1/13/22 Full Edition

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T H U R S DAY, JA N UA RY 13 , 2 0 2 2 “Cover s the campus like the magnolias”


For the second year in a row, the Panhellenic Council holds sorority recruitment online BY BREANNA LAWS Staff Writer lawsbn21@wfu.edu

Katie Fox/ Old Gold & Black

Continued indoor mask mandates, a new visitor policy and modified quarantine and isolation periods are among the updated COVID-19 policies for the Spring 2022 semester.

WFU updates COVID policies for Spring 2022

Campus-wide booster shot requirement allow classes to begin on time and in person. BY CHRISTA DUTTON News Editor duttcd20@wfu.edu

A s the Omicron variant sweeps the nation and COVID-19 cases reach their highest peaks since the pandemic’s inception, Wake Forest has updated its protocols for the Spring 2022 semester so that classes can begin on time. On Dec. 29, an email regarding updated COVID-19 policies was sent to the Wake Forest student body, faculty and staff on behalf of Provost Rogan Kersh and Executive Vice

President Hof Milam. The email stated that students would be welcomed back to campus on time and will begin classes in person in large part due to the campus-wide booster shot requirement. The university has seen great cooperation from students regarding vaccinations. Currently, 92% of students have received a booster shot. “Public health guidance tells us that the booster and mask compliance are our two best defenses against COVID in general and the Omicron variant that is circulating right now,” Milam said. He continued: “But as students return from around the world, many from ‘hot spot’ regions, we, of course, anticipate a small uptick in cases.”

To prevent this uptick in cases as best as possible, additional protocols have been set in place to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus. These protocols include a continuation of indoor masking, a new visitor policy and updated isolation and quarantine guidelines. The university will continue to follow Winston-Salem’s city-wide indoor mask mandate and require face masks to be worn in all indoor spaces. Increased efforts will be made this semester to enforce the mask mandate in buildings on campus. “We are asking building owners to be more intentional on mask compliance this semester,” Milam said. See COVID,

Bid Day event for sorority recruitment will be held in person this Sunday, according to Panhellenic Council president and senior Emily Conway. For the past two years, the Panhellenic Council has held recruitment events virtually to accommodate for the COVID-19 pandemic. Conway said the virtual format has garnered great success both last year and this year. Over the course of the recruitment process, panhellenic chapters have attracted so many potential new members that the chapters have had to expand the pledge class sizes. “When I was a freshman, I think there were 61 [in my pledge class],” said Conway. “This year, we're projecting that it's going to be 70. That essentially means that we can place upwards of 70 more people than we would have four years ago, which is awesome.” The online platform for the event is also financially better for students going through the process of recruitment. Typically, those in recruitment have had to move back on campus a week early to attend the events, which drives up fee prices. However, the virtual design of this year’s recruitment means that potential new members did not have to move in early, making the process more accessible to more students. While it may seem as though a virtual process would hinder the ability of students to make connections with chapters, Conway says that this has not shown to be an issue. “From feedback that I've heard, [forming connections] is not actually a problem,” Conway said. The Panhellenic Council consists of eight chapters, which potential new members have been interacting with frequently throughout the last week. The recruitment week consists of five events: Chapter Introduction Day, Philanthropy Day, Sisterhood Day, Preference Day and Bid Day.

See Recruitment

Old Gold & Black

“ must test students for COVID-19 Administration This column represents the views of the Old Gold & Black Editorial Board.

In October 2020, Wake Forest implemented new restrictions on gatherings because of rising COVID-19 cases in an effort to “evaluate the prevalence of the virus and slow the pace of its spread while we determine if further steps will be required to contain it.” Fifteen months later, Wake Forest has yet to utilize one of the most important methods of containing a pandemic: testing for the virus. The COVID-19 pandemic has entered its third year. 800,000 Americans have died, COVID-19 hospitalizations have reached an all-time high and now the Omicron variant is spreading like wildfire. There cannot be more evidence needed for Wake Forest to take every preventative measure that it can afford. Universities across the country are using every resource available to them, taking action above and beyond medi-

Our administration must meet us halfway in this effort. Testing will allow our administration to strive after more than recommended guidelines ..." cal recommendations. While both Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are requiring pre-arrival tests, Wake Forest has yet to require university-wide COVID-19 testing for its students. 70 positive COVID-19 cases have been confirmed within the first month of the semester. Decisive action is needed. In the past, Wake Forest’s utilization of COVID-19 testing was essential to identifying positive COVID-19 cases and consequently allowing these individuals to isolate themselves in order to reduce

Old Gold&Black

the chances of infecting others. At this time, we strongly encourage the administration to pursue COVID-19 testing in any capacity, so that the university may better adjust its policies if testing locates an outbreak within the Wake Forest community. Ultimately, the students, staff, faculty and administration of this university have a responsibility to keep each other and the Winston-Salem community at large safe and healthy. As students, we must understand that we have an equal commitment to the professors and administration officials who love us and sacrifice for us every day. Although university policies and requirements can make a significant difference in the issues that we face, we are the ones that must hold each other accountable in order to ensure positive change.

Our administration must meet us halfway in this effort. Testing will allow our administration to strive after more than recommended guidelines, and toward a more perfect safeguard against any potential harm to Wake Forest. Whether this is your first COVID-19 semester at Wake Forest or your fifth, there is very little wavering in the desire to remain on campus for these next 17 weeks. But this can only be accomplished if both the administration and students work together. One must create safe, consistent and clear guidelines and practices, while the other must realize that these measures are necessary and be more than willing to accept this. We know it may not be pleasant, we know you would rather not, we know it won’t be easy, but we know that this is possible, and we know that we can do it.

Old Gold&In Your Ears



EDITOR-IN-CHIEF mcnecb19@wfu.edu










Christa Dutton, duttcd20@wfu.edu Emily Toro, toroer20@wfu.edu


Meredith Prince, prinmc21@wfu.edu Chase Bagnall-Koger, bagncm21@wfu. edu


Sophie Guymon, guymsm20@wfu.edu Maryam Khanum, khanmg20@wfu.edu


Christina DeNovio, denoca20@wfu.edu Essex Thayer, thayse20@wfu.edu


Adam Coil, coilat21@wfu.edu Josie Scratchard, scraja20@wfu.edu


Katie Fox, foxkg19@wfu.edu


Phoebe Zerwick, zerwicp@wfu.edu

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Thursday, January 13, 2022 | Page 3

Old Gold & Black| News

Recruitment: In-person bid day remains Chapter Introduction Day is a time for those going through recruitment to get an introduction to every chapter. It is the shortest event and provides a general overview of what makes every chapter unique. Philanthropy Day is a day for chapters to share what philanthropy efforts they support. New recruits get introduced to different fundraisers and events the chapters hold for the benefit of the philanthropy organization that they are associated with. Sisterhood Day is when chapters release their recruitment videos. These are short clips showcasing some of the activities within the different chapters, and they help provide an image of what each of the chapters are about. Chapter Introduction, Philanthropy and Sisterhood Days have already occurred for the Spring 2022 recruitment period. Preference Day will be held on Jan. 15. This day is a day that is described as “emotional” by Conway.

“Preference round is where [potential new members] realize that this is the place that they should be in,” Conway said. Finally, there is Bid Day, which will occur on Jan. 16. This day is when students going through recruitment are officially invited to be a member of a chapter. The chapters will also hold different activities and events on this day to celebrate the placement of the new recruits. The Panhellenic council has decided to make this event in-person, rather than virtual. The event will take place outside and all attendees will be required to wear masks. The council believes that this will allow for students to enjoy a more normal bid day, all while still remaining safe. As for the rest of the week, Conway recommends that those going through recruitment “trust the process.” The online recruitment style has shown to be a great success so far, and Conway believes that this will allow for “more [students] to be placed in chapters.”

Photo Courtesy of wfu_panhel Instagram

Students reflect on fourth COVID FDOC

Booster requirements and mask mandates allow students to start the semester in-person BY HOPE ZHU Contributing Writer zhuq21@wfu.edu

Despite several peer institutions beginning the semester with remote instruction, Wake Forest University’s Spring 2022 semester commenced on Jan. 10, with in-person classes and eager students. Around noon, President Wente sent an email informing the student body that “the opportunity to welcome everyone back to campus should not be taken for granted.” The email also stressed the importance of the new COVID-19 protocols and each student’s responsibility to uphold them. Freshman Grace Xu observed that many students were compliant with these protocols. “A lot of students were aware of the need for social distance and usually kept at least one seat between them if possible,” Xu said. Professors continued to remind students of the mask mandate and implemented the strict rules outlined in the syllabus in order to ensure students keep their masks on during class. In light of other campuses returning online, many students were thankful for the in-person FDOC.

“I am glad that the classes are not virtual,” said freshman Zac Anderson, who intends to major in business and enterprise management and minor in theater.“In-person classes are so much better.” Anderson added that FDOC felt like a “high school reunion.” Many students felt the same way, especially first-year students. “The campus felt more relaxing than last semester,” freshman Riley Shanaghan, who said that her greatest frustration during the first semester was “not knowing what will happen.” The majority of campus was quite lively on FDOC, as the newly installed Chick-fil-A kiosks were lined with students by 12 p.m, nearly blocking the entrance to the Benson lobby. Other students were seen carrying piles of books from the bookstore or discussing their break with friends outside Manchester Plaza. Although it seems many are quickly settling on campus, a new semester continues to be an adjustment for many students. Shanaghan felt apprehensive towards FDOC, specifically about her classes, but felt more confident regarding the state of the pandemic and the school’s restrictions. “I felt like there is not enough time to adjust and turn around,” sophomore Camille Calkins, a business enterprise management major, said. Still, Calkins said that she is excited to see people walking around.

Katie Fox/Old Gold & Black

Wake Forest University students meet up with their friends

Miscellaneous • There was a report of loud music/party/fireworks on New Year’s Day on Polo Road. WSPD was unable to locate. The report was filed at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 6 • Aramark employee advised her boyfriend grabbed her and took her phone. Off-duty WSPD Officer Stultz completed report #2201426. The report was filed with the University Police at 7:36 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 9

Page 4 | Thursday, January 13, 2022

Old Gold & Black| News

COVID-19: WFU implements mandates Milam continued: “Students should anticipate additional signage and proactive reminders, and spaces like the library and Green Room in Reynolda Hall, where students sit for long periods of time, are especially subject to mask compliance enforcement.” At the time, administration does not anticipate enforcing any gathering size limits. The Division of Campus Life will work directly with student organizations to determine how to hold events as safely as possible. However, any visitors planning to attend indoor events at Reynolda Campus must provide proof of vaccination with booster shot or a negative test before attending the event.

Additionally, during campus events, food and drink must be served outside to avoid having to remove masks. The university will also alter its isolation and quarantine protocols in response to the new CDC recommendation that reduced the isolation time for vaccinated persons who test positive for COVID-19. Isolation rooms will be provided for students who live on campus who test positive and for students with a vaccination exemption who test positive or have been exposed. The university has 48 rooms at Deacon Station set aside specifically for quarantine and isolation use and has leased additional hotel rooms on a short-term basis in the event there is a rapid increase in cases as students return to campus.

The pandemic continues to impact countries all over the world in different ways. International students and study-abroad programs may be affected by changes in public health conditions. The Center for Global Programs and Studies and the International Student and Scholar Services will communicate, as necessary, with students and faculty traveling to or from other countries. In addition to laying out the updated protocols, the university-wide message also contained some recommendations for students, faculty and staff. The university strongly recommended getting tested before arriving to campus as the university is unable to offer pre-arrival testing. Undergraduate and graduate students must report a positive test re-

sult to Student Health Services and faculty and staff must report to the Faculty/Staff Clinic. The university anticipates that these protocols will remain in effect through January. Administration is in regular contact with public health experts, specifically regarding the risks of the Omicron variant, but remains confident that the requirement of the booster shot will significantly contribute to the ability of campus to remain open and operate as normally as possible. “We continue to closely monitor public health conditions on campus, in the county and in the state,” Provost Kersh said. He continued: “But I’m feeling cautiously hopeful about the semester ahead.”

UCC adopts partnership with TimelyCare After abandoning its rapid year as well as an unlimited number rollout in the Fall semester, and will pressed for time, adding TimelyCare of TalkNow sessions for mental health now be launched and advertised at the to the counseling center is a helpful access model, the UCC is now support. end of January. President Susan Wente additional option to students like me.” BY CONNOR MCNEELY Editor-in-Chief mcnecb19@wfu.edu

After the December announcement that Wake Forest’s Counseling Center will not be continuing the usage of their rapid access model for the Spring semester, the UCC has proceeded with the implementation of TimelyCare into its treatment model. TimelyCare is a telehealth provider that offers nocost services to students at many major universities. The University’s decision to discontinue the rapid-access model was based on its temporary nature. The model was an impermanent structure designed after midterms and before finals in order to quickly give access to students in a high-demand period for the UCC. TimelyCare will act as part of a return to the original treatment system for the UCC, as confirmed by its director, Dr. Warrenetta Mann. The services provided through this partnership are intended to supplement those provided by the UCC. The program is meant to “expand and enhance mental health support to Wake Forest students”. “After a thorough process of researching and reviewing several telehealth companies, we found that TimelyCare best understood our campus community and our students’ needs related to mental and emotional wellbeing,” Mann said. TimelyCare offers 24/7 medical and mental health care through a virtual meeting space in which any student may talk to a doctor, counselor, or health coach. The scheduled counseling services that the program offers are 45-minute appointments with a licensed counselor with an average 5-10 minute wait time. The service offers up to 12 counseling sessions per academic

TimelyCare also offers a resource entitled ‘Health Coaching’. This scheduled appointment service is designed to help students start and maintain optimal sleep, nutrition, exercise, weight and stress management strategies with a health coach. All services provided by TimelyCare. TimelyCare has gained significant traction across the nation during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Academic institutions such as Duke University, Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte and Belmont University now offer the service to their students. As the UCC struggled to find counseling professionals throughout the last year, TimelyCare appeared as a potentially crucial resource because it allows students to schedule appointments virtually with a larger pool of licensed healthcare professionals at no cost to students. The virtual service was first introduced at Wake Forest through a soft

spoke favorably about TimelyCare and expressed optimism for the new resource. “We are currently facing a national shortage of in-person providers, which is what led us to this decision. We have to find new ways of addressing the needs of our campus and TimelyCare will be an important strategy for us,” Wente said. Students have expressed hope about the introduction of TimelyCare to the UCC. Joe Cho, a junior double majoring in Biology and Physics, shared his confidence about the university’s decision. “The university has consistently underestimated the gravity of need for accessible counseling during the pandemic,” Cho said. “But as an advocate for mental health and well-being, I see this as a first step into the right direction.” Senior Sophie Yass agreed and spoke positively about TimelyCare saying, “as someone who always finds themselves

Other students voiced their concerns about TimelyCare’s ability to manage students over a long-term period. “It’s important to have access to mental health care especially in times like these. However, models like these can be unattractive to students because having to reexplain a narrative every time you meet with a therapist is extremely debilitating,” said junior Ali McCarthy. Dr. Mann spoke about the struggles caused by the pandemic saying, “We recognize that the pandemic has had an adverse impact on all of us, especially our students. We want you to know that your mental health and wellbeing is our top priority. Our partnership with TimelyCare is just another way for us to support you.” All of the TimelyCare services are confidential and free to Reynolda Campus undergraduate and graduate students. They can be easily accessed at timelycare.com/wakeforest or on the TimelyCare app.


T H U R S D AY, J A N U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 2


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Meredith Prince, prinmc21@wfu.edu

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Exploring eating disorders at Wake Forest University The prevalence of eating disorders at Wake Forest can be addressed through social and administrative support BY HENRY PARKHURST Contributing Writer parkhd18@wfu.edu

Work. Study. Exercise. Party. Repeat. That is the ever-present reality of college life at Wake Forest University according to many students.Binding together that cycle is the pressure to be great — not just at what you value, but at everything. Worst of all, the seeming requirement of reaching that level of personal, academic, and social success has infiltrated one of the most fundamental needs of a healthy lifestyle to the wayside: eating. On a campus consumed by a culture of perfectionism that has only been exacerbated by a global pandemic, eating disorders and disordered eating are affecting more and more students each year. “Eating disorders and disordered eating are prevalent across colleges and universities in general,” said Coordinator of Eating Disorder Prevention Services at the Counseling Center Dr. Emily Palmieri. “With that said, the last Healthy Minds survey and American College Health Assessment data reported Wake Forest as having higher than average reports in Photo courtesy of Henry Parkhurst disordered eating.” A sign in Tribble Courtyard reminds students to eat during the first semester finals The prevalence of eating related issues at Wake Forest is no secret to its students, faculty or staff. Yet their presence has week. Disordered eating constitutes a major issue on the Wake Forest campus. only proliferated, leaving some feeling confused as to the The Radical Balancing Act Administrative Action seeming lack of social and administrative support. A Cultural Issue Irregular patterns of eating have come to play a substantial As eating related issues have proliferated, so has the demand role in intentional and unintentional efforts to fulfill the on the offices and teams working to prevent or mitigate any Wake Forest’s high-achieving community is a source of damage they may be causing to the community. pride; however, the pressure it can generate may have sub- expectations of perfection that riddle the Wake Forest com- “The University Counseling Center, the Safe Office and the munity. stantial consequences for its members. Student Health Service have experienced higher than usual While “Work Forest”’s work hard-play hard mindset may Party-going and alcohol consumption dominate the Wake incidents, as have offices that typically would not have eatbe evident to students from the beginning, academic pres- Forest social scene, with 78.4% of students choosing to ing disorders brought to them by students — and others sures represent only one part of the many challenges stu- drink according to the Spring 2020 National Collegiate — including the Center for Learning Access and Student Health Assessment. Subsequently, enjoying parties to the dents face in their efforts to impress. Success, the Chaplain’s office, Campus Ministers and faculty “It’s easy to compare yourself to other girls on campus,” a fullest while remaining body-conscious adds even more members,” Palmieri said. female junior who wished to remain anonymous said. “Just strain to the tumultuous relationship many have with eat- In regards to responding to student wellbeing in relation to walking around. you see girls who are super, super skinny. ing. eating disorders and disordered eating, the Counseling CenThe visibility of what other girls look like can become over- “I cannot tell you how many times I heard the sentence ter offers “group therapy, blind weight checks through Stu‘I’m not going to eat anything today so I can get drunk off dent Health Services, and some individual therapy services,” whelming.” The European thin ideal is predominant across campus, of one White Claw tonight and not look bloated when I go according to Dr. Palmieri. according to Palmieri, and the consequences of eating dis- out,’” said a 2020 graduate of Wake Forest who explored Fortunately, dining services are also looking to respond to orders are clear. eating disorders at Wake Forest through documentary film- the increasingly challenging relationships with food on cam“As a therapist, I hear it is difficult for students to feel a making. “The going-out culture at Wake Forest is toxic, and pus and seem to be receiving encouraging feedback. sense of belonging and acceptance if their genetics or sur- it glorifies the idea of not eating to look skinny or get drunk “All our messages are positive and inclusive – we tell our vival strategies do not match with the perceived norm,” faster.” story and offer information and experiences without negaPalmieri said. Parties heighten the visibility of the already prominent thin tivity,” Madison Fishler, the health and wellness manager for The pressure to conform to a specific body image affects ideal. Often filled with more revealing outfits, the pressure Harvest Table, which oversees dining at Wake Forest, said. many members of the community, but being physically to conform to body image standards is only exacerbated. “We aim to celebrate all types of food and encourage a vasurrounded by a thin body ideal presents heightened chal- The reasoning behind the modifications in eating behavior riety of food choices. We don’t take away food options to lenges. varies for different students. Some eat little-to-no food to limit the consumer choices, we are always looking to add “When I’m home, I don’t care what I look like,” the same get drunk faster. Others chose not to eat in order to appear more food and beverage options. We provide education on junior as above said. “I’m walking everyday and active, but skinnier when going out. wellbeing practices in a non-judgmental, positive way that I’m never doing it for how I look. But when I get here, I “It’s all a mental tradeoff,” the anonymous junior said. empowers others as opposed to shaming people’s choices." immediately start feeling self-conscious. It’s such a switch. I The prevalence of eating disorders and disordered eating at compare myself to every girl on campus and realize I don’t “You think, ‘now I can do this because I did that,’ whether Wake Forest does not appear to be going anywhere, barring it's burning calories in the gym to drink them back later or have the typical body of a Wake Forest girl.” an immediate cultural shift and a dramatic expansion of reA sense of intra-community comparison was mentioned eating less to allow yourself to dress a certain way.” sources available to students. Yet even amidst the seemingly by multiple Wake Forest women who have challenging re- While this behavior has become entrenched in Wake For- unending slew of expectations and reasons for stress, there lationships with food as being a driver of disordered eating. est culture, it falls firmly under the umbrella of disordered remains room for optimism. However, struggles with food and body images are not ex- eating – which encompasses eating modifications in re- “The amount of people who reached out and said they had sponse to social self-representation, according to the Con- struggled with something similar to me was overwhelming,” clusive to female-identifying students at Wake Forest. “I’ve seen so many more guys in the gym this year,” junior temporary Psychoanalysis Group. the 2020 graduate said. “I got to talk to people who trusted Conner Chapman said. “It definitely feels like there can be Unfortunately, recognition of unhealthy or disordered me with their stories, and it was a really warming thing to pressure, though. I think everyone suffers from challenges at behaviors does not make them easier to overcome. Even get to open up to people, even complete strangers, about a some level when they look in the mirror, whether it's want- among social circles who claim to have healthy relationships shared experience.” ing more muscle or less fat, and that changes the way we go with food, pressure to conform lingers along with a desire This story is an abridged version of a full story which will appear online. for better administrative support. about eating, too.”

Page 6 | Thursday, January 13, 2021

Old Gold & Black| Features

Wake Forest takes steps to address climate change The Reynolda Campus has


When it comes to long periods without rain, extended warm seasons and other climate-related issues, Wake Forest has seen it all. But Wake Forest is now putting together action plans to make campus more climate-resilient. The university is developing plans to reach campus-wide carbon neutrality by 2040, building off the momentum of the 30% reduction in the university’s greenhouse gas emissions since 2007. However, this is a daunting task. Wake Forest and other universities are trying to solve a problem that has been developing for centuries in just a few decades. Recent awareness and acceptance of climate change as a scientific fact in the news cycle have aided progress. “Did I ever think, when I got into this business, that the words ‘climate change’ would be in the news every day? Absolutely not.” Director of the Office of Sustainability Lindsay Batchelor said. Climate change has already taken its toll in Wake Forest’s own backyard. The increase in frequency of natural disasters within Wake Forest’s ecosystem and the destruction of Lake Katherine in Reynolda Village are just two detrimental effects on a long list of many more. Although Wake Forest has learned it cannot stop climate change by itself, the university now knows that it can be a leader in sustainable higher education by making climate resiliency a priority. The Past: Wake Forest before Climate Change Climate change is not a one-trick pony. Wake Forest has already encountered a multitude of climate related shifts that have dramatically altered the landscape. One of the most striking changes that makes the area surrounding campus almost unrecognizable since the 20th Century can be found in both Reynolda Village and Lake Katherine. Phillip Archer, the Betsy Main Babcock Director for the Reynolda House, spearheaded an exhibition at the Reynolda Museum of Art called “Reynolda at 100: Lake Katherine”, which details the shifts in Lake Katherine’s landscape over the past century. “The biggest change is the shift in the type of ecosystem we have,” Archer said. “Lake Katherine was a 16acre lake that was used for irrigation and a recreational outlet to those who worked in and around Reynolda.” Today, there is no lake to be seen at Reynolda Village. Instead, a grassy wetland landscape dominates the land. “Lake Katherine was man-made; we know now that silt and sediment buildup is common in man-made lakes,” Archer said. “Really, Lake Katherine has been transforming into a wetland since its completion and has continued for 50 years.”

This rearrangement of landscape in Reynolda Village is the result of construction and development coupled with changes in the normal climate for the area. Evidently, not all parts of nature are built to withstand dramatic ecological changes. One of its most sensitive aspects are Wake Forest’s trees. Jim Mussetter has been Wake Forest’s arborist for the past 25 years, and he has witnessed signals of stress and struggle for survival among trees. For Mussetter, the most saddening loss of trees and foliage on Wake Forest’s campus is the absence of sugar maples, a tree that is representative of the campus’s climate. Sugar maples failed to survive because the area’s soil became increasingly dry and shallow due to climate-related changes. “When I came to Winston-Salem in 1992, both sides of Reynolda road had sugar maples, and in the fall, it was incredible,” Mussetter said. “But I can’t remember the last time I looked at them and said ‘that looks awesome.” The Present: Climate Change’s Effects on Campus Today The world is struggling to keep up with the effects of climate change. The irreversible environmental consequences are almost impossible to tackle, but Wake Forest can act now to stop future degradation on and around its campus. One of the most pressing issues Wake Forest must tackle is food production. With natural disasters becoming more frequent, local agriculture has suffered. “When talking about resilience, the number one issue is local food production,” Campus Garden Manager

Nathan Peifer said. “That means backyard gardens, neighborhood gardens and especially our own Campus Garden are most vulnerable to climate change.” Campus Garden is responsible for distributing fresh, organic produce to service agencies that help alleviate hunger in the Winston-Salem community. When natural disasters such as hurricanes and extreme drought hit, the health of the community suffers along with Campus Garden’s production. “In the fall of 2018, two major hurricanes swept through our region,” Peifer said. “We now tend to have heavier rains and longer dry periods between rains. It’s made water management more challenging, especially for those who are growing food on sloping land. We now need to be prepared for these unpredictable weather patterns.” Creation of landscapes like the creationurban environments with few pervious surfaces, can also affect vegetation. Wake Forest’s trees are a prime example of plants succumbing to human intervention. “The increasingly urban setting of this campus makes a harsh environment for trees,” Mussetter said. “Living in confined spaces coupled with long hot and dry periods just aren’t good for them, and I see them suffer.” Nonetheless, the future is bright for Wake Forest, thanks to its faculty’s dedication to reducing the university’s carbon footprint. “Even since 2012, we have planted over 1000 trees,” Mussetter said. “It is awesome how we are committed to replenishing our ecosystem.” Most interestingly, however, is the plan Wake Forest currently has in mo-

tion to jumpstart the university’s journey to offset its carbon footprint. The Future: A Resilient Campus? The Office of Sustainability is constantly looking for new and creative ideas to offset their carbon footprint. One of the most revolutionary ways they plan on doing so is through a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement. “A VPPA is an agreement that allows us to financially support a large renewable energy project somewhere in the United States, such as a wind turbine or solar panel farm,” Batchelor said. “We will agree to buy energy from them for the next 15 years at a fixed price, they will sell the renewable energy to a local provider, and then Wake Forest will be able to keep the renewable energy credits (RECs).” Batchelor and the rest of her team are eager to kick off the project. “I am beyond excited about this project,” Batchelor said. “After a few years, it would offset 60 percent of our carbon footprint. That is basically all our purchased electricity. We are partnering with two other institutions, and we would be the first aggregation to do this.” If the VPPA process goes smoothly, future Wake Forest students will never know a campus before renewable energy. Additionally, Wake Forest will save a multitude of money through this project to put towards ‘greening’ all parts of campus. The road to sustainability is a long journey, and there is not one silver bullet that will fix everything. But every project Wake Forest has in place connects to a larger purpose: ensuring the future health of the world.

Old Gold & Black | Page 7

Features| Thursday, January 13, 2021

The man behind Luter residence hall Highlighting the legacy of Joseph Luter, the namesake of the newlyrenovated residence hall BY BREANNA LAWS Staff Writer lawsbn21@wfu.edu “Whatever success I’ve had would not have been possible without my Wake Forest education,” Joseph Luter said. Luter is a Wake Forest University benefactor and businessman out of Smithfield, VA. The Luter residence hall has undergone intense renovations over the past semester, and it is finally ready to begin housing students again. As the former Bostwick and Johnson residents make their move into their new home, it is important to highlight the man behind the hall’s name. This residence hall boasts the name of Joseph Williamson Luter III, a 1961 graduate from Wake Forest. Now 82 years old, Luter has left his legacy on his alma mater, and also holds great success in his own business endeavors. Many may be familiar with the name Smithfield Food — the world’s largest hog producer and pork processor. Luter’s father founded this company in 1936, alongside Luter’s grandfather. The company is based out of the small town of Smithfield, VA, where Luter grew up. At its conception, the Smithfield Packing Company was a small meat business — selling small amounts of pork to businesses in

the area. The company grew rapidly, and what started as a pork processing company turned into an empire, producing up to 3,500 hogs a day. In his youth, Luter worked at his father’s company during the summer and over the winter holidays. He worked a variety of jobs, including working the kill floor, the cut floor, the pig pen and loading the trucks. In an interview with Virginia Living, Luter details the work as “tough, hard work — dirty work.” While his was not the most glamorous of jobs, Luter also expressed the benefits of working alongside the people in the plant. He believes that it made him “appreciate the workers” because he “learned where they were coming from.” In his early adulthood, Luter studied economics and business history at Wake Forest University. He graduated from the university in 1961, the same year that his father passed away. After the death of his father, Luter decided to invest further in the Smithfield Packing Company. His father had owned about 42% of the Smithfield Packing Company, and Luter purchased enough to own a little over half of the company. In 1966, Luter became the chairman of Smithfield Packing Company. He remained in his position until 1969. At that time, he sold the company to Liberty Equities Corporation, a conglomerate based in Washington, D.C.

After stepping down as chairman, Luter remained in close affiliation with Wake Forest. He is considered an esteemed University supporter and he served on the Board of Trustees from 1997-2000. In addition to being on the board, Luter has also held a large financial influence at Wake Forest. In 1987, Luter donated 1 million dollars to the University in support of a variety of projects on campus. He allocated the funds to two building projects on campus, as well as the intercollegiate athletics program. The men’s and women’s athletic programs received $400,000 of this donation. One of the

building projects was the construction of the University Center, which had $500,000 designated towards it. The other was the construction of the Lawrence Joel Memorial Coliseum, which received a donation of $100,000. Today, Luter is honored with a residence hall bearing his name. The seal of the hall depicts the profile of a boar — a subtle nod to the Smithfield Packing Company. Luter Hall is now a coed dorm that houses both first-year and continuing students, and it will continue to honor the man it was named after for years to come.

Photo Courtesy of Wake Forest

The newly-renovated Luter residence hall is named after Joseph Williamson Luter Jr., a Wake Forest alum, University benefactor and entrepreneur.

Athenas Lifting Club looks to empower non-male lifters Student-founded club aims are people who are personal trainers ered all the bases,” Wooten said. “All they just couldn’t turn that around, like me who just came just to meet some other girls who enjoy doing this and people who have never stepped foot in a gym before. It’s been really cool to just see that commonality of wanting to be around like-minded, strong and confident individuals on campus.” In the vein of strength and confidence, the founders chose the name Athenas to honor the Greek goddess of warfare, strategy and wisdom. “We were going for a badass name, so we felt like Athena cov-

we want for the girls in the club, for ourselves, for the members, for exec, any new members and for any woman honestly, part of the club or not, is to feel like an Athena.” Confidence and strength are built in many ways, however, and everyone has unique obstacles to overcome in their pursuit of those attributes. “We’re helping girls who are struggling with eating disorders, and we’ve had a lot of people tell us that they had eating disorders and

and they joined us because of that,” Lammel Knebl said. “So we want to take a more positive view on mental strength in the weight room health. Because yes, Athenas is about working out and looking good, but BY AINE PIERRE more so, it’s more about feeling betOnline Managing Editor ter and empowering ourselves.” pierav20@wfu.edu Lammel Knebl said that she has been heartened by the growth the Inside the Sutton Center’s gym is girls in Athenas have undergone. a weightlifting room that some on“It just makes me feel happier campus refer to as the “fishbowl,” knowing that we can help these where onlookers from other floors women be happier and more confican watch every second of somedent,” she said. one’s weightlifting workout. Junior And, according to Wooten, even Martina Lammel Knebl said that in nonmembers are noticing a positive a male-majority workout environimpact. ment such as the Sutton Center, “I actually had men on campus working out in spaces like the “fishwho I didn’t even know personally bowl” can promote feelings of insewho came up and said, ‘hey, heard curity and hypervisibility. you’re associated with Athenas. I “[The girls who work out in that just want to say thank you, you room] all feel like fish in a fishbowl helped my girlfriend or friend,’” because everyone’s staring at them,” Wooten said. “It was really cool to Lammel Knebl said. “And that’s just see the positive reaction from men not how you should be feeling in on campus about this.” the gym.” As the club continues to grow, its This was the impetus for Lammel founders hope to support its memKnebl and junior Virginia Wooten bers in even more ways, including to start Athenas, Wake Forest’s nonconnecting with the Women’s Cenmale lifting club. Athenas, per Wooter, THRIVE Office and bringing ten, is open to anyone who does not in guest speakers. identify as male and has an interest “We’re working towards just getin lifting, regardless of prior experiting guest speakers in, such as lience. Some members, like Athenas’ censed therapists and dietitians who two founders, are personal trainers, can talk more about mental health others are just starting out. Photo Courtesy of @athenaswfu on Instagram and nutrition and provide just good “It’s your own time; come as you will, and we’ll take you from what- Members of Athenas Lifting Club participate in a training ses- opportunities for our girls,” Lammel Knebl said. ever point,” Wooten said. “There


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Sophie Guymon, guymsm20@wfu.edu Maryam Khanum, khanmg20@wfu.edu


The views expressed in all opinion columns represent those of the article’s author, not the opinions of the Old Gold & Black Editorial Board

Deacs Debate

Conversation analyzes social media activism BY MARYAM KHANUM AND BREANNA LAWS Opinion Editor and Staff Columnist khanmg20@wfu.edu and lawsbn21@wfu.edu

Maryam Khanum: So, Breanna, having just passed the anniversary of the Capitol riots, I think we can all agree that social media activism has come to the forefront of conversations regarding political socialization and how media activism impacts real-life events. It’s definitely been used as a force of good in the past, but is that enough to offset the harm it brings? Breanna Laws: A divisive question, for sure. I agree that the use of social media to spread a message can be harmful at times — especially if the message is false. In addition, many people feel almost overwhelmed by the amount of politics they are exposed to while on the Internet. However, I think that this is precisely what makes social media so useful. While it may not directly translate to impact on certain issues, it will always be in your face. You cannot The American political scene has changed drastically — in both positive and negavoid hearing about issues on the Internet, and I think ative ways — because of significant media presence over the past few years. that gathering attention will always be the first step to ob- is a dangerous thing on its own, as the concept of “echo media still allows these inaccurate theories and harmful taining actual backing for an issue. chambers” becomes more prevalent, leading to a lack of rhetoric to spread much faster and emboldens this conjecReally, I think the issue comes down to whether efforts education. It is not that the Internet does not provide cor- ture in a dangerous way. being presented on social media are in good or bad faith. rect information, but the fact that social media developers Performative activism is a huge issue in regards to social BL: I think it is often difficult for people who have found media activism spaces. An argument is that many of these do not care about the education of their users — they care themselves in these conspiracy theory rabbit holes to about profit. While I believe that many citizens wish to spaces have become a place for privileged individuals to branch out to other valid sources. After all, if you are congain validation from their followers — would you agree learn the truth, many are unsure how to find it. ditioned to believe that one way of thinking is true, then Perhaps encouraging social media companies to further with that? develop fact-checking technology would be the answer you are inclined to avoid denying it. The way some people MK: I can definitely agree with that. I think now more here. While many social media platforms have this tech- find themselves believing certain pieces of false informathan ever — with the ongoing pandemic and its politici- nology, it is grossly underdeveloped. I recognize that there tion on the Internet can be for a variety of reasons — all zation — performative activism is on the rise. Influencers may always be those conspiracy theorists that cling to of which are difficult to combat. and celebrities are preaching the importance of wearing their ideals, despite fact-checking measures. Many of these As you stated previously, there is a vast amount of valid masks and social distancing while simultaneously attend- people actually speak out against these measures. So, the information online that people can access. I agree that a ing massive gatherings and other super spreader events. advancement of this technology may be a double-edged sort of intentional ignorance is really the issue here. I wish In particular, we’ve seen TikTok influencers engage in this sword. There is also the matter of whether fact-checking I could be able to recall a time before social media so that kind of hypocritical behavior. It’s indicative of how social should be the responsibility of the social media platform I might be able to observe the way it has impacted people’s ability to grow their opinions. Perhaps, before the age of media activism has largely contributed to the trivialization itself or the individual that puts out the information. social media, people were more inclined to seek out the of serious topics. truth and were not as opposed to changing their perspecMK: While I definitely think the addition of that techAnother concerning phenomenon I’ve noticed that has tive. nology would be beneficial to social media, I’m not so sure gained momentum alongside the rise of social media acI will say that I have still seen this happen before. ConI agree with the purported impact of it. I think in the tivism is the spread of misinformation online. Conspiracy versations in comment threads have led people to change era of Coronavirus, we can observe how the unique phetheories regarding the 2020 presidential election are definitely some of the most prominent examples. They have nomenon of politicization has impacted the way people their minds. I have grown my opinion and changed my been further fueled by the QAnon movement, which also perceive things. The problem is not a lack of information mind on certain topics due to what I was exposed to on gained credence through social media. Social media has surrounding the virus, as we have institutions such as the the Internet. I truly believe that most people will change definitely played a massive role in substantiating some of CDC constantly using public forums to educate people on when they are exposed to factual information in a helpful the true nature of the virus and working to dispel myths way. Learning through social media is scary — there is a the biggest threats to American democracy. surrounding it. Despite this, we’ve seen the rise of a mas- lot of misinformation, as we have discussed. However, reBL: I think that it is interesting to watch how the politi- sive “anti-mask” movement among conservatives, with gardless of anyone’s opinions, social media is here to stay. Moving forward, I think we should really focus more on cal scene has changed so drastically because of significant media outlets coining the term “the liberal pandemic”. media presence over the last few years. I definitely agree It’s hauntingly similar to many of the conservative move- trying to make these spaces as factually accurate and as that it is threatening to democratic processes, especially ments surrounding the 2020 Presidential Election. De- hospitable as possible. since many Americans seem to prefer getting their politi- spite social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitcal education from unaccredited sources. The spread of ter attempting to provide warnings with more accurate MK: Well, Breanna, I think we’ve done justice to the misinformation is increasing drastically, but I do not nec- information regarding the outcome of the election, people argument surrounding social media activism. I hope our continued to develop their own inaccurate conspiracy the- discourse inspires people to think a little bit more deeply essarily believe that it is inherently the Internet’s fault. There are spaces online with valid and reliable informa- ories. As Adrian Bardon from Wake Forest's philosophy about the connotations of their online activism. tion, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult to dis- department pointed out, we’re not observing an inability cover them. The truth is that the majority of social media to access accurate information so much as an intentional BL: I hope for the same thing, Maryam. Thank you so apps use algorithm systems to distribute information. This inclination to disregard reliable evidence and facts. Social much for having this conversation with me.

Thursday, January 13, 2022 | Page 9

Opinion | Old Gold & Black

University “is equipped to handle COVID-19 COVID-19

New protocols for the Spring 2022 semester show readiness for possible COVID-19 outbreaks

Mia Reede

It’s your third day of quarantine and you sit in your dimly lit room with mismatched socks and shoes scattered across your unvacuumed floor. Dust has accumulated and settled in corners, floating up as air flows through your open window. Begrudgingly, you shift a few feet from your bed to your desk to sit in your gray, pilling swivel chair. As you slash another red tick mark across your calendar, the knowledge that you have one less day in quarantine brings a brief grin to your face. These somber descriptions were a familiar reality for many Wake Forest students during the 2020-2021 academic year. Students who tested positive for COVID-19 were isolated for 10 days after receiving their test result,

College should remain on campus and...managing any possible case outbreaks is a reasonable and attainable goal." with the university renting rooms at the Best Western Plus Hotel on University Parkway, as well as the Hawthorne Inn, in anticipation of possible case surges. Individuals who would report any symptoms of exposures on their daily SneezeSafe survey were asked to isolate or begin their 14-day quarantine immediately. COVID-19 cases were also found through mandatory weekly random student testing. These results were updated daily and subsequently analyzed. Any confirmed trends were shared with the Wake Forest community through the university’s COVID-19 Dashboard. It is important to note that the worst spike in cases occurred during February 2021, when no one was vaccinated. Although such lengthy quarantines and hotel isolations were necessary precautions at the time, we are now entering the Spring semester of 2022 with Omicron, a new and more contagious variant of COVID-19. With

almost 97% percent of the student body vaccinated, and Wake’s new booster shot requirement, new protocols have been enforced and fully in-person classes have resumed after students’ return to campus from Winter Break. Provost Rogan Kersh recalled the successful application of safety protocols following the outbreak of the Delta variant during the Fall semester. He specifically noted that the Wake Forest community followed CDC guidelines, while also remaining in close communication with their own infectious disease experts at Wake Forest Baptist Health. Kersh applauded student and faculty members alike for their accepting response and unwavering compliance to indoor masking and other protocols, crediting the university’s completion of a full semester of in-person classes to high vaccination rates and indoor mask compliance. With that being said, families are beginning to wonder if Wake Forest is doing enough to prevent a future outbreak on campus. To combat natural parent anxieties, Kersh has assured the Wake Forest community that COVID-19 cases will be moni-

tored and any protocol decisions are subject to change as cases progress. Following the recommendation of public health advisors, Kersh and the administration decided to require a COVID-19 booster shot for students to return to campus and mitigate the potential spread of the virus. Many students support the university’s decision to continue with fully in-person classes. “In-person college life brought new challenges [in comparison to] the experience of online learning but was exponentially more fulfilling and rewarding,” sophomore Abby Bermeo said. Bermeo tested positive for Omicron over Winter break and was cared for at home. However, her symptoms were mild, and she believes that if she had tested positive at school, she would’ve been able to manage the virus herself. “If I didn't know it was COVID-19, I would've barely counted it as a cold,” said Bermeo. She received her booster shot back in December. College should remain on campus, and with the preventative measures that students and faculty alike have taken prior to returning this Spring, managing any possible outbreaks is a reasonable and attainable goal.

“ Racism remains persistent in Greek Life Greek Life

The appropriation of hand signs highlights deeper racism in the National Panhellenic Conference

Sophie Guymon Opinion Editor

The sororities on Wake Forest’s campus and across the nation often distinguish themselves with hand signs, a practice that has been popularized across the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) member organizations over the past 15 years. Members are encouraged to “throw what they know,” whether that be the Delta Delta Delta triangle or the Alpha Delta Pi diamond. What many sorority members don’t know, however, is that the practice of hand signs originated with the National Pan-hellenic Council (NPHC), which is composed of nine historically-Black fraternities and sororities. The NPHC was established in 1930, when Black men and women were barred from joining NPC and Interfraternity Council (IFC) organizations, and was founded on the intention of nondiscrimination on the basis of race or religion. Hand signs and calls are a longstanding part of NPHC tradition;

Combatting racism...means systemic change...promises to no longer use hand signs mean little if no further action is taken. " they can be traced back to the 1970s and became prevalent in the 1980s. Calls are audible sounds that members of NPHC organizations make to grab the attention of other members and are also used as a form of greeting or promotion. Having sounds that are unique to a group or organization is embedded in both African and African-American tradition, tracing back to the Congo and Angola tribes as well as enslaved persons. Hand signs are often used to accompany or substitute for calls and are frequently displayed when posing for photographs. While hand signs seem ubiquitous among NPC sororities, they didn’t come into popular use until 2006. Unlike in NPHC organizations, hand signs are not an official practice or part of ritual in NPC organizations. They do not hold the same cultural significance as they do in NPHC organizations and were widely adopted without crediting their NPHC origins. Only recently have Greek organizations started to recognize the problematic nature of these hand signs. In

2020, Phi Mu nationals announced that they would no longer be posting photos displaying their quatrefoil hand sign, and encouraged their members to follow suit. They cited “throwing what you know” as a form of cultural appropriation. In October 2021, Kappa Alpha Theta — a sorority that has a chapter on Wake Forest’s campus — announced a similar intention to eliminate the use of hand signs. They wrote that their past posts using hand signs would remain, stating that learning from past mistakes requires acknowledgment rather than erasure. However, racism and appropriation in sororities go far beyond hand signs. While recognizing where these hand signs come from and acknowledging the meaning they hold to NPHC organizations is a start, more meaningful steps can — and should — be taken to combat racism in Greek Life. Black indigenous people of color (BIPOC) in NPC organizations often experience microaggressions, are stereotyped and are given fewer opportunities to take advantage of the networking system built into Greek Life. In recent years, sororities across the country have faced backlash for racist antics, parties and membership selection, including incidents

of blackface, dressing in racially inappropriate costumes and allegations of not giving bids to BIPOC women. While the NPC and many of its member organizations released statements pledging to address racism following the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests of 2020, BIPOC sorority alumni have said that these statements rang hollow, per Buzzfeed. Combatting racism in Greek Life means systemic change — getting rid of the legacy and recommendation systems that favor wealthy, white women, appointing BIPOC women to leadership positions, including positions meant to promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and holding racist members and actions accountable in all NPC organizations. Promises to no longer use hand signs mean little if no further action is being taken. It is my hope that sorority members across Wake Forest and beyond not only recognize and consider the significance that hand signs hold to NPHC organizations before using them themselves, but also the deeper racism that runs through the system of Greek Life. Making the NPC a more inclusive space should not be a burden that falls on the shoulders of BIPOC members and alumni, but an achievement that all members are actively committed to fulfilling.

Thursday, January 13, 2022 | Page 10

Opinion | Old Gold & Black

“ surrounding COVID-19 is unclear University instruction COVID-19

Students who are infected or exposed to the Omicron variant

Bringing back testing options for students would alleviate some of the challenges associated with COVID-19 exposure."

Photography Editor foxkg19@wfu.edu

uled PCR tests and returned to finish out day four of our quarantine. Since I didn’t have any results yet, I didn’t want to risk getting a positive test result after going to class and potentially exposing my peers and professors to the virus, so I refrained from attending classes until I knew my status. And sure enough, Tuesday at 3:00 a.m., I got a text confirming that my Friday test was positive and the friend who was staying with me was negative. I immediately notified the university and got a call a few hours later from contact tracers who told me that as long as I remained asymptomatic; I could go to class as soon as I felt comfortable, then said my friend could return to her room with her roommate. This is where I have been struggling, because I don’t know how to feel comfortable when everything I hear is contradictory and confusing. This highlycontagious virus has been ravaging our community for over two years. I have whiplash from experiencing university policies change from weekly testing, daily symptom reporting and locking up students with headaches for ten days to allowing infected students to attend class just four days after testing positive. I understand that the new CDC guidelines themselves are confusing, and I don’t blame the university for not wanting to make any rash decisions or announce guidelines that they may soon have to change. I also appreciate President Susan Wente’s emphasis on masking up and encouraging everyone to make safe choices. However, I also understand that the threat of the Omicron variant is not being taken seriously by vaccinated and boosted college-age students. A lot of students feel like COVID-19 has become politicized and many no longer feel a responsibility to keep people other than themselves safe. The “Our Way Forward” dashboard reported 70 confirmed cases from the past two weeks, a surprising number of which were faculty and staff. Many professors are moving their classes temporarily online after their own incidents of exposure. We know that cases will continue to rise as our community attempts to return to normal, but I need

Last Wednesday, just days before campus re-opened to students for the semester, I was directly exposed to COVID-19 on a university-affiliated trip. Knowing a rapid test would likely be negative since I was asymptomatic and boosted, I frantically scheduled the first PCR test I could find for Sunday afternoon. On Thursday, I left a voicemail for the Student Health Service asking for guidance and — potentially — quarantine accommodations (per a Dec. 29 email stating that “Wake Forest will provide isolation rooms for vaccinated students who test positive”) in the event I received a positive test. After networking with friends and conducting an intense search to find a testing site Friday, I waited in line for two and a half hours for driveHealth upStudent PCR testing. I emailed WFU Wellness that I had been in direct contact with up to three COVID-19-positive individuals. After receiving no response, a friend who was exposed in the same setting came with me to my dorm and we continued our quarantine together in my single room in order to not expose her roommate. Saturday afternoon, we finally received an email response from WFU Wellness: “If you wish to quarantine out of precaution, you may do so.” We were not required to do anything other than mask-up in shared spaces, nor were we offered quarantine accommodations unless we showed proof of a positive test. We continued to isolate, knowing that our direct exposures left us at high risk to contract and spread the virus. The university returned the calls of positive individuals on Sunday to contacttrace and explain that, since they were asymptomatic, they could go to class masked on Monday, just four days after testing positive for COVID-19. The most recent CDC guidelines suggest a five-day quarantine for boosted individuals who test positive, followed by five days of stringent mask-wearing. In the meantime, we left my room for the first time since Friday to take our sched-

Photo courtesy of Wake Forest Student Health Service


the university to more clearly address what they mean by "taking care of ourselves and others," because I’m not sure everyone is on the same page. The past week has been especially frustrating because it feels like the university hasn't been doing enough. I want better communication regarding expectations for students gathering and dealing with potential exposure. The Our Way Forward website needs to be updated with accurate, accessible information regarding the most recent guidelines. Outdated policies should be clearly stated as such and not shared by services such as DeacsThrive, who texted out a COVID-19 exposure flowchart recommending a 10-day quarantine for COVID-positive individuals on Monday. Additionally, tests have been extremely hard to come by, as demands fueled by the Omicron surge have placed strains on testing centers around the state. If Wake Forest brought back testing options for students, that would alleviate some of the challenges associated with COVID-19 exposure and subsequent compliance with university policies. I would also appreciate some reassurance and an explanation

of how the current policies are in the best interest of the whole community. Wente assured us in her FDOC email that Wake Forest's data-driven, expert-informed approach would keep us healthy and safe, but I still feel uncertain when they’re encouraging COVID-positive students to attend class and resume activities as normal. Not everyone has access to KN95 masks and not everyone is taking the same precautions outside of class. I may have been overzealous with my quarantine procedures, but I would rather be safe than sorry. This whole situation was so stressful that I felt partially relieved when I received my positive results — I wasn’t crazy for isolating so strictly. These precautions kept my housemates and others safe from contracting COVID-19, but they were entirely my choice and the university made that very clear. As much as I wish I could rely on the spirit of (Pro Humanitate) to foster a sense of shared responsibility and compassion, the university must take a stronger stance on these health guidelines. I don’t believe that our community will survive this based on individual choices alone.

Photo courtesy of Katie Fox/Old Gold & Black


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PAG E 11

Online at: www.wfuogb.com twitter: @wfuogbsports editOrs: Essex Thayer, thayse20@wfu.edu Christina DeNovio, denoca20@wfu.edu


Wake Forest succeeds in Gator Bowl BY ESSEX THAYER

After a devastating loss to Pittsburgh in the ACC Championship, there was one silver lining remaining for Wake Forest — an opportunity to end their season on a high note with a win in a premier bowl game. On Friday, nine days after the Scarlet Knights brought the Gator Bowl back to life, the Demon Deacons brought that silver lining to fruition, defeating Rutgers 38-10 in Jacksonville. On Dec. 22, the Gator Bowl’s chances of being played came into serious question when Texas A&M, Wake Forest’s original opponent, pulled out of the bowl due to roster issues related to the NFL Draft, transfers and COVID-19. Thankfully for the Demon Deacons, Rutgers filled their place and gave Wake Forest one final shot to play in the 2021 season. With the victory, the Demon Deacons achieved an 11-win season for the second time in program history (2006 was the first time). For head coach Dave Clawson, getting to 11 wins is the fulfillment of a mantra that began at the start of the season — “Good To Great”. “When the year started, we came up with a theme of ‘Good to Great,’ and you don’t throw that out there unless you think you can really achieve it,” Clawson said after the game. “The credit belongs to our players. To get a group of 18 to 22, 23 and this year maybe a few 24-year-olds to buy into that goal and sacrifice for each other and truly put the team ahead of themselves is really hard to do. Our guys did that, and that’s why we’re in this position.” Clawson continued: “We are talented. We have good players, but there’s a lot of talented teams that have a lot of good players that don’t find a way to get double-digit wins. We’re not here if we don’t have those intangible qualities, and our football team has that.” The one player who benefited most from one final opportunity to play this season was Wake Forest quarterback Sam Hartman. After throwing four interceptions in the ACC Championship, Hartman rebounded in the Gator Bowl, completing 23 passes for 304 yards and three touchdowns. Hartman was named the MVP of the game, and he will be back next season to compete for the Demon Deacons. In the first quarter, the Wake Forest offense began the game the same way they started off against Pittsburgh — efficient and effective. Led by 26-yard and 16-yard completions to redshirt freshman Taylor Morin and redshirt senior Donald Stewart, the Demon Deacons

marched down to the six-yard line. From there, Hartman connected with redshirt senior Brandon Chapman in the left flat for the touchdown. Despite preparing for the game on eight days’ notice, the Rutgers offense acquitted themselves well in their first drive against the Demon Deacon defense. Using three different quarterbacks over the course of the series, the Scarlet Knights primarily relied on their rushing attack to lead to offense down the field. Along with two completions from senior Noah Vedral for 38 yards, Rutgers rushed the ball seven times, including a 12-yard touchdown scamper by Aaron Young to even the score. It would be their only touchdown. On their second drive on offense, Hartman kept the series alive with his feet, running for nine yards on a thirdand-seven. Then, with receiver Jaquarii Roberson out to prepare for the NFL Draft, Hartman began finding his primary target — redshirt sophomore A.T. Perry. After a 10-yard completion to Perry to move the Demon Deacons just outside the red zone, Hartman connected with Perry again for a 29-yard pass on third down. After the reception, at the last second, Perry contorted his body inside the pylon for the touchdown. On the following drive, it appeared that Wake Forest was going to force the first three-and-out of the game, stopping quarterback Johnny Langan on third down, but defensive tackle Miles Fox pulled him down by his face mask, giving the Scarlet Knights a fresh set of downs. The extra opportunity proved to be essential for Rutgers, who moved all the way to the Wake Forest nine-yard line. There, the Demon Deacon defense stood tall, holding the offense to a field goal. The ensuing drive for Wake Forest also ended in a field goal, allowing the Demon Deacons to maintain their lead. Despite three completions for 45 yards that saw Wake Forest move to the red zone, a sack forced a field goal from junior kicker Nick Sciba. Following a punt for both teams, the Rutgers offense found its rhythm once again. Led by completions of 10 and 18 yards, the Scarlet Knights found themselves at the seven-yard line, poised to score. But Wake Forest cornerback Gavin Holmes had other plans. On third-and-five, Holmes jumped in front of a pass for a goal-line interception that gave possession back to Wake Forest. To end the half, the Deacons used the turnover to march 87 yards down the field, aided by an 18-yard rush by freshman Justice Ellison. With the clock working against them, Clawson and the Demon Deacons had to settle for a field goal to extend their lead to 10. On the second play from scrimmage at the beginning of the second half, freshman quarterback Gavin Wimsatt

launched a deep ball that went well past his intended receiver and into the hands of defensive back Zion Keith for the second interception of the game. The Deacon offense could not capitalize on the mistake and was forced to punt. Following a Rutgers punt, the Wake Forest offense once again worked their way into the red zone, only to come away with a field goal. Following a 28-yard reception to freshman receiver Ke’Shawn Williams and two completions to Perry for 35 yards, the Deacons were stopped at the five-yard line. From there, Sciba converted on his third field goal attempt of the game. With the field goal, Sciba took hold of the second place in all-time field goal percentage in NCAA history. One more conversion would have seen him tie the record. But that kick was Sciba’s last for Wake Forest, as he will head to the NFL Draft in April. After stopping the Scarlet Knights on fourth down, the Wake Forest offense secured the game in the following series. On third-and-three, Hartman provided the majority of the yardage on the drive, rushing down the left sideline for 35 yards. Then, on the following play, he found Morin for 18 yards. After two unsuccessful goal-line rushes by Ellison, Hartman took the ball into his own hands, tossing another touchdown to Chapman. A two-point conversion to Perry gave the Demon Deacons a 31-10 lead. Following another fourth-down turnover by Rutgers, the Wake Forest offense ran the remainder of the clock off the game, adding a final touchdown along the way with a 27-yard run by Ellison. With “Wake … Forest” chants breaking out across TIAA Bank Field, several Demon Deacons showered Clawson in a Gatorade bath and then rushed the field to celebrate. Following the game, looking much drier, Clawson took pride in a “great team win,” that was part of a “really special week.” He also touched upon how much it meant to send the seniors, who have given so much to the program, out with a win.

“It’s [been] a fun week, but also an emotional week,” Clawson said. “It’s hard to see this year end. I told [the players] last night. If we could get together in one week with the same group and do it all again, I would sign up. Some of them are back, but guys like Luke Masterson, Tra Redd, Sulaiman Kamara, Brandon Chapman … Miles Fox, a bunch of them, you can replace them as players, it’s hard to replace them as people.” Clawson continued: “They’ve been incredible leaders for our program, and we’re going to miss them. But we’re going to enjoy this one. And this was a historic season. We tied the record for the best season in Wake Forest history, and we’re hopefully part of a debate of what the greatest team is. And the 2006 team was an incredible team, but the 2021 team was a really good team as well, and we’re proud that we were a part of it.” On top of a historic 2021 season, the Demon Deacons are looking to repeat and possibly surpass that performance in the coming season. After the game, Hartman spoke with confidence about what’s to come, especially for incoming recruits. “I think that it’s just going to be something we can piggyback off of next year,” Hartman said. “I think for recruits coming in and guys looking at Wake Forest … it’s a reminder that we’re playing ball here, and that’s what you can do at a high level of execution. When you buy into something bigger than yourself, you can get it done.” After this year’s success, along with Wake Forest retaining most of its prolific offense, there is a belief that a previously-underestimated program might finally begin earning the respect of the college football community. When asked if he hopes Wake Forest gains that recognition, Hartman responded: “I hope not. Go Deacs,” and promptly walked off the stage. Fortunately, that is not the end of the story. Hartman and the Demon Deacons will be back in 2022 looking to create even more history and defend their ACC Atlantic crown. Their campaign will begin on Sep. 1, 2022, against VMI at Truist Stadium.

Page 12| Thursday, January 13, 2022

Old Gold & Black | Sports

Men’s basketball finds success over winter break Wake Forest picked up pivotal conference wins over Florida State and Syracuse. BY CHRISTIAN ODJAKJIAN Staff Writer odjact18@wfu.edu

On Wednesday night at 7 p.m., Wake Forest men’s basketball has arguably their biggest game in years as the No. 8 Duke Blue Devils come to town for an ACC showdown. Since students went home for Winter Break, the Demon Deacons have been competing at a high level and now sit at 13-3 overall with a 3-2 conference record, good enough for sixth place in the ACC. To close non-conference play, Wake Forest strung together three victories against mid-major competition. Wake’s senior guard and leading scorer Alondes Williams put together one of the best statistical three-game runs in Wake Forest history over the stretch, earning him US Basketball Writers Association National Player of the Week honors. Wake Forest emerged from out-ofconference play with just one loss to No. 12 LSU, which boasts the best defense in the country. The break began easily for the Demon Deacons, who started off with a 26-point home win over USC Upstate on Dec. 11. In that contest, Williams notched the second triple-double in Wake Forest history with a 16-point, 14-rebound and 10-assist performance. The only Wake Forest player to pull off the feat before him was Tim Duncan.

In the next two games, Wake Forest was without the services of junior forward Jake LaRavia, who was held out due to COVID-19 protocols. In the first of those two games, VMI proved to be a solid team out of the Southern Conference. Hot shooting helped the Keydets build an early lead that topped out at 17. The Demon Deacons dominated from then on with help from Williams, who finished with 36 points. Wake Forest was able to come out on top with a 77-70 victory. Wake Forest was then the team to get out to a hot start when they took on Charlotte at the Spectrum Center on Dec. 17. The Demon Deacons stormed out of the gate and led by as much as 18 in the first half. The 49ers then caught fire in the second half and tied the game up for the first time since the beginning of the game. In the final moments, Williams was able to penetrate the defense and kick out to an open Isaiah Mucius in the corner, who drained a threepointer at the buzzer to win the game. Mucius had 20 points in the game, and Williams scored 34, along with eight assists and seven rebounds. Williams cemented himself on the national radar during this stretch. Steve Forbes’ new group entered the heart of ACC play with considerable momentum and an 11-1 record. The Deacs suffered their first ACC loss on Dec. 29, when they traveled to Louisville and fell 73-69. The Cardinals found the free-throw line far too frequently, knocking down 25 attempts. Whenever Wake Forest hit a big shot down the stretch, Louisville immediately an-

swered. A shot clock gaffe at the end of the game — which the ACC admitted was a mistake — caused Wake Forest to commit a foul when they didn’t have to, leading to the heartbreaking loss. On New Year’s Day, the Demon Deacons visited Miami, where the Hurricanes were able to outscore Wake Forest 92-84 in an offensive showdown. Williams, LaRavia, Mucius, Dallas Walton and Khadim Sy all finished in double figures to form a balanced scoring attack. Winnable road games are crucial to a team’s chances of getting into the NCAA Tournament in March. However, those two losses came against two teams currently atop the ACC standings. Miami moved to 5-0 with an upset over Duke at Cameron Indoor, and Louisville is 4-1, with their only loss being against Florida State.

Following the losses, Wake Forest returned home and got back on track with two straight victories. On Jan. 4, Florida State came to town. For a team that has been excellent in recent years, they have disappointed so far. The Seminoles struggled to score, shooting an abysmal 24.2% from the field. Wake Forest cruised to a 76-54 blowout win with a strong defensive performance and 58 combined points from Williams, LaRavia and Sy. The Demon Deacons followed that victory with a 77-74 overtime win over Syracuse. Williams made a tremendous pass to Walton, who slammed home a dunk at the end of regulation to force bonus basketball, where clutch freethrow shooting helped seal the victory. Following the game against Duke, Wake Forest will travel to Virginia on Jan. 15 to face off against the Cavaliers.

Photo courtesy of Wake Forest Athletics

Women’s basketball drops three ACC games in conference play over the break BY ESSEX THAYER Sports Editor thayse20@wfu.edu Since exam season, Wake Forest women’s basketball has been quite busy, playing in eight games. In those games, the Demon Deacons went 5-3, with all three losses coming to ACC teams. Wake Forest’s first win in this timeframe came against Troy in a non-conference matchup on Dec. 4. Right from the get-go, the Demon Deacons jumped out to a large lead, ending the first quarter with a 24-11 lead. By halftime, their lead had ballooned to 22. With 30 points off six three-pointers from sophomore guard Jewel Spear, Wake Forest cruised to a 9061 victory. Nine days later, the Demon Deacons returned to the Joel to take on another non-conference foe, East Tennessee State. Unlike the game against Troy, the Buccaneers kept the game close with Wake Forest in the first half, only allowing the Demon Deacons to enter halftime with a six-point lead. After halftime, though, Wake Forest came to life, outscoring ETSU 55-29 in the second half and allowing for a comfortable 90-58 win. Once again, Spear was a revelation from

behind the three-point arc, knocking down 10 three-pointers on her way to 40 points. On Dec. 15, the Demon Deacons closed out their homestand with an emphatic 94-40 win over South Carolina State. Behind another team-high 25 points from Spear, Wake Forest hit 50% of their shots while holding the Bulldogs to just 17%. In each quarter, the Demon Deacons were able to score over 20 points while holding South Carolina State to under 14. In their first conference game of the season, Wake Forest finally hit a wall against a much stronger opponent. Facing No. 18 Georgia Tech in Atlanta, the Demon Deacons fell flat in the first half. In both quarters, Wake Forest was unable to score more than 10 points. The usually potent Spear was also held — for the most part — to a tough game from the field, only hitting four of her 12 shots. In the second half, the Yellow Jackets were able to use their halftime lead to coast to a comfortable 62-45 victory and hand Wake Forest their second loss of the season. Following the disappointing loss to Georgia Tech, the Demon Deacons redeemed themselves with an upset overtime victory over Florida State. After trailing by 11 at halftime, Wake Forest held strong in the third quarter. In the final quarter, the Demon Deacons came to life, outscoring the Seminoles 15-5. In overtime, Wake Forest stunned Florida

State with 11 points, allowing them to secure their first ACC win. Three days later, though, the Demon Deacons came back down to Earth, falling to Virginia Tech 66-53. In the loss, Spear once again struggled, shooting 2-7 from behind the three-point line. Spear’s struggles were also a microcosm of Wake Forest’s shooting on the day — the Demon Deacons only hit 33.3% of their shots from the field. After a disappointing shooting performance against the Hokies, Wake Forest responded, defeating Miami by one point in Coral Gables. After amassing an 11-point lead by the half, the Demon Deacons allowed Miami to outscore them in the final two quarters. However, they held on just enough to secure the 47-46 victory. Spear led the Deacons in scoring with 15 points. In its most recent game on Jan. 9, Florida State got revenge on the Demon Deacons, winning with a decisive 87-46 score. With 36 points in the paint and 32 points scored off turnovers, Florida State was able to jump out to a comfortable lead by halftime. A 24-6 third quarter was the nail in the coffin, allowing the Seminoles to win comfortably. As of now, the Demon Deacons stand at 12-4 overall and 2-3 in the ACC. Wake Forest is in ninth place out of 15 teams in the conference. As of ESPN’s most recent Bracketology on Jan. 7, the Demon Deacons are listed as a “First Four Out.”

With a strong ACC campaign, the Demon Deacons are within striking range of returning to the NCAA Tournament in back-to-back years and for the third time in program history. Wake Forest will look to get back on track in their NCAA tournament quest on Thursday when they take on Notre Dame in the Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Arena.

Photo courtesy of Wake Forest Athletics

Sports| Old Gold & Black

Thursday, January 13, 2022 | Page 13

NFL’s Wild Card round promises excitement With no clear favorites this season, any teams could be heading to the Super Bowl BY CHRISTINA DENOVIO Sports Editor denoca20@wfu.edu

The NFL playoff picture has been set. On Jan. 15, the Wild Card round will kick off the NFL Playoffs. While fans have been predicting which teams will be facing off in the Super Bowl on Feb. 13, this season has taught everyone to expect the unexpected. During the 2021-2022 regular season, no team went undefeated. In fact, no team came even close to having a perfect season. Last year’s Super Bowl champions, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and their NFC rivals, the Green Bay Packers, both ended their seasons 13-4 (only a 76.5 win percentage), which was the best record in the NFL this year. Both teams secured positions in the playoffs, and it was the Packers who clinched the top seed in the NFC. The Tennessee Titans clinched the top seed in the AFC with a record of 12-5. The Kansas City Chiefs, last year’s AFC champions, also ended the regular season 12-5 (in comparison to their 14-2 record last year). With no clear frontrunner, anything can happen this NFL playoff season.

There may very well be one — or even two — dark horses going to the Super Bowl. The wild-card round will reveal which teams have the talent and strategy to advance to the Divisional Round and potentially go all the way. No. 4 Cincinnati vs. No. 5 Las Vegas The Las Vegas Raiders and Cincinnati Bengals will start off the wild-card round on Jan. 15. Dealing with injuries from their final regular-season game against the Cleveland Browns, the Bengals will face a disadvantage against their opponents. Less than two months ago, Cincinnati defeated Las Vegas 32-13 after an impressive fourth-quarter effort in which the Bengals scored 19 points. However, with the Bengals’ backup safety Ricardo Allen suffering a concussion and defensive tackle Josh Tupou dealing with a sprained MCL, there is no guarantee the Bengals will pull out a stellar performance. No. 3 Buffalo vs. No. 6 New England Later that day, the New England Patriots and the Buffalo Bills will face off. These division rivals will finally get to settle the score after split results in December. On Dec. 6, the Patriots beat the Bills 14-10. On Dec. 26, however, the Bills defeated the Pats 33-21 in what proved to be a one-sided game. The Bills remain favorites to win on Saturday, but a strong performance by

Patriots quarterback Mac Jones and the rest of the New England offense could tip the scales in the Patriots’ favor. No. 2 Tampa Bay vs. No. 7 Philadelphia The aforementioned 2021 Super Bowl champion Buccaneers are the heavy favorites against the Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles barely broke .500 this year and finished the season 9-8. The Bucs should remain cautious, though, as Philadelphia’s rushing abilities may pose a threat — or at least a nuisance — to Tampa Bay. If Bucs quarterback Tom Brady is still hungry for his eighth ring, his team will have to overpower a tough Philadelphia defense in the wild-card round. No. 3 Dallas vs. No. 6 San Francisco The San Francisco 49ers will have to shake off their rocky season — and coming third in their division — if they want to have a chance against the Dallas Cowboys, who clinched the NFC East. Though the 49ers most recent Super Bowl appearance was just two years ago, they have yet to show true domination beyond that 2019-20 season. The Cowboys have had a better regular season, but they may be rusty after having missed the last two playoff berths. While Dallas still seems like an NFL powerhouse, it’s important to remember that their dominant streak began

three decades ago and ended before most Wake Forest students were born. No. 2 Kansas City vs. No. 7 Pittsburgh This year marks the seventh consecutive playoff appearance for the Kansas City Chiefs. It’s become hard to imagine the Chiefs not being contenders for the Super Bowl. Leaders of the AFC West, Kansas City would be stunned if they were to lose against the Pittsburgh Steelers. In just his fourth year as starting quarterback for the Chiefs, Patrick Mahomes has already established himself as a leader and proved his ability to guide his team at the highest level. While the Chiefs would’ve preferred not to play in the wild-card round, the Titans outperformed them and clinched the conference, meaning that Kansas City has an extra obstacle to make it to the Super Bowl for the third year in a row. No. 4 Los Angeles Rams vs. No. 5 Arizona The Arizona Cardinals and the Los Angeles Rams have been neck and neck as divisional rivals this season. While the Rams clinched the division with a 12-5 record, the Cardinals were not far behind at 11-6. In the teams’ most recent matchup, the Rams emerged victorious, defeating the Cardinals 30-23 just last month.

Georgia captures elusive victory over Alabama The victory marks their thirddrought BY SAM RAUSCH Contributing Writer raussh20@wfu.edu In a clash of two SEC powerhouses, Georgia shook off their demons from the SEC Championship and emerged victorious with a 33-18 win over Alabama to claim their third-ever national title. The win ended a 41-year long championship drought. Despite struggling early, senior walk-on quarterback Stetson Bennett’s clutch play late in the second half, along with two touchdown passes, brought the Bulldogs to victory. Bennett finished the game with 17 completions for 224 yards and two touchdowns, earning him Offensive MVP honors. The Bulldogs defense also held strong throughout the game, holding Alabama to one touchdown and five field-goal attempts while also adding four sacks along the way. The secondary was a key fixture in the defense’s success, forcing two interceptions including a game-clinching pick-six by freshman phenom Kelee Ringo. Lewis Cine, a junior safety, earned Defensive MVP honors. With the pick-six, Georgia had finally done it. After years of heartbreak, the Bulldogs overcame early offensive woes to win their first national championship

since 1980. After the interception, Bennett was seen overcome by emotion on the sidelines. This was not the first time these two SEC foes met this season. Just over a month ago, the Bulldogs and the Crimson Tide met for their conference championship. In their championship meeting, Georgia’s hopes for an undefeated season were dashed as Alabama quarterback Bryce Young threw for 421 yards and three touchdowns, leading Alabama to a 41-24 victory. However, 36 days later, the results were different. The first half of the contest was dominated by field goals with impressive showings from both defenses. To begin the second quarter, Alabama’s drive opened with a 40-yard reception to junior wide receiver Jameson Williams, who suffered a severe knee injury at the end of the play. Alabama then jumped to a 6-3 lead after junior kicker Will Reichard connected on a 45-yard field goal. Following another Georgia three-andout, Young passed to redshirt junior receiver Cameron Latu for a 61 yard gain, setting up another field goal for the Crimson Tide. After several underwhelming drives, Bennett began to show signs of life, moving the offense to set up a 49-yard field goal from junior kicker Jack Podlesny to make the score 9-6 before the half. To open the second half, long runs from junior Zamir White brought the Bulldogs inside enemy territory, but an intentional grounding penalty stalled their efforts.

Fortunately for Georgia, on Alabama’s fourth field goal attempt of the night, sophomore defensive lineman Jalen Carter blocked Reichard’s 48-yard try. In response, Georgia opened its next drive with a 67-yard run from senior James Cook, followed by a one-yard touchdown run from White to make the score 13-9. Alabama followed the score with a field goal from Reichard to cut the lead to 13-12. In a momentum-shifting play, a sack from junior linebacker Christian Harris forced a Bennett fumble, setting up Alabama inside Georgia’s 30-yard-line. Latu’s 3-yard catch gave Alabama its first touchdown of the night, but a failed twopoint try kept the Alabama lead at 18-13. Midway through the fourth quarter, Bennett gathered himself and marched the Bulldogs offense down the field on consecutive drives. A perfectly placed 40-yard touchdown pass from Bennett to freshman Adonai Mitchell gave Georgia the slight 19-18 edge over Alabama with 8:09 to go in the fourth quarter. On their next offensive opportunity, Bennett once again brought the Bulldogs within scoring distance and cashed in with a 15-yard completion to freshman tight end Brock Bowers in the endzone to extend the Bulldogs’ lead with 3:33 to play. To seal the game, on third-and-10 at the Georgia 44-yard-line, Young’s pass was intercepted by Ringo and returned for a 79-yard touchdown. Ringo’s touchdown

brought the score to 33-18 and put the game on ice. “Did I cry? Yes,” Bennett confessed after the victory. “I don’t think I had cried in years, but there was no holding it back tonight. And I don’t think I’m done crying yet. Not a chance.” After arriving at Georgia as a preferred walk-on, Bennett left Athens to play at Jones County Junior College in Ellisville, MS. After leading Jones County to a 10-2 record, he elected to re-join Georgia, this time as a scholarship player. Georgia Head Coach Kirby Smart expressed how far the once walk-on quarterback has come. “There’s a lot of guys on that scout team that saw him make plays with his feet, his arm whip and decision-making, and we were very impressed,” Smart said. “To think that it would come this far from that [2018] national championship to this one, what a story.” “I’ve told you all along, and I think some people maybe didn’t believe me, that I really don’t hear any of that stuff, the social media and whatever, I really don’t,” Bennett said of the doubt that had been placed on him as a walk-on. “Our goal was to do what we did. We did it. Some stuff that someone said about me on the internet isn’t going to change that.” In an emotional night, the former walkon defied all expectations and brought Georgia to a thrilling victory. 41 years later, the underdogs — Smart, Bennett and the Bulldogs — won it all.


T H U R S D AY, J A N U A R Y 1 3 , 2 0 2 2

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AT : w w w. w f u o g b. co m Scratchard, scraja20@wfu.edu Adam Coil, coilat21@wfu.edu


Film | Spider-Man Analysis

"Spider-Man: No Way Home" sparks debate over the best portrayal of the character BY BREANNA LAWS Contributing Writer lawsbn21@wfu.edu From his first comic book appearance in 1962, Spider-Man has been a household name. Recently, fans around the world have been talking incessantly about the most recent addition to the film saga: “Spider-Man: No Way Home”. Released in the United States on Dec 17, 2021, “No Way Home” has grossed more than $1.37 billion worldwide. With a budget of $200 million, this film was an absolute hit in theaters — and for good reason. The film explored the concept of a multiverse within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and in doing so brought back previous Spider-Man actors Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. Along with the excitement of seeing Tom Holland play Peter Parker, fans also got to feel the nostalgia from seeing their old favorite portrayals back on screen again.

The juxtaposition of the three actors has had people wondering: which Spider-Man actor does it the best? Garfield’s "Spider-Man" was the firstever superhero-type movie I ever watched as a kid, so I am quite partial to him as Parker. Putting any bias aside, all of the actors bring a unique set of attributes to the character. Parker is a character known for his quirks. A quick-witted and geeky persona is essential to the character, and all three actors portray these elements of Peter’s personality in their own way. The dialogue between the three actors in “No Way Home'' was humorous and often cleverly coded with references to Maguire’s and Garfield’s films. Maguire has always done well at portraying Parker’s awkwardness, and he played quite a sensitive version of Spider-Man in his films. However, in “No Way Home”, he

shows a different kind of maturity as a mentor for Holland’s Peter Parker. The actor that really went through some growth in this film was Garfield — and no, I am not just saying that because he is my favorite. In his films, Garfield primarily played off of the witty side of his spider counterpart. He was portrayed to be the “cooler” version of Parker, and this was a point of contention throughout his time as the character. Many fans questioned if Garfield was too abrasive or not quite nerdy enough to fully give the character justice. In “No Way Home”, we finally get to see Garfield’s Parker as a more humanistic character — I mean seriously, if you shed no tears during his scene saving MJ, are you even human? His portrayal feels much more sensitive and vulnerable than it did before. Several fans will argue that Holland combines the acting styles of Maguire and Garfield perfectly in his portrayal of the hero. Throughout “No Way

Home”, fans get to see Holland in extremely intense and upsetting situations, and he never shies away from putting his character’s emotions at the forefront of his scenes. This attribute of Holland’s Parker makes him similar to Maguire in that he shows more of the humanity in the character. However, he still is able to demonstrate the more lighthearted and intelligent side of the character rather beautifully. It could be argued that, since Holland has played a much younger version of Spider-Man than his predecessors, it is almost natural to show the more vulnerable side of Parker. After all, at the beginning of his films, he was written as being only 15 years old. However you choose to view it, all three actors brought out a wide range of emotions within audiences across the world last December. With over a billion dollars in revenue, as well as the honorable “certified fresh” on rotten tomatoes, “No Way Home” was an absolute success. Fans from every corner of the map look forward to seeing what is in store next for our web-slinging hero. For now, let’s just hope that the new Doctor Strange movie will be able to live up to the increasing hype surrounding the multiverse. Cooper Sullivan/Old Gold & Black

Advice | Anxiety with Back to School

How to overcome anxiety struggles in the new school year Student shares tips on how to manage anxiety in a new semester with new challenges BY LAUREN CARPENTER Contributing Writer carple21@wfu.edu The start of a new year and a new semester: the perfect time to create goals and manifest a new lifestyle. What’s one of my New Year’s resolutions? To become less anxious and awkward. Anxiety is nothing new for me, but adjusting to college has definitely made it harder to manage. The awkwardness stems from a newfound enemy — social anxiety. I think this can be attributed to the pandemic that locked us into isolation for months. This social anxiety can be horrific. I’m always thinking: “did I come off angry?”, “should I have said that?” and “why didn’t I keep the conversation going?” I know that the solution is not as simple as just being less anxious, but I can use tools to ease some of the horrible anxiety that accompanies the start of college, meeting new people and becoming an adult in an intimidating world. My goal for the second semester is to consistently use practices that I have found beneficial to alleviate my anxiety. Hopefully, some of my recommendations can be of help if you find yourself struggling to manage anxiety. 1. Try Melatonin I’ve spent many nights staring at the ceiling with that awful feeling of tension in my

chest. In the light of day, stressors can seem more manageable — even laughable at times. But the instant you get into bed and attempt to fall asleep, those stressors suddenly appear to be the end of the world. Sleeping is where I find melatonin to be a natural and helpful aid. 2. Meditate I know, I know. This is the classic “remedy” for anxiety, and it definitely doesn’t work for everyone. However, I think that simply trying meditation — really trying it — is worth 10 minutes of your day. I use meditation both to maintain a calm mindset on a good day and to adopt one on a bad day. My favorite guided meditations are from the “Goodful” YouTube channel, and most of them are only 5-10 minutes. 3. Go For a Run Running has become an extremely powerful tool in managing my anxiety. Getting your

heart rate up naturally reduces stress hormones and increases endorphins — both things that can ease some of the physical symptoms that accompany anxiety. If you’re looking to get out, the campus trails have beautiful places to explore that can feel like a refreshing getaway. 4. Fake Confidence I can pinpoint situations where I feel routinely socially anxious. This means I know when and where I’ll be stressed so that I can prepare for it by walking in with a confident mindset. This may not be genuine, but pretending that I’m not anxious has been extremely effective. Taking deep breaths and faking relaxation trick me into feeling calmer and leave me less anxious. In turn, fewer awkward interactions are created, so there is less to overthink afterward. 5. Talk Yourself Down This one is particularly helpful in dealing with the aftermath of social anxiety. I stand in

Photo courtesy of NDLA

to help students with mental health struggles like anxiety.

front of a mirror and tell myself, “they are not thinking about that interaction. They do not care about what I said. They have completely forgotten that moment”. It’s helpful to avoid panicking about previous interactions. Verbalizing more rational thoughts and hearing them spoken does wonders for making a situation seem less troublesome. 6. Look into the UCC Luckily, Wake Forest is adjusting the model of the University Counseling Center this semester. As opposed to single-day assistance, counselors will be available for routine meetings. Reaching out can be terrifying, but if you find that anxiety is becoming difficult to manage on your own, assistance can be helpful. 7. Be Consistent You can scroll through self-help articles like this one all day and tell yourself that these practices will ease your anxiety and change your life, but they are merely accessories to a mindset change. To truly manage anxiety, you have to commit to staying on top of your mental health. Going for a single run or sitting through a few meditations will not eliminate anxiety. Making coping mechanisms a routine is crucial to creating real change. If you deal with anxiety at any level, do yourself a favor this semester and begin experimenting with anxiety-relieving techniques. I have found some of these practices to be life-changing as I have added them to my routine. The time you have on this Earth is too valuable to waste with irrational stress, so discover what works to manage your anxiety.

Life | Old Gold & Black

Thursday, January 13, 2022 | Page 15

New Year|


Making realistic resolutions THE HOT LIST Writer explains that small changes in a new year can create a large impact BY SOFIA BAZANT Staff Writer bazasb20@wfu.edu It’s finally 2022. And, yes, here we go again! It’s just about the time of year that people begin acting — or not — on their inspiring and hopeful New Year’s resolutions to transform their lives in a few seemingly easy steps. I originally intended to provide advice on how to write a strong and attainable new year’s resolution. Yet, upon considering it, I realized something. Who am I to give advice? I am the queen of setting difficult-to-follow New Year's resolutions that I follow for about a month and then leave “to next year”. However, this year I’m going to do things differently. It may already be over a week into the new year, but no one ever said that you have to change your life completely in one week. So, I am focusing on simple lifestyle changes that aren’t overly ambitious or drastically different from my current routines. In 2022, I am working on gradually improving my habits, with a slow and steady pace that will allow

me to healthily build on my current lifestyle and schedule. With the arrival of 2022, surely you or someone you know is set on completing a resolution — often ones that they’ve made in years prior. I am quite familiar with the concept of a repeat New Year’s resolution. In 2020, I told myself I would work out every day (and I did, for a while), then in 2021 I said the same, but what I didn’t consider was the change in my life schedule from high school to quarantine to college. So here is how I am realistically planning to improve myself for 2022. With five do-able resolutions that I will keep in mind as the new year unfolds. 1. Do one activity that I genuinely enjoy every day. I believe this simple and easy resolution will help make my weekdays more productive and manageable since I work best when in a positive state of mind. An enjoyable activity may be going on a short walk, listening to music or a podcast between classes or grabbing coffee with friends for hanging out and taking a break. I think it will be motivating to have breaks in my days to escape busy schedules for a little while during the school week. 2. Make time for wellness. I am no fitness guru — hence the previous notso-successful fitness resolution — but I would like to do some form of physical activity every single day. I am hoping to go to the campus gym and continue the workouts I began over break.

The year 2021 taught me that there will never be time for working out if I don’t make the time. To conquer this personal time obstacle, I will pick a consistent time that I can do a short workout in my room, go on a walk or hit the gym. 3. Practice balanced eating. I love food. I love trying fun coffee, getting dessert in the dining hall and having late-night snacks, so 2022 will not put an end to that, but rather emphasize balance. I am going to make conscious decisions to limit my intake of unhealthy foods while still enjoying what I eat. For example, last semester, I realized I love freshly brewed hot coffee just as much as the sugar-filled iced coffee alternative. It’s the small changes that add up. 4. Make my bed each morning. Making my bed in the mornings will provide me with a consistently clean workspace that I think I will find motivating as I kickstart the day — and I’m sure my roommate will enjoy the view of my beautifully cleaned side, too! 5. Drink more water. Drinking more water seems so unbelievably easy; however, living in a dorm with no water on my floor did not inspire me to hike down five flights of stairs to fill my water bottle last semester. This semester I am promising myself to take the three minutes that it requires to go fill up my water bottle. I should be drinking about 2.7 liters of water a day, or three times my 32-ounce water bottle a day — a nice concrete goal for me to achieve each day.

Student Life|

put international students BY YUSHUO WANG Contributing Writer wangy220@wfu.edu 12:23, midnight. Lying awake on the bed of Best Western Plus University Inn, I couldn’t help but think about the new air travel policies for overseas students going back to China this May. Adding on to the 14 days of quarantine and seven days of health monitoring, the newly released policies require students to arrive seven days early at their departure location in America before boarding. They must also take a COVID-19 test within 48 hours of take-off. International students, including Chinese students, were not able to go home during Winter Break. More accurately, it wasn't worth it for us to go back home because of the longlasting quarantine policies and the short span of winter break. However, the new policies released at the Chinese embassy on Jan. 4 added more fuel to the fire. The seven days pre-arrival requirement at the departure place makes leaving impossible for me and some of my friends who have bought plane tickets leaving in mid-May. I have often considered the idea of making and sending the Old Gold & Black a collection of how Chinese students spent their special winter break and New Year's while stuck in America, but I hesitated. A large part of the hesitation stemmed from me asking myself these questions, “how can Chinese students represent the entire international student body?” and “how can you have such an unbalanced view when pursuing professional journalism?” I redefined my understanding of being marginalized after I spent more than four months in America. It’s about being fluent in English but

not fully understanding reference jokes or social abbreviations in English, it’s about feeling welcomed but not belonging and it’s about sharing Chinese cultures without worrying about being taboo but wary of referring to politics. From the 2021 Atlanta spa shootings in Atlanta to the “Nowhere to go for Int’l students over break” article and the shooting death of a Chinese student of the University of Chicago, I see how fighting for rights is related to marginalized groups. I do praise the power of student journalism, but what if our university just doesn’t approve the housing of international students? Are we forced to accept the fact and learn the lesson of resilience in such a way? If studying abroad was a way for us to try something new and push us to feel uncomfortable in many aspects, at least we learn how to challenge ourselves and will be ready to feel uncomfortable in the future. In many ways, we grasp resilience and grow in the way we overcome maladjustment. Instead of pushing down the rewind button and linger-

ing on many hometown memories, try to embrace the nature and vibrance of life. Still not getting used to the “cold” foods and drinks here all around? Take note of how people greet each other warmly and stop wondering whether they are out of politeness or true heart. Always being the only international student on the class roster? How special! Your professor definitely remembers you right away! Besides, even as ordinary people, we have the privilege of studying abroad. We are the ones who get the chance to sit in college classrooms, freely discuss and walk in the sun. But do we get these because of our diligence or because we were lucky enough to be born into a financially well-off family? We get these because we take advantage of the steps toward new heights. As people who have stood on a higher level, we had better not only bear in mind the steps we’ve stood upon but also remain grateful, empathetic and learn to surmount the vagaries of life.



Exercise daily


Eat healthier


Be more organized


Find a new hobby


Get eight hours of sleep each night


Make time for reading


Drink two liters of water a day


Volunteer more


Enter a healthy romantic relationship


Get together with friends



"The New Chief"

Katie Fox/Old Gold & Black

International students face housing troubles at Wake Forest University due to the inability to return home over winter break.

Adam Coil/Old Gold & Black

Page 16 | Thursday, January 13, 2022

Old Gold & Black | Life

LIFE THROUGH THE LENS LENS... ... felt numb appreciates feeling anything. 5. Work hard and with luck, the results you want will come to fruition. When I began writing this column, 6. There is such a thing as chocoI thought about all of the lenses late that’s too sweet. through which I view the world and 7. Strong coffee from India is betthe best ways to introduce them and ter than any other coffee. their purposes to readers. When I 8. While being honest with yourthink about the future of this colself and pushing yourself is imporumn, I think not only of a future tant, treat yourself with grace. You where diversity is celebrated but one can’t be 100% always. where it is celebrated differently than 9. Confidence gets people farther we do today. than ability — to an extent. Right now, if you were to ask the We may have some lenses and views average Wake Forest student about that are the same and some that are their thoughts on diversity, they different, but we all view life from would almost certainly bring up race a human perspective, and there is as an immediate reaction. Instead beauty in that. For example, I may of this, I hope for a future for Wake disagree with someone who is proForest that is so diverse that the dilife, but I’m still able to empathize versity that students think about is a with them. How can we utilize lenses diversity of thought, socioeconomic to help us grow and better ourselves, status and knowledge. while also maintaining the ability to Even when writing this article, I see beyond the beliefs into who we began the article with an opinion on are fundamentally? This begs the what diversity should be, highlightquestion — to what extent do we ing race first. This reestablishes the see through our own lenses? Does it very idea that I aim to break down, Photo courtesy of Ameya Bellamkonda depend on the lens — whether it be which is the inseparable and instincfrom our race, favorite color or the tual connection between race and diversity that belief in Wake’s superiority to Duke? Does it dethe majority of people have made. Internally, pend on how intensely one believes what they I’d argue back to myself that the association is lives matter. It won’t be clear that Black lives believe? If someone were to firmly believe the not necessarily a bad thing, racial diversity is matter until systems of oppression don’t target fact that Wake is better than Duke, would they diversity and any diversity should be celebrated. them and make it harder for them to succeed in become a better, smarter and more attractive huThe other day, my dad was explaining to my America. My uncle gained a new understanding man? The answer to the last question is obviuncle the phrase “Black Lives Matter” and dis- and changed his view. ously yes, but the other questions remain. cussing how people who say “All Lives Matter” How much of identity is based on what one The different lenses that we all see through aren’t considering the deeper meaning behind make us who we are. Our ability to change our believes? Are the only lenses that are part of our “Black Lives Matter”. It’s important to note lens or picture life through someone else’s lens is identity the physical ones — the ones that we that this uncle didn’t stand against BLM, but what makes people more knowledgeable. When can see? Can we change our identity with our rather he didn’t understand the meaning behind I think about “Life Through the Lens”, there beliefs? All of these questions are subjective, “Black Lives Matter”. He agreed that all lives are so many ways that I can share different sto- which is what makes this column such an immatter because he’s a sweet, caring individual. ries through the different lenses that I have. I portant aspect of the Old Gold & Black. A space He didn’t realize that when Black people say could write about the many struggles of being that gives minorities a chance to share their per“BLM”, they aren’t saying white lives don’t mat- a woman, like sexist comments from a Home spective and the various lenses through which ter. My dad rather eloquently explained that all Depot worker when I asked about a power tool. they view the world is crucial. The future of this lives truly don’t matter until it’s clear that Black I could write about how birth control is made column is bright. for women — despite period pain — because a man’s pleasure needs to come first. I could write about being brown in the South, and all of the times I’ve been told to go back to India while on vacation in Florida. I could write about my struggles as a first-generation immigrant. My parents weren’t born here, making it harder for them to understand the struggles I go through at school, work or in my social life and viceversa. All of our lenses are different. This is life through mine: 1. No one should ever be treated differently because of how much melanin they have in their skin. Mistreatment created by the rules and laws of society is unacceptable and deeply corrupt. 2. Bring joy to others. Compliment everyone, especially when you don’t have to because there’s no way that their day could be made worse by being appreciated. 3. If you don’t have scars on your knees from Photo courtesy of Ameya Bellamkonda childhood, you should’ve taken more risks. Photo courtesy of Ameya Bellamkonda Ameya Bellamkonda poses masked up for 4. If you hate crying, you’ve never been so sad that you can’t feel emotions. Anyone who has

BY AMEYA BELLAMKONDA Contributing Columnist bellas21@wfu.edu

Ameya Bellamkonda

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