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Type: terrain vague Case studies/Localities:

Štefanovičova (Hunyady János út until 1920), Námestie slobody (Eszterházy tér/platz until 1920, Kniežacie námestie until 1933, Námestie slobody until 1950, Gottwaldovo námestie until 1990), Americké námestie (Endlicherova ulica, Marhavásár tér, Kadlecovo námestie)

Other occurrences: Regulation Plan for Mýtna ulica (1914), Regulation and Construction Guidelines for Endlicherova, Dobytčie tržište, Prayova, Sasinková and Poľná (1928), Regulation and Construction Guidelines for Námestie slobody and Vicinity (1929), Regulation and Construction Guidelines for the blocks between Námestie slobody, Škovránkova, Mýtna and Pöllnská ulica (1928 – 1935), Determination of the Clearance Area of Bratislava (1940), Detailed Regulatory Plan for Mýtna, Kollárovo námestie, Radlinská, Dunstová (1941), Regulation and Construction Guidelines for Námestie slobody and Vicinity for Creation of a Governmental District (1942), Expanded Clearance Area around Námestie slobody (1946), Detailed Regulation and Construction Plan for Námestie Klementa Gottwalda (1947), Key non-formative plans: Competition for the Empress Elizabeth University (F. Korb, 1912), Study for the Construction Plan of the Empress Elizabeth University (Róbert K. Kertész and Gyula Sváb, Antal Palóczy 1914), Study for the Construction of Eszterháziho námestie – Location of Governmental Offices (R. Kříženecký, 1919), Study of Greater Bratislava (A. Balán, J. Grossmann, 1926), Search Competition for the Location of the Palace of Justice (1927), Competition for the Regional Office (1929), Competition for the Apartment Cooperative Avion (1929), Regulation of Námestie slobody (E. Bárta 1939), Competition for the Government District (1943), Competition for the Construction of the Economic Planning Bureau (1950), Competition for the Completion of Gottwaldovo námestie (1954), Search Planning Competition for the Czechoslovak Radio Building (1962), Competition for the Lenin Monument on Gottwaldovo námestie, Architectural Competition for the Czechoslovak Radio Building (1963), Competition for the New Bratislava City Hall (1994), Competition for the Central Office of the Slovak National Bank (1996) Competition for the revitalisation of Námestie slobody (2017)


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