Module: Nuclear Weapons Module: Module: Module: Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear Weapons Weapons Weapons Nuclear Weapons Module: Nuclear Weapons and American Identity and and and American American American Identity Identity Identity ican Identity and American Identity Module: Nuclear Weapons LESSON PLAN
SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY Nuclear Weapons have become part of Identity, andstory the roots of story have elements of American Nuclear Nuclear Weapons Nuclear Weapons Weapons havehave become have become part become part of American of part American of American Identity, Identity, and Identity, and the roots the androots the ofAmerican the roots of nuclear theofnuclear the story nuclear story have have elements have elements elements ofthe American ofnuclear American of American of American Identity, and the roots of the nuclear story have elements of American Nuclear Weapons have become part of American Identity, and roots of the nuclear story have linkages elementsbetween of American exceptionalism, racism, and the colonialism. This module explores U.S.and Nuclear Weapons Policy and exceptionalism, exceptionalism, exceptionalism, racism, racism, and racism, and colonialism. colonialism. and colonialism. ThisThis module module This explores module explores linkages explores linkages between linkages between between U.S. U.S. Nuclear Nuclear U.S.Weapons Nuclear Weapons Weapons Policy Policy andPolicy and sm. This module explores linkages between U.S. racism, Nuclearand Weapons Policy This andexceptionalism, exceptionalism, colonialism. module explores linkages between U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy and American racism, and colonialism. The lessons each stand on their own if there is not time to explore SUMMARY American American American exceptionalism, exceptionalism, exceptionalism, racism, racism, and racism, and colonialism. colonialism. and colonialism. The The lessons lessons Theeach lessons each stand each stand on stand their on their own on their own if there ifown there isifnot there is time notistime to notexplore to time explore to explore d colonialism. The lessons eachAmerican stand on their own if there is not time to explore exceptionalism, racism, and colonialism. the whole unit. The lessons each stand on their own if there is not time to explore the whole the whole the unit. whole unit.have unit.become part Nuclear Weapons of American Identity, and the roots of the nuclear story have elements of American the whole unit. exceptionalism, racism, and colonialism. This module explores linkages between U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy and
and American Identity
Pre-Reading: Pre-Reading: Pre-Reading: Pre-Reading: Pre-Reading: 1.Bomb Explore the Bomb Blast interactive 1. 1. Explore Explore the Explore Bomb the Bomb the Blast Blast interactive Blast interactive interactive the whole1. unit.
American exceptionalism, racism, and colonialism. The lessons each stand on their own if there is not time to explore
mb Blast interactive
h of Surrender Exceptionalism
lations and Propaganda Techniques
on the Bomb docs letter to President Roosevelt
asaki bombing
anda Bomb and American Identity
1.2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 1. 4. 6. 6. 2. 6. 7. 7. 3. 7. 8. 8. 4. 8. 9. 9. 6. 9. 10. 10. 7. 10. 8. 11. 11. 11. 9.
Watch the Myth of Surrender the Bomb interactive Watch Watch the Myth the Myth of Blast Surrender of2.Surrender 2. Explore Watch the Myth of Surrender 3. Read American Exceptionalism Watch the Myth of Surrender 3. ReadRead American Read American American Exceptionalism Exceptionalism Exceptionalism
4.Relations Public Relations and Propaganda Techniques American Exceptionalism ReadRead Public Public Relations Relations and and Propaganda Propaganda Techniques Techniques 4. Read Read Public andRead Propaganda Techniques Explore the Bomb Blast interactiveRead Stimson on the Bomb 6. Read Public Relations and Propaganda Techniques Stimson Stimson on the on Bomb theonBomb 6. ReadRead Read Stimson the Bomb Watch the Myth of Surrender 7.Bomb Explore source docs Stimson ondocs thedocs Explore Explore source source 7. Read Explore source docs Read American Exceptionalism 8. ReadRoosevelt Einstein’s letter to President Roosevelt Explore source docs 8. ReadRead Einstein’s Read Einstein’s Einstein’s letterletter to President letter to President to President Roosevelt Roosevelt Read Public Relations9.and Propaganda Techniques Watch the Nagasaki bombing Read Einstein’s letter to President Roosevelt Watch theWatch Nagasaki the Nagasaki bombing bombing 9. Watch the Nagasaki bombing Read Stimson on the 10. Bomb Explore propaganda Watch the Nagasaki bombing Explore propaganda propaganda 10. Explore Explore propaganda Explore source docs Explore propaganda 11. Title: Using the Bomb and American Identity ReadTitle: Einstein’s letter to President Using Using theUsing Bomb the Bomb and and American American Identity Identity 11. Title: Title: the Bomb andRoosevelt American Identity Title: Using the Bombbombing and American Identity Watch the Nagasaki
10. Explore propaganda Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: 11. Title: Using the Bomb and American Identity Objectives: Students will analyze and think critically about American identity and nuclear weapons.
Students Students will will analyze analyze and thinkthink critically critically about about American American identity identity and and nuclear nuclear weapons. Students willand analyze and think critically about American identity andweapons. nuclear weapons. ink critically about American identity andStudents nuclear weapons. Students will identify major events nuclear history. will analyze and think critically American identity and in nuclear weapons. Students Students will will identify identify major events events inevents nuclear inabout nuclear history. Students willmajor identify major inhistory. nuclear history.
events in nuclear history. Students will WWII events to a history colonialism, racism, and American exceptionalism. Students will identify events inevents Students Students will will connect connect WWII WWII events events to anuclear to history a history colonialism, of colonialism, racism, racism, and and American American exceptionalism. exceptionalism. Students willmajor connect WWII tohistory. aofconnect history of colonialism, racism, andof American exceptionalism. events to a history of colonialism, racism,Students and American exceptionalism. will connect WWII events to a history of colonialism, racism, and American exceptionalism. Students will analyze and think critically about American identity and nuclear weapons.
Competency: Students will identify major events in nuclear history. Competency: Competency: Competency: Competency: Students will connect WWII eventsSocial to a history of colonialism, racism, and American exceptionalism. Awareness Learners able toevaluate assess for personal evaluate strategies to oppose Social Social Awareness Awareness - Learners - Learners will will be able be able to to assess personal for personal biasbe bias and and evaluate strategies strategies to oppose tobias oppose Social Awareness - Learners will beassess able tofor-assess for will personal bias and evaluate strategies toand oppose
will be able to assess for personal bias and evaluate strategies to oppose Social Awareness - Learners will bestereotyping. able to assess for personal bias and evaluate strategies to oppose stereotyping. stereotyping. stereotyping.
History -forUse historical evidence determining cause and effect. stereotyping. History History - History Use- Use historical evidence evidence for determining for determining cause cause and and effect. effect. -historical Use historical evidence determining cause andforeffect. nce for determining cause and effect. History - Use historical evidence for determining cause and effect. Social Awareness - Learners will be able to assess for personal bias and evaluate strategies to oppose stereotyping. History - Use historical evidence for determining cause and effect.