Nourish May 2012

Page 16


just got back from a short holiday in Arizona. It was warm and dry there, beautiful weather the whole time. When I came out from the airport here in Vancouver, I could actually smell the salt water….and that stayed with me for several hours. Our moist spring air really carries scent a long way. In Arizona I noticed that the cool early morning was when I was able to pick up the scent of growing things. The hotter it got the less I was able to pick up. Would that change if I were there longer? I don’t know—but it would be really interesting to find out! It has been my experience that when I want to develop an ability, the more I practice and pay attention to what is happening the stronger my new ability gets. This exercise in particular will require lots of practice & attention! You will want to have pen and a notebook handy. Now, find yourself a very comfortable spot, preferably in an area that has no obvious odors. Make yourself comfortable, either sitting or lying down. Do the relaxation exercise that works for you, several times if necessary so that you are completely relaxed and open. Begin breathing in and out through your nostrils. Focus your attention on your breath as it moves, noticing the feeling that is created. Follow the sensation as far back as you can. As you expel the breath, how far can you follow it with your awareness?

by Vera Enshaw

When you are ready, invite a guide or an angel to be with you. If you have a named guide or angel—invite that one. Otherwise just send out the invitation. Trust that there will be a response, trust that you are ready for this phase. (If you were not ready, you wouldn’t be doing this exercise!) This is where you can put your other lessons to work for you: if you are not feeling anything, ask the guide to step back, away from your energy field. Then feel what your energy field (Continued on page 17)

May 2012


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