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Wellbeing Tips Staying healthy as a shift worker

Many members of the North West community are shift workers. It's important for shift workers to prioritise their wellbeing and do what they can to stay healthy.


Here are some tips to staying healthy:

Getting enough quality sleep is of major importance. Minor exposure to bright sunlight can make it hard to sleep, so your room should be as dark as possible, or you can try using a sleep mask.

Avoid using devices with a screen in the hour before sleep.

If you work night shift, it may be helpful to travel home in the morning with sunglasses on to reduce your exposure to bright daylight.

Try to eat well and get regular exercise. This can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Taking your own meals to work can help you eat less unhealthy food.

Get a regular health check and let your GP know you are a shift worker. They can keep an eye on your health and, if necessary, test you for risk factors such as raised blood sugar levels.