Focus Number 46 October 2008

Page 1

Welcome! Welcome to the October 2008 issue of Focus - once aga in offering you a superb collection of stamps, coins and other collectables from New Zealand and around the world. I'm especially proud to tell you about our stamp and coin products commemorating the extraordinary life of the late Sir Edmund Hillary. So much more than a mountaineer. Sir Ed was an achiever on every level- as an intrepid adventurer and explorer. an ardent ambassador for our country. a passionate advocate for our young people. and a generous benefactor to the people of Nepal. His death was a profound loss, to our nation and to the Sherpas who benefited so greatly from his help . You may already be aware of the special coins we released in May to honour this amazing man. If you haven't acquired yours , now is a good time to place your order. Given Sir Ed's international standing. they have of course been extremely popular - and are likely to become even more so with the release of our commemorative stam p issue in November. November is also the month for Tarapex 2008. a New Zealand Nat ional Philate lic Exhibition sponsored by New Zealand Post. The exhibition is to be held at the TSS Stadium in New Plymouth. For the firs t time in New Zealand. the exhibition will incor porate the 'Australasian Stamp Challenge ' - a team com petitio n between exhibitors of each of the six Austra lian state s. the Australian Capital Territory and each of the North and South Islands of New Zealand . It shou ld make for a lively event ! I was also pleased to attend another philate lic event in Septem ber - the PostEurop Philate lic Forum in Vienna. Austria. PostEurop is an association of 48 European publ ic postal operators that aim s to optimise postal operat ions and postal services in Europe. and foster greater co-operation between its members. As one of the presenters at the Forum , I discussed trends and developments in philately and covered in great lengths our current and future strateg ies to support the industry. This Forum was held during the World Philatelic Exhibit ion. at whi ch New Zealand Post was repr esented . It was a fascinat ing experience! For me. 2008 has had many highlights like this - proof that the world of stamp s and collectables is alive and thriving. I look forward to br inging you more philatelic delights in the next issue!


IvorMasters General Manager,

Stamps and Collectables

Please note: The finished products may differ trom thoseillustratedin this newsletter.

Focus may not illustrate aLL stamp. COin or coHectable produc ts that are featured in this issue or that appear in the Order Form. Artwork and articles from

Focus may not be extracted for repnntmg without

prior permission from the New Zealand Post Stamps and CoHee tables Business. For more information and to request permission. please contact the Research Co-crdmstor. StampsBusiness.

Private Bag 39990, Wellington 5045.!stamps

Sir Edmund Hillary - A lifetime of achievement As soon as he reached the sum mit of the world's highest mountain 55 years ago. Sir Edmu nd Hillary (as he became just a few days later! was granted 'hero ' status in his home country. He was livi ng proof of the Kiwi'can do' attitude - a man of spirit , integrity and. above all . modesty.

New Zealand (19871. Knight of the Order of the Garter (19951 and holder of the Polar Medal (for his part in the 1955-58 Commonwealth Trans-Anta rctic Expedition).

Although he died in January 2008. Sir Ed's legacy lives on throu gh the achievements of his extraordinary life . For he was much mo re than an Everest-conqueror; he was a man who dedicated himself to the service of others.

Sir Ed's work in Nepal was perhaps his greatest achievement. As he himself said. -I don't know if I particularly want to be remembered for anything , I have enjoyed great satisfaction from my cl imb of Everest and my trips to the poles, But there 's no doubt. either. that my most worthwhile things have been the building of schools and medical clinics , That has given me more satisfaction than a footpri nt on a mountain."

More than a mountaineer For New Zealanders, Sir Ed was a role model; an intrepid explorer , a brave adventu rer , a worthy am bassador and a generous philanth ropist. For the Sher pa people of Nepal. he was a saviour. the man responsible for building despera tely needed schools and hospitals in tha t remote region of the Himalayas. He was a man of diverse talen ts : a navigator in the Royal New Zealand Air Force dur ing Wor ld War II, and a beekeeper until he tackled Mt Everest in 1953, He cli m bed 10 other peaks in th e Himalayas between 1956 and 1965, took a New Zealand team to the South Pole in 1958, and in 1977 led a jetboat expeditio n from the Ganges River's mouth to its source, In 1985 he became the first man to have stood at both the North and South Poles and on the summit of Everest. Sir Ed also achieved beyond the out doors, In 1985 he became New Zealand's High Commissioner to India (inclu ding Nepall: in 1992 he appeared on our $5 note [the only living New Zealander ever to do sol; and in 2003 he became an honorary citizen of Nepal - the first foreign national to receive such an honour from the Nepalese Government. In 2008. the same year in which he died, the Indian Government conferred him with Padma Vibhushan . the country's second-highest civilian honour. His other titles inclu ded Knight Commande r of the Order of the British Em pire 119531. membe rship of the Order of

His proudest work

In 1960 Sir Ed establishe d the Himalayan Trust. raising funds to buil d a three-room school-house in Khumjung - and throughout the 1960s return ed to help the Nepalese to build cli nics. hospitals and more schools . Over the next four decades he worked to raise the fun ds for , and hel p set up. more than 30 schools , two hospitals and 12 medic al cli nics. He also raised money to build two airstrips in Nepal to make it easier to bring in supplies , Even in his 80s, Sir Ed was spending mo re than half the year travelling the world , raising mo ney for the Trust and supervising its projects . Carrying on the tradition The Hilla ry philosophy is still with us. as Sir Ed's son Peter Hillary is dem onstr ating. The 54-year-old is carrying on his father's fund raising work and is a highly successful mountaineer. He has achieved two summits of Everest. an 84-day trek across Antarctica to the South Pole. and an expedition guiding astronaut Neil Armstrong to land at the North Pole. He has climbed many of the world 's major peaks, and on 19 June 2008 fulfilled his ambition of climbing the highest mountains on all seven continents when he reached the summit of Mt McKinley in Alaska, Peter dedicated this latest feat to his father. To remember a hero The five stam ps in this issue captu re highlights of Sir Ed's long and fulfilli ng li fe. The hero image on the 50c stam p was taken between expeditio ns in an office build ing in Chicago. by photographer Yousuf Kars h, The New Zealand flag li nks all five images and is also featured on the fir st day cover, alongside the date stamp that unite s th e silhouette of Mt Everest and the Southern Cross, The four remaining stam ps cover part s of Sir Ed's life for which he was best known, from his sum m it of Everest in 1953 and the Trans-Antarctic Expedition that was com pleted in 1958 to the establishment of the Hima layan Trust in 1960 and the Knigh t of the Order of the Garter to wh ich he was appoint ed in 1995. Sir Edmund Hillary was a man of moun tains and so m uch more!

www stamp s

Focus issue 46

Octo~r 1008



Stamps - A window on our history, heritage and culture

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I am often asked to speak about the imp ortant role New Zealand Post plays wi thin the com munity. When doing so, I frequently find myse lf referring to the stam ps and coins we create, w hich provide a fascina ting wi ndow into the history, her itage and cul t ure of New Zealand. This year 's ANZAC series , wi th the wonderful image of John Luamanu and his daught er, reinforced the significa nce of our decisions in choosing the topics featured on stam p issues - and the need to continue to set high standards to preserve the rich her itage of the postage stam p. So the ANZAC series, com bined wi th other recent issues such as Mata riki , The A to Z of New Zeala nd and the North Island Main Trunk Line Centenary, are all hugely im porta nt in telling the story of our nation . I am imme nsely proud of our role in helping to celebrate our heritage and preserve the rich traditions of New Zealand through our stamps.



Matariki On 5 June we released the inaugural Matariki stam p issue, which was the first of a ser ies of issues to explore vario us aspects of Maori heritag e. art s and culture. New series will be released dur ing Matar iki each year. Whil e Matariki has been celebra ted within Maor idom for generations, it is a festival that in recent years has really begun to gain m omentu m for all New Zeala nders. l'rn delight ed New Zealand Post has beE'n able to recognise this un iquely Pacific celebration and fest ival.

The A to Z of New Zealand We have just seen a gr eat response to the issue titled The A to Z of New Zeala nd. This issue has not only been successf ul wi th col lectors. but proved popular wi th the general publi c as a whole and has received television and press m edia coverage .

This year I had the oppor tunity to be personally involved in the release of several stam p issues , inclu ding those celebrating Matarik i and Kingitanga .

It was tr em endous for m e to be able to part icipate in these activ ities . and in doing so help to raise the profile of stam ps and the im portant role they play wi thin the New Zealand business. arts and cul tural com mu nities.

Kingitanga stamp laun ch

All of these activities are part of a wi der plan to lift the profile of stam ps in New Zeala nd, hopefully with flow-on benefit s in terms of growth in philately in New Zealan d.

This year was the 150th anniversary of the establishme nt of th e Kingitanga movemen t, and a special stam p issue was created to mark the occasion . On 1 May the Kingitanga stam p issue was unvei led by King Tuheit ia at a special ceremo ny at the TOrangawaewae Mar ae in Ngaruawahia as part of the 150-year celeb rations . I attended this ceremony along wi th the New Zealand Post Chairman Rt Hon Jim Bolger , Deputy Chairman Ken Dougl as and others from the New Zealand Post team . This was a very movi ng occasio n and it was a great honour to be par ticipat ing in the ceremony.

I know that all reader s of this Focus publica tio n have an interes t in our nation and in collec ting pieces of our thi s th rough stam ps, coins or in some cases both. Thank you for your conti nued trust in and support for the wor k we do, and for your com men ts and feedback along th e way.

P--1/1~ John All en Chief Executive New Zealand Post Group

Colin Meads and the P IS for Pinetre e stamp from TheA to Z of New Zealand stamp issue - Photo courtesy of Hotly McKay. Wailomo News.


Focus iss ue '6 October 200S!stamps

Upcoming stamp issues 2009 Scenic: Lighthouses of New Zealand 2009 mar ks 100 years since the first lightho use was const ructe d in New Zealand. being erec ted in 1859 on Pencarrow Head at the entrance to Well ington Harbo ur. In early years New Zealan d relie d on shipping for trad e and im mig ratio n. Lighthouses we re desperately needed as the ru gged coastli ne was proving very hazard ous. claimi ng more than 1.000 ships in the first 50 years of colonisation. Most of New Zealand's lighthouses were built dur ing the 1870-80 per iod. wi th mo re than 20 being establishe d by the end of the cent ury. Ori ginally the lig hts did not flash. but th is caused confusio n with othe r lig hts in the area. so flashing ligh ts were int roduced.


The five stam ps in this series feature lightho uses from the length and breadth of the country. and will incl ude some thing a little special! Be sure to keep a look-ou t for this issue being released in January next year. I


Year of the Ox Of all the traditional Chinese festivals. the New Year is perhap s the most elabo rate and colourful. For mo re than 3.000 years. the lunar calendar has been a key part of China's culture. 2009 wel comes the Yea r of the Ox. Dependable. calm . modest and hardworking. are all charac teristics said to be associated with people born in the Year of the Ox. Oxen speak little but are extremely intelligent. However. they can also be strong-min ded and stub born . Famous oxen include Napoleon Bonapar te. Vincent Van Gogh. Walt Disney. Clark Gable and Richard Nixon. The Ox:









This issue celebra tes the multi -cultu ral nature of New Zealand society and the cont ributions of the various Chinese com munities within New Zealand. •

Issue dal e, 7 Janu ary 2009


1 New Zealand

Issue dal e, 7 January 2009

Illlustration only - designs may be subject to changel

Tarapex 2008 - Chris Wells, Tarapex organising committee New Zealand National Stamp Exhibition and Australasian Challenge TSB Stadium. Mason Drive, New Plymouth

7-9 November 2008 Tarapex 2008 National Stamp Exhibition

The Tarapex 2008 Nat ional Stam p Exhibit ion. incorporating the fourth Austra lasian Stam p Challe nge. is to be held in New Plymouth on 7-9 Novemb er 2008 und er the auspices of the Taranak i Philate lic Society Incorp orated and the patronage of the New Zeal and Philatelic Federation Inc. Tarap ex is to be held at the TSB Stadium next to the New Plym outh Racecourse and is open to the publ ic for th ree days. Opening hours are 10:00am to 5:00pm Fri day and Saturday and 1O :00am to 4:00pm Sunday 9 Novemb er 2008. Entry is FREE.

Austral ia and one from the United Kingdom . promot ing stam p collecting and offering a huge range of sta m p collec ting mate rial to th e publ ic. New Zealand Post and Tarapex 2008

New Zealand Post is the major sponsor of Tarapex 2008. continuing its policy of suppor ting stam p collecting in New Zealand . New Zealand Post offers a wide range of support to Nat ional Philatelic Exhibitions. including a substantial am ount of funding as well as suppo rt such as this article and parti cipati on in committee meetings as required. This funding incl udes the purchase of the Exhibition Grand Award . The more prom inent support is its atte ndance at the Exhibition itself . which gives collec tors a chance to meet New Zealand Post representati ves and view the latest issues.

The Australasian Stamp Challenge

Tarapex 2008 Exhibition Organising Committee

This Exhibition. as wel l as being a New Zealand Nati onal Philatelic Exhibition. also incorporates the Austra lasian Stamp Challenge - a team competition betw een the exhibitors from the Austra lian stat es. and the North and South Islands of New Zealand.

The Tarap ex organisi ng com mi ttee is made up of members of the Taranaki Philat eli c Society and volunteers who are passionate about stamp collec ti ng and who are donating their time . effor ts and resources free of charge.

The Challe nge is usually held every two years and this wi ll be th e first time it has been held in New Zealand. North Island IN Z! is the current holder of the trophy. so expect to see the top Australian stamp exhibi ts here at Tarapex com peting for the troph y and trying to win it back for Australia.

Contact Tarapex

If you wis h to contact the Tarapex organising committee or purchase Tarapex souvenirs from them. their contact details are as follows :

New Zealand Stamp Dealers Association

Mail : Email : Phone:

Memb ers of the New Zealand Stam p Dealers Associat ion will al so be atte nding Tarap ex. There w ill be 20 dealer stands. inclu ding two from


www!stam ps

Tarapex 2008. PO Box 7129. New Plymouth 4341 tarap ex@xtr John Kilpatrick +64 6 759 8212 or Chris Well s +64 6 758 6568 www Focu s iss ue 46 October 2008



What's happening?



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The REAL Aotearoa story began in Novemb er 2006 when two gall erystyle stores were opened in central Auckla nd and Chris tchurch .


The vision of this concept was to position REAL Aotearoa as a premium brand. offerin g customers a wi de selec tion of high -qua lity New Zealand ar twork. inclu ding stam ps and coin collec tables.





In October 2007 Mike Johnso n com pleted a Retail Review of the REAL Aotearoa Store in Auckla nd. As a result of th is he joi ned the team as Retail Specialist supervisi ng the sto res from an operational perspec tive. as well as comple ting a business case ident ifying opportunities to develop the business fur ther. He has an extens ive background in retail operati ons ma nageme nt. having wor ked for a number of major New Zealand retailers incl uding Woolworth s and Farmers at a senior level and bri ngs to the business a strategic as well as operations focus.


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Jane Fahy joined as the new buyer for REAL Aotearoa in May 2008. She began her buying career in London. England as a grocery buyer for Costco, an American wareho use club . On her return to New Zealand in 1999. she wor ked at Foodstuffs as a category manager before taking an oppor tunity to diversify her knowl edge as the buyer for the Te Papa Store. She combined the experience gained in the food industry with a creative eye for comme rcial art as a starting point for th is challenging position. She built stro ng. lasting relationships wi th both the existing and new ar tists. whic h were reflected in the product offer and store sales. Innovative sales channels were also ident ified which resulted in showcasi ng the store and its ar tists to national and international visitors to the Museum.

In the five years she spent in th is role she made a significa nt impact on the success of the Te Papa Store. Jane brings wit h her a wealth of knowle dge. relationships and enthu siasm to dr ive the REAL Aotearoa stores to the next level. Today. REAL Aotearoa contin ues to expand on this concept and repr esents a diverse range of this country's most talente d artists . All pieces availab le thro ugh our stores are designed and ma de here in New Zealand. giving our products individuali ty. This also provides a tra ceable history from the initial concept to the final design. Our cust omers can be assur ed tha t they are buying an authentic piece mad e by a real ar tist. Mike Johnson and Jane Fahy






REAL This coupo n ent it les the bearer to a 15% di scount off any full priced item at REALAOTEAROA·. Expiry: 31st March2009

REAL Aotearoa. as well as offeri ng the ful l range of stam ps and coins. provides a unique and distinctive selection of jewe llery . glass. ceramics. wood and more. to suit any special occasion.

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"excluding st~~.~..~ .~~..~.~~~..~~~~uets

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The range is conti nually changi ng to refl ect the scope and choice availa ble from our ar tists . Come in and experie nce REAL Aotearoa for yourself and receive an exclusive 15% discount on any full- price d item [excluding stamp and coin products ]. Please see coupon alongside.



.............................................................................................. CHRISTCHURC H. 101 CASHELSTREET. TEL 03 3775418 ........................ .




Focus issue '6 October 2008


What's new?


Greywacke carved pebble pendants and touchstones

Dichroic glass jewellery by Anna Palmer

NZROX Touchstones are 100% made in New Zealand. and all pebbles are collected from the world-famous gemstone beach at Birdlings Flat IMata HapukaJ.

The glass is fused. ground and polished and made into necklaces and earrings. Anna's designs are inspired by the New Zealand landscape .

Every pebble is collected by hand. and images are applied individually by the artist to every pebble. to suit the particular shape. colour and grain . No two are ever the same.

Small ceramic bowls by Sue Dasler

Glass shard vases by Keith Mahy

Ceramic bowls in many shapes. sizes and colours made by Motueka potter Sue Dasler.

Keith Mahy has been described as one of the founding fathers of glass art in New Zealand. Keith describes glass as "this magic molten material with its brilliance. colour. transparency and fluidity". A full range of his work can be seen in the stores .

Patent leather leaf bags by Florian Based in Christchurch. Florian produces a range of high-quality bags and purses. The leaves on this leather are real leaves.

Painted wooden panels by Russell Brown Russell's featured panels are mixed media works on masonite board. depicting iconic Kiwi imagery. They incorporate the artist's design/art love of topography. printmaking. painting and digital photography. Size: 250mm x 250mm



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Vinyl wall art by Holly Hargreaves These upholstered wall tiles will make a striking addition to any room . Plush and glossy. this art is totally unique . Each tile comes in its own ribbon wrapped glossy red box and is delivered ready to hang.

Glass platters by Monty Kirkman Based in Whangarei. Monty produces a range of glass platters and coasters. All of the designs are his own and inspired by traditional Northland Maori design .

If you would li ke any additional infor mat ion on th e products or artists featured, pl ease vi sit eit her of our stores or contact our Business Unit Manager s: Sashi Ali 62 Queen St, Auckland +64 9309 7515 Rosa Diedrich s 101 Cashel St, Chr istchurch +643377 5418 mps

Focus issue '6 October 2008


October/November stamp issues Christmas 2008

Sir Edmund Hillary

Whether it's a day at the beach wi th the barb ecue and a beer or a family tradition repeated every year wi th turkey and Chris tmas pudding. how we celebra te Chris tmas is a littl e different for everyone!

New Zealand Post is proud and honoured to release five stam ps. a first day cover and a presentation pack as a tri bute to Sir Edmund Percival Hillary. Achieving world-wi de fame when he conquere d Mt Everest in 1953. he wen t on to achieve on many other levels. Sir Ed was man y thi ngs to many people - a role model. an intrepid explorer. a brave adventure r. a worthy ambassa dor and a reluctan t hero ; his life and achievements are being celebrated in th is issue.

This Christmas. we offer stamps for all tastes. with a six-stamp issue that combines the tra ditional and the modern. The 'modern' stam ps are the result of our third annual 'Design a Stamp' competition. Once more we received a record -breaking response of more than 20.000 entries from school children around New Zealand.

Our more 'traditional' stam ps. designed by Mart in Bailey. depict images of the baby Jesus . born to Mary and her hus band Joseph, For these stam ps we have create d a first for New Zealand Post by showing a narrow. medium and wi de angle view of the same ima ge. •

Products availa ble: Fivegummed stamps. first daycover, presentation pack, philate hc num ism atic COYer.

Issue dale : 5 November 2008. Desiqner : Vertigo Deaqn. WelllOgton.

Pr inter and process: Southern Colour Pnnt Ltd by offset tlthography.

Stamp Size : 30mm x SOmm.

Products available: Sixgummed and two self-adhesivestamps. two first day cove rs, SOc and $1.50 stamp booklets. dispenser box.

W,thdr awa l date : 4 November 2009.

Issue dal e : 1 Oclober 2008 , Designer: Traditional: Martin Bailey. Auckland; Designa Stamp Corn peuuon: Communication Arts. Weltington. Printer and process: Gummed: SouthernColourPnnt Ltd by offset lithography; Self -adhesove : Austral.. Post . S pnn tpa k by olfset hlhogra phy.

Stamp sue : Gummed . 35mm, 35m m ; Sel l-a dhesrve : 25m m, 3Om m . W,thdrawal date : 30 Se pte m be r 2009

• Ross Dependency This year's Ross Dependency issue features five stamps com memorating the Br itish Antarcti c Expedition from 1907 to 1909. It exhibits images taken from the Expedition which. altho ugh unsuccessful in attaining its ultimate goal of reaching the Pole. nevertheless resulted in a num ber of signi fican t achievements, These incl uded the first vehicle on the continent. an air-coo led. four -cylinder. 15-ho rsepowe r New Arrol -Johnston and the fir st people to reach the South Magnetic Pole - the point on Ear th wh ere a com pass needle able to move vertically and horizo ntally points straight up. These are but a couple of feats that Ernest Shackle ton and his team accomp lished during their Antarctic expedition. •

Products available; Frve gummed stamps. first daycover, presentauon pack. Issue date: 5 November2008

Illlus t ra l,on on ly)

90th Anniversary of the End of World War One 2008 mark s the 90th anniversary of the end of Wor ld War One - commemorating the armistice signe d between the Allies and Germa ny at Cornpieqne , France on 11 November 1918. which took effect at 11 o'clock in the morning, This commemorative issue incl udes a New Zealand min iature sheet and miniature sheet first day cover. plus a joint presentat ion pack with Australia that contains the New Zealand and Australian miniature sheets , Also available to mark this event is a separate miniature sheet from Belgium , •

Products available: Miniature sheet, rmrua ture sheet hrs t day cove r, joint presentation pack lind . NZ and Australian minia ture sneetsl, Belgium miniature sheet.

Iss ue dat e : 20 Octobe r 2008. Issue date : 5 November 2009 i)olnt packl. Desiqner : INZI Stamps: Cue Desiqn, Wellmgton; Miniature sheet and first day

cover: Stamps and Collectables BUSIness. Wellington. Pronte r a nd process : INZI Southern Colour Pnnt Ltd by offse t lithog ra phy. Stamp size : INZI 40mm , 30mm. W,thd rawal date : 19 October 2009. W,thdrawa l date : 4 Novem be r 2009 IJo,nt packl,

Desiqner : Cue DeSign, Wellmgton.

Pronter and process: Sout hern Colour Pront Ltd by olfset hthography.

Stamp size: 40mm x JOmm W,thdrawal date : 4 Novem be r 2009 .


Focus issue 46 October 2008


"'· · · I~~ ~ !P - . L.UJ ... post.eo .nzlstam ps

Legal tender coins New Zealand Pre-decimal Currency Set

2008 New Zealand Silver Dollar

Here is your chance to secure your own piece of New Zealand's monetary history with this special coin set. Each seven-coin set contains an original coin, in select circulated condition. from each denomination of New Zealand 's first coinage. These coins inclu de a halfpenny . penny, th reepence. sixpence. shilling. flo rin and half crown - all with the original year date.

Premiu m silver dolla r proof set @$549.00 Mintage limit: 500

Silver bullion coin @$55.00 Mintag e limit: 8.000 Silver proof coin @$85.00 Mintage li mi t: 5.000

Pre- decimal currency set @$29.00

2008 Hamilton's frog

Sir Edmund Hillary - A lifetime of achievement Celebrate the li fe of New Zealand's best -loved hero. Sir Edmund Hillary. with your own precio us me mento crafte d from pure gold or silver.

This 2008 legal tender coin issue honour s New Zealand 's rarest native frog - amongst the most ancient of all frogs. These coins are the perfect gift or addition to any collection .

Gold proof coin @$575.00 Mintage limit: 1.953

Silver proof coin set

@$139.oo Mintage limit: 3,000 Silver proof coin

@$89.oo Mintag e limit: 4,000

Silver proof coin @$89.00 Mint age lim it : 10.000

Br ill iant unci rcul ated coin @$35.00

• .• . •. • • • •• ••• • • •• •• ••••• • • •• • • • • • • • . • • • •• •• •• • •• • • • • • •• • . • • . . . • •• •• • •• • . • • •• • ~.i~!~~:

~i~i.t : ~~~~~ • • . . .•• • ~.i ~ ~~~: ~i~ i.t: ~ ..o.~o.

International coins Australia


2008 Baby Set

2008 Polar Series

Klosterneu burg Abbey

Set of six brilliant uncircula ted coins @$44.00

Silver proof coin @$79.00

Brill iant uncirculated coin @$35.90

See more examptes at Focus issue ,& October 2008


Recent stamp issues * Renewal * Celebration

Kingitanga - Celebrating 150 Years

Matariki 2008 - Reflection

Since the mld·1800s Kingltanga has been a force in New Zealand socie ty. The movement arose among some Maor i tr ibes of New Zeal and to establis h a symbolic role sirmla r In status to that of the Br iti sh monarchy.

For man y Maor i, the appear ance of the seven sta rs of Matar iki Ith e Pleiades constellation I in the June night sky signals a turn from the depths of winter to a time of renewal and refl ection.

This special Issue marks the 150th ann iver sary of the beginn ing of the Kingltanga movement on 2 May 1858. This was the day Potata u Te Wherowhero agreed to take the role of Maor i King. The stunning ima ges depict ed on the three stam ps are fr om a series sourced from a collec tion of ar two rks by acclaim ed Maor i contem porary scul ptor, Fred Graham, calle d 'Nga Pou a Petatau·. The selecte d pieces are based on three well known whakatauakl lproverbsl wi th whic h Potata u Te Wherowhero IS strongly identifie d. •

Products available: Three gummed stamps,first day cover.

Issue date, 2 May 2008 Designer' Len Hetet - Ocean 6~ Ltd. Wellington.

Pnnterandprocess:SouthernColour Pnnt Ltd by ollsetltthography

The initi al appeara nce of Matariki IS closely observed for indications of what the approaching new seasons will bring. Apart from the prom ise of th ings to come , Matar iki brings clos ure to the journ ey and experie nces of the old year , remembering also those w ho have passed on. The issue refl ect s a fascinat ing journey, celebrating not only the constella tion itself . but the connect ions to th e sea, land and fam ily. It also portrays aspects of the Maori worldview, in w hich th e Sky Father Ranginu i, the Earth Moth er Papat uanuku and their children per sonify the dramatic forces of nature. •

Stampsize: 40mm l( 30mm.

Withdrawal date, 1 May2009.

Productsavailable: Sixgummed stamps. trrst daycover, miniature sheet.mmiaturesheet firstdaycover, presenta tion pack, Limited Edition Issuedate: 5 June2008.

Desiqner: Len Hetet- Ocean 64 Ltd, Wellington. Pnnter and process: Southern ColourPnnt Ltd byoffset

lithography. Stampsize: 40mm x 30mm.

W,thdrawatdale, 4 June 2009


Beijing 2008 Olympic Games tIoatarJk,

DUring Augus t this year , m ore than 10,700 athletes fro m around the world took part in the Beij ing 2008 Olympic Games. This m om entous four -yearly event, which dates back to 776 Be , is th e prem ier event on the inter national sporting calen dar. Depicting four sports in which Kiw is have excelle d in past years - cycl ing, rowing, kayaking and athle tics· each stam p also car ries not only the marks of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Gam es but also the distinct ive New Zealand Olympic Committee logo. The stam ps have an unu sual feature: they ar e diam ond -shap ed, a design approac h that adds a dynam ic element to each acti on image . The Olympic Games are recognised as the ult imate global sports event, and the stam ps reflect New Zealanders ' strong record of part icipat ion and success at an Olympic level over the years . •

Products available: Fourgummed stamps. firstdaycover.


{~} Children's Health - Investing in the Future Each year New Zealand Post supports Te Puna Whaiora w ith a selectio n of stam ps that include a lO-cent surcharge. We donat e the surcha rge to Te Puna Whaior a to help it in its work wi th com m unity- based heal th, educatio n and welfare agen cies and w ith schools. fam ilies and other professionals involved in car ing for chil dren and fam ilies. Beaut ifu lly illustra ted, the stam ps capture t he energy and ent husiasm of young people at sport and play - the sports sta rs. business people and leaders and influencers of our future.

Issue date: 2 July 2008. Desiqner : Martin Batley. Auckland

Pnnter and process: Southern CoLour Pnnt Ltd by ollset hthography

Products available: Two gummed stamps, one sell-adheswe stamp, first day cover, miniaturesheet, miniaturesheet firstdaycover. sheetof 100 self -adhesive stamps.

Issuedate: 2 July 2008.

Stampsize:35mm x35mm. Withdrawal date: 30 June 2009

Designer: Martin Bailey, Auckland Printer and process: Southern Colour

Pnnt Ltd by offset lithography Stamp size: 35mm x 35mm.

Withdrawal date, 1 July 2009.


8eijing 2008 Olympic Games

f in' ~ 01Kweo 211.Jy 2008

C<>Oectables. wangooo;. HZ

. .~ >- ~ Children's Health

Fint CMyoflssuto 2 July 2008


Focus issue 46 October 2008



Col1e<tableo.Wangooo;.NZ 1_ , -_ .•._.


www stamps

Recent stamp issues The A to Z of New ZeaLand

North IsLand Main Trunk Line Centenary

A little bit cheeky and plain old-fashioned fun. The A to Z of New Zealan d stamp issue is a feel -good look at our past and present; the qu irk y stamps are of well loved culture, history. heritage and downright Kiwiana.

On 7 August 1908, the first train ever to travel the length of New Zealand's North Island Main Trunk Line left Wellington, bound for Auckland. Three m onths late r, the route was officially opened.

This issue is the most popula r stamp release of the year. It' s great to see New Zealanders of all ages enjoying the stam ps. Receiving a free poster with first day cover and stamp sets has proved to be a very pleasin g addition to the product. •

Products available : 26 gummed stamps.set of three first daycovers . Issuedate: 6 August 2008 Desiqner Ctemenger B800. Wellington .

Pnnter and process: Southern ColourPnnt Ltd by offset lithography.

Stamp size. JOmm x 35mm. Withdrawal date , 5 August 2009.

The Nort h Island Main Tr unk Line may be a railway line, but it's also much, mu ch mor e. For a start , the b80·kilometre stretch of track took 23 years to build . It was also the largest civil engineering project ever undertaken by the Govern ment's Public Wor ks Department of the time. And it was a miracle of engineering and construction, overcoming extraordinary geographical bar r iers and featuring world-famous structures such as the Raurimu Spiral and eight great steel viaducts that strode across the most mountainous parts of its route . The Line has also hosted a range of locomotives designed especially for the terrain. from the steam engines of the 'golden era' to the powerful electric models introduced when the Line was electri fied . •

Products available: Fivegummed stamps. first daycover. presentation pack. l.irruted Edition.

Issue date , 3 September 2008 Designer: Communication Arts. Welling ton. Printer and process: Southern ColourPrint Ltd by offset lithog raphy

Stamp srze: 40mm x 30mm . WIthdrawaldate: 2 September2009

AnnuaL Collector 's Packs Here IS your perfect opportuni ty to collect every stam p and first day cover released by New Zealand Post between October 2007 and Septem ber 2008. These packs are a compact yet comprehensive record of 12 monlhs of unique New Zealand Post stamp design. •

Products available , 2008 New Zealand Stamp Pack . 2008 New Zealand First Day Cover Pack . Issuedale: 3 September2008.

Vienna InternationaL Postage Stamp Exhibition Post adm inistrations, stam p dealers and philatelic associations from around th e wor ld were in atte ndance for the Vienna Intern ational Postage Stamp Exhibit ion, held betwe en 18 and 21 Septem ber 2008. New Zealand Post is commemoratin g the Exhibition With a mi niature sheet and first day cover, using imagery from the very popula r Matar iki stam p issue. •

Products available. Exhibition miniaturesheet, Extnbrtion miniaturesheet fIrst day cover.

lssue date , 18 September 2008 Desiqner : Stampsdesigned by Len Hetet - Ocean 64 Ltd. Wellington; Miniature sheet and flrst daycoverdeSigned by Stamps and Collectables BUSiness. Wellington

Pnnter and process: SouthernColourPrint Ltd by offset lithography.

Stampsize: .GOmm x 30mm.

Withdrawal date , 17 September 2009.

Focus issu~ 46 October 2008


. Matariki stamp launch Matar iki is a time of new beginnings. It is also a time to refl ect upon the year that was and to look forwa rd to the year ahead. In the spirit of new beginnings, New Zealand Post chose Matariki as the time to launch the inaugural stam p issue in an annual serie s exploring Te Ao Maori, the Maor i World . The stunning range of Matariki stam ps was unveiled at a cocktail function on Rongomarae Marae, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Guests were greeted by New Zeala nd Post staff and Te Papa hosts before being handed a glass of bubbles to toast the occasion. Conch shells soun ded to begin festivities and Kukupa Tirikatene, Kaumat ua, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, opened formalities wi th a kar akia. Jam es Te Puni, Sales and Mar keting Manager, Enterprises - Stam ps, Coins and REAL Aotearoa, followe d with a w hakatau lwelcorne).



John Allen, Chief Executive, New Zealand Post Group, then addressed a captivated crowd touching on the im portance and sign ificance of Matar iki to New Zealanders and highlighting the signific ance of lau nchi ng the stam ps at 'Our Place' . Guest speaker Professor Piri Sciasci a, Pro Vice Chancellor Maori, Victoria University of Wellington, officially unveiled the stamp issue. Prof Sciascia spoke of the im portant history of stam ps and their relevance today. Enter tainm ent was provided by Mapihi Maurea, a local kapa haka group involving stu dents from Wellington College and Well ington Girls' College. Their perf orman ces were a highlight for many guests. An unexpect ed addition to the evening was an improm ptu haka led by Maori Party co- leader and renown ed academic , Dr Pita Sharples, a tribute to New Zealand Post's initiative. The haka was a stri king example of how Matar iki br ings people together , encouraging people to give wha t they can to make an occasion memora ble. Aft er the forma lities guests were able to enjoy taking a closer took at Len Hetet's groundbreak ing designs , Each stam p reflec ts a traditional concept from Whakapapa to Takoha lqiftinq], Te Moana Nu i A Kiwa Ithe Pacific Oceanlto Ranginui, Papatuanuku and TeTau Hou Ithe new year!. Each stam p design melds ima ges from New Zealand's natural environment with beauti ful artworks that refl ect the respective theme. All these aspects were appreciated by those at the launch - in itself a milestone event for New Zealand Post and for the Stam ps Business.

2008 Customer Satisfaction Survey results Once again, we'd like to offer our thanks to all our custome rs w ho found the time to com plete th e Customer Satisfac tion Survey this year, Of the 3,000 questionnaires we posted out, 1,000 we re returned by custome rs keen to share their w ide- ranging opinions on the level of service they receive from us, This is a trem endous response rat e that tops last year's by 8% - the more responses we receive, the bett er gauge we have of what we're gelling right and what eleme nts of our service need to be im proved. You r input really is critical. The key performance areas on which we sought custo me r feedback included, but weren't li mited to, fulfilm ent of your philatelic orders , handl ing of your queries and the value you place on our communications. Our aim is always to exceed customer expectations so the performance benchmarks we set ourselves are extremely high. We are therefore very happy to report that for 91% of our respondents, our overall service succeeds in doing just this. So in what specific aspects of service delivery did you say we excelled? Well you're certainly more tha n satisf ied with our fulf ilment of your stamp orders , whic h you all agree arrive promp tly, are accurate and are in fine condition on receipt. You also gave us a big thumbs up for the quality of our stam p issues and 87% of you think The New Zealand Collec tion 2007 is lookin g beller than ever. _

Focus issue 4& October2008

Point s of view on our choice of stam p topics are a m ixed bag and present a real dilemma for us here at Stam ps HQ. The perfect stam p design for us is one tha t is loved by our loyal customer base and that al so mak es the non-coll ecting world sit up and take notice. The balan ce can be a hard one to stri ke ! The Pocket Pets stam p release is a good exam ple. It is one of our most successf ul issues, yet the survey resu lt s indicate it is our least popul ar theme. On the plus side, it gets non-collectors using cur rent issue stam ps as postage and it has a big fan base amo ng our newer collecto rs . 79% of you were more than satisf ied with our handling of email enqui ries . Whilst th is is a slight im provemen t on previous years , it still fails to hit the high level of customer satisf action we strive to attain, and the refore has been fla gged as a cause for concern . Investigations are currently underway to identify what the key issues are and how we can best rectify them, Whil st a large propor tion of you were very posit ive about the im proveme nts we've made to the look and feel of Focus, some of you are still voicin g concerns over its content. You 'll see that in response to this feedback we've included more techn ical details for each stam p issue as well as incl uding pictor ial date stam ps. We also plan to publish more special interest articles contributed by guest w rite rs wi th expert knowle dge of a specific philatelic subjec t matter; A big thank you to Chris Well s w ho has contributed the first of these : Tarapex 2008. www stamp s


i'f ~ . ~



Stamps from other countries

'1 ,' r


Pitcairn Islands

Beijing 2008

Pit cairn Isla nds from Space

Oateof rssue-S May 2008

Date of Issue, 27 February 2008

Setof four gummed stamps , $3.40

Set of four self-adhesive stamps : $7.10

- -1111--

First day cover, $4.40

First day cover, $8.30

Longboats - A Community Lifeline Date of Issue, 24 Aprol2008

Fiji's Parrots

Se-tenant strip , $7.60

Oateof Issue, 25 March 2008

Se-tenant stroplirst day cover, $8.80

Set of four gummed stamps , $5.00 First day cove" $6.00

Hong Kong Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay Date of Issue: 2 May 2008 Sheetlet of 20 stamps ltocal mall postaqel: $10.90 Sheetlet of 20 stamps [arrrnail postaqel. $19.60 First day cove" $1.60

Samoa Beij ing 2008 - Games of the XXIX Olympiad Date of Issue, 18 June 2008 First day cover, $4.00 Miniaturesheet: $3.10

Paper Folding Fun



Date of rssue : 22 May 2008 Set of SIX gummed stamps , $3.10


First daycover, $3.80 Miniature sheet: $3.10 Miniature sheet first daycover "$3.80

United Nations Endangered Species Date of Issue, 6 March 2008 Set of 12 gummed stamps : $'3.90 Presentation pack: $17.50

Vanuatu Coconut Crabs Date of rssue: 20 February 2008


Set of two gummed stamps, $8.80 First day cover: $10.30

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Miniaturesheet: $8.80

Dateof Issue, 7 March 2008

Miniaturesheet first daycover - $10.30

Setof three gummed stamps , $4.10 First daycover $4.80



.... To view more stamps from other countries, please visit our website

Focus issue 46 Oclober 2008




NewZealandPost ~

Focus order form - October 2008 Customer details New customer:

Protecting your privacy


Custom er numbe r ,


New Zealand Post wilt keep your name and address on our database, so that in the future we can send you further infor ma tio n on stam ps. collecta btes. related produ ct s an d services and , occasionally , offe rs on sim ila r produ ct s from othe r com panies. If you do not wish to receive any ma iling s from the New Zealand Post Collecta bles and Sol ution s Centre

IFirst nam e : ISurname : IPostal address ·

at all. please tick here : D

Under the Priv acy Act 1993. you are entitled to have

II Post code :

acces s to. and to correct. your pers onal information

II Coun try ,

I_ Phone : _ _ _ _ _ _ _IIl_ Em_"'_I ' To JOin the mailing tis t, plea se tick here

0 3. Post th is order form to:

How to order 1. Enter your ord er detail s. AU pr ices are in New Zealand dollars.



at any tim e by ph oning or wr iting to the Coll ectables and SoLution s Cen tr e. Pr ivate Bag 3001. Wanganui 4540. New Zeatand. Telephone .64 6 349 1Z34. Fa' +64 6 345 7120.

Total your order and indicate how you wi sh to pay. If you are paying by che que, in ternational money order or bank draft . be sure to enclose this wi th your order. Please do not sen d cash.

How to pay

FreePostNo.1 New Zealand Post Collectables and Solutions Centre Private Bag 3001 Wanganui 4S40 New Zealand

by cheque, international m oney orde r or bank dr aft by cre di t card for orde rs of NZ$10 or m ore by debiting your account with th e New Zeal and Post Colle cta ble s and Solu tions Centre. if you have one (plea se contact us jf you w ould l ike to set up an account) PLEASE DD NOT SEND CASH payment can be mad e into your stam p accoun t at any New Zealand Post Post Shop by qu otin g your custo me r number and requ est tran sacti on to be proce ssed as a PHDEP.

Postage is free with in New Zealand . just address your envelope to the above address .

If you ar e mail ing your order from outside New ZeaLand, please be su re to affix t he correct postage.

Postage reckoner A

AuSlr.l" .. Soulll Pacihc paclrlC

G~ellng Cards. Stam ps.

Sbee ttets. Miniature Sheets. Book let s. Postcards. ACS Catalogu e

$ 1 50

E..l .... m .. Htll. .... meric. Ai<


R. .. . '



$2 00

$2 00

$ 1 50

£1 Sterli ng


SeII -adhesfYt Cartons


$5 50

$6 00

$6 50

$8 00


J'9 sa~


$12 00

$15 00




DAVQ Supps

$7 00

$11 00

$ 13.00


$ 1. 00





$22 50

$12 00

$ 12 00



$26 00


$5 50




Ca tetcq ues. Book s. Koru , Vase B

DAVe Albu ms. Weat he ~latl ons


Presentetrcn Packs . Collector's Folders. Stamp Packs. First Oay Cover Packs. Stanley Gibbons


First Day COYtt'Packs. MaXimum Cards. First Day COYers


$1 Australia



ks and CP

Currency reckoner Approxim at e equivale nt.

$2 00


NZ Stamp Coll ection s. Albums. Sloek


Aj ,

A Ima ge Block s. MIniature Sheet Booklets, Sheet s. Fir st Da~C~r R fill s




Z$I 21

$ 1 US


$1 Canada


€ 1 Euro


Total to pay Total aUsec tions $ Plus postage $

No Charge

$1000 cc une r se rvrce for COins $

If Sft'Pf"iJ/II~s In fDW5 m<trkNl ~ 'a~ ~ orrJ(>fPd. l~ hJg~ ral~ ilppi~ If MWf1J/ 11~ms In rows markNl IT ilfP ordt!rPd . I~ post. bsl Nl/$ PM lINn . If your orrJHinc/lXWs ;4' il nd 'S' lll'm s tM 'S' IIt'ms totill only ilppI~ InrHrliltlDnil1ExprPssraIl'S a~ avaiidbll' upon ilppI~tlOfl,



COin S




§ I


PlH u MJd S5.00thliwry ..nlhin NftV Z..,und for ~mptwll P. tHSOn ~1.1091W" Lighthou H Slockbook s, Gibbons ~1.I09Uft.nd NftV Z..".nd SlJWMIr'S.nd gift s.

How to contact us -

If you need more infor matio n. or help about Internat ional Express rates, please telephone. fax or email us direct.



Email :

You can also find us on the internet at:

(06) 349 1234 /Overseas cus tomers .64 6 3. 9 123. /

(06)3457120 lOverses s cus tomers .6. 6 3.5 7120/

www stamps and www ins

How would you like to pay?

Olnce code

D I have enclose d a cneque/mternano nat m oney orde r/ba nk draft (payable to: New Zealand Post!


Please debit my account I Wish to pay by cre di t ca rd (orde rs of $ 10 or m or el

D Visa 0

Ma sterCard

Card number





Dine r s

Custome r num ber -




Card hol der's name

ICard hol der's siqnature : 1

New Zealand stamps Kingitanga : Celebrating 150 Years - 2 May 2008

The A to Z of New Zealand '; 6 August 2008

Office use Descr ipt ion

Office use

Pr ice


Set of three gummed stamps



50c - Mira Whero. Mira Ma. Mira Pango


$1.50 - He Pika He Taniwha

$ 1.50

08El 08El

$2.50 - Kia Mau


First day cover

aty · Code

Total NZ$

Pr ice


Set of 26 gummed stamps Isheetl


08J l

First day cover Iset of threel



Al poster

at y · Code

Total NZ$

$5.00 Section STotal NZ$

$2.50 $5.00

North Island Main Trunk'Une Centenary 3 Sep-tember 2008

Section 1 Total NZ$

Matariki: Reflection. Renewal. Celebration 5 June 2008 Off ice use Descr ipt ion


Pr ice

aty · Code

Total NZ$

Office use

Descr iption


Set of five gummed stamps


50c - Manganui-te-Ao. 1908



$1.00 - Taurnarunui, 1958



$1.50 - Makatote Viaduct. 1963



$2.00 - Raurimu Spiral. 1964


08K l

$2.50 - Hapuawhenua Viaduct. 2003



Set of six gummed stamps



50c - Ranginui



50c - Te Moana Nui A Kiwa



$ 1.00 - Papatuanuku



$ 1.50 - Whakapapa



$2.00 - Takoha



First day cover


$2.50 - Te Tau Hou



Presentation pack


First day cover



Lim ited Edition Isubject to availabil ityl


Miniature sheet



Miniature sheet first day


Pr ice

aty · Code

Tot al NZ$


$8.00 $19.90 $ 135.00 Section 6 Total NZ$

cover P8Gl LE41

Presentation pack Lim ited Edition lsubject to availability]

2008 Annual Collector's Packs - 3 Sep-tember 2008


Off ice use Descr iption

$135.00 Secti on 2 Total NZ$

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games - 2 July 2008 Office use Descr ipti on

Pr ice

a ty · Code


2008 New Zealand Stamp Pack


2008 New Zealand First Day Cover Pack

Total NZ$

Pr ice

$125.10 Secti on 7 Total NZ$

Set of four gummed stam ps



50c - Celebrat e



50c - Passion



$1.00 - Succeed


Office use Description


$ 2.00 - Motivate



Exhibition miniature sheet



Exhibition miniature sheet first day cover


Vienna International Postage Stamp Exhibition 18 Sep-tember 2008

Secti on 3 Total NZ$

Children's Health: Investing in the Future - 2 Jul 2008 Pr ice


Set of two gummed stamps



150c . lOci gumm ed stam p



1$ 1.00. lOci gum med stamp



Fir st day cover li ncl. s/a 50c • lOc stam pl



Miniatur e sheet linct, 150c • lOci • 150c • l flcl » 1$1.00 • lOci stampsl



Miniature sheet first day cover



Sell-a dhesive stam ps 150c • lOci



Self-adhesive sheet 1100 x 150c • lOcil


a t y · Code

Section 4 Total NZ$


Total NZ$



Office use Descr ip ti on

aty · Code

Total NZ$

Pr ice

a ty · Code

Section 8 Total NZ$

Tot al NZ$

New Zealand stamps cant. Christmas 2008- 1 October 2008

Ross.Dependeng - 5 November 2008

Office use Descr iption

Office use

Descr iption


aty ·Code Total NZ$

Set of six gumm ed stamps



Set of five gummed stam ps



50c - Departure of Nimrod from Lyltelton



$100 - Expedition Hut. Cape Royds

$ 1 00


$1.50 - First vehicle on conti nent



$2.00 - First to reach the South Magnet ic Pole



$2.50 - First ascent of Mount Erebus



Fir st day cover


50c - Traditional



$100 - Traditional



$ 1 50 - Traditional



50c - Design a Stam p



$2.00 - Design a Stam p



$2.50 - Design a Stam p



Set of firs t day covers [Traditional and Design a Starnpl incl uding selfadhesive stam ps


Set of two self-a dhesive stamps



50c self-a dhesive stam pTraditio nal



$1.50 self -adhesive stamp Traditional




P8M2 Presentation pack


Self-a dhesive 50c booklet


Self-adhesive $ 1 50 booklet



Self-adhesive dispenser box containing 100 x 50c stam ps

$ 50.00

$ 19.90 Section 12 Total NZ$

The NewZealand Collection 2008- 5 November 2008 Office use




Pr ice

The New Zealand Collec tion 2008


90thAnniversary ofthe End of WorldWar One 20 October 2008 aty ·Code Total NZ$



Miniature sheet

$3 .00


Miniatur e sheet first day cove r

$3 .50 $5 .90

B8M3 Belgium min iature sheet

$5 .50 Section 10 Total NZ$

Sir Edmund Hillary - 5 November 2008 Price


Set of five gum med stam ps



50c - Sir Edmun d Hill ary



$1.00 - Mount Everest ' 19531

$ 1 50

$2.00 - Himalayan Trust 119641



$2.50 - Knight of the Garter '19951



First day cover


Presentation pack


aty ·Code Total NZ$

$ 1.00

$150 - Trans-Antarctic Expedition 11955-581



Taral!ex 2008- 7 November 2008 Office use Description



Exhibition m iniature sheet

$4 00


Exhibition m iniature sheet first day cover


aty ·Code Total NZ$

Section 14 Total NZ$

P8M3 Joint presentation pack

Office use Descr iption

aty ·Code Total NZ$

Section 13 Total NZ$

Section 9 Total NZ$

Office use Description

aty · Code Total NZ$

Pr ice


Stamps from other countries Fiji Office use



Set of four gummed stam ps 1



Fir st day cover




Set of four gummed stam ps 1


First day cover


T T Price

atyT-codeT Total NZ$

Fiji's Parrots






$4 40 1




Beijing 2008

$8.00 $19.90 Sect ion 11 Total NZ$

Please note:

Orders containing issues that have alreadybeen releasedandissues due to be released will be supplied ontheir respective issues dates.

Mint stamps wilt be supplied unlessyouspecifically request otherwise. If you wishto order used lUI or cancelled Ie) stamps, please indicate this by writing the letter U or C as appropriate next to the quantity you require.

"Ptate/lrnprint blocks may be obtained by purchasing at least six sheet stamps. Barcode, vatue and logo blocks may be obtained by purchasing at least two sheet stamps. Barcode block s are generally available in A and B formats for sheet stamps. Toorder blocks or sheets from relevant issues. please enter a code from the list below in the appropriate column. · Codes for the typesof block and sheets are as follows: Pi - Plat e Block, VA - Value Block, BA - Bar code Block, LO - Logo Bl ock, ST - Sheet of stam ps. lall pr ices includ e NZ Goods and Serv ices Tax @ 1Z.5%J



Stamps from other countries cant. J!2!lg Kong

Personalised Postage

Office use Descr ip tio n

Off ice use Descript ion

Pr ice

Qty ' Code Total NZ$

Paper Foldin g Fun H127

Set of six gumm ed stam ps



First day cover



Miniature sheet



Miniature sheet first day



Additional products

Pr ice


Personali sed Postage 2006 set



Personali sed Postage 2007 pack


Qty ' Code Total NZ$

Section 16 Total NZ$

cover Beij ing 2008 Olymp ic Torch Rel ay H130

Sheetlet of 20 stam ps Hocal mail postagel

$ 10.90


Sheetlet of 20 stam ps lairmail postagel



First day cover

Coins New Zealand Pre-decimal Curreng Set


Off ice use Descr iption



Office use Descr iption

I Pr ice

Pr ice

New Zealand Pre-decimal Curren cy Set

Total NZ$

Qty ' Code

Total NZ$

Qty ' Code

Total NZ$


I Qty I ' c ode Total NZ$

Beij ing 2008 Olymp ic Games

2008 New Zealand Silver Dollar


Set of three gummed stam ps 1





First day cover


Office use




Qty ' Code




Pr ice

2008 New Zealand silver proof coin


Pitcairn Islands l'Off ice use Descr ip tion

Pr ice

Qty ' Code

Total NZ$

2008 Hamilton's Frog Off ice Description us e

Pitcairn Islands fr om Space

Pr ice


Set of four self-a dhesive stamps



2008 Ham ilton' s frog silver proof coin



First day cover



2008 Ham ilt on's frog silver proof coin set

$ 139.00


2008 Ham ilt on's frog brill iant uncirculated coin



2008 Ham ilt on's frog brill iant uncir culated coin set


Longboats - A Comm unity Lifeline PT63

Se-tenant stri p



Se-tenant stri p first day



Samoa Office use Descr iptio n

Sir Edmund Hilla!:)' - A lifetime of achievement


Pri ce I Qty I ' c ode I Total NZ$

Beijing 2008 - Games of the XXIX Olymp iad W111

First day cover


Miniature sheet


$4.001 $310 1


1 1

Off ice use Descr iption

Pr ice


Gold proof coin



Silver proof coin



Philatelic numismatic cover


Qty ' Code

Total NZ$

Qty ' Code

Total NZ$

United Nations Office use Descr ipt ion

International Coins I Pr ice

I Qty I ' c ode I Total NZ$

Endangered Species U240

Set of 12 gum med stamps

1 $ 13.90 I




Presentatio n pack

1 $17.501



Vanuatu Office use Descr ip tion

Off ice Description use


2008 Austra lian brill iant uncircu lated baby coin set



2008 Polar series silver proof coin


Austria Pr ice

Qty ' Code Total NZ$


Klostern euburg Abbey

Coconut Crabs Set of two gum med stam ps


First day cover



Miniature sheet


Miniature sheet firs t day



cover Section 15 Total NZ$


$35.90 Sect ion 17 Total NZ$




Aus t ra li a

Plea se no te for coin s Because these coins are valuable and highl y regarded collec tables, orders from w ithi n New Zealand containi ng coins wi ll be sent by special courier, so please supply an address whic h enables your package to be signed for and add $ 5.00 for delivery. Over seas orde rs will be delivered by Inter national Express, please add $ 10.00 to your order.

Other products still on offer

Ross Dependency Definitive StilmpS Office use Description

Definitive Stamps Office use Descr ipt ion

Pr ice


$4.00 and $5.00 Butlerflies



$1.50 self-adhesive stamps 7 May 2003



$10 Mt Ruapehu 12 February 1997



$20 Mt Cook 18February 1994




Definitive rate decrease 40c stamp - 2 October 1995


Ross Dellendeng Packs

aty 'Code Total NZ$

Office use Description

Pr ice


2005Ross Dependency Through the Lens



2006Ross Dependency



2007Ross Dependency

2003 Defirutives. self- adhesive five x $1.50 stamps 7 May 2003


Historic Farm Equipment miniature sheet booklet


Office use Descr iption


Extreme Sports miniature sheet booklet



068 1

75th Anniversary of the Hawkes Bay Earthquake miniature sheet booklet


Scenic Detmruves, sett-adheswe 10 x 50c stamps



Maximum Cards

Extreme Sports


aty 'Code Total NZ$

$10.00 Section 23 Total NZ$

Postal Stationery Office use Description



Scenic Deflnltlves. sell- adhesive 10x $1.00 stamps



Southern Skies miniature sheet booklet



2007Christmas self-adhesive 10x 50c stamps


2007 Christmas $1.50 booklet lone x $1.50 stamp freel



2008 Underwater Reefs $1.00 stamp booklet



2008 ANZAC miniature sheet booklet




Centenary of the first stampvending machine-envelope with cancellation



Centenary of the first stampvending machine-envelope without cancellation



TePapa pre-stamped envelope - mint



TePapa pre-stamped envelope - cancelled



aty 'Code Total NZ$


Section 24 Total NZ$

Presentation Packs Section 19 Total NZ$

Rellrint Booklets Office use Descr ipt ion

aty 'Code Total NZ$

Section 22 Total NZ$



aty 'Code Total NZ$

Section 21 Total NZ$

Booklets Pr ice

0712 aty 'Code Total NZ$

Section 18 Total NZ$

Off ice use Descript ion


Definitives set of 10stamps - 5c. lOc. 20c. 45c. 50c. 70c. 80c. $1.00. $2.00. $3.00 2 November 1994



$ 1.50Booklet - 1 KiWI



$ 1.50 Booklet - 2 K,w,


aty 'Code Total NZ$

Office use Description

Pr ice


Scenic Coastlines



Art meets Craft

$24.95 $16.95


Year of the Sheep


Royal New Zealand Ballet



100Years of New Zealand Test Rugby



$1.50 Booklet - 3 K,w,



$1.00 Booklet - 1 Kiwi



Veteran Veh icles



$1.00 Booklet - 2 Kiwi



NZ Zoo Animals



50c Definitive - 1 Kiwi



World ot Wearable Art



50c Definitive - 2 KiWI



Garden Flowers



$1.00 Booklet - 3 K,WI





Section 20 Total NZ$


Farmyard Animals



150Years of New Zealand Stamps lpart 11



150Years of New Zealand Stamps lpart 21



150Years of New Zealand Stamps (part 31


aty 'Code Total NZ$



Presentation Packs

Ha gne r P r oducts

Office use Descr ip tion

Pr ice


Year of the Dog



HM Queen Elizabeth II 80th Birthda y



Gold Rush



Scolt Base 1957 - 2007



Year of the Pig



Clever Kiwis



Prince Caspian


P8Gl P8Kl

Matar iki North Island Main Trunk Line Centenary

Oty 路 Code Tot al NZ$


Hagner Album


Hagner Sheets HI =1 strip, H2=2 strips, H3=3 strips, H4=4 strips. H5路5 strips. H6=6 strips. H7=7 strips. H8=8 strips


WWF Collect ion



$2490 $19.90


32 sides wh ite pages


32 Sides black pages



48 Sides white pages



48 sides black pages



64 sides white pages



64 Sides black pages



lighthouse Royal large FDC Album IWlth five doubl e pocket ref illsl



Five refill s for lighthouse FOC Album ldoublel


Five refill s for lightho use FDC Album Isingl el



Lighthou se Coin Album



Prem ier FDC Album - large delu xe



Five refills for prem ier large deluxe FDC Album - single pocket



Five refills for prem ier large delu xe FDC Album - double pocket



Five refills for prem ier sma ll deluxe FDC Album



Campbell Paterson NZ Catalogue


$21.95 $3.70


2001 Collect ion Jigsaw


2002 Collection Jigsaw



2003 Collection Jigsaw



2004 Collection Jigsaw



Draw-it-Yourself Label Set


New Zealand Collect ion : 150 Years


Chinese Lunar Series - Special Edition Pack

Jd9 ht h o u s e Stockbooks Pr ice


Other Books / Produ c t s

Sectio n 25 Total NZ$

Office use Descr ipt ion


Oty 路 Code Total NZ$


$9.00 $295.00 $49.90 Secti on 26 Total NZ$


Stamps to be withdrawn from sale - last chance to order 2003 Defin it ive s Office use Descr ip tion

Pr ice



Set of five stamps 150c. $1.00. $1.50. $2.00, $5.001 100 x 50c, $1.00 stamps per sheet 50 x $1.50. $2.00, $5.00 stamps per sheet

Oty 路C ode

Secti on 27 Total NZ$

Total to pay

Ca mpbe ll Pa terson $241.90

Total all sect ions Plus postage


DAVO 1990-1999 Album IVol 31


DAVO Album IVol 51



DAVO Supplement pages 2000



DAVO Suppleme nt pages 2002



DAVO Supplement pages 2004


Checkl ist


DAVO Supplement pages 2005



Special courier service for coins

Total amount to pay NZ$


DAVO Supplement pages 2006


Enter all your cust ome r d et a il s (including your customer number!


DAVO Supplemen t pages 2007


Ind icate how you would like to pay


2008 ASC Stam p Catalogue

T i ck

Total your order

Hawid Products


$10.00 If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, return it to us with in 14 days of rece iv ing it. You can ask us to replace it or g ive you a refund. No questions asked !

All prices subject to change.


Tot al NZ$

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