Circle Magazine Fall 2010

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B elmont faculty, staff and students—including the Volleyball team—volunteered this August to help more than 1,000 new students move into their campus homes.

first look

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From the President In December, Belmont University’s employment practices became the subject of media and community attention. Like any responsible organization, Belmont does not comment on individual personnel matters. What I can say is that as a Christian university, Belmont has been and will continue to be a safe and welcoming place for everyone. The Belmont family, like any large family, is comprised of a rich and diverse mix of people. Within our student community there are many gay and lesbian students, faculty and staff. Sexual orientation is not considered in making hiring, promotion, salary, or dismissal decisions at Belmont. Sexual orientation is also not a consideration in admissions. I am committed to working with faculty, students, alumni, board members and the community-at-large to dialogue about our policies and practices to ensure that our actions are consistent with our values. As together we end one year and begin another, I think it’s important to focus on those values and how they were expressed on campus this semester. For example, what does it mean to “live a better story”? That’s a question our students were asked to ponder in September, thanks in part to a visit from best-selling author Donald Miller. You can read more about that specific challenge on page 4, but I think the question resonates with both this season in Belmont’s history and this issue of Circle magazine. Each day Belmont University aims to be “a student-centered Christian community providing an academically challenging education that empowers men and women of diverse backgrounds to engage and transform the world with disciplined intelligence, compassion, courage and faith.” In essence, our mission is to empower students to live a better story, to lead lives of purpose and transform their communities and the world. When I read through these pages, that mission comes to life in tangible ways. I see alumni like Gracie and Peter Rosenberger living a better story, allowing a tragic accident and subsequent surgeries to inspire a movement to provide prosthetics for amputees in Ghana. Then there are the Belmont SIFE students, who make a difference every day by applying their business acumen to issues of need at home and abroad. They do it so well in fact that they recently won third place at the SIFE World Cup international competition. Belmont’s Greek organizations provide some amazing stories of their own, dedicating efforts to philanthropic causes including delivering toys to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and raising money to dig wells for clean water in third world countries.

Credits University Administration President Bob Fisher Interim Provost Pat Raines Vice President for Presidential Affairs Susan West Vice President of Finance and Operations Steve Lasley Vice President for Administration and University Counsel Jason Rogers Vice President of University Advancement Bethel (Bo) Thomas, Jr. Vice President of Spiritual Development Todd Lake

Magazine Managing Editor April Hefner (M.A., ’07) Designers Glenda Dahlhauser April Maglothin (’03) Sara Spencer Josh Wilkerson University Photographer J. Michael Krouskop Contributing Photographers George Whiteside Women’s Basketball Contributing Writers Greg Sage Meg Tully (’11) Jennifer Wetzel (’02) Production and Distribution Coordinators April Maglothin Veronica Smith

Read ahead, and you’ll see more and more examples of how Belmont University is helping students embrace their talents and passions to the fullest, creating amazing stories for today and tomorrow. Circle magazine is published biannually for alumni and friends of Belmont University. Editorial content, graphic production, printing and distribution are coordinated by the Offices of Communications and Marketing. Address changes and alumni notes should be directed to the Office of Alumni Relations. Third-class bulk postage is paid at the U.S. Post Office, Nashville, TN.

Dr. Robert C. Fisher, President

Direct inquiries and comments regarding Circle magazine content to: Belmont University Office of Communications/Circle magazine 1900 Belmont Blvd., Nashville, TN 37212 (615) 460-6641 or Belmont University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer under all applicable civil rights laws.



circle magazine

Best-selling author Donald Miller joined President Fisher via Skype to hear the stories from students who participated in the ‘Living a Better Story’ challenge.


S tudents Marshell McCall and Linnsey Creamer learn how the body moves for their kinesiology and anatomy class.

Table of Contents 2 From the President

14 Being Belmont

4 Living a Better Story

16 Campus News

6 Watch Us Grow!

20 Community Involvement

8 Standing With Hope: Alumni on Mission

24 Achievers

10 College of Law Breaks Ground on Randall and Sadie Baskin Center

26 Athletics 28 Spiritual Development

12 Towering Traditions

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nationwide are being forced to cut budgets and resources, Belmont handed cold, hard cash to students at an event this fall, but with one condition: multiply the money and give it away.

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donations and took the money raised – nearly $600 to date – and donated it to victims of last May’s flood. In

Junior journalism major Kevin Heim used his $10 for stamps to mail donation letters to his family and friends. He matched the donations and was able to purchase 1,168 pounds of food for second Harvest Food Bank of Middle tennessee. Belmont staff member Kristy Collins took her $20 and bought ingredients to make cupcakes. she sold them and collected more than $400. through the samaritan’s Purse catalog, her $20 and a day of baking cupcakes provided two goats, 1,000 fish, 60 fruit trees and three dozen chicks to impoverished areas.


With the help of an anonymous donor, over $9,000 was distributed to a surprised audience at a convocation event in september which kicked off “Living a Better story,” a new initiative to teach students about giving.

the project was introduced by donald Miller, author of New York Times bestseller, Blue Like Jazz. Miller addressed students at the event and talked of how to write a better story for your life, a theme woven throughout his latest book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. in an effort to educate students on the importance of giving, Belmont challenged upper $ classmen to live a better story by making a difference in the lives of others. those who attended the convocation received a packet with a $5, $10 or $20 bill. students who took a packet were instructed to use the $ following 21 days to determine how to multiply the amount and do something meaningful with it.



the experience has been described as “life changing” by numerous participants who found creative ways to increase the amount given to them. students blogged about their experiences and reconvened at an event to share their stories three weeks after the launch. Miller again joined Belmont, this time via skype, to hear how participating students multiplied their money. Claire Hartford, a graduate student in the department of education, took her $5 and, combined with her own donation, purchased face paints. she spent the next few saturdays at a Nashville park painting faces for



the Living a Better story concept was first introduced at Brentwood United Methodist Church in Brentwood, tenn., when the church handed out over $25,000 to congregation members with the same challenge of multiplying it and giving it to someone in need. From this formed the Living a Better story Foundation which approached Belmont to be the first participating university in the project. Based on student response at Belmont, the foundation hopes to launch this program at additional schools across the country.




Meanwhile, the story at Belmont is just beginning. Beginning fall 2011, the Living a Better story program will be incorporated into Belmont’s General education curriculum during students’ sophomore year as a common intellectual and academic experience shared by every student in every program of study. n

To read more students’ Living a Better Story experiences, visit

fall 2010


Beautiful new buildings and an outstanding freshman class signal again that Belmont University is on the move.

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Fall 2010 found a record-breaking 5,936 students on Belmont’s campus as the university’s growth continues at a phenomenal rate for the tenth straight year. This year’s enrollment marks an increase of nine percent from last year and a rise of 99 percent since 2000 when the school enrolled 2,976 students.

Belmont President dr. Bob Fisher said, “Not only is this our largest enrollment to date, but our incoming class also represents our strongest student pool ever. this indicates to me that many of the country’s best students are discovering Belmont to be a truly unique place where their passions and talents can be developed to meet the world’s needs.” Belmont’s record-breaking enrollment news came on the heels of significant campus growth as the University also opened several new buildings this fall. On Aug. 21, Belmont celebrated the grand opening of the new 90,000 square foot McWhorter Hall, which houses the schools of Pharmacy and Physical therapy, as well as the department of Psychological science. McWhorter Hall was named in honor of Belmont t trustee emeritus Clayton McWhorter and his brother, the late pharmacist Fred McWhorter. Both men dedicated their careers to the healthcare field, making a difference in the lives of countless individuals and championing healthcare reform.

Clayton McWhorter said, “My brother Fred practiced pharmacy like it should be practiced and stayed true to his profession for more than 50 years, loving every minute of it. i believe he would be honored to have this building bear the McWhorter name, but i’m even more hopeful that the student pharmacists and other health care specialists learning within these walls will look to my brother as a premier model of their profession.” this semester the university also opened two residence halls which collectively provide an additional 103,000 square feet of residence space for more than 400 Belmont freshmen. Adjoined by a central lobby, one hall is being named Patton Hall, in honor of longtime trustee Carolyn Patton, while the other residence will t be called Bear House, reflecting the site of a bear house that was located on Adelicia Acklen’s original property. in addition to offering more housing space, Patton Hall and Bear House provide a unique living-learning community lifestyle by placing first-year students in the heart of campus. n

fall 2010


Alumni Gracie and Peter Rosenberger share with students how God redeems tragedy.




Photo Courtesy of Standing With Hope

Photo Courtesy of Standing With Hope


this fall Belmont welcomed back school of Music alumni Gracie and Peter rosenberger for the inaugural “Alumni on r Mission” event, sponsored by the Office of Alumni r relations. Alumni on Mission is a new series featuring Belmont alumni who incorporate mission and ministry into their everyday lives.

multiple compound fractures, massive blood loss requiring 23 blood transfusions, and infections. e eventually, both legs were amputated below the knee. However, relinquishing Gracie’s legs became the family’s springboard to a ministry to other amputees. drawing upon her own experiences with quality prosthetic limbs, Gracie intends, through standing with Hope, to equip and train local technicians in developing countries to fabricate and maintain limbs for their own people.

emerging from a catastrophic car wreck resulting in more than 70 operations, including the amputation of both legs, Gracie—along with her husband Peter and sons Parker and Grayson—founded nonprofit organization standing With Hope ( in order to provide artificial limbs to amputees in developing countries... all as an evangelical Christian outreach. the couple also recently released a new book chronicling their story, Gracie, Standing with Hope.

Gracie recalled, “the next time i came to campus my life was irrevocably changed.”

On Nov. 18, 1983, Gracie left campus in the evening to travel from Belmont, where she was in the first semester of her freshman year, to Little r rock, ock, Ark., to meet a friend.

the extensive trauma Gracie experienced from the accident that occurred 90 miles from Nashville included multiple breaks in every bone from her waist down,

“it takes a lot more guts to believe in a good and loving God when you’re doing it wearing artificial, metal legs,” Gracie told the students gathered in the Maddox Grand Atrium, as she described her loss as a beacon of God’s redemption. “i’m so grateful that i’ve been allowed the opportunity to see the part of God that redeems horrible things. if God can make sense out of this, then He can do it for you. He’s big enough.” n fall 2010


College of Law breaks ground on

Randall and Sadie Baskin Center

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“Opening this College of Law represents a tremendous step for Belmont University, and I’m so proud this building will bear the name of such extraordinary people.” - President Fisher

When the new Belmont Law students hit campus in August 2011, they’ll get to watch first-hand as their new academic home takes shape. this October Belmont broke ground on the randall and sadie Baskin Center, a 71,000 square foot facility which will house the new College of Law. scheduled to open in 2012, the Baskin Center will contain more than a dozen classrooms, a 21st Century trial courtroom, an appellate courtroom, a two-story law library and a five-level underground parking garage accommodating more than 500 parking spaces. total cost for the project is estimated at $32 million.

randall Baskin, the founder/former owner of Continental Life insurance Co., has served on Belmont’s Board of trustees for 19 years. Known throughout Middle tennessee for their significant philanthropy, the Baskins are providing a $7 million leadership gift for the College of Law’s new building. the Baskins already endow a major scholarship fund at Belmont which currently supports five students. to date more than 100 students have benefited from the scholarship since it was established in 1983. Belmont University President dr. Bob Fisher said, “randall Baskin built his company the old-fashioned way, through remarkable hard work and dedication. Now, he and sadie are investing their resources in the people and projects that will shape the future and impact our world, providing an exceptional example of what it means to give back. Opening this College of Law represents a tremendous step for Belmont University, and i’m so proud this building will bear the name of such extraordinary people.” randall Baskin said, “i’ve been a part of the Belmont family for a long time, watching this university grow and change at an exponential rate. throughout my time on the Board, the university’s focus on its Christian mission has remained paramount. sadie and i take great joy in supporting those efforts. We believe this law school can provide many dedicated students a chance to not only build better lives for themselves, but to also impact their community for years to come.” Belmont’s College of Law will be the first new law school in Middle tennessee in nearly a century. the College will begin classes in fall 2011, and when at full capacity, it will enroll approximately 360 students. Jeff Kinsler, the founding dean of Belmont’s College of Law, said, “this state-of-the-art building will be the perfect venue for our first-rate students, faculty and staff. We designed the building for student-centered instruction; it is ideal for preparing professional, practice-ready attorneys for today’s global legal market.” n

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traditions By Meg Tully (’11) ’ ’11)

Belmont’s historic Bell Tower undergoes restoration. Belmont’s signature Bell t tower, captured in the university logo, represents the foundation of the university. Located in the heart of campus, it is a central image for defining the university, a gathering place for key events, including the “towering t towering traditions” freshman orientation program, t and a representation of both Belmont’s history and future. t to preserve this Belmont landmark, the Bell t tower underwent a restoration over the summer, fighting off the effects of age and weather. the project cost roughly $400,000, received entirely from gifts made to the Bell t tower campaign. As of November, the university had received more than 1,100 gifts from nearly 1,000 donors for a total $404,600. Completion of the preservation work this summer was made possible through gifts large and small from all sectors of the Belmont community. special gratitude goes to trustee and class of ’55 alumna Helen Jarrett Kennedy, longtime friend Virginia Frances Potter, and trustee and class of ’56 alumnus drew r. Maddux, sr., who provided the leadership gifts necessary to complete the project. “the t tower was here long before we came to Belmont, and it will be here long after we are gone,” Kennedy said. “it is a symbol of everlasting strength and represents grandeur in every way. We have an obligation to take

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care of the t tower because it is not only a historic monument for Belmont University, but also for Nashville and the south.” All donors were honored with their names on a plaque in the Bell t tower’s first floor chapel, which was unveiled at a Bell tower t celebration in October. that same day, 102 people attended the annual WardBelmont alumnae reunion luncheon in the Belmont Mansion on campus before joining the t tower celebration. r republic Construction, which specializes in historical preservation, oversaw the restoration process. the company has also worked on the r ryman Auditorium, the Hermitage, the tennessee t state Capitol and the Belmont Mansion. restoration r work included replacing windows and window frames, ironwork, stabilization and tuck-pointing. the Belmont Mansion and Bell tower t were built from 1850-1853 as a summer residence for Joseph Acklen and his wife Adelicia Hayes Franklin. the Bell tower t originally served as a water tower for the gardens and household needs and was converted to a bell tower in the early 20th century. the Office of development (615-460-6001) is currently raising an additional $100,000 as an endowment fund to support future t tower maintenance. n

“It is a symbol of everlasting strength and represents grandeur in every way.” – Helen Jarrett Kennedy (’55)

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M ore than 400 student performers and the Nashville Children’s Choir presented the annual holiday production of “Christmas at Belmont” Dec. 4-5 in the Massey Performing Arts Center.


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McWhorter Hall Boasts ‘Green Roof,’ Wins Award Belmont’s newly opened McWhorter Hall recently won a Citation of Excellence Award in the Learning By Design competition, one of only 11 such awards in the nation among colleges and universities. The building was “deemed the very best by [a] nationally recognized panel of architects and educational facility specialists.” One of the many features that make McWhorter Hall so special is the structure’s “green roof.” Surrounding the rooftop cupola are native Tennessee plants comprising the extensive green roof that reduces the urban “heat island effect,” thereby reducing heating/cooling costs. McWhorter Hall represents the only large extensive green roof on an educational facility in Nashville.


circle magazine

The green roof is only one aspect of the new structure’s environmentally sustainable initiatives. In addition, the four-level underground parking garage reduces the structural footprint, saving four acres of land that would have been lost to surface parking. McWhorter Hall’s total footprint, including the garage, is less than an acre. Another significant “green” feature is the 20,000 gallon water storage tank, which has the ability to capture excess ground and storm water that would otherwise be pumped into the storm system. The collected water is recycled and used to irrigate the campus. n



C harles Robinson

Miller Leads Belmont’s ‘Dialogues with America’s First Peoples’

Belmont Goes Tobacco Free August 2011 This fall Belmont University announced that a tobacco-free campus policy will be introduced August 15, 2011 in an endeavor to provide the healthiest possible environment for students, faculty, staff and guests. An email sent to the entire campus noted, “We believe that it is our responsibility to actively engage our students in transforming their world and being leaders of change. Accepting responsibility for improving our environment begins on our campus. Knowing the detrimental effects of tobacco use, we believe that we can no longer support its use on campus.” With the new tobacco free policy, no tobacco use of any kind will be permitted on university property. To help current smokers quit, Belmont’s Health Services will offer individual consultations to create a four-month personalized smoking cessation program. In addition, a peer counseling program will be initiated, and Belmont’s Pharmacy Care Center will offer a discount on smoking cessation products. n

Grammy-winning artist Bill Miller led a number of lectures on campus in October as part of Belmont’s first series on “Living the Circle: Dialogues with America’s First Peoples.” In one convocation, Miller, a Native American musician, discussed the relationship between faith and the arts with a standing-room only crowd in Neely Hall. Miller urged the audience to merge faith and their arts, noting that anything can be an art—including love, communication and leadership. Miller concluded his lecture by outlining his own 12 feathers of healing, including seeking and believing in divine revelation, abandoning all things to God, knowing the cost of spiritual freedom, accepting the blessings of others and Miller’s personal favorite, blessing others with all God has given you. Other symposium events included art, music and dance workshops, a spirituality panel and a closing concert headlined by Miller. n

Belmont Appoints Dr. Thomas Burns to Provost Following an extensive nationwide search, Belmont University announced in early November that Dr. Thomas Burns, current associate provost at Millersville University of Pennsylvania, is being named Provost. Dr. Pat Raines, Belmont’s interim provost and dean of the College of Business Administration, will continue to serve as provost until Burns’ term begins January 1, 2011. In the role of provost, Burns will act as the university’s chief academic officer. Belmont President Dr. Bob Fisher said, “The provost position has been one of the key factors in Belmont’s success. I have no doubt that in this role Thomas Burns will continue to create one of the most amazing stories in higher education.” Burns graduated cum laude with a B.S. in Chemistry from Dickinson College in 1991, and completed his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Vanderbilt University in 1998. Prior to Millersville, Burns taught at Florida Southern College and then served as the Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs for the Yale University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Burns said, “My wife and I are both very excited to move our family to Nashville to join the fantastic community at Belmont. It is a rare privilege to be able to join such a strong student-centered institution and to become part of an overwhelmingly positive, supportive academic community like Belmont.” n

Belmont Launches Bike Share Program Belmont University recently launched the Belmont Bike Share Program – Belmont Bikes – as the latest campus-wide initiative to reduce the university’s carbon footprint. With the help of Halcyon Bike Shop, owned by a Belmont alumnus, the University has refurbished 10 bicycles which are now available for daily rentals to students, faculty and staff at no cost. The entire bike share program was researched and written by recent Belmont graduate Anna Higginbotham, a non-traditional adult student who pursued this project for an eco-justice class. She said, “My hope is that the Belmont Bikes program will encourage riders to experience Belmont University and Nashville in a new way and to see the benefits of environmental stewardship while having fun and being active.” n

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Belmont Hosts ‘Extreme Makeover: Home Edition’ Pep Rally Belmont University hosted the kick-off pep rally for an “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” build in Nashville. The popular ABC program partnered with Nashville’s LP Building Products and Hardaway Construction Corp. to rebuild Lighthouse Preschool, which was completely demolished during the historic flooding in May. At the pre-build pep rally in Belmont’s Curb Event Center, Nashville Mayor Karl Dean addressed the crowd, encouraging Nashvillians to volunteer for the project. Local radio personalities Woody and Jim from WRVW The River emceed the event, and cheerleaders from Belmont, the Tennessee Titans and the Nashville Predators were present. Numerous Belmont students, faculty and staff volunteered during the week-long build, and the “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” episode aired nationally on ABC Nov. 14. n

Renovations Begin on Rose Park Belmont has been working with Nashville’s Metro Board of Parks and Recreation to provide $8 million worth of enhancements to nearby E.S. Rose Park which would also allow the university to lease space for athletics. The enhancements will provide new resources for the Edgehill community and Belmont student-athletes including accessible walking trails and NCAA quality softball, baseball, track and soccer fields. This renovated park will not only strengthen the athletic programs at Belmont, but it will broaden and deepen Belmont’s mission of service and level of friendship with neighbors. The Metro Parks Board will maintain the exclusive authority to schedule the use of the park and will remain the sole owner of the park and its improvements. Construction is anticipated to be complete in February 2011. n


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Belmont Opens New Health Services and Pharmacy Care Center Belmont’s expanded Health Services and brand new Pharmacy Care Center opened their doors in McWhorter Hall this fall. The licensed, state-of-the-art Pharmacy Care Center provides services to students, faculty and staff while also serving as a training site for student pharmacists. In addition to traditional prescription filling services, the pharmacy offers many healthcare items found in retail pharmacies and also provides various pharmacist consultation, education and wellness programs. The pharmacy shares a waiting room with Health Services, which moved into the new building from its former location in the Gabhart Student Center. The new Health Services location allows for a significant expansion in space, from two exam rooms to five, and expanded hours throughout the year. n


J airo Prado

Arts Grant Funds Community Mural Dr. Paulo Boero, assistant professor of Spanish, recently received a $3,400 grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission. The award, titled “The Art of Jairo Prado: Inventing Communities and Creating Identities,” funded a community mural designed by Colombian-born artist Jairo Prado, Belmont students and community members. The mural, which followed the theme of Belmont’s 2010 Humanities Symposium, strived to give shape to the identity and community dynamics that emerge when immigrant and native cultures come across one another, forcing each other to revisit their identities and to create new ways of imagining themselves in the Middle Tennessee community they now constitute together. The four-panel, portable mural was displayed at various prominent locations during the symposium, sometimes as a backdrop for keynote speakers. In addition, Prado gave a lecture and visual media presentation this fall as part of his own on campus art exhibition. n

Margaret Atwood Presents at Humanities Symposium

Before long, Belmont’s classical vocalists and ensembles will have a new, large concert venue suitable for their performances. Belmont announced in August that a lead gift has been secured for the anticipated $7 million renovation of the main sanctuary of university-owned Belmont Heights Baptist Church. The congregation of Belmont Heights Baptist Church will continue to be able to worship in the renovated sanctuary and will enjoy the benefits of the much-improved acoustics. The McAfee family, which has supported Belmont University for years, is providing the “lead gift challenge” for the renovation project. Carolyn McAfee said, “Belmont’s School of Music has earned national recognition for the quality of its programs and the breadth of its vision. Our family is proud to kick off the fundraising efforts for this new Concert Hall, which will match those high standards with a performance space suitable to the talent these programs attract.” n

Photo by George Whiteside

Belmont Announces New Concert Hall

Belmont’s ninth annual Humanities Symposium featured a reading and keynote lecture from Booker Prize-winning author Margaret Atwood. Centered on the theme “Giving Shape to Airy Nothings: Inventing Communities, Creating Identities,” more than 30 academic lectures and special events were held during the eight-day symposium.

“We are so honored to have a writer of Mrs. Atwood’s caliber,” said Sue Trout, professor of English at Belmont and an organizer of the 2010 symposium. “The symposium is a way to shine a light on the School of Humanities, what we value, and what we have to offer. We believe that the humanities is at the heart of Belmont’s mission and its desire to make students more sensitive, more responsible and more open-minded and well-rounded human beings." n

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Community Involvement

Students, Faculty and Staff Participate in Hands On Nashville Day Nearly 30 Belmont students, faculty, staff and spouses (most from the College of Arts and Sciences) volunteered their time to beautify nearby Overton High School as part of Hands On Nashville Day, the largest fundraising event for Hands On Nashville. The group spent the morning spreading mulch and trimming bushes as well as painting hallways, doorframes, window frames and doors. n

Jackson Day Celebration Held at Belmont Vice President Joe Biden gave the keynote speech at this year’s Jackson Day Celebration at Belmont’s Curb Event Center. Jackson Day is an annual event held by the Tennessee Democratic Party honoring President Andrew Jackson, the founder of the modern Democratic Party. Former Vice President and Tennessean Al Gore introduced Vice President Biden to the crowd. Tennessee’s outgoing term-limited governor Phil Bredesen was also honored with a video review of his eight years in office. n


circle magazine

Community Involvement

Occupational Therapy Students Reach Out to Nashville’s Homeless Operation Photo Rescue Sends Photo Restoration Team to Nashville Operation Photo Rescue (OPR), a global not-for-profit organization, gathered a team of volunteers at Belmont to digitally copy family photos damaged during the floods which devastated parts of middle Tennessee in May. The event was organized by Belmont Associate Professor of Sociology Dr. Andi Stepnick and University Ministries. Nashville residents with photos damaged during 2010 flooding were able to bring in up to 20 images to be restored free of charge. The images that could be repaired were digitally copied and later restored, printed and mailed back to the image owners at no cost. n

Students in Belmont’s Master of Science program in Occupational Therapy lent their time and expertise to Nashville’s Campus for Human Development and the Odyssey program. The Campus for Human Development was formed in 1995 by Room in the Inn and is the city’s only single site of services to the homeless, offering an array of assistance. The Odyssey program was designed to help chronically homeless individuals through a progression of basic steps that establish a stable and productive life. OT Professor Dr. Yvette Hachtel provides services, as needed, to program participants to help them increase their success in job situations, to acquire and maintain comfortable living situations and to develop new healthy habits. The OT students assess the needs of participants and then provide groups depending on the current need and level of the client. n

Women’s Basketball Team Volunteers with PKD Foundation Class of 2014 Serves Nashville Community More than 1,000 members of Belmont’s Class of 2014 received a formal send off from Nashville Mayor Karl Dean before they departed for the annual SERVE project prior to the start of the fall semester. An estimated 1,350 students participated in serving their new hometown at more at more than 30 sites across the city. An annual “Welcome Week” tradition for more than a decade, SERVE provides a perfect tie-in to Belmont’s ongoing commitment to engage students in their community and encourage the values of service on both a local and global level. This year’s freshman class served a number of local organizations including Feed the Children, YMCA, World Relief and Metro Beautification. n

In September, the Belmont women’s basketball team joined more than 300 Middle Tennesseans at the annual Walk for Polycystic Kidney Disease in Brentwood’s River Park. In addition to participating in the walk, the Bruins volunteered in the youth activity area, engaging the children with games and basketball drills. The team also signed autographs and posed for pictures with the youth in attendance. “It was a great experience to be there and hear the PKD Foundation Nashville Chapter announce that they had surpassed their goal of $40,000 that Saturday,” said Head Coach Brittney Ezell. “Again, our players were wonderful ambassadors for Belmont University through their giving spirits and their willingness to serve others in the community.” n

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Community Involvement

Belmont Presents Statewide Gubernatorial Debate Belmont partnered with WSMV-TV to present The 2010 Statewide Debate, a primary debate broadcasted live across Tennessee preceding the election of Tennessee’s next governor. The Curb Event Center, location of the 2008 Town Hall Presidential Debate, was again the site of a significant political event for the state of Tennessee. Jackson businessman Mike McWherter, U.S. Representative Zach Wamp, Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey and Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam all participated in the debate on July 12, just two days prior to early primary voting. The debate was a ratings and community service success, and landed as the No. 1 program in its time period and the most watched program in prime time that night according to The Nielsen Company. Belmont partnered with East Tennessee State University and the University of Memphis to enable debate watch parties on those campuses. Political science students from each of the universities gathered to view and discuss the debate. n

Neighbors, Students Partner to Promote Safe Use of Bike Lanes Belmont students and residents of the Belmont-Hillsboro neighborhood lined Belmont Boulevard to bring awareness – and hopefully a stop – to illegal passing in bike lanes. During morning and afternoon drive times on Oct. 25, dozens of students and community members stood with T-shirts and signs which spread the message “no passing” in bike lanes. Belmont cheerleaders, members of the university’s ONE (Our Natural Environment) Club and many others helped neighbors occupy each intersection to educate passersby on the importance of keeping the streets safe for all travelers – pedestrians, cyclists and automobiles. Additionally, members of Belmont’s recreation department held spin classes on the sidewalk in front of the Curb Event Center to symbolize “bikes are here to stay.” n

College of Law Joins Nashville Bar to Honor Nashville Sit-in Attorneys Belmont University’s College of Law served as the Event Sponsor for Law Day 2010. Presented by The Nashville Bar Association, Napier-Looby Bar Association and the Nashville Bar Foundation, this year’s Law Day celebration honored the local attorneys who defended the rights of the lunch counter sit-in demonstrators in Nashville courts in 1960. Nashville attorneys commemorated the 50th anniversary of the date on which Nashville’s lunch counters were officially desegregated and the dedication of local attorneys who, despite public criticism and opposition, assured that the protestors had access to the justice system. President Fisher made remarks and introduced Mayor Karl Dean at the Law Day luncheon in remembering these outstanding lawyers who fearlessly undertook representation of the civil rights protestors and the contribution that they made to assuring access to justice for everyone. n


circle magazine

Senator Holds Town Hall Meeting at Belmont U.S. Senator Bob Corker, R-Tenn., participated in a town hall meeting held on Belmont’s campus to address America’s debt crisis. The event, which was open to the public, was broadcast live on local talk radio station WTN. As part of the event Corker delivered a slide presentation on Washington’s spending trends and mounting debt levels and then responded to questions from the audience. Over the Senate’s August recess, Corker delivered the same presentation in 26 Tennessee counties. n

Community Involvement

Commerce Secretary Gary Locke Visits Belmont to Discuss Piracy U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke joined music industry representatives and Gov. Phil Bredesen, U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper and Mayor Karl Dean to discuss the Obama Administration’s commitment to global enforcement of laws against intellectual property piracy. In addition to the nearly 100 Belmont students in attendance, President Fisher welcomed more than 300 music industry leaders and special guests to the forum, noting, “The topic today is critical to our students’ future as 2,000 of our students are connected to music.” As “America’s Music City,” Nashville is an important hub in the U.S. music industry and has been deeply hurt by the recent rise in online intellectual property piracy. According to recent statistics, only one in 20 songs downloaded from the internet is done so legally. The Department of Commerce, supported by the expertise of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), serves as the chief advisor to President Obama on intellectual property issues. n

fall 2010 23



n Student-run business Buzzy’s Candy Store

Belmont’s Entrepreneurship Program Gains National Top 20 Ranking From over 2,000 schools surveyed by The Princeton Review for Entrepreneur magazine, Belmont University was recognized as having one of the top entrepreneurship programs in the country. Belmont ranked 18th in the undergraduate category of the survey, the only Tennessee program to be included. The eighth annual ranking reveals the nation’s top 25 undergraduate and top 25 graduate programs for entrepreneurship. Belmont’s ranking can be seen at Dr. Jeff Cornwall, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, said, “We need this generation of entrepreneurs to help us revitalize our economy and reignite the free market. n

Greeks Raise Money for Charity Philanthropy and service are at the heart of Belmont’s Greek system as shown this semester by a number of activities sponsored by campus fraternities and sororities. A perfect example came in October when the brothers of Alpha Tau Omega hosted their 17th annual “Disco is Dead?” event. The campus-wide ‘70s themed dance party played host to over 400 “groovy” guests, and the chapter was able to raise more than $1,200 for Blood:Water Mission, an organization with Nashville roots that provides clean water and helps fight HIV/AIDS all across Africa. In another example, the newest Phi Mu pledge class raised $1,300 for Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in less than one week, breaking the chapter record. Every year, the new pledges raise money to buy toys for hospital patients. The toys are used during physical therapy sessions to encourage the children to keep going and to help them feel more at home. The 38 new pledges delivered the toys to the hospital and were taken on a tour to see the impact the toys make. n


circle magazine

Belmont Races Into Top 5 in U.S. News Rankings At the release of last year’s U.S. News & World Report rankings of America’s Best Colleges, Belmont University President Dr. Bob Fisher said, “Seven is the perfect number—until we reach six!” This fall Belmont leapt right over position No. 6 to land at No. 5 in the Best Regional Universities—South category, the University’s highest placement in its history. Belmont was also honored for the third year in a row by fellow college administrators as a top “Up-and-Comer” for making “the most promising and innovating changes in the areas of academics, faculty, student life, campus or facilities.” Recognizing Belmont’s vision to be a “leader among teaching universities,” Belmont was ranked second in the South category for strong commitment to undergraduate teaching and for learning communities. n


Photo by Scott Indermaur


SIFE Takes Third Place in World Cup Competition Belmont represents U.S. in final round against Egypt, China, India Belmont University’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team took third place in the SIFE World Cup, an international competition in which Belmont SIFE represented the United States against the national champions from 39 other countries. (SIFE is an international non-profit organization that mobilizes students to make a difference in their communities while developing the skills to become socially responsible business leaders.) Dr. John Gonas, associate professor of finance and SIFE advisor at Belmont, said, “I’m so proud of these students... so many of the sponsor company leaders commented about their poise, passion and selfless commitment to their projects. I am very humbled and honored to have this opportunity to walk with them.” In addition to competing, the Belmont students had the chance to socialize with students from the other national champion teams at a Cultural Fair, as well as the opportunity to meet some of the world’s top business leaders. n

Photo by Scott Indermaur

Student, Alumnus Win Big at nashville Tech Council Awards Belmont senior Matt Lefavor and alumnus Nick Williams took top awards in their categories at the Nashville Technology Council 2010 Awards Ceremony, which drew 400 of the city’s leading technology professionals. Lefavor, the Information Technology Student of the Year, is a double major in Computer Science and Philosophy in the Belmont Honors Program and has presented undergraduate research in both fields. His most recent summer job was data mining at the Goddard Space Flight Center, preparing the next Mars Rover to find life on the Red Planet. Williams (’09), the Software Programmer/ Engineer of the year, was a double major in Computer Science and Audio Engineering Technology. He is currently a software developer at PureSafety, provider of risk management software to 35 percent of the Fortune 500 companies. Lefavor’s award marks the second year in a row that Belmont has claimed the IT Student of the Year. Like each of the 12 award winners, Lefavor and Williams took home beautiful new Epiphone guitars. n

fall 2010 25



Men’s Basketball Hosts and Wins Don Meyer Classic on ESPNU Belmont men’s basketball opened the season on a strong note, defeating Northern State 79-64 in the inaugural Don Meyer Classic, an exhibition contest that was broadcast nationally on ESPNU. The game honored former Northern State and Lipscomb head coach Don Meyer, who retired following the 2009-10 season with an all-time college basketball standard of 923 career victories. Meyer, whose courageous battle through a neardeath car accident and later cancer, inspired longtime friend and ESPN senior baseball writer to pen a just-released book, How Lucky You Can Be. Meyer was awarded the Jimmy V Award for Perseverance at the 2009 ESPY Awards, and during halftime of the Don Meyer Classic, both teams looked on as the coach was informed that he would be the next member of the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame. Having directed Lipscomb men’s basketball from 1975-99, Meyer and Belmont men’s basketball head coach Rick Byrd formed a lifelong friendship and mutual respect. “It is a privilege to be the host for the Don Meyer Classic,” Byrd said. “Don has influenced basketball more in the state of Tennessee than any coach I know.” n


circle magazine


T arr



Fourth Annual President’s Spirit Award Celebrates Women’s Soccer In honor of Belmont’s outstanding Athletic programs, University President Dr. Bob Fisher began a tradition four years ago to present The President’s Spirit Award to the student group or organization that showed the most spirit at a predetermined athletic event. In 2010, the Spirit Award competition was celebrated at a women’s soccer game against Campbell. Despite a strong effort on both sides of the ball, the 2009 Atlantic Sun Regular Season Co-Champion Bruins fell 1-0 in regulation.

With the season already well underway, plan to come out to the Curb Event Center in the next few months to see the Belmont Bruins in action in person. Below are the home games that remain for Belmont’s men’s and women’s basketball teams. Call 615-460-BALL for tickets.

ATO reclaimed the Spirit Award trophy which had been won in 2009 by students from the School of Pharmacy. The contest is based on several criteria, including level of participation, the visible support shown through decorations, signage, attire, creativity, and, of course, volume. n

Men’s Basketball Thurs., Dec. 30, 7 p.m.: Miami (Ohio) Sat., Jan. 8, 4:15 p.m.: North Florida Mon., Jan. 10, 7:15 p.m.: Jacksonville Thurs., Jan. 13, 7:30 p.m.: Lipscomb ( Sat., Jan. 15, 7:15 p.m.: Campbell Fri., Jan. 28, 6 p.m.: FGCU (CSS) Sun., Jan. 30, 2 p.m.: Stetson Thurs., Feb. 17, 7 p.m.: ETSU (Homecoming Week) Sat., Feb. 19, 7:15 p.m.: USC Upstate (Homecoming Week)

Athletics Launches New Website, Store Women’s Basketball Thurs., Dec. 30, 5 p.m.: Chattanooga Sat., Jan. 8, 2 p.m.: North Florida Mon., Jan. 10, 5 p.m.: Jacksonville Thurs., Jan. 13, 4:30 p.m.: Lipscomb Sat., Jan. 15, 5 p.m.: Campbell Sat., Jan. 29, 2 p.m.: Stetson Mon., Jan. 31, 6 p.m.: FGCU Sat., Feb. 19, 5 p.m.: USC Upstate (Homecoming Week) Mon., Feb. 21, 7 p.m.: ETSU

Belmont Athletics launched an all new this fall as well as a new online merchandise store. The enhanced version of belmontbruins. com sports numerous new features, including multimedia players on the site front page and all team pages. In addition, convenient “quick link” icons have been provided in the upper right corner of each page to provide Bruin fans easy access to popular areas, such as live Bruin Sports Network broadcasts, live stats, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Meanwhile, the online store features collectibles and a wide array of apparel options from popular brands, all of which are officially licensed collegiate products. Belmont Director of Athletics Mike Strickland said, “While fans keep up with our teams at, now they can order official Belmont Bruins’ gear at the same time.” n

fall 2010 27



Book Deliveries Aid Missions Work This fall, University Ministries in partnership with Residence Life and the Belmont Bookstore, delivered 717 book orders to students across campus. Each order—which can range from one book to seven or eight—can be delivered to any student in any room on campus. The Bookstore donates a portion of the delivery fee to University Ministries for their efforts, and that money is then used for mission trips later in the year. Micah Weedman, Belmont’s director of outreach, said, “We donate the labor to make that service happen, and the bookstore donates to help students afford missions opportunities. Plus, it’s just a great chance to get our student leaders together in preparing for incoming students to arrive on campus.” Money raised from this fall’s deliveries will make Spring Break immersion trips affordable for 12 Belmont students. This spring University Ministries will be ‘immersing’ students in a variety of different ministry opportunities in San Francisco, Haiti, Washington, D.C., Appalachia, West Virginia, Cumberland Island, Georgia and New York City. n

‘Boehm Boys’ Share Message of Mutual Respect A Nashville-based father and son joined Belmont in November for an important dialogue on how they have learned to love each other despite their differences in beliefs. Dr. Frank H. Boehm is a physician at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, an op-ed columnist and a long time leader in Nashville’s Jewish community. His son, Thomas L. Boehm, is the founder and executive director of Faith for ALL, a disability advocacy nonprofit helping faith communities open their doors and hearts to include people with disabilities. Thomas became a follower of Yeshua/Jesus as Israel’s Messiah in 1994 and has a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology and a Masters in Divinity. The Boehm Boys, as the two refer to themselves, recently began speaking to churches around a three-pronged mission: to deepen dialogue about Israel, to develop partnerships for Faith for All and to demonstrate a path for peace, the primary purpose of their Belmont visit. Thomas said, “We must be able to honor one another in the differences of our convictions. That has really governed our relationship.” n


circle magazine



Brian mclaren visits camPus for emerge University ministries hosted Belmont’s annual “emeRGe Spiritual emphasis Week” in September featuring Dr. Brian mclaren, a noted author, speaker, blogger and networker among innovative Christian leaders, thinkers and activists. emeRGe is slated as a time each fall for the university as a whole to reflect, refocus and renew at the start of a new academic year. During his first talk, mclaren challenged students to consider “the Faith You Inherited and the Faith You Will Practice,” noting, “everybody inherited a faith from their parents, even atheists. And children believe what their parents tell them.” However, as children move into adolescence, that stance can change, and individuals develop faith across time, determining if the faith they inherit will be the faith they inhabit. In his three days on campus, mclaren also tackled such topics as “Christian Faith as a Revolutionary movement” and “the Four Stages of Faith Development. n

sPring 2011 christian faith develoPment sPeakers

flake advocates for christian community develoPment the office of Spiritual Development and the Social entrepreneurship program partnered this semester to bring Rev. Floyd Flake to campus to discuss Christian community development. A former U.S. Congressman, Flake is the senior pastor of the more than 20,000 member Greater Allen A. m. e. Cathedral of new York. the Greater Allen A.m.e. Cathedral operates a 30,000 square foot multi-service center, has an extensive business development program, and has rehabbed housing to serve hundreds of the homeless and elderly in their community. the Greater Allen Cathedral’s operations are now a national paradigm of church-centered, faith based, public/private community educational and economic development. According to Flake,if the system is failing, then the church needs to step in. “We must have a sense of purpose. Are we doing this for a reason and what is that reason?” n

January 21:

March 16:

Rev. Dr. Soong Chan-Rah, expert on multi-racial churches

Bob Goff, international lawyer and children’s rights activist

January 24-25:

March 17-18:

Andrew marin, author of Love is an Orientation on sexuality and faith

Dr. James k.A. Smith, executive director of the Society of Christian Philosophers

January 27-28:

March 30:

Dr. Christine Colon, feminist professor and author on chastity and faith

Ana Steele, executive director of the Dalit Freedom network helping 250 million Indians

february 4:

April 11:

Grete Gryzwana, founder of epiphany Dance Company on the body and worship

Betty Wiseman, Belmont athletics legend premieres her new book on sports evangelism

february 14:

April 13:

Dr. Jeremy Begbie, Cambridge and Duke professor of theology and music

Christian Wiman, poet and editor of poetry’s leading journal, Poetry Magazine

february 23:

Schedule subject to change.

Frederica mathewes-Green, eastern orthodox author and speaker

Visiit for more information.

fall 2010


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