Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum 2015 Annual Report

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2015 Annual Report

A monumental year for The Discovery 2015 was a memorable and monumental year for The Discovery. In just over four years since opening, The Discovery has proven itself to be a valuable resource for our community. In 2015 the museum’s field trip program continued to grow, reaching a total of 14,107 students. We also opened the first, largescale, permanent addition to the museum, and hosted our first traveling exhibition—all truly amazing accomplishments for an organization as young as The Discovery. In July we opened Inside Out: an Anatomy Experience to rave reviews. This first major addition to The Discovery is designed to engage visitors of all ages, thus increasing the museum’s ability to serve a broader demographic. Then, in November, we welcomed Monster Fish: In Search of the Last River Giants, the traveling premier of an exciting new exhibition from National Geographic. With the support of the University of Nevada, Reno College of Science, The Discovery has been able to reach an even broader demographic through this immersive exhibition featuring the travels and research of local scientist-hero and National Geographic Explorer, Dr. Zeb Hogan. None of what we accomplished in 2015 would have been possible without your support. Your generosity has enabled the museum’s staff and volunteers to make tremendous strides toward our vision to be the community’s center that inspires curiosity, creativity and the joy of lifelong learning. Building on the momentum you have helped create in 2015, you can expect continued growth and community impact in the coming year. Finally, our visitors frequently say, “there’s always something new here,” so please accept my invitation to come explore The Discovery. We’re certain you’ll experience something new, and witness the continued potential the museum holds for increasing interest and engagement in science for visitors of all ages, not just in our community, but throughout our entire region. Sincerely,

Mat Sinclair, MPA Executive Director

Table of contents Letter from the Executive Director...................... 2 Taking visitors inside their outsides.................... 4 Big fish in the biggest little city............................ 6 Hands-on gets serious........................................... 8 Nationally certified volunteer program........... 10 Financial statement................................................ 11 Annual donors.......................................................... 12 The Discovery by the numbers.......................... 14 Letter from the Board Chair.................................. 15

New exhibition takes visitors of all ages, inside their outsides The first large-scale, permanent addition to The Discovery’s collection of galleries since opening, Inside Out: an Anatomy Experience is 2,500 square-feet of high-tech, custom-designed experiences you won’t see anywhere else. The primary goal for Inside Out was to create an indepth experience on the topic of human anatomy and health sciences that would appeal to visitors of all ages. Since opening the gallery in July 2015, feedback from visitors has been nothing but positive. Inside Out features 47 hands-on and digital experiences and covers topics ranging from the skeletal system, circulatory system, nervous system, brain function, and many other common and lesser-known details about how the human body works. By working with industry experts such as Reno Orthopaedic Clinic, Carson Tahoe Health and Renown, and other experts in the healthcare field like the University of Nevada School of Medicine, Inside Out provides relevant, in-depth content that encourages visitors to investigate how their bodies work, grow, age and heal. By industry standards, Inside Out is breaking new ground in a number of areas. 90 percent of the exhibit experiences in this gallery were designed and fabricated specifically for The Discovery and can’t be seen anywhere else. The gallery boasts more exhibits per square-foot than is normally seen in a gallery this size, which creates a more immersive experience. In addition, the gallery’s four “Digital Organ Explorers”, combine an anatomically correct 3-D model with rich, digitally 4

presented content using augmented reality technology. The addition of Inside Out allows the museum to appeal to a broader visitor demographic. By all accounts, the gallery has been key in repositioning The Discovery as a hands-on science center that appeals to all learners, young and old. And, with Inside Out, the museum has created the exemplar for what all future additions to the museum will look like. Major support for Inside Out: an Anatomy Experience provided by The Frank M. & Gertrude R. Doyle Foundation, Terry Lee Wells Foundation, Robert S. and Dorothy J. Keyser Foundation, Dorothy Towne Foundation, Reno Orthopaedic Clinic, Carson Tahoe Health, Renown Health, Anonymous, William G. McGowan Charitable Fund, Ranson & Norma Webster Family, Monica and Joe Brandl, E.L. Cord Foundation, Understand.com, Upland Contractors, Community Foundation of Western Nevada, Alliance with the Washoe County Medical Society and Associated Anesthesiologists.

Museum visitors explore their circulatory systems using the “VeinViewer,� a high-tech exhibit that uses infrared technology to read veins and project their location on the user in real time.


Monster Fish makes a big splash in the Biggest Little City Beginning in late 2014, The Discovery became aware that a brand new

“Underwater Nevada.” This large-scale display, created with Dr.

exhibition from National Geographic was in the works. The exhibition

Hogan, will localize Zeb’s monster fish research by focusing on three

would showcase the research and travels of Dr. Zeb Hogan. In addition

river basins in Nevada and the plight of the unique fish species found

to being host of the Nat Geo WILD show “Monster Fish”, and a

in each region.

National Geographic Explorer, Dr. Hogan is also a Research Professor at the University of Nevada College of Science.

transformation from children’s museum to science center. The

The exhibition, entitled Monster Fish: In Search of the Last River

popularity of the exhibition helped the museum reach record

Giants, debuted in March 2015 at the National Geographic Museum.

attendance in 2015, attracting a large percentage of visitors from

Thanks to Dr. Hogan’s desire to bring the exhibition to Reno, and the

Northern Nevada and many from our region’s tourist markets.

connection he helped the museum forge with National Geographic,

Feedback from visitors age five to 95 has been overwhelmingly

The Discovery was selected to host Monster Fish immediately

positive, most expressing amazement at the fact that fish six feet or

following its debut in Washington, D.C.—an honor normally bestowed

longer and 200 lbs. or greater exist in fresh water.

on much larger museums in much larger markets. Monster Fish features impressive life-size models, hands-on and digital

Major support for Monster Fish: In Search of the Last River Giants was provided by The Mathewson Charitable Lead Trust Number Two, The Mathewson Charitable Lead Trust Number Four, The Bretzlaff Foundation, NV Energy Foundation, Clarence and Martha Jones

interactive exhibits, and stunning photography and video, all designed

Family Foundation, Charles and Margaret Burback, John Ben Snow Memorial Trust,

to appeal to learners, young and old. Visitors are invited to embark on

Newmont Mining Corporation, Robert R. Banks Foundation, Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation,

a global journey to storied river basins with Dr. Hogan on his quest to find, research, and protect freshwater giants and the habitats they call home. With funding from Trout Unlimited and Nevada Fish & Wildlife Foundation, The Discovery’s exhibits team also created a mobile fish cart. This high-tech mobile lab allows museum educators to present dissections and other in-depth content related to the fish species in intimate settings throughout the museum. In 2016, The Discovery will add a new exhibit to its Nevada Stories gallery entitled 6

Monster Fish represents a key next step in The Discovery’s

and Silver Standard Resources, Inc. Marigold Mining Company

Monster Fish: In Search of the Last River Giants features five stunning, life-size models in addition to a large selection of hands-on and digitally interactive exhibits that take visitors on a journey to rivers and lakes around the world.


Hands-on learning gets serious in The Shop In 2013, recognizing the growing popularity of the “maker movement,” The Discovery set out to create a space in the museum that would model the movement’s principles by putting real tools and materials in the hands of museum visitors. After eight months of research and planning, The Shop was unveiled. Now, nearly three years later, The Shop has become one of our most popular museum experiences.

Another benefit of The Shop is its use for school field trips. A Discovery Lab activity offered to schools and groups, entitled “Measure Twice, Cut Once,” combines the importance of safety when using tools with the mathematics required to work accurately in an industrial space. This field trip curriculum is accompanied by pre- and post-visit

The maker movement began as an effort to utilize unused, discarded

activities available on the museum’s website design to help educators

or broken electronic, plastic, silicon or virtually any raw material from

extend students’ museum experience to the classroom.

a computer-related device, to create useful or artistic items. Over the past five years, it has morphed into a reinvigorated do-it-yourself (DIY) movement, empowering people to explore their ability to create or invent using a variety of materials and methods. Activities in The Shop range from simple craft projects involving light materials such as felt, to heavy duty construction projects that make use of the space’s wide selection of tools and materials. Some projects are prescriptive, using a set sequence of instructions designed to produce a specific item. Other projects are open ended. “Open Build” is one of the most popular themes in The Shop. During Open Build, museum visitors may choose from a selection of construction-grade materials including wood or metal, and a variety of upcycled items such as casters or luggage wheels, and build whatever comes to mind. Projects created in The Shop are often family collaborations with children and adults working side by side. Best of all, projects created in The Shop can be taken home from the museum, creating a lasting commemoration of the 8

ingenuity inspired by The Discovery.

With the popularity of The Shop continuing to grow, The Discovery is looking to launch a “Tinkerer in Residence” program that will invite local experts into the museum to open visitors’ eyes to the huge potential of the movement and The Discovery as a hub for this activity.

The Shop, a space inspired by the “maker movement,� puts real tools and materials directly into the hands of museum visitors and encourages them to design and build anything that comes to mind. What they create is theirs to keep as a momento of their visit to the museum.


Nevada’s first Service Enterprise The Discovery is honored to have officially been certified as a National

“leverages volunteers and their skills across all

Service Enterprise from Points of Light, the world’s largest organization

levels of the organization to successfully deliver

dedicated to volunteer service. The Service Enterprise certification is

on its social mission.”

part of a national initiative to “strengthen the capacity of nonprofits to fundamentally leverage volunteers and their skills to address community needs” (Service Enterprise Initiative 2015). After a full year of planning and intensive training, The Discovery is proud to be the first organization in the state of Nevada to be certified through this national initiative.­

The Discovery’s volunteers are being used in the most effective and efficient ways by tasking them with responsibilities that best compliment their talents and abilities. This certification serves as an example of how the museum is constantly seeking opportunities for improvement in its level of community engagement, mission success in

In order to receive this certification, The Discovery underwent a

delivering informal science education to our region, and strengthening

16-hour pre-certification training, met ten core competencies, and

our long-term sustainability as a science center for all ages.

completed 40 action items related to its volunteer program. A threetiered volunteer recruitment, training, and retention plan was also developed to meet the rigorous Service Enterprise national standards. As part of The Discovery’s mission to continue to appeal to a wide age demographic, from children to adults, and to better utilize volunteer expertise, a Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) was also formed. The TAC is just one of the newest efforts The Discovery has created to be a leading nonprofit founded on a strong base of volunteers. The TAC’s first project was to plan and run The Discovery’s Teen Science Night, an exclusive event held in March. More than 300 teens attended the inaugural event! As a Service Enterprise, The Discovery now officially meets the Points of Light definition as an organization that 10

The Service Enterprise Certification is a pivotal step in assuring that

2015 audited financial statement In 2015, The Discovery continued its progress toward becoming a more financially self-sufficient organization. However, even with this progress, the museum is still dependent on donor support to fund the major additions and improvements that are critical to long-term success of the museum’s mission. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS


Revenue and other support


Gift revenue


Current assets

Earned revenue


Other assets

Total earned revenue before interest income $2,628,035 Investment/interest income Total revenue

$910 $2,628,945

Expenses Program services

Total assets

$2,034,141 $363,486

General and administration




Total expenses

$3,810,025 ($1,181,080)

$35,812 $15,450,849 $16,384,331

Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses


Change in net assets

Property and equipment (net)


Total liabilities

$1,052,496 $1,052,496

Net assets Property and equipment net of debt Undesignated Board designated reserve

$15,450,849 ($395,195) $0

Permanently restricted


Temporarily restricted


Total net assets


Total liabilities and net assets


The Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum (The Discovery) was incorporated in 2004 in Nevada for the purpose of inspiring curiosity, creativity and the joy of lifelong learning. The Discovery is an IRS-approved 501(c)3, tax-exempt organization with tax ID #61-1474845.


2015 annual donors $500,000+ Terry Lee Wells Foundation $100,000-$499,999 Renown Health $50,000-$99,999 Anonymous The Bretzlaff Foundation Dorothy Lemelson $10,000-49,999 Joseph and Monica Brandl Charles and Margaret Burback CarMax Foundation Helen Close Charitable Foundation E.L. Cord Foundation Dolan Toyota Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation Hot August Nights Foundation Clarence & Martha Jones Family Foundation Roxie and Azad Joseph Foundation Trust The Libra Foundation The Mathewson Charitable Lead Trust Number One The Mathewson Charitable Lead Trust Number Two R. Parkin and Christine May Microsoft Sher and Gary Muhonen Newmont Mining Corporation NV Energy Foundation The Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation The Nell J. Redfield Foundation Heidemarie Rochlin John Ben Snow Memorial Trust Stillwater Foundation Charles H. Stout Foundation Trout Unlimited Jack Van Sickle Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation $5,000-9,999 Alliance with the Washoe County Medical Society


Anonymous Associated Anesthesiologists of Reno Robert R. Banks Foundation Louis J. & Genevieve G. Capurro Foundation The Brett & Karen Coleman Foundation Marie Crowley Foundation Jesse and Amber Haw David and Judy Hess Greg and Keni McKenzie Race178 Trout Unlimited - Sagebrush Chapter US Bank Foundation Western Division American Fisheries Society $2,500-4,999 Laura Brigham and Brian Beffort Destinations West, LLC Grant and Jennifer Hayashi Alana, Mike, Tayla, Hazel and Hunter Heim Madga & Alan Hoffman Zeb and Abby Hogan Marybeth M. Lamb Foundation Marketing Evolution McDonald Carano Wilson LLP Matt and Lydia Meyer Nature’s Bakery Rounds Bakery Scheel’s BJ and NL Shipman Family Foundation ShortStack Sierra Nevada Journeys Spanish Springs Business Center US Bank The Harvey & Leslie Wagner Foundation Wells Fargo $1,000-2,499 Chuck and Pam Alvey Dr. Steven G. Atcheson Dana and Luis Ayala

Nicole Barde Jean and Dan Barnett The Baugh Family Edna Benna Paul Bible Gretchen and Forrest Bietz Steven and Carol Bloch Zoe Caldwell and Edward Perry Ann M. Carlson Anthony & Margaret Ciorciari Foundation Ron and Susan Clayton Holden & Macy Cushing The Czarnik Family DiRienzo Foundation, Inc. Fritsi and Harry Ericson Donald Farrimond and Catherine McCarthy Bobby Faulks and Skyler In Honor Of Christel Fitzpatrick Leigh, Rorie, Quinn, and Will Fitzpatrick Lis, David, and Kate Garcia Richard and Susan Gobbs Girard and Patt Gonyeau Dr. & Mrs. Herb Henderson Steve and Barbara Hill Dr. Jayne Kading Kappes, Cassiday & Associates LP Insurance Services, Inc. Marcia Lu and Frank Stadler Jim and Erin Marren Charlotte and Richard McConnell E.W. McKenzie Foundation J.P. and Fong Menante Nevada ENT & Hearing Associates LLC Northern Nevada Pediatrics Raymond and Humma Oster Pediatric Associates George and Candi Peek Eric and Jackie Pulver The Quigley Family Sandy Raffealli Chandra and Andy Ramirez

Elizabeth S. Ray Chris and Wendy Riche Jennifer and Phil Satre Smile Generation Kimberly Surratt and Brett Tierney Truckee River Flyfishers United Federal Credit Union Kelli and Tom Viloria Richard and Afshan West Tammy and Richard Williams Bob and Becky Williams Dr. Windisch & Family Marilyn D. York $500-999 Applied Mechanical Jed and Tiffany Bodger Bryson Bohlander Ceol Irish Pub Jessica and Daniel Clausen Craig S. Denney Cari Croghan CustomInk Norm and Laura Dianda John Frankovich Floyd and Nicole Gaugh Tony King Kirsten Kos Ray and Selene Lee Alan and Susan Liebman Timothy Lukas Linda and Jon Madsen Teresa Maloney Philip Manwell Patti McClelland Lebo and Merrill Newman Marc and Diane Nicolet Albert and Nancy Pagni PPG Industries Foundation Beth and Chris Reed Natalie Reed Susanne and Patrick Riley Mat and Melenda Sinclair Caryn Swobe

Michael and Karen Traynor Patrick and Alissa Turner Reid Weber Bethany and Stephen Wells Danielle and Simon Williams $250-499 Matt and Katie Anderson James and Carol Barnes Chuck Taylor and Amy Brazil-Taylor Cathleen Cobb Norm and Susan Colb Jane M. Grossman Chester’s Reno Harley-Davidson Greg and Jill Hitchcock Rick R. Hsu Elana and Kirk Keil Jay Kenny Stephanie and Paul Lamboley Kyle, Nicole & Elle McCann USBG-Reno Charles Walker Tracey and Dan Woods $10-249 Leslie Acosta Shauna Adams Julius and Elaine Andresen Anonymous Massimo Balestra Tracie and Bryan Balvanz Bank of America United Way Campaign Paola Basquez Brenda Becker Theresa Berry Bill Pearce Motors John and Susan Bohlander Bristlecone Holdings Kestra and James Bronneke Kelly and Tom Brooks Felecia and Jack Buice Finn Butler T.C. Calhoun Judy Caviglia

Kohn Colodny Clyyne M. Cook Nina Correia Peter and Johanna DeKay Manuel R. DeSilva DowneyBrand LLP Joan Dyer Fatemeh Fallahzadeh Lauren Filsinger Quinn Fitzpatrick Will Fitzpatrick Joice Fong Sarah Gobbs-Hill and Sean Hill Cynthia and Thomas Hall Lorna Hazlett Denise and William Hedrick Alice Heiman and Fred McElroy Christina and Scott Heitzenrader Joelle and Timothy Jay Christopher Kain Stacy Kendall and Stuart Golder Kate and Jay Kirkpatrick Cody Kosman Satoko Kurita Louis and April Lazzari Gretchen Legarza Bill Ligon Susan Lombardi Lurieland Foundation Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada Diane and Brooks Mancini Amanda Mawson and Darren Pluff Penny and Joe Mayer Nicholas and Katherine Mayne Selden McKee Cynda McLaughlin Betsy Miarecki Aaron and Carrie Mikulsky Anjanette and Peter Milham Jean R. Miller Sue Miller Kara Miller Katie and Matt Milone

Jim and Gayle Nadeau Nevada State Bank Mary Nork Helen O’Brien Tom and Lois Ogden Jeff Ostomel and Connie Steinheimer Shannon and Townley Paton Susan A. Payne Jared Perkins Wendy Peters Janice Pine and Spike Wilson Gerald Pippin Jacqueline Pistorello and Stephen Hayes Howard Putnam RBC Wealth Management Catherine and Jeremy Reichenberg Judy Robertson Risa Ronan Gary Rosenbloom Janet and Alan Ross Joe and Pam Roth Floyd and Nannette Rowley Robyn and Michael Sackrison Derrik and Susan Sandberg Beverly L. Savage Meghan and Brian Schiedel Bud Schonder Jackelyn and Thomas Shoupe Joel Speicher and Malia Go Robert and Amanda Stachlewitz Nubia Steffen-Daguia and Steven Steffen Jill Straub Ray and Bonnie Turner Twentieth Century Club Giles and Linda Vanderhoof Karen Vibe Washoe Chapter of Retired Public Employees of Nevada Kenneth Wilson Cary Yamamoto Yelp Benjamin Young

IN-KIND 24 Hour Fitness 3 DS 4th St. Bistro Animal Ark Armed & Safe Firearms Training Barracuda Championship Beaujolais Bistro bigtruck Brand, Inc. Black Cat Tattoo Bobos Bonanza Casino Fred Boyce BRANDLABHQ.COM Brasserie Saint James Bristlecone Holdings Bruka Theatre Bully’s Cabela’s Julia Castronova Cavallero Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. CC Cleaning Service LLC Celadon Events Dr. Sudeep Chandra Cherry Bomb Catering Chester’s Reno Harley-Davidson Circus Circus Reno Clay Canvas Concepts by Fine N Funky Coney Island Bar Core Personal Training Costco #646 Creative Coverings Doughboys Donuts Dr Pepper Snapple Group Eagle Valley Golf Eldorado Hotel and Casino Fleischmann Planetarium Front Sight Great Basin Brewing Company Harrah’s & Harveys Lake Tahoe Dana Hatjakes Doughboys Donuts

Hidden Valley Country Club Ralph Hird Dr. Zeb Hogan IMBIB Custom Brews Jensen Electric Company Johnstone Studios Ken Terry Photography KNPB KTVN Channel 2 News KUNR - Reno Public Radio Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival Legends of Flight Collection Les Schwab Lulou’s Restaurant Ryan McMaster Men Wielding Fire Microsoft Moana Nursery Montbleu Resort, Casino & Spa Mountain Khakis Mt. Rose Ski Resort National Automobile Museum National Championship Air Races National Charity League-Sierra Nevada Chapter Nature’s Bakery Need 2 Speed Nevada Drywall Stucco & Stone Nevada Museum of Art Nevada Wolf Shop News 4 | FOX 11 | My21TV Kristina Nierman Nothing Bundt Cakes Nothing To It! Nugget Casino Resort Patagonia Peppermill Resort Spa Casino Pigeon Head Brewery Pioneer Center Reef Sushi REMSA RGJ Media Reno Aces Baseball Club Reno Bighorns

Reno Blow Dry Bar Reno Chamber Orchestra Reno eNVy Store Reno Media Group Reno Philharmonic Reno Provisions Reno News & Review Renovation Dr. Virden’s Medical Spa Resignation Brewery Roundabout Catering & Party Rentals J. Matthew Russell M.D. Salon Glow Dottie Sandoval Sandovalstudio.com Sarah Gobbs-Hill Seven Troughs Distilling Company Sierra Nevada Journeys Silver Peak Restaurant & Brewery SixFour Growlers Sorensen’s Resort Soul Space Southern Wine & Spirits Squeek Steele St. Vincent’s Thrift Shop Stout Innovations Sushi Pier 2 Tahoe Adventure Company Tahoe Star Tours The Ballroom The Cheese Board The Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation Total Wine & More Patrick Turner Understand.com University of Nevada, Reno College of Science Upland Contractors Urban Roots USBG Reno Volant Productions West Coast Audio Visual Wild Island Yoga Loka


Educational impact by the numbers


visitors to the museum from our community, throughout Nevada, and from around the World, since opening to the public on September 10, 2011.


families, locally and regionally, currently hold an annual membership to The Discovery.


of visitors come from outside Nevada.


visitors to The Discovery in 2015 alone.

9,873 hours

of volunteer time and expertise, valued at more than $200,000, was donated in support of the museum’s mission in 2015.

$1.3 million

donated to design and build Inside Out: an Anatomy Experience, the museum’s first large-scale addition since opening. 14


hands-on and digital interactive experiences in just 2,500 square feet in the Inside Out gallery.


K–8th grade students visited The Discovery on a school field trip during the 2014/15 school year.


of field trip attendees come from schools with 50% or higher Free & Reduced Lunch Program enrollment – an indicator of low household income.


standards-aligned lab classes offered as part of the museum’s field trip program.


K–7th grade students have attended Camp Discovery, the museum’s week-long, seasonal camp program.


in donor-funded financial assistance for camps, field trips, memberships and general admission distributed in 2015.


foundations, businesses, families and individuals donated a total of $1,358,468 to the museum in 2015.

From the Board Chair As I enter my first year as chair of the board of The Discovery, I am very

Board of Directors

excited about the future of the museum. In just four short years, The

Dusty Wunderlich Board Chair

Discovery has proven itself a valuable and treasured resource for our community. And, in the years to come, the museum will continue to increase its presence and importance, not only for our community, but for our region. My personal experience has shown me that creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit are increasingly invaluable commodities in our changing economy. Not just nationally, but in our local economy as well, employers are looking for people who aren’t afraid to think differently and can approach challenges from an unexpected angle. The Discovery is already beginning to hear stories about the interests and inspiration the museum is creating in its visitors—children and adults alike. This potential to open new horizons for learners of all ages is what’s fueling the museum’s transformation from its roots as a children’s museum to a full-fledged science center. This transformation is creating a world-class, hands-on science center that is larger, and full of deeper, more engaging learning experiences, than most markets the size of Reno can ever hope to have.

Mike Pagni Vice Chair Dan Clausen, CPA Treasurer Dr. Diane Nicolet Secretary Matt Anderson Immediate Past Chair Jed Bodger Bryce Bolander, CFP Lance Bowen Dr. David Crowther Doug Erwin Stacy Kendall

This year, and in the years to come, I hope you’ll join me in supporting this amazing asset in Northern Nevada.

Tony Manfredi

Our community has long needed a place like The Discovery where people can explore their interests and

Brian Speicher

passions in science, technology, engineering, art and math. This museum is our community’s home for

Karyn Taylor

curiosity, creativity and the joy of lifelong learning, and your support will help fuel its power to serve many future generations. With gratitude,

The Discovery’s board has earned the Community Foundation of Western Nevada’s 100% Giving Board Award for 2015.

Dusty Wunderlich CEO, Bristlecone Holdings 15

490 S. Center Street 路 Reno, NV 89501 路 775-786-1000 路 nvdm.org

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