New World Newsletter - September 2010 - EN

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September 2010



Volunteers welcome you New World Grid welcomes more and more people every day.

Thanks to the following for their generosity and for the time spent on the welcome region.

If you wish to participate helping new registred to feel at home quickly, you can at any time join the volunteer program. To do this, simply fill out the form at the following address:

Thanks to : Eden Cat, Steve Franklin, Kire Laasonen, Marline Laasonen, Claudius Utopy. Accompaniment will be provided so that you’re comfortable in your new role.


New World Radio on Radionomy Help us reach the audience As you know, New World Grid has now its own radio, funded through advertising, and thus free for the Virtus Association. This radio has emerged thanks to Radionomy, a service for creating one’s own programming, without having to pay license fees. Diversified programs were established as a first step by the administrators. As New World Radio is participative, you can from now on suggest us on the New World forum titles and artists you would like to hear in programs to come. If your suggestions are available in the Radionomy library, we will include with pleasure your favourites in music play lists to come. We remind you that for posting on the New

World forum, you have to create an account on it (the forum site is different from the official website of New World).

your land (only the time a user is logged on your property with the media option activated will be taken into account).

So go ahead and let us share your choices right now!

You can also listen on Internet the radio at the following address:

Keep in mind that this radio can remain free only by exceeding an attendance audience threshold at Radionomy :

• up to late October, we must reach at least 12 listening hours by day, • then for the following six months, we must reach 130 hours of listening daily. The 5th of september, we reached an audience of 56 hours of listening a day. To help us at best keep online your participatory radio, you can set up the New World Radio URL on


New features New server installed The new server is now operational and hosts central services such as the central database, grid services and web services. We thank very much for your patience while we migrated the services on this new server.

Hypergrid The maintenance being now achieved, we will proceed to hypergrid installations.

Make a donation to support New World Grid the association Virtus


New World Grid is driven by the residents contributions, donations and rentals. If you wish to help maintain New World Grid online and support New World Studio regions, it is possible to make a donation at this address : donate or rent a parcel or region on our servers. This gives right to the Contributor title on your in-world profile. Thank you by advance for your donations.


The Mount Grace Priory Current progress The main cloister is complete ! Our work on Mount Grace Priory, the 15th century Carthusian site, continues. We have settled our walk-through 3D simulation on the years around 1420-1425, as the monks replaced the older wattle-and daub cells with stone buildings and the old wooden cloister walkways with stone and carved buttesses. The Prior’s cell is complete, as is the Frater (monk’s refectory), in their pre-1470 positions. Walk inside and see the dining tables and stained glass ! We also have a rather handsome 15th century crane in position.

Next steps Work will commence shortly on the centre-piece of the Priory: the Church. Dordy Gail, our gardener, has planted two fields of liquorice, a herb that is grown in Yorkshire to this day, and which the Carthusian monks grow as one of the 130 different herbs used to make Green Chartreuse liqueur — since 1740-1760. As this is 200 years after our time it’s a little self-indulgent to simulate it, but who can resist? And in any case the monks at the head priory in Chartreuse were given the recipe in 1605, in a manuscript, already ancient by then, entitled ‘An Elixir of Long Life’. Perhaps it came from Mount Grace…

7 Helpers in New World Grid Our team of Dordy Gale, Romsey Homewood (sculpty creation) and Gale Sterling (building consultant) has been joined by Marline Laasonen (forester), who will be creating the woods, streams and paths around the uncultivated, hilly side of the site.


The Mount Grace Priory External helpers «in RL» The contribution of English Heritage As important to our work has been the kind help received from staff from English Heritage, a national body created by the National Heritage Act 1983 to maintain, conserve, protect, and promote visits to over 400 historical and archaeological sites in the UK. Staff of National Monuments Record, English Heritage’s public archive of over 10 million historic photographs, plans, drawings, reports, records and publications covering England’s archaeology, architecture, social and local history, supplied detailed site plans for Mount Grace, from two 1:500 scale plans of the overall site, to many 1:50 scale elevations of the ruins as they stand now. Mr. Paul Bryan, the Head of Geospatial Imaging, Imaging Graphics & Survey of English Heritage, has donated a comprehensive DVD of photogrammetric elevations of the buildings; He has also made a new survey using a hand-held laser Disto apparatus which has a height calculation routine built in, specially taken for our simulation during his recent visit to the site. Mr. David Thomas, Interpretation Officer English Heritage Northern Region, is exploring the possibilities of an appropriate link to our simulation, if English Heritage decided to provide RL visitors with digital reconstructions and walk-throughs of the site.

9 Considerable help was provided in the early stages by Dr. Glyn Coppack of the University of Nottingham, Principal Inspector of Ancient Monuments (emeritus), whose knowledge of mediaeval English monastic houses is definitive and encyclopedic.

Publicity elsewhere The current issue of GridTalk, a new publication produced by staff of Queen Mary University of London, and CERN, Geneva, covering evolutions on grid computing technologies, includes a brief account of our Mount Grace Priory project. See .

Christi Maeterlinck Mount Grace Priory simulation Curator.

Our Partners

Dreamstreams, Canada Le Parc des Arts, France

CrĂŠdit Agricole - Parlons Innovation, France, Great Britain

Copyright Virtus France 2010

Association registered to the Journal Officiel under the number W653001494

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