NWC GHL Booklet Spring 2021

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NWC's Guided Home Learning Booklet Spring 2021

Contents Senior School GHL ............................................ 3

Junior School GHL ............................................. 25


CONTENTS pg 3 pg 8 pg 12 pg 13 pg 19 pg 21 pg 22

Guided Home Learning Format & Expectations Online resources to support learning Online safety Pastoral Support, Care, guidance and well-being Extra-curricular Timetable NWC Active Programme NWC Horizons Series

Guided Home Learning Format and Expectations Our teachers have worked incredibly hard to ensure that students continue their learning journeys in each subject with the same enthusiasm, engagement and level of accomplishment as they would if they were in a classroom. They are experts in delivering excellent Guided Home Learning, are all trained in the use of the Google Suite and 30 of our teachers are Google Certified Educators. Our online platform, Google Classroom, is being used to set work, give feedback and answer student queries. The platform enables real-time interaction between student and teacher and ensures that the girls receive the feedback they need to make excellent progress. Teachers are using the Google Meet video conference tool, accessed via Google Classroom, to deliver the vast majority of lessons via live teaching sessions. They are eager to create the same intellectual ‘buzz’ that exists in our NWC classrooms and are ensuring active, focused participation from all students through exciting apps and sites such as Jamboard, Mentimeter, Mindmeister, Padlett and Flipgrid and our usual combination of independent and group work.


Guided Home Learning Format and Expectations Organisation and attitude to learning form the foundation of excellent learning and academic progress. We know how challenging maintaining high standards in these areas can be when learning from home and therefore recommend that your daughters: Follow the school timetable - routine keeps students motivated and productive. Students will be registered for each of their lessons by their subject teacher. Ensure they know how the lessons for the day will be taught and which platforms will be used. If a lesson is being taught ‘live’ on GM they should ‘arrive’ at the appointed time. Ensure they have the books and/or equipment they need for each lesson, so that when the lesson begins, they are ready to learn. Hand in work via the online platform by the submission date. If this is not possible, they should inform their teacher or their tutor. All teachers understand that there are good reasons why it may not be possible and will support wherever they can. Endeavour to complete homework away from their screens whenever possible. Teachers have been asked to set some off-screen, reading-focused tasks to ensure that students have a balanced and healthy educational experience. Speak to their subject teachers or tutors if they have any academic questions or concerns at all EVERYONE IS HERE TO HELP!


Tips for Managing Independent Work


when working independently, work in short bursts with short, then a longer, break eg: 30 minutes, then 5 minute break 20 then 5 minutes break 15 minutes then a 15 minutes break and start again

Cognitive load: begin with the most challenging areas first when you brain is working at its optimum


Cognitive Renewal:

short breaks allow the brain to re-power

-d the doc that is now


cover topics again by making links to other topics; helps establish a deeper understanding of the complexities of the subjects


Stay tidy, organised and efficient:

plan a time each week when you can spend time sorting out files and notes to make sure you know where all your work is kept - you can make it fun by colourcoding which will also help you remember where things are

-d the doc that is now


Online resources to support learning FIREFLY RESOURCES: Access to Firefly is available in school and at home: https://northwoodcollege.fireflycloud.net/library To help with homework and research, we subscribe to the following online resources:

The Day: The Day is aimed at schools and colleges to help explain current affairs in short articles written and illustrated by The Day staff writers and graphic artists; to be a serious briefing service for everyone, to pick out the underlying issues that are shaping the world; and to help readers ask good questions rather than believe they have the answers. Access from home: theday.co.uk/?token=3dfc11fdadea7b2fca4d3db966061021

Encyclopaedia Britannica Online: Firefly page: https://northwoodcollege.fireflycloud.net/library/online-resources/encyclopaedia-britannica https://school.eb.co.uk/levels/intermediate - Ages 10 - 14 https://school.eb.co.uk/levels/advanced - Ages 14 and over


JSTOR: http://www.jstor.org You can access JSTOR remotely via the following case-sensitive information: Username: northwoodcollege Password: library Issues Online: Issues Online provide PSHE resources for teachers, students, parents and librarians. Issues use images, graphs, infographics, videos and glossaries to help students and teachers understand information covering a wide range of PSHE subjects, KS4 topics, lessons and social issues. To access all the articles and information from 'issues' follow this link. Username: Edmonds Password: 20385 www.issuesonline.co.uk/subscription/login The Directory of Open Access Journals The Directory of Open Access Journals was launched in 2003 at Lund University, Sweden, with 300 open access journals and today contains ca. 9000 open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities. The aim of the DOAJ is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. The DOAJ aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. In short, the DOAJ aims to be the one-stop shop for users of open access journals. https://doaj.org/


Help with using statistics: Look at the Royal Statistical Society's website for help with understanding and using statistical information: http://www.statslife.org.uk/resources TED Talks: TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. https://www.ted.com/talks MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) MOOCs offer university-level courses without the need to complete an entire programme of studies, and are becoming increasingly popular. They offer a large number of students the opportunity to study high quality courses online with prestigious universities, often at no cost. They are ideal for independent study and users can select courses from any institution offering them. MOOCs do not always lead to formal qualifications. There are no entry requirements. Video-based, they offer interaction either through peer review and group collaboration or automated feedback through objective, online assessments (including quizzes and exams). What you need to know While most courses are free, some are fee-paying. Videos are normally short and much activity takes place on online discussion groups and forums. https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/distance-learning/moocs-(massive-open-online-courses) Future Learn: Short online courses https://www.futurelearn.com/courses


KHAN ACADEMY: A personalized learning resource for all ages “Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We've also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content…” https://www.khanacademy.org/

NEIL GAIMAN VIDEOS: Neil reads ‘The graveyard book’ and ‘Coraline’ in their entirety http://www.mousecircus.com/videos/

Free audio books (a 30-day free trial): http://www.openculture.com/get-a-free-audiobook-from-audiobooks-com Project Gutenberg provides access to a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired:



Online Safety Online safety is at the forefront of our minds and your daughters are bound by our Acceptable Use Agreement which provides them with a set of expectations and guidelines to follow. The Heads of Year have also provided your daughters with suitable web and online resources that they may opt to refer to. We would like to recommend the following websites to our parents: www.youngminds.org.uk/ - which has advice and information for parents and young people relating to mental health and wellbeing www.internetmatters.org/ for advice by the age of the child, to parents to keep their children safe online


Helping your daughter to maintain healthy habits As we enter another period of lockdown with all that it encompasses, it is time for some reminders to the girls about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. All of the girls will be engaging in their timetable of Guided Home Learning lessons, events and pastoral and extra-curricular activities, we endeavour to engage your daughters in a range of ways in the forthcoming weeks. We will be alerting the girls of the following NWC 10 Point Guide, to help them to stay healthy and we ask that you read and continue to endorse the advice at home.


Well-being during GHL and lockdown - the NWC 10 Point Guide 1.

Ensure that you use your laptop on a stable base that is at a comfortable height


Use a comfortable chair and ensure that your work area is kept tidy


Setting up your laptop: - neutral postures with the neck aligned with the spine (neutral not bent or thrust forward), - back relaxed but supported - shoulders relaxed (not hunched or rounded) - elbows close to the body and bent at an angle between 90 and 120 degrees, and wrists and hands straight (not bent or turned) - if possible, raise your screen to eye level and use a separate keyboard and mouse

4. Eyesight: - ensure that you can clearly see the screen and the typeface - if you are experiencing headaches or other symptoms, talk to a parent (to have your eyesight tested or speak to your GP) 5. Take regular breaks - at school you would take breaks between each lesson, during our travel time, do the same at home - each 15 minutes stand up and move around - after each lesson take a five minute walk and stretch out your arms, legs, ankles and roll neck to avoid tension


6. Stay hydrated - ensure that you eat regularly, with nutritious, balanced meals - drink water regularly 7. Stay active - engage in physical activity during school morning break, lunchtime (there will be an active club every lunchtime, run by the PE department, and after school). You can tailor the activity to the space that is available to you - from indoor yoga and dance to outdoor exercise and sports - ensure that you stand up and move around regularly 8. Good quality sleep - you must turn off your screens at least one hour before trying to go to sleep. Medical advisers and sleep experts recommend two hours. Wind down during this time by listening to music, taking gentle exercise such as yoga, read your book, chat to family. If watching TV or a film helps you to wind down, ensure that you are sitting in a relaxed position and turn off one hour before going to sleep at the latest The quality of your sleep will be enhanced if you:· - unclutter your mind before going to bed, write down things you need to remember for the next day - organise your materials for the next day in advance - keep up with deadlines - be rational, and distract yourself from unhelpful worries - be kind to yourself, remember your inner coach voice - avoid ‘blue lights’ for at least one hour before bed - these are emitted from screens and prevent your brain from releasing the sleep hormone melatonin - take exercise during the day - don’t go to bed hungry, and avoid eating too late - choose a bedtime that allows you AT LEAST EIGHT HOURS OF SLEEP


9. Limit Your Screen time - avoid being on screen during school breaks and lunchtime - submit your work after each lesson (do not prolong your day) - when your teacher sets you an ‘off screen’ task, do just that and move away from the screen for the allocated time - ask the question: ‘is this screen activity worthwhile’? - agree with your friends the time that you will put your phones away, AND STICK TO IT - hand in your phone to parents at night (this should be a house rule for your wellbeing) - understand that tech companies and TV streaming companies do everything they can to hook you…. for minutes…. for hours of pointless chat, scrolling, viewing…. 10. And remember, stay safe online. We are here to help and support you. In addition, your Head of Year has sent you websites and apps if you need support beyond school. If you need help in establishing good habits - ask the pastoral team or your parent


Pastoral Support: who to contact If your daughter is unwell and unable to complete work set by teachers that day please contact: absence@NWC.gdst.net. Pastoral Concerns: If you or your daughter have a pastoral concern, please contact her Head of Year by email stating what the concern is; please copy in Ms Ferguson (j.ferguson@nwc.gdst.net). The pastoral team will be able to provide pastoral support in the form of advice via email or in a Google Meet meeting. Head of Year Year 7: n.tikare@nwc.gdst.net Year 8: n.iyengar@nwc.gdst.net Year 9: l.brown@nwc.gdst.net Year 10: e.rees@nwc.gdst.net Year 11: g.elliott@nwc.gdst.net Sixth form: l.bailey@nwc.gdst.net / j.ahsan@nwc.gdst.net If you wish to discuss a matter of concern, then please contact Ms Ferguson (Deputy Head Pastoral) or Mrs Bailey (Director of Sixth Form) and we will endeavour to call you as soon as possible. School counsellor service will be available, in an adapted form, for pupils that are currently receiving support from the counsellor. counsellorapp@nwc.gdst.net


Pastoral education and keeping in touch with Heads of Year PSHE lesson material will be delivered to your daughter by her Head of Year, for her scheduled PSHE lesson with materials posted on google classroom. Reading: please encourage your daughter to read for pleasure. Our tutor teams and Heads of Year deliver a coordinated programme of pastoral activities in the mornings during form times. This pastoral contact is maintained with communications from the Heads of Year to their specific year group. The girls may be asked to complete a pastoral project, reading or be asked to keep up with current affairs as is the case when they are in school.


Extra-curricular Timetable Once the pupils have settled into their new routines, we will of course revive our wonderful extra-curricular programme and we will publish this in due course. We endeavour to ensure that our girls continue to develop their interests across the five strands: active, creative, communicators, happy, prepared.


NWC Drop-Everything-and-Read Reading has proven links to a multitude of benefits and with this in mind we are very keen to establish the habit in all of the girls. We recognise that not everyone naturally gravitates towards curling up with a good novel and the pastoral team, librarians and the English department have been instrumental in ensuring that the girls can access guidance and suggestions for suitable book choices that match their interests. Each Friday, our lunchtime ends at 13.30 and the whole school descends into a period of supervised reading - long enough for all of the girls and their tutors to immerse themselves in their chosen book. We are keen to ensure that the girls keep this up at home: parents - please do pop your head round into your daughters room on a Friday - she should be quietly absorbed in her novel.


Stay fit and healthy with our NWC Active Programme DAY




7 - 13 SIGN UP

This course is designed to enable you to experience all the benefits that yoga offers and will develop your skills each week. You must commit to attending all the sessions and complete the course




YOGA COURSE: Session 1




5 - 13

This active session will give you the opportunity to learn about how you can improve your swimming skills on land with a range of cardio, jumping, flexibility and breath control exercises.




6 - 13

This active session to music will give you an opportunity to get moving and dancing.



YOGA COURSE: Session 2

7 - 13 SIGN UP

This course is designed to enable you to experience all the benefits that yoga offers and will develop skills each week. You must commit to attending all the sessions and complete the course.




6 - 13

This cardio based fitness session will get your heart pumping whilst using a range of boxing movements.




5 - 13

This active session will give you the opportunity to learn a dance routine, attend every week to learn it all.




5 - 13

This session will be fun fitness activities, aiming to keep you active and enjoying physical activity.


NWC Horizons Series 2020 saw the exciting launch of our NWC Horizons Series and this term provides a progamme of Career talks (see: https://sites.google.com/nwc.gdst.net/horizons-series-fornwc-pupils/home?authuser=1). Please do discuss these talks with your daughter – our expectation is that she attends a minimum of three talks, but can attend them all if she chooses!



Contents p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 p19 p20 p21

Guided Home Learning - The Key Questions The Platforms How is learning being delivered? Creating the best online environment Daughters of Key Workers & Learning Support What the girls can do to support their teachers The Timetable Reporting - tracking your daughter's progress Social and Pastoral Care Yoga Music Art and Design Physical Education Special Events Virtual Tours and Extra - Curricular Communication Summary


Guided Home Learning The Key Questions

The Curriculum

How can I be sure my daughter is making progress?

Rich and broad and scope, rigorous and creative in its execution

How is the school enabling the best remote education for my daughter, one which eases the burden on parents, the vast majority of whom are currently having to balance multiple roles?

Curriculum choices will build continuity into the girls’ education, and build upon what theyknow already

How can I be sure my daughter’s education is not being compromised by the absence of ‘normal school’? How is school maintaining that special sense of school community which is why we chose, and love, NWC?


The Curriculum will be the foundation for the work set for the girls; from it teachers set learning objectives and can assess how well the girls are doing Curriculum choices will take account of the different challenges that home learning presents The delivery of the curriculum will be adapted to make best use of technology and use media best suited to the learning objectives and tasks set The curriculum recognises that learning extends beyond the classroom – the social and pastoral education NWC provided is highly prized and will continue


The Platforms

Teachers in Nursery to Year 2 are using Firefly for setting tasks, posting instruction audio and visuals, feeding back on work Teachers in EYFS and KS1 are using Zoom for live lessons and in KS2 there are using Google Meet. Your daughter does not need to register in the morning and afternoon as the live sessions will count as registration


How is learning being delivered ? Instruction - our teachers know GHL sets a higher premium on making instructions clear to the girls; that our parents, many juggling multiple roles, do not have the time or feel they lack the expertise to support. We make instructions and expectations crystal clear, including re length of time expected for a task. Teachers are available, where possible, to answer your questions in on-line forums Modelling - we model tasks via clear examples using prerecorded audio and video, or live teaching where appropriate to the task Feedback- teachers feedback regularly and quickly to the girls, with next steps and ‘even better ifs’ which enable them to learn and improve.

Motivation- via specific praise given in teacher feedback, via Achievement Marks, Class Star Awards and a termly JS Habit Winner. We have our weekly Achievement Assembly on Thursdays at 8.40am, where girls across KS1 and KS2 are recognised for their achievements. We keep reminding the girls that their hard work and thirst for excellence are recognised.


What do our teachers do to create the best environment for online teaching? Set objectives for each lesson to help girls who feel less confident with the on-line environment Set expectations for on-line learning, so the girls know how to interact successfully, what to do if they have questions and how to learn effectively Provide content that is precise and clear Use a combination of real-time teaching, pastoral meets and pre-recorded instruction, using methods which are most helpful and appropriate to the work being undertaken Provide an uncluttered ‘physical background’ as an example to the girls and to aid their powers of focus Record and store all online sessions with the girls


Daughters of Key Workers The school remains open for these girls. Their education is planned for, and delivered by NWC staff. This will continue for the duration of Guided Home Learning. Thank you to those NWC parents who are working on the front line to enable us to remain healthy and safe at this worrying time.

Learning Support Differentiation – wherever appropriate, teachers adapt tuition and tasks to match the current abilities of all girls Mrs Savva continues to support teachers in delivering a differentiated curriculum Mrs Savva continues to work with girls/families by arrangement. She can be contacted via juniorschool@nwc.gdst.net


What can the girls do to support their teachers? When girls are attending lessons or pastoral meets online, we expect our girls to: Be ready to join the video on time, with any materials ready if you need them Have a workroom which is a ‘neutral space’, not a bedroom, and where possible, quiet and without distractions Be appropriately dressed for the session Keep the meeting information private and not record or photograph any part of the session Respect other pupils Listen carefully Avoid being distracted (wear headphones if it helps you and mute your mic if your teacher asks you to) Make comments when invited by their teacher Ask questions (use the comment box or raise your hand)


The Timetable We will try to keep as closely to your daughter's timetable as possible and this will be shared on Firefly for EYFS, Years 1 - 2 and on Google Classroom for Years 3 - 6 Objectives of the Timetable To simulate, as closely as possible, the feeling of school To provide as much opportunity as we can for the girls to see and hear their teachers To balance screen time with focused work time, away from devices To create a positive learning environment To help girls establish a regular routine, and know the deadlines for submitting work to their teachers To ensure the girls have purposeful days, brimming with tasks which challenge and excite them To enable parents and daughters to plan for device and family time To enable us to deliver the rich and exciting curriculum we have set To ensure the girls make excellent progress, get continuity in their learning and are ready for the resumption of ‘physical school’


The Timetable How much live teaching is there? Maths and English lessons have a daily live component, in addition to this there is a live pastoral element in the afternoon. Other subjects like Music, Spanish, Latin, RS and PE are either taught live or pre-recorded depending on the task and age of pupils. One Science and one Topic lesson per week also consists of some live teaching. 1:1 reading will still take place in KS1 and there will be small group live sessions across the school to challenge and support the girls. It is important to ensure your daughter has a break from her screen and we will ensure that the timetable allows for this.

Is my daughter be taught in her form room? As far as possible, although this won't always be possible as we will have to respond to the ever changing situation for staff and pupils.


The Timetable Submitting work and feedback For Years 1 - 2: Maths and English to be submitted daily by 4pm. All other work in KS1 should be submitted by Friday at 4pm. For Years 3 - 6: Maths and English to be submitted daily by mid-day. Other subjects should be submitted by 4pm on Friday We appreciate that this might not be possible for all girls and we simply ask that you communicate this to school by contacting your daughter's form tutor via juniorschool@nwc.gdst.net Teachers give feedback on work and, like in school, this is a combination of written feedback and verbal feedback. At times self and peer assessment will be used too.


Reporting and Assessment Girls have had their Termly Targets sent home. Termly Assessments for KS1 and KS2 will take place, but will be conducted in a different way - more information to follow. Parents’ evenings will take place virtually and will be scheduled for everyone’s convenience. Providing an opportunity to learn precisely how your daughter is faring during GHL and what it means for her education in the longer term.


Social and Pastoral Education We all cherish school for so much more than the ‘academic timetable’. That unique sense of NWC community will be sustained, among others, via: On-line pastoral meets and check-ins between teachers and girls Virtual assemblies will take place from 08:40 - 09:00 every Tuesday and Thursday via the following zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/95606138941?pwd=bm9xZXZoQVBOTmZkV1l3SWluRzM3UT09 Meeting ID: 956 0613 8941 Passcode: 035031 Unfortunately Clubs are not happening at the moment, but Chess Club will still be running due to ease of live engagement.


Social and Pastoral - Yoga Resources for yoga and meditation sessions Click on the link below for my Yoga and meditation YouTube channel- Priya Sawhny (Yoga Paradise). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVyQasLum q_IFaxhv5ioIgA To be notified for the upcoming videos please Subscribe to the YouTube Channel and turn the notification button ON. Alternatively, you can access all the videos on the Yoga Paradise website under Yoga at home. https://www.yogaparadise.co.uk/news-events/category/yoga-at-home Breathing exercise that can help stay cool and calm: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=EIWm4xiCVJQ Here is the link for "Visit to the Forest" - An interactive Yoga and meditation session for children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69wJN3hlwk

To aid well-being, Priya, our visiting Yoga expert, has provided resources which all our girls can use. She writes:

Yoga Paradise has created videos to spread good health and positivity during this testing time- all in the comfort of your home! New videos will be uploaded regularly for children, teens and adults on YouTube. Easy breathing exercises, yoga poses, meditations and fun games are a part of the children’s yoga series structured to make home learning fun for the children. We hope you and the girls find the resources beneficial and they can help the girls stay calm, happy, healthy and fit. It's also a good opportunity to have fun doing yoga with your children.

An animated guided visualisation to bring a sense of peace and tranquillity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0SGCzi1BCg


Music - The 'Beating Heart' of Junior School Early Years: Mrs Humphries and Florence the Flamingo will be recording videos which will include some new action songs, musical warm ups and music from around the world. Mr McElwaine will be recording some videos where he will introduce different orchestral instruments to the girls. All resources can be found on Firefly. Year 1: Mrs Humphries and Tiago will be recording some musical warm ups which focus on dancing and moving to the beat. They will also be teaching the songs to ‘The Three Little Pigs’ which we hope to record when we are back at school. Lyrics and a story booklet which the girls can illustrate will accompany this work. All resources can be found on Firefly. Year 2 – Year 2 will be travelling back in time to learn songs about The Great Fire of London. They will also be exploring great composers with songs based on some of their most famous melodies. Mr Webster uploads the lessons so the girls can watch or rewind and learn at their leisure. The songs have the potential for a performance when we are back at school. Year 3 – Are learning all about the elements of music such as pulse, rhythm, pitch and tempo. They enjoy completing fun quizzes to test their knowledge at the end of each lesson. Year 4 – Are learning songs about the Anglo Saxons with the aid of some BBC videos. These songs have the potential for a performance when we are back at school. Year 5 – Are learning the songs for the Young Voices concert which is scheduled for later in the year either as a virtual performance or a live performance. Year 6 – Are learning about film music and some of Hollywood’s greatest film score composers.


Art and Design Continues apace as an integral part of our Junior School curriculum.


Physical Education Reception – Y2: the Physical Education department will be supporting the teachers by providing resources to incorporate into their PE lessons. Y3 – 6: the Physical Education department are meeting the girls via a google meet at the start of each of their PE lessons (as per their GHL timetables) through their Google Classrooms. Lessons will predominantly be live taught sessions, but will also include some guided challenges and activities where appropriate.

Active Programme Year 3 & 4 have the opportunity to join an active session on a Friday lunch, further information can be found on the Spring Term Active Programme Google Classroom. Year 5 & 6 have the opportunity to join the daily active sessions with senior girls, further information can be found on the Spring Term Active Programme Google Classroom.


Special Events - GHL is no impediment! Despite GHL, our pastoral events will still run, albeit in a different way. There will be a spring term House Competition - details will be out soon! Times Table Rockstar battles will continue to take place and due to our amazing Junior mathematicians, we expect the competition to be fierce! Music Concert – Mr Webster is planning for this event to go ahead in the second half of term when we are hopefully back at school. Girls will receive more details about this in the coming weeks.


Virtual Tours and Extra-Curricular Details of virtual trips and Extra-Curricular Activities will follow shortly.


Communication How can I contact the school? You can contact your daughter's form tutor via juniorschool@nwc.gdst.net Mrs Crouch can be contacted for pastoral matters at h.crouch@nwc.gdst.net Mrs Morjaria can be contacted for academic matters at a.morjaria@nwc.gdst.net For the latest school news please follow us on Twitter: @NorthwoodGDST @NWC_DepHead @NWC_EarlyYears @NWC_MrsCrouch


@NWC_Juniors @NWCJuniorDeputy


In Summary We use our combined teacher expertise to provide the best remote education possible, employing technology to drive that ambition. Thank you, once again, for your support during this challenging time. The girls will continue to produce outstanding, innovative work, and delight us, as they always do!


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