Nourish February 2017 issue 67

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Soul In Business

12 Inner Reflections 14 February Ascension Energies 2017 16 Wild Cards of the Planet 20 February Essential Oils 22 What's on our Fork 23 Forked - Buttermilk Pancakes with Fruit Sauce 24 Power Animal - Eagle 28 Navigating by the Stars February 30 Navigating by the Stars Astro Cliff Notes

Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2016 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to

34 Crystal Reading for February 38 Three of Michael 40 Of Love & Unity 42 February Messages 44 Rune Casting For February

46 Angel Message for February 3

Photo: © mCOBB 4

Welcome to February! January was an interesting month, colder than normal for my area, snow – again not normal for my area and coming down with a strange bug that landed me in bed for five days, and then continued to haunt me with lower energy levels for the rest of the month. The bug, while not welcome, did provide for some quiet time, lots of sleep and rest which included reading a couple of books. During that time, I was given the message that we are all in a time of gathering, time to gather our resources, shore up our defenses and be prepared for this coming year. The energy has shifted with this being a one year, and while we don’t know what this year will bring to us, we must be prepared to accept all opportunities as they arrive. We are all more than we think and might just be surprised by the awesomeness that awaits us. The time for complacency has left the building and now it is time for us to stand proud of who we are, and know we can accomplish anything. In this time of gathering it is important to realize that you are not others, but unique in your own right. What works for you will not necessarily work for others, and that is one of the things you need to gather and honor – to each his own with compassion for all unique ideals. As we step into February we participate in Groundhog Day on the 2nd. Personally, this “event” used to always bring me anxiety. Would the groundhog see his shadow or not? I would wait with baited breath as a child to hear the results. At some point during my 20’s I realized that no matter if the darn groundhog saw his shadow or not, spring would not arrive until March 21st, so either way winter was on its way out! Now I choose to honor Imbolc, which celebrates the half way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Imbolc happens February 1 st this year. I don’t think we should dismiss the groundhog that easily though, after all I love to delve into what different animals mean. “Take time out for meditation and self-reflection. Use Groundhog energy to go deeper and to dig out what is unseen within you. You are being asked to explore altered states of consciousness deeper. The answers are within you – however you just have not dug deep enough to find the root of it. Groundhog can also be letting you know that you need to pay attention to your metabolism. Be aware of how your diet influences your natural bodies cycles and to make dietary adjustments to balance the workings of your body. Alternatively, Groundhog can be giving you fair warning that you have overstepped someone boundaries or someone is overstepping yours. Best is to resolve the situation with respect and from the heart.” Valentine’s Day is another day to celebrate, even if you are single, the love that you have in your life. Not just the romantic type which is what all the companies who gain huge revenue around this holiday want us to do. Celebrate that you love yourself, your family, your pets, your friends. If you are averse to even thinking about this day, take heart, it is also Ferris Wheel Day! Celebrate that! Other weird “holidays” in February, something for everyone to grab onto and celebrate – National Weatherman's Day, Send a Card to a Friend Day, Kite Flying Day, Don't Cry over Spilled Milk Day, National Battery Day, Be Humble Day, Tell a Fairy Tale Day, National Tooth Fairy Day. I kid you not! Check them out on the internet! No matter what you choose to do this month, take time out of your busy weeks to have some fun. Schedule a celebration of joy into each week and remember what brings you joy feeds your soul.


Marlene Connect with Marlene at facebook 5


As I await the return of Spring with its riot of colour and warmer weather I came across the tale of Persephone. While some would view the legend and myth of Persephone as a dark one, I find it to be interesting and appropriate for this time of year. It is a story filled with passion, deep love, and balance between light and dark. It also shows the cycle of life - birth, death, rebirth and our perception of good and evil. If you are not familiar with this Greek Goddess she was the daughter of Zeus; sky and thunder god, and Demeter; harvest and agriculture goddess.

Here we have Hades, LORD of the Underworld, a GOD, yet unseen by his peers – they know he is there. I wonder if it is the out of sight out of mind theory. We are talking about Gods here, so I am not sure. Today many people go unseen by many of us, and each person who does not see them has their reasons. Hades personifies the ignoring of our shadows, our secrets, things that we hide from others so as not to be seen, acknowledged, or spoken of by others. This also speaks of how we ignore those who don’t align with our beliefs or because of fear. This is where we perceive good and evil; if we believe something to be evil we avoid.

With some creative license, here is the story of Persephone; Hades, God of the Underworld was all but invisible to his fellow Gods who resided in the upper realms. Olympus was where it was at, and Hades for all intents and purpose the forgotten one below. Leading to a lonely life which had him going to the land of the living, if only to see others and have some semblance of normalcy. Upon seeing Persephone in the woods one spring morning, Hades was intrigued by her beauty. As he was the dark God of the underworld he decided that nothing as fair and beautiful as this maiden would give him the time of day. Quietly, so as not to disturb Persephone and draw attention to himself, he crept away but promised himself he would return to this spot often in the hopes of seeing her again. For many moons Hades watched Persephone from afar, enthralled by her beauty, warmth and kindness. One day while he was slipping away a branch snapped under his step, causing Persephone to call out “who is there?” Hades quickened his step. However, Persephone called out to him “Wait don’t run away, I would at least know your name.” Not turning towards her he said, “My name is Hades.” “Hello Hades, my name is Persephone.” She replied, “please turn around so I may see you.” Slowly Hades turned towards her, expecting Persephone to run off screaming. However, her reaction surprises him; she is more curious than alarmed. They agreed to meet at that very spot each morning, and their friendship blossomed. Hades beseeches Zeus to allow him to bring Persephone to his world to ease his loneliness and Zeus agrees. Hades brings her to his world, and once there gifts her with a pomegranate, of which Persephone finds delicious and proceeds to feast upon the arils.

Demeter speaks of the depth of love we share with those around us. I know of no mother today who would not grieve as passionately as Demeter did when she could not find her daughter. It does not matter if the child is male or female, a mother’s love knows no bounds. All of us – male and female – have the capacity to love deeply. When a loss is experienced, we all grieve deeply, and our lives become barren during our grieving. The story of Persephone sees her reunited with her mother, the light at the end of the tunnel. There is balance in the “story” of life; all things return to the earth; plants go dormant in the winter and are renewed in the spring. Humans and animals are borne, live and then experience death, which speaks or should, to all of us to live fully. While we can’t be reunited, per se, with loved ones when they die, our grief eventually becomes less, and colour returns to our life. I believe that we will be reunited with our loved ones when it is our time to go, and I also believe they never truly leave us, they are part of our unseen. Persephone personifies radiance, warmth, love, beauty, and life. She brings light to the shadows – Hades – rebirth occurs. Hade's life, for part of the year, is a little brighter by her presence. She brought life and beauty to his world. He in return brings her to the darkness – equal balance between light and dark. Think Yin and Yang. Balance also occurred in the upper world, (as above, so below) love has transformative powers and perhaps Persephone’s message to all of us is to journey within to our shadows. Bring our light, radiance, warmth, and love to our shadow self, then healing or accepting it as part of what makes us whole.

Meanwhile, Demeter distraught that her daughter has not returned home from her daily walk, roams the earth searching for her. Her grief becomes more intense as the days’ pass causing the earth she walks upon to become barren from her tears. Nothing grows, all is in a suspended state. The Gods soon realise that without crops, humans will not be able to survive and decided they should intervene. After all what good is it being a God if you have no followers. Zeus seeing the error in his ways decides to send Mercury; the messenger God, to persuade Hades to allow Persephone to return. Persephone could not return however because she had eaten the seeds of the pomegranate. After some negotiations, and because Hades so loved Persephone, it was decided Persephone would reside with Hades for 1/3 of the year and return to earth for the remaining 2/3's to spend it with her mother. Persephone’s time with Hades is known as winter. Demeter misses her daughter so much she allows nothing to grow until her return in Spring.

Winter is the best time to have this inner reflection, we typically slow down, stay indoors more, seeking comfort and warmth. Think of it as going to the underworld, explore the deep dark caverns hidden away from not only the world but perhaps yourself. Where can you bring about changes, so you don't have to cover up these beautiful aspects of yourself from the world? Do not make this a journey of self-battery, rather acknowledge they belong to you, every single shadow aspect makes you unique, whole and real. Rebirth yourself with the coming Spring. Refresh and recharge yourself with the last breaths of Winter so that you feel renewed, ready to welcome life with open arms. Confident in yourself, your whole self, and accepting of each person's struggle with their shadows. Be the light that shines the way, like Persephone to Hade's, so that others may see their radiance in you.

I love the Persephone myth, which, like all myths holds some truths, if only marginally. I understand we can perceive whatever we wish into all the myths from long ago. However, if one takes the time to read them, they can’t help but realise how our modern times still acknowledge these tales.

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It is increasingly common to talk of soul relation to personal partnerships: terms like ‘soul mates’ or ‘soul connections’ describe the presence of a deeper part of our being in such relationships. At the level of soul there seems to be an intrinsic knowing, and all-at-once understanding. It is almost a holographic experience, wherein a few words reveal the full essence of the other unto us. Moreover, in that place of soul consciousness, it seems that we have a magical window into the entire Universe. We experience a sense of oneness almost as though the Universe lives within us. It just might. Connectedness is inherent in all things, and it is only our limited vision in any situation that prevents us from seeing that.

Each one provides an opportunity for being in our highest self and somehow enriching their experience on Earth.

The basis for business originally had to be helping each other. Two could create more than one and both would benefit. Those who had abundance could help those who didn’t. Each could contribute in their own way. Jonas Salk wrote about the survival of the wisest. In 1976 he anticipated the need for a change in the predominant values, away from domination and competition towards cooperation, partnership and the win-win perspective. As a species we are evolving, and positive evolution is like a growing up. Aligning with the wisdom of the soul leads us in the direction of less self-centredness, and greater compassion towards all other beings. We learn to see every soul as equal to every other, regardless of earthly position. We understand that our business dealings are secondary to what is happening at our soul level, and those with whom we deal.

Soul consciousness is not limited to the realms of love and creativity. It is for us to find it in every aspect of our lives. In personal relationships, we see how we are mirrors for each other. We understand the themes that play themselves out between generations, or as we more from one relationship to the next. We often do not think of business relationships in the same way, treating business as somehow a separate part of our lives. The deeper consequences of our actions affect us equally in our personal and business lives.

We are also challenged to assess whether our work honors our own soul. If it is not nourishing to us, then misalignment is felt between body, mind and soul. It manifests as stress, or even illness. It should not be surprising that many very successful businessmen succumb to heart attacks. Perhaps the heart and soul are refusing to follow an unhealthy path without putting up a fight.

The soul is the seat of our higher consciousness; our deep wisdom. It carries the wisdom of the eons, and one of the purposes of our learning on Earth is to align our personalities, our thoughts and actions, to that clear note of truth. Every word, decision, or action is an opportunity to strive for that alignment. In order to achieve this, we must be able to tune in to our own souls. Otherwise we are like an airplane flying with no awareness of a flight path. Some achieve this through meditation or prayer, others are lead to that awareness through life experiences. It is a little like the children’s game of hot or cold. If our behaviours leave us feeling out of integrity, then we were not honouring our souls, or the souls of others, and are moving farther from our true path. If our behaviours leave us feeling at peace, and with a sense of the “goodness” of the energy we put out into the world, then we move closer to that path.

Integrity means honest and sincerity. Its root is ‘integral,’ which means essential, complete, whole. Honoring soul in business means not only acting openly and honestly, but ensuring that we look carefully at the essence and implications of all that we do. It requires honoring the beautiful spirit of wholeness, of oneness, on which our Universe is based.

Integrity is the key word. If we are taking advantage of, or creating hardship for others, then what we are doing is lacking in integrity. If our product or service damages the environment, and we choose to ignore that, we are out of integrity. If we see the people with whom we deal only as ‘prospects’ or ‘potential sales,’ we miss incredible opportunities for strengthening our earthly connection to soul. Every person in our lives is significant from the soul’s perspective.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, MP3’s and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to and ‘Like’ Gwen on FaceBook! 9

Stress is caused by being “here” but wanting to be “there”. Eckhart Tolle

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I have just started to lead a group meditation again after many years of solitary practice, and I had forgotten how much I enjoy the group energy that is present during a session. With the higher levels of stress from our neighbours across the border that for me manifest in a feeling of dense fog energy, it is so important to do my bit in increasing my vibrational field to lessen the impact of that fog energy hopefully and maybe dissolve it. Using meditation as a tool to do that is an easy step to incorporate into my routine with the benefit of gaining a more at peace reflection on an external event.

living creature, to the trees, to our rivers and oceans, to mother earth and father sky, feel the love and healing spreading and being absorbed. When you feel ready, bring your attention back to your heart space. Breathe deeply and allow all the love and healing to flow through you, feel your connection to everything and everyone. Keep breathing deeply allowing yourself to feel whole, centered. In your mind's eye look back up into the golden white ball above your head, see a golden white cord coming down gently going through your crown and running down through your 3rd eye/ throat/ heart/solar plexus/stomach and root chakras, then going down into the earth beneath you. Going down, down and down to the core of mother earth, wrapping around ONCE. Send out love, healing and gratitude to Gaia and then feel a wave of grounding energy come back up the golden white cord. Up, up into your root chakra, pulsating up into your stomach and solar plexus and then gently up into your other chakras. You are now grounded, take another deep breath and open your eyes.

One of my favourite visualisations to protect, ground and heal is what I call the White Light Vibrational Shield meditation: Create a comfortable spot Turn off your phone Relax and breathe deeply into stomach three times Close your eyes and visualise shining above your head a large ball of golden white energy like the sun or moon. As you look up at this golden ball, you will see thousands of golden white drops gently falling onto your face, your torso and your legs and forming a golden white pool at your feet. Look down at this pool and as you do see it forming a golden white mist of energy that forms at your feet and wraps around your legs, your torso and your face. You are now covered from head to toe in this golden white mist of protection and healing. Take in a deep breath and feel the healing energy enter your body. Into your cells, your blood and organs. Feel that healing energy as it enters your heart. You feel safe, protected and whole. With each breath, you take you can expand the mist of energy around your body, and with every exhalation, you can contract that mist back, just breath and feel the energy expanding and contracting.... expanding and contracting.

At this stage, I normally feel at peace, balanced and ready to move into what my day may bring with a more focused loving and compassionate mindset. If you are feeling overwhelmed or dissociated with life, may I suggest giving this Golden white light meditation and grounding a try? You may be surprised at how easy and effective something so simple to do is. Have a great month

NamastĂŠ Debra Rae

Feel yourself within your heart space and feel the golden white energy pulsing within your heart. Feel that heart energy becoming stronger and stronger and feel it expanding out and out and out and feel yourself expanding with it. Feel that heart energy expand to fill your room, your house, your neighbourhood, your town, city, country, the entire world. Feel and see that golden white heart energy wrap itself around our planet. Send out thoughts of healing and see it pulsate out into the healing grid that you have placed around the planet. Send it out to every human being, every

Connect with Debra Rae 13


January Review

You may notice that there are emotions that need to express. This is your heart/mind coherence coming forth through a release of discordant experience/memory/trauma/belief. Support your flow of healthy emotions, powerful Lightworker of Love! If you feel anger or hatred, it does not define WHO you are, it defines how you feel about a certain behavior. As you let that emotion flow in a healthy way (tears, movement, expression to a supportive listener, constructive conversation, etc.), you are allowing that e-motion to transform into lesson learned, wisdom, a new strength and clarity. Otherwise it stays suppressed in you and creates disruption within. You deserve to flow well and Love life. You are powerful, dear one! Life wants you thriving.

January had an interesting pace and some emotional undertones to it. At times there was a sense of fast movement and forward flow, then it would seem to stop or slow (especially for some emotions to flow). In general, this year of new beginnings (2+0+1+7=1 in numerology) will have a lot of catalyzing energy for change. Those on the path of Ascension are being called to a new level of internal empowerment, as we begin to have more energetic support to create the new. There will be a lot of change in this year. Look beyond the obvious and the negative opposition into the loving potentials that are calling for your focus and action. It will be an interesting time indeed.

Mental Sovereignty

February Energies

This is a powerful time of upgrading the flow of the mental structure to support greater connection with the subtle realms. They’ve always been there, yet now more people are becoming more consciously aware of interacting with them, rather than just reacting to life.

February brings a brain upgrade. What it feels like is more mental detachment for many. I’m am a big proponent of Lightworkers being grounded in their body, strong enough to deal with reality, and focusing on actualizing more Love on Earth, which happens as a result of a strong authentic resonance with empowered Love. Yet the energy of February feels a little opposite of that, even though it is not. It is a reset of the mental focus and usage for some, so it feels a little more detached as you get used to detached compassion being the norm.

When you have mental sovereignty, you are able to see past the obvious into the potentials that Love-focused humans are wanting to birth forth. You are the calm in the midst of chaos that can create a bridge of connection to new potentials. You are unresponsive to manipulation and deception. You feel less of a need to resist or avoid and more of a desire to move forward whether something is pleasant or not (you usually find some sort of joy in the journey though).

February brings the potential for more mental peace, even in the midst of chaos (that creative flourish of change energy!). There could be a few ways you notice it. More “zoning out” and calm mind. Deeper or more sleep. Less frenetic activity. The rote activities become times on autopilot, where you worry or think less and just flow. The ability to observe something that may have caused an emotional reaction before, but now you maintain detached compassion. I also feel seeds of creative inspiration coming into a focus that feels like a calm excitement (no, those aren’t complete opposites, they actually get along well :o).

You become more able to self-assess, adapt and create change in your life without turmoil. You are less imbalanced by those around you, and because you are no longer resonant with the same negativity, they may begin to interact differently. Mental sovereignty allows you to hear your heart more clearly and empowers you from within. This allows you to interact with Life from empowerment rather than a predominant fear response. In Summary

Some Caveats In this Year of The Empowered Sovereign (according to Areon), Life is supporting you to enhance your individuality, your harmonious resonance. This in turn helps you to connect with others and Life from that clarity and strength. It supports your creative and joyful flow with Life. The energies of February are augmenting your mental sovereignty as your heart/mind connection grows. Enjoy the process of opening your mind flow to foresee the beauty of Life blooming. Thank you for all you are doing to enrich the Earth from within. Happy February!

This is not a detached state of avoidance, it is a mind flow that becomes more typical with heart/mind connection and a core of empowered Love. This is a reset energy that may not feel exactly the same once your energy has readjusted to a new level of Mental Sovereignty. If you already have heart/mind coherence to an effective degree, then this may feel like an easier upgrade. If life is supporting you to leap into a greater coherence, you may notice this energy feels like mental looping (repeating thoughts and focus), fuzzy thinking, fatigue, irritability, or forgetfulness. Do not judge yourself. Use that beautiful mind to remind yourself that the current energies are working to support your improvement. Take the benefit with some supportive actions: meditate more (even for short periods of time), talk to a supportive friend, get out in nature, get some energy healing or massage, focus on supportive nutrition and water, exercise or dance, journal, get creative. Allow your body to readjust and support this flow.

Copyright: © 2005-2016 Jamye Price All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.


Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Today I want to talk about wild cards. I wish to help explain what or who they’ve been over time, but in order for this explanation to be understood and accepted and beautiful to your soul, you’re going to have to do some pretending. Adjusting Your Attitude If you were a scientist coming from another planet to observe Human history, you would need to do it without emotion or bias. I can tell the story about wild cards, both for your grandfathers and for you, but there is often emotion and bias involved. Because of this, I will say one thing, and you may hear another. Dear ones, it can’t be that way for you to understand this message. Warning: What comes next has to be disengaged from what you think you know, or from the emotions of who you think you are, what you think has happened, or even from what you feel is historical. Remember, in his pretending scenario, you’re aliens coming from another planet to learn what has happened. You’re pretending so you will disengage. Pretend history will be told to you about a race you’re not part of. This is so you will have no attachment to anything as you listen. This is the only way you will understand this lesson today. It is the only way you will begin to understand the beauty of a spiritual system that pushes you when you need to be pushed. Wild Cards Examined Wild card, as used in spiritual language, is a term that is difficult to define. Wild cards can be events, they can be inventions, they can involve one Human or a few. They can be one of many things or many of one thing, but they follow a timeline that you can look at. We want to talk about some of the wild cards that you’ve had in the past, and some attributes of their occurrence that you might not have thought of. The basic attribute of any kind of wild card is that it’s a surprise event. It’s often shocking, sometimes revealing, but always a surprise. We’re also going to do some of the numerology as we go, and also take a look at the energies that help define what the energy is around specific wild cards. Numerology is an ancient system that helps define an energy around something. For instance, an event may seem to be one thing, but the numerology will tell a story around it that may be more explanatory. When you see what we will call synchronized numerology – the same numbers repeated around a wild card – it’s very telling, for there are no accidents. Dear Kryon, you might ask, “Does Spirit create wild cards for the planet?” Answer: No, you do. Your consciousness at a certain point in time gives an allowance for a wild

card. Spirit is ready to enhance some wild card scenarios and not others. But the energy and consciousness of humanity allows for their occurrence.

Spirit does not give the information, but allows for it to be released, often all at once, all over the earth. Let me give you some examples.

A wild card can be a person, an invention, a thing, an event, a new system or a new paradigm that changes the planet. It is unexpected, sometimes startling and often dramatic in its influence. If it’s an invention, it has to be outside of the purview of what would normally have occurred through the evolution of science or the timing of expected scientific evolution. It is often a paradigm shifter, and it’s usually from one person. When you see that, you will know it’s a wild card. It isn’t always an individual invention, and sometimes it’s collective. But, dear one, you can tell because every single wild card takes everybody by surprise.

Another wild card is the Wright brothers. Isn’t it odd to you that it wasn’t that long ago that you got powered flight? It was just yesterday! Some of your relatives were alive when flight was discovered! Dear ones, the Chinese have been flying kites for thousands of years. Don’t you think that they knew the dynamics of a bird? Do you think that century after century after century occurred and nobody figured out how to sustain flight with any kind of power source? Two bicycle makers figured it out!

Wild Cards in History You’ve had a number of them, and I’ll list a few so you get the idea. You’ll also get to see a system of singularity that comes to inventors. You’ll see this as I go. Tesla was a wild card. His ideas were unexpected, controversial and advanced to a degree that even to this day those in electronic engineering shake their heads. They will take a look at what he invented and will comment, “How is it possible for any one person to have seen that? If you study alternating current, it’s a conundrum. Phase relationships of alternating current are brilliant beyond brilliant.” This was Tesla. However, what you know about him is only what he brought to you. Now, a brilliant mind like that would have other things, don’t you think? Indeed, he did, so you might ask, “Well, where are those other things?” The answer is that those other things were stopped cold – all of them. He only was able to promote the one thing that you needed for the planet. The brilliance of his mind had many other profound ideas, but he was unable to proceed. He saw ways to alter mass in his workshops, but couldn’t. He was frustrated that he didn’t have the elaborate tools to be precise enough to make it work on a regular basis. That’s just one. Transmission of electricity without wires through the ground was the other. However, it would not have been correct at the time for those things to have been presented to humanity. You weren’t ready, but you were ready for alternating current, one of the most needed inventions for the time. Tesla died frustrated, poor, in a small room and alone. He came to do one thing, and was stopped from anything else, then he passed. If you have analyzed the people who were wild cards in your history, there is a pattern. Other wild card inventors have come into the planet just because the earth was ready for a specific invention. Remember, 16

That’s odd enough, but the fact that they only beat the French by two weeks is something worth looking at. That’s odd! It’s almost like this profound invention was ready to be given to the planet simultaneously, all over the earth, at the same time. Whoever got to it first would be the ones who got the credit. The real oddity is the timing. It’s not logical that it was so hidden, then suddenly so many were working on it all at once. The Wright brothers were here to show it to you, then stop. All they did was what you saw at Kitty Hawk. They never went past basic wing warping, and did not have first intuitive thought about ailerons, or the basics of flight control today. For them, it stopped there. Dear ones, there was great frustration, and perhaps even health issues from it, from having others take the basics and develop flight so fast beyond them. Dysfunction and sorrow followed them both, and they died without ever being able to participate fully beyond the initial invention. One died far earlier than the other, creating sorrow for the one left behind. They came to do what they did and move on. This is more common than you know with wild cards, especially when it comes to inventions that change this planet. Who invented the radio? Was is the Italian Guglielmo Marconi, or our frustrated wild card Tesla? Marconi got the credit, but the invention was everywhere, ready to be claimed. The earth was ripe and ready for it, and it was delivered to the consciousness of the planet at the right time. But both men got it at the same time, apart from each other. I’m giving you things to think about. We have told you that there are wild card inventions coming in the future. One in particular is ready, but you will not receive it until the time is right. It’s almost like there’s a thinking ceiling on what you can do. We even gave you some of the attributes of the coming invention, but not the one who will bring it. We’re not even concerned that you’ll do it in advance, because we know the wild card is coming. An invention is coming. It is an invention that will rewrite physics as you know it. You’d see

the patterns in quantum fields, and there would be the big aha! It would be like reinventing the wheel. “Kryon, why can’t we have it now? What’s stopping it?” We told you, it’s too easy to weaponize. When you reach the point where you won’t weaponize it, it’s yours. All this is coming. It’s natural, and it will come when it’s time just like the Wright brothers, just like Tesla, just like Einstein. Einstein was a genuine wild card. He was not a quantum thinker at all, but what he presented is still alive and well today and they’re still looking inside the atom for the concepts he gave you. So I will make this statement: Einstein isn’t finished yet, because the very concepts that continue to be received from his work are going to be applied to the invention of the century. So the Einsteinean principles, even though they are not quantum, will be very much involved in what is coming. You might say he was a wild card and continues to be one. The joke is that his concepts last and last, outside of time, yet his main ideas were with time. If you asked Einstein if he was happy with what he brought to the planet, he would tell you no. He was frustrated that he didn’t get to do what he really wanted. Like Tesla, he felt that something was just “out of reach” and he didn’t get to do it. Then there was World War II. Dear ones, pretend you are an alien scientist. Disengage your emotion. You’ve come in from another planet to look at this. World War II (WWII) was not a wild card, but the man who created and enhanced it was. This planet was teetering on the edge of ultimate dark energy and destruction. Nobody expected it. The most despicable old energy card played itself out exactly as it should have, with the consciousness of this planet going to where it had brought itself. You had just finished World War I (WWI), yet WWII ignited and continued. So WWII was simply an extension of WWI. You did it again, only this time the weapons were getting bigger and more able to destroy all of humanity. Remember the prophecy of your scripture? You were headed for mass destruction. WWII would become World War III, and by the year 2000, you would be almost gone.

an Union, you would not have the United Nations or any attempt at unity on Earth. Disengage from your logic and emotion, dear ones. These things were not created from Spirit, but rather from the depth of lower humanity. This is the dark side at its worst, showing itself with almost free reign, but the world objected to it and started to climb out of it. It was the beginning over half a century ago of what you’re starting to see now in the shift. The amazing shift that you’re in right now is something that goes slow. It didn’t happen all at once. The Cold War was a natural occurrence out of the consciousness that was part of the end of WWII. But, dear ones, you could never have the shift if that Cold War had continued the way it was. Enter another wild card: The Soviet system fell over. The Cold War could not continue, and it was stopped in the form it was in. Dear ones, for those reading now, that was one of the biggest wild cards of all. The consciousness of earth said “no” and it ended. That was a huge wild card. It changed everything; it wasn’t expected; nobody saw it coming, and it changed everything. It may not have changed things immediately to the way you want it right away, but it created that which you needed at that time. Then there was Steve Jobs. He was a wild card. What he did had little to do with technology, for that would have happened anyway soon enough. Instead, it had to do with the paradigm of the business of music on Earth. He freed it, and the paradigm of how music is obtained and heard will never be the same. However, Steve Jobs did basically one thing for all of you, and then he died. Do you see any kind of connecting of the dots to some of the inventors who come and give you the one thing, then leave? If he had lived, would there be more? Yes, but you’re not ready for it. Consciousness has to support what happens. Yes, it would seem we have left some things out – the invention of DNA, the atomic bomb, etc. However, these were not wild cards. These are your civilization, within a normal evolution of science. Wild cards are very unexpected things, and there are more coming your way.

As I mentioned, WWII wasn’t the wild card, rather it was the man who led the lowest consciousness in recent history who was. He was the wild card, and you know of whom I speak. This wild card killed millions of people who were not even participants in the military portion of the war. Genocide had begun, a race war had begun, and many were following his lead. It showed the darkest side of humanity – more than you had ever seen before, and it almost targeted the demise of civilization if he had won.

The Wild Card of 2016 Remember: No emotion now. You have come from another planet and you’re looking at the end of 2016 – and there is the election. Understand without bias.

It was a horror wild card, and the planet had created it. However, when it was over, the entire world took a breath and for a moment, just for a moment, there was a glimmer of realization: “This cannot go on, for we will do it again.” Many things took place due to this realization. Without the wild card, you would not have the Europe-

The nines are stronger than many of the other numerological aspects and you feel them. The president-elect (at this writing) is a strong wild card. He is scheduled to become the 45th president. What a coincidence! Forty-five is a nine. A nine and a nine together are more than significant. They tell a story about what is happening. I

So for 2016, let’s do the numerology. You add the numbers and get nine. Nine is completion in simple numerology, and when you see a nine it often means the completion of something. Often it is of a time cycle, an energy or the completion of a paradigm. But it’s very strong.


will tell you something else. This story is not finished yet and there is more coming. You don’t know what you don’t know, so don’t make up your mind in advance about any outcomes. You’re from another planet, remember? There’s no emotion, no bias, no politics and nothing to judge. Look at it for what it is. A big stick has just been inserted into what is normal and it’s going to be turned. As the big stick turns, other things will respond that never would have responded otherwise. I wish to tell you, dear one, old soul, relax with upcoming wild cards. They do what they do on purpose so that you will have a better civilization in the future. Sometimes they show you what won’t work, and sometimes they change paradigms that would have never changed otherwise. But what you have now is a profound wild card. That is the message. It’s so common for you to respond certain ways when you are invested in the process. The knee-jerk reaction is expected or you wouldn’t be a Human. However, for this lesson, you’re from another planet and you’re looking down and you’re seeing it. Pretend. Isn’t that interesting about a nine and a nine together? It means that truly the end of something is here. Perhaps it’s the end of the old way things were done? Perhaps it’s a shake-up of the system so it can correct itself? Don’t dare make up your mind where it’s going, because it’s not finished yet. However, wait a moment. Did you also realize that 2017 is a “one” year? Not only is the energy one of completion with a double nine, but it moves into “a new beginning” (the definition of a one in numerology). I have more to tell you about numerology, and also something that will be clearer about this whole situation. I will give this to you in the next channelling. Can you relax in the face of uncertainty when it’s your own country? Can you relax in the face of not knowing what’s next? When you’re so involved, can you disengage from either side of the fray? That is the test of a Lightworker. There’s something else coming. Dear ones, this is beautiful. No matter what you think and no matter what your reaction is to this channelling, what is happening is correct for your time and needed for your immediate future. I will speak of this later. The beauty is when you step away and see how grand it is, that Spirit cares enough that it would allow a big stick to occur that would stir your complacency at this time. The real reason? The shift is here. How do you feel? I want you to relax and smile at what the shift has brought you. For those of you who felt all the “shift talk” was nonsense, this may be your wake-up call. It’s real. Here it comes. This is the message of the day. I am Kryon, in love with humanity, and for good reason. And so it is. KRYON

Allow the world to live as it chooses, and allow yourself to live as you choose. Richard Bach Photo: Š PNielsen 18


Photo: © PNielsen 20

So, how do YOU feel about February? For many people February is almost as tough as January. Days are teasingly longer, but you still can’t really do anything after or before work. Temperatures are a bit warmer, but not enough to allow any but the incredibly hardy folk to lighten up in the clothing department. It’s the month when flu and cold germs seem to be going in for the third or fourth round. People are truly tiring of winter – we’re ready for spring to spring! And to top it all off, we have Valentine’s Day – a joy for some, and a misery for others. So what can we do about it? Many options are available and some of the easiest solutions are essential oils. These small bottles of plant oils pack a big punch! First of all, lets address mood. Some of the least expensive oils – lemon, orange, grapefruit – are gentle mood enhancers. Joy™ essential oil blend helps to bring the frequency of joy into your energy field, Peace & Calming helps to balance us when we feel anxious. If you can afford it, rose damascena, with the highest frequency of all the oils – 320 MHz – brings balance and harmony. (Perhaps this is why roses are a popular gift to a loved one!) If you suffer from the winter blues, Frankincense is known to help counteract depression. Diffusing oils is one of the best ways to bring the odor and the frequency into your space. You can also wear the oils – placing them on your heart, on the bottoms of your feet… anywhere you would wear perfume. Only be aware that citrus oils on the skin need to be in a place where the sun doesn’t shine because of their photosensitive quality. (That, by the way, includes Peace & Calming™.) The oils you wear become oils you share – the folks around you are also affected by the frequency and receive the benefits. Thinking about a lovely, romantic dinner? Diffuse a little Northern Lights Black Spruce™ or Sacred Mountain™ to bring the energy up a notch. There are many oils, and we all have different preferences. The important thing is to use them! If the flu or colds have been making their presence felt more than you would like, consider diffusing Thieves essential oil blend in your home and your workspace. You don’t have to use it 24/7, but a few minutes every hour or so can be really beneficial. The warm, spicy scent is appealing to most people, so you should be all right diffusing it. Be aware that if you are in a small, enclosed space you won’t need very much, as it is very intense. Putting this blend on the soles of your feet, particularly in the sinus/head/ neck area, is also helpful. (Add a drop or two to a light massage oil and see it bring a whole new level to an evening of romantic touch. It’s very warm, so 21

make sure to test your mix on your partner’s skin prior to the massage. You wouldn’t want to break the mood with prickly skin!) Frankincense is also an immune-stimulant, so wearing/diffusing it regularly can help avoid the nasty bugs. And speaking of massage….February does mean Valentine’s. This year consider gifting your loved one with personal touch. From massage to Reiki, from specially prepared baths to a personally prepared dinner, essential oils can bring an exotic energy to your celebration of love. Some oils can be used in cooking – I have an idea for cinnamon-infused chocolate that I am going to try on my sweetheart this year. Cinnamon is a lovely, warm oil that gives just the right amount of heat (dilute WELL) and the smell is definitely sensual. Cedarwood is rich and deep, taking one to the middle of a forest on a hot day. Blends like Joy™, Sacred Mountain™, Gathering™… scent is truly a personal thing and is worth exploring. Look at the ingredients in each blend. Try one or two singles and a blend that carries some of the scents you enjoy. Share them with your loved ones – a parent, a child, a sweetheart. Everyone loves to be recognized with love, and Valentine’s is the perfect time to do that!

For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website: Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.



Photo: © Young Living

Connect with Vera

Excellent Source of Calcium Source of Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Selenium Source of Vitamins C, E, B6, B12, A, Folate, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin

Source of Riboflavin, Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, Thiamin, Selenium, Potassium


FRUIT SAUCE INGREDIENTS 3 cups fruit—frozen or fresh 1-3 tbsp. Maple Syrup Water METHOD


In sauce pan, place a small amount of water, I typically don’t add water until I see how the fruit is cooking down, fruit and maple syrup. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, about 15 minutes . The fruit will cook down and it will thicken slightly. Cool slightly and serve warm over pancakes.

1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 3 tablespoons granulated sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 3/4 cup buttermilk 1 egg 2 tablespoons butter melted 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Try peaches with a little all spice, blueberries with a little vanilla and lemon, apples with cinnamon, raspberries with mint, cranberry with thyme, the combinations are endless - explore on your own and see what you come up with. Maybe orange with a hint of cocoa!

METHOD In large bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Whisk together buttermilk, egg, butter and vanilla; pour over dry ingredients. Whisk until combined but still slightly lumpy. Heat large nonstick skillet or griddle over lowmedium heat; lightly brush with some of the oil. Pour batter, scant 1/4 cup at a time, into pan; spread slightly to form pancakes. Cook until bubbles appear on top, about 3 minutes. Flip and cook until bottoms are golden brown, about 1 minute. Transfer to rimmed baking sheet; cover and keep warm in 250ºF (120ºC) oven. Recipe from: Photo: © P Nielsen 23


Stand in your power within

As I sit quietly to ask what the power animal is this month, my personal power animal circles over my head and lands on my left shoulder. Then two others join in the flying. So as three eagle circle overhead their message this month is: “Stand in your power within. You do not need to show your power in a show of force aggressively. It shines brightly within already, and all you need to do is follow your heart. Soar to heights unknown within you by learning not to judge yourself. With higher perspective, you will understand all is well, and you are perfect the way you are. Forgiveness is the key. Heal Yourself in and doing so you will heal all and the world. Be who you really are.� Yours in higher perspective The Eagles





Sunday Sun-Day

Monday Moon-day

Tuesday Mars-day

Wednesday Mercury-Day

Thursday Jupiter-Day

Friday Venus-Day

Saturday Saturn-day


2 Does not look good for the ground hog … unexpected surprises … keep you inside voice inside

3 Venus gets her warrior on and moves into Aries… think amazon queen

4 Finally a beautiful day for a meditation … perhaps you need to have a day all to yourself and a good book

Great start to the month … just don’t let your emotions get out of control today








Jupiter is Standing still today… do not make any commitments that you may not be able to keep

Take a couple of giving bags out with you today … Work may be a grind – just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving

Mercury moves into Aquarius

Be prepared to say No …I am sorry I just cannot add that to my list

You may be very magnetic today …

Lunar Eclipse

Be aware of what you are attracting

Go for It! Have an early Valentine day celebration

Today is a day to BE generous and give all you can







Keep your thoughts on what is good for the collective

Work hard so you can Play hard

Lacking in the love department today? This to will pass.

Pay attention to work opportunities that might take you out of your comfort zone

Let the world (Family/ Friends) know what you are passionate about

19 Another nice magnetic day

20 Excellent day


22 Take care today

Try not to be a harsh judge … especially with yourself

Overall great day … just don’t let yourself get caught up in any negative self-talk

Great day for reviewing your action plan for your goals

You may not feel like working on it but once you commit it … surprisingly all hands are on deck




Meditation a must today

Don’t let things get out of control … just take it all in stride … one foot in front of the other

It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood

Solar Eclipse

Today is a good day to practice being an observer No judgement … just support


Powerful words

What that inside voice (and what comes out)

24 Like Sunday we have access to a special Magnetic quality … take your life up a notch – it is the push pull of acquiring what you need/want

18 Sun moves to Pisces Where there is a will there is a way … but balance is key 25

Best day of the month … use it or lose it :-)

Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water or juice box and a couple of surprise items. Double Whammy (DW) = 2 or more hard aspects to the Moon



It is always important to focus on the positive, but at the same time it is not wise to walk around disconnected from the bigger picture. Our goal is to create a healthy balance between these two extremes.

ioned verbal & written to that which travels on sound waves. Mercury in Capricorn brings practically to your thoughts and the written word. Choose your words carefully because they have staying power. Capricorns will benefit from Mercurial activities … journaling, writing, communicating and gathering information. Pisces will need to use caution until the very end of the month, when things will begin to harmonize for them.

The main focus of this month is

Month of February 2017 This month we are getting ready for a long Jupiter Retrograde which lasts from February 6th through to June 10. Contemplate any missed opportunities/growth, over the last few months (November – February) especially in an intellectual or social context, see if you can pick up where you left off. Start by looking at why you may have passed over the opportunity and work out a plan from there.

Take advantage of Communication … talk it out – 4, 10, 14, 20, 25 Be Skilled with your Communication … 2, 9, 17, Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! Venus … Evokes Love, Beauty and Security. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful things (art, earthy greenery such as organic gardening, flowers, food, music, colour, gems, sparkly things, money, people) … This month Venus puts on her amazon warrior outfit and steps out to master the world, she will be wearing this cloak for an extra the beginning of June. Be sure to ask questions before wielding your sword. If you need to clean house of any demons that are causing discourse to your relationship with the world now is the time to step it up. Aries will find a definite surge in the desire to clean house and create harmony this month. Librans need to stay balanced & Cancer/ Capricorns need to swim with the current … not against it ;-)

As you move through February take note of your sense of harmony, how/what you are attracting to yourself, your interaction with the material world and the ‘other’. Venus will be travelling back through this fiery path from March until early June. Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Piscean’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality. Over the last month you may have felt your energy start to lag … you should see a definite resurgence in your vitality this month – soak it all in.

Planetary overview for the Month

Evoke harmony … Create something beautiful … 4, 9, 10, 19, 24, 28

The best and worst days are highlighted in red…

Know what you want and why – 7, 14, 21 … Heartache/ domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway!

Double Whammy and challenging days … 2, 7, 14, 22, 27… use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe. Meditation or relaxed days – take

Mars … Action, Passion and Anger, our ability to do something. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. The first three quarters of the month you may feel like your instincts on overdrive – just to get through the day. All month Mars continues to ride a wave of fire gaining strength as he goes. If you have any fitness goals now is a great time go all out on your goal. BE a force. Aries need to ride the

your day up a

notch – 4, 10, 15, 16, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26 … Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing - moving chi gong, walking, music, meditation - silence or guided, gentle yoga or soft stretching.

Mercury… Communication in all forms from old fash31

wave of energy. Capricorn and Cancer will need to be a little more cautionary.

and what we cannot see. Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Expect ideas to inspire, new energy sources are available. Be a Rebel with a cause. unleash your genius on the world … Aries and Libra Cancer and Capricorn – may struggle with impulsivity and unexpected surprises.

Connect Action with Passion – Make it a way of Life … 9, 19, 24, Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! … 7, 14, 22, 26, 27 Jupiter… Growth, Wisdom, Opportunities and Expansion. Very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter made a very big shift into Libra in September, until the fall of 2017. Jupiter moves into a deep inner spiral providing opportunity to go back and unlock any doors of opportunity that you missed first time around. Libra Gemini Aquarius may hear the knock of opportunity again – use this to shift into the next level of growth.

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations, the window supporting understanding and wisdom of what is beyond the physical world and our solar system. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of collective or clan/pack mentality, tune into Love not Hate. Explore ways that you can expand your boundaries. Pisces Scorpio Cancer benefit from dream journals, meditation and art.

Opportunity for growth … ask and you will receive ? … 6, 10, 11, 15, 20, 21, 25

The Dwarf Planets … Take care not to get caught up in the harsher side of these dwarfs – they may not have cleared their orbit of debris but they still pack a lot into their symbolic language. We have just begun the exploration of some of the newly discovered. Except for Ceres (asteroid turned dwarf) they are all very slow © dusk - moving – change is very slow andPhoto: gradual.

Don’t give more than you can afford … 2, 5, 8, 27 Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity. Saturn… Boundaries, Restrictions, Limitations and possibly fear, Saturn supports your ability to get organized. Saturn is moving through Sagittarius, picking up speed and working with a wild-fiery optimistic energy. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion and bounce back into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries! Sagittarians use this time to create lasting structures, Gemini watch your step, Pisces and Virgo it is best to observe what is making you feel restricted and act slowly when making necessary changes.

Pluto… Our planet of change, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn. Pluto continues to push for change in our old and outworn structures of dictatorship and inflexible leadership. Let go of the need to control and simply BE a powerful advocate for change. Pluto is moving direct through Capricorn. Slowly start to release your need to control the details around you … remember – the only control we truly have is to open and allow the destruction and disintegration of the old ways in order to get to the re-Birth, and move to the next level of Being.

Go ahead, set some boundaries and get organized … 10, 15, 23, 25

Makemake… who brings quantum experiences and unexpected genius; It may be time to use a deeper quantum level that will bring your microcosm into balance. Capricorn, Aries, Cancer Libra will need to work without ego in all endeavours.

Don’t forget to create healthy boundaries … 6, 13, 20, 27 … You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE!

Uranus … The Bridge between that which we can see 32

When the Moon is full - the sky is lit up and you can see the details of where you are headed. It is a time of completion – become an observer to see what needs to be completed in the present moment in order to move forward.

Eris… only desires equality! This is a strong feminine archetype who will use our ego against us. Evoke and balance and awaken the warrior within. She fearlessly moves through Aries (very slow moving). She is currently moving retrograde (inner spiral). A catalyst for unexpected events, which may appear to feel like a painful Déjà vu. Been there done that … Why Am I Doing It Again! The answer is that you will continue to do it again and again until you evoke the warrior within to break the energetic signature being repeated. Aries and Libra Cancer and Capricorn – may struggle with discord trying to shaking up your world.

Snap Shot: Wow! As far as Lunar Eclipses go – this is one of the most dynamically useful Eclipses I have seen in a long time. There is a lot of innate talent to call upon to help you put sustained effort into finishing what you have started …. Radical changes can create much needed structure to help contain the right combination of emotions and will power to withstand outside pressure as you create healthy habits that move you ever closer to accomplishing the goal(s).

Haumea… Facilitator for transformation as the mother of humanitarian efforts … Haumea brings a balance back to the world with a strong goddess signature as she takes back her power on earth. Step up to the plate take on the global issues by choosing to stand up for the underdog. Libra Gemini Aquarius may find opportunity to get involved in humanitarian projects

New Moon Solar Eclipse February 27th at 08 Aquarius 4:07pm PT … 8:07 pm AT

Ceres… loves the work or activity of the harvest – a mother figure in our lives, moves into Taurus a script she loves to read from … you will see growth of the new seeds you have planted over the last few months. Taurus, Pisces Cancer and Scorpio may see new seeds quickly sprouting, especially if they are related to being a mother or a mother figure

Snap Shot: Don’t lose sight of where you are going. You could get a little lost in the fog along the way. There is a lot of warrior energy that could get caught up in a well planned out illusion that someone else is creating. Before rushing to the front line make sure you are connected to the truth – not just what you are being told must be the truth, this is about authenticity and integrity.

As above So below. This month we have our first eclipses of the year, these provide a snap shot for the next 6 months. They are a valuable layer of information which sets the stage for what is to come. The Lunar Eclipse is an indicator of internal changes and attitude and the Solar Eclipse is points us toward external changes made in an environmental impact.

Use this in a skilled way and you will express yourself as a Spiritual Warrior Standing your ground and demanding the truth … Tell me NO Lies.

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse February 10th at 22 Leo 28’ Leo/Aquarius 4:33pm PT … 8:33 pm AT 33

A Crystal Reading for

February 2017 Your task is simple this month, dear ones. All you have to do is sample love. That’s it. See what love feels like: love for your neighbor, love for your child, your small relation, your old relation. What does love feel like when you look at and see a plant, a puppy, a rock, a stream? What does it feel like? And when you are finished sampling, my friends, go out and share your awareness. Share love with those you come into contact with daily. On the bus, in the park, going through the checkout at the grocery store. Share love. Transmute your impatience, your disgust, your dismay. See it for what it is….a part of you that does not yet know love, that knows only fear. Acknowledge the fear and move past it. “Thank you for sharing, fearful part of me. I choose love. WE choose love…..” Namasté


Photo: © VEnshaw

Contact Vera at 34

Week One – February 1 to 4 – Nuumite: This week truly look under your bed. Clear out the dust, the cobwebs. Pull out the rituals that keep you so well hidden: the smile that doesn’t reach your eyes, the handshake that covers your heart. Choose whether you want to keep them or whether you are ready to release them, let them go and become more visibly your authentic self. When it comes right down to it, dear ones, you are the only one you are fooling.

Week Two – February 5 to 11 – Citrine Point: In your own way this week, teach the world to sing. Help people bring their authentic selves to the surface, show them that music is not always a vocal experience. We can sing with our bodies, with our vibration – letting our joy loose. Singing can be felt in the way we speak, in the way we gesture. Vibrate higher, loved ones – bring your experience of joy up a notch.

Week Three – February 12 to 18 – Amethyst Geode: Inside you there exists a sparkle, a multi-faceted light display. From Sunday to Saturday this week focus on allowing that being expression. Do not hesitate to help others – from the street person looking for a dollar to the lady trying to cross at the light with her walker – show patience and understanding. Do not give yourself away – rather, stand in your power and SHINE!

Week Four – February 19 to 25 – Crystal Point: Flash floods this week! Prepare yourself for outpourings of rage, for witnessing extremes of behavior. Bring your light, your calmness, your solid faith in your being-ness, to each situation. Even if you are not a part of the situation, radiate light and love. You are the expression of love in this world and you know it. Often just pushing the energy through will be enough to diffuse the situation. Strength, dear ones….

Week Five – February 26 to 28 – Tiger Iron: Grounding is what you will experience this week. From the earth will come the energy that you require to bring yourself down from the highs of this past month. Bring yourself to places where you can touch the earth, feel the trees, hear and see the water. Look out at the stars, visualize yourself being blessed with starlight, grounding you to the earth and centering you to the core of our planet.




For something different, I decided to draw a card for each month of 2017 and present it here. This month the card is Three of Michael, which is the three of Swords. When we look at the different cards that represent the 3 of swords, we can see how much gentler Three of Michael is. Here we see him supporting a maiden as she weeps upon his shoulder. In the others, except for the Mary-el Tarot (dove with three swords), the swords are pointed down giving us reason to believe the damage has been done. I liked the Mary-el card because it was like the dove somehow captured all the swords before bodily harm could happen, which shows us that this is on the emotional level. Usually, this card symbolises an emotional outpouring that is long overdue. Exactly what Three of Michael is telling us, release the past. I believe that we don’t have to take the hard road to release it either, we can do so gently without beating ourselves up. Go ahead have a good cry; tears are sacred; they release the toxins and bring healing. Physically we have moved on; it is time we emotionally and mentally released it as well. Our emotions are probably healed yet our mind keeps us in the state of hurt. No matter what has happened you are stronger for it; growth is the blessing that all challenges gift us with.

Every now and then we face a time that is truly challenging emotionally. This month could well be one of those times. Perhaps there will be disappointments and heartache associated with your love life or family, or perhaps challenges financially and at work. The Three of Swords presents a potentially tough time, yet if you ask for help or reassuring comfort and love from friends and family, you will weather this storm. You will grow from this situation! When challenging events occur, it’s important to take time to heal. You do not have to do it alone. Ask your angels, guides, or human friends for assistance. Forgive everyone involved (including yourself) for actions or choices you may see as having been unkind of in error. Time truly does heal all wounds. Time to release the past.


Hello Dearest Ones: Please do not let fear and illusions rule in these challenging times. Yes, this is a time to stand up for what you believe. However, do it in love. Love is not weak. You can say no and still love. You can disagree and still love. You can take a stand and still love Do not let fear and strife take what you truly are in your heart and soul and dim it down. The world needs fierce love warriors/warrioresses. The world needs unity. The world needs the seeds of unity to spread and grow in the consciousness of love and unity, and in it, the warriors and warrioresses will teach the world in the lessons of the unity of humankind. The world is one united. Planetary Oneness will bloom with each passing moment. Yours in loving unity The Angels


This month’s messages drawn from Magical Times Empowerment Cards By Jody Bergsma 42


Photo: © mcobb 44

What a tumultuous start to 2017 so far. I asked the runes to give some insight into February’s frivolities.

this could be an actual birth, or the birth of an idea, something creative, sometimes inspired by love.

What I received was very interesting to see the least. Sometimes the runes have a very odd sense of humour.

The last rune was Berkano reversed. Berkano is the fertility rune, a rune of birth and family. It represents your true home, “home is where the heart is” as opposed to where you may be living at present.

The first rune in the cast was Laguz. Laguz is the rune of intuitive knowledge and lets you know to follow your gut feelings.

Because it is reversed, it usually indicates family or domestic troubles. It shows much friction between you and those closest to you.

It can be an indicator of psychic abilities, or show you are being led by higher powers. Some will not even be aware of this guidance.

Berkano reversed is not an omen of certain doom, unless surrounded by truly negative runes. It could merely be a warning and an indicator that any plans at this time, will probably fall through. With patience, restraint, and timely action these plans could be brought to fruition at a later date.

Even if one is not naturally psychic, this can show an event of significance, or a prophetic dream. Success in this instance depends on you following your intuition. This rune speaks of a good memory and success in learning, usually through your imagination. It also frequently shows that things are turning to your favour, and can indicate a time of relaxing, re-evaluating, and cleansing.

I see this as not becoming so caught up in the current world events that we feel helpless to affect change. We need patience and restraint instead of fear. Follow your intuition and trust your gut feeling.

The next rune was Kenaz. This is the symbol of the hearth fire, a warm and controlled energy. It represents strengths, energy, and power and shows the importance of a positive attitude. Kenaz is a helpful rune that can appear when we are having any type of problems. As it is upright in this cast, it is a protective rune, showing a respite from worries, and a time when trials will be few and easily manageable.

I hope this reading resonates with you and I would welcome any feedback. You can contact me through the magazine web page.

Until next month,

Kenaz can be a precursor to a time of opening up, of good things coming into your life. Now could be a good time to start something new.

Skål min ven Phil

This rune is especially important to artists and craftsmen as a symbol of creativity. Depending on the accompanying runes,

Contact Phil at for more information. 45

Message from the Angels February 2017 Blessings dear ones, We come to you upon the whispers of your unconscious, from the depths of your soul. It is important for each of you to stay grounded, and to listen to your gut – your inner voice – right now. Stay focused, pay attention, look closely at all elements being presented. It is in the smallest of details, not the broad strokes first seen that you will find clarity and truth. Stay present in each moment, observe the minute, stay grounded in your own awareness and don’t be swayed by all that you hear, read or see. Discernment is necessary, don’t be swift to act, ensure that your passion is based in your truth, what resonates with you. Our message to you this month is to hold onto love energy, only LOVE is real. It is the power behind all things, and brings to the seen the unseen. Generosity, reverence, respect, compassion and kindness are love’s companions, they provide profound power to all that you do. Do not allow the dilemmas of life to take over and place you in fear mode. Hold off longing for what you have no control over, instead focus on coming from a place of love in all that you do and say. Fear will drown you, creating exactly what you do not want. Love allows you to ride out any storm with integrity.

Hold the faith dear ones, continue to see only love and understand your truth in all matters. Your truth which comes from love and not from your fear. You are being watched over, know that your past is unraveling to reveal a brighter future. No matter what chaos is being tossed your way, stay present, connect with your inner self and observe your thoughts and your actions, do they align with what you desire right now? Right now, in each moment, do they align with what you desire? Stay in the power of love rather than residing in the power of fear, love is true power, fear gives the sense of power but is false. The potential for miracles and divine intervention is high, so many are joining in the collective consciousness to manifest the highest good for all. United in kindness, compassion, respect and love. Be the light that shines the way for all humanity in the grace of love. We stand beside you, ready to listen and guide, all you need to do is ask. In the grace of love The power of three Through Mcobb



“Man must rise above the EARTH—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the WORLD in which he lives.” Socrates

Photo: © PNielsen 48

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