Spring 2013 OFSAA Bulletin

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News from the OFSAA AGM The OFSAA Annual General Meeting was held April 11 and 12 in Markham. Two days of meetings were held and several motions were debated and voted upon by representatives for the 18 associations across Ontario. Approximately 80 people attended the meetings. At the meetings, we recognized members who are leaving their positions on one of the OFSAA councils this year. They are as follows: Heather Chambers is leaving the executive council after her term expired. Heather has given many years of service to OFSAA including the past nine on the executive council.

OFSAA president Jim Woolley and Diana Ranken (right) present Heather Chambers with her recognition award.

Jaylene Morrison is leaving after four years as the YRAA representative. $QLWD $QGHUVRQ LV OHDYLQJ DIWHU ÀYH \HDUV DV WKH NEOAA representative. Lindsay Norwood is leaving after four years as the LOSSA representative. Derek Dobos is leaving after one year as the LOSSA representative. John Kalantzakos is leaving after one year as the TDSSAA representative. Jaylene Morrison is pictured with OFSAA president Jim Woolley (left) and YRAA Representative Shawn Morris (right).

Ellen McConomy is leaving after one year as the TDSSAA representative. OFSAA thanks all of these people for their dedication to school sport and to Ontario’s student-athletes and teacher-coaches.

OFSAA partners again with KidSport in 2012-13 OFSAA partnered once again with Kidsport to provide funds for those students ZKR QHHG ÀQDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH WR SD\ IRU WKHLU VFKRRO VSRUW IHHV VR WKH\ FDQ participate. The monies helped cover costs for their league play only. $15,000 was available during the past year and the funds were divided evenly among the three sport seasons so that athletes have equal access to the funds. Fifty-six students received support for the fall activities. Check the OFSAA website and the September Bulletin for information on grants for the 2013-14 school year.



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