TBB October 2020

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Covid 19 and Our Economy - 6 Months Later!

INSIDE Times Higher Education ranks Lakehead University among world’s top universities Secret Desires of Corporate Clients North Superior Publishing


FedNor investment to enhance tourism and create youth employment in Thunder Bay—Rainy River

Brett Shewchuk, winner 2020 Thunder Bay District Amateur




Publisher’s Note Scott Sumner It’s been about six months now since the onset of COVID-19 in our world which meant a virtual shut down of much of the economy. So what have we learned in the last six months? I tend to ask a lot of questions to business people that you meet and there are always a wide variety of answers. Generally though COVID 19 has had far reaching implications for most people and business.

Covid 19 and Our Economy 6 Months Later! seems less busy to me than pre COVID 19, even though people do have disposable income. In fact some recent news reports have stated lost wages of about $19 billion have been replaced by over $50 billion of government funds provided to people during the same period. Gyms have reopened with very strict protocols in place. At my large gym ( 35,000 square feet in size ) you have to pre book a 1 hour time slot with a maxi-

Air Canada is back in operation with jet service flying people to Toronto with it looks like 4 flights a day.That is more than they had pre COVID 19. On the other hand Porter Airlines has extended their complete shut down to November 12. Westjet seems to have 1 flight a day to Toronto. Overall the Thunder Bay airport traffic was tremendously down by 95% earlier on which is quite an economic barometer. This is coming back now but a return to pre COVID l9 levels could take years. Hotel occupancy is down and was below 10% at one time with some rebound taking place as well. Restaurants have indoor seating restrictions which will be very difficult if in place for a long time. Also the question is will people want to travel again, go out and eat, attend large scale events? My barber told me his business was booked solid for 5 weeks after reopening was allowed, but now has dropped about 25% from normal levels. Perhaps people aren’t that comfortable in the barbershop. Retail seems to be coming back but it


Marcus Powlowski, MP Thunder Bay Rainy River mum of 25 people allowed in, wear a mask everywhere other than doing cardio, wash the machines before and after use etc. Magnus theatre is doing outside performances. The Auditorium has not opened. Local dealerships selling cars, trucks, ATV’s etc are having difficulty getting the inventory they would normally have.This will mean a drop in sales overall. I was able to ask local MP Marcus Powlowski, Thunder Bay Rainy River and previously an emergency room doctor what he think we can expect in the next 3 months? “ I think in the next month we will continue to have a surge of cases. The schools are reopening and historically have been the incubator for respiratory infections. Having been a doctor working in the field for 35 years I am well aware of this. The average kid has something like 10 respiratory infections a year. There will be greater spread.” “ Hopefully the fact that we are wearing masks and taking the other social distancing steps that those numbers will be manageable, but time will tell. I don’t think we are going to have a large second wave with COVID. It doesn’t look like the COVID virus is mutating wildly so I don’t see it being a second wave to worry about for people.We are undergoing a little wave now that hopefully will be limited. We may have to dial it back a bit by limiting the number of people in get togethers to help with lowering the new case numbers.” It is sad so many deaths from COVID 19 have occurred across the world including Canada and our neighbour to

the south.We have been pretty lucky so far in the Thunder Bay area with our isolation from large urban areas. In some ways it is good to be here especially during this time. I continue to be quite impressed with the job done by our governments. Prime Minister Trudeau and his government have done virtually everything they could to try and soften the blow for Canadians. To have over 8 million people at one time receiving the CERB benefit has to have been a big help to many families. The wage subsidy benefit of 75% of wages has helped businesses move forward as best as possible. It has been extended. The loan program of $40,000 available to some small businesses is a good program and has been extended. There are many other financial programs which have helped many. It is nice to see many press events with Canada and Ontario. Premier Doug Ford has proven to be a strong performer during Covid 19 and is very genuine in his goal of helping Ontarians. The Thunder Bay municipal government have made many good decisions to respond to Covid 19. Our government leaders have worked well together! We are lucky to have the Port of Thunder Bay which continue to experi-

ence excellent results during this time. Their services are in high demand. So what’s next? What can we expect? It’s sort of hard to tell I think. How will the consumer react after all of this isolation protocol? Will they feel comfortable going to a restaurant, concert or movie again? Will you be able to socially distance 6 feet for the future? How will that affect the cost of doing business? Can a restaurant make it with 30% of their occupancy? If we go to a music show at the Auditorium for example can they get artists paid their normal fee with 30% of the seats sold? If you are flying to Toronto will you want to be on a packed flight. Could the airline make it on low occupancy and how will that affect ticket pricing? It is definitely somewhat unknown and will require new ways of doing things specific to your business. The best answer might be a vaccine for everyone which would allow for somewhat normalcy but even then the average person may not want to return to the old ways. I guess all of us will be watching as we continue on in this COVID 19 environment



Times Higher Education ranks Lakehead University among world’s top universities For the second year in a row, Lakehead University has been included in the top half of the Times Higher Education’s list of top universities from around the world.

marily undergraduate university from Ontario to have participated. The University ranked in the same bracket as a number of larger Canadian universities, and ranked above the worldwide median in three of the

“Our notable showing in the Times Higher Education ranking is strongly influenced by the continued recognition of our research impact,” said Dr. Andrew Dean, VicePresident, Research and Innovation.

fields,” Dr. Dean added. In terms of Lakehead’s position in the International Outlook category, James Aldridge,

The 2021 Times Higher Education World University Rankings has Lakehead University in the 601-800 category out of more than 1,500 universities from 93 countries. “Thank you to our fantastic faculty, staff, students and partners for helping Lakehead University remain in the top half of Times Higher Education’s list of top universities from around the globe,” said Dr. Moira McPherson, Lakehead’s President and ViceChancellor. “This ranking acknowledges Lakehead’s commitment to delivering high quality programs, fostering excellence in research and scholarly work, and providing unique and transformative learning experiences that put our graduates on the path to success,” Dr. McPherson added. This is the second year that Lakehead University has participated in the rankings and, once again, Lakehead was the only pri-

five categories: Research, Citations, and International Outlook.

“Good citation results show that our faculty are viewed as influential in their respective

Vice-Provost, International, explained that “this ranking is a testament to the efforts we’ve made toward the ongoing internationalization of Lakehead University by developing global perspectives through student mobility programs, through promoting cultural intelligence, and by continuing to grow our international student population. “In 2019, Lakehead was the university of choice for over 1,800 students from more than 75 countries, including over 1,450 undergraduate and graduate international students,” Aldridge said. The Times Higher Education World University Rankings judges research-intensive universities across each one of their core missions: teaching (the learning environment); research (volume, income and reputation), international outlook (staff, students and research); citations (research influence); industry income (knowledge transfer). It uses 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparisons, and all data is independently audited by professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), making the World University Rankings the only global university rankings to be subjected to full, independent scrutiny of this nature.

Lakehead University is a fully comprehensive university with approximately 9,700 full-time equivalent students and over 2,000 faculty and staff at two campuses in Orillia and Thunder Bay, Ontario. Lakehead has 10 faculties, including Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Graduate Studies, Health & Behavioural Sciences, Law, Natural Resources Management, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Science & Environmental Studies, and Social Sciences & Humanities. In 2019, Maclean’s 2020 University Rankings, once again, included Lakehead University among Canada’s Top 10 primarily undergraduate universities, while Research Infosource named Lakehead 'Research University of the Year' in its category for the fifth consecutive year. Visit www.lakeheadu.ca.



Thirst Should Not Be Your Only Guide to Prevent Dehydration How much water do we really need to intake daily? The most common advice has been to drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day. That is 8 cups or approximately 2 liters. This may sound like a lot. But, in actuality, you can meet these requirements also including other fluids such as tea, coffee, juice and milk, although pure water is best. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables also contains 2-3 cups of water. However, how much you need really depends on how much you loose and that can fluctuate substantially. Your environment, time of year, age, health, lifestyle and consumption of various medications and food all influence your fluid retention and excretion rates. Most of us understand that hot humid weather can increase our body temperature and excessive sweating can lead to dehydration. But, were you also aware that you can lose significant amounts of water in cold weather by breathing in dry air? You also loose significant water with breathing during sleep, especially if you snore or are a mouth breather.

A diet high in salt or protein requires more water for your kidneys to be able to excrete the excess. Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics. You should intake extra water if you drink any alcohol or more than 2 cups of coffee per day. Many medications have a water-retention or diuretic effect. Being aware of the side effects of those medications is important to minimize chances of dehydration. Older people not only use more medication, in general; but they also have a lower thirst sensation and make more trips to the bathroom. All of these factors make them more susceptible to dehydration as they age. Mild illness such as colds, flus, bronchitis and kidney infections are the most common reasons for older adults to become dehydrated.

Vomiting and diarrhea are common causes of dehydration. Infants and children are most susceptible to dehydration because they have a higher skin surface area to body volume and often cannot tell when they are thirsty. At first sign of any illness caregivers should give extra water. The only way to effectively treat dehydration is to replace lost fluids and lost electrolytes. Simply drinking more water daily is your best solution. Dehydration due to vomiting and diarrhea will need replenishments with electrolytes also. Soup broths or diluted sports drinks may help. Full strength fruit juice and soft drinks can worsen diarrhea and are not recommended. More severe cases of dehydration need immediate medical attention for intravenous rehydration. Waiting until you are thirsty is not the best way to monitor your body’s hydration requirements. By then you are already partially dehydrated. Urine colour is a better indicator. If you are hydrated, your urine will be clear to lemonade colour. Urine that

is the colour of apple juice or darker is a strong indicator of dehydration. Other signs of more severe dehydration include: dizziness, confusion, fatigue and decreased urination. In infants, look for: lack of tears, no wet diapers and sunken eyes and cheeks. Although dehydration is quite common and easily controlled in many cases, if ignored it can lead to severe health problems. For that reason, the general advice of consuming several glasses of water daily and regularly makes sense and costs pennies. An easy routine would be to consume one to two cups of water first thing in the morning and then before each meal. Others prefer to sip on water throughout the day. Do whatever helps you reach your daily water targets. Your health depends on it.

James DiGiuseppe is a local chiropractor with a busy family and wellness practice. For more health information or to contact Dr. DiGiuseppe visit www.portarthurchiropractic.com

Secret Desires of Corporate Clients 2 keys to boosting your business-tobusiness revenues Who would you say buys your company’s offerings – corporate buyers, private consumers, or both? People who are buying products and services on behalf of their organizations have different needs than those who are buying for themselves. Losing a single consumer is unfortunate. Losing a large corporate client can create financial fallout. With so much at stake when you are selling ‘business-to-business’ here are a few tips I share in my seminars and speeches on how to gain and keep the loyalty of corporate clients.

customer with evidence of the actual cost savings, quality improvements, waste reduction, that your products and services are generating for their business. Your corporate client can then forward those numbers to their bosses and take the credit for the improvements. And for being smart enough to choose you as their supplier. Everyone benefits.

None of us wants to work harder than we have to. So when your business clients need answers, how accessible are you? Can they easily find answers, check real time inventory, place orders on your website, knowing that you will deliver as promised? If not online, how long does it take your corporate clients

Why price isn’t paramount Corporate buyers are not spending their own money; they’re spending their company’s. So paying a higher price doesn’t affect them personally. Corporate buyers are expected to choose the supplier who provides the best overall value. That brings us to two secret desires that your corporate customers won’t tell you. Nor will they mention them in tender offerings or in requests for proposal. Knowing them will give you an edge in boosting your B to B revenues. Desire #1 – Make them look Smart to their Bosses It’s one thing to claim your products and services provide all kinds of benefits. It’s an entirely different magnitude of value when you quantify how much of an impact you are having on that company. So when possible, provide your

Making your customers look brilliant also means giving them what they need – not necessarily what they ask for. Presumably, you’re more attuned to the latest developments in your industry than your customers. Corporate customers typically only have expertise in their outputs – not in the inputs that you supply. So, it’s up to you to bring innovations and suggestions on better ways your customers can achieve their goals. Make sure when you present these enhancements, you give them plenty of credit for being open to this innovation. I call this approach the humility advantage. Corporate clients have jobs they’re trying to keep, turf they may be defending, and attention they’re trying to garner. Why not indirectly help them achieve those goals? Desire #2 – Make Their Jobs Easier

to talk to a human when they try to reach you? Our research shows that two of the most powerful words you can use with corporate customers are: hasslefree. Making your business customers’ job easier includes making their jobs more pleasant. In years past, making work more fun meant corporate entertaining… salespeople would wine, dine, and fly business clients to exotic destinations. Some would unfortunately go as far as offering bribes and kickbacks. Today’s first world business environment is thankfully, much more transparent and ethical. Plus, corporate customers are so busy with their workload, fighting traffic, and juggling busy personal lives, they aren’t particularly interested in socializing with their suppliers after hours. Private meal invitations can also create awkwardness.

With this in mind, one approach that’s gaining popularity for entertaining corporate clients is staging special events that include food. Consider bringing a lunch-and-learn to your client or hosting an open house to groups of clients. Include some degree of education relevant to their job such as a speaker who can inform and engage them. Feed them while you teach them and they will come. One last word on making your corporate clients’ jobs more pleasant. In 1854 Henry Thoreau wrote that most people live lives of quiet desperation. To a certain extent I believe that’s still true. Your client may be stuck in a dead end job and receive little recognition. So consider the value of offering them a specific compliment. Give a clear example of something they as a person do that makes them a special client. In a job where no one notices, you may be one of the few to make them feel appreciated. Bottom line – remember that companies don’t buy anything. It’s people within those companies who make decisions. Make those people looker smarter to their bosses and make their jobs easier. Then notice how your prices suddenly become less relevant. Jeff Mowatt is a customer service strategist, Hall of Fame speaker, and bestselling author. For more tips, training tools or to inquire about engaging Jeff for your team visit www.JeffMowatt.com



Lakehead professors receiving more than $73k for COVID-19 research The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada has granted more than $73,000 to Lakehead University professors for important research related to the COVID-19 pandemic. These Partnership Engage Grants will allow research teams to work for approximately one year on their projects. Dr. Rebecca Schiff, Associate Professor and Chair of Health Sciences, is receiving $24,740 to examine the unique challenges of addressing homelessness in rural and remote Canada during a pandemic.

The primary research partner for this project, National Alliance to End Rural and Remote Homelessness, is a sub-alliance with the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, which leads a national movement of individuals, organizations and communities working together to end homelessness in Canada. Until recently, there was little acknowledgement that homelessness existed in rural and remote areas in Canada. Rural and remote homelessness is indeed a significant issue. Dr. Schiff explained that emerging evidence shows rural and remote communities experience homelessness rates equivalent to or potentially higher than rates experienced in urban areas. “Rural communities are often isolated and thus more limited than urban areas in their capacity to respond to pandemics,” Dr. Schiff said.

For questions or assistance with federal government programs our office is happy to help you by appointment only at this time.

“They are particularly vulnerable due to fewer healthcare and social service resources, scarcity of soup kitchens and food banks – the lack of which has been particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic and has significantly impacted their ability to respond to the needs of homeless people.” Dr. Kathy Kortes-Miller, Assistant Professor in Social Work, is receiving $24,512 to explore the experience of family caregivers of Ontario residents in longterm care (LTC) during the COVID-19

pandemic. Dr. Kortes-Miller, who is also the Associate Director of the Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health, will work with CanAge: Canada's National Seniors' Advocacy Organization to increase knowledge about the questions, concerns, and expectations that family and friends have of LTC, the health system and social support networks. “Our goal is to gain greater insight into the ways Ontario’s caregivers are maintaining connections during this period of physical distancing,” Dr. Kortes-Miller said. As was demonstrated in the recently released Joint Task Force report on LTC observations (May 27, 2020), Canada is at a critical turning point where it is essential to learn lessons that can improve the care, conditions, and outcomes of our citizens living in LTC, she added.



The Thunder Bay CEDC continues to support small business through COVID-19 The Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission (CEDC) is pleased to announce another group of successful entrepreneurs who participated in the Starter Company Plus program. The third round of the 2020 program saw a total of ten small business owners go through the six week program. Over the past year there has been a total of thirty

$75,000 boost to the program in the spring of this year in response to the pandemic and my staff have continued to administer the program virtually. The fact that we have so many applicants for the program serves to illustrate how critical it is to support new and expanding small business in our local economy.” The program is supported by the Ministry

approved for the grant the participants will begin their mentorship with a local professional. “I'm super excited to have received this grant! Going into business can be scary and going through the Starter Plus Program provided a lot of knowledge that I know I'm going to use in my business in the future!” says Jessie McLure, Owner, Jessie Hair Play. “This grant means I can invest into my business buying some required equipment and supplies allowing me to offer more services for my clients! After a very hard year this program and grant really helped make me feel confident going forward!”

The ten successful participants for the third round of the Starter Company Plus program are as follows: • BioNorth Solutions • Goods & Co Market • Industrial Athletics • La Poutine • Northern Vinter Winery • Pie.ology • Ethnic Beauty Supply • Jessie Hair Play • Tok Tok • Wild Thyme Participants include five start-ups and five expansion projects.

Jessie McLure, Owner, Jessie Hair Play two local entrepreneurs to successfully complete the program and receive the $5000 grant, totaling $160,000, the highest in the program’s history. “The Thunder Bay CEDC sees huge value in supporting our local entrepreneurs and small business owners,” says Eric Zakrewski, CEO, Thunder Bay CEDC. “The CEDC Board of Directors approved a

of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade and is lead locally by the Thunder Bay and District Entrepreneur Centre. The goal of the program is to mentor and train local entrepreneurs who are looking to start up, expand or purchase an existing business. Participants complete workshops relating to labour and employment law, small business accounting, business law and marketing. Upon being

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New Leader Appointed for Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre and Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute patients and families, as demonstrated by her three decades of growth and success.” Dr. Rhonda Crocker Ellacott has been appointed as the President & Chief Executive Officer of Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre and Chief Executive Officer of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute, effective November 23, 2020. The announcement was made today by Matt Simeoni, Board Chair Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and Chair of the CEO Selection Committee, and Dr. Andrew Dean, Board Chair of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute. “This is excellent news for our Hospital and Health Research Institute. The Board is absolutely confident that Rhonda is the right person to lead our Hospital through the development of a new strategic plan and health system transformation,” said Simeoni. “She is a highly respected and proven leader, as well as a champion of

“Rhonda is a visionary who is driven by advancing and enhancing patient experiences. Her comprehensive background in the health care system and specific knowledge of and passion for Northwestern Ontario make her the ideal person to inspire and guide ongoing innovation in health research at our Health Research Institute,” added Dean. Rhonda is currently the CEO of North West Local Health Integration Network (LHIN), and CEO of North East LHIN and Transitional Regional Lead for Ontario Health in the North Region. She was formerly the Executive Vice President, Patient Services and Chief Nursing Executive of Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre and Chief Executive Officer, Nipigon District Memorial Hospital. Many of Rhonda’s accomplishments contributed to the

growth and enhanced quality of health care. For example, Rhonda introduced Patient and Family Centred Care (PFCC) at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, nurtured it into an organizational philosophy, and has since expanded it to ensure the voices of patients and families influence health care access and delivery throughout Northern Ontario. As a seasoned health care executive with over 30 years of progressive health care experience in a plethora of complex health systems, Rhonda has led complex systems level changes, advanced health system transformation, advanced quality improvement, inspired and developed innovations and garnered the trust of teams and colleagues. Rhonda has a track record of motivating vision, establishing strong and effective teams, empowering leadership, and nurturing and developing partnerships and networks across the broader health system.

Rhonda is inspired and honoured to begin this new chapter with the Hospital and Health Research Institute. “The values, collaboration and dedication of staff are familiar and match my personal principles. I look forward to connecting again with the dedicated staff, professional staff, scientists, Patient Family Advisors and volunteers. In this new role, I will rely heavily on their collective knowledge, skills, and commitment to safe, quality care as we advance our vision of being Healthy Together.” Late last year, Jean Bartkowiak announced his intention to retire from his role as President & Chief Executive Officer of Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre and Chief Executive Officer of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute. We are grateful that he will continue to provide outstanding leadership until November 20, 2020.

Sleeping Giant Brewing Company Brews Up a Solution to Staff Child Care Crisis and Creates New Daycare Centre Thunder Bay’s Sleeping Giant Brewing Company is performing a true pivot in its business model. The company is helping employees and their families return to work and the ‘new normal’ by reducing stress when it comes to lack of childcare due to COVID-19. As businesses continue to reopen amidst the pandemic, parents all over the province and country have been scrambling to find childcare options. With almost half of the brewery’s workforce juggling careers and children, Sleeping Giant Brewing Company has brewed up a solution of their own—turning its new event location, The Barrel House, into the Sleeping Giant Child Care Centre. Despite having two grown children of their own, Sleeping Giant Brewing Company Owners, Kyle and Andrea Mulligan explain that they have spent a lot of time thinking about childcare challenges in recent months after hearing from their employees about a variety of serious issues that they’re facing. “The stress on working parents is undeniable with the majority trying to juggle their careers and children at home. As a mother, I can relate to this parental stress, and as a business owner, I know the challenges of the workplace. There is a critical need for childcare in Thunder Bay with some daycares posting waitlists of 800 kids or more - it’s definitely a massive socio-economic crisis," says Andrea Mulligan. "As an employer, I feel a responsibility to help staff and their partners get back to work for everyone’s wellbeing." Mulligan, who has been a teacher for 23 years specializing in the Early Years, also fears the heavier domestic burden this can have on women. “Statistics are showing that during the pandemic women are more likely to shoulder more of the load of children not going back to school or having childcare issues—forcing them out of their jobs with increasing responsibilities at home, and the overall stress of living during a pandemic. Women (and men) who leave the workforce to take care of children at home often face difficulties return-

ing. This can be life altering for the entire family.” The new Sleeping Giant Child Care Centre is located on the same street as the flagship brewery site, opened as a unlicensed daycare to start, just one month after the idea was originally pitched to staff. Although the service is currently only able to accommodate five children, Sleeping Giant Brewing Company plans to expand beyond the childcare needs of its own employees over time. “Craft beer culture has always been about community. Families have become a staple at the brewery as it’s a family-friendly place to socialize. If we have the space and resources, it makes sense for us to step up and fill part of this current void,” continues Mulligan. Avery Henderson has worked at Sleeping Giant Brewing Company for seven years as a lead brewer. With a two-year-old child at home, and a baby on the way, he was worried he wouldn’t be able to continue to work his position, which is integral to the brewery’s operations. “It’s been an incredibly stressful situation to be in. We didn’t want to lose our jobs or my wife’s opportunity to qualify for maternity leave during the pandemic—it’s definitely tough for families right now. Finding quality childcare was challenging even before the pandemic, and once it hit we were relying heavily on our parents. But as anyone with a toddler would know, they’re exhausting, and you could see it taking a toll on everyone,” says Henderson. “I’m grateful for the relief of this new daycare. It makes things very simple and accommodates my schedule. It’s also reassuring to know exactly who is taking care of my daughter and as an employee of the same company, know from first-hand experience that health and safety is a top priority. The trust is there and the stress and anxiety is gone.” Sleeping Giant Child Care is currently developing its own philosophy of care that will incorporate child centered learning through play, local meals and collaborations, as well as extra education inspired by the science and agriculture surrounding

ingredients of brewing. The site has one Early Childhood Educator and a Recreational Therapy Educator, as well as leadership and guidance from Sleeping Giant Brewing Company’s main team, that not only includes a teacher, but also a family physician.

“The onus can’t fall on just the parents to figure this out. As employers and contributing members of the community, lets connect with our families and see how we can help out,” continues Mulligan.



Bad Neighbours spoil more than the view © 2020 Brian Babcock What do you do when your dream home turns into a nightmare because of bad neighbours? A fence or retaining wall might be built across a property line. Good neighbours work it out, bad neighbours make it worse.

Legal Matters First, you may try to work it out face to face, or take advantage of a mediation service. But that might just escalate the conflict. Sometimes, legal solutions are

your only good option, especially in the unusual cases where trespass leads to lewd gestures, excessive lights or noise, video surveillance, the dumping of garbage, dead animals, or feces, and even threats. Any entry by your neighbour onto your land without permission is a trespass. Where trespass does no harm, the law is forgiving. However, if there is injury to the property, you may sue for damages. This also covers situations where fences, retaining walls, sheds, or driveways are built encroaching onto your lot. Where your neighbour’s actions interfere with your enjoyment of your property, you may bring an action in nuisance. The developing law on invasion of privacy

is increasingly resorted to in bad neighbour situations. The amount of damages may include the cost to repair the property, or an amount for the loss of use, and also an amount of general damages for the inconvenience, annoyance and loss of peace of mind. In extreme cases, the court may award punitive damages to denounce the neighbour’s misconduct. If the damage is modest, you may sue in Small Claims Court which, once the pandemic passes may be a straightforward path to quick justice. Small Claims Court however cannot give you an injunction or court order to require the misconduct to stop, or even to remove an encroachment. For that relief, you need

to bring your claim in Superior Court, which is less speedy, and more costlyalthough injunction cases are often expedited out of a sense of urgency. Although many people these days represent themselves in Superior Court, the technical nature of injunction claims makes hiring a lawyer your better choice. Similar options arise where the dispute involves commercial properties, with the added aspect that damages may include an amount for loss of profit where the interference justifies it. If your situation with your bad neighbours has become unbearable, lawyers such as my colleagues at Weilers Law are there to help you.

Ontario Launches Recovery Program for Northern Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 Funding will Support the Purchase of Personal Protective Equipment, Installation of Safety Equipment and Other Important Measures

Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines and Minister of Indigenous Affairs announced the creation of a new short-term Northern Ontario Recovery Program (NORP) to help businesses adapt to new COVID-19 public health guidelines and protect employees and customers. "As the province continues to respond to the ongoing challenge of the global pandemic, our government will continue to support our business owners, entrepreneurs and workers," said Minister Rickford.

"There is no denying that COVID-19 has had a significant impact on businesses throughout Northern Ontario and this program will deliver targeted funding so they can continue to serve their communities." Companies can apply to NORP for assistance with projects that help them adjust to the impacts of COVID-19, such as, but not limited to: • Building renovations and new constructions • Customer and employee safety installations • Equipment purchases, including personal protective equipment (PPE) • Marketing for new business initiatives • Restructuring of business operations

labour shortage in the north. Applications will be open from October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, with the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) administering the new program. The current NOHFC program streams will close for applications as of September 30, 2020, to allow the NOHFC to focus exclusively on NORP funding applications. Minister Rickford also announced plans for a new and improved NOHFC program to be launched in January 2021. The new program will make it easier for more people and businesses to apply and support more projects in rural northern communities. The program will target both existing and emerging market opportunities, provide more work opportunities for Indigenous people and address the skilled

The NOHFC promotes economic prosperity across Northern Ontario by providing financial assistance to projects - big and small, rural and urban - that stimulate recovery, growth, job creation and skilled workforce development. Since June 2018, the NOHFC has invested more than $193 million in 1,386 projects in Northern Ontario, leveraging more than $748 million in investment and creating or sustaining 3,912 jobs.

Tackling the She-Cession Critical to Canada’s Economic Recovery As schools reopen and the economy begins to recover, the Ontario Chamber’s latest report offers timely solutions to confront the most pressing challenges currently faced by women The COVID-19 crisis is having a disproportionate economic impact on women, with women’s labour participation rate falling to its lowest in 30 years. Existing systemic inequalities have been further exacerbated by recent shut-down measures, resulting in what some economists are calling a “she-cession,” as more women have lost their jobs and fewer women than men are re-gaining employment. As schools begin to reopen, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce releases its latest report, The She-Covery Project: Confronting the Gendered Economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Ontario. This brief lays out a path to Ontario’s “she-covery” by offering practical recommendations to confront both immediate and longer-term challenges. “With women’s labour force participation at a record low, decades of progress towards gender equality are at stake,” said Rocco Rossi, President and CEO of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. “This is not only a watershed moment for women but for Ontario’s economy and society

more broadly, as women’s participation in the labour market is a precondition to its economic recovery and future prosperity.” “The economic impacts of the pandemic were direct and immediate for women in Ontario,” said Claudia Dessanti, Senior Policy Analyst of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. “Temporary business shutdowns during the state of emergency most severely affected sectors that predominantly employ women. Restrictions on schools and paid child care facilities have shifted additional hours of unpaid family care onto parents, and this work has largely been taken up by mothers. The pandemic experience has been especially challenging for already vulnerable groups, including racialized women, Indigenous women, single mothers, low-income women, newcomers, and women with disabilities.” “The crisis is far from over for working women. As the economy begins to gradually reopen, women are seeing slower reemployment than men; between April and July, employment gains in Ontario were 158,400 for men and only 95,500 for women,” said Dr. Wendy Cukier, Diversity Institute Founder and Academic Director of the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub. “We risk turning back the clock on decades of progress if we do not take a hard look at the challenges fac-

ing women and plan for recovery with women at the table and a gender and diversity lens on strategies, programs and policies.” “Supporting women’s economic empowerment and prosperity is extremely important to our organization, province, and country,” said Heather Ferguson, Senior VicePresident of Corporate Affairs at Ontario Power Generation. “Now more than ever, we need to support women in STEM roles, not only to strengthen our workforce but to also foster a culture of equity and inclusion.” Major takeaways from the report include: • Leadership and accountability begin with a commitment from stakeholders to set collective targets, reward diversity, include women in decision-making bodies, and apply a gender and diversity lens to their strategies, policies, and programs for recovery. • Child care requires a short-term strategy to weather the pandemic and longer-term, system-wide reforms to improve accessibility and affordability. • Workforce development initiatives should focus on defining critical skills, accelerating women’s reskilling, and ensuring their skills are utilized – with a focus on increasing their participation in skilled trade, technology, and engineering

roles in fast-growing sectors. • Entrepreneurship should be understood as a pathway to economic growth, and an inclusive ecosystem is critical to supporting diverse women entrepreneurs. • Flexible work arrangements are one way to level the playing field for women and improve organizational outcomes. Enormous thanks to Ontario Power Generation, Diversity Institute and Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub for their collaboration on this important report. About the Ontario Chamber of Commerce Together with almost 140 member chambers of commerce and boards of trade and our network’s diverse 60,000 members, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce is the indispensable partner of business. For more than a century, the OCC has undertaken important research on Ontario’s most pressing policy issues, advocating for solutions that will foster the growth of Ontario businesses and lead to the creation of jobs in the province. Our mission is to convene, align, and advance the interests of our members through principled policy work, value-added business services, and broad engagement to build prosperity for all Ontarians.



Some Events Still Happening in Thunder Bay! BY SCOTT A. SUMNER

Great Outdoors There are some annual events in Thunder Bay that I always enjoy attending. In 2020 with COVID 19 two of these events still happened albeit in different manners. The KBMX Dirt Riders were able to combine two earlier scheduled races to one with a limit of 100 spectators each day. This year had a definite family feel to the

The Thunder Bay District Amateur Golf championship is the predominant golf event in the city and region and this year attracted a higher number of entrants with 59. The three day event started at Chapples,then to the Strathcona and Whitewater courses. Three different courses is a pretty good test of golf. This years winner was Brett Shewchuk who sank a long eagle putt on the 18th

Brett Shewchuk , winner 2020 Thunder Bay District Amateur thing more, about each shot, and where

The Zaporzan family event with the primary participants being younger riders with their family as team members. The enthusiasm was definitely there! I saw one family work so hard to get their small moto bike going again so their 10 year old daughter could do her race class. There could be some budding motocross superstars on the horizon in Thunder Bay.

hole to win. “ It was great battle out there and felt close all day. I was just grinding in the wind out there. Hats off to them playing well,”said Brett Shewchuk. “When I came in to the last day with a large lead it kind of made me more nervous. You think about every-

over some shots. I snap hooked my first tee shot in the woods to start the day. To save double on No 1 was great because I was three off the tee, then hit it over the green and managed to get up and down from there which was great. Then I almost drove the green on 2 and made birdie.” said Brett. “ The greens were very fast and I ran a lot of putts past the hole. This is my third time winning this event and I haven’t won anything for a few years so it was good. Brett gets out golfing most nights after his work day at TBT Engineering to play at least nine holes.

you should avoid going to make a big number.”

Scores 70 - 67 - 74

“ I was nervous at the start of today and

Inaugural Kam Cup Promotes Local Golf BY SCOTT A. SUMNER

Great Outdoors 2020 is the year of the Pandemic and has limited many activities for people. Golf being an outside activity with social distancing already in place, has been seeing a

resurgence with greater number of players at courses locally. You just need to drive

by and see the full parking lots most days. A new event was created this year by Robbie Unitinen and Rob Campbell.The Kam Cup, a Ryder Cup inspired tournament, featured 10 top players from the Whitewater Golf Club and Fort William Country Club over two days of matches. The end result was a 9.5 to 5.5 point win for Whitewater after 10 singles matches on a beautiful Sunday September 27th. “We were thinking of starting at league at Fort William and this tournament got brought to our attention.We reached out to Whitewater and it's been going well ever since. Both sides are getting it going. We tied the first day 2.5 to 2.5 points and everyone seems to be excited about today’s matches.” said Robbie Unitinen. “We have been super fortunate with the weather this time but are talking about moving it up

Robbie Unitinen next year. pany. He played three Staal Opens andRobbie was a professional golfer but many other professionalgolf events which moved back to Thunder Bay, is engaged were great learning experiences for now and has a commercial cleaning comRobbie.



FedNor investment to enhance tourism and create youth employment in Thunder Bay—Rainy River Government of Canada supports jobs, growth and tourism opportunities in Northern Ontario Young Canadians have the talent and drive to succeed, and local employers are eager to benefit from their unique perspectives. Providing opportunities for young graduates to prove themselves and for organizations and businesses to access a skilled and enthusiastic workforce is precisely what a Government of Canada internship initiative is doing in Northern Ontario. Since its inception more than three decades ago, FedNor’s youth internship initiative has helped create more than 1750 jobs for local youth. Federal government supports youth and recovery efforts in Northern Ontario

and youth have been hit hard by COVID19, and we stand with them. Our message to them is clear: we’ve been here for you with immediate measures, we’re here for you now as our economy reopens and we’ll work with you to create more jobs.” The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for FedNor “Creating high-quality youth employment in the region opens up new opportunities for young Canadians to build their careers, contribute to the economy and raise a family right here at home in Northern Ontario. Chippewa Park has been a much loved destination for families for generations and I’m happy this funding will support their efforts to host an amazing 100th anniversary celebration and season.”

Andrew Ktytor, Event Coordinator Chippewa, Marcus Powlowski,MP and Ian Angus, Friends of Chippewa “We are excited to welcome a creative the Government of Canada stepped up so young mind to the team as we prepare for we could hire a youth intern to help make Chippewa Park's 100th anniversary celeour centennial celebrations a tourism and economic success.” Lorraine Lortie-Krawczuk, President, The Friends of Chippewa Park Quick facts · Chippewa Park is a 270-acre park located on the shores of Lake Superior just south of Thunder Bay. It is home to the 105-year-old C.W. Parker Carousel, an historic tourist attraction popular with kids of all ages. The park will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2021. · This investment is being allocated through FedNor’s Northern Ontario Development Program, which supports projects that promote sustainable community economic development, enhance business development and growth, and facilitate innovation.

Marcus Powlowski, Member of Parliament for Thunder Bay—Rainy River, on behalf of the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for FedNor, today announced a FedNor investment of $31,500 to help maximize the economic potential of Chippewa Park's 100th anniversary celebrations. This strategic investment will enable The Friends of Chippewa Park to hire a youth intern as a project coordinator for a one-year period. As a result of COVID-19, Chippewa Park had to scale back its 2020 summer operations. Hiring a youth intern to support the Park's recovery efforts will ensure a smooth re-opening, as well as help maximize the park’s planned 100th anniversary activities in 2021. While on the job, the youth intern will gain valuable hands-on experience related to community economic development, marketing and fundraising. Today’s announcement highlights the Government of Canada’s commitment to supporting young Canadians through this difficult time. Helping young people acquire essential on-the-job training will help position Northern Ontario on a course for sustainable growth and future prosperity. Initiatives like the one announced today will only become more important as our economy rebuilds and evolves in the years to come. Quotes “The energy and ingenuity of young Canadians are critical to the success of our economy. We know that businesses

Marcus Powlowski, Member of Parliament for Thunder Bay—Rainy River

brations in Spring 2021. This is a historic event for our organization and Chippewa Park and we are thrilled that FedNor and

· Since its inception, FedNor has helped provide more than 1750 young post-secondary graduates with their crucial first job, and assisted countless local organizations and businesses access a qualified and talented workforce.

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