The Bulletin - June 2012

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Spring 2012


2012-13 Championship Calendar 2012 Event Recaps Winter Award Recipients


Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations 3 Concorde Gate, Suite 204 Toronto, Ontario M3C 3N7 Phone: (416) 426-7391 Fax: (416) 426-7317 Publications Mail Agreement Number: 40050378

Website: Email: see below

Honorary Patron of OFSAA: The Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario STAFF

Executive Director Assistant Director Assistant Director Comm. & Marketing Coordinator Office Administrator Special Projects Coordinator Special Projects Coordinator Special Projects Coordinator Special Projects Coordinator

Doug Gellatly Ext. 4 Michael Suraci Ext. 3 Elizabeth Harris Ext. 2 Lindsey Evanoff Ext. 5 Beth Hubbard Ext. 1 Peter Morris 905.826.0706 Diana Ranken Brian Riddell 416.904.6796 Ken Coffin 905.853.8869

EXECUTIVE COUNCIL President Past President Vice President Metro Region East Region West Region South Region Central Region North Region CODE CODE Member-at-Large Member-at-Large

Lynn Kelman, Barrie North CI Martin Ritsma, F.E. Madill Jim Woolley, Forest Heights CI Patty Johnson, CHAT Linda de Jeu, Adam Scott CVI Michele Van Bargen, Strathroy DCI Brian Fuller, Saltfleet DHS Mark O’Neil, Maxwell Heights SS Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin Jim Costello John Crocco Dale Huddleston Heather Chambers

P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P:

705.726.6594 F: 705.725.8246 519.357.1800 F: 519.357.4137 519.744.6567 F: 519.744.1870 416.636.5984 F: 416.636.5984 705.743.7373 F: 705.743.7831 519.245.8488 F: 519.245.7693 905.573.3000 F: 905.573.2408 905.440.4472 F: 905.666.6370 705.472.8240 F: 705.472.8476 519.336.1500 905.735.0240 613.389.4910 705.474.7681


Greg Reid, St Andrew’s College Sharon Jameson, Bishop Strachan Brian Poste, North Hastings DHS Linda de Jeu, Adam Scott CVI Ken VanderZwaag, Woodland Christian HS Patricia Klassen, St. Benedict CSS Mark Lewis, Seaway DHS Jean Pye, Carleton Place DHS Jenn Lemieux, St. Peter's SS Ross Clarke, Huntsville HS Greg Sora, Georgetown DHS Helen Downey, Bishop Tonnos CHS Mark O'Neill, Maxwell Heights SS Lindsay Norwood, Pine Ridge SS Sean Clancy, Gloucester HS Laura Gillespie, Ottawa-Carleton DSB Darrell Sokoloski, Timmins HVS Anita Anderson, Englehart HS Tim Lowe, ES Algonquin Laura Aubertin, Confederation SS Gordon Martin, Manitouwadge HS Lauri McFarlane, St. Ignatious Bruce Dyce, Port Credit SS Jody Miller, Cawthra Park Brian Fuller, Saltfleet DHS Christine Baillie, Stamford Collegiate Greg LeNeve, Northern Collegiate Cathy Johnson, North Lambton SS Paul Solarski, Brebeuf College Patty Johnson, CHAT John Kalantzakos, Runnymede CI Monica Crewe, Weston CI Ellen McConomy, Henry Academy Nick Rowe, Toronto DSB Michele Van Bargen, Strathroy DCI Steve Voros, East Elgin SS Shawn Morris Jaylene Morrison, Markham DHS

ADVISORS Ministry of Ed John Donofrio Ministry of HP and Sport Parmik Chahal

P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P: P:

905.727.3178 F: 905.841.6911 416.483.4325 F: 416.481.5632 613.332.1220 F: 613.332.0978 705.743.7373 F: 705.743.7831 519.648.2114 F: 519.648.3402 519.621.4050 F: 519.621.4057 613.652.4878 F: 613.652.1315 613.257.2720 F: 613.253.3002 705.734.0168 F: 705.734.0509 705.7895594 F: 705.7892269 905.877.6966 F: 905.873.9689 905.648.4989 F: 905.648.7847 905.440.4472 F: 905.440.7333 905.420.1885 F: 905.420.3714 613.745.7176 F: 613.745.5756 613.596.8211 F: 613.820.6045 705.360.1411 F: 705.268.6603 705.544.2337 F: 705.544.8587 705.472.8240 F: 705.472.8476 705-671-5948 F: 705.897.4202 807.826.3241 F: 807.826.4862 807.344.8433 F: 807.345.1237 905.278.3382 F: 905.278.8936 905.274.1271 F: 905.274.9370 905.573.3000 F: 905.573.2408 905 354 7409 F: 905 354 6618 519.542.5545 F: 519.542.0571 519.786.2166 F: 519.786.5250 416.222.8282 F: 416.229.5364 416.636.5984 F: 416.636.5984 416.394.3200 F: 416.394.4445 416.394.3250 F: 416,394.4429 416.395.3240 F: 416.395.3248 416.394.7300 519.245.2680 F: 519.245.5498 519.773.3174 F: 519.765.1943

P: 905.294.1886 F: 905.294.8141

P: 416.325.2533 F: 416.325.7247 P: 416.314.7187 F: 416.314.6301


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Past President Editorial.......................................2


OFSAA NEWS New AELS Launching September 2012................3 Age Classifications for 2012-13...........................3 Transfer Appeal Meeting Dates...........................3 OFSAA KidSPort Grant for Students....................3 TRY Day continues Schools in 2011-12.................4 Nike High School Grand Prix.............................4 News from the OFSAA AGM..............................5 Bridging the Gap Through School Sport..............5 OFSAA Sanctioning for Events............................6 Sports Day in Canada........................................6 2012 OFSAA Women's Sport School Recap........7 OFSAA Coaching Symposium - May 2013...........7 New Eligibility Rule for 2012-13..........................8 Changes to OFSAA Playing Regulations..............9 OFSAA Alumni Association................................9 School Announcements......................................9 Hannah's Story: Competing with Diabetes...........10

CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS Snowboarding Festival.......................................16 Badminton.........................................................16 - 18 Boys’ A Basketball.............................................19 Boys’ AA Basketball...........................................20 Boys’ AAA Basketball........................................21 Boys’ AAAA Basketball......................................24 Boys’ and Girls' Curling......................................25 Girls’ Gymnastics...............................................26 - 27 Boys’ A/AA & AAA/AAAA Hockey....................28 - 29 Girls’ A/AA Hockey...........................................30 Girls’ AAA/AAAA Hockey.................................31 Alpine Skiing.....................................................32 - 33 Nordic Skiing....................................................34 - 35 Swimming..........................................................35 - 38 Girls’ A Volleyball..............................................39 Girls’ AA Volleyball...........................................40 Girls’ AAA & AAAA Volleyball...........................41 - 42 Wrestling...........................................................43 - 44

SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Former OFSAA Rep Honoured............................11 OFSAA Character Athletes.................................12 Toronto Blue Jays Corporate Citation..................12 Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards.................12 Ontario Service Awards.....................................13 WINTER 2011 PHOTO GALLERY.........................14 - 15

Thank you to the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and the Ministry of Education for their generous contributions and support.

The Bulletin newsletter is written by OFSAA staff and designed by Lindsey Evanoff


A Word from Martin Ritsma, OFSAA Past President Martin Ritsma has been a member of the OFSAA Executive Council since 2006 when he began his six-year presidential term. Martin's term on the Executive Council concludes this spring. His insight and knowledge has been extremely valuable, and we will miss his expertise and enthusiasm greatly. Martin's dedication to the student-athletes of Ontario is evident in everything he is involved in, and he is a pillar of leadership in his Stratford community. Martin is currently principal of Stratford Northwestern SS. It is with mixed emotions that I write this message as the outgoing Past President of this amazing organization – OFSAA. As I shared at our April 2012 AGM, life is all about service. My past six years of service with OFSAA has been a great experience for me and has provided me with so many opportunities for professional growth. In addition, I have been blessed in meeting and working with so many phenomenal educators from across our Province and across Canada. Our teacher-coaches are our most important resource when it comes to high school sports in Ontario, and remains OFSAA’s most important asset. Nothing gets done through OFSAA without the hard work and dedication of the hundreds of volunteer teacher-coaches in Ontario. A huge thank you for what you do and your dedication to ‘education through school sport’. Your service to our students certainly plays a major role in their success in education, as well as their growth as citizens in our school communities and in the larger communities where they live. I would also like to thank the OFSAA staff: Doug, Michael, Elizabeth, Lexy, Lindsey, Beth, Hannah, Peter, Diana, Brian and Ken for their commitment to high school sports and for their patience and support during my six years in the role. I am proud to be connected to this group of professional and



dedicated individuals. Their service to our student-athletes and teacher-coaches goes well beyond the walls of the OFSAA office. I have valued both their professional work and their sincere friendship. I would also like to extend my thanks to Mr. Ted Doherty, Director of Education, the Avon Maitland District School Board of Education, for allowing me to serve on the OFSAA Executive, and for supporting all of the championships hosted within the our board and by the schools in our local Huron-Perth Athletic Association. Thank you as well to our many sponsors that support OFSAA. These valued partnerships provide many scholarship opportunities for students and support programs and championships run by OFSAA. I will certainly continue to be part of OFSAA in the years to come through the hosting of and attending OFSAA championships (so perhaps a few more photo opportunities). I look forward to the opportunity of continuing to serve as the Chair of the CS4L committee. Please continue to brag about this amazing student-based and teacher-driven organization. Promote all that OFSAA does and encourage students and teachers to get involved. Thank you again for allowing me to lead OFSAA, an organization that is known and respected in the Province of Ontario and the Country of Canada.

Launching September 2012! OFSAA is pleased to announce that a new AELS website will be launched for September 2012. The new site will include a number of new features for coaches and administrators, including the ability for schools to perform mass student uploads directly into their database without having to send files to the OFSAA office. Important to Note 1. The AELS system will not be accessible June 18 -20, 2012. During this time, all school, student, and coach information will be transferred to the new system. 2. New security policies require that all usernames and passwords be re-set. Your current usernames and passwords will no longer function after June 29, 2012. Each association has been asked to

provide one email contact for each school. The school’s new password will be sent to this email address at the start of the school year. Should the password be lost, a function of the new site will be a “forgot your password” option, which will reset the password and automatically email it to the email assigned to the school. Schools can change the email assigned to their school at any time. 3. Although many of the functions of the new site will work similar to the current site, a PDF document will be available outlining how to use all the AELS functions. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Michael Suraci at or 416-426-7440.

Age Classifications for the 2012-13 School Year

2012-13 Transfer Appeal Meeting Dates

For the 2012-13 school year, a Midget will be born in 1998 or later, and may only compete at OFSAA in the Midget category for one year in Grade 9. A Junior will be born in 1997 or 1998, and a Senior will be born in 1993 or later. 1992 or earlier 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997-98 1998


NEW Athlete Eligibility List System (AELS)

Meeting Date Thurs, Oct. 4, 2012 Fri, Nov. 2, 2012 Tues, Dec. 11, 2012 Thurs, Feb. 21, 2013 Thurs, April 18, 2013

ineligible Senior Senior Senior Senior Junior Midget

Deadline for Applications Mon, Sept. 24, 2012 Thurs, Oct. 18, 2012 Mon. Nov. 26, 2012 Wed, Feb. 6, 2013 Wed, April 3, 2013

To appeal an Association decision, please call the OFSAA office and give the name of the student and school, as well as the name of the principal.

How old was the student as of January 1, 2012? Years of Eligibility Coaches and students are reminded that students are eligible to compete for no more than five consecutive years from date of entry into Grade 9. There is no appeal to this rule.

A letter will be sent to the student, c/o the principal, stating the date, time and location of the appeal hearing. The letter will outline what information the student must provide prior to the meeting date.

OFSAA KidSport Grant for Students This grant program is a joint venture of Kidsport and OFSAA, providing funding for students who would otherwise be unable to participate in school sport because of financial restrictions. Up to $250 per school year was available for a student in need and 32 secondary school students

took advantage of this grant in 2011-12. Application forms were on the OFSAA website and a teacher or administrator from the school endorsed the submission. Students could only apply for the basic fees related to local league play. OFSAA thanks Kidsport for its contribution to this grant program, and we hope that this funding will be available again next year, so check our website for full details in the fall!


Continues in Schools in 2011-12 Thanks to the ongoing support of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport, and the Ontario Trillium Foundation, over 100 schools received up to $700 to conduct Try Day programs. Schools used the funds to motivate the Grade 9 students by providing them with new, interesting and often challenging activities. Most schools purchased equipment that will enhance their physical education programs for years to come. Some focused on fitness with zumba, TRX bands, martial arts and yoga. Others got active by introducing omnikin, floorball, peteka, minisports or pickleball.

Regardless of the sport or activity, they were all a lot of fun!

School Sport Canada Presents the Nike High School Grand Prix

From May 10-13, School Sport Canada presented the Nike High School Grand Prix, the first-ever cross-Canada invitational track and field event for high school athletes. More than 250 student-athletes from 10 provinces and territories gathered at the University of Toronto's Varsity Stadium for a track and field experience like no other. It was a chance for student-athletes from across Canada to come together in competition, celebration, and team pride in an educational forum. Male and female high school teams, selected from each provincial or territorial school sports association, took part in 10 events testing their abilities and dedication. They also enjoyed a weekend full of activities including fun tours of the city, educational panels, and social events. 4


Keep an eye out for information on the 2013 Nike High School Grand Prix. It is open to students from Grades 10-12, and is a one-of-a-kind experience commemorating school sport in Canada. Ontario is able to send one female and one male track and field team, based on leadership, school involvement and track and field experience. For more information on the event, please go to www. Event photos can be found at HighSchoolGrandPrix.


News from the OFSAA AGM OFSAA would like to welcome new president Jim Woolley, replacing Lynn Kelman, who is now past president. Both were recognized at OFSAA's AGM in April. Current past president Martin Ritsma is also finishing up his six-year term on the Exectutive Council. OFSAA also recognized the members of the Representatives' Council who are leaving in June. They are as follows: • Greg Reid is leaving after five years as the CISAA representative • Jean Pye is leaving after after seven years as the EOSSAA representative • Greg Sora is leaving after eight years as the GHAC representative • Pat Klassen is leaving after eight years as the CWOSSA representative • Laura Gillespie is leaving after nine years as the NCSSAA representative • Darrell Sokoloski is leaving after 11 years as the NEOAA represenative

Martin Ritsma, Lynn Kelman and Jim Woolley.

• Sue Thompson is leaving after 11 years as the TDSSAA representative OFSAA would like to thank them all for their dedication to school sport and their hard work as members of the Representatives' Council.

Lynn Kelman, Jean Pye, and Dale Huddleston.

Lynn Kelman, Greg Sora, and Helen Downey.

Lynn Kelman, Pat Klassan, and Ken VanderZwaag.

Lynn Kelman, Laura Gillespie, and Sean Clancy.

Tim Lowe, Darrell Sokoloski, and Lynn Kelman.

Lynn Kelman and Sue Thompson.

Bridging the Gap Through School Sport The extension of this grant program enabled leadership students in 56 secondary schools to present flag football, flag rugby, or ultimate to new elementary schools this year. The interaction of these students with the Grade 7-8 classes provides a connection and level of comfort for these elementary students, which will hopefully

encourage more of them to continue their involvement in school sport when they reach high school. Some secondary schools conducted the Bridging program for all their feeder schools and this proved very successful. Both the elementary and the secondary schools received equipment and resources so that the sports can continue in future years.


OFSAA Sanctioning for Events For OFSAA-sanctioned invitationals • All participants must be OFSAA eligible • A teacher-coach, approved by the school principal, must be present and responsible for the participants throughout the event The process to obtain OFSAA sanction: A. For an event you are hosting: • Complete the appropriate form from the website and submit to your Association representative as listed on the inside Bulletin cover • The OFSAA rep signs the forms and send it to OFSAA • If all is in order, your event will be sanctioned, listed on the OFSAA website, and confirmed with a letter to you, copied to your principal B. For an event you are attending: • Complete and submit the appropriate OFSAA form from the website directly to OFSAA • If all information is provided, the school principal will receive a letter confirming OFSAA sanction for the school to attend the event, with a copy to the supervising teacher-coach • The OFSAA website will indicate what schools have been sanctioned to attend specific invitational events • You MUST get OFSAA sanction for events in other provinces and for state or NFHS-sanctioned events. Please remember: • Get your requests for OFSAA sanction in at least 30

OFSAA-sanctioned Invitational Events Father McNamara Boys' Hockey Tournament December 13-15, 2012 Gale Centre Niagara Falls Convenor: Greg Kelly, St. Michael CSS Phone: 905-356-5155 Email: Eastern Ontario Invitational 6-A-Side Football Invitational September 4 - November 9, 2012 Eastern Ontario schools Convenor: Mike Rumleski North Hastings HS Phone: 613-332-1220 Email:

days prior to the event • Hosting convenors must indicate in their promotional information that the event is ‘OFSAA-sanctioned’. • Hosts wishing to have their event listed in the Bulletin must apply for sanction by the Bulletin deadline dates: Fall- July 1; Winter - December 1, Spring - May 1 • Schools attending a single exhibition game out of province are not required to get OFSAA sanction. • Schools travelling out of country (other than the US) for sporting events are not required to obtain OFSAA sanction. However, if a letter is requested to indicate your school is a bona fide member in good standing, please contact me and I can provide one. Direct any questions re: sanctioning of invitational events to: Diana Ranken at

Sports Day in Canada - September 29, 2012 Kick off the next school year by joining schools, organizations and communities in celebrating the third annual Sports Day in Canada on September 29, 2012. Sports Day in Canada is a national celebration of sport, from grassroots to high-performance levels, in communities across the country. Presented by ParticipACTION, True Sport and CBC Sports, Sports Day in Canada is a great chance to celebrate sport and all the good things it can do for families, communities and our national pride! In the week leading up to and including September 29, more than a thousand organizations, communities and schools across Canada will host local events. CBC 6


Sports will also air a special broadcast on Saturday, September 29 to show the power of sport at work in the country. • Create a Sports Day in Canada event: Host an event that celebrates sport in your school between September 24 to 28, 2012. It could be a try-it day, a special assembly with athletes, a game, competition, walk, run or tournament. All school events registered by June 30, 2012 will receive a FREE event celebration kit with posters, tattoos and banners. • Register an event you’re already doing: Register your Olympics Day, fall fair or your School Terry Fox Run as a Sports Day in Canada event. All school events registered by June 30, 2012 will receive a FREE event celebration kit with posters, tattoos and banners. For more information, go to or contact Megan Sutherland, Projects Lead for ParticipACTION at or (416) 644-0498.

On May 3 and 4, more than 80 female educators attended the OFSAA’s Women’s Sport School at Brock University in St. Catharines. The Women’s Sports School conference provided a fun professional development opportunity, bringing together female health and physical education teachers from across the province to share ideas and get motivated. Over the course of the two-day event, participants had the opportunity to attend teaching sessions led by experienced professionals. Highlights included information on bullying, mental health, aerobic gymnastics, tchoukball, battling ropes, Zumba, TRX training, and field hockey. The interactive sessions united phys-ed teachers across the province and allowed participants to ask questions, network, and discover new/unconventional sports and teaching methods to pass on to their students. The conference also included a tradeshow, which gave sponsors the opportunity to display and sell programs, products and services, while interacting with conference participants one-on-one. There were a wide variety of booths to visit, as well as many prizes to be won. Following the tradeshow, a social was held for all conference attendees, which had the ladies mingling, dancing and doing the limbo. Keynote speaker and Olympic rower Melanie Kok, shared her story of determination to a captive

audience, followed by an opportunity to see her medals first-hand.


2012 OFSAA Women's Sport School Recap

OFSAA would like to thank the Coaching Association of Canada and their partner the Investors Group, the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women in Sport (CAAWS), Marchants School Sport, and Westmount Hospitality Group for supporting the conference. Huge thank you also to the organizing committee members Christine Baillie (SOSSA), Janet Elliot (SOSSA), Erin Gray (YRAA), Patty Johnson (TDCAA), Sue Thompson (TDSSAA), Hannah Roukema (OFSAA intern), Lindsey Evanoff (OFSAA staff) and Elizabeth Harris (OFSAA staff) for coordinating a great event. Thank you to the presenters, participants, tradeshow vendors and Brock University Conference Services for helping make the Women’s Sport School a great success!

OFSAA Coaching Symposium - May 2013 In early May 2013, OFSAA will once again host the Coaching Symposium, a professional development opportunity for both male and female teachercoaches. The Coaching Symposium is a two-day conference focusing on the technical side of coaching, and provides sport specific skills, drills and strategies through on-court/field and classroom sessions. The conference offers introductory and advanced sessions

that will benefit both new and seasoned coaches. Do you have a topic or presenter you would like included at this year’s conference? Send us your suggestions to The Coaching Symposium is an affordable and fun learning opportunity that should not be missed! Watch the OFSAA website and fall Bulletin for more information!


New Eligibility Rule for 2012-13 A new rule was adopted with respect to eligibility for students attending sport schools and sport academies, and students enrolled in a sport-specific curricular program.

The period of ineligibility will continue as long as the student attends the school where the sport program exists.

Sport schools and sport academies are schools that offer flexible or modified timetabling to accommodate students’ athletic training, competition and/or travel schedules; or schools that admit athletes due to their level of athletic status who are required to take additional credits in health and physical education specific to fundamental and fitness training principles.

iii.Any student enrolled in a sport school or sport academy and the school is not their designated school according to school board boundaries (or not their closest school where no boundaries exist), will be eligible to compete in any sport except their declared or designated sport of specialty. The period of ineligibility will continue as long as the student attends the sport school or sport academy.

Sport programs are considered to be a course or courses offered by a school which are sport-specific curricular programs. i. Any student enrolled in a sport school, sport academy, or sport program will be eligible to compete in all sports provided they are attending the designated school according to school board boundaries (or the closest school where no boundaries exist).

iv. The declared or designated sport of specialty shall be the sport played at the highest level. Schools must submit their students’ declared or designated sport of specialty for approval by the local athletic association (e.g. district, zone) by September 15 of the current school year.

v. An appeal of a student’s declared or designated sport may be made by the school’s athletic director, principal, or vice principal to the OFSAA member ii. Any student enrolled in a sport program and the school association by September 30 of the current school year. is not his/her designated school according to school board boundaries (or not their closest school where vi. Students who were registered in a sport school, sport no boundaries exist), will be eligible to compete in academy, or sport program as of September 4, 2012 any sport except the sport being provided through shall be eligible for all sports provided they meet all their sport-specific curricular program. rules of eligibility.



Changes to OFSAA Playing Regulations Girls’ & Boys’ Volleyball Now that the transition year has passed, a reminder that all Championships will be held over three days. Please refer to the OFSAA Volleyball playing regulations for the new three-day format including the number of sets in pool play and playoff games. Girls’ Gymnastics There is no longer a restriction on the number of training session a club athlete can attend at their gymnastics club as it relates to competing in Level 4. Section 9- Competitive Divisions b) has been removed. Girls’ Rugby If the OFSAA Rugby Championship is a 16 team championship it shall be a modified double elimination tournament with a consolation round. The seeded draw for a 16 team tournament will be available in the updated playing regulations. Girls’ Ice Hockey All games, including the Championship game, shall consist of three (3) fifteen-minute stop time periods with a five (5) minute warmup directly before the start of the game and a three (3) minute rest time between periods. To ensure consistency from year to year, girls’ will now have a set seeding format

Have a School Announcement? Are you celebrating a milestone date for your school this coming year? • Get the news of your celebration out to all schools province-wide • Connect with former teachers and students • Provide the details and contact information to OFSAA by July 1 and we can include it in the September Bulletin • Send your info to OFSAA's Communications & Marketing Coordinator Lindsey Evanoff at

and schedule outlined, please refer to the playing regulations for the new format. Swimming Para-swimmers with a classification of S14 and/or Special Olympics are permitted to compete until age 21 and shall be eligible for no more than seven (7) consecutive years from date of entry into Grade 9. Previously they were only eligible to compete for five years. Boys Golf 1. Boys’ Golf has moved from “Festival” to “Championship” beginning in September 2012. 2. Range finders will now be permitted. “The use of range finders will be allowed (distance calculations only. No devices which measure slope, wind speed, elevation, etc.) consistent with the RCGA rules. These devices are to be checked with the starter and the supervisor coach of each group.” 3. Only those practices that took place during the “current school year” will be eligible to be counted towards the practice eligibility requirements for participation at OFSAA Boys’ Golf.

Join the OFSAA Alumni Association! Retiring teacher-coaches are encouraged to stay in touch with the school sports scene in Ontario by joining the OFSAA Alumni Association! Members of the Alumni Association support the scholarship fund, receive each Bulletin magazine, and join in alumni activities (golf tournament, etc). Make your former teacher-coaches and student-athletes aware of this opportunity. Check the website for more information and a registration form!


Hannah's Story: Competing as a StudentAthlete with Type 1 Diabetes My name is Hannah Schmidt. I am a 17-year-old athlete/ student, and I have type 1 diabetes. My life before diabetes was great. I have always been an athlete. I have paddled, play basketball, soccer, skied and was very competitive in all sports. I love to train and compete in just about anything. During my elementary school days I tried to play on as many school teams as possible. In fact participating in sports probably helped me get through school. In Grade 8 I was ill for a few months, and I was then diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I had no idea what that meant, but knew that it was something I could manage. Sure there were times when I felt, why me? I felt that I wanted to be who I was before I got diabetes. So I did just that. I learned very quickly that testing my blood many times a day, measuring all the food that I eat, deciding how much insulin I needed to load in my needles, and finally, putting needles of insulin into my body, were now a regular part of my life. Did it bother me? Of course, but I accepted this is how my life is now. It has not been easy, and yes I make mistakes, but that is part of my learning as an athlete with diabetes. Most recently I was able to be put on an insulin pump. The pump helps me manage my diabetes even better. I had to earn my pump, with consistent blood glucose levels over a span of time, and I was able to get my levels much more steady. I now know how important it is to have great balance in my life. I have always wanted to be a National Team Ski competitor and diabetes will not get in my way. I do have other things to think about while training and racing, however I am extremely organized and am dealing with it. I work hard at everything I do and I feel that overcoming adversity will only make me a better and stronger athlete/person now and in the future. My recent experience at OFSAA 2012 was a great example of setting a goal for myself and trying to ski my best always. This year it was good enough for a double gold medal performance. As I mentioned I do have big goals and I know that making the National Ski Team is going to be a journey full of hard work, disappointments, and attention to detail. I am up for the challenge though, just as I have had to be resilient and determined to live my life as I always had, just now with diabetes. I have an amazing team that surrounds me, my coach Yves, fitness trainer Andrea, sport psychologist Bettina, Dr. Lawson from CHEO, Animas Canada, my teachers 10


who have supported me at West Carleton and Banting, and last but not least, my family, who is always there for me. I continue to participate in community activities that raise awareness for diabetes such as the JDRF Walk for the Cure Fundraiser every spring, where we walk to raise money for a cure for diabetes- something I really hope will happen soon. And I also paddle in a Dragonboat race in Montreal each spring that supports children who are diabetic. I enjoy working with younger children with diabetes to show them that they can do anything, regardless of their disease. I like to show them they can still live a very productive life with diabetes. I would like to challenge anyone out there who has had challenges in their life, to keep working hard and BELIEVE you can do anything! In closing I would like to thank the 2012 OFSAA Organizing Committee for a great event! I had the best time, and I am so glad I went and took part in an event that I will remember for a lifetime. Hannah Schmidt West Carleton Secondary School 2012 OFSAA Double Gold Medallist

Scholarships & Awards Former OFSAA Rep Honoured at Ontario Sport Awards Congratulations to Sue Thompson, teachercoach from University of Toronto Schools, for receiving the Syl Apps Award at the Ontario Sport Awards on April 21, for her outstanding service to OFSAA and school sport. This award is presented by the Sport Alliance of Ontario, in partnership with the Ontario the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport. The OFSAA Executive nominates individuals who have served as members of the Councils or the Annual Assembly of OFSAA, have contributed to their local and Association organizations, and are active in their communities. Sue has been a representative from the Sue Thompson accepts the Syl Apps Award from Michael Chan, Minister of TDSSAA on the OFSAA Representatives Tourism, Culture and Sport, and Joanne Flint, daughter of Syl Apps. Council for the past 12 years, and also served for the past five as the Metro Throughout her career, Sue has coached basketball, regional representative on the OFSAA volleyball, soccer, cross country, track and field, and Executive Council. Sue is chair of the OFSAA Coaching swimming. Committee, and a master learning facilitator for the Coaching In Ontario Schools program, which assists OFSAA was pleased to nominate Sue, and congratulate schools with the training of coaches. her on this prestigious award.


OFSAA Character Athletes - Winter Season Congratulations to Carly Steer from Holy Names Catholic High School in Windsor, and Brett Sontag from Gravenhurst High School on being chosen to be the female and male recipients of the OFSAA Character Athlete Award this winter. Carly Steer was nominated by her coach Jackie Lopez, who says Carly has accomplished so much athletically at such a young age, and is one of the most hardworking and dedicated students she has taught. Carly has played on her school's senior girls' basketball team since Grade 9, as well as the volleyball and track teams. She has coached the Windsor Valients basketball house league, helped out at her local elementary school, and volunteered in various other capacities in her community. "Carly is a quiet leader who always looks to help others in any way possible," said Carly's coach Jackie. "She is extremely humble and is a wonderful example of our school motto: allis non sibi, for others not oneself." OFSAA's male character athlete Brett Sontag was nominated by his coach Stephanie Walker, who says Brett always shows respect for other athletes, and praises

fellow competitors for a good play, whether they are on his team or not. At his school, Brett participates in golf, curling, volleyball, hockey, badminton, and track and field. He is also a member of his school's performing arts club, the Gravenhurst HS "Star-Project", and vounteers to help coach the girls' hockey team. "Brett it easy to talk to, and often makes friends during competitions," said Brett's coach Stephanie. "He is very respectful of his peers and coaches, and is very dedicated to sport in our school." Congratulations to both Brett and Carly! They will both receive a commemorative plaque from OFSAA celebrating their accomplishment. The Character Athlete Award is given to students who embody OFSAA’s values of leadership, commitment, equity, respect and sportsmanship. If you wish to nominate a student-athlete for the Character Athlete Award, please visit our Awards section and fill out the application form.

Toronto Blue Jays Corporate Citation Award Congratulations to the Toronto Blue Jays for receiving a Government of Ontario Corporate Citation for its longtime sponsorship of the OFSAA Baseball Championship. The award was presented at the Ontario Sport Awards ceremony in April by Michael Chan, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport, and accepted by Stephen Brooks, Senior Vice President of business operations with the Blue Jays (pictured right). Since the mid-1990s, the Toronto Blue Jays have supported high school baseball in Ontario by sponsoring the annual OFSAA Baseball Championship and awarding the winners the Prentice Cup, named after the former Blue Jay scout, Bob Prentice. The Blue Jays generously donate use of the Rogers Centre for the semi-finals and finals, and also provide the grounds crew, scoreboard, security and support personnel. They have also recognized the winners by introducing them on the field prior to a Blue Jay game, and by providing 12


a private suite for the game that evening. Present and former Blue Jays are also on hand at OFSAA to present awards and sign autographs for the high school players. The support the Toronto Blue Jays give to this event make it extra special for the many student-athletes who participate, and OFSAA is proud to have them as a sponsor and we are pleased to recognize their contribution to school sport.

Scholarships & Awards Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards Recognizes OFSAA Teacher-Coaches Each year OFSAA selects two teacher-coaches as the recipients of the Coaches Association of Ontario (CAO) School Sport Award. Congratulations to the 2012 recipients Sheila Siermachesky from Temiskaming District Secondary School in New Liskeard and Bruce Dyce from Port Credit Secondary School in Mississauga. The Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards celebrate the dedication and commitment of exemplary coaches who inspire, innovate and share knowledge of sport Sheila Siermanchesky Bruce Dyce with others. They recognize the importance of leadership, Terry Fox Run and several intramural activities throughout performance, and the value of human insight; all integral the year. to great coaching. The school sport coach recipients were Bruce Dyce is in his 36th year of teaching at Port Credit selected by OFSAA based on their unique contribution Secondary School, and has been a coach for the entire to sport through continuous development. The award duration of his teaching career. Bruce concentrates on recognizes the contributions over a period of years. each athlete individually, and makes an effort to help Sheila Siermachesky has been teaching for 22 years, younger athletes find their niche. Education through and has been the physical education department head school sport and sportsmanship is paramount to Bruce's for six years at Temiskaming DSS. She oversees all coaching philosophy. He is a member of the OFSAA tournaments and athletic events run at the school. Sheila Representatives' Council for ROPSSAA, as well as the helps new teacher-coaches succeed by simplifying all of Golden Horseshoe football organizer, a track and field the necessary steps, logistics, and paperwork to take a meet convenor, and a recipient of the prestigious Pete team to a competition or tournament. She dedicates so Beach Award. much of her time to the school, and does everything she We are proud to recognize Bruce and Sheila for this can to keep high school athletics streamlined and fun. award! Visit for Sheila is also creative in getting the entire school actively videos of these two recipients. participating in physical education. She organizes the

Ontario Service Awards Each year the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration recognizes volunteers from all areas of service for their contributions to the various organizations with which they work, and for their positive impact on their communities. Six such individuals were nominated by OFSAA this year and received these awards for their volunteer efforts for many years on behalf of student-athletes.

The following recipients will receive their awards at local ceremonies. Congratulations and thank you to: Lucien Gava Helen Downey Ernie Philp Heather Lafontaine Brian Poste Michele Van Bargen

SWOSSAA GHAC GBSSA LOSSA COSSA WOSSAA Heather Lafontaine (left) with Christine Elliott, MPP for Whitby - Oshawa.

Helen Downey


OFSAA Winter 2012 Cha

Photo by Kevin Bowman,

Photo by Gerry Angus, 14


mpionship Photo Gallery

Photo by Doug Wilson,

Photo by Mark Dewan

Boys' AAA Basketball


Festival Results

OFSAA Snowboarding Festival Mansfield Ski Club The OFSAA Snowboarding Festival was hosted by the TDCAA at Mansfield Ski Club. The snowboarding conditions were very good, and just under 300 student snowboarders representing 8 associations across the province registered in the giant slalom events at the Festival.

March 4, 2011 CSS (TDCAA) for a wellorganized event. Thank you to his organizing committee, all the volunteer officials and the staff at Mansfield Ski Club who helped make the Festival a success.

OFSAA would like to thank the Festival convenor, Rainer Wenzl from Father John Redmond

Congratulations to all the snowboarders for qualifying for the Festival through their associations. Congratulations to all the award winners listed below.

Girls' Level 1 Team Results 1. Northview Heights SS 2. Arnprior DHS 3. Haliburton Highlands SS 4. Hillfield-Strathallan College

33 53 56 63

Girls' Level 1 Individual 1. Sarah Skuce 2. Amanda Wease 3. Chanelle Fortin 4. Carolyn Jones

points points points points

30 points 37 points 46 points 87 points

Boys' Level 2 Individual 1. Greg Foster 2. Adam Varao 3. Matt Gillard 4. Kevin Foy

OFSAA Badminton Stratford

May 4 - 6, 2012

The OFSAA Badminton Championship found its way back to Stratford for the second time in three years. Co-convenors Andrea Verhaeghe and Martin Ritsma lead the charge using St. Michael CSS and the beautiful facilities at the Stratford Agriplex, which will be transformed into a showroom for various farming animals including over 300 cattle within the next few weeks. But the facilities were perfectly set up to host the more than 300 athletes in attendance at the Badminton Championship. The Stratford Rotary Complex hosted the championship banquet, where students were dressed to impress as they were piped into the hall by association. Following dinner, students were treated to guest speaker Ray Cornish who was recently inducted into the Stratford Sports Wall of Fame for his 60-plus years of competitive badminton play. The evening concluded with the presentation of the Leadership in School Sport Award to Andrew Jones from FE Madill (WOSSAA) for his years of coaching high school sport. Andrew has coached boys’ and girls’ hockey and wrestling but is particularly focused on coaching rugby, where in some years he was found coaching 16


Results Sacred Hearts HS Renfrew CI Renfrew CI Fenelon Falls SS

Girls' Level 2 Individual Results 1. Madeline Radvanyl Etobicoke School of the Arts 2. Danielle Hildebrand Community Hebrew Academy 3. Nathalee Perry Sir William Mulock SS 4. Mackenzie Hamilton Hillfield-Strathallan College

Results Fenelon Falls SS Sir William Mulock SS Arnprior DHS Northview Heights SS

Boys' Level 1 Team Results 1. Oakville Trafalgar HS 2. Renfrew CI 3. Aurora HS 4. Richview CI

Boys' Level 1 Individual 1. Colin Simonds 2. Jason Fleury 3. Louis Blimkie 4. Jeremy Wright

Results Haliburton Highlands SS Newmarket HS Bill Crothers SS Bishop Allen Academy

Championship Results four different teams at the school. His teams have had success regionally and at OFSAA, and he has arranged five different rugby tours across Europe. His ability to positively influence students has resulted in many students returning for another year of school just to be part of his team. Girls' Doubles Results A Flight 1. Vivian Kwok/Christy Yau Unionville HS, YRAA 2. Pricilla Goh/Jamie Wood Havergal College, CISAA 3. Vivian Kwok/Cristy Yau Robert, CHS, YRAA 4. Riley Hogan/Rachel Ivey Korah Collegiate, NOSSA

Boys' Doubles A Flight 1. Andrew Lee/Tuen Unionville SS, YRAA 2. Earl Macout/Josh Macoute J.F. Ross Collegiate, CWOSSA 3. Adwin Lau/Curtis Chan Pierre Elliot Trudeau HS, YRAA 4. Brian Poon/Joshua Sham Glenforest, ROPSSAA

Congratulations to all the athletes and coaches for treating all those in attendance to amazing badminton action and exciting championship matches. Thanks again to the host organizing committee for all their work in ensuring a memorable experience for student-athletes.

B Flight 1. Jiayi Feng/Stephanie Wong Albert Campbell CI, TDSSAA 2. Donna Yan/Daiyan Luo Berthune, TDSSAA 3. Chantel Luui/Carys Baker Havergal College, CISAA 4. Brin Belanger/Katie Harris Bracebridge MLSS, GBSSA

B Flight 1. Gabriel Chauvin/Alexandre Lalonde É.S.C. Embrum, EOSSAA 2. Hans Agnihotri/Will Agnihotri St. Benedicts, NOSSA 3. Talha Qasim/Luke Atack Westmount, SOSSA 4. Jonathan Chen/Kevin Liou Guelph CVI, CWOSSA

C Flight 1. Vanessa Dunlop/Dorothy Duck Bracebridge MLSS, GBSSA 2. Krisy Ballantyne/Genevieve Godin É.S. Cite des Jeunes, NEOAA 3. Katie Allison/Melissa Cowell Belle River DHS, SWOSSAA 4. Caray Ford/Jamie Orlando Central Algoma SS, NOSSA

C Flight 1. Allan Zhu/Xavier Lee Riverdale CI, TDSSAA 2. Greg Cosnell/Nick Moxam Glencoe DHS, WOSSAA 3. Mark Choi/Jeong Min Seo St. Andrews College, CISAA 4. Jordan Trafford/Kurtis Moore Fenelon Falls, COSSA



Mixed Doubles A Flight 1. Sarah Bowman/Jack Hall Branksome Hall/Royal St. Georges, CISAA 2. Emily Lam/Darren Mak University of Toronto Schools, TDSSAA 3. Justine Baek/Edwin Lee Bayview SS, YRAA 4. Jessica Tsang/Willian Weng Unionville SS, YRAA

B Flight 1. Alex Le/Sharon Liu St. Francis Xavier, ROPSSAA 2. Audree Rossignol/Luc Brisson É.S. de Pain Court, SWOSSAA 3. Cindy Wei/Jason Shao Lisgar Collegiate, NCSSAA 4. Yi Lin/Justin Wong Don Mills CI, TDSSAA

Girls' Singles A Flight 1. Rachel Honderich Bishop Strachan School, CISAA 2. Tong Silimai Resurrection CSS, CWOSSA 3. Kally Ho Thornhill SS, YRAA 4. Menting Qiu University of Toronto Schools, TDSSAA

B Flight 1. Krista Chan Havergal College, CISAA 2. Danica Lau Bill Crothers SS, YRAA 3. Cindy Fu Sir John A MacDonald, TDSSAA 4. Krista Plociennik St. Michael CSS, WOSSAA

C Flight 1. Emma Tamlin Fenelon Falls SS, COSSA 2. Karie-Rae Bezaire Lajuenesse, SWOSSAA 3. Tany Couperus Quinte Christian HS, COSSA 4. Emma Sundin Westlane, SOSSA

Boys' Singles A Flight 1. Jacob Kao Central Commerce, TDSSAA 2. Bryan Jok De La Salle, CISAA 3. Owen Kurvits Hamilton DCHS, SOSSA 4. Stephen Lau St. Robert CHS, YRAA

B Flight 1. Riley Goss Northern SS, TDSSAA 2. Avery Lee St. Augustine CHS, YRAA 3. Ryan Phan Leamington DSS, SWOSSAA 4. Austin Flannigan Cornwall CVI, EOSSAA

C Flight 1. Kyle Johnston FE Madill SS, WOSSAA 2. Giulian Dela Merced All Saints, NCSSAA 3. Chris Warkinton UMEI, SWOSSAA 4. Jake Tougas West Ferris SS, NOSSA


C Flight 1. Talor Shipp/Meredith Pottruff Paris DHS, CWOSSA 2. Jill Prinsen/Matt Veldman Smithville Christian, SOSSA 3. Pamela Ho/Ben Wu Central Commerce, TDSAAA 4. Bob Adams/Emily Adams Innisdale SS, GBSAA

Championship Results

OFSAA Boys’ A Basketball St. Catharines

March 5 - 7, 2012

Convenor David Whitty and his team at Ridley College (CISAA) were fresh off the heels of hosting the Girls’ A Basketball Championship in November, so they were ready when the basketball players returned to St. Catharines for the Boys’ A Championship. Kicking off the three days of play was the breakfast banquet, which was just the right thing to help fuel up the athletes for the competition ahead. The banquet also allowed for the presentation of the Leadership in School Sport Award, which went to David Whitty for his more than 30 years of coaching in football, basketball, rugby, rowing and gymnastics. He has also volunteered his time hosting numerous national and provincial championships, and organizing countless school team trips across the world. Using the wonderful facilities at Ridley College, athletes were able to showcase their talents in front of lively crowds, as well as to fans across the province through live streaming. The host school battled hard throughout the tournament and for the third year in a row found themselves in the gold medal game against a strong team from Pretty River Academy (GBSSA). In the most exciting game of the championship, the teams went into overtime to determine this year’s winner. Despite a fantastic effort, Participating Teams Ridley College Villanova College Walkerton DSS Renfrew CI St. Francis Xavier CHS Kapuskasing DHS École Secondaire Algonquin St. Thomas Aquinas HS Niagara Christian Community of Schools É.S. Lajeunesse Runnymede CI London DCSS É.S. Publique Omer-Deslauriers Aldershot HS St. Patrick CSS Pretty River Academy


Photo by Doug Wilson,

Ridley College found themselves with the silver medal once again as Pretty River finished with a 47-45 victory to capture OFSAA gold. Congratulations to players Sam Hirst, Cole Thomson, Hayden Westgate, Connor Gulley, Robin Matchett, Nick Andersen, Walker Scarrow, Devon Thomson, Evan KotlerDavidson, Matthew Velanoff, Tassilo Schmidt, Ben Pratt, and coaches Chris Fischer and Katie Holmes. Following the championship, Runnymede CI (TDSSAA) was selected as the recipient of the Team Sportsmanship Award. Congratulations to the Runnymede athletes and coaches for being role models for all OFSAA participants.

Quarter Finals Algonquin def. St. Patrick Pretty River def. London Christian Ridley College def. Deslauriers Villanova def. Renfrew

53-51 62-58 62-56 (OT) 62-29

Semi Finals Ridley College def. Algonquin Pretty River def. Villanova

55-42 33-32

Consolation Final Runnymede def. Aldershot


Bronze Medal Match Villanova def. Algonquin


Gold Medal Match Pretty River def. Ridley College

47-45 (OT)


OFSAA Boys’ AA Basketball St. Catharines

March 5 - 7, 2012

St. Catharines was the place to be for basketball fans as the Boys’ AA Championship took place just down the road from the Boys’ A event. Convenor Patrick Sullivan of St. Francis SS (SOSSA) and his committee worked tirelessly in preparation for the championship and did not disappoint those who qualified to attend. Welcoming athletes to the championship with a banquet dinner helped set the tone for an exciting event to come. A highlight of the banquet was the presentation of the Leadership in School Sport Award to long-time coach Mike Rao of Notre Dame College (SOSSA). Mike has been committed to coaching school basketball and soccer for 36 years, and he is known for helping students reach their potential. He has been a mentor to many aspiring coaches and has been an active volunteer inside both the school and the community in promoting sport and active living. The competition tipped-off and fans were treated to exciting game after exciting game. As has been the case with many AA championships, the strength of competition was once again very deep, with all teams capable of taking home the gold. As has come to be expected, upsets were the story, especially in the first two rounds Participating Teams John L Forster SS St. Basil SS St. Francis SS Academie Mere-Theresa (ACMT) Vaughan Road CI Smiths Falls DCI Nicholson Catholic College Timmins H & VI GL Roberts C & VI Twin Lakes SS Essex DHS St. Matthew HS St. Michael CSS Perth & DCI Our Lady of Lourdes HS Bishop Marocco/T. Merton SS Westlane SS Fort Frances HS 20



of the tournament. In the end, it came down to Vaughn Road CI (TDSSAA) and Academie Mere-Theresa (GHAC) to determine this year’s champion. Vaughn established an early lead in the first quarter and never looked back, finishing with a 73-58 victory and capturing OFSAA gold. Congratulations to players Andre Harriot, Rakim McFarlane, Shakir Briscoe, Junior Ealouis, Brandon John, Miroslav Grkovic, Mike Jonathan, Alex Dawkins, Johneil Simpson, Lance Rodriques, Eddie Huband, Rakiel Odulate, Shemar Douglas, Nicholas Cross, and coaches Wilton Hall, Fred Budnik, Rochelle Noble, Yusuf Ali, and Dejazmatch James. Congratulations must also be extended to Fort Frances HS (NWOSSAA) for being awarded the Team Sportsmanship Award. The team competed hard and displayed a positive attitude throughout the tournament. Quarter Finals Vaughan Road def. Lourdes St. Francis def. St. Matthew Bishop Marocco def. Twin Lakes ACMT def. Nicholson Catholic College

72-56 68-60 68-49 42-40

Semi Finals Vaughan Road def. Bishop Marocco 74-62 ACMT def. St. Francis 68-57 Bronze Medal Match St. Francis def. Bishop Marocco 57-44 Gold Medal Match Vaughan Road def. ACMT 73-58

Championship Results

OFSAA Boys’ AAA Basketball Windsor

March 5 - 7, 2012

OFSAA Basketball returned to Catholic Central HS (SWOSSAA) lead by experienced convenors Peter Cusumano and Mike McKittrick, as well as their dedicated volunteers. Coaches were quickly introduced to the experience of this committee as all 16 teams were registered within 20 minutes before being treated to a neverending Italian buffet. The banquet had a wonderful flow with speeches being made, prizes handed out, students being fed, and key note speaker Gerry Brumpton, legendary high school coach, sharing stories from his years coaching and bringing teams to OFSAA. The presentation of the Leadership in School Sport was made to Gino Naccarato of Catholic Central HS (SWOSSAA). Gino has been involved in school sport for close to 25 years, bringing a philosophy focused on developing self-esteem and building a strong team first mentality. He has been heavily involved in coaching basketball, but has recently taken up coaching tennis at the school. Gino is also an elite level basketball official having officiated for 30 years. His passion for sport has him always eager to get involved with the planning and hosting of championships, which is non-stop at Catholic Central. Windsor fans were treated to hometown wins by both Catholic Central and Herman HS on day one of the championship. Both teams lost closely contested matches in the quarter-finals, leading to an eventual showdown Participating Teams I.E Weldon SS Jacob Hespeler SS Holy Cross CSS St. Theresa HS Notre Dame CSS Anderson C & VI Earl Of March SS St. Mary’s College Sherwood SS W.F. Herman SS Catholic Central HS Jean Vanier SS Martingrove CI Richview CI Sir Fredrick Banting SS Father Michael McGivney CHS


between Notre Dame (GHAC) and defending gold medallists Anderson C & VI (LOSSA). The two highly impressive teams tipped-off at the beautiful facilities at the University of Windsor, and those in the crowd were not disappointed in the show that took place. As expected it came down to the last five seconds of the game before the teams could decide on a winner with Anderson C & VI recapturing the gold. Congratulations to players Jacob Hutchcroft, Brandon Nickelchok, Dyshawn Pierre, Matthew Wallace, Adam Cornthwaite, Christon Layne, Fario Mabanza, David Ross, Bailey Rzesnoski, Christian Ahyee, Jermaine Jones, Myles Daniel, Matthew Marquis-Wedderburn, and coaches Dean Hutchcroft and Luigi Leonardis. Also to be congratulated is the team from Holy Cross (EOSSAA) for being awarded the Team Sportsmanship Banner for their fair play and positive attitude throughout the tournament.

Quarter Finals Notre Dame def. Jean Vanier Anderson def. Catholic Central St. Theresa def. Holy Cross Martingrove def. W.F. Herman

77-55 58-53 56-53 63-50

Semi Finals Notre Dame def. Martingrove Anderson def. St. Theresa

71-43 48-47

Bronze Medal Match Martingrove def. St. Theresa


Gold Medal Match Anderson def. Notre Dame



Championship Results

2012-13 OFSAA Cham

Boys' Golf (SOSSA) Wed - Thurs, Oct. 12 - 13, St. Catharines Bill Lipsett, Sir Winston Churchill SS P: 905.684.6349 F: 905.684.2505 Entry Deadline: Mon, Oct. 1

Boys’ AAAA Volleyball (GHAC) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 24 - 26, Hamilton Andrea McCabe, Cathedral HS P: 905.522.3581 x3040 F: 905.522.7011 Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 17

Girls' Golf Festival (SWOSSAA) Wed - Thurs, Oct. 10 - 11, Windsor Matt Loebach, W.F. Herman SS P: 519.944.4700 F: 519.944.3809 Dennis Gignac, St. Anne SS P: 519.727.8908 F: 519.727.9953 Entry Deadline: Mon, Oct. 1

Girls' A Basketball (SWOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 22 - 24, St. Catherines Mike Schinkelshoek, É.S. Pain Court S: 519.352.1614 F: 519.352.9442 Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 17

Girls' Field Hockey (NCSSAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 1 - 3, Nepean Elizabeth Rusch & Bill Jardine John McCrae SS S: 613.823.0367 F: 613.823.3755 Entry Deadline: Sat, Oct. 27 Cross Country (ROPSSAA) Sat, Nov. 3, Ottawa-Gloucester Paul Carter & Tim Shannon Turner Fenton S.S S: 905.453.9220 F: 905.453.9692 Paul cell: 416.358.6009 Tim cell: 416.859.8159 Entry Deadline: Sat, Oct. 27 Boys' A Volleyball (COSSA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 22 - 24, Belleville John VanderWindt, Quinte Christian HS P: 613.968.7870 x 222 F: 613.968.7970 Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 17 Boys’ AA Volleyball (WOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 22 - 24, Stratford Patrick Donnelly & Martin Ritsma F.E. Madill S: 519.357.1800 F: 519.357.4137 Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 17 Boys’ AAA Volleyball (EOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 22 - 24, Kingston Mark McKenna, Regiopolis-Notre Dame S: 613.545.1902 F: 613.548.4024 Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 17

Girls’ AA Basketball (NOSSA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 22 - 24, Sault Ste Marie Dave Zagordo, St. Mary College S: 705.945.5540 F: 705.945.5561 Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 17 Girls’ AAA Basketball (SWOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 22 - 24, Belle River Frank Graziano, Belle River DHS S: 519.728.1212 F: 519.728.1604 Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 17 Girls’ AAAA Basketball (WOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, Nov. 22 - 24, Belle River Pete Lambert & Frank Delle Donne John Paul II S: 519.675.4432 F: 519.675.4672 Entry Deadline: Sat, Nov. 17 Football Bowls (Committee) Week of Nov. 26-39, Toronto Dan Cominico, Northern SS Contact OFSAA office for details. Entry Deadline: TBA Nordic Skiing (ROPSSAA) Thurs - Fri, Feb. 21 - 22, Collingwood Angus Doughty, Mayfield SS S: 905.846.6060 F: 905.584.9823 Sherry Taylor-Fox, Collingwood CI P: 705.445.3161 Entry Deadline: Fri, Feb. 15 Alpine Skiing (Committee) Mon - Tues, Feb. 25 - 26, Collingwood Contact OFSAA office for details. Entry Deadline: TBA

Snowboarding Festival (NCSSAA) Fri, March 1 Kevin Nearing, Mother Theresa CHS P: 613-823-1663 F: 613-823-4365 Entry Deadline: Thurs, Feb. 21 Swimming (CWOSSA) Tues - Wed, March 5 - 6, Etobicoke James Ball, John F. Ross CVI P:519.822.7090 F:519-822-6366 Entry Deadline: Mon, Feb. 25 Wrestling (CWOSSA) Wed - Thurs, March 6 - 7, Guelph Jeff Weddig, John F. Ross CVI S: 519.822.7090 F: 519.822.6366 Mike Chaves, Guelph CVI P: 519.824.9800 F: 519.822.5962 Entry Deadline: Mon, Feb. 25 Boys' A Basketball (NOSSA) Mon - Wed, March 4 - 6, North Bay Pat Lalonde & Tim Lowe, ÉSC Algonquin P: 705.472.8240 F: 705.472.8476 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 26 Boys' AA Basketball (YRAA) Mon - Wed, March 4 - 6, Richmond Hill Carlos Faria, Jean Vanier CHS S: 905.770.8656 F: 905-7702678 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 26 Boys' AAA Basketball (SWOSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 4 - 6, Windsor Matt Loebach, W. F. Herman SS S: 519.944.4700 F: 519.944.3809 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 26 Boys’ AAAA Basketball (SWOSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 4 - 6, Windsor Peter Cusumano, Catholic Central S: 519.256.3171 F: 519.256.6691 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 26 Girls' A Volleyball (COSSA) Mon - Wed, March 4 - 6, Lakefield Don McCrory, Lakefield DSS S: 705.652.3333 F: 705.652.3340 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 26



mpionship Calendar Girls' AA Volleyball (NCSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 4 - 6, Ottawa Yan Leroux & Yves Leroux, De La Salle S: 613.789.0053 F: 613.789.1545 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 26 Girls' AAA Volleyball (SWOSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 4 - 6, Windsor Denise Hebert & Bryan Dufour Assumption College S: 519.256.7801 F: 519.256.0417 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 26 Girls' AAAA Volleyball (ROPSSAA) Mon - Wed, March 4 - 6, Mississauga Mike Russell, Rick Hansen SS S: 905.567.4260 x 474 F: 905.567.5017 Entry Deadline: Tues, Feb. 26 Girls' A/AA & AAA/AAAA Hockey (GBSSA) Mon - Thurs, March 18 - 21, Orillia Paul Bolger & Murray Eckstein, Park Street CI S: 705.326.7386 F: 705.326.7388 Entry Deadline: Tues, March 5 Boys' A/AA & AAA/AAAA Hockey (GBSSA) Tues - Fri, March 19 - 22, Barrie Tim Hasenack, St. Joan of Arc HS S: 705-721-0398 F: 705.721.1438 Bill Maguire, Banting Memorial HS S: 705-435-6288 F: 705.435.3868 Entry Deadline: Wed, March 6 Boys’ AAA/AAAA Hockey (COSSA) Wed - Sat, March 21 - 24, Peterborough Steve Stanlick, St. Peter's SS P: 705.745.1358 F: 705.745.5025 Entry Deadline: Thurs, March 8 Boys’ & Girls' Curling (GBSSA) Wed - Sat, March 20 - 23, Orillia TBA Entry Deadline: Thurs, March 7 Girls' Gymnastics (Committee) April TBA, Peterborough Kathy Garvey & Liz Kuipers St. Peter's SS P: 705.745.1358 F: 705.745.5025

Badminton (YRAA) Thurs - Sat, May 2 - 5, Markham Dan Blanchard Middlefield Collegiate S: 905-472-8900 Don Carmichael Sir William Mulock SS S: 905-967-1045 Entry Deadline: Wed, April 24 Tennis (SOSSA) Tues - Wed, June 4 - 5, Toronto Michael Robinson, Lakeshore CHS P: 905.835.2451 F: 905.835.0434 Entry Deadline: Sat, May 25 Boys' A/AA Field Lacrosse Festival (NCSSAA) Tues - Wed, June 4 - 5, Ottawa Stacy Simpson, St. Marks CHS S: 613-692-2551 F: 613.692.2447 Entry Deadline: Wed, May 29 Boys' AAA/AAAA Field Lacrosse Festival (CISAA) Thurs - Fri, June 6 - 7, Aurora Greg Reid, St. Andrews College P: 905.727.3178 F: 905.841.6911 Entry Deadline: Sun, June 1 Girls' A/AA & AAA/AAAA Rugby (CWOSSA) Mon - Wed, June 3 - 5, Cambridge Jay Shaw, Glenview Park SS S: 519.621.9510 F: 519.621.5860 Entry Deadline: Tues, May 28 Boys' A/AA & AAA/AAAA Rugby (NCSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 6 - 8, Ottawa Rick Mellor, Nepean HS S: 613.722.6551 F: 613.722.5983 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 1

Boys' AAA Soccer (SWOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 6 - 8, Windsor Peter Cusumano, Catholic Central S: 519.256.3171F: 519.256.6691 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 1 Boys' AAAA Soccer (CISAA) Thurs - Sat, June 6 - 8, Toronto Miko Romano, St. Michaels College School S: 416.653.3180 x 257 F: 416.653.7704 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 1 Girls' A Soccer (TBA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, TBA Entry Deadline: Sat, June 1 Girls' AA Soccer (SWOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Windsor Lucien Gava, É.S. L'Essor S: 519.735.4115 F: 519.735.5577 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 1 Girls' AAA Soccer (SWOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Windsor Peter Cusumano, Catholic Central S: 519.256.3171 F: 519.256.6691 Entry Deadline: Sun, June 3 Girls' AAAA Soccer (GHAC) Thurs - Sat, June 7 - 9, Niagara Falls Steve Abbuscato, Saint Paul HS S: 905.3564313 F: 905.356.6605 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 1 Boys' Baseball (Committee) TBA

Track & Field (LOSSA) Thurs - Sat, June 6 - 8, TBA Entry Deadline: Sat, June 2 Boys' A Soccer (TBA) Thurs - Sat, June 6 - 8, TBA Entry Deadline: Sat, June 1 Boys' AA Soccer (WOSSAA) Thurs - Sat, June 6 - 8, Stratford Bart Drennan, St. Michaels CSS S: 519.271.0890 F: 519.271.8250 Entry Deadline: Sat, June 1

Please note that this is a draft of the championship calendar and some details are yet to be finalized. The updated calendar is available on our website under Championships and Festivals.



OFSAA Boys’ AAAA Basketball Ottawa

March 5 - 7, 2012

Boys’ Basketball returned to Ottawa this winter under the leadership of Mike Rowley (Mother Theresa) and Richard Sutton (Ridgemount HS) and their wonderful committee. The organizing team put a plan in motion to ensure a fantastic and memorable event, and they absolutely succeeded. Sticking to tradition, the championship began with a banquet, bringing the teams together to celebrate their success and set the tone for the tournament ahead. For the banquet, the Sala San Marco provided the venue and dinner for the hungry athletes and coaches. This also provided the opportunity for the presentation of the Leadership in School Sport Award, which was given to Giovanni Donato for his more than 22 years of coaching basketball, football, soccer, and track and field. A true believer in the benefits of active living, Giovanni has implemented programs at his school to help blend athletics with academics. Further, Giovanni has volunteered his time convening four OFSAA championships, sat as a member of the local soccer and track and field committee, and acted as a race starter for NCSSAA. A very competitive tournament tipped-off at a number of host venues across the Ottawa area before the semifinals found their way to Carleton University on day Participating Teams St. Michael's College School St. Mary's HS John F. Ross CVI Collingwood CI Holy Trinity CHS Pine Ridge SS St. Patrick's HS É.S. publique Louis-Riel Our Lady of Mount Carmel SS Father Michael Goetz CSS Westmount SS Ursuline College CSS Father Henry Carr CSS Eastern Commerce CI West Hill CI H.B. Beal SS Vaughan SS Bill Crothers SS 24



three. After a pair of hard fought semi-final matches, the championship featured last year’s gold medalists, Vaughn SS (YRAA) facing a talented Eastern Commerce (TDSSAA). However, a fast start by Vaughn SS allowed the team to take an early lead which they held onto, reclaiming OFSAA gold with an 86-51 victory. Congratulations to Vaughn players Shandon Mootoosamy, Henry Tan, Kassius Robertson, Roshane Roberts, Cy Samuels, Troy Reid-Knight, Brenden Clark, Julius Antoine, Jawara Pedican, Amir Jabbarian, Martin Kulinich, Monte Gill-Caesar, Vitaly Goroshko, Tristan Newman, and coaches Gus Gymnopoulos, Sharrief Sims, and Kevin Cheung. One of the hardest working teams in the tournament, H.B. Beal SS (WOSSAA), must also be congratulated for being recognized with the Team Sportsmanship Banner. The convenors and organizers were very impressed with the attitude and fair play exhibited by the H.B. Beal athletes and felt they were very deserving of the award.

Quarter Finals St. Michael’s College def. Pine Ridge Eastern Commerce def. Michael Goetz Vaughan def. St. Patrick’s H.B. Beal def. É.S. Louis Riel

52-47 73-66 69-52 59-46

Semi Finals Eastern Commerce def. H.B. Beal Vaughan def. St. Michael’s College

69-64 65-44

Bronze Medal Match St. Michael’s College def. H.B. Beal S.S.


Gold Medal Match Vaughan S.S. def. Eastern Commerce


Championship Results

OFSAA Boys' and Girls' Curling St. Catharines, Grimsby, Welland

March 21 - 24, 2012

Unusually high temperatures made ice conditions tricky for this year’s championship held at St. Catharines, Grimsby and Welland Curling Clubs, but the 40 teams (20 girls', and 20 boys') were up for the challenge. Very close and exciting curling highlighted the round-robin play, and continued into the playoffs, which was great for spectators. Rina Rode from Sir Winston Churchill SS and Karen Douglas from Welland Centennial were this year's convenors, and with their organizing committee left nothing to chance. It was a very well organized and smooth-running event. Congratulations to the boys’ champions from Central Algoma (NOSSA). Team members included Cody Tetreault, Kyle Sherlock, Austin Adams, Daniel Rankin, and head coach Kathy Ingram and assistant coach Mike Brown. Congratulations to the Girls’ Champions from Grimsby (SOSSA), a three-peat performance from that school. Participating Boys' Teams Sir Winston Churchill SOSSA Preston HS CWOSSA St. Andrew's College CISAA Guelph C & VI CWOSSA Osgoode Township HS NCSSAA Uxbridge SS LOSSA Central Algoma SS NOSSA Christ the King SS GHAC Blessed Cardinal Newman CSS TDCAA É.S.C. des Jeunes NEOAA Gravenhurst HS GBSSA St. Ignatius SS NWOSSAA St. Paul High School SOSSA Loyola CSS ROPSSAA

Team members included Chelsea Brandwood, Claire Greenlees, Danielle Greenlees, Charlotte Tousaw, Allison Easterbrook, with head coach Todd Brandwood and assistant coach Pamela Chun. The hit of the banquet was guest speaker Perdita Felicien, who is a World Champion hurdler. Perdita managed to link curling and hurdles together, and delivered an inspired message to all present. Thomas Dillon from Notre Dame College School in Welland was presented with the Leadership in School Sports Award for his role in developing student-athletes at his school over the years. He is a great role model for both coaches and students. Timiskaming DSS (NEOAA) for the girls and Christ the King SS (GHAC) from Georgetown for the boys were chosen as the recipients of the Team Sportsmanship Award for their exemplary behaviour both on and off the ice. Congratulations to both schools!

Vincent Massey SS Bill Crothers SS South Huron DHS Moira SS North Dundas HS Sir Oliver Mowat


Participating Girls' Teams Canterbury HS NCSSAA Centennial SS SOSSA Norwell DSS CWOSSA Loretto Abbey TDCAA St. Anne SS SWOSSAA Notre Dame CSS GHAC Grimsby SS SOSSA

Pickering HS O'Gorman HS Timiskaming DSS Malvern CI Queen Elizabeth DHS Thomas A. Blakelock HS St. Benedict CSS Newmarket HS Patrick Fogarty SS Mayfield SS St. Theresa CSS London CSS Perth DCI

Boys' Quarter Finals Preston def. Uxbridge Central Algoma def. Osgoode Bill Crothers def. Moira Guelph def. Gravenhurst

7 8 7 5

9-3 6-4

Boys' Semi Finals Preston def. Guelph Central Algoma def. Bill Crothers

7-6 6-4

Bronze Medal Canterbury def. Perth


Bronze Medal Guelph def. Bill Crothers


Gold Medal Grimsby def. Queen Elizabeth

10 - 0

Gold Medal Central Algoma def. Preston


Girls' Quarter Finals Queen Elizabeth def. Norwell Grimsby def. St. Anne Perth def. Patrick Fogarty Canterbury def. Loretto Abbey

6 8 7 8

Girls' Semi Finals Grimsby def. Perth Queen Elizabeth def. Canterbury


3 6 4 7



2 1 3 3


OFSAA Girls’ Gymnastics Barrie

April 30 - May 1, 2012

Bear Creek SS in Barrie played host to the 2012 OFSAA Gymnastics Championship, and was able to showcase the sport by holding it in their school's triple gym. It was a great opportunity to show both students and members of the community high school gymnastics at its best. Convenors Debbie Grant and Heather Robert worked tirelessly to put on a wonderful event after stepping up at the last minute to host this past fall. Thank you to the convenors and volunteers who helped make the championship a memorable experience. Your commitment to continuing the tradition and excellence of gymnastics is greatly appreciated. The OFSAA Dr. Gene Sutton Award was presented this year in memory of Dr. Sutton, a long-time volunteer whose contribution, commitment, and passion for girls’ high school gymnastics and development were highly regarded. This year’s recipient, Kaarina Tuslisalo, coached the Waterloo Collegiate gymnastics team for more than 25 years, and since retiring in the 90s, Kaarina has attended every Gymnastics Championship, archiving and displaying the history of girls' gymnastics in Ontario. She has helped organize many championships



and still volunteers her time to coordinate the award presentations. Congratulations Kaarina and thank you for sharing your love of high school gymnastics with generations of high school athletes, coaches, and judges. The OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award was presented at the banquet to Debbie Grant from Bear Creek SS in Barrie (GBSSA). Debbie has been a teachercoach for 20 years in a variety of sports, including golf, volleyball, basketball, and soccer. Debbie started the gymnastics team at Bear Creek in 2007 after an aerobic gymnastics workshop at the OFSAA Women’s Sports School. In addition to hosting this year’s Gymnastics Championship, Debbie has coordinated many Association meets. Congratulations Debbie and thank you for your commitment to school sport!

Championship Results Aerobic Gymnastics Open 1. Centennial 2. Toronto French 3. St. Theresa 4. Champlain 5. Bear Creek SS 6. Renaissance 7. Banting Memorial 8. Manitoulin

25.1 24.55 24.5 24.3 24 23.3 23.1 22.1

Aerobic Gymnastics Novice 1. Banting Memorial 2. St. Theresa 3. St. Mary

25.35 23.25 22.05

Level 1 Bars 1. Jenny Altamirano 2. Holly Pettypiece 3. Christine Benney 4. Kate Zucconi 5. Brittany Duffy 6. Kayla Piper 6. Kailey Beckwith

11.000 10.850 10.700 10.650 10.600 10.500 10.500

Sir Winston Lajeunesse Kincardine DSS Lockerby Lindsay Sir Winston St. Peters

Beam 1. Bronwyn Wardhough Moira 10.950 2. Ashleigh Stemberg Ridley College 10.600 3. Victoria Armstrong Moira 10.575 4. Morgan Mattem Ridley College 10.550 5. Akalya Olajos St. Mary CHS 10.500 6. Krysten Swyntak General Amherst 10.400 Floor 1. Kiowa Barnhardt 2. Juliana Zuech 3. Katarina Schertzer 4. Victoria Temelini 5. Kailey Beckwith 5. Brett Lansue

Moira 11.100 Holy Names 10.900 Sir Winston 10.850 Marymount 10.800 St. Peters 10.750 General Amherst 10.750

Vault 1. Megan Stiles Holy Names 2. Shannon Gray Centennial 3. Tara Bruce Brennan 4. Ellis Derksen Sir Winston 5. Kiowa Barnhardt Moira 6. Bronwyn Wardhough Moira

11.340 11.130 11.100 11.070 11.000 11.970

Level 2 Bars 1. Maddy Masterson Saugeen 11.200 2. Brooke-lyn Cacciotti College ND 10.750 3. Danielle Halucha Sir Winston 10.700 4. Kim Theriault General Amherst 10.600 5. Brooke Satchelle Georgian Bay 10.550 6. Bethany Bocchinfuso Sir Winston 10.150 Beam 1. Rebecca Ripley St. Peter’s 10.700 2. Maddy Masterson Saugeen 10.600 3. Kim Theriault General Amherst 10.450 4. Brittany Williamson Bracebridge 10.350 5. Julia Wending Toronto French 10.300 6. Erica Slager Moira 10.250 Floor 1. Emma McGrory 2. Natassia Murray 3. Julia Wending 4. Erica Slager 5. Keena Clement 6. Emily Dolden

Holy Names St. Peter’s Toronto French Moira Lockerby St. Peter’s

11.100 10.950 10.900 10.850 10.800 10.750

Vault 1. Emily Babcock Quinte SS 11.270 2. Ronnie Bouzanne College ND 11.200 3. Haley Capson Nottawasaga Pines 11.140 4. Rebecca Ripley St. Peter’s 11.100 5. Danielle Halucha Sir Winston 11.070 6. Emily Dolden St. Peter’s 11.040 6. Candice Kent Ridley College 11.040 Level 3 Bars 1. Jaclyn Voteary 2. Hillary Jonker 3. Katelyn O’Donnell 4. Megan Stutt 5. Megan Stansfield 6. Emily Jones Sir

Centennial St. Mary CSS Bear Creek College ND Saugeen Winston

Beam 1. Jayme Longely West Hill SS 2. Brianna Smith College ND 3. Katelyn O’Donnell Bear Creek 4. Jaclyn Voteary Centennial 5. Ashley Keast Hudder St. Peter’s 6. Giulia Kieman Marymount

11.400 11.050 11.000 10.850 10.600 10.550 11.200 11.050 11.000 10.900 10.850 10.800

Floor 1. Andie Mathison Bishop Strachan 10.900 2. Monica Galezowski Nottawasaga Pines 10.870 3. Dani Atkinson Sir Winston 10.840 4. Jaclyn Voteary Centennial 10.770 5. Samantha Goupil College ND 10.570 5. Giulia Kieman Marymount 10.570 5. Ashley Keast HudderSt. Peter’s 10.570 Vault 1. Jaclyn Voteary 2. Hillary Jonker 3. Jayme Longely 4. Kennedy Farr 5. Sophie Paquette 6. Emily Jones

Centennial St. Mary CHS West Hill SS Ridley College College ND Sir Winston

Level 4 Bars 1. Jena Li 2. Maxine Gauthier 3. Sarah Bell 4. Kim Miller 5. Maggie Lee 6. Shaylyn Henley

Napanee 11.350 College ND 11.300 Espanola 11.250 Holy Names 11.200 St. Peter’s 11.150 St. Thomas Aquinas 10.900

Beam 1. Jena Li 2. Forest Maracle 3. Kim Miller 4. Angela Lim 5. Sarah Kelly 6. Shaylyn Henley 6. Sarah Bisonette

Napanee 11.300 St. Theresa 11.150 Holy Names 11.000 St. Joseph’s 10.900 Midland 10.850 St. Thomas Aquinas 10.800 Bracebridge 10.800

Floor 1. Kim Miller 2. Maxine Gauthier 3. Mikella Gauthier 4. Arieanna Balbar 5. Jena Li 6. Savannah Scotland 6. Anika Nadeau

Holy Names College ND College ND Sir Winston Napanee Bear Creek College ND

11.300 11.040 11.000 10.970 10.900 10.800 10.800

Vault 1. Anika Nadeau 2. Jena Li 3. Savannah Scotland 4. Kim Miller

College ND Napanee Bear Creek Holy Names

10.934 10.900 10.867 10.767

10.934 10.766 10.734 10.700 10.667 10.466

5. Jayden Buck Nottawasaga Pines 10.734 6. Tori Weatherhead Napanee 10.667 Level 5 Bars 1. Jamie Duncanson Lively 2. Robyn Dancey St. Peter’s 3. Cassandra McCormack Napanee 4. Amber Mayer Champlain 5. Maya Shaw Midland 5. Adria Lumley Lo Ellen

11.900 11.800 11.750 11.700 11.650 11.650

Beam 1. Brianna Sagle Lockerby 2. Kelsey Shaw Lo Ellen 3. Adria Lumley Lo Ellen 4. Nakita Protelance St. Benedict 5. Cassandra McCormack Napanee 6. Nicole Cheetham Holy Names

11.700 11.500 11.400 11.300 11.200 11.100

Floor 1. Meghan Miller 2. Amber Mayer 3. Ellie Lear 4. Adria Lumley 5. Nakita Protelance 5. Emilee Carson

Marymount Champlain Centennial Lo Ellen St. Benedict Moira

11.840 11.740 11.700 11.670 11.640 11.640

Vault 1. Adria Lumley 2. Payton Hunt 3. Nakita Protelance 4. Ellie Lear 4. Chantel Clancey 5. Kelsey Shaw

Lo Ellen Napanee St. Benedict Centennial Napanee Lo Ellen

11.900 11.767 11.667 11.600 11.600 11.567

Level 6 Bars 1. Julia Kiviste Holy Names 13.200 2. Kayleigh Potts Eastview 13.000 3. Ally Belanger Banting 12.950 4. Sarah Carlton Nottawasaga Pines 12.700 5. Mara Kendall St. Benedict 12.600 6. Geena Gambin Lakeshore CHS 12.550 6. Andre-Anne Bechard-Cole MacDonald Cartier 12.550 Beam 1. Sarah Carlton 2. Kayleigh Potts 2. Emily Flood 3. Jen Drane 4. Mara Kendall 5. Jasmine Noseworthy

Nottawasaga Pines 13.050 Eastview 13.000 Banting 13.000 Lockerby 12.700 St. Benedict 12.650 Bear Creek 12.600

Floor 1. Emily Flood 2. Kayleigh Potts 3. Emma Herron 4. Juliea Kiviste 5. Allyssa Teno 6. Jen Drane 6. Ally Belanger

Banting Eastview Bayside SS Holy Names St. Theresa Lockerby Banting

13.150 13.050 12.950 12.750 12.650 12.600 12.600

Vault 1. Jen Drane Lockerby 13.034 2. Emma Herron Bayside SS 12.800 3. Julia Kiviste Holy Names 12.767 4. Sara Carlton Nottawasaga Pines 12.734 4. Emily Flood Banting 12.734 4. Andre-Anne Bechard-Cole MacDonald Cartier 12.734


OFSAA Boys’ A/AA & AAA/AAAA Hockey Peterborough

March 21 - 24, 2012

Steve Stanlick (St. Peter SS) hosted his third successful OFSAA Boys Hockey Championship, and the entire organizing committee did a tremendous job accommodating the two championships, which included 40 teams meeting at the four rinks in Peterborough. As usual, many supporters turned up, and spectators were entertained during the four days with many exciting games, especially the playoff rounds. Congratulations to Michael Power/St. Joseph HS and their coach Pat Reilly, who captured their first OFSAA Hockey AAA/AAAA Championship since 2005 by defeating the defending champions Brother Andre from Markham. Michael Power/St. Joseph team members included Christopher Santos, Jack Cayley, Brian Grujicic, Adam Jakopin, Matthew Lewitski, Joey Menecola, Marco Molella, Alexander Ponzio, Brendan ScanzanoPolasek, Jacob Scinocca, Robert Vicek, Robert Zappone, A.J. Gomez, Gianfranco Morello, Matthew Nosella, Paul Pahulje, Phillip Podpecan, Mathew Santos, Steven Spence, Tyler Longo, and coaches Pat Reilly, Sean Allen, and Dan DiMauro. Congratulations to Kincardine Knights and coach Doug Kennedy for capturing their first OFSAA A/AA Hockey Championship for Kincardine HS of CWOSSA. Kincardine team members included Ryker Killins, Jacob Siekierski, Hayden Allen, Trevor Ammerman, Matthew Baker, Easton Battler, Christopher Beattie, Cody Bowes, Mitchell Burrows, Mitchell Dickson, Kenny Harris, Dallas Hewitt, Bradley Mangotich, David McFarlan, Spencer Montgomery, Jory Norman, Michael Osadca, Dallas Perkins, Gerrit Satosek, Carter Strachan, Ashton Wilken, Derrick Bernath, Jordan Bell, Chase Ambeau, Keegan McLelland, Brodie Hayes, Payton Dunlop, Colton Hendrie, Paul Lamont, Riley Cook, Garrett McFadden, Austin Rees, and Benjamin Scheel. Coaches Doug Kennedy, Peter Wolfe and Josh Howald comprised the team's excellent coaching staff. Congratulations to Steve Stanlick (St. Peter HS) and Ron Yake (Haliburton HS) for being honored as the recipients of the 2012 Leadership In School Sport Award for their dedication to high school hockey over the years. Congratulations also to L’Escale Cougars (EOSSAA) 28


for being named the recipient of the OFSAA Team Sportsmanship Award for the A/AA Championship, and the St. Theresa of Lisieux Lions (YRAA) for the AAA/ AAAA Championship. OFSAA would like to thank Steve Stanlick and the organizing committee for their commitment in hosting the two championships. Thank you also to the many volunteers, especially the retired teachers from the Peterborough area who supported the committee in different capacities, and the students from St. Peter who worked the penalty box area throughout the tournament, served as hosts to each team, and assisted in many different ways at each of the four arenas.

Championship Results Boys' A/AA Results Participating Teams Appleby College CISAA North Hastings COSSA Holy Cross COSSA Kincardine CWOSAA L’Escale EOSSAA St. Thomas Aquinas GBSAA Burlington Central GHAC St. Stephen LOSSA É.S.Garneau NCSSAA Timmins NEOAA

É.S. Theriault St. Charles College St. Mary’s College Fort Frances St. Martin’s Jean Vanier F.J. Brennan Lakeshore CI Glendale Jean Vanier


Quarter Finals Kincardine def. St. Mary’s St. Stephen def. Glendale F.J. Brennan def. L’Escale Timmins def. Appleby

5 2 5 2

Semi Finals F.J. Brennan def. St. Stephen Kincardine def. Timmins

5-4 5-2

Bronze Medal Game St. Stephen def. Timmins

5 - 4 (OT)

Gold Medal Game Kincardine def. F.J. Brennan


2 1 2 1


Boys' AAA/AAAA Results Participating Teams St. Peter COSSA St. Ignatius Loyola ROPSSAA St. Mary COSSA Lorne Park ROPSSAA St. James CWOSSAA Lakeshore Catholic SOSSA St. Mary CWOSSAA Sherwood SOSSA Holy Cross EOSSAA St. Thomas of Villanova SWOSSAA Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes GBSSA Michael Power/St.Joseph’s TDCAA St. Mary GHAC North Toronto CI TDSSAA Uxbridge LOSSA Mother Teresa WOSSAA Sacred Heart NCSSAA Brother Andre YRAA West Ferris NOSSA St. Theresa of Lisieux YRAA

Quarter Finals Brother Andre def. Loyola Michael Power def. St. Peter Uxbridge def. St. Mary (Hamilton) Mother Teresa def. Villanova

6 2 6 2

Semi Finals Michael Power def. Uxbridge Brother Andre def. Mother Teresa

5-0 5-2

Bronze Medal Game Mother Teresa def. Uxbridge

3 - 2 ( OT)

Gold Medal Game Michael Power def. Brother Andre


-1 -1 -1 -1


OFSAA Girls’ A/AA Hockey Belleville

March 20 - 23, 2012

Girls’ A/AA Hockey Convenor David Whitney and his organizing committee did a great job coordinating the championship this year, and the hospitality from the hometown was felt throughout the tournament. Thank you to David and his team of volunteers for hosting such a great event. In an exciting rematch of last year’s gold medal game, St. Theresa faced off against Appleby College. The St. Theresa Titans sought redemption for last year’s silver medal performance, and came out in fullforce, proving victorious in a 5-1 win over Appleby’s Blue Dogs. Congratulations to the champions from St. Theresa’s of Belleville (COSSA), composed of Krystal Gogarty, Amelia Waugh, Whitney Graham, Hanna Bunton, Carina McEwen, CJ Tipping, Casey Vinkle, Laura Horwood, Megan Quinn, Ebony Walsh, Hannah Healey, Emma Sagriff, Cassidy Vinkle, Sierra Bertrand, Emily Jukosky, Jayme Wells, Alex Moore, and coaches Anne and Rob Bunton. The Leadership in School Sport Award was presented during the banquet to Robert Bunton from St. Theresa CSS in Belleville (COSSA). Robert has coached many teams

Participating Teams St. Theresa CSS COSSA St. Stephen's SS LOSSA St. Charles College NOSSA Lester B. Pearson SS GHAC Comm. Hebrew Academy TDCAA Ridgetown DHS SWOSSAA Kincardine DSS CWOSSA E.L. Crossley SS SOSSA Collège Notre Dame NOSSA St. Paul HS ROPSSAA Appleby College CISAA Moira SS COSSA St. Thomas Aquinas SS GBSSA


É.S.P. Louis-Riel NCSSAA O'Gorman HS NEOAA St. Mary's CSS WOSSAA Our Lady of Lourdes HS CWOSSA Beaver Brae SS NWOSSAA St. Christopher SS SWOSSAA Smith Falls DCI EOSSAA


in a variety of sports within the school and community, including girls’ hockey, volleyball, boys’ basketball, track and field, and tennis. He has helped to develop strong male and female hockey players, and serves as a role model within his community. Congratulations to Robert for his longstanding commitment to school sport. This year there were quite a few teams that displayed good sportsmanship, but the team that stood from the pack was É.S.P. Louis Riel from Gloucester (NCSSAA), and was awarded the Team Sportsmanship award for their efforts. The team from Louis Riel was honoured for their outstanding positive attitude and commitment to fair play. Congratulations to the team and their coaches.

Quarter Finals St. Theresa def. College Notre Dame Appleby def. St. Christopher Beaver Brae def. Louis Riel St. Stephen’s def. Crossley

6-1 3-1 4-1 4-1

Semi Finals St. Theresa def. Beaver Brae Appleby def. St. Stephen’s

7-0 5-2

Bronze Medal Game St. Stephen's def. Beaver Brae


Gold Medal Game St. Theresa def. Appleby


Championship Results

OFSAA Girls' AAA/AAAA Hockey Mississauga

March 21 - 23, 2012

Joel Agnew and Melanie Jones, this year's coconvenors, hosted a memorable Girls’ AAA/AAAA Hockey Championship in Mississauga with the help of their organizing committee. Thank you to everyone for all the hard work and time put into hosting this great event. An elegant banquet included guest speaker Jayna Hefford, Canadian Olympian and current member of the women’s national hockey team, and the presentation of the OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award. Congratulations to Rob Thompson from St. Aloysius Gonzaga (ROPSSAA), a member of the organizing committee and long-time teacher-coach. Rob has dedicated more than 20 years coaching a variety of sports, has been actively involved with his local association executive council, and has also acted as Athletic Director at his school for many years. Rob believes that athletics is the vehicle for teaching sportsmanship, character development, and an opportunity to achieve excellence. Thank you for the countless hours you have contributed to the development of student athletes and mentoring your colleagues with such a passion for sports. On the ice competition was fierce, with some very close pool and quarter-final games. Throughout the event, the team from Bill Crothers displayed their skill, dominating many games, and in the end defeated Mount Carmel to win the gold. Participating Teams Notre Dame College SOSSA East York CI TDSSAA St. Peter’s CSS COSSA Bill Crothers SS YRAA Pickering HS LOSAA Lockerby CS NOSSA Mother Teresa CSS WOSSAA Bear Creek SS GBSSA Nelson HS GHAC St. Joseph CSS NCSSAA Loretto Abbey TDCAA Orangeville DSS CWOSSA Holy Name HS SWOSSAA Napanee DSS EOSSAA St. Aloysius Gonzaga CSS ROPSSAA Our Lady of Mount Carmel CSS ROPSSAA

Congratulations to the Bill Crothers Colts players Carly Cooper, Dana Fairbarn, Charlotte Hodgson, Samantha Leavens, Taylor Lockie, Blair Malthaner, Kelsey Sear, Holly Thompson, Mikeala Lowater, Brooke Webster, Mariah Fujimagari, Meagan Lee, Sarah McGilvray, Katelyn Steele, Janell Stephens, Maria Stratos, Breanne Wilson-Bennett, Elen Anaiadis Emily Bondrager, Caroline Hodgson, head coach Jacqueline Palm, and assistant coaches Kelly Hards and Heather Bergman. The Team Sportsmanship Award was given to East York CI from Toronto (TDSSAA) for their positive attitude and determination despite having an ailing bench for most of pool play. Congratulations to the girls from East York, your behaviour and competitive spirit were a testament to overcoming challenges and the positive spirit of the game.

Quarter Finals St. Joseph def. Nelson Mother Teresa def. Napanee Mount Carmel def. St. Peter’s Bill Crothers def. Gonzaga

1-0 (OT) 4-1 2-1 (OT) 3-0

Semi Finals Mount Carmel def. St. Joseph Bill Crothers def. Mother Teresa

5-1 1-0

Bronze Medal Game Mother Teresa def. St. Joseph

2-1 (OT)

Gold Medal Game Bill Crothers def. Mount Carmel



OFSAA Alpine Skiing Collingwood

February 26 - March 28, 2012

This year, the OFSAA Alpine Skiing Championship saw more than 350 student-athletes from 76 schools across the province gather at Blue Mountain. Since the winter of 2012 was very unpredictable, attendees were pleasantly surprised at the comfortable weather and good ski conditions. Unfortunately, a number forgot to bring sunscreen and it showed on their faces later. At the banquet on Monday evening, the first day awards were presented to the top eight individuals and the top eight teams in each category. The attendees watched an excellent slideshow of all the athletes in the first day races. A recognition award was presented to retired teacher-coach Ernie Philp for his long-standing contribution to OFSAA Alpine Skiing. Ernie has been involved with OFSAA Alpine Skiing since it began in 1971. It was very heartwarming to see the standing ovation which he received. Congratulations to Karen Normet of Iroquois Ridge SS (GHAC) for receiving the OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award for her outstanding leadership and commitment to high school alpine ski racing. Since she became the alpine ski convenor in GHAC, their participation numbers have doubled. This year she also organized an official’s certification course for many coaches, and she is currently on the OFSAA Alpine Skiing Sport Advisory Committee. Thank you to Elaine Wright, the convenor and chairperson of the OFSAA Alpine Skiing Sports Advisory Committee, the organizing committee, the more than 60 volunteers and the Blue Mountain staff Congratulations to all the participants and the award winners. The numerous spectators were well entertained and enjoyed themselves watching the excellent Slalom and Giant Slalom races. Level 1 Girls’ Slalom Individual 1. Allison Leeming South Carleton HS 2. Shayne Casey-Shaw Jean Vanier CHS 3. Kaitlin Doering Elmira DSS 4. Morgan Findlay West Carleton SS 5. Kaitlyn Mulholland Jean Vanier CHS 6. Monica Hamilton Richview CI Team 1. South Carleton HS 2. Jean Vanier CHS 3. Lawrence Park CI. 4. Richview CI 5. Sinclair 6. Aurora HS

16 points 20 points 55 points 58 points 72 points 93 points

Level 1 Girls’ Giant Slalom Individual 1. Shayne Casey-Shaw Jean Vanier CHS



2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Carly Foubert Allison Leeming Samantha Loucks Morgan Findlay Maggie Brims

Jean Vanier CHS South Carleton HS Eastview SS West Carleton SS Aurora HS

Team 1. Jean Vanier CHS 2. South Carleton HS 3. Huntsville HS 4. Lawrence Park CI 5. Richview CI 6. Lorne Park SS

14 points 36 points 60 points 62 points 74 points 87 points

Level 1 Boys’ Slalom Individual 1. Ryan Malone 2. Adam Fairbass 3. Adam Grottoli 4. Zach Pecore

St. Michael’s CS Huron Heights SS Jean Vanier CHS Widdifield SS

5. Harry Hayes 6. Michael Jenkins

Almonte DHS Nepean HS

Team 1. Jean Vanier CHS 2. Georgian Bay SS 3. Almonte DHS 4. Lakefield CS 5. Leaside HS 6. Lawrence Park CI

30 points 49 points 67 points 70 points 75 points 98 points

Level 1 Boys’ Giant Slalom Individual 1. Chris Cachia Jean Vanier CHS 2. Brett Ealey-Borsa Penetanguishene SS 3. Eric Hibbard Georgian Bay SS 4. Adam Fairbass Huron Heights SS 5. Ryan Malone St. Michael’s CS 6. Mackenzie Wright Newmarket HS

Championship Results Team 1. Georgian Bay SS 2. Jean Vanier CHS 3. Lakefield CS 4. Lorne Park SS 5. Lawrence Park CI 6. Huron Heights SS

31 points 35 points 45 points 55 points 78 points 83 points

Level 2 Girls’ Slalom Individual 1. Hannah Schmidt 2. Jenny Gilbert 3. Claire Thompson 4. Taylor Sawadsky 5. Chloe Mitchell 6. Rachel Gotlieb

West Carleton SS Collingwood CI Lawrence Park CI Northern SS Banting Memorial HS Havergal College

Team 1. Northern SS 2. Collingwood CI 3. Lawrence Park CI 4. Lorne Park SS 5. Bishop Strachan 6. Havergal College

28 points 41 points 50 points 62 points 71 points 76 points

Level 2 Girls’ Giant Slalom Individual 1. Hannah Schmidt West Carleton SS 2. Maddie Taylor Sir John A Macdonald SS 3. Rachel Gotlieb Havergal College 4. Taylor Sawadsky Northern SS 5. Lauren Hale Collingwood CI 6. Meaghan Kimball Dunbarton HS Team 1. Northern SS 37 points 2. Collingwood CI 40 points 3. Bishop Strachan School 53 points

4. Lorne Park SS 5. Havergal College 6. Nepean HS

56 points 81 points 91 points

Level 2 Boys’ Slalom Individual 1. Joel Charron Barrie Central CI 2. Thomas Trusler Royal St. George’s 3. Brandon Reid Michael Power-St. Joseph HS 4. David Rennick Lawrence Park CI 5. Nick Dowd LaSalle HS 6. Nick Balan Royal St. George’s Team 1. Royal St. George’s 23 points 2. Crescent School 27 points 3. MichaelPower-St.JosephHS 32 points 4. Lawrence Park CI 62 points 5. Lorne Park SS 83 points 6. Oakville Trafalgar HS 88 points Level 2 Boys’ Giant Slalom Individual 1. Joel Charron Barrie Central CI 2. Jamie Fisher Jean Vanier CHS 3. Duff Isberg Crescent School 4. David Rennick Lawrence Park CI 5. Kyle McVittie Keswick HS 6. Patrick Swiderski Michael Power-St. Joseph HS Team 1. Michael Power-St. Joseph HS 26 points 2. Crescent School 31 points 3. Jean Vanier CHS 54 points 4. Royal St. George’s 54 points 5. Lawrence Park CI 61 points 6. Oakville Trafalgar HS 63 points


OFSAA Nordic Skiing Huntsville

February 23 - 24, 2012

A year ago Nordic skiers were hearing rumours of an OFSAA that would cover downtown streets in snow and bring the race to the people. This was a vision convenor John Cowan (Huntsville HS) had, and 12 months later made a reality by convincing the town of Huntsville to bring in 200 dump trucks full of snow into the city centre. To say there was excitement for this event would be an understatement! A truly collective effort between the town, Arrowhead Provincial Park, Huntsville HS, and countless volunteers made this year’s Nordic Championship one that will be remembered by all who attended. Coaches and athletes were treated to fantastic ski conditions, especially given the warm winter experienced in Ontario. Arrowhead Provincial Park hosted the individual time trials on day one under warm sunny skies and an atmosphere of smiling faces. The busy day on the trails left athletes with an appetite that was satisfied at the banquet hosted by the tremendous staff at the Deerhurst resort. Despite the warm accolades for each of our award winners, they didn’t compare to the thunderous applause that erupted and brought the audience to their feet as John Cowan was announced as the recipient of the Leadership in School Sport Award. A 20-year biography of sport involvement that is too long to list here, John has been heavily involved in coaching Nordic skiing and soccer at Huntsville HS, he has also acted as the school’s athletic director. He has been very active in the community wearing many hats relating to sport development, coaching, officiating, and of course hosting. The evening concluded with an inspiring speech from Dan Roycroft, former Team Canada and Olympic Nordic skier.



Photos by Mark Dewan

As athletes enjoyed the banquet, volunteers were out in the streets of Huntsville preparing the stage for the day two relays. The relays were absolutely spectatular to see as snow fell, music played, and cheering fans lined the downtown streets as skiers made their way around the course. It was a venue that exceeded even the hosts’ expectations, as things couldn’t have worked out better with great ski conditions and closely fought races. For the second year in a row, and in front of the home crowd, Huntsville HS won the Junior and Senior Combined Banners. Once again, a huge thank you is shared from the OFSAA Nordic community to the Town of Huntsville and the host committee for making such a memorable championship for everyone in attendance.

Championship Results Nordic Results Junior Boys' Individual 6.1 km 1. Tim Tindall Lockerby CS, NOSSA 2. Julian Smith West Hill SS, CWOSSA 3. Avery Beauclerc West Hill SS, CWOSSA

0:15:37.6 0:15:49.9 0:15:57.2

Junior Girls' Individual 5.4 km 1. Keiren Niemi Earl of March SS, NCSSAA 0:15:25.0 2. Phoebe Berkley Nepean HS, NCSSAA 0:15:53.7 3. Katherine Denis É.S.C. Sainte-Marie, NEOAA 0:16:04.1 Senior Boys' Individual 7.8 km 1. Benjamin Wilkinson-Zan Lisgar CI, NCSSAA 2. Colin Foley Glebe HS, NCSSAA 3. Symon Stowe Almonte HS, EOSSAA

0:19:25.3 0:19:42.6 0:19:54.7

Senior Girls' Individual 6.1 1. Alexandra Joy 2. Natalia Hawthorne 3. Jennifer Jackson

0:17:12.9 0:17:13.2 0:17:16.0

km Brookfield HS, NCSSAA Bracebridge, GBSSA Eastview, GBSSA

Girls' Para Nordic Sit Ski 1. Jaymie Triskle

St. Thomas Aquinas HS, NWOSSAA 0:11:57.7

Boys' Para Nordic Sit Ski 1. Justin Reesor

Mayfield SS, ROPSSAA

Girls' Para Nordic Standing 1. Jocelyn Roberson Huntsville HS, GBSSA

0:13:10.9 0:19:10.8

Boys' Para Nordic Standing 1. Christopher Barclay Lo-Ellen Park SS, NOSSA


Junior Boys' Team 1. Eastview SS, GBSSA 2. West Hill SS, CWOSSA 3. Glebe HS, NCSSAA

Junior Girls Team 1. Huntsville HS A, GBSSA 2. Parry Sound HS A, GBSSA 3. Colonel By SS, NCSSA

Senior Boys' Team 1. Nepean HS, NCSSAA 2. Huntsville HS A, GBSSA 3. Orangeville DSS, CWOSSA

Senior Girls Team 1. Huntsville HS A, GBSSA 2. Lisgar CI, NCSSAA 3. Parry Sound HS, GBSSA

Junior Boys' Sprint Relay Team 1. Eastview SS, GBSSA 2. Orangeville DSS, CWOSSA 3. Glebe HS, NCSSAA

Junior Girls' Sprint Relay Team 1. Huntsville HS A, GBSSA 2. Parry Sound HS A, GBSSA 3. Colonel By SS, NCSSAA

Senior Boys' Sprint Relay Team 1. Nepean HS, NCSSAA 2. Huntsville HS A, GBSSA 3. Huntsville HS B, GBSSA

Senior Girls' Sprint Relay Team 1. Huntsville HS A, GBSSA 2. Parry Sound HS, GBSSA 3. Mayfield SS, ROPSSAA

Junior Team Combined 1. Huntsvill HS A, GBSSA 2. Orangeville DSS, CWOSSA 3. Glebe HS, NCSSAA

Senior Team Combined 1. Huntsville HS A, GBSSA 2. West Hill SS, CWOSSA 3. Glebe HS, NCSSAA

OFSAA Swimming Milton

March 6 - 7, 2012

Convenor, Kevin Wong from Bishop P.F. Reding SS (GHAC) once again stepped up to convene the 2012 Swimming Championship, and even with a last minute venue change to ensure the championship ran as planned, Kevin hosted a successful event. The organizing committee and Kevin put in countless hours of work to ensure the event could be held in a new pool at the Milton Sports Centre. Kevin once again played many roles, including official and chair of the Swimming Sport Advisory Committee. OFSAA appreciates the time he has dedicated to the sport and thanks all the volunteers who made this event possible. The 2012 OFSAA Leadership in School Sport award was presented to teacher and swimming coach John Loncke of Riverside SS in Windsor (SWOSSAA). John has dedicated 15 years to developing the swimming program at the school and expects the best from his coaches, swimmers and volunteers. Over the years, numerous former swimmers have returned to the deck to help coach the team,

illustrating the passion for the sport he instils in his athletes. John has also organized many association swim meets and assisted other convenors with hosting meets. Congratulations John, and thank you for sharing your passion for high school swimming and student-athletes. See results on the next page.


TEAM STANDINGS Overall Combined Team 1. Georgetown DHS 2. Riverside SS 3. Upper Canada College 4. Kennedy CI 5. Northern SS

1,522 1,317.50 800 792 783.50

High School Division Junior Girls’ Team 1. Georgetown DHS 2. Riverside SS 3. North Toronto CI 4. Kennedy CI 5. Riverdale CI

384 235 212 208 164

Junior Boys’ Team 1. Georgetown DHS 2. Riverside SS 3. Upper Canada College 4. Appleby College 5. St. Christopher Catholic

287 284 255 207 177

Senior Girls’ Team 1. Riverside SS 2. Ridley College 3. Georgetown DHS 4. Bluevale CI 5. Colonel By

349 211 198 193 182.50

Senior Boys’ Team 1. Georgetown DHS 2. Riverside SS 3. St. Andrew's College 4. Kennedy CI 5. Upper Canada College

399 355.50 305.50 274 238

ParaSport Team 1. Robert Bateman HS 2. Stamford 3. St. Thomas Aquinas (COSSA) 4. St. Thomas Aquinas (GHAC) 5. Clarkson SS

340 231 123 106 82

Open Division Open Girls’ Team 1. Centennial CVI 2. John F Ross 3. Waterloo CI 4. Northern SS 5. Dunbarton HS Open Boys’ Team 1. Upper Canada College 2. Georgetown DHS 3. St. Augustine CHS 4. Northview Heights SS 5. Dunbarton HS

597 381 260 234 187 307 254 201 191 174

Individual Results Junior Girls’ 100m Individual Medley 1. Jocelyn Van Leeuwen St. Aloysius Gonzaga 1:13.14 2. Truc Tran-Dwyer Resurrection CSS 1:13.89 3. Stephanie Ly Applewood Heights SS 1:14.21 4. Michelle Blumberg É.S. Cath Renaissance 1:14.67 5. Mackenzie Davies Sydenham HS 1:17.75 6. Emily Gray John F Ross1:18.65 Junior Boys’ 100m Individual Medley 1. Jonathan Van der Veen Southwood SS 1:04.38 2. Mark Chan St. Andrew's College 1:07.86 3. Victor Truong John Fraser SS 1:08.29 4. Tanner Lecki Georgetown DHS 1:10.62 5. Nikolay Videnov Georgetown DHS 1:11.22 6. Michael Parent Riverside SS 1:11.79



Senior Girls’ 100m Individual Medley 1. Ioana Stan London Central SS 1:10.64 2. Connie Yang York Mills CI 1:12.12 3. Kristina Stojadinovic Mayfield SS 1:12.43 4. CJ Tipping Saint Theresa 1:12.69 5. Aileen Hodgson Bluevale CI 1:15.11 6. Alethea Fei MaranthaChristianAcad.. 1:15.39 Senior Boys’ 100m Individual Medley 1. Matthew Chan Bur Oak SS 1:03.16 2. David Mallett Waterloo CI 1:04.53 3. Max Carnella Upper Canada College 1:06.15 4. Ching-To Li St. Andrew's College 1:06.28 5. Keaton Ward St. Andrew's College 1:06.64 6. Sam Bellman Georgetown DHS 1:06.90 Open Girls’ 100m Individual Medley 1. Riley Konrad Centennial CVI 2. Haylie Burton Centennial CVI 3. Alexandra Labaj John F Ross 4. Sydney Kovar Saltfleet 5. Joyce Leung St.Robert CHS 6. Alyson Smith Holy Trinity CHS

1:06.69 1:07.63 1:08.18 1:08.85 1:09.08 1:09.30

Open Boys’ 100m Individual Medley 1. Martyn Siek Bishop Tonnos 59.36 2. Dean Bennett Bluevale CI 59.39 3. Zach Shalovsky Sir William Mulock SS 1:00.40 4. Shuya Huang Markville SS 1:02.42 5. Adrian Finn Canterbury HS 1:03.02 6. Dan Kuiak St. Joan of Arc 1:03.05 Open Girls’ 200m Individual Medley 1. Samantha Stratford Centennial CVI 2:19.75 2. Stephanie Papadedes John F Ross 2:22.93 3. Julia Ellis Hale Waterloo CI 2:24.31 4. Maggie Burns Burlington Central HS 2:26.81 5. Bailey Andison Smith Falls DCI 2:28.81 6. Victoria Giglio All Saints 2:29.64 Open Boys’ 200m Individual Medley 1. Donovan Taylor Ft. Frances 2:09.54 2. Alex Buehlow Waterloo Oxford DSS 2:14.77 3. Chris Hatcher St. Mary's HS 2:15.78 4. David Webb Centennial CVI 2:16.42 5. Matt Christensen Jean Vanier 2:20.77 6. Andrew Kay Dunbarton HS 2:21.35

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Zander Ressel (S14) St. Mary 1:21.93 Ryan Carty (S14) Robert Bateman HS 1:35.43 Devon Ross (S14) Robert Bateman HS 1:40.88 Scott MacHattie (S14) Meadowvale SS 1:40.98 Luc Marshall (S14) Robert Bateman HS 1:58.28

Junior Girls’ 100m Freestyle 1. Jocelyn Van Leeuwen St. Aloysius Gonzaga 1:01.96 2. Charlotte Tan Riverside SS 1:04.05 3. Emma Wright Lindsay Collegiate 1:05.82 4. Karen Batch Applewood Heights SS 1:07.65 5. Zeynep Akkuyu Cedarbrea CI 1:07.91 6. Emily Snook AN Myer 1:08.11 Junior Boys’ 100m Freestyle 1. Gabriel Lopez Fr. John Redmond CSS 57.69 2. Sergey Chernyshov Stephen Lewis SS 59.51 3. Matthew Dodig De La Salle College 1:00.91 4. Nicholas Pflug Kitchener CI 1:01.12 5. Matthew Reiter Agincourt CI 1:01.31 6. Clinton Lau Crestwood Prep. College 1:02.07 Senior Girls’ 100m Freestyle 1. Hana Carrozza Martingrove CI 1:02.94 2. Nadine Otten St. Anne's CSS 1:04.46 3. Gabrielle Stratford Trinity College School 1:04.95 4. Laura Witherow Sir William Mulock SS 1:05.30 5. Safia Fakim Richview CI 1:05.37 6. Kayla Brooks Bluevale CI1:06.28 Senior Boys’ 100m Freestyle 1. Joseph Ng York Mills CI 2. Andrew Miller Ajax HS 3. Corey Bellemore Riverside SS 4. Jonathan Pile Ridley College 5. Aleksander Hondro Forest Hill CI 6. Ben Sayles North Park CI

55.33 55.57 56.02 57.33 57.77 57.95

Open Girls’ 100m Freestyle 1. Kennedy Goss Northern SS 2. Katherine Stamp Centennial CVI 3. Melissa Pocsai Maple HS 4. Tess Wey Waterloo CI 5. Sydney Kovar Saltfleet 6. Siena Calarco St John's College

57.69 58.27 58.42 58.52 58.59 1:02.18

Open Girls’ PARA 100m Freestyle 1. Alicia Denoon (S10) John F Ross 1:15.09 2. Sydney Chilwell (S14) Robert Bateman HS 1:20.54 3. Amber Platsko (S14) Leamington DHS 1:50.51 4. Teagan MacDonald St Thomas Aquinas 2:15.81

Open Boys’ 100m Freestyle 1. Alex Ryu Bill Crothers SS 51.74 2. Louis Wong St. Augustine CHS 51.88 3. Mitch Ferraro Uxbridge SS 52.55 4. Keith Andrews Trinity College School 53.54 5. Robbie Gray Resurrection CSS 54.60 6. Colin Scarffe Milton DHS 54.72

Open Boys’ PARA 100m Freestyle 1. Isaac Bouckley (S10) Port Hope HS

Senior Girls’ 200m Freestyle 1. Hana Carrozza Martingrove CI



Championship Results 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Safia Fakim Kailan Clark Julia Hewitt Erica Rudnicki Kristen Davison

Richview CI South Carleton Waterloo CI Colonel By Georgetown DHS

Senior Boys’ 200m Freestyle 1. David Mallett Waterloo CI 2. Patrick Barton Hillcrest 3. Corey Bellemore Riverside SS 4. Ben Sayles North Park CI 5. Jesus Serrano Ridley College 6. Jonathan Pile Ridley College Open Girls’ 200m Freestyle 1. Olivia Bellio St. Marcellinus 2. Stephanie Papadedes John F Ross 3. Micayley Cromwell Centennial CVI 4. Kaitlyn Mitchell St. John's College 5. Leena Struzina Bowmanville 6. Kiera Michailoff Russell Northern SS

2:20.32 2:20.73 2:24.09 2:27.34 2:27.47 2:05.38 2:06.46 2:07.07 2:07.77 2:08.59 2:09.68 2:03.29 2:06.47 2:07.79 2:08.32 2:09.51 2:11.29

Open Boys’ 200m Freestyle 1. Jacob Piekarski Father John Redmond 1:58.64 2. Josef Liska Guzman Banting SS 1:59.59 3. Cody Lavoie Leamington DHS 1:59.65 4. Trevor Burwell Georgetown DHS 2:00.16 5. Tim Turin Humberside CI 2:02.13 6. Ryan Hatch York Mills CI 2:02.42 Girls’ PARA 50mFreestyle 1. Sydney Chilwell (S14) Robert Bateman HS 36.21 2. Kara Dier Bayridge SS 42.61 3. Megan Heughan (S10) Holy Name of Mary 42.60 4. Chelsea Antoine (S0) Stamford CI 45.78 5. Amber Platsko (S14) Leamington DHS 48.42 6. Mercedes Laking St. Thomas Aquinas 50.59 Boys’ PARA 50mFreestyle 1. Zander Ressel (S14) St. Mary 34.46 2. Devon Ross (S14) Robert Bateman HS 37.57 3. IsaiahDeMeneghi(S14) Maple HS 38.52 4. Kenny Brittain (S0) Stamford CI 38.80 5. Anthony Palasti (S14) Grand River CI 38.87 6. Ryan Carty (S14) Robert Bateman HS 39.33 Junior Girls’ 50m Freestyle 1. Emily Russell Riverdale CI 2. Rachel Truscott Georgetown DHS 3. Rachelle Cheung Markham DHS 4. Emily Snook AN Myer 5. Tory O'Driscoll Havergal College 6. Jacklyne Isaak Eden HS

29.83 30.10 30.16 30.41 30.42 30.68

Junior Boys’ 50m Freestyle 1. Gabriel Lopez Father John Redmond 25.28 2. Evan Mackie London Central SS 25.85 3. Robbie Andrews Barrie Central CI 26.45 4. Marcus Hughes St. Marcellinus 26.82 5. Matthew Dodig De La Salle College 27.05 6. Tyler Nincevic Waterloo CI 27.40 Senior Girls’ 50m Freestyle 1. Ioana Stan London Central SS 28.37 2. Nadine Otten St Anne's Css 29.13 3. Joyce Chow Rick Hansen SS 29.47 4. Athena Lam Unionville HS 29.54 5. Vanessa Watt Humberside CI 29.71 5. Katherine Hoffman Elmira District SS 29.71 Senior Boys’ 50m Freestyle 1. Danny Demyanenko St. Michael's College 23.56 2. James Clendening Lockerby CI 25.11 3. Andrew Miller Ajax HS 25.12 4. Max Campbell Huron Park SS 25.54 5. Jared Morrow MM Robinson 26.51 6. Ryan Mersiadis-Carrier Georgetown DHS 26.55 Open Girls’ 50m Freestyle 1. Hayley Hess SirJohnAMacDonaldSS 26.77 2. Melissa Pocsai Maple HS 26.82

3. 4. 5. 6.

Melody Bush Quincy Brozo Haylie Burton Kaitlyn Mitchell

John F Ross 27.16 St. Thomas Aquinas 27.34 Centennial CVI 27.77 St. John's College 27.94

Open Boys’ 50m Freestyle 1. Louis Wong St. Augustine CHS 23.57 2. Mitch Ferraro Uxbridge SS 24.03 3. Edward Liu Harbord CI 24.30 4. Nathan Lethbridge Saunders SS 24.52 5. Colm Whitford Bishop P.F. Reding 24.57 6. Nathan Ciccarelli Notre Dame 24.93 Junior Girls’ 200m Freestyle Relay 1. Havergal College 2. Kennedy CI 3. North Toronto CI 4. Sir Winston Churchill 5. Guelph Collegiate 6. Georgetown DHS

2:05.76 2:06.90 2:11.14 2:11.34 2:11.80 2:12.47

Junior Boys’ 200m Freestyle Relay 1. Kennedy CI 2. Riverside SS 3. Iroquois Ridge HS 4. St Christopher Catholic 5. Oakville Trafalgar HS 6. Humberside Collegiate

1:56.64 1:57.64 1:57.71 1:58.05 1:59.80 1:59.98

Senior Girls’ 200m Freestyle Relay 1. Riverside SS 2. Bluevale CI 3. Sir William Mulock SS 4. Resurrection CSS 5. Humberside Collegiate 6. Malvern Collegiate

2:01.87 2:02.71 2:03.61 2:03.68 2:04.49 2:05.43

Senior Boys’ 200m Freestyle Relay 1. Riverside SS 2. St. Andrew's College 3. North Park Collegiate 4. Forest Hill CI 5. Pierre Elliott Trudeau HS 6. Northern SS

1:43.87 1:44.53 1:46.29 1:48.86 1:49.40 1:50.29

Open Girls’ 400m Freestyle Relay 1. John F Ross 2. Centennial CVI 3. Waterloo CI 4. St. Joseph's HS 5. Dunbarton HS 6. Langstaff SS

4:00.33 4:03.68 4:09.23 4:20.84 4:25.77 4:26.39

Open Boys’ 400m Freestyle Relay 1. Banting SS 2. Port Hope HS 3. Sir John A MacDonald SS 4. St. James 5. Iroquois Ridge HS 6. R.H. King Academy

3:55.06 3:56.00 3:56.69 4:02.22 4:04.56 4:06.47

Girls’ PARA 50m Backstroke 1. Alicia Denoon (S10) John F Ross 40.80 2. Megan Heughan (S10) HolyNameofMaryCSS 51.48 3. Kara Dier Bayridge SS 53.56 4. Mercedes Laking St Thomas Aquinas 55.76 5. Chelsea Antoine (SO) Stamford CI 1:00.88 6. Marrisa Bottoms Robert Bateman HS 1:21.27 Boys’ PARA 50m Backstroke 1. Anthony Palasti (S14) Grand River CI 2. Isaiah DeMeneghi (S14) Maple HS 3. Scott MacHattie (S14) Meadowvale SS 4. Tony Borghese (S14) Forest Heights CI 5. Nick Peciak (S5) Resurrection CSS 6. Kenny (S0) Stamford CI

48.00 51.56 51.77 55.75 1:12.30 58.50

Junior Girls’ 50m Backstroke 1. Lauren Brewster Georgetown DHS 34.08 2. Mackenzie Davies Sydenham HS 34.19 3. Emily Russell Riverdale CI 34.62

4. Kelly Smith 5. Emily Groper 6. Emily Gray

Georgetown DHS 34.74 Ashbury College 36.01 John F Ross 36.23

Junior Boys’ 50m Backstroke 1. Thomas Akdeniz Appleby College 30.63 2. Jake Poulton Upper Canada College 32.06 3. Michael Parent Riverside SS 32.35 4. Tiger Zhou Markville SS 32.37 5. Denis Pasagic North Toronto CI 32.76 6. Jack Dancy Aurora HS 33.26 Senior Girls’ 100m Backstroke 1. Alexandra Skutovich Riverside SS 2. Cassidy Livingston Uxbridge SS 3. Saaya Machino Bell HS 4. Shayne Casey-Shaw Jean Vanier 5. Kristen Davison Georgetown DHS 6. Kate Cornelissen Northern SS

1:11.86 1:13.82 1:14.06 1:14.67 1:15.59 1:15.67

Senior Boys’ 100m Backstroke 1. Spencer Brown St. Andrew's College 1:03.22 2. Patrick Barton Hillcrest 1:03.65 3. Joseph Ng York Mills CI 1:05.81 4. Travis Maheux Riverside SS 1:06.02 5. Charles Lessard Frontenac SS 1:06.32 6. Mahmoud Eid Bell HS 1:06.48 Open Girl’s 100m Backstroke 1. Kristina Steins St. Mary 2. Erin Stamp Centennial CVI 3. Melody Bush John F Ross 4. Hannah Dvorski St Thomas More 5. Katherine Stamp Centennial CVI 6. Dominika Kindrat Kingston CVI

1:02.21 1:03.06 1:04.56 1:05.83 1:06.41 1:08.19

Open Boys’ 100m Backstroke 1. Dan Kuiak St. Joan of Arc 57.78 2. Cory Woo Northview Heights SS 58.63 3. Zach Shalovsky Sir William Mulock SS 58.68 4. Cameron Cho St. Robert CHS 58.81 5. Jordan Dundas Port Hope HS 1:00.96 6. Cody Lavoie Leamington DHS 1:01.42 Junior Girls’ 50m Butterfly 1. Stephanie Ly Applewood Heights SS 31.16 2. Bridget Wang North Toronto CI 31.45 3. Michelle Blumberg É.S.C. Renaissance 32.87 4. Dana Dusevic Colonel By 32.89 5. Melis Kirikoglu Ashbury College 33.85 6. Julia Bracewell MaranthaChristianAcad. 33.93 Junior Boys’ 50m Butterfly 1. Jonathan Van der Veen Southwood SS 27.17 2. Thomas Akdeniz Appleby College 28.02 3. Victor Truong John Fraser SS 29.32 4. Sergey Chernyshov Stephen Lewis SS 29.66 5. Tiger Zhou Markville SS 30.42 6. Favien Bisson St. Christopher CHS 30.57 Senior Girls’ 50m Butterfly 1. Connie Yang York Mills CI 2. Kristina Stojadinovic Mayfield SS 3. Aileen Hodgson Bluevale CI 4. Saaya Machino Bell HS 5. Abigail Mclellan Cameron Hts. CI 6. Tessa Henley Northview Hts. SS

30.53 31.44 31.68 32.42 32.52 32.75

Senior Boys’ 50m Butterfly 1. Danny Demyanenko St. Michael's College 26.80 2. Ben Groome Holy Trinity 27.40 3. Alejandro Soares Forest Hill CI 27.48 4. Matthew Chan Bur Oak SS 27.71 5. Sam Bellman Georgetown DHS 27.72 6. Nathan Cheung York Mills CI 27.97 Open Girls’ 100m Butterfly 1. Hayley Hess Sir John A MacDonald SS 1:03.31 2. Samantha Stratford Centennial CVI 1:04.27 3. Micayley Cromwell Centennial CVI 1:04.92 3. Megan Vuong Rick Hansen SS 1:04.92 5. Danielle D'Aoust John F Ross 1:05.05


6. Claudia Mathieu Msgnr-de-Charbonnel 1:05.91 Open Boys’ 100m Butterfly 1. Edward Liu Harbord CI 2. Alex Ryu Bill Crothers SS 3. Donovan Taylor Ft Frances 4. Dean Bennett Bluevale CI 5. Matt Dans Nepean HS 6. Kurt Schubert Holy Trinity CHS

55.97 56.25 57.26 57.67 58.85 58.93

Junior Girls’ 50m Breaststroke 1. Charlotte Tan Riverside SS 2. Dayna Patterson Malvern CI 3. Emma Cully Aurora HS 4. Maggie Lyons Riverside SS 5. MacKenzie Noble Assumption 6. Charlotte Cully Aurora HS

36.53 38.13 39.38 39.51 40.18 40.65

Junior Boys’ 50m Breaststroke 1. Dillon Shum Unionville HS 34.41 2. Mitchell Boggs Appleby College 34.92 3. Robbie Andrews Barrie Central CI 34.98 4. Tristan Ruse Hillfield Strathallan 35.18 5. Timothy Fu Pierre Elliott Trudeau HS 35.25 6. Alex Hayman Oakville Trafalgar HS 35.60 Senior Girls’ 100m Breaststroke 1. Stephanie Lam Ridley College 1:18.06 2. Clara Armstrong Oakville Trafalgar HS 1:18.87 3. Colette Fitzgerald Sacred Heart CHS 1:19.90 4. Laura D'Ariano Oakridge SS 1:20.60 5. Chantal Bourassa St. Christopher CHS 1:23.99 6 Claudia Chan North Toronto CHS 1:25.33 Senior Boys’ 100m Breaststroke 1. Max Campbell Huron Park SS 1:12.20 2. Roland Sae Northview Heights SS 1:13.05



3. 4. 5. 6.

Calum Smith Matthew Oles Brian Filipowitz Max Carnella

Georgetown DHS 1:13.37 Georgetown DHS 1:13.38 Kennedy CI 1:13.65 Upper Canada College 1:13.78

Open Girls’ 100m Breaststroke 1. Erin Stamp Centennial CVI 1:10.48 2. Hollie Smith Dunbarton HS 1:11.75 3. Megan Lloyd Ridley College 1:12.01 4. Taylor Cameron Nelson HS 1:12.14 5. Genevieve Robertson John F Ross 1:12.31 6. Bailey Andison Smith Falls District CI 1:14.00 Open Boys’ 100m Breaststroke 1. Daniel Manson Mayfield SS 1:07.79 2. John Fauteux Sir John A MacDonald SS 1:07.91 3. Jacob Piekarski John Redmond CSS 1:09.05 4. Nicholas Mitchell Banting SS 1:09.68 5. Kenny MacKenzie St. Mary 1:10.64 6. David Webb Centennial CVI 1:11.05 Junior Girls’ 200m Medley Relay 1. Georgetown DHS 2. North Toronto CI 3. Northern SS 4. Kennedy CI 5. Guelph Collegiate 6. Northern Collegiate CI

2:23.38 2:27.35 2:28.80 2:29.95 2:31.21 2:31.62

Junior Boys’ 200m Medley Relay 1. Appleby College 2. Upper Canada College 3. Georgetown District HS 4. Riverside SS 5. St Christopher Catholic 6. St. Andrew's College

2:09.12 2:09.28 2:09.53 2:12.68 2:15.16 2:15.87

Senior Girls’ 200m Medley Relay 1. Riverside SS 2. Ridley College 3. Georgetown DHS 4. Mayfield SS 5. Cameron Hts. Collegiate 6. Malvern Collegiate

2:17.46 2:19.39 2:19.49 2:20.36 2:21.06 2:21.68

Senior Boys’ 200m Medley Relay 1. St. Andrew's College 2. York Mills CI 3. Forest Hill CI 4. Georgetown DHS 5. Upper Canada College 6. Kennedy CI

1:57.03 1:59.58 1:59.69 2:00.39 2:00.74 2:02.72

Open Girls’ 200m Medley Relay 1. Centennial CVI 2. Waterloo CI 3. Northern SS 4. St. Joseph's HS 5. Richview Collegiate 6. St. David CSS

1:58.82 2:07.55 2:08.82 2:11.97 2:12.36 2:14.80

Open Boys’ 200m Medley Relay 1. Upper Canada College 2. St. Augustine CHS 3. St. Mary's HS 4. Northview Heights SS 5. Unionville HS 6. Georgetown DHS

1:51.97 1:54.41 1:55.52 1:56.95 1:57.03 1:58.84

Championship Results

OFSAA Girls’ A Volleyball Toronto

March 5 - 7, 2012

This year's Girls' A Volleyball Championship was convened by University of Toronto Schools teacher Garry Kollins in Toronto. Much effort was put on communicating public transportation options to ensure athletes and spectators didn’t get lost in the big city and at the Ryerson University campus, where the event was held. The volunteers also did a great job webcasting live video of the games for those that weren’t able to attend in person. Thank you to Garry and his organizing committee for their incredible organization of the championship. Garry's commitment to school sport over the years was celebrated at the banquet, where he was given the Leadership in School Sport Award. Garry has coached various sports at his school for more than 20 years, including hockey, basketball, rugby, and volleyball. He has also convened many events and has been the TDSSAA Athletic Representative. Garry has developed the entire volleyball program at UTS around his philosophies of inclusiveness and sport for fun. Defending champions É.S. Embrun (EOSSAA) came out in full force to defend their title, and had a strong performance throughout round-robin play. In a wellplayed gold medal game, Embrun beat out Chippewa

three sets to one to claim the championship. Congratulations to É.S. Embrun players Samantha Boisvenue, Véronique Caya, Alex Chabot, Emma Chesser, Michaela Doyle, Marie-Anne Gougeon, Isabelle Jansen, Amanda Kelly, Élisa Lagacé, Jevana Larocque, Geneviève LeVoguer, Karine St-Clair, head coach Philippe Goudreau, and assistant coaches Andréanne Dazé and Karo Blanchard. The OFSAA Team Sportsmanship award was given to É.S. Cité des Jeunes from Kapuskasing (NEOAA). The Cité des Jeunes Cosmos were leaders at the championship to all athletes with their positive cheering, never-quit attitude and great sportsmanship.

Pool A É.S. Embrun É.C. Saint-Charles Garnier Chesley DHS É.S. Cité des Jeunes Runnymede CI


Pool C St. Thomas Aquinas HS Chippewa SS Acton DHS University of Toronto Schools Toronto District Christian School


Pool B West Elgin SS Quinte Christian HS Blenheim DHS É.S. Étienne-Brulé E.S.C de La Vérendrye


Pool D Ridley College Lakefield DSS Seaway DHS École Georges-P-Vanier É.S. Le Caron


Consolation Final Quinte Christian def. Vanier

25-7, 25-15, 25-17

Championship Quarter Finals Embrun def. West Elgin Ridley def. St. Thomas Aquinas Saint-Charles def. Blenheim Chippewa def. Lakefield

25-19, 25-10, 25-23 19-25, 25-19, 25-22, 25-22 25-11, 25-13, 25-22 26-24, 23-25, 20-25, 25-21,17-15

Championship Semi Finals Embrun def. Ridley College Chippewa def. Saint-Charles

25-15, 25-21, 12-25, 25-16 25-12, 25-21, 23-25, 25-14

Bronze Medal Game Ridley College def. Saint-Charles 25-20, 19-25, 16-25, 25-16, 17-15 Gold Medal Game Embrun def. Chippewa

29-27, 20-25, 25-18, 25-14


OFSAA Girls’ AA Volleyball Amherstburg

March 5 - 7, 2012

This year’s Girls’ AA Volleyball Championship was held at General Amherst HS in Amherstburg, where many celebrations were taking place remembering the war of 1812. The championship organizing committee, headed by Jeff Miller and Greg Scott, put many hours and effort into making a memorable and well-run event. Thank you to the convenors and volunteers for all your hard work. Congratulations to championship coconvenor and long-time teacher-coach, Greg Scott from General Amherst (SWOSSAA), who was presented with the OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award. Greg has coached many boys and girls teams over the years in both school and community basketball programs, including an elementary school house league program. Greg is much appreciated for being such a leader in the sporting community. Reigning champions É.S.P Gisele-Lalonde (NCSSAA) came back to defend their title and made it through pool play and the quarter finals with ease. It was St. Michael (Stratford) who took the challenge of upsetting the reigning champions in the gold medal match, but fell short in a few close sets.

The St. Michael CHS team from Kemptville (EOSSAA) was awarded the Team Sportsmanship award. Congratulations to the athletes and coaches from St. Michael for providing a great example of sportsmanship to everyone throughout the tournament.

Pool A É.S.P. Gisele-Lalonde Norwell DHS St. Michael's CHS (Kemptville) Father Henry Carr Sutton DHS


Pool C General Amherst DHS Eden HS Lester B Pearson SS Timiskaming DSS St. Stephens SS


Pool B St. Michael's CSS (Stratford) Dryden HS Korah C & VS Cobourg DCI C.W. Jeffreys CI


Pool D C.C. Samuel Genest Park Street CI Essex DHS Holy Trinity School St. Martin HS


Consolation Final Park St. def. Dryden

25-18, 23-25, 25-18, 25-23

Championship Quarter Finals Gisele-Lalonde def. Cobourg 25-12, 25-6, 25-7 Eden def. Samuel-Genest 25-20, 25-23, 13-25, 21-25, 18-16 Essex def. Amherst 17-25, 28-26, 25-21, 19-25, 15-13 St. Michael def. Norwell 25-0, 25-14, 25-21


Congratulations to Gisele-Lalonde team members Nathalie Drouin, Andrea Maranger, Ana Martin, Genevieve Gignac, Catherine Loranger, Alexis O'Bryan, Rebecca Roy, Sebrina Roy with coaches Marcel Martin and Sheila Roy.


Championship Semi Finals St. Michael def. Essex 25-22, 25-21, 25-22 Gisele-Lalonde def. Eden 25-13, 23-25,25-19,25-22 Bronze Medal Game Eden def. Essex

25-15, 25-15, 25-19

Gold Medal Game Gisele-Lalonde def. St. Michael

25-20, 27-25, 25-19

Championship Results

OFSAA Girls’ AAA & AAAA Volleyball Kitchener

March 6 - 7, 2012

Forest Heights CI in Kitchener played host to this years’ Girls’ AAA & AAAA Volleyball Championship, and convenors Paul Pavan, Steve Domm, and Lisa Watson lead their organizing committee in a well-run event. Hosting one championship is challenging enough, so holding two simultaneously is a significant accomplishment. Thank you to the convenors and event volunteers for all your hard work and dedication to make this event memorable to all teams attending. The banquet was buzzing with excitement as 36 teams filled the room anticipating the upcoming competition. The AAA round-robin play was fierce this year, with three out of four pool winners decided by tiebreaking procedures. The intense competition increased through the quarter and semi final games, resulting in an exciting final which saw Assumption HS (GHAC) against Waterdown DHS. Assumption, last year’s bronze medal winner, had their sights set on gold this year and beat Waterdown in three straight sets to claim the championship title. Congratulations to the Assumption Crusaders from Burlington (GHAC), including team members Autumn Bailey, Kayde Bailey, Carleigh Bailey, Jacinta McAndrew, Lauren Crampton, Paula Bailey, Maddi Bailey, Dayna Howlett, Kelly Komac, Laura McEniry, Maria White, Emma Sheppard, and coaches Lana Fernley and Natasha Kuzmar. The Girls’ AAAA Volleyball Championship was a hometown sweep, with Kitchener schools taking home both the gold and silver medal medals. Grand River CI and Forest Heights CI (CWOSSA) were both first in their respective pools, and continued the success into the championship game. In a well-played final and in front of a full house, Forest Heights beat out Grand River three sets to one to claim this year’s championship title. Congratulations to Forest Heights team members Khira Adams, Marisa Mota, Sara Potter, Kimberly Anderson, Tegan Sauer, Hannah Poole, Darian Gropp, Mackenzie Ainlay, Blair McNaughton, Jerica Raymond, Rachel Maidment, Cassidy Wettlaufer, Lexi Rosen, coached by Paul Pavan, Lynn Vicic, Trish Gawlik and Justin Collins. This year’s Girls’ AAA Volleyball Leadership in School Sport Award was given to Fiona MacGregor from

Waterloo Oxford (CWOSSA). Fiona has coached for more than 26 years in various sports including volleyball, badminton, lacrosse, rugby, and soccer. She has instructed at OFSAA conferences for more than 10 years, acted as league convenor, OFSAA Rep, and helped to develop curriculum. Her passion for sport is contagious and she ensures a fun time is had by all. The recipient of the Girls’ AAAA Volleyball Leadership in School Sport Award was presented to Kelvin Hui of Forest Heights CI in Kitchener (CWOSSA). Kelvin has been a teacher-coach for more than 25 years, coaching girls' and boys' teams as well as convening OFSAA championships. He has also been a badminton coach for many years, running numerous high school tournaments. Continued on the next page.


OFSAA Girls’ AAA & AAAA Volleyball Kitchener

March 6 - 7, 2012

Kelvin's approach to coaching is positive and encouraging, which allows for both individual and team success. Thank you Fiona and Kelvin for the many years of leadership and service. The Team Sportsmanship Awards were presented to Galt

C&VI (CWOSSA) for Girls’ AAA Volleyball and Cardinal Newman CSS (GHAC) from for Girls’ AAAA Volleyball. Both teams demonstrated positive and respectful attitudes to towards their teammates, competitors, officials and volunteers throughout the championship.

AAA Results


Pool A Oakridge SS Jacob Hespeler SS Ecole secondaire De La Salle Lindsay CVI Bradford DHS


Pool C É.S.P. Louis Riel Havergal College Malvem CI Galt CVI Fellowes HS


Pool B Belle River DHS Assumpton HS Lockerby CS Dr. G.W. Williams SS Father Redmond CSS


Pool D Henry Street HS Waterdown DHS Iona CSS Notre-Dame CSS Sandwich DSS


Championship Semi Finals Waterdown def. Jacob Hespeler Assumption def. Malvern

21-25, 25-15, 16-14 25-21, 25-23

Bronze Medal Game Jacob Hespeler def. Malvern

25-18, 25-19

Gold Medal Game Assumption def. Waterdown

25-13, 27-25, 25-19

Consolation Final Henry Street def. Havergal

22-25, 25-21, 15-13

Championship Quarter Finals Assumption def. Oakridge Malvern def. Notre Dame Waterdown def. Louis Riel Jacob Hespeler def. Lockerby

28-26, 25-21 25-21, 25-23 25-17, 25-21 24-26, 25-23, 15-8

Pool A Dunbarton HS Grand River CI Westmount SS Nantyr Shores SS

AAAA Results Pool C LOSSA Forest Heights CI CWOSSA Bishop Allen Academy SOSSA Notre Dame HS GBSSA Cardinal Newman CSS

Pool B Aurora HS Holy Trinity SS Saunders SS Glebe CI


Consolation Final Westmount def. DA Wilson

25-23, 25-23

Championship Quarter Finals Forest Heights def. Oliver Mowat Grand River def. Holy Trinity Dunbarton def. Aurora PE Trudeau def. Bishop Allen

30-28, 25-23 25-9, 22-25, 15-8 25-23, 25-18 25-19, 25-22



Pool D D.A. Wilson SS Sir Oliver Mowat CI P.E. Trudeau HS St. Josephs HS


Championship Semi Finals Forest Heights def. Dunbarton Grand River def. PE Trudeau

25-21, 25-18 25-14, 19-25, 15-11

Bronze Medal Game PE Trudeau def. Dunbarton

25-21, 16-25, 15-7

Gold Medal Game Forest Heights def. Grand River 25-20, 22-25, 25-22, 25-18

Championship Results

OFSAA Wrestling Peterborough

March 5 - 7, 2012

The historic Peterborough Memorial Gardens was the location for this year's OFSAA Wrestling Championship, and more than 800 of the best high school wrestlers assembled ready to compete. There were many exciting and intense matches leading up to the medal matches, and as always at wrestling, sportsmanship was shown in both victory and defeat. Roger Jenkins from Crestwood SS (COSSA) and his committee had been preparing for two years for this event. Their preparation, organization and hard work paid off, resulting in a well-run and exciting championship. Thank you to everyone involved. Murray Fischer from Campbellford District and Jeff Kawzenuk of East Northumberland were both presented with the OFSAA Leadership in School Sport Award. Both of these gentlemen have not only coached hundreds of

student wrestlers, but have also mentored many coaches in COSSA. A number of their athletes are now coaching the next generation of wrestlers. Thank you for your great contribution to high school athletics!

Boys' Individual Results 38 kg 1. Youssef Clayb 2. Ahmad Clayb 3. Kevin Vuong 4. Riley Mackenzie 5. Chance Wise 6. Chris Young

Vincent Massey SS Vincent Massey SS Heart Lake SS Centre Wellington DHS Bishop Ryan CSS Lester B Pearson CHS

41 kg 1. Phillip Le 2.Jamal Heney 3. Marcio DeOliveria 4. Cody Deadman 5. Jeff Dolderman 6. Gavin Reid

WL Mackenzie CI West Hill CI Hagersville SS Sinclair SS Guelph CVI Ernestown SS

44 kg 1. Andres Chicas WL Mackenzie CI 2. Jordan Raghunandan Woburn CI 3. Kyle Hill Essex DHS 4. Ryan Lanktree Turner Fenton SS 5. Steven Chambers Heart Lake SS 6. Sheldon MacDonald Stratford Northwestern SS 47.5 kg 1. Oren Furmanov 2. Bart Duncan 3. Aaron McMillian 4. Binaebi Orturo 5. Connor Mitchinson 6. Rob Smith

Humberview SS Orillia DCVI St. Clair SS St. Jean de Brebeuf CSS Meadowvale SS Sarnia Northern CI&VS

51 kg 1. Sam Jagas 2. Torin MacFadyen 3. Mario Tran 4. Matt Sheen 5. Brady Laamanen 6. Chris Waltner

St. David CSS St. Paul HS Central Elgin CI Abbey Park HS St. Ignatius HS Holy Cross CSS

54 kg 1. Alex Moher St Mary's HS 2. David Vallecampo Turner Fenton SS

3. 4. 5. 6.

Brian Cowan Mitch Winchester Nav Wirach Andrew Sinclair SS

Lord Dorchester SS St. David CSS Erindale SS Hagersville SS

57.5 kg 1. Adam MacFadyen St Paul HS 2. Dylan Williams Pickering HS 3. Ahmed Shamiya Robert Bateman HS 4. Nathan Braul Beamsville DSS 5. Alec McNeil Newtonbrook SS 6. Brandon Vallee-Ross Mother Teresa CSS 61 kg 1. Matt Jagas 2. Alex Porasz 3. Brayden Ambo 4. David Nissenbaum 5. Chance Mutuku 6. Josh Leutshaft

St. David CSS Newtonbrook SS Glendale HS WL Mackenzie CI St David CSS Dryden HS

64 kg 1. Tyler Menei 2. Tyler Mathieson 3. Zack Morris 4. Juan Burgess 5. Hasan Hawilo 6. Jake Cartman

St. Ignatius HS Cayuga SS Stamford Collegiate SS Pickering HS Vincent Massey SS Renfrew CI

67.5 kg 1. Jevon Balfour 2. Andrew McKenzie 3. Colin Price 4. Matt Hossack 5. Richard Powless 6. Blaise Quenneville

Heart Lake SS Holy Names HS É.S.C. Thériault Port Perry HS Clarke Road SS É.S. L'Essor

72 kg 1. Ben Bradford 2. Dan Cavers 3. Will Rounthwaite 4. Raj Gill 5. Ashpreet Gill

Governor Simcoe SS Lindsay CVI London Central SS Barrie Central CI Lincoln Alexander SS

6. Aaron Harbor

General Amherst DHS

77 kg 1. Jake Miller Innisdale SS 2. Ingmar Salvador-Guzman Mother Teresa CSS 3. Jake Withers Thomas A Stewart SS 4. Ignatius Pitt Pickering HS 5. Tyler Ashurst Regiopolis ND CHS 6. Kenneth Kaczkowski St. Michael CHS 83 kg 1. Jacob Luczack 2. Ruslan Bollaev 3. Paul Kaija 4. Alex Low 5. Justin Brown 6. Ronald Bingham

St. Patrick HS Newtonbrook SS Sarnia Northern CIVS H.B. Beal SS Louise Arbour SS Westgate CVI

89 kg 1. Josh Kim 2. Billy George 3. Ryan Murphy 4. Ben Webster 5. Brad Karn 6. Matt Rowe

East York CI HB Beal SS Grand River CI Lindsay CVI Centre Wellington DHS U. of Toronto Schools

95 kg 1. Kaelyn Coghill Walkerton DSS 2. Pawanpreet Sekhon Louise Arbour SS 3. Serge Pellerin Franco-Cite HS 4. Kyle Bonk Catholic Central HS 5. Brodie Birkoff Crestwood SS 6. Nick Jones Governor Simcoe SS Unlimited kg 1. Tyler Tate-Austin 2. Chris Grondin 3. Emin Spahic 4. Mitchell Elliott 5. Riley Murphy

Fletcher's Meadow SS General Amherst DHS Guelph CVI Thomas A Stewart SS St. Joseph's HS

Girls results on next page.


Championship Results Girls' Individual Results 41 kg 1. Natassya Lu 2. Tannish Asquith 3. Sydney Hawkins 4. Augusta Eve 5. Fiona Cabral 6. Rachel Reid

Turner Fenton SS Hagersville SS Riverside SS Hillcrest HS St. Francis Xavier SS Turner Fenton SS

44 kg 1. Emily Schaefer 2. Tina Chakalall 3. Jade Dufour 4. Brooklyn Davis 5. Hannah Remillard 6. Lori Policarpio

Sarnia Northern CIVS Turner Fenton SS É.S. L'Essor Crestwood SS St. Mary's HS Turner Fenton SS

47.5 kg 1. Genie Gokman 2. Siobhan Smith 3. Kaitlyn Kucharski 4. Monica Wood 5. Kristen Bolivar 6. Fraser Nikki

W.L. Mackenzie CI Sarnia Northern CIVS É.S. L'Essor Bishop Ryan CSS Sinclair SS Georgetown DHS

51 kg 1. Tia MacDonald 2. Victoria Day 3. Castille Barry 4. Taylor Cartwright 5. Amy Pond 6. Sarah Remillard

Cameron Heights CI Lockerby CS London Central SS Barrie Central CI Georgetown DHS St Mary's HS

54 kg 1. Jessica Brouillette 2. Alexa Momy 3. Kaitlyn Donnison 4. Alison Carrow 5. Alyssa Medeiros 6. Lydia Congdon

Barrie Central CI É.S.C. Thériault É.S. L`Essor Turner Fenton SS Catholic Central HS Essex DHS

57.5 kg 1. Indira Moores

Lo-Ellen Park SS

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Theresa El Lati Kayla Bonneau Meaghan Kingsbury Nicole Hare Krystal Adair

CC Samuel-Genest É.S. L'Essor Park Street CI Our Lady of Lourdes CHS St Clair SS

61 kg 1. Braxton Papadoupulos Pickering HS 2. Nicole Roach Orillia DCVI 3. Emily Kessler Essex DHS 4. Joanna Styles Centre Dufferin DHS 5. Emma Horner Central Algoma SS 6. Clair Johnson Sir Winston Churchill SS 64 kg 1. Monika Burgess 2. Sarah Collins 3. Jessica Ilten 4. Kira White 5. Alicia Rowlands 6. Emily Belchos

Forest Heights CI Beamsville DSS Port Perry HS Westgate CVI Central Elgin CI Barrie Central CI

67.5 kg 1. Kerri Malcolm Georgetown DHS 2. Riley Parat Port Credit SS 3. Allesandra Blanco Pickering HS 4. Rebecca Mathewson Orangeville DSS 5. Mackenzie Gosse Central Elgin CI 6. Lily Coneybeare Haliburton Highlands SS 72 kg 1. Gracelynn Doogan 2. Michelle Raininger 3. Kate Coppin 4. Ainsley McPhail 5. Darrion Sterling 6. Alana Paguette

ÉcoleVillaFrancaisedesJeunes Pickering HS Innisdale SS St Mary's HS Montcalm SS St Patrick’s HS

77 kg 1.Katelyn Shields Holy Trinity CSS 2. Kyla Litmola Turner Fenton SS 3. Tiffani Rorras St Francis Xavier SS 4. Michelle Szilegyi Crestwood SS 5. Agatha Bartoszewicz Guelph CVI 6. Kristoffer Hall Newtonbrook SS 83 kg 1. Colleen Armstrong 2. Michelle McDonald 3. Grace Bannerman 4. Brittany Whiting 5. Mandy Toupe 6. Lindsay Kemp

Pauline Johnson CVS St Ignatius HS Sir Winston Churchill SS Trenton HS Cobourg CDI West Crestwood SS

Unlimited 1. Chelsea Brathwaite 2. Kameisha Marsden 3. Kayann Henry 4. Shannon Carr 5. Paula Carl 6. Kylia Mulvee

Heart Lake SS Holy Cross CSS Ascension of Our Lord SS O'Neill CVI Crestwood SS St Ignatius HS

Team Results Boys' 1. WL Mackenzie CI 2. St David CSS 3. Newtonbrook SS 4. Vincent Massey SS 5. Heart Lake SS 6. Pickering HS




108 105 87 82 75 69

Girls' 1. Turner Fenton SS 2. É.S. L'Essor 3. Pickering HS 4. Georgetown DHS 5. Crestwood SS 6. Sarnia Northern C&VI


139 93 86 76 4 66

Overall 1. Turner Fenton SS 2. Pickering HS 3. WL Mackenzie CI 4. Heart Lake SS 5. Newtonbrook SS 6. É.S. L'Essor


190 155 154 125 114 113

OFSAA Committees and Chairs Coaching Future Directions Transfers Constitutional Review Gender Equity Co-chair Classifications Championship Review Sanctions Alpine Skiing Badminton Co-chair Baseball Basketball - Boys Basketball - Girls Cross Country Running Co-chair Curling Field Hockey Boys' Field Lacrosse Football Golf - Girls’ Golf - Boys’ Gymnastics Hockey - Boys Co-chair Hockey - Girls Nordic Skiing Rugby - Boys Rugby - Girls Soccer Co-chair Snowboard Racing Swimming Tennis Track & Field Volleyball Co-chair Wrestling

Sue Thompson Jim Woolley Jim Woolley Bonnie Glover Clem Contreras, Bishop Allen Elaine Birta, Vaughan SS Terry O’Rourke Helen Downey, Bishop Tonnos CHS Brian Poste, North Hastings DHS Kevin Gosselin, Jean Vanier CHS David Meijer, Cameron Heights CI Michelle Whitney, East Northumberland SS Paul Solarski, Brebeuf College Suche James, Frontenac SS Erin Gray, Aurora HS Michael Smith, Highlands SS Suche James, Frontenac SS Yvonne Nieuwenhuis Sir Robert Borden HS Sharon Creelman, Appleby College Alex Frescura, St. Michael's College Barry Rushon, White Pine CVI TBD Bob Di Francesco, St. Mary's Melissa O'Donnell Steve Stanlick, St. Peter’s John Lyttle, Sir Oliver Mowat Ashley Stephenson, Nelson HS Sian Leyson-Doughty, Mayfield SS Paul Pendakis, Saltfleet HS Ryan Clancy, St. Anne's CHS Heather Windrem, Widdifield SS Tony Fiorino Krista Petrie-Wallace, Almonte DHS Kevin Wong, Bishop P.F. Reding SS Michael Robinson, Lakeshore CHS Chris Deighan, Cardinal Carter Helen Thomson, St. Michael CSS Brian Leidl, Chatham Kent SS Randy Budner, St. Patrick HS

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