NYSEF 2023 Annual Report

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Mission It is the mission of NYSEF to provide opportunities for athletes of all ages to reach their potential in snow sports - alpine, biathlon, cross country, freestyle skiing, nordic combined, ski jumping, and snowboarding - through professional guidance and financial support.

Vision New York Ski Educational Foundation offers transformative experiences for athletes and families across all snowsport disciplines at superior venues offering programs delivered by outstanding coaches and staff to prepare participants for their chosen level of competition while instilling a lifelong enthusiasm for winter sports.

Values Honor Empower Accountability Respect Tenacity



NYSEF is a community that empowers its members, respects and includes all, holds itself accountable, celebrates integrity and hard work, and honors each athlete’s journey.


Dear Friends, To represent an organization with a long and illustrious history while preparing the path for each new generation of athletes is a significant responsibility. Often it can feel like we have one foot in the past and one in the future. As NYSEF celebrated its 50th anniversary this year, we have sought to honor the people and the moments that have shaped this organization that we all love so well. We’re eager to look ahead - not just to the coming season but to what the next 50 years will hold, what it might look like, and what NYSEF could become. We don’t have a crystal ball but we know we can count on inspiring stories of achievement against all odds, wins well deserved, losses deeply felt, and stories passed on to each new generation. “I was there”... “I remember”... It’s all true. Whatever the future brings, the young athletes who call NYSEF their home will continue to be our brightest points on the horizon. Their dreams and aspirations are the stars we must navigate by. To help carry someone’s dream is a sacred trust - a responsibility that NYSEF has long endeavored and will continue to abide by for years to come. We hope you will continue to be inspired by our athletes and continue to be an active and cherished part of our shared NYSEF community.

Thank you for your support,

John Norton, Executive Director





Table of Contents 2. NYSEF’s Mission, Vision, & Values 3. A Letter from NYSEF’s Executive Director 5. From the Chairman’s Desk 6. NYSEF’s Board of Directors 8. 50th Anniversary Commemorative Poster 10. NYSEF’s 50-Year History 22. 2023-2024 Enrollment 24. Program Update: Whiteface Alpine 26. Program Update: Gore Alpine 28. Program Update: Belleayre Alpine 30. Program Update: Cross Country & Biathlon


32. Program Update: Ski Jumping & Nordic Combined 34. Program Update: Freeride 36. Northwood School Update 38. 2023: A Year in Events 40. Volunteering: The Heart of NYSEF 42. Dare To Dream: In Jonah’s Memory 46. Skimeisters Take Flight 50. By the Numbers: NYSEF’s 2023 Fiscal Year 52. NYSEF’s 2023 Donor List 58. Thank You!



From the Chairman’s Desk October 8th saw the first snow of the season at the top of Whiteface! It was great to see so many of our staff, supporters, and families at the summer benefit in August. It was a great night and we appreciate your support. Your generosity allows us to provide a significant amount of support to athletes as they pursue their dreams, and together we raised over $62,000! The upcoming season promises to be a wonderful opportunity for NYSEF to expand on our mission as the impressive investments made in venues will improve conditions and training opportunities. Belleayre, Gore, Whiteface, Van Hoevenberg, and the Ski Jumps have all benefited from upgrades over the past few seasons and we are appreciative of that support. New this season is the Skimeister program, and we trust there will be an enthusiastic response as it offers kids a chance to experience multiple disciplines as they start their snow sports journey. Some will be drawn to Nordic, some to freestyle, and some to the more traditional race course. There are a lot of great opportunities for our young athletes and by allowing them to experience all our disciplines there is a greater chance they will find the path that suits them best. It was a busy summer but as the temps turn colder the pace quickens. For those who tune and wax at the end of the season, you’ll be ready. For the rest of us, it’s time to start the process. No one wants a streak of rust on the snow on the first day on skis! I’ll see you out there,

Greg Harden




NYSEF’s Board of Directors Greg Harden, Chairman Peter Benedetto II, Vice Chairman Kevin Brady, Secretary Karen Finnerty, Treasurer

Andrea Henkle-Burke Annella White Dignes Stephanie Doherty Bill Kloc Bill Nealon Dr. Helena Hozak Haase Howard Silverstein


Andrew Weibrecht Jennifer Hunt Dempsey Steven Kroll Craig Dunleavy William Hollister Dr. Richard Smith



Emeritus Board Members Art Lussi “I enjoy watching children mature through the introduction to snowsports. I appreciate seeing children show up on time, dressed for the weather conditions, and ready to take a bit of direction from their coaches as they embark on their progression to becoming not only excellent skiers and riders but also outstanding individuals. We demand politeness and smiles in our quests for improvement, and nothing makes me prouder than seeing shining NYSEF faces all over the world.” - Art Lussi

Horst Weber “The one standout person who most everyone holds in high esteem is Horst Weber, who has donated countless years to NYSEF as a Coach, Official, USSA, and FIS Representative. Horst was truly dedicated to NYSEF and its ideals. It was obvious he put forth every effort to ensure that races were run properly and the participants were given every opportunity to excel.” - Jay Rand

Jim White “I have been very proud to serve NYSEF on the Board for 10 years, and to continue my service as an Emeritus member of the NYSEF Board and race volunteer.” - Jim White

Thank you for your years of dedicated service to NYSEF!







NYSEF 50th Anniversary Commemorative Poster In honor of its 50th anniversary, the New York Ski Educational Foundation commissioned a special commemorative painting by former NYSEF/Gore coach Ingrid Van Slyke to create a one-of-a-kind NYSEF Ski Poster that is now available for pre-order. Van Slyke is a longtime NYSEF community member, having attended Mountain House school, and then going on to coach for NYSEF’s Gore Program. She holds an MFA in Painting from the Savannah College of Art and Design. Layering the ridgelines of Whiteface, Gore, and Belleayre, as well as the Nordic venues against the backdrop of a bluebird sky, we see four athletes representing alpine, freeride, ski jumping, and our Nordic disciplines. Across their bibs, a small easter egg is found: 1973, the year the New York Ski Educational Foundation began. “It was a pleasure to create this painting and bring NYSEF’s vision of combining its history with a bright future to fruition,” Van Slyke said. Northwood School’s Michael Aldridge crafted the graphic framework to layer on Ingrid’s stunning painting, creating a one-of-a-kind commemorative poster. Poster prints are $100 each and proceeds will go directly toward ensuring NYSEF can continue to provide an outstanding experience for young athletes pursuing their snowsports dreams. Each poster is 18×24” and printed on high-quality paper ready for framing. The first printing will have a limited run of 90 prints. We will be printing a second run based on demand. If you would like your poster mailed to you, please select the $12 mailing fee option in the purchase form. You will receive a notification when your print is ready for pick-up. Prints will be mailed ASAP.

Order Here: https://bit.ly/3NyS3Rb




50 Years of History NYSEF began to take shape in the late 1960s when ski areas across New York State saw an increase in young athletes’ desire to engage in competitive racing. Rising costs for individualized training left top skiers facing a difficult choice: leave the sport or leave the area to train elsewhere. In 1973, Bruce Colon, then the Alpine Skiing Program Director for Northwood School, reached out to Faris Taylor, a former Chair of the New York State Ski Racing Association (NYSSRA) with an idea - to create a new kind of ski education program for aspiring alpine racers. Faris knew exactly who to contact to help, Senator Larry Lane. With both Faris and Larry’s support, Bruce presented his plan at the Environmental Conservation Meeting in Albany to the Northwood Head of School, Board Members of NYSSRA, and the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), among others.

From left, in front are Mike Ramaley, Faris Taylor and Dick Deininger. In back are Bruce Colon and Mark Rickertson.




After the presentation, Bruce got the go-ahead for $160,000 to start the Whiteface Alpine Training Center. A Director was hired to be the liaison to the DEC/State, and three dedicated coaches built a small training center at the base of Whiteface. Knowing the funding would not last, Bruce, Faris, and NYSRRA board member, Dick Denninger, began the process to create a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Through the support of the New York State Ski Racing Association, a small cabin constructed at Whiteface Mountain Ski Area in Wilmington became the headquarters of the newly established Whiteface Alpine Training Center, which would later become the New York Ski Educational Foundation. NYSEF had begun.


The Whiteface Alpine Training Center is founded at Whiteface Mountain. (Renamed to the New York Alpine Training Center in 1978)





The Winter Olympics are held in Lake Placid and New York Alpine Training Center athlete Billy Taylor competes in the slalom.

1982 The Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) is created and the New York Alpine Training Center begins a longstanding partnership with ORDA to help host world-class ski events




1984 The New York Alpine Training Center is renamed the New York Ski Educational Foundation as the program takes over the ski jumping and cross country skiing programs in Lake Placid. Gore Mountain in North Creek joins ORDA and NYSEF takes over its alpine racing program. Former Training Center athlete Bill Johnson wins a Gold Medal in the Downhill at the Winter Olympic Games in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia.




1994 Freestyle Skiing (moguls and inverted aerials) is added as a NYSEF Program




the 19th Winter Olympic Games held in Salt Lake City. NYSEF has three athletes representing nordic and alpine disciplines

Snowboarding is added as a NYSEF program



2005 Construction begins on the new Whiteface Training Center

2006 The Winter Olympic Games are held in Torino, Italy where 3 NYSEF athletes represent biathlon and nordic combined disciplines




2010 NYSEF sends 7 athletes to the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, making it the most represented domestic ski program in the games. Andrew Weibrecht wins a Bronze Medal in Super G and Billy Demong wins Gold and Silver in Nordic Combined events.

2012 The Dare to Dream Scholarship Fund is created and launched with an event in New York City






NYSEF celebrates its 40th Anniversary

Tim Burke takes Silver at Biathlon World Championships in Nove Mesto, Czech Republic


Winter Term’s inaugural season begins Jan. 2. NYSEF sends 9 Olympians to the Winter Games in Sochi, Russia. Andrew Weibrecht wins the Silver Medal in the Super G



2017 Lowell Bailey wins Biathlon World Championships in the 20km Men’s Individual


NYSEF sends 7 athletes to the Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea.




Belleayre Mountain joins ORDA and NYSEF takes over the ski racing program


2019 NYSEF alumna Tara Geraghty Moats wins the first ever FIS Women's Nordic Combined World Cup event

2021 A year after the COVID19 pandemic began, NYSEF sees it’s biggest enrolling class to date of 601 athletes

2023 NYSEF celebrates its Golden Anniversary




Our Directors Chris Jones 1978-1983

Ted Blazer 1983-1986

Horst Weber 1986-1999




Lisa Gouwens 2006-2009

Jay Rand 2009-2016

Douglas Williams 1999-2006

John Norton 2016-Present




2023-2024 Enrollment

Enrolled NYSEF Athletes

241 Alpine Skiers

Winter Term

22 44

154 Belleayre Mountain PAGE 22






Freeride Athletes


Intro to Northwood Skimeisters Competitive School Skiing

98 19


XC Skiers

Whiteface Mountain

109 34 29

NYSEF Nordic

95 21

Alpine Skiers




Jumpers Nordic Combined

Gore Mountain


Freestyle Athletes

Intro to Competitive Skiing


Alpine Skiers

Intro to Competitive Skiing

Freeride Athletes



U12 (46) U14 (26) U16/U18 Weekend (23) Intro to Competitive Skiing (21)

Whiteface Alpine:

Belleayre Alpine:

Whiteface is home to 63 full-time alpine athletes from Winter Term and Northwood School, 42 Collegiate skiers, 44 Intro to Competitive Skiing Athletes, and 67 athletes enrolled in part-time U12 through masters-level alpine programming.

Belleayre Mountain is home to 37 Intro to Competitive Skiing Athletes and 95 athletes enrolled in parttime U12 through masters-level alpine programming.

Full Time (63) U12 (19) U14 (24) U16/U18 Weekend (9) Clarkson (19) St. Lawrence University (23) Alpine Masters (15) Intro to Competitive Skiing (44)

U12 (42) U14 (32) U16/U18 Weekend (17) Alpine Masters (7) Intro to Competitive Skiing (37)

U12 (46) U14 (26) U16/U18 Weekend (23) Intro to Competitive Skiing (21)

Gore Alpine: Gore Mountain is home to 21 Intro to Competitive Skiing Athletes and 95 athletes enrolled in part-time U12 through U18 alpine programming.

Numbers are Rising! 22/23



NYSEF Enrollment

250 200 150 100 50


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Whiteface Snowboarders (7) Whiteface Freeskiers (15) Gore Snowboarders (3) Gore Freeskiers (18) Belleayre Snowboarders (13) Belleayre Freeskiers (6)





Whiteface Alpine NYSEF at Whiteface continues to see increasing enrollment numbers across all age groups, as well as continued success in competition. In the 22/23 season, NYSEF at Whiteface’s alpine teams sent four athletes to the National Championship events, traveled globally from Austria to Chile for training and racing, and hosted the alpine events of the 2023 FISU Winter World University Games. Over the summer our FIS Women’s Team welcomed new Assistant Coach Scott Wilson, our Winter Term programming found a new home right in Wilmington at the Inn at Whiteface, and we received grant money from the Killington World Cup and Cloudsplitter Foundations to start a new Skimeister Program.

22/23 Season Recap: U10/U12 It was another year of developing successful ski racers at Whiteface! Many of our athletes had the chance to experience skiing the storied glades and slides of Whiteface thanks to good spring snow. On the race side, Cecelia Norfolk and Sam Miemis won the Kombi event at the Empire State Winter Games. At The 60th Annual William Hovey Memorial GS, Ava Reynolds stood atop the podium for U10 girls, with Henri Meunier taking home the win for U12 boys. Younger brother Theo Meunier won the White Stag Race at Mount Pisgah.




Updates U14 NYSEF’s U14 alpine team from Whiteface had another successful season, beginning with the annual Fall Fundamentals Camp in Summit County, Colorado, and capping off with a spring camp in Mammoth, California. Winter Term athlete Thomas Reynolds stood atop the podium at the 60th Annual William Hovey Memorial GS Race, and Northwood School’s Jackson Magnus qualified for CanAm Championships in Mont Tremblant.

U16 It was a historic year for NYSEF’s U16 program at Whiteface; Athletes swept the gold medals at State Championships at home before traveling to Eastern Regionals at Sugarloaf; where Northwood School’s Cara Dempsey placed second in the ladies' slalom. Dempsey, along with teammates Julianne Brochu and Denny Sebek had the honor of representing the Eastern Region at U16 National Championships in Mission Ridge, WA.

FIS/U18+ NYSEF’s FIS Teams had another strong season under the guidance of Head Coaches Seppi Steigler and Jeremy Transue, competing all across the Northeastern United States and Canada. The teams took training trips to Valle Nevado, Chile in the fall, and Copper Mountain in the spring.






Gore Alpine NYSEF Staff at Gore Mountain kept busy last season, playing a major role in hosting the Freestyle events of the FISU Winter World University Games. Alpine enrollment at Gore continues to be strong, with 116 athletes participating in NYSEF alpine and Intro to Competitive skiing programs. Over the summer, Lily Gaechter accepted the U12 Head Coach position left vacant by the retirement of Steve Jackson at the end of the 22/23 season. Jen Allen accepted the new position of U10 Head Coach, and we have added a number of Junior Coaches to our staff.

22/23 Season Recap: U10

The U10 program had a very successful 22/23 season. Athletes spent the season skiing the entire mountain; glades, groomers, steeps, terrain park, and more! Athletes also started gate training and participated in five U10 World Cup Races that were all held at Gore Mountain. The group worked hard, improved a lot, and had tons of fun!


Updates U12 The 22/23 season proved to be a standout year for Gore’s U12 athletes, marked by numerous achievements and commendable performances. A notable standout was Chloe Brown, who made it to the semi-finals in the Francis Piche Invitational. Teammate Addison Mead earned the title of fastest athlete on the hill at the Kandahar Championships at home. Throughout the season our U12 athletes consistently delivered top-ten results, demonstrating not only their competitive spirit but also their dedication to improvement.

U14 It was another successful year of U14 alpine training and racing at Gore Mountain. Our athletes raced all around the northeast, competing in the Hovey at Whiteface Mountain, and the Mud, Sweat, N’ Gears Cup at various locations, where Noah Franklin had several top-10 finishes, including a third place!

U16/U18 The U16/18 alpine program at Gore had a very successful 22/23 season with some solid results at the U18 State Championships. Mason Englert qualified for the U16 Ronnie Berlack Eastern Regional Championships and three athletes qualified for the U16 Eastern Regional Finals; Taylor Dennis, Sarah MacFarlane, and Samantha Lawney.





Belleayre Alpine Belleayre’s Alpine racing program is growing exponentially, with enrollment for the current season reaching capacity in under one month. In the 22/23 season, with help from the Killington World Cup Foundation, we installed a new finish building at our dedicated race venue, putting the cap on a three-year-long project to completely upgrade the communications and timing system there. With these upgrades, as well as challenging terrain and central location/accessibility from Interstate 87, our hill has become the preferred U14 Super G training and race venue in New York State.

22/23 Season Recap: U10/U12 NYSEF Belleayre's U10 and U12 age groups saw growth in both size and understanding of alpine ski racing and the life skills that come with it! We continue to focus on the FUN in FUNdamentals and ensuring our athletes develop their skiing, but more importantly their independence and core values. We added a sportsmanship award to our in-house "Pre Race Prep" series and continue to focus on the athletes’ progression of success and developing what success means to each athlete. We saw great success at both The Hovey and Kandahar when competing across the Eastern NYS Region, including a variety of Top Ten finishes, but more importantly, all athletes engaged about their skiing and excited for what they want next in their journey!




Updates U14 Belleayre’s U14 Alpine athletes raced all around New York State in the Mud, Sweat, N’ Gears Cup during the 22/23 season. At State Championships at West Mountain, Amelia Karcz won the Super G and placed 6th in the Giant Slalom, qualifying herself for U14 Eastern Championships at Whiteface.

U16/18 U16 and U18 alpine racing at Belleayre remains strong, with notable performances coming from Nico Fonseca and Jillian Lacey in the 22/23 season. Nico won the New Jersey High School State Championships as well as two ski cross events at home, while Jillian received the hard charger award in the Super G at U18 State Championships.





Cross Country Skiing NYSEF’s Cross Country and Biathlon Teams continue to produce national-caliber athletes under the leadership of coaches Paul Smith, Julianne Stemp, and Maddie Phaneuf. In the 22/23 season, our teams competed at various races and events across the Northeastern United States and Canada as well as the US National Championships, and the historic Liatoppen Biathlon Festival in Norway. We hosted many races at our home venues, ranging from local community races to the NCAA D1 National Championships and the nordic events of the 2023 FISU Winter World University Games, where many of our athletes had the honor of acting as forerunners for the events.

22/23 Season Recap: Devo XC NYSEF’s Devo XC Team had another exciting year of training, racing, and fun! Athletes raced weekly at the Dewey Mountain Tuesday Night Race Series, as well as racing in the Saranac Lake Winter Carnival, Empire State Winter Games, and the Bill Koch League Festival. At the Empire State Winter Games, Ryan Mannion, Tyler Erenstone, Liam Stoddard, and Will Preece all found themselves on the podium. Preece went on to team up with fellow Team NY skier Colin B. at the Bill Koch League Festival at the end of the season, where they finished in third place overall.




Updates & Biathlon XC Junior Race Team The Junior Race Team had another season of competitive results on snow, beginning with the Eastern Cup at Mt. Van Hoevenberg. At the Empire State Winter Games, Sophia Kelting, Andrew Scanio, and Filippos Kogiantis stood atop the podium. Six NYSEF athletes qualified to travel to Eastern High School Championships as members of Team NY, and seven athletes qualified to travel to Junior National Championships in Fairbanks, Alaska, where Sophia Kelting placed 12th in the skate sprint.

Biathlon NYSEF Biathletes hit their mark on the national and international competitive circuits in the 22/23 season, finding themselves atop the podium at several races. Abi Van Dorn, Galen Halasz, and River Gray brought home gold medals from the Empire State Winter Games and Ethan Allen Club Races while Post Graduate athlete Dolce Tanguay qualified for and competed in the FISU Winter World University Games, Junior World Championships, and the IBU Cup circuit. NYSEF Alumni Jackie Garso and Tim Cunningham competed in the World Cup and IBU Cup respectively. Abi Van Dorn finished the season with a bang, winning the Youth National Championship in the pursuit, and placing second in both the sprint and mixed relay. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT





Ski Jumping & Nordic It was a historic year for NYSEF, as we were named US Ski and Snowboard’s 22/23 Club of the Year for Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined, and the Lake Placid Olympic Jumping Complex hosted a Men’s World Cup Ski Jumping competition in February; where NYSEF Athlete Tate Frantz competed in front of the home crowd. Leading into the 23/24 season, NYSEF was awarded a grant of $60,593 from the North Elba LEAF to purchase youth ski jumping equipment to support our youth and development jump programs.

22/23 Season Recap: Ski Jumping NYSEF Ski Jumpers had another successful season of podium results, beginning at the Ford Sayer Ski Club Junior Competition, where Max Fey, Henry Loher, Leila Fey, Kai McKinnon, Mitchell Penning, and Schuyler Clapp all stood victorious in their divisions. The dominance continued at home at the Empire State Winter Games, where Max Fey, Jack Kroll, Leila Fey, and Ada Weibrecht won in the HS20 and HS10 competitions.




Updates Combined Duncan Van Dorn, Eli Larkin, Henry Loher, Jack Kroll, Kai McKinnon, Max Fey, Schuyler Clapp, and Will Coffin all qualified for the 2023 Junior National Championships in Coleraine, MN, where Henry and Kai each brought home a U16 National Championship silver medal.

Nordic Combined The 22/23 winter season marked another year of successful performances from NYSEF’s Nordic Combined athletes. At the Empire State Winter Games, the men’s team swept the K20/U16 podium, with Max Fey, Jack Kroll, and Duncan Van Dorn taking 1st through 3rd respectively. NYSEF’s standout athlete of the season was Kai McKinnon, who won multiple events throughout the winter culminating in a U16 Junior National Championship. In the spring, Kai was named to the 2023/2024 United States Junior National Nordic Combined Team.





Freeride The 2022/2023 season was a big one for NYSEF’s continuallygrowing Freeride Program. We sent a record 23 athletes to Copper Mountain in Colorado for National Championships in April; bringing home four National Championship medals, including one gold. Gore Mountain hosted the Freestyle events of the FISU Winter World University Games as well as the Hole Shot Tour, and Northwood The school added a Freestyle Ski Team to support fulltime programming at Whiteface Mountain.

22/23 Season Recap: Whiteface: Whiteface Freeskiier Yvetta Hofrichter won the Grommet Railjam National Championship in April, with snowboarder Robbie Sinclair taking a silver medal in Junior Boardercross. Moguls Skier Wyatt Stanclift took 7th at Junior Nationals in Steamboat Springs in March.




Updates Belleayre: Belleayre Junior Coach and Freeskiier Marielle Rodriguez had a phenomenal week at the National Championships; she placed 3rd in Slopestyle, 4th in Ski Cross, and 6th in the Railjam. Teammate Adelaide Kipiniak placed 3rd in Youth Ski Cross and 7th in Slopestyle. Owen Priotti had the best performance on the boys' side, placing 8th in Breaker Ski Cross. At home, we hosted 2 different USASA Catskill Mountain Series Events.

Gore: Gore Freestyle had a busy year of hosting big events with the FISU Winter World University Games taking up most of January. At the National Championships, Freeskiier Hunter Goodwin placed 4th in Youth Ski Cross, just missing qualifying for the Youth Olympic Games. Jack Spiers placed 7th in Boardercross. Other notable performances came from Sean Rosenzweig (8th Youth Ski Cross) and Noah Baldwin (9th Grommet Slopestyle).




Northwood Huskies

"Northwood School is honored to report a successful 2023 year. Our partnership with the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Gold-certified club, NYSEF, provides top-tier coaching. We partner continuously to achieve excellence by developing rising studentathletes to reach their academic and athletic goals. The Northwood School's comprehensive curriculum and specialized ski program provide a unique pathway for student-athletes to achieve unparalleled success. Adaptations to the academic schedule allow for rigorous coursework while maintaining a focus on athletic training & racing."

- Tommy Biesemeyer

Olympian, Northwood School Director of Skiing

Team Size Growth:


The Northwood School/NYSEF Ski Team proudly reports a remarkable two-year annual growth rate of 22%, underscoring our commitment to excellence in academics and athletics. This growth is a testament to our strategic initiatives to balance athletic and academic demands to ensure the student-athlete's success.

Expanded Program Offerings: Northwood School has successfully added Nordic programs, including ski jumping, cross country, and biathlon, and formed a freestyle program. This expansion enhances the diversity of our training and prepares our team for multifaceted success.

Team Demographics: The Northwood School/NYSEF Ski Team, currently comprised of 36 athletes, reflects a rich demographic of student-athletes with representatives from China, Canada, Spain, and the United States, spanning five states. This diversity contributes to a dynamic, inclusive community, illustrating a global perspective.

Strategic Training Approach: Olympian Tommy Biesemeyer leads the Northwood /NYSEF athletes’ integration of offseason training and utilizes the Adirondack Mountains through the Northwood Outing Club ensuring a unique athlete development approach. Summer and Fall, on-snow training camps in Chile, Austria, and Colorado, provide a unique opportunity to reach the team's goals. 2023 ANNUAL REPORT


The Year in Events

Golden Anniversary Summer Benefit

NYSEF once again hosted our annual Summer Benefit at the Lake Placid Olympic Jumping Complex. The event featured NYSEF athletes ski jumping under the lights and into the freestyle pool, as well as food, drinks, and live music. Over 200 guests attended the event, which marked 50 years of storied NYSEF history, and helped to raise over $62,000 to continue supporting athletes in the pursuit of their dreams on snow

Events We Supported Community Day in Lake Placid Lake Placid Marathon Aid Stations FISU Winter World University Games Ironman & IronKids Hardy Kids Mountain Bike Race Kelly Brush Ride Climb to the Castle Nordic Race Flaming Leaves Fall Festival NYSEF Spring Bike & Gear Swap Lake Placid Ski Club & NYSEF Ski Swap Advice 4 Girls Film Screening NYSEF Nordic Scavenger Hunt at Dewey Mountain Warren Miller’s All Time at Tannery Pond Center




2023 NYSEF Golf Open The Annual Summer NYSEF Golf Open took place on Sunday, June 11th at the Lake Placid Club Golf Course. Thirty teams participated and raised over $16,000 for NYSEF

Max Weinberg’s Jukebox

NYSEF’s 50th Anniversary Chairman’s Holiday Party This year, our annual Chairman’s Holiday Party took place at the Mount Van Hoevenberg Lodge on Thursday, December 28th. The event featured live music from Larry Stone, food from West Shore BBQ, desserts from Enuf Pastry, and drinks throughout the night. The event had over 130 guests and raised over $26,000 for NYSEF’s Dare to Dream Scholarship Fund.

We hosted an amazing event on Saturday March 11th at the Lake Placid Center For the Arts; Max Weinberg’s Jukebox. Max and his band played songs selected by the audience, and generously donated VIP tickets to a Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band concert for auction by NYSEF. Between the VIP auction and the event ticket sales, NYSEF raised over $37,000 thanks to Max.




Volunteering is at the Heart of NYSEF In 2022, Barb Wagner was awarded the West Family Cup by U.S. Ski & Snowboard, an honor recognizing her dedication, knowledge, and commitment as a long-serving competition official and one of U.S. Ski & Snowboard’s most dedicated alpine ski racing officials. But Barb isn’t in it for the awards, she volunteers for the love of the experience. “I keep coming back for the athletes,” she said. “I like the excitement at the start [of the race] and watching the racers progress through the years.” For nearly 25 years, Barb has been volunteering with NYSEF. She started as a volunteer gatekeeper and hand timer, and still remembers the exact date of her first race as a start ref: 222-2001. “I volunteered so that I could watch my children race,” she said. “But I believe in the NYSEF program and its mission.” When her youngest graduated from the former National Sports Academy in Lake Placid, she realized she missed watching ski racing and being outside. In addition to volunteering yearround for NYSEF, Barb volunteers at Sugarbush-GMVS




When ski racing wraps up for the season, Barb starts sailing on Lake Champlain and volunteering during sailboat races. She keeps busy working in her gardens and helping her children with projects. “I like to go from sailing season to ski season,” she said. For anyone interested in becoming a volunteer at NYSEF, particularly on the race course, Barb has some sound advice: “Put on lots of layers, bring energy bars to eat, think about splitting the race with someone - one person does the first run, one does the second - and overall, just support the athletes.” “Watching the athletes can be addicting,” she said. “And it makes the winter go fast!” If you’re interested in learning more about volunteering with NYSEF, whether you’d like to learn how to be a hand timer or gatekeeper, or would like to help out with one of our many events, visit: nysef.org/volunteer.




In His Memory: PAGE 42



Jonah’s Story When we lose someone we love, we look for signs of them everywhere. In the shape of clouds, in a bird soaring overhead, in the curve of a fallen feather. These signs feel sacred, proof that those we loved, lived. That their story is not over, and there are chapters still waiting to be told with their name writ large across the page. In the days after Rose Anderson Linfoot lost her beloved grandson, she saw signs of him everywhere. “He was really into hawk and eagle feathers,” Rose remembers. “One day we saw a beautiful hawk fly overhead and a little later found a huge, perfect feather on the trail.” She kept the feather. Jonah River Whiting loved to ski from the age of four years old. His winters were spent honing his skills in his “backyard” at Mt. Pisgah in Saranac Lake, on the slopes of Whiteface Mountain, at Bolton Valley, and at Jay Peak. His summers were spent exploring new places, sometimes Washington D.C., or the Western United States. He approached each new adventure, no matter how small, like he was going to Disneyworld, according to his grandmother Rose, and her husband John. When Jonah passed away at age 16 this past summer after battling for 11 days to regain consciousness following a car crash in Saranac Lake, his family told stories to honor the life he loved. Stories about his infectious laugh, his love for his family and friends, Nana and John’s cousin camp, family vacations, and how much he loved to ski.

“I think Jonah was happiest when he was skiing,” Rose said. “It was his sport and he loved it.” For Jonah’s grandparents, his love of skiing is a story that will continue to be told through NYSEF’s Dare to Dream Scholarship Fund. In honor of what would have been Jonah’s 17th birthday on November 17, 2023, Rose and John made a significant contribution to the unrestricted scholarship fund so that another young NYSEF athlete’s dreams could move closer to becoming a reality. “If we can help NYSEF do the good things it's doing in Jonah’s memory, then we are happy,” John said. Although he was not a NYSEF athlete, he was a local Saranac Lake resident. “Jonah was just coming into his own and skiing really gave him confidence,” Rose said. “No matter your age, when you do physical things that you didn’t think you could do, it gives you the confidence to think ‘What else can I do?’” Jonah was an organ donor and will live on in helping many individuals live healthier and longer lives through his donations, Rose added. During the 2022-23 Ski season, NYSEF awarded more than $103,000 in Dare to Dream Scholarships to 25 young athletes pursuing their dreams in snowsports. Since its inception, Dare to Dream has provided hundreds of young athletes with critical support so that they can do what they love. If you would like to donate to NYSEF’s Dare to Dream Scholarship Fund to support young athletes pursuing their snowsports dreams, visit: https://www.nysef.org/donate/ and select “Dare to Dream” from the drop-down menu.




Dare to Dream Last season, NYSEF’s Dare to Dream Scholarship recipients tackled unexpected challenges, found their groove, fought to win, and earned personal-best results. The following represents a small sample of Dare to Dream Scholarship recipients.

Bella W. “U18 nordic skier Bella Wissler checked off many of her goals last season and has had many accomplishments; academic, athletic, and artistic. Her greatest attribute of being a tremendous team presence and an ally to her teammates and friends certainly helped our group this season. Bella is attending Middlebury College this year. “ - Head Nordic Coach Paul Smith

Asa S. U14 alpine skier Asa Schwartzberg had a great season, with multiple podiums in the Mud, Sweat, N' Gears Cup and a win in the Whiteface Skimeister. His progression is good and he is technically proficient. He creates such great angles and so much energy in his skiing. He’s one of the strongest skiers in the group now and his skiing talent will only improve." - Head U14 Coach Jimbo Johnston

Gavin E. "FIS Men’s alpine skier Gavin is a strong and thoughtful individual that exemplifies the character our program aims to develop. He had the best attendance on the team for the 22/23 season, attending 109 of 114 offered training days, showing his dedication to the sport." - Head Men’s FIS Coach Seppi Stiegler, Whiteface 2023 ANNUAL REPORT




Take Flight




NYSEF’s Inaugural Skimeister Season Begins This winter season, thanks to grants from the Killington World Cup Foundation and the Cloudsplitter Foundation, NYSEF was able to offer enrollment into a new Skimeister Program for athletes ages 7-9. The program provides three training sessions a week in the sports of ski jumping, cross country skiing, alpine skiing, and freestyle skiing, as well as an introduction to biathlon. Skimeister Programming for the 23/24 winter season kicked off on Friday, December 16th at the Lake Placid Olympic Jumping Complex with the first day of ski jumping practice. Athletes hurried from school to meet program director Kaileigh Moore and ski jumping coaches Jay Rand and Larry Stone for a tour of the training venue before taking a trip to the top of the HS128 tower to see what their future in the sport might look like one day! After a dynamic warmup, athletes learned about the proper body position for takeoff and landing, practiced their takeoffs, and then suited up to hit the jumps with their friends and teammates from NYSEF’s Youth Jump Team. The group learned from their peers about how to properly load their jumping skis into the gondola before loading in themselves and descending to the base of the ten-meter hill... where the real fun would begin!




Just like at NYSEF’s “Learn to Fly” sessions, athletes were given a gentle introduction to the sport of ski jumping on their alpine ski equipment; beginning on the landing hill of the HS10 (10-meter jump) before progressing to going off of the jump itself. By the end of the session, some athletes had progressed all the way up to taking off from the HS2o! Athletes will practice jumping weekly with NYSEF’s Youth Jump Team and will begin the transition to using ski jumpspecific equipment once they are comfortable jumping on their alpine gear. “Our first night of practice was really great! Our athletes are so lucky to have the guidance of Larry and Jay, as well as the opportunity to learn by example through watching their peers on the Youth Jump Team,” said Skimeister Program Head Kaileigh Moore. Day two of practice began on Saturday morning at Mount Van Hoevenberg, where the Skimeisters met up with Coach Kim Douglas and NYSEF’s Devo XC Team. The group was treated to a bluebird day on the skinny skis, with an opportunity to watch and cheer on some of NYSEF’s Devo XC racers and coach Chris Rose as they competed in the Adirondack Tour de Ski. The Skimiesters spent their time on snow learning balance and body position on their nordic skis, and how it differs from their alpine setups, before making their way over to the main stadium area. In the stadium, athletes practiced double pole technique and snowplow stops with a game of red light/green light, then practiced getting in and out of the classic tracks while moving, stopping on a downhill, and climbing hills. By the end of Saturday’s practice, athletes had skied 3 miles!



On Sunday, the Skimeisters joined in with NYSEF’s Intro to Competitive Skiing group to practice their alpine turns at Whiteface Mountain. With warm weather, lots of beginner terrain, and spring-like ski conditions, athletes were able to enjoy a full day of skiing and learning. Groups worked on their stance and balance, edge control, pole plants, using poles for balance, skating to the lifts, and wedge turns while working with NYSEF’s U10 alpine coaching staff. Athletes will continue to ski at Whiteface each Sunday throughout the season, with nordic ski sessions continuing on Saturday mornings. “I had an absolute blast getting to know this group of athletes over the past few days I'm so excited to spend the season together with such a fun group of enthusiastic skiers. We learned SO MUCH, and skied a whole lot too! These kids have shown amazing camaraderie and support for one another, always cheering each other on and being incredible teammates; I’m proud to be working with them and excited to see what they will accomplish this season.” said Moore. If you are interested in signing your athlete up for the Skimeisters or looking for more general information, email Kaileigh at kaileighm@nysef.org.




By the Numbers A Glimpse at NYSEF’s Fiscal Year 2022 - 2023 Budget Breakdown As a nonprofit, every dollar that comes into NYSEF is put back into the organization to enhance the program. From scholarships to equipment purchases, your contribution goes to work for NYSEF.

Employee Education / Travel 7%


Fundraising 2%

Administrative 5% Equipment 6%

Expenses Camps 10%

of NYSEF's budget is spent on payroll and taxes.

NYSEF’s budget is split amongst a vast array of expenses such as races & and equipment (dye packs, gates, salt, volunteer lunches, radios), Employee Education, Memberships, Travel, and Administrative Fees (internet, phone, vehicle maintenance.). Payroll/Taxes 60%

Races 7%

Payroll/Taxes 60%

Camps 12%


of NYSEF’s revenue comes from generous contributions from sponsors, donors, family, friends, neighbors, and members of our community, as well as our fundraising events, auctions, and raffles.

Races/Events 16%


46% of NYSEF’s revenue is earned through program enrollment fees.


Miscellaneous 6%


Contributions/Fundraising 20%



Enrollment 46%

NYSEF's Impact on the Community The spending attributable to NYSEF activities ripples through the economies in which we operate. Athletes, coaches, and their families from around the country visit ORDA venues in our communities every day. NYSEF events account for more than 8,000 alpine, freeride, and nordic competition starts each season. These individuals make considerable contributions through purchases of lodging, meals, and retail spending. In addition, NYSEF’s staff spend regularly in the communities.

$10 Million Economic Impact

Programs $2.07 Million

$793 Events $4.72 Million


The average out-of-town athlete and their family/coach/traveling companions spend approx. $793 on lodging, food, and gifts during an event.


This spending total ripples through the economy for a total economic impact of $1,350 per event for each out-of-town athlete.

Direct Spending

Payroll $3.21 Million


NYSEF is responsible for the direct spending of $5.86 Million in the local economy each year.

*NYSEF collected survey data at 77 event days held at NYSEF/ORDA venues between December 2022 and April 2023. Survey data was verified, and extrapolated across the population, before calculating spending, and applying a US Bureau of Labor Statistics Multiplier of 1.7*




Thank You to Our Generous Donors NYSEF’s donors are the core of our organization and ensure our organization’s success today and in the future. NYSEF is so deeply grateful for the generous and unwavering support that the organization receives from its donors. The impact of your giving during the September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023 fiscal year totaled $507,240 plus in-kind donations. We have tried to capture everyone’s gifts accurately, but if you see an error, please let us know. Olympic Membership ($10,000 and Above) North Elba LEAF Max Weinberg The Donald C. McGraw Foundation Black Rock Foundation Buzz & Robin McGraw Kevin Bette Mr. & Mrs. Serge & Caroline Lussi Killington World Cup Foundation Keith Stoltz Mark & Cory Sertl Dr. Richard & Dr. Barbara Dill Smith Edward & Bettina Sparkowski Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Maggie HoKlebba Thomas Mingone Timothy & Andrea Collins

50th PAGE 52

World Cup Membership ($5,000 to $9,999) Royce Van Evera Long Run Wealth Advisors J.M. McDonald Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver & Kate Schupp Stephanie Demers & JeanPhilippe Brisson Cloudsplitter Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John & Lila Huwiler Merrill L. Thomas Sports Insurance

American Legion 326 Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Carol Norton Peter Liebowitz Dr. & Mrs. Woods & Pearl McCahill Chris Woschenko & Karen Nishida Mr. & Mrs. Eli & Emily Schwartzberg Lake Placid Ski Club Stefanie Holderied Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Tish Biesemeyer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Jen Ledger Casella Waste Management Lake Placid Education Foundation Continental Cup Membership Fund ($1,000 To $4,999) Northern House Works LLC Bryan & Lynn Magnus, Roger K. Smith Adirondack Foundation - Magnus Jenny Liu Family Fund Network For Good Peter & Tiffany Van Etten - Hyde Emily Lennon Fuel LP Marathon Kip & Julie Testwuide Charitable Danielle LaCavalla & Shane Fund MacDowell Steve & Jenn Dempsey Dr. & Mr. Helena Hozak & Brandon Charles R. Wood Foundation Haase Chris Selkirk Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Janet Bliss Steven & Tricia Asaro Kroll Wayne Feinberg Howard & Peggy Silverstein Amy Auton-Smith Peter Benedetto II Adirondack Foundation Ironman Foundation Community Fund for the Gore Carol Tse & Byron Cheung Mountain Region Cristina Lussi Adirondack Foundation Uihlein



Ironman Sports Fund of Lake Placid Ann & David Harden Foundation Lake Placid Biathlon Club Lamb Lumber Lions Club of Lake Placid Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Martina Lussi Mr. & Mrs. Dieter & Lisa Heckmann Mr. & Mrs. Greg & Lorie Harden NRA Foundation Peter W. & Kim Holderied S.E. & A.D. Bissell Sean C Dunn Steve Kroll & Tricia Asaro Tim Byrne Tom & Adele Connors

Christie Sturges David Mollov Diane E. Scholl Ed & Bettina Sparkowski Edward Finnerty Ezra & Audrey Schwartzberg James & Taryn Manuele John M. Roth John Norton & Beatty Schlueter Katie Gilligan Ken Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Denja Weibrecht Peter & Heidi Roland Family Fund Tina Kader Tom Harmon

Eastern Cup Membership ($500 To $999) Mr. & Mrs. Ed & Lisa Weibrecht Martin Ferrillo & Radana Dooley Mr. & Mrs. William & Connie Nealon III Dr. David Carbonaro Central Garage Scott Singer Bill & Cristi Kloc Thomas Biesemeyer Andrew Orringer & Amy Chow Emily McCabe Mac Forrence Community Bank Joseph Schmit & Kerry GouldSchmit Mark & Nicole Lawrence James & Meg DeSchriver Aaron & Amy Kramer Adirondack Foundation - Mirror Lake Inn Charitable Fund Brian Sweeney

Empire State Membership ($1 To $499) Donna Howe Eva Sebek Kim Salibello Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Teresa Brady Adam Piorkowski Alex Nenno Charlie Jessen Debbie Mariev Boak Edmund & Linda Ziolo Mrak Freling H. Smith Linda C. Griffin John Stewart Michelle L Hill Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Sandy Bissell Robert Fraser & Elinor Keeler Victoria Wilkins Dan & Stephanie DeGirolamo Pam Usanachitt-Finlow Bill & Kathy Ebert Dr. Tracey Viola Frederick Jubitz



Global UW Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Andrea Burke Steven Weintraub Beril Pekin Chad & Kimberly Waters Dr. & Dr. Denis & Brita Chagnon Justin Perry Kevin R Schultz Laurie Woods LJ Swanson Mary & Kevin Colwell Alana Forcier Mr. & Mrs. William & Brandee Reiley Sarah Outwater David & Kathleen Ryan Glenn & Karolyn Stephenson James & Jennifer McGuire James Morganson Joe Garso John S Banta Liz Mezzetti Molly & Stephen Hann Mr. James & Elizabeth White Susanne & Charlie Divine Austin Scholl Bruce Colon Bruce E Sampson Carl & Janet Boller Carol Nevulis Catherine Sloan Christopher & Christina Bertinelli Christopher Guida Greg Reiss Joseph Barile Kari Hoffman Liz Mezzetti Marcy Fagan Michael Mezzetti


Mr. & Mrs. Achilles & Kika Kogiantis Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Laurie Schulz Nancie R. Battaglia Utica Maennerchor Max & Linda Nova David Kent Diffee becksTavern Burhnam Benefit Advisors Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Ingrid Van Slyke North Woods Engineering Reliable Racing S. Curtis Hayes St. Lawrence University The Cottage Kasey Currier Dr. Joe Drexler Brad Runfola Carrie & Tait Wardlaw Ryan Scott Anja Kola McDonough Deborah Erenstone James Falletta Julie Voss MJ Lawrence Philip Loftus Rebecca Stanclift Ted Blazer Timothy & Rebecca Northrup Caroline Duffy Keith Sills Bob Catalano Brett Nelson Bruce Anez Christopher Tizzano Dave Zientko Deirdre Gilroy Denny Sebek Diane Mastrorocco Donald DelNegro Doug Martin


Edward P. Finnerty & Nancie R. Battaglia Four Seasons Apartments Gillis Realty Greg & Liza Reiss Guy Middleton Helen Demong High Peaks Cyclery Jean-Marc Gaudreau Jeffrey Allen Jeffrey Long Jim Catalano Jim Meyer & Betsy Cowles John Fey Karen & Reed Miller Kerry & Megan Mayo Kylie Baierlein Baierlein Lauren Fisher Maggie Klebba Mark Richman Maxwell Beebe Michael D Neff Michael Haben Michael Trunzo Mr. & Mrs. Doug & Carol Hoffman Patrick Daniel Mylod Patrick Larkin Paul Wylie Phil & Brigitte Johnson Phil Newman Philip Baumbach Roseann D. & George J. Lorefice Rosemary Laguzza Rugena Ann Howe Samuel Earl Scott & Erica Fuller Steven Kast Tanya Gaechter Tayler Moots Tom Mendl Vero Piacentini


Victor Geraldi Walder Brothers Walter Lemp Christopher & Colleen Dibble James D South Livingston & Kristen Hatch Paula L. Lodico Hadley Driscoll Linda Hlavacek Stuart & Patricia Taylor Daniel Blumer Arthur John Fitzgerald Dara Jospe Victoria Chase Lawrence Hager Michael J. Fleming, Jr Adam O'Neal Andela & Timothy Nollen Andrea & Philip McGuire Andrew Ellbogen Ashley Hammerich Audrey Charlotte Higgins Lopez Brantley William Beach Bruce & Laura Bradigan Bryce Hartman Cathy Sainato Chantal Robinson David Gould David & Lila Mortimer David Powell Derek Berlin Elaina Renda Erik Francis Hehl Jacquelynn Seely James Norton Janice Carol Preece Jason Lynch Jeremy Bennett & Chantel Marino Jodi McKinnon Jody Borzilleri


Joe Martens John & Nora Pellegrino John Morgan Justine Bertha Miller Karen & Kristaps Miemis Kristan Cliggett Kristen Elizabeth Wilson Lisa Wardlaw Mark & Elizabeth Spiers Mark Waxman Mary McCarthy Michael Hollander Miriam Ellbogen Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Barbara Norton Mr. & Mrs. Bob & CharlotteAnne King Rob Farkas RoseMarie Maresca Seppi Stiegler Stephanie A Getti Steven F. Preston Tara Hulse Tom & Rhobie Currie Tracey Henderson Travis Chapman Vin Horan Alisa Salibra Brian Peck Chanel Rhodes Charlie Howe Christopher Legard David Spinner Dominick R Pellegrino Evan Ellbogen Frank Pasqualino Irwin Kauffman Jessica Perry Julie Scherer Lindsey Wilhelm & Chris Connors Lori Phoebe Benton


Marie-Claude Gaudreau Melissa Hatter Owen Bossola Roxana M Ghiciu Thomas Forcier Am&a Dickerson Brett & Catherine Thomas Carly Connors Chimene Constance Deirdre MacNerl& Gilles Baltrusaitis Jeffrey Rein Jennifer Whitney Joseph & Justine Franklin Kelly & Jeff Dennis Kerry Fagan Peggy Dennin Stan Browman Trevor & Lauren Gensch Y L Moore Betsy Lowe Bruce Transue Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Diane Fish Vicky Broe Aisha Young Alexander Faust Amanda F Gooley Aurélie Besson Bernadette Dziczkaniec Catherine Gilbert Claudette Tamer Dana Jennings David Nye David Schaefer Debbie Fournier Deborah & Jeanne Wilhelm Emily Hart Erin Perkins Guilaine Saroul Hannah Torrance Heidi Holderied, holderied Heidi Upton


Isabelle Kalar Janice Liddy Jeff Hanna Jessie Weatherwax Joel Ellbogen Joletta Brown Kathleen Lane Kathy Johnson Katy Morley Kevin Coffey Laura Stelmaszyk Louise Gaudreau Maegan Cabrera Melissa Patneaude Molly Fitzgerald Pierre Gaudreau Robert Schnarch Shannon Ewing Thomas Fredericks Tracey Hazlett Wendy Wilsea William & Annie Davidson Cammille & Norman Kantowski Erin K.Michels Jacob Eli Dahl Ken Heins Leyla Ewald Meghan A Ruby Melissa Volsky Patricia Burke Sean Halligan Walter & Vannesa Houghtlin Linck Molly McGuigan In Kind Donations Abby Junes Adirondack Chocolates Adirondack Experience: The Museum on Blue Mountain Lake


Adirondack Field Alpine Images Andrea Burke Ausable Brewing Company Barkeater Chocolate Beatty Schlueter & Olivia Transue Beautycounter Deirdre MacNerland Becky Northrup Belleayre Mountain Biesemeyer Adk Building Bike ADK Bistro LaRoux Boat Cruise with John Norton Burnham Benefit Advisors Cabot Cheese Camp Casper in Lake Placid Cape Air Catskill Inn Craigwood Golf Course Dave Wenn Dynamic Cycle Adventure Eagle Island Embassy Suites by Hilton Saratoga Springs Enuf Pastry & Cheese Fogarty's Lake Flower Marina Four Season Apartments Golden Arrow Gore Mountain Green Goat Maps Griffin Sailing School, LLC. Hampton Inn Lake George High Peaks Cyclery Hudson River Whitewater Rafting Hyde Fuel Hyde Fuel/Hyde Mobile Jeremy & Bruce Transue Just Bead it Lake Placid Center for the Arts


Lake Placid Ski & Board Lake Placid Ski Club Lake Placid Spirits Leland Gal Long Run Wealth Long Run Wealth Malone Golf Club Mirror Lake Inn Northwood School Olympic Regional Development Authority Origin Coffee Patagonia Patrick Purcell Petit Papillon Designs Pickled Pig Players Sports Bar S. Curtis Hayes Sailing Sea to See Salomon Saranac Lake Golf Club Saranac Lake Marina Simpli Nature Skida Headwear & Accessories Smith Smoke Signals St Lawrence University Steve Kroll Innovations Stiegler Ski Racing Camp SYNC Performance Terry Robards Wine & Spirits The Breakfast Club The Physicians & Surgeons of Lake Placid Sports Medicine The Whiteface Lodge The Wild Center The Wine & Spirit Shoppe The Woodstock Inn Tommy & Claire Biesemeyer Twitchell Sportswear USA Luge Vix Protection


Whiteface Club Whiteface Club & Resort Whiteface Mountain World Cup Racing





Thank You! Special Thank You to... Photos: Nancie Battaglia Naj Wijkoff Claire Abbe Biesemeyer Brandee Reiley NYSEF Archive Empire State Winter Games

Lynn Gaffney Danielle LaCavalla Steve Kroll, Kroll Innovations Emily Schwartzberg

New York Ski Educational Foundation 2023 Annual Report designed by Kaileigh Moore




NYSEF is one of the largest multidisciplinary youth snowsports organizations in the U.S. Recognized as a “Gold Certified Club” by the U.S. Ski & Snowboard, NYSEF is one of the organization’s original eight Gold Club members and is the only certified club in New York State. In 2023, NYSEF celebrated being a leader in snowsport education for 50 years.


Find more information online and on our social media channels: NYSEF Snowsports NYSEF Nordic NYSEF at Gore Mountain NYSEF at Belleayre @nysefsnowsports @nysefnordic @nysef_fis @nysefgore @nysefbelleayre @nysefwhiteface

www.nysef.org 2023 ANNUAL REPORT



New York Ski Educational Foundation P.O. Box 300 Wilmington, NY 12997 (518) 946-7001 info@nysef.org

Ways to Give


Please consider supporting NYSEF in its mission to provide opportunities for athletes to reach their potential in snowsports.

Attend an Event From the Chairman’s Holiday Party to the Summer Benefit, annual events are a fun way to support NYSEF.

Leave a Legacy A planned gift is one of the easiest gifts to make to ensure a lasting legacy with NYSEF. Gifts can be made through stocks, bonds, real estate, and more.

Gift of Stock Gifts of stock may be eligible for a tax deduction.

IRA Charitable Rollover The “IRA Charitable Rollover” is an attractive option for IRA owners who have reached age 70½.

Make A Donation Your donation can have an immediate impact on NYSEF athletes. are simple. Make a monthly contribution or an annual donation to your fund of choice today.

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