Balance E-Newsletter - vol 8 Autumn Edition

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VOL 8 | MAY 2024 AUTUMN EDITION BALANCE North West Hospital and Health Service

Acknowledgement of traditional custodians

The North West Hospital and Health Service respectfully acknowledges the Elders past and present and the Traditional Owners of the land, sea and waterways which we service and declare the North West Hospital and Health Service’s commitment to reducing inequalities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous health outcomes in line with the National Indigenous Reform Agreement (Closing the Gap).

Acknowledgement of Australian South Sea Islanders

North West Hospital and Health Service formally recognises the Australian South Sea Islanders as a distinct cultural group within our geographical boundaries. The Northwest Hospital and Health Service is committed to fulfilling the Queensland Government Recognition Statement for Australian South Sea Islander Community to ensure that present and future generations of Australian South Sea Islanders have equality of opportunity to participate in and contribute to the economic, social, political and cultural life of the State

Vision, Purpose, Values

Our Vision

To lead the delivery of safe, sustainable healthcare in our unique region with our diverse partners and communities.

Our Purpose Partner with our communities to improve health outcomes by delivering valued, high-quality and sustainable health services that are close to home.

Our Values

Our values will guide our decision making and actions as we commit to respecting, protecting, and promoting human rights in our decision making and actions. These values include Innovation, Respect, Engagement, Accountability, Caring, and Honesty.

This newsletter is produced by the North West Hospital and Health Service All feedback and contributions are welcome to NWHHS Communication@health qld gov au All published material has been approved by the Health Service Chief Executive

From the Board Chair

From the Health Service Chief Executive


Welcome new “Ground Up’ students of 2024

Orange Sky Australia visits Mount Isa

Neighbourhood Centre Crochets for Maternity Ward

Welcome ‘Joy” Mount Isa’s furriest team member

NWHHS joins the ACEMID to battle Melanoma

First baby vaccinated against RSV



A slice of kindness: Jo Barfield and the bake sale

NWHHS lends a helping hand to our FNQ neighbours during the QLD floods

Welcome New Graduates 2024

SCN Nurses help Cairns Hinterland HHS

Growing in Numbers; New Pharmacy Interns

Board Changes

Staff Spotlight - Meet Clare Newton


North West HHS Consumer Engagement

Quality and Safety Quarterly Report

Outreach Services

From the Consumer Liaison Officer

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health

Spotlight on Skin Health Team

Health Equity Implementation Plan

Spotlight on Burketown




Protect your Peace of Mind

Media Sanity:
your FREE Flu vaccination Support is available 05 07 09 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 24 25 28 30 33 37 38 39 41 42 44 46 47

NWHHS Balance

From the Board Chair

Cheryl Vardon AO

Dear North West,

The year has started well with the release of North West Hospital and Health Service's (HHS) revised Strategic Plan 20242028 Thank you to those who provided feedback and assisted in setting the direction and shaping the priority areas for HHS to achieve our shared vision for trusted, connected, quality healthcare for all

The four key strategic objectives within the North West HHS Strategic Plan 2024-2028 will guide our annual priorities and contribute to achieving our purpose to provide kind, inclusive, and safe health services across our region in partnership with the communities we serve

Focusing on Health

Focusing on Working Together

Focusing on First Nations

Focusing on Improvement

Focusing on Valuing and Growing our People

Executives will now further define and operationalise these strategic objectives through key strategies for action and health service planning to achieve our measures of success

I was pleased to recently accompany Her Excellency, the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young, Governor of Queensland, as she toured Cloncurry and Julia Creek and acknowledged the exceptional work of the HHS She was particularly impressed by the demonstration of the cardiac robotic ultrasound machine in Cloncurry and the continued effort to reduce rural disparity It was also great to catch up with Mayor Cr Greg Campbell, Cloncurry Shire Council and Mayor Cr Janene Fegan, McKinlay Shire Council

The board recently met in Mount Isa for an orientation and board meeting The two-day program included a welcome to country and a smoking ceremony to officially welcome our new board members Loretta Seamer, Anne Pleash and Steven Renouf to Kalkadoon Country and the North West

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the important ceremony, which is very much part of the continuation of our North West story

During the orientation, board members were given a firsthand look at Mount Isa Hospital The tour, led by Health Service Chief Executive Sean Birgan, allowed members to connect with the executive leadership team and staff as they showcased several exciting initiatives

Our new board members are eager to build on their connection with the North West and continue to immerse themselves in the region and our remote sites to engage with staff and consumers firsthand and hear their perspectives

I would like to thank all staff for their continued passion and dedication to supporting our communities I look forward to our continued collaboration for the betterment of North West Hospital and Health Service

Kind regards,

NWHHS Balance

From the Health Service

Chief Executive Sean Birgan

I am pleased to share the Autumn edition and our eighth edition of the Balance magazine with you. Throughout this publication, our staff and community achievements are highlighted, and reflect the wonderful year we have had so far at North West Hospital and Health Service for 2024

A key highlight during the first quarter was the transformation of our Board with three new members joining our team We had the opportunity to welcome the new board members with a traditional smoking ceremony under the healing tree I want to thank all who attended and made the new board members feel welcome

I have witnessed many achievements among the team including NWHHS joining the world’s largest melanoma imaging trial The introduction of a 3D total body skin imaging system (VECTRA) is very exciting as we are one of only 15 in the state I’m sure many of us have been or know someone that has been impacted by skin cancer and can understand the importance of early detection. To have this technology in the North West is a huge step for us as we continue the battle against melanoma, I look forward to seeing the success of this trial

In this edition of Balance, you will find a Quality and Safety Report from October to December 2023 that outlines a number of measures Our core quality principle is the continuous improvement of all processes and services supporting the care of patients. The quality management systems implemented across our hospital group allows us to deliver consistent and comprehensive care to patients You will find data covering a number of measures including medication safety, monitoring incidents and near misses, unexpected return to theatre, infection prevention and the consumer experience We look forward to sharing these quarterly reports going forward.

As we begin our 2024 journey, I would like to thank our staff, consumers, healthcare partners and communities for starting this year off on a high note We have already accomplished so much for our community and Healthcare services, and together we can go much further I am looking forward to working towards our future goals and continuing to deliver safe, high quality healthcare in our wonderful region. I wish you and your families a safe and wonderful year ahead


Strategic Plan 2024-2028


Welcome new Ground Up

students for 2024

Earlier this year, we were delighted to welcome our first group of Ground Up students for 2024, with seven students coming to us form Spinifex State High School, and XYZ students joining us from Good Shepherd in late March.

The Ground Up program is an opportunity to introduce First Nations students to a career in health care, with mentoring provided by First Nations staff.

“The students are introduced to a wide variety of clinic areas including Allied Health, ED, Maternity, Renal, Surgical, Medical and Paediatrics.

We wish these students a hugely successful experience and we look forward to watching their bright futures grow!

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Orange Sky Australia

visits Mount Isa

Charity Orange Sky Australia visited Mount Isa in March for a couple of weeks providing its free mobile laundry and shower services to people experiencing homelessness or hardship. They visited the Mount Isa Flexible Learning Centre, Ngukuthati Children & Family Centre, Serenity House, RAGOSS Dinner Camp, and Yallambee Indigenous Reserve. NWHHS is passionate about this collaboration as we continue to strive towards tackling Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) once and for all.

Following a commitment to ending rheumatic heart disease by 2031, clean skin is an important part of preventing Strep A infections which lead to Acute Rheumatic fever which can lead to RHD. We appreciate the dedication and success of the Orange Sky team in helping to keep our community healthy, their continued support is invaluable.

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Neighbourhood Centre

crochetes for Maternity ward

In a heartwarming display of community spirit, the end of March saw a special delivery to the Mount Isa maternity ward. The generous and talented Wednesday Morning ladies from the Neighbourhood Centre embarked on a mission to crochet numerous blankets and stuffed animals for the newest members of our community.

Each blanket and toy was crafted with care and adorned with intricate patterns, showcasing the skill and dedication of these women.

The reaction from the hospital staff was one of delight and gratitude, as they witnessed the impact of this thoughtful gesture for both the parents and newborn babies.

For the Wednesday Morning ladies, the project was not just about creating beautiful items, but spreading love and joy to those in need. Their dedication and generosity served as a shining example of the power of community and the impact that a simple act of kindness can have on the lives of others.

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Welcome ‘Joy’ Mount Isa’s

furriest team member

North West Hospital and Health Service is thrilled to introduce our new therapy dog program aimed at enhancing the wellbeing of patients and staff.

Meet Joy our specially trained therapy dog, along with her handler Pauline McLeod. Joy will provide comfort and companionship drawing from her experience in similar community programs such as schools. The program was aimed at providing a holistic experience for health consumers within the hospital setting.

Therapy dogs can have such a profound impact on individuals, and seeing the joy light up our patients faces has been the best feedback from the program.

Ms McLeod said the therapy dog program will operate on a scheduled basis, with regular visits planned to ensure widespread access to Joy's presence. The program aims to alleviate anxiety, provide emotional support, and promote a sense of well-being among patients and staff members.

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NWHHS joins the ACEMID

team to battle Melanoma

North West HHS has joined the world’s largest melanoma imaging trial, funded by the Australian Cancer Research Foundation’s $10 million Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma and Imaging (ACEMID) research project.

A 3D total body skin imaging system (VECTRA) has been installed at Mount Isa Hospital. This technology offers 360degree imaging of all exposed surfaces of the skin and builds a 3D avatar of the patient capturing more than 95 per cent of the body’s skin surface.

This image is then used to track and trace changes in moles on the skin over time.

Chief Executive Sean Birgan highlighted the significance of this advancement in North West Queensland.

“Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer and early detection can potentially be lifesaving,” Mr Birgan said.

"The implementation of VECTRA will help revolutionise our ability to map, monitor and diagnose skin conditions and cancers, providing earlier diagnosis and treatment for residents in our region.”

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First baby vaccinated

Against RSV

Jocasta has been an incredible mum, attending her care and having a healthy baby, as well as encouraging the ongoing health of her baby by having Kosharo’s vaccinations regime commenced.

Jocasta consented to her baby Kasharo being the first baby in our health district to be immunised against RSV as part of the new RSV immunisation roll out.

RSV is a common, highly infectious virus that affects your airways and lungs; it can cause severe illness such as Bronchitis and pneumonia.

It is the most common cause of infants and young children needing hospital care.

Any child born at the NWHHS will be offered RSV immunisation prior to discharge.

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ANZAC Day ceremony

As ANZAC Day passes, it is important for us as a health service community to reflect on the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who served our nation. ANZAC Day holds profound significance for all Australians and New Zealanders, and it is essential that we honour and remember the courage and selflessness of those who have served and continue to serve.

attendance at the dawn service to lay a wreath on behalf if the North West HHS. This gesture symbolises our gratitude and appreciation for the sacrifices made by our service men and women.

NWHHS was an active participant at the ANZAC Day commemorations this year with Chief Executive Sean Birgan in

Let us take this moment to reflect on the values of courage, mateship, and sacrifice that the ANZACs exemplified. As a health service, we are committed to honouring their legacy and ensuring that their contributions are never forgotten.

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Staff going above and beyond to help the community.

The staff at North West HHS have kicked off this year with a strong emphasis on helping others.

We are grateful to have such a strong team connected to our core values bringing a smile to the faces around us!

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A slice of kindness:

Jo Barfield & the bake sale

In March, Director of Corporate and Support Services, Jo Barfield, performed the courageous act of shaving her head for the World’s Greatest Shave! Her dedication raised over $6000 towards vital research for blood cancer. This money will also help provide impacted families with the necessary support to get them through the many challenges that leukaemia can bring.

The encouragement from our team and community was heart-warming, from dyeing their hair to baking for a bake sale to cheering Jo on during her transformation.

If you’re considering taking part in the World’s Greatest Shave, whether it’s cutting your hair or shaving your head, there is more information available at

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Before During After

NWHHS lend a helping hand to our

FNQ neighbours during

the QLD floods

North West HHS staff lend a helping hand to North QLD communities! As we saw 2023 ending with widespread flooding across Cairns and surrounding areas, and 2024 seeing the impact of Cyclone Kirrily across Townsville and surrounds, there has been significant pressure placed on

existing staffing resources in these communities. Four members of our staff lent a huge helping hand in Cairns following these weather events and to help with the flood disaster management and recovery. A massive thanks to Pharmacist Jes-Wah, Manager Emergency Preparedness and Coordination James, Nurse Unit Manager Surgery Mere, and Nurse Unit Manager Medical Ward Janelle. We’re a small HHS but we always help our local community and our fellow HHSs when they are in need.

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Welcome New Graduate

Nurses 0f 2024

North West Hospital and Health Service welcomed the arrival of 24 new nursing graduates to its team in February.

North West HHS Chief Executive Sean Birgan said it was encouraging to see a significant number of graduates choosing to embark on their careers in regional locations.

“We warmly welcome these new graduate nurses and midwives to the North West, where they will soon be on the frontline, making a substantial impact in our facilities,” Mr Birgan said.

These nurses will have the opportunity to learn and grow on the job, applying the skills they've acquired during their university education to positively influence the lives of patients in some of our most remote areas," he stated.

There were some exciting opportunities for nurse graduates this year with positions being offered on Mornington Island and in Camooweal.

The new nurses have been deployed across various departments within the health service, including remote locations, special care nurseries and cancer care units. Additionally, midwives will play a crucial role in both the core and maternity group practice services.

We look forward to supporting the continued growth of these professionals.

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SCN Nurses help Cairns and

Hinterland HHS

A small team of Special Care Nurses (SCN) recently assisted out friends over in Far North Queensland.

With the closure of birthing services in Cairns Private Hospital, Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service expanded to accommodate the extra number of births. To manage the extra workload they required a couple of experienced hands to assist for 6 weeks.

This gave our nurses the opportunity to work in a busy SCN unit and upskill in areas such as respiratory support and looking after babies on CPAP.

The nurses loved the opportunity to help out a fellow HHS and will continue to provide the best care possible to all patients.

Nurse Hannah (Pictured right) said, “It has been wonderful to get to work in Cairns even just for a short period of time, the special care nursery team has been very supportive and helpful all throughout my stay. I get to use and develop my special care nursery skills and was able to help them out as well. “

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Growing in Numbers; New

Intern Pharmacists

North West Hospital and Health Service is proud to announce a significant milestone in its pharmacy department with the employment of two intern pharmacists at the Mount Isa Hospital.

Having completed their four-year university degree, they are on a one-year journey of supervised practice to gain open registration.

Chief Executive Sean Birgan said the introduction of the intern program signified an exciting development for healthcare in the North West.

“The decision to welcome two interns this year reflects the department's proactive approach to building sustainability and ensuring the delivery of top-tier care to patients within the North West,” he said.

"We believe that investing in the development of future pharmacists within our region not only addresses our immediate staffing needs but also fosters a culture of excellence and commitment to rural healthcare.

"We are confident that our interns will not only thrive in their roles but also contribute significantly to the well-being of our communities."

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A closer look at NWHHS

Board Transformation

A huge welcome to our new and existing board members who visited Mount Isa. Cheryl Vardon AO continues her leadership as Chair of the North West Hospital and Health Service (North West HHS) Board and welcomes three new members, Anne Pleash, Steven Renouf, and Loretta Seamer.

The board, through setting the strategic oversight directions for North West HHS operations, will continue working closely with the health service to provide North West consumers the best possible patient care.

The North West HHS Board membership now comprises Cheryl Vardon AO (Chair) Professor Eleanor Milligan (Deputy Chair), and Board Members Bill Armagnacq, Cath Brokenborough, Dr Marco Giuseppin, Fiona Hill, Dr Melissa Naidoo, Anne Pleash, Steven Renouf and Loretta Seamer.

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New Board Members

Anne Pleash

Anne is an experienced executive and nonexecutive director with wide-ranging experience in stakeholder relations, government relations, media, health, and advocacy in the private and government sectors.

Loretta Seamer

Loretta is an experienced board director, health executive, and finance professional with more than thirty-five years’ domestic and international experience, with a focus in the healthcare sector for the last 20 years.

Steven Renouf

A Gunggari and Gubbi Gubbi man, Steven claimed numerous accolades during an international sporting career that spanned more than a decade.

Steven is a strong public advocate for better understanding and health care for all diabetics and is an Ambassador for the Australian Diabetes Educators Association.

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Staff Spotlight

Meet Clare Newton

Newly appointed Executive Director of Remote Health

A recently adopted Business Case for Change noted there was a gap that needed to be filled to provide comprehensive support for Remote Health operations. As a result, the Executive Director of Remote Health role was created.

natural next step to support healthcare operations in the 10 remote facilities across the North West

With over 30 years' experience in Nursing covering a broad range of roles including most recently Assistant director of Nursing RHD, Covid lead, nurse unit manager, educator, and clinician, Clare Newton being chosen for this role was a

“One of my focusses will be on the Health Equity strategy and making sure we have that embedded in our operations and I also want to focus on our community engagement strategies ”

The North West HHS is privileged to have such a dedicated leader on the Executive team with a wealth of knowledge to strengthen our remote regions healthcare practices

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The Mount Isa Sexual Health Clinic set up a stall during youth week with information and giveaways

Our Paediatric Ward increasing awareness for ‘Could it be Sepsis’ campaign with cupcakes, quizzes, and prizes

Dedicated to empowering our new graduate and student nurses and midwives

Our Yacca library staff continue to support staff and students with post graduate studies and research activities.

Youth Week Transition Support Team Paediatric Sepsis Week Library Staff

North West HHS

Consumer Engagement

Consumer engagement for North West Hospital and Health Service (HHS) leads off well in 2024.

We are so pleased to report that the health service was recently commended for its work in Standard 2, Partnering with Consumers, during the recent accreditation process. Through our commitment to involving consumers in every aspect of healthcare planning, delivery, and evaluation, we have not only met but exceeded the rigorous standards set forth in this domain.

We are proud to have passed accreditation for Standard 2 and remain committed to continually improving our consumer partnership initiatives.

Throughout the second half of 2023 we held seven consumer group meetings, with consistent attendance from Executive and Board members, demonstrating our dedication to listening to consumer voices at the highest levels.

We made significant progress in cultural competency training, with 83.7% of staff completing the Cultural Practice Program.

Additionally, the percentage of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce increased to 9.59%, reflecting our commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

Extensive community consultations were conducted for service and facility design, particularly for palliative care facilities and new builds at various locations, ensuring that our services meet the diverse needs of our communities.

Our Public Relations team engaged with community members on 87 occasions, fostering open communication channels. We also provided multiple feedback opportunities through online surveys and feedback forms tailored to different healthcare areas.

Consumers have easy access to us through various communication channels, including direct lines to a Consumer Liaison Officer and Manager Public Relations, website, social media, in-person, telephone, and email.

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Jasmine Barber Manager Public Relations

Consumers were actively involved in developing and reviewing consumer brochures and HHS policies on 12 occasions, ensuring that our information is accessible and relevant to our consumers.

To ensure transparency, quality boards are displayed in all facilities, and a service-wide performance board is located in the Mount Isa Hospital foyer, providing consumers with insight into our performance.

We are incredibly grateful for all of the health consumers that engage with us to help shape the future of health delivery in our region.

Your contributions to your community and our health service are incredibly important and we couldn’t do our job without you!

For more information about becoming a registered health consumer in the North West, please visit:

Or send an email to:

Quality and Safety Quarterly Report

October - December 2023

North West HHS measures quality in many areas, by analysing and reporting on outcome and process measures alongside patient satisfaction.

Our core quality principle is the continuous improvement of all processes and services supporting the care of patients. The quality management systems implemented across our hospital group allows us to deliver consistent and comprehensive care to patients.

North West HHS monitors and reports on many quality measures including patient satisfaction surveys and patients’ experience, infection prevention and control including hand hygiene compliance rates, patient incidents, medication safety and return to theatre percentiles. The policies, processes, and procedures associated with these areas are embedded in all hospital operations and workflow. Quality management focuses on continuous quality improvement as measured by consumer and patient satisfaction.

Medication Safety

Medication errors can have an impact on patient outcomes and can cause harm. North West HHS’s medication safety systems are in place to prevent the occurrence of medical-related incidents. Staff are trained in the safe and appropriate use of medicines. Medication risks are described as errors in:

Prescribing Administering and/or Dispensing medication

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Monitoring incidents and near misses

Safety reporting systems are a very important aspect of ensuring patient safety at North West HHS. Detecting near misses and incidents enables us to improve practice and prevent any future adverse events. A near miss is an adverse event that has been intercepted and has not resulted in harm for example:

Slip or falls not resulting in injury

Pressure injuries resulting in no harm

Unexpected return to theatre

Surgical complication requiring the unplanned return to theatre within one month of a patient’s most recent discharge from hospital is classified as an Unexpected Return to Theatre. The return subjects the patient to repeated anaesthesia risks, which can be highly distressing and impact the patient and their family. Returning to the theatre generally occurs because the patient experiences one of the following:

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NWHHS Balance

Infection Prevention

At North West HHS we implement the highest standards in infection prevention and control including:

Hand hygiene

Use of Personal Protective equipment

Safe use of disposal consumable equipment

Reprocessing of medical equipment

Routine Cleaning

Our systematic approach to preventing, controlling and responding to infections creates a safe environment for visitors and staff at our facility.

Consumer Experience

Patient feedback provides valuable information and not only ensures that patients’ voices are heard, but by examining patients’ feedback it gives direct insight into our quality of care and patient satisfaction. This aids in maintaining and improving the standard of care offered at North West HHS. Patients are encouraged to provide feedback using the feedback forms provided or by visiting our website.

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Outreach Services

Interested to know when outreach services will be visiting your community? Visit the dedicated Outreach Service page on the North West HHS website to stay up to date.


From the Consumer Liaison Officer

We continue to welcome feedback from patients, their families and staff who have visited facilities across the North West. Visit the North West HHS website to leave your feedback.

Consumer Compliment

"Outstanding emergency service from the Normanton Hospital, RFDS and ED/ICU staff at Mount Isa Hospital.

Could not have asked for a more thorough assessment by the teams involved. Without a doubt some of the most professional, understanding health staff I have had the good fortune to be cared for in confusing circumstances.

Thanks for the outstanding service by all of you."

Leave your feedback by scanning the QR code

Jacqui Goodall

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Spotlight on Skin Health Team

New Skin Health Team aims to increase awareness of hygiene to prevent illness

The new Skin Health team is an initiative funded by Connected Community Pathways – First Nations Skin Health. It is designed to engage with the local community to raise awareness of skin health and skin conditions including skin sores, scabies, fungal infections, head lice and throat infections. The intent is to generate community engagement for the promotion and education, as required, related to skin and throat. This will include home visiting and engagement to provide support and information around preventative measures and the management of skin and throat infections.

The team aims to educate the community on wound and infection treatment, emphasising the prevention of RHD and ARF. Additionally, the team seeks to collaborate with community stakeholders to raise awareness of skin health’s importance in preventing Group A strep infections.

The HHS skin health team were engaged as stakeholders, along with the HHS RHD team as part of the recent Orange Sky public health pilot in Mount Isa. We are hoping to have a skin health symposium for stakeholders, and tie into community events which will enable health promotional activities.

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Have you viewed the Health Equity Implementation Plan 2022-2025?

The plan is available to read on the North West Hospital and Health Service website.

Goals of the First Nations Health Equity reform agenda include:

Actively eliminate racial discrimination and institutional racism

Visit the website and familiarise yourself with the plan today

Increasing access to healthcare services

Influencing the social, cultural and economic determinants of health

Delivering sustainable, culturally safe and responsive healthcare service

Work with First Nations people, communities and organisations to design, deliver, monitor and review health services


Spotlight on Burketown

Burketown is in the heart of the Gulf country on the Albert River, about 25 kilometres from the Gulf of Carpentaria. Located in a remote setting, road access to Mount Isa and Cloncurry is restricted during wet season closures, although an all-weather airport provides regular scheduled services to Mount Isa and Cairns.

Approximately 240 people live in Burketown and the surrounding areas. The Traditional Custodians of the area are The Gangalidda Garawa people. During winter months the population can increase significantly with 'grey nomads' and holiday makers. In total, more than 40 per cent of the local population identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Bidunggu community is also part of the Burketown Primary Health Centre and Burke Shire, with Burketown Primary Health Centre providing 'outreach clinics' to the Bidunggu community which is located 120 km away at Gregory Downs. The Traditional Custodians of the area are the Waanyi people.

Burketown Primary Health Clinic is a Level 1 facility under the Rural and Remote Clinical Services Capability Framework. The service provides low-risk ambulatory care provided by nursing, administration and operational staff. The Burketown Primary Health Clinic encompasses a nurse-led and visiting Medical Officer model of care.

Some of Burketown’s most popular attractions include the Morning Glory Clouds and excellent Barramundi fishing. During the months of September and October, the rare meteorological phenomenon referred to as the Morning Glory Cloud, rolls across the Gulf and can be observed above the skies in Burketown. Gangalidda traditional owner Murrandoo Yanner said his people believe the morning glory was created by Walalu, the Rainbow Serpent, and is of great cultural significance. Although these clouds can be found in other parts of the world, Burketown is the only place where they appear frequently at set times of the year. Burketown is well known for its barramundi fishing - and the World Barramundi Fishing Competition – and has king salmon, sooty grunter, and mudcrabs amongst its offerings. April to June, when the 'run-off' from rains is strong, usually produces the best fishing and weather conditions in the Gulf.


Wellbeing Tips

Social Media Sanity: Protect your Peace of Mind

Social media is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family, and it’s important to make sure your experience is fun and positive.

Think about the impact your post might have:

Sharing online is a great way to express yourself but posting personal or confronting content can hurt you and others.

Keep it positive:

Use the resources on social networks to help you and others maintain a healthy state of mind.

Take a break

Spending lots of time online might affect your mood.

Set up your device to send you an alert after a chosen amount of time, and don’t be using electronics an hour before bed.

Stay safe while online and offline:

Do not engage with strangers and avoid participating in inappropriate behaviour. if you're being bullied, harassed or threatened during a game. Find out how to screenshot the evidence, report and block other gamers who behave badly.

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Dietitians Corner

Quick chicken meatballs with crispy chickpeas

NWHHS Allied Health Dieticians share a healthy, quick and easy weeknight meal with plenty of Autumn colours.


400g can no-added-salt chickpeas, drained

2 carrots, cut in chunks

1 large red capsicum, deseeded, cut in chunks

150g cherry tomatoes

2 extra lean chicken sausages (choose lower-salt versions)

¼ cup reduced-fat Greek yoghurt

½ teaspoon smoked paprika

¼ teaspoon ground cumin

chilli sauce to serve (chipotle is great here)

Preheat oven to 200C.

Place chickpeas, carrots, capsicum and tomatoes in a large baking dish Spray with oil and season

Roast for 25 minutes until veggies are tender and chickpeas are crunchy

Squeeze chicken sausages from skins and divide into bite-sized chunks

Spray a medium pan with oil and set over medium heat Cook chicken meatballs until cooked through

Combine paprika and cumin with yoghurt.

Top the yoghurt mixture with sausage meatballs and roasted vegetables Garnish with fresh herbs, chilli sauce and freshlyground black pepper

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You are not alone.

Support is available. If you feel overwhelmed, talk to a health professional Speak to your GP about what support you need and how you can access it.

Lifeline's 13 11 14 crisis support service is available 24/7. Anyone in Australia can speak to a trained Crisis Supporter over the phone, any time of the day or night.

Contact North West HHS Public Relations 07 4744 4871
Do you have a story that needs to be shared? BALANCE North West Hospital and Health Service
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