Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum 2017 Annual Report

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2017 Annual Report

Look how far we’ve come!

ever before, thanks in large part to

Five years ago I moved to Reno with my family to take on the role of

a year of record breaking if ever there

President/CEO of The Discovery. My first in-person interview for the

was one!

position happened to coincide with my first ever visit to Reno. Like so many others who have not yet discovered the gem in the high desert, my expectations of Reno were not high. However, after just a few short days exploring the city and region, I knew this was the job and place for me. When I was eventually offered the position, I was elated and could not get to Reno fast enough. Five years later I have the ability to reflect and see how much the region has changed and grown, and The Discovery has played a significant role in that transformation. Some would say that the last year was 65 million years in the making, but The Discovery has certainly spent the last two in preparation for the arrival of our largest guest to date. A T. rex Named Sue brought not only the most complete and famous T. rex ever to be discovered to Nevada, she also brought record breaking crowds and helped us take another giant step forward in advancing scientific literacy and instilling the joy of lifelong learning in the nearly 200,000 visitors who came to see her.

some very generous donors. This was

Like every year before, we have no plans of taking a break or resting on our laurels. The year to come will bring a complete refresh of our Truckee Connects gallery and new exhibits and experiences throughout the rest of the museum. We’re also introducing new educational programs and partnerships, and making plans to expand our educational impact in Northern Nevada and beyond. The most exciting aspect of accepting this position five years ago was moving to a city undergoing such an exciting change and knowing the role that the museum was playing in transforming our community. We have a lot to celebrate here at The Discovery and we are excited about what more is headed our way. The pages that follow will further articulate some exciting benchmarks that we’ve reached this year and the tremendous impact we’ve made in our community. None of that,

It would be easy to think that “Sue” was all we had in the museum

of course, would be possible without the continued support of our

last year; after all, she does cast a large shadow. However, we

visitors, members, partners and donors. For that you have our deepest

accomplished so much more. In the fall we greeted our one-millionth

thanks and I hope you will accept my invitation to join us on our

visitor to the museum. That’s no small feat at just six years old! We set

continued journey in the months and years ahead.

record numbers in our camps program when almost 900 campers joined us over the summer, fall, winter and spring breaks and just shy


of 17,000 students came on a field trip to the museum. And core to


our mission of keeping the museum accessible to as many people in

Mat Sinclair, MPA

our community as possible, we awarded more financial assistance than


Table of contents Letter from the President/CEO............................ 2 A T. rex Named Sue roars into Reno................... 4 2017: Impact by the numbers................................ 5 Governor’s STEM Advisory Council................... 6 Volunteer of the Year............................................... 7 Becoming the home for “Geeks”........................ 8 Engaging adults in science................................... 9 Annual list of donors.............................................. 10 Financial statements.............................................. 12 Revenue and expense summary........................ 13 Letter from the Board Chair................................. 15

Core mission & objective We seek to inspire by being the place to experience science.


Sue makes a colossal impact in Northern Nevada On Saturday, May 27, 2017, Reno heard a roar like nothing it has ever heard before. A T. rex Named Sue, on loan from Chicago’s Field Museum, opened at The Discovery, and Northern Nevada’s love affair with the famous 42-foot-long Tyrannosaurus rex began.

THE STAR OF THE SHOW Few things in history captivate human interest more than dinosaurs. For many, they conjure images of gigantic, fearsome and mysterious beasts who once inhabited the Earth. But now they’re gone. However, one enormous Tyrannosaurus rex continues to roam the planet, and her name is Sue.

The cast of Sue’s skeleton began its traveling exhibition tour in June of

Sue is the star of A T. rex Named Sue, an exhibition created by The

throughout the world.

2000, and has visited nearly every state in the U.S., and many countries

Field Museum in Chicago. The exhibition features a multitude of digital and hands-on exhibits that allow museum visitors to explore Sue’s past and the field of paleontology. The centerpiece of the exhibition is Sue, a 42-foot-long, 12-foot-tall, 3,500 lb. cast of the original skeleton unearthed in South Dakota in 1990. Only four T. rex specimens containing more than 60 percent of their original skeleton have ever been found. Sue is 90 percent complete— only a foot, one arm, and a few ribs and vertebrae are missing. The specimen was found in the Hell Creek Formation, near Faith, South Dakota, by fossil hunter Sue Hendrickson. In 1997, the Field Museum purchased the 65-million-year-old fossil at auction for $8.4 million, setting the record for the world’s highest price ever paid for a fossil. 4

MUSEUM ATTENDANCE Since opening to the public in 2011, The Discovery’s annual attendance has steadily grown year over year. And with the largest T. rex ever discovered in the museum, annual attendance was predicted to be the highest yet. Sue delivered on that prediction and in 2017, The Discovery welcomed 195,485 visitors. Museum attendance in 2017 put The Discovery past the 1,000,000 visitor mark since opening. SCHOOL FIELD TRIPS The Discovery’s school field trip program has become a valued resource for our community’s educators. The museum’s hands-on learning opportunities, including Discovery Lab activities included

with school field trips, help to cement the science concepts being introduced by teachers in their classrooms. With Sue as an added reason to visit the museum, The Discovery’s field trip program saw its greatest impact to date with nearly 17,000 students engaged at the museum on a school field trip.

DINO WEDDING BLISS One happy, dinosaur-loving couple wanted to share their big day with their favorite dinosaur, so they hosted their wedding and reception here at The Discovery. They tied the knot right in front of Sue, making their celebration the first wedding held at the museum. SUE’S STAY EXTENDED A T. rex Named Sue’s stay at The Discovery was originally scheduled to end in mid-January 2018. Thanks to an unprecedented vacancy in the calendar for this colossal exhibition, Sue’s stay was extended through May 13, 2018. The extension is certain to help the museum set yet another attendance record, further increasing The Discovery’s educational impact in our community. A T. rex Named Sue was created by The Field Museum, Chicago, and made possible through the generosity of McDonald’s Corporation. Major support for the exhibition was provided by The Charles N. Mathewson CLAT Number Two, The Charles N. Mathewson CLAT Number One, The Bretzlaff Foundation, the Clarence & Martha Jones Family Foundation, Anonymous, Charles and Margaret Burback, the Robert R. Banks Foundation, the Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation, the K&K Grimm Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada, Matt and Lydia Meyer, David and Judy Hess, Silver Standard Resources Inc., NV Energy, Fox 11/KRNV News 4, and Foundry.

2017: Impact by the numbers 195,485 Annual museum visitation

16,939 School field trip participants


Science Distilled attendees


Visitors from outside Nevada


Seasonal camp participants


Financial assistance distributed


Member households (as of 1/1/18)


Social Science attendees


Hours donated by 190 volunteers 5

A student explores vortices using a fog cannon during a school field trip.

Governor’s STEM Advisory Council honors The Discovery In 2017, The Discovery’s school field trip program received approval for inclusion in the Nevada STEM Advisory Council’s list of recommended STEM programs. The announcement, made on October 19, 2017 by Governor Brian Sandoval’s Office of Science, Innovation and Technology (OSIT), honored 16 evidencebased, high-quality STEM programs in the state. Each program was evaluated by a group of trained reviewers according to a Nevadaspecific rubric. The Discovery and the Desert Research Institute (DRI) were the only two Nevada-based organizations that made the list.


The Discovery’s field trip program aspires to continue its growth and impact, with a goal of serving another 48,000 students and 1,800 teachers over the next three years. Since launching in September

The Discovery’s field trip program, led by School & Museum Programs

2011, The Discovery has already served more than 74,000 students

Manager Meghan Schiedel, served nearly 17,000 pre-K through 8th

through hands-on, inquiry based field trips. To help make this reach

grade students during the 2017 calendar year. School groups visiting

possible, The Discovery has partnered with several local donors to

The Discovery find that the field trip program creates excitement

increase access to field trip experiences for low-income schools from

for science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM)

the Washoe County School District by covering the costs of bus

concepts, and develops skills such as scientific reasoning, collaboration

transportation to and from The Discovery, and offering reduced or free

and observation.

admission through underwritten financial assistance.

To do this, the field trip program develops and offers schools a choice

While inclusion on the Nevada STEM Advisory Council’s list of

of at least ten Discovery Labs (45-minute lessons) tied to Common

recommended STEM programs doesn’t guarantee funding, the

Core and Nevada Academic Content Standards in Science (NACSS)

list is a resource for private philanthropy, state agencies, and local

each academic year. Each lab is designed to address a different STEM

school districts. As a leader in STEM learning opportunities, The

concept or skill and includes hands-on activities that inspire creativity,

Discovery joins a national list of recommended programs that offer the

critical thinking and problem-solving. By providing educator resources

opportunity for Nevada schools to obtain support for STEM learning in

such as pre- and post-lesson plans for each Lab, The Discovery also

an already challenged financial situation. We are excited to embark on

gives teachers the opportunity to observe best practices in standards-

this next evolution of the field trip program to ensure wider access to

based STEAM instruction.

hands-on STEM learning for the greater Northern Nevada region.

Northern Nevada “geeks” attend the 2017 Geek Squad Academy at The Discovery

The Discovery becomes home to Northern Nevada “geeks.” More than 120 students from the Reno/Sparks area registered for Northern Nevada’s first-ever Geek Squad Academy from Best Buy at The Discovery. Held August 26-27, 2017, the two-day technology camp attracted Junior Agents (participants) ranging in age from 10 to 17, and included forty girls. The Discovery was invited to submit an application to host Best Buy’s Geek Squad Academy early in 2017. Best Buy subsequently selected The Discovery to host this program worth $80,000 in in-kind value

Geek Squad Academy is just one example of The Discovery’s

ranging from Best Buy employee time, to the use of tech gear, plus

commitment to partnering with local businesses and organizations

T-shirts and take-home kits for participants.

to create educational opportunities for the community, including

Geek Squad Academy provided an opportunity for students to develop tech skills, spark creativity, build self-confidence, and discover how technology can benefit them in their educational pursuits and in future careers. Students received intensive, hands-on experience with some of the newest and coolest technologies related to 3D design, digital music and photography, film production, and more. At The Discovery, we know that the best way to learn something or to spark curiosity is to jump right in and try it out for yourself. Paul, a 13-year-old student who attended Geek Squad Academy, found that out for himself. Paul got really excited by a 3D Design Lab being taught using software called SketchUp. He used the program to create a glass-topped coffee table that housed an aquarium and won an award for “Best Design.” Other students experimented with digital music programs, 3D design and digital cameras. Internet safety was also a

underserved populations. To enhance this effort, The Discovery offered financial assistance for students from low-income families to support their Geek Squad Academy registration fee, which was intentionally kept low at $25 for members, and $35 for nonmembers. Every hungry learner was also provided lunch each day of Geek Squad Academy, thanks to food sponsors Laughing Planet Café and Noble Pie Parlor. Hosting Geek Squad Academy is just the beginning of improving technology programming at The Discovery. With a generous gift from Microsoft, The Discovery has made the transition to a fiber-optic Internet connection that will enable us to offer more Internet-based educational programming. This increased capacity and speed will allow us to support an entire classroom full of computers for new field trip Discovery Labs and Camp Discovery activities.

topic covered to help participants protect themselves while online. 7

2017 Volunteer of the Year Jane Chang with The Discovery’s School & Museum Programs Manager, Meghan Schiedel

Volunteer of the Year: Jane Chang Jane Chang is a valuable member of The Discovery family. Since she became a volunteer in September 2016, Jane has dedicated an astonishing 1,500+ service hours to the museum. In fact, she is the fastest person to achieve 1,500 hours of volunteer time since the museum opened in 2011. Jane dedicates her time at the museum to creating the monthly activity calendar for one of our most popular galleries, Art Alcove, the museum’s art space. Born in the San Francisco Bay Area, Jane earned a degree in Art and Design from the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point. After graduation, Jane began a career in merchandise presentation for several large department stores in the Minneapolis, Minnesota area, designing window and interior product displays. In addition to her work in merchandise presentation, Jane has worked in film and print advertising and was a professional sailmaker in Honolulu, Portland, Seattle, Long Island, Newport, Rhode Island, and Minden, Nevada. When Jane isn’t donating her time to The Discovery, she enjoys


knitting, gardening, and traveling the world.

furthering our mission in the Northern Nevada community.

Jane spends her volunteer time at The Discovery creating fun and

The Discovery’s Volunteer Program recognizes the value of service

engaging activities for visitors to enjoy in Art Alcove, The Discovery’s

and encourages members of our community to participate in activities

art space, where art informs science, and science informs art. Her

that engage and inspire our visitors. Over the last six years, The

favorite thing about volunteering at The Discovery is the positive

Discovery has hosted nearly 1,100 volunteers who have served over

atmosphere and staff, who she describes as, “supportive and

72,000 hours! Furthermore, our volunteers have contributed over $1.6

generous.” Overall, Jane enjoys giving back to the community by

million in service value to support the museum, including curriculum

helping to create a space that is engaging for visitors of all ages.

development, event support, and visitor engagement.

Jane was recognized as The Discovery’s “Volunteer of the Year”

In 2017 alone, 190 volunteers dedicated more than 11,300 hours of their

in April for her outstanding service over the past year. We are very

time in support of The Discovery’s mission to bring hands-on informal

grateful to have volunteers like Jane who dedicate their time to

science education to visitors of all ages.

Engaging adults in powerful and fun science learning The Discovery’s core audience has been, and will always be, families with children. However, a key component of the museum’s continued efforts to fill the role of science center for our community is engaging adults in hands-on science exploration as well. Young learners need The Discovery to explore science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) concepts, but adults can also quench their curiosities through experiences at the museum.

Attendees at a Science Distilled event held at the Patagonia Outlet in downtown Reno

To reach adults with engaging science learning, The Discovery has created two event series designed specifically to attract an adults-only audience.

events also offer attendees beer, wine and delicious hors d’oeuvres.

SOCIAL SCIENCE: ADULTS-ONLY, BRAIN BUILDING FUN In 2012, The Discovery created an event series entitled Social Science. Initially designed as a way to invite adults to the museum after hours without children present, the series has quickly transformed into a popular outing for adults age 21-39 and beyond.

SCIENCE DISTILLED: SCIENCE MADE APPROACHABLE In partnership with Desert Research Institute (DRI), The Discovery created Science Distilled in 2016. This nontraditional lecture series showcases some of the incredible scientific research being done in our region and beyond by allowing scientists to present their findings to interested audiences in an informal setting.

Beginning in 2013, the addition of a unique theme for each event has helped Social Science’s popularity continued to grow. Themes

The format of each event varies from panel discussions to

have ranged from the science of fermentation, to the science of

presentations, but the setting is always informal—a bar, a distillery,

human attraction. One of the most popular themes thus far was titled

and even the new Patagonia Outlet store in downtown Reno. Previous

“Brewology” and explored the science of fermentation. Exit survey

Science Distilled topics have ranged from renewable energy, to the

results indicate that attendees consistently leave with knowledge they

future of cybersecurity, to fire ecology.

didn’t have prior to the event, which is key to the impact of this series.

The popularity of this series continues to grow. A number of events

Typical Social Science attendance is 300-350 adults eager to learn and

in the 2017 series were sold out, a testament to our region’s desire to

explore. And, thanks to a partnership with Whole Foods Market, the

know more about the scientific research being conducted in Nevada. 9

2017 annual donors $250,000+ Terry Lee Wells Foundation Phil and Jennifer Satre Family Charitable Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada $100,000-$249,999 Anonymous $50,000-$99,999 Dorothy Lemelson Charles N. Mathewson Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Number One William N. Pennington Foundation $25,000-49,999 Nell J. Redfield Foundation Sher and Gary Muhonen DEW Foundation Clarence & Martha Jones Family Foundation E.L. Cord Foundation $10,000-24,999 Joseph and Monica Brandl Jack Van Sickle Foundation Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation Stillwater Foundation Thelma B. & Thomas P. Hart Foundation Heidemarie Rochlin NV Energy Charitable Foundation Helen Close Charitable Foundation Microsoft John Ben Snow Memorial Trust Dolan Auto Group CarMax Foundation David and Judy Hess K & K Grimm Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada Charles H. Stout Foundation Estelle J. Kelsey Foundation Marie Crowley Foundation Roxie and Azad Joseph Foundation Trust The Libra Foundation The Marshall R. Matley Foundation Marybeth M. Lamb Foundation Robert R. Banks Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation West Star Foundation $5,000-9,999 Nevada State Treasurer’s Office Newmont Ventures Limited dba Newmont Mining Corp


Matthew and Lydia Meyer Paul Bible Best Buy Foundation Lee F. Del Grande Foundation SCHEELS Yelp Community Foundation of Western Nevada The Smile Shop Race178 Greg and Keni McKenzie John and Susan Bohlander Gabelli Foundation, Inc. Hot August Nights Foundation NV Energy Koch Elevator Washoe County Treasurer SSR Mining Anonymous U.S. Bank Foundation $2,500-4,999 Waste Management Outlets at Legends BJ & NL Shipman Family Foundation Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada Gunderson Law Firm Professional Law Corporation U.S. Bank Foundation for Western Fish and Wildlife (WNTI) LP Insurance Services, Inc. Dina and David Fiore Nicole Stoker and Kyle McCann Susan and Ron Clayton Louis J. & Genevieve G. Capurro Foundation Nature’s Bakery The Harvey & Leslie Wagner Foundation Spanish Springs Business Center Marketing Evolution Nightingale Family Foundation Linda Pascotto $1,000-2,499 Marilyn D. York Elisabeth and David Garcia Herb and Sue Henderson Renown Health Wild Sheep Foundation

Liang-chi Hsu Brett Tierney and Kimberly Surratt Raymond and Humma Oster City of Reno Bryson Bohlander Jesse and Amber Haw King and Linda Won Susanne and Patrick Riley Spruce Janitorial Wells Fargo Bank Linda Claire Willits Country Financial The Reno Dentist Elizabeth S. Ray Alan and Susan Liebman Richard and Susan Gobbs Allison and Jeff Gorelick Chris and Wendy Riche Cris and David Welmerink David and Tammi Crowther Dennis and Lynne Jilot Marc and Diane Nicolet Fred McElroy and Alice Heiman Fritsi and Harry Ericson George and Candi Peek Jim and Erin Marren Keith and Terry Davis Kerry and Austin Sweet Laura Brigham and Brian Beffort Lebo and Merrill Newman Ron and Linda Smith Dianne Tobey R. Parkin and Christine May Rob and Amy Quigley Sandy Raffealli Steve and Bobbie Hill Susan and Ronald Duncan Jed and Tiffany Bodger Zoe Caldwell and Edward Perry Bodger Law Practice The Crystal Family Foundation Click Bond Inc. E.W. McKenzie Foundation Ann M. Carlson Edward B. McCaffery $500-999 Albright & Associates Ltd Chuck and Pam Alvey

Reno Philharmonic Tony and Alannah Manfredi E.L. Cord Foundation Childcare Center - TMCC Kohn & Company LLP Amanda and Michael Clark Randall and Judith Brown Renate and Peter Neumann Charlotte and Richard McConnell Danielle and Simon Williams Jessica and Daniel Clausen Karl and Jen Hutter Linda and Jon Madsen Marjorie Kenny Michael and Karen Traynor Nancy Lucier Natalie Reed Parker and Megan Stremmel Johanna and Peter DeKay Teresa Maloney Dermody Properties Foundation Signature Landscapes Beth Bomberger Paul Sieben $250-499 Bill Luikart Bethany and Stephen Wells Doug Erwin and Bin Bin Young Darryl and Niki Rubarth Stacy Kendall and Stuart Golder Matt and Katie Anderson Dawn and Alex Morey Whole Foods Market The Magic Treehouse, Inc. Clausen & Co Edward Jones Steven and Joann Phillips Russ and Kathy Fields Michael and Karren Smith Joseph Cokor Larry and Teri Greenhill William and Cathleen Cobb Deepak Kamath Josh and KC Hicks Richard Stout Amanda Hartman Marcia Lu and Frank Stadler Benjamin and Heather Gallagher Charles and Marylyn Parmelee

Courtney and Shane Forster Diane and Craig dePolo Elizabeth Gupta Enrique Carmona Andy and Erin Zarcone Gordon and Tamara Steinmann Hollie Meier Janet and Alan Ross Jannah Hamilton Jason Odor Jennifer Cantley and Kenneth Peck Jim and Erin Belosic John Frey and Kim Wong Anonymous Lisa and Troy Aland Melanie Vasquez Michael and Bonnie Drinkwater Patrick and Alissa Turner Patti and Gene McClelland Ray and Selene Lee Richard and Ann Harris Robert Fehskens and Stephanie Casteel Ron Weber Ronald Swanger and Diane Crecelius Shila Morris Todd Tresidder Tom and Joyce King Ty Whitaker Pediatric Associates Western Environmental Testing Laboratory Lisa Cooper Joice Fong Jane Grossman Philip Manwell Richard Bedell Dianne Smith Cari Croghan $10-249 Robert and Michelle Mollath Dana and Luis Ayala Jill Wells and Zane Cotterell Leigh and Rorie Fitzpatrick Erica VanHove and Samuel Faulkner Jaren and Mary Blake Pamela Calvert and Randy Rogers Mike Gent Giles and Linda Vanderhoof AVA Logistics, LLC

MultiGenerational Financial Strategies LLC Nevada Sunset Winery Upland Contractors Western Nevada Supply Pedro Padilla Eric and Jackie Pulver Matthew Franzen Maryanne and Michael Berdan Martha Baring and James Kenyon Iris Shimabukuro Luis Velazquez and Cassidy Banks Stephanie and Paul Lamboley Alejandro Sabogal TOBI Cares Donation Program Aurelius Golf Martha Tinajero and Uriel Collazo DowneyBrand LLP Sarah Gobbs-Hill and Sean Hill Stephen and Laura Pluemer Carol and Jack Eastwick Ed and Kathryn Wishart Elana and Kirk Keil Eugene and Jill Carter Hugh and Cynthia Marshall Jackelyn and Thomas Shoupe Jacqueline Pistorello Jeff Ostomel and Connie Steinheimer Jim Browne Joan Dyer John and Charlene Hargrove Marilyn Johnson Michael Heath Sam Olson Jeff Patzlaff Michael Thomas Gary Rosenbloom Satoko Kurita Christy Shelton Judy Robertson Elizabeth and Patrick Jewell Nevada Diabetes Association Janine Book-Muniz Amazon Smile Foundation Joshua Martin Kim Martinez Brianne Porterfield Frankie Gray Dede Colon Chelsea Nork John and Joanne Krumbine Michael and Taylor Noyes

Carol and James Salika Brett and Sarah Porter Elizabeth Krause Kestra and James Bronneke Sheina Olivera Wendy and Andy Peters William and Barbara Thornton Nancy Dahl Marilyn Flangas Pamela Kearns Elizabeth Thumann Toni Wagner Giles Perkins Liesl Wirtz Shirley Altick It’s My Community Store, LLC Sandy Haslem Nathan Nicolet Gail Griesmer Christina and Shane Lafromboise Jason Keleher Sarah Dyer and Michael Reilly Tori Cargo Danielle Sherman Nevada CFC Nathan Tobey and Sarah Dahl Kathleen Thrasher and Phil Melen Holly Parker and Damien Domini Stefanie Givens Bank of America Employee Giving Campaign Vanessa Bates Edward and Theresa Gandolfo Gary Dunne Gretchen Legarza Monte and Monette Lindblom Anthony Edge Kathleen Fralick Christopher White DG Marketing LLC Stacy and David Miller Benjamin and Deborah McAlister Janet Caviezel Shawn Buck Sandra Horst Holly McCutcheon Charla and Scott Albright John and Mary Owens John and Norsita Salvato Megan and Christopher Lingard Patricia Bender Philip Moore

Sachi Yoshimura Vanessa and Mike Robertson Nora Laitinen Constance Phillips Brian Hunt and Erin Myrmel Michele Attaway Scott Dunseath Melissa Schoenbachler Tonya and Nick Charles Jake Rocero and Gysela Gervais Micaela Vaca Victoria Avina Ariana Garibaldo Ashley and Chris Key Brenda Sweeney Bridget and Dan Harmon Catherine and John Hancock Christina Goodwin Daniel and Raina Stetson Elaine Manoukian John-Michael and Elisabeth Mendoza Mike Smith and Nicole Williams Stephanie Arvizu-Gonzalez Ruby Cole Katie Feser Robert Jungnitsch Jeri Renshaw IN-KIND Alibi Ale Works Alysia Crissman Animal Ark Beaujolais Bistro Best Buy Big Horn Olive Oil Company Big O Tires Blend A Catering Company BOBOS Boot Barn Brewer’s Cabinet Bruka Theatre Bully’s Cabela’s Casey D. Sibley Art & Design Celadon Events Chapel Tavern Cherry Bomb Catering Chester’s Reno Harley-Davidson Clayton Madole Coney Island Bar Creative Coverings Cynthia Reed David Levine

Deanna Randolph Disneyland Dolan Auto Group Doughboys Donuts Dr Pepper Snapple Group Duncan Golf Management Eldorado Hotel and Casino Ellen Crawford Fig Tree Catering Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center Fly High Trampoline Park Folk Brewing Company Fox 11/My News 4 Full Pedal Gary Muhonen General Electric Google Inc. Great Basin Brewing Company Greg Meisinger Gypsy Getaway Wagons LLC Harrah’s & Harveys Lake Tahoe High Desert Botanicals Hops Envy, Inc. Imbib Custom Brews Johnstone Studios Juice Box Yoga Kestra Bronneke Klaus Grimm KTVN Channel 2 News KUNR 88.7 Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival Leigh Fitzpatrick Liberty Food & Wine Exchange Little Truckee Ice Creamery Little Waldorf Saloon Maplewood Inc Martin Swinehart McCormack Plastic Surgery Men Wielding Fire Microsoft Moana Nursery Montbleu Mt. Rose Ski Resort National Automobile Museum National Championship Air Races Need 2 Speed Nevada Fine Arts Nicole Barker Night in the Country Northstar California Nothing Bundt Cakes

Nothing To It! Nugget Casino Resort Outlets at Legends Patagonia PF Chang’s Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts Race178 Rachel Gonzalez Photography REI Reno Reno Aces Baseball Club Reno News & Review Reno Philharmonic Reno Rodeo Association Reno Tahoe Golf Headquarters Reno-Tahoe Open Foundation (Barracuda Championship) Renovation Dr. Virden’s Medical Spa Renown Health Resort at Squaw Creek Robin Mercer and Ed Morgan Ruby River Steakhouse Ruth Gault, Ph.D. Salon Glow Salon Platinum Seven Troughs Distilling SI Legacy Floor Finishing, LLC Sierra Aquatics Sierra Diving Center Silver and Blue Outfitters SixFour Growlers Soak Nail Spa & Lounge Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits Tahoe Blue Vodka Tahoe Mountain Club The Ritz-Carlton Lake Tahoe Tina Perkins Total Wine & More Truckee Meadows Firefighters Association Virginia City, NV Wes Harbor West Coast Audio Visual Whole Foods Market Wild Garlic Pizza & Pub Wolf Pack Athletics Yogurt Beach


2017 audited financial statement In 2017, The Discovery continued its progress toward becoming a more financially self-sufficient organization. However, even with this continued progress, the museum still relies on the generous support of donors to help fund the major exhibition construction and updating of current permanent exhibitions that are critical to the long-term success of the museum’s mission. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS


Revenue and other support


Earned revenue


Gift revenue – unrestricted


Investment/interest income


In-kind services Total earned and unrestricted gift revenue

$13,868 $2,614,056

Gift revenue – temporarily restricted


Gift revenue – permanently restricted


Total restricted gift revenue Total revenue

$964,836 $3,565,024


General and administration




Financial assistance distributed

Other assets Property and equipment (net) Total assets




Total expenses


Change in net assets


$1,110,294 $279,886 $13,835,900 $15,226,080

Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Total liabilities

$1,003,050 $1,003,050

Net assets Property and equipment net of debt

Expenses Program services

Current assets


$13,835,900 ($577,706)

Permanently restricted


Temporarily restricted


Total net assets


Total liabilities and net assets


The Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum (The Discovery) was incorporated in 2004 in Nevada for the purpose of inspiring curiosity, creativity and the joy of lifelong learning. The Discovery is an IRS-approved 501(c)3, tax-exempt organization with tax ID #61-1474845.


2017 revenue and expense summary 0.30%



3.48% 6.42%





Annual Revenue $2,614,056*


Annual Expenditures $2,811,041*


Earned revenue (admissions, memberships, camps, school field trips, facility rentals, special events, etc.) Grants and foundation gifts Individual and family gifts Fundraising events Corporate gifts

Galleries and exhibits, educational programs, visitor experience Operating expenses (staff, overhead, advertising) Fundraising (events, mailings, donor cultivation) Donor-funded financial assistance distributed *Excludes $873,075 in depreciation.

In-kind services Investment/interest income *Excludes $914,836 in temporarily restricted funds and $50,000 in permanently restricted funds.


SAYING GOODBYE TO “SUE” Thanks to an extension on the A T. rex Named Sue exhibition, the spike in attendance generated by this popular dinosaur continued through May 2018. Total visitation during the exhibition (May 27, 2017 through May 13, 2018) was 139,412.


From the Board Chair In 2018, I entered my second year as chair of The Discovery’s Board

Board of Directors

of Directors. My fellow Board members and I are very proud of the

Jed Bodger Board Chair

impact The Discovery has had in our region since opening in 2011. The Discovery continues to create interest and engagement in science for visitors of all ages, and there is so much potential for the future. Working together with the museum’s dedicated staff and volunteers, we have created plans that will help the museum serve an even broader demographic and provide more ways for our community to engage in

Austin K. Sweet, Esq. Vice Chair Dr. Diane Nicolet Secretary Dan Clausen, CPA Treasurer

hands-on science exploration.

Matt Anderson Immediate Past Chair

With the announcement of every new high-tech company moving to our region, the need for the types of hands-

Bryce Bolander, CFP

on science learning The Discovery provides grows exponentially. The Discovery plays an important role in our

Dr. David Crowther

region’s economic and cultural development by providing a much-needed educational diversion for families,

Doug Erwin

and by inspiring the future generations of scientists, inventors, engineers, researchers and critical thinkers our

John Hargrove

diversifying economy needs. I am confident that both the short and long-term plans in place for The Discovery will help the museum serve an increasing number of visitors with engaging and relevant ways to explore science, technology, engineering, art, math, and so much more.

Mike Heath Stacy Kendall Tony Manfredi

This year, and in the years to come, I hope you’ll join me in supporting The Discovery. The good work of the

Kyle R. McCann, CFP

museum’s staff and volunteers cannot continue without your financial support. Thank you for believing in lifelong

Sarah Porter

learning and the potential the museum creates for everyone in our region. With gratitude,

The Discovery’s board has earned the Community Foundation of Western Nevada’s 100% Giving Board Award for 2017.

Jed Bodger Senior Tax Director, Sierra Nevada Corporation 15

490 S. Center Street · Reno, NV 89501 · 775-786 -1000 · nvdm.org

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