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Waterbirth options for Mount Isa mums

Women living in the North West will no longer will have to travel out of the region if they want to have a waterbirth.

With staff now trained for water birthing at Mount Isa Hospital, birthing pools are open and available for pregnant mums.


North West Hospital and Health Service acting Chief Executive Sean Birgan said it was an exciting time for local families who previously needed to travel out of the region to access water birthing facilities.

With more than 400 babies born at Mount Isa Hospital every year, Mr Birgan said it was fantastic to see more birthing options available.

“The local community told us they wanted access to water birthing, and we are thrilled to now provide local mums with this option,” Mr Birgan said.

“We want to give mums-to-be more choice and now they can choose water birthing at Mount Isa Hospital, close to home and close to their loved ones.”

First time mum Liana Bryant wasn’t intending on having a waterbirth, but when the opportunity presented, she decided to try it, and it helped her avoid using pain medication. She is now the sixth mother to experience water birthing at the hospital.

“I was at the stage where I was seeking additional pain relief but decided to try the pool first and as soon as I got in, I just felt instant relief,” Ms Bryant said.

Her son Dawson was born in the pool a few hours later and Ms Bryant said she was thrilled with her birthing choice.

“It was such a serene and calming experience, and I would recommend to mothers that they discuss the option of birthing in water at an early stage in their pregnancy so that the option is in your birthing toolbox.”

For more information on water birthing in Mount Isa, please call Maternity on 07 4744 4496 or Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) service on 07 4764 0880.