Series 4 new zealand philatelic bulletin no 19 1978 april

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Produced by the Post Office Philatelic Bureau, Privati Bag, Wanganui.

CENTENARY OF TELEPHONE IN NZ MANY thousands of homes and businesses in New Zealand now rely on services which began with an ex· periment in the South Island town of Dunedin a hundred years ago. Impressed by reports of the achievements of Alexander Graham Bell, in Boston, Mr J. K. logan, the inspector of tel~raphs for the pro· vince of Otago, challenged two of his men to construct a working model of the telephone. Logan saw the new apparatus providing a facility to complement tne telegraph. In the British Empire's most fal flung colony the son of an exiled PoliSh prince and manager of the Dunedin telegraph office, Alois lubecki. and mechanician Charles Henry accepted logan's challenge. They studied reports of Belt's discovery in the 'SCientific Amer· ican' and working from an iIlustra· tion, begged, borrowed and acquired the materials to construct the instruments. While they wele slill working on their project a Dunedin commercial concern set up a type of telephone from their workshop to their sales department across the street. The system was based on the type of tin can and Siring arrange-

ment popular in children's games. But this string can apparatus, work· ing solely by vibration was not the elusive "talking telegraph". It had neither the range nor the reliability needed for commercial use. In different parts of New Zealand many people later claimed to have taken part in telephone calls before lubecki and Henry demonstrated their model. But no official records can be found to substantiate these claims. Tnw... rd< thl! eM of J"!1U!~y, 1878 logan, Lubecki and Henry were satisfied with their efforts. They set the date for a demonstration on February 2 and invited local dignitaries and newsmen along for the occasion. Those who gathered at the appointed time found the Post Office men had set up a telephone connec· tion over 36 miles between the settlement of Tokomairiro (now Milton) and Dunedin. The 'Otago Daily Times' corres· pondent reported that the conversa· tion came across the line with "extreme clarity". It took the New Zealand Post Office men a further four years be· fore they developed the telephone system to a stage where they could

• THE OUTLINE ot an old fa~hloned lell! phpne featu'el on a "limp commemorallng fhe T "I"ptu;me Cenlena", In New Zelllano 112cI Pl!I'qned ov f' t.._ tllllC~'1! ot HolM.onvIIII! Olh", 'lam", In lhe IUUI! comml'mo,ated lhl! cl!ntenil"e~ 01 Slfattord 110el. Alhbu,ton nOel and Bay ot IIIa'Wll County (2OcL Prontl!d by Harlllon and Sonl Lld .. 01 Engllnd. the ~18mp$ we'l! 'eleil>ed on Mil~h 8

open the first telephone exchange in Christchurch. Telephone poles, loaded with iron wire began marching across the country side. Some wit - possibly a lineman who had to climb themdubbed them "lemon trees" after the New Zealand Director of Telegrilphs, Or lemon. The men who worked on the development of New Zealand's tele· phone system in those early days laid traditions being followed by the Post Office today.

LAN DSCAPE IN ST AM PS, a New Zealand philatelic film premiered last year, has won two major overseas awards. The Diploma of Merit awarded at the Chicago International Film Festival in November, was followed in December by a bronze medall ion at the prestigious Virgi n Islands Film Festival. The work of National Film Unit director, Mike Reeves, "Landscape" was commissioned by the Post Office for both overseas and local general release. It complements the previous stamp film, "The Early Days", also produced by the National Film Unit. Both "The Early Days" and .. Landscape" use New Zealand's more attractive and eye·catching postage stamps to tell the story of the country - the former historic· ally and the latter geographically. "We seemed to cover the whole country," Mike Reeves says feelingly, "as our geographical locations depended on the stamps we had to work with." In addition to scenic stamps, agricultural technology, vintage cars and trains, health. bird. butterfly, and wildlife stamps also feature in the film. Mike decided against an ordinary narrative sound-track ..... " we used a whole series of Iiterary sources that talk obliquely but not directly about the subject. Thanks are due to Post Office historian, Nigel Fitz· Gerald, who went through endless literary Sources to help me get what I needed." Actors Roy Hope and Louise Pajo did the commentary, but narration was kept to a minimum so the film would be easily understood by non-English speaking audiences.

"Landscape" contains both animated and live sequences and al· though Mike says filming was "very difficult" at times, he enjoyed the challenge. . "A film like this must have a fair' Iy long shelf life, say from eight to 10 years." Mike explains. "So we had to be careful and avoid things which would date. like cars, clothing, etc." "The Early Days", the first New Zealand philatelic film has proved pOP41ar with philatelists and general audiences throughout the world. Both Mike and Post'Savings Marketing Manager Murray Hill be· lieve "Landscape in Stamps" will have the same impact . With this in mind, two versions of the film have been made - a 35 mm version for local cinema re· lease and a 16 mm version for overseas embassies and trade posts, to stir interest in both New Zealand's tourist industry and postage stamps. "Landscape" will also be seen in schools and in many parts of the world at stamp exhibitions.

I GALACTIC COMPANY LATE NEWS: "Landscape" is to be released through a New Zealand cinema network with the feature film "Close En counters of the Third Kind". This outstanding film is about Unidentified Flying Objects.



THE STAMPEX '78 National Exhibition is to be held at the Auckland Town Hall between May 9-11. The exhibition is being organised by the Junior Citizens Stamp Club and it is the official junior exhibition of the Federation of New Zealand Philatelic Societies. The Grand Award, an engraved silver cup, will be presented by the Post Office for the best display of stamps at the exhibition. Five Merit Awards, each consisting of a 1977 Collectors Pack and a special certificate will also be presented. JUdges for the exhibition comprise: Chairman: Mr Val McFar路 lane; Panel: Mr and Mrs J. Dennis, Mr and Mrs R. Craddock, Miss N. A. Williams, Mrs M. Martin and Mr T. Welch. A temporary Post Office will be set up at the venue for the duration of the exhibition, and a special date stamp provided for cancell ing mail posted there. Similar exhibitions were held in 1974 and 1976. Further information about Stampex '78 can be obtained from the Chairman of the Exhibition Committee, Mr E. Butler, P.O. Box 10-066, Balmoral, Auckland.

The Tokelau Administration has donated a model canoe made in Tokelau (above) as trophy for the best entry of Tokelau stamps at Stampex '78.



Ten postcards featuring full colour mag路 nified stamps on a black background, are still available. priced at 10c each. The stamp postcards show views of New Zealand mountains and lakes.

NTH. AMERICAN PHILATELIC AGENCY PHILATELIC CONSULTANTS LTD., (PCL), of Providence. Rhode Island, have been appointed philatelic agent for the New Zealand Post Office in North America. telists to purchase NZ stamps. The agency will be responsible Customers in North America, for promotion and distribution of both individuals and dealers, who New Zealand philatelic material currently receive their philatelic rethroughout the North American quirements direct from the NZ Post continent, to individual philatel ists, Office Philatelic Bureau, Wanganui, wholesale and retail outlets. will continue to do so. They may, The establishment of a NZ agent of course, elect to transfer their will widen the opportunities for the business to PCL. millions of North American phila-

OVERPRINTING has meant a new lease of life for the New Zealand Government Life stamp featuring Puysegur Point lighthouse. When originally released in 1969 the stamp was of 2Y.c denomination. This denomination has been over路 printed with black lines and the figure, 25c substituted. Designed by James Berry OBE of Wellington and printed by Bradbury Wilkinson Ltd of England using the lithography process, the blue and yellow stamp measures 25 mm x 41 mm. Puysegur Point lighthouse stands isolated on the extreme south路west tip of the South Island - a bleak wind-swept spot. The electrified lighthouse began operation in 1943, replacing an earlier one that burnt down. Every three weeks an amph ibian aircraft brings supplies and mail to the keepers in residence.

STOP PRESS - STAMP ROLLS New design 1c, 2c, 5c, and 1Dc stamps in roll form bearing a silhouette portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be released progressively from about April 1978. Further details later.

EICi TOKELAU stamp issues are regularly released by the New Zealand Post Office. The most recent, featuring birds of Tokelau, appea ed on November 16.

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Stamps represent only one of many links between Tokelau and New Zealand. Tokelau, situated in the mid-Pacific north of Samoa (see map), and designated a 'non-self-governing territorl, is included within the borden of New Zealand. TokelauaM are British subjects and New Zealand citizens. Three tiny coral atolls comprise the Tokelau group. Fakaofo, the southernmost, is 64 kilometres from Nukunono, which is 92 kilometres south of Abfu. Each atoll consists of a number of reef-bound islets encircling a lagoon. A simple atoll existence consisting mainly of subsistence planting and fishing, life in Tokelau centres around the family unit. Village affain are looked lf1:er by a council of family elders. Having no viable economic base, and being remote and very small, Tokelau presents special problems in moving towards self-government. Its few natural resources are sufficient only to meet e nee s 0 a limp e pattern 0 I e. e economy IS based mainly on the resources of the sea and on the

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BOURS coconut and pandanus palms. Revenue from Tokelau stamps represents a substantial contribution to this subsistence economy. Every three or four months a chartered vessel visits the atolls from Western Samoa to load their only exports, copra and handicrafts. Imports consist mainly of foodstuffs, kerosene, and tobacco. The New Zealand Government has been concerned to disturb as little as possible the village institutions that make up the Tokelauan way of life. Expenditure is devoted mainly to education, health and agriculture. In recent years an increasing number of people have left Tokelau to settle in New Zealand. A Government scheme (since discontinued) to sponsor limited immigration of Tokelauans to New Zealand began in 1963. A destructive hurricane in 1966 helped speed the process. The shortage of natural resources in their island home has been the major factor encouraging Tokelauans to migrate. The culture shock involved in such a move could hardly be greater, but the people of these remote tropical islands are finding a pl_ in New Zc",ncr~ modern Polynesian and European society - completely different, but no less their own.

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ANIMALS rather than people tend to dominate the New Zealand landscape. Farming is the country's largest industry and major overseas money earner. Different aspects of farming are illustrated on i1 new set of stamps issued by the New Zealand Post Office on April 5. Designed by Invercargill artist, Allan Derrick, the six denominations in the issue feature Lincoln College.tOeanet 12c; the ground spread fertiliser industry. 15c; agricultural field days, 16c; the cereal and grain industry. 2OC; and dairy farming, JOc. The stamp issue was inspired by the centenary of Lincoln University College of Agriculture. Lincoln can be seen to represent. in microcosm, the many strengths of New Zealand farming. The lOc and 12c stamps present two major facets of Lincoln College - teaching and research.

On the 10e stamp students Ire

seen before a back-drop of Ivey Hall, named after the College's first director, W. E. Ivey. The Lincoln School of Agricul· ture opened in 1880, with the de· clared intention of "providing a practical education in colonial farm' ing at moderate cost and affordi"!l facilities for the study of related sciences". Research began at Lincoln in the

1880's. One early project was a study of Crop rKPQnses to fertiliser. later Lincoln led the way in devel· oping a suitable fat lamb carcass to satisfy the fast-expanding freeZing industry. A reminder of this work, grazing sheep are seen on the second of the Lincoln stamps (12cl. Wool was the most valuable item of primary produce in the nineteenth century but almost equal in importance was cereal and grain featured on the 20c stamp. The development of wheat, like that of wool, was carried out by large land owners with ample capi· ta1. In 1867 flour was exported from Canterbury to England, but the main market was Australia. A new era for New Zealand farming began in 1882 with the advent of refrigeration. Farming expanded swiftly with the oppor· tunity to export dairy products, meat and frUit. Refrigeration brought about an agrarian revolution. Large landholdings, necessary for the economic production of wool and wheat, now became regarded as socially undesirable. More people saw an opportun· ity to buy their own farms. With the expansion of dairying, deficiencies in New Zealand soils became apparent. Pastures took large amounts of plant nutrients from the ground. Dairy farmers were committed to a process of

ploughing and mowing pasture every few years. Once again science found an amwer. The development of artificial fertilisers and efficient methods of application - groundspreading and, later, aerial topdressing,- meant a huge boost for the farming industry. The 15c stamp shows fertiliser groundspreading. An important feature of New Zealand farming throughout its short history has been an ability to change methods and aims. Events beyond the control of farmers, such as fluctuations in world prices, necessitated change with bewildering insistence. Farmers saw the need 10 evaluate new techniques and machinery. This need has been met by agricultural field days 116c stamp) which play an important part in New Zealand's modern rural scene. The tenth anniversary of the New Zealand National Fieldays Soc· iety occurs this year. Field days provide not only an opportunity to select the best new products for local conditions, but also a chance for farmers to dissem· inate ideas, knowledge and skills. Today farming is not so much an industry as a collection of industries. Increasing diversification and specialisation reflect the intelligent USe of aids science has placed at the disposal of the New Zealand farmer.


New Zealand New Zealand

• • • • •• TE IKA A MAUl-the fish of Miluiwu the Maori name for New Zealand's NOIlh Island. Legend has il1hal MauL half man, half god. caught the home of Tonga·nui.

grandson of Tangaroa, god of the ocean, with


magic fish hook. The

'fish' that was hanging from the line of Maui was no less than iI POP

tion of earth. The Maori always felt a great affinity for the sea. In the early days of New Zealand there were fewani· mals that they could hunt for food.

Agriculture was almost non-exitlenl.

So the Maori turned aWily from the land towards the waters. In the lakes, streams and seas they found iI great variety of fish that provided them with iI stapledl!t, as well as illlch background of folklore.

The sea continues to play an important part In the economic life of this country. A series of stamps to be I1!leas£d on June 7, tllkes ilS Its Iheme the sea and Its resources. Designed by A. M. Conly 01 Christchurch. the five stamp issue features minerals and fuel, 12c; harvest of the sea, 15c; the 200 mile economic lone, 20c; conservallon of marine mammals, 23c; and the sea and its resOtJlces, 35c. The 200 mile eccmomic lone, which features on the 20c stamp is the stimulus behind the issue_ The recent implementulon of this lone means that New Zealand will have greater Control over the resources of waters surrounding Its shOres. Interim measures adopted in )ctober 1977. restricted foreIgn trawling operations in certain inihore areas.


There is to be a nudy of how New Zealard can hast ayoi::t or combat marine pollution that is troubling other parts of the world. A lengthy coastline, and adYeru weather cooditions make this country partiC\Jlarty vulnerable to pollution, and controls are needed. It is intended that any mineral resources discovered under the sea ftoor are managed in a Co-operative, orderly and peaceful manner. The overall emphasis is going to be on how to successfully manage the seas. Whaling commenced in New Zealand waters in 1791, only 22 yearS after Captain Cook's filSt voyage Dvel the next century and a half whales were hunted to virtual extinction. By the mid-sixties declining numbers made whaling unprofitable, and operations ceased. The accent today is on conserva· lion, and this is the theme of the 23c stamp. Whales are now making a come· back. The Government is consider' ing a marine mammal protection act, under which it wilt be able to control the take of marine mammals within its economic lone. Research continues into species about which little IS known, including the bottle· nose dolphins seen on the stamp. Among the most recently dis· COvered resources of the sea are mmerals and fuels. The 12c stamp features the MaUl gas drilling platform. Situated 33 miles from Dpunake on the Taranaki

coast the rig,like its legendary namesake, is wrenching wealth from the sea bed. The gas field over which it stands was discovered in 1969, and is among the 20 largl!$t in the world with an area of over 765 square kilometres. Estimated recoverable economic reserves of the field equal five million cubic feet of high quality methane gas, as well as some oil condensate. Maui gas field is being jointly developed by the Government and three private companies. Harvesting the sea has always been an expensive business. Equipment, such as the trawler seen on the 15c sUmp, represents a huge investment. The modern fisherman Operates a sophisticated craft. Because fish is a highly perishable commodity he needs to understand the principles of refrigeration and spoilage, and he needs training and skill to Operate electronic navigational aids, echo sounders and radar. Some of the fishes that inspire all this industry are featured on the 35c stamp - kingfish, snapper, groper and squid. Today fishing is a 'growth' industry. The south-west Pacific, of which New.Zealand is the central land mass. is the last mainr area in the world to be exploited, and it is still the least known and least heavily fished. There is therefOre keen interest in New Zealand to determine the extent and type of the sea's resources and how they may best be used.

PLATE NUMBERS 1970/71 Definitives

lSe, lA lA

lA; 18e, lA lA lA; lOc, lA lA; 2Je, 11 I: 25c,23423*,2A3A SA 2A 3A, 3 4634, 3A 4A 6A 3A

4A; 3Oc.3 3 2 3, 3A 3A lA 3A. 4 4 4 4, 3A 3A 3A 3A, 3 3 3 3. 4A 4A4A4A: SOc,IIII; $1,111 L 2 I 1 I, $2. I 1 I I. Fiscals: $4, No plate numbers; 56. No plate numbers; $8, No plate numbers; S10. No plate numbers. 1975 Definitives (Roses) le, lA lA lA lA lA, lB IB 18 18 IS; 2e, lA lA lA lA. IB IS IS IS: 3e, lA lA lA lA lA, IS IS IS 18 18;

4c. lA lA lA lA. IS IS IS IB: Se, lA lA lA lA lA, III 111 IB 18 18; 6c, lA lA lA lA lA, 18 18 I BIB I B, 2A lA 2A 2A lA. 28 28 28 28 28; 7e. 2A lA 2A 2A 2A. 2828282828: 8c, lA lA lA lA·, IS IB 18 lB. lA 2A 2A2A, 2B2B2B2B; 9c, lA lA lA lA lA,

IS 18 IS 18 18: IOc (Issued 77) lA lA lA lA. 18 18 18 lB.

1976 Oefinilives Ile.Alll: 12e. A 1 I L A 2 I L 13c. A I I I: 14c, A I I I. 1977 Christmas 7c, I I I; 16c. I I I I I; 23c. I I I I I.

Fire Fighting Appliances

IOc, I A

lA lA lA lA, *IB III IB III IB; 12c, *IA lA lA lA lA. IB IB IB 18 :8; 23c. lA lA lA lA IA.IB 18 IB IB lB. 1977 Beach Scenes IOc. No plate numbers; 16e. No place numbers: ISe. No plale numbers: JOc. No plate numbers.

IDENTIFICATION OF STAMP REPRINTS AECENTl Y the Philatelic Bureau has experienced considerable dif· ficulty in identifying different reprints of the same stamp. and in particular, when there has been no change in plale number, gum or paper. In future, whenever practicable, in the case of reprints the printers will place an identifying mark on the selvage in the area of a plate block of six stamps. This mark will change as further reprint OIders are placed.

1977 Health 7e+2c. lA lA lA lA lA. 18 18 IB IB IB; 8c+2e, lA lA lA lA. IB IB 18 18; IOc+2c, lA lA lA lA lA, IB IB 18 18 18; 62c. Miniature shee!. Tokelau Dtfinitives Ic. lA lA lA lA lA; 2c, lA lA lA lA lA; 3c. lA lA lA lA lA; Sc. lA lA lA lA lA; 9c.IA lA lA lA lA; 2Oc. lA lA lA lA lA; SOc, lA lA lA lA lA; $1, lA lA lA lA lA. Tokelau Birds Se, IA I A IA IA lA, 18 IB IB 18 IB: IOc, lA lA lA lA lA, IB IB IB 18 IB: lSe, lA lA lA lA lA. IB IB 18 IB IB; .lOc. *IA lA lA lA lA,*IB IB IB IB lB. Government life 3e, I A IA, 2 2, 2A 2A: 4c, 2A 2A. J 2. JA 2A: 8e, lA lA lA. I I I; IOc, lA lA lA. I I I; ISe. lA lA lA, I I I; lSc, I A I A I A, I I l. Ross Dependency Je, I A I A I A: 4c, lA lA lA: Se, 11 I; Se, lA lA lA: IOc, Ill: lSe, 111.

* Slock Exhausted_

Ttull!amp pO"er whICh hal proved pop· ula, 1Jnee ,n relea$C rn 1974. "11,11 on Ulle al POll off'cel and philatelic sales politrOnl al Auckland. Well,ngl0n. Ch"uchu,ch. Dunedin. Hamilton and Gilbome at a COil of $1.00. 11 can allO be pufchased by marl order from the Philalelre BUfeau. P,ivale Bag. Wanganuo.

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