates for parents at recommended area hotels!


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