TBB April 2023

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ShippingSeasonStartsat thePortofThunderBay ThunderBayCommunity AuditoriumAlmost40YearsOld! INSIDE What to Expect When You Visit a Chiropractor AI AND THE LAW Comedian Gerry Dee Coming to the TBCA North Superior Publishing @tbay25 WaketheGiantMusic FestivalAnnounces 2023Lineup


must be ask the right questions

Artificial intelligence. Everyone seems to be talking about its effect on the future. This is true of the legal profession.

• asking the right questions is the greatest ability of talented lawyers. If you ask AI the wrong question, it may give you a correct answer to that wrong question. It is unlikely to correct your question.

Legal Matters

I have been reading about it, and have experimented with it, enough to share my early thoughts.

• AI as we currently know it is not going to replace lawyers. Computers did not replace lawyers. The Internet did not replace lawyers. No combination of online legal services or any other sites have replaced lawyers so far.

• We are a long way away from artificial intelligence developingemotional intelligence and flexibility

• AI needs to grow and develop considerably before it will even be a useful tool for lawyers. Time estimates in this area are risky but we're talking years not months.

• It will take time beyond that that AI in the legal sphere to be useful as a tool for nonlawyers

• Even when AI grows to the point where it can tell us what the law is with some reliability, it might

• one of the weaknesses of AI as it currently functions is that it has a tendency to want to give an answer even if that answer is incorrect or approximate. Lawyers will be the most skilled at spotting those flawed responses – we develop a “smell test” sensibility that often helps us know roughly what an answer ought to be before we ask the question.

• In five to 10 years, I can see a new generation of lawyers coming up who have grown up exposed to AI, and who can manipulate it skillfully. As happened when online legal research became popular,lawyers will develop new skills and fulfill new functions. They will be “repurposed”.

• Existing lawyers will learn to adapt, just as we adapted to online legal research.

• Bottom line, what the best lawyers have to sell is wisdom and sound judgment and there will always be a need for that.

My colleagues at Weilers LLPand I will continue to grow our knowledge of artificial intelligence, but to serve you with actual intelligence. If that sounds like the legal service you require, give us a call.


I talked to Canadian comedian Gerry Dee by phone recently from Toronto about his upcoming show in Thunder Bay May 5th at the TBCA.

It’s exciting you are coming to Thunder Bay with yourcomedy show.You have been here before in 2011?

“I’m not sure if I have been there since then. It’s great to be back!”

I enjoyed watching yourprevious show MrD on CBC. You even had some family members on the show?

“The show was a lot of fun to do. It slowly evolved that we cast some of my family members. My older daughter turned out to be a natural I guess. My middle daughter, we kinda gave her a line and that just evolved. My son got involved late in the show. I like to call it pure nepotism. My older daughter played Amanda Susan Sullivan.”

Comedian Gerry Dee Coming to the TBCA

How did you get going in comedy?

“ Iwas a teacher and I liked it but in the back of my mind, like a lot of people, I had thoughts on other things I’d always been curious about and this was one for me. I finally took a stab at it and it took off from there. I’ve been at it for 23 to 24 years now.”

I neverthought I would be a game show watcherbut have been enjoying Family Feud Canada and the interaction with the contestants. It really is a comedy show?

“I never thought I would be a game show host either! You’re right it is a comedy show. That is the only way I would want to do it. It is not easy because I am always improvising every day. I don’t know what I am going to say or what they are going to say. I don’t meet the families until they walk out on the stage. It’s fun to play on the day. Some stuff hits better that others. I try to make it a game show with some comedy in it, that’s what I am hoping to do every show. The people make the show it is not about me or the game- the families

make the show. I think they are the stars of it and I just try to move it along with some

“You are like my dad who liked Don Rickles. I am a lot softer I hope. It was a different time then and he wouldn’t say what he said now and I certainly wouldn’t. I know what you mean, I like to kinda tease people and they are usually understanding of it and they know me now. The job of the host on that job is to be funny otherwise you are just moving a game show along but that’s part of it. I don’t really know how much people care if the people win or lose. They care because they love the families, but they also want to see comedy, some sweet moments are important.That’s what make the show special.”

comedy. I think the casting directors of the show do a good job of choosing families. You need a family that is upbeat, fun, positive and energetic otherwise it just looks so flat and I don’t have anything to feed off of.”

Perhaps my favourite comedian of all time was Don Rickles. Ifeel like you could be like a softerversion of Don Rickles?

What can people expect at yourshow at the TBCA?

“ Well its so long since I’ve been there they are going to see a lot of new material. I’m excited for that. We have had a great crowd there in the past and expect this time to be the same. I’m looking forward to it. I’m glad I’m not going in the dead of winter. It is a great venue, a great theatre.”

What to Expect When You Visit a Chiropractor

Doctors of chiropractic are regulated health professionals that use a patient-centered, non-invasive, hands-on approach to health care.They are experts of the spine and related joints, muscles, and nervous system.Because your spine and spinal nerves have connections to almost all parts of the body, chiropractors are trained to think wholistically when examining, diagnosing and caring for their patients. Chiropractic care is conservative care which means they help people move better, feel better andimprove their quality of life without the use of medications or surgery.The focus is on restoring function and promoting healthy lifestyles.

On your first visit to a chiropractor, there will be some paperwork for you to com-

plete.Next, the doctor will listen to you and give you time to communicate your health concerns. They will ask you several questions to get as specific and as complete an understanding of your health status as possible.From here we proceed to an examination.Chiropractic exams most often will include a combination of orthopedic and neurological tests as well as various palpation techniques of the spine.As an example, someone may have a complaint of low back pain.

Chiropractors will assess the low back but also the hips, knees, and feet, mid back, neck and shoulders.This is because no part of the body works

in isolation.Also, in my experience patients don’t tell, or are not aware of, secondary and tertiary areas of the body that are also functioning sub optimally. At the end of the exam the chiropractor will have decided as to whether x-rays or any other tests or imaging are necessary.

Once all the information is gathered the chiropractor will relay their diagnosis and the various treatment options they would recommend to you.Sometimes this can be done on the first visit.However, often it isn’t until the second visit, especially if it is a chronic condition or they are waiting for further imaging reports.As chiropractors we feel it is important to communicate effectively with our patients for them to understand their health condition and what chiropractic can do to help them. This would also include all the things the patient can do to help themselves, such as, improved postures at home, sleep and work, specific exercises and various other lifestyle changes that will support and enhance the care that the chiropractor gives in office.

In my experience, most people who use chiropractic care get significant benefit. The most common improvements include, decreased pain, increased function, better sleep, and overall improved quality of life. Those patients who are most successful are the ones that work with the chiropractor as a team and learn how to help themselves. Recent research into effectiveness of chiropractic care also shows that those who use chiropractors have a 64% less chance of using opioids and an 83% less reliance on pain medication. Chiropractic care was also shown to be better than exercise for short-term pain relief.

Next month we will expand on what a chiropractor does to improve your health and how long you should expect to need chiropractic care.

James DiGiuseppe is a local chiropractor with a busy family and wellness practice.For more health information or to contact Dr. DiGiuseppe visit: www.portarthurchiropractic.com

Publisher’s Note Scott Sumner

ThunderBay Community Auditorium Almost 40 Years Old!

I sat down with recently appointed General Manager of the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium, Trevor Hurtig to talk about some history, recent changes to it’s organizational structure and future direction.

The ThunderBay Community Auditorium has been prominent in the region forquite awhile now Trevor?

“ The Thunder Bay Community Auditorium opened October 16,1985 so getting close to 40 years old. The building was very technologically advanced for it’s time and to this day many of the artists that come through still consider it to be very warm and one of the finest halls in Canada. The acoustics are second to none. There are somethings that need updates but the acoustics and audience chamber are hold-

ing their own. Today the building is valued at $40 million dollars but would probably cost even more now to build from scratch.”

The ThunderBay Community Auditorium has played an important role in ThunderBay and region?

“It has done what everyone hoped it would I believe. It was supposed to be an entertainment hub, not just for Thunder Bay, but the entire region. We still spend a lot of time reaching out into the region letting people know this is the Community Auditorium and the community stretches beyond Thunder Bay. I do a little radio show on CFNO in Marathon and have people coming in and want to talk to Trevor. We get people coming in from Marathon, Geraldton and Manitouwadge who will drive in, see a show, spend the night and do some shopping.We also have people from the west coming in from as far as Dryden or Red Lake.They may have a medical appointment as well.”

On average how many show have you done overthe years at the ThunderBay Community Auditorium before Covid?

“ We were averaging about 100 shows a year and seeing about 140,000 to 150,000 people through the doors during the season. We reopened about a year ago after Covid and had 81 shows or events in that period with just over 60,000 people through the doors, so we are coming back up. It has been a bit of a climb but we are getting there.”

The ThunderBay Community Auditorium has a good economic impact on the city and region?

“Yes, Tourism Thunder Bay has done some reports over the years especially when we did Bluesfest and it was in the millions.”

There are a broad range of types of events at the ThunderBay Community Auditorium from rock symphony etc.

“The building was built to be able to do a variety of shows. The orchestra pit was done to be able to do Broadway type shows.We also retro fitted that so we could turn it into a mosh pit for certain rock concerts or up beat country shows or some of the punk shows that have come through here. It also allows the symphony to sit on the edge of the stage if you will. The ceiling will drop down on the stage and create an acoustic situation where the sound will project better into the audience. Also there are wooden panels that come out at the back of the stage to help project the sound forward to the audience chamber. You can tune the hall with draperies down the side raised or lowered to make the sound more lively or dead if you will. It allows us to do many different things in here.We have a loose slogan that “we try to do something for everybody” and based on our numbers we get a good percentage of the population through here at some point in time. Ballet, symphony, comedy- we try to do a bit of everything.We are still climbing out of the hole that Covid left us but getting there one step at a time.”

How many staff work at the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium?

“We have 7 full time staff and about 150 part time staff and that would include the technical staff on the stage, ushers, bartenders and box office. We are currently working to fill some positions as well.”

Continued Page 10

Trevor Hurtig, General Manager Thunder Bay Community Auditorium

Shipping Season Starts at the Port of ThunderBay!

I sat down March 20th with Chris Heikkinen, Director of Business Development & Terminal Operations at the Port of Thunder Bay to talk about the

supervisor and mentor as well for the CPAdesignation. Chris’s dad, Doug Heikkinen, was also a CPAwell known in the city.

This is an exciting time as we very close to the opening of the Port forthe 2023 season.

season so it will be about a 10 months season.The ocean going vessels have a slightly shorter season based on the locks.”

How many grain elevators are operational in ThunderBay?

“ Right now 6 are actively shipping. G3 and Superior Elevator on the Kam River and in what we call the Intercity part of the harbour there are two Viterra- Aand B and that is also where Canada Malting is which doesn’t do shipping anymore. On the north part of the harbour are the two Richardson's terminals.”

What does the Port of ThunderBay do before the shipping season begins?

“ We are in communication a lot with the

ice breaking group. Also we are disseminating information out to the facilities in town that are gearing up for the season. At Keefer Terminal there are two lake vessels that were tied up for the winter, undergoing maintenance and repair work so we are readying for those vessels to depart. The winter is mostly planning for the season ahead- business planning, strategizing and marketing to get the highest tonnage level. The way we like to describe it is we use the Port assets to the benefit of the community. We try to get as much business from outside of our community flowing through the Port which provides financial benefits through jobs and spending here.”

upcoming season and what to expect. Chris graduated into this position in December 2022 and has been with the Port for 13 years now. He graduated from

“ The ice breaker should be here any day to open the routes right into the elevators. The weather was beneficial as the winter wasn’t as relentlessly cold as they often are so less ice development. It should be a fairly smooth start to the shipping season in that regard. The lake itself is almost wide open with really just the bays and overall under 5% coverage.We have had a 2 month shut down since last

the commerce program in 2009.Chris is a CPA, obtained by working at the Port when his role had an accounting focus for a number of years. It took several years to go through the CPAprogram working under two CPA’s that work there Tim Heney and Mel Parker.You need a direct

Thunder Bay BUSINESS

Shipping Season Starts at the Port of ThunderBay!


“ The Port itself, in terms of direct jobs, has about 1000 workers. The economic contribution is about $ 370 million annually.”

“ Keefer Terminals a hub for other local organizations for warehousing and transportation assets that aren’t necessarily found elsewhere, like the rail assets. We have 600,000 square feet of warehouse space- the largest between Winnipeg and Southern Ontario.”

“We make most of our revenue through Keefer Terminal along with harbour dues to work on infrastructure etc. Our harbour dues haven’t been raised since 1989 to be competitive and they were actually reduced in 2001.”

You have a pretty good concept of what to expect this season at the Port before the season starts?

“ At the end of last season the shipments were moving quite quickly. The grain shipments last season started off slowly but picked up in the last few months. We

anticipate the grain shipping will be strong at the start of the season because the crop was the 3rd highest on record. Last year we shipped 6.2million tons of grain through the elevators. The average is closer to 8 million tons. The average ship can hold 25,000 tons of grain. We don’t know how the crop will be this season yet.”

“ Potash was a big story last year at 1.2million tons which was a 30 year high.We may not hit that level again but 1 million is possible.”

“ At Keefer Terminal we are gearing up for a very busy season.We see higher wind farm products- tower components. Steel from Europe has been strong -steel rail, structural steel and pipe. It generally goes to customers who further manufacture the steel.”

The Port is an important asset for ThunderBay?

“ It can be easy to forget about the Port or understate it but are lucky as a city to have it.”

Anything new happening at the Port this season?

“We are looking at some rail replacement and reconfiguration to strengthen our rail capacity and the amount of rail car spaces. It will make for a more flexible laydown area on either side of the rail.”

How do you like working at the Port Chris?

“ I really enjoy it. I find the range of activities, tasks and products is very broad and that appeals to me. New things are happening all the time and you are always learning. The industry has a steep learning curve which bodes well for a long career. As we are a Port our target market is not close, but farther away. We work with our Western partners.There are many supply chains. Also Europe is important for us to be in close contact.”


Partnering with the Port of ThunderBay for38 Years

Logistec, a North American leader for safe, sustainable and creative solutions in the marine industry, has partnered with the Port of Thunder Bay, the Western Canadian terminus of the St. Lawrence Seaway System, since 1985.

“We have a long-term relationship with the port, one we are very proud of,” says Frank Montecalvo, VPOperations, Ontario at Logistec. “We’ve worked together to consistently provide premium stevedoring solutions, which allowed us to grow and attract new clients as well as new cargos.” Over time, the Logistec team has witnessed several different commodities coming through the port.

“Most recently we’ve been diversifying, providing services to discharge fertilizer,” said Montecalvo. “And throughout the years, we’ve significantly invested in equipment and in our people.”

At the Port of Thunder Bay, the Logistec team handles steel, wind energy components, and other break-bulk and project cargo at Keefer terminal, including over dimensional pieces destined for Western Canada.

The facility is connected to the TransCanada Highway, serviced by both

CN and CP, and Logistec works with its partners to provide specialized trucking services.

The company has access to over one million square feet of secure outdoor storage (including an intermodal yard) and over

addition of 11 new terminals (including Hamilton, in Ontario), Logistec now has 90 terminals in 60 ports across North America.

The combined network will provide strategic gateways for existing and future cus-

said Vasko Popovic, Operations Manager who has been at Logistec for over 25 years now.

The company’s terminal, like the Port of Thunder Bay, is Green Marine certified and has completed an external environmental compliance audit in 2023, in an effort to reduce its environmental impact. The terminal has a proactive approach to minimizing environmental impacts with bulk operations by using a canvas between the vessel and the quai to reduce the risk of materials entering into the water; using a mechanical and vacuum sweeper to clean-up after each operation which reduces dust emissions; and recycling materials, as much as possible, back into the pile.

500,000 square feet of warehouse space. Logistec had a very productive 2022, handling record volumes in response to a dynamic supply chain.

More recently, in March 2023, the company acquired Federal Marine Terminals, Inc., Fednav’s Terminal Division, expanding its network in North America. With the

tomers, allowing Logistec to gain an important foothold in the Great Lakes region and access prime locations in the U.S. Gulf and East Coast regions.

The partnership with the Port of Thunder Bay goes beyond stevedoring solutions. Over the years, Logistec has been involved in the community: “We’ve sponsored various events with the port and also have a collaboration with the local Marine Club,”

“Our long-term partnership with the Port of Thunder Bay has allowed us grow our services, expand our network, and take care of the safety of our people,” said Montecalvo. “I couldn’t be prouder of where we are today, and I look forward to celebrating many more years of partnership with the port.”

“The 2023 shipping season is off to a great start and I wish Tim Heney, their CEO, and everyone else at the port a fantastic year.”


ThunderBay Community Auditorium Almost 40 Years Old!

Continued from page 4

How do you choose the shows that come to the ThunderBay Community Auditorium?

“ There are a few different ways we get the acts here.The most important way is we are in constant contact with agents, promoters- anyone in the business involved in doing live entertainment. We can go out and buy the show, pay the artist fee and present it ourselves entirely at the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium risk. We can do a co presentation and in that case we might work with a promoter and we will do a split of revenue of 50 or 60%where we share the risk. The third way is rentals where we get the Live Nations or AEG concerts and also smaller promoters. It looks like any other show here with our staff but they are renting the building and taking the risk to promote the show. Another version of that is the local groups such as a dance studios, the university, college and high schools that do graduations here and rent the building. Some don’t even involve tickets sales. The Symphony is a regular renter if you will. The Thunder Bay Community Auditorium

first time, was sold out and we made a small profit.The last time here it was a rental when a promoter took their whole Canadian tour. That show didn’t sell as well. The ideal balance is to have some co pay events, some that are yours and the rentals.”

Covid and ongoing deficits as they had reduced our funding in the past. They are writing off close to $2 million and giving us some funds to startup- extending a loan for $ 500,000. We also have the option to request up to another $ 500,000 if we want to do something big- something like Bluesfest that would allow us to go out and secure the acts. In the 2019 Bluesfest

tickets.The artists need all the sophisticated reporting that comes with some of these systems. Our previous provider tried to get a huge increase in their costs which forced us to look around and many of the other halls like us talked about TicketMaster, who are the leaders. Their fees are actually quite a bit lower than if we stayed with this old company and taken the increases. We want to keep those costs as affordable as possible. Ticketmaster were the best value and their technical support has been great.The ease of use is good.We also now have in person ticket sales here Wednesdays from12:30 to 5:30 and three hours before each show.

Our use of Ticketmaster has made it easier for LiveNation, the largest promoter in the world to use us as an example. AEG is the second largest promoter and they are all set up for Ticketmaster. It will help us generate more shows.”

Tell me about yourbackground. What has been youreducation in the field Trevor?

was really built with them in mind and we consider them to be our partner in things that happen around here. We try to give extra consideration to the Symphony, as they are a main reason why we are here. They help us as well moving something for us or we do that for them.”

So you can go afterany shows you want at the ThunderBay Community Auditorium Trevor?

“ There are a few factors that limit what you can do when 1497 seats is our capacity. If we put the pit in it can be bumped up to 1625 people because of the standing room. So you are not going to get Bruce Springsteen here unless something was different. The artist fees can be very high and the production values can be expensive.

The Thunder Bay Community Auditorium is a business here so we have to try to earn revenue. That is part of the challenge. We are a registered non profit so our goal isn't necessarily to make tons of money here. Our goal is to break even and maybe do a little bit better than that. It is an expensive building to operate. Some of the best shows I’ve seen here didn’t make us any money. For instance ZZ Top came here the

Arecent big change at the ThunderBay Community Auditorium is you are now independent from the City of Thunder Bay as an organization?

“There was lot of confusion in the past as to what we really were. My paycheck came from the city but their position was they were providing a service to us providing payroll, HR and also acted like our bank. It was kind of a tricky situation for the city in particular because they had no control over what we were doing as we were our own organization on one hand but they were the bank and also employing us. It didn’t fit with what they were doing anymore. We don’t have to pay municipal taxes and lease the building. They want us to more or less run it on their behalf. They still provide us funding through the Youth and Cultural Funding program as they also do with Magnus or the Symphony. We get just below $800,000 annually which helps us operate. In Covid we realized it is still an expensive building to operate even if it is just sitting here without activity. Heat and electricity and ongoing maintenance say with the screw jacks in the stage add up.”

“The city wrote off our deficit due to

for example, the artist fees were some where around $1 million. Our priority is the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium and we want to get back to where we were before taking on the risk of say the Bluesfest. You have to rebuild it. We have talked to some private people we could partner with on large events.”

“We do have a board of directors with two city councilors including Mayor Ken Boshcoff. We have a pretty good team now and are trying to hire a development coordinator here. The other staff have stepped up and did other things as well.The set up now is more clear. There isn’t this question are we city employees or not. Is it a city organization or not. For example we have had to hire our own accounting provider now instead of using the city.”

The move to Ticketmasterat the ThunderBay Community Auditorium has been talked about quite a bit recently?

“ Ticketmaster have had some bad press with the Taylor Swift thing. At the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium we need a box office ticket provider system if you will.We need software to sell

“Icame out of high school and thought about law or teaching and ended up getting an HBAin PoliSci and BAin History at Lakehead University and was leaning towards teaching. One of my Poli Sci professors saw me performing at the Outpost for a special event with a pick up band. He said you should be taking arts administration and I said what is that. I’m pretty sure that is the type of thing that would get you working at a place like the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium he said. That caught my attention so I went to Confederation College in their Arts Administration program and won the Dean’s Medal for highest marks in my class. Iended up working in marketing at North Superior Publishing Inc., then the city and the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium. There have been four general managers at the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium since it’s inception.”

What’s on the horizon at the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium?

“ We want to just keep getting the shows coming in and get back to our normal numbers. Many of the artists are trying to make up for Covid times with higher artist fees which makes it harder to book shows, even with artists we have had in the building before. Normally we have charged $35 to $150 and $20 in fees so it means that ticket prices could be higher. It is a competitive environment.”


Wake the Giant Music Festival Announces 2023 Lineup

Wake the Giant Music Festival is set to return to Thunder Bay, Ontario this fall with epic new voices and cultural performances. Music festival organizers and students from Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School (DFC), announced the lineup for the 2023 event that will take place on September 16th. World-renowned DJ dead-

Year after year, Fiddler, like hundreds of Indigenous youth, leave home, family, friends, and everything they are familiar with, in exchange for a high school education in Thunder Bay. Many of them often go live with strangers and have never experienced a big city before. “Wake the Giant is trying to make the experience better for these students and amplify

mau5, rock-pop band X Ambassadors and Australian singer-songwriter Dean Lewis are set to headline, joined by Ruby Waters, Mattmac, Sagatay, Thunder Bay local Sara Kae and Thunder Spirit. This is the fourth year the festival will be held in northwestern Ontario, and will be a celebration of diversity with a spotlight on Indigenous culture and music. “This year’s lineup is lit like the Northern lights! You have one of the biggest DJ’s in the world joining a superstar list of artists and some unreal performers from First Nation communities,” says Wake the Giant Co-founder and organizer AJ Haapa. Blind music producer and recording artist Mattmac is definitely a performer that festival-goers don’t want to miss. He has harnessed his melodic poptrap beats and inspiring story, quickly establishing himself as ‘one to watch’on the national scene with more than 5 million+ streams across platforms. Meanwhile, deadmau5 (pronounced 'dead mouse’) and his trademark giant mouse head, will bring his innovative production techniques and a very creative live performance to the Wake the Giant stage. Another highly anticipated act is Dean Lewis, who is currently selling out stadium shows across the country, with his emotionally charged lyrics and powerful vocals. Tickets are on sale now by visiting wakethegiant.ca.Tier 1 tickets are available for $105 and limited VIPtickets for $157. Children 12 and under are free but still need a general admission ticket to attend via the ticket site. This year’s festival poster was designed by DFC student Harmony Fiddler. The painting features the Northern lights and represents a mother and child. “I created this with my mom in mind, and how she guided me with her wisdom and experiences. In Indigenous culture, bears represent medicine, and my mom is my medicine—she’s helped me in ways she’ll never know. I’m away from home to finish school, so this has helped me with my time here.

Indigenous voices, while creating a more welcoming and inclusive community. The

Wake the Giant movement consists of three main events, which are all a part of the biggest student orientation in Canada - The DFC Experience, The Amazing Race, and the grand finale being Wake the Giant Music Festival.
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