Olivet the Magazine: An Issue of Influence

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an issue of



HIGH ACHIEVEMENT Career outcomes for 2017 graduates exceed outcomes reported by other universities and colleges. 94 percent are employed, serving in the military or missions, or attending graduate school.


AUTUMN 2018 OLIVET THE MAGAZINE is published quarterly by the Office of Marketing and Engagement under the direction of the vice president for institutional advancement. VOLUME 86 ISSUE 2 (USPS 407-880) (ISSN 2325-7334) Copyright © 2018 Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 PRESIDENT Dr. John C. Bowling ’71/’72 M.A./’06 D.Div., Ed.D., D.Min. VICE PRESIDENT FOR FINANCE Dr. Douglas E. Perry ’68/’95 Litt.D., M.B.A. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Dr. Walter “Woody” Webb ’86/’89 M.A.R./’08 D.Div. VICE PRESIDENT FOR INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Dr. Carol Summers ’88/’90 M.A.E., Ed.D. VICE PRESIDENT FOR STRATEGIC EXPANSION Dr. Ryan Spittal ’99/’04 M.B.A., D.B.A. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION AND HUMAN RESOURCES Dr. David J. Pickering ’89/’94 M.B.A., D.B.A. EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Brian Allen ’82/’05 Litt.D. Dr. Brian W. Parker ’93/’11 Ed.D. for 989 Group George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group Luke Olney ’10/’12 M.O.L. Laura Wasson Warfel ART DIRECTION George Wolff ’93 for 989 Group DESIGN Matt Moore ’96 for 989 Group Donnie Johnson PHOTOGRAPHY (PHOTOS AS CREDITED) Jones Foto Image Group Mark Ballogg Jordan T. Hansen ’13/’15 M.B.A. Wes Taylor ’16 Joe Mantarian ’16 Nick Rasmussen ’18 Rachel LeBeau ’18 Dan Kuruvilla ’19 EDITORIAL SUPPORT Adam Asher ‘01/‘07 M.O.L. for 989 Group Esther Paek ‘17 STUDENT SUPPORT Alexis Meredith ‘19 Alissa Braschler ‘19 Austin Siscoe ‘17 Jimmy Southerland ‘18 Thomas Dinkleman ‘18 Westin Edwards ‘20 Periodicals postage paid at the Bourbonnais, Illinois, Post Office and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster, send address changes to: Editor, Olivet The Magazine Olivet Nazarene University One University Avenue Bourbonnais, IL 60914-2345 Reproduction of material without written permission is prohibited. News, events and announcements are printed at the discretion of the editorial board. Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent Olivet Nazarene University policy.




FROM THE PRESIDENT Leadership and Influence

NEWS 10 Headlines From the Olivet Campus TESTIMONY 18 Genesis Garcia Believes in Olivet 24

AN ISSUE OF INFLUENCE Olivet Alumni Influencing the World

OLIVET THE MAGAZINE Dear Friends, We believe that one of the best ways to examine the effects of Olivet’s mission is through the lives and stories of our people. Management expert Ken Blanchard recently observed, “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” Follow the service. Follow the leadership. Follow the Influence. And discover the impact. In this issue of Olivet The Magazine, we have located a group of difference makers in strategic areas of culture and society: Business and Technology, Government and Civil Society, Health Care and Human Services, Education, Media and Communications, The Sciences, The Arts, and The Church. We are convinced that the world desperately needs Olivet alumni and students who will lead and serve with excellence, integrity, warmth, generosity and spirit in every walk of life and in all corners of the world. We are so excited to share their stories. But we realize this collection of interviews is only the prologue to a more expansive narrative and global Olivet story: That is, our Great God, at work in the lives of His people, so that we might influence as many as possible with the love of Jesus Christ. As we begin this new academic year, we pray the prayer written by Hezekiah Walker: “Send Your anointing, Father, we pray, and order our steps.” May we be inspired by the startling, surprising presence of the Holy Spirit, both in our lives and in our midst. Blessings to all of you! The Editorial Board

W H AT DO YO U T H I N K ? OlivetEditors@Olivet.edu



“During the days our students are on this campus, we have a divine opportunity to influence them and prepare them for lives of influence.” 4 OLIVET.EDU



FROM THE PRESIDENT Leadership and Influence: Unpacking the Grand Mission of Olivet

It is the mission that matters. As I consider the continued progress being made by Olivet, it seems clear that the “open secret” to the success of the University has been a strong and steady commitment to our mission and core values. These have provided buoyancy, balance and ballast in the midst of constant change. Our mission statement declares that Olivet exists “to provide high-quality academic instruction for the purpose of personal development, career and professional readiness, and the preparation of individuals for lives of service to God and humanity.” This becomes the hub of the University’s influence. Students arrive on Olivet’s campus from all over the world. From Day One, the mission, values and goals of the University influence those students. It is our desire that when they leave Olivet, our graduates will • Know God. • Know themselves. • Have a passion for lifelong learning. • Have discovered their purpose in life. • Have developed the leader within. • Have a commitment to live a life of service. Keith Miller, in one of his fine books, tells the story of a little village in France where most of the people worked in a small perfume factory just on the outskirts of town. At the close of each workday, the whistle would sound, the activity would cease, and the villagers would file out of the factory into the streets, shops and homes of the town. Each one would take with him or her the scent of lavender, so that the village itself took on the sweet aroma of that fragrance.

A similar thing happens here at Olivet. There is a cycle of influence. Olivet influences students, who, in turn, go on to influence the worlds in which they live — taking with them the imprint and impact of their Olivet experience. Their education, values and Christian commitment become a currency of influence as they scatter to thousands of places, year after year. Olivet graduates embrace the call of Christ to be salt and light. They make an impact by who they are, by their presence. The influence of a well-lived life cannot be overemphasized. Albert Schweitzer said, “Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.”1 In a lead article in Forbes magazine, Kathy Caprino noted nine core behaviors of people who have a positive impact in the world: • They dedicate themselves to what gives their life meaning and purpose. • They commit to continually bettering themselves. • They engage with people in open, mutually beneficial ways. • They invest time and energy not in what is, but in what can be. • They embrace critique. • They spread what they know. • They uplift others as they ascend. • They view the journey as the goal. • They use their power and influence well.2 She suggests that these habitual ways of behaving and approaching life and work distinguish those who have influence from those who long to make a difference, but never seem to find a way to do so. She notes, “Those who impact the world for the better are careful and judicious with their words, actions and behaviors. >




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At Olivet, these core characteristics are anointed by the Holy Spirit, who magnifies the influence of believers in such a way that others see God in them. That is certainly true of the ONU faculty and staff, whose work leaves a lasting impression on the students, who, in turn, influence others. There was a Facebook post a few months ago that asked Olivet alumni to respond to the following prompt: “Favorite Professor.” Soon, name after name, from days gone by, began to appear. As alumni thought about their Olivet experience, it was a professor or staff member whose name came to mind — still remembered and still revered. That is influence. (The only disconcerting response was from a fellow who wrote, “What? We had classes?”) In my book, Grace-full Leadership, one of the identified characteristics of effective leadership is to minimize authority and maximize influence.3 Leadership is not about power, title or position. It is about influence and inspiration. Late one afternoon, some years ago, Jill and I were walking through Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, when we noticed a most interesting sign. It was very clever. At the time, I was enrolled at Harvard University as a postdoctoral fellow, and we were just starting to get the lay of the land. It was in the late summer. University students were arriving from all over the world to study at Harvard or Radcliffe or down the street at MIT. As we walked “the square,” darting in and out of bookstores and coffee shops, taking in the sights and sounds of that rather eclectic place, Jill spotted the sign first. “Look at that,” she said. I turned to see a large, well-lit sign in the window of a travel agency. The sign said, “Welcome – Now Please Go Away.”

the fact that most of them would be traveling back home at fall break or at the end of the semester or taking other kinds of trips along the way. The travel agency, of course, wanted to help them “Go Away” by booking tickets and making travel plans. But there was, at least for me, more than a commercial implication to the sign. In a way, it was also saying, “We are glad you are here, but we know, in reality, that you are just passing through. This university town is only one stop on your lifetime journey. You are here, but at the same time you are ‘on your way’ to the future — to professions and personal lives that will take you well beyond the streets and structures of Harvard Square.” What was true for those students at Harvard is true for Olivet students as well. They, too, are just passing through on their way to tomorrow. Yet, during the days they are on this campus, we have a divine opportunity to influence them and prepare them for lives of influence as well. Jill and I have had the privilege of pouring our lives into this work for a long time. We have had other opportunities, but we have stayed. Why? We have seen firsthand that the work of Olivet is transformational. It not only changes individuals; it changes family histories for generations, and, in turn, it changes the world. What an influence! ¹www.schweitzerfellowship.org; ²www.forbes.com; ³John Bowling, Grace-full Leadership (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 2011), pp 70-78.

We just stood there for a few moments, taking in the message. The unwritten subtext of the sign was twofold. First, the message was a recognition that almost everyone walking those streets was from somewhere else — “Welcome.” Second, the sign also underscored

DR. JOHN C. BOWLING is in his 27th year as president of Olivet Nazarene University. He is the University’s 12th president. An Olivet alumnus and Harvard University Fellow with two master’s degrees and two earned doctorates, Dr. Bowling is a best-selling author and a prominent national speaker. He is internationally recognized as an outstanding leader in higher education and the Church. His most recent book is “ReVision: 13 Strategies To Renew Your Work, Your Organization, and Your Life.”


SCHOLAR-ATHLETES For the 2017–2018 academic year, Olivet Tiger athletes maintained an overall 3.29 GPA. 76 NAIA scholarathletes achieved a 3.5 or higher GPA. 19 teams received the NAIA Academic Team award, averaging a 3.0 or higher GPA. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO






FIRST PERSON Living the Impossible Dream

Anthony Deutsch ’17 entered his dream law enforcement career just a few weeks after graduating from Olivet. Today, he is part of the Uniformed Division of the U.S. Secret Service, serving at the White House in Washington, D.C. “Olivet put me on the right track and helped me develop the right mindset to accomplish my dreams,” he says. He credits Dr. Craig Bishop ’08 M.O.L./’13 Ed.D. and Dr. Shelly Stroud ’90, his criminal justice professors, and Dr. Kent Olney, his psychology and sociology professor, for their exceptional skills in teaching and inspiring him. Anthony graduated from Olivet with three bachelor’s degrees: criminal justice, psychology and sociology. “Each class I took at Olivet taught me something new,” he says. “Without the care and commitment of my professors, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

Just one week later, he arrived at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. He spent the next 12 weeks there, completing rigorous preparation for his future assignments. Next came 17 weeks of additional training in Washington, D.C., before he received his assignment to the White House. Anthony’s advice for high school and college students is simple. “Follow your dreams,” he says. “Study what you love and are passionate about. Enjoy your time in college, focus on your classes and get to know your professors well. You can do all this and so much more at Olivet.” SUBMITTED

Anthony’s interest in law enforcement began with the example set by his grandfather, who served as a police officer in DeKalb County, Illinois. As a college student at Olivet, Anthony discovered his dream career when a Secret Service agent spoke to one of his classes. “The hiring process for the Secret Service was a long one but completely worth it,” he says. Beginning with his application on USAJobs.com, Anthony entered a whirlwind of a written test, interviews, background and credit checks, polygraph and drug tests, and a physical. An investigator also interviewed his friends and co-workers as well as former teachers, professors and coaches. When the official job offer from the Secret Service came, he immediately accepted. Anthony celebrates his most recent achievement with Haley Emmert, an Olivet senior majoring in marketing




ONU HEADLINES See more at Olivet.edu


WELCOME WEEKS 2018 Welcoming students — especially the Fearless Class of 2022 — to Olivet’s main campus in Bourbonnais is always exciting. JumpStart (freshmen) and FreshStart (transfers) conferences for new students are a way for them to connect and transition well into college life. Block Party is an all-school event with entertainment and carnival food. Ollies Follies has three components of competition for the freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Athletic games give students the opportunity to wear their class colors and enjoy a fun-filled night of competition or cheering for their class. Wacky games feature relay game competitions between the classes. Variety Show is the grand finale with classes competing for points by performing on stage. These are great days at Olivet. Students: Get involved, stay involved and experience Olivet to the fullest. Friends and family: Make plans now to visit campus throughout the year and enjoy many exciting events with your students.


COWLES-DYKHOUSE CHAIR ESTABLISHED Dr. Mark Quanstrom ’77 is the first recipient of The Cowles-Dykhouse Chair of Wesleyan-Arminian Studies, the newest endowed chair at Olivet. He is a professor and dean of the School of Theology and Christian Ministry. He also serves as senior pastor of College Church of the Nazarene University Avenue. This endowed chair is established to encourage the scholarship, study and promotion of Wesleyan-Arminian theology. Through a gift from Richard ‘86 and Deborah (Cowles) Dykhouse, this chair honors their parents, Robert H. and Cynthia A. Dykhouse and C.S. and Marjorie Cowles. IMAGE GROUP

PENCE-BOYCE RESEARCH RESULTS Timmy Mayotte, a senior biology major and Honors Program student, and Dr. Ryan Himes, Department of Biological Sciences professor, had the opportunity to do some exciting research together in summer 2018. Thanks to grants from Olivet’s Pence-Boyce Committee and Hippenhammer Fund, they studied “Hexavalent Chromium Toxicity on Human Epithelial Cells and Protection by Ascorbic Acid and Epigallocatechin Gallate.” Timmy’s research showed that antioxidants — like Vitamin C — can protect human cells from the damage caused by hexavalent chromium, a contaminant commonly found in drinking water. Further, antioxidants can block hexavalent chromium from causing DNA mutations in bacteria. STOCK PHOTO

RESIDENT DIRECTOR CREATES NEW RESOURCE Melanie Breunig ’14 is in her fifth year of being a resident director (RD) for Olivet’s student housing. She wanted to find a creative way to reflect her passions into the lives of other RDs, resident assistants (RAs) and students. Melanie created a 15-week devotional, “Breath of Life: A 15-Week Walk Through the New Testament.” She introduced the new devotional to her team of RAs for them to use during summer 2018 and in the 2018–2019 school year.


During the 2017–2018 academic year, Melanie received the Resident Director of the Year award. She is pursuing a Master of Organizational Leadership degree at Olivet. Recently, she launched her own website at homegrownapartment.com which features recipes, devotionals, DIYs and more.



NEW DEAN FOR SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Olivet recently announced the appointment of Dr. Lance Kilpatrick ’02 as dean of the School of Education. He is responsible for overseeing the School’s undergraduate academic programs as well as the work of its faculty members. In 2011, he began his first assignment in higher education when he joined Olivet’s full-time faculty. He credits his predecessors, Dr. James Upchurch ’71 and Dr. Robert Hull, as great leaders and important mentors for him. As he looks ahead, he has set his overarching goal as encouraging people who want to be teachers and helping them become professionals who take God into the classroom.


ELAIA HONORS JOURNAL DEBUTS From the moment Olivet Honors Program students set foot on campus, they join a community of scholars. Together, in Christian fellowship, they study, learn and grow. In their junior and senior years, students work on a capstone scholarship project with faculty mentors. Elaia Honors Journal will now represent the fruit of that work. The inaugural issue, just released, contains the projects from the 2018 seniors and their mentors. Now available in print and eventually online, the journal features work from the disciplines of the sciences, music, athletics, psychology, astronomy, engineering and others.


ENACTUS TEAM EXCELS With 100 student members taking on 10 projects, Olivet Enactus realized some outstanding accomplishments during the 2017–2018 academic year. A student organization in the McGraw School of Business at Olivet, this group made an impact locally and globally. The Starting Point project provided job readiness and personal finance training for more than 200 individuals, including Olivet students plus clients of the Teen Challenge rehabilitation center and The Salvation Army. Other projects included Aquaponics, Cans for Change, Empowered To Be, Food Recovery Network, Pommier-Benoit Give and VITA. Faculty sponsor Dr. Lynda Allen ’82/’88 M.B.A. and a six-member advisory board serve as consultants and mentors. IMAGE GROUP



2018 TIGER ATHLETICS HIGHLIGHTS Kylie Davis, a senior majoring in nursing, claimed the championship spot for the shot put event for the 2018 Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) and at the 38th Annual National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Women’s Outdoor Track and Field National Championships. She also earned 2018 Daktronics-NAIA Scholar-Athlete and 2018 CCAC All-Academic. Carlie Vannatta ’18 placed first in the hammer throw event at the 38th Annual NAIA Women’s Outdoor Track and Field National Championships. In 2017, she earned her first All-American honors in the hammer throw at the NAIA Outdoor National Championships. She also received several CCAC and NAIA Athlete of the Week honors. Women’s track and field captured its ninth consecutive CCAC Championship (May 2018). Men’s track and field claimed the CCAC Championship — nearly 100 points ahead of their nearest competitor (May 2018). Head coach Mike McDowell was named 2018 CCAC Coach of the Year for track and field. Women’s golf clinched the CCAC Championship. This is the team’s third CCAC title (April 2018). Kenny Huber ’10/’14 M.O.L. was named the new head coach for men’s soccer. He previously served as an assistant coach for five seasons before taking a head coaching position on the West Coast. Guilherme Magnoler ’18 was selected by the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA) as a First Team member of the 2018 Google Cloud Academic All-America® College Division Men’s and Women’s At-Large Teams. As an Olivet Tiger, he helped lead the men’s swimming and diving team to two NAIA National Championships. Diana Caise ’06 M.A.T. was named the new head coach for the men’s and women’s swim and dive teams. She is familiar with the ONU program having served as an assistant coach for two years and as the parent of Montana Caise ’16, who competed with the men’s team for three seasons. Gary Newsome ’74, director of athletics, was named the 2018 CCAC Athletics Director of the Year — his third time to receive this award. Wendy Reid, sports information director, was named the 2018 CCAC Sports Information Director of the Year — her second consecutive year to receive this award and making her the first two-time recipient.


COMPUTER SCIENCE ALUMNUS HONORED BY MICROSOFT Daryl LaBar ’05, capability manager at PowerObjects, was recently honored as a Microsoft® Most Valuable Professional for 2018–2019. MVPs are technology’s best and brightest, according to the award team. This is Daryl’s second time to receive this recognition. The award is given to exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high-quality, real-word expertise with users and Microsoft. Daryl has been with PowerObjects — an HCL Technologies Company and a leader in delivering Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions — since 2017.


ALUMNI HONORED FOR SAVING LIVES Aaron Cavender ’18 and Adrian Cavender, a senior majoring in biology, made a daring rescue when the Kankakee River flooded in early 2018. They found a woman who was stranded after nearly drowning near her flooded home. Adrian held the rope as Aaron, wearing a wet suit, battled the swift current. They got her to shore, and the rest of their five-man crew took her to Riverside Medical Center. She survived the ordeal. They received honors from the Momence (Illinois) Fire Protection District. Earlier that week, Aaron, a police officer for the Bourbonnais (Illinois) Police Department, was honored by the department for helping to revive and save a man using CPR and a defibrillator.


AMAZON AND ZAGSTER NOW AT OLIVET Olivet is always on the lookout for the best services to increase convenience for students. Two outstanding vendors are now present on the main campus in Bourbonnais: Amazon and Zagster. The Amazon Locker is a self-delivery location for picking up and returning Amazon.com packages. This service adds a new level of convenience for students who need packages delivered to them on the weekends, when the University mail center is closed. Zagster Bike Share is now in Kankakee County, and Olivet hosts a Bike 609 station — sponsored by Presence St. Mary’s Hospital — as one of seven station locations in the area. The annual membership option is a great way to enjoy access to the bikes at a low cost. DANIEL KURUVILLA




STUDENTS PRESENT AT PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES As Olivet seniors, biochemistry majors Jon Zatorski ’18 and Chesley Rowlett ’18 had the opportunity to share their undergraduate research projects at the 2018 American Chemical Society national meeting in New Orleans. Jon’s oral presentation was on “Effect of an Arginine-to-Isoleucine Active Site Mutation on Escherichia coli Malate Dehydrogenase Enzymatic Activity.” It covered the research he performed with Dr. Bruce Heyen, chair of the Department of Chemistry and Geosciences, at Olivet during summer 2017. A Pence-Boyce research grant from Olivet funded their project. Chesley presented a poster on “Synthesis and Incorporation of 1,2-Alkanolamine-Functionalized Lysine as a Non-Canonical Amino Acid into GFP.” This was based on research she performed during summer 2017 as a recipient of a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) grant at Texas A&M University. Mattie Sills, a senior majoring in engineering, presented a clinical trial at the 40th Annual Carrell-Krusen Neuromuscular Symposium in Dallas, Texas. Her solo presentation detailed the clinical trial she had observed presenting the clinical trial she had observed in summer 2017 when she shadowed Jeffrey Statland, M.D., at the University of Kansas (KU). Observing a clinical trial about the effect of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) on communication and swallowing, she worked with raw data, drew conclusions and analyzed the findings. In summer 2018, Mattie was back in the lab at KU, where she learned new lab techniques relating to DNA.





ALUMNI TAKE THE LEAD Ben Zobrist ’04 of the Chicago Cubs continues to demonstrate why he was chosen as Most Valuable Player of the 2016 World Series. With a batting average of .304 and 48 RBIs (as of Aug. 25) for the 2018 season, he has helped his team to its current ranking at the top of the National League’s Central Division. Josh Altmann ’16 was named the June 2018 Player of the Month for Minor League Baseball’s (MiLB) Carolina League. He was drafted by the Texas Rangers in the 22nd round of the 2015 MLB draft. He was the 17th of 40 players drafted from the NAIA and one of three drafted from the CCAC. Ben Heller ’13 (pictured above) is a pitcher with the New York Yankees. He was selected by the Cleveland Indians in the 22nd round of the 2013 First-Year Player Draft out of Olivet. In July 2016, he was traded to the Yankees and made 19 appearances before landing on the disabled list. In those appearances, he had an ERA of 3.00 with 15 strikeouts in 18 innings. Tyler Shore ’13 is the general manager and Josh Rebandt ’16 M.O.L. is the manager of the Battle Creek Bombers of the Northwoods League, a collegiate summer baseball league. Josh is also the pitching coach for the Davenport University (Michigan) Panthers baseball team. Justin Crew ’01/’08 M.O.L. is the head women’s soccer coach at Goshen College (Indiana). He previously led the women’s soccer team at Ancilla College (Indiana) since its inception in 2015. From 2007 to 2011, he served as head coach for Olivet’s men’s soccer. The Tigers averaged more than 11 wins a year with a .620 winning percentage during that five-year period. He was named Regional Coach of the Year by the National Christian College Athletic Association in 2009.


2018 INTERNSHIP HIGHLIGHTS Many Olivet students have completed internships during 2018 — some to fulfill degree requirements and others simply for the love of their majors. Students consistently report that they are receiving quality on-the-job, real-world experience in their fields of interest. Olivet students have recently landed internships with Chicago Bears, Financial Planning Services, National Tiger Sanctuary, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center, Washington National Cathedral, Leo Burnett, Shedd Aquarium, Van Drunen Farms & FutureCeuticals, ComEd, Illinois Justice Corps, Engineering Missions International, SpartanNash, Saddleback Church, Wildlife Discovery Center and many others.


FACULTY AND STAFF HONORED Dr. Tiffany Greer ’97, director of nursing programs, was selected to participate in the 2018 Leadership for Academic Nursing Program (LANP), a fellowship that provides participants with a range of content and exercises related to successful executive leadership and the opportunity to establish a peer network that fosters long-term partnership and collegial support. Dr. Stephen Case ’05, professor, Department of Chemistry and Geosciences, and associate director, Olivet Honors Program, published “Making Stars Physical: The Astronomy of Sir John Herschel “ (University of Pittsburgh Press). Case was also selected by The Astronomy in Chile Educators Ambassadors Program (ACEAP) to travel in Chile during summer 2018. Professor Wilfredo Canales, Department of Modern Languages, received a Planning Grant, sponsored by the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). His research team’s project is “The Music of Social Protest: An Intersection of Politics and Faith in Latin America.” Dr. Joseph Schroeder, chair, Department of Engineering was named Olivet’s 2018 Faculty Member of the Year. Dale Newsome ’83, director of public safety was elected president of the Illinois Campus Law Enforcement Adminstrators Association. MARK BALLOGG

Dr. Lisa Vander Veer, director of counseling and health services was named Olivet’s 2018 Staff Member of the Year.





Genesis Garcia ’18 has experienced many firsts in her life — beginning with her first name. When she asked her mom why she received that name, her mom replied, “We named you Genesis to symbolize the beginning of our Christian faith when I was pregnant with you.” The first (and only) daughter in her family, Genesis is a lifelong resident of Chicago Heights, Illinois. Her parents and older brother came from Mexico to the United States in search of her grandfather. They lived in the attic of a church, working and saving money so they could move into a house. “We always spoke Spanish at home,” Genesis says. “I didn’t have anyone to teach me English, so I learned it from TV programs.” Standing up against stereotypes She worked hard in school, making the honor roll and speaking English as if she had spoken it all her life. Throughout high school, she was acutely aware of stereotypes associated with Hispanic teen girls: expectations that they would fail and not continue their studies as well as cultural pressure to find a man and start a family right away.” Because of her strong faith and exemplary behavior, she was able to break those stereotypes by following her dad’s advice: “The school doesn’t make the student. The student makes the school.” Determined to get her degree As high school graduation neared, her dad told her, “Just give me a year to be able to help you pay for college. It’s not going to be easy.” She agreed to delay college for one year. During that time, she began saving money for her education at a college not yet determined. She worked as a server and a nanny. She did housecleaning with her mom and babysitting. She even mowed lawns!


Genesis also worked full-time at Aunt Martha’s Chicago Heights Community Health Center. That’s where she made two discoveries: nursing as her career path and Olivet Nazarene University as the place where she belonged. With the offer of a generous financial aid package and the determination to stop delaying her higher education, Genesis enrolled at Olivet. As she puts it so well, “I had to press ‘play’ on my life and figure it out as I went. It was time to start my plan.” Learning about college and life Entering Olivet as a freshman, Genesis learned about her additional distinction as a first-generation college student. Initially, she didn’t even understand what that meant. Then she realized that her job was to make a beginning for her future. She chose nursing as her major. “Mentors are everywhere at Olivet,” she says. “Dr. Deanna VanKuren, professor Mary Nehls and my clinical instructors in the nursing program believed in me. They didn’t just leave me floating in space, not knowing what to do. They cared and helped me to succeed.” In May 2018, Genesis became the first person in her family to receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) degree. She credits the support and encouragement of Olivet President John C. Bowling and his wife, Jill — especially during her junior and senior years — for making a difference in her Olivet experience. Today, she is a nurse at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. “I really want to encourage those students who don’t have a parent who went to college,” Genesis says. “You have the support you need at Olivet. You don’t have to feel lost. Feel empowered. You have the same opportunities as everyone else. God provided for me all the way. You can do all things with faith in God.”





ROCKIN’ GOOD TIMES Climbers, equestrian enthusiasts, and tabletop gamers join like-minded students in our more than 70 different student clubs and organizations. There truly is something for everyone, and new clubs are organized each year.



A CAMPUS COMMUNITY Learning and growing go hand in hand at Olivet. The entire campus gathers twice each week for chapel, and there’s a freedom to discuss matters of faith openly.




MAKING MUSIC The School of Music offers limitless opportunities for students to hone their musical skills. From practice rooms, concert halls and worship services to halftime shows and musical revues, you’ll find music in every corner of the campus. PHOTO BY JONES FOTO


HIGHLIGHTS: Tiger Basketball

Friday, 5:15 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., McHie Arena Enjoy both the women’s and men’s basketball games Friday night of Homecoming. This is a great evening to catch up with classmates from the past and cheer on the Tigers.

Taste of Olivet

Friday, 9 p.m., Chalfant Hall Enjoy this modern take on an old classic! This is the perfect time to gather with friends for refreshments after the basketball games or fall play.

Undergraduate Class Reunions

Saturday, 9:30 a.m., Various Locations We hope you make the trip back home to Olivet for your class reunion. Enjoy a full breakfast and warm fellowship with classmates of days gone by.

Tiger Football

Saturday, 1 p.m., Ward Field Fight on for ONU! Grab your popcorn, hoodies and blankets, and join us for Tiger football at Ward Field.

Shine.FM Presents Matt Maher with Zach Williams

Saturday, 7 p.m., Centennial Chapel Join Christian music sensations Matt Maher and Zach Williams for this year’s Shine.FM Homecoming Concert. You won’t want to miss this night of inspiration and worship.

President’s Prayer Breakfast

Sunday, 8 a.m., Chalfant Hall Year after year, this is an unforgettable event! Join University President, Dr. John C. Bowling for a delightful morning of inspiration and exceptional music from Orpheus Choir.

Register and purchase tickets at Olivet.edu/hc

See the full schedule and list of events on page 54 OLIVET.EDU


“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of an issue deeds could have of INFLUENCE done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and

Through stories of women and men who are living “lives of service to God and humanity,” our hope is to illuminate the mobilization and impact of Olivet’s mission. In these pages are stories of Olivetians around the world who embody this great hope. These accounts of Olivetians working and leading in many of the strategic areas of society and culture only begin to chronicle the grand, international reach of Olivet. We want to hear your stories. Tell us your story or share the story of another member of the Olivet family who is making a difference for good and for God in the world. Reach out to us at OlivetEditors@Olivet.edu.


“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” — Theodore Roosevelt



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Business & Technology

Jeffrey Rice ’99/’03 M.B.A. Engineering, Business Administration CURRENTLY Developer, director and professor, cyberdefense concentration program, Department of Computer Science. Network engineer, Office of Information Technology Both at Olivet Nazarene University. PROFESSIONAL PASSIONS Working with college students, getting to know them and preparing them for work in God’s kingdom. Technology, from many different angles. EXCELLENT EXPERIENCE Has worked in technology support and as a test engineer for a telecommunications company. Launched and runs a technology company with his brother and close friend. IN HIS WORDS “Technology changes so rapidly. When I started at Olivet, I helped upgrade the internet connection to 4 megabits. We had one building with wireless access in one area. Now, we are at 6 gigabits and have wireless coverage campuswide. I enjoy managing and implementing change. I love teaching, and I love doing.” SPEAKING TO THE FUTURE “Explore what interests you. Stay focused on the gifts and talents God has instilled in you. Keep steadfast in the work He has called you to do. Your life and career path may not always be straight, but God is working to provide you with what He desires for you. God is doing a great work in and through you.”


Jeffrey Rice at work in Olivet’s Cyberlab Security & Network Operations Center, located in Reed Hall of Science OLIVET.EDU


“The week in Honduras with Olivet’s Missions In Action team was one of the best weeks of my life. I experienced God on a new level, made lifelong friendships and made a difference.” 28 OLIVET.EDU

Jacob Rechsteiner ’18 Accounting, Economics and Finance CURRENTLY

Assurance staff member, Plante Moran, Chicago. Ranked in top 15 of U.S. certified public accounting and business advisory firms.


“From Michigan to Olivet to Chicago. Because Chicago is one of the most exciting cities for a young professional to begin a career.”


After applying for the Plante Moran job online, he completed a phone interview and an in-person interview. As he was driving home from the final interview, he received a phone call and the job offer.


“At Olivet, you’ll find a lot of assistance with job search preparation, especially with interviewing and résumé preparation. But you need to take the initiative and take advantage of all the benefits Olivet offers.”


“My accounting and finance classes at Olivet set me up not only to understand the material, but also to continue to hold my work at a higher standard. The Olivet standard.”

Martin Pritchett ’11

Rachel Grimmett ’18

Mechanical Engineering




Category manager for fitness accessories with Life Fitness/Hammer Strength, one of the world’s largest fitness equipment manufacturers. Conducting market research to determine which new or redesigned fitness accessories the current market needs. Working with industrial design, engineering, finance, marketing and sales professionals to launch products.


Growing Life Fitness’ fitness accessories division from its beginning three years ago to a major revenue stream for the company today. Improving people’s health and well-being.


With his engineering degree from Olivet and five years as a mechanical engineer for Life Fitness, he had the knowledge and skills to move into product management.


“Dr. Joseph Schroeder is extremely knowledgeable. He is clearly passionate about his students learning the material and growing in their relationship with Christ. He began every class session with a prayer— especially before a big test!”


“Base your career decision on what YOU want to do. Stay actively involved with your church. Stay healthy — physically, mentally and spiritually.”


Summer 2018: Business leadership intern Leo Burnett, Chicago. Top creative advertising agency in Illinois with 11 more offices worldwide, and chosen from more than 6,000 who applied. Worked on one of the most challenging accounts within the agency.


Merging her advertising and event-planning interests in the field of experiential advertising.


Showing others that character and Christ go hand in hand. Being honest and standing for what is right.


“Professor Chris Perez saw her potential and pushed her to get involved in programs outside of Olivet. That set up her career path. Dr. Lynda Allen took time to really know her and was always there to offer a word of encouragement or advice.”


“Know who God has made you to be. Go into the world with that sense of identity. Be passionate about who you are and what you believe in. Be a mighty tool for God’s kingdom. This is the time to discover who you are and what you love. Enjoy the adventure!”


“Advertising is its own world! Being original and having an opinion are important and valuable.”

“The week in Honduras with Olivet’s Missions In Action team was one of the best weeks of my life. I experienced God on a new level, made lifelong friendships and made a difference.” OLIVET.EDU


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Government & Civil Society

Samantha (Starner) Brooks ’14 Marketing, Communications and Public Relations SUCCESS STORY

From Olivet to Arizona to Washington, D.C. Manager of Development for American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a nonprofit think-tank. Previous Director of scheduling for Arizona Governor Doug Ducey. Married to Brent Brooks ’14, digital director for FP1 Strategies.


“I’m working in the hub of American history and politics. There are so many amazing, talented, smart people who are here for the same reason: to make a difference!”


“Faith, family, fun! Getting away from the day-to-day routine and exploring this crazy earth. Teaching Barre3 classes and connecting with people in her area through wellness.”


“Being part of raising more than $45 million annually for the Institute. Managing a team of five, mostly recent college graduates. Helping them to grow in their careers and guiding them in their first job out of college. Seeing the internal workings of nonprofit management firsthand in her role supporting the executive vice president of AEI.”


“Sometimes it’s difficult to think beyond college when you’re in the midst of it, but know that the late 20s are a really fun time of life! Be smart. Be kind. Work hard. Don’t be afraid to walk (even run) through open doors.”


Samantha, her husband Brent; and the late Sen. John McCain with his wife Cyndi in 2016 30 OLIVET.EDU

MaryRachel (Forshee) Dysarz ’10

Dr. Brandon Myers ’02/’11 Ed.D.

Political Science

Business Management/Ethical Leadership





Civil defense attorney, Collins Einhorn Farrell PC, Southfield, Michigan. Judge Advocate General, Captain, Michigan Army National Guard.

Pursuing justice by protecting others. Fighting against corruption and scams, which plague our legal systems. Providing guidance to our country’s leaders as they protect the citizens of our great nation.


Trying a financial corruption case before a jury, exposing the truth behind a multimillion dollar scheme, and achieving a victory when the jury chose to hold the defendants accountable.


Caring for the orphans of Guatemala with her husband, Kyle, during their first year of marriage. Tough day: Serving more than 500 meals to starving children who scavenged for food among filthy trash in Guatemala City’s garbage dump. Best part: Telling those children about God’s great love for them.


“Look around you. Someone needs God’s love today. God will use you to impact the lives of others. Be brave. Keep going. Do what is right — always. Say “yes” to God, even when it’s scary or sounds crazy. He’s got your back!”


“Being an attorney is a responsibility. I must always stand for what is right (even if it’s difficult) and serve others.”

Police inspector, U.S. Central Division, CN Railway Police. Co-founder and president, The Samuel R. Myers Foundation for Suicide and Mental Health Awareness.

Speaker with his wife, Kathi, to more than 5,000 people about mental illness, suicide prevention and the death of their 19-year-old son, Samuel Passage of “Sam’s Bill” by the Illinois General Assembly and the signing into law by Governor Bruce Rauner. U.S. Embassy Security Supervisor, Kabul, Afghanistan. Chief of Police, Braidwood, Illinois. Security Forces/Security Specialist, U.S. Air Force.


In the midst of personal pain, sharing his family’s story, the signs of mental illness, red flags of suicidal behavior, and dangers of illicit drug use. Helping to ensure that no one experiences the loss of a loved one by suicide.


Education centered on Christ, focused on doing the right thing and acting with integrity — in every degree program.


“A person’s education is one of the few things that can’t be taken away. The degree is worth the struggle.”


“I take the protection of life very seriously. I believe we are all God’s children and, at the most basic level, everyone deserves to be considered as such.”




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Addison Newell ’15 Economics and Finance, Business Administration EVEN MORE Graduate student in online Master in Public Administration degree program, Indiana University PROFESSIONAL PASSIONS Served for two years with Teach for America, teaching mathematics at a middle school in Indianapolis, Indiana. Promoted to department head and chosen for New Educator of the Year. Now, providing a quality mathematics education to South Africa’s underserved children. FROM OLIVET Accepted Christ as a freshman at Olivet. Preached across the U.S., in Japan and now in South Africa. Learning to read and speak the Sotho language so he can better explain the gospel. Creating a series of video teachings with a local pastor to help equip a new village church. OLIVET MENTOR Dr. Glen Rewerts, who taught him about spiritual discipline while providing a godly example and speaking God’s truth over his life.

TOGETHER IN SERVICE Teachers at Pfunanane Academy in Modjadjiskloof, South Africa — Katrina, grade 2; Addison, grade 4 mathematics and grade 7 life orientation, creative arts and Bible. Missionaries doing street evangelism, preaching, discipling, equipping churches, leading a soccer outreach ministry for village children. Foster parents of a 4-year-old and 9-year-old brother and sister.

Katrina (Holm) Newell ’13 Elementary Education EVEN MORE Coach and mentor to high school girls, leading a Bible study and worship nights for them OLIVET MENTOR Bill Bahr, head coach of Olivet’s women’s soccer team, who outwardly puts Jesus first. He taught her that soccer has a greater purpose. During their team’s mission trip to Kenya, God called her to use soccer in building His kingdom. Today, soccer is giving her opportunities to pray over and share the gospel with hundreds of children in South Africa.

SPEAKING TO THE FUTURE “Serve now. Share the Gospel now. Learn from the exceptional wisdom around you. Practice what you are learning. You are never done learning.”

SPEAKING TO THE FUTURE “As Christians, we are called to live a life that reveals the Father. Be excited about that. God thinks you are wonderful, and there is no changing that.”

IN HIS WORDS “I’m thankful to my Olivet professors for challenging me to think deeper, be a problemsolver and push the envelope of my limitations. At Olivet, I matured in my faith in Jesus Christ through chapel, courses and the amazing community.”

IN HER WORDS “I believe my calling is to love on children so they know how special and important they are in God’s eyes. For the past five years, God has given me the opportunity to teach His sweet children in South Africa. My students have so much of my heart.”



Phil Cox ’02

Andrew Moore ’15

History Education

Music Education



Superintendent in the district where he and his family live and where his children go to school. Salt Fork Community Unified School District No. 512, Catlin, Illinois. Ph.D. candidate, Indiana State University.


Helped lead the newly consolidated Salt Fork school district from its inception in 2015. Helped design the program of student services, curriculum, handbooks, policies, schedules and much more.


Ensuring excellence in learning for all students. Working with principals and teachers to put structures and processes in place. Creating a great educational environment.


Loves working with school finances: budgets, levies, Excel spreadsheets. He admits that he lives for this stuff!


“Grateful for Olivet and the important values of hard work, grit, responsibility and professionalism instilled in him during his college experience. “Education with a Christian Purpose” was vital in developing his Christian faith.”

SPEAKING TO THE FUTURE “Push yourself. Don’t ever settle.”


“I firmly believe in the power of education to change and improve lives. I’m still excited about the opportunity I have to help create a premier school district in east central Illinois.”


Choral music educator, Aurora Christian Schools. Choral director, North Shore United Methodist Church, Aurora, Illinois.


Traveling, conducting and experiencing the art, cathedrals, music and people of Italy and England during 32 days in summer 2018. In Sicily, participated in a choral conducting seminar, learning alongside 40 conservatory students in Trapani. Worked with students at Conservatorio di Musica Antonio Scontrino and significantly developed his approach to choral conducting.


Teaching choral music, directing choirs, and singing in orchestral and chamber choruses. Studying as a director and chorister.


Exploring the value of choral music with the choirs he directs. Talking openly about his faith and the value of Christianity in the choral repertory. Building relationships among choir members, just as he did when he was a student at Olivet.


“Dr. Jeff Bell, for his profound faith, pursuit of musical excellence, patiently uncompromising standards, accessible approach to teaching, authenticity — and even his well-placed one-liners during rehearsals. The focus was on choral music and glorifying God with the voice.”


“For me, the years are already speeding up. Remember to think of today, even as you are looking ahead into the future.”

Katrina (Hurt) Hull ’10 Math Education CURRENTLY

Math and engineering teacher, McKay High School, Salem, Oregon.


Received a 2018 Lemelson-MIT Excite Award as one of 36 U.S. educators who have successfully guided students through invention competitions. Spent a week at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, learning from inventors who shape technology and, subsequently, the economy with their innovations and creativity.


When approached by Portland State University to implement a MESA (Math Education Science Achievement) Club as an after-school program, she accepted the challenge. Her goal: getting students interested in the field of invention. During the inaugural year, a group of McKay MESA Club students won more than $30,000 for the prototypes they entered. They won the college invention competition (Portland State University’s CleanTech Challenge) and took second at the statewide invention competition for college students (InventOR).


“Discover a passion for learning, and you can positively change the trajectory of your future.”


“Although awards and prize money are exciting, my driving motivation is to show continuous love and kindness to the next generation of leaders.”

“I firmly believe in the power of education to change and improve lives. I’m still excited about the opportunity I have to help create a premier school district in east central Illinois.” OLIVET.EDU


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The Sciences

Brian Ginn. M.D. ’14 Biology CURRENTLY

General surgery residency, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Chicago


Serving people. Teaching. Applying science. Working with his hands. Surgery combines all four.


“Even people who are hostile to Christianity will often openly accept physicians. Meeting people at uncertain and critical moments in their lives can provide a unique opportunity for sharing Jesus with them.”


After serving on two medical mission trips to Kudjip Nazarene Hospital in Papua New Guinea while an Olivet student, he returned to serve there as a medical student.


“When you seek to follow God’s calling, you will be fulfilled. Be open to changing the plan you have for your life. God’s plan is better.”


“If I was in the medical field just for money or recognition, I would be miserable. Knowing that I’m following God’s calling and showing people His love, I feel incredibly fulfilled.”



Abigail (Helmker) Ginn, D.O. ’13 Biology CURRENTLY


Pediatrics residency, Advocate Children’s Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois



Meeting and caring for patients from many different backgrounds has given her a broader worldview and richer life. Having clinic patients identify her as their pediatrician is rewarding.

Dr. Mike and Mrs. Nancy Pyle. They led Brian’s first medical mission trip to Papua New Guinea in 2012. They continue to encourage the Ginns to become fulltime medical missionaries.



“Olivet professors had already taught her much of the information she learned in the first year of medical school. Her quality education at Olivet and her professors’ genuine interest are helping her succeed.”

“Reassuring and comforting patients by taking time to answer their questions and help them understand what is going on. Sharing God’s love by showing patients you respect and care for them.”


“There will be days when you feel inadequate or unprepared. Trust that God will continue to make a straight path for you. He won’t fail you.”


“One of my pastors used to say, ‘God does not call the equipped. He equips the called.’ That has stayed with me, and I’ve found it to be true.”

Brian & Abigail MARRIAGE

Getting married (to each other) is at the top of their list of accomplishments. They met at Olivet and began dating in 2012. Attended different medical schools — Brian in Illinois and Abigail in Michigan — as they continued dating for two years. Married in 2016.



“I get to make a difference through my students. I teach them about the environment, the wonder of God’s creation and their responsibility to participate in creation care.”

Dr. Sam Smidt ’12 Geology and Environmental Science CURRENTLY

Assistant professor, Soil and Water Sciences Department, University of Florida, one of top 10 U.S. public universities with one of world’s top 10 agricultural programs.


Preparing society for future earth resource challenges through global food and water development. A quality education to prepare students for success in STEM careers.


“Our world needs proactive strategies to promote economic growth and environmental stability. Problems will always exist, but solving problems is exciting. Research is now using everything from space-based data to field samples to social surveys.”


Funded by National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Geological Survey and NASA. Graduate fellow with the Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies.


“Dr. Charles Carrigan and Dr. Max Reams are both wonderful examples of what a great Christian educator should be.”


“Nearly 1 in 4 people in the world do not have access to clean water, proper sanitation or adequate food supplies. Current and future college students must ask themselves: “What am I going to do to help?”


“God is intimately present in the environment. We must act in ways that prioritize His glory.”


Dr. Kathryn (Eccles) Maneiro ’11

Lana Vanagasem ’01

Geology and Science Education

Biology and Psychology



“Hard rock” geology (petrology, structural geology) Teaching and interacting with vibrant, energetic college students.


Determining the age of the oldest garnet in the world. Using that information to understand Earth’s history better. Received National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship — one of only 2,000 awarded in 2014.


Working outdoors and traveling: cliffs of the North Sea in Scotland; Black Hills of South Dakota; Prague, Czech Republic. Holding a piece of the oldest-known cohesive rock unit and a vial of sediment from the site of the Earth’s oldest material.


Dr. Charles Carrigan sparked her interest in Geochemistry. She presented her senior research project together with Dr. Carrigan at The Geological Society of America national conference during her senior year.


Manager of Penguins and Sea Otters, Shedd Aquarium, Chicago.


Encouraged by Dr. Randal Johnson to pursue her dream of working with animals while she was a student at Olivet.


Providing the best care possible for the animals. Helping the public to learn about and grow in their appreciation of the animals. Being an ambassador, both with guests who visit the aquarium and through media interviews.


Involved in rescue and rehabilitation of endangered African penguins in South Africa. Helped to rescue an orphaned beluga whale and sea otter pup in Alaska. At Shedd Aquarium, something exciting is always happening: new animals coming in, babies being born, opportunities to make a difference through animal rescue and rehabilitation.


Met her husband, Anthony, in an InterVarsity Bible study group. She was a graduate student at Boston University, and he was beginning law school.

“Follow your dreams. You may have to take small steps along the way, but aim for the career you love. Otherwise, you will never know what was possible. Be willing to sacrifice.”



“Just starting it! Assistant professor of geology at Wheaton College (Illinois).”


“I feel blessed to work with such amazing animals. As I connect our guests with the animals, I hope to spark compassion, curiosity and conservation for the aquatic animal world.”

“I get to make a difference through my students. I teach them about the environment, the wonder of God’s creation and their responsibility to participate in creation care.”



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The Church Tara Beth (Moore) Leach ’05 Youth ministry CURRENTLY Pastor, First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena, affectionately known as “PazNaz” IT’S IMPORTANT BECAUSE... “For me, pastoring is faithfulness to God and God’s people. When I was 16 years old, God called me to ministry. I had no idea what that meant, but ever since, I have been learning to take one faithful step after the next. The Church is the ‘bride of Christ’ and as His bride, we are called to participate in the redemption of all of creation. Pastoring is one small piece of the pie for the Church’s role in mission.” I’M MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT... “First, I am passionate about seeing people connect deeply to Jesus. As a pastor, I get the front-row seat to this. Secondly, I am passionate about seeing women unleashed to use their gifts in the kingdom. Throughout the centuries, women have been sidelined within the Church, and I believe we are seeing and experiencing the days of Pentecost, as many men and women are ‘prophesying’ – that is, there is a groundswell of women taking hold of their callings, and leading, preaching, teaching, and prophesying.” WHAT’S NEXT? “I hope to pastor this church for the long haul and to build our roots here. This, I believe, is faithfulness. I have been praying about writing another book, but I’m leaning on the Spirit’s leading for that.” OLIVET MENTOR “Dr. Smith, Professor of Church History. When I arrived to Olivet, I was unsure if women could be pastors. Dr. Smith patiently worked with me and helped stretch my imagination for the inclusion of women within the Church. He very strategically assigned me research papers on women in ministry, and I’m not sure where I’d be without his influence in my life.”




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Michael and Hillary Skinner ’14 Philosophy/Religion Intercultural Studies CURRENTLY

Live in the neighborhood of Ballard in Seattle, Washington, where they are working with the Church of the Nazarene to plant a church in the city. Michael works to introduce new people to church by partnering with local ministries and nonprofits and facilitating weekly worship services. Hillary teaches at a local Christian day care facility. The thriving economy of Seattle has created a huge need for child care in which the Church should be participating. “Together, we are excited to be investing in our community, getting to know our neighbors, and being present in the neighborhood of Ballard.”

We are most excited about engaging the families of our community through children’s yoga, art therapy, concerts, meals or any available means to show church family.



“The people of Seattle and the people of Ballard particularly, need to be shown the love of Christ through time and through relationship. There is a need in Seattle for a grounded, ‘incarnated’ worshipping community. The Church should be as committed to reaching out as it is to faithful worship and care.


“We were both so blessed by Dr. Mark Quanstrom and his wife, Debi, not only through his academic investment but, more importantly, the example they set for us as pastor and through their marriage. They have helped to shape our ministry and still invest in us today from a distance.”

“Seattle is an AMAZING city. Wonderful food, markets with beautiful flowers, gorgeous mountain views, more than a lifetime’s adventures and, most importantly, so many people that are seeking relationship. We highly recommend coming to Seattle and sharing your life with this great city.”



Jasper Paul Taylor I ’10/M.O.L. ’12

Matthew Soulia ‘08


Youth Ministry



Executive pastor at two churches, St. Paul and Greater Mt. Pleasant Baptist Churches in Chicago. Executive director, The Calahan Foundation, a nonprofit created to give scholarships to high school seniors, provide college mentoring and give back to the Chicagoland community. Chaplain, Calahan Funeral Home.


M.Div from Northern Seminary in 2018

WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO? “I believe the work that I do — serving the Church,

grieving families and the community — is important primarily because I am able to make a positive impact on humanity, leading to change and transformation.”




“First, Dr. Neal Woodruff who was much more than a vocal coach, but also a counselor, confidant and at times like a pastor. Secondly, Dr. Darcel Brady. As an African-American professor, she made me feel at home while I was away from home. Having her as a professor made all the difference for me and helped me persist to graduation when I wanted to give up. I am also eternally grateful for Dr. Woody Webb, who was always in my corner. His passion for students was always evident.”

Lead Pastor, West Flint Church of the Nazarene and Founder and Executive Director, Forge Flint, a community development ministry in the City of Flint, Michigan.


M.A. in Global Leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary


“Over the past two years, we have formed a sisterchurch friendship with Catania Church of the Nazarene in Catania, Sicily (Italy). We have sought to build a bond of friendship between our churches, which has led to members of our church visiting the Catania Church as well as West Flint hosting our Italian friends here in Michigan. Our church family has also been blessed to assist financially with a new church plant that the Catania Church is beginning in Corigliano Calabro (Southern Italy), which meets regularly in a pizzeria.”


“As followers of Jesus, we are a part of a huge, diverse global family. We believe that it is beautiful to be able to celebrate the Kingdom of God with sisters and brothers from around the world. This partnership gives us mutual opportunities to listen and learn from each other and to lift each other up in prayer.”


“Being formed into a people who celebrate unity in diversity, who seek justice, who love mercy and who strive to walk humbly with God.”



I’m most passionate about being formed into a people who celebrate unity in diversity, who seek justice, who love mercy and who strive to walk humbly with God.

Bruce Puckett ’05 Religion


Assistant dean at Duke University Chapel. Specifically, I serve on the Chapel’s leadership team, and I oversee and nurture the worship community and student engagement ministries of the Chapel.


“This work is important because it provides the opportunity to prayerfully lean into God’s reconciling activity and presence on campus and in our community even as I minister to and with students, faculty, staff and community members. Walking with students and community members in pursuit of God’s kingdom provides surprising and exciting occasions for witnessing the breaking in of God’s Spirit in the world. Being a witness to Christ’s Spirit at work in the world and inviting others to do the same is one of the greatest gifts of the ministry to which I’ve been called at the Chapel.”


“I deeply desire to be part of Christ’s work to, as we say at the Chapel, ‘bridge the differences that divide humanity, reconciling us to God and each other.’ This work involves dealing with the deep divisions in the church and in the world related to race and ethnicity, to the treatment of the stranger and foreigner among us, to wealth inequities, and to care for God’s good creation. Addressing these matters in the church is essential to faithful ministry and to the ongoing invitation to follow Christ.”

WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU’VE LEARNED RECENTLY? “One thing I’ve learned since leaving Olivet is the process of vocational discernment is an ongoing process that requires much listening and pausing to pay attention. Over the years, I’ve had the tremendous gift of walking with students in the discernment process as they’ve wrestled with callings to medicine, law, business, activism, ordained ministry and a host of things in-between. I’ve observed how God has closed some ways and has opened others for them. And by watching God prompt and call and lead others, I’ve learned to be more attentive to God’s promptings, callings and leadings in my own life. I’m thankful to be on this journey, and I am incredibly blessed for God to have called me to this particular form of service.”


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The Arts

Kelsey (Sowards) Grimm ’12 Music Education CURRENTLY

Kelsey is a music artist that lives with her husband, Caleb, a member of the group Anthem Lights, in Nashville, Tennessee. They have two young sons, Emmett and Beckett.


“I grew up singing in church and I love the way worship music connects people. It’s a universal language.”


“My husband and I recorded the first worship medley to collaborate and sing together, which we love to do. The response we got was so unexpected.”

Kelsey and Caleb’s new album, “Worship”, can be found on iTunes

The success of their first collaboration prompted them to record another mashup, resulting in another no. 1 hit. Caleb and Kelsey recorded more songs and videos, including movie classics “My Heart Will Go On” and “Beauty and The Beast,” which garnered more than 70 million views online. A collection of these songs was released as “The Songs We Sang” in 2017. In early 2018, Caleb and Kelsey’s album, “Worship”, debuted at no. 1 on the iTunes Christian chart. What began as just a hobby has now become a fulltime endeavor. Their follow-up project, “Timeless Worship”, just released in August and is hitting the airwaves and already climbing the charts.





Hope Olson ’14 Interior Design WHAT DO YOU DO? “I am a visual artist, selling my contemporary landscape, still life and floral paintings through galleries, art exhibitions, studio sales and my website. I paint scenes that celebrate home and habitat using playful color combinations and abstracted perspectives. The works are created in acrylic paints on wood panel, using multiple layers of casually applied marks and color.” Images of Hope’s artwork can viewed on her website (hopeolson.com), Instagram (@hope_olson_) and on Facebook (Hope Olson Art)

Hope’s artwork can be viewed at hopeolson.com, on Instagram and on Facebook

IT’S IMPORTANT BECAUSE... Art has the capacity to transcend people into the realm of the divine, and beauty is a foretaste of God’s great kingdom that we will get to experience one day in its fullness. Artists and creatives are constantly reckoning with the world of the unknown — unknowns about God, nature, people, themselves, their past, eternity — and then trying to give shape to those wonderings through the art they make. I love to hear from people who view or buy a piece of my art about why they are drawn to a particular painting. Each individual has a unique story full of memories, longings and frustrations, and art gives a viewer the permission to really feel her story and, then — whether she recognizes it as such or not — ache for more of God’s story. I’M MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT... “Faith, people, art and asking questions.” WHAT’S NEXT? “I’m looking to rent an office space or studio space so I can have a place to paint and work outside of my home.” OLIVET MENTOR “Art professor Bill Greiner. I actually majored in interior design at Olivet, but during my junior year, I decided to add some elective painting classes into my schedule just for fun. Professor Greiner taught several of those courses, and under his gracious and dedicated instruction, I became a better, more confident painter. He was the first to encourage me to consider selling my art professionally, and I’ve been doing so since 2014.”


Aaron Maia ’16

Olivia (Ruby) Elliott ’16

Music Performance

Art Education

CURRENTLY At Washington State University, where he is working toward his Master of Arts degree.

CURRENTLY K–12 art educator, Central Christian Academy, Indianapolis, Indiana

I’M MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT... “I love music. It is around and inside of me at all times. Olivet fostered my love for music and made it a reality, while also giving me the capability to use my skills and knowledge for God’s kingdom.”

IT’S IMPORTANT BECAUSE... “There are students struggling in their core subjects, and they are longing for a way to express their emotions and energy. In an art class, students can see the objectives being taught in school are not limited to the desks in which they sit, but instead, they can be experienced and expressed through their artistic exploration.”

OLIVET MENTOR “Dr. Ball, my adviser and piano teacher, was most influential in my artistic life while I was studying in the United States. While away from home (Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil) during my four years at Olivet, she was a constant example of love, faith and hard work. She helped me overcome my shyness and stage fright. Dr. Don Reddick and Freddie Franken (we love to play jazz!) were also very instrumental in helping me on many occasions.” A WORD ABOUT OLIVET “Olivet was a small piece of heaven — an oasis ­— during a tough period of my life. It was there that I put into practice and exercised much that I was taught: to rely on prayer and deepen my personal relationship with God, and to strive for my dreams and put in hard work to see them happen. It was also there that I learned how to humbly accept help from many generous hands.” NEXT STEPS “I intend to get my Ph.D. and share what I’ve learned by working as a professor.”

I’M MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT... “The emotional health of my students. I get to know them on a personal level. They share aspects about themselves through their art, and the classroom is much more relaxed than in a traditional classroom setting. My students know I’m their advocate, and I want what is best for them. They are my passion.” WHAT’S NEXT? “My husband and I have both been called to be missionaries and, as soon as we can, we will be headed overseas. I’ll be an art teacher there.” OLIVET MENTORS “I had so many wonderful people in my life at Olivet, but I can narrow it down to two groups. First: the people with whom I lived. My wonderful, forever roommates; Tatiana Diaz, Megan Lingle, Erin Florence, and my RD, “The Donna” McAllister and her amazing family, who adopted me during my time at Olivet. Second: the art professors, especially, Mary Beth Koszut and Bill Greiner. Words cannot convey the impact they have had on my life. They started out as my highly respected professors and developed into life mentors and friends.”



an issue of


Healthcare & Human Services

Dena Reddick ’82 Nursing CURRENTLY Family nurse practitioner, Riverside Healthcare, Bourbonnais, Illinois TOP 3 REASONS TO BE A NURSE “1. the opportunity to grow professionally into several different specialties and roles over time 2. the challenge of expanding knowledge while striving for excellence 3. the joy of every role as a service to others; nursing is ministry!” PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENT “I have been able to complete several advanced degrees in nursing and have been honored to serve in several leadership and advanced clinical roles. But my biggest achievements are when I hear from previous families, patients or students who feel that I helped them in some way. These stories remind me why I love my job — and always have.”

Blake Reddick ’11

OLIVET MENTOR “Olivet has a very strong undergraduate nursing program and when I graduated in 1982, Charlotte Keck and Amy Golishko were my heroes. They challenged me and taught me to learn and to love/ care for patients. We were held to a high standard that I still believe is critical for nursing education and is present in the ONU programs.”

WHY OLIVET? “The task of a nurse is to care for people holistically: body, mind and spirit. Olivet’s mission, ‘Education with a Christian Purpose,’ is very much in line with the nursing model. My nursing professors at Olivet not only taught me how to be a professional nurse but how to model Christ in my work.

A FAMILY TRADITION “We love Olivet! My parents are ONU grads, as are my husband and children! We hope someday our grandchildren will attend ONU!” Dena’s son, Blake Reddick ‘11, is currently in the Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner program at Purdue University.


Music WHY NURSING? “Nurses approach healthcare from a patientcentered perspective. Having the opportunity to make a difference in a person’s life through healthcare is the most rewarding aspect of the job.”

ADVICE TO NURSING STUDENTS “The professional practice of nurses is growing rapidly. There are so many opportunities now for nurses and advanced practice nurses. Whatever your passion is, you can find an area of nursing practice that will help fulfill it. Nursing is hard work, but it is incredibly rewarding.”

Kyle Johnston ’16

Christa (Sunberg) Maciver ’09

Youth Ministry

Political Science

CURRENTLY Associate pastor of outreach, Connection Point Church of the Nazarene, Hawaiian Paradise Park, Big Island of Hawaii.

CURRENTLY Strategic lead for research and policy, Justlife Foundation, England.

WHY HAWAII? “When people think of Hawaii, they picture the huge skyscrapers and white sand beaches, but on this island, and in the Puna District, poverty is prevalent. Our church runs a clothing closet and food pantry to help support those who are in need. So, it is important for me to be reaching out into the community so they know they can turn to the Church. And by building relationships, hopefully, we can lead people into a relationship with Jesus.” HOW HAS YOUR WORK BEEN AFFECTED BY THE VOLCANO? “My day-to-day life was affected very little by the volcano. I suffered from headaches and sore throats caused by the vog gas blowing over, but that was it for me personally. But I have several friends and co-workers who lost everything they owned, besides what they could pack in their cars.”

IT’S IMPORTANT BECAUSE... “The work we do is hugely important because the individuals living in this accommodation are largely ignored and forgotten within the housing/ homelessness system in the UK. However, they still suffer from deteriorating mental and physical health, bullying, addictions and lack of effective support.” I’M MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT... “I have always been most passionate about helping others and showing love and care to those who have been ignored and beaten down by life. Those who may have experienced little love in their lives previously.”

“Our church is currently looking at how we can support these people that lost everything. We want to be able to help families get back on their feet by helping with housing and other needs.”

WHAT’S NEXT? “In work, we are currently trying to create a national network of people working toward improving the experiences of those stuck in unsupported temporary accommodation. In my personal life — my husband is just finishing his training to be a GP, a family doctor, and will be starting his post as a fully qualified doctor. Also, we’d like to move somewhere with a little more space, which is at a premium in Manchester.”

HOW CAN WE PRAY? “Please be in prayer for the churches and the people in Hawaii. There is hopelessness and brokenness that goes overlooked because people assume that everything is perfect in paradise.”

OLIVET MENTOR “I can think of two professors that I feel really encouraged my thinking and development during my time at Olivet, and I’ll never forget them, Dr. William Dean and ‘DVH’, Dr. David Van Heemst.”





an issue of


I’ve stopped Media & Communications pretending like I know what’s next; that’s up to God and the exciting unpredictability that is television news.

Britni McDonald ‘09 Mass Communications

CURRENTLY Emmy Award-winning anchor/reporter, WINK News, Fort Myers, Florida

PROFESSIONAL PASSIONS “I’m most passionate about telling people’s stories in a compelling and creative way. I love learning new things and meeting new people every day. While sometimes stressful, I thrive on the fast pace of news and the rewarding challenge of getting important information out to the public with hours — even minutes — everyday.”

WHAT’S NEXT? “This job has already taken me to five different states across the country, TV markets big and small, covering everything from the presidential elections to mass shootings to NASA launches. I’ve stopped pretending like I know what’s next; that’s up to God and the exciting unpredictability that is television news.” OLIVET MENTOR “Professor Mark Bishop impacted me the most. I always admired him because he not only taught a wide array of communication classes five days a week but was a meteorologist in a top 10 market on the weekends. He was honest about the challenges unique to the industry but also made the work fun and encouraged creativity.”



Joshua Hoover ’09 Mass Communications CURRENTLY Actor, writer, director, Los Angeles, CA. IT’S IMPORTANT BECAUSE... “Because it provides escapism. In the trying times we are going through with the lack of tolerance, inequality and state of politics, etc. going to the movies, watching some tv or seeing a comedy show provides a release that makes the day or night better. I love to make people laugh, think and feel.” I’M MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT... “I love to hear laughter. I love my brother’s laugh. I love to make my parents laugh. I recently had the opportunity to invite my parents to a live studio audience taping. It was an absolute dream come true. Being on set is a gift, being able to share it with my family was a something I’ll always cherish.” WHAT’S NEXT? “I just filmed an episode of Netflix’s ‘One Day At a Time.’ I am currently writing two TV pilots and a feature and I am auditioning daily. This week, the biggest role I’ve ever had in a movie was released on Blu-ray/DVD: ‘Action Point’. Check it out!” OLIVET MENTOR “Jerry Cohagan instilled a level of confidence in me as a freshman that I’d never had or tapped into. That eventually led me to pursue acting in Los Angeles and really contributed to the backbone/thick skin I needed to work toward this insane profession. I keep in touch with him today and value his friendship immensely, but I also love that I can send him a weird/funny text or video.”


Ashley (Cullins) Martin ’06 Mass Communications CURRENTLY Staff writer, The Hollywood Reporter, covering legal issues in the entertainment industry” IT’S IMPORTANT BECAUSE... “Our laws ensure artists have a right to tell stories about whomever and whatever they choose without being silenced by those who’d prefer those stories not be told. During times of political and social unrest, that freedom of speech is especially vital. On the other side of the coin, it’s easier than ever to defame a person because of the speed at which information, or misinformation, spreads across the Internet. Holding people accountable for their words is also incredibly important.” I’M MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT... “Truth. We’re living in a time during which many people would rather hear opinions they agree with presented as facts than acknowledge uncomfortable truths. It’s more important than ever for journalists to dig deep, ask difficult questions, demand transparency of public officials and educate the public on important issues.” WHAT’S NEXT? “My biggest priority now is making sure my newborn son becomes a kind, thoughtful person.” OLIVET MENTOR “It’s a tie between professor Mark Bishop and Dr. Beth Patrick-Trippel, with an honorable mention awarded to Dr. Jay Martinson. The entire communications department was fantastic”


Don’t miss the President’s Dinner and School of Music concert Saturday, October 27, 6 p.m. Complete Schedule



Register and purchase tickets at Olivet.edu/hc





8–10 p.m., Chalfant Hall


Throwback Thursday Student Pancake Feed 9:30–11 p.m., Ludwig Center


Campus Tours

9 a.m.–3 p.m. (except during chapel) Bowling Admissions Center (Tours start at the top of every hour)

Homecoming Chapel

10–11 a.m., Centennial Chapel (Balcony seating only)

ONU Catalyst Reception

An Opportunity to Partner with the Natural Sciences at Olivet 5:30–7 p.m., Reed Hall of Science, Atrium

Fall Play: The Crucible

7–9:30 p.m., Larsen Fine Arts Center, Kresge Auditorium N Adults, $12 N ONU students/children*/seniors (60+), $8

(*May not be suitable for children ages 11 and under)

Men’s Basketball Game

7:30 p.m., McHie Arena N Ticket required — see women’s basketball game information above for combined pricing

Taste of Olivet

Visiting Artist Reception

12–2 p.m., Victorian House Gallery

Football Game

1 p.m., Ward Field N Adults, $10 N Children ages 7–17, $5 N ONU students/Children ages 6 and under, no charge

Men’s Soccer Game

2 p.m., Snowbarger Athletic Complex

Fall Play: The Crucible

2–4:30 p.m., Larsen Fine Arts Center, Kresge N Adults, $12 N ONU students/Children*/Seniors (60+), $8

(*May not be suitable for children ages 11 and under)

University Archives Open House

Shine.FM Open House

9–11 p.m., Chalfant Hall N Adults/ONU students/Children ages 7–17, $10 N Children ages 6 and under, no charge

Organ Recital

Spoons 4 Forks Comedy Improv

3–4 p.m., Strickler Planetarium N $5 per person

2–4 p.m., Shine.FM, Foyer 3–3:45 p.m., Centennial Chapel N No charge

Planetarium Show

3–4 p.m., Strickler Planetarium N $5 per person

9–11 p.m., Wisner Hall for Nursing, Auditorium N $4 per person at the door


Campus Tours

Powder Puff Football

9–11 a.m., Bowling Admissions Center (Tours start at the top of every hour)

School of Nursing Alumni Tea

Undergraduate Class Reunions

3–5 p.m., Bell West Campus, Intramural Fields 3–5 p.m., Wisner Hall for Nursing, Room 146

Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences & Engineering Open House and Gallery Awards 4–5:30 p.m., Reed Hall of Science

Phi Delta Lambda Reception 4–5:30 p.m., Warming House N No charge (RSVP required)

Planetarium Show

5–6 p.m., Strickler Planetarium N $5 per person

ONU Alumni Gathering: Nazarene Theological Seminary

5–7 p.m., Chicago Dough Pizza Company N (RSVP required)

Women’s Basketball Game

5:15 p.m., McHie Arena N Adults, $10 N ONU students/Children ages 7–17, $5 N Children ages 6 and under, no charge

Women’s Basketball Reception immediately following the game, Birchard Gymnasium


2–4 p.m., Benner Library, First Floor, Archives

Planetarium Show

Department of Mathematics Alumni Gathering

3:30–5:30 p.m., Burke Administration Building, Lower Level, Room 001

Women’s Soccer Game

4 p.m., Snowbarger Athletic Complex

Planetarium Show

9:30–11:30 a.m., various locations Classes of 2013, 2008, 2003, 1998, 1993, 1988, 1983, 1978, 1973, 1968 and Purple & Gold Grads (anyone who graduated before 1968) N $17 per person

5–6 p.m., Strickler Planetarium N $5 per person

O.N.You! Homecoming for Kids

Featuring Alumni Soloists, University Chorus and Full Orchestra 6–8:30 p.m., Chalfant Hall N $50 per person to benefit Olivet’s Fine Arts program

9:30 a.m.–12 p.m., College Church, Lower Level N $10 per child (max $20 per family)

Shine.FM Open House

10 a.m.–12 p.m., Shine.FM, Foyer

Football Alumni Gathering

11 a.m.–1:15 p.m., Ward Field

Women’s Alumni Basketball Game 11:30 a.m., McHie Arena

Women’s Alumni Soccer Game

11:30 a.m., Snowbarger Athletic Complex

Art & Digital Media Open House

12–2 p.m., Sims Educational Center

Missionary Reunion Dinner

5–7 p.m., Ludwig Center, Conference Rooms B & C N $16 per person

President’s Dinner and School of Music Concert

Shine.FM Concert: Matt Maher with Zach Williams 7–10 p.m., Centennial Chapel N $30 per person


President’s Prayer Breakfast

8–9:30 a.m., Chalfant Hall N Adults/ONU students/Children ages 9–17, $16 N Children ages 4–8, $6 N Children ages 3 and under, no charge



It’s Ollies Follies time again See more photos from this Olivet back-to-school tradition on the Archives’ Facebook page. We va l u e yo u r m e m o ra b i l i a !


To donate to the University Archives, or if you have any questions about Archives, contact Archives@Olivet.edu or 815-939-5148. OLIVET.EDU

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Professional Accomplishments, Weddings, Births & Adoptions


critical care nursing. The eICU is an electronic/ telemedicine intensive care unit that monitors all the ICU patients and portions of the Progressive Care Units and Emergency Room patients in the seven hospitals of the Baptist Health South Florida System. She and her husband, Ed, reside in South Florida.

 JAMES ’69 AND VIRGINIA (TURNER) ’69 FOLSOM celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Jan. 22, 2018. Their family and friends honored them with an open house on May 26, 2017, in Kansas City, Missouri.

1970  REV. DR. K. CLAIR ’70 AND DONNA (GAGE) ’70 M AC MILLAN celebrated 50 years of marriage on Aug. 3, 2018. Clair recently retired from more than 40 years of leadership with the Church of the Nazarene in both Canada and the U.S.


1984 F O LS O M


ANNETTE (EDMONDS) MILLER ’82 received the Nurse of the Year award for the eICU, Baptist Health South Florida, Miami, Florida. She holds the CCRN-E, advanced expert level, board certification in

After a six-month furlough in the U.S., DR. JON MATSON ’84 and his wife, Nadia, are returning to Kenya with Africa Inland Mission. Jon serves in medical ministry at the Kijabe Hospital in Kijabe, Kenya. Nadia focuses on prayer ministries for Rift Valley Academy and the hospital. Together, they are helping to prepare medical professionals to have a firm faith as they practice medicine. They are the parents of three children: Sofia, Jonny and Esther.

S ubm it a c l a s s n o t e o r o b i t u a r y n o t i c e


Submit news, upload photos to OlivetEditors@Olivet.edu, or submit online at Olivet.edu/alumni-friends. 56 OLIVET.EDU



 In January 2018, PHILIP ’86 AND SHEILA (M C DONALD) ’86 DAVISSON moved from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, to Lisbon, Portugal, to take on the command leadership of The Salvation Army’s Spain & Portugal Command. They direct the officers and employees of the Army’s work in both of these countries. Previously, they served in a similar capacity in Santiago, Chile, as well as in Chicago, where they were also corps officers (pastors and administrators) for several years. Their middle child of three, Jaclyn (Davisson) Holloway ’11, was recently promoted to the rank of captain in The Salvation Army.

 CHARLIE POWELL AND JANA MESSER ’01 were married Sept. 2, 2017, at Salisbury Church in Charleston, Illinois. Bridal attendants were Rachel (Negelein) Thill ’01 and Allison (Bridget) Paradise ’01. The Powells currently reside in Sullivan, Illinois. He is employed at Agri-Fab, Inc., in Sullivan. She is a homemaker. They are both involved in local ministry at New Life Church, also in Sullivan.



2003  WICK ’03 AND SARAH (NICOL) ’03 ANDERSON have accepted a missions position as a family with the Free Methodist Church in Győr, Hungary. They are the parents of four daughters.

1993  DR. SCOTT RAINEY ’93 is the new global director of Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries International for the Church of the Nazarene, effective Aug. 1, 2018. He and his wife, Jenni, and their two daughters, Bekah and Sarah, had been serving as missionaries in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Field (former Soviet Union). As CIS field strategy coordinator, he oversaw the work of the Church in eight countries. “I am excited and challenged by the enormous task of helping every child, youth, and adult in the Church of the Nazarene participate in their Godgiven responsibility to make disciples who make disciples!” he says.



2004  DR. GARY HARTKE ’04 M.A./ ’17 ED.D. will serve as the Church of the Nazarene’s next general secretary, beginning in 2019. The director of Nazarene Youth International (NYI) since 2000, he has been responsible for coordinating and supervising youth ministry worldwide for the Church of the Nazarene. As of 2017, NYI reported a membership of 425,508. He and his wife, Joy, reside in the Kansas City area.

2005 H A RT K E

C LAS S O F 2005

 Several friends from the CLASS OF 2005 met for a reunion weekend in July 2018 in Nashville, Tennessee: Courtney (Bergman) Baker, Jenni (Bast) Durbin, Laura (Banks) Goble, Kelsey (Gardner) Hendrix, Kati (Dafoe) Morris, Nathalie (Tomakowsky) Ruppel, Cyndi (Peters) Smith and Bryanna (Hill) Tanner. This was their 13th reunion since graduating from Olivet. continued on next page OLIVET.EDU






 BRETT ’06 AND ASHLEY (PALMER) ’07 M.A.E. HESPELL welcomed their third child, a daughter, Breanna Jean, born on Sept. 14, 2017. She joins Brendan and Alaina. The family resides in Lockport, Illinois.

 REV. REUBEN ’11 AND STEPHANIE (JUNGLES) LILLIE ’11 welcomed their first child, Corban Lloyd, on March 19, 2018. Reuben and Stephanie serve as urban missionaries through Chicago’s Reach77 Network. Reuben is also an adjunct professor in Olivet’s School of Music. Stephanie works in the Development Office at Lyric Opera of Chicago.


2010  LINDA ANDERS ’10 has been honored as one of the 100 Great Iowa Nurses of 2018 by the 100 Great Iowa Nurses Committee. More than 500 nurses were nominated, but only 100 were selected based on their courage, compassion and commitment to the art and science of nursing. Linda is with UnityPoint Health - Trinity in Muscatine. “I believe one person can change the world,” she says. “We have the ability to make an impact in the world on a daily basis. If my work as a nurse helps at least one person, then I know I’ve fulfilled my life’s mission.”  LUKE ’10/’12 M.O.L. AND AMBER (LEFFEL) ‘14 OLNEY welcomed their first child, Benedict Clark, on Aug. 4, 2018. Luke is the associate director of strategic marketing in Olivet’s Office of Marketing and Engagement. Amber is a project specialist and administrative assistant in Olivet’s Office of Development. The family resides in Bourbonnais.





2013  MATT ’13 AND NICOLE (MERRY) ’12 WILSON welcomed a daughter, Luciana Olivia, born on Oct. 3, 2017. She joins older brother, Lincoln. They reside in Omaha, Nebraska. Matt works as a control center technician at Travelers Insurance. Nicole resigned from her position as an international project manager at GSI InterSystems to stay at home with Lincoln and Lucy.



 DR. RAY E. BOWER went home to be with the Lord on Jan. 1, 2018. For more than 30 years, he was a beloved professor at Olivet and served as chair of the Department of Behavioral Sciences for four of those years.   “Dr. Bower was highly respected by his colleagues and students — steady, dependable, passionate and a model of Christ,” said Dr. Kent Olney, sociology professor and current department chair.   All of Dr. Bower’s advanced degrees — B.A. in 1976, M.A. in 1987 and Ph.D. in 1992 — were from Miami University, Ohio. In 2004, he received Olivet’s Richard M. Jones Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence. In 2011, he received the Bill M. Sullivan Founder’s Award from the Association of Nazarene Sociologists and Researchers. In 2014, he received Olivet’s Samuel L. Mayhugh Award for Scholarly Excellence.   Dr. Bower was known for loving his Lord and loving people. One of his goals was to spend his time making a difference in the lives of others.   His hobbies included watching his favorite sports teams in action, hunting, hiking and fishing — especially trout fishing in the Black Hills of South Dakota.


 A. LAWRENCE “LARRY” DENNIS ’47 went to be with Jesus on May 27, 2018, in Winter Haven, Florida — just two weeks after his wife, Alice, passed away. A memorial service was held on Aug. 8 at First Church of the Nazarene in Winter Haven.   Larry was born and raised in Pecatonica, Illinois, where his family attended the First Church of the Nazarene. He enrolled at Olivet College in Olivet, Illinois, in the fall of 1939. He was there the night when most of the


In 1984, the couple retired to Lake Wales, Florida, where they were faithful in music ministry at the Winter Haven First Church of the Nazarene. He played his trombone and sang in the choir until age 94. For nearly eight years in his late 80s to early 90s, he worked at the Winter Haven McDonald’s. His managers would remark frequently how well he kept up with the young folks.




campus went up in flames. In the spring of 1940, he helped move the school to Bourbonnais, even helping dig the steam pipes on the current campus.   In the fall of 1940, he was drafted into World War II and served with honor in North Africa, Italy and India. He returned to Olivet in the fall of 1944 to complete his music education degree in 1947. He was a member of Orpheus Choir. His grandson, Doug Karl ’81, and greatgrandsons, Erick Karl ’06 and Tyler Karl ’09, also sang with the choir.   After ONU, he taught instrumental music at a small school district in central Illinois for 35 years. During that time, he led the choir and worship at First Church of the Nazarene, Decatur, Illinois, with Alice at the organ.

 DR. CALBERT VICTOR HOLSTEIN SR. ’68 passed away on April 16, 2018, in Winter Haven, Florida. A celebration of his life and ministry was held in Danville, Illinois, on April 21.   Cal was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1938. He received his bachelor’s degree in music from Olivet in 1968 and later earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree.   He served in many aspects of music throughout his life: music teacher in a public school, music minister and song evangelist. He also worked as a rehabilitation counselor for the State of Illinois, touching many lives by helping people with disabilities.   Cal married Phyllis (Potter) ’61 on Aug. 17, 1963, and she survives. He is also survived by their children — Angela, Pamela, Tamera, Kimberly and Victor — plus seven grandchildren and three sisters.


VIRGINIA (HARSHMAN) HOLLE ’46 passed away March 23, 2018, in Columbus, Indiana. She was born on Oct. 2, 1924, in Griggsville, Illinois, the daughter of Wayne and Mildred (Cadwell) Harshman. She graduated from Olivet with a bachelor’s degree in education and OLIVET.EDU




then devoted 15 years as an elementary school teacher. On Aug. 7, 1948, she married George Holle, who passed away in 1993. Her family says that she always spoke fondly of her years at Olivet.  SELDEN DEE KELLEY JR. ’46 passed away on May 19, 2018. He was the son of former Olivet President Selden Dee Kelley Sr., who served from 1948 to 1949. Many Kelley family members have attended Olivet. Kelley Prayer Chapel on Olivet’s campus bears the family name.   Known to many as “Kelley,” Selden Dee Kelley Jr. was born on June 3, 1926, in Norwood, Ohio, to Selden Sr. and Dorothy (Montgomery) Kelley. He was married to Nona (Powers) ’50, and they are the parents of a son, Selden Dee Kelley III ’78/’86 M.A., and a daughter, Bobbie (Kelley) Campbell ’74.   During his life, Kelley enjoyed a long and successful career as a business leader. He held a M.B.A. degree from Boston University. He also received an honorary doctorate (L.L.D.) from Olivet.   Kelley served as a member of the General Board of the Church of the Nazarene; a delegate to many General Assemblies; and a church board member and minister of music at churches in St. Louis, Missouri; Evansville, Indiana; Louisville, Kentucky; and in the Ohio cities of Springfield, Dayton, Cincinnati and Cleveland.   For more than 25 years, Kelley was president of Olivet’s Alumni Association Board. “Dad’s love for Olivet and his commitment to its success was a defining characteristic of his life,”says Dee, his son. “He was a champion of Olivet’s mission and a crusader of its best ideals.”   After leaving active service on the Board, Kelley continued to serve in an emeritus role. He was also a member of the Olivet Board of Trustees. In 2016, he attended his final Olivet Homecoming celebration.   A memorial service is planned for later this year at the Kelley Prayer Chapel with interment at the nearby columbarium. 60 OLIVET.EDU





 NORMA (LARSON) BAYLER ’48 passed away on Jan. 23, 2018, in Clovis, California. She met her husband, Leonard ’53, at Olivet. He passed away in 2016. Together, the Baylers pastored several churches. Since 1974, they were living and ministering in Clovis, where they established Community Christian Chapel. Their love for Jesus and others was the focus of their lives. Survivors include a daughter, Elaine Morris, and her husband, Don; four grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and seven great‑great-grandchildren.

1949 & 1951

 DR. JOSEPH ’49 AND ESTHER (MORSE) ’51/’71 M.A.E. NIELSON   Dr. Joseph Nielson passed away on April 11, 2018, in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. He was born on Nov. 10, 1925, to John and Estella (Becktold) Nielson in Bristol, Pennsylvania.

In 1969, Dr. Nielson became a professor of sociology and anthropology at Olivet and also chaired the Social Science Division. During his time at Olivet, he created two degree programs for pastors: a master’s degree in pastoral counseling and a master’s degree in church management. In 1974 and 1979, he received the Teacher of the Year award.   A World War II veteran, he served in the infantry on the front line in the Battle of the Bulge. Following the war, he attended Olivet Nazarene College (University) where he met his wife, Esther. They married on June 16, 1948.   After graduating from Olivet in 1949, he pastored for 20 years, serving Nazarene churches in Ohio and Michigan. During that time, he completed a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in sociology from Michigan State University.   While a professor at Olivet, Dr. Nielson was very involved in the life of College Church of the Nazarene in Bourbonnais. He served on the church board for more than 20 years, taught adult and young adult Sunday school classes and served as a Caravan leader. He also served on several church district committees and boards.   Esther (Morse) Nielson passed away on July 28, 2018, in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Olivet. She was a dedicated pastor’s wife, children’s pastor at College Church of the Nazarene in Bourbonnais and teacher in the Kankakee Public Schools. She also served as a liaison from Olivet to the public schools in the Kankakee area, placing student teachers in classrooms. People in the Olivet community will remember Esther for her gift of hospitality and her love of children and college students.   The Nielsons are survived by two children, both graduates of Olivet: Becky (Nielson) Erwin ’75 and Mark Nielson ’80. Two of their granddaughters graduated from Olivet: Erin (Erwin) Rexroth ’03 and Kristin (Erwin) Hill ’05.

OPENING DOORS Olivet offers a dynamic, engaging, interactive experience designed to empower students to achieve goals — whether getting into an elite graduate or medical school, or stepping right into that dream career.





AT A G LA N C E STUDENTS More than 5,000 — 3,000 of them undergrads — from nearly every U.S. state, 21 countries and more than 40 religious denominations. ADMISSION Based on ACT score and high school records (college transcripts for transfer students). For incoming freshmen, the average ACT score is 24. ALUMNI Olivet Nazarene University has graduated many notable alumni who have given back to the University, the Olivet region, the Church and the world in so many ways. There are more than 40,000 alumni living around the world. ACADEMICS More than 140 areas of study offered through the School of Business, School of Engineering, School of Life and Health Sciences, School of Education, School of Music, School of Theology and Christian Ministry and the College of Arts and Sciences. Study-abroad opportunities have included Australia, China, Costa Rica, Ecuador, England, Egypt, Romania, Japan, Uganda, Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. ACCREDITATION Includes the Higher Learning Commission, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the American Dietetics Association, the Council on Social Work Education, the National Association of Schools of Music, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. CAMPUS Beautiful, park-like campus features 35 major buildings on 275 acres. Located in the Village of Bourbonnais, Illinois, just 50 miles south of Chicago’s Loop, with additional School of Graduate and Continuing Studies locations in Rolling Meadows and Oak Brook, Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana; Grand Ledge and Grand Rapids, Michigan; and Hong Kong. SPIRITUAL LIFE Christian community committed to making worship of God the central focus of our lives. Our faith in Jesus Christ cannot be separated from the educational experience, and we seek to honor God in all we learn, say and do. Through chapel services, each segment of the University community has the opportunity to join with others in worship and receive instruction in the Word and encouragement to serve. Notable and world-renowned speakers regularly address the Olivet community during chapel.



million dollars in financial aid awarded last year to ONU students


ATHLETICS At Olivet, student-athletes compete on 21 intercollegiate teams. Olivet provides competitive athletic awards and scholarships for qualifying candidates. Varsity teams for men include basketball, baseball, cheerleading, cross country, football, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, and track and field. Varsity teams for women include basketball, cheerleading, cross country, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. In addition to varsity sports, more than half the student body participates in Olivet’s thriving intramural and club sports programs. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS More than 90 clubs and organizations representing diverse interests, including a campus newspaper, yearbook and literary magazine; ROTC; radio broadcasting (Shine.FM); numerous choral and instrumental ensembles (including marching band and the University orchestra); drama and musical theatre performances; intramural athletics; and community volunteer and spiritual life organizations. GRADUATE STUDIES AND PROGRAMS Doctor of Education: Ethical Leadership Business: Bachelor of Applied Science in Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Business Administration. Education: Master of Arts in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Education: English Language Learners, Master of Arts in Education: Ethical Building Leadership (Principal Preparation Program), Bilingual Endorsement, Driver’s Education Endorsement, English as a Second Language Endorsement, Reading Endorsement, Teacher Leader Endorsement. Nursing: R.N. to Bachelor of Science in Nursing; R.N. to Master of Science in Nursing; Master of Science in Nursing: Education, Leadership/Management or Family Nurse Practitioner tracks; Family Nurse Practitioner Certification. Ministry: Master of Arts: Biblical Studies, Master of Arts: Christian Ministry, Master of Arts: Family Ministry, Master of Arts: Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Religion, Master of Arts in Pastoral Leadership, Master of Arts: Urban Ministry, Master of Ministry, Master of Ministry in Spanish, Master of Divinity, Bachelor of Practical Ministry, Master of Practical Ministry.

percent of students receive financial aid


intercollegiate athletic teams compete in NAIA and NCCAA


local ministry and global mission trip opportunities


AREAS OF STUDY Accounting Actuarial Science Art Art - Drawing/Illustration Art - Digital Graphics Art - Painting Art - Photography Art Education Athletic Coaching Athletic Training Biblical Languages Biology Biology Teaching Business Administration Business - Healthcare Management Business - Human Resource Management Business - Management Business - Not-for-Profit/ Philanthropy Business - Operations Management Business - Public Administration Chemistry Chemistry - Biochemistry Chemistry - Forensics Chemistry Teaching Child Development Children’s Ministry Christian Education Communication Studies Communication Teaching Computer Science Corporate Communication Criminal Justice


advanced degrees offered through the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies

Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Dietetics Early Childhood Education Earth & Space Science Teaching Economics Economics & Finance Applied Economics Economics & Finance Certified Financial Planning Economics & Finance Corporate Finance Elementary Education Engineering - Architectural Engineering - Chemical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Environmental Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Mechanical Engineering - Software English English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Teaching English Education Environmental Science Exercise Science Family & Consumer Sciences Family & Consumer Sciences - Family Studies Family & Consumer Sciences - Hospitality


intramural sports and tournaments with more than 3,490 participants each year

Fashion Merchandising Finance French General Studies Geography Geological Science Greek Health Education Hebrew History History Teaching Information Systems Information Technology Intercultural Studies Interior Design International Business Leadership Studies Legal Studies Literature Management Information Systems Marketing Marketing - Commercial Graphics Marketing - International Marketing - Management Marketing - Public Relations Mass Communications Mathematics Mathematics Education Military Affairs Military Science Ministerial Missions Multimedia Communication Multimedia Communication - Film Studies


Multimedia Communication - Journalism Multimedia Communication - Live Event Media Management Multimedia Communication - Ministry Media Multimedia Communication - Radio/Record Industry Multimedia Communication - TV/Video Production Music Music Composition Music Education Music Ministry Music Performance Musical Theatre Nursing Pastoral Ministry Philosophy Physical Education & Health Teaching Physical Sciences Political Science Pre-Art Therapy Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician’s Assistant Pre-Seminary Pre-Veterinary Psychology Psychology Teaching Public Policy - Domestic

study-abroad opportunities and numerous mission opportunities available


Public Policy - Foreign Public Relations & Strategic Communication Recreation Recreation - Sport & Fitness Religion Religion - Biblical Studies Religion - Philosophy Religion - Theology Religious Studies Social Science Social Science Education Social Work Sociology Spanish Spanish Education Special Education Sport Management Administration Sport Management Marketing Theatre Writing Youth Ministry Zoology

student-to-faculty ratio, with a total enrollment of more than 4,900


percent career outcomes rate for Class of 2017





BENEDICTION Dr. John C. Bowling, University President

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” That’s you! Your presence lights up a room. Your good deeds glorify your Father in heaven. And this light within you will soon be scattered to hundreds of places — hospitals, businesses, social work settings, laboratories, concert stages, courtrooms, classrooms, graduate schools and mission fields. Wherever you go, you will carry the light of Christ and the marks of this University with you.

I pray that the lessons learned here at Olivet will serve you well in the years to come. You are the heart and soul of a new generation. The world needs you. I encourage you, therefore, to go forth with confidence, hope and joy.

Exerpt from the Charge to the Class of 2018 Baccalaureate Service, Centennial Chapel


UPCOMING EVENTS Purple & Gold Days October 12 and 19, 2018 November 2, 9, 16 and 30, 2018

Just for Juniors February 6, 2019 March 20, 2019 April 10, 2019 For registration and details or to schedule your personal campus visit day, go to Olivet.edu or call 800-648-1463.

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