IFMSA-JO Magazine (September 2021)

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‫قائمة‬ ‫المحتويات‬

INTRODUCTION TO IFMSA AND IFMSA JO ................................................. 1 MEET THE IFMSA JO TEAM OF OFFICIALS ................................................. 2 MEET THE NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS TEAM .............................................. 4 TEAM OF OFFICIALS MESSAGES ............................................................... 6 MESSAGE FROM THE SUP CO ........................................................................................................................... 7 MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR ...................................................................................................................... 8

THEMED ARTICLES .................................................................................. 10 A CONVERSATION ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS ............................................... 11 NELSON MANDELA’S PUBLIC HEALTH LEGACY.............................................................................................. 12 THE DARK SIDE OF OURSELVES ..................................................................................................................... 13 LET’S TALK ABOUT MATERNAL RIGHTS......................................................................................................... 15 AN ABUSE TO PALESTINIANS’ RIGHTS: AN ABUSE TO THEM AS HUMANS .................................................... 17

LIFE AS A MEDICAL STUDENT ................................................................. 19 ‫أيام في الطب تمضي‬.............................................................................. 20

‫فيصل الشيخلي‬.......................................................................................22

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ADRENALINE RUSH OF MY MEDICAL LIFE..................................................................23 INTO THE UNKNOWN: MY MEDICAL SCHOOL EXPERIENCE.............................................................................24 MY JOURNEY AS A MEDICAL STUDENT..........................................................................................................26 THE FEAR OF ACHIEVEMENTS, THE FEARS OF LUCK!!...................................................................................27 GOING FAR IN THE MEDICINE JOURNEY..........................................................................................................30 COMMITTED.....................................................................................................................................................31 NOT ALL HEROES WEAR CAPES; SOME WEAR A WHITE COAT WITH A STETHOSCOPE AROUND THEIR NECK......................................................................................................................................33

EMOTIONS; EXPRESS OR SUPPRESS?.....................................................35 TO EXPRESS OR SUPPRESS............................................................................................................................36 EMOTIONS: EXPRESS OR SUPRESS?..............................................................................................................38


‫قائمة‬ ‫المحتويات‬

IN THE SEA OF EMOTIONS..............................................................................................................................39 EMOTIONS; EXPRESS OR SUPPRESS?................................................................................. ..........................40 SHALL I EXPRESS OR SUPPRESS MY EMOTIONS?....................................................... .................................42 .‫ترجمة المشاعر عبر الفن والتاريخ‬...................................................................................................45 EMOTIONS: EXPRESS OR SUPRESS?..............................................................................................................46 EMOTIONS: TO EXPRESS OR TO SUPPRESS!..................................................................................................47 EMOTIONAL SUPPRESSION – WHY WE DO IT AND HOW TO AVOID IT...........................................................49 ‫ هل نكبتها ام نعبر عنها؟‬,‫المشاعر‬...................................................................................................51

FEATURED ARTICLES...............................................................................53 MEDICAL RUMORS: WHY YOUR FACEBOOK FRIEND IS WRONG......................................................................54 A GREEN WAY.................................................................................................................................................56 ONE ORGAN DEFECT, ALL SYSTEMS IN PAIN..................................................................................................57 WHY MENTAL HEALTH CARE ACCESSIBILITY MATTERS................................................................................59 WE ARE RESILIENT, WE ARE PROGRAMMED TO SURVIVE..............................................................................61

LOCAL COMMITTEE RECAPS.....................................................................63 MU LC RECAPS.........................................................................................64 UJ LC RECAPS..........................................................................................67 JUST LC RECAPS......................................................................................70 HU LC RECAPS.........................................................................................74 BAU LC RECAPS.......................................................................................79

IFMSA The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA), founded in 1951, is one of world's largest student-run organizations. It represents, connects, and engages every day with medical students from 135 Member Organizations in 125 countries around the globe. Work is divided into four areas: Public Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Medical Education, and Human Rights and Peace. Every year, we organize 13,000 clinical and research exchange programs for students to explore innovations in medicine, healthcare systems and healthcare delivery in other settings; bringing people together to discuss and initiate projects for a healthier world. It trains its members to give them the skills and resources needed to be health leaders. It advocates for the pressing issues that matter to us to shape the world we want. And it does deliver: our projects, our campaigns and our activities positively impact the physicians-to be, the communities they serve, as well as the health systems around the world in which they practice as a trainee and eventually a medical doctor. IFMSA has been run for and by medical students on a voluntary basis; showing that they are not passive in a globalizing world, but have a powerful role to play in global health and show them that their goals can be achieved with knowledge and commitment. In IFMSA, the emphasis is placed on students returning to their local environments with new ideas and the skills to implement them. As the doctors of tomorrow and future leaders of health, we feel confident that our students will carry this spirit with them throughout their professional lives.

IFMSA-JO In 2006, the Jordanian National Member Organization joined the IFMSA global entity. Ever since, IFMSAJo has served our community through multiple activities, divided into four main global health areas: Public Health, Medical Education, Human Rights and Peace, and Reproductive Health. One of the aims of IFMSA-Jo is to motivate medical students in all medical schools around Jordan to get involved in their communities through active participation in voluntary work, and to provide them with the necessary tools and skills to become successful future doctors and health leaders. It is guided by the vision of serving our community and reinforcing Jordan’s national health through igniting and uniting the knowledge and potentials of medical students. Our mission is to empower our members to use their knowledge and capabilities, whilst providing a link between members, medical students associations, and national and international organizations to encourage the cooperation between them for the ultimate benefit of society. IFMSA-Jo is composed of a National Committee and six Local Committees in the following universities; University of Jordan, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Mutah University, Yarmouk University, Hashemite University, and AlBalqa Applied University.





































































Message from the Supervising Council Dear Future Leaders, Eric Holst, the first president of IFMSA, once said: “The impossible we do tomorrow. Miracles may take a little longer.” Life is made for people who are crazy enough to believe that they can change the world. Who would have thought that medical students, the young and courageous leaders of IFMSA, would have such an impact in changing the world by building the largest student organization! Our efforts in IFMSA-Jo are also huge. We’ve aspired many people to become greater versions of themselves, helped battle the struggles our country faces head-to-head, and excelled in managing them. We’ve established a very solid organization that believes in community service and building a more socially-accountable medical student; equipped with skills in handling all the issues they might face as future leaders. Our organization has also provided our society with health care professionals that serve as role models for advocacy, education, collaboration, and management. Mark Manson once said “Who you are is defined by what you're willing to struggle for.” We believe that everything in life requires three things; vision, passion, and courage. It takes courage to apply as a leader, OC, or even a volunteer in a project. It takes courage to take any step in your career actually. However, courage alone is insufficient. It has to be fueled with passion, otherwise you’ll end up being burdened rather than having fun in doing what you’re doing. Finally, you need to have a vision in mind in order to direct your passion and courage the correct way. As IFMSA-Jo’s Supervising Council who have witnessed different eras in IFMSA-Jo, and you can be assured that we are further evolving as an organization; which is all thanks to the efforts of IFMSA-Jo’s passionate members. We wish you leaders a happy reading of this magazine. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to the CPRSDD and her team for putting together an amazing piece of work. Keep doing what you love. - IFMSA-Jo Supervising Council (Husam AlTarawneh, Abdallah Alzoubi, Mohammad Zaidan) 7

Hanin Lataifeh IFMSA-Jo CPRSDD Life has chapters that eventually end at a place and time, and ever since I became aware of this; I hated farewells with a passion. So, as I’m nearing the end of the 2020/2021 term and also being in my final year in medical school, it is no easy task writing this message for our members. I have a very long and eventful history with IFMSA, and I can proudly say I made the best memories as a member of IFMSA-Jo. My medical school journey wouldn’t be as memorable without the beauty of volunteering and being in my LC’s TO and National TO. To cut it short, if you’re a first year medical student reading this magazine, you are doing the right thing. Keep going and don’t be afraid to throw yourself into whichever project you find interesting. You will be surprised by your growth on a personal and professional level just because you stood in front of people you don’t know and distributed brochures for breast cancer awareness and screening (for example). This term was fruitful to say the least, I got to experience being in a national position and working with members from all around Jordan. We worked through difficult conditions due to the still on-going restrictions with COVID19. Thankfully, the circumstances are becoming better as the months go by. It also brought me great happiness being in NGA XIX where all events were offline, and it felt like a breath of fresh air to go back to the way NGA’s have always been! As it is now time for the September issue of the IFMSA-Jo biannual magazine, we decided to choose 3 themes as well. The first theme of this magazine discusses NGA XIX’s theme; ‘Human Rights’. As we all know, us humans have fought for our rights ever since existence. There are still many fights that remain, so, we encouraged our members to write articles discussing topics in human rights.


Hanin Lataifeh IFMSA-Jo CPRSDD The second theme is ‘Life as a Medical Student’. Being in medical school is a life-changing decision, and all of us witnessed changes on different levels; personal, interpersonal, etc.. Therefore, we told our members to write about these changes, what they are, and if they were for the better or worse! The last theme is ‘Emotions; Suppress or Express?’ This theme is for our deep thinkers, who wrote about the different ways of handling one’s emotions. This can be different for everyone, which is why it’s so interesting to read about your different point of views! Make sure to also check out the ‘LC Recaps’ section. Our Local Committees have done an exceptional job in working on multiple projects that tackle different issues relating to our 6 standing committees, and our local CPRSDDs have worked hard to put together recaps so you can read all about their LC’s achievements! I would like to thank the national publications team, who once again proved their great ability of showcasing their talents in writing, editing, and designing this magazine. We have a treasure of literature enthusiasts and expressionists here in IFMSA-Jo and I feel honored to have worked with them during the 20/21 term. I’d also like to thank IFMSA-Jo’s TO for being the kindest and most enthusiastic team to work with. There is no doubt that I felt like I was part of a big family during this term, and I truly wish each of them the best of luck in their future endeavors. Like I said before, you will realize how quickly you can grow during your journey with IFMSA, make sure to cherish every second of it. So, grab a coffee, sit comfortably on your sofa, and have a good read! Until next time, goodbye!





Nelson Mandela’s Public Health Legacy Dima Jiad Nelson Mandela was undoubtedly one of the 20th century’s most most prominent and influential leaders. His name is almost syno synonymous with the universal struggle for human rights, for justice an justice and dignity, and equal opportunities for all. His staunch oppo opposition of the racist apartheid regime in his native South Africa landed him twenty seven years in prison, only to be elected President and to advocate for forgiveness to the proponents of apartheid and oppression. Although he is less known for his contribution to healthcare both in his country and on a global scale, his influence has been monumental, but overshadowed by his political achievements. In the simplest of terms, the end of the apartheid regime in South Africa brought a revolution in healthcare in the country simply due to the abolishment of segregation. People of all races had access to the best quality resources available. There were no longer white ambulances and non-white ambulances, segregated labour wards, and second class care for people of non-white race. All citizens had equal access to healthcare services provided by the government, as Mandela believed that healthcare was a universal human right for everybody, including, and especially, the very poor. To further emphasize this, during his time as President, his government adopted a new constitution that aimed to improve quality of life for all citizens of his country. During Mandela’s time in office, HIV infection rates were doubling in the African continent, and he witnessed the rise of the AIDS epidemic, the impact of which led to his greatest contributions to health on an international scale on the subject. Now an international figure, Mandela used his celebrity and influence to battle the stigma around AIDS, which is arguably his most significant contribution to public health worldwide. According to Michel Sidibe, the head of the UNAIDS, Mandela’s influence “helped save millions of lives and transformed healthcare in Africa”. Among his strongest beliefs was that eradicating the stigma around AIDS was a crucial step to controlling the spread of HIV and to propagating its treatment, a belief which ultimately turned out to be true as many world leaders were influenced to take measures to screen and provide retroviral therapy for HIV positive individuals. So strong was his belief that when his son died in 2005, he called on reporters to tell them that his son died of AIDS, proof of his personal dedication to remove the taboo around the condition. Public health is only one small chapter of this man's colossal legacy. His compassion for others and inspiring leadership, along with his contributions to the health of all people, will undoubtedly leave their mark on generations to come and pave the way for better healthcare access for all. 12

The Dark Side of Ourselves Heba Momani

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In January 2015, Paris witnessed the largest rally in its history, as nearly 1.6 million people, including fifty world leaders, gathered to reject the terrorist attack on the office of the famous Charlie Hebdo newspaper, which resulted in 12 casualties and 11 injuries.

In September 2015, the world witnessed a wave of grief over the image of the drowned Syrian child off the coast of Turkey. The world sympathized with him, and his picture spread on all news channels and social media. Each year, America commemorates the painful anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, honoring the 2,977 victims of the devastating assault. Not only that, this attack is considered the icon of terrorism in the world, which left behind a lot of pain and blood. Today, there is no speech made against terrorism without mentioning the Sept. 11 tragedy. International sympathy for human rights' violations is essential to the pursuit of empowering these rights, and there are many memorable examples of this sympathy as mentioned above. However, thousands of victims die in Palestine, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, and South Africa due to wars, famines, pollution, and the absence of the most crucial basics of life. Unfortunately, the world has not taken a firm stand against these violations so far. The world did not shout slogans in defense of these genocides. Instead, people preferred silence and condone, although the extent of the damage in these countries is more massive. But what is the reason? Why does the world condone humanitarian disasters and genocide when it sympathizes with humanitarian situations that cause fewer casualties? Are the Arab and African lives less valuable than the life of the European? Mother Teresa said: "If I look at the mass I will never act. If I look at the one, I will." Many studies have revealed that the more who die, the less we care! Many people do not understand large numbers. When we see one life, we can imagine their hopes and pain. But 10 million? We can’t!


The Dark Side of Ourselves Heba Momani

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There’s a hard limit to human sympathy, and it’s one of the most powerful psychological forces shaping human events.

Therefore, people exert all possible effort to help "the one" whose whose calamity comes to their attention. These same good people, however, often become numbly indifferent to the plight of "the one" who is "one of many" in a much greater problem. No one can deny the role of the media in manipulating world events but also psychic numbing has a vital role. For example, when social networking sites raged with global anger over the image of the drowned Syrian child, no one paid attention to the 11 people who drowned with him. The fact that there is no constant value for human life is extremely painful as psychic numbing can make us monsters with contradicting standards. However, there is still a glimmer of hope. Raising awareness among people about this problem may make us wiser in dealing with humanitarian issues and wiser in promoting the suffering of different peoples and races so that the world interacts with them more and more.


Let’s Talk About Maternal Rights Sondos Saleh 000 00

In a world where we need to talk and shout for our rights to be heard, it is our obligation to raise our voices, unite our strengths, and talk about causes that matter.

A As women living in male-dominant communities, we are being overlooked and dismissed daily in every aspect of our lives, and the issues related to us are usually ignored. The continuous lack of recognition of specific women’s rights is a huge obstacle to our improvement and increases the injustice towards women in our societies. So, LET’S TALK ABOUT MATERNAL RIGHTS! It is needless to say that maternal rights are human rights, and it is deeply linked with the fulfilment of all other rights, thus acknowledging the significant value of mothers is crucial for our ability to survive and thrive as species. To put it simply, healthy happy mothers make for healthy and happy communities. The first thing that is usually forgotten when talking about maternal rights is the right to have or not to have a child, it is important to shed some light on it even though it is not directly related to “motherhood”, but from the way I see it, the first step in “maternal rights” is having the choice of being a mother or not. Some communities and cultures put alot of pressure on women to have kids, and it could reach to a point where they shame them for their decision. Becoming a mother is not confined to pregnancy and birth only, adoption is also a way to experience motherhood, and again it is your choice. Now, whether you are an expecting mother, an existing mother or an adoptive mother, this conversation is going to take a turn to be more specified for you. It is fair to say that you have the right not to be separated from your child and to be able to give them the care and nourishment they need. As I said, one of the ways to motherhood is by getting pregnant and giving birth, and those processes should be healthy and positive experiences for both parents and especially the mother. The right of all mothers and their children to have access to the same high quality of care, regardless of their nationality, race, age, religion, or immigrant status should be stressed upon, and providing this care is our responsibility as communities to ensure their rights.


Let’s Talk About Maternal Rights Sondos Saleh to c their and

During the process of care, mothers should have the right to choose their health providers, their plan of care and for their wishes to be respected, and not to forget; their privacy and dignity as well.

A very significant topic that needs to be addressed is childbirth abuse and educating women about their rights is one of the ways to prevent it and raise the awareness. Childbirth is a major event in every mother’s life, and it should be a positive experience where the mother is comfortable and safe. Choosing your healthcare providers including the doctors, nurses, midwives,..etc is your right, do not hesitate to ask for a change if you are uncomfortable. Deciding your birth plan is totally up to you, after discussing it extensively with the specialist and choosing what is suitable for you and your medical status. Unless there is an emergency or a harm on you or your fetus your plan must be respected. Sadly, many birth plans are being neglected without any medical necessity. Painkillers administration should run by you, you can ask for them, and you can also refuse them and it is your right to ask for explanation and reasons for their use. An important thing to notice that no one can do any procedure without your consent, and you must be on board with what your health providers are doing. Having a birth companion is also your right, you do not have to go through the birth alone with no emotional support. Unfortunately, some women experience physical and mental abuse during labor, this is a serious issue that will affect the woman’s health during an after the birth, and in this case, your birth companion -if you have one- must interfere and you should file a complaint later to ensure your rights. Your newborn should not be immediately taken to the nursery -unless there is a medical indication-, it is your right to hold them and maintain the contact as it is important for your bond and breastfeeding later. Remember that it is your body and anything that may invade your safety, dignity and privacy is not acceptable in any way. Talking about women’s rights is an ongoing conversation everywhere, and addressing maternal health is crucial for maintaining a healthy and safe environment for mothers. Eventually, motherhood is one of the greatest roles in life, and one of the hardest jobs in the world, and the least we can do to show appreciation is to make it an easier journey for all the mothers out there.


An Abuse to Palestinians’ Rights: An Abuse to Them as Humans Zeina Miqdadi Our life is a constant fight, a fight to get what we want. spe We spend days at our 5-9 jobs to get paid for our hard wor work, and then back home we look at our clusters of bills 000 on the kitchen counter and realize we have electricity, water, food food, and healthcare bills to pay. We spend our lives fighting for simple rights, we spend our lives fighting to live. And while this corrupted system itself is an abuse of our rights, there are places in the world and certain groups of people being stripped of their basic rights because they are of a different race or religion, want to stay in their homes and lands, or because of a certain political agenda. Today, I want to focus on the savage robbery of rights and oppression going on in Palestine. To begin with, I think we -humans- are like birds, we long in a certain way to spread our wings and fly, we simply cannot fathom the idea of living in a cage without our freedom, without being free to hug our family and without the ability to breathe in our home’s oxygen. And without a doubt, the Palestinian people own the most clipped wings. First of all, liberty -which is an essential human right- is being abused in vast ways. Starting with the Gaza Strip; as the Israeli blockade not only detains the population’s freedom -literally locking its people in a cage- but also limits their access to healthcare, causes food insecurity and many materials—even essential ones—cannot enter the Strip because of Israel’s claim that they have dual civilian-military usage. In addition, the electricity crisis going on in Gaza for decades limits the strip's reach to essential services including water and sanitation, and also severely disrupts the Strip’s economy. This year Gaza witnessed one of the most brutal Israeli bombings it ever has, which resulted in 248 deaths including 66 children and more than 1,900 people wounded. Second of all, Administrative Detention -in which a person is placed behind bars for months or years without him even knowing what he’s accused of and without a trial- itself is an abuse of Palestinian human rights.


An Abuse to Palestinians’ Rights: An Abuse to Them as Humans Zeina Miqdadi A UN expert says:” It is a penal system that is ripe for abuse abuse and maltreatment.” Besides, in an Israeli jail, Palestin Palestinians experience harsh conditions and treatment includ including denial of family visits, prolonged solitary confine co confinement, beatings, and torture in interrogation. For example, Rearrested prisoner Zakaria Zubaidi has been severely tortured and beaten up during interrogation causing a broken jaw and two broken ribs. Last but most certainly not least, The state of Israel was built on apartheid, war crimes, genocide, and ethnic cleansing; which in definition is:” the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups.” The brutal occupation and the wars of 1948 and 1967 led to the displacement and creation of over 7 million Palestinian refugees scattered all around the world who are denied the right to return to their historic homes while some villages no longer even exist because they were destroyed. The ethnic cleansing continues to be embodied through the 2021 forced evictions in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem and Silwan. All in all, Nowadays Palestinians have established a good base on social media to shed light on the cruelty of the occupation and draw the attention of the world’s human rights organizations. For example, Mohmmad and Muna Al Kurd- two Palestinians who transferred the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood eviction case to the world- have been named two of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2021 by TIME magazine! And as it’s said:” It’s free Palestine until Palestine is free”. Resources: 1-The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs website (OCHA). 2-Al Mezan Center for Human Rights website. 3-Gaza attacks Fear, finality, and farewells as bombs rained down. - Al Jazeera website. 4-B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories website. 5-“UN expert calls for Israel to end the practice of administrative detention and immediately release Maher AlAkhras.”- The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 6-BEYOND THE WALLS- Palestinian Remix by AlJazeera Media Network 2015. 7-‘Re-arrested Palestinian prisoner has been tortured’: Lawyer- Al Jazeera. 8-Ethnic cleansing (war crime)- Britannica 9-Palestinian refugees and the right of return- The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). 10-From Sheikh Jarrah to Silwan, Israel’s ethnic cleansing goes with impunity- The Jordan Times. 11-THE 100 MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE OF 2021- Time Magazine. 18



‫أيام في الطب تمضي‬ ‫بيان عصام الذينات‬ ‫أنظر إلى قبعة التخرج و هي تتراقص في الهواء معلنة انتهاء الثانوية ‪ ،‬و‬ ‫مبشرة بأن هنالك طبيب باإلعداد‪ ،‬فتأهبوا جميعا لذلك المعطف المالئكي األبيض‬ ‫الذي فصلته ليتناسب مع هاالت العيون السوداء و التي بدأت ترتسم مع أول محاضرة‬ ‫شهدت فيها على ما هو أسرع من الضوء ؛ تنقل "ساليدات" المحاضرة الواحدة‪ ،‬فأرمش‬ ‫رمشة تضيع معلومة و هكذا إلى أن اخترق عيني "ليزر" أحمر معيدا لي تركيزي‪.‬‬ ‫تدافع األفواج على باب قاعة المحاضرة و نظراتهم الخائفة و المستهجنة تواسيني بأني لست وحدي الذي أدرك صحة ما قيل‬ ‫لنا في الحفلة الترحيبية لطالب الطب دفعة ‪ " ٢٠١٩‬يا من طلبت الطب نلت قبوله‪ ،‬هذي حدود الطب و تلك جهنم" ‪.‬‬ ‫بماذا أقحمت نفسي ؟ ‪ ،‬نفس عميق‪ ،‬شربة قهوة ‪ ،‬أعدل من جلستي ‪ ،‬أثبت نظارتي الطبية و أعيد قراءة هذا "الشيت" للمرة‬ ‫الثانية‪ ،‬لكن عقلي يستفزني بتذكيري بضعفي و قلة حيلتي‪ ،‬و أن الرسوب مصيري ال محالة ‪ ،‬فيضيع وقتي بحياكة‬ ‫سيناريوهات سوداء كاحلة ‪ ،‬ال يقطع هذه المسرحية التراجيدية إال أمي التي تغمرني بمواساة و أدعية توسع علي مداركي و‬ ‫تعيدني إلى واقعي الكادح على أدنى وصف ‪.‬‬ ‫الدقائق األخيرة ما قبل االمتحان ‪ ،‬تباين واضح في األدوار‪ ،‬بعض يراجع المادة متوترا و موترا‪ ،‬و بعض يصرخ باكيا ‪ ":‬لم أدرس‬ ‫حرفا" ‪ ،‬و بعض آخر يجلس هادئا متوكال أو متواكال‪ ،‬ال ندري ما بالنفوس من جنان أو أعاصير مخبأة ‪ ،‬لكن ما ندريه هو أن الدقائق‬ ‫قد انتهت و المقاعد قد حجزت‪ ،‬و االمتحان قد بدأ‪..‬‬ ‫معركة مع الوقت‪ ،‬سيل من العرق يتصبب‪ ،‬نقرة سريعة‪ ،‬لعبة حظ مع األسئلة التي لم أسمع عنها سابقا‪ ،‬فرحة سؤال مباشر‬ ‫درسته‪ ،‬ثم تأنيب ضمير على سؤال نسيته‪ ،‬و هكذا إلى أن أفتح باب القاعة خارجا من أرض الحساب‪ ،‬ال أدري هل رسخت أقدامي‬ ‫على أرض األعراف ‪ ،‬أم غرستها راسبا ‪ ،‬لعلي صعدت ناجحا ؟ تفاءل يا هذا !‬ ‫ثالث سنوات أمضيتها بين الكتب غارقا‪ ،‬و لالمتحانات متعودا‪ ،‬سنين "البيسك" قد انتهت ‪ ،‬درست فيها عن أجهزة الجسم‬ ‫بتفاصيلها‪ ،‬استمتعت بدراسة جهازي القلب و الغدد الصم ‪ ،‬قضمت أظافري ندما على هذا التخصص عند دراستي للجهازين‬ ‫الهضمي و العصبي‪ ،‬أما الجهاز العظمي و العضلي فقد استخدمته ألتفاخر في الجلسات العائلية مسميا عظام اليدين و‬ ‫القدمين و مشيرا للعضالت مفصال و محددا ‪.‬‬ ‫من كنوز كلية الطب هم الجواهر العديدة التي تصادفها في المحاضرات و في ليالي المكتبة الطوال‪ ،‬لكل جوهرة اهتمام‬ ‫معين يغدق عليك بمعرفة و علم واسع ‪ ،‬فكلية الطب جامعة للنوابغ و األذكياء ‪ ،‬يستحيل أن تخرج منها كما دخلت‪ ،‬و من‬ ‫الصعب أن تصبح طبيبا فقط‪ ،‬فقد تصبح طبيبا رساما ‪ ،‬أو طبيبا مبرمجا أو حتى طبيبا كاتبا ‪ ،‬فالهوايات ال بد منها و مع الوقت‬ ‫يصبح استثمارها الزما ‪.‬‬


‫أيام في الطب تمضي‬ ‫بيان عصام الذينات‬ ‫تحسست ذلك المعطف األبيض متسائال عن مالئكيته‪ ،‬هل يستحق كل هذا‬ ‫العناء؟‪ ،‬هل أستحق أنا أن أرتديه ؟‪ ،‬ماذا لو أخفقت؟ ‪ .‬دخلت المستشفى في أول‬ ‫"راوند طبي" تخالجني مشاعر متداخلة من الرهبة و الخوف و الغبطة و الدهشة‬ ‫العظيمة التي ال يمكن نكرانها بأن كل ما رأيته على الصور و كل ما درسته أراه‬ ‫ينبض بالحياة‪ ،‬فسبحان الخالق الذي خلق فسّو ى‪ ،‬و أحسن و أبدع ‪ ،‬و أوجد للداء الدواء‪،‬‬ ‫و ما عّس ر إال يسر ‪.‬‬ ‫هذا النصف من الرحلة قد أضفى على الحياة إثارة و تشويقا‪ ،‬فصرت أقابل المرضى ‪ ،‬و أتحمل مسؤولية أكبر من مجرد النجاح‬ ‫بامتحان نظري‪ ،‬صرت أغوص بأعماق الطب مستمتعا‪ ،‬عانيت في البداية ألتذكر ما درسته في السنين الثالث األولى ‪ ،‬غيرت‬ ‫نظام دراستي أكثر من مرة‪ ،‬و روتين حياتي انقلب رأسا على عقب‪ ،‬هرب مني النوم كثيرا ‪ ،‬و الكافيين أصبح رفيق دربي‪ ،‬لكن‬ ‫المشقة باتت تستحق و كلمة "دكتور" صارت تشعل في أعماقي حسا من المسؤولية و المهابة ‪ ،‬فلم أعد أشكك بمالئكية‬ ‫معطفي األبيض ‪ ،‬إنها لمهنة إنسانية عظيمة ‪ ،‬و ال عزاء للمنكرين ‪.‬‬ ‫الطب يا سادة‪ ،‬قد أصبح هويتي و مهنتي و حياتي ‪ ،‬أهيم به و ما للهيام أسباب‪ ،‬أرقني ليال و أماتتي ميتات كثار‪ ،‬و ببريق عين‬ ‫عند الشفاء تعود لي الحياة ناسيا ما حل بي من أوجاع‪ ،‬أسحر هذا أم إعجاز ؟‬ ‫التقطت قبعة التخرج ‪ ،‬لتعلن انتهاء مسيرة ست سنين عجاف طوال تكللوا بالنجاح‪ ،‬و تبشر بأن طبيبا جديدا أقبل على ساحة‬ ‫العمل‪ ،‬فتأهبوا جيدا فمرحلة جديدة من االمتياز و االختصاص و امتحانات اإلقامة في الطريق‪ ،‬شدوا األحزمة و لننطلق!!‬


‫فيصل الشيخلي‬

‫قصتنا حقيقة لم تبدأ في كلية الطب‪ ،‬بل بدأت منذ الطفولة منذ‬ ‫اليوم االول في المدرسة حين سألتك المعلمة ماذا تريد أن تصبح‬ ‫حينما تكبر؟‬ ‫فقلت لها ببراءة الطفولة وأنت في نظرك هيبة الطبيب في مسلسالت الكرتون‬ ‫و األفالم قلت ‪ :‬أريد أن أصبح طبيبًا ‪ ،‬حينئذ بدأت الحكاية‪...‬‬ ‫بدأنا باالجتهاد والكد كل يوم كي نصل الى هذا الحلم‪.‬‬ ‫أتت الثانوية العامة‪ ,‬الكابوس المرعب بالنسبة لمعظم طالب العالم ‪،‬وبدأنا بالدراسة وكتابة قصة جديدة لنضيفها الى سجل‬ ‫نجاحاتنا المدرسية‪...‬‬ ‫وظهرت النتائج وُن صبت الموائد وزينت البيوت باألنوار وأتت النتيجة وكانت عالية وتكفي لدخول كلية الطب وبعدئذ ُقبلنا في‬ ‫كلية الطب وبدأت الحياة بالتغيير من حلم أصبح حقيقة أو كابوسًا لجزء من الناس الذين صدموا في حجم هذه الكلية وحجم‬ ‫المواد والدراسة‪..‬‬ ‫لكننا ال ننسى الجملة الشهيرة ‪:‬كل كلمة تقرأها اليوم قد تنقذ حياة مريض في المستقبل‪.‬‬ ‫كانت هذه الجملة هي السر لمعظم الطالب والقاتل األكبر لحاالت االكتئاب التي تصيب الطالب‪.‬‬ ‫نعم أنا معكم ليالي االمتحانات النهائية أتمنى اال اتذكرها ‪ ،‬لكنها علمتنا جميعًا أن لكل مجتهد نصيب ‪ ،‬وفي النهاية أحب أن‬ ‫أختم بمقطع من القصيدة المشهورة في كل حفالت التخريج أال وهي ‪" :‬كم سهرنا من ليال للصباح ال ننم كم عراقيل كسرنا‬ ‫كم حفظنا من رزم‪".‬‬


The Most Beautiful Adrenaline Rush of My Medical Life Sara Rahahleh possib

Believe it or not, having a “life” in medical school is possible.

There always could be a way to balance between your social life life and medical life, too. It all depends on whether you manage your time well or not. Although half of your time will be spent studying and memorizing syndromes, diseases, and their treatments; a solution can always be found to deal with this situation. First, you must bear in mind ​your commitment to studying in this faculty and that your passion and love for it is the only driving wheel that will lead you to the finish line. On the other hand, medicine students' concerns about losing their social lives is a wrong way of thinking. With time, you will learn how to balance your studying and enjoy life as well. This stereotype about medicine students' life needs to be modified and radically changed, because it reflects negatively on students' psyche. As a student in the medicine faculty, I would like to share some tips that have personally helped me in organizing my time. Firstly, create a calendar and a daily schedule that will give you control over your life and allow you to do your best at work. Secondly, identify your learning style. This helps you know the most appropriate way of studying, whether you prefer using technology, or studying from books and notes. Thirdly, maximize your healthy habits; because self-care routines are essential for optimal functioning at university. Make sure to build in time for regular sleep, exercise, and prepare your meals daily. Build on a "cut-off” time habit to switch your focus to self-care. To conclude, I believe that each person should have their own experience in this journey without depending on other experiences and ideas, because each person has their way of life and own circumstances. Consequently, create your own experience, get to know as many friends as possible, and participate in all university activities that could interest you. Resources:


Into The Unknown: My Medical School Experience Dalia Samara They say whoever has a dream should carve a way through through, but oddly enough, I found myself carving the way regar way regardless of whether it was my dream or not. I still don't don't know why I chose medical school, but what I do know is that that I found no other place for myself except here, in the depths of hell. I didn't go into it blindly; being blessed with catastrophic thinking, I knew exactly where I was heading, what I was signing myself up for, and what to expect, but I bet you can't always expect the entirety of it. My experience started from being excited to achieve something that has a certain level of impossibility, to being frightened out of my wits. Everything went fine, until I discovered the loopholes and the weak spots; struggling mentally was an added load to the mountain that was medical school. The transition from wanting to learn, and consume the knowledge of centuries, to hating the idea of opening my laptop to study was so disheartening, that I often found myself lost in whether this was really meant for me, or if I was treading dangerous waters. Not being able to retain information, dysfunctional memory, 0% of will or motivation or any kind of discipline, all looked like arrows only leading me further into a downfall. I've seen myself fail like I've never had before and as someone who felt defined by grades and achievements for the past 14 years of education, it left a permanent scar in my faith in myself, coupled with disastrous, anxious thoughts, I knew for sure that I was done for. Medicine became more of a nightmare than a dream, especially when the pandemic hit. I, and most other students, were struggling to even pull through, yet the odds never seemed to be in our favor. However, for some reason, I still held on to the hope that I could make everything work, at least a bit of it, that I will be able to recover and save whatever could be saved. Medical school keeps proving itself to be both my Kryptonite and Infinity Gauntlet. Despite narrowly passing semesters and having mental breakdowns every five seconds, I found that I could only ever be something great through medicine, not with the status but with knowledge. Something about it being difficult forces you to challenge it, and with all the failures, I've found myself growing in so many aspects; mentally, socially, and emotionally.


Into The Unknown: My Medical School Experience Dalia Samara still being understand it gives po the

I have little to no medical knowledge to show off, but still being able to dig through the information and understand it gives me the feeling that I can do it, that it is possible, that maybe, cliche as it is, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I've learned well that medical school is a long, long journey, a full-course meal of experiences, of ups and downs (with the balance slightly off) and of endless searching for meaning and purpose. It isn’t about finishing 6, 7 or 15 years, it's about the never-ending stream of giving. It's gruesomely humane. The show is ongoing, it never stops, it never slows down, it never gets easier. It is as dramatic and exhausting as everyone makes it out to be. It is a path to be carved with blood, sweat and tears. What I have learned is that through this journey you'll have to drop the act of being your own enemy, and start nurturing yourself -mind, body, and soul-, you'll have to make your way through the dirt to build a life, to reach out and communicate with the world around you. You'll have to drag yourself out of your own misery, with your own scarred hands and open a book. So, my advice would be to engage in crafting a lifestyle that supports your experience in medical school, because it's not temporary, and build discipline and skills that help you survive it. Lastly, try to romanticize the life out of your odyssey, pave your way in footprints unique to your experience and don't forget to breathe (and look at some memes while you’re at it).


My Journey as a Medical Student Boshra Attiya So, I don’t have that perfect story where I say I have drea dreamt of being a doctor, if I can remember, it’s the other way a way around. Growing up I thought of lots of jobs and specialti specialties but being a doctor wasn’t one of them, then suddenly suddenly I graduated high school and I found myself seriously considering medicine, being filled with questions about everything, and having a passion for many things in life I felt like medicine is the right path for me. It’s safe to say that I knew there won’t be playing around and entering this major means a huge responsibility so I wasn’t fanaticizing about it and saying I will have the time of my life, but nothing prepared me for mental and physical pressure that I would be facing for the years left for me as a student. Everything was new to me, starting from finding new ways to study because school is nothing compared to college, catching up with doctors lectures and notes here and there to the countless exams which some of them left quite a big scar in me, you see all of these combined made an unbearable pressure for me as a freshman still trying to figure things out and trying to be mature at the same time and not embarrass yourself in front people you don’t know. In these times it’s important to reach out to people who would listen to you and understand your problems. Med school changed me in a lot of aspects some are good, and some are bad, it made me more disciplined and responsible towards myself and my family, also I learned how to manage my time and be more efficient in getting things done, on the other hand, I turned into an introvert who doesn’t like to get out of home and prefers to stay in and study and it made me stressed most of the times but as I finished my first year, I realized that I don’t have to do this. I can be productive and have my own time. Joining clubs and organizations in the university like the IFSMA helped to take my mind off study. Being a medical student taught me lots of lessons and I believe the most important thing is that being a straight A's student doesn’t matter as much as ethics do and being respectful and down to earth with your colleagues and professor, and as long as you are doing your best and working hard it’s all right. So, take it easy on yourself when you do bad and work harder next time. 26

The Fear of Achievements, The Fears of Luck!! Lujain Bani Sakher Let's take you back to your first year in med school, on that that day while you were sitting on that bench in this crowded h crowded hall ( in a Zoom lecture with many participants). 000 The doctor asks, the students around you answer. Some of the 000 answers might seem great to you, unfortunately, they haven't crossed your mind!... Strange thoughts and feelings, a voice inside your head says: Everyone here is way more amazing! Are you amazing, too? Are you smart enough? Maybe you do not belong here! You just got lucky! Your scenario may vary, but the question is: Have you ever felt that everything you have achieved (and here the concept of achievement varies from person to person, it may be something simple or very great) was just pure luck?! (See pic.1) Something like imposterism! Yes, imposterism. Imposterism is a phenomenon in which individuals distrust their abilities and accomplishments despite evidence of success and competence, and fear they may be exposed as an “imposter". In medical students and residents, the imposter phenomenon occurs in nearly half of females and one-fourth of males, with the intensity of imposter feelings varying across the course of medical training. It is especially likely during periods of the life transition, periods like 1st and 4th years in med school. In one experiment done in 2018, that use Imposter Phenomenon Scale (CIPS), medical students identified most strongly with items related to unfounded fear of failure, hesitance to share recognition before it is announced, remembering failures rather than successes, perceiving themselves as less capable than others, and worrying about succeeding. They also unconsciously overcompensate with crippling perfectionism, overpreparation, maintaining a lower profile, withholding their talents and opinions, or never finishing important projects. When they do succeed, they think: Phew, I fooled'em again. In another experiment done in 2004, 175 medical students during the transition from the preclinical to clinical phases of their training undertook an integrated, case-based, short-essay, formative assessment.


The Fear of Achievements, The Fears of Luck!! Lujain Bani Sakher After the assessment, they were provided with model answ answers and marking criteria. Students marked their asses assesment paper and the paper of one of their peers. Assess Assessment papers were subsequently marked by faculty memb members. The following data were available for each student: self-mark, faculty-mark, score awarded by a peer, and the score that they awarded to their peer. Self-assessment and peer-assessment ability were compared to overall academic performance. The results show that low-achieving students score themselves and their peers generously, but high-achieving students score themselves more harshly than faculty. However, they score their peers accurately. What indicates that the main problem is self-assessment (accuracy ability to accurately assess our competence), which is something related to the Dunning Kruger effect at the middle of the scale. (See pic. 2) Dunning and Krueger analyzed people's ability to accurately assess their competence. What they found is that the less intelligent a person is, the more likely they are to believe they are good at something, and the more intelligent a person is, the less likely they are to believe they are good at something. Since it's tough to know how hard our peers work, how difficult they find certain tasks, or how much they doubt themselves. There is no easy way to dismiss the feeling that we are less capable than the people around us. So far, the most surefire way to combat imposter syndrome is to share your thoughts and feelings with trusted friends or mentors, or even peers. People who have more experience can reassure you that what you're feeling is normal, and knowing others have been in your position can make it seem more normal. Just knowing that your feelings have a real name may be more comforting. And that is what I try to do here. Remember, even people who appear confident can have their doubts. When success comes with increased attention, you may wonder if you can live up to expectations. References: rticles/s41562-021-01101-z? utm_source=xmol&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_c ontent=meta&utm_camp aign=DDCN_1_GL01_metadata If u wanna know why I chose this introductory scenario, search: Impostor syndrome among Harvard University students


Going Far in The Medicine Journey Laila Allathkani 0000 -

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves ourselves”. - William Shakespeare

As medical students, we face many difficulties and challenges, but this should not lead to fear, rather it should make you stronger and force you to learn more and more. Also, there are many ways to study more productively, maybe it won’t work out but what if it does? If you never try, you kill the possibility before it even had a chance. So, if your fear of failure is the only thing stopping you that’s not an excuse! First, take it easy, make a vision board, make a “To-do list “, watch YouTube videos, take it slow. "Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them!" David Allen. Now I am going to give you some effective tips: 1-Take notes by hand, this helps you process and reframe information. 2-Test yourself! this allows you to identify what has been grasped and which areas you need to spend more time on. 3- Read out loud / teach someone. Many students ask questions like how to study faster, how to focus when you study, how to manage time as a student, and other questions about the process of learning, so, time management is the most important thing in a medical student's life. The answer to "How to manage time being a medical student" is to create a master schedule : 1- Stay away from your bed. 2- Listen to music. 3- Making it PRETTY! 4-Drinking water and green tea helps me concentrate I don’t know why, but they do. Try it? 5-Try group studies and here I will give you a secret to stay accountable in your studies:…etc. I personally think studying alone is more peaceful, but group studies are still an idea! 29

Going Far in The Medicine Journey Laila Allathkani Work for that moment when you can finally say “I MADE MADE IT”. Also, I want you to remember that you will neve never always be motivated! You have to learn to be disciplin disciplined. Let me explain to you the POMODORO technique 000 that teaches you how to study faster. Focus for only 20-25 minutes. Then, take a break for 1-5 minutes then start again. So, the last thing I would like to talk about is that all of us have the same problem which is forgetting everything we learn right after reading it! You should try summarizing what you studied helps to retain information helpfully when cramming! When planning your week, set designated study time to prevent procrastination. Also, set small milestones to help increase motivation, and accomplishes more. You might have a difficult life or you faced tough conditions that held you back but you have to know that real growth starts when you get tired of your excuses. You can trust my words because I passed through tough times the past 2 years, I would rather not talk more about this subject, but I beg you DON'T give up! You will get better, maybe not today. but someday. It’s okay to let go until you find yourself again. Remember that disappearing doesn’t mean running away, being a medical student means you think a lot, you get scared and worry a lot, but you should stop overthinking and just do it. When your mind is wandering and you start overthinking, it could be that you’re not busy enough; that you are either not fully focused on your work or bored by it! Find a way to dive deep into what you are studying, and your mind won’t wander as much so BE busy when you study. Be 100% focused and remember that all you have is now so forget the past, learn from it, and work for your future! Remember that you don’t have to be perfect so don't underestimate your value. Selfrespect is very important, if you want to succeed you should learn to value yourself. You are your magician. Somehow, somewhere you will get what you deserve! I hope you become the kind of person you want to find in others, just try a little harder to be a little better. Darling! Take care of yourself, I wish you happy studying. 30

Committed Yara Al-sweiti Thoughts of success killing my high anxiety levels, a comm commitment to medicine throughout my entire life, learning learning skills that are changing me into an ambitious docto doctor, these were the things rolling in my mind after finishin finishing my first year of medicine. And this is what my life looks like now, an enthusiastic medical student full of passion and energy. Entering medicine was a tough journey, it had some great challenges on its own but I never thought that something bigger is waiting for me. Getting the acceptance in this major was my biggest desire and just then I discovered something greater, which is sketching the path to my lifelong medical journey. During my first year as a medical student I learned a lot, more than I expected. I learned to read textbooks, I tried reading research topics, but the thing that I learned most was a skill . A skill that took me from my lowest to my highest. This skill is called commitment. It sounds simple but it took me a year to grasp its true meaning. When I signed to enter medicine, sounds full of joy and happiness were surrounding me and I felt that I reached my highest. But when I got to live with my medical textbooks for a year, I got to understand that what I signed for was a commitment. It was a commitment from me to every single person in this world, that in the future I will be your guardian and I will be your bright exist after Allah. I learned that I am committed to provide all my skills and thoughts for a person who looks at me as his own protector. You don't know the feeling when a patient comes to you believing in your skills and knowledge. Medicine deals with people with souls, and diseases with brutal savage actions. Medicine is not like any major in college. Medicine is basically a commitment. I am committed pass through all hardships just to gain the smile of a satisfied patient.


Committed Yara Al-sweiti

abou learnin by 000

Another thing that should be addressed when talking about the life of a medical student is creativity. We are learning to sketch our path, you can't pursue medicine just by memorizing flashcards and reading textbooks. Enrolling in in research and medical activities opens lots of doors in your mind.

We flourish on creativity, this world moves everyday by our thoughts and ideas. Medicine improves each day and that was achieved by the curiosity of great ambitious doctors. Creativity and curiosity are two skills that I am learning as a medical student, and these two skills should always be present in the life of a medical student. I finished this year knowing that medicine is something so precious. It has something that we should deeply understand, it is more than a disease that needs to be cured with a dose of medicine. It’s a miracle that we can use, by the help of Allah, to save a life and brighten a future. I am now ready to be the best version of myself, I am ready to be the best doctor I possibly can. I signed to get this certificate "Doctor of Medicine" and I will stay committed to gaining information throughout my life so then I could be satisfied with the job I assigned to myself.


Not All Heroes Wear Capes; Some Wear A White Coat With A Stethoscope Around Their Neck Yara Kasasbeh Going to Med school is not just a simple choice, but it is a lifes lifestyle that we chose to live until the day we die, and a path that ev that everyone who took it thought it’s going to be the greatest adventure of all; as it changes the way we think, and perceive different things in our lives, from how we communicate, how we make new friends, how to set our priorities in life, and more importantly how valuable the things we learn are; as we know that what we study is not only for the sake of passing a subject, but it is for that day when our patients trust us with their lives, being so sure that we will handle them wisely using our knowledge. So how exactly did my life change so far after entering medical school? Being medical students has many advantages on our personalities, life skills, selfmanagement and more. I started to be more accustomed to working under stress and in an efficient way; living a life that we have to deal with many variables in it; from the many subjects we have to study to our social life and spending time with our beloved ones. All of that has made a great impact on the way I cope with the stress I go through, and how to maintain a balanced life between studying and social life. Also, the fact that getting so used to all these conditions forces us to accommodate and mature, leading to well productive and innovative lives. Being under stress continuously has also led to a very important skill that we gained which is time management. We got to the point where we knew that this lifestyle and major that we adopted in our lives requires us to set our priorities as we started to ask ourselves :” what’s more important?” and “ what matters the most” more often, now we know how to evaluate things and decide what weighs more and what’s more important to us, and based on that we arrange our priorities; cutting out all the unnecessary activities and things that don't affect our lives positively, working on our weak aspects and always trying to be better than yesterday; therefore managing our time to the maximum; making every moment in our daily life count from the second we wake up in the morning to the second we go to bed at night. The value of health is another thing we started to appreciate; as when we learn more about the different diseases in life and how many people are in pain because of them, and the huge numbers that are suffering everyday and maybe even dying;


Not All Heroes Wear Capes; Some Wear A White Coat With A Stethoscope Around Their Neck Yara Kasasbeh

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As some diseases cost people their lives, we get the chance to cherish having a good health; either physically or mentally, after realizing the blessing we have.

At this point, we start to be more grateful for the things we have and even for the smallest mechanisms in our bodies which are the reason why we are alive and capable of fulfilling our daily and basic needs without any burdens. However, with all that being said, it is known that in any healthy relationship we have to make sacrifices along the way in order to keep this relation going and to reach our goals, so we get to spend less time with our families and our beloved ones; as having so much work, and the amount of studying to do demands us to shorten 'family and friends' time to the point where sometimes we feel so lonely, and we can’t even complain; as everyone has high hopes for us, and expecting us to leave our finger prints on the walls of this world; so we ignore the fact that us humans are social creatures that need to interact and socialize, leaving an unseen disappointment and loneliness hidden deep inside of us. Let’s not forget to mention the mental breakdowns we get each time when stress reaches its peak during exams, while doing research and when trying to follow up with our professors day by day. All these factors lead us to a really pressured state; where we feel so helpless, let alone the self-abasement we tend to do each time we don’t get the exact results that we expected. All in all, working hard is the key to success and reaching our dreams. I think after these six years of different adventures in the medical field. We will be the strong independent individuals, that we all dreamed of becoming one day, and to be the ones who save the day every single day as not all heroes wear capes but some of them wear a white coat with a stethoscope around their necks.





To Express or Suppress Dana Aleassa

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The world is changing at a rate faster than ever. Yet, our brains face difficulties processing this rate of change, because of emotional neglect. Emotions are a way of voicing how one is feeling, which can be instigated by a situation that a person is in or by the people with who he interacts.

When it comes to being healthy physically, we do anything in our power to be fit, but how about our own emotional and psychological fitness? People don’t like the term "emotional”, They tie it with hysteria, paranoia, and irrational thinking. But emotions are what make us human. So, the difference in viewing emotions has to lead to different kinds of people. Some suppress positive or negative feelings towards a particular object or event. On the other hand, some people freely express their emotions. Emotions are first introduced to us as children by observation, assimilation, and then reaction. Consequently, children process and assign an emotion to every experience they have, whether good or bad. The parents' duty in these stages is to approach and behave in every situation carefully, in a way that a child can learn how to respond appropriately. According to a study named "The Distal Consequences of Physical and Emotional Neglect in Emerging Adults: A Person-Centred, Multi-Wave, Longitudinal Study"(1), Forcing children to suppress their feelings rather than helping them regulate their emotional needs, is a type of emotional neglect, leading to poor mental health outcomes. Causing risk of negative development in one’s personality, which may result in a person who lacks confidence and may deviate to aggression. Suppressing feelings can lead to painful consequences that disconnect the person from themselves and others around them, such as having a limited social life due to having difficulties with emotional intimacy and disliking getting sentimental, which makes connecting with others hard and, thus, they can't find someone to confide in.


To Express or Suppress Dana Aleassa

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Additionally, emotionally indifferent people do not acknowledge or prioritize their feelings, so they brush off and avoid any concerns and conversations from others about their emotions.

Moreover, a sign of an emotionally repressed person is that he/she is withdrawn and detached and does not know how to deal with his/her emotions, therefore developing excessive mood swings, making emotions come out in a problematic manner and taking his/her negativity out on others. Nevertheless, suppressing emotions is sometimes required in a situation of prejudice and is of disbenefit. In this case, expressing these emotions is not accepted ethically and legally, and it can lead to damage such as hurt and hatred for one another. Emotions and feelings are not taught, they come naturally. However, they can be controlled in a way of respect and politeness and not be so outward and forthcoming. That’s where emotional intelligence steps in. It is the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Thus, by having this characteristic, you can understand what emotion the situation incites. Emotions are needed in our daily life. Some are short-lived, like a flash of anger towards your employer, or long-lasting, like grieving for a lost one. Expressing these emotions makes us understand one another and influences our life decisions. They are necessary tools for us to survive in our society and are what make us human. They cannot be suppressed and ignored, no matter how unjust and ungrateful they are. Expressing your emotions will allow you to share the best of yourself with others but suppressing them will reveal your worst. Reference links:


Emotions: Express or Supress? Ghosson Otoom Us humans, we are a mass of emotions; both positive and nega and negative. It’s like blood flow; if we express them in a healt in a healthy way they will flow perfectly. Otherwise, they may may clot in a way we never imagine. So, the goal is to know the impor importance of expressing your emotions and the effect of them on your mental and physical health. Poor expression of emotions impacts your health in a negative way. It weakens your immune system's ability to fight off antigens and causes high blood pressure. So, you will be more likely to get infections and coronary heart disease. Your digestive system will be affected too by inhibition of digestion which causes ulcers. Also, stress upsets the body’s hormonal balance and lets you lose control over many things in your life. Stress plays a crucial role in increasing blood cholesterol levels leading to clotting. According to many scientific researches, people with emotion- related disorders are more likely to have decreased telomerase activity which mean their cells will be inactive, stop dividing and die!! Even if you don’t want to talk to anyone about your emotions; you can write, express and draw them in a notebook in any way you want without judgment or embarrassment. This will help you move on and turn the page. Try to think before suppressing your emotions because this won’t make them go away or disappear. It's important to recognize your emotions and be aware of the effect they have not only on each other, but also on your body, health, and relationships. Always remind your self that your health should come first. References: ** S030645301000243X **Emmons, R.A., McCullough, M.E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: an experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; 84(2):377-89. **Epel, E. S., Blackburn, E. H., Lin, J., Dhabhar, F. S., Adler, N. E., Morrow, J. D., & Cawthon, R. M. (2004). Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(49), 17312–5.


In the Sea of Emotions Farah Mohammad A novel hypothesis that identifies emotions says "Emotion "Emotion categories are abstract and conceptual, whose instan instances share a goal-based function in a particular context but are hi context but are highly variable in their affective, physical, an 000 and perceptual features”). Emotions, a major thing that identifies us humans, Emotions express our needs from early childhood and develop as we grow older to become more deeply sophisticated and meaningful. However, not all emotions are easy to handle, sometimes we see red or feel blue in an exaggerative way that could lead to physical damage such as self-harming or even could lead to developing signs of hypertension. Do we express such emotions at all times no matter what to avoid physical stress ? Or should we keep them to ourselves and handle the consequences alone ?

In my opinion, a kind of the go between the two statements is a possibly convenient approach. For example: one can express sadness to seek help and comfort from a loved one, it is okay also to shed some tears as it aids in reducing pain psychologically and physically- due to oxytocin and endorphin secretion upon crying . However, make sure that the act of crying isn't overly used. You can’t cry everywhere and in front of anyone as it could affect your social image! Not everyone accepts crying as a way to reduce negative emotions so be aware. On the other hand , for most people, anger could be harder to deal with than sadness or other negative emotions, and surely expressing anger whenever it is felt is easier than holding it in, but don’t forget that angry attitudes bring many conflicts and troubles especially in serious situations, leading generally to no rosy outcomes. But we still need a space to blow off the steam, don’t we? In order to maintain a stable and healthy mindset to back you up against anger, you can try doing some workouts like running, weight lifting, martial arts, or even just going out for a walk in the park or anywhere away from noise and breathing fresh air could be a great way to restore mental balance by thinking about the reason that made you angry and re-evaluating it, it might not be worth all the madness eventually! Lastly, I would like to say that from a certain point of view, life could be a great blessing for everyone given the chance to live it. What could be better than a chance to express your entity and existence to the fullest?


Emotions; Express or Suppress? Hala Qazaq People all around the world can lose an organ, a family memb member, can lose their houses, or lose electricity and water but t water but the only thing that we can't lose are our hearts unles unless we die. This pumping red machine keeps on sending 000 messages that give us the feeling of happiness, pride, sadness or even disappointment. Since each one of us has the right to feel, why do we suppress our emotions? Or overexpress them to people who don't deserve them? And what if our feelings are wrong due to our wrong perspective? There are so many different aspects of emotions, and they are: the feeling itself, the cause of that feeling, the time of expressing and for whom to express. They are all actually important but in my own opinion I would go for the feeling itself. Feelings may be happiness, sadness, pride, disappointment, love, hate, comfort or anxiety. Each one can give you a lesson depending on the situation. For example, subduing your anger can improve your mind and emotional control so you don't lose your temper. While expressing your happiness can lead to pride which leads to more and more achievements. Human beings are simply a body and a soul. Simply, our souls are the controller of our bodies, they feel something then behave accordingly, then feel again and so on. Isn't it worthy to express those feelings? That's why psychiatrists are here. If we don't express our emotions they will blow up and end up with shrapnel. Each one of us has a struggle that engages their mind and unconsciously steals their precious time, and that can be easily discussed with others to be solved . Expressing is not just talking about things verbally. If you're sad, crying can be a form of expression, and if you just achieved your meant goal, scream out, and be proud. Don't ever think of killing your emotions, it's really the only thing that can't be taken by others. Take advantage in that your feelings belong only to you. How about suppression ? Why do people bury their feelings? Well, so many scenarios would exist. Just like how piano keys are sharp, kind, and hoarse by moving from right to left, how they are black and white, people are like that.


Emotions: Express or Supress? Hala Qazaq -We will deal with so many different people, some of 0000 them have the potential to hear all your different problems 00 and feelings, while on the other hand, many of them are 000 already busy with their own lives and problems, even in the 000 same family. This is not the only obstacle, the feeling itself can make you hesitate to express it out! And in this case, you may find it easier to get through that by talking to foreign people, so they won't judge you or label you as a stereotype. Finding an available person to hear you may be hard except if it's a psychiatrist, even then, it is financially hard. Avoiding talking about your emotions can be fixed purposely or repressed unconsciously. This is well-talked about in Healthline online magazine [1]. The other main difference is that suppressing your feelings can be a self-decision after processing them. This would be a short-term solution but it will unfortunately come with psychological impact on the long-term, but repressing feelings can occur due to difficult childhoods involving domestic violence, and this is extremely serious. In general, both suppression and repression of emotions have a bad impact on health as concluded from a cross-sectional study which was done and resulted in a potential relation between elderly males with chronic diseases and management of emotions, as they can minimize negative psychological symptoms and improve the clinical picture of the patient. This is published in the National Centre for Biotechnology Information in the National Library of Medicine [2]. Both expressing and suppressing are hard for the person themself , but according to mentally and physically healthfulness and according to my own opinion; it's way better to express your emotions by choosing the most optimal time and the most suitable person. So, invest in your life by expressing your emotions and let everything in the pathway you feel comfortable in. An Austrian neurologist called Sigmund Freud once said: "Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways." Sources: [1]. [2].


Shall I Express or Suppress my Emotions? Hazar Alaabed

What are emotions?? Feelings we develop as a reaction to what ha what happens around us or within us. Do we possess them?? Yes, s Yes, since most of our actions and decisions can be driven by our emotions, hence, we are different from any device we create although we might share similar knowledge. Some people count emotions as a weakness so they always try to cover them and never admit them, and even try to stop feeling. Others show their emotions no matter what situation they are in and as a result, they are usually disadvantaged. Emotions -like any other weapon- can serve you or be used against you. Moreover, wise people do express negative emotions and do suppress positive emotions, it’s all about “WHAT’S THE OUTCOME?”. Accordingly, I have divided some common outcomes into when emotions should be expressed or suppressed. EXPRESS!! 1) Show your concern and care toward loved ones. You live in a life surrounded by people you hold dear; either your family, friends, classmates, teammates, or others whom you interact with frequently. People aren’t machines whom you should always treat with seriousness and by rules with no exceptions. Expressing your gratitude and appreciation towards who really help you or are there for you will benefit you in your future, if not present. Expressing your sadness, worry, anger, or guilt whenever you lose a dear person or if he/she is suffering isn’t harmful unless it comes out in excess resulting in hurting them or yourself, and by then it would defeat its purpose. In the other hand, your close ones might prefer certain kind of emotions expressed whenever they are in trouble. For example, they might choose that you express happiness and cheerfulness over worry and sadness, or humor and excitement toward unrelated subjects as distraction from what they are feeling inside. As long as the purpose of helping and caring for them is achieved, then you better not suppress those feelings specially if by expressing them you would point out that you understand them. For strangers you don’t know, make sure to express the obvious emotion depending on the situation without being too much. 42

Shall I Express or Suppress my Emotions? Hazar Alaabed

2) Relief and confessions Now Now, this is about dealing with yourself, particularly what you feel within your soul, including all types of emotions. If expressing your anger and frustration can help ease the pain, then you should let them out, not bottle them up. Choose the right timing and towards trustworthy people who would heal you rather than enrage you. 3) Emphasize and persuade If you are trying to convince others or get them to agree with you, depending on the matter at hand; expressing your emotions would benefit you. For example, happiness and pride toward your achievements and plans would make people join you and take you in. Expressing anger and sorrow when informing people of serious tragic events occurring for them to participate for a better future; will lead you closer to your goal. 4) Reveal part of yourself In general situations that don't demand suppressing emotions as what I will explain later, expressing your true emotions toward various matters while making friends, building connections, or dealing with strangers, would unravel what kind of a person you truly and simply are, especially emotions that would score you points like confidence despite your flaws, carelessness toward unimportant matters, or seriousness when required. SUPRESS!!! 1) Violence and harmful behaviour Most of us have come across what too much rage or depression can lead to, as in transferring such excessive energy via aggressive actions, causing harm to ourselves or others just to lessen the rage or distract us from the depression. You better suppress such emotions! I don't mean keeping them a secret and bottling them until you explode but dealing -


Shall I Express or Suppress my Emotions? Hazar Alaabed

with them irrationally inside us or seeking help from the exp experts rather than expressing them, therefore leading to negativ negative outcomes. Even excessive happiness and pride could lead someone to carelessly harm others unintentionally. Harmful behavior includes any action that cause pain mentally, emotionally, or physically. Remember, too much or too little of something whether it is positive or negative would not benefit you. b) Cloudy judgment and irrational situations Usually, emotions get in the way of our decisions; especially when we are in intensely important situations where taking the right choice is expected of you due to your experience and maturity. Here, what I mean by suppressing isn’t by hiding but rather to keep them in check within you. For example, when facing an opponent where exposing your anger and hatred toward him/her would allow him/her to use it against you. You won’t suppress your emotions without dealing with them mentally and getting used to not being agitated easily in an exaggerating way. On the other hand, your judgments of what you expect will happen or what to focus on in tough situations can either get you through the right road or get you off it, depending on if you allow your emotions to get the best of you, hence leading to cloudy judgements without considering the most important or the righteous option. Therefore, you should calm yourself down whenever you are overwhelmed with too many emotions and not let them show since they might discourage or mislead teammates surrounding you. The more you are capable of suppressing dangerous emotions in critical situations, the more it means that you can independently deal with them, hence you will conquer the situation instead of being conquered.


‫ترجمة المشاعر عبر الفن والتاريخ‬ ‫لينا عليان‬

‫تود الصدفة أن تعبر عن امتنانها للبحر الكبير‪ ،‬لكن كلماتها تستعصي على‬ ‫التنسيق بما يليق بمالذها اآلمن‪ ،‬تحاول ورقة الخريف التي تخاف الفراغ أن تكتب‬ ‫معّل قة يقرأها الريح يومًا ‪ ،‬وسنابٌل تود أن تخبر العالم بقسوة المنجل‪.‬‬ ‫ربما منذ األزل حاول اإلنسان تخليص نفسه من محكومية الضجر‪ ،‬وبات التأّم ل الذي يتلوه النسيان فكرة ترعبه من منظور أن ال‬ ‫أحد يفهمه وال يفهم خيباته وانتصاراته‪ ،‬ومن خوفه من أن يصبح جزءًا من المنسيين بعد عقد من الزمان‪.‬‬ ‫وبالرغم من تشابه المشاعر أحيانًا ‪ ،‬إاّل أن ظروف الحضارات المختلفة ووما مر عليها من ثقافات واستعمارات جعلت اإلنسان في‬ ‫وحدته وأطالله يستشعر جمال حقول القطن‪ ،‬ويتضامن مع شجرة في غابة وحيدة ويستخدم الزهرة للتعبير عن مشاعره‪.‬‬ ‫لطالما أيقن الكثيرون أن المشاعر ما هي إال رهينة العقل‪ ،‬هي النسخة الكاملة إلنسان كامل في زمان كامل ولكن تلك‬ ‫الكماليات ال تدوم طويًال وتلك األفكار والمشاعر تواجه ُب عد المكان‪ .‬فمن الممكن مثًال أن تكتب تحليًال لغويًا كامًال لقصيدة من‬ ‫قصائد "جوته" لكن من الصعب معرفة جوهر القصيدة الذي يريده هو‪ ،‬حتى المفكر األلماني جوته بنفسه ربما بعضًا من‬ ‫مشاعره ظلت مترنحة‪ ،‬محاصرة تبحث عن طريق للعبور‪.‬‬ ‫والمشاعر التي قد يمتلكها شخصًا عن شيء ما‪ ،‬قد يمتلك اآلخر مشاعر مختلفة عن ذات الشيء‪ ،‬فمنذ العصور القديمة‬ ‫ُم ّث لت الحمامة رمزًا للحب والسالم في الحضارات الكنعانية و اليونانية ومن ثم رمزًا للسالم في باريس‪ ،‬والغريب أن الحمامة قد‬ ‫تأخذ خياًال مختلفًا عند البعض‬ ‫كما في رواية الحمامة للكاتب باتريك زوسكيند حيث أصبحت‬ ‫بنظره محط تهديد داهم له على الرغم من رسالتها السامية‪،‬‬ ‫هي تحمل بين الطيبة أمواج مدججة بالخوف كأنه أراد‬ ‫إخبارنا عن ذلك الشعور الغامض والمثير لألعصاب و‬ ‫القشعريرة عندما نواجهه على نحو غير متوقع ُم حفّز ًا عاديًا‬ ‫في ظاهره لكنه يحمل أصداء تتردد أكثر عمقًا في مشاعرنا‪.‬‬ ‫وأما في السينما فمشاعر صّن اع األفالم تنمو على أسوار الالوعي عند المشاهد‪ ،‬فكثيرًا ما نشاهد صّن اع االفالم يحاولون‬ ‫ترجمة أفكارهم برموز بناًء على مشاعرهم الباطنية العميقة التي تتلمس جزءًا من أرواح المشاهدين ألنهم تذكروا شيئًا من‬ ‫ذكرياتهم القديمة مثًال والرمزية المضمرة تلك التي يريدون من المشاهد االحساس بها هي نابعة من ذكرياتهم القديمة‬ ‫وخيباتهم المدركة وغير المدركة‪ ،‬النظرة التي لم يشاركوها ألحد والورقة الناقصة التي فّض لوا االحتفاظ بها‪.‬‬ ‫وربما المشاعر التي فّض لنا االحتفاظ بها كانت احيانًا غير مفهومة لدى عقول البشر في ذلك الوقت أو مهابة من الجميع‬ ‫فنرى فكرة الموت قد اختلفت محاولة تجسيدها‪ ،‬فمرة تكون كهيئة طريق سريع أو العب شطرنج أو حتى ثمار برتقال!‬ ‫ومع أن االنسان قد استطاع أن ينقل الكثير من تجاربه ومشاعره بالرموز والمخطوطات والشعر وغيرها الكثير كما ذكرُت سابقًا‬ ‫إال أنه ال بد من أن يبقى جزءًا منها خلف قضبان الكتمان‪.‬‬


Emotions: Express or Supress? Jana Malhas

Living in a pretentious society, we have been taught to percei perceive expressing emotions as a sign of weakness rather than than an act of strength. Undermining the way we feel became our second nature. As a result, we were unconsciously conditioned to suppress emotions as a way to avoid expressing them. Especially as soon-to-be doctors working in highstress situations, we are trained to believe that emotional suppression is an effective strategy for emotional regulation. This however is far from the truth, which leads us to one question, When should we express? Most of us, especially in a clouded state of mind, fail to realize that just because something is hidden, does not mean it’s gone. These emotions, deep down, never really go away. They eat us up and consume our minds, bringing out loads of extreme inner pain, until someday we reach our limit and we are no longer able to deal with them in a healthy way. Yes, emotional suppression might decrease outward expressions of emotion, but not the internal emotional experience. Not only that, but it tends to create a host of downstream effects, including anxiety, depression, and many other mental disorders. Some may even resort to substance abuse and in extreme cases, to suicide as a way of relief. Therefore, the question here does not lay in when, but how. How can we express in a way that won’t cause further damage? The key is management. Find ways that help you manage your emotions, then opt for expressing them in a way that is both healthy for yourself and for those who surround you, whether it is through journaling, drawing or simply by talking. Even when it feels like such a hard thing to do, express. Your feelings are valued and deserve to be treated as such. Expressing emotions is not and will never be a sign of weakness. We are human. We are meant to feel. Allow yourself to experience, allow yourself to accept, allow yourself to express.


Emotions: To Express or To Suppress! Salman Shetayyah

decision have.

Emotions define as complex feelings that affect the decisions we make, the things we do, and the perception we have.

Therefore, it's important to know the proper way of handling our emotions; because it can enhance the quality of our life and our mental health. According to the pleasure-seeking principle, humans tend to do what makes them feel good and avoid what hurts them. That explains why people express their emotions sometimes and suppress them other times. Here we raise the question of whether we should express or suppress our emotions. Express your emotion. Gandhi believed that “happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” This quote emphasizes the importance of emotional expression, which is essential for connecting our needs, desires, and emotions, and can help you form more authentic relationships and portray yourself more truthfully. In addition, studies show that people who express emotions have greater life satisfaction, less stress, and more psychological resilience. Not to mention the great pleasure of sharing our emotions with people and the feeling of relief that comes after it. Talking to a reliable person (family member, friend, or therapist) is one form of emotional expression. Writing, drawing, and other types of art can be used to express emotions as well. According to psychologists, this is the right way of dealing with emotions. Don't suppress your emotions. Emotional suppression defines as actively pushing uncomfortable feelings out of your consciousness. It can be a good solution in the short term as you will avoid feeling bad or getting hurt by negative emotions.


Emotions: To Express or To Suppress! Salman Shetayyah


But in the long term, the consequences will be too bad. Here's why:

In a study in which participants either expressed or suppressed their emotions following watching a disturbing film, those who suppressed their feelings experienced greater distress and relatively increased cardiovascular activation. Other studies show that emotion suppression was related to poor relationships, lower social satisfaction, lower social wellbeing, and more negative first impression. According to psychologists; emotional suppression was related to increased depressive symptoms.

Bottom line, Facing your emotions and feelings, even the ones that don't feel great, can help improve your emotional wellbeing over time, as well as your relationship with yourself and anyone else you care about. While suppressing emotions can worsen your mental health and destroy your relationships with people. So express and don't suppress.

-Sources: - - - - read more at:


Emotional Suppression – Why We Do It and How To Avoid It Shahd Alomari

People often perceive emotions as either positive or negative, negative, and based on that they choose whether to express or su or suppress them. We use emotions as tools to help us respond to our encounters; we express joy and excitement as a reaction to good news. But sometimes we may choose to suppress other feelings as a coping mechanism. Imagine you have a group project, its due date is within two days, and your classmates text you that they have not started working on it. Naturally, you would fill up with frustration and even anger. But rather than confronting them about it, you ignore the issue. This is suppression: actively but temporarily pushing emotions aside in order not to deal with them. As mentioned earlier, suppression is a coping mechanism with many underlying reasons. It could be to hide vulnerability, to avoid conflict, or due to lack of confidence. Whatever the reason may be, suppression will have many negative effects in the long run. To begin with, masking your emotions will not make them go away, but rather do the exact opposite. Bottling your anger every time - like you might’ve done earlier with your classmates – will only intensify the feeling and result in an emotional buildup. Eventually, these bottled emotions would erupt like a volcano. Furthermore, masking your emotions will also put a strain on your relationships. With the lack of emotions comes the lack of communication, and that will make it difficult to resolve conflicts and work through your problems. Fortunately, this is not a dead-end and it all can be prevented. Start by practicing simple habits like mindfulness, sharing your feelings honestly and learning how to cope with intense emotions. These tips all lead back to emotional intelligence (EI): the ability to manage and deal with your emotions to relieve stress, resentment and to maintain healthy relationships.


Emotional Suppression – Why We Do It and How To Avoid It Shahd Alomari

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EI is extremely important and plays a huge role on our lives. Being in constant distress negatively reflects on our productivity, social life, and physical health;

Therefore, it is crucial to know and implement the four key skills for EI in your life: 1. Self-management: be in control of your emotions, and always try to look at the full half of the glass. 2. Self-awareness: practice mindfulness and learn to find calmness in the storm. 3. Social awareness: be empathetic and pay attention for non-verbal cues and signs. 4. Relationship management: be truthful, kind and listen to the other side without judgement. It is normal to conceal emotions every now and then based on the situation, as long as you aren’t denying yourself from your own experiences. Remember to connect to your emotions, to process them and to learn how they influence your actions. References:


‫المشاعر‪ ،‬هل نكبتها أم نعبر عنها؟‬ ‫رواء النعيمات‬

‫كم مرة وجدت نفسك تبكي أو تصرخ أو تغضب ويكون السبب غير متناسب مع حجم‬ ‫غضبك وال يحتاج إلى كل هذا االنفعال؟ ما الذي يجعلنا نفعل ذلك سوى تراكمات من‬ ‫مواقف صغيرة مشابهة أو كبيرة كتمناها في أنفسنا؟‬ ‫هل نستطيع أن نتحرر من كل هذه الضغوطات أوًال بأول لكي ال نشعر بهذا الثقل الذي يصل إلى مرحلة االنفجار في نهاية‬ ‫المطاف ونعبر عنه بطرق غير صحية؟ وما هي الطرق التي تساعد على ذلك؟‬ ‫ما المشاعر إال طاقة تنتشر في داخلنا وتخرج إلى محيطنا‪ .‬فكم مرة كنت تشعر بالقلق أو الحزن وذهبت إلى مكان يجتمع فيه‬ ‫أصدقاء مرحون‪ ،‬يضحكون ويتمازحون ثم تشعر أن طاقتهم تنتقل إليك وتنتشلك من الحالة التي كنت تغرق فيها وتقفل عائدًا‬ ‫إلى منزلك بطاقة جديدة مختلفة تمامًا ‪ .‬وكم مرة دخل عليك شخص وبدأ بالشكوى أو الشتم أو الصراخ والغضب وشعرت أن‬ ‫طاقته أثرت على مزاجك بشكل سلبي؟‬ ‫فإن استطعنا أن نتحكم بتلك الطاقة التي بداخلنا‪ ،‬نستطيع أن نتحرر من كل تلك المشاعر السيئة ونستبدلها بمشاعر إيجابية‬ ‫وسعيدة‪ .‬ولكن أحيانًا تبدر منا تصرفات متكررة نتساءل كيف ولماذا خرجت بهذه الطريقة‪ ،‬سواء كانت تصرفات سيئة أو طرق‬ ‫تفكير معينة‪ ،‬والحقيقة أنها تكون نتيجة ردة فعل بسبب بعض المشاعر التي شعرنا بها في طفولتنا وتم كبتها في حينها‪.‬‬ ‫وعندما تتصرف مثل هذا التصرف أو تنفعل بطريقة ما‪ ،‬اعلم أن طفلك الداخلي هو من أصدر هذا الشيء كي يخبرك أنه ما‬ ‫زال هنا وأن بعض المشاكل التي لم يتم حلها في حينها بعدم االستماع من اآلخرين المعنيين عادت للظهور من جديد‪ .‬فمثًال ‪،‬‬ ‫قد تلجأ للصراخ وقت الغضب‪ ،‬ألنه ال أحد كان يستمع إليك ولم يلفت لك االنتباه‪ ،‬حتى وإن كان موقفًا واحدًا ‪ ،‬فإنه يكفي إللحاق‬ ‫كل هذا الضرر و الصراع في داخلك‪ .‬وال تلم أحدا على ذلك‪ ،‬ألنه ال يوجد إنسان كامل والجميع مشغول في حياته ويعتقد أنه‬ ‫يقدم أفضل ما عنده‪ .‬والحل لهذه المشكلة يتطلب منك الجلوس بمكان هادئ مع نفسك عندما يظهر لك "مسبب"‬ ‫وتتصرف بتلك الطريقة أو تشعر بذات المشاعر‪ ،‬وتحاول تذكر متى كانت أول مرة في حياتك شعرت بهذه المشاعر‪ .‬متى كانت‬ ‫أول مرة صرخت وبكيت بمثل هذا الشكل؟‬ ‫متى شعرت بالغيرة أول مرة في حياتك؟ متى شعرت أنك لست مسموعا؟ متى تصرف معك شخص بسوء ولم تجد أحدا‬ ‫يدافع عنك؟ متى تعرضت للتنمر؟ متى أخفقت في امتحان؟ متى أنجزت شيئا ولم يمدحك أحد؟ هل كان يجب أن تنجز شيئا‬ ‫عظيما لتحصل على المديح والثناء؟‬ ‫قد يظهر لك أكثر من موقف عند كل مسبب تقف عنده‪ ،‬قف عند أحد هذه المواقف وانظر إلى المشهد‪ ،‬انظر إلى هذا‬ ‫الطفل كيف شعر وانظر إلى الطرف اآلخر كيف جعله يشعر بذاك الشعور‪ .‬حاول التكلم معه وأخبره بأنك تسمعه وتخيله‬ ‫يشكو لك من الذي حصل‪ ،‬انصت له‪ .‬ثم تخيل أن الطرف اآلخر تصرف بالطريقة التي وددت أن يتصرف حينها معك‪ ،‬أن يسمع لك‬ ‫مثًال أو أن ينتظرك أو يأخذ بيدك أو يدافع عنك أو يشعرك بالحنان‪ .‬اصرخ عليه‪ ،‬عاتبه قل ما شئت قوله حينها وقل له ما احتجت‬ ‫‪.‬حينها‬


‫المشاعر‪ ،‬هل نكبتها أم نعبر عنها؟‬

‫ستظهر لك بعض المشاعر على السطح وأنت تطبق هذا التمرين‪ ،‬ربما ستبدأ‬ ‫بالبكاء وهذا يعني أنك بدأت تخرج كل هذه التراكمات والمشاعر المكبوتة‪ .‬حينها‬ ‫فقط ستبدأ تدريجيًا بتغيير تصرفاتك وطريقة تفكيرك لألمر الذي يسبب لك كل هذا األذى‪.‬‬ ‫كرر التمرين كل مرة تشعر أنك ما زلت تنفعل بنفس هذه الطريقة‪ ،‬وسترى أن هذه األمور لن تضايقك وستتصرف بطريقة‬ ‫جديدة‪.‬‬ ‫الكثير من المشاكل في العالقات وأساليب التعلق أصلها أمور لم تحل في داخلك فعندما تطّب ق هذا التمرين ستجد نفسك‬ ‫تتخلص من التعلق السيء الذي يعيق تقدمك في حياتك‪.‬‬ ‫أما بالنسبة للمضايقات اليومية‪ ،‬فاحرص على مواجهتها عند حدوثها‪ .‬إن استطعت ناقش الطرف المعني بها وحاول الوصول‬ ‫إلى حل‪ .‬وإن لم تستطع‪ ،‬اكتب المشكلة على ورقة وفرغ كل تلك األحداث السيئة التي حصلت لك‪ .‬ويمكن أيضا أن تتكلم مع‬ ‫شخص يعرفك جيًد ا وتثق به في حل تلك المشاكل إليجاد األنماط الفكرية التي لديك ومن ثم إيجاد الحلول‪ .‬اعمل على بناء‬ ‫شخصيتك التي تحب دائمًا ‪ ،‬واقرأ أكثر عنها وأحط نفسك بالناس الذين تطمح أن تكون مثلهم‪ .‬إن لم نخرج تلك المشاعر والطاقة‬ ‫المكبوتة‪ ،‬فسوف تتسلل األمراض الجسدية منها والنفسية إلى حياتنا‪ ،‬وسنتصرف إلى األبد بتصرفات يتضايق منها الناس‬ ‫من حولنا وسنخسر عالقاتنا معهم ولن نتمكن أيضًا من تحقيق إنجازات عظيمة؛ ألننا ببساطة عالقين في دائرة مغلقة‪.‬‬ ‫‪-‬مصدر التمرين‪ :‬كتاب الحضور‬




Medical Rumors: Why Your Facebook Friend is Wrong Hasan A,Khasawneh

In the midst of the Covid pandemic, an overwhelming numb number of medical rumours and widespread misinformation reg regarding vaccination, ways of prevention, and protocols of treatment were spread around. Unsurprisingly, such posts soon gained huge popularity all around the globe, and users were sharing them without paying much appreciation to whether there is any scientific rationale behind them or not. This article discusses the question of Why your Facebook friend is wrong? What drives them to share such delusive information? And on the other side, what makes you take them seriously? Why do they still get shared? Humans love drama! An article with the title “A vaccine for COVID-19 developed in an underground lab run by aliens” will probably receive way more clicks than a report issued by Pfizer containing scientific data supported with evidence obtained via actual vaccine trials. This is probably due to the simplicity of myths, compared to the sophisticated and difficult-to-digest scientific language. Now let us get some statistics; a cross-sectional study during the COVID pandemic focused on five common rumors about where the virus first leaked and hypothesized prevention methods. The outcomes of the study were: 1. Participants with higher education levels are exposed to receiving more rumors. But they are less likely to believe or re-share them. 2. The vast majority of the study subjects had confessed to re-sharing misleading information even when they were aware of the fact that they lack any source of scientific evidence. However, such behavior is unlikely linked to fraudulent intentions. Rather, people who were sharing them did that just for the sake of fun, or other nonmalicious intents. 3. The spread of health misinformation can adversely influence public health campaigns. 4. Strategies to target education or individual vulnerabilities may be more effective. 5. The major sources of the rumors were Facebook, WhatsApp, and non-medical websites. 54

Medical Rumors: Why Your Facebook Friend is Wrong Hasan A,Khasawneh

Another Cross-sectional study that looked for reasons tha that make social media users share the rumours, depicted the the following outcomes: Altruism is the most significant factor of fake news sharing. Other factors like socialization, information seeking, and pass-time also make strong factors. Finally, the internet is an easy and fast way for everyone to seek information on any topic that they may think of. Therefore, we must always try to obtain information from reliable sources. The medical professional’s speech or academic articles are rarely simplified for an audience outside the medical field. Which unfortunately leaves these easy-to-understand and ready to dissolve rumors the way to go whenever we have an urge to satisfy the thirstiness of our curiosity.

References: 1- Long, V., Koh, W., Saw, Y., & Liu, J. (2021). Vulnerability to rumours during the COVID-19 pandemic in Singapore. ( 2- Apuke, O., & Omar, B. (2021). Fake news and COVID-19: modelling the predictors of fake news sharing among social media users. (


A Green Way Marah Olimat

Have you ever thought of being an artist, to draw a 00000 painting by your own hands? Have you ever thought that you 0000 could create your own brush and colors by yourself and draw way that leads you to paradise, "A Green Way”? “I can because I can." Repeat these words in your mind, because your subconsciousness will give you the aura which no one or nothing can penetrate, just repeat them. Give yourself the chance to see this world carefully, to create your own touch and to write on the walls of your heart "I'm free", break your prison bars and let your soul fly with the wind. Try! Freedom is beautiful, isn't it? Don't be like light; when it moves from a medium with low density to another with higher density, it breaks. When you move from life with few worries to another with more worries, don't break and stay strong. Oh yeah, all people have a heart and this heart has many beats filled with love, believe me! All hearts beat with love even if it is only one beat. So, open your heart and search well, maybe you'll find the rock named sensation! Make yourself a garden where you plant flowers with no thorns, make these flowers your morals and don't forget to irrigate them with your Islam water. Try to learn the language of nature, generosity is its words, love is its sound and brotherhood is its own title. Be yourself and don't be like others, don't you want to be special? Now, why don't you give yourself gold wings and fly in your special way, your "Green Way"?


One Organ Defect, All Systems in Pain Hussam Tashtoush

The human body consists of many levels of organizations; all all living structures are made of cells, which are made of many many molecules; cells are the smallest independent living part of the human body which is made of different cell types, each with a particular function, many cells are combined and organized into a tissue that performs a specific function. These tissues combine to form organs, and multiple organs make an organ system, which then gives rise to a complete organism. In this article, we will explain the relationship between organ systems, such as the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and how defects in one system can affect another. The lungs are part of the respiratory system and contain bronchi and bronchioles that terminate in alveoli (the functional units) which are surrounded by an extensive capillary network that forms the site of gaseous exchange. The blood from the right side of the heart takes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, when this procedure ends, the blood returns to the left side of the heart. The heart consists of four chambers, two ventricles, and two atria; blood moves in closed loops. It firstly circulates in the body, then collects and fills the right atrium, moves into the right ventricle that pumps the blood into the pulmonary arteries in the lungs to pick up oxygen. The blood then travels back to the heart through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium, to the left ventricle, and finally out to the other organs and tissues through the aorta. Any defect in these mechanisms will lead to diseases and harm both systems. For instance, in pulmonary atrial hypertension (PAH), which is high blood pressure in the lung, the blood vessels in the lungs are narrow, blocked, or destroyed, the damage slows blood flow through the lungs, which raises the blood pressure in the lung arteries. The heart must then work harder to pump blood to the lungs. This extra effort eventually causes the heart muscle to become weak and fail, which leads to right-sided heart failure.


One Organ Defect, All Systems in Pain Hussam Tashtoush

Another example, Mitral stenosis, which means that the va valve cannot open enough, and as a result, less blood flows to th to the body. The upper heart chamber swells as pressure builds up. Blood and fluid may then collect in the lung tissue (pulmonary edema), making it hard to breathe, which can lead to pulmonary hypertension due to increased blood pressure in pulmonary veins, and eventually lead to right-sided heart failure. There are many examples to describe the relationships of body systems and the mechanisms of how they work together, and how a symptom in one system may indicate a problem in another. Finally, the human body has many vital functions and mechanisms that link the body systems together. Understanding these mechanisms and how one organ affects another helps to diagnose the diseases in a better way. References: 1.1: Levels of Organization of the Human Organism. Medicine LibreTexts. (2020). Retrieved from Preparatory_Course_(Liachovitzky)/01%3A_Levels_of_Organization_of_the_Human_Organism/1.01%3A_Levels_ of_Organization_of_the_Human_Organism. Respiratory Tract | SEER Training. Retrieved from Pulmonary hypertension - Symptoms and causes. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Retrieved from Encyclopedia, M. Mitral stenosis: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Retrieved from


Why Mental Health Care Accessibility Matters Rama Amourah

Immense progress has been recently made in psychology psychology and in social acceptance and integration of its theo theories and findings. While we have come far in terms of understanding mental health and its importance, it is still associated with stigma and frivolity. It is a widely held belief that mental health is not a legitimate concern and that psychological services are only for those with too much privilege to have “real problems”, or people who cannot function in society. Unfortunately, the fact is that mental illness is one of the systemic barriers to better health and well-being that disadvantaged communities face. At this point, the reader may be wondering, “Why would mental health be such a concern for people with much more urgent and concrete problems?” While it is understandable to think that about people whose basic needs are not guaranteed, it is nonetheless flawed, because it overlooks the fact that one’s psychological state does not exist in a vacuum: the many stressors of living in poverty or marginalization increase the burden of mental illness in a community. The fact that mental health services are often inaccessible to these very communities due to factors such as stigma, high costs, and lack of local healthcare providers means that affected people may not be able to recognize their problems or know when and how to seek help. Untreated mental illness hurts physical health and can fuel harmful behaviors such as self-medication with toxic substances, self-harm, and general disregard for one’s life and safety. These problems ultimately have tangible consequences: the dangerous maladaptive responses to deteriorating mental wellness cause an increase in morbidity and mortality while reducing productivity. Therefore, mental health can and does affect the health, social, and economic outlook of a community. Many of the studies intended to improve the well-being of various communities around the world mainly target the financial aspect of poverty. This approach seems the most intuitive, given that the focus of understanding and alleviating poverty is mostly economic. With that being said, poverty relief interventions will not necessarily improve mental health and its associated problems in marginalized communities. 59

Why Mental Health Care Accessibility Matters Rama Amourah

A paper by Crick Lund et al. compiles two reviews: one on stud on studies investigating the effects of poverty interventions on m on mental health, and the other on studies investigating the economic outcome of mental health interventions. Upon comparison, it is revealed that there is a stronger association between mental health interventions and better economic status than there is between economic relief and better mental health. This result indicates that mental illness is a significant aspect of poverty that must receive a higher priority than it currently does in research and policy on every level. Measures must be taken to ensure access to various effective mental health services, and to make sure that these services are overseen by and adapted to the communities they serve. That way, we will be one step closer towards bridging the inequities many of us face and building a society where every individual has the resources they need to attain the most happiness, health, and fulfillment that they possibly can. References Knifton, L., & Inglis, G. (2020, October). Poverty and mental health: Policy, practice and research implications. Retrieved from Lund, C., Silva, M. D., Plagerson, S., Cooper, S., Chisholm, D., Das, J., . . . Patel, V. (2011). Poverty and mental disorders: Breaking the cycle in low-income and middle-income countries. The Lancet, 378(9801), 1502-1514. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(11)60754-x Mental Health and Destructive Behavior. (2019, October 15). Retrieved from World Health Organization., Mental Health Gap Action Programme,. (n.d.). MhGAP intervention guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-Specialized health settings: Mental health gap action programme (mhGAP).


We are Resilient, We are Programmed to Survive Mohammad Darawsheh

At the beginning of this article, you will think it's about me b me but by the end, you will realize it is about all of us. 2020 was th was the worst year for most people. It was the year that threw us under the bus, punishing us in the face directly without prior notice, it was a unique year in all the awful aspects, and after I picked up my courage piece by piece, I decided to open up and write about 2020. Globally, everything started in March, a stay-at-home request, most people took it as a holiday, and in few days, we were supposed to be back to our underestimated daily life: our universities, schools, mosques, churches, governmental jobs, or offices. Then, a quarantine followed by lockdown took place, and now all of us are prevented from getting into contact with more than a specific number of people, our holidays were off, and the prison we created was on. Markets, shops, and restaurants were closed, millions of people lost their jobs. And now we all have to stay at home with our families, which was something we are not used to, twenty-four-seven locked in the same place with nothing to do except look in each other's eyes. We are humans living in the modern world as machines, but between day and night, we had nothing to do but sit in our homes. Everyone knows how hard 2020 was in all aspects, since financially: great numbers of people lost their jobs. Scientifically: producing vaccines in such a short period was challenging. And physically: food became more irresistible than ever, sitting on your couch watching videos on Facebook (how to make cookies in 15 min? or the easiest way to make donuts at home! and make pasta with two ingredients found in any kitchen!) Yeah, I know it wasn't just me! It is the sad story of learning crucial life skills like cooking, in the wrong way. Weeks and months passed, but nothing changed except our weights.


We are Resilient, We are Programmed to Survive Mohammad Darawsheh

Finally, the worst aspect is mentally and psychologically: vvvv depression, anxiety, frustration, and discussions about 0000 000 other disorders increased during the pandemic. And not to forget those whose conditions became several times worse during the pandemic like domestic violence victims. I think I wrote a lot, and I believe there is even more to say about last year. But finally, let me end with some recommendations for me before you: never neglect your health both mentally and physically because this neglect will drive you down the cliff, learn from 2020 and create a better 2021 and 2022. We still have time to heal and pray for a healthier, safer new world. Always remember what Carl Sagan said: "Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception." So, we are the exception. Move forward.



MU LC RECAPS SCOME [Teaching Medical Skills] Teaching medical skills is one of the most important projects started by MULC -SCOME team because it represents the core and the main goals of our standing committee. It teaches our members the necessary skills for any med student or a doctor. One session was held by trainers in Amman and the team is planning on holding more sessions to introduce different skills in the near future.

SCOPH [Fighting NCDs] With the growing indulgence in unhealthy diets and lifestyles , the indicators of non-communicable diseases rise, and this is a critical element concerning the public. So, this project came to highlight these practices and raise awareness about many NCDs and how to prevent them. Therefore, six different steps were carried out, the first one was an awareness video regarding NCDs. The second step was a lecture given to medical students about diabetes, the third and fourth steps were videos presented by a dietitian about fasting in Ramadan and healthy choices of meals, and she also helped the team publish a series of posts regarding healthier products we can use daily. For the fifth step, it was a lecture about congestive heart failure directed to medical students, and the last step was a workshop which has been held in a kindergarten to teach kids practices for healthier lives ahead.


MU LC RECAPS SCORA [Defeating GBV] Defeat GBV is a project that was initiated to spread awareness regarding violence as its incidence is increasing nowadays. Three steps were done, for the first one it was awareness video that included numbers, facts and stories from victims of GBV. For the second step, it included public interviews with questions directed to the public population regarding GBV. Finally, the third step was a workshop about violence against women and its impact on their mental health.

SCORP [International Days] From our belief of the importance of international awareness days; we have celebrated five of them to help raise awareness. The first day was international women's day where we showed our professors our gratitude towards them by gifting them flowers , the second day was self-injury awareness day where we held support group sessions during the whole month with the aid of a psychologist to help our colleagues who need support or simply a listening ear. The third day was hepatitis international day where a session was held to raise awareness regarding it. The fourth day was labor day where the team with the help of volunteers helped in cleaning the roads of Amman. The fifth and final day was Down Syndrome international day and the team celebrated it with three different steps; the first one as they participated in the Bahja Bazar that was held to sell handmade accessories made by down syndrome children, the second step was a video directed to the community about the struggles that people with down syndrome face, the last step was a pizza making workshop directed to children with down syndrome to draw a smile on their faces!


MU LC RECAPS SCOPE [Health and Sports] This project aims to highlight the importance of sports and its positive relation to optimizing health. It will also focus on how sports improve mentation and help individuals organize their days and life in general. So far, the team held three steps, one of them was an event supervised by Dr. Mohammad Al Hajjiri - an interventional cardiologist - to post daily advice regarding health. The second step was an awareness video, as for the third one, it was a session that discussed how to choose healthier choices in life.

SCORE [Primary Research Techniques] As the importance of research is increasing; it is essential for every student in the medical field to have completed a study. It was important to start this project in order to teach students the basic principles of research and how to start in one. Even though the project is still in its first steps, one of its main goals is to enroll medical students of Mutah university in research to enrich their experiences. So, the team held a workshop about the principles of research.


UJ LC RECAPS SCOME [Study Smarter] Acknowledging the stress and pressure medical students go through in balancing between their studies, personal affairs, and hobbies, we decided to host this 3-step online project to help address these exact concerns, with participants at the end sharing how satisfied they were and how useful they found it. The first step was a webinar attended by about 100 participants, where a psychiatrist shared techniques on how to cope with stress in medical school, and a medical student running her own tutoring business shared her time management tips and tricks. In subsequent steps, 200 participants were guided on how to study in clinical and basic years, whilst mentioning the best resources and techniques.

SCOPH [Scoliosis Awareness] Recognizing that awareness about scoliosis is scarce and highly neglected in our society, this project aims to provide families, individuals, medical students, and practitioners with the information they need to know about scoliosis, as well as supporting scoliosis patients to overcome the handicaps they face and help them develop their self-esteem. In just two steps so far, the team took advantage of online platforms to reach a wide audience. In the first step, the team hosted an interactive online session with Dr. Osama Odat, to teach 60 medical students about scoliosis, its manifestations, and treatment options. The ongoing second step is a social media campaign that has released 3 videos thus far, each narrating the story of a famous person who was able to achieve their dreams whilst having scoliosis.


UJ LC RECAPS SCORA [Stop It!] In an effort to educate women on their rights, and empower them to use their voices without fear of backlash, the Stop It! team decided to raise awareness on sexual harassment, and use their platform to share practical advice and free therapy with specialists. Sexual harassment occurs more commonly in this country than people care to admit, so they first shared a video with definitions and vital statistics on the matter, then held webinars with a psychiatrist, a lawyer, and the cybercrimes unit. Finally, after collecting over 100 personal harassment stories, they anonymously shared them in a video to showcase the effects such an experience has on a woman’s life, emotional and mental health, and feelings of safety.

SCORP [Generous Hearts] In the holiday spirit, this project aimed to make Ramadan more joyful for less fortunate families. Over the course of Ramadan, six steps creatively engaged over 70 participants and collected over 1500 JD in donations, such as an online FIFA tournament and a fast walk event. This money was used to prepare and distribute food packages for 100 families and clothes packages for 60 families during the holy month of Ramadan, and 23 Eid packages. May Allah bless these families and everyone who contributed to the success of this project!


UJ LC RECAPS SCOPE [SCOPE Team] The SCOPE Team continues on with refreshing fundraiser activities that help our stressed students let off some steam! Starting summer in a good way, they hosted a barbeque movie night which welcomed 84 students of different years and different universities. It was such a hit, they had to repeat the barbeque night, hosting it in one of Jordan’s best places with a view; 53 people came to experience such a lovely sitting and great food! They then went on to gather 46 boardgame lovers together for a day of fun and laughter to destress after exams. Looking forward to how they will promote the mental wellbeing of our students next!

SCORE [Clash of Minds] Understanding the importance of research based on the scientific method and appreciating it is important for any person working in the healthcare field. As we recognize that debating is enjoyed by everyone in various stages of their medical career, we decided to train 30 medical students (over two training sessions) on proper debate skills and etiquette, and used this to generate increased interest of medical students in research. In the final main event, 30 students and 4 moderating professors attended the research debate. They were exposed to new and innovative research articles and, being encouraged to start conversing and expressing their perspectives on these articles, developed the confidence and sparked the creativity needed to help them start generating their own new research ideas.


JUST LC RECAPS SCOME [Bridge To Success] Bridge to Success is considered one of the biggest projects if not the biggest done by SCOME this term. The aim of this project is to teach medical students the traits and skills that would make one a unique, distinctive, and successful doctor; in addition to establishing a favorable routine to have a well-organized life. The steps were very interesting not only due to the information given but due to the special speakers that were able to share their extensive knowledge.

SCOPH [Brave Hearts] Recent studies have shown that women tend to have higher mortality rates and worse prognoses. This is because heart diseases in women are usually less detected and often not well recognized. That could be due to healthcare professionals lacking knowledge about the true manifestations of cardiovascular diseases in women. Therefore the team over at Brave Hearts took it upon themselves to host this project to raise awareness and improve knowledge among medical students and doctors about the unique manifestation of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women.


JUST LC RECAPS SCOPH [Organ-Blood Donation/Abdullah Abu Tawileh Project] Organ and blood donation is one of the most important subjects that people should know about as it can save many lives. Doctors across the world always try their best to raise awareness and focus on the key facts related to the topic. Unfortunately in Jordan, there's a lack of awareness about it and how such thing can have a massive impact on someone's life. So, we present you with Abdullah Abu-Tawilah Project, this project is very special to us as it has been running for multiple years. The team this year held two steps one in King Abdullah II Garden and the other in Irbid City Center, where they educated the public on the importance of this topic and shed light on how to become a donor.

SCORA [The Other Side] The Other side is a unique project that brought light to a rather important topic. Postpartum Depression is truly a despicable disease that robs mothers of their sense of happiness and achievement. The team held multiple steps with the goal to raise awareness about this disease, and to stand by mothers suffering from it. Their slogan #You_Are_Not_Alone is what they say to stand with all the mothers going through Postpartum Depression.


JUST LC RECAPS SCORP [Ramadan Relief] Ramadan Relief is a great project done by SCORP with a very humane goal. The project took place in The Gaza Camp, which was established in 1968 for Palestinians who fled due to the Arab-Israeli war that took place the year before. Sadly, the camp has very low standards of living due to unemployment and scarce resources. These conditions were even exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our team managed to raise over 1950 JD which helped secure packages for 93 families.

SCOPE [Hiking Trip] The hiking trip was definitely a refreshment for the LC as it allowed the participants to enjoy themselves after all the lockdowns. SCOPE took the participants to Wadi Ayah, Madaba. Where they participated in plenty of fun exciting activities such as zip-lining, swimming, cliff slip and slide, and rappelling.


JUST LC RECAPS SCORE [Mind Space Invaders] This term SCORE did a lot of things to educate medical students on research as not only did hold many projects, it provided many Research Opportunities and research courses to strengthen their knowledge on that matter. One of the projects they did was Mind Space Invaders, the goal of this project was to explain the importance of adhering to ethical principles, as research ethics govern the standard of conduct for Scientific Research.

SCORE [Science Shelter] Science Shelter aims to provide medical students with the opportunity to learn about some important topics in genetics and biochemistry, and then visit the labs where instructors will guide them through the different procedures and techniques they learned about in the first step. This project took place in Princess Haya Biotechnology Center in KAUH.


HU LC RECAPS SCOME [OSCE Course] The black team held an OSCE course, it was a unique opportunity for the students to test their knowledge and capabilities in a simulation of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (also known as the OSCE) which tested how students take history, measure blood pressure and how to conduct physical examination in the most enjoyable way possible.

[Fracture First Aid] Fracture first aid step includes Casting training, Basic fractures first aid, Advanced first aid in traumatic situations, not to forget participants had the chance to try the casting materials by themselves.

SCOME/SCORE [From Idea to Paper] Research is essential to find out which treatments work better for patients. The main goal of this project is to help the participants in starting their own research, where in this project they learned how to write a scientific research following the true steps. The project's workshop is in cooperation with RQ (Research Quest) team. Research Quest is a student-based research group composed of experienced medical students. RQ aims to establish a research culture for undergraduate students by providing systemized training and courses for research skills.


HU LC RECAPS SCOPH [Fix A Vision] In the first step we talked about ophthalmology and how we can practice medicine along volunteering with Dr Motasim Masalmeh ( ophthalmologist , the founder of Jordan Volunteers and 7 Doctors ) this step took place in Study Lounge with 38 participants, and each one of them got a certificate. In the second and final step we talked about ophthalmic first aid cases and how to deal with these emergencies, it was with Dr Lina Al Momani that was held online with 102 participants that enjoyed the webinar and got also certificates for their participation.

[Not A Death Sentence] Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a malignant disorder of the bone marrow which is characterized by the clonal expansion and differentiation arrest of myeloid progenitor cells. The age-adjusted incidence of AML is 4.3 per 100,000 annually in the United States (US). This project, which was held on the 23rd of august in A Plus Business and study center, aimed to educate medical students about the acute myeloid leukemia, its statistics, and increase awareness about this type of cancer, which is the second most prevalent type in the blood cancers, and that being diagnosed with (AML) is not a “death sentence”; because it is highly curable!


HU LC RECAPS SCORA SCORA is the committee that has the highest number of members in HU LC and that is due to it addressing important topics like the reproductive health, harassment, cancer. They held many awareness campaigns and that includes:

[Report It To Stop It] Here’s to strong women, we may know them, we may be them and we may raise them as well. Sexual harassment is a type of harassment that involves the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones. It includes unwanted verbal, non-verbal, or physical behavior of a sexual nature that creates an environment that is intimidating, hostile, demeaning or even offensive. In this step, we shared some of the stories we’ve received, some of which were horrendous and it was a video posted on social media.

[Be Aware] Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of any disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system as to its functions and processes. (Be Aware) is a project that tends to increase women’s reproductive health in general as well as letting the community come to grips with the fact that the rights to birth control, contraception and good healthcare are vital reproductive rights for each and every woman.

[Pink Ribbon] This online step for Pink Ribbon project was hosted by one of the most hardworking nurses in Jordan, Sister Areej Othman, a nurse and a trainer. They talked about breast cancer and its awareness.


HU LC RECAPS SCOPH/SCORP [COVID-19 Vaccines] SCOPH and SCORP never fail to educate us on topics we are all concerned about nowadays. They held an educational session discussing all we need to know about vaccines generally and Covid-19 vaccines. It was held virtually on Jo Academy platform.

[Still Here] “Still here” a workshop to talk about Alzheimer's disease and the psychiatric diseases that happened with it. The workshop was presented by Dr. Ahmed El-Masry, a psychiatrist at the Family Protection Center, who explained the neurological and psychological symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

SCORP [Raincoat] SCORP decided to join hands and help by raincoat project. They tried their best to aid and play their role in society by cooperation with the Ansari Cooperative society by providing various heating means (greenhouses, blankets, and clothes).

[‫]اغثني‬ SCORPian’s shared their EID happiness with orphans to draw unforgettable smile on their faces and to show the world our bonded community via sharing the EID happiness. They have bought new clothes for poor orphans and gave them the opportunity to enjoy the games in the park. 77

HU LC RECAPS [Autism Spectrum of Light] SCORP is always part of the change-makers, their goal is to create opportunities to understand autism as a whole, highlight it as a mental disorder, and introduce people to it, its manifestations, symptoms, details, and treatment methods. They focused on raising the awareness and learn about the feelings of others in children with autism spectrum disorder with sharing an inspirational story by Mustafa Danu, Mustafa Danu is the father of a sweet child named Abd al-Wahhab who has a disorder of the autism spectrum. Mustafa did not give up at the first obstacle he faced when he brought his son to the world and was diagnosed with autism. Mustafa worked hard and he saw that he is responsible for being a strong father to Abdul Wahhab who represents all the sweet things in the world to his family.

SCOPE/SCORE [Orientation Session] SCOPE and SCORE held an orientation session to introduce new IFMSA members to the world of exchange and how to apply.


HU LC RECAPS SCORE [Medical Applications] Medical applications is a project to improve medical students' knowledge on the programming of medical applications and helping them to know how to convert their medical knowledge and scientific researches to smartphone or desktop applications also inform them on cases that can be diagnosed by smartphone or desktop applications. This project helped the participants to improve their skills and knowledge in medical applications.

[A World Of Opportunities] Research is the act of enriching your knowledge to create new knowledge and with a little bit of imagination that would create opportunities that will make you shine amongst other pupils. They emphasized the importance of research in the medical field by informing medical students about the importance of medical research and the steps to conduct clinical research.


BAU LC RECAPS SCOME [Clinical Hereos] Medical students study because they want to save lives, everything else is secondary. The project is about teaching the basic clinical skills for students of the clinical years especially the ones who just finished their basic years successfully and are about to start their fourth year of medical school. Exams and grades are temporary, but education is permanent. Our main goals of the clinical heroes project are to enhance the clinical knowledge for our students at BAU LC being able to take a proper history from a patient and dealing with trauma/ ER cases. Our plans are targeting a larger group of audience, choosing speakers, publishing the events of the project sooner, and working with OCs who are enthusiastic and quicker in getting their tasks done.

[Road To Residency] The long road in medicine can be quite tricky sometimes, especially after leaving the faculty and entering residency. It can give rise to questions like: What next? Where to now? What exams do I have to take? Road to Residency explained that to our students with details about the three most common options students turn to when planning to specialize abroad, and that is USMLE, PLAB as well as the German approbation. Our goal is educational. We hoped everyone who participated has nourished with knowledge about the three residency programs or the program of their preference. We are hoping to help hesitant students make up their minds and to answer said questions.


BAU LC RECAPS SCOPH [Donate Life] The creativity and ambition of BAU-LC's SCOPH were further acknowledged with their “Donate Life” campaign. The campaign, which focused on organ donation, aimed to increase awareness of the concept of organ donation and to encourage as many people as possible to sign up for the organ donation program. The event was overwhelmingly successful with more than a 50% increase in organ donation acceptance among participants, which fueled the committee’s ambition to take this campaign to a more national level with different sponsors and agencies on board with them, notably the Jordan Society for organ donation. So don't be surprised if you see this campaign around you soon!

SCORA [Say No More To HIV] The project on general knowledge about HIV and its major effects on community wise. This was done through multiple steps, including an online meeting that was given by a speaker, Dr. Waseem Tamim Hammoudeh since he was a member of the HIV Jordanian community. Also, a video and posters were uploaded on social media in order to increase awareness about HIV. Lastly, the aim of this project was to bring more awareness on the topic of HIV into the SCORA family even further, so future projects can cause change into our community about HIV and its seriousness.


BAU LC RECAPS SCORA [Behind The Scenes: During Pregnancy] Every pregnant lady should know that one of the most powerful, amazing, and incredible things her body can do is grow life inside of it. This event is an awareness project about obstetric violence that is practiced by medical staff on pregnant women. As a doctor, you have to remind your pregnant patient that the pain she feels today, will be the strength she feels tomorrow. This project aimed to educate medical students about obstetric violence and show them that it’s a real thing in our hospitals and it should stop. We hoped that we achieved the biggest sector possible so they can be aware of their family and friends and stand in the way of any medical worker who tries to assault any pregnant woman during childbirth.

SCORP [No Visible Bruises] Women’s rights have always been a topic of interest here in IFMSA. And some responsibility falls on our shoulders to advocate and spread the awareness on a disturbing social phenomenon that we have sadly been seeing more of recently. The aim was to let students acknowledge all sides of abuse and the long-term effect it leaves on society. That was all possible through a lecture, that was organized by the OCs, with a woman’s rights activist and lawyer Ms. Hanan Al-Ayadi, where she discussed both the social and the legal aspect of the topic. Then, we asked women to share their stories with us and we posted a video with all their real-life experiences. Lastly, we shared demonstration posters on steps to report harassment and seek help.


BAU LC RECAPS [ ‫]لنكن امًال‬ This event focused primarily on raising funds for a painter whose name is Khalid; who was diagnosed with lymphoma and cannot afford treatment at the KHCC, due to inability to have health insurance. For this reason, we decided to partner with SIWAR at the KHCF. SIWAR and us shared the same goal to raise money that can ensure a complete treatment plan. This charity work was done online (on social media through posters) and among the community, encouraging people to donate in order to try and make his life easier, and at the same time to inspire people to donate for other similar causes. Big thanks to KHCF, SIWAR, and the OCs for all the hard work on exceeding people’s expectations in the amount they raised in order to support Khalid.

SCOPE [White Coat Ceremony] What better way to mark the end of basic years and the transition to clinical stages than a white coat ceremony? Especially after last year’s COVID-19 restrictions that did not allow for such a ceremony to take place, this year was an opportunity to make up for it with a party like no other. After seeing how happy the attendees were the days following the ceremony, we can be sure that it really was a party like no other. BAU-LC really displayed just how enthusiastic and efficient its members are with this ceremony and it would be of no surprise to see that more and more people will be inclined to join our ever so growing committee after such an amazingly organized event, which would ultimately be beneficial for future fundraising activities.


BAU LC RECAPS [Yalla To Change Mood] What better way to raise funds for our BAU-LC treasury than a fun BBQ night fundraising event that is riddled with many fun ice breaking activities to entertain and destress the participants after the midterm period. This event was done to increase capacity building in our organization, with the help of the cooperative leader and friendly Organizing Committees. This fundraiser surely won’t be the last, our future plans are to build highly motivated members, increase the number of active members in our LC, and increase our experience in fundraising activities.

SCOME/SCOPH [HemaDoners] We often hear about blood donation or watch many scenes in movies and series about it, and of course many questions come to our minds about it. For this reason, SCOME Committee held a session on blood donation in partnership with the Blood Bank to raise awareness about blood donation and its benefits that accrues to the donor as well, not just the recipient. Their enthusiasm did not stop at this point, but they planned to conduct a blood donation campaign in general for all medical students in Jordanian universities in partnership with the blood bank.


BAU LC RECAPS SCORA/SCORP [I'm With Her] Having a campaign organized by BOTH SCORP and SCORA was destined to be one of its kind from the very beginning. This campaign was held across two steps, step 1 was an online session where the participants were treated to a wonderful lecture which showcased the different types of discrimination women face in their workplace and featured brainstorming sessions to find solutions for the problem at hand. While step 2 was aimed at interviewing members of our faculty to get a real sense of how serious the so-called “glass ceiling” is for women and how men are also impacted by discriminatory practices in some fields. The campaign was successful in delivering its message of equity and fairness in employment, whether the applicant is a male or a female, the only thing that should truly matter is their skills and CV.

SCOPH/SCORE [The Virus Stops Here] Since only 29% of Jordan's population has taken the vaccine , it is the responsibility of SCORE and SCOPH to raise awareness about vaccinations and help those who are wondering or hesitant to take the vaccine to understand all the benefits of the Corona vaccine. And of course their vision did not stop there, they planned to make a public campaign in our university to educate and raise awareness in our community about why vaccines are effective and the solution we provide to fight the virus, in addition to printing brochures containing basic information to take advantage of it as much as possible.


BAU LC RECAPS SCORE/SCORP [L;fe Line] We need to take care of our mental health and do our inner work not only on tough days but on easy days too when we feel great. We, unfortunately, have recently been witnessing an increase in suicide rates in our society, and since every suicide is a tragedy that affects families, communities, and entire countries and has long-lasting effects on the people left behind, we decided to focus on the topic of suicide prevention. Our biggest goal is to raise awareness among our peers, as we believe that one of the biggest obstacles when it comes to mental health is the lack of understanding of the topic. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. We are also working on a research paper alongside our faculty’s doctors. We have finished the suicide first aid course in partnership with the JPS and we have finished our first week of the social media awareness campaign, we still have 3 more weeks worth of material and the research paper to work on.



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