The Moxie Mountie, Issue 3

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Mountie THE MOXIE a public forum for students

Durags vs. Hats


pg. 14


DOUBLE?? pg. 8-9

mass shootings becoming regular?

Rives Powerplant pg. 2

pg. 4

Issue 3

Northwest Highschool

February 2019


Keep Rives Rural?

Photo by WILX Carla Bayron on Facebook

Supporting the power plant promotes growth in Rives Junction.

The power plant will cause disruptions for citizens

In the friendly and drama free town of Rives Junction, there is typically no Rives junction is a peaceful township within Jackson County where uproar. But recently the controversy over the Cornerstone power plant has many families have gone to settle down and start their lives. However, changed that. with the recent upcoming plans of putting a power plant 200 acres off The company Cornerstone Energy has proposed to build a power plant that Baseline Road, many residents have become upset. will affect approximately 600,000 homes in the area. The state of the art facilNovi Energy would like to put a Cornerstone Energy Center in Rives ity will be among the most efficient energy producers in Michigan, and even Township which is a natural gas fired power plant. This power plant is in the nation. dangerous for the community itself and surrounding areas. Despite the controversy, the plant has many positive impacts that could The 200 acres of land that are proposed for the site are currently all affect many types of people in the township. agriculture. Many of the citizens in that area have farmland and cattle. Cornerstone Energy is working to support the students in the Rives Junction Families and homes are all close to this huge grassland. area in a few ways. If the plant is constructed, they are committed to filling Not only will the plant take up room, but it will also create a large internships with students who are interested in learning or pursuing a future amount of sound and light pollution. Many people move here for the in the energy field. This will give those recipients hands on experience in the quietness that come along with the rural area, however, with the plant it field and an opportunity to have exposure to what the job truly looks like. will be like living in the city. They also plan to provide two $5,000 dollar scholarships for college or Besides being loud the plant will emit harmful and even potentially trade schools a year for high school students. cancer causing pollution into the air. Anything or anyone within five Cornerstone Energy has also stated that Rives Junction residents will be primiles of the plant is at risk to be affected horribly. This includes the resioritized as candidates for jobs. This will help the employment rate rise, which dents from Rives Township, Leslie Township, the City of Leslie, Ononaccording to is currently 4.7 percent. daga Township, Tompkins Township, and Pleasant Lake. The power plant is expected to generate between $100 and $300 million in Novi Energy has said that they plan on using the Grand River as a tax revenue over the life of the plant benefiting the taxpayers in the township. water source and for discharge, creating a large scale of water pollution. Another bountiful thing Cornerstone Energy plans to do is help the town’s The plant is expected to be under construction for two to three years fire and EMS departments. The company is committed to providing $50,000 per unit. There may be approximately over 700 construction vehicles a year. By doing this, they are ensuring the residents have better services and heavy equipment operating to and from the site every day. available. This will cause traffic for individuals coming in and out of town, to Though this is a very huge thing for the township of Rives Junction which and from their homes, and just passing through. This also affects the does not experience change often, residents should consider the change. rural aspect of Members of the The Moxie Mountie is the official student produced newspaper in the newspaper will receive a by-line or photo-by, which are living in the area. of Northwest High School. Our paper is produced to serve studesigned to give recognition to a member of the newspaper dents, staff and the surrounding community. While our writings staff. town should take aim to appeal to students, we also cover issues that concern Foul language and inappropriate comments will all be omitted Having one of Adviser: Ron Woodruff entire audience. from the paper. In the event of a death within the Northwest Staff & Policy ourLetters to the Editor are encouraged. If published, they will student body, a memoriam will be published honoring the deinto account the Co-Editor-in-Chief: Shealyn Paulis the largest natural appear with the author’s name and grade or position. The Moxie ceased. Mountie reserves the right to edit the letters for grammar, length, In order to obtain a position on The Moxie Mountie, the stuCo-Editor-in-Chief: Amya Case or content if necessary. The writer will be notified if drastic changgas power plants dent interested in joining the staff must provide sufficient writing positive benefits es occur. experience, be recommended by the class advisor and an EnCo-Web-Editor-In-Chief: Kaitlyn Grier The opinions displayed in The Moxie Mountie are not necesglish teacher, fill out an application, and attend a closed interin the United the power plant sarily the opinions of the entire journalism staff, advisor, student view with the returning staff in the spring. When any student Co-Web-Editor-In-Chief: Nicole Mata body or administration. The class advisor and editorial board will wishes to join the newspaper staff they must also be approved States in Rives determine all final content to be published in The Moxie Mountie, by journalism advisor (Mr.Woodruff). Media Editor: Alisha Musgrove would bring though the entire journalism staff will have a discussion on the The Moxie Mountie will distribute newspapers during publishcontent within the paper. ing months. During these months, newspapers will be avaliable Township is turnSports Editor: Micheal Mierzwa As with any newsworthy topic, controversial issues will be covduring both lunches, and are also available in Mr. Woodruff’s to area before ered. If the topic is questionable, the editors and the advisor will classroom (508). Subscriptions are also available upon request Journalists: Henly Sleight, Brayden Schefferly, Ariana ing out to be not make a decision as to whether to the topic should be covered by through the business manager. The Moxie Mountie. The staff and writer will remain unbiased making their final Koker, Maddison Rowley, Mackenzie Moore, Malena and will avoid attacking individual people, and instead focus on such a good idea. issues. Gurnee, Olivia Wells, McKenna Long, Anthony Cole, decision. The Moxie Mountie follows the Associated Press (AP) StyleKeep Rives rural!

Moxie Mountie

Jordan Thomas


Issue 3

book. All stories written by an individual and all photos published

The Moxie Mountie

February 2019

New Year, Conspiracy Corner: New Trends Remembering the Titanic Here are the trends which are following us into 2019.

1. Mom Jeans (above)

Mom jeans is a slang term for high-waisted women’s jeans that were originally fashionable in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In the late 1990s and 2000s, they got their name by younger aged American women who considered the pants “unhip”.

3.Vans (below)

Apple Airpods retail for $159 on

2. Airpods (above)

This year, when students got back from Christmas break, one popular meme was Airpods. Released in 2016, this Apple product is the most popular its ever been.

These signature skate shoes were very popular in 1977, but fell out of style until around 2016 when the style became popular; and stayed that way. The pair pictured retails for $70

4.Fjällräven Kånken (above) These trendy backpacks from the Swedish brand Fjallraven have became a trend in America. These retail for $80 for the Classic size shown on

5.Scrunchies (right)

These scrunchies are another trend which are making a comback into 2019. In the 80’s, these helped to make the ultimate hairstyle, but fell out of style in 2000 and were described as “lame”.

February 2019

The Moxie Mountie

Alisha Musgrove


The Titanic is a well known name, this ship has been portrayed in movies and pondered over by many people, and just like any other mass- tragedy, questions and conspiracies quickly followed its sinking. One of the more disturbing theories is that of the Titanic sinking on purpose. It is said that J.P Morgan, a millionaire banker, planned this event in order to kill three men who opposed his stance on creating the federal Reserve. This theory can quickly be thrown out by one major flaw. Two of the three men took no stance against creating the federal reserve and one of the men actually supported its creation, erasing the motive all together. Another theory suggests that the Titanic never actually sank, in its place was one of its sister ships The Olympic. The reasoning behind this comes from The Olympic becoming damaged multiple times whilst at sea, Causing the repair bills to skyrocket, so they decided to let the ship sink in order to cash in on insurance money, by placing it under the name titanic they would receive more money from the higher insurance. Even under the Titanic’s title the insurance payout would not be nearly enough to make up for the loss of a whole ship. The loss of their “unsinkable”ship would also negatively affect their reputation. The third one surrounds the ships numbers, 3909 04. Which, when read in a mirror, spelled out “No Pope” upsetting the Catholic employees of the company as it was seen as a bad omen. However the boats number was actually 131428, which has no second meaning. But even if the numbers did read no pope, there were no catholic workers to be distressed by it” Although questions and qualms will always be present, with further digging the truth is shown. The sinking of the titanic was a terrible accident.

Issue 3


The H

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Henly Sleight


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Mass shootings throughout the U.S have become a rather common topic in today›s society. Whether it is a school shooting, a neighborhood shooting, an event shooting, etc. Already in 2019 alone, there was seven reported shootings all in the first thirteen days of January and every shooting took place within U.S. borders. A lot of U.S. shootings take place in schools, many of which kill several students and teachers and injure countless others. The Parkland, Florida shooting which took place on February 15 of 2018, was one of the deadliest school shootings in history with the shooter being charged with seventeen counts of premeditated murder while wounding fourteen others and leaving several with life-threatening injuries. “Proper gun control and safety could definitely help,” said Northwest High School senior, Dakota Hitt. “if it was taught to teachers and students throughout schools, I think there would be a difference.” With all the shootings happening in schools, one would think the government would be taking extraordinary measures to prevent these heartbreaking incidents from happening so often. There is a clear lack of effort coming from our nation’s leaders in order to resolve this issue. This is leaving families, like those involved in the Parkland shooting, scrambling for an explanation on what the course of action will be put in affect to abolish school and public shootings. Unfortunately, there is still only the sound of silence coming from the United States Government. “I don›t think the government›s main priority is to focus on the school shootings happening inside their borders,” said Northwest High School Junior, Joe Fredrickson. “They could definitely be doing much more to take care of this issue.” The United States has had a whopping 288 school shootings since January 1, 2009, and counting. Compared to the other major industrialized nations, such as Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and the U.K., the U.S. alone has had 57 times as many school shootings as those nations combined. Mexico being the second highest in school shootings, has a insanely low count of only eight, leaving the U.S. at an embarrassing 280 more shootings. 2018 has been the year of deaths by shootings with 113 people killed or injured in a school shooting just that year. Surprisingly, based on the data from five decades of school shootings, the most typical age for a school killer is 16 or 17 and are more likely to be male, but that is no excuse for the family ruining acts they have committed. While the nation waits patiently for a solution, and the government takes their sweet time. Students, teachers, and families are beginning to grow anxious with the thought that someone is waiting to pull the trigger outside their school.

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Illustration by: Alisha Musgrove


Issue 3

The Moxie Mountie

February 2019

Dropping Like Flies Reasons why students continue to drop out

Mckenna Long


According to data provided by The U.S. Department of Education, every 26 seconds a student’s dropouts of high school. That is seven thousand a day. Dropping out of high school is a personal decision, but many teens feel as if it is their only option due to personal and academic pressure or a burdensome responsibility. Teen pregnancy can arise some concerns when it comes to graduating high school. According to, a third of teen girls who have dropped out say that pregnancy contributed heavily to their decision. It is very difficult for pregnant teens to return back to school with the symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness, fatigue, and nausea. Pregnant teens also have to attend frequent doctor visits that may take time away from school which will also happen when

Studies from United Way Crossed Culture show that

the child is born.

lack of parental support leads to larger dropper out rates. Parents play a huge part in a child›s academic

High school students also often drop out due to academic difficulty. Many students drop out because they feel as if they will not have the GPA or necessary credits to graduate. Some students are afraid to fail due to the

achievement. When parents do not encourage their child to be interested in their education, the child may feel as if it is not important.

possibility that they will need to take summer school or

Students that have depression are twice as likely to

take another year of high school. Failing classes can affect

dropout of high school than their peers according to Erica

students in many different ways. Watching one›s peer’s

Hoffman, a member of Mental Health First Aid. Depres-

advance in front of them may set the student back even

sion side effects such as fatigue, the feeling of hopeless-

further. The sense of hopelessness sometimes overwhelms

ness, loss of interest or pleasure in most or all normal

the student and gives them the idea that dropping out is

activities and trouble thinking may affect their ability to

the only option.

perform successfully in school. This also goes hand and Illustration by: Alisha Musgrove

February 2019

The Moxie Mountie

Issue 3


Do positives outweigh the negatives? The affects of cutting Sophomore

With winter wrestling season in full swing, wrestlers across the country are taking part in weight cuts. This is something that all combat sport athletes have to do in order to make it as fair as possible. The purpose of cutting weight is to make sure you are up against somebody who weighs the same as you. While almost all wrestlers have to cut weight, in some cases it is more intense and way more mentally and physically exhausting. In wrestling, the team is divided based on weight classes to make sure you are not facing somebody who weighs more than you. Most wrestlers participate in weight cuts because they want to wrestle in the lowest weight class while having the most muscle possible. There are many different ways and techniques use to lose the pounds. Recently some of the most used methods have been banned, but there are still some very dangerous ways to cut weight used every day by kids as young as middle schoolers. One of the most used methods for cutting the weight is to simply not eat. It is not uncommon for wrestlers to fast for two days at a time in order to make weigh in. Another technique frequently used is wearing lots of layers of clothing and taping their wrists


Issue 3

weight on teenagers

and ankles to trap the heat in during the school day and during their practice. This causes the athletes to sweat more than normal, which causes them to lose water weight. Sophomore Noah Sussex has been wrestling since he was little and knows firsthand how challenging and brutal cutting weight can be. ‘This year, I have had to cut weight quite a bit I started the season at 117 pounds and I’ve wrestled at 103 a few times, ” said Sussex Recent studies done by Vanderbilt University found that 75 percent of youth wrestlers have taken part in dehydration to lose weight. Although It is usually not severe, some cases can cause permanent organ damage. It can also cause a very serious eating disorder that can follow them throughout their whole life. When asked if his parents or other coaches dispose of it Sussex said “My mom hates to watch me and my brother cut weight it makes me have no energy and she hates to see me look like that,” said Sussex “as for my other coaches my soccer coach doesn’t care to much cause weight isn’t important to that sport”.

Photo by Taylor Grindall

Brayden Schefferly

(Background) Nick Adams attempts to gain the upper hand at a meet in the Northwest gymnasium

The Moxie Mountie

February 2019

Upon Further Review

Patriots win once again Micheal Mierzwa

Photo courtesy of the jounalism drive

How Pre-Workout Supplements Affect Teens Anthony Cole


In high school today, sports are becoming more and more competitive. Athletes are doing everything within their power to get faster, stronger, and better. In doing so, there has been an increase in the number of athletes taking pre-workout as of recent. Pre-workout is a supplement that is designed to boost energy prior to working out and to help muscle recovery after. One student who is familiar with the supplement is junior Bayler Keirns. “I noticed that it keeps me focused and energized all the way through the lift,” said Keirns. “I haven’t really had any bad experiences when taking it.” There is huge controversy surrounding the supplement and whether or not it is safe for teens to be using. Key ingredients include: beta alanine, creatine, and amino acids. Potential side effects are jitters, headaches, cramps, and trouble sleeping. “Supplements are unregulated by the FDA,” said Northwest athletic trainer Kaitlyn Herwat. “There is no oversight into the specific ingredients that are included in the powder.” This is when it becomes crucial for the athletes to research the specific brand of pre-workout that they are purchasing. Another way to ensure that there is not any harmful ingredients within the powder is to buy from a reliable source such as

February 2019

Image created by Maddy Rowley

GNC (General Nutrition Centers). Athletes above should not experience any of the side effects above if they are already taking care of their bodies. “I would recommend that athletes look at their diet and the amount of hydration that they are getting on a daily basis,” said Herwat. Do the benefits outweigh the harmful effects? That is a question that can be tailored to a specific person, as ones body may react differently than the next. Pre-workout is a perfectly safe substance to use for athletes if they buy from a wellknown brand and take care of their body in terms of nutrition beforehand. It can become very easy to get dehydrated while using it, so it becomes important to drink tons of water. People wanting to take their workouts to the next level should take the supplement but should also be aware of negative elements that may come along with it.

The Moxie Mountie


The NFL season officially ended on february 4 and well ended on a sour note note. The Super Bowl was very slow paced and a very defensive game, which defense can be fun to watch, but not for the biggest game of the year. The Rams had the highest scoring offense in the league, destroying every other team in points per game, and in total offense. Yet they were only able to muster three total points in this years superbowl. The Patriots stunned the world with their defensive show they put on the Rams, which helped carry Tom Brady and the pats their sixth ring. Tom Brady now has six Super Bowl rings which is more than most franchises have total. He is now 6-9 in his appearances and looks to go for his seventh ring next year. The Patriots dynasty is both hated and celebrated, but one thing is for sure their will never be another Tom Brady, or Another team as dominant as this one is. Despite the loss, the Rams look to return to the postseason right away with Sean Mcvay one of the bright young head coaches in the league. He brought an organization back from mediocrity and made Rams football great again. Football does not return for several months, but is much desired. New faces on new teams, new rookies, and new coaches trying to bring teams to the Super Bowl.

Issue 3


Seeing Double?? Shealyn Paulis


Approximately 139,862 live births in 2017 within the United States were multiples, and more specifically, 133,155 were twins. From friends and teachers mixing up their names, to being completely mistaken for one another regularly, being a twin in high school can be difficult, especially for pairs that are identical. Twins typically have the stereotype of acting and looking very similar. While this may be so, each and every person has qualities that make them individual and their own person. Juniors Victoria (Tori) and Elizabeth (Libbi) are twins themselves. They are identical, however, that does not mean they act alike. “I hate being compared to Libbi,” said Tori. “Lots of people view us as the same person and treat us that way.” With that being said, the Miers’ are both very competitive team players and they are both constantly striving outdo one another. “We are more competitive because I want to do better than her and stand out, it makes me feel more individual,” said Tori. There is also the instances where twins are not identical. These twins are called fraternal. Fraternal twins occur when two sperm fertilize two separate eggs. A set of fraternal twins here at Northwest are brothers Jalen and Jamal Case. These siblings are not identical, but that does not prevent people from mixing them up for one another. To some extent, this can prove frustrating. “I’m constantly being called the wrong name,” said Jamal. “Funny thing is, whenever someone calls for Jalen, I turn around too.” While this can be annoying, the Case twins choose to focus on the positive aspects of having a unique relationship like theirs. “I know that someone always has my back. No one has me like my brother does,” said Jamal. “We’re both our families youngest, so were in the same position.” While being a twin may prove to have its difficulties, it also has an unlimited amount of qualities that benefit the sibling. A unique and special bond that cannot be replicated and a position shared all throughout life.


Issue 3

All images created by Shealyn Paulis.

The Moxie Mountie

February 2019

I know that someone always has my back



(Right) Sophomores Reegan and Rylee Trojanowicz.

(Above) Senior fraternal twin brothers Jalen and Jamal Case

-Jamal Case Senior

(Below) Sophomore sisters Madison and Morgan Neitzke

(Right) Freshman siblings Jonah and Jocee Snyder

February 2019

The Moxie Mountie

Issue 3


A C C E P T I N G. Y O U R S E L F. Shealyn Paulis


one students’ journey of self discovery and love

conform to others standards instead of being themselves.

Freshman Malena “Nena” Gurnee first discovered she cared

“Just this past summer, I drastically cut a

about her cultural identity when she was a child. She distinct-

length of my hair,” said Gurnee, “ I had

ly remembers her family and the feelings they shared with her

unintentionally ruined my natural hair by

about their views on their own identities, which ultimately led to

relaxing it and using heat on it so much

the way she views herself and her own role in the world today.

while I was trying to look like someone

Gurnee identifies as half black, quarter Mexican, and quarter

I’m not... I am so glad

caucasian. As a diverse member of society, she has seen the struggles people like her have gone through in the

I stopped and

realized how bad what I was doing really was.”

world, from stories her family has told her to ones she

Gurnee has only recently come to realize her own

has seen on the news.

views on this subject. She often reflects on things she

“My grandma always hated the way she looked,

wish she had done when she was younger but was too

and the way she spoke. She was ashamed to be

scared or uneducated on the topic to want to.

herself,” said Gurnee, “I never want my kids to

“I am trying to change the way I’ve put so much

go through that. It›s heartbreaking to know she

effort into being to a way that should be natural to

doesn›t love her culture.”

me.” said Gurnee, “I want to claim the parts of me

Gurnee believes that culture is an important part

that I’ve repressed for so much of my life.”

of a person›s identity and can ultimately change the

Gurnee plans to get more comfortable with her

way these people are seen in society. From the how

Hispanic side and claim that part of her identity in ways

someone looks and speaks all the way to the how they

she never has before. She plans to learn Spanish, cook

conduct themselves affects the world and how diverse

more Mexican dishes, and spend more time with that side

people are seen.

of her family.

Having personal experience with it, Gurnee is not a

Gurnee’s ultimate goal in this cultural journey is to

fan of the ‘whitewashing’, or a change minorities feel

be able to speak to her great-grandmother in her native

they must go through in order to fit in, the way they


Issue 3

language, Spanish, before she passes away.

All images taken and created by Shealyn Paulis

The Moxie Mountie

February 2019


growing up with my dad in the army Micheal Mirzwa


My father made a choice. Not an easy one, not a hard one, but a brave one. He gave up his love for basketball to serve his country. If he had not joined the Army, he would have never met my mom, and I would not exist. When they were young and unmarried, I was born. Growing up as a military kid was not the easiest. As a rule, an Army family is stationed for a minimum of three years in any one location. Traveling can be fun, but for a military kid, there is no return home. For me, there was no home.

before I get back.” He was gone for a year each time, one visit every six months, however we would talk on Skype every other day. The calls helped, but of

The Army life was both great and cruel

course they weren›t the same. I wanted him home,

to me. I met the most amazing people, but

not on a computer screen.

then I had to leave them. Constantly being ripped from school and friendships, mentally destroyed me. I hated hearing people gloat about their best friends that they had since preschool. I just wanted to have one friend for more than three years.

barely sleeps at night. The Fourth of July carries

He was my best friend. It is not his fault he›s not

a different meaning for my family then it used to.

my best friend anymore, that part of him stayed in

We used to celebrate as a family and watch the

Afghanistan. War is a brutal, unforgiving place.

fireworks. Now we are burdened by giving my

The last time he returned from Afghanistan he was

dad headphones so he cannot hear the fireworks,

severely injured. He was running downstairs when

so he is no longer afraid.

an RPG went off behind him, flinging him from the

dad’s absence. He was deployed two times,

staircase. He almost died and was never the same.

time he would leave, he’d crouch in front of me, right by the boarding buses, look me dead in the eyes and smile. “I gotta go now, Mikey. Now you need to take care of your mom and be the man of the house

February 2019

order (PTSD), where he has mood swings, and he

My dad was perfect. He was more than my dad.

Another weight on my shoulders was my once to Iraq and once to Afghanistan. Each

All the states Meirzwa has lived in

The Army changed my life. Maybe for the better or for the worse, but I understand its

He was medically discharged, due to his injuries. challenges. I made the decision when I was He was never the same. My father struggles to younger to join the Army just like my dad, to walk, his back barely supports him, it shattered me make him proud, to finish what he was robbed of. seeing my once strong father, fumbling to stand and needing a cane. He also suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Dis-

The Moxie Mountie

I understand my dad clearly now. His message to be the man of the house was not meant for then, but for now.

Issue 3

11 11


People vs. By Shealyn Paulis One thing commonly seen in today’s society is mental illness. Illnesses such as depression, anorexia, obesity, bipolar disorder, and etc. are frequently seen and many feel as if no one understands the problems the people suffering these conditions experience. For someone who’s friends, family, or themselves deal with these issues, it is nice to read about a character who does as well. One book that portrays mental illness well is My Heart And Other Black Holes. This book is written by Jasmine Warga. This novel fol-

There have been animals on Earth for a really, really long time. We’re talking 3.5 billion years. Humans, on the other hand, have been here for about 66 million years. On a 24-hour scale (Earth is a clock), we humans have only been walking around for 77 seconds! While we may not have been around for a long time, we have made quite the impact for our time The entire planet revolves on humans and their doings. Most of these actions are not necessarily good, though. Going back to animals, the globe belongs to them. The food chain, the environment, and the ecosystem not only rely on them, but are made up

lows a girl named Aysel who is contemplating suicide, but does not want to do it alone. This leads her to find a website to find a “suicide partner”. When she becomes friends with her newly found acquaintance though, her whole mindset changes. This book helps the reader realize that everyone has something to live for, no matter how big or small. Another novel which almost accurately shows these disorders is All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. This book is based around a

boy name Finch and a girl named Violet. Finc deals with bipolar disorder, and Violet is very depressed after the death of her sister. This book has many exciting plot twists, but also strikes your emotions making you not ab to put the book down. Paperweight by Meg Haston is an emotiona novel showing the experience of a young girl named Stevie who is facing anorexia. Readers are able to feel Stevie’s emotions and hear her thoughts as she is forced to recover from her disease at an outpatient clinic.



Junior, Kaleb Kelley has gone to Northwest his entire life, and is the youngest of three children. He has two pet corgi’s and has admitted he would never own another dog unless it was a corgi. Kelley has planned to pursue computer sciences as a future career. Kelley’s biggest motivator in life is his mother. He is also described by peers as an edgy, humours, determined person. Hanging out with close friends is one of Kelley’s favorite way to spend his free time.


Issue 3

Junior Makayla Spicer has gone to Northwest since her freshman year, after transferring from Leslie Schools. Spicer has four overall siblings, one younger and three older. She aspires to be a dentist when she is finished with college. Within the school, she is involved in both sideline and competitive cheerleading. She enjoys the company of friends and family, with her mother being her biggest motivator.

The Moxie Mountie

Februrary 2018




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by them entirely. While we have been here for a while, they have been here even longer. Within the food chain, there is a mutual respect animals hold for one another. In this sense, humans are animals, too. So, all animals hold respect for one another, except people. Not only do we not respect one another, but also we hold none for the animals of the Earth. There are many examples of this. Humans take up a lot of space. The space we did leave, is spit for animals between industrialized farming land and genuine wildlife, leaving… not very much. An example of humans negatively impacting

wildlife and the space they survive in can be seen in present day southern California. Here, humans have (unintentionally) built freeways and roads in such a way that the animals in between them have been completely isolated from other territories and species. These roads act as paths of certain death for the wildlife, specifically mountain lions, and restrict them to stay exactly where they are. This causes the lions to be unable to mate and intertwine genetic pools, forcing them to breed with their own offspring, which leads to sterility and genetic issues, eventually killing off the species in this area.

For those who do not understand the mindset of one with anorexia, this novel may help the reader understand how one in that position feels. These books are obviously not going to cure one’s illness, but they might make others feel as if they can relate to someone without having to speak to them in person. The actions in these novels may even inspire one to recover, or look on the brighter side of things.

While scientists have found possible solutions to this, such as a wildlife crossing bridge (see for more information), the problem is still evident; other beings suffer when humans are inconsiderate with their actions. The only way to reverse and prevent this from worsening further is to be conscious and aware of the impact humans have on the earth, and to make as many actions have positive effects as possible.


Oh-My(a), What A Book!: Mental Health and Other Black Holes By Amya Case



Dakota Bradley, junior, has always gone to Northwest. Bradley has five siblings, and is the youngest of the household. Bradley has one husky also. Bradley is apart of the schools student government and is also an employee at Jackson 10. Bradley loves movies and he even considers it to be a main example of what makes him happy. In Bradley’s future he is set on becoming a police officer. Bradley is described as a responsible and easy going person.

Februrary 2018

The Moxie Mountie

Junior, Chelsea Devolder has gone to Northwest for a majority of her life. She is involved in the Be More Kind club, Dude. Be Nice, Mountie super fan club, and National Honors society in the school. Devolder would consider herself good at dancing, and dance has been apart of her life for 14 years now. She is the most happiest when she is surrounded with her family and friends.

Issue 3


Are Durags Actually Allowed in School? Durags in school cause uproar on hat policy Sophomore

With the New Year, an old trend has come back, durags. Durags are a scarf worn on the head after a hair treatment process, but should they be permitted for use in schools that are against hats? Amanda Anspaugh, dean of instruction, has an open and honest view on the durags coming into the school. “Most of the boys in the building wear them for their intended use, “to get their waves back” said Anspaugh, “However, I think we still have to treat it as a hat.” The concept of “forming waves” is not something new, but administration believes it can be done at home or on a student’s free time, other than taking part in it during the school day. The expectation for headwear is set in stone, but with the argument of the durag it is not something worth putting up a fight for. The main reason hats are prohibited in the building is due to the society that we live in today. School shootings have increased, so students can hide items that can be a threat to all.


Issue 3

Durags are starting to go hand and hand with the idea of hats being a safety issue. “When I was in high school, we were able to wear hats without any problems, but the era you and your peers are living in is not as safe,” said Anspaugh. If students were given the opportunity to wear hats in school, Anspaugh would fully allow it. “I would absolutely allow hats, I believe students could have the freedom to express themselves,” said Anspaugh. “However there is always the risk of someone concealing a weapon.” The discussion on allowing durags in the school is at a neutral standpoint, but there seems to be a slim to no difference between a hat and durag. The administration allows students to convey their own personal style, but safety is their biggest concern.

The era students and their peers are living in today is not nearly as safe as my time.

The Moxie Mountie

Ariana Koker

Amanda Anspaugh

February 2019


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Who to contact?: Amya Case at or 517812-9635, or Shealyn Paulis at or, 517392-6868 February 2019

The Moxie Mountie

Issue 3


Photos by Mckenna Long.

In late 2018, Gary Camburn was diagnosed with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia. Becasue of his condition Gary is not able to work but the medical bills keep flooding in. The Northwest then begain donatin to Gary and the Camburns. Both senior Megan and sophomore Erin Camburn are apart of the Northwest choir program,because of this choir accompanist Mr.Chris Markiewicz had the idea to dye his hair as a fundraiser. He would have a different color every day for every 100 dollars donated. This was a huge help along with the spaghetti dinner hosted by the Camburns. Hundrends of people from the community showed up to this event where a dinner and silent auction was hosted in honer of Gary Camburn. Even though Gary could not attend himself because of his illness, he definitely felt the love on Facebook while people were sending him get well messeges.

Junior Chelsea Devolder sending her best wishes to Gary Camburn on a banner hanging along the wall where people in the community can write meaningful messeges to the Camburns.

Proud Michigan Fan Chris Markiewicz sporting Sparten gear while singing the Spartan fight song in honer of his pledge to rasie one thousand dollars for Gary and the Camburns.

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