TBB March 2020

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We’ve Got The ‘Roast’ Beef ‘HUNGERY Meets HISTORY’! Arby’s Restaurant

INSIDE The Humility Advantage

Lakehead’s Bora Laskin Faculty of Law students win moot competition against other Ontario law schools Child Champion for Children’s Health Foundation North Superior Publishing @tbay25

Come North - Population Growth Strategy Planning Conference in Thunder Bay, ON

Dancing with the Docs to Hit the Dance Floor in Thunder Bay



Lakehead’s Bora Laskin Faculty of Law students win moot competition against other Ontario law schools For the second year in a row, a team from Lakehead University’s Bora Laskin Faculty of Law placed first at the Arnup Cup moot, a mock trial where the team argued a fictitious case.

As it turned out, there was actually some substance to Benoit’s claim. The prosecution’s witnesses had been wiretapped by the police. “They were recorded saying some suspi-

beyond a reasonable doubt. Our argument was relentless and focused,” Danto-Clancy said. Both Danto-Clancy and Blanco agreed that they would not have won without their Lakehead University legal training and the

cases and refine them accordingly,” Blanco said. “That said, the practice trials were only half of the battle. In between practice sessions, Justis and I spent a great deal of time developing the content of our arguments and the strategies that would guide our witness examinations.”

Justin Blanco and Justis Danto-Clancy won the Arnup Cup on February 8 in Toronto after successfully defending their fictional client, bar owner Carl Benoit, charged with causing an indignity to a body and first-degree murder. Benoit pleaded guilty to the first charge and not guilty to the second.

Both teams also worked closely with coaches Marco Frangione and Amanda Gallo, who was part of the winning team from last year.

Police charged Benoit after a masquerade party at his bar on May 17, 2019. That is when a fight between patrons resulted in a large hole in the wall and then a dead body, wrapped in plastic, fell out.

“We came prepared, but it was shocking nonetheless to find out we had outranked all of the other great law schools in Ontario. It was truly an unforgettable experience,” he said.

“It was the body of Carlos Lucca, a mob hitman,” Danto-Clancy said.

Gallo said she could not be prouder of both teams.

The body had been hidden in the wall for 11 months. The Crown's theory was that Lucca was pursuing Benoit on behalf of a criminal organization for the repayment of a loan that Benoit had used to purchase the bar. “Our defence team had an alternative explanation,” Blanco said. “The accused maintained that it was the prosecution’s own witnesses who had murdered the hitman. They had dumped the body in his bar. (Benoit) had no confidence that he would be believed, so he hid the body in the wall,” he said.

Blanco said it felt surreal when organizers announced that the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law team had won.

Justis Danto-Clancy, second from left, and Justin Blanco, third from left, were presented with the Arnup Cup by the Hon. Justice Clayton Conlan, left, and the Advocates’ Society’s President Scott Maidment. cious things that suggested they wanted to set the accused up to take the fall,” Blanco said. To complicate the case, the murder weapon had two sets of fingerprints – one belonged to the accused; the other belonged to one of the prosecution’s witnesses. “We argued that – at the very least – the Crown had not met their burden of proof and shown that Mr. Benoit was guilty

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help of their coaches. “We're so proud to cement our reputation as formidable advocates who deserve attention on the national stage,” DantoClancy said. “I feel so proud of all my classmates and professors who set the high standards that we seek to meet everyday in law school.” The pair began preparing in midDecember, combing through witness statements, police and forensic reports, and other documents relating to the mock case. They read the materials over Christmas and met with their coaches in early January.

“From then on, we conducted full-length practice trials one to two times a week,” Blanco said. “This year, we were lucky to have two teams: one for the defence, Justis and myself, and one for the prosecution, Tamaira Davidson and Ashlee Hudie, as well as an alternate, Kim Young.” It made sense to have both teams compete against each other at their practices. “Doing so allowed us to expose one another to the weaknesses of our respective

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“They worked incredibly hard over the past month, preparing for their trials and honing their skills,” she said. “Our students displayed exemplary passion, civility, teamwork, and of course skillful advocacy. “It's both incredibly exciting and rewarding to watch the next generation of the legal profession develop and grow into such talented young advocates,” Gallo said. “We're very excited and honoured to be representing Ontario next month at the Sopinka Cup national trial advocacy competition in Ottawa.” Frangione agreed. “Both teams were phenomenal,” he said. “They made their communities and families very proud. It was a privilege to see them execute so well. I could not be prouder as a coach.” “The Arnup is unusual among moot competitions as it requires trial advocacy skills, a perfect testing ground for practice readiness,” said Dean Jula Hughes. “The success of the Bora Laskin team for a second year shows off the strength of our Integrated Practice Curriculum.”


Publisher’s Note Scott Sumner Hunter Fernyc is teaming up with Beefcake’s Burger Factory and Heartbeat Hot Sauce Co. to make the amazing “The Hunter Burger” with proceeds going to the Children's Health Foundation !


Child Champion for Children’s Health Foundation yearly visits to the pediatric oncology department at the London Children's Hospital. Many people do not realize but when a child is sick beyond the scope of care here in Thunder Bay they are referred to London Children’s Hospital for more critical care.

From February 20th to end the of March

Beefcake's Burger Factory will be offering “The Hunter Burger!” Hunter Fernyc of Thunder Bay was treated at the London Children's Hospital in 2014 for HLH - Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. He spent 4 months there while they performed miracles saving his life! Since then Hunter spends a fair amount of time in and out of the hospital and still has

The Hunter Burger will be (in his words...) -Double double patty with double double cheese, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, bacon, and Heartbeat Hot Sauce secret Hunter blend!

Huge THANK YOU to Beefcake’s Burger Factory and Heartbeat Hot Sauce Co.. for making The Hunter Burger happen!

Courthouse Hotel – Recipient of a Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Award for Excellence in Conservation there to ensure the integrity and character of the building are protected. This property is also listed on the City of Thunder Bay’s Municipal Heritage Register. It was placed on the register in June 2009.

Recently , at an awards ceremony held at the Legislative Building, Queen’s Park in Toronto, the Courthouse Hotel received a Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Award for Excellence in Conservation presented by The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. The Thunder Bay Heritage Advisory Committee submitted the nomination with the support of City Council.

PRESIDENT Scott A. Sumner MARKETING MANAGER Sylvia Gomez FEATURE WRITER Sherry Hanes AD DESIGNER Miranda van den Berg

The Courthouse Hotel was originally built as the Port Arthur District Court House in 1923, completed in 1924. The building continued to serve as the Superior Court of Justice until 2014. Purchased in the summer of 2017, an extensive $5 million dollar renovation, touching nearly every aspect of the structure, saw the building transformed into a 40-room boutique hotel, which opened in the spring of 2019. The modern guestrooms with their attention to detail were all designed to fit the existing space while also maintaining ties to their original purpose. Much of the building’s original woodwork was kept, including the hardwood doors. The former main courtroom has become a grand ballroom where weddings and other events are held. The courtroom’s original jury booths and judges’ bench are all still in place along with the room’s beautiful plasterwork, wood trim and panels. Throughout the renovation process the hotel’s owner worked to ensure that the building retained its significant historical features by working closely with the Ontario Heritage Trust and the heritage conservation easement in place on the property. Limitations towards refurbishments do exist on the property, placed



The Humility Advantage How Less Ego Creates More Sales See if this applies to you or your team members in your organization: You’ve been working in your industry for several years. Your responses to requests from customers, prospects and co-workers are fast and accurate. You know your stuff and your product knowledge is one of your greatest strengths. If this is the case, then the bad news is that your extensive knowledge may also be one of your greatest weaknesses. The reason – you may be inadvertently coming across as being arrogant and insensitive. I’m not suggesting that you have a holierthan-thou attitude or that you are unfriendly. It’s just that you are so quick with your answers and recommendations that others feel like you haven’t really been listening to their needs (even though you have). In other words, the greater your expertise, the more likely it is that you are unintentionally rubbing people the wrong way. The good news is that there’s an easy way to

prevent this misconception that I call The Humility Advantage ©. Working with over a hundred sales and service teams over the years, I’ve found there are at least seven key opportunities where a little employee humility pays-off substantially. Here are three that I often share in my Influence with Ease ® speeches and seminars.

n’t know my business world and would have ended their chances of selling me their services). Instead, they began the meeting explaining that, by way of preparation, they’d been chatting with some of my colleagues and customers to find out their impressions of my company’s servic-

ber in one of my live presentations, you might have seen me step off the stage pretending to be a waiter taking food orders from several audience members as if they’re at a restaurant. During this skit, rather than order directly from a menu, each patron has a special request such as,

es. Then, they asked if I would like to hear the word-on-the-street. As you can imagine, that got my attention. And the ensuing

“I’ll have the salad with the meal.”or “I’d like to have fruit instead of fries,” etc. As the waiter, I don’t write any of this down, and as you’ve likely guessed, when I walk away, the patrons assume that there is no way I’m going to get all the orders straight.

Mention your Homework Several years ago, a couple of branding consultants approached me about enlisting their services. My first thought was that these folks knew nothing about my company or my industry, so why on earth should I pay their sizable fees. I only agreed to meet with them because a colleague said they’d done good work for his firm. When I sat down with the consultants, they did not start asking me lots of questions about me and my industry. (That would have confirmed to me that they really did-

Confirm your Understanding If you’ve participated as an audience mem-

There’s the problem. I may have listened accurately to each request, but the emotions I left with my customers are worry and lack of confidence in my service. As an experienced professional in your industry, you may be a great listener, but are you perceived as such? Being regarded as a poor listener is a surefire way to kill a sale or curtail your career. Fortunately, by using a little humility, this is easy to correct. In the waiter demonstration, I redo the same order-taking scenario, except the second time after taking the orders, I say, “Let me make sure I’ve got this straight. You would like yours with fruit instead of fries…” (I then confirm everyone’s special request accurately). Suddenly, the restaurant patrons feel good about the quality of my service. Here’s the key; I repeated my understanding of their needs with the phrase, “Let me make sure I’ve got this straight.” Fact is, I knew I had it straight, but the customer didn’t. The catch is, if my ego were running my life I’d never say, “Let me make sure I’ve got this straight.” Hence the Humility Advantage. Here’s one more application: Ask Permission to Present You’ve probably heard the expression that people don’t like to be sold-to, but they love to buy. That means that before you present the benefits of your products or services, remember to ask for permission. When you thread all these techniques together, a sales conversation might start by pointing out the homework you’ve done on the other person. Then ask about their needs, confirming your understanding with, “Let me make sure I’ve got this straight…” Later, ask permission to present with, “Based on what you’ve told me, I do have some thoughts. Would you like to hear a couple of options that I think would fit for you?” Once the other person agrees, they’ll feel less like they are being forced, and more like they are being helped. Jeff Mowatt is a customer service strategist, Hall of Fame speaker, and bestselling author. For more tips, training tools or to inquire about engaging Jeff for your team visit www.JeffMowatt.com



These Guys Really Know Their Stuff! Buhler Mechanical Services Ltd. Celebrating 20 years of Quality Services, at Affordable Prices! By Sherry Hanes (March 2020)

Residential, Commercial or Industrial – There’s always somebody ‘home’ to help you! Celebrating 20 years of excellence for highest quality products, very competitive pricing, largest product selection, superior quality installation, no pressure sales written quotes, financing options, in-home shopping, fast, reliable service, 24/7 emergency service, follow up quality check and instructional visit on all installations, … you would have to say,… Buhler Mechanical Services Ltd., at 911 Tungsten Street, (your local Lennox Dealership), does it all. Barry Buhler, owner of Buhler Mechanical Services Ltd., shares a few key points of interest with our readers, about becoming a Lennox Dealership in Thunder Bay and few other notable comments. Barry Buhler: “We became a Lennox Dealer in 2001 and solidified our position as a leading dealer in Thunder Bay with our acquisition of Merriman Sheet Metal & Heating shortly afterwards. Merriman’ had been one of Thunder Bay’s leading Lennox Dealers in the residential division since the 1960s. I’ve had experience with Merriman’ and Lennox since starting my refrigeration & air conditioning apprenticeship there, after completing college. I had moved on to work in the commercial & industrial field after a few years there, gaining a wide range of varied experience. We had originally started the business serving mostly commercial and industrial clients. Our acquisition helped to balance our work in all three sectors.” When it comes to numbers for staffing and supporting local employment interests, Mr. Buhler had this to say: “We typically have eight staff. We are affiliated with local 787 refrigeration & air conditioning workers and local 397 Sheet Metal Workers Union. We have a core staff of highly trained individuals with a combined work experience of 100 years, a great work ethic and the ability to bring on more staff in short order for larger projects. We are involved heavily in the retrofit market in all three sectors. Most of our clientele are long term customers with whom we work to tailor custom systems based on our experience in the field and with their specific equipment. We strive to produce a higher quality end

product with the needs and budget of the customer in mind. We have a full-service sheet metal fabrication shop in which we can produce custom products from small residential ducting, welded kitchen exhaust, industrial ventilation and anything in between. We have a TSSA registered quality control procedure in place for commercial refrigeration and air conditioning piping systems of any size or form. ((The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) for certification. TSSA oversees examination of operating engineers and operators to confirm their qualifications.)), We also have qualified gas fitters to install and service from the smallest residential furnace to the largest industrial burners and boilers.” As far as location? Barry reports, “We started off in a Westfort commercial building. We quickly outgrew the location and relocated to our current, larger premises, at 911 Tungsten St. With our centralized location, it provides us quick access to the whole city for improved service.” As everyone knows, having your home or business, heating/boiler/cooling systems, water tanks, etc., serviced regularly and properly, is paramount for efficiency, longevity, and saving money. Following these simple servicing guidelines, prevents the inconvenience of untimely mechanical malfunctions, like in the middle of the night when it’s cold outside or, in the middle of a busy day for home or business. Also, as a point of interest, … if you are thinking of updating your present heating/cooling system, etc., for example, there may possibly be some savings advantage on your current

Insurance policy, possibly, … but, you will have to call your personal insurance provider(s) for that information.

and future customers to know, “We are proud to have serviced Thunder Bay for the last 20 years and looking forward to the next 20! We take great pride in pro-

Taking care of the inside of your home or business is as important as taking care of your vehicle, for example, like changing the oil regular or, keeping your gas tank topped up with fuel, in the heat or the cold. Because your home or your business, is your biggest investment ever, maintaining its mechanical systems, should be afforded the same attention. Don’t you think? So then! Buhler Mechanical Services Ltd., located at 911 Tungsten Street, Thunder Bay, is the sales and service provider you’ll want to call because, … these guys really know their stuff! Barry Buhler of Buhler Mechanical Services Ltd., would like the current, past

viding our customers with uncompromising quality in our installations and backing it up with 24/7 emergency service. Thank you!” It doesn’t get any better than that! Call, Fax, email, or stop in and visit the friendly professionals, at Buhler Mechanical Service Ltd. Located at 911 Tungsten Street, Thunder Bay Ontario. Phone: 807-344-1234 Fax: 807-344-1200 https://www.buhlermechanical.com/contact.htm Email: info@buhlermechanical.com



We’ve Got The ‘Roast’ Beef ‘HUNGERY Meets HISTORY’! Arby’s Restaurant By Sherry Hanes (March 2020) For all you history buffs out there, here are a few things you probably didn’t know about the world famed Arby’s Restaurant and how it all got started! It isn’t hard to believe that since 1964, July 23rd, to be exact, millions of people have been enjoying freshly prepared roast beef sandwiches, designed to not just satisfy your hungering appetite, but to satisfy your wallet too! A historical mouth-watering event took place in Boardman, Ohio, as it was the opening day of the very first Arby’s Restaurant. The Restaurant was located near the intersection of Market Street and Route 224. The Raffel brothers, Forrest AKA ‘Fuzzy’ and his brother Leroy, of new Castle PA. had the vision to sell quarter-pound roast beef sandwiches, just like other fast-food restaurants, who were selling beef hamburgers. But the brothers took their business just one step further, and even though times have changed, in 1964, the brothers impressed their customers with participating by, being able to watch the roast beef cooking in a glass-walled rotisserie. The first Arby’s Restaurant opened its doors in the town of Boardman, at an Old West chuck-wagon style restaurant, with 10 seats, and sold their sandwiches for 69 cents. A customer would also receive potato chips and a drink with their order. In the beginning, the brothers wanted to use the name of “Big Tex” with the logo of a cowboy hat, but the

name was already being used by another company at the time. After several negotiations, to no avail, the brothers came up with the name R B’s, the initials for, Raffel Brothers. Or as others thought it to be…Roast Beef! LOL! The logo on the other hand, the big Cowboy Hat, was free for the taking. During the 1950s the Raffel brothers bought an uncle’s restaurant-equipment business, and parlayed that into a successful food-service consulting firm. Forrest graduated from Cornell University School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration, and his brother Leroy, obtained a degree in finance from the University of Pennsylvania. Together the brothers went on to design and install school and hospital kitchens and all the airport flight kitchens, at the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport. But they didn’t stop there…they also became involved in food service facilities, for the Ohio Turnpike and the Hospitality Inn Motel; which was a chain under Standard Oil of Ohio. Meanwhile, back in Thunder Bay, Ontario, (2002 to 2020), Joe Spina, Frank Arabia and Stan Cuconato, owners of Arby’s Restaurant, Store #2344, located at 854 Red River Road, invites everyone to come in and dine in their newly renovated restaurant, displaying vibrantly, modern aesthetics, while enjoying their newest sandwiches, signature sandwiches, Sliders, curly fries and so much more! And let’s not forget the all-time, Roast Beef Classic! Joe, Frank and Stan, take personal pride in wanting their guests to feel, ‘they are worth it’! Guests take the time out of their busy day and money, out of their personal wallets, to

come to Arby’s and Mr. Spina, Mr. Arabia, and Mr. Cuconato, understand just how hard people work for their coin. They also know that it is important for adults, young and older, and families, have a place to come, where they are able to enjoy a tasty meal or snack, and kick back and just chill for a while. The owners, Managers and staff at Arby’s, value every patron who come through their doors. The Arby’s staff, all 30 of them, of this iconic franchise, take every opportunity to showcase their skill, either on the front lines or, as part of the team, as a sandwich artist in the kitchen.

(Red River Road), as well and we thought, ‘Well?’ we know what we’re doing, let’s take a plunge and it’s been great ever since! We grew our Arby’s here (Red River Road) and over 16 years, we’ve developed the site and eventually, closed the one in the mall.” Joe mentions the advantages of the Red River Road location, as opposed to being in the mall. “There a lot of empty spots in the mall and the prices of rent are on the high end. Then you’re locked into their hours of

In a personal interview with Thunder Bay Business Magazine, Joe Spina takes time to share a bit of what was involved in the journey to become a part owner in an Arby’s Restaurant and a few other points of interest, as well. “So, Joe? You worked at a bakery before you decided to become a restaurant owner?” “Yes! I was employed with Shaw Bakery for about 20 years and then my two friends, my two business partners and I…decided to be entrepreneurs, and we opened an Arby’s in Intercity Mall in 2002. We were there for about ten years and then this spot came up

operation ‘mall hours’ and also, there is no ‘Drive Through’”. Here, we are open 10:30 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. every night, and in the summer, we’re open until about eleven or twelve.” “We have grown. We have Rubin Sandwiches, baked potatoes, we have limited-time only sandwiches like, Fish, The Triple Cheese, The Gyro’s, stuff like that and we also have The Brisket and our Jamocha Shakes.” So recently, it was time to do a renovation and Joe had this to say: “Since Arby’s wanted to do corporate, so that all the stores have the same image, so they have the same brand look, and so this is the new style and we decided to go ahead and do it early and its’ been paying off, as it looks fantastic! It really does! So, we don’t just have the food now. We have the image…we have the food…the hospitality…the service and the brand. The five key elements which you need. Also, Finnway General Contractors were absolutely fantastic and we are more than pleased with the services they have provided, especially on budget!” Continued



We’ve Got The ‘Roast’ Beef ‘HUNGERY Meets HISTORY’! Arby’s Restaurant Continued And as far as not interrupting ‘business as usual, Joe shares, “We were open, except for, we closed one day for half a day, but we kept the ‘Drive Through’ opened, while we were working inside and when we were working on the outside, we had the dining room opened. It took about three months to complete the renovation and it was lot of time went to detail. It was a huge undertaking but, we want the best for our customers. In the beginning of owning an Arby’s, we had some growing pains, but after that, we just had the right people and the right mindset and taking care of the customer, which is the number one item!” As a viable employer and adding to the economy of Thunder Bay, Joe tells TBB Magazine that most of the staff are students going to university or college for nurses and some are for doctors and other careers and others are regular workers.”

their first hand basis, which is really important”

We here, in Thunder Bay, are very happy to have an Arby’s Restaurant and we are certainly thankful to these entrepreneurs, Joe, Frank and Stan, who endured the pains of progress and brought not only great food and hospitality to Thunder Bay, but also employment opportunities, that otherwise, would not be available.

TBBM: “What’s on the horizon for you?” Joe: “Hopefully to open up another location, like in the Southward. Grow the Brand, the business, you know what I mean? We, Frank, Stan and I, start together, and we had Diary Works, used to be Dairy Queen and we wanted to get a little bigger and we looked at this and was a little different. It wasn’t the normal burger, pizza kind of thing. It was more like a Subway or Taco Time and there was room to grow. Inspired Brands, formerly Arby’s Restaurant Group Inc., has purchased Sonic Drive-In, in the States, Buffalo Wings, Jimmy John’s and Rusty Taco Restaurant Chain. They have a well-oiled management team and they know what the customers what and system in place, just like everything else.” TBBM: “How do you like the business in Thunder Bay?”

TBB: “You must know a lot of the customers?”

Joe: “It’s fantastic!”

Joe: “Yes I do. We have a lot of repeat customers and I know a lot of the customers by

Before becoming a Arby’s Restaurant owner, Joe, Frank and Stan began with a lengthy

So. Thank you and congratulations on your renovation!

Joe Spina, Arby’s Restaurant application, gone through a long period of qualifying and then, and only then, if they met the strict criteria, would they be invited to be introduced to head office officials, who would meet with them in Florida. There they would be introduced to the operations of Arby’s Restaurants Brand and see first-hand, what it would be like to be involved in the operations, and the adherence to, the strict, standards of this franchise, corporation, and obviously, they not only met the criteria, but exceeded in it.

O.k.! There you have it! After writing this article, I’ve built up quite an appetite and I’m craving some good ole’ Arby’s. So! Pardon me, while I run out and grab a bit of where ‘Hungry Meets History’ too! I think I will order a Signature Sandwich, a double order of those ‘can’t live without’, Curley Fries and a soda, to top everything off with! I’ll be sitting in the second booth near the window, if anyone wants to join me! Arby’s Restaurant, Store #2344 854 Red River Road, Thunder Bay, ON P7B1K2 1-807-767-1142 https://locations.arbys.com/ca/on/thunderbay/854-red-river-road.html



Sixth Annual Northern Ontario Mining Showcase to host over 100 Northern Ontario suppliers at PDAC 2020 The sixth annual Northern Ontario Mining Showcase will host 110 Northern Ontario mining supply and service companies from across the region in the largest exhibit at PDAC 2020. Taking place March 1-4 in Toronto, Ontario, PDAC is one of the largest annual international mining conference and trade show of its kind in the world.

The City of Temiskaming Shores is

leading this important project to recognize the unique potential that PDAC affords for the promotion of Northern Ontario and its businesses to the world.

Northern Ontario’s mining and related sectors.” Carman Kidd, Mayor, City of Temiskaming Shores

“Temiskaming Shores is proud to lead the Northern Ontario Mining Showcase initiative to help maximize global opportunities for Northern Ontario communities and businesses. I’m thrilled that FedNor recognizes the importance of this priority project and is investing to strengthen and grow

The project receives strong support from FedNor, which is helping Northern mining supply and service companies to expand their operations, create jobs and increase trade both domestically and internationally.

This initiative will connect attendees from over 120 countries to 110 plus mining and supply service companies from Northern Ontario. The synergy established from previous conventions will captivate 2020 attendees, setting up this year’s Northern Ontario Mining Showcase to surpass previous years in attendees, collaborations, as well as sales and exports.

NOMS 2020 Exhibitor Directory "Strong regional economies are essential for Canada’s success and sustainability. Regional development agencies like FedNor are helping businesses and innovators grow, succeed and create good jobs for Canadians. In 2019 alone, the FedNor-funded Northern Ontario Mining Showcase pavilion helped create 267 jobs across Northern Ontario, while generating more than $24 million in increased sales for participating businesses. Many of these firms also reported that their participation helped lay the groundwork to expand their operations and form strategic global alliances with likeminded organizations." The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages

Key Results from Northern Ontario Mining Showcase 2019 · As a result of their participation in the 2019 Northern Ontario Mining Showcase, small and medium enterprises: o

Created 267 new jobs

o Produced 320 new partnerships, and o Generated over $24.8 million in sales

~ e



An Absolute! Must See, Performance By Sherry Hanes (March 2020) An absolute must, see performance! Celtic Illusion Reimagined, is the ‘aaaauh’ of Grand Illusion and the energy of extraordinary, contemporary, Irish Dance! Come and witness one of the most amazing and captivating performances, of magic. mystical illusion! A performance of masterful precision and strength, you won’t want to miss! The Thunder Bay Community Auditorium has the greatest pleasure and opportunity to present to you, world acclaimed, Celtic Illusion Reimagined. Celtic Illusion performance has captured ‘standing ovations’, resounding applause and praise, for every performance, the world over. The breath-taking choreography, colourful costumes and special, mystical effects production of mind-blowing proportions, is something you will not see anywhere else. Led by Australian born, Anthony Street, Anthony is the first Australian ever, to perform leading roles in Michael Flatley’s, worldly-acclaimed, ‘Lord of the Dance’, including the role, originally performed by Michael Flatley, himself. At the early age of just 19, Anthony set out for a 5-month tour that spanned eight years, into a career, that had him travelling the world, including a residency in Dublin with ‘Dance of Desire’, as well as tours of France and Germany, before being cast as principal dancer for Michael Flatley’s ‘Lord of the Dance’. Anthony’s always dreamed of creating his own production and after months of unbelievable and stressful preparation, Celtic Illusion Reimagined was born (November 2011). The critically acclaimed, custom tailored, sound track, for Celtic Illusion Reimagined, brings to the stage incredible soundtrack compositions by a team, bent on relentless perfection, that include Angela Little, who is globally known for her extraordinary talents of singer, orchestral arranger, songwriter and pianist and who co-composed Baz Luhrman’s film ‘Australia’ and has also edited music for a wide array of other film, T.V. and theatre projects for clients that include, Southern Star, FOX 8, Nickelodeon, The Bell Shakespeare Company, Great Southern Land and AFTRS. Sharing the musical creations spotlight alongside Angela is, Steve Skinner. Steve has arranged and produced for such artists as Celine Dion, Stevie Wonder and the Broadway musical ‘Rent’. Together, with their tireless team of musical and sound professionals, they have created unbelievable scores that that will stir you right down to your musical core! USA-based singer, Michael Londra, originally from Wexford, Ireland, is described as one of the best Irish singers of our time, by Capital Celtic. Michael has more than earned international recognition in his remarkable career for Irish music, as a singer, a director and a producer. He was the lead voice of ‘Riverdance on Broadway’, can be heard with Pavarotti, Andrea Bocelli and Il Divo on the

Universal Records album Arias Ancora. Michael’s first album “Celt” was produced by acclaimed producer Steve Skinner, who co-produced the Grammy nominated soundtrack of the Broadway

musical ‘RENT’. Celtic Illusion Reimagined, has be performing the world over for ‘sold out audiences’! We, here in Thunder Bay, are incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to be

part of this astonishing production, who travelled thousands of miles to grace our stage. On March 15, 2020, don’t miss this exciting event of Celtic dance, magic, mystical mystery and illusion! This widely, celebrated cast from Canada, the U.S. and Australia, proudly boasts members from both, world-class performers from ‘Riverdance’, and ‘Lord of the Dance’, which brings to our stage, what seems to be, some of the fastest and most incredible, unison taps, in the world. Since their premiere in 2011, Celtic Illusion, has dazzled everyone into a state of, let’s say, ‘mesmerizing craving’ with their spell-binding performances! Call the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium Box Office at 807-684-4444 and get your tickets today! http://celticillusion.com.au



DON’T LET A FALL GET YOU DOWN The winter season makes for icy conditions at the best of times and as we enter the end of the cold season, the potential to fall on the black ice from daily thaws and freeze is everywhere. There are also many opportunities to fall indoors as well, especially as we grow older. However, falls are not just due to slipping or tripping. Dizziness is another significant reason for falls. Dizziness can be caused by previous head trauma, neck injuries, viruses and illness, dehydration, inner ear disturbances, blood pressure changes and side effects of medication, just to name a few. Falls are the leading causes of injury related hospitalizations for seniors. In fact, one third of all Canadians over 65 will fall each year of which half of them will experience a serious injury such as a fracture or sprain.

As a result, 95% of hip fractures in this age group are due to falls. This translates into almost 2 million hospitalizations this year alone due to falls. With increased and prolonged hospitalizations brings the significantly increased risk of contracting diseases such as pneumonia or other infections. So if the fall doesn’t get you, the cascading side effects of acquiring others illnesses certainly could. All of these statistics support the need for increased information and education on fall prevention. The good news is that there are several simple tips and actions that will drastically reduce the chances of falling. Two very excellent resources for this information from which this column was based are: www.parachutecanada.org and www.chiropractic.ca/resources . Preventing Falls at home: • Replace old and curled mats with no slip rubber backing rugs in kitchen and bath • Keep stairs clear of clutter and ensure handrails are secure • Place night lights along pathways from bedroom to bathroom • Always sit when putting on or taking off shoes and clothing

Wear shoes with non slip

soles • Don’t juggle parcels while trying to enter the house Increasing Leg strength for stability: • Brisk walking should be part of your daily activity. If you can not walk longer distances try an elliptical machine or a stationary bike. • Strength training. There are many exercises such as leg extensions, marching, wall squats and lunges that can all be done at home daily. These exercises can both strengthen the muscles that keep you standing and improve your overall balance. Boost your balance: • Review your medications and supplements with an MD or pharmacist to make sure you are aware of side effects such as dizziness, nausea or drowsiness. • Eat regularly and get plenty of non alcoholic, non caffeinated fluids. This will help minimize your blood sugars highs and lows and decrease dehydration all of which can make you dizzy and shaky. • Have an annual eye exam

• Have your spine assessed. Misalignments in the neck can cause dizziness while problems in the lower back will frequently affect the nerves travelling to your standing and walking muscles. New studies have suggested that neck pain and dysfunction are likely more responsible for decreases in postural control then are physical activity level, ear imbalances, visual sensitivity or decreased lower limb sensitivity. Many activities like swimming, cycling, tai chi, yoga, golf and dancing can combine to improve your strength and balance so as to minimize the chances of falling. Find what you like to do and do it regularly and often. Don’t let a fall get you down. Following these simple ideas can make the difference between an active, independent and vibrant life rather than one of disability or even death.

James DiGiuseppe is a local chiropractor with a busy family and wellness practice. For more health information or to contact Dr. DiGiuseppe visit www.portarthurchiropractic.com

Science North looks to expand its operations in Northwestern Ontario Feasibility study to explore next steps to grow the science centre’s presence in the region Science North, Canada’s second largest science centre, has helped to shape the tourism landscape in Northern Ontario for

more than 35 years by combining quality science education and entertainment experiences. In addition to its science exhibits, this premier tourism destination features an IMAX theatre, planetarium, butterfly gallery and Dynamic Earth: home of the Big Nickel. In 2010, Science North expanded its presence in the Northwest by

opening a satellite office in the Thunder Bay Boys and Girls Club with six full-time staff delivering science camps and outreach programs. Over the past eight years, Science North has engaged with over 700,000 people throughout the North, including 400,000 in the Northwest region. As part of a visit to Thunder Bay’s annual science festival, the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Health, and Member of Parliament for Thunder Bay-Superior North, announced a FedNor investment of $100,000 in Science North. The funding will enable the Sudbury-based organization to study the feasibility of establishing a permanent presence in Northwestern Ontario in an effort to generate economic growth through increased tourism spending, both from longer stays and new visitors to the region. The project will strengthen the existing Northern Ontario tourism offerings in the Northwest by creating new partnerships and enhancing the competiveness of the local tourism industry. This announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages. Quotes “Strong regional economies are essential for Canada’s success and sustainability. Our regional development agencies are there to help businesses and innovators grow, succeed and create good jobs for Canadians. Our government is making investments that will enable communities and businesses in all regions of the country to develop tourism products and experiences to attract more tourists year-round. This will help our vibrant communities big and small reap the benefits of the global tourism boom while showcasing Canada’s brand, centred on shared values of diversity and equality.” The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for FedNor “This investment in Science North will help maximize the economic potential of

Northwestern Ontario. Tourism is a major economic driver in our region and establishing a sustainable presence for Science North right here in Thunder Bay will encourage visitors to stay longer, which in turn will support local jobs and contribute to growing our economy.” The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Health, and Member of Parliament for Thunder Bay-Superior North “I’m proud to be part of a government that is investing to help extend the reach of Northern Ontario’s premier tourism attraction to include all of Northwestern Ontario. By investing in Science North, we are helping to create jobs, strengthen tourism and inspire future generations of scientists and innovators.” Marcus Powlowski, Member of Parliament for Thunder Bay–Rainy River “We are thrilled that FedNor and the Government of Canada recognize the incredible social and economic potential our expansion efforts will deliver for Northwestern Ontario. Because of this investment, Science North can explore viable and permanent options to bring world-class science and educational experiences to people and families living and working in the region.” Guy Labine, CEO of Science North Quick facts

· Science North is an anchor to Greater Sudbury’s tourism industry. It attracts more than 110,000 tourists and helps to generate $41.5 million in economic benefits for the region each year. · Tourism supports nearly 740,000 direct jobs in Canada, and represents more than 2% of Canada’s gross domestic product. · Canada’s tourism strategy, Creating Middle Class Jobs: A Federal Tourism Growth Strategy, highlights the importance of Canada’s tourism sector as an economic driver in communities across the country.



Dancing with the Docs to Hit the Dance Floor in Thunder Bay This spring, Thunder Bay doctors will be trading their stethoscopes for dancing shoes. Local physicians will hit the stage and compete for the coveted Mirror Ball Trophy at the first annual Dancing with the Docs fundraiser in support of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation's Northern Cancer Fund. This new signature event will be held on Saturday, May 2nd, 2020, at the Valhalla Inn Ballroom. Dancing with the Docs, presented by TD Bank Group, is being lead by local teacher Patricia Del Paggio and her brother, Dr.

our family. We want to honour her life and her legacy, and feel that giving back to our community - to the cancer center in particular - to help improve care for other people facing this disease is the best way to achieve this goal”. All funds raised from Dancing with the Docs will support the purchase of a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner for the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. “PET scanning plays a pivotal role in understanding the extent of many cancers, and can help to clarify how we really should be treating certain individuals. The necessity for this

Oncologist at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. Eight Docs have been paired up with skilled dancers from within the community and have been given specific dance styles and songs. Under the direction of Carla Crupi, docs and dancers have been hard at work perfecting their moves at Studio One. Attendees can expect to see everything from Swing dancing to Salsa, on the floor. Participating Docs include: Joseph Del Paggio. The siblings created the event in loving memory of their mother Nikki Del Paggio, who passed away from lymphoma in 2019. Nikki was a valued employee of TD Bank for over 35 years, so they are honoured to have TD Bank Group as the title sponsor. As Patricia explains, “Our mother was the center of

imaging test only continues to increase in many types of cancers. The wait time, however, can be significant. Purchasing a new scanner will invariably allow for more timely access to this test, which may positively influence a patient’s disease course and potentially their outcome,” explains Dr. Joseph Del Paggio, a Medical

Dr. Alyson Dykstra with Daniel Stilla Dr. Chris Francis with Harmony Appell Dr.

Bradley Jacobson with Marnie Merchant Dr. Stewart Kennedy with Dr. Alea Crupi Dr. Olga Kisselgoff with Karim Coluccio Dr. Gabriel Mapeso with Jacqueline Marsh Dr. Mario Nucci with Maeghan Tofinetti Dr. Kathy Simpson with Jacob Gazzola The event is Sold Out, however, the community is still encouraged to support Dancing with the Docs by donating to their favourite dance duo: www.healthsciencesfoundation.ca/donatewtd. The team who raises the most funding, will be awarded additional points towards their final score in their quest for the coveted Mirror Ball Trophy.



Come North - Population Growth Strategy Planning Conference in Thunder Bay, ON The Lake of the Woods Business Incentive Corporation and the City of Temiskaming Shores hosted the Come North - Population Growth Strategy Planning Conference from February 18-20, 2020 at the Delta Waterfront in Thunder Bay, ON.

3 Develop a concrete list of next steps identifying not only what is to be done, but by whom and by when.

During this three-day conference, attendees participated in a series of breakout sessions to discuss population growth strategies for Ontario’s northern regions while examining the challenges and expectations of new arrivals to their new communities. New arrivals are from everywhere and anywhere. Whether that is from remote First Nations, neighboring rural communities, adjacent urban centers, other parts of the province, the

What is this conference all about? “The Come North conference idea is in Northern Ontario we are suffering with not enough people across Northern Ontario. We are doing a better job on youth out migration- youth are staying but we need to attract more people. But there are not enough people in Northern Ontario for today’s and tomorrow’s jobs, its that simple. This conference here and the one last week in

I asked Aime Dimatteo, Director General FedNor some questions on the event.

Aime Dimatteo, Director General FedNor

country, or the world. The conference was hosted by the Lake of the Woods Business Incentive Corporation and the City of Temiskaming Shores. The main goals of the conference were: 1 Increase awareness among all participants about the resources available to attract, retain, and assist new arrivals. 2 Identify through direct interaction, opportunities to leverage, partner, coordinate, and/or share resources, staff and activities.

Northeastern Ontario is to develop what I call a communications strategy or a branding strategy. It is to say to everyone if we are going to be successful we have to put together a consistent strategy that we all use together to promote Northern Ontario as a place to come to live and work and grow your families to help Northern Ontario prosper.” How many new people could we need in Northern Ontario? “One study that was done for NW Ontario looking at mining opportunities coming up could require 50,000 new jobs in the next 5 to 7 years. A similar study in Northeastern

Ontario almost found the same thing. We are getting older, people are retiring and people are not having the same large families they used to previously. The only growing population in Northern Ontario are our First Nation communities. We need to maximize their opportunities.” There are many international students here in Thunder Bay now? “All 10 of our post secondary institutions, 6 colleges and 4 universities are attracting over 10,000 international students each year to get their education. They generally aren’t staying here so what we are saying if we have these kids and their families that have made the decision to come here. How can we attract them to stay here and take the jobs going or start their own businesses. We want to keep them here. We also need to provide opportunities while they are going to school here to do some coop placements. To get them some

experience working in a business for whatever short period of time to determine this somewhere they would like to work as well as enabling the private sector to test out students and get to know them and create a good match.” The north has some good opportunities for people? “Northern Ontario represents 90 % of the land mass of the Province of Ontario. We are blessed with God’s country here but we are scattered in our small municipalities across this beautiful region. Those of us born and raised here sometimes take it for granted but we need to do a better job at telling people to come north. We have a lot of room for growth and could easily accommodate 10’s of thousands people coming here. Housing is less expensive and our work commute is easier here.”

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