The Moxie Mountie, Issue 3

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THE MOXIE MOUNTIE a public forum for students

Distric suddenly loses community business

Do sports benefit students?

February 2019

Issue 3

Northwest High School

Same-Sex Parents Are Better Than None

staff editorial

Fighting the LGBTQ+ adoption biases

According to, there

parents had better school outcomes

parents though, are more likely to

are currently 400,000 U.S. children

than students who were not. This

develop anxiety, depression, and

up for adoption. That means there

means that no matter if they have

low self-esteem issues.

are 400,000 children who have been

two dads, two moms, or one of each,

abused, neglected, or abandoned by their parents or guardians. Still, in today’s society, people

parents too.

Society needs to become more accepting of LGBTQ+ parents.

An estimated 30,000 kids have

When criticizing same-sex parents,

children learn better with support

been adopted by same-sex couples,

not only do the adults feel bad, but

and care from their parents.

kids who otherwise might have

the children also feel shame.

Some people decide to argue

look down upon these children

against same-sex adoptions because

being adopted by same-sex couples.

of the common stereotypes about

They believe children who have

stayed in foster care until they were 18, or 21 in some states.

The world needs more open-minded and accepting people.

With there being 10.7 million

As a country, we need to learn how

children of LGBTQ+ relationships.

people in the LGBTQ+ commu-

to come together to create a positive

same-sex parents will have an un-

In contrast to common beliefs, chil-

nity, how can they be deprived of

atmosphere for children and their

successful future.

dren are not more likely to become

their right to start a family? Having


gay, transgender, or demonstrate

two same-sex parents is better than

Whether the type of parents, a

Library of Medicine concluded that

differences in gender role behavior

having no parents at all and when

child should have adults they can

regardless of the type of parents,

because of their parents.

depriving a same-sex couple of a

turn to and two same-sex parents is

child, the child is being deprived of

better than none.

A study done by the United States

adolescents who were closer to their

Children who grow up without

Children & Foster Care

-Although no more than 2% of Americans have actually adopted, more than 1/3 have considered it

-There are nearly 443,000 children in foster care in the United States.

February 2019

-More than 60% ofchildren spend 2-5 years in foster care before being adopted

-Nearly 100 million Americans have adoption in their immediate family, whether this includes adopting, placing, or being adopted

Northwest High School

The average age of children waiting for an adoptive family is 8. Issue 3


Trump has been unsuccessful in this term and should not be re-elected

The POTUS has benefited the U.S. and should serve a second term

As the past four years of term have proven to be successful, United States President Donald Trump should remain in the presidential office for a second term. President Trump has recently been impeached for abusing his power, but many believe these to be false accusations. Donald Trump›s supporters feel he promotes nationalism, and that he truly cares about America. President Donald Trump has been known to keep his word. So far, everything President Trump has said he was going to do, he has done, and he kept his promise. One of the things he has done to improve the economy is making more jobs available to the average American. The job opportunities have peaked, and over 2.4 million jobs have been added to the economy. The unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since 1967, according to the Bureau of Statistics. Many people are aware of Donald Trump ordering the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. The POTUS had good reasoning for his actions. General Qassem Soleimani has been linked to the killing of many American soldiers, and the president was simply defending his country. This act of violence was a reaction based off of the actions of General Soleimani. The POTUS may have recently spent two trillion dollars on United States military equipment, but he did so with good reasoning. He was building up our military and making it stronger for the possible imposing war with Iran. His intentions were to keep the American people protected by making a stronger and better equipped military force. President Donald Trump has done many things to improve the economy in the United States and has proven to be more than capable to run the nation. What President Trump has done in his presidency so far has been highly beneficial for the country, and shows that he should definitely be reelected for a second presidential term.

Issue 3

With the 2020 election approaching, the controversies surrounding current President Donald Trump is more evident than ever. There are many reasons why Trump should not remain in office. Trump was recently impeached for his abuse of power. The POTUS has been accused of being a racist and anti-feminist. For example, Trump told four congresswomen, three of which who were born in the United States and all of whom hold U.S. citizenship to do the following via Twitter: “Go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” It is a popular belief that Trump’s hot headed temper makes him unfit to run a country. Typically, Trump has a strong opinion on things that are not viewed as respectful by the public. The POTUS has personally insulted multiple people on various occasions, including the event in which he mocked a disabled reporter on live television. Trump recently tweeted that he had spent two trillion dollars on expanding the military on The United States’ behalf due to the possible imposing war with Iran caused by him ordering the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. Trump said that he would use the equipment if necessary to ‘hit’ Iran. “Very fast and very hard.” said Trump via Twitter. During the president›s term, The United States’ national debt has increased immensely from 10.6 to 19.19 trillion dollars. Most of the money he spent was unnecessarily used towards a war the U.S has not technically declared yet. Jobs may have peaked while Trump was in office, but unemployment rates have not decreased by much during his term. There are still homeless people on our streets without any job opportunities. All of the things that Trump has done during his years as POTUS have caused a more negative than positive impact, therefore he should not be reelected for a second term.

Northwest High School

February 2019

Community Business Closes Suddenly Rives Junction says goodbye to thirteen year resturaunt less than a mile from the school Shealyn Paulis


On Monday, January 6th of 2020, Klavons Pizzeria & Pub’s Rives Junction location, the first of the three, shut down for maintenance. Later that evening, the company announced its plans to its employees to keep its doors closed permanently. The business had been a part of the Northwest Community for over a decade, and was popular among the community as it was only a few lyn Paulis

miles away. The business had employed a number of students at the time

Photos by Shea

and in the past. The sudden closing of the restaurant came as a shock to community of. “They told us we’d close two days for new floors, but I received a call on Monday telling me I was laid off,” said Kendra Reasoner, junior at Northwest and former employee at the restaurant. On Tuesday, January 7th, Klavon’s owner, Justin Klavon, announced through Facebook that the closing was credited to a lease disagreement by stating the following: “The terms of the building lease has expired and the costs to continue

(Right) Northwest alumni Samantha Peters, Holly Hendershot, and Meghan Raybon were employed at the resturaunt.

business here outweigh opportunities for future growth.” As of now, there have been no plans to rebuild or reopen the store announced by the company, but the other locations will remain open with regular hours.

February 2019

Issue 3

Northwest High School

Photo via Klavon’s Pizzeria & Pub Facebook Page

members and staff alike, as it was not announced or revealed until the day

Everyone knows how scary it can be applying and getting started at your first job. From being new to working, to meeting new people, it can be a nerve racking experience for any inexperienced teen. For many, Klavon’s was the perfect first job. This business was one that focused on connections and learning rather than profit, and was heavily involved with the community/well known. Additionally, it was common to hear their employees praise and preach on behalf of Klavon’s. With an atmosphere of hospitality and kindness, the rash and sudden closing of the store came as a shock to many. The closing itself was planned but was portrayed as if it was not. Klavon’s managers told employees that the store would be closed on the 6th and 7th for kitchen renovations, but were called at some point Monday evening to inform them of the permanence of the closed doors. For many, this phone call was to inform them that they were out of a job. Within that phone call, the reasoning for the closure was credited to the building owners offering Klavon’s an ultimatum that was not ideal and would force the business to close. On January 7th, the day following the employees receiving the news, Justin Klavon made a public post addressed to the community that discussed the cause of closing the location. “The terms of the building lease have expired and the costs to continue doing business at this location outweigh opportunities for future growth.” said Klavon in the Facebook post. The owners of the building Klavon’s leased from later released a statement that disagrees with these claims. “That rumor is absolutely not true. Approximately one year ago, Klavon’s was offered an opportunity during lease extension discussions to extend [their] lease - with no rent increase - for an additional three [or six] years. Klavon’s declined to extend the lease.” It is speculated that the reason for the deceptive nature of the closing was to prevent a mass exodus. Still, though, that is not a reason to lie to trusting employees or a community that fueled the beginning of a now-large company. Other preemptive measures could have been made to spare community backlash on Klavon’s part, but they were not. For a company known for their welcoming atmosphere and family values, the way they went about the closing down of their store was cold and hypocritical. Not only did the handling of the “planned” closing upset the employees of the business and their families, but the community that had helped it grow over the past decade as well.


Becoming ME:

Becoming ME:


Ariana Koker

Battiling Acne Ariana Koker

my parents to give me permission to continue to check off the list



Changes are inevitable

Expression can range from individual to individual, someone›s

of piercings that were inside my head. One after the other, I was

personal style can be shown by their hair color, hobbies, and voice. With

achieving my goal. Next, I got my tragus done, which is the small

myself, I like to show others who I am through my piercings.

pointed eminence of the external ear.

life. Once I started middle

Once I turned 16, I was able to get my nose and belly button

school, I knew myself and

love for piercings developed

pierced, which unfortunately took a lot of convincing from my

others my age would start

when I came across a Youtuber

parents. They ultimately gave in, which makes me forever grateful

called Roly, a body modification

for them allowing me to continue expressing myself.

As of today, I have nine body modifications, specifically piercings. My


while going through the pubescent stage of one’s

to mature into young men and women. Growing up for me, I was affected negatively, both

Even though, a majority of my piercings are not easily visible, they

physically and mentally.

Image By: Ariana Koker

at the bumps that were all over my face. I was finally taken to a dermatologist and was given a topical cream, Duac, along with an oral antibiotic, Doxycycline. Long story short, they did not work at all. After what felt like a million of trial and errors with pills and other forms of acne medications, the summer leading into my sophomore year, I was put on Isotretinoin, commonly known as

The first piercings I got done

still hold a great amount of importance to who I am, along with the

Acne is a normal thing an individual can experience, but cystic

Accutane. Accutane is not an easy medication to get on, a blood and

were my earlobes, when I was

endless possibilities each new piece of jewelry can hold.

acne brings pain to those who suffer with it. I started developing

pregnancy test are mandatory before, during (every month), and one

two years old. My freshman

acne in the seventh grade, and it started normally. A few pimples

last time after ending it.

year, I decided to venture out

here and there, but soon, it gradually grew worse.

of my comfort zone and get

Pimples started forming all over my face, chest, and back. The

my rook pierced (The rook is

pain, burning, redness, itching, or other signs of eye inflammation,

slightest touch could cause me to have aches and pains in the places

difficulty with moving, nosebleeds, etc. More serious symptoms

located above the tragus in the

Image By: Ariana Koker

anti-helix part of the ear). After that piercing, I began to feel like I needed a thousand more. I started learning ear piercing terminology along with developing

The side effects can vary. Common cases include: bone or joint

where my acne was present. By

are: Attempts at or thoughts of suicide, back pain, blurred or other

the eighth grade, my blemishes

changes in vision and in behavior, diarrhea, headache, mental

were mainly focused on the

depression, nausea, pain or tenderness of the eyes, and painful

sides of my face, which made it

stiffness in the muscles.

extremely difficult to try and hide All Images By: Shealyn Paulis


a list inside my head of what modifications I wanted done next. Playing

Throughout my time on accutane, I mainly experienced dry lips, back pain, and occasional manic episodes. Nothing was detrimen-

it safe with strictly ear piercings, I then got my conch done, which is the

Layers upon layers of makeup

tal, but I knew both my physical and mental state were undergoing

inner middle part of your cartilage, which hurt pretty badly. As of today,

never made me feel better about

changes. After being on the medication for six months and finally

my skin, it made me feel worse,

ending it, I still have scars, mostly prominent on my cheeks, but that’s

as though I needed it so others

a cosmetic problem I can deal with. I now feel as though I am more

could look at me without staring

confident than I have ever been, I know my worth.

it is one of my favorite piercings. Two or more months passed and I kept begging and pleading with

February 2019

Northwest High School

Issue 3

Issue 3

Northwest High School

February 2019



And the eight others who lost their lives in a helicopter crash on January 26th, 2020. February 2020 Issue 3 The Moxie Mountie

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