Fall 2021 Porkline

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FALL 2021










Ohio Pork Council 9798 Karmar Ct. Suite A New Albany, OH 43054 P: 614.882.5887 www.OhioPork.org pork@ohiopork.org




Michelle Visintine mvisintine@ohiopork.org COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR

Curt Ashcraft cashcraft@ohiopork.org MANAGER OF SHOWPIG PROGRAM

Kelly Morgan kmorgan@ohiopork.org ADVERTISING

Send inquiries to: Curt Ashcraft P:614-882-5887 cashcraft@ohiopork.org PRINTING

Post Printing Company Minster, OH 45865 Lucy Homan P:937-286-3349 lucy.homan@postprinting.com

4-5 ............... Legislative Update 6-9; 16-20 ..... Industry News 10-11 ............ Manure Safety 12-13 ............ OH-PIGS Circuit 14 ................. Foreign Animal Disease 21 ................. Pork Recipe FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA!

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Legislative Update

Knock-Knock! Who’s There? ASF? By Cheryl Day, Executive Vice President


o you hear ASF knocking at United States’ door? As it spreads across the Dominican Republic and Haiti, the virus is uncomfortably close. From the national to the local level, it is time to get real with ourselves. Are you and your entire farm team prepared? Are we taking all measures to keep it out? Is Ohio prepared? Fair questions for all involved.

Here are the facts. The American Association of Swine Veterinarians, National Pork Board, National Pork Producers Council, and Swine Health Information Center continue to work collaboratively with the USDA to prevent ASF and other foreign animal diseases from reaching domestic swine herds. We know what African Swine Fever is, we know the clinical signs, we know how it spreads, we have a grasp on solid biosecurity measures and surveillance, but the step-bystep procedure on what to do when it hits a region of the United States is not clear to all individuals involved in the pork industry. As life with a pandemic has demonstrated, we can’t prepare for all unknowns. However, we can do our part now and take control of the known factors to build a robust system to maintain readiness for foreign animal disease outbreaks.

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What’s Ohio doing? Ohio’s Pork Industry is providing serious thought and time equity into Ohio’s Foreign Animal Disease Plan. We have hosted many meetings discussing the “what ifs” of FAD outbreaks. Now, the emergency response needs to be put on paper and practiced. Writing the Ohio State Plan with the Ohio Department of Agriculture and USDA APHIS officials is a messy process, but we are making progress. From government officials to the industry, we are focused on having a written emergency response state plan on paper to control the spread of a very contagious animal disease and ultimately plan for business continuity. In August, delegates from Ohio’s pork industry voted with 26 other states to develop and implement an African Swine Fever (ASF)Classical Swine Fever (CSF) Monitored Certification Program. The U.S. Swine Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) enhances prevention, response, and recovery of trade impacting disease amongst the pork supply chain.

What if you can’t move pigs? Frankly, gaps are discovered every day in FAD emergency response planning. Identifying and addressing the gaps is something no one in the swine industry can ignore. Isn’t it time to get real with yourself and ask what will my farm do if I can’t move pigs? The Secure Pork Supply Plan for Continuity of Business provides ways to prepare and request a movement permit. Yet, many farms do not have an SPS Plan. What’s stopping you? Dr. Andreia Arruda and her OSU Team can assist you to write the plan at no cost. Get started today by contacting her at (614) 688-3277 or arruda.13@osu.edu. In January 2022, farms can voluntarily participate in the new US SHIP ASF-CSF Monitored Certification Program. This will allow your farm to establish and maintain officially recognized health status certification across your herd.

LegisLative Update NPPC recommends the following measures for producers to prevent ASF. • Use caution when hosting on-farm visitors from an ASF-positive region of the world; follow downtime recommendations from USDA’s Plum Island Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory.


• Review your biosecurity protocols to ensure consistent practice of appropriate safeguards. • Fill out the Foreign Animal Disease Preparation Checklist and enroll in the Secure Pork Supply program.


• Feed & Watering Systems • Medicators • Ventilation • Motors • Curtains & Inlets • EVAP Cooling Systems • Heating Solutions • Lighting • Animal Handling & Identification • Biosecurity • Gating & Penning • Building Supplies & Delphi Board • Pest Control • Workwear & Footwear

• Visit with your feed suppliers to discuss the origin of the feed ingredients they are using in your diets.

Are you staying informed with OPC Activities? Here are some ways you can stay in touch.


INDIANA RETAIL LOCATION 1576 US-421 Delphi, Indiana 46923


• Sign up for a weekly Member e-newsletter to keep well informed. • Become or maintain your SIP. If you pay into the Strategic Investment Program, you are supporting the effort to influence policy and protect your freedom to operate. All SIP members also receive additional information on legislation and issues at the local, state, and federal levels. • Sign Up for Ohio Pork Text Service. Just text OHIOPORK to (833) 340-1405. All members are encouraged to opt-in for free. Get the latest info and be alert during a crisis.

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 5

Industry News

Forshey, Waters, and Brown inducted into the OAC Ag Hall of Fame During the 55th annual Ohio Agricultural Hall of Fame Breakfast, eight Ohioans who have committed their lives to working in, promoting, and advocating for Ohio’s farm community became the newest inductees into Ohio’s Agricultural Hall of Fame on August 6. Since the ceremony was postponed, due to the pandemic in 2020, Ohio’s commodity groups honored two classes of outstanding leaders including three trailblazers from the Ohio pork industry. From the Class of 2020, Tony Forshey, DVM and Wendell Waters were recognized for their many years of hard work and dedication to Ohio’s agricultural community. For more than 27 years, Dr. Forshey has made invaluable contributions to the betterment of the swine industry as a practicing veterinarian, including his focus on herd health and disease prevention. He also put his knowledge to use in the world of academia where he served as an adjunct faculty member for the College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University and later Brandon Forshey, son of Tony Forshey, DVM became the State Veterinarian and Chief of the Division of Animal Health for the Ohio Department of Agriculture. He was also a key factor in the creation of the Ohio Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 6

Livestock Care Standards Board, which is boasted as the most comprehensive livestock care standards in the United States. While Forshey was unable to attend the ceremony, his son Brandon was in attendance to be honored on his behalf. For more than 50 years, Waters has been an instrumental member of Ohio’s agricultural community, most notably as a founding member of the Ohio Corn Growers and an advocate for the PGI Group, which has continuously improved the Wendell Waters & Family hog industry through standardized genetics, marketing, and best practices. Following the creation of WenMar Farms, Inc. with his wife Marcia, today’s operation consists of a 3,600-sow farrow-to-finish hog operation along with 4,000 acres of corn and soybeans. Included in the class of 2021, Randy Brown was honored with his induction into Ohio’s Ag Hall of Fame following more than 41 years of dedication and service to the agriculture industry. As a member of his family’s farming operation, Maken Bacon Farms, Brown has focused his time on the everchanging production methods that have taken place over the years for their sow and farrow-to-finish swine operation. Also known for hosting personal farm tours for legislators and key leaders to educate

indUstry news about modern pork, Brown has served as president and board member of the Ohio Pork Council, was a National Pork Board member, involved with the National Pork Producers Council, and was a member of the Ohio Livestock Randy Brown & Family Coalition. A special thank you goes out to Forshey, Waters, and Brown for all of their hard work and dedication to Ohio’s pork industry over the years. We applaud you for your service to Ohio’s agricultural community and we wouldn’t be here today without you.

2022 Ohio Pork Congress makes move to Lima The Ohio Pork Council would like to announce that it is time to save the date for the 2022 Ohio Pork Congress, which will take place on February 8-9, 2022, at the Veterans Memorial Civic & Convention Center in Lima, Ohio. We are excited to bring our annual event to the Lima area for 2022 and we look forward to another fun-filled and informative Pork Congress. A new venue allows the opportunity to expand our educational seminar and trade show footprint. As we welcome back the Swine Health Symposium, the educational sessions offer two-days of learning for everyone in the pork industry. You will have plenty of space

MARK YOUR CALENDAR New Vibe, New Venue for the 2022 Ohio Pork Congress. Place a big red circle around February 8-9 and plan to join us at the Lima Convention Center for a fresh, new Ohio Pork Congress. We are preserving the traditions and splashing in new twists to bring you an educational event with a bigger trade show footprint and lots of valuable conversation. Whether you own the farm, are a valuable farm team member, student, or allied business professional, it will be worth investing your time.

to roam as you check out the many vendors showcasing new products in our Trade Show area. Mark your calendar now and save the date for the 2022 Ohio Pork Congress! Registration, sponsorship opportunities, and the complete event program will be available in the next edition of the Porkline Magazine and will also be coming soon to ohiopork.org. Bringing the Ohio Pork Congress to a new location is an exciting move for the Ohio Pork Council and Ohio’s pork industry as a whole. We look forward to seeing you in 2022 and are thankful for the opportunity to showcase what Ohio’s pig farmers have to offer. Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 7

Industry News

OPC celebrated the youth at Ohio State Fair


he 2021 Ohio State Fair was an experience unlike any other. Not only was it much different than the past, but it was a return to the fairgrounds that junior fair exhibitors have been looking forward to for more than two years.

Sisters and their family hog farm. Over the two-week stretch of the Ohio State Fair, the Ohio Pork Council was busy serving many different types of pork, including fan favorites such as the pork loin sandwich, bacon bundles and pork chop on a stick.

Since the fair’s attendance was limited to the exhibitors, their families, and guests, the midway crowds and the general attendance were missing, but that didn’t take away from the experiences, grand champions, and friendships that were enjoyed by the exhibitors and everyone alike.

The conversations, teamwork, and delicious pork will be what we remember from the 2021 Ohio State Fair, and while we truly enjoyed our part in feeding and supporting this year’s junior fair exhibitors, this OPC Board Member, Jerry Happy experience wouldn’t have been possible without the help of our wonderful volunteers. Ranging from Ohio’s pork producers to FFA Chapters, the Ohio Pork Council is so thankful for all of the hard work and dedication that our volunteers displayed to make this year’s fair possible.

While the Ohio Pork Council usually sets up at the Taste of Ohio Café, 2021 also included a change of Morrow County Pork Producers scenery for OPC as we were placed just east of the Dairy Products building in a food trailer that was generously made available by the Reeves Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 8

indUstry news A special thanks goes out to our amazing 2021 Ohio State Fair volunteers: • Marion County Pork Producers • Morrow County Pork Producers • Hardin County Pork Producers • Stateler Family Farms • Hord Family Farms • East Clinton FFA Chapter & Premier Feeds • Colonel Crawford FFA Chapter • Wenmar Farms • Dale Ricker • Jerry Happy • John Heinz & Family • Cardington FFA Chapter • Cooper Farms • Liberty Union FFA Chapter • Nick Seger • Josh Berry • Joe Pecharich • Brian Strobel • Kalmbach Swine Management • Roger Lange

Growing Demand Animal agriculture is Ohio soybean farmers’ #1 customer. The Ohio Soybean Council increases demand for Ohio soybeans by partnering with animal ag groups like the Ohio Pork Council to encourage meat consumption. See more ways we’re driving demand for Ohio soybeans by visiting SoyOhio.org/HereWeGrow.

Liberty Union FFA Chapter

We at the Ohio Pork Council are thankful for all of our volunteers that served with us during the 2021 Ohio State Fair. As we look ahead to 2022, we are hopeful that we will once again have the opportunity to serve delicious pork and continue to advocate for the pork industry at the 2022 Ohio State Fair.

Ryan Rhoades Marion County Hog & Soybean Farmer

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 9

Manure Safety

Manure Gas Safety: How to prevent the Invisible Risks


ivestock producers find gases and odors to be one of their top nuisances, but they can also pose life-threatening risks when the gases are confined to buildings and/or manure pits. Along with the risks that are present, economic losses can occur when animals die from the gases. The combination of health risks and economic risks leaves all producers hoping for ways to avoid the invisible risk that comes with manure storage. Knowing when air quality problems will occur can be difficult but knowing the precautions to take to reduce or eliminate issues from occurring is best, based on information provided by the Iowa State University Extension. The gases that are commonly found in pits and storage areas are as follows: •Carbon Dioxide/Carbon Monoxide: Carbon Dioxide results from animal respiration, while carbon monoxide is the result of using combustion equipment in a confined area. At high concentrations, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide can cause respiratory distress and headaches. If prolonged exposure occurs, the gases can be fatal. To prevent problems from occurring it is important to have proper ventilation in all buildings and structures. •Ammonia: Ammonia is the result of manure decomposition. At low levels, it can cause eye irritation. At levels around 1,500 ppm, frothing Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 10

of the mouth and coughing can occur, and at levels as high as about 5,000 ppm, ammonia is deadly. Providing at least a minimum winter ventilation rate throughout the year, frequently rinsing equipment, and leaving at least a half-inch of water in pits or on the floor can help limit overexposure. •Methane: This gas is produced as animal waste decomposes, and warm temperatures accelerate the decomposition process. Methane gas is dangerous because it is highly combustible and is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, making it hard to detect. To protect yourself from the dangers of methane, it is vital to ensure all pits and manure storage areas are adequately ventilated. Prohibiting all flames and open sparks in areas near or in pits and storage facilities can also be a preventative measure taken. •Hydrogen Sulfide: This is the most dangerous gas that is found in enclosed livestock operations. Within seconds of exposure, unconsciousness will occur, which is often fatal. The rotten egg odor can make hydrogen sulfide easily detectable at low levels, but your sense of smell will become paralyzed when in high concentrations. To minimize the dangers that are associated with hydrogen sulfide, make sure to provide extra ventilation during agitation, do not enter a pit without precautions, and make sure to exit the building immediately if high levels are suspected.

Manure Safety What can you do to promote manure storage safety? • Learn the dangers and signs of toxic levels of manure gases • Post warning signs around manure pits about the possibility of a contaminated atmosphere • Check with local agencies about rescue equipment that may be available to handle gases that could be present in your operation • Maintain a fence around open pits and keep the gate locked at all times • Keep the area around earthen pits mowed and free of tall weeds • Never enter a manure pit alone

Resources to Follow Iowa State University Extenison Manure storage poses invisible risks https://bit.ly/3lru5bI University of Minnesota Extension Protocols and preparation for manure agitation https://bit.ly/2YNdM0V Manure Gas Safety Checklist https://bit.ly/3k3fZO1 Ohio State University Extension Liquid Manure Safety https://bit.ly/3k7LBST National Pork Board Employee Safety Toolkit https://bit.ly/394v5wE

ARE YOU GETTING THE MOST FROM YOUR FEED? One of the biggest challenges the industry is facing is the rising cost of feed and feed ingredients, which can account for up to 70% of total production expenses. With Alltech’s Enzyme Management program, you can reduce your feed cost, maximize feed efficiency and improve herd performance, saving producers like you money while providing sustainable benefits for the animal and the planet.

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Like you, we know every cent matters. Get more – and save more – with Alltech’s Enzyme Management program. To learn more, visit Alltech.com/enzyme-management.

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OH-PIGS Circuit

2021 OH-PIGS BANQUET espite a year of curveballs and uncertainty in 2020, the OH-PIGS Circuit continued to find a way for the show to go on. It wasn’t easy, but the hard work and determination of everyone involved made it possible. The same can be said about the circuit in 2021. The promising return to normalcy allowed for the circuit to look like past years throughout each of the shows and for all of our exhibitors, giving those involved with the 2021 OH-PIGS Circuit an experience unlike any other.


At the conclusion of the season, all were invited to the 2021 OH-PIGS Banquet that was kindly hosted by Nate Warner and his family on Saturday, August 14 in Washington Courthouse, Ohio. Following an evening of food, fun, and conversation, the winners for each breeding class, market class, and showmanship division were recognized by Morgan and the OH-PIGS Committee, which was capped off by the top-five in overall high points for the summer circuit.

Thanks to the constant effort and dedication from the Ohio Pork Council, OH-PIGS Committee, OH-PIGS manager Kelly Morgan, and our amazing OH-PIGS sponsors, the 2021 circuit consisted of 24 different shows that spanned over a two-month stretch, from April 17 to June 20.

2021 OH-PIGS Overall High Points: Top-5 • Overall High Points Champion – Riley Wendt • Reserve Hight Points Champion – Makenah Rohr • 3rd Place High Points – Grayden Sproull • 4th Place High Points – Travis Durst • 5th Overall High Points – Caydence Scale

Throughout the spring into summer season, a record-setting group of 236 exhibitors competed for points in the breeding and market classes, while also taking part in the showmanship competition, which included divisions of PeeWee, Novice, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior.

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Congratulations to all of our exhibitors and their families for another great year with the OH-PIGS Circuit. We are incredibly grateful to make this opportunity possible for you and we are unbelievably blessed to be a part of an industry that believes so much in their youth and the future of agriculture.

OHiO pOrK COngress

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org


fOreign aniMaL disease

How to keep Foreign Animal Disease off your farm


oreign animal disease awareness, outbreak, and prevention continue to be the number one priority for pork producers across the country. While there remains a lot of work being done at the local, state, and national levels to keep African Swine Fever out of the United States, there is still much work to be done at the producer level. There are five major things that U.S. pork producers can do to protect their operations from FAD and ASF, specifically. 1) Monitor for signs of ASF in your pigs Signs and symptoms include: • High fever • Decreased appetite and weakness • Red, blotchy skin or skin lesions • Diarrhea and vomiting • Coughing and difficulty breathing 2) Report signs of an FAD on your farm If you notice a pig that is displaying any sign of an FAD, including ASF, please report it to your herd veterinarian or to your state or federal animal health officials. You can also call the USDA’s toll free number at (866) 536-7593 for proper testing and investigation details. 3) Participate in your state’s Secure Pork Supply program Having a Secure Pork Supply (SPS) plan is a critical step in ensuring that your operation is secure. To become involved in creating an SPS plan in Ohio, all you need to do is contact Dr. Andreia Arruda and her team at The Ohio State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Arruda and her team will help you to create a plan specifically for your program at no cost to you! You can contact Dr. Arruda at (614) 688-3277 or Arruda.13@osu.edu to set up a consultation. 4) Enhance on-farm Biosecurity practices Producers should implement enhanced biosecurity measures by working with your trusted veterinarian. This is increasingly important since the ASF virus can easily travel on clothing and shoes. Limiting foreign visitors on your farm is also a recommended practice to help enhance your farm’s biosecurity. 5) Create an AgView account AgView is a free technology that is sponsored by Pork Checkoff. It uniquely makes disease traceback and all pig movement data available to the USDA and state animal health officials on day one of an FAD.

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OHiO pOrKLine

SUPPORTING YOU TODAY, TO FEED THE WORLD TOMORROW. Farm Credit Mid-America is proud to work with industry partners who share our purpose: to secure the future of rural communities and agriculture. As our industry evolves, we remain committed to supporting the pork producers today and in the future – just as we have for the past 100 years. To learn more, visit e-farmcredit.com or call 800-444-FARM.

Subject to credit approval. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Farm Credit Mid-America is an equal opportunity lender. Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 15

Industry News

Ohio’s bacon and egg farmers give back with Best Buckeye Breakfasts


f you could choose one meal to eat out, would you choose breakfast? The first meal of the day has always been the easiest to make at home with a bowl of cereal or a granola bar, and this statement was even more prevalent at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Families were less likely to order out from their favorite breakfast spot due to the ease of a quick breakfast in bed. Let’s be clear, pork remained an item on the weekly grocery list, but the usual purchasing of bacon and sausage turned into dinner-time pork cuts. As the world begins to turn back to normal, the emphasis on going out for breakfast with friends and family was something that Ohio’s bacon and egg farmers wanted to bring back to the daily routine. With this in mind, the Ohio Pork Council and Ohio Poultry Association teamed up this summer to create the Best Buckeye Breakfasts campaign, bringing Ohio’s bacon and egg farmers together to promote the Buckeye State’s best breakfast spots, what they have to offer, and where to find them. Here are the different ways that Best Buckeye Breakfasts puts your Checkoff dollars to good use. Encouraging consumers to ditch the bowl of cereal – Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many consumers became accustomed to doing everything from home, including work, shopping, groceries, and especially eating. What Best Buckeye Breakfasts is doing is giving the consumer a reason to go out and eat again. Whether it’s through nominations, prizes, or simply giving the consumer a voice, BBB is encouraging the consumer to support local restaurants, try their favorite breakfast meals of pork and poultry, and support Ohio’s pig and poultry farmers. Reinforce the idea of eating safe and healthy pork at restaurants – While Best Buckeye Breakfasts is encouraging consumers to eat breakfast out again, it is also highlighting the positive experiences had at many local restaurants. Consumers have questions about pork, and BBB drives home the truth about safety, quality, and the benefits of consuming pork. The partnership with the Ohio Poultry Association in this campaign benefits The Ohio Pork Council, as bacon and eggs have a natural marriage at the breakfast table. As the campaign continues to give the Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 16

Industry News consumer a reason to talk about their best breakfast spots, it will also raise confidence in the consumers’ ability to go out for breakfast and have their favorite pork dish. Keeping restaurants a player in the pork demand game – Yes, the Best Buckeye Breakfasts campaign is promoting the consumption of pork and poultry through different restaurants throughout the state, but the amount of breakfast spots that they highlighted is impressive. Each week, a new slate of breakfast spots and dishes was featured at bestbuckeyebreakfasts.com, giving more and more restaurants the spotlight as consumers sent in their nominations. The BBB’s weekly $2,500 grant also influenced the restaurant to push the consumer for a nomination, meaning that more people will come to their restaurant for breakfast, and they will have a higher demand for bacon, sausage, ham, etc.

Best Buckeye Breakfasts called for nominations from Ohio’s farmers, while also asking the public to give their take on the top go-to restaurants with the best breakfast across the state. Throughout the summer, bestbuckeyebreakfasts. com collected some of the best bacon and egg nominations that Ohio has to offer, splitting them across five different regions of Ohio. Whether it was “The Candied Bacon Crepes” from The Woodbury in Columbus, or the “Sausage Gravy and Biscuits” from Lyn-Way in Ashland, BBB utilized the state’s best resource, its people, in helping it shine a light on where Ohio’s pig and poultry farmers are best supported for that first meal of the day. Ohio’s pig farmers also showed their support of the state’s best breakfast spots in the form of six, $2,500 grants that were awarded to nominated restaurants throughout the summer who continued to feel the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The six different grant winners are: •5 Points Café – Xenia, Ohio •Gregory’s Family Restaurant – Canton, Ohio •Grill & Skillet Diner – Columbus, Ohio •The Fountain – Celina, Ohio •C-J’s Family Restaurant – Stockport, Ohio •SuperChef’s Ohio – Gahanna, Ohio

A special thank you goes out to all of Ohio’s pork producers and the great citizens of Ohio for making this an amazing summer with Best Buckeye Breakfasts, as the impact that your support and contributions made to many different restaurant owners across the state will always be greatly appreciated. Without you, none of this would’ve been possible.

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 17

Industry News Ohio Pork Council seeks Summer 2022 Communications Intern

The Ohio Pork Council is looking for a highly motivated communications intern to join their team during Summer 2022. The ideal candidate should be majoring in the field of agriculture, communications, marketing or journalism; preferably going into their junior or senior year. Knowledge of swine and modern agriculture is a plus, but not required. The intern will be responsible for developing written and graphic communications for members, the media and consumers; increasing member participation and awareness of producer education programs; promotion of education and food stands at the Ohio State Fair; in addition to special events planning and volunteer recruitment. The Ohio Pork Council Communications Internship is sure to provide a variety of learning opportunities and awesome experiences within the agriculture field. Interested applicants can view the complete job description at ohiopork.org/internship2022/, with applications due December 31, 2021. For more information, contact Curt Ashcraft at cashcraft@ohiopork.org or 614-882-5887.

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 18

OHiO pOrKLine

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 Parts You Need.  Brands You Know.  Prices You Can Afford. Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 19

indUstry news Bacon Vending Machine Returns to Ohio Stadium

Buckeye fans will have their choice of three different types of ready-to-eat bacon strips, which will include Hormel and Smithfield, while various brands of bacon bits will also be available. The cost for each product will be $6.

After missing the 2020 season due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ohio Pork Council’s famous Bacon Vending Machine is making its official return to Ohio Stadium for fans to have access to some delicious bacon at Ohio State football games in 2021.

Ohio Pork Council’s Bacon Vending Machine

Ohio State football will host seven home games during the 2021 season, giving fans and spectators ample opportunities to indulge in their favorite bacon as they watch the Buckeyes embark on another impressive season. The 2021 schedule also includes two games in October (Oct. 9 vs. Maryland; Oct. 30 vs. Penn State), allowing for the OSU faithful to support the Buckeyes during National Pork Month. If you make your way out to a game this fall, we encourage you to take a photo with the Bacon Vending Machine and share it on social media with the hashtag #OHPork.

Located at its usual spot on the B-deck at the south side of the stadium,





Complete gate packages include hot-dipped galvanized 31.5” 7 rod panels, hardware, galvanized posts, drop rods, and stainless steel T-Bolts. Promotion valid 9-1-2021 through 1-31-2022. Must take delivery by March 26th. Freight, taxes, and installation not included.



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Spicy Pork Quesadillas It’s time to take your game day snack to the next level! With football season in full force, you are sure to be pleased on game day with these spicy pork quesadillas as you watch the big game!

Ingredients •

1/2 pound lean ground pork

1/4 cup onion diced

1 clove garlic minced

1/4 teaspoon ground cumin

1/4 teaspoon dried oregano

1/2 jalapeno chile minced*

1/4 cup fresh cilantro chopped

4 10-inch flour tortillas

1/4 cup Cheddar cheese OR jack cheese, grated

Instructions: •

In large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, cook pork with onion and garlic until browned; drain off any drippings and remove to large bowl. Stir cumin, oregano, jalapeno and cilantro into pork mixture.

Wipe out skillet with paper towel and heat over medium-high heat. Place one tortilla in skillet; top with half of the pork mixture, spreading evenly, and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of cheese. Top with another tortilla and cook on one side until nicely browned (about 2-3 minutes), pressing down occasionally on top tortilla (using a spatula or, carefully, your hand).

Turn and brown the other side, remove to cutting board and cut into 8 wedges. Repeat process to make 8 more quesadilla wedges. Serve with salsa, if desired.

Recipe makes 8 servings

*Wear rubber gloves when handling hot chiles. Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 21

indeX tO advertisers INDEX TO ADVERTISERS AGRIMENT SERVICES INC. 1289 NC-241 HWY Pink Hill, NC 28572 www.agrimentservices.com

FARMER BOY 50 West Stoever Ave. Myerstown, PA 17067 www.farmerboyag.com

OHIO SOYBEAN COUNCIL 918 Proprietors Rd., Suite A Worthington, OH 43085 www.soyohio.org

ALLTECH, INC. 3031 Catnip Hill Rd. Nicholasville, KY 40356 www.alltech.com

HOG SLAT 401 Enterprise Dr. Independence, IA 50644 www.hogslat.com

PIGTEK 401 East Syracuse St. Milford, IN 46542 www.choretimehog.com

FARM CREDIT MID-AMERICA 12501 Lakefront Place Louisville, KY 40299 www.e-farmcredit.com

HOMAN INC. 6915 Olding Rd. Maria Stein, OH 45860 www.homaninc.com

QC SUPPLY 574 Road 11 Schuyler, NE 68661 www.qcsupply.com

KALMBACH FEEDS 7148 State Highway 199 Upper Sandusky, OH 43351 www.kalmbachfeeds.com

Interested in advertising with the Porkline? Send inquiries to: Curt Ashcraft Phone: 614-882-5887 Email: cashcraft@ohiopork.org

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 22

OHiO pOrKLine 6915 Olding Rd. Maria Stein, OH 45860 419-925-4349 www.homaninc.com

Homan Inc provides a wide range of facilities to fit your needs. From building a completely new set up, to providing an addition or remodel to your existing set up, our team is uniquely qualified to provide the perfect solution to your needs. We have constructed hog facilities of all sizes. Projects have included finish barns, nurseries, farrowing barns, and gestation buildings. Homan Inc. offers the latest in feed and ventilation systems as well as equipment.

Ohio Porkline | www.OhioPork.org 23



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