Olivet the Magazine; In Every Season - Spring 2022

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In Every Season Root, Grow, Thrive

The Interview

President Gregg Chenoweth Casts a Vision

Nurses in Demand Olivet Answers the Call

BIOLOGY AND BEYOND Olivet students benefit from a well-rounded liberal arts education in which they learn to appreciate all facets of the human experience through general science courses, including biology, chemistry, geology and environmental science. These courses allow students to explore creation through dynamic lectures and hands-on lab experiences that supplement and enhance their theoretical coursework. PHOTO BY JOE MANTARIAN

SPRING 2022 OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement. VOLUME 91 ISSUE 2 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright ©2022 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 800-648-1463 PRESIDENT Dr. Gregg Chenoweth ‘90/M.A./Ph.D. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Dr. David J. Pickering ’89/’94 MBA/D.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Stephen Lowe ’88/M.A./Ph.D. EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group Lauren Beatty ’13 Erinn Proehl ’13/’19 MBA ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group Donnie Johnson Rebecca Huber ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATION AND PHOTO EDITING Thomas Dinkleman ’18 PHOTOGRAPHY Jones Foto, Image Group, Mark Ballogg, Joe Mantarian ’16, Austin Siscoe ’17, Kelli Neal ’22, Eric Decker Additional photography submitted EDITORIAL SUPPORT AND DESIGN Adam Asher ’01/’07 M.O.L. for 989 Group, Alicia (Gallagher) Guertin ’14, Rebecca Huber, Andrew Perabeau ’20 , Austin Siscoe ’17, Heather (Kinzinger) Shaner ’98 STUDENT SUPPORT Morgan Conner ’24, Brenna Johnson ’23, Joe (Josiah) Mayo ’23, Kelli Neal ’22, Raegan Pedersen ’22, Madison Thompson ’23 Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois, Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 Reproduction of material without written permission is prohibited. News, events and announcements are printed at the discretion of the editorial board. Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent Olivet Nazarene University policy.

Dear Friends, As the frigid, difficult nights of winter turn into the warm and promising days of spring, we focus our attention in this issue on the topic of growth. The season of spring is in so many ways synonymous with creation, flourishing, rejuvenation, new life and divine energy, so it seems fitting to explore the idea of living the expansive Christian life in a variety of forms and dimensions. Luke records the following in the second chapter of his gospel: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Jesus grew! And that is indeed our hope for every Olivet student: that each young woman and man would develop and become stronger intellectually, vocationally, socially, emotionally and spiritually in an environment that is not hostile to their faith but rather fertile soil for the work of God. This is also our prescient, daily prayer for Olivet Nazarene University and the people of Olivet in this period of newness. As we reaffirm our mission and pursue new, exciting priorities, may we all increase in “wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man,” and may we also pursue God with great passion so that He might lead us, as the psalmist says, “from strength to strength” as individuals and as a university. A.W. Tozer described our opportunity like this in his book The Root of the Righteous: “The widest thing in the universe is not space; it is the potential capacity of the human heart. Being made in the image of God, it is capable of almost unlimited extension in all directions. And one of the world’s worst tragedies is that we allow our hearts to shrink until there is room in them for little beside ourselves.”


THE INTERVIEW A Chat With the President


IN EVERY SEASON Root, Grow, Thrive


NURSES IN DEMAND Olivet Answers the Call


THE CLASSES News and Notes from the Olivet Community

May we be startled by the creative genius of our God during these days and determined to give Him our very best. And as we once again endeavor to grow our way into the future, may we choose the God-sized, Spirit-filled, Christ-centric path — the abundant life that God has set before us. May God bless you and be with you. The Editorial Board






WHAT A GLORIOUS FEELING TO SING IN THE RAIN ONU Theatre and the School of Music translated movie magic to the stage in presenting the musical Singin’ in the Rain on Feb. 24–26. Under the direction of professor Ashley Sarver ’15/’18 MBA with choreography by Kelsie Davis ’19 and musical direction by Dr. Neal Woodruff ’91, the production left audiences tapping their toes along with the music. Senior Andrew McBurnie, who played Don Lockwood, acknowledged that bringing the golden age musical to live theatre was tricky. The movie musical was adapted for the stage by Betty Comden and Adolph Green from their original award-winning screenplay. “One big difference between a film and live theatre is just that: It’s live,” he said. “The film is a compilation of the BEST takes of some of the greatest performers in the world. Our cast learned how to do this live each and every night.”


MAKING A JOYFUL NOISE IN REDDICK RECORDING STUDIO In recognition of his outstanding work as a musician, producer, arranger, orchestrator, educator, worship leader and dean of the School of Music, Olivet dedicated its newest recording studio space in honor of Dr. Don Reddick ’79. Dr. Reddick has served Olivet and the Church of the Nazarene with great distinction and excellence for more than four decades. The plaque commemorating the dedication says of Dr. Reddick: “His music has inspired generations of worshipers and worship leaders around the world to make praise glorious, to the glory of God! May those praises be forever amplified through these studios.” The studio has already been used by students, faculty and alumni guests to record and produce music. IMAGE GROUP

ROBINSON RECEIVES GRAMMY EDUCATOR NOMINATION Bethany Robinson ’04/’11 M.A. was named one of 10 finalists for the Grammy Music Educator Award. The annual award, presented by the Recording Academy and Grammy Museum, recognizes the immense influence that music educators have on the career trajectories of their students. Bethany is the jazz director and assistant band director at Noblesville High School in Noblesville, Indiana. She has also received recognition as the 2014 Indiana Jazz Educator of the Year and 2015 Noblesville Schools Teacher of the Year, and she was a 2016 Indiana Teacher of the Year semifinalist. She is a twotime Lilly Teacher Creativity Fellow and was the keynote speaker for the 2021 Australia National Band and Orchestra Conference. SUBMITTED

MCGRAW SCHOOL OF BUSINESS RELAUNCHES VITA PROGRAM Accounting students from the McGraw School of Business successfully completed another season of providing free tax preparation assistance for members of the community through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Introduced to Olivet by the campus chapter of Enactus, the IRS-sponsored program aims to remove the anxiety associated with filing a tax return while providing students with practical experience. More than $130,000 in refunds have been generated for the community in previous tax seasons because of the assistance provided by Olivet’s IRScertified accounting students. The program is overseen by professor Dave Horton ’84. ONU MARKETING



ENACTUS PROJECT SECURES $139,000 GRANT FOR CITY LIFE CENTER Olivet’s chapter of Enactus recently secured a $139,000 grant for the Youth For Christ City Life Center in Kankakee, Illinois. The funds will primarily benefit the Academic Mentoring Program (AMP), which places Olivet students as mentors for local junior high and high school students. The grant project proposal, which was prepared and presented by Olivet students to the Kankakee School District Board in spring 2020, initially asked for $40,000 to fully fund AMP.


“The grant allowed the center to hire some needed full-time staff to come alongside the center,” explained senior Steve Ringstrand, Enactus president. “It also opened the door for growth for the different ministries the center puts on as well as the ability to update their curriculum. These short-term changes will have an amazing lasting impact on the students coming to the center — and the community as a whole.”



Chicago Bears quarterback Andy Dalton and his wife, JJ, and pastor and former NFL chaplain LaMorris Crawford ’06/’12 M.O.L. and his wife, Megan (Petty) ’08, spoke in Olivet’s chapel services on Jan. 26 and 27. Andy played for the Cincinnati Bengals from 2011 to 2019, during which time he formed a close relationship with LaMorris. During the Wednesday chapel service, the two couples conversed about relational trials and triumphs and how to find worthiness through Christ. In Thursday’s chapel service, LaMorris and Andy discussed their personal struggles of walking through periods of career and relational darkness. In the midst of one of his greatest football seasons, Andy broke his thumb and had to go through a painful period of recovery. He credits his faith with helping him navigate the disappointment and return to the field. “Everything that we go through — all of our experiences — aren’t for us. They are for other people,” Andy said. “I was really frustrated with what had happened — at times mad, at times sad. I didn't know why it had happened. But one thing JJ and I both came back to was ‘Lord, we’re trusting in Your plan.’”




On Feb. 24, College Church of the Nazarene University Avenue hosted the sixth annual Black Gospel Celebration, organized by Olivet’s Black Student Christian JOEAssociation. MANTARIAN Dr. Charlie Dates, pastor of Progressive M.B. Church in Chicago, provided a message, and a guest choir, The Unified Voices of Kankakee, sang soul-stirring gospel music under the direction of Melvin Deal. Rev. Jasper P. Taylor ’10/’12 M.O.L., the creator of Olivet’s Multiethnic Student Services (MSS), gave a powerful tribute to recognize the support of vice president of student development Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’84/’88 M.A./’04 D.Litt. Multicultural programming such as this event is designed to increase cultural awareness, promote diversity and inclusion, and provide cultural and social growth for the University community at large.

OLIVET'S YOUR WAY FEATURED ON CBS Olivet’s Your Way program was recently featured on CBS’ America by Design for its educational innovation with Salesforce. The four-minute segment took a close look at how the unique modality of the program meets the needs of working adults who want to complete their previously started educational journey. Designed as a revolutionary pathway for adult learners to finish a college degree, Your Way is a tuition-free general education program that radically simplifies and redefines the learning experience by offering self-paced courses, flipping the focus from the course to the student.


Nearly one year into his presidency, Dr. Gregg Chenoweth made time for a conversation with Olivet The Magazine’s George Wolff about his vision for the University.

The Interview

His ultimate project in you is for your wisdom, not your wealth. It’s for your holiness, not your health. And it is for a soul that’s permanently surrendered to His purposes. GEORGE WOLFF (GW) | Thanks for doing this! It’s kind of something new. Everyone across the region is not going to get this opportunity to sit down with you and have these conversations, so we tried to think of what questions that they might ask that we can possibly answer in our time together. DR. GREGG CHENOWETH (GC) | I’m happy to.



Can’t we assume with confidence that the God Who is sovereign will guide us? GW | One of your superpowers seems to be your ability to mobilize organizations around a specific set of priorities. Can you talk to us a little bit about the process that you're currently leading the Olivet community through? GC | Well, that’s a really great question. I’m arriving preloaded with some experiences, including failure that I learned from but also some successes that harden my commitment. I would say the full arc of that would be you have to figure out your presumptions and your process before you know your priorities. I am trying to be a sage, not a warrior. Instead of rushing with muscular force toward some list of things that sound impressive like a warrior, a sage


wants to ask better questions and learn and listen what is well suited for our time. A priority is a just cause worthy of the institution’s sacrifice. So we’re really trying to find the best things, not the good. Let’s be honest, we’re going to have to say no to even good things that we agree with you about. We are not trying to just find problems to solve in a vision, but the controlling problems. We have to have an external perspective. GW | Every successful organization solves problems. How do you ensure that the community remains positive when you’re talking about problems? GC | Right. I think we don’t have to be intimidated by problems. We

can be motivated by them. So, if it’s safe to acknowledge problems and if people know we’re going to say no — to even good ones — let’s say yes to the best. Then, maybe it’s encouraging, actually, that we’re going to marshal all of our force and all of our energy and our resources around the very best problems to solve. We are a Christian organization. We’re Christian people. Let’s not think of this like dry data review, and let’s not think of this as just chitchat with constituents. Can’t we assume with confidence that the God Who is sovereign over everything, the God Who discloses Himself, the God Who speaks through this process would guide us? Then, we would test that with unity. It doesn’t have to be unanimity

The Interview but unity of purpose, unity of direction. I’m very encouraged. We really did find that it was kind of a beautiful thing to find 154 nominated priorities. We picked five and we’re not fighting over it. We think these are the best, not just the good. GW | Over the next weeks and months and year, we will take a deeper dive into all of the specific PAVER priorities. Let’s start with the P for Persistence: the idea that every student who enrolls at Olivet has the support and the encouragement necessary to persist to graduation, earn a degree and step into a career. Why is that such an important moment for Olivet when it comes to not just recruiting students but recruiting graduates?

drop out. They haven’t figured out their calling, they haven’t got credentials and they don’t get the economic benefits. So we have a goal to set record retention and graduation rates. Persistence is about grit. You don’t earn grit and persistence by coddling. You do it by equipping and facing hard things. GW | Olivet is a liberal arts university. The great thing about the liberal arts is you have an opportunity as a student to experience the best of all areas of education, right? Talk to me about persistence, really, with the idea of the Olivet community helping these students move along to graduation.

GC | Well, the first thing to acknowledge is the struggle and the fact that 50% of students in America — not just Olivet — change their major after their freshman year. You have to dip your toe in the water to see “Do I really want to be a veterinarian or not?” After an introductory course, it’s quite common to change. But once you’ve changed and committed, how can we rally around you? If we’re dealing with highvolume transitions and students’ fogginess about where they’re headed, artificial intelligence software is a way to refer them

GC | The good news is that our graduation rates have been climbing over time. That’s a fact to acknowledge and to celebrate. But when we look at a group of peer institutions, frankly, their graduation rates have risen faster than ours. I think it’s worth fighting over five or six percentage points of improvement. It sounds like just a number, but every number represents real lives. Isn’t it in everybody’s interest to have a student who comes to remain in a seat to figure out their calling in God and actually graduate? Here’s the saddest thing in the world: A student comes, they take on debt, they give up years to do this and then they OLIVET.EDU


to support services. So the question might be “Hey, you’re three months into your freshman year. Are you having any challenges?” If a person indicates in their answer something about academics, they are automatically routed to a helpful path, because providing services is of no use unless people use them. That sounds very technological, but it’s a very human thing to balance. We also need a strong staff to provide human support, because you don’t think your way through a problem; you talk your way through it. We are creating a network of

support that privileges, first, the most at-risk students. That’s not to say that other students don’t need support, but there's a reason why firetrucks pass by many houses that are on fire and stop by the one that’s burning. We’re not discriminating against the ones who don’t need help. What we’re saying is some people have a burning platform in their life, and let’s rush to them first. GW | You’re coming up on what I’m sure is hard to believe: the marker of your first year. Tell me about humans that you’ve met

— maybe some relationships that you’ve made here. What have you discovered in all that community that was maybe new to you? GC | One thing I’ve been saying is let’s not make the mistake of assuming too much from our familiarity. And there is familiarity. But I ask people, “Have you changed in the last eight years?” I’ve been away too. I've changed — God help me, for the better — but I’m returning a different person. Not in my nature or my essential values … but I’ve learned from my life. Well,

We’re not lacking an

We have maturity her


The Interview

people often giggle and say they have changed too. The world has changed. Olivet has changed. We’ve changed as people. So, to answer your question about



surprise, it’s been, I would say, a fun sort of transparent disclosure among familiar people in a familiar place about change. GW | You were elected president at the height of a major global pandemic. First of all, congratulations that we’ve come through it mostly unscathed. I feel like we’ve been able to see the Olivet community rise to the occasion and say, “We can do this and still remain who we are.” Talk to me a little bit about what that was like for you. GC | When we were trying to respond to what we now know is the greatest medical emergency and crisis in at least a century, I found myself actually energized by that. And that sounds very strange. Many people would say, “I’m worn out. I’m fatigued.” I’d say, “I respect that, but I’m not.” I felt opportunity in

coming to work, to work with people I know and trust who care and who are smart — in fact, who know many things better than me. I felt it was an honor to try to provide peace where there was chaos. That’s what a crisis response is. These are institutional tools: to bring peace where there’s disorder and chaos. So, for me, I just felt like because trust was high and we had enough, we already have what we need. We’re not lacking anything. We have maturity here. We have collaboration and coordination here. We have values that are already articulated. GW | There’s a lot of talk about what is going to happen to students — young people. They’re going to meet challenges. What is your hope for what you’ve been able to witness among even our student body, our faculty, our staff for this generation? GC | This may sound a little direct. I hope it’s not harsh. But it’s a basic philosophical concept. You don’t develop grit by being protected from difficulty. You develop grit and persistence for life by facing it. That doesn’t mean that I want to have low empathy and be

disrespectful of the pain and difficulty people have. But what we want to do is to remind people, “What if you already have what you need, and this is a chance for you to dig down and find that?” What if a loving God permits you to struggle? He still loves you and He’s aware of you. But how do you reconcile that? Well, it’s because His ultimate project in you is for your wisdom, not your wealth. It’s for your holiness, not your health. And it is for a soul that’s permanently surrendered to His purposes — that’s fit for eternity, not fear. The Bible says that He prunes dead branches off of us. If I don’t get what I want from my prayers, what is being pruned off of me that will flourish in this place? How has my suffering made me or remade me in the image of God? We have to lean into difficulty rather than evade it. GW | And it is great preparation, because then you’re not surprised when it does happen, right? Is there a Scripture verse as president that is the first thing you think of every day — that you have written down or stuck to your computer or on your phone? OLIVET.EDU 13

The Interview

GC | I’m sort of giggling and smiling as you asked. Yes. The Holy Spirit has been so faithful over the full arc of my life. There are timely Scriptures that are foundational for me. The one since I came to Olivet is Colossians 1: 9–10. I’ll paraphrase: “Lord, give me knowledge of Your will. Give it to me through spiritual understanding.” I’m reading that not as dry generic business plans but [as] the revelation of God through spiritual understanding so that we might live a life worthy of the Lord, which was, by the way, sacrificial that we might please Him in every way and bear fruit in every good work. Drop the mic. Shazam. It has more conviction than just head knowledge. It justifies our sacrificial living: a life


worthy of the Lord to pick the best things and to make change where necessary. They are things that I believe are the good works that we could bear fruit in. I have this crazy idea that we are fruitful in Olivet — in everything.

cures cancer? Hear us, Lord. What about an artist that comes through here whose unusual giftedness reaches the eyes and hearts and ears of heads of state that turns their heart toward eternal things in a way that fancy speeches never could?

GW | Sometimes the fruit is another problem to solve — which is OK, right? It’s another opportunity for growth. Would you like to share a couple of your dreams and hopes outside the paper initiatives for the months and years to come? GC | Actually, I would! Vision is pragmatic. Which problems should we be solving here? But there is something else that might feel a little poetic and broad: a generational hope for Olivet that extends beyond me.

There is this hopefulness that something profound and miraculous is happening every day. Even in the middle of winter, in the middle of a week, when nobody expects anything out of that day, you might walk by a classroom or laboratory or the theater, [and] there’s a light being flicked on inside of a student that gives them something deeper than a career. It’s a calling, and the calling that they discover is a unique gift. They’re unintimidated by any glass ceiling that ever comes across their way.

Could we educate a future Supreme Court justice? Why not here? Why not us? Why not, through Olivet, let us educate a future scientist who

I recently had dinner with a young alumnus who’s one year out of Olivet and is now at Pepperdine Law School. I asked him, “Have

you ever thought about being so ambitious to be a Supreme Court justice?” He said, “You know what? I remember when I was in elementary or junior high school, and I had to do a project in class: ‘What’s your dream?’” He said, “Come to think of it, I haven’t thought of it in years, but I wrote that dream down. I want to say, why not? And why not now?” That would be a beautiful thing. GW | What would you say is your primary job as president? GC | I’m the living logo for Olivet. I’m the mission with shoes on, and so that inspires me to try to be my best whether I’m at the grocery checkout aisle or at a microphone. In that sense, it’s a responsibility and honor. It’s my job to personally live and demonstrate our mission and our values to assure high fidelity to our purpose, to identify what our priorities are and, in working with others, to make sure there

are systems and processes to execute well on them. It is to assure that our work culture is healthy and vibrant. I need to own that. GW | That’s great. We’ve heard you share about your practice of speaking words of blessing into the lives of your grandchildren. Talk to us a little bit about that. GC | Yeah, you know, I’m a middle-aged guy. I have grandkids now. It does something to you. And I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a patriarch. One of the answers is you have a voice. Use your voice to bless your family. What I mean by that is I want to vocalize my hope in God for them. So we have a new tradition when we visit our three adult kids, who are all married. When we are about to leave, I’ll say, “I want to bless you before I go.” It’s me putting my arm around them or my

hands on their shoulders and looking them in the eye and just asking them something like, “What do you hope God is most sovereign over in your life right now?” or asking something like, “What’s at the top of your heart or the top of your mind of concern?” And then I’m just praying, “Holy Spirit, remind me of what Your Word says, because we’ll all take more confidence if we can remember what Your Word says than what I would say.” What I’m vocalizing to them is my hope in God. It’s simple, but it’s intentional. And I take joy in that. I want to encourage people. I want to be life-giving. GW | Well, congratulations on your first year and thanks for making time for this. GC | I’m honored. I hope it reaches the right people in the right way.

To watch the full interview, including a special anecdote about a surprise gift Dr. Chenoweth received from his predecessor, Dr. John Bowling, scan this code. OLIVET.EDU


Olivet Nazarene University, a denominational university in the Wesleyan tradition, exists to provide a university-level liberal arts “Education With a Christian Purpose.”

Our mission is to provide high-quality academic instruction for the purpose of personal development, career and professional readiness, and preparation of individuals for lives of service to God and humanity.

in industry, business, technology, law, education, government, media, medicine, the sciences, the arts and the Church. Olivet students learn more than just how to make a living; they learn to live significant lives.

Olivet cares for the whole student and provides an exceptional experience that nurtures excellence and inspires hope and optimism born out of a deep personal faith. Our graduates serve and lead

On Jan. 13, 2021, Dr. Gregg Chenoweth was elected the 13th president and only our fourth in the last 72 years.

“Olivet’s five priorities combine to form the acronym PAVER. Brick road pavers gain strength when interlocked with others, creating a smooth and steady path forward. Likewise, these initiatives will pave the future of the University.” Dr. Gregg Chenoweth, University President


In this next season of our unfolding story, we will build upon a strong foundation that has distinguished Olivet as a mature and focused university with an inspiring destiny and a clear understanding of our mission. Following months of study, including input and across-the-board support from four key discernment groups (the Executive Council of the student body, the President's Advisory Group of Faculty and Staff, the President's Cabinet and the Board of Trustees), Olivet will complete administrative arrangements by June to launch five priorities over the next five years, 2022 to 2027.

By 2027, Olivet Nazarene University will seek to be ... A university that helps students persist to record graduation and retention rates and into a life of calling and purpose.

A university that is more accessible, especially to the populations with the greatest need, addressing the rising cost of a college education.

A university that is Christ-centered and virtuous in all things while addressing the key moral issues of our time.

A university that honors God and donors through efficient stewardship of resources.

A university that succeeds in innovative recruitment strategies and responsive relationships during the current economic and demographic challenges.



COMMUNITY SPACE At Olivet, you’re able to build connections not just in the classroom but also in campus housing, across the dinner table and in every corner of campus. There are plenty of comfortable community spaces in which to study, meet for a group project or grab a coffee with friends. PHOTO BY JOE MANTARIAN

MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE The Olivet Nazarene University School of Music offers limitless opportunities for students to hone their musical craft. Each year, more than 500 students participate in music ensembles ranging from the University Orchestra to Proclamation Gospel Choir to Concert Singers to the Brass Ensemble. Whether it’s in these groups, a worship service or in the orchestra pit, you’ll find music in every corner of the campus. PHOTO BY JOE MANTARIAN

In Every Season Root · Grow · Thrive Stories compiled by Lauren Beatty


Olivet is situated in northeast llinois and the heart of the Midwest, where the view of the landscape changes drastically depending on the weather and season. The seemingly flat land is raised and lowered as the fields sprout up before inevitably being harvested down to the dried stalks. In the spring, farmers meticulously follow weather patterns to determine how and when to plant seeds to cultivate growth that will yield a harvest of matured produce, grain or flowers. As farmers track milestone moments of growth in their fields, so too the University experiences and celebrates life in seasonal transitions. Those who choose to further their education after high school continue to invest in their personal and professional growth capacity. Young minds are full of curiosity and passion to enact change, and Olivet provides students with a global perspective that prepares them to make local impact. But the growth doesn’t stop at graduation. As reflected in the following stories from the Olivet community, a college education is only one season of many in which one will pursue purpose and add to his or her faith.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. ECCLESIASTES 3:1



“Growth can only begin with the seeds we have to offer.”


Daneli Hentschel ’17/’19 MBA

So many of us yearn to skip ahead to the harvest so we can see the fruits of our labor. It’s fulfilling, certainly, but there’s also so much joy in new beginnings — in the process of planting seeds — that we should not take for granted. At Olivet, we get to experience the hope of planting seeds in young people every time a student walks onto campus for the first time as part of a visit, throughout their years with us, and as they prepare for their future when we send them out to serve in the world.

empower prospective Hispanic students and their families with the capability of higher education. In our first year of Aspira, our team has visited new schools and churches, translated materials into Spanish, broken down financial barriers, and shifted our thinking so we can proactively serve a particular population. It has been a season of meticulously planting seeds so that, one day, we can see more of our underrepresented students on this campus — learning, growing, serving, worshiping and thriving.

The planting of seeds at Olivet takes many forms and happens in every season. Sometimes it begins in the admissions process, when a student’s dreams are heard by an admissions counselor. It can happen in a professor’s office, where a student’s goals are validated and encouraged by a professional who does not look down on the student simply because of the student’s youth. It may happen over lunch with a peer, when ideas and emotions are affirmed as they journey together.

All across campus, at every grade level and in every department and space, we need to plant seeds. This generation has hearts full of fertile soil. They are a people yearning to be part of something greater, but growth can only begin with the seeds we have to offer: seeds of knowledge we share, the seeds of better systems to foster growth and not hinder it, and seeds produced when we collectively live lives of faith and integrity our students witness and emulate. The planting process is less about the end result and more about ensuring bright beginnings to a purposeful journey.

We plant seeds in our systems as we establish priorities, adapt as necessary and create new things. For instance, the Office of Admissions is looking toward the future with hopeful expectation as we see our Aspira initiative connect, inform and


In Every Season

Outreach Specialist for Minority Students, Office of Admissions


Restoring Life in Abundance


At Olivet, Matthew Smith ’06, M.D., M.P.H. developed strong friendships with classmates and got to know his anatomy and physiology professor, Dr. Bob Wright, on a personal level. Dr. Wright’s mentorship and compassion taught him the value of building relationships rather than merely focusing on the technical components of scientific understanding. During the year between his undergraduate and graduate studies, Matt connected with an Olivet alumnus, Michael Carlisle ’03, M.D., who was in his fourth year of medical school. He encouraged Matt to consider specializing in otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat surgery) — a suggestion which shaped the course of Matt’s future career. His medical training at Wayne State University and residency in the Henry Ford Health System built a foundation in the otolaryngology specialty that was solidified during his fellowship in pediatric otolaryngology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. He learned under the mentorship of one of the surgical pioneers of pediatric airway reconstruction, Robin Cotton, M.D. Today, Matt is one of the pediatric airway surgeons at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, the world leader in pediatric airway reconstructive surgery and aerodigestive disorders. Children from around the world rely on Cincinnati Children’s Hospital for surgeries that often elongate their life expectancy. For Matt, science is only one element of wellness, and he is passionate about expanding equative access to


medical care. Two years ago, Matt and a colleague at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital started HELP, a high school program for inner-city schools that arranges for health care professionals to speak into the lives of students and encourage them to consider health care careers that will utilize their unique talents and interests. Above all, Matt wants to inspire excellence in the lives and careers of others through his position of influence. “I’ve had many people invest in me who didn’t have any obligation to do so,” he reflects. “Over the next 10 to 15 years, there will be so many health care industry jobs that we need people in — ranging from physicians and nurses to hospital chaplains. If people don’t see themselves in those careers, they’re never going to pursue those fields. I’m excited to play a small role in changing the face of health care by advocating for and mentoring underrepresented students for generations to come.”

Sustainable Efficiency In 2021, Olivet began work on the installation of 3,100 solar panels on two campus buildings through a partnership with SunVest Solar. The Perry Student Life and Recreation Center and the Betty and Kenneth Hawkins Centennial Chapel were selected as ideal buildings for solar panel installation due to their large, flat and relatively new roofs. Since being switched on in November, the panels have generated 210,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity, which has resulted in a cost savings of nearly $6,600, and have prevented around 329,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions. This success has happened despite the panels operating in the

Structure for Growth Dr. José Manjarrés, an engineering professor in the Walker School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, credits his interest in academia to mentorship from his professors and educational advisers. “When I struggled the most, they were there to push me and help me succeed, not by easing the tasks but by giving me a larger vision of what I was doing,” he says. “They inspired me to excel in everything through their teaching and research work.” The path to success often involves growing pains, and two crucial moments in Dr. Manjarrés’ educational journey impacted his teaching methodology. He had to redo his project proposal four times at the beginning of his Ph.D. program and was later advised to pursue a career in teaching instead of research. “I was working with the ‘rock stars’ of my research field who saw how my passions shifted when I was with younger students compared to when I was reading papers,” he says. “I felt defeated and lost at the moment, but later I could see how much I had learned in so little time.” But just as critical as strong academic instruction is to the advancement of his students, Dr. Manjarrés believes in the transformative and redeeming power

of faith in guiding future generations to become world-changers in their chosen fields of study. “I believe that Christian educators have a vital challenge to connect our students with the idea that the stewardship of sciences is a means to be truly human,” he says. “The story of the Garden of Eden is an insight into God’s ideal partnership with humanity in ruling this world. Thus, besides accompanying our teaching with morality and spiritual advice, at Olivet, we are growing in our ways to connect our education with God’s calling for humanity to rule and subdue the Earth as well as reflecting Christ’s character to our society.”


Community of Connections As the assistant athletic director of communication at East Texas Baptist University, Adam Ledyard ’99 is in charge of enhancing the brand of the school by promoting the accomplishments of its athletes and coaching staff. It is a role for which he was well prepared by his own athletic, academic and work experiences at Olivet.

In Every Season

darkest months of the year and being covered by heavy snowfall a few times. SunVest maintains and monitors the panels, and students have benefitted from the opportunity to observe the systems and gain a greater understanding of the need for more renewable energy sources.

“The moment that really connected the dots for me came my senior year, when I landed a work-study job in Athletics working as the sports information assistant for the sports information director,” Adam says. “I had the chance to write, work with media outlets and help on game days. I knew then that I wanted to work in the athletic industry.” In his 10 years at the university, Adam has made a consistent effort to recruit Olivet alumni. In 2020, Kennedy Gladding ’20 joined as an athletic



training graduate assistant. A year

later, Adam recruited Hunter Overholt ’21 and Peyton Thibault ’21 to work in athletic communications. “There’s no way our department would have survived the fall semester without the GAs [graduate assistants],” he says, “and I credit that back to ONU and the leadership skills they instill into their students with the opportunities they give them. “I am excited about what God can do at universities that put Him first. I believe that receiving a Christian higher education degree gives graduates a step up in their career journey because of the Godly impact students receive from professors and staff. Being a part of a place that cares for you all around and helps improve your way of life is worth a lot.”

Investing in the Future From 2017 to 2019, two of the Univer-sity’s donors gave a total of $620,000 to the McGraw School of Business, establishing the StudentManaged Investment Fund and its two separate funds, the Student Scholarship Fund and the Student Engagement Fund. The funds provide students with the chance to actively engage in the finan-cial markets through the Investment Club. The portfolio, which also helps fund student scholarships, has grown to $815,627. The purpose of the Investment Club is twofold: investment education and capital preservation and appreciation. Students get a grounded understanding of the differences between stocks and bonds, but, more importantly, they learn about why investing is crucial for the legacy of a large organization. During weekly 26 OLIVET.EDU

meetings, students pitch different investable assets, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs and real estate, to the group by providing an overview of funds and what current economic events or trends might have an impact on the performance. Club members have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the pitch and then vote on whether or not to invest in the asset and, if voted on to invest, what allocation and which fund will hold the investment.

Praying Through the Seasons Tammy (Salyer) Chenoweth ’89 enjoys the role of First Lady — from personal time with students over coffee to leading a weekly prayer group for their concerns. Starting last June and continuing once a week since, she has huddled with a core group of faculty, staff, administrators and members of the community in Kelley Prayer Chapel. The format is not from a set prayer request list but is Spirit-led, as those gathered pray for God’s will on topics prompted within each participant. Intercession is always for the needs of students and employees, but two prominent themes are that Christ followers grow deeper in God’s Word and that those who don’t yet follow Christ would encounter Him before they leave the University. “Anyone is welcome to join in prayer,” Tammy says. “The number of people gathered doesn’t matter, but I know that if righteous people are present, there is power in that.”

New Life Springs Forth In January 2019, 40 students gathered to plant more than 85 native species of plants in the 2.5 acres of fields behind the Bell West Campus as part of a prairie restoration project. This outdoor lab space gives students in biology, zoology and environmental science courses the chance to monitor the growth of the plants and track species of animals and insects that have returned to populate the habitat. In addition to preserving the local ecosystem, this ongoing project teaches students to appreciate and care for the beauty of God’s creation.

Fresh Perspectives From Life on the Road The expansive variety of cultural, economic and social differences in the world is often most appreciated through travel and interaction with people outside of one’s own community. After two years with limited chances to travel, Olivet students are experiencing life abroad again through participation in study and volunteer trips. Opportunities like these allow students to apply knowledge from their Olivet courses as they receive new seeds of influence from exposure to different cultures. Claire Mountain, a junior Spanish major, heard about studying abroad in Ecuador from other students in her program. As part of the Nazarene International Language Institute (NILI) Undergrad Program, Claire is one of six students in Quito this semester.

Additional experiences have included in-country trips to the beach, markets, the Amazon rainforest and the Galápagos Islands. “Leaving the Olivet bubble and living on a different continent was definitely a culture shock — but in a good way,” Claire explains. “I had the chance to view life from a different perspective and have a greater appreciation for many things I took for granted.” After researching about the Middle East in a class during her freshman year, junior Hania Diggory knew she wanted to study abroad in Jordan through the Middle East Studies Program (MESP). The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities GlobalEd program provides students with an opportunity to fully immerse themselves in daily life in Amman, Jordan, as they build community within the program.

“I believe that Christian educators have a vital challenge to connect our students with the idea that the stewardship of sciences is a means to be truly human.” - Stephen Case

In Every Season

“Since the program we are with is a part of the Nazarene Church, I have had many opportunities to bring Olivet with me,” she says. “We attend Carcelén Church of the Nazarene, where our professor is the pastor. We get to be a part of the young adult group at the church and get to know the people there.”

“This semester, the program consists of all women, and I’m ever thankful that the seven of us get to share life together,” Hania says. “We regularly get to hear the devotional thoughts of each other, share how we are all processing class material differently, and mutually establish relationships with the people we meet both here in Amman and in neighboring cities.”



Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’88 M.A./’04 D.Litt.

Vice President for Student Development

A few years ago, my staff and I read a book authored by Meg Jay entitled The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How To Make the Most of Them Now. It not only informed but also affirmed everything I believe about the impact four years on a university campus has on the future of 18–22-year-olds as they move into their late 20s and early 30s. Because students enter Olivet at various points in their personal and spiritual maturity, part of my role is to ensure we meet students where they are and help cultivate an atmosphere of growth — the kind of growth that results in transformed lives. A part of that atmosphere requires that we enable a supportive environment for students to wrestle and perhaps fail along the way while we provide perspective and opportunities for growth.


Olivet provides opportunities for students to grow in their understanding of the world from a Biblical worldview. From the classroom to residential life and everything in between, Olivet provides a community of support. Common experiences like weekly chapel services and all-school events create an environment that fosters growth in every area of life. It’s in the fertile soil of Olivet that foundations are laid through the combined experiences of students, faculty and staff when they live together in community. I didn’t grow up in the Church, but a pastor and his wife took an interest in me when I was in high school because of my grandmother’s connection to the local Nazarene congregation. When it came time, they introduced me to Olivet. Although I didn’t know it when I arrived on campus at the age of 18, the University was exactly the kind of place I needed. Pastor Lee and Davette planted the seeds of my faith, but it was my time at Olivet as a student where those seeds took root

and my spiritual foundation was formed. My years as a student at Olivet were marked with tremendous spiritual growth and personal development. I’m so grateful for the people in my life who invested in me through my high school years, and then for the Olivet professors and staff who truly cared about my personal and spiritual development. Those mentors and leaders cultivated growth in ways that have impacted the trajectory of my entire adult life.

In Every Season

“This environment of Christ-centered higher education provides students with deep roots so that they can effectively weather the storms of life.”

I know firsthand that Olivet is the kind of place where students come to understand what is possible when they submit their lives to God and they take advantage of all that Olivet has to offer. This environment of Christ-centered higher education provides students with deep roots so that they can effectively weather the storms of life. It’s an amazing place for young adults to spend a season of life as they soak up knowledge, dig into their faith and ultimately graduate, ready to impact the world around them.



Illuminating Modern Science Through Academia Early in his academic journey, Dr. Stephen Case ’05 was encouraged by his professors to pursue research and conference presentation opportunities. Those experiences helped him get comfortable dialoguing with other experts in the field and inspired a career in academia. STEPHEN CASE


Dr. Case, who is now a professor and the director of the University Honors Program, and his colleague from the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study received an offer last fall from Cambridge University Press for their proposed manuscript, Cambridge Companion to John Herschel. The Cambridge Companion series offers accessible surveys of important historical figures suitable for undergraduate courses as well as general audiences. The timeline for the project coincides with Dr. Case’s second book on Herschel’s contributions to scientific advancements. Serving as a catalyst for the Herschel projects was a discussion panel Dr. Case and another colleague organized in 2019 in the Netherlands — a trip partially supported by a Hippenhammer Grant for Olivet faculty. “Herschel was a person of deep Christian faith who believed strongly that the practice of science led to a deeper appreciation of God as Creator,” Dr. Case explains. “He was at the center of the scientific community during the height of the Industrial Revolution, and he was involved in so many things. If you want to know about measuring stars for the first time or the invention of photography or the rise of popular science writings, Herschel had a


hand in all of it. I hope my research continues to show how significant Herschel’s influence and personal testimony were on the development of modern science.” Academic work can be a slow process, and while research and publishing may not appeal to every college student, Dr. Case is adamant that lessons learned in the classroom can cultivate growth that will lead to successful harvests for years to come. “In our teaching, we plant seeds that might not bear fruit for years,” he says. “Our research builds on what our predecessors have done to slowly, patiently build new knowledge. Even for students who aren’t planning to go into academia, we want to cultivate a portion of that mindset. The work of building a family, a home, a community, a church or a career — things that take time, diligence, patience and a mindset that doesn’t ignore the immediate but that keeps it in the context of what has gone before and building for the future — is an important contribution of the life of scholarship for everyone.”

Reading Truth To Encourage Spiritual Maturity She Reads Truth co-founder Raechel (Pennington) Myers ’05 became a CEO at age 32 when there were only two other people in the company. Today, the She Reads Truth organization has 30 team members, including Raechel’s husband, Ryan Myers ’05, who serves as the chief operating officer.

“I love being a CEO and have become really good at leading in that position, but that growth only happened because there were seeds God planted in me that He cultivated into fruition.” Ten years ago, the She Reads Truth movement was started by a woman for women — not to be exclusive but to provide devotional materials that offered depth and Scriptural clarity to a specific audience. Eventually, the company was asked to publish a unique version of the Bible. To date, more than 500,000 copies have been sold. “The opportunity to publish was something we said no to many times before we said yes,” she says. “The thought of having my name in a Bible or a part of someone’s quiet time with God was very holy ground. We created a Bible that is rather unique. Man’s words don’t share the page with God’s, and it’s printed in a different typeface. We approached that project very reverently, and the Lord blessed our efforts.” After years of receiving feedback from men who were using their spouse’s or sibling’s materials, the company added He Reads Truth in 2015. The next year, Kids Read Truth developed with a purpose of teaching kids how to love God’s Word and increase in Biblical literacy.

“The beautiful thing about the last 10 years has not been what we’ve done or where we’ve taken the community,” she says. “It hasn’t even been about us at all. If we had known what we were building, we would have been overwhelmed. She Reads Truth started because God planted a seed in a person to desire Him. That’s the growth that matters to me.”

Breaking the Cycle of Generational Poverty Shepherd Community Center is a nonprofit organization situated near the heart of Indianapolis. With a background in ministry, journalism and philanthropy, executive director Jay Height provides strategic leadership over the programs, which range from child care and preschool to an academy for kindergarten through fifth grade to post-high school mentorship to food pantry and counseling services for adults in the community. The impact of such work has been the mentorship of 500 students, serving 35,000 meals per year and more than 1,000 families receiving supportive care.

“Content can come from many sources, but true community is built through love and sacrifice.” - Jay Height

In Every Season

“I thought I was cut out for the job, but I had no way of knowing,” she reflects. “As the team grew, I felt that the maximum number of team members who I could lead well was 12. I felt less qualified every day, but during that beautiful season of growth, God said, ‘You don’t need to be equipped for tomorrow; it’s about today.’

“Shepherd serves a challenged neighborhood by helping our neighbors break the cycle of poverty,” Jay says. “This happens when we replicate the same community as seen in the New Testament. When we live with our neighbors, we can serve beside them and help them grow their capacity to reduce dependency. We do what we do because of the faith in us. I truly believe it is in authentic relations that people see the hope we have and are drawn to that.”



Jay didn’t study at Olivet for his undergraduate years, but as a parent, adjunct professor, graduate student and employer, he is confident that the University provides excellence at all levels of study. “Two Olivet graduates have served almost a decade at Shepherd and have grown to our senior leadership team,” he says. “I have seen my own children grow to be tremendous leaders, spouses, parents and followers of Jesus — encouraged and enhanced by their Olivet experience. Content can come from many sources, but true community is built through love and sacrifice.”

Inspirational Influence Scott Lingle ’90 chose to attend Olivet because of a tennis scholarship and church friendships. However, his time at the University nurtured a faith-based understanding of and desire for lifelong learning. After college, Scott worked for an insurance company, where he spent nearly 20 years learning from industry leaders. In his mid-40s, he felt a tug to build on his experience, stretch his leadership capacities and follow in the footsteps of his entrepreneurial parents. Seven years ago, Scott launched Remodel Health, a health insurance software company that has an overarching mission to benefit faith-based organizations. The thriving business has employed numerous ONU grads and earned accolades as one of the fastestgrowing companies as well as a Best Christian Workplace. In 2019, Scott and his middle son, Ryan, a software engineer,


launched the next generation of family business ventures: www. lyrn.link. What began as a six-page document of Scott’s favorite learning resources was transformed into an app that provides a curated list of books, podcasts, YouTube videos and articles for a community of individuals who want to expand their sources of knowledge and influence. “I have a real heart and passion for future entrepreneurs, and I feel like God has given me certain gifts,” Scott says. “So many entrepreneurs get burned out being single-minded in their focus. They often build their business at the expense of their marriage or family. I want to encourage people to pursue a thriving, faith-filled life in addition to building a career by sharing resources that may provide support and inspiration.”

Legacy of Leadership Ken Moore ’14, an Olivet resident director (RD) and Army Reserve officer, learned a lot in his own ROTC and classroom experiences at Olivet. But he also acknowledges the impact that the campus culture, his peers and his mentors had on his leadership style. “Every role I’ve had in my career has been centered on developing and fostering relationships, and Olivet is the place where I truly learned not just how but why it’s important,” he shares. From his five years of experience as an RD in campus apartments to his work with training drill sergeants, Ken has seen similar personal growth moments through trials and triumphs in the men he now mentors.


“While I might hold the title of leader, the soldiers … I’ve been entrusted with make it one of the most rewarding jobs anyone can have,” Ken says. “In learning to manage a family, a full-time career and the needs of the Army, I’ve learned how to let controlled failure be the catalyst for growth in training and developing new skills. I think it’s important for Olivet students to find a similar point of discomfort so that they might find comfort in the process of continuous development. The most important growth they can experience is in their faith in Jesus Christ, but as our company often quotes President John F. Kennedy: ‘We do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.’”

connections and people that you will never interact with or witness on a college campus. “Helping people is eye-opening and humbling in so many ways. One of the many things I have learned from getting off campus and engaging with people in the community is that no matter how rough another person's situation may seem, there is still so much strength and beauty in the way they build their lives to withstand the trials they face every day.”

In fall 2021, the Kingdom Builders campus ministry club (formerly associated with Habitat for Humanity) was introduced to a local woman who had lost her husband and needed help outfitting a tiny house. Throughout the school year, student volunteers have made multiple trips to her residence to install insulation and drywall while also forming a friendship with the owner. “This has been the most impactful opportunity because we met this woman in the midst of her deepest grief and were able to support her,” says club co-leader Desirae Welk. “Seeing her perseverance and the way she continues to fight to love others and surround herself with community is inspirational. “It is important for Olivet students to get involved in the surrounding towns because there are so many situations,

In Every Season

Building the Kingdom in Kankakee County

“The most important growth they can experience is in their faith in Jesus Christ.”

- Ken Moore



“The influence that Olivet alumni have on the world is impossible to quantify.”


Erika Moeschke ’12/’19 MBA Director of Annual Campaign Strategies and Community Development

Working in the field of fundraising at a higher education institution is a unique and rewarding experience. For me, it truly is a calling. Two of my greatest passions in life are education and helping others, and my role provides me the opportunity to blend those passions together. I have the privilege of working to raise financial support to help turn education into a reality for college students. These critical years of development provide space for young adults to grow into their own personhood and determine who it is God has called them to be. Students hone their skills, build lifelong friendships, determine their career paths, and grow personally, professionally and spiritually. One of the special ways in which I have the privilege of helping make these opportunities possible is through Olivet’s annual Day of Giving. This initiative began in 2016 but has grown to involve our entire campus community, giving everyone a path

of support to make unique experiences available to students. Last year’s projects submitted for funding ranged from research opportunities to scholarship support for first-generation college students to new equipment and resources for athletic teams. The day resulted in record support from nearly 500 campus partners who believed in the value of Christian higher education. Their generosity funded new opportunities that would not have been possible otherwise.

In Every Season

The college experience can include some of the most pivotal and transformative years for students. The opportunity to explore and realize the passions God has placed on the hearts of students is truly remarkable. Seeing students come in to bloom, if you will, and being a part of that journey is a privilege. As students realize their potential and invest in the community around them, it is a beautiful thing to behold.

For generations, Olivet has provided a nurturing environment for people of every walk of life to come into bloom. Students not only receive an excellent education at Olivet, but they also thrive in campus experiences through extracurricular activities, ministry opportunities, athletics and so much more. But what makes this experience so valuable is the foundation the University provides for graduates to flourish far beyond the graduation stage. The influence that Olivet alumni have on the world is impossible to quantify, but the stories I hear from donors and people in the community constantly remind me that our mission of providing an “Education With a Christian Purpose” is one that bears essential fruit not only in the short term but for years to come.



Caleb Benoit ’06 Founder, Connect Roasters Olivet is a place where I spent some of the most formative years of my life, and I’m thankful to live and work in the same community. We care about the community we operate in, we place a high priority on being good stewards, and we view the world through a global lens.


As a journalism major, I spent a lot of time in the communications department, and most of the upper-level classes were with Gregg Chenoweth. He's someone who has been a huge encouragement to me, not just in my time as a student but in the years since. He saw potential in me and invested time and energy in me, and I think everyone who goes on to be successful — or just grows into being a healthy, mature adult — has at least a couple people like that in their lives. I was fortunate to be able to work in journalism while at Olivet and for several years after graduating, and as far as work goes, that will probably always be my first love. But since then, I've been able to travel a ton, and I lived in France and Canada for a while. Currently, I’m operating a coffee business called Connect Roasters, which has been the most difficult thing I've done so far — but also the most rewarding. The original vision was to build a company that would use coffee as a vehicle to improve people's lives, and I'm proud to say that we are doing that today. Several years ago, I went on a volunteer trip to the Dominican Republic. It set me down a path of thinking that I wanted to contribute to help a problem that I saw in a more long-term method than a mission trip. We take a resource that is grown in developing countries, bring it to the U.S., roast it and sell it, and use a portion of the sales to invest back in the communities.


“We care about the community we operate in, we place a high priority on being good stewards, and we view the world through a global lens.”

- Caleb Benoit

Alexi Zastrow ’21 Ph.D. Candidate, The Mayo Clinic After my junior year at Olivet, I was disheartened when I did not receive a solid offer for any of the summer research internships I applied to. However, Dr. Dan Sharda recognized my passion for research while I was a student in one of his classes, and he approached me with an opportunity to conduct summer research at the University. Through the generous support of the University’s PenceBoyce Research Committee and ONU Catalyst, I completed a 10-week internship in which I explored how a combination of phytonutrients could provide synergistic inhibition of M1macrophage activation. My summer experience resulted in submitting an abstract to the Experimental Biology Conference and solidifying a relationship with a local company, FutureCeuticals, to continue the research. The following summer, I was accepted to several summer

research fellowships, and I secured a position as a summer research fellow at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. These experiences fostered my passion for research and solidified my career aspirations. My motivation for applying specifically to the immunology track at Mayo Clinic’s Graduate School of Biomedical Science was a combination of familiarity with immunology from my Pence-Boyce experience and a profound understanding of the promise of immunotherapies. For example, my grandfather was diagnosed with melanoma during my junior year of college. The recently approved immunotherapies, some of which were discovered by researchers at the Mayo Clinic, were foundational to the development of the immunotherapy treatment that prolonged my grandfather’s life and gave him extra time to share more memories with our family.

In Every Season

We have expanded to build domestic partnerships with local nonprofits such as the Greater Chicago Food Depository. The organization operates as the city of Chicago's food bank and supplies more than 700 Cook County food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters. We started working together toward the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and, to date, sales of Connect coffee have provided about 25,000 meals through the Food Depository network to those in need. We're excited to continue growing our support of organizations like that and making an even bigger impact.

I was drawn to the program at Mayo because of the collaboration between clinicians and researchers. The proximity of the hospital allows for unparalleled access to patient samples. I found camaraderie in the fierce and collective desire to provide novel therapies for patients in the future. In whatever job I find myself in, I know that I feel intensely invested in mentoring the next generation of scientists from my time as a teaching assistant in the biology department and tutor in the Academic Coaching Center at Olivet. I realize that the more I understand complex biological pathways, the more questions need to be answered. Graduate school is a time of intense intellectual exploration. Experiments fail more often than succeed, which




fosters an atmosphere of continual growth both as a scientist and person. I constantly find myself humbled by the complexity of creation. I approach each experiment with an attitude of awe because I realize that when there are novel results, this finding is only known between God and me. I find great joy in telling others more about His creation.

Senior Natalie Cook Student Body President Truthfully, I struggled with the idea of coming to Olivet while I was in high school. As someone who was known for being shy and quiet, I tried to get involved right away to help break out of my shell. I ran for freshman class council and didn’t get voted on, which I took pretty hard. I think I bloomed where I was planted by taking that as an opportunity to get plugged in through other activities and not be discouraged to run again the next year. My sophomore year, I served as a resident assistant (RA) and on class council, worked at the Ludwig information desk, interned at a local church and took photos for the Office of Marketing. I was so overwhelmed in all that I did that I wasn’t taking time to look in the mirror and figure out who I was. One of my ministry professors, Dr. Teresa Garner, was crucial in helping me to slow down and be rather than do. Entering my junior year, I felt like a completely different person. I was still involved, serving as an RA again and as junior class president, but I served to give back to the community that shaped me rather than to prove my significance and make myself indispensable.


As a freshman, speaking in front of any class or group made me extremely anxious. Now in my senior year, I have made speeches at freshman orientation and the Presidential Inauguration and can lead weekly student council meetings of 50 people without thinking twice. Education is a large and significant part of college, but Olivet is also a place of great community. It is truly a unique and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do life with people your age with similar beliefs and passions. Whether it’s being a part of a club or joining a ministry, the extracurricular opportunities at Olivet are great for both personal and professional development. The shy, quiet freshman who walked into Olivet never would have thought she could speak at orientations or an inauguration, and she couldn’t have — not without the roles that have shaped her throughout these four years. Getting involved is a great opportunity to meet new people and encounter situations that will stretch you in beneficial ways. I’ve learned that growth isn’t linear and that hardships are inevitable. Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 has been a source of wisdom for me to look at during difficult times through college. It serves as a reminder that God is there through not only the good but also the heartbreaking and harrowing. I learned that, through God, it is possible to grow through hardships. His constant presence and love have helped me as I’ve gone through life-changing experiences such as loss, but also as I’ve grown into the person I am today.


“God is there through not only the good but also the heartbreaking and harrowing.” - Natalie Cook

In Every Season




S C H O L A R LY P U R S U I T S Scholarship in Communion Scholarship, research and discovery. These words often conjure images of long hours in the lab or a lone thinker sequestered in a library carrel. For many, the image of scholarship is one of isolation. Yet the University campus and classroom show over and over that the flash of insight or spark of intuition often comes not when the scholar is working alone but when students and professors are sharing together. Insight comes not through isolation but through discussion, connection and community.

student’s passion and interest and the mentor’s experience and expertise. That work, in turn, becomes the basis of more sharing. This year, for instance, Rachel Shepard, a senior business and history double major, shared her research on the history of Kankakee County at the Kankakee County Museum. The presentation was part of the national history honor society regional conference hosted at Olivet. Rachel took her place at the table with other historians and experts, adding her voice to the conversation.

Awareness that the best scholarship happens in community is central to the Honors Program at Olivet Nazarene University. This approach takes place in our classrooms and at off-campus conferences. It also takes place annually on Honors Day and the campuswide, weeklong festival of discovery known as Scholar Week. During Scholar Week, students and faculty from all different disciplines come together to present their findings, showcase their creations and ask their questions. Whether that’s poster sessions on emerging technologies by computer science students, presentations of engineering senior design projects, interdisciplinary art exhibits, lectures on ancient Greek communities and the digital humanities, or debates hosted by campus political science classes, the theme of Scholar Week is “Scholarship in Community.”

Our students go on to become authoritative voices in their fields. At Olivet, these first steps start with learning the skill of communicating — communing — effectively. During their senior year, Honors Program students present their work to a room full of supporters who are excited to hear about the scholarship and encourage the scholar, who has practiced and is ready to share his or her findings.

Scholarship builds on the research of other scholars. Students understand this: They’ve been writing papers that include work from other scholars since high school. What they don’t often get to see, and what Scholar Week gives them the opportunity to experience, is how their own work fits into the conversation and how, in addition to listening to and citing the experts, they have a contributing voice.

This is the gift of a liberal arts environment: the chance to build valuable skills without which even the most gifted scholar cannot effectively engage a wider audience. At Olivet, we believe scholarship is a conversation, and a conversation involves as much listening as speaking — often more. In classrooms and campus traditions like Scholar Week, the entire University participates in the discussion that enlivens us all.

The Honors Program also exemplifies this approach to scholarship in its emphasis on mentoring. Each honors student works with a professor in his or her discipline, receiving guidance and direction in a funded, credited two-year research project. Day by day, research becomes a shared endeavor, something built up between the

The culmination of students’ Honors Program research is published in ELAIA: The Honors Journal of Olivet Nazarene University, which is released each fall and features the work of the previous year’s graduating

class. For more details about the Honors Program and application information, visit www.Olivet.edu/Honors.


HEARD ON CAMPUS “So I want to invite you today. The invitation for today is just to remember Christ. And when I ask you to remember Christ, I’m not saying, ‘Think about what He has done in the past.’ I’m saying, ‘Let us step into the story of Jesus Christ once again. Let us be united with His death. Let us be united with His resurrection And let us go out and live the resurrection life of Jesus Christ.’” Pastor Samantha Chambo Winter Revival Service, Centennial Chapel PHOTO BY SKYLAR BLANTON



According to a policy brief from the International Council of Nurses from late 2021, there is a predicted shortage of nearly 13 million nurses in the global workforce. Nursingworld.com recently reported more U.S. job openings in nursing than any other profession.



On Feb. 10, Dr. Stephen Lowe ’88, vice president for academic affairs, and Dr. David Pickering ’89/’94 MBA, executive vice president and chief financial officer, assembled a group of key Olivet stakeholders for an ONU Nursing Summit to discuss the national shortage of nurses and plan a strategic response. OLIVET.EDU


With the COVID-19 pandemic and its ongoing repercussions, a career in nursing continues to be a challenging and in-demand path for those committed to providing care as a calling. Olivet Nazarene University has long been associated with the health care industry and a leader in nursing education, graduating the first cohort of nursing students in 1971 and growing to nearly 600 enrolled nursing students by 2014. Today, with on-campus students seeking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) degree and online students choosing the accelerated B.S.N., the nursing program at Olivet celebrates its strong academic roots while focusing on cutting-edge skills and abilities. “Through our innovative and highly personalized RN-B.S.N. and RN-M.S.N. programs, nurses are gaining the best of nursing and the best of Olivet,” said Dr. Tiffany Greer ’97, associate dean of the School of Nursing. “The accelerated timeline, convenience and competitive cost of our programs make Olivet a standout in the landscape of online nursing degrees,” said Dr. Jeremy Van Kley ’97, dean of the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. Nursing as a Career, a report presented by 989 Group, highlighted the growing need for nurses in the Midwest. The report also noted signing bonuses and weekly increases in wages as much as 200% for new avenues in the nursing field. “The career field has expanded beyond clinical care and hospital nursing to include a growing field of innovative, highly compensated career paths like telenursing and travel nursing,” said Dr. Brian Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D., managing partner of 989 Group.

TO LEARN MORE about the School of Nursing and to enroll today, visit Olivet.edu.

Through Olivet’s innovative Your Way program, nontraditional adult learners can choose to re-engage in their higher education path — even with nursing as an end goal. With the average age of a U.S. nurse nearing 50 years old, the profession is welcoming entry-level nurses and encouraging the procurement of advanced degrees, often with great incentives. “Our average FNP [Family Nurse Practitioner] candidate is 33 years old, and they are juggling family and work life,” said Dr. Suzanne Phipps ’16 Ed.D., director of Olivet’s Master of Science in Nursing program. “Our programs cannot add to


GRADUATE DEGREES that stress. Our goal is to provide the strongest curriculum and one of the finest FNP immersion programs available.” Many registered nurses who are fully engaged in the profession choose to seek the RN-M.S.N. path. “Our innovative RN-B.S.N. program recognizes hours performed, rather than an extensive entrance exam,” said professor Susie Enfield ’92/’10 M.S.N., director of the RNB.S.N. program. “Our courses are only six weeks long, nurses emerge with a bachelor’s degree, and many continue on to the M.S.N. path.” In response to the global nursing shortage and the impending need in our own backyard, Olivet is making room to provide additional, targeted scholarship dollars and generous financial aid to an additional 200 online and on-campus nursing students. This is an important moment for health care and nursing, and Olivet is once again rising to the occasion. “More than ever, the world needs not just nurses, but Olivet nurses,” said Dr. Gregg Chenoweth ’90, University president. “Our mission of providing an ‘Education With a Christian Purpose’ goes well beyond an Olivet education and is lived out in operating rooms and beside hospital beds across the globe.”

Olivet Nazarene University offers a number of career-focused and convenient graduate and docroral degrees, including many that are offered entirely online.

BUSINESS Master of Business Administration Master of Organizational Leadership

EDUCATION Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction Master of Arts in Education: English Language Learners

NURSING Master of Science in Nursing (RN- B.S.N.) Master of Science in Nursing: Education Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner Master of Science in Nursing: Transformational Leadership Postgraduate Certificates in Education, Family Nursing Practitioner, and Transformational Leadership

NUTRITION Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics

MINISTRY Master of Arts: Christian Ministry Master of Arts: Family Ministry Master of Arts: Ministerial Studies Master of Arts: Missional Multiplication Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry Master of Arts in Religion Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership Master of Arts: Urban Ministry Master of Ministry Master of Ministry in Spanish Master of Divinity

“Through our innovative and highly personalized RN-B.S.N. and RN-M.S.N. programs, nurses are gaining the best of nursing and the best of Olivet."

DOCTOR OF EDUCATION: ETHICAL LEADERSHIP To learn more about degree programs offered

through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, visit Olivet.edu.

Dr. Tiffany Greer, Dean of the School of Nursing



OLIVET'S ARBORETUM This spring, Olivet Nazarene University joined the ranks of 508 internationally accredited arboreta in the world with a Level I Certification through the Morton Arboretum’s interactive community, ArbNet. The certification process included a selfassessment application that involved labeling the more than 25 varieties of trees on the 250-acre campus and submitting a master maintenance plan detailing how the University’s Physical Plant team and local contractor Beary Landscaping regularly care for the trees. “We have always gotten compliments about the beauty of our campus, so this designation may help people spend more time taking note of the trees,” said Rob Lalumendre ’12/’14 MBA, executive director of facilities and safety. “Once we realized that we already met the qualifications for certification, it was an easy recognition to pursue.” Olivet is situated on what was once tallgrass prairie. While not much of the original habitat remains, caretakers of the University have spent the past few decades intentionally planting trees native to the area as well as diversifying the flora. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO


The excitement at any Olivet athletic contest is electric as students, faculty, staff, alumni and parents cheer for the ONU Tigers teams. McHie Arena was filled this spring with enthusiastic supporters to watch the menʼs basketball team for its 2021–22 undefeated home season. The mission of athletics at Olivet is “Winning Championships. Developing Champions” — a goal that encourages student-athletes to seek success beyond their years of college competition. Follow Tiger Athletics at ONUTigers.com.


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S T AY S O C I A L Check out the latest from Instagram by following @olivetnazarene and @lifeatolivet



PROFESSOR MENTORS With a student-to-faculty ratio of 14:1, the academic environment at Olivet is one of intentional mentorship. Students benefit from accessibility to their professors, the majority of whom hold terminal degrees and have years of experience in their chosen field. This gives students unique proximity to industry experts who not only care about academic success and career preparedness but also want to see students thrive as young adults.. PHOTO BY JOE MANTARIAN



recommendations from 1,675 respondents, Bill is thrilled to continue his mission of empowering individuals to create their own business with no stress or hassle through his coaching program, The Voice Over Blueprint. “My passion is helping others to succeed,” he said. “I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to use my background in academia, marketing and talent development to help others create and build their own profitable voice-over career.”

10 years of hospital chaplaincy on Dec. 31, 2021. Additional ministry assignments included associate professor at MidAmerica Nazarene University, children’s curriculum editor at Nazarene headquarters and director of services for women at Trevecca Nazarene University. Lois continues to serve on the Kansas City District Board of Ministries Committee and on Chaplain Endorsement Committee. Lois finds great joy in spending time with her three grandchildren and is looking forward to community and hospital volunteering.

On New Year’s Day, ERIC PENROD ’84 and his daughter, PAIGE (PENROD) SMITH ’15, marched in the 2022 Tournament of Roses Parade. The two musicians marched with the Band Directors Marching Band, which included 270 band directors from all 50 states and Mexico. The band directors included music education students, current band directors and retired band directors. Eric and Paige hold music education degrees and are band directors. Paige not only followed in her father’s footsteps in her career; she also followed in his footsteps in the parade, marching directly behind him in their parade block.

BILL DEWEES ’94 MBA, former associate professor at Olivet and manager of WONU, was recently named the most trusted voice‑over coach in the industry by Voices.com. The organization recognized Bill as “the voiceover industry’s leading mentor, helping thousands maximize their potential and their revenue.” As the world’s leading marketplace for voice talent and voice seekers, Voices.com sets the expectation and standard for talent, mentors and pulse of the industry. Honored and humbled to receive 674

MICHAEL CHITWOOD ’97 recently joined global nongovernmental organization Opportunity International as chief philanthropy officer. Chitwood, a former World Vision USA executive, will be responsible for developing and expanding Opportunity’s fundraising strategy to propel the organization forward in its ability to empower people who are impoverished in developing countries.


DAVID WARD ’02 was promoted in January to chief financial officer at Avion/Avtask, Inc., based in the St. Louis area. David and his wife, Cassandra, reside in Foristell, Missouri, with their son, Hudson. Scott and HEATHER (LUDWIG) LISCOMB ’08 welcomed their second son, Arthur Green Liscomb, into the world on Dec. 6, 2021. Both Scott and Heather work for Riverside Medical Center in Kankakee, Illinois.


TRISTAN ’08 and SARAH (HENNING) RIDDELL ’09 welcomed their second child, Ivy Phillipa, on Sept. 24, 2021. Ivy joins a sister, Evangeline. The Riddells reside in Glenview, Illinois.


Submi t a C la s s N o t e o r Ob i t u a r y To OlivetEditors@Olivet.edu or online at Olivet.edu/class-notes OLIVET.EDU




VICTOR FRANKLIN ENOCH ’48 Jan. 13, 1924–Nov. 22, 2021 Montgomery, Texas

DR. DALE E. GALLOWAY ’60 Feb. 4, 1939–Nov. 26, 2021 Gilbert, Arizona

ROBERT HAYSE ’66 Feb. 13, 1937–Oct. 15, 2021 Shawnee, Kansas

JERRY R. BIRKEY ’72 March 15, 1950–July 2, 2021 Bourbonnais, Illinois



In July 2020, CALEB WILLIAMS ’14 launched Clear Hits Radio with the goal to minister and mentor the next generation of Christ followers through rap and hip hop music. In November 2021, Clear Hits became an exclusive iHeartRadio station, now reaching thousands each day via smartphone, smart car and home speakers. The station is accessible online at clearhitsradio.com.

REBECCA BELCHER-RANKIN ’69 June 16, 1947–Nov. 14, 2021 Bourbonnais, Illinois Professor Emeritus, English

DONALD EUGENE TOLAND March 7, 1926–Jan. 3, 2022 Overland Park, Kansas Speech and Broadcasting Professor

KATHRYN JO “KATHY” DEMOURE Dec. 12, 1958–Jan. 14, 2022 Kentland, Indiana Former Building Services Employee

DENNIS BALDRIDGE ’76/’90 M.A.E. Nov. 25, 1954–Dec. 4, 2021 Scottsdale, Arizona Former Director for the Science Technology Facility and Chief Engineer at WONU Radio Station

Elisha Frison and DYLAN CREGER ’16 were married on June 19, 2021, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. They reside in Chicago and are excited to serve their local community together. Dylan is a CPA with Bronswick Benjamin P.C.


married on Aug. 15, 2021.

ABBY (OLCOTT) ’20 and Troy Von Gillern were married on July 17, 2021, in Peoria, Illinois. Troy is a product development engineer for Vonco Products. Abby is a sports and eating disorder dietitian as well as an adjunct professor at Olivet. The couple resides in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

For more details about class news, alumni features and complete obituaries of Olivet friends and family, go to Olivet.edu/alumni


SANDRA “SANDY” REEDY Oct. 28, 1941–Nov. 7, 2021 Bourbonnais, Illinois

RICHARD “DICK” MCHIE Aug. 1, 1935–Feb. 25, 2022 Kankakee, Illinois OLIVET.EDU






Discover ways to keep up with your Olivet student and encourage them throughout their academic, social and spiritual journey at Olivet. To receive quarterly communication (important dates, upcoming events and resources for parents) during the school year, sign up at Olivet.edu/Parents.

We have created a 31-Day Prayer Guide for parents of university students and those preparing for college. To receive your free copy for parents and families, visit Olivet.edu/Parents.





Intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA


MILLION DOLLARS in financial aid awarded last year to ONU students

Advanced degrees offered through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies









Statistics compiled from 2018, 2019 and/or 2020.

Intramural sports and tournaments with more than 1,540 participants each school year

AT A G LA N C E STUDENTS More than 3,700 — 2,500 undergraduates — from nearly every U.S. state, 21 countries and more than 40 religious denominations. ALUMNI Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 40,000 living alumni making a worldwide impact. ACADEMICS More than 140 areas of study offered through the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Professional Studies, School of Theology and Christian Ministry, and the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies. Study-abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. ACCREDITATION The University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Specialized accreditation includes the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the Council on Social Work Education, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training (probationary status), Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics, the National Association of Schools of Music, and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. In addition, the Teacher Education program is recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education as an education preparation provider. ATHLETICS At Olivet, student-athletes compete on 22 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. Varsity teams for women include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half the student body participate in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including a campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine; Enactus business club; Student Philanthropy Council; ROTC; radio broadcasting (Shine. FM); numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including University Marching Band and the University Orchestra); drama and musical theatre performances; intramural athletics; and community volunteer and spiritual life organizations.


CAMPUS Beautiful, park-like campus features 35 major buildings on 275 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, just 45 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Illinois. SPIRITUAL LIFE Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel. GRADUATE STUDIES AND PROGRAMS Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Business, Bachelor of Applied Science in Leadership, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Leadership, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration Education: Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Education: English Language Learners, Bilingual Endorsement, Safety and Driver’s Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Learning Behavior Specialist Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement Multidisciplinary Studies: Bachelor of Applied Science in Multidisciplinary Studies and Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies Nursing: Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Bachelor of Science in Nursing completion (RN-B.S.N.); Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Nursing (RN- M.S.N.);Master of Science in Nursing: Education; Master of Science in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner; Master of Science in Nursing: Transformational Leadership; Postgraduate Certificates in Education, Family Nursing Practitioner and Transformational Leadership. Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics Ministry: Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Ministerial Studies, Master of Arts: Missional Multiplication, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership, Master of Arts: Urban Ministry, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership

AREAS OF STUDY Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art - Graphic Design Art - Drawing/Painting Art - Media Arts Art - Photography Art Education Biblical Languages Biblical Studies Biology Business Administration Business - Entrepreneurship Business - Healthcare Management Business - Human Resource Management Business - Management Business - Philanthropy/ Not-for-Profit Business - Operations Management Business - Public Administration Chemistry Chemistry - Biochemistry Chemistry - Forensics Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Christian Studies Communication Studies Computer Science – Networking & Data Communications

Computer Science Software Development Computer Science Software Entrepreneurship Corporate Communication Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Criminal Justice Criminology Cybersecurity Data Science Dietetics Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Economics Economics & Finance Applied Economics Economics & Finance Certified Financial Planning Economics & Finance Corporate Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Mechanical English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Education English Education Environmental Science

Family & Consumer Sciences Hospitality Finance Geography Geological Science Greek Health Education Hebrew History Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business Kinesiology Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Management Information Systems Marketing Marketing - Commercial Graphics Marketing - Corporate Relations Marketing - International Marketing - Management Mathematics Mathematics Education Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Multimedia Communication Multimedia Communication Film Studies

Multimedia Communication Journalism Multimedia Communication Live Event Media Mgmt. Multimedia Communication Ministry Media Multimedia Communication Radio/Record Industry Multimedia Communication TV/Video Production Music Music - Composition Music - Performance Music - Jazz Studies Music - Recording Arts Music Education Music Ministry Musical Theatre Nursing Pastoral Ministry Philosophy Philosophy & Religion Photography Physical Education Physical Sciences Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Athletic Training Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Occupational Therapy Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy

Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Psychology Public Policy - Domestic Public Policy - Foreign Public Relations & Strategic Communication Recreation & Sports Studies Religious Studies Science Education Biology Science Education Chemistry Science Education Earth/Space Science Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Theatre Theology Writing Youth Ministry Zoology




BENEDICTION Father, we thank You that You are the Bread of Life, that although, in our flesh, we seek after things that are not of You, that You offer us all of Yourself — and all of You is all we need. Father, I thank You for the sacred invitation. I pray for and pray with anyone who has never tasted and seen that Your Son, Jesus, is good. I pray, God, that they would know in these moments that not only have their sins been paid for, but that their sins are forgiven. God, You offer the abundant life, that they no longer need to chase after the desires of their flesh. They can come to You and find life — life to the full. I pray for those who have made this decision at some point in their lives, but they find themselves in this moment craving things of this world, going after things of this world and not really coming after You, God. I pray that You would help shape all of our desires by helping us live the disciplines, the rhythms that You give us. I pray that, as You would do the transformative work of changing us, giving us Your fruits, the virtues of Your Spirit, so that we can have love, joy, peace, patience, self-control — that we can be transformed to live the life of love that You call us to. We thank You that You offer us this in Jesus Christ. It’s in Your name that we pray these things. Amen.

Antonio Marshall Winter Revival JOE MANTARIAN


Schedule a campus visit at Olivet.edu/visit today!


We Believe. You Belong Here. PURPLE & GOLD DAYS: April 1 | April 8 | April 29 Join high school seniors and transfer students and their families for this exciting campus visit experience.

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