1 minute read

Marshmallow Bunnies

While it's not an everyday food, if you are looking for an easy and delicious treat to make this Easter, try these marshmallow bunnies!

You will need 1 set of plastic Easter bunny moulds (if making bunnies) or 1 baking pan with high sides if not making bunnies (6 inch x 10 inch).



½ cup (120 mls) cold water

1½ tablespoons powdered gelatine

¾ cup (180 mls) hot water

1½ cups (300 grams) granulated white sugar pinch salt

2 teaspoons vanilla extract


Put cold water in bowl Gradually stir in powdered gelatine; let stand 5 minutes

Put hot water, sugar and salt into large saucepan Be sure to use a fairly large saucepan because as it boils it will come up the sides quite quickly so watch it carefully

Stir over low heat until sugar has dissolved.

Add gelatine mixture, stir over low heat until gelatine has dissolved

Bring to boil. Then reduce heat and simmer gently uncovered Simmer for 9 minutes from the time the mixture first starts to boil

Remove pan from heat, let cool to lukewarm

Put mixture into bowl of electric mixer, add vanilla.

Beat on high speed 5 minutes or until thick and creamy It may take longer if it is still a bit warm.

To make Marshmallow Bunnies

Mix through food colouring if making colourful bunnies or leave plain Lightly spray or wipe mould with oil

Fill bunny moulds (recipe should fill one large, one medium and one small bunny) Set the marshmallow in the fridge

The bunnies will remove easily by pulling marshmallow away from sides of mould with damp fingers

Don't panic if there are air bubbles on your marshmallow, a bit of food colour and a ton of coconut will hide everything.

Roll your bunnies in coconut if desired