PHILATELIC BULLETIN Enquiries ibout New Zulind ind Islind Dependencies Stimps ue to be iddressed to the Director - Generil, Stamps Division, G.P.O.. Wellington, N.Z.
1957 Health Stamps.-
26th JUNE, 1957.
The 1957 Health stamps will be placed on sale on Wednesday, 25th September, 1957. Owing to the change in certain postage rates effective from last there will be only two denominations in this year's series~ 3d. (2d. postage + 1d. Heal th) and 4d. (3d. pos tage + 1d. Heal th). ~ovember
The design of the 3d. value, which was drawn by Mr L. Cutten of Wellington, depicts a life-saving team going into action. The stamp is printed in two colours, the subject being shown in black and the background in green. The 4d. stamp features a beach scene with a boy in a canoe and other children playing in the water. This design was drawn by lM L.C. Mitchell of Wellington and the colours are, centre - blue; frame and lettering - red. The stamps are being produced in Antwerp by Messrs Waterlow & Sons, Ltd., by the rotary direct plate process. In each value the size of the stamp is 37mm x 21rrrn and there are 60 stamps to a sheet. On this occasion a limited number of miniature sheets are being r..ade available to facili ta te sales by the Heal th Camps Federa tion. In each value the miniature sheets will consist of six stamps. These miniature sheets will not be on general sale at post office counters. Souvenir covers, issued by the Health Camps Federation, will be available at most stationers and stores throughout the country at a cost of 1d. each. Overseas collectors and dealers ordering "Heal th" first day covers to be supplied and serviced by the Stamps DiVision of the New Zealand Post Office should include in their remittances the cost of the covers in addition to the servicing fee (1td. each cover). In cases where clients supply their own addressed covers, the serVicing fee is reduced to 1d. each cover.
Persons residing in New Zealand who wish to send covers to friends overSeas are requested to prepare arid' :despa tCll: their own covers. The Post Office cannot accept orders forcover~ fI'om New iealand residents. As usual, Post Offices will be opened at the l:;aunu, Pakuranga, Ot&ki,31enelg, and RoXburgh Heni t!1 CClmps on the first day of issue of the Health stamps. Persons in T':ew Zealand y;lIo desire covers postrrarked at these offices should forward addressed envelopes together with a remittance to cover the cost of the stamps plus a servicing fee of 10. per cover, to the respective Chief Postmasters Whangarei, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin. 2.
1956 Health Stamps.-
the 31st January, 1957.
These stamns were withdrawn from sale on The nQmbers-sold were:-
2d. ~1~d. postage + ~d. Heal tJ-,) 3d. 2d. pos tage + 1d. Health} 4d. 3d. postage + 1d. Health) 3.
2,093,109. 3,670,152. 3,977,972.
Queen Elizabeth Stamps.-
The two new denominations - 1s.9d. and 2s. 6d. - which are being added to the current Queen series will be placed on sale on the 1st July, 1957. Particulars of the new stamps are as follows;Value.
Ho. of stamps j;o the sheet.
1 s. 9d.
21nm x 25mrn
Frame-orange, Centre-black
160 (2 panes)
21mm x 37mm
I'la te numbers. Left 1A 2A
Right 1B 2B
As stated in Bulletin No.12 the 1s.9d. value is similar in design to that of the 1s.0d. 3tamp and the 2s.6d. value is of the same design as the 3s.0d. denomination. Sheets of the 1s.9d. denomination show an engine-turned design in the selvedge between the panes. The 9d. denomination printed from plates 1A 2A, 1B 2B was issued on the 1st October, 1956.
Fiscal Stamps. -
Due to a printing error in a reprint of the 1s.3d. duty stamp (Coat of Arms tYPe) issued in July, 1956, the value inscription was printed in blue lettering instead of black. So that collectors may be aware of the position regarding these stamps, particulars of the various printings since the value was re-introduced in 1955 are furnished hereunder. Da te of Issue.
WB termark.
June, 19'55 Sept•• 1955 July. 1956 NoV., 1956
inverted upright inverted upright
Colour of value inscription. Black Black Blue Blue-black
of stamps issued.
634.160 769,360 378,000 701,280
The last mentioned printing wes made on a new consignment of paper with the sheet numbers in red. These numbers appear on only half the number of issued sheets as the paper, ~efcre printing. is guillotined in half. A new perforating heaci was used on most of the sheets of the las t printing wi th the resul t tha t the perfora tions are clearcut, whereas the perforations of the earlier issues are inclined to be rough. It is intended that in future printings of this stamp the value inscription will be black. It is mentioned that stocks of these stamps with the inscription printed in blue are exhausted. 5.
Plunket Jubilee Stamps. -
The special 3d. stamp issued on May, 1957 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Society for the Protection of the Health of Women and Children (Plunket Society) was printed in England by Messrs Bradbury Wilkinson & Co •• Ltd., who used the recess-engraved process. The stamp. which portrays the late Sir Truby King. founder of the Society. was designed by Mr M.R. Smith of LeVin. The colour of the stamp is bright claret and the size is 21mm x 25mm. There are 160 stamps toa sheet. 1L~th
Postage Stamp Booklets.-
It is expected that the stamp booklets with both denominations shOWing large value symbols will be issued in September. 7.
Postal Stationery. -
Printed matter cards impressed with the Queen Elizabeth stamp and overprinted 12d." were issued on the 8th February. 1957. These cards are now in the same category as postcards.
8. Withdrawal from Sale of Commemorative Issues.
The following commemora tive s tamps will be w1 thdrawn trom sale on the 31s t August, 1957:New Zealand Postage
2d., 3d. and 4d.
Southland Centennial;
2d., 3d. and 8d.
75th Anniversary of New Zealand Meat Export Trade;
4d. and 8d.
Small stocks of the above issues are still available from the Stamps Division, General Post Office, Wellington, C.1. 9.
Pictorial Date-stamps.
First day covers cancelled with special pictorial date-stamps were as follows:Totara Homestead (Meat Export Trade stamps); 28,228 postal articles; 348 registered articles. Karitane (Plunket Jubilee stamps); 40,OOC articles approximotely (including registereds).
Reproductions of 1957 Health Stamps.