A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER The 2019 - 2020 school year ended in an unprecedented, historic fashion. As creative as NOVA’s students and adults are, we could not have imagined it. But, with a few days' notice, our teachers and staff were able to pivot into distance learning that continued core classes, some enrichments, art, music, and an urgently needed social emotional learning program. The delivery method was different, no question. The adults learned along with our students as we refined and expanded our program. NOVA continued to support families through grade level parent meetings and our regular parent discussion group. What was initially to be a three week model grew into a three month plan, as we responded to increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases in our state and county. Although our students and adults missed the year end trips, dances and other traditional events, our community adapted. We held virtual music concerts, we delivered yearbooks and t-shirts to all students, and yard signs to graduating 8th graders. We celebrated 37 graduates in a stirring virtual graduation that brought our community together and contained all the traditional NOVA elements, including the long-anticipated 8th grade slideshow. The administrative team developed systems and supports for this new way of being that supported faculty in their service to students. The Board of Trustees provided support, wisdom, and an expanded lens on the implications for this mandatory shift in delivery. Our annual Gala that raises funds targeted for financial aid shifted for the second year (remember the blizzard of 2019?), moving from an in-person celebratory party to a virtual format. Though the ground shifted under us in those last three months of the school year, we had, and have, a solid foundation. It’s a foundation based on our core values of connection, commitment, intention, and joy, built by those who came before us, and maintained by our current community. It was not an ending we anticipated. But it was an ending that was strangely, wonderfully uniquely NOVA. Most sincerely, Â
Barbara Mitchell Hutton Head of School
Click here to support this year's annual fund!
A YEAR LIKE NO OTHER Our year began with students coming together to make their voices heard...
... and ended with our students discovering new ways to be heard!
We are truly grateful for our corporate sponsors, who stuck with us when we couldn't hold our spring gala!
Want to become a coporate sponsor of NOVA? Visit us at novaschool.org/giving
THANK YOU FY2020 SUPPORTERS Shairus Palotil and Joonis Abdulkhader Sheryll Aleskus Mildred Antonelli Brian and Ashley Arvidson Elizabeth & Michael Baker Gene and Kay Baxstrom George and Connie Beardsley David and Dorothy Bjornson Paula Bjornson Lori Blewett and Arun Chandra Andrew and Marianne Bohan Jim and Tammy Brazil Doug and Nancy Broach George Brockman Bryan and Lanelle Brown Dan and Joyce Bruner Dena and Michael Buchanan Troy and Carie Bussey Jeanette Bussey Ragsdale David Campbell Steve and Sudawan Carras Bob and Lynn Carter David Carter Sasha Cavanagh Mark and Megan Celedonia Dominique Coco and Jessica Starr Erica and John Conner Rachel da Silva & Jody Oxford James Del Gianni and Darla Murphy Peggy DeVoy Jesse Driskill and Charisma Scheffer Jack Fallat and Christine Nettle Andre and Alli Fallot Tiffany and Erik Felch Rosann Fitzpatrick and Gustavo Aviles Eric Fleming Sydney Forrester David and Jennifer Forster Kim Frazier Nathan and Erica Frost Dave and Sandi Fuller Jason Gacek Sue Gacek Carlos and Veronica Garcia Mark & Sam Golliet Eric Sarai & Jen Grady Mike Gregory Tom Gries and Erika Hoffman Brooke and Tyler Gustafson Marnie and Shane Hamlin Allison Hamza Anne Hankins David and Julie Hankins Scott and Michele Harriage Jennie and Jesse Harris Scot Harrison and Rebecca Bolles Bette and Tom Hatcher Lance Winecka and Amy Hatch-Winecka
We couldn't do what we do without your support!
Dan and Carole Henderson Judy Henry Lisa and Tom Herrick Steve Hodes and Harriet Strasberg Rita and Brandon Homan Tracey Hooker Meghan Hopkins Colonel Al and Lynn Hoppe Travis Hoppe and Juliette Erickson Fred and Joyce Horowitz Eleanor and Dennis Hubbard Janet and Brad Hubbard Glen Hunter Sarah Huntington and Michael Bradley Ronald and Cecile Icenogle Newt and Helen Jackson Bonita Jacques Spencer Johnson Barbara Jones Muriel Jorgensen James Killen Terry Kissick and Hillary Allen Kissick Molly Knox & Parker MacCready Chad Kramer Kenia Krembs Erica and Bill Lenker Dennis and Nancy Madigan Katie Mangino Kathy Manning Linda and Carl Manning Brenden McFarland and Alison Campbell Robert and Marion McIntosh Heather and Tim McLeod Elizabeth McManus Emily McMason Lauren McMason Tara McQueen Vivian Merker Ben and Sarah Merrifield John and Carole Merrifield Raymond and Ruth Miles John and Korri Miller Morris and Nicole Miller David Mitchell and Sasha Henry Barbara Mitchell Hutton Anne Montgomery Jeffrey Morse and Susan Williams Molly and Josh Morse David and Samantha Munnecke Matthew and Amy Murry Edward and Patricia O'Brien Calvin and Kristin Ohlson-Kiehn Jeffrey Olfson Terry and Gretchen Owen David and Alyson Owens Eva Pannabecker and David Lerner Kathleen and Les Perry Mary Kate Perry and Don Chartock
Kylie and Drew Phillips Terry Preston Jester and Melissa Purtteman Sarah and Michael Quaadman Mircea and Corina Rachita Natalie Rawson Kevin and Maria Robinson Mark and Kazuko Rosen Scott and Amy Rowley Joel Sacks and Stephanie Hoffman Mark and Sevena Sacks Kate and Todd Scriven Lynn and Don Scriven Jennifer River Seel Sultana Shah Charles Shen and Wenjing Yan Clara and Ki Shin Joshua Shin Joe & Bonnie Shorin Kyle Shorin Georgeann Smith Jay and Sheila Smitherman M'Lissa and Alex Solis Susan and Ted Song Emily and Brad Stephens Asha Suresh and Suresh Bhagavan Pete and Elizabeth Sutch Geoff and Colleen Swett Shelvey Swett Carrie and Gary Swindler Caroline and Frank Szvetecz Stephen and Wendy Taylor Madeleine and Bob Thompson Robert B. Thompson Erin and Ian Timms Greg Tudor and Kate White Tudor Lara Tukarski Jennifer and Marc Vachon Craig Wallace John and Sally Warjone Ben and Melanie Webster Anne Weldon Bruce and Deborah West Cindy and Paul Whitney Lisa and Adrian Wolf Michael and Jackie Wolf Jocelyn and Kelly Wood Jane and Alex Zerbe ORGANIZATIONS Group Benefit Solutions LLC Hands On Children's Museum Panorama Small to Tall Pediatric Dentistry StraderHallett PS Sunset Air, Inc. TwinStar Credit Union
This list reflects the support of donors from July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020. If you find an error, please notify Mike Gregory at mgregory@novaschool.org and we will make a correction.